City Commission Packet Archive 06-13-2023

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                                               City of Muskegon
                                           City Commission Meeting

                                            June 13, 2023, 5:30 pm
                                              Muskegon City Hall
                                   933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440


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   1.    Call To Order

   2.    Prayer

   3.    Pledge of Allegiance

   4.    Roll Call

   5.    Honors, Awards, and Presentations

   6.    Public Comment on Agenda Items

   7.    Consent Agenda

          7.a     Approval of Minutes - City Clerk                                                             1

         7.b      County HR Contract - City Manager                                                           15
      7.c    3rd Quarter Budget Reforecast                                                 23

      7.d    Sanitation Fee Resolution - Finance                                           90

      7.e    Placement of Public Benches - City Clerk                                      92

      7.f    Meeting Management Software - City Clerk                                      97

      7.g    Purchase of DMDC Parking Lots at 387 and 401 Morris - Development Services    98

      7.h    BGCML Summer Camp Use Agreement - Parks & Rec                                176

      7.i    Meter Vendor Change - Public Works                                           179

      7.j    Sherman Reconstruction MDOT Contract - Public Works                          185

      7.k    Fireworks Display Permit for Muskegon Country Club - City Clerk              214

      7.l    Social District Permit Recommendation - City Manager                         221

 8.   Public Hearings

      8.a    Transmittal of 2023-24 Proposed Budget - Finance                             228

 9.   Unfinished Business

10.   New Business

11.   Any Other Business

12.   Public Comment on Non-Agenda items

13.   Closed Session

14.   Adjournment
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 13, 2023                            Title: Approval of Minutes

Submitted By: Ann Marie Meisch, MMC                               Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary: To approve the minutes of the May 8, 2023 Worksession and May 9, 2023 Regular
Commission Meeting.

Detailed Summary & Background:

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:

Amount Requested:                                  Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                             Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To approve the minutes.

Approvals: Get approval from division head at a minimum prior     Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
to sending to the Clerk.
Immediate Division Head        Information Technology             Yes
Other Division Heads           Communication                      No
Legal Review

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                                        City of Muskegon

                                          Work Session


                                     May 8, 2023, 5:30 pm
                                      Muskegon City Hall
                            933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440

Present:                   Mayor Ken Johnson (arrived at 5:35 p.m.)
                           Commissioner Rachel Gorman
                           Commissioner Rebecca St.Clair
                           Vice Mayor Willie German, Jr.
                           Commissioner Teresa Emory

Absent:                    Commissioner Eric Hood
                           Commissioner Michael Ramsey

Staff Present:             City Manager Jonathan Seyferth
                           City Clerk Ann Meisch
                           Deputy City Clerk Kimberly Young


1.     Call to Order

       Vice Mayor German called the Worksession meeting to order at 5:30 on Monday, May
       8, 2023.

2.     New Business

       2.a       Lumberjacks Renovation - Arena

                 Seeking approval to construct new team space at Trinity Health Arena. In
                 exchange, the Lumberjacks would like to add an additional renewal option to the
                 Lumberjacks Shared Use Agreement. Muskegon Lumberjacks Organization LLC,
                 parent company of the USHL’s Muskegon Lumberjacks, are seeking approval to
                 construct a second story office suite above their existing players’ lounge and

      coach’s offices. The proposed space would be built into the necessary locker
      room and supporting medical space to provide the Lumberjacks the best
      amenities and continued success in player recruitment while also providing a
      much-needed presence and access to and from the arena concourse. All
      construction would be fully funded by the Muskegon Lumberjacks Organization
      LLC. Due to the nature of the cost to build, the Muskegon Lumberjacks
      Organization LLC is requesting an additional 10-year renewal option added to
      their shared use agreement. The proposed sixth amendment as well as a general
      concept of construction were included in the agenda packet to commissioners

      This item will be placed on the agenda at a future meeting date to be considered
      for approval.

2.b   Flock Policy - Public Safety

      The Flock camera devices capture objective evidence, like license plates and
      vehicle details, and send real-time alerts to law enforcement so they can act.
      70% of crime involves a vehicle. That’s why Flock Cameras build devices that
      focus on vehicular evidence, including license plates and a detailed Vehicle
      fingerprint™. Once the police have a potential suspect vehicle, they are more
      likely to clear cases and decrease crime rates - making your community safer
      overall. Flock cameras provide a way for law enforcement to receive alerts on
      stolen vehicles, known wanted criminals, and more enters your community.

      There was discussion regarding the proposed policy and camera system.

2.c   K9 Policy - Public Safety

      The Police K9 has a unique impact on the community it serves. The K9s are, most
      importantly, some of the best and most-loved ambassadors of the department -
      appearing at special events and interacting with the community for public
      relations purposes. While most people are hesitant to start a conversation with
      an officer, they will not think twice about asking to pet the dog. A K9 can both
      provide valuable tools for the department and break down barriers between the
      police and the public they serve. These dogs assist in a myriad of areas: drug
      enforcement, explosives detection, tracking, search and rescue, finding
      evidence, officer safety and apprehending fleeing subjects through use of non-
      lethal force. The addition of a K9 team would be another tool for the department
      to utilize to reduce crime, provide professional police services, and create a
      positive connection to the City of Muskegon. K9 appearances at local events are

      natural opportunities to create a connection between the community and the

2.d   School Resource Officer - Middle School - Public Safety

      Discussion took place about the opportunity for the Middle School to have a
      Resource Officer. It was requested by Muskegon Public School for employment
      of one Muskegon Police Department officer for the 2023-2024 school year.

2.e   Closing the Pier - Public Safety

      Discussion to propose Closing the Pier in the case of Emergency. State Law
      allows for closing of the pier during adverse conditions; “When wind conditions
      on the Great Lakes attain a magnitude whereby 1/3 of the waves resulting from
      the conditions cause any public dock, pier, wharf, or retaining wall to be awash,
      it constitutes a state not conducive to the orderly and safe use and occupancy of
      those structures.” Similar lake communities have installed a gate that can be
      closed when conditions are met as stated in the statute. Staff recommends
      installation of a wrought iron gate to be closed on our city pier.

2.f   Muskegon Lighthouses Ownership - Development Services

      Staff has researched the process of transferring the two Muskegon lighthouses
      from the Michigan Lighthouse Conservancy to the City of Muskegon, the first
      phase of the south break wall lighthouse restoration and future city stewardship
      responsibilities and liabilities. Staff seeks City Commission support to pursue
      ownership of the lighthouses. Staff was at the March 2023 work session outlining
      the request of the Michigan Lighthouse Conservancy for the city to take over the
      ownership and stewardship of the two lighthouses in the Muskegon Harbor at
      Pere Marquette Park. Staff research and work with the MLC shows a Federal
      Lighthouse Preservation Act application to the National Park Service and a new
      25-year lease with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would be needed. Federal
      approvals could take up to a year to secure. In the meantime, staff is working
      with the MLC leadership to begin the restoration of the south break wall
      lighthouse as transfer of ownership is pursued. Staff estimates that the annual
      maintenance of the two lighthouses would average $10,000 based upon other
      municipal lighthouse stewardships. Staff is exploring private, philanthropic
      revenue options including public donations through Pere Marquette parking
      kiosks and a lighthouse fund with the Community Foundation for Muskegon
      County. The community would need to develop a Friends of the Lighthouses
      support group to assist with future lighthouse tours, programing, gift shop and

      fundraising. The city has a 10 percent administrative fee ($80,000) in a $800,000
      state lighthouse restoration grant to cover costs of the lighthouses transfer of

      This will be on the agenda for Tuesday, May 9, 2023.

2.g   Sanitation Revenue - DPW

      Recent increases in our sanitation contract with Republic Services and in our
      street sweeping contract with Tri-Us Services have generated a need for
      approximately $200,000 in additional revenue in the Sanitation Department.
      Staff will present revenue generating options.

       The Commission approved a 5 and ½-year extension with Republic Services for
      sanitation services on December 13, 2022, and a 3-year contract with Tri-Us
      Services for street sweeping on April 25, 2023. Summaries of each contract’s
      financials are included below.

      Sanitation (Republic Services):

             5 Year Extension (January 1, 2023 – June 30, 2028). 4% rate increase on
              January 1 annually each year starting in 2024.

             Solid Waste cost per unit in 2023 at $12.26/Unit (2022 Rate is

             Recycling cost per unit in 2023 is $4.78/Unit (2022 Rate is $4.50/Unit)

             Solid Waste Cost is $100/Load (2022 Rate is $10.50/Ton or roughly

             The first full year of the program is expected to cost approximately
              $2.2M. The 22/23 budget includes $2.075M for Republic Services.

      Street Sweeping (Tri-Us Services)

             Annual cost of $290,196 per year for three years (previous yearly cost
              was $180,000).

             Special requests at $200 per hour (previous cost was $120 per hour).

      The Sanitation Department receives revenue from a 3 mil sanitation levy, the
      sanitation fee on each water bill, and the sale of bulk refuse item stickers.

      Discussion took place about how to handle the increased costs.

3.   Public Comment

     No public comment was received.

4.   Other Business

     Jonathan Seyferth, City Manager, mentioned that several questions have come up
     regarding the Adelaide Pointe Project and the development project for Hartshorn
     Village. Those that wish to find more information about this project, including
     renderings, can go to the City's website and click on the banner at the top to be brought
     to the Community Engagement Hub where they can find information on several projects
     and initiatives that the city is working on.

5.   Adjournment

     The Work Session meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.


                                                                      Respectfully Submitted,

                                                         Ann Marie Meisch, MMC - City Clerk

                                 City of Muskegon
                             City Commission Meeting

                               May 9, 2023, 5:30 pm
                                Muskegon City Hall
                      933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440

Present:              Mayor Ken Johnson
                      Commissioner Rachel Gorman
                      Commissioner Rebecca St.Clair
                      Vice Mayor Willie German, Jr.
                      Commissioner Michael Ramsey
                      Commissioner Teresa Emory

Absent:               Commissioner Eric Hood

Staff Present:        City Manager Jonathan Seyferth
                      City Clerk Ann Meisch
                      City Attorney John Schrier
                      Deputy City Clerk Kimberly Young

1.    Call To Order

      The Regular Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall, 933 Terrace
      Street, Muskegon, Michigan at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 25, 2023.
2.    Prayer
      Vice Mayor Willie German, Jr. opened the meeting with prayer.
3.    Pledge of Allegiance
      The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the Commission and the
4.    Roll Call
      As recorded above

5.   Honors, Awards, and Presentations
6.   Public Comment on Agenda Items
     Public comments were received.
7.   Consent Agenda

     Motion by: Vice Mayor German
     Second by: Commissioner Emory
     To accept the consent agenda as presented, minus item 7F and 7H.
     7.a   Approval of Minutes - City Clerk
           Approve the Minutes of the April 10, 2023 Worksession and the April 11,
           2023 Regular Meeting
           STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the minutes.
     7.b   Muskegon Lighthouses Ownership - Development Services
           Staff has researched the process of transferring the two Muskegon
           lighthouses from the Michigan Lighthouse Conservancy to the City of
           Muskegon, the first phase of the south break wall lighthouse restoration
           and future city stewardship responsibilities and liabilities. Staff seeks City
           Commission support to pursue ownership of the lighthouses.

           Staff was at the March 2023 work session outlining the request of the
           Michigan Lighthouse Conservancy for the city to take over the ownership
           and stewardship of the two lighthouses in the Muskegon Harbor at Pere
           Marquette Park. Staff research and work with the MLC shows a Federal
           Lighthouse Preservation Act application to the National Park Service and
           a new 25-year lease with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would be
           needed. Federal approvals could take up to a year to secure. In the
           meantime, staff is working with the MLC leadership to begin the
           restoration of the south break wall lighthouse as transfer of ownership is
           pursued. Staff estimates that the annual maintenance of the two
           lighthouses would average $10,000 based upon other municipal
           lighthouse stewardships. Staff is exploring private, philanthropic revenue
           options including public donations through Pere Marquette parking kiosks
           and a lighthouse fund with the Community Foundation for Muskegon
           County. The community would need to develop a Friends of the
           Lighthouses support group to assist with future lighthouse tours,

      programing, gift shop and fundraising. The city has a 10 percent
      administrative fee ($80,000) in a $800,000 state lighthouse restoration
      grant to cover costs of the lighthouses transfer of ownership.
      AMOUNT REQUESTED: Remainder of funds will be privately raised.

      AMOUNT BUDGETED: $800,000 (first $400,000 received) in a MEDC
      lighthouse restoration grant.
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To formally endorse the South Breakwater
      Light Acquisition Project due diligence process, and to direct staff to return
      to the City Commission for final approval of purchase.
7.c   Sale of 909 Washington Avenue - Planning

      Staff is seeking authorization to sell the City owned vacant lot at 909
      Washington Avenue to Aleschia Loughridge.

      Ms. Loughridge would like to purchase the City owned buildable lot at 909
      Washington Ave. for $3,675 (75% of the True Cash Value of $4,900) plus
      half of the closing costs and the fee to register the deed. Ms. Loughridge
      will be constructing a single-family home on the property.
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To authorize the Code Coordinator to
      complete the sale of 909 Washington Ave., as described in the attached
      purchase agreement and to have the Mayor and Clerk sign the purchase
      agreement and the deed.
7.d   Gaming Resolution - City Clerk

      Muskegon Pride is requesting Recognition as a non-profit in the City of
      Muskegon for the purpose of obtaining charitable gaming licenses for
      raffles to raise money.

      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the request from Muskegon
      Price to be recognized as a non-profit operating in the City of Muskegon
      for the purpose of obtaining a charitable gaming license.
7.e   Electric Demand Response Agreements - DPW

      Consumers Energy has provided contracts for the water filtration plant,
      City Hall, and the Central Fire Station that allows them to suspend
      electrical service under certain peak conditions at which time these
      facilities would operate under generator power.
      Consumers Energy would retain the right to suspend electrical service to
      the Water Filtration Plant, City Hall, and Central Fire Station under certain

      peak conditions. These occurrences are limited to five (5) occurrences
      annually each not to exceed 4 hours. Consumers Energy will compensate
      the City for enrollment in this program. Staff has reviewed the contract
      and confirmed generator capacity to ensure compliance with the
      agreement. Staff is recommending the 2 year option, which includes a
      combined annual payment in the amount of up to $20,000 in year one of
      the agreement, and up to $22,500 in year two.

      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To authorize staff to enter into agreements
      with Consumers Energy for Demand Response at the Water Filter Plant,
      City Hall and Central Fire Station for a period of 2 years.
7.g   Police Vehicle Purchase - DPW

      Equipment Division scheduled public safety vehicle replacement. The
      Equipment Division is seeking permission to purchase 3 new police
      cruisers. This purchase will be through Berger Chevrolet the Mi-Deal State
      contract holder. These vehicles will replace cruisers coming out of service.
      Purchase will include (3) 2023 Chevrolet Tahoe Police cruisers for a total
      of $119,958.00. The car prices came out slightly higher than the budgeted
      amount as shown below, but to be able to order the cars at the MiDeal
      pricing in this difficult supply environment is crucial and staff recommends
      we proceed.
      AMOUNT REQUESTED: $119,968.00
      AMOUNT BUDGETED: $117,000.00
      FUND OR ACCOUNT: Equipment Fund 661-563-978

      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To authorize staff to proceed with purchase
      of three 2023 Chevrolet Tahoe Police Cruisers.

7.i   Social District Permit Recommendation - Rake Beer Project, LLC -
      City Manager
      The City Commission must recommend approval of the Michigan Liquor
      Control Commission permits of participating licensed establishments in the
      Downtown Muskegon Social District. With the establishment of the
      Downtown Muskegon Social District, participating licensed establishments
      must receive a Social District permit from the Michigan Liquor Control
      Commission. The MLCC must first receive a recommendation for approval
      from the City Commission before granting the permits. Rake Beer Project
      LLC has been a social district participating licensed establishment at its
      former location at 794 Pine Street. With the move to 800 W. Western

      Avenue, Suite 200, Rake must receive a new social district permit with its
      new MLCC license for that location.

      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the resolution recommending
      Michigan Liquor Control Commission approval of Social District permit in
      the Downtown Muskegon Social District for Rake Beer Project LLC and to
      direct the City Clerk to certify the City Commission action with the MLCC.
7.j   Community Relations Committee Recommendations - City Clerk

      To concur with the CRC recommendations on the following removals,
      appointments, and amendments to meeting frequency on the CDC-CDBG.
      The CRC recommends:

      Removals and Appointments:
      - Removing Ron Hayward – Neighborhood Association Member – Term
      Expiring 1/31/2025 from the Citizen’s Police Review Board.
      - Appointing Faye Redmond – Citizen At-Large – Term Expiring
      1/31/2025 to the Citizen’s Police Review Board
      - Appointing Faye Redmond – Citizen/Interest in District – Term Expiring
      1/31/2027 to the Local Development Finance Authority

      CDC-CDBG Meeting Frequency Amendment:
      - Amend the meeting frequency for the CDC-CDBG from monthly to four
      times per year.
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To concur with the recommendation of the
      CRC to make the above appointments, removals, and amendments to
      meeting frequencies.

7.k   Community Relations Committee Recommendation for Ordinance -
      City Clerk

      To concur with the CRC recommendations to approve the ordinance and
      establish the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee.

      The Community Relations Committee recommends approval of the Parks
      & Recreation Advisory Committee. The CRC also recommends that the
      Commissioner serving on the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee
      serve as the Committee’s Chairperson.

      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To concur with the CRC recommendations
      to approve the ordinance and establish the Parks & Recreation Advisory

7.f   New Year's Eve Ball Drop - DPW

      Lakeshore Legacy Project is proposing a New Year’s Eve Ball Drop on
      Western Ave. Since the noise ordinance would be broken after 11 pm,
      commission approval is required.

      Lakeshore Legacy Project applied to have a special event on New Years
      Eve. The event would begin at 8 pm and includes a stage with a few DJs
      until midnight. At midnight there will be a ball drop and a one-minute
      firework display. The event would end before 12:30 am.

      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the Lakeshore Legacy
      Project’s New Year’s Eve ball drop event.

      Motion by: Commissioner Ramsey
      Second by: Commissioner St.Clair

      To approve the Lakeshore Legacy Project's New Year's Eve ball drop
      Ayes: (6): Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Gorman, Commissioner
      St.Clair, Vice Mayor German, Commissioner Ramsey, and Commissioner
      Absent (1): Commissioner Hood

                                                     MOTION PASSES (6 to 0)

7.h   ARPA Community Grant Review Committee-Manager's Office

      Members of the City’s ARPA Community Grant Review Committee have
      been identified and approval for the formalization of the committee is
      being requested. On February 14th, 2023 the City Commission authorized
      the dedication of $1.6M from the City’s remaining allocation of American
      Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) federal stimulus funds for the creation of a city-
      sponsored ARPA Community Grant program. https://muskegon-
      An ARPA Community Grant Review Committee has been established to
      review eligible applications and submit recommendations to the
      Commission. The Commission will review and make funding decisions at
      a Regular Committee Meeting in June.
      The Review Committee is comprised of (6) members: one representative

             from each of the (4) City Commission Wards, the City Manager and the
             Director of the Community and Neighborhood Services Department. Two
             representative(s) from local Community Based Organizations will be
             included to act in an advisory capacity.
             Ward 1 – Lawrence Baker / Ward 2 – Leon Howard / Ward 3 – Jennifer
             Sanocki / Ward 4 – Nina Leask

             STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the proposed representatives
             from each of the (4) City Committee Wards as part of the ARPA
             Community Grant Review Committee.
             Motion by: Commissioner Ramsey
             Second by: Commissioner St.Clair

             To approve the proposed representatives from each of the (4) City
             Committee Wards as part of the ARPA Community Grant Review
             Ayes: (6): Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Gorman, Commissioner
             St.Clair, Vice Mayor German, Commissioner Ramsey, and Commissioner
             Absent (1): Commissioner Hood

                                                             MOTION PASSES (6 to 0)

8.    Public Hearings
9.    Unfinished Business
10.   New Business
11.   Any Other Business
      11.a   Update from Community Engagement Manager

             There will be Short Term Rental engagement meetings taking place in
             different locations in the city the week of May 15, 2023. Information
             regarding these meetings is available on our website by using the link in
             the Connect Muskegon banner at the top of any page.

             Meetings will also be held to discuss Housing Needs Assessment in
             different neighborhoods, more information is available through the
             Connect Muskegon link on the city's website.
12.   Public Comment on Non-Agenda items

      Public comments were received.
13.   Closed Session
14.   Adjournment
      The City Commission meeting adjourned at 5:53 p.m.

      Motion by: Commissioner Ramsey
      Second by: Commissioner St.Clair
      To adjourn.

                                                               MOTION PASSES

                                                           Respectfully Submitted,
                                               Ann Marie Meisch, MMC - City Clerk

                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 13, 2023                               Title: City/County Human
                                                                     Resources Agreement

Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell                                      Department: City Manager’s

Brief Summary: Staff is seeking approval of an amendment to our contract with Muskegon County
for Human Resources services.

Detailed Summary & Background: Staff has become aware that there is a greater need for the
administration of human resources services to ensure efficient operations. This contract
amendment includes a County HR employee working full time at city offices as well as options to
update and streamline some of our HR processes. Our goal is for all staff to become familiar with
the onsite resource and direct more interaction with that staff member to better access the services
provided by the county while reducing the need for the city’s counsel to be involved in more routine
HR situations.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Enhanced internal and community communication

Amount Requested: $145,000                           Amount Budgeted: $145,000 in FY 23/24

Fund(s) or Account(s): 101-269                       Fund(s) or Account(s): 101-269

Recommended Motion: to approve the amendment to the contract with Muskegon County for
Human Resources services and authorize the mayor and clerk to sign.

Approvals:                                                           Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
Immediate Division Head          Information Technology
Other Division Heads             Communication                       Yes

Legal Review                                                         No

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:

         This Amendment (“Amendment”) is made effective on July 1, 2023 (“Effective Date”) by and
between the City of Muskegon, with offices located at 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan 49440
(“City”), the City of Muskegon Civil Service Commission, with offices at 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon,
Michigan 49440 (“CSC”), and the County of Muskegon, with offices located at 990 Terrace Street,
Muskegon, Michigan 49442 (“County”).


        A. City, CSC and County entered into a contract effective July 1, 2014 entitled Agreement
           between the City of Muskegon and the Muskegon County Board of Commissioners which
           called for the Muskegon County Department of Human Resources to provide human
           resources services to the City and CSC.

        B. The Parties now desire to amend the Agreement.

        Therefore, for good and valuable consideration, and the mutual promises contained in this
        Amendment, the Parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows:

        1. Term. The Agreement shall be revised to provide a termination date of June 30, 2026,
           provided that any party may terminate the Agreement with six (6) months notice.

        2. Fees and Payment. For the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, City shall pay County
           and annual fee of $145,000, with such payments being made in equal monthly payments.
           For the period July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, City shall pay County an annual fee of
           $147,900, with such payments being made in equal monthly payments. For the period July
           1, 2025 through June 30, 2026, City shall pay County an annual fee of $150,858, with such
           payments being made in equal monthly payments.

        3. Additional Scope of Service For The City. The Human Resources Department will provide a
           full-time employee onsite at City Hall who will, in addition to other duties, participate on the
           Government Alliance on Race and Equity Team. Upon request by the City, additional
           services can also include online onboarding, performance management, and hiring
           applications; employee and supervisor education/training; and job compatibility

        4. City Obligations. The City shall provide an office for the County employee.

        5. Personnel Director. The Civil Service Commission (CSC) shall appoint the County Human
           Resource Director as the City of Muskegon Personnel Director who shall serve at the
           pleasure of the CSC.
6. No Other Modification. Except as expressly modified by the terms of this Amendment, the
   Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict
   between the original Agreement, prior Amendments and this Amendment, the provisions of
   this Amendments shall govern and control.

The Parties have executed this amendment as of the Effective Date.

City of Muskegon                                By:____________________________________
                                                Ken Johnson
                                                Mayor, City of Muskegon

                                                By: ____________________________________
                                                Ann Meisch
                                                Muskegon City Clerk

County of Muskegon                              By: ____________________________________
                                                Charles Nash
                                                Chairman, Board of Commissioners

                                                By: ____________________________________
                                                Karen D. Buie
                                                Muskegon County Clerk

City of Muskegon                                By: ____________________________________
Civil Service Commission                        David Wendtland
                                                Chair, Civil Service Commission
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 13, 2023                              Title: 3rd Quarter
                                                                    Budget Reforecast

Submitted By: Kenneth D. Grant                                      Department: Finance

Brief Summary: At this time staff is asking for approval of the 3rd Quarter Budget
Reforecast for the FY2022-23 budget year.

Detailed Summary & Background: Summary: Staff has prepared the 3rd Quarter Budget
Reforecast a memo outlining some of the highlights is attached and supporting

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Sustainability in financial practices.

Amount Requested:                                                   Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                                              Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To approve the 3rd Quarter FY2022-23 Budget Reforecast as

Approvals: Get approval from division head at a minimum             Guest(s) Invited /
prior to sending to the Clerk.                                      Presenting
Immediate Division Head          Information Technology
Other Division Heads             Communication                      Yes

Legal Review                                                        No

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
 To:       City Commission

 From:     Finance Director
 Date:     5/31/2023
 Re:       3rd Quarter Budget Reforecast FY2022-23 - Highlights


 Building Permit revenue is expected to go up significantly with the spring construction projects.
 We are increasing the revenue from $810,000 to $1,400,000. We also, had to increase the
 costs that we pay to Safebuilt because they receive a percentage of revenue. The increase
 cost is reflected in the Building Department’s contractual service line.

 Income Tax revenues remain strong. We are going to keep the revenue projection at
 $10,750,000. We may have to increase this amount in the 4th Quarter. However, we did
 increase Penalty and Interest collections for Income Tax from $230,000 to $290,000.

 Last year, the General Fund had an $918,391.50 unrealized loss from investment income. This
 year with the uncertainty of the market we budgeted for a $450,000 unrealized loss. However,
 thru the 3rd Quarter the unrealized loss was only $287,000. We are going lowering the
 unrealized loss for the year to $250,000 with the hope that we actually have a gain by the end
 this fiscal year.

 The General Fund usually transfers funds to other funds. We have made some changes for
 the third quarter.

          The Public Improvement fund no longer needs $50,000 from the General Fund.

          The Local Street fund no longer needs $235,000 from the General Fund. They will get
           some of their funds from the Major Street fund.

          The Arena needs an additional $600,000 from the General Fund due to some one-time
           costs to cover some unexpected one-time costs and audit adjustments from the
           previous fiscal year.

  Page 1
The General Fund had a lot of small revenue adjustment that our highlighted on the

We are 75% thru the fiscal year. The General Fund revenues exceed expenditures by a little
more than $207,000. The General Fund is on pace to almost breakeven with the 3rd Quarter
amendments. I am hopeful that we will finish in the black this year.


The Arena Revenues are up in almost every category. Arena revenues are up almost
$200,000 from a year ago.

Despite the increase in revenue the Arena needs a total of $950,000 from the General Fund to
cover some unexpected one-time costs and audit adjustments from the previous fiscal year.


The Public Improvement Fund is doing great. The original budget projected $480,000 for the
sale of our Infill Houses. So far this year, the sale of Infill Houses exceeded $1,375,000. We
expect that sales by the end of year to be $2,700,000.


The Public Works Director wants to transfer $150,000 from the Major Street fund to the Local
Street fund.

 Page 2
                         PERIOD ENDING 03/31/2023

                                                                          2022‐23     YTD BALANCE         3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER             DESCRIPTION                                 AMENDED BUDGET        03/31/2023     Reforecast

Fund 101 ‐ GENERAL

Function: Unclassified
Dept 000
Account Type: Revenue
101‐000‐402            PROPERTY TAX                                   6,275,000.00    5,504,307.30 6,275,000.00
101‐000‐432            IN LIEU OF TAX                                   132,022.00            0.00    132,022.00
101‐000‐436            PROPERTY TAX SANITATION                        1,875,000.00    1,638,852.04 1,875,000.00
101‐000‐437            IFT/CFT TAX                                      175,000.00            0.00    175,000.00
101‐000‐438            INCOME TAX                                    10,750,000.00    8,015,509.01 10,750,000.00
101‐000‐439            MARIJUANA TAX                                          0.00      622,222.18    622,222.18
101‐000‐451            SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS                              200,000.00       29,481.40    200,000.00
TAXES & SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS                                          19,407,022.00   15,810,371.93 20,029,244.18

101‐000‐645           FISHERMANS LANDING REIMBURSEMENT                   25,000.00      28,319.04      28,319.04
101‐000‐674‐004805    CONTRIBUTIONS                                     130,000.00       7,770.51       9,000.00
101‐000‐674‐004821    CONTRIBUTIONS/GRANTS                               75,000.00           0.00      75,000.00
101‐000‐674‐004825    CONTRIBUTIONS ‐ VETERAN'S PARK MAINT               18,500.00           0.00      18,500.00
101‐000‐674‐004828    DONATION ‐ POLICE DEPT                                  0.00         875.00       2,500.00
101‐000‐675           COMMUNITY FOUNDATION GRANT ‐ MCGRAFT P             10,885.00      10,884.91      10,885.00
101‐000‐678           GRANT: COMMUNITY FOUNDATION                        25,534.00           0.00      25,534.00
101‐000‐683‐004816    CONTRIBUTIONS/MARIHUANA STREET LIGHTS              67,000.00           0.00      67,000.00
101‐000‐683‐004820    MARIHUANA CONTRIBUTIONS                            12,000.00      13,200.00      17,000.00
CONTRIBUTIONS & MISCELLANEOUS                                           363,919.00      61,049.46     253,738.04

101‐000‐476‐004202    BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS                        50,000.00       23,205.00      40,000.00
101‐000‐476‐004217    SHORT TERM RENTALS                                 10,000.00        6,890.00      30,000.00
101‐000‐476‐004642    LIEN LOOK UPS                                      12,000.00       11,165.00      12,000.00
101‐000‐477           CABLE TV LICENSES OR FEES                         370,000.00      176,640.13     370,000.00
101‐000‐478           LIQUOR LICENSES & TAX REBATE                       60,000.00       51,608.60      55,000.00
101‐000‐480‐004207    CEMETERY‐BURIAL PERMITS                            75,000.00       49,810.00      75,000.00
101‐000‐480‐004649    CEMETERY‐MISC. INCOME                              40,000.00       18,382.72      40,000.00
101‐000‐480‐004657    COLUMBARIUM NICHE                                   1,000.00          900.00       1,000.00
101‐000‐481           BUILDING PERMITS                                  810,000.00      703,763.70   1,400,000.00
101‐000‐482           ELECTRICAL PERMITS                                195,000.00      147,281.22     195,000.00
101‐000‐483           PLUMBING PERMITS                                  105,000.00       77,764.25     105,000.00
101‐000‐484           HEATING PERMITS                                   146,000.00      113,108.72     146,000.00
101‐000‐486           RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION                      375,000.00      324,795.00     400,000.00
101‐000‐487           TEMPORARY LIQUOR LICENSE                            5,000.00        4,023.75       5,000.00
101‐000‐488           MARIHUANA FACILITIES LICENSE                      195,000.00       96,337.38     195,000.00
101‐000‐495           VACANT BUILDING FEE                                30,000.00        9,100.00      30,000.00
101‐000‐684‐004800    MISC. & SUNDRY                                    100,000.00       98,376.37     100,000.00
LICENSES & PERMITS                                                    2,579,000.00    1,913,151.84   3,199,000.00

101‐000‐502           FEDERAL GRANTS                                    250,000.00     102,469.41     250,000.00
FEDERAL GRANTS                                                          250,000.00     102,469.41     250,000.00

101‐000‐540           STATE GRANTS                                      630,000.00     462,511.48      630,000.00
101‐000‐542           STATE REPLACEMENT REV FOR PPT                     900,000.00     422,381.22      900,000.00
STATE GRANTS                                                          1,530,000.00     884,892.70    1,530,000.00

101‐000‐549           STATE CVTRS/EVIP PAYMENTS                       1,315,540.00      633,849.00   1,315,540.00
101‐000‐574           STATE SALES TAX CONSTITUTIONAL                  3,748,408.00    2,080,050.00   3,748,408.00
STATE SHARED                                                          5,063,948.00    2,713,899.00   5,063,948.00
                                                                  2022‐23    YTD BALANCE         3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER             DESCRIPTION                         AMENDED BUDGET       03/31/2023     Reforecast

101‐000‐603           CITY SERVICE FOR ENTERPRISE FUNDS         530,519.00     397,889.28     530,519.00
101‐000‐604           TAX COLLECTION FEE                        386,000.00     363,532.17     386,000.00
101‐000‐606‐004604    GARBAGE COLLECTION                         50,000.00      54,038.03      70,000.00
101‐000‐614‐004617    REIMBURSEMENT INCOME                        7,000.00      14,641.08      16,000.00
101‐000‐615‐004615    POLICE DEPARTMENT INCOME                  210,000.00      94,003.61      95,000.00
101‐000‐615‐004648    FALSE ALARM FEES/POLICE                     7,000.00       3,765.00       7,000.00
101‐000‐615‐004806    BIKE/PROPERTY AUCTIONS‐POLICE               1,100.00       1,100.00       1,100.00
101‐000‐616           FIRE PROTECTION‐STATE PROP                 99,233.06      99,233.06      99,233.06
101‐000‐617           ZONING & ENCROACHMENT FEES                 17,300.00      10,993.20      17,300.00
101‐000‐618‐004622    MISC. CLERK FEES                            5,000.00       4,074.64       5,000.00
101‐000‐618‐004634    PASSPORTS                                  50,000.00      52,315.00      70,000.00
101‐000‐619           TOWNSHIP ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS                 0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐000‐620‐004619    MISC. SALES AND SERVICES                   40,000.00      46,411.73      11,000.00
101‐000‐620‐004660    MISC RECREATION INCOME                     12,000.00       7,062.37      12,000.00
101‐000‐626‐004631    REIMBURSEMENT SCHOOL OFFICER               27,000.00      20,348.65      27,000.00
101‐000‐626‐004651    REIMBURSEMENT LOT MOWING                    5,000.00           0.00       5,000.00
101‐000‐626‐004659    CODE ENFORCEMENT LABOR                     30,000.00      35,363.00      41,000.00
101‐000‐626‐004666    SNOW PLOWING ‐DOWNTOWN BID                 70,000.00           0.00      70,000.00
101‐000‐626‐004672    SAFEBUILT LOT MOWING                        5,000.00       2,249.00       5,000.00
101‐000‐626‐004676    SAFEBUILT ‐ TRASH PICKUP                    2,500.00       1,780.00       2,500.00
101‐000‐629           REIMBURSEMENT ELECTIONS                         0.00          25.00      37,749.00
101‐000‐630           INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION                1,587,749.00   1,190,811.87   1,587,749.00
101‐000‐631           PROCUREMENT CARD REBATE                    65,069.00           0.00      68,691.00
101‐000‐633           SPECIAL EVENTS REIMBURSEMENT               28,288.06      28,528.06      31,500.00
101‐000‐634           CEMETERY SALE OF LOTS                      40,000.00      29,365.50      40,000.00
101‐000‐636           REIMBURSEMENT LOT CLEAN UP                  2,000.00           0.00       2,000.00
101‐000‐640           TAX ABATEMENT APPLICATION FEES             14,400.00          50.00      14,400.00
101‐000‐642‐004652    MUSK HEIGHTS ZONING                        15,000.00           0.00      15,000.00
101‐000‐642‐004654    FIRE RESPONSE FEE                          10,000.00       3,500.00      10,000.00
101‐000‐643‐004625    MISC. TREAS. FEES                          30,000.00      13,637.44      30,000.00
101‐000‐643‐004818    RECOVERY OF BAD DEBT                        3,000.00         110.00       3,000.00
101‐000‐647‐004635    START UP CHARGE/REFUSE                      7,000.00       5,060.00       7,000.00
101‐000‐647‐004636    REFUSE BAG & BULK SALES                    30,000.00      29,666.00      40,000.00
101‐000‐647‐004637    APPLIANCE STICKER                             100.00           0.00         100.00
101‐000‐647‐004638    MISC. SALES CHARGE/REFUSE                 475,000.00     346,153.74     475,000.00
101‐000‐651           ADMINISTRATION FEES                       310,000.00     232,499.88     310,000.00
101‐000‐652‐004655    PAID PARKING ‐ BEACH                      800,000.00     478,298.95     800,000.00
101‐000‐659‐004656    SITE PLAN REVIEW                           10,000.00       6,000.00      10,000.00
101‐000‐659‐004658    IMPOUND FEES                               40,000.00      24,785.00      40,000.00
101‐000‐659‐004679    CODE ENFORCEMENT ADMIN                     30,000.00      22,606.00      30,000.00
101‐000‐667‐004669    SMITH RYERSON                              15,000.00      15,845.71      20,000.00
101‐000‐667‐004670    PICNIC SHELTER                             10,000.00       6,039.25      10,000.00
101‐000‐667‐004671    MCGRAFT PARK                              140,000.00     122,244.26     140,000.00
101‐000‐667‐004673    RENTAL ‐ CENTRAL DISPATCH                 480,708.00     353,024.85     480,708.00
101‐000‐667‐004674    RENTAL ‐ CITY HALL                         15,000.00      16,645.17      21,000.00
101‐000‐671           LEASE BILLBOARDS                            6,800.00       2,400.00       6,800.00
101‐000‐681           DOWNTOWN SOCIAL DISTRICT                  100,000.00      35,700.00     100,000.00
101‐000‐692‐004661    LEASE GREAT LAKES NAVAL MEMORIAL           15,000.00           0.00      15,000.00
CHARGES FOR SERVICE                                           5,834,766.12   4,171,796.50   5,816,349.06

101‐000‐607‐004758    CRITICAL DUNE FEES                         5,500.00           0.00       5,500.00
101‐000‐607‐004759    STORM WATER FEES                          25,000.00      24,000.00      25,000.00
101‐000‐608           COURT FEES                                90,000.00      49,179.52      90,000.00
101‐000‐656           TRAFFIC FINES & FEES                     250,000.00     144,448.35     250,000.00
101‐000‐657‐004702    DELINQUENT FEES                           20,000.00      19,558.23      20,000.00
101‐000‐657‐004704    PENALTIES/INTEREST/FINES                  13,400.00      13,549.40      17,000.00
101‐000‐657‐004706    LATE FEE ON INVOICES OVER 45 DAYS          6,000.00       3,096.00       6,000.00
101‐000‐657‐004708    LATE FEE ON RENTAL REGISTRATION           18,700.00      22,530.00      28,000.00
101‐000‐657‐004751    CIVIL INFRACTIONS                         23,500.00      14,491.80      23,500.00
101‐000‐657‐004802    REIMB:DEMOS AND BOARD‐UPS                 45,000.00      (3,539.28)     45,000.00
101‐000‐657‐004803    CDBG PROGRAM REIMBURSEMENTS              393,910.00     244,457.00     428,910.00
101‐000‐665‐004701    INCOME TAX‐PENALTY & INTEREST            230,000.00     230,368.42     290,000.00
101‐000‐665‐004970    INTEREST INCOME                          325,000.00     425,031.88     480,000.00
                                                                 2022‐23     YTD BALANCE           3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER                DESCRIPTION                    AMENDED BUDGET         03/31/2023       Reforecast
FINES & PENALTIES                                           1,446,010.00     1,187,171.32    1,708,910.00

101‐000‐669            GAIN ON INVESTMENT                    (450,000.00)     (287,236.56)    (250,000.00)
101‐000‐699            OPERATING TRANSFERS IN               4,706,500.00     4,288,951.41    4,706,500.00
INTEREST & OPERATING TRANSFERS                              4,256,500.00     4,001,714.85    4,456,500.00

101‐172‐684‐004800       MISC. & SUNDRY                             0.00            8.99            8.99
101‐202‐684‐004800       MISC. & SUNDRY                             0.00           26.57           26.57
101‐215‐684‐004800       MISC. & SUNDRY                             0.00           18.01           18.01
101‐269‐684‐004800       MISC. & SUNDRY                             0.00            5.40            5.40
101‐265‐684‐004800       MISC. & SUNDRY                             0.00            4.51            4.51
101‐521‐684‐004800       MISC. & SUNDRY                             0.00            1.79            1.79
101‐301‐684‐004800       MISC. & SUNDRY                             0.00          180.06          180.06
101‐336‐684‐004800       MISC. & SUNDRY                             0.00            9.01            9.01
101‐387‐684‐004800       MISC. & SUNDRY                             0.00           18.01           18.01
101‐701‐684              MISC. & SUNDRY                             0.00           11.27           11.27
                                                                    0.00          283.62          283.62

TOTAL REVENUES                                             40,731,165.12    30,846,800.63 42,307,972.90

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐773‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  44,386.00       28,215.31       44,386.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                           44,386.00       28,215.31       44,386.00

101‐773‐703              SALARY PERMANENT                           0.00           825.90          825.90
101‐773‐707              OVERTIME                                   0.00             0.00            0.00
101‐773‐712              RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL               0.00            16.52           16.52
101‐773‐714              MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                     0.00            66.06           66.06
101‐773‐717              HEALTH INSURANCE                           0.00            91.03           91.03
101‐773‐718              LIFE INSURANCE                             0.00             1.86            1.86
101‐773‐719              DENTAL INSURANCE                           0.00            16.04           16.04
101‐773‐721              DISABILITY INSURANCE                       0.00             3.16            3.16
101‐773‐722              SOCIAL SECURITY                            0.00            60.60           60.60
101‐773‐723              WORKERS' COMPENSATION                      0.00            29.48           29.48
101‐773‐724              UNEMPLOYMENT                               0.00             0.33            0.33
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                                 0.00         1,110.98        1,110.98

101‐773‐728              OFFICE SUPPLIES                       12,000.00             0.00      12,000.00
SUPPLIES                                                       12,000.00             0.00      12,000.00

101‐773‐971              BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS              14,250.00             0.00      14,250.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                14,250.00             0.00      14,250.00

Total Dept 773 ‐ SOCIAL DISTRICT                               70,636.00       29,326.29       71,746.98

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐101‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                       0.00            0.00            0.00
101‐101‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  14,630.00       12,679.90       14,630.00
101‐101‐810              ENGINEERING SERVICES                       0.00          338.68            0.00
101‐101‐850              TELEPHONE                                  0.00            0.00            0.00
101‐101‐902              PRINTING                                   0.00          105.40            0.00
101‐101‐903              ADVERTISING                                0.00          100.00            0.00
101‐101‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                             0.00            0.00            0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                           14,630.00       13,223.98       14,630.00

                                                                    2022‐23   YTD BALANCE       3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER               DESCRIPTION                         AMENDED BUDGET      03/31/2023   Reforecast
101‐101‐778             BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                   13,870.00         742.12   13,870.00
101‐101‐861             CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TRAVEL                0.00       7,525.84        0.00
OTHER EXPENSES                                                    13,870.00       8,267.96   13,870.00

101‐101‐702             BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS              84,046.00          0.00     84,046.00
101‐101‐703             SALARY PERMANENT                               0.00      9,741.39          0.00
101‐101‐705             TEMPORARY SALARY                               0.00     36,269.26          0.00
101‐101‐708             VACATION PAY                                   0.00      1,974.75          0.00
101‐101‐709             LONGEVITY PAY                                  0.00        187.51          0.00
101‐101‐710             PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                         0.00        119.74          0.00
101‐101‐711             HOLIDAY PAY                                    0.00        694.66          0.00
101‐101‐712             RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                   0.00      4,100.31          0.00
101‐101‐714             MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                         0.00      1,220.04          0.00
101‐101‐717             HEALTH INSURANCE                               0.00      2,963.55          0.00
101‐101‐718             LIFE INSURANCE                                 0.00         52.39          0.00
101‐101‐719             DENTAL INSURANCE                               0.00        180.13          0.00
101‐101‐720             OPTICAL INSURANCE                              0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐101‐721             DISABILITY INSURANCE                           0.00         44.42          0.00
101‐101‐722             SOCIAL SECURITY                                0.00      3,931.37          0.00
101‐101‐723             WORKERS' COMPENSATION                          0.00        134.85          0.00
101‐101‐724             UNEMPLOYMENT                                   0.00        258.99          0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                               84,046.00     61,873.36     84,046.00

101‐101‐727             BUDGETED SUPPLIES                          9,880.00        627.99      9,880.00
101‐101‐728             OFFICE SUPPLIES                                0.00        389.98          0.00
101‐101‐730             PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                     0.00     10,391.00          0.00
101‐101‐731             POSTAGE                                        0.00          0.00          0.00
SUPPLIES                                                           9,880.00     11,408.97      9,880.00

101‐101‐971             BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                   3,534.00          0.00      3,534.00
101‐101‐979             OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT                     0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐101‐980             COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE                   0.00        171.92          0.00
101‐101‐985             OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT REPAIR              0.00          0.00          0.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                    3,534.00        171.92      3,534.00

Total Dept 101 ‐ CITY COMMISSION                                 125,960.00     94,946.19    125,960.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐103‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                          0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐103‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                     76,000.00     24,497.17     76,000.00
101‐103‐810              ENGINEERING SERVICES                          0.00     79,438.65          0.00
101‐103‐902              PRINTING                                      0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐103‐903              ADVERTISING                                   0.00         70.00          0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                              76,000.00    104,005.82     76,000.00

Total Dept 103 ‐ CITY PROMOTIONS & PUBLIC RELATIONS               76,000.00    104,005.82     76,000.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐172‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                          0.00      3,634.75          0.00
101‐172‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                     34,580.00     14,009.11     34,580.00
101‐172‐810              ENGINEERING SERVICES                          0.00      7,928.35          0.00
101‐172‐850              TELEPHONE                                     0.00        721.42          0.00
101‐172‐902              PRINTING                                      0.00        179.90          0.00
101‐172‐903              ADVERTISING                                   0.00      9,206.13          0.00
101‐172‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                                0.00          0.00          0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                              34,580.00     35,679.66     34,580.00

101‐172‐778             BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                    9,120.00          0.00      9,120.00
                                                                    2022‐23   YTD BALANCE       3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER               DESCRIPTION                         AMENDED BUDGET      03/31/2023   Reforecast
101‐172‐861             CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TRAVEL                0.00       9,488.06        0.00
OTHER EXPENSES                                                     9,120.00       9,488.06    9,120.00

101‐172‐995‐005900   BUDGETED OTHER FINANCING USES                     0.00          0.00          0.00
OTHER FINANCING USES                                                   0.00          0.00          0.00

101‐172‐702             BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS             518,971.00          0.00    518,971.00
101‐172‐703             SALARY PERMANENT                               0.00    147,941.81          0.00
101‐172‐707             OVERTIME                                       0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐172‐708             VACATION PAY                                   0.00     11,969.57          0.00
101‐172‐709             LONGEVITY PAY                                  0.00        600.00          0.00
101‐172‐710             PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                         0.00        834.02          0.00
101‐172‐711             HOLIDAY PAY                                    0.00     10,225.47          0.00
101‐172‐712             RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                   0.00     16,483.38          0.00
101‐172‐714             MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                         0.00     15,955.09          0.00
101‐172‐717             HEALTH INSURANCE                               0.00     14,024.73          0.00
101‐172‐718             LIFE INSURANCE                                 0.00        732.91          0.00
101‐172‐719             DENTAL INSURANCE                               0.00      1,547.39          0.00
101‐172‐720             OPTICAL INSURANCE                              0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐172‐721             DISABILITY INSURANCE                           0.00        592.98          0.00
101‐172‐722             SOCIAL SECURITY                                0.00     13,241.46          0.00
101‐172‐723             WORKERS' COMPENSATION                          0.00      1,767.58          0.00
101‐172‐724             UNEMPLOYMENT                                   0.00        262.55          0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                              518,971.00    236,178.94    518,971.00

101‐172‐727             BUDGETED SUPPLIES                          7,885.00          0.00      7,885.00
101‐172‐728             OFFICE SUPPLIES                                0.00        252.99          0.00
101‐172‐730             PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                     0.00      2,624.08          0.00
101‐172‐731             POSTAGE                                        0.00         22.59          0.00
SUPPLIES                                                           7,885.00      2,899.66      7,885.00

101‐172‐971             BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                   8,740.00          0.00      8,740.00
101‐172‐979             OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT                     0.00      3,718.65          0.00
101‐172‐980             COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE                   0.00     28,779.52          0.00
101‐172‐985             OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT REPAIR              0.00      4,131.88          0.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                    8,740.00     36,630.05      8,740.00

Total Dept 172 ‐ CITY MANAGER                                    579,296.00    320,876.37    579,296.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐251‐778              BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                  47,500.00          0.00     47,500.00
101‐251‐965              BAD DEBTS                                     0.00          0.00          0.00
OTHER EXPENSES                                                    47,500.00          0.00     47,500.00

Total Dept 251 ‐ CONTINGENCY                                      47,500.00          0.00     47,500.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐252‐801              BUDGETED CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           535,285.00          0.00    572,785.00
101‐252‐956              PAYING AGENT FEES/CONTRIBUTIONS               0.00    402,152.00          0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                             535,285.00    402,152.00    572,785.00

Total Dept 252 ‐ CONTRIBUTIONS                                   535,285.00    402,152.00    572,785.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐266‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                    420,000.00          0.00    420,000.00
101‐266‐802              LEGAL FEES                                    0.00    315,000.00          0.00
                                                                    2022‐23   YTD BALANCE        3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER            DESCRIPTION                            AMENDED BUDGET      03/31/2023    Reforecast
101‐266‐850          TELEPHONE                                         0.00           0.00         0.00
101‐266‐963          MISC. SERVICES & CHARGES                          0.00      18,476.60         0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                             420,000.00     333,476.60   420,000.00

101‐266‐727             BUDGETED SUPPLIES                              0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐266‐730             PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                     0.00        990.00          0.00
101‐266‐900             PUBLICATIONS                                   0.00          0.00          0.00
SUPPLIES                                                               0.00        990.00          0.00

Total Dept 266 ‐ CITY ATTORNEY                                   420,000.00    334,466.60    420,000.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐202‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                          0.00      2,448.92          0.00
101‐202‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                     90,250.00     21,430.47     90,250.00
101‐202‐803              AUDIT FEES                                    0.00     64,630.00          0.00
101‐202‐804              COMPUTER SERVICES                             0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐202‐805              CONSULTANT FEES                               0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐202‐850              TELEPHONE                                     0.00      1,261.91          0.00
101‐202‐902              PRINTING                                      0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐202‐903              ADVERTISING                                   0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐202‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                                0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐202‐963              BANK CHARGES                                  0.00        337.85          0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                              90,250.00     90,109.15     90,250.00

101‐202‐778             BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                    1,425.00          0.00      1,425.00
101‐202‐861             CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TRAVEL                0.00      2,538.58          0.00
OTHER EXPENSES                                                     1,425.00      2,538.58      1,425.00

101‐202‐995‐005900   BUDGETED OTHER FINANCING USES                     0.00          0.00          0.00
OTHER FINANCING USES                                                   0.00          0.00          0.00

101‐202‐702             BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS             547,912.00          0.00    547,912.00
101‐202‐703             SALARY PERMANENT                               0.00    212,913.17          0.00
101‐202‐705             TEMPORARY SALARY                               0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐202‐707             OVERTIME                                       0.00      5,580.09          0.00
101‐202‐708             VACATION PAY                                   0.00     37,430.58          0.00
101‐202‐709             LONGEVITY PAY                                  0.00        750.00          0.00
101‐202‐710             PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                         0.00      2,469.11          0.00
101‐202‐711             HOLIDAY PAY                                    0.00     20,643.46          0.00
101‐202‐712             RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                   0.00     40,506.32          0.00
101‐202‐713             RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ P&F                       0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐202‐714             MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                         0.00     15,918.65          0.00
101‐202‐717             RX CLAIMS (ACTIVE)                             0.00     28,906.48          0.00
101‐202‐718             LIFE INSURANCE                                 0.00      1,185.34          0.00
101‐202‐719             DENTAL INSURANCE                               0.00      2,730.55          0.00
101‐202‐720             OPTICAL INSURANCE                              0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐202‐721             DISABILITY INSURANCE                           0.00        916.74          0.00
101‐202‐722             SOCIAL SECURITY                                0.00     21,776.06          0.00
101‐202‐723             WORKERS' COMPENSATION                          0.00      1,190.10          0.00
101‐202‐724             UNEMPLOYMENT                                   0.00        171.75          0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                              547,912.00    393,088.40    547,912.00

101‐202‐727             BUDGETED SUPPLIES                          3,325.00          0.00      3,325.00
101‐202‐728             OFFICE SUPPLIES                                0.00      1,568.56          0.00
101‐202‐730             PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                     0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐202‐731             POSTAGE                                        0.00      1,499.16          0.00
101‐202‐749             MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES              0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐202‐753             COMPUTER SUPPLIES                              0.00         12.99          0.00
                                                                   2022‐23    YTD BALANCE         3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER              DESCRIPTION                         AMENDED BUDGET       03/31/2023     Reforecast
101‐202‐900            PUBLICATIONS                                   0.00            0.00          0.00
SUPPLIES                                                          3,325.00        3,080.71      3,325.00

101‐202‐971            BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                   4,750.00           0.00       4,750.00
101‐202‐979            OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT                     0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐202‐980            COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE                   0.00       1,583.69           0.00
101‐202‐985            OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT REPAIR              0.00           0.00           0.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                   4,750.00       1,583.69       4,750.00

Total Dept 202 ‐ FINANCE ADMINSTRATION                          647,662.00     490,400.53     647,662.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐203‐714              MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                3,393,940.00   2,116,128.59   3,393,940.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                            3,393,940.00   2,116,128.59   3,393,940.00

Total Dept 203 ‐ PENSION ADMINISTRATION                        3,393,940.00   2,116,128.59   3,393,940.00

Dept 205 ‐ INCOME TAX
Account Type: Expenditure
101‐205‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                         0.00       1,149.67           0.00
101‐205‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                    95,000.00      84,609.63      95,000.00
101‐205‐804              COMPUTER SERVICES                            0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐205‐850              TELEPHONE                                    0.00         510.00           0.00
101‐205‐902              PRINTING                                     0.00       6,289.09           0.00
101‐205‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                               0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐205‐963              BANK CHARGES                                 0.00           0.00           0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                             95,000.00      92,558.39      95,000.00

101‐205‐778            BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                      950.00         562.00         950.00
101‐205‐861            CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TRAVEL                0.00         409.59           0.00
OTHER EXPENSES                                                      950.00         971.59         950.00

101‐205‐995‐005900   BUDGETED OTHER FINANCING USES                    0.00           0.00           0.00
OTHER FINANCING USES                                                  0.00           0.00           0.00

101‐205‐702            BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS             315,054.00           0.00     315,054.00
101‐205‐703            SALARY PERMANENT                               0.00     119,634.24           0.00
101‐205‐705            TEMPORARY SALARY                               0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐205‐707            OVERTIME                                       0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐205‐708            VACATION PAY                                   0.00      20,026.06           0.00
101‐205‐709            LONGEVITY PAY                                  0.00         600.00           0.00
101‐205‐710            PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                         0.00       2,020.49           0.00
101‐205‐711            HOLIDAY PAY                                    0.00       8,175.63           0.00
101‐205‐712            RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                   0.00      14,026.46           0.00
101‐205‐714            MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                         0.00      14,450.09           0.00
101‐205‐717            RX CLAIMS (ACTIVE)                             0.00      33,178.13           0.00
101‐205‐718            LIFE INSURANCE                                 0.00         454.85           0.00
101‐205‐719            DENTAL INSURANCE                               0.00       2,527.82           0.00
101‐205‐720            OPTICAL INSURANCE                              0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐205‐721            DISABILITY INSURANCE                           0.00         535.99           0.00
101‐205‐722            SOCIAL SECURITY                                0.00      11,628.93           0.00
101‐205‐723            WORKERS' COMPENSATION                          0.00         640.55           0.00
101‐205‐724            UNEMPLOYMENT                                   0.00         161.62           0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                             315,054.00     228,060.86     315,054.00

101‐205‐727            BUDGETED SUPPLIES                         13,300.00           0.00      20,000.00
101‐205‐728            OFFICE SUPPLIES                                0.00       1,017.59           0.00
101‐205‐730            PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                     0.00          40.00           0.00
                                                                    2022‐23   YTD BALANCE       3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER               DESCRIPTION                         AMENDED BUDGET      03/31/2023   Reforecast
101‐205‐731             POSTAGE                                        0.00      16,733.22        0.00
101‐205‐753             COMPUTER SUPPLIES                              0.00           0.00        0.00
SUPPLIES                                                          13,300.00      17,790.81   20,000.00

101‐205‐971             BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                   4,750.00          0.00      4,750.00
101‐205‐979             OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT                     0.00         81.16          0.00
101‐205‐980             COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE                   0.00      3,462.79          0.00
101‐205‐985             OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT REPAIR              0.00          0.00          0.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                    4,750.00      3,543.95      4,750.00

Total Dept 205 ‐ INCOME TAX                                      429,054.00    342,925.60    435,754.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐228‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                          0.00          4.16          0.00
101‐228‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                     46,300.00     42,980.86     69,800.00
101‐228‐804              COMPUTER SERVICES                             0.00     21,822.00          0.00
101‐228‐850              TELEPHONE                                     0.00      1,520.13          0.00
101‐228‐902              PRINTING                                      0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐228‐903              ADVERTISING                                   0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐228‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                                0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐228‐963              BANK CHARGES                                  0.00          0.00          0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                              46,300.00     66,327.15     69,800.00

101‐228‐778             BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                   14,250.00          0.00     14,250.00
101‐228‐861             CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TRAVEL                0.00        441.00          0.00
OTHER EXPENSES                                                    14,250.00        441.00     14,250.00

101‐228‐995‐005900   BUDGETED OTHER FINANCING USES                     0.00          0.00          0.00
OTHER FINANCING USES                                                   0.00          0.00          0.00

101‐228‐702             BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS             458,530.00          0.00    458,530.00
101‐228‐703             SALARY PERMANENT                               0.00    170,527.27          0.00
101‐228‐707             OVERTIME                                       0.00      5,580.10          0.00
101‐228‐708             VACATION PAY                                   0.00     26,721.55          0.00
101‐228‐709             LONGEVITY PAY                                  0.00      1,200.00          0.00
101‐228‐710             PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                         0.00      2,576.22          0.00
101‐228‐711             HOLIDAY PAY                                    0.00     11,326.12          0.00
101‐228‐712             RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                   0.00     57,552.04          0.00
101‐228‐714             MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                         0.00      3,708.13          0.00
101‐228‐717             HEALTH INSURANCE                               0.00     38,340.83          0.00
101‐228‐718             LIFE INSURANCE                                 0.00        857.53          0.00
101‐228‐719             DENTAL INSURANCE                               0.00      1,940.70          0.00
101‐228‐720             OPTICAL INSURANCE                              0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐228‐721             DISABILITY INSURANCE                           0.00        703.73          0.00
101‐228‐722             SOCIAL SECURITY                                0.00     16,856.67          0.00
101‐228‐723             WORKERS' COMPENSATION                          0.00        895.15          0.00
101‐228‐724             UNEMPLOYMENT                                   0.00        207.10          0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                              458,530.00    338,993.14    458,530.00

101‐228‐727             BUDGETED SUPPLIES                            950.00        115.38       950.00
101‐228‐728             OFFICE SUPPLIES                                0.00        111.56         0.00
101‐228‐730             PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                     0.00          0.00         0.00
101‐228‐731             POSTAGE                                        0.00          0.00         0.00
101‐228‐749             MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES              0.00         14.00         0.00
101‐228‐753             COMPUTER SUPPLIES                              0.00        109.91         0.00
SUPPLIES                                                             950.00        350.85       950.00

101‐228‐971             BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                 123,500.00          0.00    100,000.00
                                                                  2022‐23   YTD BALANCE        3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER             DESCRIPTION                         AMENDED BUDGET      03/31/2023    Reforecast
101‐228‐979           OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT                     0.00       4,290.80         0.00
101‐228‐980           COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE                   0.00      69,343.57         0.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                123,500.00      73,634.37   100,000.00

Total Dept 228 ‐ INFORMATION SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION            643,530.00    479,746.51    643,530.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐253‐726              OTHER INSURANCE&BONDS                       0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐253‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                        0.00        953.10          0.00
101‐253‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  104,500.00        128.06    104,500.00
101‐253‐804              COMPUTER SERVICES                           0.00      5,489.00          0.00
101‐253‐850              TELEPHONE                                   0.00        510.00          0.00
101‐253‐902              PRINTING                                    0.00     15,451.30          0.00
101‐253‐903              ADVERTISING                                 0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐253‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                              0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐253‐957              PARKING TICKET FEES                         0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐253‐963              MISC SERVICES/CHARGES                       0.00     29,869.97          0.00
101‐253‐969              TAXROLL PREPARATION                         0.00          0.00          0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                           104,500.00     52,401.43    104,500.00

101‐253‐778           BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                    1,900.00          0.00      1,900.00
101‐253‐861           CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TRAVEL                0.00         45.00          0.00
OTHER EXPENSES                                                   1,900.00         45.00      1,900.00

101‐253‐995‐005900   BUDGETED OTHER FINANCING USES                   0.00          0.00          0.00
OTHER FINANCING USES                                                 0.00          0.00          0.00

101‐253‐702           BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS             411,592.00          0.00    411,592.00
101‐253‐703           SALARY PERMANENT                               0.00    195,484.48          0.00
101‐253‐707           OVERTIME                                       0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐253‐708           VACATION PAY                                   0.00     24,244.29          0.00
101‐253‐709           LONGEVITY PAY                                  0.00        900.00          0.00
101‐253‐710           PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                         0.00      2,564.08          0.00
101‐253‐711           HOLIDAY PAY                                    0.00     13,076.14          0.00
101‐253‐712           RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                   0.00     17,753.99          0.00
101‐253‐714           MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                         0.00     19,261.61          0.00
101‐253‐717           HEALTH INSURANCE                               0.00     56,160.90          0.00
101‐253‐718           LIFE INSURANCE                                 0.00        809.98          0.00
101‐253‐719           DENTAL INSURANCE                               0.00      4,441.62          0.00
101‐253‐720           OPTICAL INSURANCE                              0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐253‐721           DISABILITY INSURANCE                           0.00        933.15          0.00
101‐253‐722           SOCIAL SECURITY                                0.00     18,353.63          0.00
101‐253‐723           WORKERS' COMPENSATION                          0.00      1,000.14          0.00
101‐253‐724           UNEMPLOYMENT                                   0.00        348.26          0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                            411,592.00    355,332.27    411,592.00

101‐253‐727           BUDGETED SUPPLIES                        100,000.00          0.00    100,000.00
101‐253‐728           OFFICE SUPPLIES                                0.00      1,920.05          0.00
101‐253‐730           PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                     0.00        283.00          0.00
101‐253‐731           POSTAGE                                        0.00     69,268.45          0.00
101‐253‐753           COMPUTER SUPPLIES                              0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐253‐900           PUBLICATIONS                                   0.00      1,120.00          0.00
SUPPLIES                                                       100,000.00     72,591.50    100,000.00

101‐253‐971           BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                   3,300.00          0.00      3,300.00
101‐253‐979           OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT                     0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐253‐980           COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE                   0.00      3,432.12          0.00
101‐253‐985           OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT REPAIR              0.00          0.00          0.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                  3,300.00      3,432.12      3,300.00
                                                                   2022‐23    YTD BALANCE         3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER                DESCRIPTION                       AMENDED BUDGET       03/31/2023     Reforecast

Total Dept 253 ‐ CITY TREASURER                                 621,292.00     483,802.32     621,292.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐257‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                         0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐257‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                   413,348.00     321,156.10     413,348.00
101‐257‐804              COMPUTER SERVICES                            0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐257‐810              ENGINEERING SERVICES                         0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐257‐850              TELEPHONE                                    0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐257‐902              PRINTING                                     0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐257‐903              ADVERTISING                                  0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐257‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                               0.00           0.00           0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                            413,348.00     321,156.10     413,348.00

101‐257‐702              BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS             2,678.00           0.00       2,678.00
101‐257‐703              SALARY PERMANENT                             0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐257‐705              TEMPORARY SALARY                             0.00         420.00           0.00
101‐257‐707              OVERTIME                                     0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐257‐708              VACATION PAY                                 0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐257‐709              LONGEVITY PAY                                0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐257‐710              PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                       0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐257‐711              HOLIDAY PAY                                  0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐257‐712              RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                 0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐257‐717              HEALTH INSURANCE                             0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐257‐718              LIFE INSURANCE                               0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐257‐719              DENTAL INSURANCE                             0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐257‐720              OPTICAL INSURANCE                            0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐257‐721              DISABILITY INSURANCE                         0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐257‐722              SOCIAL SECURITY                              0.00          22.95           0.00
101‐257‐723              WORKERS' COMPENSATION                        0.00           1.68           0.00
101‐257‐724              UNEMPLOYMENT                                 0.00           2.98           0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                               2,678.00         447.61       2,678.00

Total Dept 257 ‐ CITY ASSESSOR                                  416,026.00     321,663.71     416,026.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐272‐726              OTHER INSURANCE&BONDS                  750,000.00     613,772.84     750,000.00
101‐272‐801              BUDGETED CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                            750,000.00     613,772.84     750,000.00

Total Dept 272 ‐ INSURANCE SERVICES                             750,000.00     613,772.84     750,000.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐906‐801              BUDGETED CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐906‐956              PAYING AGENT FEES/CONTRIBUTIONS              0.00         750.00           0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                                  0.00         750.00           0.00

101‐906‐778              BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                      0.00           0.00           0.00
OTHER EXPENSES                                                        0.00           0.00           0.00

101‐906‐991              PRINCIPAL EXPENSE                             0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐906‐992              PRINCIPAL EXP (BONDS)                         0.00     720,000.00           0.00
101‐906‐993              INTEREST EXPENSE                              0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐906‐994              INTEREST EXPENSE (BONDS)                      0.00     349,609.37           0.00
101‐906‐995‐005900       BUDGETED OTHER FINANCING USES         1,069,246.00           0.00   1,069,246.00
101‐906‐996              BOND ISSUANCE COSTS                           0.00           0.00           0.00
OTHER FINANCING USES                                           1,069,246.00   1,069,609.37   1,069,246.00
                                                                   2022‐23    YTD BALANCE         3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER                DESCRIPTION                       AMENDED BUDGET       03/31/2023     Reforecast

Total Dept 906 ‐ DEBT SERVICE                                  1,069,246.00   1,070,359.37   1,069,246.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐999‐995              OPERATING TRANSFER OUT                2,110,000.00    950,000.03    2,375,000.00
OTHER FINANCING USES                                           2,110,000.00    950,000.03    2,375,000.00

Total Dept 999 ‐ TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS                      2,110,000.00    950,000.03    2,375,000.00

Dept 215 ‐ CITY CLERK
Account Type: Expenditure
101‐215‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                         0.00       5,354.65           0.00
101‐215‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                    47,234.00      29,890.45      47,234.00
101‐215‐804              COMPUTER SERVICES                            0.00          58.40           0.00
101‐215‐809              MEDICAL SERVICES                             0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐215‐810              ENGINEERING SERVICES                         0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐215‐850              TELEPHONE                                    0.00       2,540.87           0.00
101‐215‐902              PRINTING                                     0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐215‐903              ADVERTISING                                  0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐215‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                               0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐215‐945              OTHER EQUIPMENT RENTAL                       0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐215‐963              BANK CHARGES                                 0.00           0.00           0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                             47,234.00      37,844.37      68,000.00

101‐215‐778              BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                 11,210.00           0.00       3,500.00
101‐215‐861              CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TRAVEL              0.00         924.95           0.00
OTHER EXPENSES                                                   11,210.00         924.95       3,500.00

101‐215‐702              BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS           568,971.00           0.00     619,883.00
101‐215‐703              SALARY PERMANENT                             0.00     216,270.89           0.00
101‐215‐705              TEMPORARY SALARY                             0.00      39,670.49           0.00
101‐215‐707              OVERTIME                                     0.00      11,522.05           0.00
101‐215‐708              VACATION PAY                                 0.00      31,711.64           0.00
101‐215‐709              LONGEVITY PAY                                0.00         600.00           0.00
101‐215‐710              PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                       0.00       2,302.08           0.00
101‐215‐711              HOLIDAY PAY                                  0.00      15,707.24           0.00
101‐215‐712              RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                 0.00      32,437.53           0.00
101‐215‐714              MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                       0.00      25,509.98           0.00
101‐215‐717              HEALTH INSURANCE                             0.00      45,643.21           0.00
101‐215‐718              LIFE INSURANCE                               0.00       1,010.38           0.00
101‐215‐719              DENTAL INSURANCE                             0.00       3,955.86           0.00
101‐215‐720              OPTICAL INSURANCE                            0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐215‐721              DISABILITY INSURANCE                         0.00         977.54           0.00
101‐215‐722              SOCIAL SECURITY                              0.00      21,621.74           0.00
101‐215‐723              WORKERS' COMPENSATION                        0.00       1,321.22           0.00
101‐215‐724              UNEMPLOYMENT                                 0.00         637.87           0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                             568,971.00     450,899.72     619,883.00

101‐215‐727              BUDGETED SUPPLIES                       74,214.00         904.91      74,214.00
101‐215‐728              OFFICE SUPPLIES                              0.00       4,802.55           0.00
101‐215‐729              ELECTION SUPPLIES                            0.00      17,438.25           0.00
101‐215‐730              PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                   0.00         635.49           0.00
101‐215‐731              POSTAGE                                      0.00      26,581.13           0.00
101‐215‐753              COMPUTER SUPPLIES                            0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐215‐760              CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES                           0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐215‐900              PUBLICATIONS                                 0.00         498.83           0.00
SUPPLIES                                                         74,214.00      50,861.16      74,214.00
                                                                      2022‐23   YTD BALANCE       3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER                 DESCRIPTION                         AMENDED BUDGET      03/31/2023   Reforecast
101‐215‐971               BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                   4,275.00          0.00      4,275.00
101‐215‐977               EQUIPMENT PURCHASES                            0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐215‐979               OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT                     0.00     11,969.14          0.00
101‐215‐980               COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE                   0.00      2,734.06          0.00
101‐215‐983               EQUIPMENT REPAIR                               0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐215‐985               OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT REPAIR              0.00          0.00          0.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                      4,275.00     14,703.20      4,275.00

Total Dept 215 ‐ CITY CLERK                                        705,904.00    555,233.40    769,872.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐269‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                            0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐269‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                      142,500.00     78,907.28    142,500.00
101‐269‐804              COMPUTER SERVICES                               0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐269‐805              CONSULTANT FEES                                 0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐269‐809              MEDICAL SERVICES                                0.00     17,373.60          0.00
101‐269‐850              TELEPHONE                                       0.00       (506.65)         0.00
101‐269‐902              PRINTING                                        0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐269‐903              ADVERTISING                                     0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐269‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                                  0.00          0.00          0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                               142,500.00     95,774.23    142,500.00

101‐269‐778               BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                        0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐269‐861               CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TRAVEL                0.00      9,370.04          0.00
OTHER EXPENSES                                                           0.00      9,370.04          0.00

101‐269‐702               BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS              87,790.00          0.00     87,790.00
101‐269‐703               SALARY PERMANENT                               0.00     33,384.97          0.00
101‐269‐705               TEMPORARY SALARY                               0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐269‐707               OVERTIME                                       0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐269‐708               VACATION PAY                                   0.00        715.15          0.00
101‐269‐709               LONGEVITY PAY                                  0.00        270.00          0.00
101‐269‐710               PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                         0.00        372.44          0.00
101‐269‐711               HOLIDAY PAY                                    0.00      2,271.93          0.00
101‐269‐712               RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                   0.00     12,027.50          0.00
101‐269‐713               RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ P&F                       0.00        410.62          0.00
101‐269‐714               MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                         0.00      3,574.65          0.00
101‐269‐717               HEALTH INSURANCE                               0.00      4,147.05          0.00
101‐269‐718               LIFE INSURANCE                                 0.00        189.13          0.00
101‐269‐719               DENTAL INSURANCE                               0.00        504.24          0.00
101‐269‐720               OPTICAL INSURANCE                              0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐269‐721               DISABILITY INSURANCE                           0.00        145.43          0.00
101‐269‐722               SOCIAL SECURITY                                0.00      3,294.71          0.00
101‐269‐723               WORKERS' COMPENSATION                          0.00        300.73          0.00
101‐269‐724               UNEMPLOYMENT                                   0.00         27.94          0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                                 87,790.00     61,636.49     87,790.00

101‐269‐727               BUDGETED SUPPLIES                            950.00          0.00       950.00
101‐269‐728               OFFICE SUPPLIES                                0.00        377.78         0.00
101‐269‐730               PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                     0.00        324.00         0.00
101‐269‐731               POSTAGE                                        0.00          6.53         0.00
101‐269‐739               TESTING SUPPLIES                               0.00          0.00         0.00
101‐269‐753               COMPUTER SUPPLIES                              0.00          0.00         0.00
SUPPLIES                                                               950.00        708.31       950.00

Total Dept 269 ‐ CIVIL SERVICE                                     231,240.00    167,489.07    231,240.00

Account Type: Expenditure
                                                                   2022‐23   YTD BALANCE       3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER              DESCRIPTION                         AMENDED BUDGET      03/31/2023   Reforecast
101‐265‐776            COPY MACHINE CHARGES                           0.00        200.70          0.00
101‐265‐801            CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                     200,000.00     80,639.44    236,000.00
101‐265‐805            CONSULTANT FEES                                0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐265‐807            PEST CONTROL                                   0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐265‐850            TELEPHONE                                      0.00      3,948.16          0.00
101‐265‐920            ELECTRICITY                                    0.00     77,276.62          0.00
101‐265‐921            HEAT                                           0.00     26,887.05          0.00
101‐265‐922            WATER & SEWER                                  0.00      3,904.50          0.00
101‐265‐944            VEHICLE RENTAL                                 0.00      4,977.00          0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                            200,000.00    197,833.47    236,000.00

101‐265‐702            BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS              95,000.00          0.00    135,000.00
101‐265‐703            SALARY PERMANENT                               0.00     60,945.66          0.00
101‐265‐705            TEMPORARY SALARY                               0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐265‐706            LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PREMIUM                    0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐265‐707            OVERTIME                                       0.00      1,251.04          0.00
101‐265‐708            VACATION PAY                                   0.00      3,971.80          0.00
101‐265‐709            LONGEVITY PAY                                  0.00        187.53          0.00
101‐265‐710            PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                         0.00        970.03          0.00
101‐265‐711            HOLIDAY PAY                                    0.00      2,937.05          0.00
101‐265‐712            RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                   0.00      5,078.19          0.00
101‐265‐714            MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                         0.00      6,338.83          0.00
101‐265‐717            HEALTH INSURANCE                               0.00      9,055.15          0.00
101‐265‐718            LIFE INSURANCE                                 0.00        251.34          0.00
101‐265‐719            DENTAL INSURANCE                               0.00      1,092.50          0.00
101‐265‐720            OPTICAL INSURANCE                              0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐265‐721            DISABILITY INSURANCE                           0.00        241.84          0.00
101‐265‐722            SOCIAL SECURITY                                0.00      5,439.55          0.00
101‐265‐723            WORKERS' COMPENSATION                          0.00      3,455.93          0.00
101‐265‐724            UNEMPLOYMENT                                   0.00         96.36          0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                              95,000.00    101,312.80    135,000.00

101‐265‐727            BUDGETED SUPPLIES                         38,000.00          0.00     38,000.00
101‐265‐728            OFFICE SUPPLIES                                0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐265‐730            PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                     0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐265‐731            POSTAGE                                        0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐265‐734            CLOTHING & UNIFORMS                            0.00        227.38          0.00
101‐265‐739            TESTING SUPPLIES                               0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐265‐741            TOOLS                                          0.00        479.67          0.00
101‐265‐749            MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES              0.00      1,290.61          0.00
101‐265‐753            COMPUTER SUPPLIES                              0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐265‐756            REPAIR SUPPLIES                                0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐265‐758            BUILDING SUPPLIES                              0.00     15,053.06          0.00
101‐265‐760            CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES                             0.00      7,890.08          0.00
101‐265‐762            EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES                             0.00        562.31          0.00
101‐265‐767            SEEDING & PLANTING SUPPLIES                    0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐265‐900            PUBLICATIONS                                   0.00         29.40          0.00
SUPPLIES                                                         38,000.00     25,532.51     38,000.00

101‐265‐971            BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                  54,150.00          0.00     54,150.00
101‐265‐973            LAND IMPROVEMENTS                              0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐265‐979            OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT                     0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐265‐980            COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE                   0.00      2,319.71          0.00
101‐265‐982            BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTRUCTION                0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐265‐986            BUILDING REPAIR                                0.00     38,633.88          0.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                  54,150.00     40,953.59     54,150.00

Total Dept 265 ‐ CITY HALL MAINTENANCE                          387,150.00    365,632.37    463,150.00

Account Type: Expenditure
                                                                     2022‐23   YTD BALANCE       3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER            DESCRIPTION                             AMENDED BUDGET      03/31/2023   Reforecast
101‐446‐801          CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                          93,575.00      28,620.26   50,000.00
101‐446‐944          VEHICLE RENTAL                                     0.00       1,775.00        0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                               93,575.00      30,395.26   50,000.00

101‐446‐778              BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                        0.00          0.00          0.00
OTHER EXPENSES                                                          0.00          0.00          0.00

101‐446‐995‐000140   BUDGETED OTHER FINANCING USES                      0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐446‐995‐005900   BUDGETED OTHER FINANCING USES                      0.00          0.00          0.00
OTHER FINANCING USES                                                    0.00          0.00          0.00

101‐446‐702              BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS              40,106.00          0.00     40,106.00
101‐446‐703              SALARY PERMANENT                               0.00     16,510.67          0.00
101‐446‐705              TEMPORARY SALARY                               0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐446‐706              LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PREMIUM                    0.00      1,316.00          0.00
101‐446‐707              OVERTIME                                       0.00      3,387.29          0.00
101‐446‐708              VACATION PAY                                   0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐446‐709              LONGEVITY PAY                                  0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐446‐710              PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                         0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐446‐711              HOLIDAY PAY                                    0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐446‐712              RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                   0.00        433.78          0.00
101‐446‐714              MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                         0.00      1,426.74          0.00
101‐446‐717              HEALTH INSURANCE                               0.00      4,423.80          0.00
101‐446‐718              LIFE INSURANCE                                 0.00         30.43          0.00
101‐446‐719              DENTAL INSURANCE                               0.00        312.34          0.00
101‐446‐720              OPTICAL INSURANCE                              0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐446‐721              DISABILITY INSURANCE                           0.00         51.62          0.00
101‐446‐722              SOCIAL SECURITY                                0.00      1,296.29          0.00
101‐446‐723              WORKERS' COMPENSATION                          0.00        793.67          0.00
101‐446‐724              UNEMPLOYMENT                                   0.00         14.62          0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                                40,106.00     29,997.25     40,106.00

101‐446‐727              BUDGETED SUPPLIES                          8,170.00          0.00      4,000.00
101‐446‐734              CLOTHING & UNIFORMS                            0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐446‐737              IRRIGATION SUPPLIES                            0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐446‐749              MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES              0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐446‐765              ROAD MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES                      0.00      1,775.00          0.00
101‐446‐767              SEEDING & PLANTING SUPPLIES                    0.00          0.00          0.00
SUPPLIES                                                            8,170.00      1,775.00      4,000.00

101‐446‐971              BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                       0.00          0.00          0.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                         0.00          0.00          0.00

Total Dept 446 ‐ HIGHWAY NONCHARGEABLE                            141,851.00     62,167.51     94,106.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐448‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                     350,000.00      6,240.19    340,000.00
101‐448‐902              PRINTING                                       0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐448‐923              STREET LIGHTING                                0.00    241,974.35          0.00
101‐448‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                                 0.00          0.00          0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                              350,000.00    248,214.54    340,000.00

Total Dept 448 ‐ STREET LIGHTING                                  350,000.00    248,214.54    340,000.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐521‐726              OTHER INSURANCE&BONDS                          0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐521‐773              LAUNDRY & UNIFORM CLEANING                     0.00          0.00          0.00
                                                                     2022‐23   YTD BALANCE           3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER               DESCRIPTION                         AMENDED BUDGET       03/31/2023       Reforecast
101‐521‐801             CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                    2,332,500.00      15,805.42    2,200,000.00
101‐521‐806             REFUSE COLLECTION                               0.00   1,462,663.75            0.00
101‐521‐850             TELEPHONE                                       0.00         (24.00)           0.00
101‐521‐902             PRINTING                                        0.00       2,062.17            0.00
101‐521‐903             ADVERTISING                                     0.00           0.00            0.00
101‐521‐920             ELECTRICITY                                     0.00         288.43            0.00
101‐521‐940             RENTAL OF BUILDINGS                             0.00       2,400.75            0.00
101‐521‐944             VEHICLE RENTAL                                  0.00           0.00            0.00
101‐521‐963             REFUNDS/RESALES                                 0.00           0.00            0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                            2,332,500.00   1,483,196.52    2,200,000.00

101‐521‐702             BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS               38,489.00          0.00       38,489.00
101‐521‐703             SALARY PERMANENT                                0.00     13,239.84            0.00
101‐521‐705             TEMPORARY SALARY                                0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐521‐706             LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PREMIUM                     0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐521‐707             OVERTIME                                        0.00      1,246.14            0.00
101‐521‐708             VACATION PAY                                    0.00      2,499.50            0.00
101‐521‐709             LONGEVITY PAY                                   0.00        149.99            0.00
101‐521‐710             PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                          0.00        269.06            0.00
101‐521‐711             HOLIDAY PAY                                     0.00      1,121.97            0.00
101‐521‐712             RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                    0.00      6,004.50            0.00
101‐521‐714             MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                          0.00         90.94            0.00
101‐521‐717             HEALTH INSURANCE                                0.00      1,491.55            0.00
101‐521‐718             LIFE INSURANCE                                  0.00         67.87            0.00
101‐521‐719             DENTAL INSURANCE                                0.00        224.36            0.00
101‐521‐720             OPTICAL INSURANCE                               0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐521‐721             DISABILITY INSURANCE                            0.00         65.78            0.00
101‐521‐722             SOCIAL SECURITY                                 0.00      1,565.72            0.00
101‐521‐723             WORKERS' COMPENSATION                           0.00        398.09            0.00
101‐521‐724             UNEMPLOYMENT                                    0.00         14.03            0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                                38,489.00     28,449.34       38,489.00

101‐521‐727             BUDGETED SUPPLIES                           7,600.00          0.00         7,600.00
101‐521‐728             OFFICE SUPPLIES                                 0.00          0.00             0.00
101‐521‐730             PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                      0.00          0.00             0.00
101‐521‐734             CLOTHING & UNIFORMS                             0.00          0.00             0.00
101‐521‐741             TOOLS                                           0.00          0.00             0.00
101‐521‐749             MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES               0.00        788.58             0.00
101‐521‐765             ROAD MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES                       0.00          0.00             0.00
SUPPLIES                                                            7,600.00        788.58         7,600.00

Total Dept 521 ‐ SANITATION                                     2,378,589.00   1,512,434.44    2,246,089.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐550‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                           0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐550‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                      28,500.00     31,652.65       42,200.00
101‐550‐803              AUDIT FEES                                     0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐550‐804              COMPUTER SERVICES                              0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐550‐805              CONSULTANT FEES                                0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐550‐850              TELEPHONE                                      0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐550‐902              PRINTING                                       0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐550‐903              ADVERTISING                                    0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐550‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                                 0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐550‐959              PAYMENT TO OTHER GOVERNMENT                    0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐550‐963              BANK CHARGES                                   0.00          0.00            0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                               28,500.00     31,652.65       42,200.00

101‐550‐727             BUDGETED SUPPLIES                               0.00           0.00        1,000.00
101‐550‐728             OFFICE SUPPLIES                                 0.00           0.00            0.00
101‐550‐730             PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                      0.00           0.00            0.00
                                                                   2022‐23   YTD BALANCE       3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER              DESCRIPTION                         AMENDED BUDGET      03/31/2023   Reforecast
101‐550‐731            POSTAGE                                       0.00            0.00        0.00
101‐550‐749            MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES             0.00            0.00        0.00
101‐550‐753            COMPUTER SUPPLIES                             0.00            0.00        0.00
101‐550‐900            PUBLICATIONS                                  0.00          780.00        0.00
SUPPLIES                                                             0.00          780.00    1,000.00

Total Dept 550 ‐ STORM WATER MANAGEMENT                          28,500.00     32,432.65     43,200.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐567‐773              LAUNDRY & UNIFORM CLEANING                   0.00        193.80          0.00
101‐567‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                         0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐567‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                   337,725.00    116,084.25    337,725.00
101‐567‐804              COMPUTER SERVICES                            0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐567‐809              MEDICAL SERVICES                             0.00         95.00          0.00
101‐567‐850              TELEPHONE                                    0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐567‐902              PRINTING                                     0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐567‐903              ADVERTISING                                  0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐567‐920              ELECTRICITY                                  0.00      8,416.23          0.00
101‐567‐921              HEAT                                         0.00      4,450.15          0.00
101‐567‐922              WATER & SEWER                                0.00     46,737.53          0.00
101‐567‐940              RENTAL OF BUILDINGS                          0.00     19,357.47          0.00
101‐567‐942              RIGHT OF WAY LEASE                           0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐567‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                               0.00     40,541.27          0.00
101‐567‐956              PAYING AGENT FEES/CONTRIBUTIONS              0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐567‐963              BANK CHARGES                                 0.00          0.00          0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                            337,725.00    235,875.70    337,725.00

101‐567‐778            BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                      475.00          0.00       475.00
101‐567‐861            CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TRAVEL                0.00        276.06         0.00
OTHER EXPENSES                                                      475.00        276.06       475.00

101‐567‐702            BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS             140,000.00          0.00    140,000.00
101‐567‐703            SALARY PERMANENT                               0.00     55,428.75          0.00
101‐567‐705            TEMPORARY SALARY                               0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐567‐706            LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PREMIUM                    0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐567‐707            OVERTIME                                       0.00      3,194.65          0.00
101‐567‐708            VACATION PAY                                   0.00      5,690.29          0.00
101‐567‐709            LONGEVITY PAY                                  0.00        337.50          0.00
101‐567‐710            PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                         0.00      2,468.88          0.00
101‐567‐711            HOLIDAY PAY                                    0.00      2,572.03          0.00
101‐567‐712            RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                   0.00      6,408.16          0.00
101‐567‐714            MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                         0.00      4,527.45          0.00
101‐567‐717            HEALTH INSURANCE                               0.00     17,097.98          0.00
101‐567‐718            LIFE INSURANCE                                 0.00        186.24          0.00
101‐567‐719            DENTAL INSURANCE                               0.00      1,175.58          0.00
101‐567‐720            OPTICAL INSURANCE                              0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐567‐721            DISABILITY INSURANCE                           0.00        271.22          0.00
101‐567‐722            SOCIAL SECURITY                                0.00      5,321.74          0.00
101‐567‐723            WORKERS' COMPENSATION                          0.00      2,899.23          0.00
101‐567‐724            UNEMPLOYMENT                                   0.00         58.55          0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                             140,000.00    107,638.25    140,000.00

101‐567‐727            BUDGETED SUPPLIES                         23,655.00          0.00     23,655.00
101‐567‐728            OFFICE SUPPLIES                                0.00        179.00          0.00
101‐567‐730            PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                     0.00        311.06          0.00
101‐567‐731            POSTAGE                                        0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐567‐734            CLOTHING & UNIFORMS                            0.00      1,010.01          0.00
101‐567‐737            IRRIGATION SUPPLIES                            0.00        129.24          0.00
101‐567‐741            TOOLS                                          0.00        100.47          0.00
101‐567‐745            MOTOR FUEL & LUBRICANTS                        0.00      1,968.07          0.00
101‐567‐749            MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES              0.00      5,450.05          0.00
                                                                     2022‐23   YTD BALANCE       3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER               DESCRIPTION                          AMENDED BUDGET      03/31/2023   Reforecast
101‐567‐751             OXYGEN,ACETYLENE & OTHER GASES                  0.00           0.00        0.00
101‐567‐752             PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES                           0.00           0.00        0.00
101‐567‐753             COMPUTER SUPPLIES                               0.00           0.00        0.00
101‐567‐758             BUILDING SUPPLIES                               0.00         227.59        0.00
101‐567‐760             CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES                              0.00          97.17        0.00
101‐567‐762             EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES                              0.00      10,225.46        0.00
101‐567‐767             SEEDING & PLANTING SUPPLIES                     0.00         487.14        0.00
SUPPLIES                                                           23,655.00      20,185.26   23,655.00

101‐567‐971             BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                   56,525.00          0.00     56,525.00
101‐567‐975             STREET IMPROVEMENTS                             0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐567‐977             EQUIPMENT PURCHASES                             0.00     18,959.17          0.00
101‐567‐978             VEHICLE PURCHASE                                0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐567‐979             OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT                      0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐567‐980             COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE                    0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐567‐982             BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTRUCTION                 0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐567‐983             EQUIPMENT REPAIR                                0.00      2,556.11          0.00
101‐567‐986             BUILDING REPAIR                                 0.00          0.00          0.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                    56,525.00     21,515.28     56,525.00

Total Dept 567 ‐ CEMETERIES                                       558,380.00    385,490.55    558,380.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐597‐749              MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES              0.00        798.03          0.00
SUPPLIES                                                                0.00        798.03          0.00

Total Dept 597 ‐ MUNICIPAL MARINA                                       0.00        798.03          0.00

Dept 757 ‐ MC GRAFT PARK
Account Type: Expenditure
101‐757‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                      65,698.00     35,696.86     65,698.00
101‐757‐806              REFUSE COLLECTION                              0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐757‐807              PEST CONTROL                                   0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐757‐850              TELEPHONE                                      0.00        412.60          0.00
101‐757‐920              ELECTRICITY                                    0.00      4,403.55          0.00
101‐757‐921              HEAT                                           0.00      2,180.56          0.00
101‐757‐922              WATER & SEWER                                  0.00         16.48          0.00
101‐757‐940              RENTAL OF BUILDINGS                            0.00      1,226.97          0.00
101‐757‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                                 0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐757‐945              OTHER EQUIPMENT RENTAL                         0.00          0.00          0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                               65,698.00     43,937.02     65,698.00

101‐757‐702             BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS               43,866.00          0.00     25,000.00
101‐757‐703             SALARY PERMANENT                                0.00      9,067.71          0.00
101‐757‐705             TEMPORARY SALARY                                0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐757‐706             LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PREMIUM                     0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐757‐707             OVERTIME                                        0.00      1,784.21          0.00
101‐757‐708             VACATION PAY                                    0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐757‐710             PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                          0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐757‐711             HOLIDAY PAY                                     0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐757‐712             RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                    0.00        232.80          0.00
101‐757‐714             MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                          0.00        898.81          0.00
101‐757‐717             HEALTH INSURANCE                                0.00      2,613.64          0.00
101‐757‐718             LIFE INSURANCE                                  0.00         21.31          0.00
101‐757‐719             DENTAL INSURANCE                                0.00        213.91          0.00
101‐757‐720             OPTICAL INSURANCE                               0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐757‐721             DISABILITY INSURANCE                            0.00         36.23          0.00
101‐757‐722             SOCIAL SECURITY                                 0.00        807.41          0.00
101‐757‐723             WORKERS' COMPENSATION                           0.00        389.68          0.00
101‐757‐724             UNEMPLOYMENT                                    0.00          9.70          0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                                43,866.00     16,075.41     25,000.00
                                                                    2022‐23    YTD BALANCE         3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER               DESCRIPTION                         AMENDED BUDGET       03/31/2023     Reforecast

101‐757‐727             BUDGETED SUPPLIES                         25,000.00           0.00      57,000.00
101‐757‐728             OFFICE SUPPLIES                                0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐757‐734             CLOTHING & UNIFORMS                            0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐757‐735             PLAYGROUND & ATHLETIC SUPPLIES                 0.00      11,162.00           0.00
101‐757‐737             IRRIGATION SUPPLIES                            0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐757‐741             TOOLS                                          0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐757‐749             MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES              0.00         334.27           0.00
101‐757‐758             BUILDING SUPPLIES                              0.00      30,202.02           0.00
101‐757‐760             CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES                             0.00         116.18           0.00
101‐757‐765             ROAD MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES                      0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐757‐767             SEEDING & PLANTING SUPPLIES                    0.00         924.00           0.00
SUPPLIES                                                          25,000.00      42,738.47      57,000.00

101‐757‐971             BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                  42,750.00           0.00      42,750.00
101‐757‐973             LAND IMPROVEMENTS                              0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐757‐977             EQUIPMENT PURCHASES                            0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐757‐983             EQUIPMENT REPAIR                               0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐757‐986             BUILDING REPAIR                                0.00      31,108.00           0.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                   42,750.00      31,108.00      42,750.00

Total Dept 757 ‐ MC GRAFT PARK                                   177,314.00     133,858.90     190,448.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐770‐773              LAUNDRY & UNIFORM CLEANING                     0.00        952.99            0.00
101‐770‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                           0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐770‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                   1,230,684.00    348,827.78    1,230,684.00
101‐770‐804              COMPUTER SERVICES                              0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐770‐806              REFUSE COLLECTION                              0.00        426.35            0.00
101‐770‐809              MEDICAL SERVICES                               0.00        493.26            0.00
101‐770‐810              ENGINEERING SERVICES                           0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐770‐850              TELEPHONE                                      0.00      2,532.62            0.00
101‐770‐902              PRINTING                                       0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐770‐903              ADVERTISING                                    0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐770‐920              ELECTRICITY                                    0.00     52,326.65            0.00
101‐770‐921              HEAT                                           0.00      5,356.35            0.00
101‐770‐922              WATER & SEWER                                  0.00     79,099.76            0.00
101‐770‐923              STREET LIGHTING                                0.00      3,543.69            0.00
101‐770‐940              RENTAL OF BUILDINGS                            0.00    147,534.03            0.00
101‐770‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                                 0.00    202,872.27            0.00
101‐770‐945              OTHER EQUIPMENT RENTAL                         0.00      9,348.37            0.00
101‐770‐958              CREDIT CARD FEES ‐ ACTIVENET                   0.00      2,943.65            0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                            1,230,684.00    856,257.77    1,230,684.00

101‐770‐778             BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                      950.00           0.00         950.00
101‐770‐861             CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TRAVEL                0.00       1,312.45           0.00
OTHER EXPENSES                                                       950.00       1,312.45         950.00

101‐770‐995‐005900   BUDGETED OTHER FINANCING USES                     0.00           0.00           0.00
OTHER FINANCING USES                                                   0.00           0.00           0.00

101‐770‐702             BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS             921,559.00       2,225.04     850,000.00
101‐770‐703             SALARY PERMANENT                               0.00     323,652.61           0.00
101‐770‐705             TEMPORARY SALARY                               0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐770‐706             LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PREMIUM                    0.00         189.16           0.00
101‐770‐707             OVERTIME                                       0.00      13,334.12           0.00
101‐770‐708             VACATION PAY                                   0.00      31,712.68           0.00
101‐770‐709             LONGEVITY PAY                                  0.00       1,350.00           0.00
101‐770‐710             PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                         0.00       9,552.02           0.00
                                                                   2022‐23    YTD BALANCE         3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER              DESCRIPTION                         AMENDED BUDGET       03/31/2023     Reforecast
101‐770‐711            HOLIDAY PAY                                    0.00       12,911.20          0.00
101‐770‐712            RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                   0.00       34,016.97          0.00
101‐770‐713            RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ P&F                       0.00            0.00          0.00
101‐770‐714            MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                         0.00       27,071.12          0.00
101‐770‐717            HEALTH INSURANCE                               0.00       89,397.05          0.00
101‐770‐718            LIFE INSURANCE                                 0.00        1,052.86          0.00
101‐770‐719            DENTAL INSURANCE                               0.00        7,079.07          0.00
101‐770‐720            OPTICAL INSURANCE                              0.00            0.00          0.00
101‐770‐721            DISABILITY INSURANCE                           0.00        1,547.55          0.00
101‐770‐722            SOCIAL SECURITY                                0.00       30,416.66          0.00
101‐770‐723            WORKERS' COMPENSATION                          0.00       15,604.72          0.00
101‐770‐724            UNEMPLOYMENT                                   0.00          479.02          0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                             921,559.00      601,591.85    850,000.00

101‐770‐727            BUDGETED SUPPLIES                        162,640.00           0.00     200,000.00
101‐770‐728            OFFICE SUPPLIES                                0.00          82.06           0.00
101‐770‐730            PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                     0.00       2,294.56           0.00
101‐770‐731            POSTAGE                                        0.00          12.15           0.00
101‐770‐734            CLOTHING & UNIFORMS                            0.00       2,145.92           0.00
101‐770‐735            PLAYGROUND & ATHLETIC SUPPLIES                 0.00          18.30           0.00
101‐770‐737            IRRIGATION SUPPLIES                            0.00       6,481.85           0.00
101‐770‐741            TOOLS                                          0.00       7,442.48           0.00
101‐770‐745            MOTOR FUEL & LUBRICANTS                        0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐770‐747            LICENSES                                       0.00         483.17           0.00
101‐770‐748            MEDICAL SUPPLIES                               0.00          16.48           0.00
101‐770‐749            MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES              0.00      48,078.66           0.00
101‐770‐751            OXYGEN,ACETYLENE & OTHER GASES                 0.00         737.42           0.00
101‐770‐752            PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES                          0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐770‐753            COMPUTER SUPPLIES                              0.00          69.29           0.00
101‐770‐756            REPAIR SUPPLIES                                0.00      27,795.78           0.00
101‐770‐758            BUILDING SUPPLIES                              0.00      12,900.19           0.00
101‐770‐760            CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES                             0.00      17,851.27           0.00
101‐770‐762            EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES                             0.00       9,250.37           0.00
101‐770‐763            HOME REHABILITATION SUPPLIES                   0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐770‐765            ROAD MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES                      0.00       2,756.79           0.00
101‐770‐767            SEEDING & PLANTING SUPPLIES                    0.00      11,688.52           0.00
101‐770‐900            PUBLICATIONS                                   0.00           0.00           0.00
SUPPLIES                                                        162,640.00     150,105.26     200,000.00

101‐770‐971            BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                  54,150.00      19,992.00      88,349.00
101‐770‐973            LAND IMPROVEMENTS                              0.00       9,400.00           0.00
101‐770‐975            STREET IMPROVEMENTS                            0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐770‐977            EQUIPMENT PURCHASES                            0.00      14,185.19           0.00
101‐770‐980            COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE                   0.00         178.17           0.00
101‐770‐983            EQUIPMENT REPAIR                               0.00      10,545.95           0.00
101‐770‐986            BUILDING REPAIR                                0.00       1,045.41           0.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                  54,150.00      55,346.72      88,349.00

Total Dept 770 ‐ PARKS MAINTENANCE                             2,369,983.00   1,664,614.05   2,369,983.00

Dept 771 ‐ FORESTRY
Account Type: Expenditure
101‐771‐773              LAUNDRY & UNIFORM CLEANING                   0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐771‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                    20,000.00      11,200.00      18,926.80
101‐771‐809              MEDICAL SERVICES                             0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐771‐850              TELEPHONE                                    0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐771‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                               0.00      (1,073.20)          0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                             20,000.00      10,126.80      18,926.80

101‐771‐727            BUDGETED SUPPLIES                          2,375.00           0.00       5,000.00
101‐771‐730            PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                     0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐771‐734            CLOTHING & UNIFORMS                            0.00          54.87           0.00
                                                                    2022‐23    YTD BALANCE         3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER               DESCRIPTION                         AMENDED BUDGET       03/31/2023     Reforecast
101‐771‐741             TOOLS                                          0.00            0.00          0.00
101‐771‐745             MOTOR FUEL & LUBRICANTS                        0.00          583.98          0.00
101‐771‐749             MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES              0.00        3,429.99          0.00
101‐771‐752             PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES                          0.00            0.00          0.00
101‐771‐762             EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES                             0.00          401.21          0.00
101‐771‐767             SEEDING & PLANTING SUPPLIES                    0.00            0.00          0.00
101‐771‐900             PUBLICATIONS                                   0.00            0.00          0.00
SUPPLIES                                                           2,375.00        4,470.05      5,000.00

Total Dept 771 ‐ FORESTRY                                         22,375.00      14,596.85      23,926.80

101‐806‐749             MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES              0.00          20.98           0.00
101‐806‐900             PUBLICATIONS                                   0.00           0.00           0.00
SUPPLIES                                                               0.00          20.98           0.00

101‐806‐986             BUILDING REPAIR                                0.00           0.00           0.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                        0.00           0.00           0.00

Total Dept 806 ‐ MERCY HEALTH ARENA                                    0.00          20.98           0.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐301‐773              LAUNDRY & UNIFORM CLEANING                     0.00      8,565.52            0.00
101‐301‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                           0.00      5,980.94            0.00
101‐301‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                   1,031,235.00     33,251.81    1,147,478.62
101‐301‐804              COMPUTER SERVICES                              0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐301‐808              POLICE INVESTIGATIONS                          0.00      8,963.31            0.00
101‐301‐809              MEDICAL SERVICES                               0.00        435.00            0.00
101‐301‐850              TELEPHONE                                      0.00     15,220.13            0.00
101‐301‐902              PRINTING                                       0.00      4,035.61            0.00
101‐301‐903              ADVERTISING                                    0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐301‐941              VEHICLE LEASING & MAINTENANCE                  0.00     26,025.07            0.00
101‐301‐943              OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASE                         0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐301‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                                 0.00    543,522.28            0.00
101‐301‐945              OTHER EQUIPMENT RENTAL                         0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐301‐959              PAYMENT TO OTHER GOVERNMENT                    0.00    216,615.75            0.00
101‐301‐963              BANK CHARGES                                   0.00        330.00            0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                            1,031,235.00    862,945.42    1,147,478.62

101‐301‐778             BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                   28,500.00           0.00      28,500.00
101‐301‐861             CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TRAVEL                0.00      22,661.28           0.00
101‐301‐965             BAD DEBTS                                      0.00           0.00           0.00
OTHER EXPENSES                                                    28,500.00      22,661.28      28,500.00

101‐301‐702             BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS            9,300,000.00           0.00   9,381,670.00
101‐301‐703             SALARY PERMANENT                                0.00   3,535,691.15           0.00
101‐301‐704             COURT TIME                                      0.00       2,719.50           0.00
101‐301‐705             TEMPORARY SALARY                                0.00      54,884.27           0.00
101‐301‐706             LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PREMIUM                     0.00       1,706.32           0.00
101‐301‐707             OVERTIME                                        0.00     473,736.01           0.00
101‐301‐708             VACATION PAY                                    0.00     388,519.84           0.00
101‐301‐709             LONGEVITY PAY                                   0.00      17,170.88           0.00
101‐301‐710             PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                          0.00      92,947.51           0.00
101‐301‐711             HOLIDAY PAY                                     0.00     120,353.90           0.00
101‐301‐712             RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                    0.00      66,721.75           0.00
101‐301‐713             RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ P&F                        0.00   1,054,852.85           0.00
101‐301‐714             MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                          0.00     122,086.63           0.00
101‐301‐717             RX CLAIMS (ACTIVE)                              0.00     515,102.38           0.00
101‐301‐718             LIFE INSURANCE                                  0.00      17,146.35           0.00
101‐301‐719             DENTAL INSURANCE                                0.00      54,704.52           0.00
101‐301‐720             OPTICAL INSURANCE                               0.00           0.00           0.00
                                                                     2022‐23   YTD BALANCE          3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER               DESCRIPTION                         AMENDED BUDGET       03/31/2023      Reforecast
101‐301‐721             DISABILITY INSURANCE                            0.00      14,653.75           0.00
101‐301‐722             SOCIAL SECURITY                                 0.00      98,879.64           0.00
101‐301‐723             WORKERS' COMPENSATION                           0.00     125,602.29           0.00
101‐301‐724             UNEMPLOYMENT                                    0.00       4,132.74           0.00
101‐301‐725             EDUCATION INCENTIVE PAY                         0.00      38,000.00           0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                             9,300,000.00   6,799,612.28   9,381,670.00

101‐301‐727             BUDGETED SUPPLIES                         130,430.00          0.00     160,430.00
101‐301‐728             OFFICE SUPPLIES                                 0.00      5,639.58           0.00
101‐301‐730             PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                      0.00      2,193.50           0.00
101‐301‐731             POSTAGE                                         0.00      4,073.20           0.00
101‐301‐732             AMMUNITION                                      0.00     10,262.02           0.00
101‐301‐734             CLOTHING & UNIFORMS                             0.00     49,544.86           0.00
101‐301‐739             TESTING SUPPLIES                                0.00      5,720.44           0.00
101‐301‐745             MOTOR FUEL & LUBRICANTS                         0.00         83.49           0.00
101‐301‐748             MEDICAL SUPPLIES                                0.00      5,011.28           0.00
101‐301‐749             MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES               0.00     17,098.96           0.00
101‐301‐752             PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES                           0.00        424.96           0.00
101‐301‐753             COMPUTER SUPPLIES                               0.00         70.87           0.00
101‐301‐756             REPAIR SUPPLIES                                 0.00          0.00           0.00
101‐301‐762             EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES                              0.00     36,285.00           0.00
101‐301‐769             COMMUNICATIONS SUPPLIES                         0.00      4,000.00           0.00
SUPPLIES                                                          130,430.00    140,408.16     160,430.00

101‐301‐971             BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                   70,000.00          0.00      70,000.00
101‐301‐977             EQUIPMENT PURCHASES                             0.00     28,705.75           0.00
101‐301‐979             OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT                      0.00      1,346.44           0.00
101‐301‐980             COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE                    0.00      7,920.11           0.00
101‐301‐981             COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT                        0.00          0.00           0.00
101‐301‐983             EQUIPMENT REPAIR                                0.00          0.00           0.00
101‐301‐985             OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT REPAIR               0.00        960.22           0.00
101‐301‐986             BUILDING REPAIR                                 0.00      3,200.00           0.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                    70,000.00     42,132.52      70,000.00

Total Dept 301 ‐ POLICE DEPARTMENT                             10,560,165.00   7,867,759.66 10,788,078.62

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐333‐773              LAUNDRY & UNIFORM CLEANING                     0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐333‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐333‐808              POLICE INVESTIGATIONS                      8,446.31          0.00        8,446.31
101‐333‐850              TELEPHONE                                      0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐333‐902              PRINTING                                       0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐333‐903              ADVERTISING                                    0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐333‐920              ELECTRICITY                                    0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐333‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                                 0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐333‐963              MISC. SERVICES & CHARGES                       0.00          0.00            0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                                8,446.31          0.00        8,446.31

Total Dept 333 ‐ POLICE DRUG FORFEITURES                            8,446.31          0.00        8,446.31

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐336‐726              OTHER INSURANCE&BONDS                          0.00     17,049.28           0.00
101‐336‐773              LAUNDRY & UNIFORM CLEANING                     0.00          0.00           0.00
101‐336‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                           0.00        731.09           0.00
101‐336‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                     174,620.00     55,092.50     214,974.00
101‐336‐804              COMPUTER SERVICES                              0.00          0.00           0.00
101‐336‐809              MEDICAL SERVICES                               0.00         58.50           0.00
101‐336‐810              ENGINEERING SERVICES                           0.00        574.26           0.00
101‐336‐850              TELEPHONE                                      0.00      6,344.33           0.00
101‐336‐902              PRINTING                                       0.00        878.94           0.00
                                                                   2022‐23    YTD BALANCE         3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER              DESCRIPTION                         AMENDED BUDGET       03/31/2023     Reforecast
101‐336‐903            ADVERTISING                                    0.00            0.00          0.00
101‐336‐920            ELECTRICITY                                    0.00        7,668.43          0.00
101‐336‐921            HEAT                                           0.00        6,211.68          0.00
101‐336‐922            WATER & SEWER                                  0.00        3,132.33          0.00
101‐336‐944            VEHICLE RENTAL                                 0.00       25,672.77          0.00
101‐336‐959            PAYMENT TO OTHER GOVERNMENT                    0.00       19,258.66          0.00
101‐336‐963            MISC. SERVICES & CHARGES                       0.00        2,406.37          0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                            174,620.00      145,079.14    214,974.00

101‐336‐778            BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                   23,750.00           0.00      23,750.00
101‐336‐861            CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TRAVEL                0.00      11,319.07           0.00
OTHER EXPENSES                                                   23,750.00      11,319.07      23,750.00

101‐336‐991          PRINCIPAL EXP (CAPITAL LEASE)                    0.00     246,494.32           0.00
101‐336‐993          INTEREST EXP. (CAPITAL LEASE)                    0.00      14,295.93           0.00
101‐336‐995‐005900   BUDGETED OTHER FINANCING USES              286,740.00           0.00     334,528.00
OTHER FINANCING USES                                            286,740.00     260,790.25     334,528.00

101‐336‐702            BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS            3,000,000.00           0.00   3,175,000.00
101‐336‐703            SALARY PERMANENT                                0.00   1,265,192.08           0.00
101‐336‐706            LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PREMIUM                     0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐336‐707            OVERTIME                                        0.00     289,327.89           0.00
101‐336‐708            VACATION PAY                                    0.00      76,956.77           0.00
101‐336‐709            LONGEVITY PAY                                   0.00       1,050.00           0.00
101‐336‐710            PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                          0.00      37,827.40           0.00
101‐336‐711            HOLIDAY PAY                                     0.00       5,069.64           0.00
101‐336‐712            RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                    0.00       5,187.46           0.00
101‐336‐713            RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ P&F                        0.00      80,697.98           0.00
101‐336‐714            MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                          0.00     217,824.32           0.00
101‐336‐717            RX CLAIMS (ACTIVE)                              0.00     209,799.67           0.00
101‐336‐718            LIFE INSURANCE                                  0.00       3,061.87           0.00
101‐336‐719            DENTAL INSURANCE                                0.00      19,373.47           0.00
101‐336‐720            OPTICAL INSURANCE                               0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐336‐721            DISABILITY INSURANCE                            0.00       5,460.04           0.00
101‐336‐722            SOCIAL SECURITY                                 0.00      29,369.26           0.00
101‐336‐723            WORKERS' COMPENSATION                           0.00      76,814.45           0.00
101‐336‐724            UNEMPLOYMENT                                    0.00       1,644.30           0.00
101‐336‐725            EDUCATION INCENTIVE PAY                         0.00           0.00           0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                            3,000,000.00   2,324,656.60   3,175,000.00

101‐336‐727            BUDGETED SUPPLIES                        180,835.00           0.00     219,335.00
101‐336‐728            OFFICE SUPPLIES                                0.00         746.23           0.00
101‐336‐730            PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                     0.00       4,484.57           0.00
101‐336‐731            POSTAGE                                        0.00         401.34           0.00
101‐336‐733            BEDDING                                        0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐336‐734            CLOTHING & UNIFORMS                            0.00      33,645.77           0.00
101‐336‐741            TOOLS                                          0.00       6,342.16           0.00
101‐336‐743            FOOD                                           0.00       3,750.00           0.00
101‐336‐745            MOTOR FUEL & LUBRICANTS                        0.00      33,981.27           0.00
101‐336‐748            MEDICAL SUPPLIES                               0.00      14,001.79           0.00
101‐336‐749            MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES              0.00       9,465.91           0.00
101‐336‐751            OXYGEN,ACETYLENE & OTHER GASES                 0.00       2,047.01           0.00
101‐336‐752            PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES                          0.00         648.00           0.00
101‐336‐753            COMPUTER SUPPLIES                              0.00       7,040.69           0.00
101‐336‐756            REPAIR SUPPLIES                                0.00      10,761.07       9,225.00
101‐336‐758            BUILDING SUPPLIES                              0.00      15,688.24           0.00
101‐336‐760            CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES                             0.00       3,040.76           0.00
101‐336‐762            EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES                             0.00       4,689.78           0.00
101‐336‐764            FIRE EQUIPMENT REPAIR SUPPLIES                 0.00      53,239.31           0.00
101‐336‐767            SEEDING & PLANTING SUPPLIES                    0.00         847.16           0.00
101‐336‐769            COMMUNICATIONS SUPPLIES                        0.00           0.00           0.00
SUPPLIES                                                        180,835.00     204,821.06     228,560.00
                                                                    2022‐23    YTD BALANCE         3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER               DESCRIPTION                         AMENDED BUDGET       03/31/2023     Reforecast

101‐336‐971             BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                  30,780.00       2,169.06      45,780.00
101‐336‐973             LAND IMPROVEMENTS                              0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐336‐977             EQUIPMENT PURCHASES                            0.00      24,367.31           0.00
101‐336‐980             COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE                   0.00          59.99           0.00
101‐336‐981             COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT                       0.00       2,337.12           0.00
101‐336‐982             BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTRUCTION                0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐336‐983             EQUIPMENT REPAIR                               0.00       4,552.40           0.00
101‐336‐986             BUILDING REPAIR                                0.00       6,435.45           0.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                   30,780.00      39,921.33      45,780.00

Total Dept 336 ‐ FIRE DEPARTMENT                                3,696,725.00   2,986,587.45   4,022,592.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐340‐726              OTHER INSURANCE&BONDS                         0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐773              LAUNDRY & UNIFORM CLEANING                    0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                          0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                     92,500.00           0.00      94,800.00
101‐340‐804              COMPUTER SERVICES                             0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐809              MEDICAL SERVICES                              0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐810              ENGINEERING SERVICES                          0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐850              TELEPHONE                                     0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐902              PRINTING                                      0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐903              ADVERTISING                                   0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐920              ELECTRICITY                                   0.00      55,747.01           0.00
101‐340‐921              HEAT                                          0.00      18,609.01           0.00
101‐340‐922              WATER & SEWER                                 0.00       4,640.17           0.00
101‐340‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                                0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐959              PAYMENT TO OTHER GOVERNMENT                   0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐963              MISC. SERVICES & CHARGES                      0.00           0.00           0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                              92,500.00      78,996.19      94,800.00

101‐340‐727             BUDGETED SUPPLIES                              0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐728             OFFICE SUPPLIES                                0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐730             PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                     0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐731             POSTAGE                                        0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐733             BEDDING                                        0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐734             CLOTHING & UNIFORMS                            0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐741             TOOLS                                          0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐743             FOOD                                           0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐745             MOTOR FUEL & LUBRICANTS                        0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐748             MEDICAL SUPPLIES                               0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐749             MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES              0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐751             OXYGEN,ACETYLENE & OTHER GASES                 0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐752             PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES                          0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐753             COMPUTER SUPPLIES                              0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐756             REPAIR SUPPLIES                                0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐758             BUILDING SUPPLIES                              0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐760             CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES                             0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐762             EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES                             0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐764             FIRE EQUIPMENT REPAIR SUPPLIES                 0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐340‐767             SEEDING & PLANTING SUPPLIES                    0.00         386.80           0.00
101‐340‐769             COMMUNICATIONS SUPPLIES                        0.00           0.00           0.00
SUPPLIES                                                               0.00         386.80           0.00

Total Dept 340 ‐ NEW CENTRAL FIRE STATION                         92,500.00      79,382.99      94,800.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐387‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                           0.00       3,319.37           0.00
101‐387‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                   1,710,000.00   1,379,410.97   2,010,000.00
                                                                    2022‐23   YTD BALANCE           3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER              DESCRIPTION                         AMENDED BUDGET       03/31/2023       Reforecast
101‐387‐806            REFUSE COLLECTION                               0.00           0.00            0.00
101‐387‐809            MEDICAL SERVICES                                0.00           0.00            0.00
101‐387‐810            ENGINEERING SERVICES                            0.00           0.00            0.00
101‐387‐850            TELEPHONE                                       0.00       2,046.87            0.00
101‐387‐902            PRINTING                                        0.00       4,878.60            0.00
101‐387‐903            ADVERTISING                                     0.00           0.00            0.00
101‐387‐931            DEMOLITION                                      0.00      37,883.10            0.00
101‐387‐932            BOARD UP'S                                      0.00      11,527.29            0.00
101‐387‐933            LOT MOWING                                      0.00      76,810.10            0.00
101‐387‐934            LOT CLEAN UP'S                                  0.00      94,776.15            0.00
101‐387‐944            VEHICLE RENTAL                                  0.00        (217.80)           0.00
101‐387‐963            BANK CHARGES                                    0.00           0.00            0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                           1,710,000.00   1,610,434.65    2,010,000.00

101‐387‐778            BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                     2,850.00           0.00        2,850.00
101‐387‐861            CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TRAVEL                 0.00           0.00            0.00
OTHER EXPENSES                                                     2,850.00           0.00        2,850.00

101‐387‐702            BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS              208,654.00          0.00      208,654.00
101‐387‐703            SALARY PERMANENT                                0.00     66,149.64            0.00
101‐387‐707            OVERTIME                                        0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐387‐708            VACATION PAY                                    0.00     12,081.93            0.00
101‐387‐709            LONGEVITY PAY                                   0.00      1,050.00            0.00
101‐387‐710            PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                          0.00      2,119.31            0.00
101‐387‐711            HOLIDAY PAY                                     0.00      5,504.65            0.00
101‐387‐712            RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                    0.00     28,198.34            0.00
101‐387‐713            RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ P&F                        0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐387‐714            MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                          0.00      3,685.51            0.00
101‐387‐717            HEALTH INSURANCE                                0.00     19,496.41            0.00
101‐387‐718            LIFE INSURANCE                                  0.00        312.12            0.00
101‐387‐719            DENTAL INSURANCE                                0.00      1,437.66            0.00
101‐387‐720            OPTICAL INSURANCE                               0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐387‐721            DISABILITY INSURANCE                            0.00        352.14            0.00
101‐387‐722            SOCIAL SECURITY                                 0.00      6,722.08            0.00
101‐387‐723            WORKERS' COMPENSATION                           0.00        501.49            0.00
101‐387‐724            UNEMPLOYMENT                                    0.00         93.10            0.00
101‐387‐725            EDUCATION INCENTIVE PAY                         0.00          0.00            0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                              208,654.00    147,704.38      208,654.00

101‐387‐727            BUDGETED SUPPLIES                          19,000.00           0.00      19,000.00
101‐387‐728            OFFICE SUPPLIES                                 0.00         537.00           0.00
101‐387‐730            PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                      0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐387‐731            POSTAGE                                         0.00       1,300.00           0.00
101‐387‐749            MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES               0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐387‐752            PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES                           0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐387‐762            EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES                              0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐387‐900            PUBLICATIONS                                    0.00           0.00           0.00
SUPPLIES                                                          19,000.00       1,837.00      19,000.00

Total Dept 387 ‐ BUILDING DEPARTMENT                           1,940,504.00   1,759,976.03    2,240,504.00

Dept 701 ‐ PLANNING
Account Type: Expenditure
101‐701‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                          0.00         17.03            0.00
101‐701‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                     85,500.00    148,606.47       85,500.00
101‐701‐802              LEGAL FEES                                    0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐701‐804              COMPUTER SERVICES                             0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐701‐805              CONSULTANT FEES                               0.00          0.00            0.00
101‐701‐810              ENGINEERING SERVICES                          0.00        131.66            0.00
101‐701‐850              TELEPHONE                                     0.00      2,188.59            0.00
101‐701‐902              PRINTING                                      0.00         74.50            0.00
                                                                    2022‐23   YTD BALANCE       3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER               DESCRIPTION                         AMENDED BUDGET      03/31/2023   Reforecast
101‐701‐903             ADVERTISING                                    0.00       6,452.25        0.00
101‐701‐920             ELECTRICITY                                    0.00       5,160.38        0.00
101‐701‐944             VEHICLE RENTAL                                 0.00       5,179.78        0.00
101‐701‐963             BANK CHARGES                                   0.00           0.00        0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                              85,500.00     167,810.66   85,500.00

101‐701‐778             BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                   23,750.00          0.00     23,750.00
101‐701‐861             CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TRAVEL                0.00      7,551.61          0.00
OTHER EXPENSES                                                    23,750.00      7,551.61     23,750.00

101‐701‐702             BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS             430,116.00          0.00    430,116.00
101‐701‐703             SALARY PERMANENT                               0.00    165,497.05          0.00
101‐701‐705             TEMPORARY SALARY                               0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐701‐706             LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PREMIUM                    0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐701‐708             VACATION PAY                                   0.00     40,891.02          0.00
101‐701‐709             LONGEVITY PAY                                  0.00        450.00          0.00
101‐701‐710             PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                         0.00      1,799.08          0.00
101‐701‐711             HOLIDAY PAY                                    0.00     11,315.61          0.00
101‐701‐712             RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                   0.00     16,168.73          0.00
101‐701‐714             MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                         0.00     20,798.74          0.00
101‐701‐717             HEALTH INSURANCE                               0.00     19,661.36          0.00
101‐701‐718             LIFE INSURANCE                                 0.00        756.83          0.00
101‐701‐719             DENTAL INSURANCE                               0.00      2,530.21          0.00
101‐701‐720             OPTICAL INSURANCE                              0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐701‐721             DISABILITY INSURANCE                           0.00        667.11          0.00
101‐701‐722             SOCIAL SECURITY                                0.00     17,139.68          0.00
101‐701‐723             WORKERS' COMPENSATION                          0.00      1,225.41          0.00
101‐701‐724             UNEMPLOYMENT                                   0.00        270.00          0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                              430,116.00    299,170.83    430,116.00

101‐701‐727             BUDGETED SUPPLIES                         13,015.00          0.00     13,015.00
101‐701‐728             OFFICE SUPPLIES                                0.00      2,410.30          0.00
101‐701‐730             PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                     0.00      1,588.50          0.00
101‐701‐731             POSTAGE                                        0.00      3,708.12          0.00
101‐701‐734             CLOTHING & UNIFORMS                            0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐701‐749             MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES              0.00      3,198.00          0.00
101‐701‐752             PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES                          0.00          0.00          0.00
101‐701‐753             COMPUTER SUPPLIES                              0.00         16.67          0.00
101‐701‐900             PUBLICATIONS                                   0.00          0.00          0.00
SUPPLIES                                                          13,015.00     10,921.59     13,015.00

101‐701‐971             BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                  19,950.00          0.00     19,950.00
101‐701‐980             COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE                   0.00     15,846.04          0.00
101‐701‐985             OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT REPAIR              0.00      4,131.87          0.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                   19,950.00     19,977.91     19,950.00

Total Dept 701 ‐ PLANNING                                        572,331.00    505,432.60    572,331.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐707‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                          0.00         (0.57)        0.00
101‐707‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                         32.00          0.00        32.00
101‐707‐804              COMPUTER SERVICES                             0.00          0.00         0.00
101‐707‐806              REFUSE COLLECTION                             0.00          0.00         0.00
101‐707‐850              TELEPHONE                                     0.00          0.00         0.00
101‐707‐902              PRINTING                                      0.00          0.00         0.00
101‐707‐903              ADVERTISING                                   0.00          0.00         0.00
101‐707‐931              DEMOLITION                                    0.00          0.00         0.00
101‐707‐932              BOARD UP'S                                    0.00          0.00         0.00
101‐707‐933              LOT MOWING                                    0.00          0.00         0.00
101‐707‐934              LOT CLEAN UP'S                                0.00          0.00         0.00
                                                                   2022‐23   YTD BALANCE        3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER            DESCRIPTION                           AMENDED BUDGET      03/31/2023    Reforecast
101‐707‐935          MSHDA DEMO GRANT EXP                             0.00           0.00         0.00
101‐707‐944          VEHICLE RENTAL                                   0.00           0.00         0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                                 32.00          (0.57)       32.00

101‐707‐727            BUDGETED SUPPLIES                              0.00           0.00         0.00
101‐707‐728            OFFICE SUPPLIES                                0.00           0.00         0.00
101‐707‐730            PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                     0.00           0.00         0.00
101‐707‐731            POSTAGE                                        0.00           0.00         0.00
101‐707‐734            CLOTHING & UNIFORMS                            0.00           0.00         0.00
101‐707‐745            MOTOR FUEL & LUBRICANTS                        0.00           0.00         0.00
101‐707‐747            LICENSES                                       0.00           0.00         0.00
101‐707‐749            MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES             70.00           0.00        70.00
101‐707‐752            PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES                          0.00           0.00         0.00
101‐707‐753            COMPUTER SUPPLIES                              0.00           0.00         0.00
101‐707‐900            PUBLICATIONS                                   0.00           0.00         0.00
SUPPLIES                                                             70.00           0.00        70.00

101‐707‐971            BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                       0.00           0.00          0.00
101‐707‐980            COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE               2,075.00           0.00      2,075.00
101‐707‐985            OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT REPAIR              0.00           0.00          0.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                   2,075.00           0.00      2,075.00

Total Dept 707 ‐ NEIGHBORHOOD & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES             2,177.00          (0.57)     2,177.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐728‐776              COPY MACHINE CHARGES                         0.00          0.00           0.00
101‐728‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                         0.00         23.23           0.00
101‐728‐804              COMPUTER SERVICES                            0.00          0.00           0.00
101‐728‐805              CONSULTANT FEES                              0.00          0.00           0.00
101‐728‐850              TELEPHONE                                    0.00          0.00           0.00
101‐728‐902              PRINTING                                     0.00          0.00           0.00
101‐728‐903              ADVERTISING                                  0.00        470.81           0.00
101‐728‐920              ELECTRICITY                                  0.00          0.00           0.00
101‐728‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                               0.00          0.00           0.00
101‐728‐956              PAYING AGENT FEES/CONTRIBUTIONS              0.00          0.00           0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                                  0.00        494.04           0.00

101‐728‐971            LAND PURCHASES                                 0.00          0.00           0.00
101‐728‐980            COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE                   0.00        345.04           0.00
101‐728‐985            OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT REPAIR              0.00          0.00           0.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                       0.00        345.04           0.00

Total Dept 728 ‐ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT                                 0.00        839.08           0.00

Account Type: Expenditure
101‐772‐726              OTHER INSURANCE&BONDS                        0.00          0.00           0.00
101‐772‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                    42,560.00     76,454.38     168,560.00
101‐772‐850              TELEPHONE                                    0.00       (120.60)          0.00
101‐772‐902              PRINTING                                     0.00          0.00           0.00
101‐772‐920              ELECTRICITY                                  0.00      1,809.49           0.00
101‐772‐921              HEAT                                         0.00          0.00           0.00
101‐772‐922              WATER & SEWER                                0.00          0.00           0.00
101‐772‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                               0.00          0.00           0.00
101‐772‐963              BANK CHARGES                                 0.00     19,921.56           0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                             42,560.00     98,064.83     168,560.00

101‐772‐702            BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS             265,000.00          0.00     265,000.00
101‐772‐703            SALARY PERMANENT                               0.00    105,984.80           0.00
                                                                    2022‐23     YTD BALANCE         3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER               DESCRIPTION                         AMENDED BUDGET        03/31/2023     Reforecast
101‐772‐705             TEMPORARY SALARY                               0.00             0.00          0.00
101‐772‐706             LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PREMIUM                    0.00             0.00          0.00
101‐772‐707             OVERTIME                                       0.00         3,055.98          0.00
101‐772‐708             VACATION PAY                                   0.00        14,047.33          0.00
101‐772‐709             LONGEVITY PAY                                  0.00           750.00          0.00
101‐772‐710             PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                         0.00         2,101.53          0.00
101‐772‐711             HOLIDAY PAY                                    0.00         6,314.13          0.00
101‐772‐712             RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                   0.00         9,256.09          0.00
101‐772‐714             MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                         0.00         4,496.48          0.00
101‐772‐717             HEALTH INSURANCE                               0.00        23,793.61          0.00
101‐772‐718             LIFE INSURANCE                                 0.00           162.98          0.00
101‐772‐719             DENTAL INSURANCE                               0.00         1,570.17          0.00
101‐772‐720             OPTICAL INSURANCE                              0.00             0.00          0.00
101‐772‐721             DISABILITY INSURANCE                           0.00           266.00          0.00
101‐772‐722             SOCIAL SECURITY                                0.00         5,514.82          0.00
101‐772‐723             WORKERS' COMPENSATION                          0.00         3,475.16          0.00
101‐772‐724             UNEMPLOYMENT                                   0.00           177.00          0.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                              265,000.00       180,966.08    265,000.00

101‐772‐727             BUDGETED SUPPLIES                            760.00            0.00         760.00
101‐772‐728             OFFICE SUPPLIES                                0.00          870.00           0.00
101‐772‐734             CLOTHING & UNIFORMS                            0.00        3,548.63           0.00
101‐772‐749             MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES              0.00          226.65           0.00
101‐772‐756             REPAIR SUPPLIES                                0.00            0.00           0.00
101‐772‐765             ROAD MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES                      0.00            0.00           0.00
101‐772‐767             SEEDING & PLANTING SUPPLIES                    0.00            0.00           0.00
SUPPLIES                                                             760.00        4,645.28         760.00

Total Dept 772 ‐ PAID BEACH PARKING                              308,320.00      283,676.19     434,320.00

Dept 901
Account Type: Expenditure
101‐901‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                   2,791,585.00     207,425.95     237,562.00
101‐901‐802‐092050       LEGAL FEES                                     0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐901‐805              CONSULTANT FEES                                0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐901‐810              ENGINEERING SERVICES                           0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐901‐902              PRINTING                                       0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐901‐903‐092050       ADVERTISING                                    0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐901‐941              VEHICLE LEASING & MAINTENANCE                  0.00           0.00           0.00
101‐901‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL                                 0.00           0.00           0.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                            2,791,585.00     207,425.95     237,562.00

101‐901‐971             BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                 150,000.00             0.00           0.00
101‐901‐974             WATER IMPROVEMENTS                             0.00             0.00           0.00
101‐901‐977             EQUIPMENT PURCHASES                            0.00             0.00           0.00
101‐901‐979‐091709      OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT                     0.00             0.00           0.00
101‐901‐980             COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE                   0.00             0.00           0.00
101‐901‐981             COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT                       0.00             0.00           0.00
101‐901‐982‐092038      BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTRUCTION                0.00             0.00           0.00
101‐901‐982‐092048      BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTRUCTION                0.00             0.00           0.00
101‐901‐982‐092112      BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTRUCTION          578,415.00     3,990,900.80   4,150,000.00
101‐901‐982‐092114      BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTRUCTION          148,000.00        74,280.29     148,000.00
101‐901‐986‐091805      BUILDING REPAIR                                0.00             0.00           0.00
101‐901‐986‐091829      BUILDING REPAIR                                0.00             0.00           0.00
101‐901‐986‐092019      BUILDING REPAIR                          100,000.00             0.00     100,000.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                                  976,415.00     4,065,181.09   4,398,000.00

Total Dept 901 ‐ CITY HALL LUNCHROOM UPGRADE                    3,768,000.00    4,272,607.04   4,635,562.00

TOTAL EXPENDITURES                                             40,235,881.31   31,053,816.58 42,374,943.71

Fund 101 ‐ GENERAL:
                                             2022‐23    YTD BALANCE         3rd Qtr
GL NUMBER             DESCRIPTION   AMENDED BUDGET        03/31/2023     Reforecast
TOTAL REVENUES                         40,731,165.12   30,846,800.63 42,307,972.90
TOTAL EXPENDITURES                     40,235,881.31   31,053,816.58 42,374,943.71
NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES            495,283.81     (207,015.95)   (66,970.81)
                O:\FINANCE\COMMON\2023 Budget\3rd qtr reforecast\GF Support to Outside Agency and Transfers 051623                                                      Page 1

                               BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                 ADDITIONAL DETAIL GENERAL FUND

                                                       Actual 2021‐           Original Budget             Actual                                        FY2022‐2023 3rd 
                         Agency                               2022              FY2022‐23            03/31/2023                  Amended                Quarter Budget
Muskegon Area Transit (MATS)                                       141,468             141,468                  106,101                                         141,468
Muskegon Area Transit (MATS) Micro Transit                          71,745               71,117                   53,001                                          71,117
Muskegon Beautification Award                                                            24,000                   24,000                                          24,000
Neighborhood Association Grants                                    225,760             150,000                    39,450                                        150,000
Love Inc                                                                                                          35,000                                          35,000
YMCA                                                             25,000                        ‐                  25,000                                                 ‐
Boys & Girls Club                                                80,000                  80,000                  90,000                                           80,000
Muskegon Public Schools Youth Recreation                                                 20,000                  20,000                                           20,000
Port City Football                                                 5,000                  5,000
Muskegon Area First                                                                            ‐                                                                         ‐
Veterans Memorial Day Costs                                        4,627                  7,000
                                                                                                                        ‐                                           7,000
Downtown Muskegon Now                                                                          ‐                        ‐                                                ‐
West Michigan Lake Hawks                                                                  4,500
                                                                                                                        ‐                                           4,500
Lakeside Business District                                                                2,500
                                                                                                                   5,000                                            5,000
Latinos Working for the Future                                                                 ‐                        ‐                                                ‐
community Encompass 3rd Street Mural                                                           ‐                        ‐                                                ‐
Cogic Community Center                                                                                                  ‐
211 Service                                                        2,500                  2,500
Harmony Park ‐ Rotary
Muskegon Museum of Art Expansion
Community Foundation DEI Taskforce                                                       25,000                                                                    25,000
Muskegon Beautification Award                                      4,500
Public Art Hubert Massey Mural
MLK Diversity Program                                              2,000                  2,200
                                                                                                                 2,200                                              2,200
Muskegon Area Loabor Management (MALMC)                                                                               ‐
Black Business Expo                                                2,400                                         2,400
Steelhead Scuplture                                                                                                                                                     ‐
Support to Outside Agencies                                        565,000             535,285                402,152                               ‐            572,785

                                                      Actual 2021‐            Original Budget           Actual                                   FY2022‐2023 3rd 
                       Fund                              2022                   FY2022‐23           3/31/2023               Amended              Quarter Budget
Major Street Fund                                                         ‐                    ‐
Local Street Fund                                                  100,000             235,000                                                 ‐                 ‐
Farmers Market Fund                                                 40,000               50,000                                          50,000            50,000
Mercy Health Arena Fund                                            815,000                     ‐                                               ‐                 ‐
LDFA Debt Service Fund ( Smartzone)                                200,000             200,000                100,000                  200,000           200,000
DDA Debt Service Fund                                                                          ‐                     ‐                         ‐                 ‐
Public Improvement Fund                                          50,000                  50,000                                          50,000
Tree Replacement Fund                                              2,500
State Grants Fund                                                90,750
Arena                                                                                                                                        350,000             950,000
Marina                                                                                                                                              ‐            450,000
Community Development Block Grant Fund
Public Service Building                                            400,000             500,000                                               500,000             500,000
Engineering Services Fund                                                                40,000                                                40,000            225,000
Budget Stabilization                                               100,000
Convention Center Fund                                          2,500,000                         ‐                                                                      ‐
                                                                4,298,250                1,075,000                100,000               1,190,000               2,375,000

                                                      3RD QUARTER REFORECAST ARENA

                                                                                     END BALANCE       ORIGINAL            2022‐23
GL NUMBER                DESCRIPTION                                                   06/30/2022       BUDGET     AMENDED BUDGET


254‐000‐502              FEDERAL GRANTS                                                625,497.92          0.00               0.00
FEDERAL GRANTS                                                                         625,497.92          0.00               0.00

254‐000‐613‐004691       EVENT REVENUE                                                 560,849.91      20,000.00         445,000.00
254‐000‐613‐004692       ARENA MAINTENANCE CHARGE                                      860,780.09           0.00               0.00
254‐000‐613‐004695       SHOP RENTAL                                                         0.00       2,000.00               0.00
254‐000‐613‐004696       CONCESSION NON ALCHOLIC                                        60,860.49           0.00          90,000.00
254‐000‐613‐004699       FOOD HUB                                                            0.00      72,500.00          40,000.00
254‐000‐614‐004630       CARLISLES                                                       4,412.15     185,000.00          90,000.00
254‐000‐614‐004639       RAD DADS                                                      271,468.02     250,000.00         250,000.00
254‐000‐614‐004640       TICKET SURCHARGE                                               34,484.16     480,000.00          45,000.00
254‐000‐614‐004646       CONCESSIONS FOOD                                               88,202.44           0.00          97,500.00
254‐000‐614‐004697       ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE                                            209,759.92           0.00         200,000.00
254‐000‐614‐004698       FLOOR RENTAL                                                  250,700.24     250,000.00         260,000.00
254‐000‐620‐004619       MISC. SALES AND SERVICES                                        6,190.07       3,000.00           9,000.00
254‐000‐626‐004666       PARKING LOT RENTAL ‐ WESTERN AVENUE                            45,266.00      36,000.00          32,000.00
254‐000‐632              ANNEX REVENUE                                                  42,282.50     117,000.00          42,000.00
254‐000‐642‐004652       SALES & SERVICE                                                   550.00           0.00               0.00
254‐000‐667‐004667       PARKING LOT RENTAL ‐ SHORELINE                                 16,967.50      15,000.00           4,000.00
254‐000‐667‐004677       RENT                                                           88,739.99     100,000.00         175,000.00
254‐000‐671              ADVERTISING REVENUE                                           139,687.94     225,000.00         130,000.00
CHARGES FOR SERVICE                                                                  2,681,201.42   1,755,500.00       1,909,500.00

254‐000‐657‐004802       REIMB:SERVICES RENDERED                                         2,366.02          0.00          21,582.15
254‐000‐665‐004970       INTEREST INCOME                                                79,781.75          0.00          13,538.06
FINES & PENALTIES                                                                       82,147.77          0.00          35,120.21

254‐000‐677‐004808       SALE OF PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT                                      0.00     10,000.00               0.00
CONTRIBUTIONS & MISCELLANEOUS                                                                0.00     10,000.00               0.00

254‐000‐684‐004800       MISC. & SUNDRY                                                 14,904.31      5,000.00          41,000.00
LICENSES & PERMITS                                                                      14,904.31      5,000.00          41,000.00

254‐000‐699‐100000       OP. TRANS FROM GENERAL FUND                                   865,000.00          0.00          950,000.00
254‐000‐699‐400000       OP. TRANS FROM CAPITAL PROJECTS                                     0.00    450,000.00          475,508.12
INTEREST & OPERATING TRANSFERS                                                         865,000.00    450,000.00        1,425,508.12

TOTAL REVENUES                                                                       4,268,751.42   2,220,500.00       3,411,128.33

806                      MERCY HEALTH ARENA                                            418,720.59    418,301.00         418,301.00
SALARIES & BENEFITS                                                                    418,720.59    418,301.00         418,301.00

806                      MERCY HEALTH ARENA                                          1,301,307.35    800,000.00        1,214,219.60
901                                                                                    975,891.14          0.00          603,560.00
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                                                 2,277,198.49    800,000.00        1,817,779.60

806                      MERCY HEALTH ARENA                                            415,619.96    230,000.00         365,000.00
812                      CARLISLE                4,412.70           0.00      55,000.00
901                      UTILITY ASSISTANCE     14,329.80           0.00           0.00
SUPPLIES                                       434,362.46     230,000.00     420,000.00

806                      MERCY HEALTH ARENA     34,570.08      20,000.00      30,027.00
OTHER EXPENSES                                  34,570.08      20,000.00      30,027.00

806                      MERCY HEALTH ARENA      99,938.96     65,000.00     300,000.00
901                      CARLISLE BUILDOUT      996,920.40    590,000.00     380,883.00
CAPITAL OUTLAYS                               1,096,859.36    655,000.00     680,883.00

TOTAL EXPENDITURES                            4,261,710.98   2,123,301.00   3,366,990.60

TOTAL REVENUES                                4,268,751.42   2,220,500.00   3,411,128.33
TOTAL EXPENDITURES                            4,261,710.98   2,123,301.00   3,366,990.60
NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES                    7,040.44      97,199.00      44,137.73

                                                                                 03/31/2023 Amended 
GL Number                      Description             2022‐23 Original Budget                Budget YTD As Of 03/31/2023 2022‐23 REQUESTED
‐‐‐ Estimated Revenue ‐‐‐
252‐000‐684‐004680             ADVERTISING REVENUE                       0.00                  0.00                  0.00              0.00
252‐000‐684‐004800             MISC. & SUNDRY                            0.00                  0.00                  0.00              0.00
252‐000‐684‐004814             PROMOTIONAL PRODUCT                   1,000.00              1,000.00                987.98          1,000.00
252‐808‐684                    MISC. & SUNDRY                            0.00                  0.00             (1,475.84)             0.00
Total 'LICENSES & PERMITS':                                          1,000.00              1,000.00               (487.86)         1,000.00

252‐000‐502                    FEDERAL GRANTS                            0.00                  0.00                 0.00              0.00
Total 'FEDERAL GRANTS':                                                  0.00                  0.00                 0.00              0.00

252‐000‐540                    STATE GRANTS                              0.00                  0.00                 0.00              0.00
Total 'STATE GRANTS':                                                    0.00                  0.00                 0.00              0.00

252‐000‐613‐004664             FARMERS MARKET INCOM                90,000.00              90,000.00            66,697.70        110,350.00
252‐000‐613‐004690             KITCHEN 242 RENTAL                  20,000.00              20,000.00            16,586.10         20,000.00
252‐000‐613‐004693             FARMERS MARKET EVENT                 6,000.00               6,000.00             5,372.42          6,000.00
252‐000‐613‐004694             FARMERS MARKET EBT FE                8,000.00               8,000.00            15,424.20         17,500.00
252‐000‐613‐004696             RETRO MARKET RENTAL F                    0.00                   0.00                 0.00              0.00
252‐000‐613‐004699             FOOD HUB                            75,000.00             286,887.00           262,612.00        286,887.00
252‐000‐614‐004663             FLEA MARKET AT FARME                20,000.00              20,000.00            13,323.00         20,000.00
252‐000‐614‐004697             ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE                       0.00                   0.00                 0.00              0.00
252‐000‐667‐004677             RENT                                32,225.00              32,225.00            13,995.00         32,225.00
Total 'CHARGES FOR SERVICE':                                      251,225.00             463,112.00           394,010.42        492,962.00

252‐000‐665‐004970             INTEREST INCOME                        200.00                 200.00               620.66            700.00
Total 'FINES & PENALTIES':                                            200.00                 200.00               620.66            700.00

252‐000‐674‐004805            CONTRIBUTIONS                           500.00                 500.00                 0.00            500.00
252‐000‐679‐004840            FRIENDS OF THE MARKET                 1,000.00               1,000.00             1,000.00          1,000.00
252‐000‐679‐004845            FUNDRAISING REVENUE                  38,000.00              38,000.00            43,984.81         44,000.00
Total 'CONTRIBUTIONS & MISCELLANEOUS':                             39,500.00              39,500.00            44,984.81         45,500.00

252‐000‐673                    GAIN ON SALE OF FIXED A                  0.00                   0.00                 0.00              0.00
252‐000‐693                    SALE OF FIXED ASSETS                     0.00                   0.00                 0.00              0.00
252‐000‐699‐100000             OP. TRANS FROM GENERA               50,000.00              50,000.00                 0.00         50,000.00
252‐000‐699‐400000             OP. TRANS FROM CAPITA                    0.00                   0.00                 0.00              0.00
Total 'INTEREST & OPERATING TRANSFERS IN':                         50,000.00              50,000.00                 0.00         50,000.00

Total Estimated Revenue:                                          341,925.00             553,812.00           439,128.03        590,162.00

‐‐‐ Appropriations ‐‐‐
252‐808‐715                    PENSION ADJUSTMENT ‐                      0.00                  0.00                 0.00              0.00
Total '':                                                      0.00                  0.00                 0.00              0.00

252‐808‐702                    BUDGETED SALARIES & B               66,550.00              66,550.00                 0.00          66,550.00
252‐808‐703                    SALARY PERMANENT                         0.00                   0.00            33,479.70               0.00
252‐808‐705                    TEMPORARY SALARY                         0.00                   0.00            42,966.29          65,000.00
252‐808‐707                    OVERTIME                                 0.00                   0.00               880.07               0.00
252‐808‐708                    VACATION PAY                             0.00                   0.00             5,891.76               0.00
252‐808‐709                    LONGEVITY PAY                            0.00                   0.00               150.00               0.00
252‐808‐710                    PERSONAL & OTHER LEAV                    0.00                   0.00               418.54               0.00
252‐808‐711                    HOLIDAY PAY                              0.00                   0.00             2,088.86               0.00
252‐808‐712                    RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ G                   0.00                   0.00             1,381.94               0.00
252‐808‐714                    MERS RETIREMENT SYSTE                    0.00                   0.00             4,061.94               0.00
252‐808‐717                     HEALTH INSURANCE              0.00         0.00     6,112.96          0.00
252‐808‐718                     LIFE INSURANCE                0.00         0.00       177.81          0.00
252‐808‐719                     DENTAL INSURANCE              0.00         0.00       801.99          0.00
252‐808‐720                     OPTICAL INSURANCE             0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
252‐808‐721                     DISABILITY INSURANCE          0.00         0.00       150.94          0.00
252‐808‐722                     SOCIAL SECURITY               0.00         0.00     3,397.67          0.00
252‐808‐723                     WORKERS' COMPENSATIO          0.00         0.00       246.01          0.00
252‐808‐724                     UNEMPLOYMENT                  0.00         0.00        49.34          0.00
252‐811‐705                     TEMPORARY SALARY              0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
252‐811‐722                     SOCIAL SECURITY               0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
Total 'SALARIES & BENEFITS':                             66,550.00    66,550.00   102,255.82    131,550.00

252‐807‐727                     BUDGETED SUPPLIES         1,000.00     1,000.00         0.00      1,000.00
252‐807‐749                     MISCELLANEOUS MATER           0.00         0.00       301.02          0.00
252‐808‐727                     BUDGETED SUPPLIES        26,400.00    26,400.00     1,103.43     13,000.00
252‐808‐728                     OFFICE SUPPLIES               0.00         0.00     2,660.78          0.00
252‐808‐730                     PUBLICATIONS & MEMBE          0.00         0.00        30.00          0.00
252‐808‐731                     POSTAGE                       0.00         0.00       124.65          0.00
252‐808‐737                     IRRIGATION SUPPLIES           0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
252‐808‐741                     TOOLS                         0.00         0.00       108.00          0.00
252‐808‐743                     FOOD AND BEVERAGE             0.00         0.00     3,035.24          0.00
252‐808‐749                     MISCELLANEOUS MATER           0.00         0.00      (502.95)         0.00
252‐808‐750                     FUNDRAISING SUPPLIES          0.00         0.00       709.76          0.00
252‐808‐760                     CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES            0.00         0.00     1,128.11          0.00
252‐808‐767                     SEEDING & PLANTING SU         0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
252‐808‐772                     PROMOTIONAL SUPPLIES          0.00         0.00        28.95          0.00
Total 'SUPPLIES':                                        27,400.00    27,400.00     8,726.99     14,000.00

252‐807‐801                     CONTRACTUAL SERVICES      6,000.00     6,000.00    13,233.54     20,000.00
252‐807‐850                     TELEPHONE                     0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
252‐807‐903                     MISCELLANEOUS MATER           0.00         0.00     2,832.91          0.00
252‐807‐920                     ELECTRICITY                   0.00         0.00     3,408.60          0.00
252‐808‐776                     COPY MACHINE CHARGES          0.00         0.00     1,006.46          0.00
252‐808‐777                     FOOD HUB EXPENSES             0.00         0.00   318,823.15    325,000.00
252‐808‐801                     CONTRACTUAL SERVICES    219,442.00   273,499.00    46,741.69     90,000.00
252‐808‐850                     TELEPHONE                     0.00         0.00     1,394.65          0.00
252‐808‐902                     PRINTING                      0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
252‐808‐903                     ADVERTISING                   0.00         0.00     9,893.07          0.00
252‐808‐920                     ELECTRICITY                   0.00         0.00    10,017.68          0.00
252‐808‐921                     HEAT                          0.00         0.00     3,419.75          0.00
252‐808‐922                     WATER & SEWER                 0.00         0.00     3,977.02          0.00
252‐808‐944                     VEHICLE RENTAL                0.00         0.00       (27.50)         0.00
252‐808‐963                     BANK CHARGES                  0.00         0.00     1,867.62          0.00
252‐808‐967                     RETRO EXPO                    0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
252‐810‐801                     BUDGETED CONTRACTUA           0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
252‐811‐801                     CONTRACTUAL SERVICES          0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
252‐811‐850                     TELEPHONE                     0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
252‐811‐903                     ADVERTISING                   0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
Total 'CONTRACTUAL SERVICES':                           225,442.00   279,499.00   416,588.64    435,000.00

252‐808‐778                     BUDGETED OTHER EXPEN      4,000.00     4,000.00     4,145.99      4,000.00
252‐808‐861                     CONFERENCE, TRAINING          0.00         0.00     1,105.00      2,000.00
Total 'OTHER EXPENSES':                                   4,000.00     4,000.00     5,250.99      6,000.00

252‐808‐971                     BUDGETED CAPITAL OUT     13,000.00    13,000.00         0.00      5,000.00
252‐808‐979                     OFFICE FURNITURE&EQU          0.00         0.00     1,465.50          0.00
252‐808‐980                     COMPUTER HARDWARE &           0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
252‐808‐982                     BUILDING PURCHASES&C          0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
252‐808‐986                     BUILDING REPAIR               0.00         0.00     1,630.48          0.00
Total 'CAPITAL OUTLAYS':                                 13,000.00    13,000.00     3,095.98      5,000.00

Total Appropriations:                                   336,392.00   390,449.00   535,918.42    591,550.00
Net of Revenues & Appropriations Net of Revenues & Appro   5,533.00   163,363.00   (96,790.39)   (1,388.00)

                                                                 2022‐23 Original   03/31/2023      YTD As Of       2022‐23 
GL Number                      Description                               Budget Amended Budget    03/31/2023     REQUESTED
‐‐‐ Estimated Revenue ‐‐‐
594‐000‐684‐004800             MISC. & SUNDRY                             0.00            0.00        200.00           0.00
594‐000‐684‐004814             PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS                       0.00            0.00          0.00           0.00
Total 'LICENSES & PERMITS':                                               0.00            0.00        200.00           0.00

594‐000‐502                    FEDERAL GRANTS                             0.00            0.00          0.00           0.00
Total 'FEDERAL GRANTS':                                                   0.00            0.00          0.00           0.00

594‐000‐540                    STATE GRANTS                               0.00            0.00          0.00           0.00
594‐901‐540                    STATE GRANTS                               0.00            0.00          0.00           0.00
Total 'STATE GRANTS':                                                     0.00            0.00          0.00           0.00

594‐000‐631                    ICE SALES                                  0.00            0.00        247.00           0.00
594‐000‐644‐004618             DRY STORAGE                                0.00            0.00          0.00           0.00
594‐000‐644‐004626             LARGE BASIN FEES                     170,000.00      170,000.00    106,511.50     170,000.00
594‐000‐644‐004627             SMALL BASIN FEES                           0.00            0.00          0.00           0.00
594‐000‐644‐004628             MOORING FEES                          15,000.00       15,000.00      9,000.81      15,000.00
594‐000‐644‐004629             TRANSIENT FEES                         7,500.00        7,500.00      1,813.00       7,500.00
594‐000‐653                    LAUNCH RAMP                           75,000.00       75,000.00     63,990.00      75,000.00
594‐000‐659‐004656             SAILING SCHOOL                             0.00            0.00          0.00           0.00
594‐000‐659‐004678             HARBOURTOWNE SLIP RENTAL                   0.00            0.00          0.00           0.00
594‐000‐667‐004677             RENT                                       0.00            0.00          0.00           0.00
Total 'CHARGES FOR SERVICE':                                        267,500.00      267,500.00    181,562.31     267,500.00

594‐000‐656                    TRAFFIC FINES & FEES                    2,500.00       2,500.00        140.00       2,500.00
594‐000‐657‐004802             REIMB:SERVICES RENDERED                     0.00           0.00          0.00           0.00
594‐000‐665‐004970             INTEREST INCOME                            50.00          50.00         20.13          50.00
Total 'FINES & PENALTIES':                                             2,550.00       2,550.00        160.13       2,550.00

594‐000‐674‐004805            CONTRIBUTIONS                               0.00            0.00          0.00           0.00
Total 'CONTRIBUTIONS & MISCELLANEOUS':                                    0.00            0.00          0.00           0.00

594‐000‐669                    GAIN ON INVESTMENT                         0.00            0.00          0.00           0.00
594‐000‐673                    GAIN (LOSS) ON SALE OF ASSETS              0.00            0.00          0.00           0.00
594‐000‐693                    SALE OF FIXED ASSETS                       0.00            0.00          0.00           0.00
594‐000‐699‐100000             OP. TRANS FROM GENERAL FUND                0.00      450,000.00    450,000.00     450,000.00
594‐000‐699‐400000             OP. TRANS FROM CAPITAL PROJECTS            0.00            0.00          0.00           0.00
Total 'INTEREST & OPERATING TRANSFERS IN':                                0.00      450,000.00    450,000.00     450,000.00

Total Estimated Revenue:                                            270,050.00      720,050.00    631,922.44     720,050.00

‐‐‐ Appropriations ‐‐‐
594‐597‐702                    BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS           41,900.00      41,900.00          0.00      30,000.00
594‐597‐703                    SALARY PERMANENT                            0.00           0.00     15,582.26           0.00
594‐597‐703‐000391             SALARY PERMANENT                            0.00           0.00          0.00           0.00
594‐597‐705                    TEMPORARY SALARY                            0.00           0.00          0.00           0.00
594‐597‐706                    LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PREMIUM                 0.00           0.00          0.00           0.00
594‐597‐707                    OVERTIME                                    0.00           0.00      1,780.00           0.00
594‐597‐707‐000391             OVERTIME                                    0.00           0.00          0.00           0.00
594‐597‐708                    VACATION PAY                                0.00           0.00          0.00           0.00
594‐597‐709                    LONGEVITY PAY                               0.00           0.00        187.50           0.00
594‐597‐710                    PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                      0.00           0.00          0.00           0.00
594‐597‐711                    HOLIDAY PAY                                 0.00           0.00          0.00           0.00
594‐597‐712                    RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                0.00           0.00      3,919.08           0.00
594‐597‐712‐000391             RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                0.00           0.00          0.00           0.00
594‐597‐714                    MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                    0.00        0.00      451.35        0.00
594‐597‐714‐000391             MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                    0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐597‐717                    HEALTH INSURANCE                          0.00        0.00    1,642.70        0.00
594‐597‐717‐000391             HEALTH INSURANCE                          0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐597‐718                    LIFE INSURANCE                            0.00        0.00       65.88        0.00
594‐597‐718‐000391             LIFE INSURANCE                            0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐597‐719                    DENTAL INSURANCE                          0.00        0.00      233.48        0.00
594‐597‐719‐000391             DENTAL INSURANCE                          0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐597‐720                    OPTICAL INSURANCE                         0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐597‐720‐000391             OPTICAL INSURANCE                         0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐597‐721                    DISABILITY INSURANCE                      0.00        0.00       66.17        0.00
594‐597‐721‐000391             DISABILITY INSURANCE                      0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐597‐722                    SOCIAL SECURITY                           0.00        0.00    1,364.69        0.00
594‐597‐722‐000391             SOCIAL SECURITY                           0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐597‐723                    WORKERS' COMPENSATION                     0.00        0.00    1,158.06        0.00
594‐597‐723‐000391             WORKERS' COMPENSATION                     0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐597‐724                    UNEMPLOYMENT                              0.00        0.00       28.03        0.00
594‐597‐724‐000391             UNEMPLOYMENT                              0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐759‐702                    BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS         22,875.00   22,875.00        0.00   15,000.00
594‐759‐703                    SALARY PERMANENT                          0.00        0.00    3,218.39        0.00
594‐759‐705                    TEMPORARY SALARY                          0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐759‐706                    LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PREMIUM               0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐759‐707                    OVERTIME                                  0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐759‐708                    VACATION PAY                              0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐759‐709                    LONGEVITY PAY                             0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐759‐710                    PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                    0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐759‐711                    HOLIDAY PAY                               0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐759‐712                    RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL              0.00        0.00      189.37        0.00
594‐759‐714                    MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                    0.00        0.00      268.83        0.00
594‐759‐717                    HEALTH INSURANCE                          0.00        0.00      862.56        0.00
594‐759‐718                    LIFE INSURANCE                            0.00        0.00        7.73        0.00
594‐759‐719                    DENTAL INSURANCE                          0.00        0.00       51.87        0.00
594‐759‐720                    OPTICAL INSURANCE                         0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐759‐721                    DISABILITY INSURANCE                      0.00        0.00       13.14        0.00
594‐759‐722                    SOCIAL SECURITY                           0.00        0.00      246.98        0.00
594‐759‐723                    WORKERS' COMPENSATION                     0.00        0.00      236.77        0.00
594‐759‐724                    UNEMPLOYMENT                              0.00        0.00       13.34        0.00
594‐901‐987                    CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS TERMINATE        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
Total 'SALARIES & BENEFITS':                                        64,775.00   64,775.00   31,588.18   45,000.00

594‐000‐765                    ROAD MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES                 0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐597‐727                    BUDGETED SUPPLIES                    18,000.00   18,000.00        0.00   12,000.00
594‐597‐728                    OFFICE SUPPLIES                           0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐597‐730                    PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐597‐731                    POSTAGE                                   0.00        0.00       55.57        0.00
594‐597‐734                    CLOTHING & UNIFORMS                       0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐597‐737                    IRRIGATION SUPPLIES                       0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐597‐741                    TOOLS                                     0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐597‐745                    MOTOR FUEL & LUBRICANTS                   0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐597‐749                    MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES         0.00        0.00      866.31        0.00
594‐597‐753                    COMPUTER SUPPLIES                         0.00        0.00      386.67        0.00
594‐597‐758                    BUILDING SUPPLIES                         0.00        0.00    5,558.00        0.00
594‐597‐760                    CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES                        0.00        0.00      838.73        0.00
594‐597‐762                    EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES                        0.00        0.00      404.74        0.00
594‐597‐767                    SEEDING & PLANTING SUPPLIES               0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐597‐767‐000392             SEEDING & PLANTING SUPPLIES               0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐597‐900                    PUBLICATIONS                              0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐759‐727                    BUDGETED SUPPLIES                     3,700.00    3,700.00        0.00    3,000.00
594‐759‐728                    OFFICE SUPPLIES                           0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐759‐730                    PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐759‐731                    POSTAGE                                   0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐759‐734                    CLOTHING & UNIFORMS                       0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐759‐737                    IRRIGATION SUPPLIES                       0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐759‐741                    TOOLS                                     0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐759‐745                    MOTOR FUEL & LUBRICANTS                   0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐759‐749                    MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES         0.00        0.00    1,151.14        0.00
594‐759‐753                    COMPUTER SUPPLIES                         0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
594‐759‐758                     BUILDING SUPPLIES                       0.00         0.00       659.18         0.00
594‐759‐760                     CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES                      0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐759‐762                     EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES                      0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐759‐767                     SEEDING & PLANTING SUPPLIES             0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐759‐900                     PUBLICATIONS                            0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
Total 'SUPPLIES':                                                  21,700.00    21,700.00     9,920.34    15,000.00

594‐597‐726                     OTHER INSURANCE&BONDS                   0.00         0.00     5,425.47         0.00
594‐597‐776                     COPY MACHINE CHARGES                    0.00         0.00        14.80         0.00
594‐597‐801                     CONTRACTUAL SERVICES              262,212.00   289,500.00    98,490.62   289,500.00
594‐597‐807                     PEST CONTROL/AQUATIC NUISANCE           0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐597‐810                     PUBLIC RELATIONS                        0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐597‐850                     TELEPHONE                               0.00         0.00       837.43         0.00
594‐597‐902                     PRINTING                                0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐597‐903                     ADVERTISING                             0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐597‐920                     ELECTRICITY                             0.00         0.00    38,817.08         0.00
594‐597‐921                     HEAT                                    0.00         0.00       642.83         0.00
594‐597‐922                     WATER & SEWER                           0.00         0.00     7,700.93         0.00
594‐597‐934                     HARBOURTOWNE SLIP                       0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐597‐940                     RENTAL OF BUILDINGS                     0.00         0.00     2,044.53         0.00
594‐597‐944                     VEHICLE RENTAL                          0.00         0.00    13,384.72         0.00
594‐597‐944‐000391              VEHICLE RENTAL                          0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐597‐955                     INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION                0.00         0.00     8,800.47         0.00
594‐597‐956                     CITY SERVICE FEE/CONTRIBUTIONS          0.00         0.00    10,124.73         0.00
594‐597‐963                     BANK CHARGES                            0.00         0.00     3,537.88         0.00
594‐759‐726                     OTHER INSURANCE&BONDS                   0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐759‐776                     COPY MACHINE CHARGES                    0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐759‐801                     CONTRACTUAL SERVICES               10,500.00    10,500.00    27,592.79    10,500.00
594‐759‐801‐000818              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                    0.00         0.00       431.00         0.00
594‐759‐801‐000819              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                    0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐759‐801‐000820              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                    0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐759‐801‐000821              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                    0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐759‐810                     PUBLIC RELATIONS                        0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐759‐850                     TELEPHONE                               0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐759‐902                     PRINTING                                0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐759‐920                     ELECTRICITY                             0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐759‐921                     HEAT                                    0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐759‐922                     WATER & SEWER                           0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐759‐944                     VEHICLE RENTAL                          0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐759‐955                     INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION                0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐759‐963                     BANK CHARGES                            0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐901‐801                     CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                    0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐901‐801‐091809              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                    0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐901‐805                     CONSULTANT FEES                         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐901‐810                     ENGINEERING SERVICES                    0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐901‐810‐091809              ENGINEERING SERVICES                    0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐901‐903                     ADVERTISING                             0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
Total 'CONTRACTUAL SERVICES':                                     272,712.00   300,000.00   217,845.28   300,000.00

594‐597‐778                     BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES              500.00       500.00          0.00      500.00
594‐597‐861                     CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TRAVEL        0.00         0.00          0.00        0.00
594‐597‐965                     BAD DEBTS                              0.00         0.00          0.00        0.00
594‐759‐778                     BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                0.00         0.00          0.00        0.00
594‐759‐861                     CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TRAVEL        0.00         0.00          0.00        0.00
594‐759‐965                     BAD DEBTS                              0.00         0.00          0.00        0.00
Total 'OTHER EXPENSES':                                              500.00       500.00          0.00      500.00

594‐597‐971                     BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                0.00         0.00        0.00          0.00
594‐597‐973                     LAND IMPROVEMENTS                       0.00         0.00        0.00          0.00
594‐597‐977                     EQUIPMENT PURCHASES                     0.00         0.00        0.00          0.00
594‐597‐980                     COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE            0.00         0.00      165.81          0.00
594‐597‐983                     EQUIPMENT REPAIR                        0.00         0.00        0.00          0.00
594‐759‐971                     BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS           35,000.00    35,000.00        0.00      5,000.00
594‐759‐973                     LAND IMPROVEMENTS                       0.00         0.00        0.00          0.00
594‐759‐977                     EQUIPMENT PURCHASES                     0.00         0.00        0.00          0.00
594‐759‐980                     COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE               0.00           0.00        0.00          0.00
594‐759‐983                     EQUIPMENT REPAIR                           0.00           0.00        0.00          0.00
594‐901‐983                     EQUIPMENT PURCHASES                        0.00           0.00        0.00          0.00
594‐901‐988                     FIXED ASSETS CAPITALIZATION                0.00           0.00        0.00          0.00
Total 'CAPITAL OUTLAYS':                                              35,000.00      35,000.00      165.81      5,000.00

594‐597‐968                     DEPRECIATION EXPENSE                        0.00          0.00    56,434.41   112,869.00
594‐597‐993                     INTEREST EXPENSE (LOANS)                    0.00          0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐597‐995‐005900              BUDGETED OTHER FINANCING USES               0.00          0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐759‐968                     DEPRECIATION EXPENSE                        0.00          0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐759‐993                     INTEREST EXPENSE (LOANS)                    0.00          0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐759‐995‐005900              BUDGETED OTHER FINANCING USES               0.00          0.00         0.00         0.00
594‐999‐995‐100000              OPER. TRANS TO GENERAL FUND                 0.00          0.00         0.00         0.00
Total 'OTHER FINANCING USES':                                               0.00          0.00    56,434.41   112,869.00

Total Appropriations:                                                394,687.00     421,975.00   315,954.02   478,369.00

Net of Revenues & Appropriations Net of Revenues & Appropriations:   (124,637.00)   298,075.00   315,968.42   241,681.00

                                                         2022‐23 Original        03/31/2023       YTD As Of 
GL Number                      Description                       Budget      Amended Budget     03/31/2023 2022‐23 REQUESTED
‐‐‐ Estimated Revenue ‐‐‐
202‐000‐451                    SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS                  0.00               0.00           0.00              0.00
Total 'TAXES & SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS':                                0.00               0.00           0.00              0.00

202‐000‐684‐004800             MISC. & SUNDRY                 50,000.00           50,000.00       2,400.00          3,000.00
202‐575‐684                    MISC. & SUNDRY                      0.00                0.00           2.87              0.00
Total 'LICENSES & PERMITS':                                   50,000.00           50,000.00       2,402.87          3,000.00

202‐000‐502                    FEDERAL GRANTS                853,497.00          853,497.00           0.00              0.00
Total 'FEDERAL GRANTS':                                      853,497.00          853,497.00           0.00              0.00

202‐000‐540                    STATE GRANTS                  375,000.00         1,005,000.00    372,703.64      1,005,000.00
202‐000‐541                    STATE LOCAL JOBS TODAY              0.00                 0.00          0.00              0.00
202‐901‐540                    STATE GRANTS                        0.00                 0.00          0.00              0.00
Total 'STATE GRANTS':                                        375,000.00         1,005,000.00    372,703.64      1,005,000.00

202‐000‐546                    STATE RECEIPT MAJORS        4,500,000.00         4,500,000.00   2,802,425.51     4,500,000.00
202‐000‐548                    STATE RECEIPTS                      0.00                 0.00           0.00             0.00
202‐000‐551                    STATE RECEIPT TRUNKLIN        216,000.00           216,000.00           0.00       216,000.00
202‐000‐553                    STATE RECEIPT LOCAL                 0.00                 0.00           0.00             0.00
202‐000‐581                    LRP LOCAL ROADS PROGR          80,000.00            80,000.00      46,559.86        80,000.00
Total 'STATE SHARED':                                      4,796,000.00         4,796,000.00   2,848,985.37     4,796,000.00

202‐000‐620‐004619             MISC. SALES AND SERVICE              0.00               0.00           0.00              0.00
202‐000‐626‐004651             REIMBURSEMENT                        0.00               0.00           0.00              0.00
202‐000‐642‐004652             SALES & SERVICE                      0.00               0.00           0.00              0.00
202‐901‐682‐092210             ENGINEERING FEES                     0.00               0.00           0.00              0.00
202‐901‐682‐092211             ENGINEERING FEES                     0.00               0.00           0.00              0.00
Total 'CHARGES FOR SERVICE':                                        0.00               0.00           0.00              0.00

202‐000‐657‐004802             REIMB:SERVICES RENDER                0.00          30,000.00           0.00         12,000.00
202‐000‐657‐004803             CDBG PROGRAM REIMBU                  0.00               0.00           0.00              0.00
202‐000‐665‐004970             INTEREST INCOME                  5,000.00           5,000.00      11,522.18              0.00
202‐000‐665‐004973             INTEREST ON ASSESSMEN                0.00               0.00           0.00              0.00
Total 'FINES & PENALTIES':                                      5,000.00          35,000.00      11,522.18         12,000.00

202‐000‐674‐004805             CONTRIBUTIONS                        0.00               0.00           0.00              0.00
202‐000‐677‐004808             SALE OF LAND                         0.00               0.00           0.00              0.00
202‐000‐678                    GRANT: COMMUNITY FOU                 0.00               0.00           0.00              0.00
Total 'CONTRIBUTIONS & MISCELLANEOUS':                              0.00               0.00           0.00              0.00

202‐000‐669                   GAIN ON INVESTMENT                    0.00               0.00            0.00             0.00
202‐000‐696‐004961            BOND PROCEEDS                         0.00               0.00            0.00             0.00
202‐000‐696‐004963            LOAN PROCEEDS                         0.00               0.00            0.00             0.00
202‐000‐699                   OPERATING TRANSFERS IN                0.00               0.00            0.00             0.00
202‐000‐699‐100000            OP. TRANS FROM GENERA                 0.00               0.00            0.00             0.00
202‐000‐699‐200000            OP. TRANS FROM SPECIAL                0.00               0.00            0.00             0.00
202‐000‐699‐400000            OP. TRANS FROM CAPITA                 0.00         320,000.00            0.00             0.00
202‐000‐699‐500000             OP. TRANS FROM ENTERP            0.00          0.00            0.00          0.00
202‐901‐699‐200000             OP. TRANS FROM SPECIAL           0.00          0.00            0.00          0.00
Total 'INTEREST & OPERATING TRANSFERS IN':                      0.00    320,000.00            0.00          0.00

Total Estimated Revenue:                                6,079,497.00   7,059,497.00   3,235,614.06   5,816,000.00

‐‐‐ Appropriations ‐‐‐
202‐901‐715‐092124            PENSION ADJUSTMENT ‐ G            0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐716‐092124            OPEB ADJUSTMENT ‐ GAS             0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
Total '':                                             0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00

202‐450‐702                   BUDGETED SALARIES & BE            0.00    553,301.00           0.00     500,000.00
202‐450‐703                   SALARY PERMANENT                  0.00          0.00      57,333.93           0.00
202‐450‐703‐000394            SALARY PERMANENT                  0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐450‐706                   LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PR            0.00          0.00       1,513.20           0.00
202‐450‐707                   OVERTIME                          0.00          0.00       1,367.48           0.00
202‐450‐707‐000394            OVERTIME                          0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐450‐708                   VACATION PAY                      0.00          0.00       2,303.16           0.00
202‐450‐710                   PERSONAL & OTHER LEAV             0.00          0.00         252.18           0.00
202‐450‐711                   HOLIDAY PAY                       0.00          0.00         359.00           0.00
202‐450‐711‐000394            HOLIDAY PAY                       0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐450‐712                   RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ G            0.00          0.00      11,033.02           0.00
202‐450‐714                   MERS RETIREMENT SYSTE             0.00          0.00       3,531.59           0.00
202‐450‐717                   HEALTH INSURANCE                  0.00          0.00      12,591.38           0.00
202‐450‐718                   LIFE INSURANCE                    0.00          0.00         152.45           0.00
202‐450‐718‐000394            LIFE INSURANCE                    0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐450‐719                   DENTAL INSURANCE                  0.00          0.00       1,110.39           0.00
202‐450‐719‐000394            DENTAL INSURANCE                  0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐450‐720                   OPTICAL INSURANCE                 0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐450‐720‐000394            OPTICAL INSURANCE                 0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐450‐721                   DISABILITY INSURANCE              0.00          0.00         342.26           0.00
202‐450‐721‐000394            DISABILITY INSURANCE              0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐450‐722                   SOCIAL SECURITY                   0.00          0.00       4,991.21           0.00
202‐450‐723                   WORKERS' COMPENSATIO              0.00          0.00       4,535.44           0.00
202‐450‐724                   UNEMPLOYMENT                      0.00          0.00          66.85           0.00
202‐452‐703                   SALARY PERMANENT                  0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐463‐703                   SALARY PERMANENT                  0.00          0.00      15,757.39           0.00
202‐463‐706                   LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PR            0.00          0.00         637.88           0.00
202‐463‐707                   OVERTIME                          0.00          0.00      38,410.48           0.00
202‐463‐708                   VACATION PAY                      0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐463‐710                   PERSONAL & OTHER LEAV             0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐463‐711                   HOLIDAY PAY                       0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐463‐712                   RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ G            0.00          0.00       2,632.17           0.00
202‐463‐714                   MERS RETIREMENT SYSTE             0.00          0.00       3,222.99           0.00
202‐463‐717                   HEALTH INSURANCE                  0.00          0.00       8,115.03           0.00
202‐463‐718                   LIFE INSURANCE                    0.00          0.00          34.64           0.00
202‐463‐719                   DENTAL INSURANCE                  0.00          0.00         631.74           0.00
202‐463‐720                   OPTICAL INSURANCE                 0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐463‐721                   DISABILITY INSURANCE              0.00          0.00          59.28           0.00
202‐463‐722                   SOCIAL SECURITY                   0.00          0.00       3,955.31           0.00
202‐463‐723                   WORKERS' COMPENSATIO              0.00          0.00       2,550.33           0.00
202‐463‐724                   UNEMPLOYMENT                      0.00          0.00          88.79           0.00
202‐519‐703                   SALARY PERMANENT                  0.00          0.00      14,517.31           0.00
202‐519‐703‐000390            SALARY PERMANENT                  0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐519‐706                   LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PR            0.00          0.00           8.05           0.00
202‐519‐707                   OVERTIME                          0.00          0.00         926.71           0.00
202‐519‐707‐000390            OVERTIME                          0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐519‐708                   VACATION PAY                      0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐519‐710                   PERSONAL & OTHER LEAV             0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐519‐711                   HOLIDAY PAY                       0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐519‐712          RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ G   0.00   0.00      329.04   0.00
202‐519‐712‐000390   RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ G   0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐519‐714          MERS RETIREMENT SYSTE    0.00   0.00      965.67   0.00
202‐519‐714‐000390   MERS RETIREMENT SYSTE    0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐519‐717          HEALTH INSURANCE         0.00   0.00    3,203.70   0.00
202‐519‐717‐000390   HEALTH INSURANCE         0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐519‐718          LIFE INSURANCE           0.00   0.00       25.85   0.00
202‐519‐718‐000390   LIFE INSURANCE           0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐519‐719          DENTAL INSURANCE         0.00   0.00      212.31   0.00
202‐519‐719‐000390   DENTAL INSURANCE         0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐519‐720          OPTICAL INSURANCE        0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐519‐720‐000390   OPTICAL INSURANCE        0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐519‐721          DISABILITY INSURANCE     0.00   0.00       44.61   0.00
202‐519‐721‐000390   DISABILITY INSURANCE     0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐519‐722          SOCIAL SECURITY          0.00   0.00      843.40   0.00
202‐519‐722‐000390   SOCIAL SECURITY          0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐519‐723          WORKERS' COMPENSATIO     0.00   0.00      791.51   0.00
202‐519‐723‐000390   WORKERS' COMPENSATIO     0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐519‐724          UNEMPLOYMENT             0.00   0.00       21.43   0.00
202‐519‐724‐000390   UNEMPLOYMENT             0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐564‐703          SALARY PERMANENT         0.00   0.00    1,076.84   0.00
202‐564‐705          TEMPORARY SALARY         0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐564‐706          LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PR   0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐564‐707          OVERTIME                 0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐564‐708          VACATION PAY             0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐564‐710          PERSONAL & OTHER LEAV    0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐564‐711          HOLIDAY PAY              0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐564‐712          RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ G   0.00   0.00       21.53   0.00
202‐564‐714          MERS RETIREMENT SYSTE    0.00   0.00       86.14   0.00
202‐564‐717          HEALTH INSURANCE         0.00   0.00       82.07   0.00
202‐564‐718          LIFE INSURANCE           0.00   0.00        2.42   0.00
202‐564‐719          DENTAL INSURANCE         0.00   0.00       18.02   0.00
202‐564‐720          OPTICAL INSURANCE        0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐564‐721          DISABILITY INSURANCE     0.00   0.00        4.11   0.00
202‐564‐722          SOCIAL SECURITY          0.00   0.00       79.66   0.00
202‐564‐723          WORKERS' COMPENSATIO     0.00   0.00       73.94   0.00
202‐564‐724          UNEMPLOYMENT             0.00   0.00        1.11   0.00
202‐574‐703          SALARY PERMANENT         0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐574‐706          LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PR   0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐574‐707          OVERTIME                 0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐574‐708          VACATION PAY             0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐574‐710          PERSONAL & OTHER LEAV    0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐574‐711          HOLIDAY PAY              0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐574‐712          RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ G   0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐574‐714          MERS RETIREMENT SYSTE    0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐574‐717          HEALTH INSURANCE         0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐574‐718          LIFE INSURANCE           0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐574‐719          DENTAL INSURANCE         0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐574‐720          OPTICAL INSURANCE        0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐574‐721          DISABILITY INSURANCE     0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐574‐722          SOCIAL SECURITY          0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐574‐723          WORKERS' COMPENSATIO     0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐574‐724          UNEMPLOYMENT             0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐575‐703          SALARY PERMANENT         0.00   0.00   50,903.27   0.00
202‐575‐703‐000375   SALARY PERMANENT         0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐575‐703‐000389   SALARY PERMANENT         0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐575‐705          TEMPORARY SALARY         0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐575‐705‐000375   TEMPORARY SALARY         0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐575‐706          LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PR   0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐575‐706‐000375   LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PR   0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐575‐707          OVERTIME                 0.00   0.00    1,557.64   0.00
202‐575‐707‐000375   OVERTIME                 0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
202‐575‐708                    VACATION PAY              0.00         0.00    35,255.18         0.00
202‐575‐708‐000375             VACATION PAY              0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐575‐709                    LONGEVITY PAY             0.00         0.00     2,362.53         0.00
202‐575‐709‐000375             LONGEVITY PAY             0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐575‐710                    PERSONAL & OTHER LEAV     0.00         0.00     9,914.88         0.00
202‐575‐710‐000375             PERSONAL & OTHER LEAV     0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐575‐711                    HOLIDAY PAY               0.00         0.00    12,772.62         0.00
202‐575‐711‐000375             HOLIDAY PAY               0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐575‐712                    RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ G    0.00         0.00    15,811.84         0.00
202‐575‐712‐000375             RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ G    0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐575‐714                    MERS RETIREMENT SYSTE     0.00         0.00     6,060.32         0.00
202‐575‐714‐000375             MERS RETIREMENT SYSTE     0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐575‐717                    HEALTH INSURANCE          0.00         0.00    18,156.73         0.00
202‐575‐717‐000375             HEALTH INSURANCE          0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐575‐718                    LIFE INSURANCE            0.00         0.00       323.75         0.00
202‐575‐718‐000375             LIFE INSURANCE            0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐575‐719                    DENTAL INSURANCE          0.00         0.00     1,719.00         0.00
202‐575‐719‐000375             DENTAL INSURANCE          0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐575‐720                    OPTICAL INSURANCE         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐575‐720‐000375             OPTICAL INSURANCE         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐575‐721                    DISABILITY INSURANCE      0.00         0.00       402.53         0.00
202‐575‐721‐000375             DISABILITY INSURANCE      0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐575‐722                    SOCIAL SECURITY           0.00         0.00     8,950.37         0.00
202‐575‐722‐000375             SOCIAL SECURITY           0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐575‐723                    WORKERS' COMPENSATIO      0.00         0.00     8,259.39         0.00
202‐575‐723‐000375             WORKERS' COMPENSATIO      0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐575‐724                    UNEMPLOYMENT              0.00         0.00       106.62         0.00
202‐575‐724‐000375             UNEMPLOYMENT              0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐575‐725                    EDUCATION INCENTIVE PA    0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐575‐725‐000375             EDUCATION INCENTIVE PA    0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐702‐092124             BUDGETED SALARIES & BE    0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐703                    SALARY PERMANENT          0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐703‐092002             SALARY PERMANENT          0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐703‐092124             SALARY PERMANENT          0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐704‐092124             COURT TIME                0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐705‐092124             TEMPORARY SALARY          0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐706‐092124             LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PR    0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐707‐092124             OVERTIME                  0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐708‐092124             VACATION PAY              0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐709‐092124             LONGEVITY PAY             0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐710‐092124             PERSONAL & OTHER LEAV     0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐711‐092124             HOLIDAY PAY               0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐712‐092124             RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ G    0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐713‐092124             RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ P&   0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐714‐092124             MERS RETIREMENT SYSTE     0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐717‐092124             HEALTH INSURANCE          0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐718‐092124             LIFE INSURANCE            0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐719‐092124             DENTAL INSURANCE          0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐720‐092124             OPTICAL INSURANCE         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐721‐092124             DISABILITY INSURANCE      0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐722‐092124             SOCIAL SECURITY           0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐723‐092124             WORKERS' COMPENSATIO      0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐724‐092124             UNEMPLOYMENT              0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐901‐725‐092124             SAFETY INCENTIVE PAY      0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
Total 'SALARIES & BENEFITS':                             0.00   553,301.00   373,471.67   500,000.00

202‐450‐727                    BUDGETED SUPPLIES         0.00   240,717.00         0.00   220,000.00
202‐450‐730                    PUBLICATIONS & MEMBE      0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐450‐734                    CLOTHING & UNIFORMS       0.00         0.00     5,452.69         0.00
202‐450‐741                    TOOLS                     0.00         0.00     2,256.53         0.00
202‐450‐743                    FOOD                      0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
202‐450‐747              LICENSES                 0.00          0.00          0.00           0.00
202‐450‐749              MISCELLANEOUS MATERI     0.00          0.00      2,003.83           0.00
202‐450‐749‐000392       MISCELLANEOUS MATERI     0.00          0.00          0.00           0.00
202‐450‐749‐000396       MISCELLANEOUS MATERI     0.00          0.00          0.00           0.00
202‐450‐751              OXYGEN,ACETYLENE & OT    0.00          0.00        424.28           0.00
202‐450‐754              SEWER/WATER SYSTEM S     0.00          0.00          0.00           0.00
202‐450‐765              ROAD MAINTENANCE SUP     0.00          0.00    (13,048.16)          0.00
202‐450‐765‐000375       ROAD MAINTENANCE SUP     0.00          0.00          0.00           0.00
202‐463‐741              TOOLS                    0.00          0.00          0.00           0.00
202‐463‐749              MISCELLANEOUS MATERI     0.00          0.00         36.40           0.00
202‐463‐765              ROAD MAINTENANCE SUP     0.00          0.00    160,366.49           0.00
202‐504‐765              ROAD MAINTENANCE SUP     0.00          0.00      4,142.56           0.00
202‐519‐730              PUBLICATIONS & MEMBE     0.00          0.00          0.00           0.00
202‐519‐734              CLOTHING & UNIFORMS      0.00          0.00          0.00           0.00
202‐519‐741              TOOLS                    0.00          0.00          0.00           0.00
202‐519‐749              MISCELLANEOUS MATERI     0.00          0.00        146.20           0.00
202‐519‐751              OXYGEN,ACETYLENE & OT    0.00          0.00          0.00           0.00
202‐519‐756              REPAIR SUPPLIES          0.00          0.00        312.57           0.00
202‐519‐765              ROAD MAINTENANCE SUP     0.00          0.00        178.00           0.00
202‐519‐768              TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE   0.00          0.00      1,324.20           0.00
202‐523‐749‐000407       MISCELLANEOUS MATERI     0.00          0.00          0.00           0.00
202‐564‐734              CLOTHING & UNIFORMS      0.00          0.00          0.00           0.00
202‐564‐741              TOOLS                    0.00          0.00          0.00           0.00
202‐564‐749              MISCELLANEOUS MATERI     0.00          0.00          0.00           0.00
202‐564‐765              ROAD MAINTENANCE SUP     0.00          0.00          0.00           0.00
202‐574‐730              PUBLICATIONS & MEMBE     0.00          0.00          0.00           0.00
202‐574‐734              CLOTHING & UNIFORMS      0.00          0.00        200.00           0.00
202‐575‐734              CLOTHING & UNIFORMS      0.00          0.00        255.93           0.00
202‐901‐749‐091843       MISCELLANEOUS MATERI     0.00          0.00          0.00           0.00
202‐901‐900              PUBLICATIONS             0.00          0.00          0.00           0.00
Total 'SUPPLIES':                                 0.00    240,717.00    164,051.52     220,000.00

202‐450‐726              OTHER INSURANCE&BON      0.00           0.00    19,872.62            0.00
202‐450‐773              LAUNDRY & UNIFORM CL     0.00           0.00     2,593.62            0.00
202‐450‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES     0.00   1,027,251.00    41,234.80    1,027,251.00
202‐450‐801‐000377       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES     0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐450‐809              MEDICAL SERVICES         0.00           0.00        95.00            0.00
202‐450‐850              TELEPHONE                0.00           0.00       645.43            0.00
202‐450‐903              ADVERTISING              0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐450‐942              RIGHT OF WAY LEASE       0.00           0.00       708.50            0.00
202‐450‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL           0.00           0.00    55,918.03            0.00
202‐450‐944‐000394       VEHICLE RENTAL           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐450‐963              MISC. SERVICES & CHARG   0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐463‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES     0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐463‐850              TELEPHONE                0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐463‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL           0.00           0.00    63,822.60            0.00
202‐519‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES     0.00           0.00    39,911.77            0.00
202‐519‐850              TELEPHONE                0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐519‐920              ELECTRICITY              0.00           0.00     4,893.79            0.00
202‐519‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL           0.00           0.00     4,257.16            0.00
202‐519‐944‐000390       VEHICLE RENTAL           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐564‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES     0.00           0.00       140.28            0.00
202‐564‐801‐000377       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES     0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐564‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL           0.00           0.00       163.28            0.00
202‐573‐944              VEHICLE RENTAL           0.00           0.00       123.20            0.00
202‐574‐726              OTHER INSURANCE&BON      0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐574‐773              LAUNDRY & UNIFORM CL     0.00           0.00       203.43            0.00
202‐574‐801              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES     0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐574‐805              CONSULTANT FEES          0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐574‐903              ADVERTISING              0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐574‐940              RENTAL OF BUILDINGS      0.00           0.00   126,763.47            0.00
202‐574‐944          VEHICLE RENTAL                 0.00           0.00   184,333.00            0.00
202‐574‐955          INDIRECT COST ALLOCATI         0.00           0.00    87,875.28            0.00
202‐574‐956          PAYING AGENT FEES/CON          0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐575‐801          CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐575‐801‐000375   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐575‐809          MEDICAL SERVICES               0.00           0.00       475.00            0.00
202‐575‐850          TELEPHONE                      0.00           0.00       (55.21)           0.00
202‐575‐944          VEHICLE RENTAL                 0.00           0.00       310.00            0.00
202‐575‐944‐000375   VEHICLE RENTAL                 0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801          CONTRACTUAL SERVICES     350,000.00   1,150,000.00    19,850.00      650,000.00
202‐901‐801‐000406   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐091605   BUDGETED CONTRACTUA            0.00     100,000.00    47,495.00      100,000.00
202‐901‐801‐091711   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐091725   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐091842   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐091843   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐091851   BUDGETED CONTRACTUA            0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐091852   BUDGETED CONTRACTUA            0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐091856   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐091859   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐091905   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES      50,000.00      50,000.00    15,092.50       20,000.00
202‐901‐801‐091914   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐091917   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐092002   CONTRACTUAL SERVICE            0.00       2,500.00         0.00        2,500.00
202‐901‐801‐092003   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00       12,000.00
202‐901‐801‐092004   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00   1,800,000.00    95,519.15    1,800,000.00
202‐901‐801‐092009   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐092010   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐092012   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐092014   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐092015   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐092017   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐092018   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐092019   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐092026   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐092032   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES     825,000.00     825,000.00    36,295.40      825,000.00
202‐901‐801‐092033   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐092036   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00     800,000.00         0.00      800,000.00
202‐901‐801‐092046   BUDGETED CONTRACTUA            0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐092102   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐092111   BUDGETED CONTRACTUA            0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐092117   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00      50,000.00     2,828.22       50,000.00
202‐901‐801‐092121   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES      50,000.00      50,000.00     1,820.00       50,000.00
202‐901‐801‐092122   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES     100,000.00     100,000.00         0.00       10,000.00
202‐901‐801‐092123   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐801‐092210   BUDGETED CONTRACTUA            0.00     115,000.00    18,275.00      115,000.00
202‐901‐801‐092218   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00           0.00    11,900.00       40,000.00
202‐901‐801‐096021   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES           0.00       2,000.00     1,310.00        2,000.00
202‐901‐801‐099118   BUDGETED CONTRACTUA            0.00     100,000.00    86,376.78      100,000.00
202‐901‐804          COMPUTER SERVICES              0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐805          CONSULTANT FEES                0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐805‐091605   CONSULTANT FEES                0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐805‐091711   CONSULTANT FEES                0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐805‐091917   CONSULTANT FEES                0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐805‐092004   CONSULTANT FEES                0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐805‐092009   CONSULTANT FEES                0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐805‐092010   CONSULTANT FEES                0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐805‐092032   CONSULTANT FEES                0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐805‐092121   CONSULTANT FEES                0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐805‐092122   CONSULTANT FEES                0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐805‐092123   CONSULTANT FEES                0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐810          ENGINEERING SERVICES           0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00
202‐901‐810‐000406              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐091605              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐091711              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐091724              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐091725              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐091842              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐091843              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐091859              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐091905              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐091914              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092002              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00       2,037.15           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092003              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00      11,957.50           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092004              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00     212,983.21           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092009              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092010              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092012              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092015              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092017              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092018              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092019              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092026              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092032              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00      24,489.11           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092033              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092036              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00      29,252.74           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092037              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092102              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092117              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00      16,560.51           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092121              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00      39,477.89           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092122              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00      25,210.92      40,000.00
202‐901‐810‐092123              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00       5,434.50           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092201              PUBLIC RELATIONS                    0.00       2,500.00       1,660.35       2,500.00
202‐901‐810‐092210              PUBLIC RELATIONS                    0.00           0.00      38,269.14           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092211              PUBLIC RELATIONS                    0.00      24,000.00      15,591.00      24,000.00
202‐901‐810‐092218              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00       8,250.02           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092220              PUBLIC RELATIONS                    0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐092222              PUBLIC RELATIONS                    0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐096021              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐099012              ENGINEERING SERVICES                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐810‐099118              PUBLIC RELATIONS                    0.00           0.00      13,416.20           0.00
202‐901‐903‐091711              ADVERTISING                         0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐920                     ELECTRICITY                         0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐921                     HEAT                                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐901‐959                     PAYMENT TO OTHER GOV                0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
Total 'CONTRACTUAL SERVICES':                               1,375,000.00   6,198,251.00   1,415,637.34   5,670,251.00

202‐450‐778                     BUDGETED OTHER EXPEN                0.00      2,000.00           0.00           0.00
202‐450‐861                     CONFERENCE, TRAINING A              0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
202‐519‐861                     CONFERENCE, TRAINING A              0.00          0.00           0.00           0.00
Total 'OTHER EXPENSES':                                             0.00      2,000.00           0.00           0.00

202‐519‐977                     EQUIPMENT PURCHASES                 0.00           0.00           0.00          0.00
202‐575‐982‐000375              BUILDING PURCHASES&C                0.00           0.00           0.00          0.00
202‐901‐971                     BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTL               0.00           0.00           0.00          0.00
202‐901‐971‐091605              BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTL          50,000.00           0.00           0.00          0.00
202‐901‐971‐092002              BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTL               0.00           0.00           0.00          0.00
202‐901‐971‐092004              BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTL       1,800,000.00           0.00           0.00          0.00
202‐901‐971‐092036              BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTL         800,000.00           0.00           0.00          0.00
202‐901‐971‐092102              BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTL               0.00           0.00           0.00          0.00
202‐999‐995‐200000              OPER TRANS TO SPEC REV FUND                                               150,000.00
Total 'CAPITAL OUTLAYS':                                    2,650,000.00          0.00           0.00     150,000.00
202‐574‐992                     PRINCIPAL EXP (BONDS)              0.00          0.00            0.00          0.00
202‐574‐994                     INTEREST EXPENSE (BOND             0.00          0.00            0.00          0.00
Total 'OTHER FINANCING USES':                                      0.00          0.00            0.00          0.00

Total Appropriations:                                      4,025,000.00   6,994,269.00   1,953,160.53   6,540,251.00

Net of Revenues & Appropriations:Net of Revenues & Appro   2,054,497.00     65,228.00    1,282,453.53   (724,251.00)

                                                         2022‐23 Original   03/31/2023      YTD As Of        2022‐23 
GL Number                      Description                       Budget Amended Budget    03/31/2023      REQUESTED
‐‐‐ Estimated Revenue ‐‐‐
203‐000‐451                    SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS                 0.00            0.00         0.00            0.00
Total 'TAXES & SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS':                               0.00            0.00         0.00            0.00

203‐000‐492                    TELECOM FRANCHISE FEE        195,000.00      195,000.00          0.00      195,000.00
203‐000‐684‐004800             MISC. & SUNDRY                20,000.00       20,000.00        583.84       20,000.00
203‐575‐684                    MISC. & SUNDRY                     0.00            0.00          6.14            0.00
Total 'LICENSES & PERMITS':                                 215,000.00      215,000.00        589.98      215,000.00

203‐000‐502                    FEDERAL GRANTS                      0.00           0.00          0.00            0.00
Total 'FEDERAL GRANTS':                                            0.00           0.00          0.00            0.00

203‐000‐540                    STATE GRANTS                       0.00            0.00          0.00            0.00
Total 'STATE GRANTS':                                             0.00            0.00          0.00            0.00

203‐000‐548                    STATE RECEIPTS                      0.00            0.00         0.00             0.00
203‐000‐553                    STATE RECEIPT LOCAL         1,250,000.00    1,250,000.00   755,756.15     1,250,000.00
203‐000‐554                    STATE RECEIPTS LOCAL SN             0.00            0.00         0.00             0.00
203‐000‐581                    LRP LOCAL ROADS PROGR          20,000.00       20,000.00    12,920.11        20,000.00
Total 'STATE SHARED':                                      1,270,000.00    1,270,000.00   768,676.26     1,270,000.00

203‐901‐682‐092211             ENGINEERING FEES                    0.00           0.00          0.00            0.00
Total 'CHARGES FOR SERVICE':                                       0.00           0.00          0.00            0.00

203‐000‐657‐004802             REIMB:SERVICES RENDER           5,000.00       7,285.00      7,285.15        7,285.00
203‐000‐657‐004803             CDBG PROGRAM REIMBU                 0.00           0.00          0.00            0.00
203‐000‐665‐004970             INTEREST INCOME                 3,500.00       3,500.00      1,455.64        3,500.00
203‐000‐665‐004973             INTEREST ON ASSESSMEN               0.00           0.00          0.00            0.00
Total 'FINES & PENALTIES':                                     8,500.00      10,785.00      8,740.79       10,785.00

203‐000‐674‐004805             CONTRIBUTIONS                       0.00           0.00          0.00            0.00
Total 'CONTRIBUTIONS & MISCELLANEOUS':                             0.00           0.00          0.00            0.00

203‐000‐669                    GAIN ON INVESTMENT                 0.00            0.00          0.00            0.00
203‐000‐696‐004963             LOAN PROCEEDS                      0.00            0.00          0.00            0.00
203‐000‐699                    OPERATING TRANSFERS IN       100,000.00      150,000.00          0.00            0.00
203‐000‐699‐100000             OP. TRANS FROM GENERA              0.00            0.00          0.00            0.00
203‐000‐699‐200000             OP. TRANS FROM SPECIAL             0.00            0.00          0.00      150,000.00 *1
203‐000‐699‐400000             OP. TRANS FROM CAPITA              0.00            0.00          0.00            0.00
203‐000‐699‐600000             OP. TRANS FROM INTERN              0.00            0.00          0.00            0.00
Total 'INTEREST & OPERATING TRANSFERS IN':                  100,000.00      150,000.00          0.00      150,000.00

Total Estimated Revenue:                                   1,593,500.00    1,645,785.00   778,007.03     1,645,785.00

‐‐‐ Appropriations ‐‐‐
203‐901‐715‐092124             PENSION ADJUSTMENT ‐ G              0.00            0.00         0.00             0.00
203‐901‐716‐092124             OPEB ADJUSTMENT ‐ GAS               0.00            0.00         0.00             0.00
Total '':                              0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00

203‐450‐702             BUDGETED SALARIES & BE   0.00   779,299.00         0.00   750,000.00
203‐450‐703             SALARY PERMANENT         0.00         0.00   155,441.63         0.00
203‐450‐706             LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PR   0.00         0.00       112.69         0.00
203‐450‐707             OVERTIME                 0.00         0.00    10,791.83         0.00
203‐450‐708             VACATION PAY             0.00         0.00     1,793.16         0.00
203‐450‐710             PERSONAL & OTHER LEAV    0.00         0.00       728.04         0.00
203‐450‐711             HOLIDAY PAY              0.00         0.00       359.00         0.00
203‐450‐712             RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ G   0.00         0.00    30,478.03         0.00
203‐450‐714             MERS RETIREMENT SYSTE    0.00         0.00     8,984.20         0.00
203‐450‐717             HEALTH INSURANCE         0.00         0.00    38,094.29         0.00
203‐450‐718             LIFE INSURANCE           0.00         0.00       397.04         0.00
203‐450‐719             DENTAL INSURANCE         0.00         0.00     2,934.68         0.00
203‐450‐720             OPTICAL INSURANCE        0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
203‐450‐721             DISABILITY INSURANCE     0.00         0.00       674.23         0.00
203‐450‐722             SOCIAL SECURITY          0.00         0.00    12,955.00         0.00
203‐450‐723             WORKERS' COMPENSATIO     0.00         0.00    10,875.60         0.00
203‐450‐724             UNEMPLOYMENT             0.00         0.00       156.88         0.00
203‐463‐703             SALARY PERMANENT         0.00         0.00    27,761.37         0.00
203‐463‐705             TEMPORARY SALARY         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
203‐463‐706             LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PR   0.00         0.00       122.75         0.00
203‐463‐707             OVERTIME                 0.00         0.00    16,424.66         0.00
203‐463‐708             VACATION PAY             0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
203‐463‐710             PERSONAL & OTHER LEAV    0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
203‐463‐711             HOLIDAY PAY              0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
203‐463‐712             RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ G   0.00         0.00     3,910.30         0.00
203‐463‐714             MERS RETIREMENT SYSTE    0.00         0.00     2,969.73         0.00
203‐463‐717             HEALTH INSURANCE         0.00         0.00     7,155.79         0.00
203‐463‐718             LIFE INSURANCE           0.00         0.00        68.28         0.00
203‐463‐719             DENTAL INSURANCE         0.00         0.00       607.64         0.00
203‐463‐720             OPTICAL INSURANCE        0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
203‐463‐721             DISABILITY INSURANCE     0.00         0.00       114.70         0.00
203‐463‐722             SOCIAL SECURITY          0.00         0.00     3,410.72         0.00
203‐463‐723             WORKERS' COMPENSATIO     0.00         0.00     2,403.05         0.00
203‐463‐724             UNEMPLOYMENT             0.00         0.00       158.31         0.00
203‐519‐703             SALARY PERMANENT         0.00         0.00     3,584.35         0.00
203‐519‐705             TEMPORARY SALARY         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
203‐519‐706             LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PR   0.00         0.00         8.05         0.00
203‐519‐707             OVERTIME                 0.00         0.00       329.01         0.00
203‐519‐708             VACATION PAY             0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
203‐519‐710             PERSONAL & OTHER LEAV    0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
203‐519‐711             HOLIDAY PAY              0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
203‐519‐712             RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ G   0.00         0.00        77.35         0.00
203‐519‐714             MERS RETIREMENT SYSTE    0.00         0.00       308.49         0.00
203‐519‐717             HEALTH INSURANCE         0.00         0.00       856.33         0.00
203‐519‐718             LIFE INSURANCE           0.00         0.00         8.44         0.00
203‐519‐719             DENTAL INSURANCE         0.00         0.00        68.26         0.00
203‐519‐720             OPTICAL INSURANCE        0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
203‐519‐721             DISABILITY INSURANCE     0.00         0.00        13.61         0.00
203‐519‐722             SOCIAL SECURITY          0.00         0.00       270.39         0.00
203‐519‐723             WORKERS' COMPENSATIO     0.00         0.00       251.25         0.00
203‐519‐724             UNEMPLOYMENT             0.00         0.00         4.13         0.00
203‐564‐703             SALARY PERMANENT         0.00         0.00     8,676.63         0.00
203‐564‐705             TEMPORARY SALARY         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
203‐564‐706             LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PR   0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
203‐564‐707             OVERTIME                 0.00         0.00        37.10         0.00
203‐564‐708             VACATION PAY             0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
203‐564‐710             PERSONAL & OTHER LEAV    0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
203‐564‐711             HOLIDAY PAY              0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
203‐564‐712             RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ G   0.00         0.00       338.63         0.00
203‐564‐714          MERS RETIREMENT SYSTE     0.00   0.00      776.46   0.00
203‐564‐717          HEALTH INSURANCE          0.00   0.00      681.22   0.00
203‐564‐718          LIFE INSURANCE            0.00   0.00       21.32   0.00
203‐564‐719          DENTAL INSURANCE          0.00   0.00      161.49   0.00
203‐564‐720          OPTICAL INSURANCE         0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐564‐721          DISABILITY INSURANCE      0.00   0.00       36.99   0.00
203‐564‐722          SOCIAL SECURITY           0.00   0.00      718.60   0.00
203‐564‐723          WORKERS' COMPENSATIO      0.00   0.00      645.04   0.00
203‐564‐724          UNEMPLOYMENT              0.00   0.00        4.41   0.00
203‐574‐703          SALARY PERMANENT          0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐574‐707          OVERTIME                  0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐574‐708          VACATION PAY              0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐574‐710          PERSONAL & OTHER LEAV     0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐574‐711          HOLIDAY PAY               0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐574‐712          RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ G    0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐574‐714          MERS RETIREMENT SYSTE     0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐574‐717          HEALTH INSURANCE          0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐574‐718          LIFE INSURANCE            0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐574‐719          DENTAL INSURANCE          0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐574‐720          OPTICAL INSURANCE         0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐574‐721          DISABILITY INSURANCE      0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐574‐722          SOCIAL SECURITY           0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐574‐723          WORKERS' COMPENSATIO      0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐574‐724          UNEMPLOYMENT              0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐575‐703          SALARY PERMANENT          0.00   0.00   42,430.71   0.00
203‐575‐705          TEMPORARY SALARY          0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐575‐707          OVERTIME                  0.00   0.00    1,558.15   0.00
203‐575‐708          VACATION PAY              0.00   0.00   46,196.45   0.00
203‐575‐709          LONGEVITY PAY             0.00   0.00    2,962.47   0.00
203‐575‐710          PERSONAL & OTHER LEAV     0.00   0.00    6,391.75   0.00
203‐575‐711          HOLIDAY PAY               0.00   0.00   11,637.98   0.00
203‐575‐712          RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ G    0.00   0.00   35,119.43   0.00
203‐575‐714          MERS RETIREMENT SYSTE     0.00   0.00    1,592.04   0.00
203‐575‐717          HEALTH INSURANCE          0.00   0.00   17,982.84   0.00
203‐575‐718          LIFE INSURANCE            0.00   0.00      350.52   0.00
203‐575‐719          DENTAL INSURANCE          0.00   0.00    1,350.17   0.00
203‐575‐720          OPTICAL INSURANCE         0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐575‐721          DISABILITY INSURANCE      0.00   0.00      369.49   0.00
203‐575‐722          SOCIAL SECURITY           0.00   0.00    8,819.35   0.00
203‐575‐723          WORKERS' COMPENSATIO      0.00   0.00    8,146.15   0.00
203‐575‐724          UNEMPLOYMENT              0.00   0.00       94.54   0.00
203‐575‐725          EDUCATION INCENTIVE PA    0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐702‐092124   BUDGETED SALARIES & BE    0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐703‐092124   SALARY PERMANENT          0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐704‐092124   COURT TIME                0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐705‐092124   TEMPORARY SALARY          0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐706‐092124   LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PR    0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐707‐092124   OVERTIME                  0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐708‐092124   VACATION PAY              0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐709‐092124   LONGEVITY PAY             0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐710‐092124   PERSONAL & OTHER LEAV     0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐711‐092124   HOLIDAY PAY               0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐712‐092124   RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ G    0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐713‐092124   RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ P&   0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐714‐092124   MERS RETIREMENT SYSTE     0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐717‐092124   HEALTH INSURANCE          0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐718‐092124   LIFE INSURANCE            0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐719‐092124   DENTAL INSURANCE          0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐720‐092124   OPTICAL INSURANCE         0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐721‐092124   DISABILITY INSURANCE      0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐722‐092124   SOCIAL SECURITY           0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐723‐092124   WORKERS' COMPENSATIO      0.00   0.00        0.00   0.00
203‐901‐724‐092124             UNEMPLOYMENT             0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐901‐725‐092124             SAFETY INCENTIVE PAY     0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
Total 'SALARIES & BENEFITS':                            0.00   779,299.00   542,763.19    750,000.00

203‐450‐727                    BUDGETED SUPPLIES        0.00   149,271.00         0.00    225,000.00
203‐450‐728                    OFFICE SUPPLIES          0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐450‐730                    PUBLICATIONS & MEMBE     0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐450‐731                    POSTAGE                  0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐450‐734                    CLOTHING & UNIFORMS      0.00         0.00     1,353.13          0.00
203‐450‐741                    TOOLS                    0.00         0.00       429.49          0.00
203‐450‐743                    FOOD                     0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐450‐749                    MISCELLANEOUS MATERI     0.00         0.00     3,022.65          0.00
203‐450‐754                    SEWER/WATER SYSTEM S     0.00         0.00        39.18          0.00
203‐450‐756                    REPAIR SUPPLIES          0.00         0.00     1,565.94          0.00
203‐450‐765                    ROAD MAINTENANCE SUP     0.00         0.00    63,979.17          0.00
203‐450‐765‐000407             ROAD MAINTENANCE SUP     0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐450‐768                    TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE   0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐463‐734                    CLOTHING & UNIFORMS      0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐463‐741                    TOOLS                    0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐463‐749                    MISCELLANEOUS MATERI     0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐463‐765                    ROAD MAINTENANCE SUP     0.00         0.00    93,856.90          0.00
203‐519‐734                    CLOTHING & UNIFORMS      0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐519‐741                    TOOLS                    0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐519‐749                    MISCELLANEOUS MATERI     0.00         0.00     1,759.52          0.00
203‐519‐751                    OXYGEN,ACETYLENE & OT    0.00         0.00       893.43          0.00
203‐519‐768                    TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE   0.00         0.00       137.23          0.00
203‐564‐734                    CLOTHING & UNIFORMS      0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐564‐741                    TOOLS                    0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐564‐749                    MISCELLANEOUS MATERI     0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐564‐754                    SEWER/WATER SYSTEM S     0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐564‐765                    ROAD MAINTENANCE SUP     0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐574‐900                    PUBLICATIONS             0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐575‐765                    ROAD MAINTENANCE SUP     0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐901‐727‐092124             BUDGETED SUPPLIES        0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐901‐900                    PUBLICATIONS             0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
Total 'SUPPLIES':                                       0.00   149,271.00   167,036.64    225,000.00

203‐450‐726                    OTHER INSURANCE&BON      0.00         0.00     5,822.03          0.00
203‐450‐773                    LAUNDRY & UNIFORM CL     0.00         0.00       142.49          0.00
203‐450‐801                    CONTRACTUAL SERVICES     0.00   719,482.00    18,502.04    719,482.00
203‐450‐809                    MEDICAL SERVICES         0.00         0.00       285.00          0.00
203‐450‐850                    TELEPHONE                0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐450‐944                    VEHICLE RENTAL           0.00         0.00    79,171.61          0.00
203‐450‐963                    MISC. SERVICES & CHARG   0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐463‐850                    TELEPHONE                0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐463‐944                    VEHICLE RENTAL           0.00         0.00    63,812.73          0.00
203‐468‐801                    BUDGETED CONTRACTUA      0.00         0.00       187.04          0.00
203‐519‐801                    CONTRACTUAL SERVICES     0.00         0.00       374.38          0.00
203‐519‐944                    VEHICLE RENTAL           0.00         0.00       483.36          0.00
203‐564‐801                    CONTRACTUAL SERVICES     0.00         0.00       164.00          0.00
203‐564‐944                    VEHICLE RENTAL           0.00         0.00     3,533.03          0.00
203‐574‐726                    OTHER INSURANCE&BON      0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐574‐773                    LAUNDRY & UNIFORM CL     0.00         0.00        12.18          0.00
203‐574‐940                    RENTAL OF BUILDINGS      0.00         0.00    77,688.00          0.00
203‐574‐944                    VEHICLE RENTAL           0.00         0.00   184,333.00          0.00
203‐574‐955                    INDIRECT COST ALLOCATI   0.00         0.00    94,821.03          0.00
203‐575‐809                    MEDICAL EXPENSES         0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐575‐850                    TELEPHONE                0.00         0.00       (64.79)         0.00
203‐575‐944                    VEHICLE RENTAL           0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐901‐801                    CONTRACTUAL SERVICES     0.00         0.00         0.00          0.00
203‐901‐801‐091841              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES              0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐801‐091851              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES              0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐801‐091854              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES              0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐801‐092014              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES              0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐801‐092016              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES              0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐801‐092017              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES              0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐801‐092026              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES              0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐801‐092037              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES              0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐801‐092046              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES              0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐805                     CONSULTANT FEES                   0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐810                     ENGINEERING SERVICES              0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐810‐091841              ENGINEERING SERVICES              0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐810‐092016              ENGINEERING SERVICES              0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐810‐092017              ENGINEERING SERVICES              0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐810‐092026              ENGINEERING SERVICES              0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐810‐092037              ENGINEERING SERVICES              0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐810‐092046              ENGINEERING SERVICES              0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐810‐092211              PUBLIC RELATIONS                  0.00      16,000.00       10,394.00       16,000.00
203‐901‐810‐092220              PUBLIC RELATIONS                  0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐810‐092222              PUBLIC RELATIONS                  0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐810‐099012              ENGINEERING SERVICES              0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
Total 'CONTRACTUAL SERVICES':                                     0.00     735,482.00      539,661.13      735,482.00

203‐450‐861                     CONFERENCE, TRAINING A             0.00           0.00         330.00             0.00
203‐450‐861‐000407              CONFERENCE, TRAINING A             0.00           0.00           0.00             0.00
203‐450‐965                     BAD DEBTS                          0.00           0.00           0.00             0.00
203‐575‐861                     CONFERENCE, TRAINING A             0.00           0.00           0.00             0.00
Total 'OTHER EXPENSES':                                            0.00           0.00         330.00             0.00

203‐901‐971                     LAND PURCHASES                     0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
203‐901‐971‐092046              BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTL              0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
Total 'CAPITAL OUTLAYS':                                           0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00

Total Appropriations:                                              0.00   1,664,052.00    1,249,790.96    1,710,482.00

Net of Revenues & Appropriations:Net of Revenues & Appro   1,593,500.00     (18,267.00)    (471,783.93)     (64,697.00)
                                                                2022‐23 Original       YTD As Of    03/31/2023 
GL Number                          Description                          Budget       03/31/2023 Amended Budget
‐‐‐ Estimated Revenue ‐‐‐
445‐000‐402                        PROPERTY TAX                            0.00            0.00           0.00
Total 'TAXES & SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS':                                       0.00            0.00           0.00

445‐000‐428                      SALE OF TAX REVERTED LOTS                0.00              0.00           0.00
445‐000‐674‐004805               CONTRIBUTIONS                       15,000.00         20,717.50      23,000.00
445‐000‐674‐092213               CONTRIBUTIONS                            0.00         11,200.00      12,000.00
445‐000‐674‐092214               CONTRIBUTIONS                            0.00              0.00           0.00
445‐000‐677‐004808               SALE OF LAND                       480,000.00      1,375,101.23   2,700,000.00
445‐000‐679‐004845               FUNDRAISING REVENUE                      0.00              0.00           0.00
445‐000‐679‐004846               SPONSORSHIP REVENUE                      0.00              0.00           0.00
445‐000‐679‐004847               SPONSORSHIP REVENUE ‐ PARKS        150,000.00        112,500.00     150,000.00
Total 'CONTRIBUTIONS & MISCELLANEOUS':                              645,000.00      1,519,518.73   2,885,000.00

445‐000‐502                       FEDERAL GRANTS                           0.00            0.00           0.00
Total 'FEDERAL GRANTS':                                                    0.00            0.00           0.00

445‐000‐540                       STATE GRANTS                             0.00            0.00           0.00
Total 'STATE GRANTS':                                                      0.00            0.00           0.00

445‐000‐620                       MISC. SALES AND SERVICES                0.00             0.00           0.00
445‐000‐620‐092215                MISC. SALES AND SERVICES                0.00             0.00           0.00
445‐000‐626‐004651                REIMBURSEMENT                     315,000.00             0.00     315,000.00
445‐000‐642‐004652                SALES & SERVICE                         0.00             0.00           0.00
445‐000‐659‐004656                SALES PROCEEDS                      2,000.00             0.00       2,000.00
445‐000‐667‐004674                RENTAL ‐ CITY HALL                      0.00             0.00
445‐000‐667‐004677                RENT                               33,000.00             0.00
445‐000‐671                       LEASE BILLBOARDS                    2,500.00        10,500.00      12,000.00
Total 'CHARGES FOR SERVICE':                                        352,500.00        10,500.00     329,000.00

445‐000‐657‐004802                REIMB:SERVICES RENDERED                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐000‐657‐004803                CDBG PROGRAM REIMBURSEME                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐000‐665‐004703                INTEREST/LATE INVOICES                   0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐000‐665‐004970                INTEREST INCOME                          0.00        2,792.05       3,000.00
445‐000‐665‐004972                INTEREST ON NOTES                        0.00            0.00           0.00
Total 'FINES & PENALTIES':                                                 0.00        2,792.05       3,000.00

445‐000‐669                       GAIN ON INVESTMENT                      0.00             0.00           0.00
445‐000‐696‐004961                BOND PROCEEDS                           0.00             0.00           0.00
445‐000‐696‐004963                LOAN PROCEEDS                           0.00             0.00           0.00
445‐000‐699                       OPERATING TRANSFERS IN                  0.00             0.00           0.00
445‐000‐699‐100000                OP. TRANS FROM GENERAL FUN              0.00             0.00           0.00
445‐000‐699‐200000                OP. TRANS FROM SPECIAL REVE             0.00             0.00           0.00
445‐000‐699‐300000                OP. TRANS FROM DEBT SERVICE        50,000.00             0.00     130,000.00
445‐000‐699‐400000                OP. TRANS FROM CAPITAL PROJ             0.00             0.00           0.00
445‐000‐699‐600000                OP. TRANS FROM INTERNAL SER             0.00             0.00           0.00
445‐000‐699‐703000                OP. TRANS FROM AGENCY FUND              0.00             0.00           0.00
445‐901‐699‐200000                OP. TRANS FROM SPECIAL REVE             0.00             0.00           0.00
Total 'INTEREST & OPERATING TRANSFERS':                              50,000.00             0.00     130,000.00

445‐000‐684‐004800                MISC. & SUNDRY                           0.00            0.00           0.00
Total 'LICENSES & PERMITS':                                                0.00            0.00           0.00
                                                       2022‐23 Original        YTD As Of    03/31/2023 
GL Number                  Description                         Budget        03/31/2023 Amended Budget
Total Estimated Revenue:                                 1,047,500.00      1,532,810.78   3,347,000.00

‐‐‐ Appropriations ‐‐‐
445‐000‐963                BANK CHARGES                     60,000.00             0.00            0.00
445‐231‐801                CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00            31.00           31.00
445‐728‐801                CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                500.00        23,500.00       23,500.00
445‐770‐801                BUDGETED CONTRACTUAL SERV             0.00        15,000.00       15,000.00
445‐807‐801                CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐807‐850                TELEPHONE                             0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐807‐903                ADVERTISING                           0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐807‐920                ELECTRICITY                           0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801                CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00         1,308.50        3,173.00
445‐901‐801‐091501         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091504         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091608         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00         9,057.20        9,057.20
445‐901‐801‐091612         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091701         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091712         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091720         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091723         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091726         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091801         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091802         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091804         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091805         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091808         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00           200.00          200.00
445‐901‐801‐091811         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091812         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091813         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091815         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091820         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091823         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091824         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091839         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091840         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091901         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091902         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091904         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091906         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091907         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091909         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00         3,500.55        3,500.55
445‐901‐801‐091914         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091915         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091919         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091920         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐091923         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00        93,189.51       98,000.00
445‐901‐801‐091924         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00        23,115.00       23,115.00
445‐901‐801‐092016         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐092022         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐092024         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐092026         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐092028         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐092029         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐092030         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐092031         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐092040         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐092110         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00             0.00            0.00
445‐901‐801‐092115         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00           580.20          750.00
445‐901‐801‐092127         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00           467.04          750.00
445‐901‐801‐092213         BUDGETED CONTRACTUAL SERV             0.00         5,801.37            0.00
445‐901‐801‐092214         BUDGETED CONTRACTUAL SERV             0.00             0.00            0.00
                                                            2022‐23 Original      YTD As Of    03/31/2023 
GL Number                       Description                         Budget      03/31/2023 Amended Budget
445‐901‐801‐092215              BUDGETED CONTRACTUAL SERV              0.00           0.00           0.00
445‐901‐801‐096040              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐801‐096054              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00          611.81         850.00
445‐901‐805                     CONSULTANT FEES                       0.00            0.00 .
445‐901‐805‐091501              CONSULTANT FEES                       0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐805‐091504              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐805‐091801              CONSULTANT FEES                       0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐805‐091802              CONSULTANT FEES                       0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐805‐091820              CONSULTANT FEES                       0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐805‐092110              CONSULTANT FEES                       0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐810                     ENGINEERING SERVICES                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐810‐091701              ENGINEERING SERVICES                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐810‐091720              ENGINEERING SERVICES                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐810‐091901              ENGINEERING SERVICES                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐810‐092016              ENGINEERING SERVICES                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐810‐092110              ENGINEERING SERVICES                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐850‐091608              TELEPHONE                             0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐850‐091720              TELEPHONE                             0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐902‐091720              PRINTING                              0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐903‐091720              ADVERTISING                           0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐903‐091801              ADVERTISING                           0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐903‐091901              ADVERTISING                           0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐920                     ELECTRICITY                           0.00        6,503.64       7,000.00
445‐901‐920‐091501              ELECTRICITY                           0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐920‐091504              ELECTRICITY                           0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐920‐091802              ELECTRICITY                           0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐920‐091811              ELECTRICITY                           0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐920‐091812              ELECTRICITY                           0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐920‐091813              ELECTRICITY                           0.00          275.00         300.00
445‐901‐920‐091815              ELECTRICITY                           0.00          268.14         300.00
445‐901‐920‐091823              ELECTRICITY                           0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐920‐091824              ELECTRICITY                           0.00          794.73         900.00
445‐901‐920‐091909              ELECTRICITY                           0.00          979.58       1,100.00
445‐901‐920‐091924              ELECTRICITY                           0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐920‐092024              ELECTRICITY                           0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐921                     HEAT                                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐921‐091501              HEAT                                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐921‐091802              HEAT                                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐921‐091811              HEAT                                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐921‐091812              HEAT                                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐921‐091813              HEAT                                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐921‐091815              HEAT                                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐921‐091823              HEAT                                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐921‐091824              HEAT                                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐921‐091923              HEAT                                  0.00          269.20         300.00
445‐901‐921‐091924              HEAT                                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐922                     WATER & SEWER                         0.00          937.43       1,000.00
445‐901‐922‐091501              WATER & SEWER                         0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐922‐091504              WATER & SEWER                         0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐922‐091824              WATER & SEWER                         0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐922‐091923              WATER & SEWER                         0.00          973.88       1,000.00
445‐901‐922‐096054              WATER & SEWER                         0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐944‐091608              VEHICLE RENTAL                        0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐944‐096054              VEHICLE RENTAL                        0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐963                     MISC. SERVICES & CHARGES              0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐963‐091501              MISC. SERVICES & CHARGES              0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐963‐091504              MISC. SERVICES & CHARGES              0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐963‐096054              MISC. SERVICES & CHARGES              0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐906‐801                     BUDGETED CONTRACTUAL SERV              0.00           0.00           0.00
Total 'CONTRACTUAL SERVICES':                                    60,500.00      187,363.78     189,826.75

                                                           2022‐23 Original      YTD As Of    03/31/2023 
GL Number                  Description                             Budget      03/31/2023 Amended Budget
445‐231‐965                BAD DEBTS                                  0.00           0.00           0.00
445‐901‐861‐091720         CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TR                0.00           0.00           0.00
445‐901‐861‐092022         CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TR                0.00           0.00           0.00
445‐901‐965                BAD DEBTS                                 0.00            0.00           0.00
Total 'OTHER EXPENSES':                                              0.00            0.00           0.00

445‐231‐971                BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐728‐978                VEHICLE PURCHASE                          0.00            0.00     266,836.00
445‐901‐971                BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐971‐091726         BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐971‐091909         BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS             25,000.00            0.00      25,000.00
445‐901‐971‐096054         LAND PURCHASES                            0.00       37,167.02      45,000.00
445‐901‐972                HARBOURTOWN BOAT SLIP                     0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐977                EQUIPMENT PURCHASES                       0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐977‐092017         EQUIPMENT PURCHASES                       0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐977‐092021         EQUIPMENT PURCHASES                       0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐977‐092026         EQUIPMENT PURCHASES                       0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐979                OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMEN                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐980                COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFT                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐982                BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐982‐091501         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00          818.00         818.00
445‐901‐982‐091504         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐982‐091612         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00        2,091.13       4,000.00
445‐901‐982‐091712         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐982‐091720         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐982‐091723         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐982‐091726         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐982‐091802         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐982‐091811         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐982‐091812         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00        6,650.00       6,650.00
445‐901‐982‐091813         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00          333.94         333.94
445‐901‐982‐091815         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐982‐091823         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐982‐091824         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐982‐091904         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐982‐091909         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00        1,558.99       1,558.99
445‐901‐982‐091915         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐982‐091924         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐982‐092011         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐982‐092024         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐982‐092028         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐982‐092115         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00        4,233.05       4,500.00
445‐901‐982‐092127         CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                      0.00      141,140.54     165,000.00
445‐901‐982‐092207         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR           173,000.00        2,975.42       4,000.00
445‐901‐982‐092208         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR           150,000.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐982‐092325         BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTR                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐985‐091726         OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMEN                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐986‐091602         BUILDING REPAIR                      18,000.00       27,000.00      27,000.00
Total 'CAPITAL OUTLAYS':                                       366,000.00      223,968.09     550,696.93

445‐231‐995                OPERATING TRANSFER OUT                     0.00          0.00            0.00
445‐231‐995‐100000         OPER. TRANS TO GENERAL FUND                0.00          0.00            0.00
445‐231‐995‐400000         OPER. TRANS TO CAPITAL PROJE               0.00          0.00            0.00
445‐231‐995‐500000         OPER. TRANS TO ENTERPRISE FU               0.00          0.00            0.00
445‐231‐996                BOND DISCOUNT                              0.00          0.00            0.00
445‐901‐991‐091902         PRINCIPAL EXP (CAPITAL LEASE)              0.00          0.00            0.00
445‐901‐992                PRINCIPAL EXP (BONDS)                      0.00          0.00            0.00
445‐901‐993‐091902         INTEREST EXP (CAPITAL LEASE)               0.00          0.00            0.00
445‐901‐993‐091923         INTEREST EXPENSE (LOANS)                   0.00        434.54            0.00
445‐901‐995‐091923         BUDGETED OTHER FINANCING U                 0.00          0.00          435.00
                                                                     2022‐23 Original       YTD As Of    03/31/2023 
GL Number                           Description                              Budget       03/31/2023 Amended Budget
445‐906‐991                         PRINCIPAL EXP (LOANS)                       0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐906‐993                         INTEREST EXPENSE (LOANS)                    0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐906‐995‐100000                  OPER. TRANS TO GENERAL REVE                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐906‐995‐200000                  OPER. TRANS TO SPECIAL REVEN                0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐906‐995‐300000                  OPER. TRANS TO DEBT SERVICE                0.00             0.00           0.00
445‐906‐995‐400000                  OPER. TRANS TO CAPITAL PROJE                0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐999‐995                         OPERATING TRANSFER OUT                     0.00             0.00           0.00
445‐999‐995‐100000                  OPER. TRANS TO GENERAL REVE                 0.00            0.00           0.00
Total 'OTHER FINANCING USES':                                                  0.00           434.54         435.00

445‐807‐749                         MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & S                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐749                         MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & S                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐749‐091608                  MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & S                  0.00       24,959.87      25,000.00
445‐901‐749‐091720                  MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & S                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐749‐091802                  MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & S                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐749‐091811                  MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & S                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐749‐091812                  MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & S                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐749‐091813                  MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & S                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐749‐091815                  MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & S                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐749‐091823                  MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & S                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐749‐091824                  MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & S                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐749‐091901                  MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & S                  0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐749‐091904                  MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & S                  0.00            0.00           0.00
Total 'SUPPLIES':                                                               0.00       24,959.87      25,000.00

445‐901‐703‐091608                  SALARY PERMANENT                            0.00          790.22       1,500.00
445‐901‐703‐091802                  SALARY PERMANENT                            0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐703‐096054                  SALARY PERMANENT                            0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐707‐091608                  OVERTIME                                    0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐712‐091608                  RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERA                 0.00           15.79           0.00
445‐901‐712‐096054                  RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERA                 0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐714‐091608                  MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                      0.00           63.23           0.00
445‐901‐714‐096054                  MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                      0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐717‐091608                  HEALTH INSURANCE                            0.00           61.89           0.00
445‐901‐717‐096054                  HEALTH INSURANCE                            0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐718‐091608                  LIFE INSURANCE                              0.00            1.79           0.00
445‐901‐718‐096054                  LIFE INSURANCE                              0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐719‐091608                  DENTAL INSURANCE                            0.00           14.64           0.00
445‐901‐719‐096054                  DENTAL INSURANCE                            0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐720‐091608                  OPTICAL INSURANCE                           0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐721‐091608                  DISABILITY INSURANCE                        0.00            3.00           0.00
445‐901‐721‐096054                  DISABILITY INSURANCE                        0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐722‐091608                  SOCIAL SECURITY                             0.00           58.48           0.00
445‐901‐722‐096054                  SOCIAL SECURITY                             0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐723‐091608                  WORKERS' COMPENSATION                       0.00           28.74           0.00
445‐901‐723‐096054                  WORKERS' COMPENSATION                       0.00            0.00           0.00
445‐901‐724‐091608                  UNEMPLOYMENT                                0.00            2.31           0.00
445‐901‐724‐096054                  UNEMPLOYMENT                                0.00            0.00           0.00
Total 'SALARIES & BENEFITS':                                                    0.00        1,040.09       1,500.00

Total Appropriations:                                                    426,500.00       437,766.37     767,458.68

Net of Revenues & Appropriations:   Net of Revenues & Appropriatio       621,000.00      1,095,044.41   2,579,541.32
                                                        2022‐23       Amended        YTD As Of                          2022‐23 
GL Number                  Description           Original Budget        Budget     03/31/2023 2021‐22 Activity       REQUESTED
‐‐‐ Estimated Revenue ‐‐‐

590‐000‐628‐004605          METERED SALES         9,400,000.00     9,400,000.00 7,435,884.59       9,859,277.50     9,400,000.00
590‐000‐684‐004800          MISC. & SUNDRY            2,000.00         2,000.00         0.00             195.84         2,000.00
Total 'LICENSES & PERMITS':                       9,402,000.00     9,402,000.00 7,435,899.26       9,859,581.08     9,402,000.00



590‐000‐620‐004619           MISC. SALES AND S       75,000.00       75,000.00      65,495.00        93,800.00        75,000.00
Total 'CHARGES FOR SERVICE':                         75,000.00       75,000.00      65,495.00        93,800.00        75,000.00

590‐000‐657‐004704           PENALTIES/INTERE       160,000.00      160,000.00     157,328.29       193,772.75       191,000.00
590‐000‐657‐004802           REIMB:SERVICES RE        8,000.00        8,000.00           0.00       151,488.65         8,000.00
590‐000‐665‐004970           INTEREST INCOME          1,000.00        1,000.00       8,502.50         4,420.31         1,000.00
Total 'FINES & PENALTIES':                          169,000.00      169,000.00     165,830.79       349,681.71       200,000.00


590‐000‐696‐004961          BOND PROCEEDS    2,796,050.00          1,898,700.00           0.00             0.00     1,898,700.00
590‐000‐699‐400000          OP. TRANS FROM C         0.00            100,000.00           0.00             0.00       100,000.00
Total 'INTEREST & OPERATING TRANSFERS IN':   2,796,050.00          1,998,700.00           0.00             0.00     1,998,700.00

Total Estimated Revenue:                         12,442,050.00 11,644,700.00      7,667,225.05    10,303,062.79    11,675,700.00

‐‐‐ Appropriations ‐‐‐

590‐203‐714                  MERS RETIREMENT    111,700.00           111,700.00     70,084.21         96,826.08       111,700.00
590‐559‐702                  BUDGETED SALARIE 1,059,700.00         1,059,700.00          0.00              0.00     1,059,700.00
Total 'SALARIES & BENEFITS':                  1,171,400.00         1,171,400.00    799,470.70      1,188,355.09     1,171,400.00

590‐559‐727                  BUDGETED SUPPLIE       127,250.00      127,250.00           0.00             0.00       127,250.00
Total 'SUPPLIES':                                   127,250.00      127,250.00      88,623.41       130,974.30       127,250.00

590‐557‐959                PAYMENT TO OTHE 5,000,000.00            5,000,000.00 3,247,909.19       4,847,581.81     5,000,000.00
590‐559‐801                CONTRACTUAL SER    872,950.00             872,950.00   128,039.34          79,878.10       975,000.00
590‐901‐801                CONTRACTUAL SER    250,000.00             250,000.00    28,738.02               0.00       100,000.00
590‐901‐801‐091828         CONTRACTUAL SER    150,000.00             300,000.00    79,519.00          17,126.50        80,000.00
590‐901‐801‐092009         CONTRACTUAL SER          0.00              25,000.00    18,242.85       1,474,448.94        25,000.00
590‐901‐801‐092010         CONTRACTUAL SER          0.00               2,500.00     1,213.19         849,906.23         2,500.00
590‐901‐801‐092117         CONTRACTUAL SER 1,898,700.00            1,898,700.00    65,772.07         110,248.85     1,898,700.00
590‐901‐801‐092118         CONTRACTUAL SER    897,350.00              10,000.00     2,274.24          43,860.35        15,000.00
590‐901‐801‐092217         CONTRACTUAL SER          0.00             100,000.00    55,387.24               0.00       100,000.00
590‐901‐810‐091851         ENGINEERING SERV         0.00                   0.00       761.56          15,612.14         1,000.00
590‐901‐810‐092220         PUBLIC RELATIONS         0.00                   0.00       186.80               0.00        50,000.00
Total 'CONTRACTUAL SERVICES':               9,617,497.00           9,008,647.00 4,719,511.08       9,410,123.13     8,247,200.00

590‐559‐778                  BUDGETED OTHER          33,000.00       33,000.00           0.00             0.00        33,000.00
Total 'OTHER EXPENSES':                              33,000.00       33,000.00       6,575.00        24,254.25        33,000.00

590‐559‐971                  BUDGETED CAPITA         19,100.00       19,100.00            0.00             0.00       19,100.00
Total 'CAPITAL OUTLAYS':                             19,100.00       19,100.00      (79,206.16)   (3,193,291.72)      19,100.00
590‐906‐995‐005900         BUDGETED OTHER          403,700.00     403,700.00          0.00           0.00      403,700.00
Total 'OTHER FINANCING USES':                      403,700.00     403,700.00    479,319.72     711,664.05      403,700.00

Total Appropriations:                            11,371,947.00 10,763,097.00   6,014,293.75   8,216,791.10   10,001,650.00

Net of Revenues & Appropriat Net of Revenues &    1,070,103.00    881,603.00   1,652,931.30   2,086,271.69    1,674,050.00
                                                                 2022‐23 Original   03/31/2023       YTD As Of 
GL Number                      Description                               Budget Amended Budget     03/31/2023 2022‐23 REQUESTED
‐‐‐ Estimated Revenue ‐‐‐
591‐000‐628‐004605             METERED SALES                       3,500,000.00    3,500,000.00   2,725,348.09     3,700,000.00
591‐000‐684‐004800             MISC. & SUNDRY                         10,000.00       10,000.00      22,687.90        60,000.00
Total 'LICENSES & PERMITS':                                        3,510,000.00    3,510,000.00   2,748,052.65     3,760,000.00


591‐000‐540                    STATE GRANTS                         300,000.00      315,000.00     208,962.41        315,000.00
Total 'STATE GRANTS':                                               300,000.00      315,000.00     208,962.41        315,000.00

591‐000‐620‐004619             MISC. SALES AND SERVICES              170,000.00      170,000.00      73,832.23       170,000.00
591‐000‐637                    WHOLESALE WATER                     4,600,000.00    4,600,000.00   4,056,032.69     4,755,000.00
591‐000‐642‐004652             TOWNSHIP MAINTENANCE CONTRACT         100,000.00      100,000.00      96,088.76       100,000.00
591‐000‐644‐004618             LEAD REPLACEMENT FEE                  750,000.00      750,000.00     566,539.74       750,000.00
591‐000‐692‐004661             LEASE/RENTAL                          220,000.00      220,000.00      64,762.88       220,000.00
Total 'CHARGES FOR SERVICE':                                       5,840,000.00    5,840,000.00   4,857,256.30     5,995,000.00

591‐000‐657‐004704             PENALTIES/INTEREST/FINES              75,000.00       75,000.00      85,544.59         90,000.00
591‐000‐657‐004802             REIMB:SERVICES RENDERED               20,000.00       20,000.00      31,917.37         29,000.00
591‐000‐665‐004970             INTEREST INCOME                        6,000.00        6,000.00           0.00          6,000.00
Total 'FINES & PENALTIES':                                          101,000.00      101,000.00     117,461.96        125,000.00


591‐000‐696‐004961             BOND PROCEEDS                       3,834,950.00    1,920,800.00    119,818.00      1,920,800.00
591‐000‐699‐400000             OP. TRANS FROM CAPITAL PROJECTS       800,000.00    1,350,000.00          0.00      1,350,000.00
Total 'INTEREST & OPERATING TRANSFERS IN':                         4,634,950.00    3,270,800.00    119,818.00      3,270,800.00

Total Estimated Revenue:                                          14,385,950.00   13,036,800.00   8,051,551.32    13,465,800.00

‐‐‐ Appropriations ‐‐‐

591‐203‐714                    MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                221,231.00      221,231.00     137,827.42       221,231.00
591‐555‐703                    SALARY PERMANENT                      450,000.00      450,000.00     118,607.12       450,000.00
591‐558‐702                    BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS        1,197,500.00    1,197,500.00         463.45     1,020,244.00
591‐559‐702                    BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS        1,458,600.00    1,458,600.00           0.00     1,458,600.00
591‐560‐702                    BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS           49,925.00       49,925.00           0.00        49,925.00
Total 'SALARIES & BENEFITS':                                       3,377,256.00    3,377,256.00   2,338,249.82     3,200,000.00

591‐555‐754                    SEWER/WATER SYSTEM SUPPLIES           400,000.00      400,000.00     38,621.97        257,400.00
591‐558‐727                    BUDGETED SUPPLIES                     542,900.00      542,900.00          0.00        542,900.00
591‐559‐727                    BUDGETED SUPPLIES                     297,900.00      297,900.00          0.00        297,900.00
591‐560‐727                    BUDGETED SUPPLIES                       1,800.00        1,800.00          0.00          1,800.00
Total 'SUPPLIES':                                                  1,242,600.00    1,242,600.00    758,443.20      1,100,000.00

591‐555‐801                    CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  400,000.00      400,000.00    147,651.75        400,000.00
591‐558‐801                    CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                1,032,377.00    1,032,377.00    101,788.91      1,032,377.00
591‐559‐801                    CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                1,097,545.00    1,097,545.00    136,177.47      1,097,545.00
591‐560‐801                    CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                   40,000.00       40,000.00         90.08         40,000.00
591‐901‐801                    CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  250,000.00      730,000.00     22,857.03         60,000.00
591‐901‐801‐092007             CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  295,266.00      295,266.00    352,848.16        402,000.00
591‐901‐801‐092008             CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                        0.00      281,800.00    278,513.82        281,800.00
591‐901‐801‐092009             CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                        0.00       20,000.00     28,543.00         20,000.00
591‐901‐801‐092010             CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                        0.00            0.00     13,374.50         15,000.00
591‐901‐801‐092034             CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                        0.00            0.00     91,118.43        250,000.00
591‐901‐801‐092035              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                     50,000.00      300,000.00      271,595.00       300,000.00
591‐901‐801‐092036              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                    800,000.00      800,000.00            0.00       800,000.00
591‐901‐801‐092111              BUDGETED CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                 0.00            0.00       16,949.40       550,000.00
591‐901‐801‐092117              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  1,420,800.00    1,420,800.00       43,209.43     1,420,800.00
591‐901‐801‐092118              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                    914,150.00       10,000.00        2,091.80        10,000.00
591‐901‐801‐092124              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                    300,000.00      150,000.00       65,953.70       150,000.00
591‐901‐801‐092217              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                          0.00      100,000.00       55,387.24       100,000.00
591‐901‐801‐092220              BUDGETED CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                 0.00            0.00        5,531.83        50,000.00
591‐901‐801‐092221              BUDGETED CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                 0.00            0.00            0.00        20,000.00
591‐901‐801‐092222              BUDGETED CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                 0.00            0.00            0.00        50,000.00
591‐906‐801                     CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  1,257,710.00    1,257,710.00       12,187.50     1,257,710.00
Total 'CONTRACTUAL SERVICES':                                         7,857,848.00    7,935,498.00    4,006,306.90     8,307,232.00

591‐558‐778                     BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                  6,500.00        6,500.00            0.00         6,500.00
591‐559‐778                     BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                180,000.00      180,000.00        2,114.04       180,000.00
Total 'OTHER EXPENSES':                                                186,500.00      186,500.00      141,428.98       186,500.00

591‐558‐971                     BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS               170,500.00      170,500.00            0.00        60,500.00
591‐559‐971                     BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS                27,000.00       27,000.00            0.00        27,000.00
591‐901‐971‐092034              BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS               250,000.00      250,000.00            0.00       250,000.00
Total 'CAPITAL OUTLAYS':                                               477,500.00      447,500.00      110,028.41       337,500.00

591‐906‐995‐005900              BUDGETED OTHER FINANCING USES         1,181,261.00    1,181,261.00            0.00     1,181,261.00
591‐999‐995‐200000              OPER. TRANS TO SPECIAL REVENUE           35,000.00       35,000.00            0.00        35,000.00
Total 'OTHER FINANCING USES':                                         1,216,261.00    1,216,261.00    1,132,768.53     1,216,261.00

Total Appropriations:                                                14,357,965.00   14,405,615.00    8,487,225.84    14,347,493.00

Net of Revenues & Appropriations Net of Revenues & Appropriations:      27,985.00    (1,368,815.00)    (435,674.52)     (881,693.00)

                                                                      2022‐23 Original   03/31/2023     YTD As Of 
GL Number                      Description                                    Budget Amended Budget    03/31/2023 2022‐23 REQUESTED
‐‐‐ Estimated Revenue ‐‐‐
643‐000‐492                    TELECOM FRANCHISE FEES                          0.00            0.00          0.00              0.00
643‐000‐498                    LICENSE AND PERMIT MISC.                        0.00        3,400.00      7,460.00         10,000.00
643‐000‐684‐004680             INTERDEPT.ENGINEERING FEES                637,000.00      452,000.00    412,474.49        515,000.00
643‐000‐684‐004800             MISC. & SUNDRY                                  0.00            0.00          0.00              0.00
643‐447‐684                    MISC. & SUNDRY                                  0.00            0.00         29.26              0.00
Total 'LICENSES & PERMITS':                                              637,000.00      455,400.00    419,963.75        525,000.00

643‐000‐682                    ENGINEERING FEES                           50,000.00       50,000.00     43,601.00         50,000.00
Total 'CHARGES FOR SERVICE':                                              50,000.00       50,000.00     43,601.00         50,000.00

643‐000‐665‐004703             INTEREST/LATE INVOICES                          0.00            0.00         0.00               0.00
643‐000‐665‐004970             INTEREST INCOME                                 0.00            0.00       106.66               0.00
Total 'FINES & PENALTIES':                                                     0.00            0.00       106.66               0.00

643‐000‐673                    GAIN (LOSS) ON SALE OF ASSETS                   0.00            0.00          0.00              0.00
643‐000‐699‐100000             OPERATING TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND       40,000.00      225,000.00          0.00        225,000.00
Total 'INTEREST & OPERATING TRANSFERS IN':                                40,000.00      225,000.00          0.00        225,000.00

Total Estimated Revenue:                                                 727,000.00      730,400.00    463,671.41        800,000.00

‐‐‐ Appropriations ‐‐‐
643‐203‐714                    MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                     65,038.00       65,038.00     40,532.51         65,038.00
643‐447‐702                    BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS              467,500.00      467,500.00          0.00        467,500.00
643‐447‐703                    SALARY PERMANENT                                0.00            0.00    177,767.53              0.00
643‐447‐705                    TEMPORARY SALARY                                0.00            0.00          0.00              0.00
643‐447‐706                    LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PREMIUM                     0.00            0.00          0.00              0.00
643‐447‐707                    OVERTIME                                        0.00            0.00     12,262.24              0.00
643‐447‐708                    VACATION PAY                                    0.00            0.00     20,189.05              0.00
643‐447‐709                    LONGEVITY PAY                                   0.00            0.00        600.00              0.00
643‐447‐710                    PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                          0.00            0.00      2,736.08              0.00
643‐447‐711                    HOLIDAY PAY                                     0.00            0.00      7,287.06              0.00
643‐447‐712                    RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                    0.00            0.00     18,644.11              0.00
643‐447‐714                    MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                          0.00            0.00     19,779.93              0.00
643‐447‐717                    HEALTH INSURANCE                                0.00            0.00     63,191.86              0.00
643‐447‐718                    LIFE INSURANCE                                  0.00            0.00        725.21              0.00
643‐447‐719                    DENTAL INSURANCE                                0.00            0.00      3,258.35              0.00
643‐447‐720                    OPTICAL INSURANCE                               0.00            0.00          0.00              0.00
643‐447‐721                    DISABILITY INSURANCE                            0.00            0.00        845.18              0.00
643‐447‐722                    SOCIAL SECURITY                                 0.00            0.00     16,789.21              0.00
643‐447‐723                    WORKERS' COMPENSATION                           0.00            0.00      3,485.88              0.00
643‐447‐724                    UNEMPLOYMENT                                    0.00            0.00        244.13              0.00
Total 'SALARIES & BENEFITS':                                             532,538.00      532,538.00    388,338.33        532,538.00

643‐447‐727                    BUDGETED SUPPLIES                           5,350.00        5,350.00          0.00          7,000.00
643‐447‐728                    OFFICE SUPPLIES                                 0.00            0.00        106.00              0.00
643‐447‐730                    PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                      0.00            0.00        145.00              0.00
643‐447‐731                    POSTAGE                                         0.00            0.00          0.00              0.00
643‐447‐734                    CLOTHING & UNIFORMS                             0.00            0.00        762.02              0.00
643‐447‐741                    TOOLS                                           0.00            0.00      1,121.09              0.00
643‐447‐747                    LICENSES                                        0.00            0.00      1,155.90              0.00
643‐447‐748                    MEDICAL SUPPLIES                                0.00            0.00          0.00              0.00
643‐447‐749                    MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES               0.00            0.00        394.39              0.00
643‐447‐752                    PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES                           0.00            0.00          0.00              0.00
643‐447‐753                    COMPUTER SUPPLIES                               0.00            0.00      1,345.76              0.00
643‐447‐765                    ROAD MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES                       0.00            0.00          0.00              0.00
643‐447‐900                    PUBLICATIONS                                    0.00            0.00        117.07              0.00
Total 'SUPPLIES':                                                          5,350.00        5,350.00      5,147.23          7,000.00

643‐447‐726                    OTHER INSURANCE&BONDS                           0.00            0.00      2,491.12              0.00
643‐447‐776                    COPY MACHINE CHARGES                            0.00            0.00          0.00              0.00
643‐447‐801                     CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                192,319.00    192,319.00      5,979.75    192,319.00
643‐447‐804                     COMPUTER SERVICES                         0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
643‐447‐850                     TELEPHONE                                 0.00          0.00      2,207.05          0.00
643‐447‐902                     PRINTING                                  0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
643‐447‐940                     RENTAL OF BUILDINGS                       0.00          0.00     52,873.47          0.00
643‐447‐944                     VEHICLE RENTAL                            0.00          0.00     15,923.37          0.00
643‐447‐955                     INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION                  0.00          0.00     57,981.78          0.00
643‐447‐963                     REFUNDS/RESALES                           0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
643‐901‐801                     CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                      0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
643‐901‐801‐092012              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                      0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
643‐901‐801‐092014              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                      0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
643‐901‐801‐099012              CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                      0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
643‐901‐805‐092004              CONSULTANT FEES                           0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
643‐901‐810                     ENGINEERING SERVICES                      0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
643‐901‐810‐092004              ENGINEERING SERVICES                      0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
643‐901‐810‐092012              ENGINEERING SERVICES                      0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
643‐901‐810‐099012              ENGINEERING SERVICES                      0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
Total 'CONTRACTUAL SERVICES':                                       192,319.00    192,319.00    137,456.54    192,319.00

643‐447‐778                     INVENTORY YARDS                       5,000.00      5,000.00          0.00      5,000.00
643‐447‐861                     CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TRAVEL           0.00          0.00      2,189.50          0.00
643‐447‐965                     BAD DEBTS                                 0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
Total 'OTHER EXPENSES':                                               5,000.00      5,000.00      2,189.50      5,000.00

643‐447‐971                     BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS             25,000.00     25,000.00          0.00     25,000.00
643‐447‐977                     EQUIPMENT PURCHASES                       0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
643‐447‐980                     COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE              0.00          0.00     20,254.37          0.00
643‐447‐983                     EQUIPMENT REPAIR                          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
643‐447‐985                     OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT REPAIR         0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
643‐901‐988                     FIXED ASSETS CAPITALIZATION               0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
Total 'CAPITAL OUTLAYS':                                             25,000.00     25,000.00     20,254.37     25,000.00

643‐447‐968                     DEPRECIATION EXPENSE                      0.00          0.00      1,249.56          0.00
643‐447‐995‐005900              BUDGETED OTHER FINANCING USES             0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
Total 'OTHER FINANCING USES':                                             0.00          0.00      1,249.56          0.00

Total Appropriations:                                               760,207.00    760,207.00    554,635.53    761,857.00

Net of Revenues & AppropriationsNet of Revenues & Appropriations:   (33,207.00)   (29,807.00)   (90,964.12)    38,143.00

                                                                   2022‐23 Original   03/31/2023       YTD As Of 
GL Number                      Description                                 Budget Amended Budget     03/31/2023 2022‐23 REQUESTED
‐‐‐ Estimated Revenue ‐‐‐
642‐000‐684‐004800             MISC. & SUNDRY                               0.00            0.00           0.00              0.00
642‐441‐684                    MISC. & SUNDRY                               0.00            0.00          24.61              0.00
Total 'LICENSES & PERMITS':                                                 0.00            0.00          24.61              0.00

642‐000‐642‐004652             SALES & SERVICE                               0.00            0.00           0.00             0.00
642‐000‐647‐004638             MISC. SALES CHARGE/REFUSE                     0.00            0.00           0.00             0.00
642‐000‐667‐004677             RENT                                  1,897,650.00    1,897,650.00   1,405,818.00     1,897,650.00
Total 'CHARGES FOR SERVICE':                                         1,897,650.00    1,897,650.00   1,405,818.00     1,897,650.00

642‐000‐665‐004703             INTEREST/LATE INVOICES                       0.00            0.00           0.00              0.00
642‐000‐665‐004970             INTEREST INCOME                              0.00            0.00       2,717.55              0.00
Total 'FINES & PENALTIES':                                                  0.00            0.00       2,717.55              0.00

642‐000‐673                    GAIN (LOSS) ON SALE OF ASSETS                0.00            0.00           0.00              0.00
642‐000‐699‐100000             OP. TRANS FROM GENERAL FUND            500,000.00      500,000.00           0.00        500,000.00
Total 'INTEREST & OPERATING TRANSFERS IN':                            500,000.00      500,000.00           0.00        500,000.00

Total Estimated Revenue:                                             2,397,650.00    2,397,650.00   1,408,560.16     2,397,650.00

‐‐‐ Appropriations ‐‐‐
642‐441‐715                    PENSION ADJUSTMENT ‐ GASB 68                 0.00            0.00           0.00              0.00
642‐441‐716                    OPEB ADJUSTMENT ‐ GASB 75                    0.00            0.00           0.00              0.00
Total '':                                                         0.00            0.00           0.00              0.00

642‐203‐714                    MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                  473,731.00      473,731.00    294,722.95        473,731.00
642‐441‐702                    BUDGETED SALARIES & BENEFITS            875,000.00      875,000.00          0.00        875,000.00
642‐441‐703                    SALARY PERMANENT                              0.00            0.00    351,148.11              0.00
642‐441‐705                    TEMPORARY SALARY                              0.00            0.00          0.00              0.00
642‐441‐706                    LEAD PERSON & SHIFT PREMIUM                   0.00            0.00         64.39              0.00
642‐441‐707                    OVERTIME                                      0.00            0.00      7,423.41              0.00
642‐441‐708                    VACATION PAY                                  0.00            0.00     63,235.75              0.00
642‐441‐709                    LONGEVITY PAY                                 0.00            0.00      2,143.24              0.00
642‐441‐710                    PERSONAL & OTHER LEAVE                        0.00            0.00     10,483.26              0.00
642‐441‐711                    HOLIDAY PAY                                   0.00            0.00     18,167.65              0.00
642‐441‐712                    RETIREE HEALTHCARE ‐ GENERAL                  0.00            0.00     41,296.41              0.00
642‐441‐714                    MERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM                        0.00            0.00     37,489.85              0.00
642‐441‐717                    HEALTH INSURANCE                              0.00            0.00     76,330.79              0.00
642‐441‐718                    LIFE INSURANCE                                0.00            0.00      1,542.24              0.00
642‐441‐719                    DENTAL INSURANCE                              0.00            0.00      6,827.27              0.00
642‐441‐720                    OPTICAL INSURANCE                             0.00            0.00          0.00              0.00
642‐441‐721                    DISABILITY INSURANCE                          0.00            0.00      1,639.16              0.00
642‐441‐722                    SOCIAL SECURITY                               0.00            0.00     35,350.90              0.00
642‐441‐723                    WORKERS' COMPENSATION                         0.00            0.00      9,173.06              0.00
642‐441‐724                    UNEMPLOYMENT                                  0.00            0.00        558.82              0.00
642‐441‐725                    EDUCATION INCENTIVE PAY                       0.00            0.00      2,000.00              0.00
Total 'SALARIES & BENEFITS':                                         1,348,731.00    1,348,731.00    959,597.26      1,348,731.00

642‐441‐727                    BUDGETED SUPPLIES                        47,800.00      47,800.00           0.00         75,000.00
642‐441‐728                    OFFICE SUPPLIES                               0.00           0.00       2,893.08              0.00
642‐441‐730                    PUBLICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS                    0.00           0.00       2,182.00              0.00
642‐441‐731                    POSTAGE                                       0.00           0.00       1,083.46              0.00
642‐441‐734                    CLOTHING & UNIFORMS                           0.00           0.00       1,328.97              0.00
642‐441‐741                    TOOLS                                         0.00           0.00         104.58              0.00
642‐441‐743                    FOOD                                          0.00           0.00          40.64              0.00
642‐441‐748                    MEDICAL SUPPLIES                              0.00           0.00       2,629.50              0.00
642‐441‐749                    MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL & SUPPLIES             0.00           0.00      10,424.09              0.00
642‐441‐752                     PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES                       0.00           0.00           0.00            0.00
642‐441‐753                     COMPUTER SUPPLIES                           0.00           0.00          29.99            0.00
642‐441‐756                     REPAIR SUPPLIES                             0.00           0.00       3,889.26            0.00
642‐441‐758                     BUILDING SUPPLIES                           0.00           0.00      18,697.32            0.00
642‐441‐760                     CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES                          0.00           0.00       9,975.56            0.00
642‐441‐765                     ROAD MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES                   0.00           0.00         315.15            0.00
642‐441‐766                     LEAF BAGS                                   0.00           0.00           0.00            0.00
642‐441‐767                     SEEDING & PLANTING SUPPLIES                 0.00           0.00           0.00            0.00
642‐441‐769                     COMMUNICATIONS SUPPLIES                     0.00           0.00           0.00            0.00
642‐441‐900                     PUBLICATIONS                                0.00           0.00           0.00            0.00
Total 'SUPPLIES':                                                      47,800.00      47,800.00      53,593.60       75,000.00

642‐441‐726                     OTHER INSURANCE&BONDS                       0.00           0.00       5,435.83            0.00
642‐441‐773                     LAUNDRY & UNIFORM CLEANING                  0.00           0.00       4,181.16            0.00
642‐441‐776                     COPY MACHINE CHARGES                        0.00           0.00       3,584.91            0.00
642‐441‐801                     CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                  441,619.00     441,619.00      22,599.08      414,419.00
642‐441‐804                     COMPUTER SERVICES                           0.00           0.00           0.00            0.00
642‐441‐805                     CONSULTANT FEES                             0.00           0.00           0.00            0.00
642‐441‐807                     PEST CONTROL                                0.00           0.00           0.00            0.00
642‐441‐810                     ENGINEERING SERVICES                        0.00           0.00          38.69            0.00
642‐441‐850                     TELEPHONE                                   0.00           0.00      12,189.59            0.00
642‐441‐902                     PRINTING                                    0.00           0.00       1,689.50            0.00
642‐441‐920                     ELECTRICITY                                 0.00           0.00      35,895.81            0.00
642‐441‐921                     HEAT                                        0.00           0.00      27,022.41            0.00
642‐441‐922                     WATER & SEWER                               0.00           0.00       3,504.00            0.00
642‐441‐943                     OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASE                      0.00           0.00           0.00            0.00
642‐441‐944                     VEHICLE RENTAL                              0.00           0.00       4,902.85            0.00
642‐441‐955                     INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION                    0.00           0.00     174,064.50            0.00
642‐441‐963                     BANK CHARGES                                0.00           0.00         179.00            0.00
642‐561‐801                     CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                        0.00           0.00           0.00            0.00
642‐901‐801                     BUDGETED CONTRACTUAL SERVICES               0.00           0.00           0.00            0.00
642‐901‐810                     ENGINEERING SERVICES                        0.00           0.00           0.00            0.00
Total 'CONTRACTUAL SERVICES':                                         441,619.00     441,619.00     295,287.33      414,419.00

642‐441‐778                     BUDGETED OTHER EXPENSES                 3,000.00       3,000.00            0.00       3,000.00
642‐441‐861                     CONFERENCE, TRAINING AND TRAVEL             0.00           0.00        4,925.39           0.00
642‐561‐778                     INVENTORY YARDS                             0.00           0.00     (115,718.34)          0.00
642‐561‐779                     INVENTORY COPY MACHINE COSTS                0.00           0.00            0.00           0.00
Total 'OTHER EXPENSES':                                                 3,000.00       3,000.00     (110,792.95)      3,000.00

642‐441‐971                     BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS              356,500.00     356,500.00     146,521.21      356,500.00
642‐441‐979                     OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT                  0.00           0.00       1,097.76            0.00
642‐441‐980                     COMPUTER HARDWARE & SOFTWARE                0.00           0.00       9,433.84            0.00
642‐441‐982                     BUILDING PURCHASES&CONSTRUCTION             0.00           0.00       8,967.39            0.00
642‐441‐983                     EQUIPMENT REPAIR                            0.00           0.00           0.00            0.00
642‐441‐985                     OFFICE FURNITURE&EQUIPMENT REPAIR           0.00           0.00           0.00            0.00
642‐441‐986                     BUILDING REPAIR                             0.00           0.00     122,205.10            0.00
642‐901‐988                     FIXED ASSETS CAPITALIZATION                 0.00           0.00           0.00            0.00
Total 'CAPITAL OUTLAYS':                                              356,500.00     356,500.00     288,225.30      356,500.00

642‐441‐968                     DEPRECIATION EXPENSE                        0.00           0.00      13,782.09       27,564.00
642‐441‐995‐005900              BUDGETED OTHER FINANCING USES               0.00           0.00           0.00            0.00
642‐561‐968                     DEPRECIATION EXPENSE                        0.00           0.00           0.00            0.00
642‐561‐993                     INTEREST EXPENSE                            0.00           0.00           0.00            0.00
Total 'OTHER FINANCING USES':                                               0.00           0.00      13,782.09       27,564.00

Total Appropriations:                                                2,197,650.00   2,197,650.00   1,499,692.63    2,225,214.00

Net of Revenues & Appropriations Net of Revenues & Appropriations:    200,000.00     200,000.00      (91,132.47)    172,436.00
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 13, 2023                               Title: Sanitation Fee

Submitted By: Kenneth D. Grant                                       Department: Finance

Brief Summary: The FY2023-24 budget calls for the Sanitation Fee to be increased from $3.50 per
month to $4.00 per month, this resolution establishes the Sanitation Fee for FY 2023-24

Detailed Summary & Background: To adopt the resolution to increase the sanitation fee to $4.00
per month to cover the shortfall between sanitation charges and the millage collected for

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Sustainability in financial practices.

Amount Requested:                                    Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To adopt the Sanitation Fee Resolution for FY 2023-24

Approvals: Get approval from division head at a minimum prior        Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
to sending to the Clerk.
Immediate Division Head          Information Technology              Yes
Other Division Heads             Communication                       No
Legal Review

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON
                             MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                              RESOLUTION NO.______________

At a regular meeting of the City Commission of Muskegon, Michigan, held at the City
Commission Chambers on June 13, 2023.


After reviewing the cost to provide sanitation services for the residents of the City of Muskegon,
the City Commission has determined that the funds generated from the 3 mills dedicated to
sanitation currently does not cover the costs to provide the service at its current level.


    1. Effective July 1, 2023, a monthly service $4.00 will be charged to all residential utility
       billings. This increase fee is will cover the inflationary cost in fuel, labor costs, and the
       additional customers using the recycling program.
    2. This rate increase will go in effect July 1, 2023 and will be re-evaluated every fiscal year.

The above changes to be effective as noted above

This resolution adopted:




                                         By: __________________________________
                                           Ann Marie Meisch, MMC, City Clerk


This resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City commission, held on June 13, 2023.
The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to Open Meetings Act of the State of
Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1967.

                                                  CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                  By: ________________________________
                                                         Ann Marie Meisch, MMC
                                                         City Clerk
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 13, 2023                                 Title: Placement of Public

Submitted By: Ann Meisch                                               Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary: Howell Sign Co. LLC recently purchased the agreement for the placement of the public
benches from Perma. That agreement has since expired. Staff has been working with the new owner and is
recommending approval of a new agreement with some changes.

Detailed Summary & Background: Staff would like to reduce the agreement from 10 years to 5
years as well as increase the cost of the encroachment from $5 to $6 per month per bench. The
old agreement allowed 40 benches. Staff would like to work with the new company to find locations
that are mutually acceptable and allow the number of benches to be at staff’s discretion.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Action item 2022-3.1 Increased options for

Amount Requested: N/A                                 Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s):                                Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To allow staff to negotiate the amount and placement of the benches and
authorize the Clerk and Mayor to sign the agreement.

Approvals:                                                             Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
Immediate Division Head          Information Technology
Other Division Heads             Communication                         Yes

Legal Review                                                           No

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                             ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT

                           PLACEMENT OF PUBLIC BENCHES

      THIS AGREEMENT, is made between the City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street,
Muskegon, Michigan (“City”) and Howell Sign Co. LLC, PO Box 583, Winona Lake, Indiana

The City agrees that HOWELL may place its comfort resting benches containing advertising
material at the locations of ____ ( ) benches as set forth in the attached Schedule A. The City
Manager may at his discretion authorize additional locations within the timeframe of this
agreement. The benches shall be placed on private property with permission of the property
owner, except that they may encroach onto the public sidewalk or public way. The parties agree
and recognize that all of the locations involve placements upon private property, and that this
agreement and list do not apply to or allow the placement of said benches by HOWELL on
public parks or on public property except to the extent of the encroachment.


                   3.1 HOWELL agrees that it shall not place benches encroaching or located
on public property or rights of way at any other location in the City except those authorized by
this contract. The City has the right to immediately remove any bench if it is found to be
dangerous, impedes traffic, needed construction, repairs, etc. in the area. The City agrees to
inform HOWELL when benches are removed by the City.

                    3.2     HOWELL warrants and guarantees to the City that it has full
permission and authority of all private property owners or occupiers to place its benches on the
private properties set forth herein.

                    3.3     HOWELL agrees that the advertising placed upon the benches shall
be for the purpose of advertising commercial, industrial or public service activities, and no
advertising shall involve or encourage the use of illegal or controlled substances or material in
aid of the use of same, nor shall they display obscene or offensive materials. HOWELL agrees
that the City Commission shall have the right of final determination on whether any advertising
shall be excluded or allowed on the said benches in the event of a dispute.

                    3.4      Benches shall be safely constructed designed to support at least
twice the maximum weight anticipated to be placed upon them. The benches shall not exceed the
dimensions of 24 inches in height and 96 inches in length.

                      3.5      HOWELL shall keep the benches in safe condition and repair and
shall be inspected at least twice every twelve months. An annual certification shall be forwarded
to the Clerk stating the date of the inspection and any necessary repairs if needed. Any bench
damaged shall be repaired or removed within 24 hours-notice by HOWELL. In the event of
failure to remove a damaged bench the City may remove and dispose of the bench.
                       3.6     HOWELL shall insure the benches with public liability insurance,
written by companies authorized to do business in the State of Michigan, and shall cause the said
insurance to name the City of Muskegon as an additional insured. The certificates or policies
shall contain the provision that the City of Muskegon shall be given written notice at least 30
days before any cancellation or reduction of coverage for any reason. Minimum insurance
liability limit shall be $2,000,000.00.

        3.      INDEMNITY, HOWELL agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City of
Muskegon from any and all claims and demands for damages or expenses arising out of the
placement or the condition of the benches in the City. Said obligation shall include the payment
of all costs, expenses, attorney fees, costs of preparation, consultant, expert or laboratory fees,
and any other expense in connection with any such claim, as well as the payment of all damages
found to exist against the City, in whatever amount.

         4.     TERM. This agreement shall continue in effect for a period of five (5) years from
its effective date. At the end of the term the said benches shall be removed by HOWELL. If
HOWELL fails to remove same, the City may remove them and dispose of them in its discretion
and invoice HOWELL.

        5.     TERMINATION FOR CAUSE. In the event HOWELL violates any condition or
undertaking set forth in this agreement, the City may terminate or partially terminate this
agreement, in regards to some or all of the benches placed in the City, upon 30 days notice of the
violation given to HOWELL at its address above. In the event the breach or violation is cured
within the said 30 days to the City’s satisfaction, the City will rescind its revocation or

       6.        NON-WAIVER. In the event any breach or violation of this agreement occurs
and the City takes no action, the said failure to take action shall have no effect on subsequent
breaches or violations of this agreement and all remedies therefore are preserved.

        7.         NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIAREY. This agreement shall benefit only the
parties to this agreement, and not any third party.

        9.      BENEFIT. This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the
respective parties, their successors and personal representatives.

      10.   EFFECTIVE DATE. This agreement shall be effective on

WITNESSES:                                            CITY OF MUSKEGON
________________________     ______________________________
                             Ken Johnson, Its Mayor

_________________________    _______________________________
                             Ann Marie Meisch, its Clerk

                             HOWELL SIGN CO LLC

__________________________   By______________________________
                  EXHIBIT A

Bench Locations
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 13, 2023                                Title: Meeting Management

Submitted By: Ann Marie Meisch                                        Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary: Staff is seeking commission approval to enter into an agreement with CivicPlus for
Agenda and Meeting Management Software.

Detailed Summary & Background:
Currently the City Clerk’s Office is using eScribe. Upon further research we have found that
CivicPlus has an interface that better fits the needs of the City.
We are proposing to keep the Board Manager product to continue to manage the cities various
committees and boards.
Staff will continue to use eScribe until the onboarding begins in approximately four to six months.
At that time, we will terminate our agreement with eScribe.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Action Item 2022 – 3.5 -Create media content to assist with
community engagement

Amount Requested: $16,734.75 for the first           Amount Budgeted: $18,000
year FY23/24

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To authorize the City Clerk to enter into an agreement with CivicPlus for
Agenda and Meeting Management.

Approvals: Get approval from division head at a minimum prior         Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
to sending to the Clerk.
Immediate Division Head          Information Technology               Yes
Other Division Heads             Communication                        No
Legal Review

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: 6/13/23                         Title: Purchase of DMDC Parking Lots at
                                                         387 and 401 Morris

Submitted By: Jake Eckholm                               Department: Development Services

Brief Summary: The DMDC is selling the parking lots behind the Chamber of Commerce and
Russell Block/Century Club buildings and staff is requesting the City acquire them and the
environmental studies completed on them in winter of 2023. for $524,000

Detailed Summary & Background:
In 2022, the DMDC board approached the city about financial difficulties and mentioned that they
were interested in selling the parking lots. City leadership expressed interest, and then DMDC
decided to sell the lots to the Community Foundation, and told staff they would remain public
parking. Some time later, the Foundation mentioned they may end up charging for parking at this
location and that they required that existing building owners with deeded spaces to relinquish
those rights. This caused some disagreement between stakeholders, and so the city offered to
again be the buyer as we would keep the parking public and freely available. Further, in the event
we eventually achieve enough density downtown to necessitate a public parking structure, this lot
is specifically mentioned in our parking strategy documents as an ideal site.
The DMDC and Foundation agreed to this solution, and so we are seeking to move forward with
the purchase of these lots to retain as publicly available parking in the downtown area. The
resources for this purchase are included in the proposed fiscal 2023/24 Public Improvement Fund.
If approved, we will close on the lots and take possession after July 1, 2023. The attached
appraisal completed by a third party informed the asking price, which is consistent with market rate
in the downtown area for improved property.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:

Amount Requested: $524,000                           Amount Budgeted: $524,000 (FY 23/24)

Fund(s) or Account(s): Public Improvement            Fund(s) or Account(s): Public Improvement
Fund (445)                                           Fund (445)

Recommended Motion: To authorize the purchase of the lots at 387 and 401 Morris as presented
and authorize the mayor and clerk to sign.
Approvals:                                          Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division Head    Information Technology   Yes
Other Division Heads       Communication            No

Legal Review

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                                       a Site Condominium

                                  PURCHASE AGREEMENT

      Effective May ___, 2023 (“Effective Date”), Downtown Muskegon Development Co., a
Michigan nonprofit corporation ("DMDC"), and City of Muskegon, a Michigan municipal corporation
("Buyer"), agree as follows:
      DMDC agrees to sell, and Buyer agrees to purchase Units 1 & 2 (the “Units”) of Downtown
Muskegon Development Center No. 1, a site condominium, located in the City of Muskegon, Michigan
(“Condominium Project”) described as:
      Units 1 & 2, Downtown Muskegon Development Center No. 1, a Condominium,
      according to the Master Deed recorded in Liber 3702, Page 204, as amended, in the
      Office of the Muskegon County Register of Deeds, and designated as Muskegon County
      Condominium Subdivision Plan No. 160, together with rights in general common
      elements and limited common elements as set forth in said Master Deed, and amendments
      thereto, and described in Act 59 of the Public Acts of 1978 as amended (“Master Deed”).
      A copy of the Master Deed is available upon request.
         The purchase price for the Unit, including a shared interest in the common elements at the
Condominium Project, is Five Hundred Thousand dollars ($500,000). The purchase price shall be paid
in full at Closing.
       Buyer agrees to comply with the Development Plan, attached as Exhibit B (the “Development
Plan”). Any modification to the Development Plan by Buyer shall require the written consent of the
                                [Signatures appear on the following page]

City of Muskegon,
a Michigan municipal corporation

By:      ______________________________
Name:    Ken Johnson
Title:   Mayor
Date:    ____________________

By:      ______________________________
Name:    Ann Meisch
Title:   City Clerk
Date:    ____________________

Buyer’s Address and Telephone Number:
933 Terrace St.
Muskegon, MI 49440-1397

Downtown Muskegon Development Co.,
a Michigan non-profit corporation

By:      ______________________________
Name:    Steve Olsen
Title:   President
Date:    ____________________

761 Alberta Avenue
Muskegon, MI 49441
                                                        Exhibit A

                                    a Site Condominium


1. Escrow of Funds. All funds received by DMDC under this Agreement shall be deposited in escrow with Transnation
   Title Insurance, whose address is 570 Seminole Road, Muskegon, Michigan 49444. Transnation Title Insurance
   Company is referred to in this Agreement as the "Escrow Agent." The Escrow Agent shall hold such funds in
   accordance with the terms of this Agreement. If Buyer terminates this Agreement prior to the expiration of the Due
   Diligence Period, all amounts deposited shall be returned to Buyer by Escrow Agent within three (3) business days in
   full satisfaction of all rights of Buyer, and this Agreement, and all rights and liabilities of Buyer and DMDC hereunder,
   shall be terminated. In all other instances, all deposits made by Buyer shall be non-refundable.
2. Plan and Purpose. Downtown Muskegon Development Center No. 1 Association has been established to administer
   the Condominium Project and operate and maintain the common elements. Each co-owner, including Buyer, will be a
   member of the Association and will be subject to its bylaws, rules, and regulations. Buyer agrees to abide by the
   terms, provisions, declarations, covenants, and restrictions contained in the condominium documents for The
   Condominium Project and acknowledges that he or she will, from time to time, be liable for his or her proportionate
   share of the Association's assessments for maintenance, repair, replacement, and other expenses of administration as
   outlined in the Condominium Bylaws of The Condominium Project.
3. Conveyance of Title.
   (a) DMDC shall convey, and Buyer shall accept, marketable record title (or, at the DMDC's option, insurable title) to
       the Unit, subject only to zoning ordinances, governmental limitations, existing easements and restrictions, and the
       condominium documents for the Condominium Project. As evidence of its title, DMDC shall, at its expense,
       provide Buyer with a commitment (issued by Escrow Agent for a standard A.L.T.A. owner's policy of title
       insurance in the amount of the purchase price. Such title insurance commitment shall constitute conclusive
       evidence of the state of DMDC's title. Within a reasonable time after closing, DMDC will furnish Buyer with the
       owner's title insurance policy.
   (b) Any encumbrance upon DMDC's title to any Unit which may be removed by paying money may be removed by
       DMDC out of the sale proceeds, provided that evidence of this removal satisfactory to the title insurer is presented
       to Buyer when the purchase price is paid.
4. Due Diligence. Upon DMDC’s execution of this Agreement, Buyer, and Buyer's agents, employees, contractors and
   consultants may, prior to closing, conduct such inspections, investigations, appraisals, feasibility studies, and
   determinations of the Unit as Buyer reasonably shall desire in order to determine that the condition of the Unit is
   acceptable ("Due Diligence Investigation"). DMDC has authorized Buyer to complete Phase I environmental
   assessment, but Buyer shall have no right to perform or cause to be performed a Phase II environmental study or any
   invasive or intrusive inspections without first obtaining DMDC’s express written consent. The Due Diligence
   Investigation shall end on July 20, 2023 (“Due Diligence Period”). Buyer may request an extension of the Due
   Diligence Period if needed to complete the environmental assessment. Such request must be submitted in writing no
   less than 7 days prior to the end of the Due Diligence Period.
5. Road Access. The Condominium Project is served by public roads.
6. Closing; Closing Costs. Buyer shall consummate the purchase of the Unit within ten (10) days after the Due
   Diligence Investigation ends (“Date of Closing”). At closing, Buyer shall pay all state and county transfer taxes, the
   title company’s closing fee, the premium for the title insurance policy, recording fees, all other closing costs, and each
   party’s attorney fees. The purchase price shall be paid in immediately available funds. At closing, Buyer will
   reimburse The Community Foundation for Muskegon in the amount of approximately $24,000 for its costs incurred in
   conducting the Phase I and Phase II environmental assessment.
7. Real Estate Taxes. DMDC shall pay, without proration, all installments of special assessments due and payable and
   all real estate taxes which are due and payable against the Unit prior to the Date of Closing and Buyer shall pay special
   assessments due and payable and all real estate taxes due and payable against the Unit thereafter, if any.
                                                         Exhibit A

8. Parking Requirements. The Units are subject to a written Parking License among DMDC, Western Avenue
   Properties, LLC, and Port City Construction & Development Services, LLC, which requires DMDC to provide 50
   parking spaces to Licensee. A copy of the Parking License is attached as Exhibit C.
9. No Other Contingencies. Except for the full execution of the Development Agreement, this Agreement, and the
   transactions contemplated by this Agreement, are not subject to any contingencies, including financing contingencies.
10. Intentionally Omitted.
11. Use Restriction. Buyer may use the Unit solely for purposes of a parking facility, but for no other purpose without
   first obtaining DMDC’s written consent (or DMDC Successors’ (defined below) written consent in the event DMDC is
   no longer in existence). Buyer, at Buyer sole cost and expense, shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of
   the Unit and agrees to keep the Unit and all structures and improvements on the Unit in good condition and repair.
12. Right of First Refusal.
   (a) At Closing, Buyer shall grant DMDC a right first refusal to purchase the Unit as follows: In the event Buyer
   receives a written offer to purchase the Unit which Buyer desires to accept, it shall provide a copy of such offer to
   DMDC. DMDC shall then have ten (10) days to agree to purchase the Unit on the identical terms contained in the
   third-party offer. DMDC shall give Buyer written notice within said ten (10) day period of DMDC’s intent to exercise
   this right of first refusal and shall then proceed to close on the purchase according to the terms of the third-party offer.
   In the event DMDC does not exercise its right of first refusal as to a third-party offer, and in the event Buyer sells the
   Unit, this right of first refusal shall lapse. In the event DMDC does not exercise this right of first refusal and Buyer
   does not sell the Unit to said third party, this right of first refusal shall remain in full force and effect.
   (b) For purposes of this paragraph 12, in the event DMDC is no longer in existence at the time Buyer receives a
   written offer to purchase the Unit which Buyer desires to accept, “DMDC” for purposes of this paragraph 12 shall
   mean the following three parties: _ (i) Community Foundation for Muskegon County, a Michigan nonprofit
   corporation, of 425 W. Western Avenue, Suite 200, Muskegon, Michigan 49440; (ii) Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of
   Commerce, Inc., a Michigan nonprofit corporation, of 380 W. Western Avenue, Muskegon, Michigan 49440; and (iii)
   The Paul C. Johnson Foundation, a Michigan nonprofit corporation, of 425 W. Western Avenue, Suite 200, Muskegon,
   Michigan 49440 (collectively, “DMDC Successors”). The right of first refusal granted in paragraph 12(a), as well as
   the applicable time periods, shall also apply to the DMDC Successors. In order for the DMDC Successors to exercise
   the right of first refusal, all three parties that consist of the DMDC Successors shall unanimously consent to the
   exercise of such right of first refusal. _____
13. Default. If Buyer fails to meet Buyer’s obligations under this Agreement and continues in default for ten (10) days
   after notification from the DMDC, DMDC may without further notice terminate Buyer's rights under this Agreement
   and retain the Deposit as liquidated damages and may pursue any and all other remedies available to DMDC.
14. No Warranty. Buyer agrees to accept the Unit in its present "AS IS" condition, with no warranties concerning its
   DAMAGES OF ANY KIND. The limitations on liability for lost profits, incidental damages or consequential damages
   shall survive any failure of essential purpose of this limited warranty. In all cases, the DMDC's liability shall be
   limited to return of the Deposit.
15.    Notices. All notices, approvals, consents and other communications required under this Agreement shall be in
   writing and shall be deemed given: (i) when delivered in person; (ii) when sent by fax or email: (iii) when sent by a
   nationally-recognized receipted overnight delivery service with delivery fees prepaid; or (iv) when sent by United
   States first-class, registered, or certified mail, postage prepaid. The notice shall be effective immediately upon personal
   delivery or upon transmission of the fax or email; one day after depositing with a nationally recognized overnight
   delivery service; and five days after sending by first class, registered, or certified mail.
   Notices shall be sent to the parties as follows:
        To DMDC:         Downtown Muskegon Development Co.
                                                        Exhibit A

                        Attn: Steve Olsen
                        761 Alberta Avenue
                        Muskegon, MI 49441

        With Copy to: Parmenter Law
                      Attn: Christopher L. Kelly
                      601 Terrace Street, Suite 200
                      Muskegon, Michigan 49440

        To Buyer:       City of Muskegon
                        Attn: ________________
                        933 Terrace St.
                        Muskegon, MI 49440-1397
                        Email: _____________________

        With Copy to: Parmenter Law
                      Attn: Christopher L. Kelly
                      601 Terrace Street, Suite 200
                      Muskegon, Michigan 49440

16. Usage of Terms. The pronouns and relative words in this Agreement used when referring to the Buyer are written in
   the singular masculine and feminine only. If the Buyer is joint or a business entity, such words shall be read as if
   written in plural or as appropriate in the circumstances.
17. Partial Invalidity. The invalidation of any portion of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of the remainder.
18. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall supersede any and all previous agreements between DMDC and Buyer with
   respect to each Unit and bind DMDC and Buyer, and their respective heirs, personal representatives, administrators,
   executors, assigns, and successors. Buyer may not assign or transfer Buyer’s rights and obligations under this
19. Preparation by Intermediary. DMDC and Buyer each acknowledge and agree that this Agreement and all
   documents to be executed in connection with the closing of the transaction were prepared by Parmenter Law as an
   intermediary between DMDC and Buyer only; that Parmenter Law has represented and continues to represent both
   DMDC and Buyer with regard to personal and business matters; that Parmenter Law has fully disclosed and discussed
   the prior representations and the conflict with both parties; that conflicts may exist or arise between the individual
   interests of DMDC and Buyer and that legal counsel is prohibited from representing parties where a legal conflict
   exists; that DMDC and Buyer have each been advised to seek (and have had an adequate opportunity to seek) advice
   from independent legal counsel with respect to their respective rights, this transaction, and the execution of this
   Agreement and documents referenced herein; and that both DMDC and Buyer hereby waive the conflict and
   affirmatively consent to the intermediary representation of both parties by Parmenter Law.
                                                  Exhibit B

                                          DEVELOPMENT PLAN

   The City of Muskegon agrees that the Unit shall be used solely for the purpose of a parking facility,
including a parking structure, and for no other purpose without first obtaining DMDC’s express written consent.
Buyer shall be solely responsible, at Buyer’s expense, for all maintenance and repair of the Unit and the
improvements on the Unit and agrees to keep the same in good condition and repair.

   In the event DMDC is no longer in existence at the time the City of Muskegon requests the Unit be used for
any purpose other than a parking facility, the City of Muskegon shall obtain such consent, which must be
unanimous and in writing, from DMDC’s successors in interest, which parties are as follows: (i) Community
Foundation for Muskegon County, a Michigan nonprofit corporation, of 425 W. Western Avenue, Suite 200,
Muskegon, Michigan 49440; (ii) Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce, Inc., a Michigan nonprofit
corporation, of 380 W. Western Avenue, Muskegon, Michigan 49440; and (iii) The Paul C. Johnson
Foundation, a Michigan nonprofit corporation, of 425 W. Western Avenue, Suite 200, Muskegon, Michigan
49440 (collectively, “DMDC Successors”). In the event the City of Muskegon does not obtain such necessary
unanimous consent from the DMDC Successors, the Unit shall continue to be used solely for the purpose of a
parking facility until such time as the City of Muskegon receives unanimous consent from the DMDC
   Exhibit C

Parking License

 [See attached]
               Broersma & Broersma
               Real Estate Appraisers
              384 Saddleback Drive NE
         Grand Rapids, Michigan 49525
             Telephone: 616-454-2044

     Restricted Appraisal Report
       387 & 401 Morris Avenue
  Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Downtown Muskegon Development Company
       Attn: Mr. David Medendorp
            3024 Glade Street
       Muskegon, Michigan 49444

             Date of Report:
           September 22, 2022

       Date of Physical Inspection:
            August 18, 2022

         Effective Date of Report:
             August 18, 2022

          Stacey L. Broersma GAA
  Certified General Real Estate Appraiser

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

                         Restricted Appraisal Report

This is a Restricted Appraisal Report which is intended to comply with the reporting
requirements set forth by the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice for
an Appraisal Report. As such, it presents some discussions of the data, reasoning, and
analyses that were used in the appraisal process to develop the appraiser’s opinion of
value. Supporting documentation concerning the data, reasoning, and analyses is
contained in the appraisal, addendum and the appraiser’s file. The depth of discussion
contained in this report is specific to the needs of the client and for the intended use
stated within this report. The appraiser is not responsible for unauthorized use of this

CLIENT:                               Downtown Muskegon Development Company
                                      c/o Mr. David Medendorp
                                      3024 Glade Street
                                      Muskegon, Michigan 49444

APPRAISER:                            Stacey L. Broersma GAA
                                      Certified General Real Estate Appraiser
                                      Broersma & Broersma Real Estate Appraisers

SUBJECT:                              Parcel #1
                                      387 Morris Avenue, Muskegon, Muskegon County, MI

                                      Parcel #2
                                      401 Morris Avenue, Muskegon, Muskegon County, MI

The global outbreak of a “novel coronavirus” known as COVID-19 was officially declared
a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). The reader is cautioned and
reminded that the conclusions presented in this appraisal report apply only as of the
effective date(s) indicated. The appraiser makes no representation as to the effect on
the subject property of any unforeseen event, subsequent to the effective date of the

Taken with permission from LIA Administrators & Insurance Services.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

             Summary of Salient Facts and Conclusions:

Date of Appraisal Report:                      September 22, 2022

Date of Physical Inspection of Property:       August 18, 2022

Effective Date of the Appraisal:               August 18, 2022

Addresses:                                     Property #1
                                               387 Morris Avenue
                                               Muskegon, Muskegon County,

                                               Property #2
                                               401 Morris Avenue
                                               Muskegon, Muskegon County,

Interest Appraised:                            Fee Simple Estate

Permanent Parcel #’s:                          Property #1

                                               Property #2

Ownership:                                     Property #1
                                               Downtown Muskegon
                                               Development Center Company

                                               Property #2
                                               Downtown Muskegon
                                               Development Center Company

Land Size:                                     Property #1
                                               24,572 SF (.56 acres)

                                               Property #2
                                               24,572 SF (.56 acres)

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

   Summary of Salient Facts and Conclusions: (continued)

Flood Plain Designation:                      The subject properties are
                                              not located within a
                                              Special Flood Hazard Area
                                              and do not qualify under
                                              the Federal Flood
                                              Insurance Program.

Zoning:                                       B-3, Central Business

Type of Property:                             Vacant Land

Highest and Best Use, as Vacant:              Future mixed-use

Exposure Time:                                4 to 8 months

Hypothetical Conditions:                      None

                                              Parcel #1
Market Value via Cost Approach:               N/A

Market Value via Capitalization Approach:     N/A

Market Value via Sales Comparison Approach:   $250,000

                                              Parcel #1
Market Value via Cost Approach:               N/A

Market Value via Capitalization Approach:     N/A

Market Value via Sales Comparison Approach:   $250,000

Estimated Market Values:                      Parcel #1

                                              Parcel #2

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan


       1. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the statements of fact contained in
this appraisal report, upon which the analyses, opinions and conclusions expressed
herein are based, are true and correct.

      2. I have no present or contemplated future interest in the real estate that is the
subject of this appraisal report.

      3. I have no personal interest or bias with respect to the subject matter of this
appraisal report or the parties involved.

      4. This appraisal report sets forth all of the limiting conditions (imposed by the
terms of our assignment or by the undersigned) affecting the analyses, opinions and
conclusions contained in this report.

       5. My analysis, opinions, and conclusions were developed and this report has
been prepared, in conformity with Title XI of the Federal Financial Institutions Reform,
Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA) and its regulations, as well as the
Code of Professional Ethics and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal
Practice of the Appraisal Foundation and the Appraisal Institute.

       6. No one other the undersigned prepared the analyses, conclusions and
opinions concerning real estate that are set forth in this appraisal report.

       7. My compensation is not contingent upon the reporting of a predetermined
value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client, the amount of the value
estimate, the obtainment of a stipulated result or the occurrence of a subsequent event.

      8. Stacey L. Broersma GAA, Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, has
personally inspected the subject property.

      9. This appraisal assignment was not based on a requested minimum valuation,
a specific valuation or the approval of a loan.

        10. The use of this report is subject to the requirements of the Appraisal Institute
relating to review by its duly authorized representatives.

      11. As of the date of this report, Stacey L. Broersma GAA, Certified General
Real Estate Appraiser, has completed the continuing education program of the State of

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Certification (continued)
      12. Disclosure of the contents of this appraisal report is governed by the By-Laws
and Regulations of the Appraisal Institute.

       13. Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report (especially any
conclusions as to value, the identity of the appraisers or the firm with which he/she is
connected, or any reference to the Appraisal Institute) shall be disseminated to the
public through advertising media, public relations media, news media, sales media or
any other public means of communications, without the written consent and approval of
the undersigned.

       14. The appraiser has been a Certified General Real Estate Appraiser in the
State of Michigan since 1996. The appraiser has experience in evaluating various types
of commercial, multiple-family, office and industrial facilities, as well as vacant land and
special purpose properties. The appraiser also has experience appraising numerous
properties within the subject property’s market area. Therefore, the appraiser is
considered to be competent to prepare this report. Further, I have complied with the
Competency Provision of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of
the Appraisal Standards Board of The Appraisal Foundation.

      15. The appraiser has not previously prepared a Market Value of the subject
property within the past 3 years.

       16. In Michigan, appraisers are required to be licensed/certified and are
regulated by the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, P.O. Box
30670, Lansing, MI 48909.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Certification (continued)
Based upon the reasoning contained in this appraisal report and on the Assumptions
and Limiting Conditions as contained herein, it is my opinion that the subject properties
have Market Values as of August 18, 2022, excluding any Furniture, Fixtures &
Equipment (FF&E), Going Concern and Intangible Items, as follows:

Parcel #1 – 387 Morris Avenue                                        $250,000

Parcel #2 – 401 Morris Avenue                                        $250,000

Stacey L. Broersma GAA
Certified General Real Estate Appraiser
Permanent ID No. 1205003358

The global outbreak of a “novel coronavirus” known as COVID-19 was officially declared
a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). The reader is cautioned and
reminded that the conclusions presented in this appraisal report apply only as of the
effective date(s) indicated. The appraiser makes no representation as to the effect on
the subject property of any unforeseen event, subsequent to the effective date of the

Taken with permission from LIA Administrators & Insurance Services.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Statement of Assumptions and Limiting Conditions
This appraisal report was made subject to the following limiting conditions and

       1. No responsibility is assumed for legal description provided or for matters
pertaining to legal or title considerations. Title to the property is assumed to be good
and marketable unless otherwise stated.

      2. The property is appraised free and clear of any or all liens or encumbrances
unless otherwise stated.

       3. Responsible ownership and competent property management are assumed.

       4. The information furnished by others is believed to be reliable, but no warranty
is given to accuracy.

      5. There is absolutely no contingency between the compensation for this
appraisal report and the values reported.

       6. All engineering studies are assumed to be correct. Any sketch in this report
may show approximate dimensions and is to be used for reference purposes only, no
guarantee as to accuracy is expressed or implied unless otherwise stated in this report.
The plot plans and illustrative material in this report are included only to help the reader
visualize the property.

       7. It is assumed that there are no hidden or unapparent conditions of the
properties, subsoil, or structures that render it more or less valuable. No responsibility
is assumed for such conditions or for obtaining the engineering studies that may be
required to discover them.

       8. It is assumed that the property is in full compliance with all applicable federal,
state and local environmental regulations and laws unless the lack of compliance is
stated, described and considered in the appraisal report.

       9. It is assumed that the property conforms to all applicable zoning and use
regulations and restrictions unless a nonconformity has been identified, described and
considered in the appraisal report.

       10. It is assumed that all required licenses, certificates of occupancy, consents
and other legislative or administrative authority from any local, state or national
government or private entity or organization have been or can be obtained or renewed
for any use on which the value estimate contained in this report is based.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Statement of Assumptions and Limiting Conditions
      11. It is assumed that the use of the land and improvements is confined within
the boundaries or property lines of the property described and that there is no
encroachment or trespass unless noted in the report.

      12. Unless otherwise stated in this report, the existence of hazardous materials,
which may or may not be present on the property, was not observed by the appraiser.
The appraiser has no knowledge of the existence of such materials on or in the
property. The appraiser, however, is not qualified to detect such substances.

        13. The presence of substances such as asbestos, ure-formaldehyde foam
insulation and other potentially hazardous materials may affect the value of the
property. The value estimated is predicated on the assumption that there is no such
material on or in the property that would cause a loss in value. No responsibility is
assumed for such conditions or for any expertise or engineering knowledge required to
discover them. The client is urged to retain an expert in this field, if desired.

The appraisal report has been made with the following general limiting conditions:

      1. Any allocation of the total value estimated in this report between the land and
the improvements applies only under the stated program of utilization. The separate
values allocated to the land and building must not be used in conjunction with any other
appraisal and are invalid if so used.

       2. Possession of this report, or a copy thereof, does not carry with it the right of

       3. Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report (especially any
conclusions as of to value, the identity of the appraisers or the firm with which the
appraisers are connected) may be used for any purpose by any person other than the
party to whom it is addressed without the written consent of the appraisers or in any
event without the proper written qualification and only in its entirety. This appraisal
report shall not be disseminated to the public through advertising, public relations,
news, sales or other media without the prior written consent and approval of the

       4. The appraiser, by reason of this appraisal, is not required to give further
consultation or testimony or to be in attendance in court with reference to the property in
question unless arrangements have been previously made.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Statement of Assumptions and Limiting Conditions
      5. Any value estimates provided in the report apply to the property it its entirety
and any proration or division of the total into fractional interests will invalidate the value
estimate, unless such proration or division of interest has been set forth in the report.

       6. The forecasts, projections or operating estimates contained herein are based
on current market conditions, anticipated short-term supply and demand factors and a
continued stable economy. These forecasts are, therefore, subject to changes with
future conditions.

        7. The American with Disabilities Act ("ADA") became effective January 26,
1992. I (we) have not made a specific compliance survey and analysis of this property
to determine whether or not it is in conformity with the various detailed requirements of
the ADA. It is possible that a compliance survey of the property, together with a
detailed analysis of the requirements of the ADA, could reveal that the property is not in
compliance with one or more of the requirements of the Act. If so, this fact could have a
negative effect upon the value of the property. Since I (we) have no direct evidence
relating to this issue, I (we) did not consider possible noncompliance with the
requirements of ADA in estimating the value of the property. Broersma & Broersma is
not qualified to render an opinion as to whether the subject building meets or will meet
the requirements for compliance with ADA. For this appraisal, it is assumed the subject
property either meets the requirements of the ADA or will be made to conform to those

        8.     ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLAIMER: The value estimated is based on the
assumption that the property is not negatively affected by the existence of hazardous
substances or detrimental environmental conditions unless otherwise stated in this
report. The appraisers are not trained or qualified to recognize or evaluate such
hazards, nor to estimate the cost of detection, containment, removal or cleanup. No
responsibility is assumed for such conditions or for engineering studies which may be
required to discover them. The appraisers’ routine inspection of and inquiries about the
subject property did not develop any information that indicated any apparent significant
hazardous substances or detrimental environmental conditions which would affect the
properties negatively unless otherwise stated in this report. It is possible that tests and
inspections made by a qualified hazardous substance and environmental expert would
reveal the existence of hazardous substances on or around the property that would
negatively affect its value. This appraisal and conclusion of value is made exclusive of
any consideration for such costs if necessary and their impact on value.

       9. The appraiser assumes that the reader or user of this report has been
provided with copies of available building plans and all leases and amendments, if any,
that encumber the property.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

The Valuation Process
The Appraisal of Real Estate, 14th Edition (Chicago: Appraisal Institute, 2013)
describes the valuation process as follows:

“The valuation process is a systematic procedure an appraiser follows to provide
answers to a client's questions about real property value. It is a model that can be
adapted to a wide variety of questions that relate to value. It can also be used-perhaps
with some modification-to answer questions not directly related to value, as in case of
review and consulting assignments.

The valuation process begins when the appraiser enters into an agreement with a client
to provide a valuation service. Generally, the terms of the agreement are satisfied when
the appraiser delivers the assignment results (opinions and conclusions) that were
agreed upon with the client. The objective of most appraisal assignments is to develop
an opinion of market value. The valuation process contains all the steps appropriate to
this type of assignment. The model also provides the framework for developing an
opinion of other defined values.

The valuation process is accomplished through specific steps. The number of steps
followed depends on the intended use of the assignment results, the nature of the
property, the scope of work deemed appropriate for the assignment, and the availability
of data. The model provides a pattern that can be used in any appraisal assignment to
perform market research and data analysis, to apply appraisal techniques, and to
integrate the results of these activities into an opinion of defined value. In addition to
assisting appraisers in their work, models that apply the valuation process are
recognized by the market of appraisal users and facilitate their understanding of
appraisal conclusions.

Research begins after the appraisal problem has been identified and the scope of work
required to solve the problem has been determined. The analysis of data relevant to
the problem starts with an investigation of trends observed at the market level-
international, national, regional, or neighborhood. This investigation (i.e. market
analysis) helps the appraiser understand the interrelationships among the principles,
forces, and factors that affect real property value in the specific market area. Research
also provides raw data from which the appraiser can extract quantitative information and
other evidence of market trends. Such trends may include positive or negative
percentage changes in property value over a number of years, the population
movement into an area, and the number of employment opportunities available and
their effect on the purchasing power of potential property users.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

The Valuation Process (continued)
In assignments to develop an opinion of market value, the ultimate goal of the valuation
process is a well-supported value conclusion that reflects all of the pertinent factors that
influence the market value of the property being appraised. To achieve this goal, an
appraiser studies a property from three different viewpoints, which are referred to as the
approaches to value.

1.     In the cost approach, value is estimated as the current cost of reproducing or
       replacing the improvements (including an appropriate entrepreneurial incentive
       or profit) minus the loss in value from depreciation plus land value.

2.     In the sales comparison approach, value is indicated by recent sales of
       comparable properties in the market.

3.     In the income capitalization approach, value is indicated by a property's
       earning power, based on the capitalization of income.

Traditionally, specific appraisal techniques are applied within the three approaches to
derive indications of real property value. One or more approaches to value may be
used depending on which approaches are necessary to produce credible assignment
results, given the intended use.

The three approaches are interrelated. Each requires the gathering and analysis of
data that pertains to the property being appraised. Each approach is outlined briefly in
this chapter and discussed in detail in subsequent sections of the book. From the
approaches applied, the appraiser develops separate indications of value for the
property being appraised. To complete the valuation process, the appraiser integrates
the information drawn from the valuation process, the appraiser integrates the
information drawn from market research, data analysis, and the application of the
approaches to reach a value conclusion. This conclusion may be presented as a single
point estimate of value or, if the assignment permits, as a range within which the value
may fall (or as a point referenced from a benchmark). An effective integration of all the
elements in the process depends on the appraiser's skill, experience, and judgment.

For the reasons discussed herein, the subject properties have been valued by utilizing
the Sales Comparison Approach only.

The components of the valuation process are shown in Figure 7.1 (taken from The
Appraisal of Real Estate, 14th Edition (Chicago: Appraisal Institute, 2013), which is
detailed as follows:


387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Purpose of the Appraisal
The purpose of this appraisal report is to develop an opinion of the Market Values of the
owner's rights and interest in the subject properties, subject to any lease or leases in
effect as of the date of the appraisal, but as if free and clear of debt. Furthermore, this
appraisal estimates the Market Values of the subject properties as of August 18, 2022,
the date of physical inspection of the subject properties.

Market Value is defined in The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, 6th Edition
(Chicago: Appraisal Institute, 2015), as “A type of value that is the major focus of most
real property appraisal assignments. Both economic and legal definitions of market
value have been developed and refined, such as the following:

1. The most widely accepted components of market value are incorporated in the
following definition: The most probable price, as of a specified date, in cash, or in terms
equivalent to cash, or in other precisely revealed terms, for which the specified property
rights should sell after reasonable exposure in a competitive market under all conditions
requisite to a fair sale, with the buyer and seller each acting prudently, knowledgeably,
and for self-interest, and assuming that neither is under undue duress.

2. Market Value is described, not defined, in the Uniform Standards of Professional
Appraisal Practice (USPAP) as follows: A type of value, stated as an opinion, that
presumes the transfer of a property (i.e., a right of ownership or a bundle of such rights),
as of a certain date, under specific conditions set forth in the definition of the term
identified by the appraiser as applicable in an appraisal.” (USPAP, 2016-2017 ed.)

Forming an opinion of market value is the purpose of many real property appraisal
assignments, particularly when the client’s intended use includes more than one
intended user. The condition included in market value definitions establish market
perspectives for development of the opinion. These conditions may vary from definition
to definition but generally fall into three categories:

   a. The relationship, knowledge, and motivation of the parties (i.e. seller and buyer);

   b. The terms of the sale (e.g. cash, cash equivalent, or other terms); and

   c. The condition of sale (e.g. exposure in a competitive market for a reasonable
      time prior to sale).

USPAP also requires that certain items be included in every appraisal report. Among
these items, the following are directly related to the definition of market value:

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Purpose of the Appraisal (continued)
●      Identification of the specific property rights to be appraised.

●      Statement of the effective date of the value opinion.

●      Specification as to whether cash, terms equivalent to cash, or other precisely
       described financing terms are assumed as the basis of the appraisal.

●      If the appraisal is conditioned upon financing or other terms, specifications as to
       whether the financing or terms are at, below, or above market interest rates
       and/or contain unusual conditions or incentives. The terms of above-or below-
       market interest rates and/or other special incentives must be clearly set forth;
       their contribution to, or negative influence on, value must be described and
       estimated; and the market data supported the opinion of value must be described
       and explained.

3.     The following definition of market value is used by agencies that regulate
       federally insured financial institutions in the United States. The most probable
       price that a property should bring in a competitive and open market under all
       conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting prudently and
       knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus.
       Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as a specified date and
       the passing of title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby:

●      Buyer and seller are typically motivated;

●      Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider
       their best interests;

●      A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market;

●      Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms of financial
       arrangements comparable thereto; and

●      The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by
       special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associated
       with the sale. (12 C.F.R. Part 34.42(g); 55 Federal Register 34696, August 24,
       1990, as amended at 57 Federal Register 12202, April 9, 1992; 59 Federal
       Register 29499, June 7, 1994)

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Purpose of the Appraisal (continued)
4. The International Valuation Standards Council defined market value for the purposes
of international standards as follows: The estimated amount for which an asset of
liability should exchange on the valuation date between a willing buyer and a willing
seller in an arm’s length transaction, after property marketing and where the parties had
each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion. (IVS).

5. The Uniform Standard for Federal Land Acquisitions defines market value as follows:
Market Value in the amount in cash , or on terms reasonably equivalent to cash, for
which in all probability the property would have sold on the effective date of the
appraiser, after a reasonable exposure time on the open competitive market, from a
willing and reasonably knowledgeable buyer, with neither acting under any compulsion
to buy or sell, giving due consideration to all available economic uses of the property at
the time of the appraisal, (Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions).

The most recently listed definition (No. 3) is the definition of Market Value utilized for
purposes of this value estimate.

Client and Intended User of the Appraisal
This appraisal report was completed for the sole purpose of assisting the client,
Downtown Muskegon Development Company, as stipulated by the assignment, in the
determination of the Market Values of the subject properties. The intended use of this
appraisal report and its concluded value estimate is to assist the client in making
internal decisions in regards to the real estate portion of the subject properties.

Interest Value (Property Rights Appraised)
The subject properties consist of vacant parcels of land that are not leased via Land
Leases. Due to this condition, the subject properties are considered to be available in
Fee Simple Estate. Fee Simple Estate is defined as "Absolute ownership
unencumbered by any other interest or estate, subject only to the limitations imposed by
the governmental powers of taxation, eminent domain, police power and escheat." The
Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, 6th Edition (Chicago: Appraisal Institute, 2015

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

The Appraisal Process
There are 3 methods that are available when estimating the market value of real estate.
They are the Cost Approach, the Sales Comparison Approach and the Income
Capitalization Approach.

The Cost Approach is defined in The Appraisal of Real Estate, 14th Edition (Chicago:
Appraisal Institute, 2013) as "A set of procedures through which a value indication is
derived for the fee simple estate by estimating the current cost to construct a
reproduction of (or replacement for) the existing structure; including an entrepreneurial
incentive or profit, deducting depreciation from the total cost, and adding the estimated
land value. Adjustments may then be made to the indicated fee simple value of the
subject property to reflect the value of the property interest being appraised."

Depreciation to real estate can result from 3 causes which are curable and incurable
physical depreciation and functional obsolescence and external obsolescence. Physical
depreciation is the result of the actual physical wearing out of the property, functional
obsolescence is caused by inadequacies or super adequacies within the property itself
and external obsolescence is caused by factors outside the property. Added to this
estimated depreciated value is the value of the land, which is estimated based on actual
market sales.

The Sales Comparison Approach is defined in The Appraisal of Real Estate, 14th
Edition (Chicago: Appraisal Institute, 2013) as "The process of deriving a value
indication for the subject property by comparing similar properties that have recently
sold with the property being appraised, identifying appropriate units of comparison, and
making adjustments to the sale prices (or unit prices, as appropriate) of the comparable
properties based on relevant, market-derived elements of comparison. The sales
comparison approach may be used to value improved properties, vacant land, or land
being considered as through vacant when an adequate supply of comparable sales is

The Income Capitalization Approach is defined in The Appraisal of Real Estate, 14th
Edition (Chicago: Appraisal Institute, 2013) as a set of procedures through which "An
appraiser analyzes a property’s capacity to generate future benefits and capitalizes the
income into an indication of present value. The principal of anticipation is fundamental
to the approach. Techniques and procedures from this approach are also used to
analyze comparable sales data in the sales comparison approach and to measure
obsolescence in the cost approach.” In addition, the income capitalization approach is
defined as “Specific appraisal techniques applied to develop a value indication for a
property based on its earning capability and calculated by the capitalization of property
income.” The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, 6th Edition (Chicago: Appraisal
Institute, 2015).

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Scope of Work:
The Scope of Work is defined in The Appraisal of Real Estate, 14th Edition (Chicago:
Appraisal Institute, 2013) as "The type and extent of research and analyses in an
assignment.” “The scope of work for an assignment is acceptable if it leads to credible
assignment results, is consistent with the expectations of parties who are regularly
intended users for similar assignments and is consistent with what the actions of the
appraiser’s peers would be in the same or similar assignment.”

In the performance of this appraisal assignment, the appraiser was engaged by Mr.
David Medendorp on behalf of Downtown Muskegon Development Company, as
stipulated by the assignment, in the determination of the Market Values of the subject
properties. The appraiser has not previously prepared an appraisal report to estimate
the Market Values of the subject properties within the past 3 years. In the process of
preparing this value estimate, the appraiser viewed the subject sites. I then gathered
pertinent information on the subject properties, such as ownership, sales history, the
property rights being appraised, the purpose and function of the appraisal and lease
information. I also secured current information on the subject properties such as legal
description and size and shape of the sites. Governmental data was also obtained
including the assessed and taxable valuations and zoning data. The subject properties
are identified within this appraisal report via addresses and legal descriptions, which
were taken from the Assessment Records of the City of Muskegon.

The description of the subject sites is based upon a personal inspection and plat maps
that were prepared by the Muskegon County GIS. Photographs of the properties were
taken at the time of physical inspection and are included as a part of this appraisal
report. The appraiser observed the general area and the specific neighborhood in
which the subject properties are located.

The appraiser then analyzed all this information to determine the Highest and Best Use
of the subject site, as vacant and as improved. The Highest and Best Use of the
property was analyzed in the context of the reasonable and probable use which will
yield the highest value as of the effective date of the appraisal. The next step in this
appraisal process was to consider 3 approaches to value: Cost Approach, Sales
Comparison Approach and Income Capitalization Approach.

The Cost Approach is a valuable tool when estimating the Market Value of new or
special purpose properties, where the actual construction costs are known and where a
reliable estimate of depreciation and obsolescence can be made. The subject
properties consist primarily of a vacant parcel of land (properties do have some site
improvements) and the Cost Approach is not considered to be an applicable approach
when estimating the Market Values of the subject properties.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Scope of Work: (continued)
The Income Capitalization Approach considers the subject property from an investment
standpoint, recognizing the quality and quantity of the potential income stream. The
subject properties consist primarily of vacant parcels of land (properties do have some
site improvements) that are unencumbered by any Land Lease agreement(s) and are
considered to be available in Fee Simple Estate. As a result, the Income Capitalization
Approach was not utilized in the valuation of the subject properties.

The Sales Comparison Approach allows the appraiser to estimate the value of Real
Estate by comparing recent sales of similar properties in the surrounding or competing
areas to the subject property. Inherent in this approach is the principle of substitution,
which “holds that the value of a property tends to be set by the price that would be paid
to acquire a substitute property of similar utility and desirability within a reasonable
amount of time.” The Sales Comparison Approach is based on current listings, pending
sales and closed sales of vacant sites that allow similar uses. These sales were
verified, analyzed and then adjusted to reflect any dissimilarities between each of the
properties and the sale.

In the valuation, where factual market information as used to arrive at a conclusion, the
appraiser verified those facts, or relied on the verification of other credible persons,
such as Sellers and Buyers, as well as local commercial real estate brokers and

The appraiser prepared this appraisal in a narrative Restricted Report format. This is
intended to contain sufficient summary information to enable the client to understand it
without being misled or confused. This appraisal is subject to the Assumptions and
Limiting Conditions, discussed in a previous section of this report.

The consideration of the effect of possible toxic or hazardous substances upon the
subject properties is beyond the scope of this appraisal, which is intended solely to
provide a base Market Value as if unaffected by any hazardous materials that may be
subsequently confirmed and quantified by qualified experts in this field. The appraiser
cautions against the use of this appraisal without the knowledge of the intended
purpose and scope of the appraisal.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Permanent Parcel # and Governmental Data:
The subject properties are situated in the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County,
Michigan, within the Muskegon City Public School District. The subject properties are
identified for tax purposes as Tax ID#’s:

387 Morris Avenue                                           61-24-233-000-0001-00

401 Morris Avenue                                           61-24-233-000-0002-00

Legal Descriptions:
387 Morris Avenue
Unit 1, Subject to Easement for Overhead/Underground Electric Lines recorded
3724/701, to the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan.

401 Morris Avenue
Unit 2, Subject to Easement for Overhead/Underground Electric Lines recorded
3724/701, to the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan.

Appraiser’s Note:
These legal descriptions were taken from the Assessment Records of the City of
Muskegon, are assumed to be correct and should be compared with a title insurance
policy or abstract of title for accuracy, easements or exceptions.

Land Description:
Current locational or boundary surveys on the subject properties were not supplied to
the appraiser in the preparation of this appraisal report and its concluded value
estimate. As a result, your appraiser relied upon plat maps that were prepared by the
Muskegon County GIS. According to this plat map, the property that is legally described
as Muskegon County Permanent Parcel #61-24-233-000-0001-00 (387 Morris Avenue),
consists of a rectangular-shaped parcel of land that is located on the southerly side of
Morris Avenue. Beginning in the far north corner of the site, land runs southeasterly
141.59 feet, then runs southwesterly 199.71 feet along the northerly side of an 18’ wide
alley, then runs northwesterly 123 feet, then runs northeasterly 199.84 feet along the
southerly side of Morris Avenue to the point of beginning, and the site contains 24,572
square feet (.56 acres), more or less (see copy of plat map in Addenda section of this
appraisal report for approximate site dimensions and configuration).

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Land Description: (continued)
Further, according to the Muskegon County GIS plat map, the property that is legally
described as Muskegon County Permanent Parcel #61-24-233-000-0002-00
(401 Morris Avenue), consists of a rectangular-shaped parcel of land that is located at
the southeasterly corner of Morris Avenue and Third Street. Beginning in the far north
corner of the site, land runs southeasterly 123 feet, then runs southwesterly 199.71 feet
along the northerly side of an 18’ wide alley, then runs northwesterly 123 feet, then runs
northeasterly 199.83 feet along the southerly side of Morris Avenue to the point of
beginning, and the site contains 24,572 square feet (.56 acres), more or less (see copy
of plat map in Addenda section of this appraisal report for approximate site dimensions
and configuration).

The subject sites consist primarily of vacant parcels of land. These sites do have some
asphalt paving, exterior light poles and landscaped poured concrete islands.

Terrain of the sites is relatively level being at Morris Avenue and Third Avenue grades.
The surface drainage on these sites appeared acceptable at the time of inspection,
however, seasonal variations may occur and subsurface drainage conditions are

The subject properties are not located in close proximity to any known hazards or
nuisances that would have a negative impact on the subject properties’ Market Values.

Morris Avenue traverses in a northeasterly/southwesterly course, is 2 lanes with paved
surface and is improved with poured concrete curbs and sidewalks. Third Street
traverses in a northwesterly/southeasterly course, is 2 lanes with paved surface and is
improved with poured concrete curbs and sidewalks.

Utilities available to the subject property include municipal water, sanitary sewer, natural
gas, electricity, telephone and internet

Unless otherwise noted, standard utility and right-of-way easements are insignificant to
value. Surveys on the subject properties were not supplied to the appraiser which may
reveal encroachments, zoning violations or other matters of interest that could warrant
modification of the appraised values. If such items would be revealed, the values of the
properties may require modification.

The appraiser has made no special effort to discover any adverse environmental
conditions and accepts no responsibility for such discovery. The appraiser has no
special expertise regarding environmental hazards and this report must not be
considered as an environmental assessment of the properties. The appraiser was not
furnished with an environmental report during the preparation of this appraisal report
and its concluded value, and it is not known if a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Land Description: (continued)
has been prepared on the subject sites. It is the recommendation of the appraiser that
a new Phase I Environmental Site Assessment be completed on the subject properties.
This assessment should be prepared by a Certified environmental firm to determine if
any past, present or potential contaminants exist on the subject properties. These value
estimates are made predicated upon the assumption that there are no contaminated
soils on the sites. If adverse environmental conditions were observed, the value
estimates would likely require modification.

When determining if the subject properties are located in a Special Flood Hazard Area,
the appraiser relied upon information prepared by CoreLogic FloodInsights, prepared by
the Federal Emergency Management Agency. According to this data, the subject
properties are not located within a Special Flood Hazard Area and therefore does not
qualify under the Federal Flood Insurance Program (see copy of the CoreLogic
FloodInsights Flood Zone Determination Report; Map Number: 26121C0257E; Panel
Date October 7, 2021, in Addenda section of this appraisal report).

Ownership and Sales History of the Property:
According to the Assessment Records of the City of Muskegon, the subject properties
are reported to be in the ownership of Downtown Muskegon Development Company,
whose address is c/o 380 W. Western Avenue, Suite 202, Muskegon, Michigan 49440.

In accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP),
the appraiser must consider and analyze any prior sales of the properties which have
occurred within the last 3 years, as well as any current agreements of sale, options, or
listings of the properties. According to the Assessment Records of the City of
Muskegon, there have been no reported arm’s length sales of the subject properties
within the past 3 years.

According to the local Multiple Listing Services (CAR and FlexMLS) the subject
properties are not currently and have not been listed available for sale or lease during
the past 3 years of this value estimate. The appraiser is unaware of any signed
agreements to purchase or lease the subject properties.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

State Equalized Value, Taxable Value, True Cash Value and
Tax Payments:
Each property assessed for real estate purposes in the State of Michigan has an S.E.V.
(State Equalized Valuation), Capped Value, and Taxable Value. State Equalization
Value is initially established by the local assessor and is statutorily required to reflect
50% of the True Cash Value (also known as “market value”) of the property on the tax
day, December 31, of each year. The local assessment is then subject to equalization,
which results in the property’s State Equalized Value (S.E.V.).

To determine the current year’s Taxable Value, the assessor must calculate Capped
Value. Capped Value is calculated by deducting losses from last year’s Taxable Value,
then multiplying by the Consumer Price Index or 5% (which is less), and finally including
additions. The lesser of the S.E. V. or Capped Value is the current year’s tentative
Taxable Value of the subject property. When a transfer of ownership occurs, the next
year’s Taxable Value is based on the S.E.V. that is calculated annually. Under MCL
211.27, the actual sale price is not the sole basis of the new S.E.V. for that property.

Real Property taxes are determined on the basis of tax rate per thousand dollars of
taxable value.

Following are the properties’ 2020, 2021 and 2022 True Cash Values, State Equalized
Values, Taxable Values and Actual Tax Payments:

387 Morris Avenue - 61-24-233-000-0001-00

     Year            True Cash            State         Taxable Value        *Actual Tax
                       Value            Equalized                             Payments
     2020             $93,000            $46,500            $46,500           $4,938.56
     2021             $92,800            $46,400            $46,400           $4,956.99
     2022             $93,600            $46,800            $46,800               -

*Includes 1% administration fee

401 Morris Avenue – 61-24-233-000-0002-00

     Year            True Cash            State         Taxable Value        *Actual Tax
                       Value            Equalized                             Payments
     2020             $92,200            $46,100            $46,500           $4,878.48
     2021             $92,200            $46,100            $46,400           $4,903.05
     2022             $93,200            $46,600            $46,800               -

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

State Equalized Value, Taxable Value, True Cash Value and
Tax Payments: (continued)
*Includes 1% administration fee

According to the Muskegon County Treasurer’s Office, no delinquent taxes are currently
owed on the subject properties. In arriving at the final estimates of value, the appraiser
has assumed that any outstanding special assessments and/or delinquent taxes have
been paid in full.

According to the zoning map of the City of Muskegon, the subject properties are zoned
B-3, Central Business District. “The City of Muskegon B-3 Central Business District is
designed and intended to provide for and regulate land and building uses so as to
continue to create a shopping, living, cultural, governmental, office, heritage, and
institutional focal point for the City of Muskegon and the Muskegon Area. The District is
designed to provide flexibility to encourage a diversity of uses, yet provide regulatory
standards to create and maintain a safe and aesthetic environment.”

Permitted uses in this district include the following: retail sales, professional and
personal services, banks, including those with drive-in windows, and other financial
institutions, restaurants, cocktail lounges and brewpubs, business schools or private
schools operated for profit, offices of business, government and the professions, hotels
and motels, indoor theaters, micro-breweries, small wineries and small distilleries,
residential uses as part of a building in this business zone and accessory buildings (see
Addenda in latter section of this appraisal report for a copy of the B-3, Central Business
District zoning ordinance and all its permitted uses).

The subject sites are currently improved with asphalt paving, exterior light poles and
landscaped poured concrete islands and these sites are utilized as off-street parking
lots. It is assumed that local building and zoning officials have allowed a parking use for
these properties that all necessary building permits were obtained for this use.

Statements regarding the zoning compliance are intended only in the most general
sense. Zoning and building ordinances vary significantly from one municipality to
another and can be extremely detailed. The subject properties are improved with
asphalt paving, exterior light poles and landscaped poured concrete islands and are
utilized as off-street parking lots. Only in this general sense is a parking lot use of these
sites considered to legally comply with the local zoning ordinance. The appraiser did
not include a comparison of every potentially significant characteristic of the subject
properties’ site and improvements relative to zoning and building ordinances.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Neighborhood Life Cycle:
Neighborhoods and their land use typically evolve through a 4-stage life cycle detailed
as follows:

   1) Growth – a period during which the market area gains public favor and

   2) Stability – a period of equilibrium without market gains or losses

   3) Decline – a period of diminishing demand

   4) Revitalization – a period of renewal, redevelopment, modernization, and
      increasing demand

The area is considered to be in the Growth stage of its life cycle.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Improvement Description:
The subject sites are not improved with buildings; however located on the sites are
asphalt paving, exterior light poles and landscaped poured concrete islands.

Highest and Best Use:
One of the requirements of this appraisal is to determine the highest and best use of the
subject property, as though vacant and as improved. Highest and best use is defined
in The Dictionary of Real Estate, 6th Edition (Chicago: Appraisal Institute, 2015) as:

   1. “The reasonably use of property that results in the highest value. The four
      criteria that the highest and best use must meet are legally permissibility,
      physical possibility, financial feasibility, and maximum productivity.

   2. The use of an asset that maximizes its potential and that is possible, legally
      permissible, and financially feasible. The highest and best use may be for
      continuation of an asset’s existing use or for some alternative use. This is
      determined by the use that a market participant would have in mind for the asset
      when formulating the price that it would be willing to bid. (IVS)

   3. [The] highest and most profitable use for which the property is adaptable and
      needed or likely to be needed in the reasonably near future (Uniform Appraisal
      Standards for Federal Land Acquisition).”

Highest and best use is shaped by the competitive forces within the market where the
property is located or in other words highest and best use is an economic study of
market forces focused on the subject property. The objective of the highest and best
use analysis is to identify the property use that can be expected to produce the highest
overall return for each dollar of capital invested. Highest and best use is the foundation
on which market value rests.

Highest and Best Use of land or a site as though vacant:
“Among all reasonable, alternative uses, the use that yields the highest present land
value, after payments are made for labor, capital, and coordination. The use of a
property based on the assumption that the parcel of land is vacant or can be made
vacant by demolishing any improvements.” The Dictionary of Real Estate, Fifth Edition
(Chicago: Appraisal Institute, 2010).

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Highest and Best Use: (continued)
Land as though vacant is a fundamental concept of valuation theory and the basis for
the cost approach. Questions to consider when determining the highest and best use,
as vacant are what use should the land be utilized, what type of building, if any, should
be constructed and when should these buildings be constructed. In some cases, land
should be held for speculation, i.e. to remain vacant until development is justified by
market demands.

Each of the subject sites contain 24,572 square feet (.56 acres) of land area and is
zoned B-3, Central Business District, which allows for many commercial uses. Each
site is rectangular in shape which is considered to be more desirable as opposed to a
highly irregular shaped parcel which may be less costly to develop. The sites have
access to all common utilities and frontage, depth and access to the sites are good for a
commercial use. The properties are located in the central business district of the City of
Muskegon, in an area that has and continues to be developed with new mixed-use
developments Many of these developments include buildings that have commercial and
office on the main floor or first few floors with apartments above. The properties are
located in close proximity to the primary arteries and expressways of the area. Due to
these factors, a mixed-use commercial and residential use is considered to be the
properties highest and best use.

Highest and Best Use of property as improved:
“The use that should be made of a property as it exists. An existing improvement
should be renovated or retained as is so long as it continues to contribute to the total
market value of the property, or until the return from a new improvement would more
than offset the cost of demolishing the existing building and constructing a new one.”
The Dictionary of Real Estate, Fifth Edition (Chicago: Appraisal Institute, 2010).

The subject sites are each improved with asphalt paving, exterior light poles and
landscaped poured concrete islands. Each site is utilized as a parking lot. It is
concluded that the highest and best use of these sites is for an interim parking lot use
until such time that the sites would be required for a more concentrated mixed-use
(commercial and residential).

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Cost Approach:
The Cost Approach is defined in The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, 6th Edition
(Chicago: Appraisal Institute, 2015) as “A set of procedures through which a value
indication is derived for the fee simple estate by estimating the current cost to construct
a reproduction of (or replacement for) the existing structure; including an entrepreneurial
incentive or profit; deducting depreciation from the total cost; and adding the estimated
land value. Adjustments may then be made to the indicated value of the Fee Simple
Estate in the subject property to reflect the value of the property interest being

The Cost Approach is a valuable tool when estimating the Market Value of new or
special purpose properties, where the actual construction costs are known and where a
reliable estimate of depreciation and obsolescence can be made. The subject
properties consist primarily of a vacant parcel of land (properties do have some site
improvements) and the Cost Approach is not considered to be an applicable approach
when estimating the Market Values of the subject properties.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Income Capitalization Approach:
The Income Capitalization Approach is defined in The Dictionary of Real Estate
Appraisal, 6th Edition (Chicago: Appraisal Institute, 2010) as "Specific appraisal
techniques applied to develop a value indication for a property based on its earning
capability and calculated by the capitalization of property income.”

The Income Capitalization Approach is based on the basic principles of real estate
appraisal, which are as follows:

                                      *Anticipation and Change
                                      *Supply and Demand

Anticipation and Change:
The perception that value is created by the expectation of benefits to be derived in the
future. For this appraisal, the appraiser selected a capitalization rate that implicitly
reflects the anticipated pattern of change in income over time.

Supply and Demand:
In economic theory, the principle that states that the price of a commodity, good, or
service varies directly, but not necessarily proportionately, with demand, and inversely,
but not necessarily proportionately, with supply. In a real estate appraisal context, the
principle of supply and demand states that the price of real property varies directly, but
not necessarily proportionately, with demand and inversely, but not necessarily
proportionately, with supply. This principle is important when forecasting future benefits
and estimating rates of return in the income capitalization approach. This theory states
that if demand increases, rents may increase; vacancy rates will most likely drop and
developers will then find construction profitable and property values may increase until
supply and demand are in balance. This theory is also true in the reverse.

The appraisal principle that states that when several similar or commensurate
commodities, goods, or services are available, the one with the lowest price will attract
the greatest demand and widest distribution. This is the primarily principal upon which
the cost and sales comparison approaches are based.

The principal that real property value is created and sustained when contrasting,
opposing, or interacting elements are in a state of equilibrium.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Income Capitalization Approach: (continued)
The principle that economies outside a property have a positive effect on its value while
diseconomies outside a property have a negative effect on its value. In appraisal, off-
site conditions that affect a property’s value. Exposure to street noise or proximity to a
blighted property may exemplify negative externalities, whereas proximity to attractive
and well-maintained properties or easy access to mass transit may exemplify positive

If the Income Capitalization Approach is utilized, the first step when estimating the
Market Value of a property when utilizing the income capitalization approach is to
estimate the property's market rent. Market rent is defined in The Dictionary of Real
Estate Appraisal, 6th Edition (Chicago: Appraisal Institute, 2015) as "The most probable
rent that a property should bring in a competitive and open market reflecting the
conditions and restrictions of a specified lease agreement, including the rental
adjustment and revaluation, permitted uses, use restrictions, expense obligations, term
concessions, renewal and purchase options, and tenant improvements (TI’s).”

The Income Capitalization Approach values a property based on the property owner’s
anticipation of receiving future benefits. These benefits can accrue to the property
owner both during and at the end of the holding period. During the holding period, the
owner receives all cash flows generated from the ongoing operations of the property. At
the end of the holding period, the owner receives the cash flow resulting from the
reversion of the property. The Income Capitalization Approach attempts to value these
future economic benefits through a process called capitalization.

The Income Capitalization Approach considers the subject property from an investment
standpoint, recognizing the quality and quantity of the potential income stream. The
subject properties consist primarily of vacant parcels of land (properties do have some
site improvements) that are unencumbered by any Land Lease agreement(s) and are
considered to be available in Fee Simple Estate. As a result, the Income Capitalization
Approach was not utilized in the valuation of the subject properties.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Sales Comparison Approach:
The Sales Comparison Approach is defined in The Dictionary of Real Estate
Appraisal, Fifth Edition (Chicago: Appraisal Institute, 2010) as "The process of deriving
a value indication for the subject property by comparing market information for similar
properties with the property being appraised, identifying appropriate units of
comparison, and making qualitative comparisons with or quantitative adjustments to the
sale prices (or unit prices, as appropriate) of the comparable properties based on
relevant, market-derived elements of comparison.”

The Sales Comparison Approach allows the appraiser to estimate the value of Real
Estate by comparing recent sales of similar properties in the surrounding or competing
areas to the subject property. Inherent in this approach is the principle of substitution,
which “holds that the value of a property tends to be set by the price that would be paid
to acquire a substitute property of similar utility and desirability within a reasonable
amount of time.”

By analyzing sales that qualify as arm’s-length transactions between willing and
knowledgeable buyers and sellers, the appraiser can identify market value and price
trends. Comparability in physical, location, and economic characteristics are important
criteria in evaluating the sales in relation to the subject property. The basic steps
involved in the application of this approach are as follows:

   1) Research the competitive market for information on sales transactions, listings,
      and offers to purchase or sell involving properties that are similar to the subject
      property in terms of characteristics such as property type, date of sale, size,
      physical condition, location, and land use constraints. The goal is to find a set of
      comparable sales as similar as possible to the subject property.

   2) Verify the information by confirming that the data obtained is factually accurate
      and that the transactions reflect arms-length market considerations. Verification
      may elicit additional information about the market.

   3) Select relevant units of comparison (e.g. price per acre, price per square foot,
      price per front foot) and develop a comparative analysis for each unit. The goal
      is to define and identify a unit of comparison that explains market behavior.

   4) Look for differences between the comparable sale properties and the subject
      property using the elements of comparison. Then adjust the price of each sale
      property to reflect how it differs from the subject property or eliminate that
      property as a comparable. This step typically involves using the most
      comparable sale properties and then adjusting for any remaining differences.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Sales Comparison Approach: (continued)
   5) Reconcile the various indications produced from the analysis of comparable
      sales into a single value indication or a range of values.

According to the Assessment Records of the City of Muskegon, the subject properties
are reported to be in the ownership of Downtown Muskegon Development Company.
There have been no reported arm’s length sales of the subject properties within the
past 3 years.

According to the local Multiple Listing Services (CAR and FlexMLS) the subject
properties are not currently and have not been listed available for sale or lease during
the past 3 years of this value estimate. The appraiser is unaware of any signed
agreements to purchase or subject properties.

When estimating the Market Value of the subject properties, consideration is given to
current listings, pending sales and closed sales of similar vacant sites that are located in
similar areas as of the subject properties. The appraiser is a member of CAR
(Commercial Alliance of Realtors) and conducted a recent search on the Catylist
and FlexMLS systems, as well as CoStar, in order to obtain current listings and recent
sales of similar vacant sites.

The appraiser did a search of similar properties located in Muskegon County that are
similar to the subject properties. Following are the details of the recent listings that are
available for sale. This list is not meant to be all inclusive.

      Address              Asking Price               SF Size          Asking Price/Acre
1195 W. Western Ave.          $249,000                .91 acres               $273,626
Muskegon, MI

1133 W. Western Ave.          $500,000               1.22 acres               $409,836
Muskegon, MI

E. Sherman Blvd.              $395,000               1.30 acres               $303,846
Muskegon, MI

1355 E Sherman Blvd.          $175,000                .46 acres               $380,435
Muskegon, MI

1257 E. Sherman Blvd.         $112,900                .23 acres               $490,870
Muskegon, MI

It is concluded that there is very limited inventory of similar vacant land sales within the
central business district of the City of Muskegon or similar areas within the metropolitan
Muskegon area.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Sales Comparison Approach: (continued)
Also considered when estimating the Market Value of the subject property, are closed
sales of similar vacant land sales that are located within the metropolitan Muskegon
area. The appraiser selected 4 closed sales which were examined through a process of
direct comparison to the subject considering the basic elements of comparison which
include rights conveyed, financing terms, condition of sale, market conditions, location,
topography, shape, land size, utilities and highest & best use.

Following is a recapitulation of the 4 closed sales and the unit of comparison chosen is
the price paid per acre of land area.

                                     Sales Comparison Approach – Vacant Land Sales
     Comp. No.               Subject           206-54             206-55               206-56              206-57
     Address             387 Morris Avenue   593 W. Western   785 Spring Street   623 W. Clay Avenue   120 Viridian Drive
                         401 Morris Avenue       Avenue        Muskegon, MI          Muskegon, MI       Muskegon, MI
                           Muskegon, MI       Muskegon, MI
     Date of Sale               -                1-19              7-21                 11-21              3-22
     Sale Price                 -             $140,000          $200,000              $185,000           $400,000
     Land Size              .56 acres         .25 acres         .65 acres             .22 acres         1.19 acres
     Sale Price/Acre            -             $560,000          $307,692              $840,909           $336,134
     Rights Conveyed            -            Fee Simple        Fee Simple            Fee Simple         Fee Simple
                                                   -                 -                     -                 -
     Financing Terms             -           Cash Equiv.       Cash Equiv.           Cash Equiv.        Cash Equiv.
                                                   -                 -                     -                 -
     Condition of Sale           -              None              None                  None               None
                                                   -                 -                     -                   -

     Market Conditions         -                +16%              +6%                   +4%                 +2%
     Adjusted                  -              $649,600          $328,174              $874,545            $342,857
     Location                 Good             Similar           Inferior              Similar            Superior
                                                   -              +15%                     -                -10%
     Topography               Level             Level             Level                 Level               Level
                                                   -                 -                     -                   -
     Shape                Rectangular        Rectangular       Mostly Rect.          Rectangular       Highly Irregular
                                                   -                 -                     -               +10%
     Land Size              .56 acres          Smaller           Similar               Smaller             Larger
                                                 -4%                 -                   -4%                +5%
     Utilities                  All               All               All                   All                All
                                                   -                 -                     -                   -
     Zoning                Commercial        Commercial        Commercial            Commercial         Commercial
                                                   -                 -                     -                   -
     Net Adjustment                              -4%              +15%                   -4%                +5%
     Indicated                   -            $623,616          $377,400              $839,563            $360,000
387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Sales Comparison Approach: (continued)
Basis for Adjustments:
As no two properties are exactly the same, the comparables must be adjusted for the
various physical and economic differences. In keeping with approved appraisal
practice, the comparables are adjusted to the subject. The less desirable traits of the
comparables receive positive (+) adjustments to more closely equate them to the
subject’s greater desirability. Conversely, the superior traits of the comparables are
assigned negative (-) adjustments.

Units of Comparison are the components into which a property may be divided for
comparison purposes. The type of appraisal problem determines the unit or units to be
selected and attempts to reflect the way the market buys and sells this property type.
For example, an apartment may be analyzed on the basis of price per unit or price per
square foot. For the purposes of this value estimate, the price per square foot of
building area, including land, is considered to be the most appropriate unit of
comparison in valuing the subject.

All comparable properties were conveyed in fee with no adverse legal encumbrances.
As a result, no adjustment is necessary for this condition.

Where required, owner-carried contract financing is adjusted to equate to the basic
definition of Market Value that calls for a cash transaction or its financial equivalent.
Each of the comparables had sale terms that were considered to be at market rates
(either cash or cash equivalent) and no adjustment is made for financing.

The comparables are analyzed to ascertain whether or not they are fully arm’s length in
nature. All the sales were arm’s length transactions between unrelated parties, not
acting under duress and no condition of sale adjustment is made to these sales.

These closed sales have taken place between January 2019 and March 2022. The
overall market for vacant commercial land in the central business district of the City of
Muskegon and surrounding areas has been increasing between January 2019 to
present. As a result, a positive adjustment is made to all sales to reflect for the
improving market conditions.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Sales Comparison Approach: (continued)
Basis for Adjustments: (continued)

The subject properties are located on Morris Avenue within the central business district
of the City of Muskegon. This general area has and continues to experience a
considerable amount of new commercial, office and residential development. This trend
of development and redevelopment is expected to continue. No major vacancy
problems in this area were observed. The subject property has good access to the
major arteries and expressways of the area. Sales 206-54 & 206-56 are considered to
be located in similar locales when compared to the location of the subject property. As
a result, no adjustment is made to these sales for location. Sale 206-55 is considered
to be located in an inferior locale when compared to the location of the subject property
and a positive adjustment is made to this sale for location. Sale 206-57 is considered to
be located in a superior locale when compared to the location of the subject property
and a negative adjustment is made to this sale for location.

The topography of the subject site is level, which is typically less costly to develop as
opposed to a highly rolling/sloping site. The topography of the comparable sales is level
and no adjustment is required to be made to these sales for this condition.

The market indicates that highly irregular-shaped parcels of land are often more costly
to develop as opposed to rectangular, mostly rectangular or slightly irregular-shaped
parcels of land. The subject site, along with Sales 206-54, 206-55 & 206-56 are
rectangular or mostly rectangular in shape, and no adjustment is required to be made to
these sales for this factor. Sale 206-57 is highly irregular in shape and this sale is
trended upward for shape.

Each of the subject properties contain .56 acres. Typical market purchaser will pay a
higher per unit price for smaller sites. Sales 206-54 & 206-56 are smaller in land size
when compared to the land size of the subject sites and a negative adjustment is made
to these sales. Sale 206-57 is larger in land size when compared to the land size of the
subject sites and a positive adjustment is made to this sale.

The subject site and all comparable sales have access to all common utilities and no
adjustment is necessary for utilities adjustment.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Sales Comparison Approach: (continued)
Basis for Adjustments: (continued)

The subject sites, along with all comparable sales, have similar highest & best uses and
no adjustment is required for this condition.

These 4 closed sales indicate a Market Value for each of the subject sites, “As Though
Vacant”, that ranges from between $360,000 and $839,563 per acre. It is estimated
after making this analysis and after reviewing other known sales and offerings to sell,
similarly zoned vacant sites, that the market indicates a per acre land value for the
subject sites, in the amount of $450,000.

Based upon this study, the estimated Market Values of the subject properties,
“As Thought Vacant” via the Sales Comparison Approach, are estimated as follows:

Indicated Market Values from the Sales Comparison Approach: - “As Though Vacant”
387 Morris Avenue - .56 acres @ $450,000/acre                   $252,000
                                                   Called       $250,000

401 Morris Avenue - .56 acres @ $450,000/acre                       $252,000
                                                      Called        $250,000

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Exposure Time:
A further requirement of this appraisal assignment is to estimate the Exposure Time of
the subject property. Exposure time is defined The Dictionary of Real Estate
Appraisal, 6th Edition (Chicago: Appraisal Institute, 2010) as:

   1) The time a property remains on the market.

   2) [The] estimated length of time that the property interest being appraised would
      have been offered on the market prior to the hypothetical consummation of a sale
      at market value on the effective date of appraisal. Comment: Exposure time is a
      retrospective opinion based on an analysis of past events assuming a
      competitive and open market (USPAP, 2016-2017 ed.).

Exposure time is different for various types of real estate and under various market
conditions. It is noted that the overall concept of reasonable exposure encompasses
both adequate, sufficient, and reasonable time and also adequate, sufficient and
reasonable effort. This statement focuses on the time component. The fact that
exposure time is always presumed to occur prior to the effective date of the valuation is
substantiated by related facts in the valuation process: supply and demand conditions
as of the effective date of the valuation disclosure; the use of current cost information;
the analysis of historical sales information (sold after exposure and after completion of
negotiations between the seller and buyer).

When estimating the exposure time, consideration is given to the length of time a similar
property was placed on the open market for sale and when the property was sold. After
reviewing this data and after having discussions with local real estate agents and
investors who are familiar with properties similar to the subject property, it is my opinion
that exposure time for the subject property would be 4 to 8 months prior to the effective
date of the appraisal.

The estimate of exposure time assumes a reasonable and sufficient effort in
professionally marketing these types of properties. Furthermore, the above estimate is
not a prediction of a date of sale.

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Conclusion and Final Value Estimate:
There are 3 approaches that are normally utilized when estimating the Market Value of
Real Estate. They are the Cost Approach, Sales Comparison Approach and the Income
Capitalization Approach. For reasons that are discussed in preceding sections of this
appraisal report, the Cost Approach and Income Capitalization Approach were utilized.
When estimating the Market Values of the subject properties, total reliance is placed
upon the Sales Comparison Approach.

Based upon the reasoning contained in this appraisal report and on the Assumptions
and Limiting Conditions as contained herein, it is my opinion that the subject properties
have Market Values as of August 18, 2022, excluding any Furniture, Fixtures &
Equipment (FF&E), Going Concern and Intangible Items, as follows:

Parcel #1 – 387 Morris Avenue                                        $250,000

Parcel #2 – 401 Morris Avenue                                        $250,000

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

              Qualifications of Stacey L. Broersma GAA

Company                               Broersma & Broersma
                                      Phone: 616-454-2044
                                      Tax ID #36-4551612

License                               State of 6426 – 100thMichigan
                                      Certified General Real Estate Appraiser (1996)
                                      Permanent ID No. 1205003358
                                      Expiration Date: July 31, 2023

Professional Designation              GAA – General Accredited Appraiser of the
                                      Real Estate Appraiser Section of the National
                                      Association of REALTORS®

Membership                            Grand Rapids Association of REALTORS® Appraiser

                                      Michigan Association of REALTORS®

                                      National Association of REALTORS®

                                      National Association of REALTORS®,
                                      Appraisal Section

Education                             Graduate of Hope College with BA Degree
                                      in Business Administration - 1992

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

     Qualifications of Stacey L. Broersma GAA (continued)

Appraisal Education                   Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice

                                      Real Estate Appraisal “One”
                                      Real Estate Appraisal “Two”
                                      Real Estate Institute “One”
                                            Holloway’s Real Estate Institute

                                      Course 301: Income Capitalization
                                      Course 302: Commercial Cost Approach
                                      Course 303: Sales Comparison Approach
                                      Course 307: Small Business Valuations
                                            Northern Michigan University

                                      Course 110: Appraisal Principles
                                      Course 120: Appraisal Procedures
                                      Course 310: Basic Income Capitalization
                                      Course 320: General Applications
                                      Course 410: Standards of Professional Practice
                                                  Parts A & B
                                      Course 510: Advanced Income Capitalization
                                      Course 520: Highest & Best Use and Market Analysis
                                            Appraisal Institute

                                      Continuing Education by participating in courses
                                      offered by Appraisal Institute

Appraisal Experience                  Full-time Certified General Real Estate Appraiser
                                      for Broersma & Broersma specializing in Multi-Family,
                                      Commercial, Industrial, Office and Special Purpose
                                      properties since July 1992

387 & 401 Morris Avenue
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

                                 Partial Client List

 Financial institutions served during full time fee appraising:

                            Adventure Credit Union
                            Byron Bank
                            Chemical Bank
                            ChoiceOne Bank
                            Commercial Alliance
                            Community Choice Credit Union
                            Community Shores Bank
                            Fifth Third Bank
                            First Union Small Business Capital
                            Founders Bank & Trust
                            Flagstar Bank
                            Grand River Bank
                            Huntington National Bank
                            Independent Bank
                            Irwin Union Bank
                            JPMorgan Chase Bank
                            Lake Michigan Credit Union
                            Kent Commerce Bank
                            Macatawa Bank
                            Members First Credit Union
                            Mercantile Bank of Michigan
                            Michigan Commerce Bank
                            National City
                            Paragon Bank
                            Republic Bank
                            Select Bank
                            Union Bank
                            West Michigan Community Bank
                            West Shore Bank

         Numerous Attorneys, Contractors and Developers, and Municipalities

                    Addenda for:

             387 & 401 Morris Avenue
        Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan


           Muskegon County GIS Plat Maps
Flood zone Determination Report – CoreLogic RiskMeter
    C-3, Central Business District Zoning Ordinance
            Comparable Vacant Land Sales

                                       387 Morris Avenue
                   This report has been generated from the M usk egon County GIS Property Viewer. While
                   every effort has been made to prov ide accurate information, Musk egon

Muskegon County    County and Muskegon County GIS shall not be held liable for the information
                   presented herein. All data shall be verified by the municipal assessor.
 Property Report

                                         Muskegon County, Michigan - Muskegon County GIS , Muskegon County GIS,
                                         Muskegon County, Michigan, S ource: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and

                                         the G IS User Community
                                       401 Morris Avenue
                   This report has been generated from the M usk egon County GIS Property Viewer.
Muskegon County    While every effort has been made to prov ide accurate information,
                   Musk egon County and Muskegon County GIS shall not be held liable for the
 Property Report   information presented herein. All data shall be verified by the municipal assessor.

                                         Muskegon County, Michigan - Muskegon County GIS , Muskegon County GIS,
                                         Muskegon County, Michigan, S ource: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and

                                         the G IS User Community

387 MORRIS AVE MUSKEGON, MI 49440-1138
LOCATION ACCURACY:             Excellent

  Flood Zone Determination Report

  Flood Zone Determination:                 OUT

            COMMUNITY                                                  260161                            PANEL                                                        0257E

            PANEL DATE                                      October 07, 2021                             MAP NUMBER                                          26121C0257E

                                                                                                                                     X500 or B Zone

                                                                                                                                     A Zone

                                                                                                                                     V Zone

                                                                                                                                     D Zone



© 2022 CoreLogic, Inc. All rights reserved. CORELOGIC, RISKMETER, PXPOINT and the CoreLogic logo are trademarks of CoreLogic, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective holders                                                       46


The City of Muskegon B-3 Central Business District is designed and intended to provide for and
regulate land and building uses so as to continue to create a shopping, living, cultural,
governmental, office, heritage, and institutional focal point for the City of Muskegon and the
Muskegon Area. The District is designed to provide flexibility to encourage a diversity of uses,
yet provide regulatory standards to create and maintain a safe and aesthetic environment.


In the B-3 Central Business District, no building or land shall be used and no building shall be
erected, structurally altered, or occupied except for one (1) or more of the following specified
uses, unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance.

1.     Retail sales of new merchandise and commodities provided that all sales are made from a
       completely enclosed building except that this section shall not prohibit the sales of
       antique collector items, this section shall prohibit the operation of a store whose primary
       sales are previously used products, except as further regulated.

2.     Professional and personal services of any type where any repair work done on the
       premises is incidental to the service rendered.

3.     Banks, including those with drive-in windows, and other financial institutions.

4.     Restaurants, cocktail lounges and brewpubs. [amended 3/12]

5.     Business schools, or private schools operated for profit. Examples of private schools
       permitted herein include, but are not limited to, the following: dance schools, music and
       voice schools, and art studios.

6.     Offices of business, government, and the professions.

7.     Hotels and motels.

8.     Indoor theaters.

9.     Micro breweries, small wineries and small distilleries, as long as the brewing area is less
       than 2,500 square feet. [amended 3/12]

10.    Residential uses as part of a building in this business zone shall be allowed upon issuance
       of Certificate of Occupancy from the Department of Inspections. [amended 12/06]

11.    Accessory buildings and accessory uses customarily incidental to the above Principal
       Uses Permitted.

12.    Uses similar to the above Uses Permitted.


The following uses, and their accessory buildings and accessory uses, shall be permitted under
the purview of Section 2332 after review and approval of the use (and a site plan, if required) by
the Planning Commission, after Public Hearing, subject to the applicable conditions and any
other reasonable conditions imposed by the Planning Commission.

1.     Automobile service stations for the sale of gasoline, oil, and minor repair, not including
       major repair such as engine rebuilding, undercoating, and similar industrially oriented
       activities and subject further to the following:

       a.      The curb cuts for ingress and egress to a service station shall not be permitted at
               such locations that will tend to create traffic hazards in the streets immediately
               adjacent thereto. Entrances shall be no less than twenty-five (25) feet from a
               street intersection (measured from the roadway) or from adjacent residential
               property, and subject to other Ordinances of the City.

       b.      The minimum lot area shall be ten thousand (10,000) square feet, and so arranged
               that ample space is available for motor vehicles which are required to wait.

       c.      There shall be provided, on those sides abutting or adjacent to a residential district
               or residential uses a four foot (4') completely obscuring wall or fence. The height
               of the wall or fence shall be measured from the surface of the ground.

       d.      All lighting shall be shielded from adjacent residential districts and from abutting

2.     Amusements and recreational facilities, including bowling alleys and skating rinks.

3.     Commercial parking lots and parking structures.

4.     Churches and other facilities normally incidental thereto subject to the following

       a.      The site shall be so located as to provide for ingress and egress from said site
               directly onto a major or secondary thoroughfare.

       b.      The principal buildings on the site shall be set back from abutting properties
               zoned for residential use not less than thirty (30) feet.

       c.      Buildings of greater than the maximum height allowed in Section 2100 may be
               allowed provided front, side, and rear yards are increased above the minimum
               requirements by one (1) foot of building that exceeds the maximum height

5.    Specialized adult educational programs, under the following conditions: [amended 1/02]

      a.     The program must be associated with a school district.

      b.     No residency will be permitted in the facility.

      c.     The hours of operation will be limited to the regular school hours of the associated
             school district.

      d.     The facility must be located either on a major street or within two (2) blocks of
             regular bus service.

      e.     No more than 75 students can be associated with the program.

6.    Live music concert halls, under the following conditions: [amended 8/02]

      a.     The business will operate in such a manner as to comply with the Noise
             Ordinance enacted by the City of Muskegon. No music (either live or piped) will
             be permitted outside the building.

      b.     The business will maintain security staff, both inside and outside the building, at
             all times when open to customers. Loitering will not be permitted on or around
             the site.

      c.     The business will not operate between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. No
             person of 16 years of age or younger will be permitted within the business after
             midnight and must directly exit the premises after that time.

      d.     The site and general vicinity will be maintained and litter-free, and will be
             checked for litter every day before opening.

      e.     Security lighting will be provided for the site.

7.    Multiple family residential uses of various types and densities. Any new multiple family
      construction shall be compatible and/or complementary to the character of the
      surrounding area as determined by the Planning Commission. [amended 12/06]

8.    Private clubs, lodge halls, social and similar organizations, including assembly or rental

9.    Galleries and museums.

10.   Antique shops.

11.   Wind Turbine Facilities [amended 10/09].

12.    Micro breweries, small wineries and small distilleries with brewing areas larger than
       2,500 square feet [amended 3/12]

13.    Accessory buildings and accessory uses customarily incidental to the above Special Land
       Uses Permitted.

14.    Uses similar to the above Special Land Uses Permitted.


Planned developments may be allowed by the Planning Commission under the procedural
guidelines of Section 2101. The intent of Planned Unit Developments in the B-3 Central
Business District is to allow mixed land uses, which are compatible to each other, while
prohibiting nonresidential uses which would not be compatible or harmonious with residential
dwellings or other commercial uses. [revised 4/04 to reflect 10/98 changes]


1.     Minimum lot size: 4,000 sq. feet.

2.     Maximum lot coverage:
            Buildings: 100 %
            Pavement: 25%

3.     Lot width: 30 feet (shall be measured at road frontage unless a cul-de-sac, then measured
       from setback).

4.     Width to depth ratios: The depth of any lot(s) or parcel(s) shall not be more than three (3)
       times longer its width.

5.     Height Limit:
              Maximum height: 6 stories or 90 feet
              Minimum height: 2 stories or 35 feet.

              Minimum heights are in the form of an "overlay district" on the following street
                  Western Avenue from Ninth Street to Pine Street.
                  Clay Avenue from Seventh Street to Fourth Street.
                  Pine Street; from Western Ave. to Apple Avenue.

       Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured
       from the average finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the building
       line abuts the front yard, except as follows: to the deck line of mansard roofs, and the
       average height between eaves and the ridge of gable, hip, and gambrel roofs (see Figure

      2-2). If the ground is not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by averaging the
      elevation of the ground for each face of the building (see Figure 2-3).
6.    Front Setbacks: [amended 1/05]
                      Expressway or Arterial Street: 30 feet
                      Collector or Street: 20 feet
                      Minor Street: 10 feet

                  Expressway, Arterial Street or Major Street: 50 feet
                  Collector Street: 40 feet
                  Minor Street: 30 feet

      Note: For minimum front setbacks new principal structures on minor streets may align
      with existing principal structures in the immediate area even if the setback is below the
      minimum required.

7.    Rear setback: 10 feet

8.    Setback from the ordinary high water mark or wetland: 75 feet (principal structures

9.    Side setbacks: no requirement

      Note, setback measurement: All required setbacks shall be measured from the right-of-
      way line to the nearest point of the determined drip line of buildings. [amended 10/02]

10.   Zero lot line option: New principal buildings may be erected on the rear lot line
      provided: [amended 10/02]

      a.     The building has an approved fire rating for zero-lot line development under the
             building code.

      b.     The building has adequate fire access preserved pursuant to fire code

      c.     The zero lot line side is not adjacent to a street.

      d.     A maintenance access easement is granted by the adjacent property owner and
             recorded with the County Register of Deeds and provided to the zoning
             administrator with the site plan or plot plan.

      e.     It is not adjacent to wetlands, or waterfront.

11.   All required side and rear setbacks shall be landscaped, greenbelt buffers, unless zero-lot-
      line is employed for a structure or fire access. At least fifty percent of all required front

setbacks shall be landscaped and adjacent to the road right-of-way. An average minimum
greenbelt of 10 feet shall be maintained along each street frontage. [amended 12/01,
amended 10/02]

                      LAND SALE NO. 206-54

Address:                 593 W. Western Avenue
                         Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Permanent Parcel #:      61-24-205-316-0005-00

Land Size:               Rectangular-shaped parcel of land that is
                         located on the southerly side of W. Western Avenue.
                         Land has 78 feet of frontage on W. Western Avenue,
                         has 78 feet of frontage on the northerly side of an
                         alley, extends to a depth of 140 feet, and the site
                         contains 10,920 square feet (.25 acres), more or less.

Topography:              Level

Shape:                   Rectangular

Access:                  Good

Visibility:              Good

Conditions:              None known

Zoning:                  B-3, Central Business District

Utilities:               All common

Date of Sale:            January 8, 2019

Financing Terms:         Conventional Financing

Sale Price:              $140,000

Cash Price:              $140,000

Seller:                  Muskegon Lakeview Condos, LLC

Purchaser:               Mulder Western Avenue, LLC

                        LAND SALE NO. 206-54

Real Property Rights:      Fee Simple Estate

Condition of Sale:         Arm’s Length

Confirmed by:              Assessment Records of the City of Muskegon.

Highest & Best Use:        Future commercial development

Price/SF:                  $140,000 / 10,920 SF = $12.82/SF

Price/Acre:                $140,000 / .25 acres = $560,000/acre

                          593 W. Western Avenue
                   This report has been generated from the M usk egon County GIS Property Viewer.
Muskegon County    While every effort has been made to prov ide accurate information,
                   Musk egon County and Muskegon County GIS shall not be held liable for the
 Property Report   information presented herein. All data shall be verified by the municipal assessor.

                                         Muskegon County, Michigan - Muskegon County GIS , Muskegon County GIS,
                                         Muskegon County, Michigan, S ource: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and

                                         the G IS User Community
                      LAND SALE NO. 206-55

Address:                 785 Spring Street
                         Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Permanent Parcel #:      61-24-205-177-0001-00

Land Size:               Mostly rectangular-shaped parcel of land that is
                         located at the southwest corner of Spring Street and
                         Clay Avenue, on the northerly side of Webster
                         Avenue. Beginning in the far north corner of the site,
                         land runs southeasterly 264.44 feet along the westerly
                         side of Spring Street, then runs southwesterly 113.51
                         feet along the northerly side of Webster Avenue, then
                         runs northwesterly 166.61 feet, then runs easterly
                         20.96 feet, then runs northwesterly 108.51 feet, then
                         runs northeasterly 95.3 feet along the southerly side
                         of Clay Avenue to the point of beginning, and the site
                         contains 28,146 square feet (.65 acres), more or less.

Topography:              Level

Shape:                   Mostly rectangular

Access:                  Good

Visibility:              Good

Conditions:              None known

Zoning:                  B-4, General Business District

Utilities:               All common

Date of Sale:            July 29, 2021

Financing Terms:         Conventional Financing

                        LAND SALE NO. 206-55

Sale Price:                $200,000

Cash Price:                $200,000

Seller:                    Corepark Investments, LLC

Purchaser:                 Samaritas Affordable Living Muskegon Ltd.

Real Property Rights:      Fee Simple Estate

Condition of Sale:         Arm’s Length

Confirmed by:              Assessment Records of the City of Muskegon.

Highest & Best Use:        This site was purchased for the construction of a
                           4-story apartment building that was constructed for
                           affordable housing.

Price/SF:                  $200,000 / 28,146 SF = $7.11/SF

Price/Acre:                $200,000 / .65 acres = $307,692/acre

                                         785 Spring Street
                   This report has been generated from the M usk egon County GIS Property Viewer.
Muskegon County    While every effort has been made to prov ide accurate information,
                   Musk egon County and Muskegon County GIS shall not be held liable for the
 Property Report   information presented herein. All data shall be verified by the municipal assessor.

                                         Muskegon County, Michigan - Muskegon County GIS , Muskegon County GIS,
                                         Muskegon County, Michigan, S ource: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and

                                         the G IS User Community

                      LAND SALE NO. 206-56

Address:                 623 W. Clay Avenue
                         Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Permanent Parcel #:      61-24-205-322-0003-00

Land Size:               Rectangular-shaped parcel of land that is located on
                         the north side of W. Clay Avenue. Land has 66.5 feet
                         of frontage on W. Clay Avenue, has a north
                         dimension of 67.4 feet, extends to a depth of 141.8
                         feet, and the site contains 9,492 square feet
                         (.22 acres), more or less.

Topography:              Level

Shape:                   Rectangular

Access:                  Good

Visibility:              Good

Conditions:              None known

Zoning:                  B-3, Central Business District

Utilities:               All common

Date of Sale:            November 29, 2021

Financing Terms:         Conventional Financing

Sale Price:              $185,000

Cash Price:              $185,000

Seller:                  Vincent A. Labozzetta

Purchaser:               639 W. Clay Partners, LLC

                        LAND SALE NO. 206-56

Real Property Rights:      Fee Simple Estate

Condition of Sale:         Arm’s Length

Confirmed by:              Assessment Records of the City of Muskegon.

Highest & Best Use:        Future commercial development.

Price/SF:                  $185,000 / 9,492 SF = $19.49/SF

Price/Acre:                $185,000 / .22 acres = $840,909/acre

                                      623 W. Clay Avenue
                   This report has been generated from the M usk egon County GIS Property Viewer.
Muskegon County    While every effort has been made to prov ide accurate information,
                   Musk egon County and Muskegon County GIS shall not be held liable for the
 Property Report   information presented herein. All data shall be verified by the municipal assessor.

                                         Muskegon County, Michigan - Muskegon County GIS , Muskegon County GIS,
                                         Muskegon County, Michigan, S ource: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and

                                         the G IS User Community
                      LAND SALE NO. 206-57

Address:                 120 Viridian Drive
                         Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan

Permanent Parcel #:      61-24-607-000-0009-00

Land Size:               Highly irregular-shaped parcel of land that is
                         located on the northerly side of Lakefront Drive, on
                         the south shoreline of Muskegon Lake. Beginning in
                         the northwest corner of the site, land runs easterly
                         165.82 feet along the south shoreline of Muskegon
                         Lake, then runs south 125 plus or minus feet, then
                         runs east 192.48 feet, then runs southerly and
                         southeasterly 120.49 feet, then runs southwesterly
                         56.04 feet, then runs northwesterly and westerly a
                         total of 378.46 feet along the northerly side of
                         Lakefront Drive, then runs north 124.23 feet to the
                         point of beginning, and the site contains 51,836
                         square feet (1.19 acres), more or less.

Topography:              Level

Shape:                   Highly irregular

Access:                  Good

Visibility:              Good

Conditions:              None known

Zoning:                  PUD, Planned Unit Development

Utilities:               All common

Date of Sale:            March 10, 2022

Financing Terms:         Conventional Financing

                        LAND SALE NO. 206-57

Sale Price:                $400,000

Cash Price:                $400,000

Seller:                    Daniel C. Stoeman Living Trust

Purchaser:                 Muskegon Lakefront, LLC

Real Property Rights:      Fee Simple Estate

Condition of Sale:         Arm’s Length

Confirmed by:              Assessment Records of the City of Muskegon.

Highest & Best Use:        Future commercial/residential development

Price/SF:                  $400,000 / 51,836 SF = $7.72/SF

Price/Acre:                $400,000 / 1.19 acres = $336,134/acre

                                        120 Viridian Drive
                   This report has been generated from the M usk egon County GIS Property Viewer.
Muskegon County    While every effort has been made to prov ide accurate information,
                   Musk egon County and Muskegon County GIS shall not be held liable for the
 Property Report   information presented herein. All data shall be verified by the municipal assessor.

                                         Muskegon County, Michigan - Muskegon County GIS , Muskegon County GIS,
                                         Muskegon County, Michigan, S ource: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and

                                         the G IS User Community
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 13 2023               Title: BGCML Summer Camp Park Use Agreement

Submitted By: Kyle Karczewski                       Department: Parks & Recreation

Brief Summary:
Staff is requesting the approval of an agreement with Boys & Girls Clubs of Muskegon Lakeshore
for usage of park facilities for camps in the 2023 summer season.

Detailed Summary & Background:
Boys & Girls Clubs of Muskegon Lakeshore will be hosting summer camps from June through
August at 3 park locations: Smith Ryerson, McGraft and Reese. This camp will be at no cost to
participants and will also include meals in partnership with Muskegon Public Schools and Kids
Food Basket. The agreement was drafted by Parmenter Law at staff’s request.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Enhanced Parks & Recreation Department and Services

Amount Requested: N/A                               Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                          Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion:
I move to authorize staff to enter into an agreement with Boys & Girls Club of the Muskegon
Lakeshore for summer programming in City parks.

Approvals:                                                        Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
Immediate Division Head         Information Technology
Other Division Heads            Communication
Legal Review                                                      No

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                     DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS
                           1350 E. KEATING
                          MUSKEGON, MI 49442

                              USE AGREEMENT

AGREEMENT made the ___ day of _____, 2023, between the City of
Muskegon Department of Public Works, 1350 E. Keating, Muskegon,
Michigan (the “City”), and the Boys & Girls Club of the Muskegon Lakeshore,
900 W. Western Avenue, Muskegon, Michigan (the “Concessionaire”).


1.    Activity: Concessionaire hereby agrees that it will operate youth
      programs and related activities on City property as follows (the

      i.       Reese Park, 1685 Creston St., Muskegon, MI 49442
      ii.      McGraft Park, 2204 Wickham Drive, Muskegon, MI 49441
      iii.     Smith—Ryerson Park, 650 Wood St., Muskegon, MI 49442

      Concessionaire will operate the Events on June 12, 2023 and August
      25, 2023 from approximately 12pm to 5pm with an expected
      attendance of 40 children per location.

      Concessionaire shall contract for, carry out, and be responsible for all
      obligations thereunder for the place, suppliers, and advertising for the

2.    Insurance: Concessionaire shall apply for and pay premiums for
      insurance to fully protect the public, and the City, from any and all
      liability that may arise or be incurred as consequence of the Event.
      Concessionaire shall have such Liability Insurance in the amount of
      $1,000,000.00. A copy of the Certificate of Insurance naming the City
      as additional insured shall be supplied to the City prior to the Event.
      The certificate shall provide that no cancellation shall be effective
      without a 30-day notice to the City.

      i.     Language on the insurance certificate shall read specifically:

      “The City of Muskegon, all elected and appointed officials, all
      employees and volunteers, all boards, commissions and/or authorities
      and board members, including employees and volunteers thereof: it is
      understood and agreed that by naming the City of Muskegon as
      additional insured, coverage afforded is considered to be primary and
      any other insurance the City of Muskegon may have in effect shall be
      considered secondary and/or excess”.

3.    Hold Harmless: Concessionaire shall indemnify, defend and save the
      City harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, damages,
      liability, attorney fees, and expense in connection with the loss of life,
      bodily injury and/or damage to property arising from any occurrence in
      or about the premises occupied or utilized by Concessionaire or any
      part thereof or resulting in whole or part from any intentional,
      unintentional, or negligent act or omission of Concessionaire, it’s
      employees, invitees, licenses or contractors or otherwise occurring as
      a result of the Events.

4.    Conditions: Concessionaire shall not assign its rights or obligations
      hereunder without the written consent of the City. Concessionaire
      understands that the City does not provide exclusivity with respect to
      publicly accessible parks. Concessionaire agrees to return each
      location to the condition it was in prior to each Event.

      Both the Concessionaire and the City shall comply with all the laws of
      the United States and the State of Michigan, all ordinances of the City
      of Muskegon, and all rules and regulations of the Police and Fire
      Departments, or other municipal authorities within the County of
      Muskegon, and will obtain and pay all necessary permits and licenses
      applicable to each, and will not suffer to be done anything during the
      term of this agreement in violation of any such laws, ordinances, rules
      or requirements.

5.    Terms: Either party may cancel this Agreement by giving to the other
      thirty (30) days’ written notice prior to any scheduled Event.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties, by their duly authorized officers have
executed this agreement.

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS                      :

By: ______________________________
Its: ______________


By: ______________________________
Its: ______________
Date: ____________
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 13, 2023                Title: Meter Vendor Change

Submitted By: Dan VanderHeide                         Department: DPW

Brief Summary: Staff requests authorization to change our sole-source meter supplier based on
customer service, improving technology and supply chain concerns.

Detailed Summary & Background:
The Water Department has used Sensus as our meter supplier since approximately 2008,
including radios that broadcast a signal capable of being read by units in our water department
trucks. Over the course of the last year, Sensus meters (in particular, the radio portion) have
become very difficult to obtain. The latest estimates from our supplier indicate it will be almost a
year before we can obtain more units. The department uses hundreds of meters in a year as a
part of our construction projects (like Sanford), our lead service line replacement efforts, and our
regular meter changing program, and our stock of meters has dwindled to essentially zero.
In order to continue to be able to change meters as needed, and to take advantage of newer
technology that will allow the department to read meters by simply pushing a button at City Hall,
staff reviewed two alternatives to the Sensus meter – Master Meter and Metron, and has
determined that Master Meter, represented locally by supplier Core & Main, will best serve the City
and our residents.
The Master Meter uses a fixed-base radio read system. Radio receives will be installed on our
water towers and other high points (such as the cellular tower at the Water Filter Plant), and those
receivers will eb able to read the meters throughout the City in a single operation at any time,
simply by the push of a button. The meters also include new features that will assist our residents
in keeping their water bills low, such as leak detection and temperature sensors. A web portal is
used to activate these features, and the department plans to roll out the web portal to customers
once we have begun to install them and DPW and Treasury staff have had a chance to configure
the portal to show information we believe is beneficial for public use.
Another major factor in the decision was the local representation. Metron (not selected) is based
in Boulder, Colorado, and all sales and support staff are based there. Master Meter has a very
competent sales and support team at Core & Main, a supplier with a West Michigan office that the
department uses for certain other parts and piping. We are confident that any future issues
encountered, such as supply chain issues, will be much better communicated and more easily
solved with professional help available on site within hours rather than days.
The attached quote from Master Meter is broken down into various meter sizes. It can be a bit
difficult to read, but in summary Master Meter is cheaper than Sensus and Metron for equivalent
sizes. They also offer a radio unit that can be retrofitted onto some of our larger commercial
meters that were recently replaced with Sensus units, so those meters will still work with the fixed-
base radio read system and be available on the web portal for customer viewing.
Due to the variable use rate of meters throughout the year, and the need to use the same type and
manufacturer of meter to keep system parts interchangeable and repairable, staff requests
authorization to purchase Master Meter units from Core & Main as needed within Commission-
approved budgeted amounts, as has been past practice.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Sustainability in financial practices and infrastructure.

Amount Requested: Varies                             Amount Budgeted: $205,000 (FY24)

Fund or Account(s): 590 & 591 (Water & Sewer)        Fund or Account(s): 590 & 591 (Water & Sewer)

Recommended Motion:
I move to designate Master Meter as the City’s preferred water meter vendor, and to authorize staff
to purchase meters as needed within Commission-approved budgeted amounts.

Approvals:                       Legal Review                        Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
Immediate Division Head          Information Technology              Yes
Other Division Heads             Communication                       No

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 13, 2023               Title: Sherman Reconstruction MDOT Contact

Submitted By: Todd Myers                             Department: DPW

Brief Summary: Staff is requesting approval of the contract with MDOT for the reconstruction of
Sherman Boulevard from Seaway Drive to 700 feet east of Barclay Drive, and approval of the
resolution authorizing the Clerk and DPW Director to sign the contract.

Detailed Summary & Background: This is the standard contract governing projects that are
constructed using federal funds through MDOT. The estimated cost for the project construction is
$2,300,000 with $1,410,000 of that being federal surface transportation funding, $345,000 being
EGLE grant funds for using scrap tire rubber in portions of the concrete, and the remainder being
funded through the City’s Major Street Budget in the FY24 Budget year. Work is expected to begin
in late July and take approximately 12 weeks to complete.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Sustainability in financial practices and infrastructure.

Amount Requested: $2,300,000 (Total)                 Amount Budgeted: $2,300,000 (Total)
                     $ 545,000 (City)                                     $ 545,000 (City – FY24)

Fund(s) or Account(s): 202 (Major Streets)           Fund(s) or Account(s): 202 (Major Streets)

Recommended Motion: I move approval of the standard MDOT contract for the reconstruction of
Sherman Boulevard and the included resolution authorizing the Clerk and DPW Director to sign.

Approvals:                       Legal Review                        Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
Immediate Division Head          Information Technology              Yes
Other Division Heads             Communication                       No

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
STP                                                      DA
                                           Control Section       STUL 61000
                                           Job Number            205415CON
                                           Project               23A0425
                                           CFDA No.              20.205 (Highway Research
                                                                 Planning & Construction)
                                           Contract No.          23-5141

                                           PART I

THIS CONTRACT, consisting of PART I and PART II (Standard Agreement Provisions), is
made by and between the MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, hereinafter
referred to as the "DEPARTMENT"; and the CITY OF MUSKEGON, a Michigan municipal
corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "REQUESTING PARTY"; for the purpose of fixing
the rights and obligations of the parties in agreeing to the following improvements, in
Muskegon, Michigan, hereinafter referred to as the "PROJECT" and estimated in detail on
EXHIBIT "I", dated April 6, 2023, attached hereto and made a part hereof:

       Concrete pavement, curb, gutter and curb ramps, storm sewer and permanent pavement
       markings along Sherman Boulevard from approximately 770 feet east of Barclay Street to
       Seaway Drive (US-31 BR), including pavement removal, grading and aggregate base;
       and all together with necessary related work.

       Rubber modified concrete pavement and irrigation repair along the limits as described in
       PART A; and all together with necessary related work.


        WHEREAS, pursuant to Federal law, monies have been provided for the performance of
certain improvements on public roads; and

      WHEREAS, the reference "FHWA" in PART I and PART II refers to the United States
Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration; and

        WHEREAS, the PROJECT, or portions of the PROJECT, at the request of the
REQUESTING PARTY, are being programmed with the FHWA, for implementation with the
use of Federal Funds under the following Federal program(s) or funding:


        WHEREAS, the parties hereto have reached an understanding with each other regarding
the performance of the PROJECT work and desire to set forth this understanding in the form of a
written contract.
09/06/90 STPLS.FOR 4/6/23                      1
        NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual undertakings of
the parties and in conformity with applicable law, it is agreed:

        1.      The parties hereto shall undertake and complete the PROJECT in accordance with
the terms of this contract.

        2.     The term "PROJECT COST", as herein used, is hereby defined as the cost of the
physical construction necessary for the completion of the PROJECT, including any other costs
incurred by the DEPARTMENT as a result of this contract, except construction engineering and

       No charges will be made by the DEPARTMENT to the PROJECT for any inspection
work or construction engineering.

       The costs incurred by the REQUESTING PARTY for preliminary engineering,
construction engineering, construction materials testing, inspection, and right-of-way are
excluded from the PROJECT COST as defined by this contract.

        The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy has informed the
DEPARTMENT that it adopted new administrative rules (R 325.10101, et. seq.) which prohibit
any governmental agency from connecting and/or reconnecting lead and/or galvanized service
lines to existing and/or new water main. Questions regarding these administrative rules should
be directed to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy. The cost
associated with replacement of any lead and/or galvanized service lines, including but not limited
to contractor claims, will be the sole responsibility of the REQUESTING PARTY.

       3.      The DEPARTMENT is authorized by the REQUESTING PARTY to administer
on behalf of the REQUESTING PARTY all phases of the PROJECT, including advertising and
awarding the construction contract for the PROJECT or portions of the PROJECT. Such
administration shall be in accordance with PART II, Section II of this contract.

      Any items of the PROJECT COST incurred by the DEPARTMENT may be charged to

     4.  The REQUESTING PARTY, at no cost to the PROJECT or to the

               A.     Design or cause to be designed the plans for the PROJECT.

               B.     Appoint a project engineer who shall be in responsible charge of the
                      PROJECT and ensure that the plans and specifications are followed.

               C.     Perform or cause to be performed the construction engineering,
                      construction materials testing, and inspection services necessary for the
                      completion of the PROJECT.
09/06/90 STPLS.FOR 4/6/23                      2
        The REQUESTING PARTY will furnish the DEPARTMENT proposed timing
sequences for trunkline signals that, if any, are being made part of the improvement. No timing
adjustments shall be made by the REQUESTING PARTY at any trunkline intersection, without
prior issuances by the DEPARTMENT of Standard Traffic Signal Timing Permits.

       5.     The PROJECT COST shall be met in accordance with the following:

              PART A
              Federal Surface Transportation Funds shall be applied to the eligible items of the
              PART A portion of the PROJECT COST up to the lesser of: (1) $1,410,000, or
              (2) an amount such that 81.85 percent, the normal Federal participation ratio for
              such funds, for the PART A portion of the PROJECT is not exceeded at the time
              of the award of the construction contract. The balance of the PART A portion of
              the PROJECT COST, after deduction of Federal Funds, shall be charged to and
              paid by the REQUESTING PARTY in the manner and at the times hereinafter set

              PART B
              The PART B portion of the PROJECT COST is not eligible for Federal
              participation and shall be charged to and paid 100 percent by the REQUESTING
              PARTY in the manner and at the times hereinafter set forth.

       Any items of PROJECT COST not reimbursed by Federal Funds will be the sole
responsibility of the REQUESTING PARTY.

       6.     No working capital deposit will be required for this PROJECT.

       In order to fulfill the obligations assumed by the REQUESTING PARTY under the
provisions of this contract, the REQUESTING PARTY shall make prompt payments of its share
of the PROJECT COST upon receipt of progress billings from the DEPARTMENT as herein
provided. All payments will be made within 30 days of receipt of billings from the
DEPARTMENT. Billings to the REQUESTING PARTY will be based upon the REQUESTING
PARTY'S share of the actual costs incurred less Federal Funds earned as the PROJECT

       7.     Upon completion of construction of the PROJECT, the REQUESTING PARTY
will promptly cause to be enacted and enforced such ordinances or regulations as may be
necessary to prohibit parking in the roadway right-of-way throughout the limits of the

        8.      The performance of the entire PROJECT under this contract, whether Federally
funded or not, will be subject to the provisions and requirements of PART II that are applicable
to a Federally funded project.

09/06/90 STPLS.FOR 4/6/23                      3
       In the event of any discrepancies between PART I and PART II of this contract, the
provisions of PART I shall prevail.

       Buy America Requirements (23 CFR 635.410) shall apply to the PROJECT and will be
adhered to, as applicable, by the parties hereto.

        9.       The REQUESTING PARTY certifies that it is not aware if and has no reason to
believe that the property on which the work is to be performed under this agreement is a facility,
as defined by the Michigan Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act [(NREPA), PA
451, 1994, as amended 2012]; MCL 324.20101(1)(s). The REQUESTING PARTY also
certifies that it is not a liable party pursuant to either Part 201 or Part 213 of NREPA, MCL
324.20126 et seq. and MCL 324.21323a et seq. The REQUESTING PARTY is a local unit of
government that has acquired or will acquire property for the use of either a transportation
corridor or public right-of-way and was not responsible for any activities causing a release or
threat of release of any hazardous materials at or on the property. The REQUESTING PARTY
is not a person who is liable for response activity costs, pursuant to MCL 324.20101 (vv) and

        10.    If, subsequent to execution of this contract, previously unknown hazardous
substances are discovered within the PROJECT limits, which require environmental remediation
pursuant to either state or federal law, the REQUESTING PARTY, in addition to reporting that
fact to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, shall immediately
notify the DEPARTMENT, both orally and in writing of such discovery. The DEPARTMENT
shall consult with the REQUESTING PARTY to determine if it is willing to pay for the cost of
remediation and, with the FHWA, to determine the eligibility, for reimbursement, of the
remediation costs. The REQUESTING PARTY shall be charged for and shall pay all costs
associated with such remediation, including all delay costs of the contractor for the PROJECT, in
the event that remediation and delay costs are not deemed eligible by the FHWA. If the
REQUESTING PARTY refuses to participate in the cost of remediation, the DEPARTMENT
shall terminate the PROJECT. The parties agree that any costs or damages that the
DEPARTMENT incurs as a result of such termination shall be considered a PROJECT COST.

        11.     If federal and/or state funds administered by the DEPARTMENT are used to pay
the cost of remediating any hazardous substances discovered after the execution of this contract
and if there is a reasonable likelihood of recovery, the REQUESTING PARTY, in cooperation
with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy and the
DEPARTMENT, shall make a diligent effort to recover such costs from all other possible
entities. If recovery is made, the DEPARTMENT shall be reimbursed from such recovery for
the proportionate share of the amount paid by the FHWA and/or the DEPARTMENT and the
DEPARTMENT shall credit such sums to the appropriate funding source.

      12.     The DEPARTMENT'S sole reason for entering into this contract is to enable the
REQUESTING PARTY to obtain and use funds provided by the Federal Highway
Administration pursuant to Title 23 of the United States Code.

09/06/90 STPLS.FOR 4/6/23                      4
       Any and all approvals of, reviews of, and recommendations regarding contracts,
agreements, permits, plans, specifications, or documents, of any nature, or any inspections of
work by the DEPARTMENT or its agents pursuant to the terms of this contract are done to assist
the REQUESTING PARTY in meeting program guidelines in order to qualify for available
funds. Such approvals, reviews, inspections and recommendations by the DEPARTMENT or its
agents shall not relieve the REQUESTING PARTY and the local agencies, as applicable, of their
ultimate control and shall not be construed as a warranty of their propriety or that the
DEPARTMENT or its agents is assuming any liability, control or jurisdiction.

        The providing of recommendations or advice by the DEPARTMENT or its agents does
not relieve the REQUESTING PARTY and the local agencies, as applicable of their exclusive
jurisdiction of the highway and responsibility under MCL 691.1402 et seq., as amended.

     When providing approvals, reviews and recommendations under this contract, the
DEPARTMENT or its agents is performing a governmental function, as that term is defined in
MCL 691.1401 et seq., as amended, which is incidental to the completion of the PROJECT.

        Upon completion of the PROJECT, the REQUESTING PARTY shall accept the facilities
constructed as built to specifications within the contract documents. It is understood that the
REQUESTING PARTY shall own the facilities and shall operate and maintain the facilities in
accordance with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations, including, but not limited
to, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 42 USC 12131 et seq., and its
associated regulations and standards, and DEPARTMENT Road and Bridge Standard Plans and
the Standard Specifications for Construction.

        13.    The DEPARTMENT, by executing this contract, and rendering services pursuant
to this contract, has not and does not assume jurisdiction of the highway, described as the
PROJECT for purposes of MCL 691.1402 et seq., as amended. Exclusive jurisdiction of such
highway for the purposes of MCL 691.1402 et seq., as amended, rests with the REQUESTING
PARTY and other local agencies having respective jurisdiction.

        14.    The REQUESTING PARTY shall approve all of the plans and specifications to
be used on the PROJECT and shall be deemed to have approved all changes to the plans and
specifications when put into effect. It is agreed that ultimate responsibility and control over the
PROJECT rests with the REQUESTING PARTY and local agencies, as applicable.

        15.     The REQUESTING PARTY agrees that the costs reported to the DEPARTMENT
for this contract will represent only those items that are properly chargeable in accordance with
this contract. The REQUESTING PARTY also certifies that it has read the contract terms and
has made itself aware of the applicable laws, regulations, and terms of this contract that apply to
the reporting of costs incurred under the terms of this contract.

        16.     Each party to this contract will remain responsible for any and all claims arising
out of its own acts and/or omissions during the performance of the contract, as provided by this
contract or by law. In addition, this is not intended to increase or decrease either party’s liability
for or immunity from tort claims. This contract is also not intended to nor will it be interpreted
09/06/90 STPLS.FOR 4/6/23                         5
as giving either party a right of indemnification, either by contract or by law, for claims arising
out of the performance of this contract.

        17.    The parties shall promptly provide comprehensive assistance and cooperation in
defending and resolving any claims brought against the DEPARTMENT by the contractor,
vendors or suppliers as a result of the DEPARTMENT'S award of the construction contract for
the PROJECT. Costs incurred by the DEPARTMENT in defending or resolving such claims
shall be considered PROJECT COSTS.

       18.     The DEPARTMENT shall require the contractor who is awarded the contract for
the construction of the PROJECT to provide insurance in the amounts specified and in
accordance with the DEPARTMENT'S current Standard Specifications for Construction and to:

               A.     Maintain bodily injury and property damage insurance for the duration of
                      the PROJECT.

               B.     Provide owner's protective liability insurance naming as insureds the State
                      of Michigan, the Michigan State Transportation Commission, the
                      DEPARTMENT and its officials, agents and employees, the
                      REQUESTING PARTY and any other county, county road commission,
                      or municipality in whose jurisdiction the PROJECT is located, and their
                      employees, for the duration of the PROJECT and to provide, upon request,
                      copies of certificates of insurance to the insureds. It is understood that the
                      DEPARTMENT does not assume jurisdiction of the highway described as
                      the PROJECT as a result of being named as an insured on the owner’s
                      protective liability insurance policy.

               C.     Comply with the requirements of notice of cancellation and reduction of
                      insurance set forth in the current standard specifications for construction
                      and to provide, upon request, copies of notices and reports prepared to
                      those insured.

09/06/90 STPLS.FOR 4/6/23                       6
        19.        This contract shall become binding on the parties hereto and of full force and
effect upon the signing thereof by the duly authorized officials for the parties hereto and upon the
adoption of the necessary resolutions approving said contract and authorizing the signatures
thereto of the respective officials of the REQUESTING PARTY, a certified copy of which
resolution shall be attached to this contract.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed as
written below.

CITY OF MUSKEGON                                     MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT
                                                     OF TRANSPORTATION

By___________________________                        By___________________________
 Title:                                               for Department Director MDOT

 Title:                                                         REVIEWED
                                                                By Larry Doyle at 9:33 am, 4/20/23

09/06/90 STPLS.FOR 4/6/23                        7
                                                                                 April 6, 2023

                                         EXHIBIT I

                            CONTROL SECTION              STUL 61000
                            JOB NUMBER                   205415CON
                            PROJECT                      23A0425

                                    ESTIMATED COST


                                                   PART A        PART B          TOTAL
       Estimated Cost                             $1,740,500     $199,000      $1,939,500

                                  COST PARTICIPATION

GRAND TOTAL ESTIMATED COST                        $1,740,500     $199,000      $1,939,500
Less Federal Funds*                               $1,410,000     $      0      $1,410,000
BALANCE (REQUESTING PARTY'S SHARE)                $ 330,500      $199,000      $ 529,500

*Federal Funds for the PROJECT are limited to an amount as described in Section 5.


09/06/90 STPLS.FOR 4/6/23                    8
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 13, 2023                              Title: Fireworks Display
                                                                    Permit for Muskegon Country

Submitted By: Ann Marie Meisch                                      Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary: Pyrotecnico is requesting approval of a fireworks display permit for June 30, 2023
at the Muskegon Country Club, 2801 Lakeshore Drive. The fire Marshall will inspect the fireworks
on the day of the event.

Detailed Summary & Background:

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: N/A

Amount Requested: N/A                               Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s):                              Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To approve the fireworks display permit for Pyrotecnico, contingent upon
inspection of the fireworks and approval of the insurance.

Approvals: Get approval from division head at a minimum prior       Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
to sending to the Clerk.
Immediate Division Head         Information Technology              Yes
Other Division Heads            Communication                       No
Legal Review

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                                                                                                                                                                        DATE (MM/DD/YYYY)
                                     CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE                                                                                                       6/5/2023
  IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to
  the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the
  certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s).
PRODUCER                                                                                     CONTACT
Britton-Gallagher and Associates, Inc.                                                       PHONE                                                        FAX
One Cleveland Center, Floor 30                                                               (A/C, No, Ext): 216-658-7100                                 (A/C, No):   216-658-7101
1375 East 9th Street                                                                         ADDRESS:
Cleveland OH 44114                                                                                                INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE                                          NAIC #

                                                                                             INSURER A : Everest Indemnity Insurance Co.                                             10851
INSURED                                                                                      INSURER B : Everest Denali Insurance Company                                            16044
Pyrotecnico Fireworks Inc.
P.O. Box 149                                                                                 INSURER C :   Continental Indemnity Company                                             28258
299 Wilson Road                                                                              INSURER D :   Arch Speciality Ins Co                                                    21199
New Castle PA 16103                                                                          INSURER E :

                                                                                             INSURER F :
COVERAGES                                    CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 1077147716                                                        REVISION NUMBER:
INSR                                               ADDL SUBR                                         POLICY EFF   POLICY EXP
 LTR                TYPE OF INSURANCE              INSR WVD           POLICY NUMBER                 (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY)                                  LIMITS
 A     GENERAL LIABILITY                             Y    Y  SI8ML00891-231                           1/14/2023       10/14/2023    EACH OCCURRENCE                    $ 1,000,000
                                                                                                                                    DAMAGE TO RENTED
       X    COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY                                                                                            PREMISES (Ea occurrence)           $ 500,000
                  CLAIMS-MADE    X   OCCUR                                                                                          MED EXP (Any one person)           $
                                                                                                                                    PERSONAL & ADV INJURY              $ 1,000,000
                                                                                                                                    GENERAL AGGREGATE                  $ 2,000,000
       GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER:                                                                                           PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG             $ 2,000,000
           POLICY X JECT            LOC                                                                                                                                $
 B     AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY                         Y    Y    SI8CA00141-231                          1/14/2023       10/14/2023    COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT
                                                                                                                                    (Ea accident)                      $ 1,000,000
       X    ANY AUTO                                                                                                                BODILY INJURY (Per person)         $
            ALL OWNED            SCHEDULED                                                                                          BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $
            AUTOS                AUTOS
       X                     X   NON-OWNED                                                                                          PROPERTY DAMAGE                    $
            HIRED AUTOS          AUTOS                                                                                              (Per accident)
 D          UMBRELLA LIAB        X   OCCUR          Y    Y    UXP1035252-03                           1/14/2023       10/14/2023    EACH OCCURRENCE                    $ 4,000,000
       X    EXCESS LIAB              CLAIMS-MADE                                                                                    AGGREGATE                          $ 4,000,000

             DED           RETENTION $                                                                                                                                 $
 C     WORKERS COMPENSATION                                   82-872096-04-32                          6/7/2023        6/7/2024    X     WC STATU-            OTH-
       AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY                                                                                                         TORY LIMITS            ER
       ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE                                                                                             E.L. EACH ACCIDENT                 $ 1,000,000
       OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED?             N/A
       (Mandatory in NH)                                                                                                            E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000
       If yes, describe under
       DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below                                                                                              E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT        $ 1,000,000
 A     Excess Liability #2                                    SI8EX01314-231                          1/14/2023       10/14/2023    Each Occ/ Aggregate                    $5,000,000
                                                                                                                                    Total Limits                           $10,000,000

DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, if more space is required)
Additional Insured extension of coverage is provided by above referenced General Liability policy where required by written agreement.
LOCATION: Muskegon Country Club, 2801 Lakeshore Drive, Muskegon MI 49441
ADDITIONAL INSURED: Muskegon Country Club; City of Muskegon

CERTIFICATE HOLDER                                                                           CANCELLATION

                                                                                               SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE
                                                                                               THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN
                                                                                               ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS.
                  Muskegon Country Club
                  5500 Cascade Rd. SE Suite 100                                              AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE
                  Grand Rapids MI 49546

                                                                                            © 1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
ACORD 25 (2010/05)                                   The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD
                                           The LEGISLATIVE BODY OF CITY, VILLAGE OR TOWNSHIP BOARD will not discriminate against any individual
                                           or group because of race, sex, religion, age, national origin, color, marital status, disability, or political beliefs. If you
     Authority:       2011 PA 256          need assistance with reading, writing, hearing, etc., under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you may make your
                                           needs known to this Legislative Body of City, Village or Township Board.

 TYPE OF PERMIT(S) (Select all applicable boxes)
      Agricultural or Wildlife Fireworks                                             Articles Pyrotechnic                                                      Display Fireworks

      Public Display                                                                 Private Display

      Special Effects Manufactured for Outdoor Pest Control or Agricultural Purposes

 NAME OF APPLICANT                                                             ADDRESS OF APPLICANT                                                          AGE OF APPLICANT 18 YEARS OR OLDER
 Pyrotecnico Fireworks, Inc.                                                   299 Wilson Rd, New Castle, PA 16101                                           X YES      NO

 Stephen Vitale                                                                299 Wilson Rd, New Castle, PA 16101
 OR MICHIGAN RESIDENT AGENT)                                                   AGENT)
 Michael Falk                                                                  4369 E Summit Woods Dr NE, Rockford, MI 49341 616.427.0377
 NAME OF PYROTECHNIC OPERATOR                                                  ADDRESS OF PYROTECHNIC OPERATOR                                               AGE OF PYROTECHNIC OPERATOR 18 YEARS OR
 Randy Loveland                                                                4369 E Summit Woods Dr NE, Rockford, MI 49341                                 X YES      NO
 NO. YEARS EXPERIENCE               NO. DISPLAYS                               WHERE
 22 years                           300+                                       Michigan
 NAME OF ASSISTANT                                                             ADDRESS OF ASSISTANT                                                          AGE OF ASSISTANT 18 YEARS OR OLDER

 Brian Loper                                                                   4369 E Summit Woods Dr NE, Rockford, MI 49341 X                                   YES        NO

 NAME OF OTHER ASSISTANT                                                       ADDRESS OF OTHER ASSISTANT                                                    AGE OF OTHER ASSISTANT 18 YEARS OR OLDER

 Dave Enbody                                                                   4369 E Summit Woods Dr NE, Rockford, MI 49341 X                                   YES        NO
 Muskegon Country Club, 2801 Lakeshore Drive, Muskegon MI 49441 – on golf course
 DATE OF PROPOSED DISPLAY                                                      TIME OF PROPOSED DISPLAY
 June 30, 2023                                                                 Dusk – Approx 10:25 pm

 No storage necessary, delivered on date of display


 $10,000,000.00                                                                  Britton-Gallagher & Associates

 One Cleveland Center, Floor 30; 1375 East 9th Street, Cleveland, OH 44114
     NUMBER OF FIREWORKS                                                                           KIND OF FIREWORKS TO BE DISPLAYED (Please provide additional pages as needed)

 Approximately 600                     Aerial display shells ranging in size from 1 ¼ inches to 5 inches in diameter

 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT                                                                                                                                                     DATE

                                                                                                                                                                            June 6, 2023

BFS-417 (Rev 01/21)
                                                                                 Bureau of Fire Services
                                                                                    P.O. Box 30700
                                                                                   Lansing, MI 48909
                                                                                    (517) 241-8847

 Authority:  1988 PA 358                                    The Department of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth will not discriminate against any individual or group because or
 Compliance: Voluntary                                      race, sex, religion, age, national origin, color, material status, disability, or political beliefs. If you need assistance with
 Penalty:    Permit will not be issued                      reading, writing, hearing, etc., under the American with Disabilities Ace, you may make your needs known to this agency.

               This permit is not transferable. It authorizes the resident wholesale dealer or jobber named below to have
               in his or her possession fireworks of any type, for sale only to holders of permits for public display or
               agriculture control.

                                   PUBLIC DISPLAY                                                        AGRICULTURAL PEST CONTROL

  Issued To                                                                                                                                     Age (18 or over)
  Pyrotecnico Fireworks, Inc.                                                                                                                   Yes
  4369 E Summit Woods Dr NE, Rockford, MI 49341
  Name of Organization, Group, Firm, or Corporation
  Muskegon Country Club
  2801 Lakeshore Drive, Muskegon MI 49441
  Number and Types of Fireworks

  Approximately 600 aerial display shells ranging in size from 1 ¼ inches to 5 inches in diameter.

  Exact Location of Display
  2801 Lakeshore Drive, Muskegon MI 49441 – on golf course
  City, Village, Township                                                                                     Date                                        Time
  Muskegon, MI                                                                                                June 30, 2023                               Dusk – Approx 10:25pm
  Bond or Insurance Filed?                                                                                                                                Amount
                                                      Yes                                No                                                               $10,000,000.00

               Issued by action of:                                 Council                   Commission                       Board of the

                      City                Village                      Township of _________________________________________
                                                                                         (Name of City, Village, Township)

               on the __________________ day of ________________________________, ____________

                                                                  (Signature and Title of Council/Commission/Board Representative)

                                                                                                                                                                           Page 2 of 4
BFS-417 (Rev 01/21)
                            Instructions for Application for Fireworks Other Than Consumer or Low Impact

Applications shall be submitted to the legislative body of a city, village or township board. A permit may be issued as a result of
official action by the legislative body. A permit shall be valid only for use within the limits of the jurisdiction of the legislative body of a
city, village or township board.

      1.    Type of Permit – check all boxes that may apply to the type of permit needed. You may select several permit types
            depending on your fireworks display. You may check with your legislative body of a city, village or township board for
            assistance when making your selection. Please review the following definitions to determine which type of permit to select:
                         Agricultural or Wildlife Fireworks – devices distributed to farmers, ranchers, and growers through a
                          wildlife management program administered by the US Department of Interior or Michigan DNR.
                         Articles Pyrotechnic – 1.4G fireworks for professional use only that is classified as UN0431 or UN0432.
                         Display Fireworks – 1.3G fireworks for professional use only
                         Special Effects Manufactured for Outdoor Pest Control or Agricultural Purposes – devices with a
                          combination of chemical elements or compounds capable of burning independently of the oxygen of
                          the atmosphere and designed and intended to produce an audible, visual, mechanical or thermal effect
                          for pest or animal control.
                         Public Display – a fireworks display that is open to all persons for viewing.
                         Private Display – a fireworks display that is not open to the general public for viewing.

      2.    Name of applicant – list the name of the applicant. The applicant may be a person representing an organization, group, firm
            or corporation, or self. If the applicant is also the operator, enter the same name in the operator’s section.
      3.    Address of applicant – complete the address of the applicant; include the street address, city, state and zip code.
      4.    Name of person or resident agent representing corporation, LLC, DBA or other – list the name of the person or resident
            agent that represents the corporation, LLC, DBA or other.
      5.    Address of person or resident agent that represents the corporation, LLC, DBA or other – list the address of the person or
            resident agent representing the corporation, LLC, DBA or other.
      6.    Non-resident applicant – list the name of the non-resident applicant. A non-resident applicant shall appoint a Michigan
            attorney or Michigan resident agent in writing to be the applicant’s legal representative upon whom all service of process in
            any action or proceeding may be served.
      7.    Name of pyrotechnic operator – list the name of the pyrotechnic operator. The pyrotechnic operator is the person in charge
            of the display. The legislative body of a city, village or township board shall rule on the competency and qualifications of the
            operator before granting a permit and may require an affidavit from the applicant as to the operator’s experience, former
            pyrotechnic accidents, criminal record, sobriety, etc.
      8.    Address of pyrotechnic operator – list the address of the pyrotechnic operator; include the street address, city, state and zip
      9.    Age of the pyrotechnic operator – list the age of the pyrotechnic operator; the operator must be 18 years of age or older.
      10. Name of assistant – list the name of the assistant to the pyrotechnic operator;
      11. Address of assistant – list the address of the assistant; include the street address, city, state and zip code. If there is more
          than one assistant, please list additional assistants on a separate sheet and include the address and age of those additional
      12. Age of assistant – list the age of the assistant to the pyrotechnic operator; the assistant must be 18 years or older.
      13. Name of other assistant – list the name of other assistant to the pyrotechnic operator.
      14. Age of other assistant – list the age of the assistant to the pyrotechnic operator; the assistant must be 18 years or older.
      15. Exact location of proposed display – list the address of the exact location of the proposed fireworks display.
      16. Date of proposed display – indicate the date of the proposed fireworks display; only one display date can be used per
      17. Time of proposed display – indicate the time of the proposed fireworks display.
      18. Manner and place of storage - indicate the manner and place of storage within the legislative body of a city, village or
          township board of fireworks that are ready for display, just prior to the display in the area of exhibition. The legislative body
          of a city, village or township board shall obtain approval from the local fire authorities of the manner and place of storage
          before any permit is issued.

                                                                                                                             Page 3 of 4
BFS-417 (Rev 01/21)
      19. Amount of bond or insurance - the issuing legislative body of a city, village or township board shall set the amount of and
          proof of bond or insurance for the protection of the public to satisfy claims for damages to property or personal injuries
          arising out of any act or omission on the part of the person, firm or corporation, or any agent or employee of the applicant.
          The applicant shall assure the bond or insurance required is provided.
      20. Name of bonding corporation or insurance company – provide the name of the bonding corporation or insurance company
          for which the bond was issued through.
      21. Address of bonding corporation or insurance company – list the address of the bonding corporation or insurance company;
          include the street address, city, state and zip code.
      22. Number of fireworks and kind of fireworks to be displayed– indicate the total amount of fireworks proposed for the display or
          use and a description of the type of fireworks for display; such as 10 aerial bombs, 30 aerial rocket bursts, etc.
      23. The application is valid for the calendar year in which the application was received and permit was issued.
      24. Permit fees shall be established by the legislative body of a city, village or township board and shall be submitted to and
          retained by legislative body of a city, village or township board.
      25. Permitting will be in compliance with the Michigan Fireworks Safety Act, PA 256 of 2011, MCL 28.466, Section 16.
      26. Mail the application to the legislative body of a city, village or township board within the location jurisdiction of the
          display. DO NOT mail the application to the Bureau of Fire Services (BFS). If mailed to the BFS, it will be returned to the

                                                                                                                        Page 4 of 4
BFS-417 (Rev 01/21)
Muskegon Country Club                                    Melrose Pyrotechnics Inc.
2801 Lakeshore Dr., Muskegon, MI                         12/13/2018 Michael Falk

     Rope line for
     Spectator setback

                                                                 Spectators around
                                                                 Clubhouse and on Hillside

                                          95’ north
                                          Of sand trap

                                                                No Spectators
                                                                On Golf Course

Launch Location            Setup area: 40’ X 40’         Radius from setup area: 350’
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 13, 2023                                   Title: Social District Permit

Submitted By: Dave Alexander                                             Department: City Manager

Brief Summary: The City Commission must recommend approval of the Michigan Liquor Control
Commission permits of participating licensed establishments in the Downtown Muskegon Social

Detailed Summary & Background: With the establishment of the Downtown Muskegon Social
District, participating licensed establishments must receive a Social District permit from the
Michigan Liquor Control Commission. The MLCC must first receive a recommendation for approval
from the City Commission before granting the permits. The Hissom Restaurant Group LLC (dba
The Early Owl) has been a social district participating licensed establishment at its Dr. Rolf’s
Barbeque. The restaurant group is now opening The Early Owl at 451 W. Western Avenue.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: GOAL 1: DESTINATION COMMUNITY & QUALITY OF LIFE
Create an environment that puts an emphasis on improving amenities and investing in the traits that
positively affect residents’ quality of life and attract visitors.

Amount Requested: None                                  Amount Budgeted:
                                                        Contact Finance if your item does not fit into
                                                        the current budget.

Fund(s) or Account(s):                                  Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To approve the resolution recommending Michigan Liquor Control
Commission approval of Social District permit in the Downtown Muskegon Social District for
Hissom Restaurant Group (dba The Early Owl) and to direct the City Clerk to certify the City
Commission action with the MLCC.

Approvals: Get approval from division head at a minimum prior            Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
to sending to the Clerk.
Immediate Division Head           Information Technology                 Yes
Other Division Heads              Communication                          No
Legal Review

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:

                               PERMIT APPLICATON APPROVAL

                                        City of Muskegon

                                 County of Muskegon, Michigan

       Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of
Muskegon, Michigan (the “City”), held at Muskegon City Hall, 933 Terrace, Muskegon, MI 49440
on the 13th day of June, 2023 at 5:30 p.m., prevailing Eastern Time.



       The following preamble and resolution were offered by Commissioner
___________________ and supported by Commissioner __________________.

       WHEREAS, in accordance with Public Act 124 of 2020 on the establishment of Social
Districts within a Michigan city; and
       WHEREAS, COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented economic disruption
worldwide and within our local business community; and

       WHEREAS, restaurants and bars, which have been key contributors to the historic
redevelopment of Downtown Muskegon, have been and will continue to be hard hit by the
economic impact post pandemic; and

       WHEREAS, increasing availability of outdoor spaces for dining and drinking will help
downtown and its businesses recover; and

       WHEREAS, Public Act 124 of 2020 empowers local governments like the City of
Muskegon to enhance its downtowns with Social Districts and accompanying Common Areas
where purchasers may consume and possess alcoholic beverages sold by multiple qualified
Michigan Liquor Commission licensees who obtain Social District Permits; and

       WHEREAS, the City Commission has designated a Downtown Muskegon Social District
and Common Area, and
       WHEREAS, the city has received requests from multiple qualified licensees to
recommend approval of their Social District Permit applications by the Michigan Liquor Control
Commission, and

       WHEREAS, the licensed establishments are contiguous to the Common Area within the
Social District, and

       WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to recommend approval of the Social District
Permit applications,


       1. The Social District Permit Applications from the following licensees are
           recommended by the City Commission to consideration and approval by the
           Michigan Liquor Control Commission:
           a. Hissom Restaurant Group LLC (dba The Early Owl), 451 W. Western Avenue.

       2. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to provide each applicant with a certification
of this action in the form specified by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission.




                                                          Ken Johnson, Mayor

                                                          Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk
       I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by
the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan, at a
regular meeting held on June 13, 2023 and that said meeting was conducted and public notice
of said meeting was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the Open Meetings Act, being
Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan, 1976 and that the minutes of said meeting were kept and will
be or have been made available as required by said Act.

                                                          Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: June 13, 2023                                   Title: Transmittal of
                                                                         2023-24 Proposed

Submitted By: Kenneth D. Grant                                           Department: Finance

Brief Summary: At this time staff is transmitting to the City Commission the proposed budget for
fiscal year 2023-24 which starts July 1, 2023. Both hardcopy and electronic versions of the
budget have been distributed to Commissioners. Additionally, the budget is available for
inspection on the City’s website and at the City Clerk’s office. The proposed budget was
reviewed in detail with staff at the June 12, 2023 work session. A public hearing on the budget is
being held at the regular Commission meeting on June 13, 2024. City ordinance requires that
the budget be adopted by the Commission on or before the second Commission meeting in

Detailed Summary & Background:

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Sustainability in financial practices

Amount Requested:                                                        Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                                                   Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: Approval of the proposed budget for fiscal year 2023-24

Approvals: Get approval from division head at a minimum                  Guest(s) Invited /
prior to sending to the Clerk.                                           Presenting
Immediate Division Head             Information Technology
Other Division Heads                Communication                        Yes

Legal Review                                                             No

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                 RESOLUTION OF APPROPRIATION
                                        2023-24 BUDGET

        WHEREAS, the City Manager has submitted a proposed Budget for 2023-24 in accordance
with City Ordinance and Michigan Public Act 621 of 1978 known as the "Uniform Budgeting and
Accounting Act"; and,
        WHEREAS, the 2023-24 proposed Budget has been reviewed by the City Commission
following a public hearing for which due notice was given; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED
that the Budget for the City of Muskegon for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 is hereby
determined and adopted as follows:

                                          GENERAL FUND
NUMBER            FUND/ACTIVITY NAME                                  AMOUNT

 101-101         City Commission                                      $147,376
 101-103         City Promotions & Public Relations                   $182,223
 101-266         City Attorney                                        $420,000
 101-172         City Manager                                         $714,619
 101-252         Support to Outside Agencies                          $574,426
 101-215         City Clerk & Elections                               $836,450
 101-269         Employee Relations                                   $325,164
 101-202         Finance Administration                               $752,641
 101-203         Pension Administration                             $2,857,808
 101-205         Income Tax Administration                            $485,142
 101-257         Assessing Services                                   $430,000
 101-288         Information Systems Administration                   $699,693
 101-253         City Treasurer                                       $729.654
 101-272         Insurance Premiums                                   $810,000
 101-906         Debt Retirement                                    $1,081,004
 101-999         Transfers to Other Funds                           $1,430,000
 101-301         Police                                            $11,498,377
 101-336         Fire                                               $4,412,794
 101-387         Building Code Inspections and Enforcement          $2,406,083
 101-265         City Hall Maintenance                                $474,279
 101-446         Community Event Support/Downtown BID                 $172,871
 101-448         Streetlighting                                       $310,000
 101-521         Sanitation                                         $2,570,612
 101-550         Stormwater Management                                 $24,250
 101-567         Cemeteries Maintenance                               $598,103
 101-772         Parking Operations                                   $432,617
 101-773         Social District                                       $46,528
 101-751         Recreation                                           $340,419
 101-770         Parks Maintenance                                  $2,633,060
 101-757        McGraft Park Maintenance                           $117,651
 101-771        Forestry                                            $28,000
 101-701        Planning, Zoning and Economic Development          $554,263
                Major Capital Improvements
 101-901                                                           $582,700
                Grand Total General Fund Appropriations          $38,688,306

                                 OTHER BUDGETED FUNDS

NUMBER           FUND/ACTIVITY NAME                                     AMOUNT

202,204            Major Streets and State Trunklines                   3,785,937
203                Local Streets                                        2,078,392

   BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the revenues and other financing sources (including use of
prior year balances) for Fiscal Year 2023-24 are estimated as follows:

                                      GENERAL FUND

                    FUND/ACTIVITY NAME                                  AMOUNT

                   Taxes                                             $ 18,592,474
                   State Revenues                                       6,649,318
                   Fees                                                 5,166,675
                   All Building Permits                                 1,456,000
                   Beach Parking                                          800,000
                   Public Safety Revenue                                  586,600
                   Operating Transfers In                                 430,000
                   Indirect Costs                                       1,748,335
                   Fund Balance Drawdown                                  990,501
                   Other Revenue                                        3,258,904

                   Total General Fund Revenue                          $39,678,807
                                  OTHER BUDGETED FUNDS

NUMBER            FUND/ACTIVITY NAME                                       AMOUNT

202,204             Major Streets and State Trunklines                      5,060,000
203                 Local Streets                                           1,907,500

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the operating expense projections for the following non-budget
funds are hereby approved:

NUMBER            FUND/ACTIVITY NAME                                        AMOUNT

305                 TIFA Debt Service                                         $50,000
394                 Downtown Development Authority Debt                       635,802
250                 Local Finance Development Authority Debt                  108,824
235                 Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (Betten)                 7,300
237                 Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (Former Mall)          255,685
298                 Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (Terrace Point)        375,300
252                 Farmers Market & Kitchen 242                              453,286
254                 Trinity Health Arena                                    2,222,898
404                 Public Improvement Fund                                 2,449,000
482                 State Grants Fund                                       1,500,000
590                 Sewer                                                  10,738,972
591                 Water                                                  12,797,624
594                 Marina/Launch Ramp                                        617,022
661                 Equipment                                               4,110,420
642                 Public Service Building                                 2,316,058
643                 Engineering Services Fund                                 795,108
677                 General Insurance Fund                                  3,253,694

   BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is hereby appropriated for said fiscal year the several
amounts set forth above which, pursuant to the "Uniform Budget and Accounting Act", define the
City of Muskegon's appropriation centers, and

  BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Manager is hereby empowered to transfer
appropriations within appropriation centers, and

  BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is hereby levied a general tax as herein fixed on each
dollar of taxable valuation for the purposes herein outlined, said levy to be applied on all taxable
real and personal property in the City of Muskegon as set forth in the assessment roll dated May

 PURPOSE                                                                MILLAGE (MILLS)

                     General Operating                                             9.7880
                     Sanitation Service                                            2.9364
                     Promotion                                                      .0674

                     Total                                                        12.7918

At a meeting of the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, on the _____ Day of June , the
foregoing resolution was moved for adoption by__________________.            Commissioner
___________________ supported the motion.

Resolution declared adopted.

_________________________________                          __________________________________
Mayor                                                      City Clerk
                                                  Fund Balance
                                     Indrect Cost     3%
                                     Alloications                    Property Taxes
                                          4%                             17%

       Transfers In    Other
           1%           8%

         Beach Parking Public Safety Revenue
              2%                 1%
 All Building Permites

                                                                                      Income Taxes

                               State Revenues               Marijuana Taxes
                                     17%                          2%

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