City Commission Packet Archive 01-24-2023

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                                              City of Muskegon
                                          City Commission Meeting

                                          January 24, 2023, 5:30 pm
                                             Muskegon City Hall
                                  933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440



  1.    Call To Order

  2.    Prayer

  3.    Pledge of Allegiance

  4.    Roll Call

  5.    Honors, Awards, and Presentations

        5.a      Resolution Honoring Connie Navarro                                                1

        5.b      Mental Health Crisis Team- Introduction/Presentation                              3

  6.    Public Comment on Agenda Items

  7.    Consent Agenda

        7.a      Approval of Minutes - City Clerk                                                  4

        7.b      Community Relations Commission Recommendations - City Clerk                       7

         7.c     Signing Purchase Agreements - City Manager                                        9

        7.d      Sale of 1330 Pine Street - City Manager                                         11

        7.e      Sale of 1334 Pine Street - City Manager                                         19
      7.f    Sale of 373 Catawba Avenue - City Manager                                     26

      7.g    Special Events - DPW                                                          33

      7.h    2023 User Fee Update - Finance                                                39

      7.i    Deficit Elimination Plan - Marina - Finance                                   51

      7.j    Deficit Elimination Plan- Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (combined) -     56

      7.k    Sale of 548 E. Dale - Community and Neighborhood Services                     60

 8.   Public Hearings

 9.   Unfinished Business

10.   New Business

      10.a    Housing Board of Appeals, Demolition - 835 W. Forest, 1043 Washington, and   62
              1642 Dyson - Public Safety

      10.b    First Amendment to Parkland Marina, LLC Development Agreement - City         76

11.   Any Other Business

12.   Public Comment on Non-Agenda items

13.   Closed Session

14.   Adjournment
     WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon wishes to recognize and honor the late Erenia “Connie”
     Navarro; and
     WHEREAS, Connie Navarro was a community leader, a Latino champion, civil rights giant, small
     business owner, social agency worker, a volunteer, a wife, a mother and friend of countless
     Muskegon citizens; and
     WHEREAS, Connie Navarro was born in Round Rock, Texas and moved to Muskegon during
     World War II as a migrant worker, settling in the Muskegon project called “La Colonia” and
     marrying the love of her life, husband Angel Luis Navarro in 1964, having three children; and
     WHEREAS, a graduate of Muskegon High School, Connie Navarro was instrumental in the family
     business Navarro’s Mexican Takeout in Muskegon Heights, which continues today by the family
     after more than 40 years; and
     WHEREAS, Connie Navarro worked for the Muskegon County Department of Social Services and
     other local agencies helping Mexican Americans with basic human services and providing
     bilingual assistance in health care and educational institutions, leaving a legacy of bridging the
     Latino and Anglo communities; and
     WHEREAS, Connie Navarro served her community through Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
     and the non-profit Latinos Working for the Future, which she co-founded with her husband;
     WHEREAS, Connie Navarro in her final years co-authored an historical book “A New Home in
     Michigan: The Mexican-American Experience in Muskegon;” and
     WHEREAS, over her life Connie Navarro received prestigious awards for her community
     leadership and service from Muskegon Community College, the Muskegon Rotary Club, Black
     Women’s Political Caucus, the Muskegon Women’s Club, Michigan State University and Grand
     Valley State University among other institutions; and
     WHEREAS, Connie Navarro was a trailblazer who touched thousands of lives by fighting for
     justice, inclusion and diversity, and for making sure all voices were heard and everyone’s
     experience was valued; and
     NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Muskegon City Commission honors and recognizes
     Connie Navarro by designating Walton Avenue from Terrace to Pine Streets as Connie Navarro
     Adopted this 24 day of January 2023.                        ______________________________
                                                                  Kenneth D. Johnson
                                                                  Mayor, City of Muskegon

Packet Page 1
     POR CUANTO, la Ciudad de Muskegon desea reconocer y honrar a la fallecida Erenia “Connie”
     Navarro; y
     POR CUANTO, Connie Navarro fue una líder comunitaria, campeona latina, gigante de los
     derechos civiles, propietaria de una pequeña empresa, trabajadora de una agencia social,
     voluntaria, esposa, madre y amiga de innumerables ciudadanos de Muskegon; y
     POR CUANTO, Connie Navarro nació en Round Rock, Texas y se mudó a Muskegon durante la
     Segunda Guerra Mundial como trabajadora migrante, instalándose en el proyecto de Muskegon
     llamado “La Colonia” y casándose con el amor de su vida, su esposo Ángel Luis Navarro en
     1964, teniendo tres niños; y
     CONSIDERANDO QUE Connie Navarro, una graduada de Muskegon High School, jugó un papel
     decisivo en el negocio familiar Navarro's Mexican Takeout en Muskegon Heights, que continúa
     hoy en la familia después de más de 40 años; y
     POR CUANTO, Connie Navarro trabajó para el Departamento de Servicios Sociales del Condado
     de Muskegon y otras agencias locales ayudando a los mexicoamericanos con servicios humanos
     básicos y brindando asistencia bilingüe en instituciones educativas y de atención médica,
     dejando un legado de unir a las comunidades latina y anglo; y
     POR CUANTO, Connie Navarro sirvió a su comunidad a través de la Iglesia Católica Our Lady of
     Grace y la organización sin fines de lucro Latinos Working for the Future, que ella cofundó con
     su esposo; y
     POR CUANTO, Connie Navarro en sus últimos años fue coautora de un libro histórico "Un nuevo
     hogar en Michigan: la experiencia mexicano-estadounidense en Muskegon"; y
     POR CUANTO, a lo largo de su vida, Connie Navarro recibió prestigiosos premios por su
     liderazgo comunitario y servicio de Muskegon Community College, Muskegon Rotary Club,
     Black Women's Political Caucus, Muskegon Women's Club, Michigan State University y Grand
     Valley State University, entre otras instituciones; y
     POR CUANTO, Connie Navarro fue una pionera que tocó miles de vidas al luchar por la justicia,
     la inclusión y la diversidad, y por asegurarse de que se escucharan todas las voces y se valorara
     la experiencia de todos; y
     AHORA POR LO TANTO SE RESUELVE que la Comisión de la Ciudad de Muskegon honre y
     reconozca a Connie Navarro al designar Walton Avenue desde Terrace hasta Pine Street como
     Connie Navarro Way.
     Testimoniado este día 24 de enero de 2023.                  ______________________________
                                                                 Kenneth D. Johnson
                                                                 Alcalde, Ciudad de Muskegon

Packet Page 2
                           Agenda Item Review Form
                            Muskegon City Commission

    Commission Meeting Date: January 24, 2023                               Title: Mental Health Crisis

    Submitted By: Director Timothy E Kozal                                  Department: Public Safety

    Brief Summary: Introduction and short presentation by Heather Wiegand-HealthWest Supervisor and
    Michelle Pouch-HealthWest (Who will be our Master Clinician Social Worker) working with Officer Andrew

    Detailed Summary & Background: Presentation
    Include information that will be useful to commissioners in deciding how to vote. If the item has
    been discussed at a previous commission meeting, include that information as well.

    Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:
    Refer to the 2022-2027 Long Term Goals document.

    Amount Requested:                                      Amount Budgeted:
                                                           Contact Finance if your item does not fit into
                                                           the current budget.

    Fund(s) or Account(s):                                 Fund(s) or Account(s):

    Recommended Motion:

    Approvals: Get approval from division head at a minimum prior           Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
    to sending to the Clerk.
    Immediate Division Head           Information Technology                Yes X
    Other Division Heads              Communication                         No
    Legal Review

    For City Clerk Use Only:
    Commission Action:
Packet Page 3
                         Agenda Item Review Form
                          Muskegon City Commission

    Commission Meeting Date: January 24, 2023           Title: Approval of Minutes

    Submitted By: Ann Marie Meisch, MMC                 Department: City Clerk

    Brief Summary:     To approve the minutes of the December 28, 2022 Special Meeting.

    Detailed Summary: N/A

    Amount Requested: N/A                             Amount Budgeted: N/A

    Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                        Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

    Recommended Motion: To approve the minutes.

    For City Clerk Use Only:

    Commission Action:

Packet Page 4
                                        CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                     CITY COMMISSION MEETING
                                    Wednesday, December 28, 2022
                                              4:00 pm
                                     City Commission Chambers


     Present: Commissioners St. Clair, Emory, Johnson, and Gorman.
     Absent: Commissioners Hood, German, and Ramsey.

     Muskegon Heights Water Operator – Temp Agreement
     Muskegon Heights will be without a water plant superintendent for about six months. This
     agreement outlines the details of Muskegon providing an operator to Muskegon Heights.

     This agreement is built on a previous agreement the two Cities used in 2008. Muskegon agrees
     to provide an F1 water plant operator for a minimum of one hour per day with the primary
     responsibility of completing MDEGLE reports. The agreement also notes that if Muskegon
     Heights requests, the City of Muskegon will provide an S1 (water distribution) license holder for
     the same purpose.

     The hourly rate Muskegon is charging Muskegon Heights is $120 per hour for supervisory staff
     (F1/S1 operators). (Sec. 16, p. 6).

     Updates from the 2008 agreement outlines responsibilities of Muskegon Heights more
     specifically related to MDEGLE and it makes notes of current conditions as outlined by
     MDEGLE at the Muskegon Heights Water Plan. (Sec. 4 p. 3) Another change from the past,
     either party can terminate the agreement with 14 days’ notice (Sec. 15. P. 6).

     This is a revenue neutral agreement.

     Motion by Commissioner St. Clair, seconded by Commissioner Gorman to approve the
     short-term water operator agreement between the City of Muskegon and the City of
     Muskegon Heights to provide necessary services in compliance with the Michigan Safe
     Drinking Water Act.


     Ayes: Commissioners Gorman, Emory, St. Clair, and Johnson.
     Nays: None.

                                                                                MOTION PASSES.

Packet Page 5
     Amendment to Sale of 1527 Hoyt Street
     The mortgage company has requested an amendment to the November 7, 2022 purchase
     agreement to reflect the authorization of LeighAnn Mikesell to sign the purchase agreement.

     Motion by Commissioner Gorman, seconded by Commissioner Emory to amend the
     November 7, 2022 motion to approve the purchase agreement for 1527 Hoyt Street and
     authorize LeighAnn Mikesell to sign the purchase agreement.


     Ayes: Commissioners Gorman, Emory, St. Clair, and Johnson.
     Nays: None.

                                                                      MOTION PASSES.

     Moved by Commissioner Emory, seconded by Commissioner St. Clair to adjourn the meeting at
     4:09 pm

                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                                        Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk

Packet Page 6
                          Agenda Item Review Form
                           Muskegon City Commission

    Commission Meeting Date: January 24, 2023            Title: Community Relations Committee

    Submitted By: Ann Marie Meisch                       Department: Clerk

    Brief Summary: To concur with the CRC recommendations to remove member from the Farmers
    Market Advisory Board and make the appointments detailed below.

    Detailed Summary:

    The CRC recommends:

       -   Removing Woody Van Blargan – Seasonal Food Vendor – Term Expiring 1/31/2024 from the
           Farmers Market Advisory Board.

       -   Making the following appointments:

                o   Board of Review - Reappoint Pamela Smith; Appoint Clinton Todd & Don Hammond

                o   Citizen’s Police Review Board – Reappoint William Muhammad & Rozelia Patino
                    (Members of a Minority-Based Organization), Robert Roundtree (Citizen At-Large), Ron
                    Hayward & Ann Craig (Neighborhood Association Representatives); Appoint Eric Hood
                    (Law Enforcement Professional)

                o   Civil Service Commission – Reappoint Johnny Brown (Citizen)

                o   Construction Code Board of Appeals – Reappoint Lane Bensten (Electrical), Joshua
                    Ohst (Public Health) and Wade VandenBosch (Construction Manager)

                o   Downtown Development Authority – Reappoint Jay Wallace (Member with interest in
                    the property in the district), Brad Hastings & Martha Bottomley (Citizens) & Doug
                    Pollock (Resident of the district); Appoint Kiel Reid & Bob Tarrant (Members with
                    interest in the property in the district)

                o   Election Commission – Reappoint Casey Allard (Citizen)

                o   Equal Opportunity Committee – Reappoint Jared Gazarek (Citizen representing Ward

                o   Farmers Market Advisory Board – Reappoint Jon Visser (Seasonal Farmer), Kathi
                    Upman (Seasonal Crafter/Artisan), & Cindy Larsen (Citizen)

Packet Page 7
                o   Historic District Commission – Reappoint Kimi George (Person with occupational or
                    financial interest in one or more of the historical districts) & David Gregersen (Citizen)

                o   Housing Code Board of Appeals – Reappoint Kim Burr (Citizen); Appoint Steven
                    Frantz (Citizen)

                o   Housing Commission – Reappoint Ken Grant (Citizen)

                o   Income Tax Board of Review – Appoint Bethanny Cody (Resident)

                o   Lakeside Business Improvement District – Reappoint Louise Hopson & Kathy
                    Fearnley (Assessed property owners or their representatives)

                o   Local Officer’s Compensation Commission – Reappoint Marty Ferriby (Citizen)

                o   Planning Commission – Reappoint Bryon Mazade, Larry Spataro & Jill Montgomery-
                    Keast (Citizens)

                o   Zoning Board of Appeals – Reappoint Virginia Taylor, Jill Montgomery-Keast, &
                    Jonathan Witmer (Residents); Appoint Mike Gallavin (Resident)


    Amount Requested: N/A                                  Amount Budgeted: N/A

    Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                             Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

    Recommended Motion: To concur with the recommendation of the CRC to make the above
    removal and appointments.

    For City Clerk Use Only:

    Commission Action:

Packet Page 8
                           Agenda Item Review Form
                            Muskegon City Commission

    Commission Meeting Date: January 24, 2023                             Title: Signing Purchase

    Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell                                       Department: City Manager

    Brief Summary: Staff is requesting approval of a resolution which specifies who can sign purchase
    agreements on behalf of the city.

    Detailed Summary & Background:
    The resolution names Jonathan Seyferth and LeighAnn Mikesell as city employees who are
    authorized to sign purchase agreements on behalf of the city.

    Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:
    Goal 2: Create an environment that effectively attracts new residents and retains existing residents
    by filling existing employment gaps, attracting new and diverse businesses to the city, and
    expanding access to a variety of high-quality housing options in Muskegon.

    Amount Requested: N/A                                Amount Budgeted: N/A

    Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

    Recommended Motion: to approve the resolution authorizing specific city staff to sign purchase
    agreements on behalf of the city.

    Approvals: Get approval from division head at a minimum prior         Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
    to sending to the Clerk.
    Immediate Division Head          Information Technology               Yes
    Other Division Heads             Communication                        No
    Legal Review

    For City Clerk Use Only:
    Commission Action:

Packet Page 9
                                    Resolution ________________


     Adopted this 24th Day of January, 2023

                                                        By: _________________________________

                                                              Ken Johnson, Mayor

                                                        Attest: ______________________________

                                                              Ann Meisch, City Clerk


            This resolution was adopted at a meeting of the City Commission, held on January 24,
     2023. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the
     State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976.

                                                        CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                        By: _________________________________

                                                              Ann Meisch, City Clerk

Packet Page 10
                           Agenda Item Review Form
                            Muskegon City Commission

    Commission Meeting Date: January 24, 2023                            Title: Sale of 1330 Pine

    Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell                                      Department: City Manager

    Brief Summary: Staff is requesting approval of a purchase agreement for 1330 Pine Street.

    Detailed Summary & Background:
    1330 Pine Street was constructed through the agreement with Dave Dusendang to construct infill
    housing with ARPA funding. Once seller concessions are included, the offer is for the full listing

    Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:
    Create an environment that effectively attracts new residents and retains existing residents by
    filling existing employment gaps, attracting new and diverse businesses to the city, and expanding
    access to a variety of high-quality housing options in Muskegon. Diverse housing types

    Amount Requested: N/A                                Amount Budgeted: N/A

    Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

    Recommended Motion: to approve the purchase agreement for 1330 Pine Street.

    Approvals:                                                           Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
    Immediate Division Head          Information Technology
    Other Division Heads             Communication                       Yes

    Legal Review                                                         No

    For City Clerk Use Only:
    Commission Action:

Packet Page 11
dotloop signature verification:

           ARP Infill Income Verifica ion
           T       C             M
                                 A                       R       P     I       H                 P             .P
                                              Amy john
           A                   N          :
           A               :120 National ave Nw Grand Rapids mi 49504
           P            N               : 6162721685
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          Amy john                                                                               S                                            07/18/1994
          Michael John                                                                           Spouse                                       01/12/1970

          Please incl de he follo ing doc men a ion                                                  i h o r applica ion:


          For All Ho sehold Members 18+ Pro ide:

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                                              Amy John
                                                                                   dotloop verified
                                                                                   01/06/23 10:04 PM EST
          A               S              :                                         EHPX-XMTO-15LQ-AJAT               D       : 01/06/2023

                          P                                                                                      :C                   N             S
                                                                      933 T        S         ,M            , MI 49440
            Packet Page 12                        -      .   P       : (231) 724-6717    F       : (231) 726-2501        E      : CNSM    @             .
dotloop signature verification:

                                                         WEST MICHIGAN REGIONAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT
                                       01/06/2023                                                                                                           71022050699
         DATE:                                                        ,                         (time)                                       MLS #

         SELLING OFFICE:                            Keller Williams                BROKER LIC.#:                              REALTOR® PHONE:                   6164276451

         LISTING OFFICE:                          West Urban Realty               REALTOR® PHONE:                        616-366-2459

        1. Effective Date: This Agreement is effective on the date of Seller's acceptance of Buyer's offer or Buyer's acceptance of any
            counteroffer, as the case may be, and this date shall hereafter be referred to as the "Effective Date". Further, any reference to "days"
            in this Agreement refers to calendar days. The first calendar day begins at 12:01 a.m. on the day after the Effective Date. Any reference
            to "time" refers to local time.
         2. Agency Disclosure: The Undersigned Buyer and Seller each acknowledge that they have read and signed the Disclosure Regarding
             Real Estate Agency Relationships. The selling licensee is acting as (choose one):
                  Agent/Subagent of Seller             Buyer’s Agent          Dual Agent (with written, informed consent of both Buyer and Seller)
                  Transaction Coordinator
                                                                          Jake Martin
              Primary Selling Agent Name:                                                                Email: Lic.#:                 6501403714

             Alternate Selling Agent Name:                  larry martin               Email: Lic.#:
         3. Seller’s Disclosure Statement: (This paragraph applies to sales of one-to-four family residential units.)
                 Buyer has received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement, dated                             . Seller certifies to Buyer that the Property
                 is currently in the same condition as Seller previously disclosed in that statement. Seller agrees to inform Buyer in writing of any
                 changes in the content of the disclosure statement.
                 Buyer has not received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement. Buyer may terminate this Agreement, in writing, any time prior to receipt
                 of the Seller’s Disclosure Statement. Once Buyer has received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement, Buyer may terminate this
                 Agreement, in writing, within 72 hours of receipt if the disclosure was received in person, or within 120 hours if received by
                 registered mail. Exceptions:
                 Seller is exempt from the requirements of the Seller Disclosure Act.
        4. Lead-Based Paint Addendum: Transactions involving homes built prior to 1978 require a written disclosure which is hereby attached
            and will be an integral part of this Agreement.
        5. Property Description: Buyer offers to buy the property located in the        City    Village Township of                Muskegon          ,
            County of                  Muskegon                , Michigan, commonly known as (insert mailing address: street/city/state/zip code)
                           CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 4 & SE 1/2 LOT 3 BLK 264 EXC ELY 12 FT FOR ALLEY
             with the following legal description and tax parcel ID numbers:

                                                                                 1330 Pine St, Muskegon, MI 49442
             PP#                                                                                                                                                                       .
           The following paragraph applies only if the Premises include unplatted land:
           Seller agrees to grant Buyer at closing the right to make (insert number)                     division(s) under Section 108(2), (3), and
           (4) of the Michigan Land Division Act. (If no number is inserted, the right to make divisions under the sections referenced above stays
           with any remainder of the parent parcel retained by Seller. If a number is inserted, Seller retains all available divisions in excess of the
           number stated; however, Seller and/or REALTOR® do not warrant that the number of divisions stated is actually available.) If this sale
           will create a new division, Seller’s obligations under this Agreement are contingent on Seller’s receipt of municipal approval on or
           before                                  , of the proposed division to create the Premises.
        6. Purchase Price: Buyer offers to buy the Property for the sum of $                 175,000
                                                  One hundred seventy five thousand                                                        U.S. Dollars
        7. Seller Concessions, if any:
                                                                      seller to pay $6,100 in buyers closing costs and prepaids
        8. Terms: The Terms of Purchase will be as indicated by “X” below: (Other unmarked terms of purchase do not apply.)
           SOURCE OF FUNDS TO CLOSE: Buyer represents that the funds necessary to close this transaction on the terms specified below
           are currently available to Buyer in cash or an equally liquid equivalent.
            If the Property’s value stated in an appraisal obtained by Buyer or Buyer’s lender is less than the Purchase Price, Buyer shall within
            three (3) days after receipt of the appraisal: 1) renegotiate with the Seller, 2) terminate the transaction, in which case Buyer shall
            receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or 3) proceed to close the transaction at the agreed Purchase Price.
                  CASH. The full Purchase Price upon execution and delivery of Warranty Deed. Buyer Agrees to provide Buyer Agent/Dual Agent
                  verification of funds within five (5) days after the Effective Date, and consents to the disclosure of such information to Seller and/or
                  Seller’s Agent. If verification of funds is not received within 5 days after the Effective Date, Seller may terminate this Agreement
                  at any time before verification of funds is received by giving written notice to Buyer. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be
                  arranged and paid for by Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement.
                  NEW MORTGAGE. The full Purchase Price upon execution and delivery of Warranty Deed, contingent upon Buyer’s ability to
                  obtain a              fha               type         30      (year) mortgage in the amount of       96.5    % of the Purchase Price
                  bearing interest at a rate not to exceed          8     % per annum (rate at time of loan application), on or before the date the sale is
                  to be closed. Buyer agrees to apply for a mortgage loan, and pay all fees and costs customarily charged by Buyer’s lender to
                  process the application, within           6         days after the Effective Date, not to impair Buyers’ credit after the date such loan if
                  offered.      Seller    Buyer will agree to pay an amount not to exceed $                          representing repairs required as a
                      Pageof13financing. Buyer agrees does not agree to authorize Buyer’s Agent/Dual Agent to obtain information from
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR®
         Associations Page 1 of 6 Rev. Date 8/2022                                                           AJ
                                                                                                                                Buyer’s Initials     LM                 Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                          9:55 PM EST                                01/09/23
dotloop signature verification:

                                                                                                                   West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement         Page 2 of 6
                   Buyer’s lender regarding Buyer’s financing, and consents to the disclosure of this information to Seller and/or Seller’s Agent.

                   SELLER FINANCING (choose one of the following):                    CONTRACT or                    PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE
                   In the case of Seller financing, Buyer agrees to provide Seller with a credit report within 72 hours after the Effective Date. If the
                   credit report is unacceptable to Seller, Seller shall have the right to terminate this offer within 48 hours of Seller’s receipt, or if
                   Buyer fails to provide said credit report to Seller within the time frame allotted, Seller shall have the right to terminate this offer
                   within 48 hours. Seller is advised to seek professional advice regarding the credit report.
                   $                           upon execution and delivery of a
                   form (name or type of form and revision date), a copy of which is attached, wherein the balance of $
                   will be payable in monthly installments of $                            or more including interest at                    % per annum,
                   interest to start on date of closing, and first payment to become due thirty (30) days after date of closing. The entire unpaid balance
                   will become due and payable                            months after closing. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be arranged and
                   paid for by Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Exceptions:

                   EQUITY (choose one of the following):         Formal Assumption or       Informal Assumption
                   Upon execution and delivery of:       Warranty Deed subject to existing mortgage OR             Assignment of Vendee Interest
                   in Land Contract, Buyer to pay the difference (approximately $                             ) between the Purchase Price above
                   provided and the unpaid balance (approximately $                             ) upon said mortgage or land contract, which Buyer
                   agrees to assume and pay. Buyer agrees to reimburse Seller for accumulated funds held in escrow, if any, for payment of future
                   taxes and insurance premiums, etc. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be arranged and paid for by Buyer within ten
                   (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Exceptions:


         9. Contingencies: Buyer’s obligation to consummate this transaction (choose one):
                   IS NOT CONTINGENT - is not contingent upon the sale or exchange of any other property by Buyer.
                   IS CONTINGENT UPON CLOSING - is contingent upon closing of an existing sale or exchange of Buyer’s property located at:

                   A copy of Buyer’s agreement to sell or exchange that property is being delivered to Seller along with this offer. If the existing sale
                   or exchange terminates for any reason, Buyer will immediately notify Seller, and either party may terminate this Agreement in
                   writing, within 3 days of Buyer’s notice to Seller. If either party terminates, Buyer shall receive a refund of any applicable Earnest
                   Money Deposit.
                   IS CONTINGENT UPON THE SALE AND CLOSING - is contingent upon the execution of a binding agreement and the closing
                   of a sale or exchange of Buyer’s property located at
                                                         on or before                                      . Seller will have the right to continue to
                   market Seller’s Property until Buyer enters into a binding agreement to sell or exchange Buyer’s property and delivers a copy
                   thereof to Seller. During such marketing period, Seller may enter into a binding contract for sale to another purchaser on such
                   price and terms as the Seller deems appropriate. In such event, this Agreement will automatically terminate, Buyer will be notified
                   promptly, and Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit will be refunded. Exceptions:

         10. Fixtures & Improvements: The following is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of items included with the Property. All
             improvements and appurtenances are included in the Purchase Price, if now in or on the Property, unless rented, including the
             following: all buildings; landscaping; attached smart home devices; attached security systems; lighting fixtures and their shades and
             bulbs; ceiling fans; hardware for draperies and curtains; window shades and blinds; built-in kitchen appliances, including garbage
             disposal and drop-in ranges; wall to wall carpeting, if attached; all attached mirrors; all attached TV mounting brackets; all attached
             shelving; attached work benches; stationary laundry tubs; water softener; water heater; incinerator; sump pump; water pump and
             pressure tank; heating and air conditioning equipment (window units excluded); attached humidifiers; heating units, including add-on
             heating stoves and heating stoves connected by flue pipe; fireplace screens, inserts, and grates; fireplace doors, if attached; liquid
             heating and cooking fuel tanks; TV antenna and complete rotor equipment; satellite dish and necessary accessories and complete
             rotor equipment; all support equipment for inground pools; screens and storm windows and doors; awnings; installed basketball
             backboard, pole and goal; mailbox; flagpole(s); fencing, invisible inground fencing and all related equipment, including collars;
             detached storage buildings; underground sprinkling, including the pump; installed outdoor grills; all plantings and bulbs; garage door
             opener and control(s); and any and all items and fixtures permanently affixed to the Property; and also includes:
                                                                                Dishwasher; Microwave

              but does not include:

                                                         1330 Pine St, Muskegon, MI 49442                                                     01/06/2023
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                           Date                 Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
         Revision Date 8/2022                                                                        AJ
                                                                                                                           Buyer’s Initials
                                                                                                                                                   LM             Seller’s Initials

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                                                                                                               West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement        Page 3 of 6

         11. Heating and Cooking Fuels: Liquid heating and cooking fuels in tanks are included in the sale and will transfer to Buyer at time of
             possession unless usage is metered (in which case it is not included in the sale). Sellers are responsible for maintaining heating and
             cooking liquid fuels at an operational level and shall not permit fuels to fall below 10% in the tank(s) at the time of possession, except
             that the tank(s) may be empty only if now empty. Further, Seller is precluded from removing fuel from tank(s) other than what is
             expended through normal use. Exceptions:

         12. Assessments (choose one):
             If the Property is subject to any assessments,
                  Seller shall pay the entire balance of any such assessments that are due and payable on or before the day of closing (regardless
                  of any installment arrangements), except for any fees that are required to connect to public utilities.
                  Seller shall pay all installments of such assessments that become due and payable on or before day of closing. Buyer shall assume
                  and pay all other installments of such assessments.
         13. Property Taxes: Seller will be responsible for any taxes billed prior to those addressed below. Buyer will be responsible for all
             taxes billed after those addressed below.
              Buyer is also advised that the state equalized value of the Property, principal residence exemption information and other real property
              tax information is available from the appropriate local assessor’s office. Buyer should not assume that Buyer’s future tax bills on the
              Property will be the same as Seller’s present tax bills. Under Michigan law, real property tax obligations can change significantly when
              property is transferred.
                  No proration.           (Choose one):
                         Buyer                Seller    will pay taxes billed summer                     (year);
                         Buyer                Seller    will pay taxes billed winter                     (year);
                  Calendar Year Proration (all taxes billed or to be billed in the year of the closing). Calendar year tax levies will be estimated, if
                  necessary, using the taxable value and the millage rate(s) in effect on the day of closing, broken down to a per diem tax payment
                  and prorated to the date of closing with Seller paying for January 1 through the day before closing.
                  Fiscal Year Proration - Taxes will be prorated as though they are paid in (choose one):         advance.          arrears.
                  Fiscal Year will be assumed to cover a 12-month period from date billed, and taxes will be prorated to the date of closing. Fiscal
                  year tax levies will be estimated, if necessary, using the taxable value and millage rate(s) in effect on the day of closing, broken
                  down to a per diem tax payment and prorated to the date of closing with Seller paying through the day before closing. Exceptions:

         14. Well/Septic: Within ten (10) days after the Effective Date, (choose one)         Seller or      Buyer will arrange for, at their own expense,
             an inspection of the primary well used for human consumption (including a water quality test for coliform bacteria and nitrates) and
             septic systems in use on the Property. The inspection will be performed by a qualified inspector in a manner that meets county (or
             other local governmental authority, if applicable) protocol.
             If any report discloses a condition unsatisfactory to Buyer, or doesn’t meet county standards that are a condition of sale, Buyer may,
             within three (3) days after Buyer has received the report, by written notice to Seller, either terminate this Agreement and receive a
             refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails
             to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be deemed to have accepted the well/septic as-
             is. Seller will respond in writing within three (3) days to Buyer’s request. If Seller fails to respond or to arrive at a mutually agreeable
             resolution within three (3) days after Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer will have three (3) days to provide written notice of
             termination of this Agreement and receive a refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate the contract,
             Buyer will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

         15. Inspections & Investigations:
             Inspections: Buyer, or someone selected by Buyer, has the right to inspect the buildings, premises, components and systems, at
             Buyer’s expense. Any damage, misuse, abuse, or neglect of any portion of the Property or premises as a result of inspections will be
             Buyer’s responsibility and expense. \
             kdjf lskdjf sdlfjsd lfkjsd flkjsdf lksdjf ldksjf sldkj fjksf dkljsf fslkdsjf lsdkjf sdlfkj sdlfkjsd flkjsd flksjd flsdkjf lsdkjf
             Investigations: It is Buyer’s responsibility to investigate (i) whether the Property complies with applicable codes and local ordinances
             and whether the Property is zoned for Buyer’s intended use; (ii) whether Buyer can obtain a homeowner’s insurance policy for the
             Property at price and terms acceptable to Buyer; (iii) and whether or not the Property is in a flood zone.
             All inspections and investigations will be completed within ____ 10 days after the Effective Date. If the results of Buyer’s inspections and
             investigations are not acceptable to Buyer, Buyer may, within the above referenced period, by written notice to Seller, either terminate
             this Agreement and receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct those
             unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be

                                                         1330 Pine St, Muskegon, MI 49442                                                 01/06/2023
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                       Date                Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
         Revision Date 8/2022                                                                    AJ
                                                                                                                       Buyer’s Initials
                                                                                                                                              LM             Seller’s Initials

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                                                                                                                   West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement         Page 4 of 6

            deemed to have accepted the Property as-is. Seller may negotiate with Buyer, or by written notice to Buyer, accept Buyer’s proposal
            or terminate this Agreement. If Seller fails to respond, or to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution within three (3) days after Seller’s
            receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer shall have three (3) days to provide written notice of termination of this Agreement and receive a
            refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate this Agreement within said three (3) day period, Buyer will
            be deemed to accept the Inspections & Investigations and will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions of this
                Buyer has waived all rights under this Inspections & Investigations paragraph.
        16. Municipal Compliances: Seller will arrange and pay for current certificates of occupancy, sidewalk compliance, and smoke detector
            ordinances, if applicable.
        17. Title Insurance: Seller agrees to convey marketable title to the Property subject to conditions, limitations, reservation of oil, gas and
            other mineral rights, existing zoning ordinances, and building and use restrictions and easements of record. An expanded coverage
            ALTA Homeowner’s Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the Purchase Price shall be ordered by Seller and furnished to Buyer at
            Seller’s expense, and a commitment to issue a policy insuring marketable title vested in Buyer, including a real estate tax status
            report, will be made available to Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date. If Buyer so chooses, or if an expanded policy is
            not applicable, then a standard ALTA Owners’ Policy of Title Insurance shall be provided.
              If Buyer objects to any conditions, Buyer may, within three (3) days of receipt of the Title Commitment, by written notice to Seller,
              either terminate this Agreement and receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct
              those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be
              deemed to have accepted the Title Commitment as-is. Seller may negotiate with Buyer, or by written notice to Buyer, accept Buyer’s
              proposal or terminate this Agreement. If Seller fails to respond, or to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution within three (3) days
              after Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer shall have three (3) days to provide written notice of termination of this Agreement and
              shall receive a refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate this Agreement within said three (3) day
              period, Buyer will be deemed to accept the Title Commitment as-is and will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions
              of this Agreement. Exceptions:

        18. Property Survey: Broker advises that Buyer should have a survey performed to satisfy Buyer as to the boundaries of the Property
            and the location of improvements thereon.
                 Buyer or     Seller (choose one) shall within ten (10) days of the Effective Date, order, at their expense, a boundary survey with iron
              corner stakes showing the location of the boundaries, improvements and easements in connection with the Property. Upon receipt of
              the survey, Buyer will have three (3) days to review the survey. If the survey shows any condition, in Buyer’s sole discretion, which
              would interfere with Buyer’s intended use of the Property, the marketability of the title, or zoning non-compliance, then Buyer may,
              within said three (3) day period, terminate this Agreement, in writing, and Buyer will receive a full refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money
                 No survey. Buyer has waived all rights under this paragraph.
              When closing occurs, Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the boundaries of the Property and the location of such improvements
              thereon. Exceptions:

        19. Home Protection Plan: Buyer and Seller have been informed that home protection plans may be available. Such plans may provide
            additional protection and benefit to the parties. Exceptions:

        20. Prorations: Rent; association dues/fees, if any; insurance, if assigned; interest on any existing land contract, mortgage or lien
            assumed by Buyer; will all be adjusted to the date of closing. For the purposes of calculating prorations, it is presumed that Seller
            owns the Property through the day before closing.
        21. Closing: If agreeable to Buyer and Seller, the sale will be closed as soon as closing documents are ready, but not later than
                        02/03/2023            . An additional period of fifteen (15) days will be allowed for closing to accommodate the correction of
            title defects or survey problems which can be readily corrected, or for delays in obtaining any lender required inspections/repairs. During
            this additional period, the closing will be held within 5 days after all parties have been notified that all necessary documents have been
            prepared. Buyer and Seller will each pay their title company closing fee, if applicable, except in the case of VA financing where Seller
            will pay the entire closing fee. Exceptions:

        22. Pre-Closing Walk-Through: Buyer (choose one)                     reserves        waives the right to conduct a final walk-through of the
            Property within three (3) days of the scheduled closing date. The purpose of the walk-through is to determine that the Property is in
            a substantially similar condition as of the Effective Date, any contractually agreed upon items have been fulfilled, and that any included
            personal property is still located at the Property. Buyer shall immediately report to Seller any objections to these conditions and Buyer’s
            requested corrective action.
        23. Possession: Seller will maintain the Property in its present condition until the completion of the closing of the sale. Possession to be
            delivered to Buyer, subject to rights of present tenants, if any.
                At the completion of the closing of the sale.
                At                a.m.     p.m. on the                     day after completion of the closing of the sale, during which time Seller
                                                         1330 Pine St, Muskegon, MI 49442                                                     01/06/2023
                                                         Subject Property Address/Description                                                   Date                 Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
         Revision Date 8/2022                                                                        AJ
                                                                                                                           Buyer’s Initials
                                                                                                                                                   LM             Seller’s Initials

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                                                                                                               West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement         Page 5 of 6
              will have the privilege to occupy the Property and hereby agrees to pay Buyer $                                             as an occupancy
              fee for this period payable at closing, WITHOUT PRORATION. Payment shall be made in the form of cash or certified funds.
              If Seller fails to deliver possession to Buyer on the agreed date, Seller shall become a tenant at sufferance and shall pay to Buyer as
              liquidated damages $             350        per day plus all of the Buyer’s actual reasonable attorney's fees incurred in removing the Seller
              from the Property.
              If Seller occupies the Property after closing, Seller will pay all utilities during such occupancy. Buyer will maintain the structure and
              mechanical systems at the Property. However, any repairs or replacements necessitated by Seller’s misuse, abuse, or neglect of any
              portion of the Property will be Seller’s responsibility and expense.
              On the agreed delivery date, Seller shall deliver the Property free of trash and debris and in broom-clean condition, shall remove all
              personal property (unless otherwise stated in this or an additional written agreement), shall make arrangements for final payment on
              all utilities, and shall deliver all keys to Buyer. Exceptions:

        24. Earnest Money Deposit: For valuable consideration, Buyer gives Seller until                              11am                       (time) on
                         01/07/2023             (date), to deliver the written acceptance of this offer and agrees that this offer, when accepted by
            Seller, will constitute a binding Agreement between Buyer and Seller. An Earnest Money Deposit in the amount of $                  1,000
            shall be submitted to                                        chicago title                                     (insert name of broker, title
            company, other) within 72 hours of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall be applied against the Purchase Price. If the Earnest
            Money Deposit is not received within 72 hours of the Effective Date or is returned for insufficient funds, Seller may terminate this
            Agreement until such time as the Earnest Money Deposit is received. If Seller terminates this Agreement under this provision, Seller
            waives any claim to the Earnest Money Deposit. If the sale is not closed due to a failure to satisfy a contingency for a reason other
            than the fault of Buyer, the Earnest Money Deposit shall be refunded to Buyer. If the sale is not closed as provided in this Agreement
            and Buyer and Seller do not agree to the disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit, then Buyer and Seller agree that the Broker holding
            the Earnest Money Deposit may notify Buyer and Seller, in writing, of Broker’s intended disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit. If
            Buyer and Seller do not object to such disposition in writing within fifteen (15) days after the date of Broker’s notice, they will be deemed
            to have agreed to Broker’s proposed disposition; if either Buyer or Seller object and no mutually agreeable disposition can be
            negotiated, Broker may deposit the funds by interpleader with a court of proper jurisdiction or await further actions by Buyer and Seller.
            In the event of litigation involving the deposit, in whole or in part, either the Seller or the Buyer that is not the prevailing party, as
            determined by the court, will reimburse the other for reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with the litigation,
            and will reimburse the Broker for any reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with any interpleader action
            instituted. If the entity holding the Earnest Money Deposit is not the Broker, then to the extent that the terms of any escrow agreement
            conflict with this paragraph, then the terms and conditions of the escrow agreement shall control.
        25. Professional Advice: Broker hereby advises Buyer and Seller to seek legal, tax, environmental and other appropriate professional
            advice relating to this transaction. Broker does not make any representations or warranties with respect to the advisability of, or the
            legal effect of this transaction. Buyer further acknowledges that REALTOR® above named in the Agreement hereby recommends to
            Buyer that an attorney be retained by Buyer to pass upon the marketability of the title and to ascertain that the required details of the
            sale are adhered to before the transaction is consummated. Buyer agrees that Buyer is not relying on any representation or statement
            made by Seller or any real estate salesperson (whether intentionally or negligently) regarding any aspect of the Property or this sale
            transaction, except as may be expressly set forth in this Agreement, a written amendment to this Agreement, or a disclosure statement
            separately signed by Seller.
        26. Disclosure of Information: Buyer and Seller acknowledge and agree that the Purchase Price, terms, and other details with respect
            to this transaction (when closed) are not confidential, will be disclosed to REALTORS® who participate in the applicable Multiple Listing
            Service, and may otherwise be used and/or published by that Multiple Listing Service in the ordinary course of its business.
        27. Other Provisions:

        28. Mergers and Integrations: This Agreement is the final expression of the complete agreement of Buyer and Seller, and there are no
            oral agreements existing between Buyer and Seller relating to this transaction. This Agreement may be amended only in writing signed
            by Buyer and Seller and attached to this Agreement.
        29. Fax/Electronic Distribution and Electronic Signatures: Buyer and Seller agree that any signed copy of this Agreement, and any
            amendments or addendums related to this transaction, transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means shall be competent evidence
            of its contents to the same effect as an original signed copy. Buyer and Seller further agree that an electronic signature is the legal
            equivalent of a manual or handwritten signature, and consent to use of electronic signatures. Buyer and Seller agree that any notice(s)
            required or permitted under this Agreement may also be transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means.
        30. Wire Fraud: Seller and Buyer are advised that wire fraud is an increasingly common problem. If you receive any electronic

                                                         1330 Pine St, Muskegon, MI 49442                                                 01/06/2023
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                       Date                 Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
         Revision Date 8/2022
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                                                                                                                       Buyer’s Initials
                                                                                                                                               LM             Seller’s Initials

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                                                                                                                           West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement                                  Page 6 of 6
                   communication directing you to transfer funds or provide nonpublic personal information (such as social security numbers, drivers’
                   license numbers, wire instructions, bank account numbers, etc.), even if that electronic communication appears to be from the
                   Broker, Title Company, or Lender, DO NOT reply until you have verified the authenticity of the email by direct communication with
                   Broker, Title Company, or Lender. DO NOT use telephone numbers provided in the email. Such requests may be part of a scheme
                   to steal funds or use your identity.
           31. Buyer’s Approval and Acknowledgment: Buyer approves the terms of this offer and acknowledges receipt of a copy of this offer.

                                                                                                                          Amy John
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                   Buyer 1 Address                                                                            X                                                                01/06/23 9:55 PM EST
                                                                                                                                                                               ZWJL-OYU2-ANIQ-NCDT     Buyer
                   Buyer 1 Phone: (Res.)                             (Bus.)                                                                        Amy John
                                                                                                                                Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

                   Buyer 2 Address                                                                            X                                                                                        Buyer
                   Buyer 2 Phone: (Res.)                             (Bus.)
                                                                                                                                Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

           32. Seller’s Response: The above offer is approved:                    As written.       As written except:
                   Sale Price to be $176,000
                   Seller master policy held at Transnation title. Seller to close at Transnation Title.
     AJ            Paragraph 8- will provide a quit claim deed vs a warranty deed.
   01/09/23        Builder one year warranty starts from day of Certificate of Occupancy.
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                   Counteroffer, if any, expires                  1/9/2023             , at    5pm              (time). Seller has the right to withdraw this
                   counteroffer and to accept other offers until Seller or Seller’s Agent has received notice of Buyer’s acceptance.
           33. Certification of Previous Disclosure Statement: Seller certifies to Buyer that the Property is currently in the same condition as
               disclosed in the Seller’s Disclosure Statement dated        na                (choose one):  Yes    No. Seller agrees to inform
               Buyer in writing of any changes in the content of the disclosure statement prior to closing.
           34. Notice to Seller: Seller understands that consummation of the sale or transfer of the Property described in this Agreement will not
               relieve Seller of any liability that Seller may have under the mortgages to which the Property is subject, unless otherwise agreed to by
               the lender or required by law or regulation. Buyer and Seller are advised that a Notice to Seller & Buyer of Underlying Mortgage form
               is available from the respective agents via the West Michigan REALTOR® Boards.
          35. Listing Office Address:                3265 Walker Ave, Suite D, GR, MI 49544                                   Listing Broker License #                 6506015435
                   Listing Agent Name:                           Mariana Murillo VanDam                                        Listing Agent License #

           36. Seller’s Approval and Acknowledgment: Seller approves the terms of this Agreement and acknowledges receipt of a copy. If Seller’s
               response occurs after Buyer’s offer expires, then Seller’s response is considered a counteroffer and Buyer’s acceptance is required
                                                                                     LeighAnn Mikesell
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                                                                                                                      01/09/23 9:15 AM EST
               X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):                                                                    7UM5-69JC-5HVJ-KDBL

                                                                                                                            Is Seller a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien?                      Yes           No*
                                 Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

                   X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):
                                                                                                                            Is Seller a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien?                      Yes           No*
                                  Print name as you want it to appear on documents.
                   Seller’s Address:                                                       Seller’s Phone (Res.)                                                (Bus)
                      * If Seller(s) is not a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien, there may be tax implications and Buyer and Seller are advised to seek professional advice.

           37. Buyer’s Receipt/Acceptance: Buyer acknowledges receipt of Seller’s response to Buyer’s offer. In the event Seller’s response
               constitutes a counteroffer, Buyer accepts said counteroffer. All other terms and conditions in the offer remain unchanged.

                                                              Amy John
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                                                                                                         01/09/23 1:11 PM EST
                   X (Buyer’s Signature, Date, Time):                                                    IUZT-O0JC-ZYJT-65U5

                   X (Buyer’s Signature, Date, Time):

           38. Seller’s Receipt: Seller acknowledges receipt of Buyer’s acceptance of counter offer.

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                   X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):

                                                          1330 Pine St, Muskegon, MI 49442                                                                 01/06/2023
                                                    Subject Property Address/Description                                                                        Date                                  Time
            ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
            Revision Date 8/2022                                                                            AJ
                                                                                                                                     Buyer’s Initials
                                                                                                                                                                    LM                       Seller’s Initials

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                           Agenda Item Review Form
                            Muskegon City Commission

    Commission Meeting Date: January 24, 2023                              Title: Sale of 1334 Pine

    Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell                                        Department: City Manager

    Brief Summary: Staff is requesting approval of a purchase agreement for 1334 Pine Street.

    Detailed Summary & Background:
    1334 Pine Street was constructed through the agreement with Dave Dusendang to construct infill
    housing with ARPA funding. The offer is for the full listing price and is contingent on the sale of the
    buyer’s current home. The realtor will allow 14 days for the buyer to sell their current home, then
    continue to accept offers.

    Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:
    Create an environment that effectively attracts new residents and retains existing residents by
    filling existing employment gaps, attracting new and diverse businesses to the city, and expanding
    access to a variety of high-quality housing options in Muskegon. Diverse housing types

    Amount Requested: N/A                                 Amount Budgeted: N/A

    Fund(s) or Account(s):                                Fund(s) or Account(s):

    Recommended Motion: to approve the purchase agreement for 1334 Pine Street.

    Approvals:                                                             Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
    Immediate Division Head           Information Technology
    Other Division Heads              Communication                        Yes

    Legal Review                                                           No

    For City Clerk Use Only:
    Commission Action:

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                                                         WEST MICHIGAN REGIONAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT
                                                                                                                                                                 # 2
         DATE:                        01/16/2023                    ,                       (time)                                      MLS #              71022050736

         SELLING OFFICE:                        Five Star Real Estate           BROKER LIC.#:        6505276328           REALTOR® PHONE:                   231-233-5674

         LISTING OFFICE:                        West Urban Realty               REALTOR® PHONE:

        1. Effective Date: This Agreement is effective on the date of Seller's acceptance of Buyer's offer or Buyer's acceptance of any
            counteroffer, as the case may be, and this date shall hereafter be referred to as the "Effective Date". Further, any reference to "days"
            in this Agreement refers to calendar days. The first calendar day begins at 12:01 a.m. on the day after the Effective Date. Any reference
            to "time" refers to local time.
         2. Agency Disclosure: The Undersigned Buyer and Seller each acknowledge that they have read and signed the Disclosure Regarding
             Real Estate Agency Relationships. The selling licensee is acting as (choose one):
                  Agent/Subagent of Seller             Buyer’s Agent          Dual Agent (with written, informed consent of both Buyer and Seller)
                  Transaction Coordinator
              Primary Selling Agent Name:                               Renee Malburg                Email:        Lic.#:       6506043816

             Alternate Selling Agent Name:                                             Email:                                   Lic.#:
         3. Seller’s Disclosure Statement: (This paragraph applies to sales of one-to-four family residential units.)
                 Buyer has received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement, dated                              . Seller certifies to Buyer that the Property
                 is currently in the same condition as Seller previously disclosed in that statement. Seller agrees to inform Buyer in writing of any
                 changes in the content of the disclosure statement.
                 Buyer has not received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement. Buyer may terminate this Agreement, in writing, any time prior to receipt
                 of the Seller’s Disclosure Statement. Once Buyer has received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement, Buyer may terminate this
                 Agreement, in writing, within 72 hours of receipt if the disclosure was received in person, or within 120 hours if received by
                 registered mail. Exceptions:
                 Seller is exempt from the requirements of the Seller Disclosure Act.
        4. Lead-Based Paint Addendum: Transactions involving homes built prior to 1978 require a written disclosure which is hereby attached
            and will be an integral part of this Agreement.
        5. Property Description: Buyer offers to buy the property located in the        City    Village Township of                 Muskegon          ,
            County of                  Muskegon                , Michigan, commonly known as (insert mailing address: street/city/state/zip code)
                                                                              1334 Pine St, Muskegon, MI 49442
             with the following legal description and tax parcel ID numbers:
                                         CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 4 & SE 1/2 LOT 3 BLK 264 EXC ELY 12 FT FOR ALLEY

             PP#                                                                        24205264000400                                                                            .
           The following paragraph applies only if the Premises include unplatted land:
           Seller agrees to grant Buyer at closing the right to make (insert number)                     division(s) under Section 108(2), (3), and
           (4) of the Michigan Land Division Act. (If no number is inserted, the right to make divisions under the sections referenced above stays
           with any remainder of the parent parcel retained by Seller. If a number is inserted, Seller retains all available divisions in excess of the
           number stated; however, Seller and/or REALTOR® do not warrant that the number of divisions stated is actually available.) If this sale
           will create a new division, Seller’s obligations under this Agreement are contingent on Seller’s receipt of municipal approval on or
           before                                  , of the proposed division to create the Premises.
        6. Purchase Price: Buyer offers to buy the Property for the sum of $                                    169,900
                                                   one hundred sixty-nine thousand nine hundred                                            U.S. Dollars
        7. Seller Concessions, if any:                                                                           None

        8. Terms: The Terms of Purchase will be as indicated by “X” below: (Other unmarked terms of purchase do not apply.)
           SOURCE OF FUNDS TO CLOSE: Buyer represents that the funds necessary to close this transaction on the terms specified below
           are currently available to Buyer in cash or an equally liquid equivalent.
            If the Property’s value stated in an appraisal obtained by Buyer or Buyer’s lender is less than the Purchase Price, Buyer shall within
            three (3) days after receipt of the appraisal: 1) renegotiate with the Seller, 2) terminate the transaction, in which case Buyer shall
            receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or 3) proceed to close the transaction at the agreed Purchase Price.
                  CASH. The full Purchase Price upon execution and delivery of Warranty Deed. Buyer Agrees to provide Buyer Agent/Dual Agent
                  verification of funds within five (5) days after the Effective Date, and consents to the disclosure of such information to Seller and/or
                  Seller’s Agent. If verification of funds is not received within 5 days after the Effective Date, Seller may terminate this Agreement
                  at any time before verification of funds is received by giving written notice to Buyer. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be
                  arranged and paid for by Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement.
                  NEW MORTGAGE. The full Purchase Price upon execution and delivery of Warranty Deed, contingent upon Buyer’s ability to
                  obtain a Conventional                   type 30              (year) mortgage in the amount of 80           % of the Purchase Price
                  bearing interest at a rate not to exceed 6.25           % per annum (rate at time of loan application), on or before the date the sale is
                  to be closed. Buyer agrees to apply for a mortgage loan, and pay all fees and costs customarily charged by Buyer’s lender to
                  process the application, within 2                  days after the Effective Date, not to impair Buyers’ credit after the date such loan if
                  offered.      Seller    Buyer will agree to pay an amount not to exceed $ 0                       representing repairs required as a
                      Pageof20financing. Buyer agrees does not agree to authorize Buyer’s Agent/Dual Agent to obtain information from
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                   Buyer’s lender regarding Buyer’s financing, and consents to the disclosure of this information to Seller and/or Seller’s Agent.

                   SELLER FINANCING (choose one of the following):                    CONTRACT or                    PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE
                   In the case of Seller financing, Buyer agrees to provide Seller with a credit report within 72 hours after the Effective Date. If the
                   credit report is unacceptable to Seller, Seller shall have the right to terminate this offer within 48 hours of Seller’s receipt, or if
                   Buyer fails to provide said credit report to Seller within the time frame allotted, Seller shall have the right to terminate this offer
                   within 48 hours. Seller is advised to seek professional advice regarding the credit report.
                   $                           upon execution and delivery of a
                   form (name or type of form and revision date), a copy of which is attached, wherein the balance of $
                   will be payable in monthly installments of $                            or more including interest at                    % per annum,
                   interest to start on date of closing, and first payment to become due thirty (30) days after date of closing. The entire unpaid balance
                   will become due and payable                            months after closing. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be arranged and
                   paid for by Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Exceptions:

                   EQUITY (choose one of the following):         Formal Assumption or       Informal Assumption
                   Upon execution and delivery of:       Warranty Deed subject to existing mortgage OR             Assignment of Vendee Interest
                   in Land Contract, Buyer to pay the difference (approximately $                             ) between the Purchase Price above
                   provided and the unpaid balance (approximately $                             ) upon said mortgage or land contract, which Buyer
                   agrees to assume and pay. Buyer agrees to reimburse Seller for accumulated funds held in escrow, if any, for payment of future
                   taxes and insurance premiums, etc. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be arranged and paid for by Buyer within ten
                   (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Exceptions:


         9. Contingencies: Buyer’s obligation to consummate this transaction (choose one):
                   IS NOT CONTINGENT - is not contingent upon the sale or exchange of any other property by Buyer.
                   IS CONTINGENT UPON CLOSING - is contingent upon closing of an existing sale or exchange of Buyer’s property located at:

                   A copy of Buyer’s agreement to sell or exchange that property is being delivered to Seller along with this offer. If the existing sale
                   or exchange terminates for any reason, Buyer will immediately notify Seller, and either party may terminate this Agreement in
                   writing, within 3 days of Buyer’s notice to Seller. If either party terminates, Buyer shall receive a refund of any applicable Earnest
                   Money Deposit.
                   IS CONTINGENT UPON THE SALE AND CLOSING - is contingent upon the execution of a binding agreement and the closing
                   of a sale or exchange of Buyer’s property located at                       448 Allen Ave. Muskegon, MI 49431
                                                         on or before 02/28/2023                            . Seller will have the right to continue to
                   market Seller’s Property until Buyer enters into a binding agreement to sell or exchange Buyer’s property and delivers a copy
                   thereof to Seller. During such marketing period, Seller may enter into a binding contract for sale to another purchaser on such
                   price and terms as the Seller deems appropriate. In such event, this Agreement will automatically terminate, Buyer will be notified
                   promptly, and Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit will be refunded. Exceptions:
                   Seller to allow Buyer 14 days to market and secure an offer on the home prior to accepting another offer and terminating this agreement.
         10. Fixtures & Improvements: The following is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of items included with the Property. All
             improvements and appurtenances are included in the Purchase Price, if now in or on the Property, unless rented, including the
             following: all buildings; landscaping; attached smart home devices; attached security systems; lighting fixtures and their shades and
             bulbs; ceiling fans; hardware for draperies and curtains; window shades and blinds; built-in kitchen appliances, including garbage
             disposal and drop-in ranges; wall to wall carpeting, if attached; all attached mirrors; all attached TV mounting brackets; all attached
             shelving; attached work benches; stationary laundry tubs; water softener; water heater; incinerator; sump pump; water pump and
             pressure tank; heating and air conditioning equipment (window units excluded); attached humidifiers; heating units, including add-on
             heating stoves and heating stoves connected by flue pipe; fireplace screens, inserts, and grates; fireplace doors, if attached; liquid
             heating and cooking fuel tanks; TV antenna and complete rotor equipment; satellite dish and necessary accessories and complete
             rotor equipment; all support equipment for inground pools; screens and storm windows and doors; awnings; installed basketball
             backboard, pole and goal; mailbox; flagpole(s); fencing, invisible inground fencing and all related equipment, including collars;
             detached storage buildings; underground sprinkling, including the pump; installed outdoor grills; all plantings and bulbs; garage door
             opener and control(s); and any and all items and fixtures permanently affixed to the Property; and also includes:
                                                                               microwave and dishwasher

              but does not include:

                                                         1334 Pine St, Muskegon, MI 49442                                                     01/16/2023
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                              Date                Time
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         11. Heating and Cooking Fuels: Liquid heating and cooking fuels in tanks are included in the sale and will transfer to Buyer at time of
             possession unless usage is metered (in which case it is not included in the sale). Sellers are responsible for maintaining heating and
             cooking liquid fuels at an operational level and shall not permit fuels to fall below 10% in the tank(s) at the time of possession, except
             that the tank(s) may be empty only if now empty. Further, Seller is precluded from removing fuel from tank(s) other than what is
             expended through normal use. Exceptions:

         12. Assessments (choose one):
             If the Property is subject to any assessments,
                  Seller shall pay the entire balance of any such assessments that are due and payable on or before the day of closing (regardless
                  of any installment arrangements), except for any fees that are required to connect to public utilities.
                  Seller shall pay all installments of such assessments that become due and payable on or before day of closing. Buyer shall assume
                  and pay all other installments of such assessments.
         13. Property Taxes: Seller will be responsible for any taxes billed prior to those addressed below. Buyer will be responsible for all
             taxes billed after those addressed below.
              Buyer is also advised that the state equalized value of the Property, principal residence exemption information and other real property
              tax information is available from the appropriate local assessor’s office. Buyer should not assume that Buyer’s future tax bills on the
              Property will be the same as Seller’s present tax bills. Under Michigan law, real property tax obligations can change significantly when
              property is transferred.
                  No proration.          (Choose one):
                         Buyer               Seller    will pay taxes billed summer                            (year);
                         Buyer               Seller    will pay taxes billed winter                            (year);
                  Calendar Year Proration (all taxes billed or to be billed in the year of the closing). Calendar year tax levies will be estimated, if
                  necessary, using the taxable value and the millage rate(s) in effect on the day of closing, broken down to a per diem tax payment
                  and prorated to the date of closing with Seller paying for January 1 through the day before closing.
                  Fiscal Year Proration - Taxes will be prorated as though they are paid in (choose one):         advance.          arrears.
                  Fiscal Year will be assumed to cover a 12-month period from date billed, and taxes will be prorated to the date of closing. Fiscal
                  year tax levies will be estimated, if necessary, using the taxable value and millage rate(s) in effect on the day of closing, broken
                  down to a per diem tax payment and prorated to the date of closing with Seller paying through the day before closing. Exceptions:

         14. Well/Septic: Within ten (10) days after the Effective Date, (choose one)  Seller or     Buyer will arrange for, at their own expense,
             an inspection of the primary well used for human consumption (including a water quality test for coliform bacteria and nitrates) and
             septic systems in use on the Property. The inspection will be performed by a qualified inspector in a manner that meets county (or
             other local governmental authority, if applicable) protocol.
              If any report discloses a condition unsatisfactory to Buyer, or doesn’t meet county standards that are a condition of sale, Buyer may,
              within three (3) days after Buyer has received the report, by written notice to Seller, either terminate this Agreement and receive a
              refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails
              to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be deemed to have accepted the well/septic as-
              is. Seller will respond in writing within three (3) days to Buyer’s request. If Seller fails to respond or to arrive at a mutually agreeable
              resolution within three (3) days after Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer will have three (3) days to provide written notice of
              termination of this Agreement and receive a refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate the contract,
              Buyer will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

         15. Inspections & Investigations:
              Inspections: Buyer, or someone selected by Buyer, has the right to inspect the buildings, premises, components and systems, at
              Buyer’s expense. Any damage, misuse, abuse, or neglect of any portion of the Property or premises as a result of inspections will be
              Buyer’s responsibility and expense.
              Investigations: It is Buyer’s responsibility to investigate (i) whether the Property complies with applicable codes and local ordinances
              and whether the Property is zoned for Buyer’s intended use; (ii) whether Buyer can obtain a homeowner’s insurance policy for the
              Property at price and terms acceptable to Buyer; (iii) and whether or not the Property is in a flood zone.
              All inspections and investigations will be completed within 10
                                                                          ____ days after the Effective Date. If the results of Buyer’s inspections and
              investigations are not acceptable to Buyer, Buyer may, within the above referenced period, by written notice to Seller, either terminate
              this Agreement and receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct those
              unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be

                                                         1334 Pine St, Muskegon, MI 49442                                                       01/16/2023
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                             Date                Time
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            deemed to have accepted the Property as-is. Seller may negotiate with Buyer, or by written notice to Buyer, accept Buyer’s proposal
            or terminate this Agreement. If Seller fails to respond, or to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution within three (3) days after Seller’s
            receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer shall have three (3) days to provide written notice of termination of this Agreement and receive a
            refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate this Agreement within said three (3) day period, Buyer will
            be deemed to accept the Inspections & Investigations and will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions of this
                Buyer has waived all rights under this Inspections & Investigations paragraph.
        16. Municipal Compliances: Seller will arrange and pay for current certificates of occupancy, sidewalk compliance, and smoke detector
            ordinances, if applicable.
        17. Title Insurance: Seller agrees to convey marketable title to the Property subject to conditions, limitations, reservation of oil, gas and
            other mineral rights, existing zoning ordinances, and building and use restrictions and easements of record. An expanded coverage
            ALTA Homeowner’s Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the Purchase Price shall be ordered by Seller and furnished to Buyer at
            Seller’s expense, and a commitment to issue a policy insuring marketable title vested in Buyer, including a real estate tax status
            report, will be made available to Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date. If Buyer so chooses, or if an expanded policy is
            not applicable, then a standard ALTA Owners’ Policy of Title Insurance shall be provided.
             If Buyer objects to any conditions, Buyer may, within three (3) days of receipt of the Title Commitment, by written notice to Seller,
             either terminate this Agreement and receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct
             those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be
             deemed to have accepted the Title Commitment as-is. Seller may negotiate with Buyer, or by written notice to Buyer, accept Buyer’s
             proposal or terminate this Agreement. If Seller fails to respond, or to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution within three (3) days
             after Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer shall have three (3) days to provide written notice of termination of this Agreement and
             shall receive a refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate this Agreement within said three (3) day
             period, Buyer will be deemed to accept the Title Commitment as-is and will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions
             of this Agreement. Exceptions:

        18. Property Survey: Broker advises that Buyer should have a survey performed to satisfy Buyer as to the boundaries of the Property
            and the location of improvements thereon.
                 Buyer or     Seller (choose one) shall within ten (10) days of the Effective Date, order, at their expense, a boundary survey with iron
              corner stakes showing the location of the boundaries, improvements and easements in connection with the Property. Upon receipt of
              the survey, Buyer will have three (3) days to review the survey. If the survey shows any condition, in Buyer’s sole discretion, which
              would interfere with Buyer’s intended use of the Property, the marketability of the title, or zoning non-compliance, then Buyer may,
              within said three (3) day period, terminate this Agreement, in writing, and Buyer will receive a full refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money
                No survey. Buyer has waived all rights under this paragraph.
             When closing occurs, Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the boundaries of the Property and the location of such improvements
             thereon. Exceptions:

        19. Home Protection Plan: Buyer and Seller have been informed that home protection plans may be available. Such plans may provide
            additional protection and benefit to the parties. Exceptions:

        20. Prorations: Rent; association dues/fees, if any; insurance, if assigned; interest on any existing land contract, mortgage or lien
            assumed by Buyer; will all be adjusted to the date of closing. For the purposes of calculating prorations, it is presumed that Seller
            owns the Property through the day before closing.
        21. Closing: If agreeable to Buyer and Seller, the sale will be closed as soon as closing documents are ready, but not later than
                        02/28/2023            . An additional period of fifteen (15) days will be allowed for closing to accommodate the correction of
            title defects or survey problems which can be readily corrected, or for delays in obtaining any lender required inspections/repairs. During
            this additional period, the closing will be held within 5 days after all parties have been notified that all necessary documents have been
            prepared. Buyer and Seller will each pay their title company closing fee, if applicable, except in the case of VA financing where Seller
            will pay the entire closing fee. Exceptions:

        22. Pre-Closing Walk-Through: Buyer (choose one)                     reserves        waives the right to conduct a final walk-through of the
            Property within three (3) days of the scheduled closing date. The purpose of the walk-through is to determine that the Property is in
            a substantially similar condition as of the Effective Date, any contractually agreed upon items have been fulfilled, and that any included
            personal property is still located at the Property. Buyer shall immediately report to Seller any objections to these conditions and Buyer’s
            requested corrective action.
        23. Possession: Seller will maintain the Property in its present condition until the completion of the closing of the sale. Possession to be
            delivered to Buyer, subject to rights of present tenants, if any.
                At the completion of the closing of the sale.
                At                a.m.     p.m. on the                     day after completion of the closing of the sale, during which time Seller
                                                         1334 Pine St, Muskegon, MI 49442                                                 01/16/2023
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                       Date                Time
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             will have the privilege to occupy the Property and hereby agrees to pay Buyer $                                             as an occupancy
             fee for this period payable at closing, WITHOUT PRORATION. Payment shall be made in the form of cash or certified funds.
             If Seller fails to deliver possession to Buyer on the agreed date, Seller shall become a tenant at sufferance and shall pay to Buyer as
             liquidated damages $                        per day plus all of the Buyer’s actual reasonable attorney's fees incurred in removing the Seller
             from the Property.
             If Seller occupies the Property after closing, Seller will pay all utilities during such occupancy. Buyer will maintain the structure and
             mechanical systems at the Property. However, any repairs or replacements necessitated by Seller’s misuse, abuse, or neglect of any
             portion of the Property will be Seller’s responsibility and expense.
             On the agreed delivery date, Seller shall deliver the Property free of trash and debris and in broom-clean condition, shall remove all
             personal property (unless otherwise stated in this or an additional written agreement), shall make arrangements for final payment on
             all utilities, and shall deliver all keys to Buyer. Exceptions:

        24. Earnest Money Deposit: For valuable consideration, Buyer gives Seller until                             5:00 pm                     (time) on
                         01/17/2023              (date), to deliver the written acceptance of this offer and agrees that this offer, when accepted by
            Seller, will constitute a binding Agreement between Buyer and Seller. An Earnest Money Deposit in the amount of $                   1000
            shall be submitted to                                      Five Star Real Estate                                (insert name of broker, title
            company, other) within 72 hours of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall be applied against the Purchase Price. If the Earnest
            Money Deposit is not received within 72 hours of the Effective Date or is returned for insufficient funds, Seller may terminate this
            Agreement until such time as the Earnest Money Deposit is received. If Seller terminates this Agreement under this provision, Seller
            waives any claim to the Earnest Money Deposit. If the sale is not closed due to a failure to satisfy a contingency for a reason other
            than the fault of Buyer, the Earnest Money Deposit shall be refunded to Buyer. If the sale is not closed as provided in this Agreement
            and Buyer and Seller do not agree to the disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit, then Buyer and Seller agree that the Broker holding
            the Earnest Money Deposit may notify Buyer and Seller, in writing, of Broker’s intended disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit. If
            Buyer and Seller do not object to such disposition in writing within fifteen (15) days after the date of Broker’s notice, they will be deemed
            to have agreed to Broker’s proposed disposition; if either Buyer or Seller object and no mutually agreeable disposition can be
            negotiated, Broker may deposit the funds by interpleader with a court of proper jurisdiction or await further actions by Buyer and Seller.
            In the event of litigation involving the deposit, in whole or in part, either the Seller or the Buyer that is not the prevailing party, as
            determined by the court, will reimburse the other for reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with the litigation,
            and will reimburse the Broker for any reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with any interpleader action
            instituted. If the entity holding the Earnest Money Deposit is not the Broker, then to the extent that the terms of any escrow agreement
            conflict with this paragraph, then the terms and conditions of the escrow agreement shall control.
        25. Professional Advice: Broker hereby advises Buyer and Seller to seek legal, tax, environmental and other appropriate professional
            advice relating to this transaction. Broker does not make any representations or warranties with respect to the advisability of, or the
            legal effect of this transaction. Buyer further acknowledges that REALTOR® above named in the Agreement hereby recommends to
            Buyer that an attorney be retained by Buyer to pass upon the marketability of the title and to ascertain that the required details of the
            sale are adhered to before the transaction is consummated. Buyer agrees that Buyer is not relying on any representation or statement
            made by Seller or any real estate salesperson (whether intentionally or negligently) regarding any aspect of the Property or this sale
            transaction, except as may be expressly set forth in this Agreement, a written amendment to this Agreement, or a disclosure statement
            separately signed by Seller.
        26. Disclosure of Information: Buyer and Seller acknowledge and agree that the Purchase Price, terms, and other details with respect
            to this transaction (when closed) are not confidential, will be disclosed to REALTORS® who participate in the applicable Multiple Listing
            Service, and may otherwise be used and/or published by that Multiple Listing Service in the ordinary course of its business.
        27. Other Provisions:
             1) House to stay on the market, with status per Selling Agent MLS rules.
             2) Seller uses Transnation Title.
             3) Paragraph 8 - Seller will provide quit claim deed vs warranty deed.
             4) Contingent on Seller approving ARP infill application and all documents requested.
             5) Builder one year warranty starts from day of certificate of occupancy from City of Muskegon.

        28. Mergers and Integrations: This Agreement is the final expression of the complete agreement of Buyer and Seller, and there are no
            oral agreements existing between Buyer and Seller relating to this transaction. This Agreement may be amended only in writing signed
            by Buyer and Seller and attached to this Agreement.
        29. Fax/Electronic Distribution and Electronic Signatures: Buyer and Seller agree that any signed copy of this Agreement, and any
            amendments or addendums related to this transaction, transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means shall be competent evidence
            of its contents to the same effect as an original signed copy. Buyer and Seller further agree that an electronic signature is the legal
            equivalent of a manual or handwritten signature, and consent to use of electronic signatures. Buyer and Seller agree that any notice(s)
            required or permitted under this Agreement may also be transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means.
        30. Wire Fraud: Seller and Buyer are advised that wire fraud is an increasingly common problem. If you receive any electronic

                                                         1334 Pine St, Muskegon, MI 49442                                                 01/16/2023
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                       Date                Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
                                                                                                 EM                    Buyer’s Initials                      Seller’s Initials
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                                                                                                                      West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement                            Page 6 of 6
             communication directing you to transfer funds or provide nonpublic personal information (such as social security numbers, drivers’
             license numbers, wire instructions, bank account numbers, etc.), even if that electronic communication appears to be from the
             Broker, Title Company, or Lender, DO NOT reply until you have verified the authenticity of the email by direct communication with
             Broker, Title Company, or Lender. DO NOT use telephone numbers provided in the email. Such requests may be part of a scheme
             to steal funds or use your identity.
        31. Buyer’s Approval and Acknowledgment: Buyer approves the terms of this offer and acknowledges receipt of a copy of this offer.

             Buyer 1 Address 448 Allen Ave Muskegon, 49442                                               X        Erin Malburg                                                                  Buyer
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             Buyer 1 Phone: (Res.) 231-299-9011                     (Bus.)                                            Erin Malburg
                                                                                                                         Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

             Buyer 2 Address                                                                             X                                                                                      Buyer
             Buyer 2 Phone: (Res.)                                  (Bus.)
                                                                                                                         Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

        32. Seller’s Response: The above offer is approved:                     As written.    As written except:

             Counteroffer, if any, expires                                       , at                     (time). Seller has the right to withdraw this
             counteroffer and to accept other offers until Seller or Seller’s Agent has received notice of Buyer’s acceptance.
             33. Certification of Previous Disclosure Statement: Seller certifies to Buyer that the Property is currently in the same condition as
             disclosed in the Seller’s Disclosure Statement dated                          (choose one):   Yes      No. Seller agrees to inform
             Buyer in writing of any changes in the content of the disclosure statement prior to closing.
        34. Notice to Seller: Seller understands that consummation of the sale or transfer of the Property described in this Agreement will not
            relieve Seller of any liability that Seller may have under the mortgages to which the Property is subject, unless otherwise agreed to by
            the lender or required by law or regulation. Buyer and Seller are advised that a Notice to Seller & Buyer of Underlying Mortgage form
            is available from the respective agents via the West Michigan REALTOR® Boards.
       35. Listing Office Address:                                                                                      Listing Broker License #
             Listing Agent Name: Mariana Murillo VanDam                                                                  Listing Agent License #

        36. Seller’s Approval and Acknowledgment: Seller approves the terms of this Agreement and acknowledges receipt of a copy. If Seller’s
            response occurs after Buyer’s offer expires, then Seller’s response is considered a counteroffer and Buyer’s acceptance is required
                                                                                    LeighAnn Mikesell
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            X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):                                                                     QGGE-YU74-PKRR-CG6M

                                                                                                                      Is Seller a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien?                    Yes          No*
                               Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

             X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):
                                                                                                                      Is Seller a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien?                    Yes          No*
                                Print name as you want it to appear on documents.
             Seller’s Address:                                                          Seller’s Phone (Res.)                                         (Bus)
                 * If Seller(s) is not a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien, there may be tax implications and Buyer and Seller are advised to seek professional advice.

        37. Buyer’s Receipt/Acceptance: Buyer acknowledges receipt of Seller’s response to Buyer’s offer. In the event Seller’s response
            constitutes a counteroffer, Buyer accepts said counteroffer. All other terms and conditions in the offer remain unchanged.

             X (Buyer’s Signature, Date, Time):

             X (Buyer’s Signature, Date, Time):

        38. Seller’s Receipt: Seller acknowledges receipt of Buyer’s acceptance of counter offer.
             X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):

             X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):

                                                         1334 Pine St, Muskegon, MI 49442                                                           01/16/2023
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                                 Date                                     Time
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                           Agenda Item Review Form
                            Muskegon City Commission

    Commission Meeting Date: January 24, 2023                              Title: Sale of 373 Catawba

    Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell                                        Department: City Manager

    Brief Summary: Staff is requesting approval of a purchase agreement for 373 Catawba Avenue.

    Detailed Summary & Background:
    373 Catawba Avenue was constructed through the agreement with Dave Dusendang to construct
    infill housing with ARPA funding. The offer is for the full listing price with no seller concessions.

    Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:
    Create an environment that effectively attracts new residents and retains existing residents by
    filling existing employment gaps, attracting new and diverse businesses to the city, and expanding
    access to a variety of high-quality housing options in Muskegon. Diverse housing types

    Amount Requested: N/A                                 Amount Budgeted: N/A

    Fund(s) or Account(s):                                Fund(s) or Account(s):

    Recommended Motion: to approve the purchase agreement for 373 Catawba Avenue.

    Approvals:                                                             Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
    Immediate Division Head          Information Technology
    Other Division Heads              Communication                        Yes

    Legal Review                                                           No

    For City Clerk Use Only:
    Commission Action:

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                                                         WEST MICHIGAN REGIONAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT
                                                                                                                                                                       #         SF373
         DATE:                         01/17/2023                    ,                         (time)                                      MLS #                  22046387

         SELLING OFFICE:                    Five Star Real Estate Muskegon        BROKER LIC.#:         6502135365           REALTOR® PHONE:                      231-557-2591

         LISTING OFFICE:                         West Urban Realty               REALTOR® PHONE:                        6163662459

        1. Effective Date: This Agreement is effective on the date of Seller's acceptance of Buyer's offer or Buyer's acceptance of any
            counteroffer, as the case may be, and this date shall hereafter be referred to as the "Effective Date". Further, any reference to "days"
            in this Agreement refers to calendar days. The first calendar day begins at 12:01 a.m. on the day after the Effective Date. Any reference
            to "time" refers to local time.
         2. Agency Disclosure: The Undersigned Buyer and Seller each acknowledge that they have read and signed the Disclosure Regarding
             Real Estate Agency Relationships. The selling licensee is acting as (choose one):
                  Agent/Subagent of Seller             Buyer’s Agent          Dual Agent (with written, informed consent of both Buyer and Seller)
                  Transaction Coordinator
              Primary Selling Agent Name:                                Jane McGregor                  Email:       Lic.#:           6501318877

             Alternate Selling Agent Name:                                              Email:                                        Lic.#:
         3. Seller’s Disclosure Statement: (This paragraph applies to sales of one-to-four family residential units.)
                 Buyer has received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement, dated                                    . Seller certifies to Buyer that the Property
                 is currently in the same condition as Seller previously disclosed in that statement. Seller agrees to inform Buyer in writing of any
                 changes in the content of the disclosure statement.
                 Buyer has not received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement. Buyer may terminate this Agreement, in writing, any time prior to receipt
                 of the Seller’s Disclosure Statement. Once Buyer has received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement, Buyer may terminate this
                 Agreement, in writing, within 72 hours of receipt if the disclosure was received in person, or within 120 hours if received by
                 registered mail. Exceptions:                                New Construction - No disclosure provided in the MLS
                 Seller is exempt from the requirements of the Seller Disclosure Act.
        4. Lead-Based Paint Addendum: Transactions involving homes built prior to 1978 require a written disclosure which is hereby attached
            and will be an integral part of this Agreement.
        5. Property Description: Buyer offers to buy the property located in the         City       Village Township of                   Muskegon          ,
            County of                Muskegon County           , Michigan, commonly known as (insert mailing address: street/city/state/zip code)
                                                                              373 Catawba Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442
             with the following legal description and tax parcel ID numbers:
                                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 ELY 60 FT LOT 1 BLK 269

             PP#                                                                         24-205-269-0001-10                                                                               .
           The following paragraph applies only if the Premises include unplatted land:
           Seller agrees to grant Buyer at closing the right to make (insert number) Not applicable      division(s) under Section 108(2), (3), and
           (4) of the Michigan Land Division Act. (If no number is inserted, the right to make divisions under the sections referenced above stays
           with any remainder of the parent parcel retained by Seller. If a number is inserted, Seller retains all available divisions in excess of the
           number stated; however, Seller and/or REALTOR® do not warrant that the number of divisions stated is actually available.) If this sale
           will create a new division, Seller’s obligations under this Agreement are contingent on Seller’s receipt of municipal approval on or
           before                                  , of the proposed division to create the Premises.
        6. Purchase Price: Buyer offers to buy the Property for the sum of $                                   172,900.00
                                                  one hundred seventy-two thousand nine hundred                                            U.S. Dollars
        7. Seller Concessions, if any:                                                                             NONE

        8. Terms: The Terms of Purchase will be as indicated by “X” below: (Other unmarked terms of purchase do not apply.)
           SOURCE OF FUNDS TO CLOSE: Buyer represents that the funds necessary to close this transaction on the terms specified below
           are currently available to Buyer in cash or an equally liquid equivalent.
            If the Property’s value stated in an appraisal obtained by Buyer or Buyer’s lender is less than the Purchase Price, Buyer shall within
            three (3) days after receipt of the appraisal: 1) renegotiate with the Seller, 2) terminate the transaction, in which case Buyer shall
            receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or 3) proceed to close the transaction at the agreed Purchase Price.
                  CASH. The full Purchase Price upon execution and delivery of Warranty Deed. Buyer Agrees to provide Buyer Agent/Dual Agent
                  verification of funds within five (5) days after the Effective Date, and consents to the disclosure of such information to Seller and/or
                  Seller’s Agent. If verification of funds is not received within 5 days after the Effective Date, Seller may terminate this Agreement
                  at any time before verification of funds is received by giving written notice to Buyer. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be
                  arranged and paid for by Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement.
                  NEW MORTGAGE. The full Purchase Price upon execution and delivery of Warranty Deed, contingent upon Buyer’s ability to
                  obtain a Conventional                   type   30            (year) mortgage in the amount of  97             % of the Purchase Price
                  bearing interest at a rate not to exceed  6.5           % per annum (rate at time of loan application), on or before the date the sale is
                  to be closed. Buyer agrees to apply for a mortgage loan, and pay all fees and costs customarily charged by Buyer’s lender to
                  process the application, within   05               days after the Effective Date, not to impair Buyers’ credit after the date such loan if
                  offered.      Seller    Buyer will agree to pay an amount not to exceed $  -------------------------- representing repairs required as a
                      Pageof27financing. Buyer agrees does not agree to authorize Buyer’s Agent/Dual Agent to obtain information from
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                   Buyer’s lender regarding Buyer’s financing, and consents to the disclosure of this information to Seller and/or Seller’s Agent.

                   SELLER FINANCING (choose one of the following):                         CONTRACT or                    PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE
                   In the case of Seller financing, Buyer agrees to provide Seller with a credit report within 72 hours after the Effective Date. If the
                   credit report is unacceptable to Seller, Seller shall have the right to terminate this offer within 48 hours of Seller’s receipt, or if
                   Buyer fails to provide said credit report to Seller within the time frame allotted, Seller shall have the right to terminate this offer
                   within 48 hours. Seller is advised to seek professional advice regarding the credit report.
                   $                           upon execution and delivery of a
                   form (name or type of form and revision date), a copy of which is attached, wherein the balance of $
                   will be payable in monthly installments of $                            or more including interest at                    % per annum,
                   interest to start on date of closing, and first payment to become due thirty (30) days after date of closing. The entire unpaid balance
                   will become due and payable                            months after closing. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be arranged and
                   paid for by Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Exceptions:

                   EQUITY (choose one of the following):         Formal Assumption or       Informal Assumption
                   Upon execution and delivery of:       Warranty Deed subject to existing mortgage OR             Assignment of Vendee Interest
                   in Land Contract, Buyer to pay the difference (approximately $                             ) between the Purchase Price above
                   provided and the unpaid balance (approximately $                             ) upon said mortgage or land contract, which Buyer
                   agrees to assume and pay. Buyer agrees to reimburse Seller for accumulated funds held in escrow, if any, for payment of future
                   taxes and insurance premiums, etc. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be arranged and paid for by Buyer within ten
                   (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Exceptions:


         9. Contingencies: Buyer’s obligation to consummate this transaction (choose one):
                   IS NOT CONTINGENT - is not contingent upon the sale or exchange of any other property by Buyer.
                   IS CONTINGENT UPON CLOSING - is contingent upon closing of an existing sale or exchange of Buyer’s property located at:

                   A copy of Buyer’s agreement to sell or exchange that property is being delivered to Seller along with this offer. If the existing sale
                   or exchange terminates for any reason, Buyer will immediately notify Seller, and either party may terminate this Agreement in
                   writing, within 3 days of Buyer’s notice to Seller. If either party terminates, Buyer shall receive a refund of any applicable Earnest
                   Money Deposit.
                   IS CONTINGENT UPON THE SALE AND CLOSING - is contingent upon the execution of a binding agreement and the closing
                   of a sale or exchange of Buyer’s property located at
                                                         on or before                                      . Seller will have the right to continue to
                   market Seller’s Property until Buyer enters into a binding agreement to sell or exchange Buyer’s property and delivers a copy
                   thereof to Seller. During such marketing period, Seller may enter into a binding contract for sale to another purchaser on such
                   price and terms as the Seller deems appropriate. In such event, this Agreement will automatically terminate, Buyer will be notified
                   promptly, and Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit will be refunded. Exceptions:

         10. Fixtures & Improvements: The following is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of items included with the Property. All
             improvements and appurtenances are included in the Purchase Price, if now in or on the Property, unless rented, including the
             following: all buildings; landscaping; attached smart home devices; attached security systems; lighting fixtures and their shades and
             bulbs; ceiling fans; hardware for draperies and curtains; window shades and blinds; built-in kitchen appliances, including garbage
             disposal and drop-in ranges; wall to wall carpeting, if attached; all attached mirrors; all attached TV mounting brackets; all attached
             shelving; attached work benches; stationary laundry tubs; water softener; water heater; incinerator; sump pump; water pump and
             pressure tank; heating and air conditioning equipment (window units excluded); attached humidifiers; heating units, including add-on
             heating stoves and heating stoves connected by flue pipe; fireplace screens, inserts, and grates; fireplace doors, if attached; liquid
             heating and cooking fuel tanks; TV antenna and complete rotor equipment; satellite dish and necessary accessories and complete
             rotor equipment; all support equipment for inground pools; screens and storm windows and doors; awnings; installed basketball
             backboard, pole and goal; mailbox; flagpole(s); fencing, invisible inground fencing and all related equipment, including collars;
             detached storage buildings; underground sprinkling, including the pump; installed outdoor grills; all plantings and bulbs; garage door
             opener and control(s); and any and all items and fixtures permanently affixed to the Property; and also includes:
                                                                     Microwave, Dishwasher, Central Air, bathroom mirrors

              but does not include:

                                                         373 Catawba Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442                                                    01/17/2023
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                                   Date                   Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
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         11. Heating and Cooking Fuels: Liquid heating and cooking fuels in tanks are included in the sale and will transfer to Buyer at time of
             possession unless usage is metered (in which case it is not included in the sale). Sellers are responsible for maintaining heating and
             cooking liquid fuels at an operational level and shall not permit fuels to fall below 10% in the tank(s) at the time of possession, except
             that the tank(s) may be empty only if now empty. Further, Seller is precluded from removing fuel from tank(s) other than what is
             expended through normal use. Exceptions:
                                                                                           Natural Gas

         12. Assessments (choose one):
             If the Property is subject to any assessments,
                  Seller shall pay the entire balance of any such assessments that are due and payable on or before the day of closing (regardless
                  of any installment arrangements), except for any fees that are required to connect to public utilities.
                  Seller shall pay all installments of such assessments that become due and payable on or before day of closing. Buyer shall assume
                  and pay all other installments of such assessments.
         13. Property Taxes: Seller will be responsible for any taxes billed prior to those addressed below. Buyer will be responsible for all
             taxes billed after those addressed below.
              Buyer is also advised that the state equalized value of the Property, principal residence exemption information and other real property
              tax information is available from the appropriate local assessor’s office. Buyer should not assume that Buyer’s future tax bills on the
              Property will be the same as Seller’s present tax bills. Under Michigan law, real property tax obligations can change significantly when
              property is transferred.
                  No proration.          (Choose one):
                         Buyer               Seller    will pay taxes billed summer                                   (year);
                         Buyer               Seller    will pay taxes billed winter                                   (year);
                  Calendar Year Proration (all taxes billed or to be billed in the year of the closing). Calendar year tax levies will be estimated, if
                  necessary, using the taxable value and the millage rate(s) in effect on the day of closing, broken down to a per diem tax payment
                  and prorated to the date of closing with Seller paying for January 1 through the day before closing.
                  Fiscal Year Proration - Taxes will be prorated as though they are paid in (choose one):         advance.          arrears.
                  Fiscal Year will be assumed to cover a 12-month period from date billed, and taxes will be prorated to the date of closing. Fiscal
                  year tax levies will be estimated, if necessary, using the taxable value and millage rate(s) in effect on the day of closing, broken
                  down to a per diem tax payment and prorated to the date of closing with Seller paying through the day before closing. Exceptions:

         14. Well/Septic: Within ten (10) days after the Effective Date, (choose one)  Seller or     Buyer will arrange for, at their own expense,
             an inspection of the primary well used for human consumption (including a water quality test for coliform bacteria and nitrates) and
             septic systems in use on the Property. The inspection will be performed by a qualified inspector in a manner that meets county (or
             other local governmental authority, if applicable) protocol.
              If any report discloses a condition unsatisfactory to Buyer, or doesn’t meet county standards that are a condition of sale, Buyer may,
              within three (3) days after Buyer has received the report, by written notice to Seller, either terminate this Agreement and receive a
              refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails
              to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be deemed to have accepted the well/septic as-
              is. Seller will respond in writing within three (3) days to Buyer’s request. If Seller fails to respond or to arrive at a mutually agreeable
              resolution within three (3) days after Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer will have three (3) days to provide written notice of
              termination of this Agreement and receive a refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate the contract,
              Buyer will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
                                                                                   City water and City sewer

         15. Inspections & Investigations:
              Inspections: Buyer, or someone selected by Buyer, has the right to inspect the buildings, premises, components and systems, at
              Buyer’s expense. Any damage, misuse, abuse, or neglect of any portion of the Property or premises as a result of inspections will be
              Buyer’s responsibility and expense.
              Investigations: It is Buyer’s responsibility to investigate (i) whether the Property complies with applicable codes and local ordinances
              and whether the Property is zoned for Buyer’s intended use; (ii) whether Buyer can obtain a homeowner’s insurance policy for the
              Property at price and terms acceptable to Buyer; (iii) and whether or not the Property is in a flood zone.
              All inspections and investigations will be completed within  05
                                                                          ____ days after the Effective Date. If the results of Buyer’s inspections and
              investigations are not acceptable to Buyer, Buyer may, within the above referenced period, by written notice to Seller, either terminate
              this Agreement and receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct those
              unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be

                                                         373 Catawba Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442                                                        01/17/2023
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                                    Date                   Time
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            deemed to have accepted the Property as-is. Seller may negotiate with Buyer, or by written notice to Buyer, accept Buyer’s proposal
            or terminate this Agreement. If Seller fails to respond, or to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution within three (3) days after Seller’s
            receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer shall have three (3) days to provide written notice of termination of this Agreement and receive a
            refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate this Agreement within said three (3) day period, Buyer will
            be deemed to accept the Inspections & Investigations and will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions of this
                Buyer has waived all rights under this Inspections & Investigations paragraph.
        16. Municipal Compliances: Seller will arrange and pay for current certificates of occupancy, sidewalk compliance, and smoke detector
            ordinances, if applicable.
        17. Title Insurance: Seller agrees to convey marketable title to the Property subject to conditions, limitations, reservation of oil, gas and
            other mineral rights, existing zoning ordinances, and building and use restrictions and easements of record. An expanded coverage
            ALTA Homeowner’s Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the Purchase Price shall be ordered by Seller and furnished to Buyer at
            Seller’s expense, and a commitment to issue a policy insuring marketable title vested in Buyer, including a real estate tax status
            report, will be made available to Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date. If Buyer so chooses, or if an expanded policy is
            not applicable, then a standard ALTA Owners’ Policy of Title Insurance shall be provided.
             If Buyer objects to any conditions, Buyer may, within three (3) days of receipt of the Title Commitment, by written notice to Seller,
             either terminate this Agreement and receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct
             those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be
             deemed to have accepted the Title Commitment as-is. Seller may negotiate with Buyer, or by written notice to Buyer, accept Buyer’s
             proposal or terminate this Agreement. If Seller fails to respond, or to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution within three (3) days
             after Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer shall have three (3) days to provide written notice of termination of this Agreement and
             shall receive a refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate this Agreement within said three (3) day
             period, Buyer will be deemed to accept the Title Commitment as-is and will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions
             of this Agreement. Exceptions:

        18. Property Survey: Broker advises that Buyer should have a survey performed to satisfy Buyer as to the boundaries of the Property
            and the location of improvements thereon.
                 Buyer or     Seller (choose one) shall within ten (10) days of the Effective Date, order, at their expense, a boundary survey with iron
              corner stakes showing the location of the boundaries, improvements and easements in connection with the Property. Upon receipt of
              the survey, Buyer will have three (3) days to review the survey. If the survey shows any condition, in Buyer’s sole discretion, which
              would interfere with Buyer’s intended use of the Property, the marketability of the title, or zoning non-compliance, then Buyer may,
              within said three (3) day period, terminate this Agreement, in writing, and Buyer will receive a full refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money
                No survey. Buyer has waived all rights under this paragraph.
             When closing occurs, Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the boundaries of the Property and the location of such improvements
             thereon. Exceptions:
             Signs of recent survey to the property. Seller to provide recent survey sketch prior to close.
        19. Home Protection Plan: Buyer and Seller have been informed that home protection plans may be available. Such plans may provide
            additional protection and benefit to the parties. Exceptions:
        20. Prorations: Rent; association dues/fees, if any; insurance, if assigned; interest on any existing land contract, mortgage or lien
            assumed by Buyer; will all be adjusted to the date of closing. For the purposes of calculating prorations, it is presumed that Seller
            owns the Property through the day before closing.
        21. Closing: If agreeable to Buyer and Seller, the sale will be closed as soon as closing documents are ready, but not later than
                         02/10/2023           . An additional period of fifteen (15) days will be allowed for closing to accommodate the correction of
            title defects or survey problems which can be readily corrected, or for delays in obtaining any lender required inspections/repairs. During
            this additional period, the closing will be held within 5 days after all parties have been notified that all necessary documents have been
            prepared. Buyer and Seller will each pay their title company closing fee, if applicable, except in the case of VA financing where Seller
            will pay the entire closing fee. Exceptions:

        22. Pre-Closing Walk-Through: Buyer (choose one)                     reserves        waives the right to conduct a final walk-through of the
            Property within three (3) days of the scheduled closing date. The purpose of the walk-through is to determine that the Property is in
            a substantially similar condition as of the Effective Date, any contractually agreed upon items have been fulfilled, and that any included
            personal property is still located at the Property. Buyer shall immediately report to Seller any objections to these conditions and Buyer’s
            requested corrective action.
        23. Possession: Seller will maintain the Property in its present condition until the completion of the closing of the sale. Possession to be
            delivered to Buyer, subject to rights of present tenants, if any.
                At the completion of the closing of the sale.
                At                a.m.     p.m. on the                     day after completion of the closing of the sale, during which time Seller
                                                         373 Catawba Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442                                                             01/17/2023
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                                         Date                   Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
                                                                                                                   SF                    Buyer’s Initials          LM             Seller’s Initials
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             will have the privilege to occupy the Property and hereby agrees to pay Buyer $                                             as an occupancy
             fee for this period payable at closing, WITHOUT PRORATION. Payment shall be made in the form of cash or certified funds.
             If Seller fails to deliver possession to Buyer on the agreed date, Seller shall become a tenant at sufferance and shall pay to Buyer as
             liquidated damages $ 100.00                 per day plus all of the Buyer’s actual reasonable attorney's fees incurred in removing the Seller
             from the Property.
             If Seller occupies the Property after closing, Seller will pay all utilities during such occupancy. Buyer will maintain the structure and
             mechanical systems at the Property. However, any repairs or replacements necessitated by Seller’s misuse, abuse, or neglect of any
             portion of the Property will be Seller’s responsibility and expense.
             On the agreed delivery date, Seller shall deliver the Property free of trash and debris and in broom-clean condition, shall remove all
             personal property (unless otherwise stated in this or an additional written agreement), shall make arrangements for final payment on
             all utilities, and shall deliver all keys to Buyer. Exceptions:
                                                                             Property shown vacant and to remain vacant

        24. Earnest Money Deposit: For valuable consideration, Buyer gives Seller until                              9:00pm                     (time) on
                          01/18/2023             (date), to deliver the written acceptance of this offer and agrees that this offer, when accepted by
            Seller, will constitute a binding Agreement between Buyer and Seller. An Earnest Money Deposit in the amount of $                  1000.00
            shall be submitted to                                       Five Star Real Estate                               (insert name of broker, title
            company, other) within 72 hours of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall be applied against the Purchase Price. If the Earnest
            Money Deposit is not received within 72 hours of the Effective Date or is returned for insufficient funds, Seller may terminate this
            Agreement until such time as the Earnest Money Deposit is received. If Seller terminates this Agreement under this provision, Seller
            waives any claim to the Earnest Money Deposit. If the sale is not closed due to a failure to satisfy a contingency for a reason other
            than the fault of Buyer, the Earnest Money Deposit shall be refunded to Buyer. If the sale is not closed as provided in this Agreement
            and Buyer and Seller do not agree to the disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit, then Buyer and Seller agree that the Broker holding
            the Earnest Money Deposit may notify Buyer and Seller, in writing, of Broker’s intended disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit. If
            Buyer and Seller do not object to such disposition in writing within fifteen (15) days after the date of Broker’s notice, they will be deemed
            to have agreed to Broker’s proposed disposition; if either Buyer or Seller object and no mutually agreeable disposition can be
            negotiated, Broker may deposit the funds by interpleader with a court of proper jurisdiction or await further actions by Buyer and Seller.
            In the event of litigation involving the deposit, in whole or in part, either the Seller or the Buyer that is not the prevailing party, as
            determined by the court, will reimburse the other for reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with the litigation,
            and will reimburse the Broker for any reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with any interpleader action
            instituted. If the entity holding the Earnest Money Deposit is not the Broker, then to the extent that the terms of any escrow agreement
            conflict with this paragraph, then the terms and conditions of the escrow agreement shall control.
        25. Professional Advice: Broker hereby advises Buyer and Seller to seek legal, tax, environmental and other appropriate professional
            advice relating to this transaction. Broker does not make any representations or warranties with respect to the advisability of, or the
            legal effect of this transaction. Buyer further acknowledges that REALTOR® above named in the Agreement hereby recommends to
            Buyer that an attorney be retained by Buyer to pass upon the marketability of the title and to ascertain that the required details of the
            sale are adhered to before the transaction is consummated. Buyer agrees that Buyer is not relying on any representation or statement
            made by Seller or any real estate salesperson (whether intentionally or negligently) regarding any aspect of the Property or this sale
            transaction, except as may be expressly set forth in this Agreement, a written amendment to this Agreement, or a disclosure statement
            separately signed by Seller.
        26. Disclosure of Information: Buyer and Seller acknowledge and agree that the Purchase Price, terms, and other details with respect
            to this transaction (when closed) are not confidential, will be disclosed to REALTORS® who participate in the applicable Multiple Listing
            Service, and may otherwise be used and/or published by that Multiple Listing Service in the ordinary course of its business.
        27. Other Provisions:

        28. Mergers and Integrations: This Agreement is the final expression of the complete agreement of Buyer and Seller, and there are no
            oral agreements existing between Buyer and Seller relating to this transaction. This Agreement may be amended only in writing signed
            by Buyer and Seller and attached to this Agreement.
        29. Fax/Electronic Distribution and Electronic Signatures: Buyer and Seller agree that any signed copy of this Agreement, and any
            amendments or addendums related to this transaction, transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means shall be competent evidence
            of its contents to the same effect as an original signed copy. Buyer and Seller further agree that an electronic signature is the legal
            equivalent of a manual or handwritten signature, and consent to use of electronic signatures. Buyer and Seller agree that any notice(s)
            required or permitted under this Agreement may also be transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means.
        30. Wire Fraud: Seller and Buyer are advised that wire fraud is an increasingly common problem. If you receive any electronic

                                                         373 Catawba Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442                                                         01/17/2023
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                                     Date                   Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
                                                                                                               SF                    Buyer’s Initials          LM             Seller’s Initials
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             communication directing you to transfer funds or provide nonpublic personal information (such as social security numbers, drivers’
             license numbers, wire instructions, bank account numbers, etc.), even if that electronic communication appears to be from the
             Broker, Title Company, or Lender, DO NOT reply until you have verified the authenticity of the email by direct communication with
             Broker, Title Company, or Lender. DO NOT use telephone numbers provided in the email. Such requests may be part of a scheme
             to steal funds or use your identity.
        31. Buyer’s Approval and Acknowledgment: Buyer approves the terms of this offer and acknowledges receipt of a copy of this offer.

             Buyer 1 Address                                                                               X        Summer Field                                                                Buyer
                                                                                                                                                                         dotloop verified
                                                                                                                                                                         01/17/23 9:07 PM EST

             Buyer 1 Phone: (Res.)                                     (Bus.)                                           Summer Field
                                                                                                                           Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

             Buyer 2 Address                                                                               X                                                                                    Buyer
             Buyer 2 Phone: (Res.)                                     (Bus.)
                                                                                                                           Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

        32. Seller’s Response: The above offer is approved:                       As written.     As written except:

             Counteroffer, if any, expires                                       , at                     (time). Seller has the right to withdraw this
             counteroffer and to accept other offers until Seller or Seller’s Agent has received notice of Buyer’s acceptance.
             33. Certification of Previous Disclosure Statement: Seller certifies to Buyer that the Property is currently in the same condition as
             disclosed in the Seller’s Disclosure Statement dated                          (choose one):   Yes      No. Seller agrees to inform
             Buyer in writing of any changes in the content of the disclosure statement prior to closing.
        34. Notice to Seller: Seller understands that consummation of the sale or transfer of the Property described in this Agreement will not
            relieve Seller of any liability that Seller may have under the mortgages to which the Property is subject, unless otherwise agreed to by
            the lender or required by law or regulation. Buyer and Seller are advised that a Notice to Seller & Buyer of Underlying Mortgage form
            is available from the respective agents via the West Michigan REALTOR® Boards.
       35. Listing Office Address: 255 W Western Ave, Muskegon, MI 49440                                                  Listing Broker License # 6506015435
             Listing Agent Name: Mariana Murillo VanDam                                                                    Listing Agent License # 6506015435

        36. Seller’s Approval and Acknowledgment: Seller approves the terms of this Agreement and acknowledges receipt of a copy. If Seller’s
            response occurs after Buyer’s offer expires, then Seller’s response is considered a counteroffer and Buyer’s acceptance is required
            X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time): LeighAnn Mikesell
                                                                                                                                                                                         dotloop verified
                                                                                                                                                                                         01/18/23 3:01 PM EST

                                                                                                                        Is Seller a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien?                 Yes             No*
                               Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

             X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):
                                                                                                                        Is Seller a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien?                 Yes             No*
                                Print name as you want it to appear on documents.
             Seller’s Address:                                                            Seller’s Phone (Res.)                                      (Bus)
                 * If Seller(s) is not a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien, there may be tax implications and Buyer and Seller are advised to seek professional advice.

        37. Buyer’s Receipt/Acceptance: Buyer acknowledges receipt of Seller’s response to Buyer’s offer. In the event Seller’s response
            constitutes a counteroffer, Buyer accepts said counteroffer. All other terms and conditions in the offer remain unchanged.

             X (Buyer’s Signature, Date, Time):

             X (Buyer’s Signature, Date, Time):

        38. Seller’s Receipt: Seller acknowledges receipt of Buyer’s acceptance of counter offer.
             X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):

             X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):

                                                         373 Catawba Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442                                                    01/17/2023
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                                Date                                   Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
         Revision Date 8/2022                                                                             SF                    Buyer’s Initials          LM                         Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                        01/17/23                                         01/18/23

            Packet Page 32                                                                            9:07 PM EST
                                                                                                     dotloop verified
                                                                                                                                                       3:01 PM EST
                                                                                                                                                      dotloop verified
                           Agenda Item Review Form
                            Muskegon City Commission

    Commission Meeting Date: 01/24/2023                                Title: Special Events

    Submitted By: Dan VanderHeide                                      Department: DPW

    Brief Summary: Staff is seeking approval of a proposed change to the Special Event Policy.

    Detailed Summary & Background:
    Attached is the Special Event Policy with the proposed addition of not closing Western Ave for a
    walk or run. This was discussed at the October 10, 2022 Worksession meeting but staff neglected
    to include the change in the policy.

    Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Proceed with events and activities.

    Amount Requested: $0                               Amount Budgeted: $0

    Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                         Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

    Recommended Motion: Approve the change to the Special Event Policy.

    Approvals:                                                         Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
    Immediate Division Head        Information Technology
    Other Division Heads            Communication                      Yes

    Legal Review                                                       No

    For City Clerk Use Only:
    Commission Action:

Packet Page 33
  The City of Muskegon has many parks and facilities available for use. A
  Special Event Application is required for any public event held on City
  property or requiring City services. While there are several City departments
  involved in the special event process, this policy centralizes the
  administration of special events with the Department of Public Works. Email or call (231) 724-6907 for any questions.
  For events where alcohol is served, applicants must also obtain
  approval from the State of Michigan Liquor Control Commission and the Muskegon Police
  Department (231-724-6750), in addition to completing the Special Event Application. Liquor
  license approval is a separate process from the Special Event Application, with its own fees and
  regulations. The final authority for signing special liquor licenses is with the Public Safety Director. For
  State of Michigan liquor license regulations and information, please visit the State of Michigan’s website

  I.     Special Event Application (“Application”) Submission & Fee Schedule
  All Applications shall be filed with the Department of Public Works at least thirty (30) days prior to the
  event. The non-refundable Application fee must be paid at the time the Application is submitted.
       Events occurring during peak event season             Events occurring outside of peak season
                April 15 – September 30                      January 1 – April 14 / October 1 – Dec. 31
   $100 fee for applications submitted 60 days or more    $100 fee for applications submitted 60 days or
   prior to the event date                                more prior to the event date
   $250 fee for applications submitted 45-59 days prior   $200 fee for applications submitted 45-59 days
   to the event date                                      prior to the event date
   $400.00 fee for applications submitted 30-44 days      $300.00 fee for applications submitted 33-44 days
   prior to the event                                     prior to the event
   Applications submitted less than 30 days prior to      $400 fee for applications submitted less than 30
   the event date will not be accepted.                   days prior to the event

  Application and parade event fees may be waived for Veteran’s groups. In addition, the City’s
  recognized Neighborhood Associations are entitled to two Application and event fee waivers per year
  in addition to National Night Out festivities, provided that the Application is submitted to the Department
  of Public Works at least 30 days in advance of the event date. Up to two application fees may be waived
  for a non-profit organization in its lifetime. The non-profit must serve City of Muskegon residents to
  The Application shall be submitted on the appropriate form. The Application fee must be paid at the
  time of Application submission or the Application will not be considered. The City of Muskegon
  Request for Special Event Application form can be found on the City’s website at www.muskegon-, or you may email or call (231) 724-6907 to have one mailed,
  or visit the Department of Public works at 1350 E Keating Ave, Monday – Friday from 8:00 am. Until
  4:300 p.m. excluding holidays.
  Block Parties. The City has a separate Block Party Policy and Application. Contact the Department of
  Public Works at or 231-724-6907 for further information about block
  4th of July weekend. Margaret Drake Elliott Park is not available for special events on the 4th of July,
  including the entire weekend if July 4 falls on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. The park is reserved for
  picnicking during this holiday.
Packet Page 34
  Reserving event dates for multiple years. As long as prior year event fees are paid in full, established
  events may reserve their event date(s) and location for future years. A completed special event
  application must be received by February 1 of each year in order to hold the date(s) and location.

  II.    Event Requirements
        All Special Event permittees must adhere to the following rules and regulations. Failure to do
  so may result in the applicant having any conditional approvals revoked, being held responsible for
  any damages and/or denial of future event Applications.
          (a)    Public Safety Personnel. While the presence of public safety personnel
  (police/fire/medical) may not be required at all special events, it shall be the discretion of the Public
  Safety Director if city police and/or fire officials may be required. The applicant/organization will be
  responsible for payment of public safety personnel services. See Fee Schedule (Section IV) for fee
  estimates. If an event is cancelled with less than 72 hours’ notice, the applicant/organization will be
  responsible for paying two hours’ pay per officer, per union contract requirements. Applicants are not
  allowed to provide their own public safety staff (police/fire/medical) without prior approval of the City of
  Muskegon’s Public Safety Director.
          (b) Liability Insurance. The applicant must provide proof of liability insurance in the amount
  of $1,000,000 naming the City of Muskegon as an additional insured. You may use an insurance agent
  of your choice. An acceptable certificate of insurance must be submitted no later than 10 days before
  the event date. Please inform your insurance agent that the wording on the certificate must read:
          “The City of Muskegon, all elected and appointed officials, all employees and volunteers, all boards,
          commissions and/or authorities and board members, including employees and volunteers thereof; it
          is understood and agreed that by naming the City of Muskegon as additional insured, coverage
          afforded is considered to be primary and any other insurance the City of Muskegon may have in
          effect shall be considered secondary and/or excess.”

         (c) Restroom Facilities. All outdoor events shall provide adequate restroom facilities (i.e.
  portable toilets) including handicapped-accessible facilities per ADA requirements. Restroom
  placement shall not impede sidewalk traffic.
          (d) Digging & Staking. Digging or staking at into paved areas, including roadways, sidewalks,
  and public parking areas, is not permitted. Digging or staking into non-paved ground shall be cleared
  through Miss Dig in order to avoid damage to underground utilities. The Applicant Organization is
  responsible for contacting Miss Dig (1-800-482-7171, or dial 811) a minimum of 5 working days prior to
  event set-up. The applicant will also be responsible for paying an electrician to locate underground utility
  lines and a City employee to location irrigation/water lines, if required. A penalty of $100 will be charged
  for an unapproved staking and the Applicant Organization will be responsible for the cost of any
  damages to underground utilities, including irrigation lines, caused by digging or staking.
           (e) Electrical and Water Hook-up The applicant must adapt to electrical power available on-
  site, or provide their own generator. When using City electrical panels, the applicant shall read the meter
  before and after the event, and report those numbers to the City’s special event coordinator upon
  request. City fire hydrants may be used as a water source for a fee (see Fee Schedule - Section IV) for
  cost. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide acceptable hoses for potable water usage, which
  meet Health Department requirements.
          (f) Inspections. The event location is subject to all building, plumbing, mechanical, electrical,
  and fire codes. It is the permittee’s responsibility to schedule an inspection by any and all required
  inspectors and pay the required inspection fee(s). The City’s building inspection department
  (SAFEbuilt), requires an inspection of assembly tents that are 400 sq ft or greater. See Fee Schedule
  (Section IV) for costs. For events having multiple tents, contact the City’s Building Official for inspection

Packet Page 35
         (g) Food trucks. Any food trucks or vendors using deep fryers and/or propane cylinders must
  be inspected and approved by the Fire Marshal prior to participation in a special event. These vendors
  are required to have no less than a 5 lbs ABC-type fire extinguisher which has a current inspection tag
  and a class K type fire extinguisher for any deep-frying equipment wherein oils and/or grease is used
  as a medium. Contact the Fire Marshall for an inspection at (231) 724-6793.
          (h) Camping/Campgrounds. Approval must be given by the City Commission to have camping
  at your event at least 60 days before the event. The Department of Public Works will submit the request
  to the City Commission. Events that include overnight camping or a campground area also require a
  permit from the Muskegon County Health Department and Department of Environment, Great Lakes
  and Energy. To obtain information about this permit, call (231) 724-6208. A copy of an approved permit
  must be provided to the City.
          (i) Event Set-up and Tear-down. For events utilizing any public roadway, no tents, booths,
  vendors, or equipment shall be set up in the roadway prior to 6:00 p.m. the day before the event. All
  signs, tents, booths, vendors, and equipment must be removed from the roadway prior to 6:00 a.m. the
  day after the event.
           (j) Site Clean-up and Trash Disposal. The Applicant shall be responsible for clean-up of City
  facilities after the event. This includes the removal of trash from the site (do not leave full trash cans on
  site). Applicants shall provide their own Dumpster. The City shall have the right to enforce cleanup
  measures, including but not limited to entry and cleaning of property by City personnel with costs
  charged to the owner, occupant, or applicant. City staff may require a walk-through after the event to
  ensure satisfactory clean-up.
          (k) Merchandise Sales. Sales of all merchandise for Special Events must be out of the public
  right-of-way, unless prior authorization is received.
         (l) Events Using Water. Events utilizing a body of water such as Muskegon Lake and/or Lake
  Michigan require Coast Guard (414-747-7100) and/or Department of Natural Resources (269-685-
  6851) special event approval.
        (m) Pyrotechnics. Events utilizing any kind of pyrotechnics must contact the Fire Marshal (231-
  724-6793) and must also obtain the appropriate permits from the City Clerk’s Office (231-724-6705).
         (n) Compliance with all regulations. Special Event applicants/organizations are responsible
  to ensure that all applicable laws and ordinances are followed. Failure to comply with all city ordinances,
  rules and regulations may result in the denial of future special event requests.

  III.   Special Event Application Processing
         (a) Application Intake. Department of Public Works Office staff shall be responsible for intake
  of Special Event Applications and dissemination to appropriate City staff for review and approval. The
  Application fee must be submitted with the Application. Liquor license Applications shall be filed with
  the Public Safety Director.
           (b) Event Approval. The City will issue a conditional approval or denial no later than 30 days
  after the Application date whenever possible. Preliminary approval may be given to allow the applicant
  to advertise the event, with final details to be worked out with staff. An approval letter will be issued,
  listing conditions of approval.
           (c) Application Denial. If City staff reviews an Application and denies same, it shall be stated
  in writing the reasons for the denial. An appeal of that decision may be made to the City Commission,
  whose decision shall be final.
          (d) Unpaid Invoices Due the City. Any past due fees/invoices owed to the City will result in
  denial of the event Application and/or future Special Event requests until paid in full.

Packet Page 36
         (e) Meetings with Staff. City staff will meet with applicants to discuss event details if needed.
  Contact the City’s special event coordinator in the Department of Public Works to request a meeting.
  There may also be instances when City staff may require a meeting with the applicant. Failure to attend
  a requested meeting may result in denial of the Application.
          (f) Street Closures/Barricading. Requests for City road closings/barricading require approval
  of the Public Safety Director and the DPW Superintendent. DPW Office staff will forward requests to the
  appropriate personnel once the Application and fee are submitted. The applicant is responsible for all
  associated costs, which may include barricades, public safety services, etc. There is an additional $50
  fee for each block closed beyond 2 blocks. City Commission approval may be required in some cases.
  If a street closure is approved for an event, the Applicant must provide written notification to all
  businesses and residences located along the affected street(s) at least 10 days prior to the event date.
  Changes to street closures requested within 30 days of the event date will incur a $50 fee. No route
  and/or road closure changes will be allowed within 14 days of an event.
         (f)(1) Time Restrictions Streets shall not be closed prior to 6:00 p.m. the day before the event
         and must be open by 6:00 a.m. the day following the conclusion of the event.
         (f)(2) Parking along event routes. The applicant shall be responsible for posting “No Parking”
         signs along the closed streets of an event route at least 48 hours in advance of the event date.
         The City’s Department of Public Works may have No Parking signs available for use. However,
         the applicant/organization must attach 5 ½” by 8 ½” addendums to the signs noting the name of
         the event and date and time the parking restrictions will be in effect.

         (g) Runs/Walks. For races, runs, walks, or parades, the applicant must submit a map with the
  Application, showing the proposed route. In addition, if any streets will be closed or partially closed, the
  applicant must provide written notification to all residents and businesses along the route as stated
  above in paragraphs (f) and (f)(1). The City’s special event coordinator can provide the names and
  addresses of affected homes and businesses to be notified. The applicant is responsible for any public
  safety and/or DPW costs for street closures (barricades, police presence at intersections if needed,
  etc). Western Ave from Shoreline Dr to 8th St will not be closed for a walk or run.
          (g)(1) Use of Lakeshore Trail bike path. For events utilizing the Lakeshore Trail bike path,
          there is a trail use fee that will be billed upon completion of the event (see Fee Schedule) to
          help cover trail maintenance expenses. In addition, any events using the path must post
          signage at trail entry points on the day of the event, notifying users that there is an event
          occurring on the trail. Signs may be generic, such as “EVENT ON BIKE PATH TODAY”
          (organizations using the path for events may share signs to reduce costs). The City’s Parks
          Supervisor can assist you in locating sign placement locations.

          (h) Site Plan. The City may require submittal of a site plan showing the event grounds and
  the location of tents, vendors, portable toilets, and other structures.

Packet Page 37
  IV.   Special Event Fee Schedule (Use of City Equipment, Labor Charges, Liquor Licenses,
  Inspections, Park use fees)
   ITEM / SERVICE                                        RENTAL FEE (plus labor if necessary)
   55-gallon metal trash can                             $5.00 each
   Plastic trash bags (1 case)                           $0.00 per case or actual cost
    Standard Traffic Cone                                 $1.00 each
    Tall “Grab” Cone                                       $3.00 each
   Picnic tables                                         $10.00 each
   Fire hydrant use (installation & removal of
                                                         $100.00 flat rate per hydrant
   hydrant tree, water testing, and water usage)
   DPW/Parks personnel labor costs                       $60.00/hour
   (Transportation of Barricades/Cones/tables, etc)      Truck/ trailer rental may also be charged
   NOTE: Liquor License fees are lowest when applied for at least 45 days in advance of the event date.
   Liquor licenses will not be issued within 15 days of an event.
   Special liquor license (non-profit)/New event      $150.00 (if applied for at least 45 days in advance of event)
   Special liquor license (non-profit)/Return event
                                                      $125.00 (if applied for at least 45 days in advance of event)
   Organization located outside City of Muskegon
   Special liquor license/Return event, in-City rate  $ 75.00 (if applied for at least 45 days in advance of event)
   Special liquor license (all) within 15-44 days of
   Liquor license/Temporary authorization –
                                                      $40.00 ($60 if within 15-44 days of event)
   existing business/club
   Public safety labor charges (police/fire/medical)  $60.00 per hour (time and ½)
   Public safety labor charges (police/fire/medical)  $120.00 per hour (triple time/holidays)
   Inspection of assembly tent                           $50.00 (if multiple tents, contact building official for fees)
                                                         Contact the building inspection department to see if
   Electrical or plumbing inspections
                                                         these are required
   Fire Department inspection of food trucks             Included with application fee
   Hackley Park exclusive use fee with Liquor License     $100/hour or $500/day
   Hackley Park use fee per quadrant                      $50/day per quadrant
   Harbour Towne Beach user fee                           $1500.00 per event
   Trail bicycle/walking paths                            $200 per event
   Pere Marquette Park user fees (applicable May 15      through September 15)
                          Events less than 100 people    $100 per event
                         Events with 100 - 250 people    $200 per event
                         Events with 250 – 500 people    $350 per event
                        Events with 500 - 2000 people    $500 per event
                             Events over 2000 people     $1500.00 per event (includes 20 reserved parking spaces)
                         Parking spaces for event use    $10 per parking space reserved per day and each vehicle
                                                         must have Beach Parking pass
           Exclusive use fee of Ovals parking lot area   $250 per day and each vehicle must have Beach Parking
                     Camping at Pere Marquette Park      $20 per night per camper or tent*
                                                         *The City Commission may opt to collect a percentage of
                                                         camping revenue for larger events in lieu of the $20 per unit

Packet Page 38
                           Agenda Item Review Form
                            Muskegon City Commission

    Commission Meeting Date: January 24, 2023                            Title: 2023 User Fee Update

    Submitted By: Kenneth D. Grant                                       Department: Finance

    Brief Summary: City Departments have reviewed and updated their user fees and these have been
    incorporated into the Master Fee Resolution that is attached for your consideration.

    Detailed Summary & Background:
    City Departments have reviewed and updated their user fees and these have been incorporated into the
    Master Fee Resolution that is attached for your consideration.

    Key Updates: (See Highlighted Items on the Spreadsheet for all of the changes)

    Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Sustainability in financial practices & Increase Revenue

    Amount Requested:                                    Amount Budgeted:

    Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

    Recommended Motion: Approval of the 2023 Master Fee Resolution

    Approvals: Get approval from division head at a minimum prior        Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
    to sending to the Clerk.
    Immediate Division Head          Information Technology              Yes
    Other Division Heads             Communication                       No
    Legal Review

    For City Clerk Use Only:
    Commission Action:

Packet Page 39
                                                              City of Muskegon



   A resolution adopting fees for services in the City entitled "Master Fee Resolution".

   The City of Muskegon hereby RESOLVES:

   1.        The City of Muskegon has in the past adopted resolutions from time to time which set fees for various services in the City.

   2.        That in addition to the specifically adopted resolution fees, there are fees which are charged pursuant to ordinances and
             codes as well as the fees which are charged in the exercise of various other functions of the City which serve the public.

   3.        That the City Commission has reviewed all of the fees which are charged from time to time pursuant to resolution,
             ordinance and in the affording of services to and for the public, and has determined to adopt the resolution a comprehensive
             schedule of fees by this resolution which is hereby called the "Master Fee Resolution".

   4.        That the City Commission and its committees, with the advice of the staff of the City, have carefully investigated and
             examined the fees set forth in this Master Resolution and have determined that they are reasonably related to the actual cost
             of affording the services involved.


   1.        That the schedule of fees attached to this resolution is hereby adopted and shall be charged for the services set forth in the
             schedule and under the conditions set forth therein.

   2.        That any fees listed which are also listed in specific resolutions, rules or regulations, shall be charged in accordance with
             those resolutions, rules and regulations, and with the practices of the City in affording the appropriate services.

   3.        That the adoption of this resolution does not amend or change previous specific resolutions for the charging of fees for
             services, and does not preclude the existence of previous or future resolutions setting forth fees which are not included

   This resolution adopted.


                                                                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                                                     Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk


            This Resolution was adopted at a meeting of the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, held on January 24, 2023.
   The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of

                                                                           Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk

Packet Page 40
     A              B                            C                             D                     E                  F                                    G                                     H              I

1                                                                                          CITY OF MUSKEGON
2                                                                                             2023 USER FEES
3              DEPARTMENT                 DESCRIPTION                         UNIT               2022 FEES          2023 FEES                           COMMENTS                         CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
                             ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD ON SALES TO 
         1         ALL                                                  TOTAL BALANCE DUE                 15.00%             15.00%                                                                   
4                            OUTSIDE PARTIES
5        2         ALL       COPIES FOR PUBLIC (STANDARD SIZES)             PER COPY                        0.25               0.25                                                                   
         3         ALL       FAX CHARGE FOR INFORMATION REQUESTS            PER PAGE                        0.50               0.50                                                                   
                             LATE FEE ON CITY RECEIVABLES (EXCEPT 
         4         ALL                                                  PAST DUE BALANCE                   1.00%              1.00%            PER MO./IMPOSED AFTER 30 DAYS                          
7                            TAXES)

9              DEPARTMENT                 DESCRIPTION                         UNIT               2022 FEES          2023 FEES                           COMMENTS                         CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
                             CEMETERIES EVERGREEN MAUSOLEUM 
         5      CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                       1,500.00           1,500.00                                                                  
10                           (CRYPTS A‐B)
                             CEMETERIES EVERGREEN MAUSOLEUM 
         6      CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                       1,900.00           1,900.00                                                                  
11                           (CRYPTS A‐B) NR *
                             CEMETERIES EVERGREEN MAUSOLEUM 
         7      CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                       1,800.00           1,800.00                                                                  
12                           (CRYPTS C‐F)
                             CEMETERIES EVERGREEN MAUSOLEUM 
         8      CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                       2,200.00           2,200.00                                                                  
13                           (CRYPTS C‐F) NR *
14    9         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (EVERGREEN)            ONE GRAVE                      830.00             830.00             50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           
15   10         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (EVERGREEN)           TWO GRAVES                    1,500.00           1,500.00             50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           
                             CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (EVERGREEN) NR 
     11         CEMETERIES                                                TWO GRAVES                     1,800.00           1,800.00             50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           
16                           *
                             CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (EVERGREEN) NR 
     12         CEMETERIES                                                 ONE GRAVE                     1,000.00           1,000.00             50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           
17                           *
18   13         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (LAKESIDE)             ONE GRAVE                      830.00             830.00             50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           
19   14         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (LAKESIDE)            TWO GRAVES                    1,500.00           1,500.00             50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           
     15         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (LAKESIDE) NR *       ONE GRAVE                     1,000.00           1,000.00             50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           

     16         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (LAKESIDE) NR *       TWO GRAVES                    1,800.00           1,800.00             50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           
22   17         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (OAKWOOD)              ONE GRAVE                      830.00             830.00             50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           
23   18         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (OAKWOOD)             TWO GRAVES                    1,500.00           1,500.00             50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           
                             CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (OAKWOOD) NR 
     19         CEMETERIES                                                TWO GRAVES                     1,800.00           1,800.00             50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           
24                           *
                             CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (OAKWOOD) NR 
     20         CEMETERIES                                                 ONE GRAVE                     1,000.00           1,000.00             50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           
25                           *
                             CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (RESTLAWN‐
     21         CEMETERIES                                                 ONE GRAVE                      800.00             800.00              50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           
26                           FLUSH MARKER)
                             CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (RESTLAWN‐
     22         CEMETERIES                                                TWO GRAVES                     1,435.00           1,435.00             50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           
27                           FLUSH MARKER)
                             CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (RESTLAWN‐
     23         CEMETERIES                                                 ONE GRAVE                      900.00             900.00              50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           
28                           FLUSH MARKER) NR *
                             CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (RESTLAWN‐
     24         CEMETERIES                                                TWO GRAVES                     1,550.00           1,550.00             50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           
29                           FLUSH MARKER) NR *
                             CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (RESTLAWN‐
     25         CEMETERIES                                                 ONE GRAVE                      835.00             835.00              50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           
30                           UPRIGHT MARKER)
                             CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (RESTLAWN‐
     26         CEMETERIES                                                TWO GRAVES                     1,500.00           1,500.00             50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           
31                           UPRIGHT MARKER)
                             CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (RESTLAWN‐
     27         CEMETERIES                                                 ONE GRAVE                     1,000.00           1,000.00             50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           
32                           UPRIGHT MARKER) NR *
                             CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (RESTLAWN‐
     28         CEMETERIES                                                TWO GRAVES                     1,800.00           1,800.00             50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE                           
33                           UPRIGHT MARKER) NR *
                             CEMETERIES IN‐GOUND SPACE FOR 
     29         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                        350.00             350.00                                                                   
34                           CREMAINS (RESTLAWN)
                             CEMETERIES IN‐GOUND SPACE FOR 
     30         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                        400.00             400.00                                                                   
35                           CREMAINS (RESTLAWN) NR*
                             CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (1/2 GRAVE‐‐ALL 
     31         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                        600.00             600.00                                                                   
36                           CEMETERIES)
                             CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (1/2 GRAVE‐‐ALL 
     32         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                        650.00             650.00                                                                   
37                           CEMETERIES) NR *
38   33         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OPENING (1/2 GRAVE)                   EACH                        300.00             300.00                                                                   
39   34         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OPENING (1/2 GRAVE) NR *              EACH                        350.00             350.00                                                                   
40   35         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OPENING (CREMATION)                   EACH                        350.00             350.00                                                                   
     36         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OPENING (CREMATION) NR *              EACH                        400.00             400.00                                                                   
                             CEMETERIES SECOND CREMAINS (OPEN 
     37         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                         80.00              80.00                 FOR ADDITIONAL ASHES                              
42                           GRAVESITE)
43   38         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OPENING                               EACH                        500.00             500.00                                                                   
44   39         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OPENING NR *                          EACH                        600.00             600.00                                                                   
                             CEMETERIES OPENING (STILLBORN IN 
     40         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                        175.00             175.00                                                                   
45                           BABYLAND) 
                             CEMETERIES OPENING (STILLBORN IN 
     41         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                        200.00             200.00                                                                   
46                           BABYLAND) NR *
                             CEMETERIES OPENING (STILLBORN NOT IN 
     42         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                        300.00             300.00                                                                   
47                           BABYLAND) 
                             CEMETERIES OPENING (STILLBORN NOT IN 
     43         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                        350.00             350.00                                                                   
48                           BABYLAND) NR *
                             CEMETERIES OVERTIME (MON‐FRI AFTER 
     44         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                        400.00             400.00                                                                   
49                           2:30PM)
50   45         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OVERTIME (SATURDAYS)                  EACH                        500.00             500.00                                                                   
                             CEMETERIES OVERTIME (SUNDAYS AND 
     46         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                        600.00             600.00                                                                   
51                           HOLIDAYS)
     47         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES WEEKEND/HOLIDAY LATE FEE              EACH                        400.00             400.00    IF MORE THAN 1 HOUR PAST SCHEDULED BURIAL TIME.                
                             CEMETERIES NICHES COLUMBARIUUM (TOP 
     48         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                        900.00             900.00                                                                   
53                           2 ROWS)
                             CEMETERIES NICHES COLUMBARIUM NR 
     49         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                        950.00             950.00                                                                   
54                           (TOP 2 ROWS)
                             CEMETERIES NICHES COLUMBARIUUM 
     50         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                        700.00             700.00                                                                   
55                           (BOTTOM 2 ROWS)
                             CEMETERIES NICHES COLUMBARIUM NR 
     51         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                        750.00             750.00                                                                   
56                           (BOTTOM 2 ROWS)
57   52         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES NICHES (OPEN/CLOSING)                  EACH                       150.00             150.00                                                                   
58   53         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES NICHES (OPEN/CLOSING) NR               EACH                       200.00             200.00                                                                   
59   54         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES HEADSTONE SERVICE                PER SQUARE INCH                    0.55               0.55                   MINIMUM $60.00                                  
                             CEMETERIES SERVICE (GOVERNMENT 
     55         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                         60.00              60.00                                                                   
60                           MARKERS)
     56         CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES SERVICE (MAUSOLEUM VASES)             EACH                         75.00              75.00                                                                   
                             CEMETERIES SERVICE HEADSTONE PRE‐
     57         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                         25.00              25.00                                                                   
62                           PLACEMENT
                             CEMETERIES SERVICE HEADSTONE SETTING 
     58         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                         75.00              75.00                                                                   
63                           FEE
                             CEMETERIES SERVICE (SMALL VASES) 
     59         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                         50.00              50.00                                                                   
64                           RESTLAWN
65   60         CEMETERIES   ENTOMBMENT ‐ EVERGREEN MAUSOLEM                  EACH                        300.00             300.00                                                                   
                             ENTOMBMENT NR ‐ EVERGREEN 
     61         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                        400.00             400.00                                                                   
66                           MAUSOLEUM
                             EVERGREEN MAUSOLEUM CRYPT COVER                                                                            IF ENGRAVING NOT COMPLETED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF 
     62         CEMETERIES                                                                                200.00             200.00                                                                   
67                           REMOVAL                                                                                                                   ENTOMBMENT
                             TRANSFER & AFFIDAVIT FEE PER GRAVE 
     63         CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                        200.00             200.00                                                                   
68                           SPACE
69   64         CEMETERIES   CHAPEL FUNERAL SERVICE                           EACH                        200.00             200.00                                                                   
             Packet Page 41
      A            B                            C                              D                    E                  F                                       G                                         H              I

 1                                                                                        CITY OF MUSKEGON
 2                                                                                           2023 USER FEES
 3            DEPARTMENT                 DESCRIPTION                         UNIT               2022 FEES          2023 FEES                             COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)

71            DEPARTMENT                 DESCRIPTION                         UNIT               2022 FEES          2023 FEES                             COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
72    65         CLERK      ADDRESS LABELS ‐ VOTER REGISTRATION               EACH                         0.05               0.05                                                                          
73    66         CLERK      BUSINESS REGISTRATION                             EACH                        35.00              35.00                                                                          
                            BUSINESS TRANSIENT/PEDDLER ‐ RENEWAL 
      67         CLERK                                                      ANNUAL                       150.00             150.00                                                                          
74                          MAY 1ST
      68         CLERK                                                      PER DAY                       10.00              10.00                                                                          
75                          EVENT)
      69         CLERK      BUSINESS AUCTIONEER LICENSE (REGULAR)           PER YEAR                     100.00             100.00                                                                          
77    70         CLERK      AUCTION FEE                                     PER DAY                       30.00              30.00                                                                          
78    71         CLERK      BUSINESS ENTERTAINMENT OCCUPANCY                PER YEAR                     125.00             125.00                                                                          
                            GAMING LICENSE REQUEST/PERMIT (30 
      72         CLERK                                                        EACH                        75.00              75.00                                                                          
79                          DAYS OR MORE ADVANCE NOTICE)
                            GAMING LICENSE REQUEST (LESS THAN 30 
      73         CLERK                                                        EACH                       100.00             100.00                                                                          
80                          DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE)
                                                                                                                                   CHARGED TO LAW FIRMS AND OTHER FOR PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS 
      74         CLERK      CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM RENTAL                PER HOUR                      25.00              25.00                                                                          
                                                                                                                                     WISHING TO USE FACILITIES FOR NON‐CITY RELATED BUSINESS
                            ENCROACHMENT/RENTAL FEE (BUS 
      75         CLERK                                                 PER BENCH/PERMONTH                  5.00               5.00                                                                          
82                          BENCHES)
                            FIREWORKS DISPLAY PERMIT PROCESSING 
      76         CLERK                                                        EACH                        75.00              75.00                                                                          
                            FEE (30 OR MORE DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE)

                            FIREWORKS DISPLAY PERMIT PROCESSING 
      77         CLERK                                                        EACH                       150.00             150.00                                                                          
                            FEE (LESS THAN 30 DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE)
                            LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL (BEFORE 
      78         CLERK                                                        EACH                       100.00             100.00                                                                          
85                          FEBRUARY 28)
                            LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL (AFTER 
      79         CLERK                                                        EACH                       150.00             150.00                                                                          
86                          FEBRUARY 28)
                            LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP 
      80         CLERK                                                        EACH                       250.00             250.00                                                                          
87                          OR LOCATION
                            DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AREA CLASS‐C ON‐
      81         CLERK      PREMISES LIQUOR LICENSE (FORMERLY                 EACH                      2,500.00           2,500.00          SAME REVIEW PROCESS AS FOR RENEWAL                             
                            DOWNTOWN DEV AUTH LICENSE)
89    82         CLERK      NEW LIQUOR LICENSE                                EACH                      1,000.00           1,000.00                  REPLACES FEES ABOVE                                    
90    83         CLERK      GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE                        EACH                         50.00              50.00             UP TO ONE MONTH ‐ RENEWABLE                                 
                            LIQUOR LICENSE (EXPANSION OF EXISTING 
      84         CLERK                                                        EACH                        25.00              25.00                                                                          
91                          LICENSE)
92    85         CLERK      MOBILE FOOD VENDING PERMIT                      ANNUAL                       300.00             300.00             APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014                               
                            MOBILE FOOD VENDING PERMIT (BRICK & 
      86         CLERK                                                      ANNUAL                       150.00             150.00             APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014                               
93                          MORTAR RESTAURANT IN CITY)
                            MOBILE FOOD VENDING PERMIT (BRICK & 
      87         CLERK                                                      ANNUAL                        50.00              50.00             APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014                               
                            MORTAR RESTAURANT IN DDA DISTRICT)
95    88         CLERK      PASSPORT APPLICATION FEE                          EACH                        35.00              35.00                     PER FEDERAL LAW                                      
96    89         CLERK      PASSPORT PHOTO FEE                                EACH                        15.00              15.00                                                                          
97    90         CLERK      MONEY ORDERS                                      EACH                         5.00               5.00                    NEW SERVICE & FEE                                     
98    91         CLERK      PRECINCT MAPS (SMALL)                             EACH                         2.00               2.00                                                                          
99    92         CLERK      PUBLIC NOTARY FEE                                 EACH                         5.00               5.00               CONSISTENT WITH COUNTY FEE                                 
                            SPECIAL EVENT PARKING FEE (UNDER 50 
      93         CLERK                                                     PER EVENT                      25.00              25.00             APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014                               
100                         PARKING SPOTS)
                            SPECIAL EVENT PARKING FEE (OVER 50 
      94         CLERK                                                     PER EVENT                      50.00              50.00             APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014                               
101                         PARKING SPOTS)
                            TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT NEW 
      95         CLERK                                                        EACH                       500.00             500.00         PER NEW STATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT                             
102                         PROVIDER FEE
103   96         CLERK      VOTER INFORMATION ‐ ELECTRONIC                    EACH                        25.00              25.00                                                                          
104   97         CLERK      VOTER REGISTRATION ‐ HARDCOPY LIST             PER LISTING                     0.01               0.01                                                                          
105   98         CLERK      VOTER REGISTRATION ‐ MAILING LABELS             PER LABEL                      0.05               0.05                                                                          

107           DEPARTMENT                 DESCRIPTION                         UNIT               2022 FEES          2023 FEES                             COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
108    99        CNS        MORTGAGE REFINANCE FEE                            EACH                        50.00              50.00                                                                          
109   100        CNS        REHAB LOAN APPLICATION FEE                        EACH                       200.00             200.00                                                                          
      101        CNS        FAÇADE PROGRAM ‐ 50% AMI AND BELOW                EACH                        60.00              60.00                       ELIGIBLITY FEE                                     
111   102        CNS        FAÇADE PROGRAM ‐ 51% ‐ 60% AMI                    EACH                       250.00             250.00                       ELIGIBLITY FEE                                     
112   103        CNS        FAÇADE PROGRAM ‐ 61% TO 80% AMI                   EACH                       500.00             500.00                       ELIGIBLITY FEE                                     
      104        CNS        PRIORITY HOME REPAIR APPLICATION FEE              EACH                        60.00              60.00                                                                          
114   105        CNS        RENTAL REHAB APPLICATION FEE                    PER LOAN                     100.00             100.00                                                                          

116           DEPARTMENT                 DESCRIPTION                         UNIT               2022 FEES          2023 FEES                             COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
      106        DPW        ADDITIONAL GARBAGE SERVICE (1 TOTER)           PER MONTH                      13.00              13.00                                                                          
118   107        DPW        APPLIANCE STICKER                                 EACH                        25.00              25.00                                                                          
      108        DPW        ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FEE               EACH                       100.00             100.00                                                                          

      109        DPW        ENCROACHMENT PERMIT CERTIFICATE FEE          EACH LOCATION                    50.00              50.00                   SAME AS RENEWAL FEE                                    
121   110        DPW        ENCROACHMENT 1‐YEAR RENEWAL                       EACH                        25.00              25.00                                                                          
                            ENCROACHMENT 1‐YEAR RENEWAL 
      111        DPW                                                          EACH                        50.00              50.00                                                                          
122                         (INSPECTION REQ'D)
                            ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO WORK IN R‐O‐
      112        DPW                                                        PER UNIT                      10.00              10.00          OR ACTUAL COSTS (WHICHEVER IS GREATER)                          
123                         W
                            GARBAGE CART REPLACEMENT ‐ DAMAGED 
      113        DPW                                                          EACH                        55.00              55.00                                                                          
124                         BY USER
125   114        DPW        GARBAGE SERVICE ‐ SMALL BUSINESS               PER MONTH                      16.00              16.00           INCLUDES CHURCHES AND NON‐PROFITS                              
                            GARBAGE SERVICE ‐ UNAUTORIZED USE OF 
      115        DPW                                                      PER INCIDENT                    50.00              50.00                                                                          
126                         CARTS
                            GARBAGE SERVICE ‐ REPLACE LOST/STOLEN 
      116        DPW                                                          EACH                        55.00              55.00                                                                          
127                         CART
      117        DPW        GARBAGE SERVICE ‐ NEW SERVICE STARTUP             EACH                        55.00              55.00                                                                          

      118        DPW        GARBAGE SERVICE ‐ MIXED REFUSE STICKER            EACH                         3.00               3.00             BUY 4 FOR $10 ‐ UNIT PRICE $2.5/EA                           
                            FEE FOR SPECIAL COLLECTION OF ILLIEGAL 
      119        DPW                                                          EACH                        50.00              50.00          OR ACTUAL COSTS (WHICHEVER IS GREATER)                          
130                         MATERIALS
                            FEE FOR BULK YARD WASTE DROP OFF 
      120        DPW        (DURING REGULAR HOURS) ‐ BY                       EACH                        25.00              25.00                                                                          
131                         APPOINTMENT ONLY
132   121        DPW        REPLACE EMPLOYEE ID/ACCESS TKC CARD           PER LOST CARD                    10.00              10.00                  REACTIVATED FEE                                        
133   122     ENGINEERING   STORM SEWER CONNECTION FEE                         EACH                     1,200.00           1,200.00         CONNECTION FEE ONLY, WORK BY OTHERS                             
134   123        DPW        TREE REPLACEMENT PLANTING FEE                      EACH                       200.00             200.00                                                                         
                            TREE REMOVAL FEE (12" AND UNDER 
      124        DPW                                                          EACH                       200.00             200.00             TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE                              
135                         DIAMETER)
136   125        DPW        TREE REMOVAL FEE (12" ‐ 18" DIAMETER)             EACH                       500.00             500.00             TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE                              
            Packet Page 42
                            TREE REMOVAL FEE (18" ‐ 24" DIAMETER)
                            TREE REMOVAL FEE (24" ‐ 30" DIAMETER)
                                                                                                                                               TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE
                                                                                                                                               TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE
      A             B                             C                          D                    E                  F                                                     G                                                          H            I

 1                                                                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON
 2                                                                                         2023 USER FEES
 3            DEPARTMENT                  DESCRIPTION                       UNIT              2022 FEES          2023 FEES                                         COMMENTS                                               CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
139   128         DPW        TREE REMOVAL FEE (30" ‐ 36" DIAMETER)          EACH                      1,000.00           1,000.00                     TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE                                                    
140   129         DPW        TREE REMOVAL FEE (36" ‐ 42" DIAMETER)          EACH                      1,700.00           1,700.00                     TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE                                                    
                             TREE REMOVAL FEE (42" AND OVER 
      130         DPW                                                       EACH                      1,900.00           1,900.00                     TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE                                                    
141                          DIAMETER)
142   131         DPW        HANG AND/OR REMOVE BANNER                  EACH REQUEST                   450.00             450.00                       EACH ADDITIONAL BANNER: $50.00                                                    
      132         DPW        USE OF BIKE PATH FOR ORGANIZED EVENTS       EACH EVENT                    200.00             200.00                                      PER EVENT                                                          
                             EXCLUSIVE USE OF HACKLEY PK FOR SPECIAL                                                                 EXCLUSIVE USE OF HACKLEY PARK FOR SPECIAL ECENTS USING A 
      133      DPW (PARKS)                                                 PER DAY                     500.00             500.00                                                                                                         
144                          EVENTS                                                                                                                       LIQUOR LICENSE
                             EXCLUSIVE USE OF PERE MARQUETTE LARGE 
      134      DPW (PARKS)                                                 PER DAY                     250.00             250.00              EACH VEHICLE MUST HAVE BEACH PARKING PASS                                                  
145                          OVAL FOR SPECIAL EVENTS
                             EXCLUSIVE USE OF HARBOUR TOWNE BEACH 
      135      DPW (PARKS)                                                 PER DAY                    1,500.00           1,500.00                                                                                                        
146                          FOR SPECIAL EVENTS
                             USE FEE IN ADDITION TO SPECIAL EVENT 
      136      DPW (PARKS)                                                 PER DAY                     125.00             125.00                                                                                                         
147                          APPLICLATION FEE
                             CLEANING DEPOSIT FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF 
      137      DPW (PARKS)   HACKLEY, PERE MARQUETTE OR MARGARET            EACH                        50.00              50.00                                                                                                         
                             DRAKE ELLIOTT PARKS ‐ SPECIAL EVENT

      138      DPW (PARKS)   PARK BUILDING USE                           PER SESSION                   175.00             175.00      11AM‐7PM RENTAL  ($50 REFUNDABLE FOR CLEANING DEPOSIT)                                             

      139      DPW (PARKS)   PARK BUILDING USE                             PER DAY                     225.00             225.00      9AM‐11PM RENTAL ($50 REFUNDABLE FOR CLEANING DEPOSIT)                                              

      140      DPW (PARKS)   PARK BUILDING USE                           PER SESSION                   125.00             125.00 9‐3 or 4‐11 SESSIONS (+$50 REFUNDABLE FOR CLEANING DEPOSIT)                                             
                             PARK BUILDING USE (CLEANING/SECURITY 
      141      DPW (PARKS)                                                  EACH                        50.00              50.00                                     All buildings                                                       
152                          DEPOSIT)
153   142      DPW (PARKS)   MC GRAFT PARK MUSIC BOWL                       HOUR                        45.00              45.00                                                                                                         
                             PARKS (LIGHT COSTS SPORT FIELDS & 
      143      DPW (PARKS)                                                  EACH                        40.00              40.00                                                                                                         
154                          COURTS)
                                                                                                                                 DELIVERY/PICK‐UP NOT INCLUDED.  ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR 
      144      DPW (PARKS)   PARKS (WOOD SNOW FENCE RENTAL)                 EACH                        30.00              30.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK‐                                           
155                                                                                                                                                     UP IS REQUIRED
                                                                                                                                 DELIVERY/PICK‐UP NOT INCLUDED.  ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR 
      145      DPW (PARKS)   PARKS (USE OF GARBAGE CANS)                    EACH                         5.00               5.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK‐                                           
156                                                                                                                                                     UP IS REQUIRED
                             SPORTS FIELD & COURT RENTAL (EXLUDES 
      146      DPW (PARKS)                                              2 HOUR RENTAL                   25.00              25.00                                                                                                         
157                          SETUP SERVICES)
158   147      DPW (PARKS)   CHANNEL SHELTER RENTAL                       PER DAY                       50.00              50.00                                9am‐11pm                                                                 
159   148      DPW (PARKS)   CHANNEL SHELTER RENTAL                     EACH SESSION                    25.00              25.00                  Sessions are 9 am‐3 pm or 4 pm‐11 pm                                                   
                                                                                                                                    Kruse#4 & Margaret Drake Elliot Sessions are 9 am‐3 pm or 4 pm‐11 
      149      DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                      EACH SESSION                    30.00              30.00                                                                                                         
160                                                                                                                                                                 pm
161   150      DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                      EACH SESSION                   100.00              50.00           Seyferth Park Sessions are 9 am‐3 pm or 4 pm‐11 pm
162   151      DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                        PER DAY                       60.00              60.00             Kruse#4 & Margaret Drake Elliot from 9am‐11pm                                              
163   152      DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                        PER DAY                      175.00             100.00                               Seyferth Park                                                      ‐42.86%
164   153      DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                      EACH SESSION                    25.00              25.00       Kruse 1, 2 and 3 from Sessions are 9 am‐3 pm or 4 pm‐11 pm                                       
165   154      DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                      EACH SESSION                    75.00              75.00            Beachwood Sessions are 9 am‐3 pm or 4 pm‐11 pm
                                                                                                                                                       Campbell and Smith Ryerson                                      
      155      DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                      EACH SESSION                    50.00              50.00
166                                                                                                                                               Sessions are 9 am‐3 pm or 4 pm‐11 pm
167   156      DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                        PER DAY                       75.00              75.00                       Campbell and Smith Ryerson                                                          
168   157      DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                        PER DAY                       50.00              50.00                   For Kruse 1, 2 and 3 from 9am‐11pm                                                      
169   158      DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                        PER DAY                      125.00             125.00                          Beachwood 9am‐11pm                                                               
170   159      DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                      EACH SESSION                     0.00              25.00         Beukema Pavilion Sessions are 9 am‐3 pm or 4 pm‐11 pm                                        *NEW FEE*
171   160      DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                        PER DAY                        0.00              50.00                            Beukema Pavilion                                                          *NEW FEE*
                             PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL RESERVATION 
      161      DPW (PARKS)                                                  EACH                        15.00              15.00                                                                                                         
172                          CHANGE
173   162      DPW (PARKS)   CLEANING FEE FOR RENTALS                       EACH                        75.00              75.00                     NOT CHARGED IF FACILITY LEFT CLEAN                                                  
                             GROUPED TABLES (4) AT DRAKE‐ELLIOTT (48 
      163      DPW (PARKS)                                              EACH SESSION                    25.00              25.00                                                                                                         
174                          PEOPLE)
                             GROUPED TABLES (4) AT DRAKE‐ELLIOTT (48 
      164      DPW (PARKS)                                                 PER DAY                      50.00              50.00                                      9am‐11pm                                                           
175                          PEOPLE)
                             WEDDING RESERVATIONS‐MCGRAFT 
      165      DPW (PARKS)                                                  EACH                       150.00             150.00                                                                                                         
176                          LAGOON
      166      DPW (PARKS)   WEDDING RESERVATIONS‐PERE MARQUETTE            EACH                       175.00             175.00                                                                                                         
                             WEDDING RESERVATIONS‐CHANNEL AREA 
      167      DPW (PARKS)                                                  EACH                       200.00             200.00                             WEDDING RESERVATIONS                                                        
178                          (INCLUDES SHELTER)
                             ICE CREAM MACHINE RENTAL INCLUDING 2‐
      168      DPW (PARKS)                                                  EACH                       500.00             500.00                                                                                                         
179                          BAGS OF ICE CREAM MIX
180   169      DPW (PARKS)   ICE CREAM MACHINE DEPOSIT                      EACH                       250.00             250.00                                                                                                         
      170      DPW (PARKS)   ICE CREAM MACHINE MIX ‐ ADDITIONAL BAG         EACH                        30.00              30.00                                                                                                         
182   171      DPW (PARKS)   KEY DEPOSIT (RESTROOM)                         EACH                        25.00              25.00                                                                                                         
                                                                                                                                 DELIVERY/PICK‐UP NOT INCLUDED.  ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR 
      172      DPW (PARKS)   CITY SERVICES (55‐GAL METAL TRASH CANS)        EACH                         5.00               5.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK‐                                           
183                                                                                                                                                     UP IS REQUIRED
                                                                                                                                 DELIVERY/PICK‐UP NOT INCLUDED.  ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR 
      173      DPW (PARKS)   CITY SERVICES RENTAL OF POSTS               EACH POST                       3.00               3.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK‐                                           
184                                                                                                                                                     UP IS REQUIRED
                                                                                                                                 DELIVERY/PICK‐UP NOT INCLUDED.  ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR 
      174      DPW (PARKS)   CITY SERVICES (PICNIC TABLES)                  EACH                        10.00              10.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK‐                                           
185                                                                                                                                                     UP IS REQUIRED
                             CITY SERVICES (LABOR PARKS OR DPW 
      175      DPW (PARKS)                                                PER HOUR                      60.00              60.00                                                                                                         
186                          STAFF)
187   176      DPW (PARKS)   RENTAL OF PORTABLE STAGE                       EACH                       100.00             100.00                                                                                                         
188   177      DPW (PARKS)   RENTAL OF BLEACHERS                            EACH                       100.00             100.00                                                                                                         
      178      DPW (PARKS)   BEACH PARKING DAILY RATE MON‐THURS             EACH                         7.00               7.00                                                                                                         
190   179      DPW (PARKS)   BEACH PARKING DAILY RATE WEEKENDS              EACH                        10.00              10.00                                                                                                         
191   180      DPW (PARKS)   BEACH PARKING ANNUAL PASS                      EACH                        20.00              20.00                                                                                                         

193           DEPARTMENT                  DESCRIPTION                       UNIT              2022 FEES          2023 FEES                                         COMMENTS                                               CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
194   181     ENGINEERING    WIDE LOAD PERMIT                               EACH                        50.00              50.00                                                                                                         
                             CHARGE FOR BLUEPRINTS (PLANS & UTILITY 
      182     ENGINEERING                                                   EACH                         8.00               8.00                                                                                                         
195                          MAPS)
196   183     ENGINEERING    CHARGE FOR BID DOCUMENTS                       EACH                        40.00              40.00                                                                                                         
      184     ENGINEERING    STORM WATER MANAGEMENT REVIEW FEE          EACH REVIEW                   2,000.00           2,000.00                  ADDITIONAL FEES MAY APPLY AS NEEDED
                             REPLACE/ INSTALL RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY 
      185     ENGINEERING                                                 EACH UNIT                     25.00              25.00                SIDEWALK/DRIVE APPROACHES, LANDSCAPING                                                   
198                          IN RIGHT OF WAY
199   186     ENGINEERING    UTILITY ANNUAL PERMIT FEE                      EACH                      1,750.00           1,750.00                                                                                                        
200   187     ENGINEERING    UTILITY CUT PERMIT FEE                         UNIT                         20.00              20.00                                                                                                        
                             UTILITY CUT (PAVEMENT REMOVAL‐
      188     ENGINEERING                                               SQUARE YARD                    100.00             100.00                 FEES ADJUSTED TO REFLECT RESIDUAL VALUE                                                 
201                          PAVEMENT <4 YEARSOLD)
                             UTILITY CUT (PAVEMENT REMOVAL‐
      189     ENGINEERING                                               SQUARE YARD                     75.00              75.00                 FEES ADJUSTED TO REFLECT RESIDUAL VALUE                                                 
202                          PAVEMENT 4‐9 YEARSOLD)
                             UTILITY CUT (PAVEMENT REMOVAL‐
      190     ENGINEERING                                               SQUARE YARD                     50.00              50.00                 FEES ADJUSTED TO REFLECT RESIDUAL VALUE                                                 
203                          PAVEMENT >10 YEARSOLD)
                             ROAD CLOSURE (EXCLUDING SPECIAL 
      191     ENGINEERING                                                   EACH                        25.00              25.00                                                                                                         
204                          EVENTS)
205   192     ENGINEERING    DUMPSTER IN ROAD OR RIGHT OF WAY               EACH                        25.00              25.00                                                                                                         
                             REPLACE/ INSTALL SIDEWALK IN RIGHT OF 
            Packet Page 43
                                                                          EACH UNIT                     25.00              25.00                                                                                                         
      A               B                                 C                                 D                         E                F                                         G                                              H            I

 1                                                                                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON
 2                                                                                                         2023 USER FEES
 3             DEPARTMENT                        DESCRIPTION                             UNIT                   2022 FEES        2023 FEES                               COMMENTS                                 CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
                                     REPLACE/ INSTALL COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY 
      194       ENGINEERING                                                            EACH UNIT                         50.00            50.00                                                                                  
207                                  IN RIGHT OF WAY

209            DEPARTMENT                        DESCRIPTION                             UNIT                   2022 FEES        2023 FEES                               COMMENTS                                 CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
210   195       ENV SERVICES         ALERT NOTIFICATION ‐ FAX                      ANNUAL ‐ LOCAL                                                                 SERVICE NOW FREE VIA EMAIL                                     
211   196       ENV SERVICES         ALERT NOTIFICATION ‐ FAX                   ANNUAL ‐ LONG DISTANCE                                                            SERVICE NOW FREE VIA EMAIL                                     

213            DEPARTMENT                        DESCRIPTION                             UNIT                   2022 FEES        2023 FEES                               COMMENTS                                 CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
             PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ CODE 
      197                            TERRACE VIOLATIONS ADMINISTRATION FEE          FIRST VIOLATION                      50.00            50.00            PLUS HOURLY COST FOR WORK PERFORMED.                                  
214            ENFORCEMENT
                                                                                                                                                   PLUS HOURLY COST FOR WORK PERFORMED.  FEE FOR EACH 
      198                                                                          EACH SUBSEQUENT                       10.00            10.00 SUBSEQUENT VIOLATIONS INCREMENT $50  (E.G. 2ND VIOLATION =                       
               ENFORCEMENT           (EACH SUBSEQUENT IN YEAR)
215                                                                                                                                                                 $60; 3RD = $70, ETC
             PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ CODE 
      199                            GRASS, TRASH AND LEAF VIOLATIONS               FIRST VIOLATION                      90.00           100.00            PLUS HOURLY COST FOR WORK PERFORMED.                            11.11%
216            ENFORCEMENT
                                                                                                                                                   PLUS HOURLY COST FOR WORK PERFORMED.  FEE FOR EACH 
      200                                                                          EACH SUBSEQUENT                       15.00            20.00 SUBSEQUENT VIOLATIONS INCREMENT $90  (E.G. 2ND VIOLATION =                 33.33%
               ENFORCEMENT           SUBSEQUENT IN YEAR)
217                                                                                                                                                                $105; 3RD = $120, ETC
             PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ CODE 
      201                            LATE FEE ON INVOICES OVER 30 DAYS               EACH INVOICE                        10.00            15.00                                                                            50.00%
218            ENFORCEMENT
             PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ CODE 
      202                            CE DISPOSAL FEE                                 EACH INVOICE                        35.00            50.00                                                                            42.86%
219            ENFORCEMENT

221            DEPARTMENT                        DESCRIPTION                             UNIT                   2022 FEES        2023 FEES                               COMMENTS                                 CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
222   203   CITY‐CODE COMPLIANCE     VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION                  VACANT BUILDING                        0.00             0.00                  VACANT LESS THAN ONE YEAR                                       
223   204   CITY‐CODE COMPLIANCE     VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION                  VACANT BUILDING                      100.00           100.00            VACANT 1 YEAR OR MORE (RESIDENTIAL)                                   
224   205   CITY‐CODE COMPLIANCE     VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION                  VACANT BUILDING                      500.00           500.00            VACANT 1 YEAR OR MORE (COMMERCIAL)                                    
225   206   CITY‐CODE COMPLIANCE     VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION                  VACANT BUILDING                      500.00           500.00             VACANT 1 YEAR OR MORE (INDUSTRIAL)                                   
                                                                                                                                                     VACANT 5 YEARS BUT LESS THAN 10 YEARS. IF THIS MEETS 
      207   CITY‐CODE COMPLIANCE     VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION                  VACANT BUILDING                                                                                                                               
226                                                                                                                                                          STANDARD, THEN REDUCED TO $3,500.
227   208   CITY‐CODE COMPLIANCE     VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION                  VACANT BUILDING                                                                    VACANT 10 YEARS                                            
228   209   CITY‐CODE COMPLIANCE     VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION                  VACANT BUILDING                                                           EACH YEAR VACANT BEYOND 10 YEARS                                    
                                     VACANT BUILDING ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL 
      210   CITY‐CODE COMPLIANCE                                                     OCCURRENCE                          25.00            25.00                      NON‐REFUNDABLE FEE                                          
229                                  FEE (31‐60 DAYS LATE)
                                     VACANT BUILDING ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL 
      211   CITY‐CODE COMPLIANCE                                                     OCCURRENCE                          35.00            35.00                      NON‐REFUNDABLE FEE                                          
230                                  FEE (61‐90 DAYS LATE)
                                     VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION ‐ FORMAL 
      212   CITY‐CODE COMPLIANCE                                                     OCCURRENCE                          50.00            50.00                      NON‐REFUNDABLE FEE                                          
231                                  APPEAL FEE

233            DEPARTMENT                        DESCRIPTION                             UNIT                   2022 FEES        2023 FEES                               COMMENTS                                 CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
                                     RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION PER 
      213   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ RENTAL                                                     SINGLE UNIT                       80.00           100.00     INCLUDES ONE INSPECTION EVERY 3 YEARS FOR COMPLIANCE                   25.00%
234                                  PARCEL (LONG TERM)
                                     RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION PER 
      214   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ RENTAL                                                     SINGLE UNIT                      100.00           250.00              INSPECTIONS FOR SHORT TERM RENTALS                           150.00%
235                                  PARCEL (SHORT TERM)
                                     RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION PER 
      215   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ RENTAL                                                        DUPLEX                         90.00            90.00     INCLUDES ONE INSPECTION EVERY 3 YEARS FOR COMPLIANCE                         
236                                  PARCEL (ANNUAL)
                                     RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION (ANNUAL ‐ 
      216   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ RENTAL                                                        3 UNITS                       110.00           110.00     INCLUDES ONE INSPECTION EVERY 3 YEARS FOR COMPLIANCE                         
237                                  BASE)
                                     RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION (ANNUAL ‐ 
      217   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ RENTAL                                                   PER UNIT OVER 3                     15.00            15.00     INCLUDES ONE INSPECTION EVERY 3 YEARS FOR COMPLIANCE                         
238                                  PER PARCEL OVER 3)
                                     RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTION (INSPECTION 
      218   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ RENTAL   NO‐SHOW FIRST TIME OR LATE                          PER UNIT                        70.00            70.00 FEE ASSESSED FOR NO‐SHOW/LOCK OUT OR LATE CANCELLATION                           
239                                  CANCELLATION)
                                     RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTION                                                                                      FEE ASSESSED WHEN A 3RD CANCELLATION IS RECEIVED BY 
      219   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ RENTAL                                                     OCCURRENCE                        70.00            70.00                                                                                  
240                                  CANCELLATION FEE                                                                                                               CUSTOMER OR AGENT
                                     RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTION 
                                                                                                                                                    ADDED TO BASE CANCELLATION FEE; EACH CANCELLATION 
      220   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ RENTAL   CANCELLATION FEE (STARTING WITH 4TH  EXTRA PER TIME AFTER ONE OCCURRENCE            15.00            15.00                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                INSTANCE WILL CAUSE FEE TO INCREASE BY AN ADDITIONAL $15.00
241                                  CANCELLATION)
                                     RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTION (INSPECTION 
                                                                                                                                                   ADDED TO BASE NO SHOW FEE; EACH NO SHOW INSTANCE WILL 
      221   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ RENTAL   NO‐SHOW EACH ADDT'L TIME OR LATE                    PER UNIT                        25.00            25.00                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                   CAUSE INSPECTION FEE TO INCREASE BY AN ADDITIONAL $20.00
242                                  CANCELLATION)
                                                                                                                                                      FEE TO BE ASSESSED TO PROPERTIES NOT BROUGHT INTO 
      222   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ RENTAL   RENTAL PROPERTY REINSPECTION  FEE                 PER UNIT                          50.00            50.00                                                                                  
243                                                                                                                                                          COMPLIANCE AFTER THE FIRST INSPECTION
                                                                                                                                                     ADDED TO BASE NON‐COMPLIANCE FEE; EACH REINSPECTION 
                                     RENTAL PROPERTY REINSPECTION  
      223   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ RENTAL                                                     PER UNIT                          15.00            15.00   INSTANCE WILL CAUSE NON‐COMPLIANCE FEE TO INCREASE BY AN                       
                                     (STARTING WITH 2ND REINSPECTION)
244                                                                                                                                                                     ADDITIONAL $15.00
                                     RENTAL PROPERTY EXTERIOR ONLY                                                                                     FEE ASSESSED TO PROPERTIES IN COMPLIANCE INTERIOR 
      224   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ RENTAL   REINSPECTION  FEE (1ST EXTERIOR ONLY              PER UNIT                          40.00            40.00       REQUIREMENTS BUT NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH EXTERIOR                           
245                                  REINSPECTION)                                                                                                              REQUIREMENTS BY FIRST INSPECTION
                                     RENTAL PROPERTY EXTERIOR ONLY                                                                                     ADDED TO BASE EXTERIOR NON‐COMPLIANCE FEE; EACH 
      225   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ RENTAL   REINSPECTION FEE (STARTING WITH 2ND               PER UNIT                          20.00            20.00   REINSPECTION INSTANCE WILL CAUSE EXTERIOR NON‐COMPLIANCE                       
246                                  EXTERIOR ONLY  REINSPECTION)                                                                                            FEE TO INCREASE BY AN ADDITIONAL $15.00
                                     LATE FEE FOR NON‐PAYMENT OF RENTAL 
      226   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ RENTAL                                             EACH PROPERTY VIOLATION                   15.00            20.00                   FEE CHARGED AFTER 30 DAYS                                33.33%
247                                  REGISTRATION ANNUAL FEE
248   227   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ RENTAL   HOUSING‐WARRANT INSPECTION FEE                      EACH                           150.00           150.00                                                                                  
             PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ ENV 
      228                            BOARD UP'S ‐ FIRST 5 BOARDS                     PER INSTANCE                        40.00            40.00      PLUS THE COST OF THE CONTRACTOR TO DO THE BOARD UP                          
249                SERVICES
             PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ ENV 
      229                            BOARD UP'S ‐ 6 OR MORE BOARDS                   PER INSTANCE                        60.00            60.00      PLUS THE COST OF THE CONTRACTOR TO DO THE BOARD UP                          
250                SERVICES
      230                                                                              PER UNIT                         20.0%            20.0%          BASED ON THE CONTRACTORS PRICE TO DEMOLISH                               
251                SERVICES          DEMOLITIONS

253            DEPARTMENT                        DESCRIPTION                             UNIT                   2022 FEES        2023 FEES                               COMMENTS                                 CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
254   231     FARMERS' MARKET        DAILY ‐ SATURDAY                                    DAILY                           30.00            36.00                       SATURDAY ONLY                                        20.00%
255   232     FARMERS' MARKET        DAILY ‐ WEEKDAY                                     DAILY                           15.00            20.00                    WEEKDAYS WITH NO TIERS                                  33.33%
256   233     FARMERS' MARKET        TIER 1 ‐ CORNER                                   7 MONTHS                         480.00           678.00                                                                            41.25%
257   234     FARMERS' MARKET        TIER 1 ‐ REGULAR                                  7 MONTHS                         443.00           628.00                                                                            41.76%
258   235     FARMERS' MARKET        TIER 2 ‐ REGULAR NO PARKING                       7 MONTHS                         266.00           528.00                                                                            98.50%
259   236     FARMERS' MARKET        WINTER MARKET‐GARAGE DOOR                           DAILY                           30.00            30.00                                                                                  
260   237     FARMERS' MARKET        WINTER MARKET‐ SMALL TABLE                          DAILY                           20.00            20.00                                                                                  
                                     FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL ‐ 
      238     FARMERS' MARKET                                                         PER SESSION                       250.00           350.00            9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM OR 4:00 PM TO 10:00 PM                       40.00%
261                                  FACILITY A
                                     FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL ‐ 
      239     FARMERS' MARKET                                                         PER SESSION                       250.00           350.00            9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM OR 4:00 PM TO 10:00 PM                       40.00%
262                                  FACILITY B
                                     FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL ‐ 
      240     FARMERS' MARKET                                                         PER SESSION                       250.00           350.00            9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM OR 4:00 PM TO 10:00 PM                       40.00%
263                                  FACILITY C
                                     FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL ‐ 
      241     FARMERS' MARKET                                                         PER SESSION                       100.00           150.00            9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM OR 4:00 PM TO 10:00 PM                       50.00%
264                                  FACILITY D
                                     FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL ‐                                                                          9:00 AM TO 1:00 PM OR 1:30 PM TO 5:30 PM OR 6:00 PM TO 10:00 
      242     FARMERS' MARKET                                                         PER SESSION                        50.00            50.00                                                                                  
265                                  MARKET STAGE                                                                                                                             PM
      243     FARMERS' MARKET        SNAP/DOUBLE‐UP FOOD BUCKS ADMIN FEE          2% OF TRANSACTION                      2.0%             5.0%           FEE FOR COST OF TRANSACTION ADMINISTRATION                       150.00%
                                     DEALERS $50/PER YEAR INCREMENTAL MAX 
      244     FARMERS' MARKET                                                                                            50.00           100.00                                                                           100.00%
267                                  $400.00
                                     FOOD TRUCKS ‐ SATURDAY ELECTRICITY AND 
            Packet Page 44
              FARMERS' MARKET 
                                     OR WATER
                                                                                                                          0.00            10.00                                                                               *NEW FEE*
      A                B                                   C                                  D                       E                  F                                         G                                           H            I

 1                                                                                                       CITY OF MUSKEGON
 2                                                                                                           2023 USER FEES
 3               DEPARTMENT                         DESCRIPTION                             UNIT                 2022 FEES           2023 FEES                               COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
269   246      FARMERS' MARKET      CONCESSION VENDORS                                    PER STALL                           0.00              50.00                                                                          *NEW FEE*
                                    FOOD TRUCKS ‐ SATURDAY ELECTRICITY AND 
      247      FARMERS' MARKET                                                                                                0.00              10.00                                                                          *NEW FEE*
270                                 OR WATER
                                    KITCHEN USE ‐ PREP/TABLETOP ‐REGULAR 
      248   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN                                                       PER HOUR                           12.00              14.00                                                                       16.67%
271                                 USER
      249   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN USE ‐ PROCESSING ‐ REGULAR USER               PER HOUR                           15.00              18.00                                                                       20.00%

      250   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN USE ‐ CATERING ‐ REGULAR USER                 PER HOUR                           15.00              18.00                                                                       20.00%

      251   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN DRY STORAGE  SMALL ‐ MONTHLY                 PER MONTH                           20.00              20.00                                                                             

      252   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN DRY STORAGE LARGE ‐ MONTHLY                  PER MONTH                            0.00              30.00                                                                          *NEW FEE*

      253   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN COOLER 1/2 SHELF ‐ MONTHLY                   PER MONTH                            0.00              15.00                        COOLER SPACE                                      *NEW FEE*

      254   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN FREEZER FULL SHELF ‐ MONTHLY                 PER MONTH                            0.00              15.00                        FREEZER SPACE                                     *NEW FEE*

      255   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN OTHER STORAGE                                PER MONTH                            0.00              10.00                        FREEZER SPACE                                     *NEW FEE*
                                    KITCHEN USE ‐ SECURITY DEPOSIT REGULAR                                                                                 DEPOSIT REFUNDED IF NO DAMAGE, KITCHEN IS CLEANED, 
      256   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN                                                      PER RENTAL                          50.00              50.00                                                                             
279                                 USER                                                                                                                               EQUIPMENT RETURNED, ETC.
                                    KITCHEN USE ‐APPLICATION FEE FOR 
      257   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN                                                      PER RENTAL                          20.00              20.00                    INCLUDES ONE KEY CARD                                    
280                                 REGULAR USER
                                    KITCHEN USE ‐OCCASIONAL OR ONE TIME 
      258   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN                                                       PER HOUR                           25.00              40.00                                                                       60.00%
281                                 USE
                                    KITCHEN USE ‐ SECURITY DEPOSIT                                                                                         DEPOSIT REFUNDED IF NO DAMAGE, KITCHEN IS CLEANED, 
      259   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN                                                      PER RENTAL                         100.00             100.00                                                                             
282                                 OCCASIONAL OR ONE TIME USE                                                                                                         EQUIPMENT RETURNED, ETC
                                    KITCHEN USE ‐ APPLICATION FEE 
      260   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN                                                      PER RENTAL                          20.00              20.00                                                                             
283                                 OCCASIONAL OR ONE TIME USE
      261   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN USE ‐ REPLACEMENT  KEY                        PER CARD                           10.00              10.00                                                                             
                                                                                                                                                        CANCELLATION IS WITHOUT CHARGE IF MADE UP TO SEVEN DAYS 
      262   FARMERS MARKET KITCHEN CANCELLATION FEE                                    PER OCCURRENCE                                                     IN ADVANCE; LESS THAN 7 DAYS NOTICE CHARGED THE FULL                    
285                                                                                                                                                                           RENTAL RATE

287              DEPARTMENT                         DESCRIPTION                             UNIT                 2022 FEES           2023 FEES                               COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
288   263           FINANCE            REPLACEMENT OF LOST PAYROLL CHECK              EACH OCCURRENCE                        25.00              25.00                                                                             
289   264           FINANCE            COPIES OF CITY BUDGET OR CAFR                        EACH                             25.00              25.00                                                                             

291              DEPARTMENT                         DESCRIPTION                             UNIT                 2022 FEES           2023 FEES                               COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
292   265             FIRE             FIRE REPORT COPY (MAJOR FIRE)                        EACH                             15.00              15.00                                                                             
293   266             FIRE             FIRE REPORT COPY (REGULAR)                           EACH                              5.00               5.00                                                                             
      267             FIRE             PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (ENLARGED)                   EACH                             12.00              12.00                                                                             
295   268             FIRE             PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (STD SIZE)                   EACH                             15.00              15.00                                                                             
      269             FIRE             PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (CD‐ROM)                     EACH                             15.00              15.00                                                                             
297   270             FIRE             INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION ESCROW                  EACH INCIDENT                        15.00              15.00                   PLUS RELATED COURT COSTS                                  
298   271             FIRE             FIRE INSPECTION ADDITIONAL VISIT                 EACH INCIDENT                        20.00              20.00               RE‐INSPECTION/REPAIR/COMPLAINT                                
299   272             FIRE             ARSON FIRE RESTITUTION FEE                       PER HR ON CALL                       50.00              50.00                   PLUS RELATED COURT COSTS                                  
300   273             FIRE             FALSE ALARM FEE                                  PER HR ON CALL                       30.00              30.00              AFTER 3RD FALSE ALARM IN ONE YEAR                              
301   274             FIRE             WILLFUL NEGLIGENCE FIRE FEE                      PER HR ON CALL                       25.00              25.00                                                                             
302   275             FIRE             CONFINED SPACE RESCUE FEE                        PER HR ON CALL                      100.00             100.00                                                                             
303   276             FIRE             ICE RESCUE CALL                                  PER HR ON CALL                       60.00              60.00                                                                             
304   277             FIRE             DOWNED POWER LINE                                    PER HR                           60.00              60.00          AFTER FIRST FIFTEEN MINUTES, PER HOUR RATE                         
305   278             FIRE             SPECIAL USE PERMITS (PER UFC)                    EACH PER YEAR                        25.00              25.00                                                                             
      279             FIRE             STRUCTURE FIRE RESPONSE                              EACH                            500.00             500.00 CHARGED TO OWNER'S INSURANCE (RESIDENTAL / COMMERCIAL)                      
307   280             FIRE             PI ACCIDENT RESPONSE                                PER HR                   60.00              60.00             CHARGED TO AT FAULT DRIVER'S AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY

309              DEPARTMENT                         DESCRIPTION                             UNIT                 2022 FEES           2023 FEES                               COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
      281         FLEA MARKET          DEALERS SPACE ‐ CORNER COVERED SPACE                 DAILY                            15.00              15.00                                                                             
311   282         FLEA MARKET          DEALERS SPACE ‐ 10 x 15 COVERED SPACE                DAILY                            12.00              12.00                                                                             
      283         FLEA MARKET          DEALERS SPACE ‐ 10 x 30 ASHPHALT SPACE               DAILY                            10.00              10.00                                                                             

314              DEPARTMENT                         DESCRIPTION                             UNIT                 2022 FEES           2023 FEES                               COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
                                       DELINQUENT PAYMENT AGREEMENT 
      284         INCOME TAX                                                                EACH                             15.00              15.00              PLUS RELATED PENALTIES & INTEREST                              
315                                    ADMINISTRATION FEE

317              DEPARTMENT                         DESCRIPTION                             UNIT                 2022 FEES           2023 FEES                               COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
      285   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   BUILDING CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION FEE                 EACH                             15.00              25.00                                                                       66.67%
                                       BUILDING DEMOLITION PERMIT                                             25% of Value; Min  25% of Value; Min 
      286   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                        EACH                                                                                                                           #VALUE!
319                                    (COMMERCIAL)                                                               $120.00            $150.00
      287   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   BUILDING DEMOLITION PERMIT (GARAGE)                  EACH                             60.00              75.00                                                                       25.00%
                                       BUILDING DEMOLITION PERMIT 
      288   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                        EACH                            120.00             150.00                                                                       25.00%
321                                    (RESIDENTIAL)
      289   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($1‐$1,000 VALUE)               EACH                             55.00              65.00                                                                       18.18%
                                       BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($1,001‐$2,000 
      290   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                        BASE                             55.00              65.00                                                                       18.18%
323                                    VALUE)
                                       BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($1,000‐$2,000 
      291   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                EACH ADDITIONAL $100                      3.50               3.50                                                                             
324                                    VALUE)
                                       BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($2,001‐$25,000 
      292   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                        BASE                             92.75              92.75                                                                             
325                                    VALUE)
                                       BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($2,001‐$25,000 
      293   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000                   15.38              15.38                                                                             
326                                    VALUE)
                                       BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($25,001‐$50,000 
      294   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                        BASE                            463.00             463.00                                                                             
327                                    VALUE)
                                       BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($25,001‐$50,000 
      295   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000                   11.50              11.50                                                                             
328                                    VALUE)
                                       BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($50,001‐$100,000 
      296   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                        BASE                            753.00             753.00                                                                             
329                                    VALUE)
                                       BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($50,001‐$100,000 
      297   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000                    8.00               8.00                                                                             
330                                    VALUE)
                                       BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($100,001‐$500,000 
      298   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                        BASE                          1,150.00           1,150.00                                                                             
331                                    VALUE)
                                       BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($100,001‐$500,000 
      299   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000                    6.40               6.40                                                                             
332                                    VALUE)
                                       BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($500,001‐$1,000,000 
      300   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                        BASE                          3,731.00           3,731.00                                                                             
333                                    VALUE)
                                       BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($500,001‐$1,000,000 
            Packet Page 45
                                                                                    EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000                    5.45               5.45                                                                             
      A                B                                   C                                D                     E                  F                                   G                                   H              I

 1                                                                                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON
 2                                                                                                         2023 USER FEES
 3              DEPARTMENT                          DESCRIPTION                           UNIT                2022 FEES          2023 FEES                         COMMENTS                        CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
                                       BUILDING PERMIT FEES (OVER $1,000,000 
      302   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      BASE                        6,449.00           6,449.00                                                               
335                                    VALUE)
                                       BUILDING PERMIT FEES (OVER $1,000,000 
      303   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                              EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000                 4.15               4.15                                                                
336                                    VALUE)
                                       BUILDING PERMIT (INSPECTION‐SPECIAL. 
      304   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                    PER HOUR                        65.00             150.00                   NO MINIMUM                              130.77%
337                                    REINSPECTION, ETC.)
                                       BUILDING PERMIT (PRE‐MANUFACTURED 
      305   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                         50.00%             50.00%          OF REGULAR BUILDING PERMIT FEE                        
338                                    RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE)
                                       BUILDING PLAN REVIEW FEE (INCL FIRE 
      306   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                   PERMIT FEE                      65.00%             65.00%              OF APPLICABLE PERMIT FEE                          
339                                    REVIEW)
                                       CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS 
      307   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                         500.00             500.00                                                                
340                                    APPLICATION FEE
341   308   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (BASE PERMIT)                    BASE                          65.00              75.00                                                           15.38%
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (BASEBOARD HEAT 
      309   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                           9.00               9.00                                                                
342                                    UNITS)
343   310   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (CIRCUITS)                       EACH                           6.00               6.00                                                                
344   311   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (DISHWASHER)                     EACH                           9.00               9.00                                                                
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (ENERGY 
      312   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          45.00              45.00                                                                
345                                    RETROFIT/TEMP CONTROL)
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FEEDERS, BUS DUCTS, 
      313   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                     EACH 50'                        9.00               9.00                                                                
346                                    ETC.)
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FIRE ALARM 1‐10 
      314   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          75.00              75.00                                                                
347                                    DEVICES)
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FIRE ALARM 11‐20 
      315   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                         150.00             150.00                                                                
348                                    DEVICES)
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FIRE ALARM EA. 
      316   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                   EACH DEVICE                       8.00               8.00                                                                
349                                    STATION OVER 20 DEV)
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FURNACE‐UNIT 
      317   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                           9.00               9.00                                                                
350                                    HEATER)
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION‐
      318   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                    PER HOUR                        45.00              45.00                 MINIMUM 1 HOUR                                 
351                                    ADDITIONAL)
352   319   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION‐FINAL)               EACH                          45.00              45.00                                                                
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION‐HOURLY 
      320   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      HOUR                          60.00              60.00                 MINIMUM 1 HOUR                                 
353                                    FEE)
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION‐
      321   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      HOUR                          50.00              50.00                 MINIMUM 1 HOUR                                 
354                                    SPECIAL/SAFETY)
      322   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (KVA OR HP UP TO 20)             EACH                           9.00               9.00                                                                
356   323   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (KVA & HP 21 TO 50)              EACH                          15.00              15.00                                                                
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (KVA & HP 50 AND 
      324   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          18.00              18.00                                                                
357                                    OVER)
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (LIGHTING FIXTURES‐
      325   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          10.00              10.00                                                                
358                                    PER 25)
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (METER 
      326   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          45.00              45.00                                                                
359                                    INSPECTION/POWER TURN‐ON)
360   327   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (MOBILE HOME SITE)               EACH                           9.00               9.00                                                                
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (POWER OUTLETS‐INC 
      328   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          10.00              10.00                                                                
361                                    RANGES, DRYERS)
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (RECREATIONAL 
      329   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                           8.00               8.00                                                                
362                                    VEHICLE SITE)
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES 0 TO 200 
      330   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          15.00              15.00                                                                
363                                    AMP)
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES 201 TO 600 
      331   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          20.00              20.00                                                                
364                                    AMP)
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES 601 TO 800 
      332   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          23.00              23.00                                                                
365                                    AMP)
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES 801 TO 1200 
      333   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          30.00              30.00                                                                
366                                    AMP)
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES OVER 1200 
      334   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          50.00              50.00                                                                
367                                    AMP/GFI ONLY)
368   335   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SIGNS LETTER)                   EACH                          15.00              15.00                                                                
369   336   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SIGNS NEON)                    EACH 25'                        2.00               2.00                                                                
370   337   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SIGNS UNIT)                     EACH                          10.00              10.00                                                                
                                       ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SPECIAL 
      338   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          45.00              45.00                                                                
371                                    CONDUIT/GROUNDING)
372   339   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW FEE                         EACH                         25.00%             25.00%              OF APPLICABLE PERMIT FEE                          
373   340   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   FIRE ALARM PLAN REVIEW FEE                         EACH                         25.00%             25.00%    OF PERMIT FEE FOR ANY SYSTEM OVER 10 DEVICES                
374   341   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   GARAGE MOVING FEE                                  EACH                         200.00             200.00                                                                
      342   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   BUILDING MOVING FEE (EXCEPT GARAGE)                EACH                         500.00             500.00                                                                
376   343   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   LIQUOR LICENSE INSPECTION FEE                      EACH                          80.00             100.00                                                           25.00%
377   344   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   LIQUOR LICENSE RE‐INSPECTION FEE                   EACH                          50.00              50.00                                                                 
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERS‐
      345   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          20.00              20.00                                                                
378                                    COMMERCIAL HOODS)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERS‐OVER 
      346   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          60.00              60.00                                                                
379                                    10,000 CFM)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERS‐RES 
      347   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                           5.00               5.00                                                                
380                                    BATH & KITCHEN)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERS‐
      348   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          20.00              20.00                                                                
381                                    UNDER 10,000 CFM)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG‐
      349   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          30.00              30.00                                                                
382                                    CHILLER)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG‐
      350   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          30.00              30.00                                                                
383                                    COMPRESSOR)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG‐
      351   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          30.00              30.00                                                                
384                                    COOLING TOWERS)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG‐
      352   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          30.00              30.00                                                                
385                                    EVAPORATOR COILS)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG‐
      353   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          30.00              30.00                                                                
386                                    REFRIGERATION SPLIT SYSTEM)
387   354   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   MECHANICAL PERMIT (BASE PERMIT)                    EACH                          65.00              75.00                                                           15.38%
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (FIRE 
      355   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                    PER FOOT                         0.10               0.10                $25.00 MINIMUM FEE                              
388                                    SUPPRESSION/DUCT)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (FIRE 
      356   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                    PER FOOT                         0.10               0.10                $25.00 MINIMUM FEE                              
389                                    SUPPRESSION/PIPING)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (FIRE 
      357   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                         150.00             150.00                                                                
390                                    SUPPRESSION/RESTAURANT HOODS)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (FIRE 
      358   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                    PER HEAD                         0.75               0.75                $20.00 MINIMUM FEE                              
391                                    SUPPRESSION/SPRINKLER HEADS)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEAT RECOVERY 
      359   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          10.00              10.00                                                                
392                                    UNITS/THRU‐WALL FAN COILS)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING‐BOILER 
      360   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          10.00              10.00                                                                
393                                    CONTROLS, PUMPS)
      361   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING‐BOILERS)                EACH                          30.00              30.00                                                                
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING‐CHIMNEY, 
      362   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          25.00              25.00                                                                
395                                    FACTORY BUILT)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING‐FLUE/VENT 
      363   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                           8.00               8.00                                                                
396                                    DAMPER)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING‐GAS FIRE 
      364   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          20.00              20.00                                                                
397                                    PLACES)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING‐GAS PIPE 
      365   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      EACH                          45.00              45.00                                                                
398                                    TESTING NEW SERVICE)

      366   Packet Page 46
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING‐GAS PIPING 
                                       EACH OPENING)
                                                                                          EACH                           5.00               5.00                                                                
      A                B                                   C                                    D                        E                  F                                         G                                         H              I

 1                                                                                                        CITY OF MUSKEGON
 2                                                                                                                2023 USER FEES
 3              DEPARTMENT                            DESCRIPTION                            UNIT                    2022 FEES          2023 FEES                               COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING‐GAS/OIL 
      367   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             30.00              30.00                                                                            
400                                    BURNING EQUIPMENT)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING‐HEAT 
      368   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             30.00              30.00                                                                            
401                                    PUMPS COMMERCIAL)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING‐HEAT 
      369   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             30.00              30.00                                                                            
402                                    PUMPS, COMPLETE RESIDENT)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING‐HEAT 
      370   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             30.00              30.00                                                                            
403                                    PUMPS, COMPLETE RESIDENT)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING‐
      371   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             30.00              30.00                                                                            
404                                    RESIDENTIAL A/C)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING‐
      372   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             50.00              50.00                                                                            
405                                    RESIDENTIAL SYSTEM)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING‐SOLAR, SET 
      373   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             20.00              20.00                                                                            
406                                    OF 3 PANELS)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING‐SOLID FUEL 
      374   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             30.00              30.00                                                                            
407                                    EQUIPMENT COMPLETE)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING‐WATER 
      375   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             10.00              10.00                                                                            
408                                    HEATER)
409   376   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   MECHANICAL PERMIT (HUMIDIFIERS)                        EACH                             10.00              10.00                                                                            
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION‐
      377   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             45.00              45.00                                                                            
410                                    ADDITIONAL)
      378   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION‐FINAL)                   EACH                             45.00              45.00                                                                            
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION‐HOURLY 
      379   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             60.00              60.00                                                                            
412                                    RATE)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION‐
      380   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             50.00              50.00                                                                            
413                                    SPECIAL/SAFETY)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION‐TURN 
      381   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             45.00              45.00                                                                            
414                                    ON GAS)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS 
      382   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                              5.00               5.00                                                                            
415                                    PIPING/HAZARDOUS 1‐4 OUTLETS)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS 
      383   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      PER OUTLET                            1.00               1.00                                                                            
416                                    PIPING/HAZARDOUS 5+ MORE OUTLETS)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS 
      384   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                              2.00               2.00                                                                            
417                                    PIPING/NON‐HAZARDOUS 1‐4 OUTLETS)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS 
      385   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      PER OUTLET                            0.50               0.50                                                                            
418                                    PIPING/NON‐HAZARDOUS 5+ OUTLETS)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (ROOFTOP HVAC 
      386   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             60.00              60.00                                                                            
419                                    UNIT)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (TANKS‐
      387   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             20.00              20.00                                                                            
420                                    ABOVEGROUND)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (TANKS‐
      388   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             25.00              25.00                                                                            
421                                    UNDERGROUND)
                                       MECHANICAL PERMIT (UNIT 
      389   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             15.00              15.00                                                                            
422                                    HEATERS/TERMINAL UNITS)
      390   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   MECHANICAL PERMIT (UNIT VENTILATORS)                   EACH                             10.00              10.00                                                                            
424   391   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   MECHANICAL PLAN REVIEW FEE                             EACH                            25.00%             25.00%                   OF APPLICABLE PERMIT FEE                                  
425   392   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   PLUMBING PERMIT (BASE PERMIT)                          EACH                             65.00              75.00                                                                       15.38%
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (CONNECTION BLDG. 
      393   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                              9.00               9.00                                                                            
426                                    DRAIN; SEWERS AT STREET)
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (FIXTURES, FLOOR 
      394   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                              9.00               9.00                                                                            
427                                    DRAINS, LAB DEVICES)
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (INSPECTION 
      395   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             45.00              45.00                                                                            
428                                    ADDITIONAL)
429   396   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   PLUMBING PERMIT (INSPECTION FINAL)                     EACH                             45.00              45.00                                                                            
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (INSPECTION HOURLY 
      397   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             60.00              60.00                     MINIMUM TWO HOURS                                      
430                                    FEE)
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (INSPECTION 
      398   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             50.00              50.00                                                                            
431                                    SPECIAL/SAFETY)
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (MANHOLES‐
      399   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             10.00              10.00                                                                            
432                                    CATCHBASINS)
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (MEDICAL GAS 
      400   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      PER OUTLET                            8.00               8.00                                                                            
433                                    INSTALLATION)
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (REDUCED PRESSURE 
      401   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             10.00              10.00                                                                            
434                                    BACKFLOW PREVENTER 1/4" TO 2")
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (REDUCED PRESSURE 
      402   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             20.00              20.00                                                                            
435                                    BACKFLOW PREVENTER OVER 2")
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (SEWAGE SUMPS & 
      403   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             10.00              10.00                                                                            
436                                    EJECTORS)
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (SEWERS‐SANITARY OR 
      404   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             25.00              25.00                                                                            
437                                    STORM OVER 6")
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (SEWERS‐SANITARY OR 
      405   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             10.00              10.00                                                                            
438                                    STORM UNDER 6")
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (STACKS, VENTS, 
      406   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                              6.00               6.00                                                                            
439                                    CONDUCTORS)
440   407   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   PLUMBING PERMIT (SUB‐SOIL DRAINS)                      EACH                              9.00               9.00                                                                            
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION 
      408   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             30.00              30.00                                                                            
441                                    SYSTEM‐‐1‐1/2")
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION 
      409   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             23.00              23.00                                                                            
442                                    SYSTEM‐‐1‐1/4")
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION 
      410   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             15.00              15.00                                                                            
443                                    SYSTEM‐‐1")
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION 
      411   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             38.00              38.00                                                                            
444                                    SYSTEM‐‐2")
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION 
      412   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                              8.00               8.00                                                                            
445                                    SYSTEM‐‐3/4")
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION 
      413   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             45.00              45.00                                                                            
446                                    SYSTEM‐‐OVER 2")
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER SERVICE 2" TO 
      414   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             25.00              25.00                                                                            
447                                    6")
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER SERVICE LESS 
      415   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             10.00              10.00                                                                            
448                                    THAN 2")
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER SERVICE OVER 
      416   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             50.00              50.00                                                                            
449                                    6")
450   417   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   PLUMBING PLAN REVIEW FEE                               EACH                            25.00%             25.00%                   OF APPLICABLE PERMIT FEE                                 
                                       PLUMBING PERMIT (GREASE TRAP 
      418   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                             45.00              45.00                                                                            
451                                    INSPECTION)
                                       PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE APPEAL 
      419   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                          EACH                            100.00             100.00                                                                            
452                                    APPLICATION FEE
                                       ROOFING PERMIT (RE‐ROOF OVER OLD 
      420   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      PER SQUARE                          150.00             150.00                                                                            
453                                    ROOF/1LAYERS MAX)
454   421   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   ROOFING PERMIT (STRIP THEN RE‐ROOF)                PER SQUARE                          250.00             250.00                                                                            
                                       ROOFING PERMIT (STRIP, RE‐SHEET, THEN RE‐
      422   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING                                                      PER SQUARE                          300.00             300.00                                                                            
455                                    ROOF)
456   423   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   Telecommunications Outlets                         1 ‐ 10 Outlets                       50.00              50.00                                                                            
457   424   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   Telecommunications Outlets                        11 ‐ 20 Outlets                      100.00             100.00                                                                            
458   425   PUBLIC SAFETY ‐ BUILDING   Telecommunications Outlets                  Over 20 Outlets ‐ Per Outlet                 2.00               2.00                                                                            

460             DEPARTMENT                            DESCRIPTION                            UNIT                    2022 FEES          2023 FEES                               COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
461   426           MARINA             30 FOOT SLIP                                           EACH                           2,310.00           2,580.00   5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN FULL BY JANUARY 31ST           11.69%
462   427           MARINA             40 FOOT SLIP                                           EACH                           3,080.00           3,440.00   5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN FULL BY JANUARY 31ST           11.69%
463   428   Packet Page 47
                    MARINA             60 FOOT SLIP                                           EACH                           4,080.00           4,620.00   5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN FULL BY JANUARY 31ST           13.24%
      A           B                            C                             D                    E                  F                                           G                                         H              I

 1                                                                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON
 2                                                                                         2023 USER FEES
 3            DEPARTMENT                DESCRIPTION                         UNIT              2022 FEES          2023 FEES                                 COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
                           HARD ACCESS (SLIPS 37‐46, 69) UNDER 27' 
      429       MARINA                                                      EACH                      1,800.00           1,800.00                                                                             
464                        ONLY
465   430       MARINA     CLASS A MOORING                                  EACH                       583.00             583.00      5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN FULL BY JANUARY 31ST                
466   431       MARINA     DAILY LAUNCH RAMP                                EACH                        10.00              10.00                                                                              
467   432       MARINA     SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER                   RESIDENT                      50.00              50.00                                                                              
468   433       MARINA     SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER                 NON‐RESIDENT                    70.00              70.00                                                                              
                           SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER 
      434       MARINA                                                    RESIDENT                      30.00              30.00                                                                              
469                        (SENIOR/HANDICAPPED)
                           SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER 
      435       MARINA                                                  NON‐RESIDENT                    45.00              45.00                                                                              
470                        (SENIOR/HANDICAPPED)
471   436       MARINA     END OF SEASON LAUNCH RAMP PERMIT                 EACH                        30.00              30.00                     SOLD AFTER SEPTEMBER 15                                  
                                                                                                                                     MINIMUM ‐ FEE CHARGED BASED ON TRANSIENT VESSEL RATES 
      437       MARINA     END OF SEASON LATE REMOVAL FEE              PER DAY MINIMUM                  32.00              44.00                                                                         37.50%
472                                                                                                                                               (VESSEL LENGTH) PER STATE DNR
473   438       MARINA     SHOPPERS DOCK                                    EACH                        10.00              10.00                 $10 PER 3 HOURS, 35' DOCKS ONLY                              

475           DEPARTMENT                DESCRIPTION                         UNIT              2022 FEES          2023 FEES                                 COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
476   439      PLANNING    PRECINCT MAPS (LARGE)                            EACH                        30.00              30.00                                                                              
                           MASTER PLAN COPY (CITY, DDA, LDFA) ‐ 
      440      PLANNING                                                     EACH                       130.00             130.00                            HARD COPY                                         
477                        COLOR
                           MASTER PLAN COPY (CITY, DDA, LDFA) ‐ B & 
      441      PLANNING                                                     EACH                        35.00              35.00                            HARD COPY                                         
478                        W
479   442      PLANNING    DOWNTOWN PLAN COPY                               EACH                        30.00              30.00                            HARD COPY                                         
                           MASTER PLAN COPY (CITY, DDA, LDFA) ‐ 
      443      PLANNING                                                     EACH                        15.00              15.00                         PROVIDED ON CD                                       
480                        COLOR
                           MASTER PLAN COPY (CITY, DDA, LDFA) ‐ B & 
      444      PLANNING                                                     EACH                        15.00              15.00                         PROVIDED ON CD                                       
481                        W
482   445      PLANNING    DOWNTOWN PLAN COPY                               EACH                        15.00              15.00                         PROVIDED ON CD                                       
                           OPRA, COMMERCIAL REHAB, COMMERCIAL 
      446      PLANNING                                                     EACH                      1,000.00           1,000.00                      2021 FEES WERE 1,000                                   
483                        REDEVELOPMENT
484   447      PLANNING    CRITICAL DUNE                                    EACH                  1500‐2500         1500‐2500                       BASED ON CONSULTANT FEES                             RANGES
                           OBSOLETE PROPERTY REHAB FILING & 
      448      PLANNING                                                     EACH                                                      2% OF ABATED TAXES (WHICHEVER IS LESS ‐ MINIMUM $500)                   
485                        MONITORING FEE
486   449      PLANNING    NEZ APPLICATION FEE                              EACH                        50.00              50.00                                                                              
487   450      PLANNING    IFT/CFT APPLICATION FEE                          EACH                                                             2% OF ABATED TAXES, NOT TO EXCEED $1,722                         
                           IFT/CFT/OPRA/COMMERCIAL REHAB 
      451      PLANNING    DISTRICT ESTABLISHMENT IF ON A SEPARATE          EACH                       500.00             500.00                                                                              
488                        MEETING FROM CERTIFICATE
489   452      PLANNING    PERSONAL PROPERTY ABATEMENT FEE                  EACH                                                      2% OF ABATED TAXES (WHICHEVER IS LESS ‐ MINIMUM $400)                   
                           COMMERCIAL REHAB FILING/MONITORING 
      453      PLANNING                                                     EACH                                                      2% OF ABATED TAXES (WHICHEVER IS LESS ‐ MINIMUM $500)                   
490                        FEE
      454      PLANNING                                                     EACH                      1,000.00           1,000.00                                                                             
491                        FEE
      455      PLANNING                                                     EACH                      5,000.00           5,000.00           IF TAX CAPTURE FEE BASED ON ACTUAL COSTS                          
492                        FEE
493   456      PLANNING    PARKS AND RECREATION PLAN                        EACH                        30.00              30.00                            HARD COPY                                         
      457      PLANNING    DOWNTOWN RESIDENTIAL PARKING PASS                EACH                        50.00              50.00                                                                              
495   458      PLANNING    PARKS AND RECREATION PLAN                        EACH                        15.00              15.00                                CD                                            

497           DEPARTMENT                DESCRIPTION                         UNIT              2022 FEES          2023 FEES                                 COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
                           POLICE REPORTS ‐ ACCIDENT & OFFENSE 
      459       POLICE                                                      EACH                         0.25               0.25                                                                              
498                        (EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE)
                           POLICE REPORTS ‐ ACCIDENT & OFFENSE 
      460       POLICE                                                      EACH                         5.50               5.50                                                                              
499                        (FIRST PAGE)
      461       POLICE     BIKE REGISTRATION (CHANGE OWNERSHIP)             EACH                         2.00               2.00                                                                              
501   462       POLICE     BIKE REGISTRATION (DUPLICATE)                    EACH                         1.00               1.00                                                                              
502   463       POLICE     BIKE REGISTRATION (ENGRAVING)                    EACH                         0.00               0.00                            NO CHARGE                                         
503   464       POLICE     BIKE REGISTRATION (NEW)                          EACH                         2.00               2.00                                                                              
504   465       POLICE     CITATION COPY                                    EACH                         5.50               5.50                                                                              
505   466       POLICE     FALSE ALARM FEE (4TH IN YEAR)                    EACH                        30.00              30.00                                                                              
506   467       POLICE     FALSE ALARM FEE (5TH IN YEAR)                    EACH                        60.00              60.00                                                                              
      468       POLICE     FALSE ALARM FEE (6TH OR MORE IN YEAR)            EACH                        75.00              75.00                                                                              
                                                                                                                                    INCLUDES $1.00 COST TO PROVIDE OWNER COPY OF INFORMATION 
      469       POLICE     LICENSE TO PURCHASE FEE                          EACH                         6.00               6.00                                                                              
508                                                                                                                                                     AND $5.00 NOTARY FEE
                           LIQUOR ‐ SPECIAL LICENSE ‐ NEW EVENT (45 
      470       POLICE                                                      EACH                       150.00             150.00                                                                              
509                        DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT)
                           LIQUOR ‐ SPECIAL LICENSE ‐ RETURN EVENT, 
      471       POLICE     OUTSIDE CITY RATE (45 DAYS PRIOR TO              EACH                       125.00             125.00                                                                              
510                        EVENT)
                           LIQUOR ‐ SPECIAL LICENSE ‐ RETURN EVENT, 
      472       POLICE                                                      EACH                        75.00              75.00                                                                              
                           IN CITY RATE (45 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT)
                           LIQUOR ‐ SPECIAL LICENSE (15 ‐ 44 DAYS 
      473       POLICE                                                      EACH                       250.00             250.00                                                                              
512                        PRIOR TO EVENT) (ALL)
                           LIQUOR ‐ SPECIAL LICENSE (UNDER 15 DAYS 
      474       POLICE                                                      EACH                 NOT ISSUED        NOT ISSUED                                                                                 
513                        PRIOR TO EVENT)
                           LIQUOR ‐ TEMPORARY EXISTING 
      475       POLICE     ESTABLISHMENT LICENSE (45 DAYS PRIOR TO          EACH                        40.00              40.00                                                                              
514                        EVENT)
                           LIQUOR ‐ TEMPORARY EXISTING 
      476       POLICE     ESTABLISHMENT LICENSE (15 ‐ 44 DAYS              EACH                        60.00              60.00                                                                              
515                        PRIOR TO EVENT)
                           LIQUOR ‐ TEMPORARY EXISTING 
      477       POLICE     ESTABLISHMENT LICENSE (UNDER 15 DAYS             EACH                 NOT ISSUED        NOT ISSUED                                                                                 
516                        PRIOR TO EVENT)
                           LIQUOR ‐ TEMPORARY EXISTING CLUB 
      478       POLICE                                                      EACH                        40.00              40.00                                                                              
517                        LICENSE (45 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT)
                           LIQUOR ‐ TEMPORARY EXISTING CLUB 
      479       POLICE     LICENSE (15 ‐ 44 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT)            EACH                        60.00              60.00                                                                              
518                        (ALL)
                           LIQUOR ‐ TEMPORARY EXISTING CLUB 
      480       POLICE                                                      EACH                 NOT ISSUED        NOT ISSUED                                                                                 
                           LICENSE (UNDER 15 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT)
520   481       POLICE     OUIL COST RECOVERY FEE                           EACH               ACTUAL COSTS      ACTUAL COSTS                                                                                 
      482       POLICE     PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (ENLARGED)               EACH                        15.00              15.00                                                                              
522   483       POLICE     PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (STD SIZE)               EACH                        10.00              10.00                                                                              
      484       POLICE     PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (CD‐ROM)                 EACH                         5.00               5.00                                                                              
524   485       POLICE     PRELIMINARY BREATH TEST                          EACH                         5.00               5.00               FOR COURT/PROBATION ORDERED TEST                               
525   486       POLICE     VIN INSPECTION                                   EACH                        30.00              30.00                                                                              
526   487       POLICE     VEHICLE IMPOUND FEE                              EACH                        55.00              55.00                                                                              
      488       POLICE     VEHICLE IMPOUND FEE (COURT‐ORDERED)          EVERY 30 DAYS                   55.00              55.00                                                                              
                           BILL OF SALE PAPERWORK FROM AUCTION 
      489       POLICE                                                      EACH                        50.00              50.00                                                                              
528                        REDO
      490       POLICE     PAPER DRIVERS LICENSE FOR OUIL ARREST            EACH                        10.00              10.00                                                                              
530   491   Packet Page 48
                POLICE     TEMPORARY LICENSE PAPER PLATE                    EACH                        10.00              10.00                                                                              
      A             B                               C                              D                  E                   F                                           G                                           H            I

 1                                                                                          CITY OF MUSKEGON
 2                                                                                             2023 USER FEES
 3            DEPARTMENT                       DESCRIPTION                       UNIT             2022 FEES           2023 FEES                                 COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)

532           DEPARTMENT                       DESCRIPTION                       UNIT             2022 FEES           2023 FEES                                 COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
                                                                                                                                      DELIVERY/PICK‐UP NOT INCLUDED.  ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR 
      492     SPECIAL EVENTS    PARKS (WOOD SNOW FENCE RENTAL)                   EACH                       30.00               30.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK‐                  
533                                                                                                                                                          UP IS REQUIRED
                                                                                                                                      DELIVERY/PICK‐UP NOT INCLUDED.  ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR 
      493     SPECIAL EVENTS    CITY SERVICES (55‐GAL METAL TRASH CANS)          EACH                        5.00                5.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK‐                  
534                                                                                                                                                          UP IS REQUIRED
                                                                                                                                      DELIVERY/PICK‐UP NOT INCLUDED.  ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR 
      494     SPECIAL EVENTS    CITY SERVICES RENTAL OF POSTS                  EACH POST                     3.00                3.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK‐                  
535                                                                                                                                                          UP IS REQUIRED
                                                                                                                                      DELIVERY/PICK‐UP NOT INCLUDED.  ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR 
      495     SPECIAL EVENTS    CITY SERVICES (PICNIC TABLES)                    EACH                       10.00               10.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK‐                  
536                                                                                                                                                          UP IS REQUIRED
                                FILM & MUSIC EVENTS ADMINISTRATION 
      496     SPECIAL EVENTS                                                     EACH                       50.00               50.00                                                                                
537                             FEE
538   497     SPECIAL EVENTS    SPEICAL EVENTS HYDRANT USAGE                  PER HYDRANT                  100.00              100.00     THIS RATE INCLUDES INSTALLATION/REMOVAL AND TESTING                        
                                SPECIAL EVENTS APPLICATION FEE FOR PEAK 
                                                                                                                                         APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED PRIOR TO APRIL 15 WILL RECEIVE 50% 
      498     SPECIAL EVENTS    SEASON EVENTS (4/15‐9/30) SUBMITTED AT           EACH                      100.00              100.00                                                                                
                                                                                                                                                        DISCOUNT OFF REGULAR FEE.
                                LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF EVENT

                                SPECIAL EVENTS APPLICATION FEE FOR PEAK 
                                                                                                                                         APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED PRIOR TO APRIL 15 WILL RECEIVE 50% 
      499     SPECIAL EVENTS    SEASON EVENTS (4/15‐9/30) SUBMITTED 45‐          EACH                      250.00              250.00                                                                                
                                                                                                                                                        DISCOUNT OFF REGULAR FEE.
                                59 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF EVENT

                                SPECIAL EVENTS APPLICATION FEE FOR PEAK 
                                                                                                                                         APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED PRIOR TO APRIL 15 WILL RECEIVE 50% 
      500     SPECIAL EVENTS    SEASON EVENTS (4/15‐9/30) SUBMITTED 30‐          EACH                      400.00              400.00                                                                                
                                                                                                                                                        DISCOUNT OFF REGULAR FEE.
                                44 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF EVENT
                                SPECIAL EVENTS APPLICATION FEE FOR OFF 
                                SEASON EVENTS (1/1‐4/14 & 10/1‐12/31) 
      501     SPECIAL EVENTS                                                     EACH                      100.00              100.00                                                                                
                                SUBMITTED AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO 
542                             DATE OF EVENT
                                SPECIAL EVENTS APPLICATION FEE FOR OFF 
                                SEASON EVENTS (1/1‐4/14 & 10/1‐12/31) 
      502     SPECIAL EVENTS                                                     EACH                      200.00              200.00                                                                                
                                SUBMITTED 45‐59 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF 
543                             EVENT
                                SPECIAL EVENTS APPLICATION FEE FOR OFF 
                                SEASON EVENTS (1/1‐4/14 & 10/1‐12/31) 
      503     SPECIAL EVENTS                                                     EACH                      300.00              300.00                                                                                
                                SUBMITTED 30‐44DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF 
544                             EVENT
                                SPECIAL EVENTS APPLICATION FEE FOR OFF 
                                SEASON EVENTS (1/1‐4/14 & 10/1‐12/31) 
      504     SPECIAL EVENTS                                                     EACH                      400.00              400.00                                                                                
                                SUBMITTED LESS THAN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO 
545                             DATE OF EVENT
                                CITY SERVICES (POLICE OFFICER ‐ STRAIGHT 
      505     SPECIAL EVENTS                                                   PER HOUR                     40.00               40.00                                                                                
546                             TIME)
                                CITY SERVICES (POLICE OFFICER ‐ 1.5 
      506     SPECIAL EVENTS                                                   PER HOUR                     60.00               60.00                                                                                
547                             OVERTIME)
                                CITY SERVICES (POLICE OFFICER ‐ TRIPLE 
      507     SPECIAL EVENTS                                                   PER HOUR                    120.00              120.00
548                             OVERTIME)
      508     SPECIAL EVENTS    PLASTIC TRASH BAGS (1 CASE)                      EACH                       40.00               40.00                                                                                
                                CITY SERVICES TRUCK/TRAILER RENTAL MAY 
      509     SPECIAL EVENTS    BE CHARGED TRANSPORTATION OF                   PER HOUR                     60.00               60.00                                                                                
550                             BARRICADES, CONES, TABLES & ETC

      510     SPECIAL EVENTS    HACKLEY PARK QUADRANT RENTAL                     EACH                       50.00               50.00                                                                                

      511     SPECIAL EVENTS    HARBOUR TOWNE BEACH USER FEE                   PER EVENT                  1,500.00            1,500.00                                                                               

      512     SPECIAL EVENTS    TRAIL BICYCLE/WALKING PATHS                    PER EVENT                   200.00              200.00                                                                                

      513     SPECIAL EVENTS    Road Closure                                   PER BLOCK                     0.00               50.00           Fee applies when road is closed beyond 2 blocks                   *NEW FEE*

556           DEPARTMENT                       DESCRIPTION                       UNIT             2022 FEES           2023 FEES                                 COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
                                DUPLICATE TAX BILL COPY (COMPUTER 
      514       TREASURER                                                        EACH                        2.00                2.00                                                                                
557                             PRINTOUT)
                                PROPERTY TAX PROJECTION/ESTIMATE 
      515       TREASURER                                                        EACH                       20.00               20.00                                                                                
558                             LETTER
559   516       TREASURER       NSF CHECK/NSF ACH HANDLING CHARGE                EACH                       35.00               35.00                                                                                
                                TAX RECEIPT INQUIRY (LESS THAN 3 YEARS 
      517       TREASURER                                                        EACH                        3.00                3.00                                                                                
560                             OLD)
                                TAX RECEIPT INQUIRY (MORE THAN 3 YEARS 
      518       TREASURER                                                        EACH                        3.00                3.00                                                                                
561                             OLD)
                                TRANSACTION SERVICE FEE (PAYMENTS 
      519       TREASURER                                                        EACH                        2.00                2.00                                                                                
562                             MADE AT WINDOWW/O BILL)
                                TRANSACTION ADMINISTRATIVE FEE (CREDIT 
      520       TREASURER                                                        EACH                        5.00                5.00                                                                                
563                             CARD PAYMENTS BY PHONE)
                                PETTY CASH NUISANCE FEE (FAILURE TO 
      521       TREASURER                                                        EACH                        5.00                5.00                                                                                
564                             RETURN RECEIPTS IN TIMELY FASHION)
                                PROPERTY TAX ROLL ON CD‐ROM OR 
      522       TREASURER                                                        EACH                      125.00              125.00                                                                                
565                             ELECTRONIC FILE
                                PROPERTY TAX LIEN INQUIRY/LOOKUP 
      523       TREASURER                                                        EACH                       35.00               35.00          PAYMENT IN ADVANCE W/CREDIT CARD REQUIRED                             
566                             (PERFORMED BY CITY STAFF)
                                PROPERTY TAX LIEN INQUIRY/LOOKUP (SELF‐
      524       TREASURER                                                        EACH                       20.00               20.00                                                                                
567                             HELP INTERNET LOOKUP)
                                PENALTY ASSESSMENT ON DELINQUENT 
      525       TREASURER                                                        EACH                        3.0%                3.0%                                                                                
568                             TAXES
      526       TREASURER       PROPERTY TAX ADMINISTRATION FEE (PTAF)           EACH                        1.0%                1.0%                                                                                
570   527       TREASURER       LANDLORD'S AFFIDAVIT FILING                      EACH                      500.00              500.00                                                                                
571   528       TREASURER       CREDIT CARD CONVENIENCE FEE                      EACH                        2.8%                2.8%                                                                                

573           DEPARTMENT                       DESCRIPTION                       UNIT             2022 FEES           2023 FEES                                 COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
574   529    WATER FILTRATION   WATER TEST SAMPLE                              PER SAMPLE                 80.00               80.00                  COVERS STAFF TIME AND LAB WORK                                  
575   530     WATER‐SEWER       DELINQUENT PAYMENT PENALTY                  PAST DUE BALANCE             10.00%              10.00%                                                                                  
                                DELINQUENT PAYMENT PENALTY (TAX LIEN                             GREATER OF 20%      GREATER OF 20% 
      531     WATER‐SEWER                                                   PAST DUE BALANCE                                                                                                                         
576                             FEE)                                                                  OR $25.00           OR $25.00
                                HYDRANT SERVICE (MAXIMUM 30 DAY) 
      532     WATER‐SEWER                                                        EACH                       50.00               50.00           $400.00 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT ALSO REQUIRED                             
577                             CONNECTION CHARGE
                                INSTALLATION OF STUB LINE TO PROPERTY 
      533     WATER‐SEWER                                                        EACH                     1,200.00            1,200.00     INCLUDES REPAIR AND POSSIBLE REPLACEMENT OF SERVICE                       
578                             LINE (SEWER PERMIT)
                                METER REPLACEMENT AT OWNER'S 
      534     WATER‐SEWER                                                        EACH              ACTUAL COSTS        ACTUAL COSTS                                                                                  
579                             REQUEST
580   535     WATER‐SEWER       METER RESET AT OWNER'S REQUEST                   EACH                       35.00               35.00                                                                                
581   536     WATER‐SEWER       METER TEST                                       EACH                       35.00               35.00                                                                                
582   537
            Packet Page 49
              WATER‐SEWER       MISSED METER APPOINTMENT                         EACH                       25.00               25.00                                                                                
      A            B                               C                                  D                     E                  F                                          G                                                H            I

 1                                                                                              CITY OF MUSKEGON
 2                                                                                                   2023 USER FEES
 3            DEPARTMENT                    DESCRIPTION                             UNIT                2022 FEES          2023 FEES                                COMMENTS                                   CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
      538     WATER‐SEWER     TEMPORARY (MINIMUM 30 DAY) SERVICE                    EACH                          25.00              25.00                                                                                    
                                                                                                                                           FIRST VISIT IS FREE ‐ FEE CHARGED PER VISIT AFTER FIRST ONE EACH 
      539     WATER‐SEWER     THAWING WATER/SEWER LINE                              EACH                         200.00             200.00                                                                                    
584                                                                                                                                                                      SEASON
585   540     WATER‐SEWER     TURN ON CHARGE (AFTER HOURS)                          EACH                         100.00             100.00                      CALL IN MINIMUM 3 HOURS                                       
586   541     WATER‐SEWER     TURN ON CHARGE (REGULAR HOURS)                        EACH                          40.00              40.00                                                                                    
587   542     WATER‐SEWER     TURN ON CHARGE (SEASONAL USE)                         EACH                          12.50              12.50                                                                                    
                              TURN ON CHARGE (MISSED APPOINTMENT ‐ 
      543     WATER‐SEWER                                                           EACH                          40.00              40.00                                                                                    
588                           SAME DAY TURN ON)
                                                                                                                                              FEE APPLIED TO SEWER PERMIT IF PROBLEM IS IN THE CITY'S 
      544     WATER‐SEWER     TV SEWER LATERAL                                      EACH                         100.00             100.00                                                                                    
589                                                                                                                                                             PORTION OF SYSTEM
                              UNAUTHORIZED WATER USE OR TAMPERING 
      545     WATER‐SEWER                                                           EACH                         200.00             200.00                                                                                    
590                           (MINIMUM CHARGE)
                              UNAUTHORIZED WATER USE (ADDITIONAL 
      546     WATER‐SEWER                                                          PER DAY                        20.00              20.00                                                                                    
591                           CHARGE FOR CONT'D USE)
                              BACKFLOW PREVENTER DEVICE 
      547     WATER‐SEWER                                                   ANNUAL FEE‐EACH DEVICE                10.00              10.00                                                                                    
592                           REGISTRATION/AUDIT FEE
                              WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE ‐ 5/8" OR 
      548     WATER‐SEWER                                                           EACH                        1,500.00           1,500.00                                                                                   
593                           3/4"
594   549     WATER‐SEWER     WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE ‐ 1"                       EACH                        2,500.00           2,500.00                                                                                   
                              WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE ‐ 1‐1/4" OR 
      550     WATER‐SEWER                                                           EACH                        4,500.00           4,500.00                                                                                   
595                           1‐1/2"
596   551     WATER‐SEWER     WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE ‐ 2"                       EACH                     7,300.00           7,300.00                                                                                      
597   552     WATER‐SEWER     WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE ‐ 3"                       EACH                    12,800.00          12,800.00                                                                                      
598   553     WATER‐SEWER     WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE ‐ 4"                       EACH                    20,000.00          20,000.00                                                                                      
599   554     WATER‐SEWER     WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE ‐ 6"                       EACH                    40,000.00          40,000.00                                                                                      
                              WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE ‐ GREATER 
      555     WATER‐SEWER                                                           EACH                    VARIABLE           VARIABLE                    BASED ON CALCULATED CAPACITY                                VARIABLE
600                           THAN 6"
601   556     WATER‐SEWER     FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 2"                      EACH                         0.00               0.00                       TIME & MATERIALS BASIS                                         
602   557     WATER‐SEWER     FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 4"                      EACH                     7,300.00           7,300.00                       TIME & MATERIALS BASIS                                         
603   558     WATER‐SEWER     FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 6"                      EACH                    12,800.00          12,800.00                       TIME & MATERIALS BASIS                                         
604   559     WATER‐SEWER     FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 8"                      EACH                    20,000.00          20,000.00                       TIME & MATERIALS BASIS                                         
605   560     WATER‐SEWER     FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 12"                     EACH                    40,000.00          40,000.00                       TIME & MATERIALS BASIS                                         
                              SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE ‐ 5/8" OR 
      561     WATER‐SEWER                                                           EACH                        1,500.00           1,500.00                                                                                   
606                           3/4"
607   562     WATER‐SEWER     SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE ‐ 1"                       EACH                        2,500.00           2,500.00                                                                                   
                              SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE ‐ 1‐1/4" OR 1‐
      563     WATER‐SEWER                                                           EACH                        4,500.00           4,500.00                                                                                   
608                           1/2"
609   564     WATER‐SEWER     SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE ‐ 2"                       EACH                     7,300.00           7,300.00                                                                                      
610   565     WATER‐SEWER     SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE ‐ 3"                       EACH                    12,800.00          12,800.00                                                                                      
611   566     WATER‐SEWER     SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE ‐ 4"                       EACH                    20,000.00          20,000.00                                                                                      
612   567     WATER‐SEWER     SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE ‐ 6"                       EACH                    40,000.00          40,000.00                                                                                      
                              SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE ‐ GREATER 
      568     WATER‐SEWER                                                           EACH                    VARIABLE           VARIABLE                    BASED ON CALCULATED CAPACITY                                VARIABLE
613                           THAN 6"
                              STORM WATER CROSS CONNECTION SEWER 
      569     WATER‐SEWER                                                          PER DAY                         0.00               0.00                                                                                    
614                           TREATMENT CHARGE 
615   570     WATER‐SEWER     LARGE WATERMAIN TAPS                                  EACH                         300.00             300.00                    PLUS TIME &MATERIALS                                            
616   571     WATER‐SEWER     SMALL WATER TAPS                                      EACH                         100.00             100.00     SMALL TAP FEE UP TO AND INCLUDING 2' WATER SERVICE                             
617   572     WATER‐SEWER     RESIDENTIAL FLAT RATE SEWER CHARGE                   MONTH                        Variable           Variable      BASED ON 11.66 UNITS/MO OR 35 UNITS/QUARTER                     BASED ON SEWAGE RATE
618   573     WATER‐SEWER     COMMERCIAL FLAT RATE SEWER CHARGE                    MONTH                        Variable           Variable      BASED ON 11.66 UNITS/MO OR 35 UNITS/QUARTER                     BASED ON SEWAGE RATE

620           DEPARTMENT                    DESCRIPTION                             UNIT                2022 FEES          2023 FEES                                COMMENTS                                   CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
621   574        ZONING       SPECIAL MEETING FEE (PLANNING, ZBA)                PER REQUEST                     500.00             500.00                                                                                    
622   575        ZONING       FENCE PERMIT FEE                                       EACH                         30.00              30.00                                                                                    
623   576        ZONING       LOT SPLIT REVIEW                                       EACH                         30.00              30.00                                                                                    
624   577        ZONING       ZONING, GIS MAPS (UP TO 17" x 24" )                    EACH                         15.00              15.00                                                                                    
      578        ZONING       ZONING, GIS MAPS (17" x 24" TO 34" x 44" )            EACH                          25.00              25.00                                                                                    
626   579        ZONING       PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD)                        EACH                           0.00               0.00                                                                                    
                              PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) ‐ 
      580        ZONING                                                             EACH                         600.00             600.00                                                                                    
627                           PRELIMINARY
      581        ZONING       PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) ‐ FINAL                EACH                         600.00             600.00                                                                                    
                              PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) ‐ 
      582        ZONING                                                             EACH                         500.00             500.00                                                                                    
629                           AMENDMENT
630   583        ZONING       SIDEWALK BENCH ENCROACHMENT                   PER BENCH PER MONTH                    5.00               5.00                                                                                    
631   584        ZONING       SITE PLAN REVIEW FEE ‐ MINOR                          EACH                         200.00             200.00                                                                                    
632   585        ZONING       SITE PLAN REVIEW FEE ‐ MAJOR                          EACH                         400.00             400.00                                                                                    
633   586        ZONING       PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW                            EACH                         600.00             600.00                                                                                    
634   587        ZONING       SPECIAL USE PERMIT                                    EACH                         600.00             600.00                                                                                    
635   588        ZONING       ALLEY OR STREET VACATION                              EACH                         600.00             600.00                                                                                    
636   589        ZONING       ZONING COMPLIANCE LETTER                              EACH                          30.00              30.00                                                                                    
637   590        ZONING       ZONE CHANGE                                           EACH                         600.00             600.00                                                                                    
                              ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPLICATION / 
      591        ZONING                                                             EACH                         400.00             400.00                 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ONLY                                         
                              ORDINANCE INTERPRETAION ‐ COMMERCIAL

                              ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPLICATION / 
      592        ZONING                                                             EACH                         300.00             300.00                        RESIDENTIAL ONLY                                            
                              ORDINANCE INTERPRETAION ‐ RESIDENTIAL

      593        ZONING       ZONING ‐ AMENDMENT TO THE ORDINANCE                   EACH                         600.00             600.00                                                                                    
641   594        ZONING       ZONING ORDINANCE COPY                                 EACH                          25.00              25.00                                                                                    
642   595        ZONING       ZONING ORDINANCE COPY W/ MAP                          EACH                          45.00              45.00                                                                                    

644   596    WESTERN MARKET   APPLICATION FEE                                       EACH                           25.00              25.00                                                                                      
645   597    WESTERN MARKET   DEPOSIT‐REFUNDABLE                                    EACH                          150.00             150.00                                                                                      
646   598    WESTERN MARKET   EXTRA ELECTRICITY                                   EACH UNIT                        50.00              75.00                                                                                50.00%
647   599    WESTERN MARKET   ABSENCE                                          PER OCCURRENCE                       0.00             100.00                                                                                *NEW FEE*
648   600    WESTERN MARKET   AIRCONDITIONING                                    EACH SEASON                        0.00             300.00                                                                                *NEW FEE*
649   601    WESTERN MARKET   USER FEE 90 SQUARE FEET                            EACH SEASON                    1,325.00           1,450.00                                                                                 9.43%
650   602    WESTERN MARKET   USER FEE 120 SQUARE FEET                           EACH SEASON                    1,750.00           1,925.00                                                                                10.00%
651   603    WESTERN MARKET   USER FEE 150 SQUARE FEET                           EACH SEASON                    2,125.00           2,350.00                                                                                10.59%

                              NR * = FEES APPLICABLE TO NON‐RESIDENTS 
653                           OF THE CITY


            Packet Page 50
                           Agenda Item Review Form
                            Muskegon City Commission

    Commission Meeting Date: January 24, 2023                Title: Deficit Elimination Plan – Marina

    Submitted By: Kenneth D. Grant                           Department: Finance Director

    Brief Summary: To approve the Deficit Elimination plan and resolution for the Marina Fund and
    direct staff to submit plan to the State of Michigan

    Detailed Summary & Background:
    At June 30, 2022 the Marina Fund had a $395,374.00 deficit. Act 275 of Public Acts of 1980
    requires the City to formulate a deficit elimination plan and submit it to the Michigan Department of
    Treasury. The deficit elimination plan and resolution for the Marina Fund are attached.

    Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Sustainability in financial practices

    Amount Requested: $450,000.00                         Amount Budgeted:

    Fund(s) or Account(s): From General Fund to           Fund(s) or Account(s):

    Recommended Motion: To approve the deficit elimination resolution for the Marina Fund.

    Approvals: Get approval from division head at a          Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
    minimum prior to sending to the Clerk.
    Immediate Division Head          Information             Yes
    Technology                                               No
    Other Division Heads             Communication
    Legal Review

    For City Clerk Use Only:
    Commission Action:

Packet Page 51
City of Muskegon
State ID Number 61-2020
Convention Center Fund
January 24, 2023

At June 30, 2022 the City of Muskegon Marina had a deficit $395,374. Anticipated revenue has failed to keep up with
the annual costs and depreciation associated with the Marina.

The City will transfer $450,000 from the General Fund to eliminate the deficit.

The table below shows the Revenue and Expenditures for FY2021-22 and proposed budget for FY2022-23.

                                          CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                             MARINA FUND

                                                                FY2021-22              FY2022-23
Charges for Service                                         $         282,819                    300,000
Other                                                       $           9,597
Total Operating Revenue                                     $         292,416                    300,000

Administration                                              $          11,169     $              394,687
Other operations                                            $         345,305
Depreciation                                                $         107,417     $              105,000
Total Operating Expenses                                    $         463,891     $              499,687

Operation income(loss)                                      $        (171,475)    $             (199,687)

Investment Earnings                                                               $                     50
Interest Expense

Income(loss) before capital contributions $                          (171,475)    $             (199,637)

Capital grants and Contributions
Transfers In                                                                      $              450,000

Change in Net Position                                      $        (171,475)    $              250,413

Net Position at beginning of year                           $         757,577     $              586,102

Net position at end of year                                 $         586,102     $              836,515

  Packet Page 52
                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON
                               MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                RESOLUTION NO.______________

        WHEREAS City of Muskegon’s Marina Fund had a $395,374 deficit balance as of June
        30, 2022; and

        WHEREAS, Act 275 of the Public Acts of 1980 requires that a Deficit Elimination Plan
        be formulated by the local unit of government and filed with the Michigan Department of

        NOW THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that the City Commission of the City of
        Muskegon adopts the following as the City of Muskegon’s Marina Fund Deficit
        Elimination Plan

Packet Page 53
                                       CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                          MARINA FUND

                                                       FY2021-22         FY2022-23
         Charges for Service                      $        282,819             300,000
         Other                                    $          9,597
         Total Operating Revenue                  $        292,416             300,000

         Administration                           $         11,169 $           394,687
         Other operations                         $        345,305
         Depreciation                             $        107,417 $           105,000
         Total Operating Expenses                 $        463,891 $           499,687

         Operation income(loss)                   $       (171,475) $         (199,687)

         Investment Earnings                                         $               50
         Interest Expense

         Income(loss) before capital contributions $      (171,475) $         (199,637)

         Capital grants and Contributions
         Transfers In                                                $         450,000

         Change in Net Position                   $       (171,475) $          250,413

         Net Position at beginning of year        $        757,577 $           586,102

         Net position at end of year              $        586,102 $           836,515

Packet Page 54
        Adopted this _______day of January 2023

                                              Ken Johnson
                                              Its Mayor

                                              Ann Marie Meisch, MMC
                                              Its Clerk


        This resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City commission, held on January
        24, 2023. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to Open Meetings Act of
        the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1967.

                                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                    By: ________________________________
                                                           Ann Marie Meisch, MMC
                                                           City Clerk

Packet Page 55
                           Agenda Item Review Form
                            Muskegon City Commission

    Commission Meeting Date: January 24, 2023                  Title: Deficit Elimination Plan – Brownfield
                                                               Redevelopment Authority (combined)

    Submitted By: Kenneth D. Grant                             Department: Finance

    Brief Summary: To approve the Deficit Elimination plan and resolution for the Brownfield
    Redevelopment Authority (combined) and direct staff to submit plan to the State of Michigan

    Detailed Summary & Background:
    At June 30, 2022 the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (combined) had a $64,211.00 deficit. Act 275
    of Public Acts of 1980 requires the City to formulate a deficit elimination plan and submit it to the Michigan
    Department of Treasury. The deficit elimination plan and resolution for the Brown Field Redevelopment
    are attached.

    Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Sustainability in financial practices

    Amount Requested: $                                     Amount Budgeted:

    Fund(s) or Account(s):                                  Fund(s) or Account(s):

    Recommended Motion approve the deficit elimination resolution for the Brown Field

    Approvals: Get approval from division head at a            Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
    minimum prior to sending to the Clerk.
    Immediate Division Head           Information              Yes
    Technology                                                 No
    Other Division Heads              Communication
    Legal Review

    For City Clerk Use Only:
    Commission Action:

Packet Page 56
City of Muskegon
State ID Number 61-2020
Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (Scattered Brownfield)
January 24, 2023

At June 30, 2022 the City of Muskegon’s Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (combined) had a deficit of $64,211. This
was the first year that the Scattered Brownfield captured taxes. Expenses exceeded the tax captured. For the fiscal
year 2022-23, we project that the Scattered Brownfield will have enough tax capture to eliminate the deficit.

                                CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                            FY2021-22                 FY2022-23
Cash and Investments                                    $                  -                     66,000

Total Assets                                            $                  -    $                66,000

Accounts Payable                                        $                  -
Accrued Liabilities
Due to primary government                               $          64,211
Advances from primary government                        $       1,046,980 $                  1,000,000

Total Liabilities                                       $       1,111,191 $                  1,000,000

Unassigned                                              $      (1,111,191) $                  (934,000)

Total Liabilities and fund balances                     $                  -    $                66,000

 Packet Page 57
                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                 RESOLUTION NO.______________

        WHEREAS City of Muskegon’s Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (combined) had a
        $64,211 deficit balance June 30, 2022; and

        WHEREAS, Act 275 of the Public Acts of 1980 requires that a Deficit Elimination Plan
        be formulated by the local unit of government and filed with the Michigan Department of

        NOW THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that the City Commission of the City of
        Muskegon adopts the following as the City of Muskegon’s Brownfield Redevelopment
        Authority (combined) Deficit Elimination Plan.

                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                        FY2021-22            FY2022-23
         Cash and Investments                       $               -               66,000

         Total Assets                               $               -   $           66,000

         Accounts Payable                           $               -
         Accrued Liabilities
         Due to primary government                  $        64,211
         Advances from primary government           $     1,046,980 $            1,000,000

         Total Liabilities                          $     1,111,191 $            1,000,000

         Unassigned                                 $     (1,111,191) $           (934,000)

         Total Liabilities and fund balances        $               -   $           66,000

Packet Page 58
        Adopted this _______day of January 2023

                                              Ken Johnson
                                              Its Mayor

                                              Ann Marie Meisch, MMC
                                              Its Clerk


        This resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City commission, held on January
        24, 2024. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to Open Meetings Act of
        the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1967.

                                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                    By: ________________________________
                                                           Ann Marie Meisch, MMC
                                                           City Clerk

Packet Page 59
                           Agenda Item Review Form
                            Muskegon City Commission

    Commission Meeting Date: January 24, 2023                            Title: Sale of 548 E Dale

    Submitted By: Sharonda Carson                                        Department: CNS

    Brief Summary: Seeking authorization to sell 548 E Dale to a qualified buyer.

    Detailed Summary & Background:
       The CNS Department utilized HOME Investment Partnership Program funds to rehabilitate a
       home at 548 E Dale to sell through our Homebuyer Program. Renovations are completed, and
       a qualified buyer, Lindsey Sweezer, has put in an offer of $145,000 with a $14,000 subsidy,
       which CNS has accepted. Income from this sale will be reinvested in our programming.

    Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:
    Action Item 2022 – 2.4 Develop subsidies to improve housing affordability

    Amount Requested: N/A                               Amount Budgeted: N/A

    Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                          Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

    Recommended Motion: Adopt the resolution for the sale of 548 E Dale to Lindsey Sweezer and
    authorize the City Clerk to sign it.

    Approvals: Get approval from division head at a minimum prior        Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
    to sending to the Clerk.
    Immediate Division Head         Information Technology               Yes
    Other Division Heads            Communication                        No
    Legal Review

    For City Clerk Use Only:
    Commission Action:

Packet Page 60
                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN


     WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon has rehabilitated property at 548 E Dale Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442
     to make the property available for purchase by an income qualified buyer;

     NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Muskegon Commission hereby authorizes the
     sale of the property at 548 E Dale to Lindsey Sweezer, a qualified buyer, for $145,000 with a $14,000
     subsidy; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Muskegon Commission hereby authorizes the Director
     of Community and Neighborhood Services or their designee to prepare and submit the necessary
     documentation to execute the sale.



     I certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon on
     January 24, 2023.

     BY:     Ann Meisch, City Clerk

             Signature                                           Date

Packet Page 61
                           Agenda Item Review Form
                            Muskegon City Commission

    Commission Meeting Date: January 24, 2023            Title: Housing Board of Appeals, Demolitions

    Submitted By: Director Timothy E Kozal               Department: Public Safety

    Brief Summary: To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish and
    authorize administration to obtain bids for the demolition and that the Mayor and Clerk be
    authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder.

    Detailed Summary & Background: Housing Board of Appeals has deemed 835 W Forest, 1043
    Washington and 1642 Dyson to be in property maintenance violation. Property has been a long-
    standing area of blight and public nuisance/hazard.

    Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:
    Refer to the 2022-2027 Long Term Goals document.

    Amount Requested: BIDS                               Amount Budgeted:
                                                         Contact Finance if your item does not fit into
                                                         the current budget.

    Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

    Recommended Motion: To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish and
    authorize administration to obtain bids for the demolition and that the Mayor and Clerk be
    authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder

    Approvals: Get approval from division head at a minimum prior         Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
    to sending to the Clerk.
    Immediate Division Head          Information Technology               Yes
    Other Division Heads             Communication                        No
    Legal Review

    For City Clerk Use Only:
    Commission Action:

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                         Agenda Item Review Form
                          Muskegon City Commission

    Commission Meeting Date: January 24, 2023                            Title: First Amendment to
                                                                         Parkland Marina, LLC
                                                                         Development Agreement

    Submitted By: Jonathan Seyferth                                      Department: City Manager

    Brief Summary:
    The objective of this amendment is to memorialize the public access commitments within the 350
    Shoreline Drive Development Agreement with Parkland Marina, LLC. Public access under the
    former dedication is temporarily restored until construction commences and new public access is
    guaranteed within project as a condition to issuing building permits. The amendment also extends
    certain deadlines and provides a payment to the City from Parkland Marina, LLC in the amount of

    Detailed Summary & Background:
    This first amendment to the development agreement between the City and Parkland Marina, LLC
    grants the public a temporary license which returns public access to its status prior to the
    sale of the development property to Parkland Marina, LLC until construction commences.
    Additionally, the City and Parkland Marina, LLC must approve a new public access
    instrument prior to the issuance of any building permits. The amendment also increases the
    purchase price for the development property from $1.00 to $25,000.00, extends certain
    deadlines, and requires the City to vacate the “driveway” within the former dedication pursuant
    to City ordinance.

    City staff identified certain public access commitments discussed with the developer that needed to
    be included or clarified in the written Development Agreement signed March 25, 2021. City staff
    and the developer met in the Summer of 2022 to discuss putting those commitments in writing.
    The amendment was delayed due to a lawsuit filed against the City by a neighboring property
    owner related to the Development Agreement on August 24, 2022. The purchase price increase,
    deadline extensions, and the requirement for the City to “vacate” the former dedication are
    included to address issues raised in that lawsuit. In discussion with legal counsel, the new
    obligations and increased purchase price can potentially resolve the lawsuit which
    concerns the value received by the City for the sale of the development property. The City
    receives a commitment by the developer to restore public access now and at the
    completion of the project, receives an additional $25,000.00, and the only concession is to
    extend the developer’s deadline due to delays caused by the lawsuit. This is fair
    consideration for the development property taking into account that the development property
    was burdened by a permanent easement for parking lot purposes which could never
    terminate without the developer’s agreement, the environmental concerns with the
    development property, and the fact that public access is guaranteed before and after construction
    of the project. A public hearing would be held to vacate the former dedication’s “driveway.”

Packet Page 76
    Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:
    Refer to the 2022-2027 Long Term Goals document.

    Amount Requested:                                  Amount Budgeted:
                                                       Contact Finance if your item does not fit into
                                                       the current budget.

    Fund(s) or Account(s):                             Fund(s) or Account(s):

    Recommended Motion: I motion to approve the First Amendment to the Development Agreement
    between the City of Muskegon and Parkland Marina, LLC

    Approvals: Get approval from division head at a minimum prior       Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
    to sending to the Clerk.
    Immediate Division Head        Information Technology               Yes
    Other Division Heads           Communication                        No
    Legal Review

    For City Clerk Use Only:
    Commission Action:

Packet Page 77

     Amendment”) is made as of January ____, 2023, by and between the CITY OF MUSKEGON, a Michigan
     municipal corporation of 933 Terrace St. (the “City”); and PARKLAND MARINA, LLC, a Michigan
     limited liability company of 75 W. Walton, Ste A, Muskegon, MI 49440 (“Parkland”) (the City and
     Parkland are sometimes collectively referred to as “Parties”).
            WHEREAS, Parkland is the successor owner of the property formerly owned by SPX Development
     Corporation located on Terrace Point Drive in Muskegon, Michigan;
            WHEREAS, the Parties entered into that certain Development Agreement dated March 25, 2021
     (the “Agreement”), for the development of certain property in the City of Muskegon known generally as
     Parkland Marina and identified as Exhibit A to the Agreement (the “Property”); and
              WHEREAS, the Parties desire to enter into this First Amendment for the mutual benefit of the
     Parties to address the provision of a Public Access and to extend the time for Parkland’s performance of
     the Agreement in order to facilitate disruptions to the schedule from a circuit court lawsuit initiated by a
     neighboring property owner against the City.

     A.     DEFINITIONS. Except as otherwise defined herein, all capitalized terms used herein shall have
     the meanings ascribed thereto in the Agreement.

     B.       CONSIDERATION. The Agreement is amended to provide that Parkland shall pay the City of
     Muskegon the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) as consideration for the Property and the
     termination of the dedications associated with portions of the Property, within five (5) days of execution of
     this First Amendment.

     This amount is adequate consideration for the Property due to the following facts:

             1.      At all relevant times, the Property has been burdened with a parking easement for the
                     benefit of SPX Development Corporation, and now the Terrace Point Marina and Shoreline
                     Inn. The parking easement precludes the use of the Property for other purposes, and it
                     prevents parties other than marina and lodging guests or employees of the hotel or marina
                     from parking on the Property.

             2.      The Property is heavily contaminated by hazardous materials due to its historical use as a
                     manufacturing facility. The Property is costly to develop and its market value is diminished
                     by the presence of contaminants. The Property’s parking lot was installed to encapsulate
                     volatile organic compounds within the soils. Monitoring wells dot the site and are
                     inspected annually. Parkland’s proposed indoor boat storage concept allows for the safe
                     use of the Property with minimal disruption of contaminated soils.

             3.      Parkland is obligated to make millions of dollars of improvements to the Property.
                     Productive use of the privately owned real estate will allow the City, County and local
                     school system to capture tens of thousands of tax dollars annually that have never been

     First Amendment to Development Agreement       Page 1
Packet Page 78
                     captured while the Property was City owned. The new facility will also create dozens of
                     well-paying jobs.

     C.      PUBLIC ACCESS.
     1.      Parkland shall provide a five-foot-wide pedestrian “public access” for ingress and egress to the
             boardwalk which is located on the former SPX waterfront peninsula at the time it develops the new
             Project. No fishing, rollerblading, vehicles, golf carts, bicycles, swimming or skateboarding, will
             be allowed. Additional safety limitations will apply if boat launching machinery is used to cross
             the peninsula. This new permanent public access shall extend from the existing sidewalk located
             within the Terrace Point Drive right-of-way, along the southwest property line of the property, and
             include the boardwalk located on the former SPX dedicated waterfront peninsula. Parkland may
             relocate the path of the public access to a comparable location, to facilitate its development of the
             Property. Public access shall be determined during the site plan review stage and no building permit
             will be issued for the Project until the new public access instrument is approved by the City and
             Parkland, and executed.
     2.      Parkland immediately grants the general public the temporary right and license to use the same
             portions of the Property which were formerly authorized to be used for public access under the
             terminated Dedication dated February 27, 1991, and recorded March 12, 1991 in Liber 1557, Pages
             416-425, Muskegon County Records (the “Dedication”) in the same manner previously allowed by
             the Dedication, until Parkland commences construction of the Project. Parkland also agrees to allow
             the pushing and pulling of strollers and wagons as permitted uses under the license.

     D.      EXTENSION. Paragraph 2 of the Agreement is amended to replace the reference to “2 years”
     with “2 years from a final decision or dismissal of Muskegon Circuit Court Case No. 22-3962-CZ, including
     any related appellate proceedings.

     E.      VACATION OF PUBLIC STREET The Agreement is amended to provide that the City of
     Muskegon shall cause all areas of the Property which the plaintiff alleges to be public streets in Muskegon
     Circuit Court Case No. 22-3962-CZ (other than Terrace Point Drive), to be vacated within ninety (90) days
     from the date of this amendment in accordance with City Ordinances and applicable law.

     F.       COUNTERPARTS, BINDING EFFECT, AND DELIVERY This First Amendment may be
     executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which combined
     shall constitute one and the same instrument. This First Amendment shall inure to the benefit of and be
     binding upon the Parties and their successors and permitted assigns. A facsimile or electronic transmission
     of this First Amendment, as executed, shall constitute delivery and shall be valid and enforceable against
     the party providing the facsimile or electronic signature.

     G.      RATIFICATION. Except as specifically amended hereby, all other conditions and covenants of
     the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and are hereby ratified and confirmed.

                                             [Signatures on next pages]

     First Amendment to Development Agreement      Page 2
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                                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON

     Dated: _________________, 20___               By:_________________________________
                                                     Ken Johnson, its Mayor

     Dated: _________________, 20___               By:_________________________________
                                                     Ann Marie Meisch, its Clerk

     STATE OF MICHIGAN              )
     COUNTY OF MUSKEGON             ) ss
     The foregoing signatories, Ken Johnson and Ann Marie Meisch, are known to me, respectively, as the
     Mayor and Clerk the City of Muskegon, and they acknowledged the foregoing instrument on behalf of the
     City this ______ day of __________, 20___.

                                                   _______________________, Notary Public
                                                   My Commission expires: _______________

     First Amendment to Development Agreement   Page 3
Packet Page 80
                                                  PARKLAND MARINA, LLC
                                                  a Michigan Limited Liability Company

     Dated: _________________, 2022               By:_________________________________
                                                         Jonathan L. Rooks, Manager

     STATE OF MICHIGAN              )
     COUNTY OF MUSKEGON             ) ss
             The foregoing signatory, Jonathan L. Rooks is known to me, as the Manager of PARKLAND
     MARINA, LLC, a Michigan limited liability company, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument on
     behalf of the Company this ______ day of ___________, 20___.

                                                  _______________________, Notary Public
                                                  My Commission expires: _______________

     First Amendment to Development Agreement   Page 4
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