City Commission Packet Archive 08-07-2023

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                                               City of Muskegon
                                           City Commission Meeting

                                            August 7, 2023, 5:30 pm
                                              Muskegon City Hall
                                   933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440


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The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the
hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with
disabilities who want to attend the meeting with twenty-four (24) hours’ notice to the City of Muskegon.
Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the City of Muskegon by writing
or by calling the following: Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440;


   1.    Call To Order

   2.    Prayer

   3.    Pledge of Allegiance

   4.    Roll Call

   5.    Honors, Awards, and Presentations

          5.a     HOME ARP Plan - Community and Neighborhood Services                                          1

         5.b      Parks & Recreation Master Planning Update - Public Works                                    11

          5.c     Lakeside Business Improvement District Special Assessment - Economic                        12

   6.    Public Comment on Agenda Items
 7.   Consent Agenda

      7.a    Approval of Minutes - City Clerk                                              30

      7.b    Updated Property Maintenance Code - Public Safety                             48

      7.c    Fire Station #5 Roofing Project - Public Safety                               50

      7.d    HOME ARP Plan - Community & Neighborhood Services                             53

      7.e    Legal Representation for Tax Appeals for Property Tax Classification for      72
             Marihuana Operations - Finance

      7.f    West Urban PILOT Agreement 3rd Amendment - Development Services               75

      7.g    Termination of Downtown Muskegon Development Center (DMDC) Parking            82
             Easement Agreements at 387 and 401 Morris - Manager's Office

      7.h    Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance - Fencing - Planning                       116

      7.i    Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance - Residential Design Criteria - Planning   121

      7.j    Sale of 180 Houston Avenue - Manager's Office                                128

 8.   Public Hearings

 9.   Unfinished Business

10.   New Business

      10.a    Designation of Voting Delegates for the Michigan Municipal League Annual    137
              Meeting - City Clerk

      10.b    City ARPA Community Grant Proposals - Manager's Office                      141

11.   Any Other Business

12.   Public Comment on Non-Agenda items

13.   Closed Session

14.   Adjournment
                                      August 7, 2023


ARP Plan
Community and Neighborhood Services

  3   About HOME ARP             8    Our Plan

  4   How Can We Help            9    Citizen Participation

  5   Needs Assessment           10   Contact Information

  6   Bowen Housing Assessment

  7   Opportunities
The City of Muskegon, by way of the
American Rescue Plan Act of 2021,
was awarded $1,218,250.00 to provide
services to those experiencing
homelessness and to provide
supportive services.

 These funds must be used to create new
 programs or services. Funds have to be
 expended by 2030.

 Requires the City to engage and
 encourage public participation.
Who We Can Help
This section outlines who and how we can assist families
experiencing homelesssness.

  Eligible Populations                      Eligible Activities
   Homeless, as defined in section         Production or preservation of
   103(a) (McKinney- Vento)                affordable housing.
   At Risk Homeless, as defined in         Tenant Based Rental Assistance
   section 401(1)                          (TBRA)
   Fleeing, or attempting to flee,         Supportive Services
   domestic violence, dating               Purchase and development of
   violence, sexual assault, stalking,     Non-Congregate shelter.
   or human trafficking.
   Supportive services that prevent
   the family’s homelessness or
   those with greatest risk to housing
   Veterans    and families that include
     Back to Agenda                         Back to Agenda
   a veteran family member that
   meet one of the preceding criteria.
Needs Assessment
The HOME ARP plan requires us to understand where the needs are for
our community.

Point in Time Count
                                   Community Surveys                              MAISD
     (PIT) 2022
62 households without            Identified homelessness as an       Identified 590 unaccompanied
children residing in shelters. issue for:                            youth from infancy to 12th grade
9 identified as unsheltered.         Disabled individuals            between 2021-2022.
22 families residing in shelter.     Mental health issues            Youth were living with family or
                                                                     friends, hotels or motels.
Winter reflected 84 families or      Domestic violence/trafficking
individuals living sheltered or      victims
unsheltered.                         Youth
Between 2018-2022 there              Veterans
was an average of 113
sheltered homeless.

  Back to Agenda
Bowen's Housing
                                  Neighborhoods greatly
    Lack of housing
 Safe and appropriate              Angel
 housing.                          Marsh Fields
 Variety of housing types-         McLaughlin
 rental vs. own                    Nelson
 Variety of housing ex.) house,
 apartment, duplex, condo.
                                  Existing Housing Stock
 Housing that is reasonably
 priced or that fits all income   400 units of substandard
 levels.                          housing.
 Available housing for current    Cost burdened- most families
 and future residents.            are contributing over 30% of
                                  income toward rent.
                                  Limited available housing to rent
Back to Agenda                    or to buy.

       Gap # 1                      Gap # 2                   Gap # 3               Gap # 4
Quality affordable housing.   Resources to assist with   Case management- Long   Increase access to
                                move in expenses.                term            emergency shelters
Our Plan                        Administration

   Operating and Capacity Building

         Supportive Services

                 Citizen Participation
                 Public Comment Period- July 17, 2023- August 1, 2023

                 Public Hearing- July 27, 2023

                                           Opportunites to Engage

                                                 In person

                  A copy of the HOME ARP plan can be reviewed on the City's website under
Back to Agenda                    Community and Neighborhood Services.

Connect with us.

Our office
933 Terrace St.
Room 202
Muskegon Mi 49440

Call us
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: August 7, 2023            Title: Parks & Recreation Master Planning Update

Submitted By: Kyle Karczewski                      Department: Public Works

Brief Summary:
Staff will present an update to the Commission regarding the 2023 Parks & Recreation Master Plan.

Detailed Summary & Background:
Staff will present an update to the Commission regarding the 2023 Parks & Recreation Master Plan.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:
Enhanced Parks and Recreation Department and Services

Amount Requested: N/A                              Budgeted Item: Yes    ☐    No   ☐ N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                         Budgeted Amendment Needed: Yes        ☐   No     ☒

Recommended Motion: N/A (For Discussion Only)

Approvals:                         Legal Review             ☐      Guest(s) Invited / Presenting

Immediate Division Head      ☒     Information Technology   ☐      Yes   ☐

Other Division Heads         ☐     Communication            ☒      No    ☒
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: August 7th, 2023             Title: Lakeside Business Improvement District
                                                      Special Assessment

Submitted By: Dave Alexander                          Department: Economic Development

Brief Summary: The Lakeside Business Improvement District is requesting a special assessment
for three more years starting in January of 2024.

Detailed Summary & Background:
Funds from the Lakeside BID assessment in 2021-2023 has allowed for the BID to cover items that
keep the integrity of the business district. Funds have been used to cover snow removal,
Christmas decorations, landscaping and maintenance, Lakeside events, and advertisements in the
Visitors Guide.

In order to continue these services, the Lakeside BID has requested a final three-year assessment
at a 20% reduction for 2024-2026, continuing with the current district boundaries. Class A
properties will have a per parcel rate of $0.04 per square foot of lot size for a Commercial Property,
not to exceed $1,600, and $0.02 per square foot of lot size for an Industrial, Automotive or Utility
Property, not to exceed $1,600. The special assessments will be in the winter tax bills. After the
additional three years is complete, the BID will transition into the CIA.

City staff has provided a Special Assessment Packet that outlines the overview of the request, a
letter from the City of Muskegon Assessor, the budget recommendation and explanation, and the
properties included in the assessment. City staff will introduce the request at the Work Session on
August 7th, 2023 and bring it to the City Commission meeting on August 22nd, 2023.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:

Amount Requested: N/A                                 Budgeted Item:
                                                      Yes          No           N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s):                                Budget Amendment Needed:
                                                      Yes          No           N/A
Recommended Motion: N/A

Approvals:                Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division Head
Information Technology    Yes

Other Division Heads      No

Legal Review
Lakeside Business

Special Assessment
Benefit Analysis Overview
Funds from the BID assessments from 2021-2023
have enabled us to pay for many items which
improved the Lakeside business district which
include the following services: snow removal from
sidewalks, Christmas decorations and holiday tree
lighting, landscaping and maintenance, Lakeside
events and advertisement in the Visitors Guide.
Special Assessment 24-26

The City of Muskegon in conjunction with Lakeside stakeholders is
proposing to renew the Lakeside Business Improvement District
(BID) assessment for three more years, starting in January of 2024.
The BID board, appointed by the Muskegon City Commission of BID
assessment paying property owners, is recommending this renewal.
Special Assessment Rates 2024-

“Class A” Properties, as defined in      “Class B” properties as defined in the
the BID Bylaws, shall be assessed        BID Bylaws be assessed annually
annually assessment of $0.04/sf with     assessment of $0.02/sf with no
no assessment to exceed $1,600.          assessment to exceed $1600.

                                         Lakeside BID recommends 2 cents
                                         the established rate for industrial,
                                         automotive and utility properties that
                                         do not gain as much benefit from the
*The rate is based upon square footage   district as the other commercial uses.
of the assessed commercial property
Based upon conservative assumptions, the
recommended rate maintains current services and
discretionary funds for the three years, offers a 20
percent reduction in special assessments and puts
the CIA in a position to continue current services in
2027 and beyond.

The Lakeside Business Improvement District
Board recommends that the BID be renewed for a
final three years, 2024-2026 so as to complete the
transition to the CIA, continuing with current
district boundaries, placing the special
assessments on the winter tax bills and
recommending that this be the final BID renewal

               JULY 25, 2023

*Green indicates businesses within the Lakeside Business Improvement District. Red indicated property lines.
2024-2026 Assessment
From: Contessa Alexander, BID-CIA staff liaison on behalf of the Lakeside Business
Improvement District Board
Date: May 17, 2023
To: Muskegon City Clerk/City Commission

The three-year Lakeside Business Improvement District special assessment district
ends on Dec. 31, 2023. It has been successful in providing an essential service in
sidewalk snow removal, allowing for a transition from the Lakeside District
Association to the Corridor Improvement Authority and establishing a future of
quality public services to a critical commercial district between downtown and the
As time goes on, the CIA’s tax increment financing revenues will grow to replace
the BID revenues. The Lakeside Business Improvement District Board
recommends that the BID be renewed for a final three years, 2024-2026 so as to
complete the transition to the CIA, continuing with current district boundaries,
placing the special assessments on the winter tax bills and recommending that
this be the final BID renewal request.

The rate based upon square footage of land of the assessed commercial
properties, Lakeside BID recommends 2 cents the established rate for industrial,
automotive and utility properties that do not gain as much benefit from the
district as the other commercial uses. The Lakeside BID recommends a 4-cent rate
for the next three years, for all of the commercial properties, based upon financial
analysis of revenues and expenditures. Based upon conservative assumptions, the
recommended rate maintains current services and discretionary funds for the
three years, offers a 20 percent reduction in special assessments and puts the CIA
in a position to continue current services in 2027 and beyond.
2024 - 2026 Assessments:
   - “Class A” Properties, as defined in the BID Bylaws, shall be assessed
     annually assessment of $0.04/sf with no assessment to exceed $1,600.
     Contiguous properties with the same use and same owner shall be assessed
      as one property. Property lot size on record with the City Assessor shall be
      used in determining the square footage of properties.
  -   “Class B” properties as defined in the BID Bylaws be assessed annually
      assessment of $0.02/sf with no assessment to exceed $1600. Contiguous
      properties with the same use and same owner shall be assessed as one
      property. Property lot size on record with the City Assessor shall be used in
      determining the square footage of properties.
  - Based on this assessment structure, approximately $21,334.04 will be
    expected to support services for businesses and property owners within the
    Lakeside BID during 2024-2026.
  - The assessment shall be placed on the 2024, 2025 and 2026 winter
    property tax bills. This is the final special assessment the BID is
  - The 2024-2026 Lakeside BID district, assessment rolls and collection
    methods were discussed at Lakeside BID Board meetings on April 12, 2023
    and May 17, 2023. A resolution supporting the above recommendation was
    voted on at the May 17, 2023 Lakeside BID Board meeting. The vote result
    was as follows:
2024-26 BID Recommendation Vote: Recommendation approved 7-0
Member                Yes     No     Abstention      Motion/Support Absent
Chair Mark            X                              Support
Melanie Lyonnais      X
Ron Jenkins           X
Louise Hopson         X                              Motion
Kathy Fearnley        X
Dick Ghezzi           X
Andrea Chambers                                                         X
Allen Serio             X
Jonathan Seyferth   X
                Lakeside Business Improvement District
Budget Recommendation & Explanation
Date: May 17, 2023
To: Muskegon City Clerk/City Commission
From: Lakeside Business Improvement District Board

Budget Recommendation:
This is a proposed budget for the Lakeside Business Improvement District for 2024-2026.
Based on a two-tier assessment where “Class A” Properties pay $0.04/sf annually and “Class B”
Properties pay $0.02/sf annually the Lakeside BID can expect to generate $21,334.04 during
2024. Property special assessments are capped at $1,600.
                      Proposed 2024-2026 BID budgets

 2023 BID Estimated Fund Balance                 $22,271.00
               2024 Revenues
 2024 BID Special Assessments                    $21,334.04
 2024 Estimated CIA Revenues                     $10,538.00
 Total Revenues                                  $31,869.04
              2024 Expenditures
 Snow removal                                    ($26,880.00)
 Landscaping                                     ($500.00)
 Marketing, promotion, events                    ($1,000.00)
 Holiday Decorations/ Streetscape                ($3,500.00)
 *Contingency                                    Not included

 Total                                           ($31,880.00)

 2024 BID Estimated Fund Balance                 $22,263.04

Budget Explanation:
Snow removal: This is the largest item. Sidewalk snow removal current contract with Berry
Ghezzi is in place for 2023-2024 and will be reviewed for the final two years.
Landscaping: Materials to be provided for volunteer work.
Marketing, promotion, events: The BID will have enough in this line item or the fund balance to
assist for a summer or fall event.
Holiday Decorations/ Streetscape: The BID will consider tree lighting and pole decorating for the
holiday season.

The 2024-2026 BID budget and work plan was approved by a vote of the BID Board on May 17,
2023. The BID board vote results were:
2024 BID Budget Vote: Recommendation Approved: Recommendation approved 7-0
       Member         Yes   No   Abstention   Motion/Support       Absent
Chair Mark Flermoen    X
Melanie Lyonnais       X
Ron Jenkins            X                          Motion
Louise Hopson          X                          Support
Kathy Fearnley         X
Dick Ghezzi            X
Andrea Chambers                                                       X
Allen Serio                                                           X
Jonathan Seyferth     X
   _ADDRESS         SF per assessing OWNER_NAME1                       Assessment Amount 4 cents      Class
1950 LAKESHORE DR      15060.5    1950 LAKESHORE DRIVE LLC                                   602.42   A
1983 LAKESHORE DR      13171.88   1983 LAKESHORE LLC                                       526.8752   A
1888 LAKESHORE DR                 ALDERINK SHANNA                                                 0
1742 LAKESHORE DR                 BAESSLER LAURI J                                                0
2353 LAKESHORE DR                 BILLINGSLEY COLLIN                                              0
2159 LAKESHORE DR                 BISHOP TODD/JANET                                               0
2211 LAKESHORE DR                 BISSON MARY J                                                   0
2445 LAKESHORE DR      8712.00    BLAKE TOM/EVANS BLAKE                                      348.48   A
2205 LAKESHORE DR                 BODMAN NILS/NADJI M/BUIKEMA LESLIE                              0
2155 LAKESHORE DR                 BROCK CHRISTOPHER J                                             0
1991 LAKESHORE DR      40617.80   BTBG INVESTMENTS LLC                                         1600   A
2133 LAKESHORE DR                 BURLINGAME DANIEL                                               0
2085 LAKESHORE DR                 BVF PROPERTIES LLC                                              0
1700 LAKESHORE DR      26400.00   C & C MANAGEMENT GROUP INC                                   1056   A
2182 LAKESHORE DR      37644.29   CENTRAL PAPER EMPLOYEES FCU                             1505.7716   A
2123 LAKESHORE DR                 CHRIS COLLINS RENTALS LLC                                       0
2117 LAKESHORE DR                 COLLINS CHRISTOPHER TRUST ET AL                                 0
1794 LAKESHORE DR      19694.80   CROW INVESTMENTS LLC                                         1600   A
1786 LAKESHORE DR       6210.00   CROW INVESTMENTS LLC                                        248.4   A
1756 LAKESHORE DR      19800.00   RAANS PROPERTIES LLC                                          792   A
2034 LAKESHORE DR      10767.00   DOOM TREVOR                                                215.34   B
2471 LAKESHORE DR                 DOUGLAS STEVEN M/EVE E                                          0
2437 LAKESHORE DR                 DOYLE PATRICK M                                                 0
1930 LAKESHORE DR      18144.00   FELINSKI BILL W TRUST                                      725.76   A
1878 LAKESHORE DR                 FGA LLC                                                         0
2130 LAKESHORE DR                 FONNER ADAM M                                                   0
2054 LAKESHORE DR      8600.00    FUNK EDWARD W TRUST                                           172   B
1732 LAKESHORE DR      8750.00    GARRETT LORIL                                                 350   A
2020 LAKESHORE DR      6675.23    GAWKOWSKI PROPERTIES LAKESHORE LLC                       267.0092   A
2043 LAKESHORE DR                 GHEZZI RICHARD                                                  0
2017 LAKESHORE DR      8170.80    GHEZZI RICHARD A ESTATE                                   326.832   A
1812 LAKESHORE DR      19386.00   GHEZZI RICHARD A ESTATE                                    775.44   A
1937 LAKESHORE DR      9529.00    GHEZZI RICHARD P                                           381.16   A
2055 LAKESHORE DR               GHEZZI TRAVIS R                         0
2033 LAKESHORE DR    7425.00    GHEZZI TRAVIS R                       297   A
1904 LAKESHORE DR               GOFF ROBERT SR/SHAWN L                  0
1629 LAKESHORE DR               GOULET ZACHARY T                        0
2341 LAKESHORE DR    7700.00    H2O ENTERPRISES LLC                   308   A
2349 LAKESHORE DR               HAMEL TROY S/CHRISTINE                  0
2144 LAKESHORE DR               HAMMERLE WENDI                          0
2075 LAKESHORE DR               HASSALEVRIS JASON                       0
2235 LAKESHORE DR               HENDRICKSON EDWIN L/DEBRA B             0
2257 LAKESHORE DR               HICKS ANGELA                            0
2333 LAKESHORE DR               HYSO KLAID                              0
1716 LAKESHORE DR               JOHNSON BRIAN/DEBORAH                   0
2355 LAKESHORE DR               KENDRA JOHN                             0
1883 LAKESHORE DR    7078.00    KORNDORFER PAUL R                  283.12   A
1891 LAKESHORE DR    7407.00    KORNDORFER PAUL R                  296.28   A
1830 LAKESHORE DR               KUBON NANCY ET AL                       0
1777 LAKESHORE DR               LAKESIDE VETERANS CLUB                  0
1605 LAKESHORE DR               LARSON ALEXANDRIA                       0
2465 LAKESHORE DR   16665.00    M J BLAIS LLC                       666.6   A
1637 LAKESHORE DR               MCCABE JAMES F                          0
2245 LAKESHORE DR               MCCALL WENDY                            0
1905 LAKESHORE DR               MERLONE PROPERTIES LLC                  0
2160 LAKESHORE DR               MICHAEL MORSE                           0
2565 LAKESHORE DR   39275.00    MOJI INC                             1571   A
1763 LAKESHORE DR               MUSKEGON RECREATION CLUB                0
1824 LAKESHORE DR               NYE DONALD H ESTATE                     0
1864 LAKESHORE DR   13600.00    PPJ INVESTMENTS LLC                   544   A
2463 LAKESHORE DR               PRIVACKY FRANK/SHENK LINDA J            0
2125 LAKESHORE DR               RASEY JOHN R/TAMMY                      0
1910 LAKESHORE DR               SAND DOCK PROPERTIES LLC                0
1623 LAKESHORE DR               SCHWING PAUL D                          0
2223 LAKESHORE DR               SEIFERT KURT                            0
1920 LAKESHORE DR   344124.00   SHM GREAT LAKES LLC                  1600   A
      2080 LAKESHORE DR    16920.00        SHORELINE SERVICE INC                                  676.8   A
      1724 LAKESHORE DR                    SIEDLECKI TERESA M                                         0
      1896 LAKESHORE DR                    SIMON ADAM L/JENNIFER A                                    0
      2143 LAKESHORE DR                    SLAGH DAVID A/ANDREA M                                     0
      2063 LAKESHORE DR                    STEINBACH & STEINBACH LLC                                  0
      2009 LAKESHORE DR     5321.00        STEINBACH JOHN E ET AL                                212.84   A
      1899 LAKESHORE DR                    STRYCHAR KEVIN B                                           0
     2167 LAKESHORE DR      3825.00        SWARVAR DANIEL C                                         153   A
     2173 LAKESHORE DR      4165.00        SWARVAR DANIEL C                                       166.6   A
      2187 LAKESHORE DR    10795.00        SWARVAR DANIEL C                                       431.8   A
      2124 LAKESHORE DR                    TEICHMER SCOTT R                                           0
      2447 LAKESHORE DR                    THOMAS ROBERT                                              0
      1945 LAKESHORE DR     5445.00        THORSEN SHEILA P TRUST                                 217.8   A
      1748 LAKESHORE DR                    THORSEN SHEILA TRUST                                       0
      1953 LAKESHORE DR     8170.80        TOP FLIGHT LLC                                       326.832   A
      2136 LAKESHORE DR                    VANLENTE MARSHA                                            0
      1831 LAKESHORE DR    12556.00        VERIZON INC (FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS)                 251.12   B
      1927 LAKESHORE DR    9529.00         VF VENTURES LLC                                       381.16   A
      1845 LAKESHORE DR    19272.00        VF VENTURES LLC                                       770.88   A
      2111 LAKESHORE DR                    WASHINGTON JONATHAN/WALLACE LAPOLIA                        0
      1595 LAKESHORE DR     8976.00        WASSERMAN PROPERTY COMPANY LLC                        359.04   A
      1965 LAKESHORE DR     8167.00        WILLIAM J GIBNER LLC                                  326.68   A
      2152 LAKESHORE DR                    YOUNTS MARK A/KATHYRN L                                    0


Square footage assessed:        833749.1
Assessment amount
             Class         Amt per s/f
               A              0.04
               B              0.02
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: August 7, 2023                           Title: Approval of Minutes

Submitted By: Ann Marie Meisch, MMC                               Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary: To approve the minutes of the June 29, 2023 Goal Setting Meeting and the July
25, 2023 Regular Meeting.

Detailed Summary & Background:

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:

Amount Requested:                                  Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                             Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To approve the minutes.

Approvals: Get approval from division head at a minimum prior     Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
to sending to the Clerk.
Immediate Division Head        Information Technology             Yes
Other Division Heads           Communication                      No
Legal Review

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                                 City of Muskegon Special Meeting
                                        Goal Setting Session
                                     Lakeshore Museum Center
                             430 W. Clay Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49440
                                             11:30 a.m.

Present: Mayor Johnson, Commissioners St.Clair, Emory, Gorman, and Ramsey
Absent: Vice Mayor German and Commissioner Hood

Staff Members present: Mike Franzak, Ann Meisch, Kyle Karczewski, Jason Boes, Dan
VanderHeide, Pete Wills, Deborah Santiago-Sweet, Dave Alexander, Jake Lamie, Jessica
Rabe, Jake Eckholm, Sarah Peterson, Dwana Thompson, Sharonda Carson, Captain Tim
Bahorski, Peggy Thorsen-Straley, Rachel Gorman, LeighAnn Mikesell, Todd Myers, Ken Grant,
Jonathan Seyferth, Barb Shullenberger, Wendy Webster (to do minutes), and Kim Young (to do

Paula Kendra (Facilitator)

The Goal Setting session is being led by Paula Kendra, owner of Kendra Consulting.

Review the Four Major Goal Areas and Key Take-a-ways from 2022 - 2027 Vision

           ●   Community Connection/Manager’s Office
           ●   Destination & Quality of Life/DPW/Parks
           ●   Financial Infrastructure/Finance/Manager
           ●   Economic Development, Housing, and Business/Development Services

Review each key focus area and discuss next steps/new action items

City Manager Jonathan Seyferth reviewed of the “rules” - use first names, no interrupting - let
others finish, raise your hand to follow up on an idea - let everyone speak on a topic if they wish
- respect by debating ideas, not individuals, stay on topic, ask questions, be present - engaged -
and actively listening.

Paula Kendra is here to help us continue our strategy and is impressed with the visions the city
came up with.

Deborah Santiago-Sweet and Ann Meisch presented updates on
2027 Goal 3: Community Connection: Create an environment of mutual respect and trust
between local government and the community we serve. Increase communication with
residents, workers, business owners, and visitors to inform, educate, and create opportunities
for input.
Focus Areas:

      Enhanced internal and community communications
      Focus on neighborhood associations
      Foster strong ties among government and community agencies
      Help increase public participation
      More integrated community
      Increased range of options for communications
      Staff reflective of the diverse community
      Increased election turnout

Progress made on this goal includes:

      Hired Community Engagement Director
      Created C2EM (Communication, Community Engagement, and Marketing) Committee
      We will be publishing a newsletter
      Launched
      Providing a monthly update sheet for Neighborhood Associations
      Holding engagement events
      Have approved budget for print newsletter and monthly e-newsletter
      Created internal Human Resources position
      Using Zen City
      Change in law allows early voting beginning in 2024
      We will have early voting available for residents at County Facility and City Hall
      Continued utilization of voting trailer

Highlights from discussion for recommendations to build momentum and focus on things that
haven’t been done include:

      Ensure communication with residents is digestible/understandable/accessible
      Track Community Interaction – metrics (presented with a narrative) such as number of
       attendees, email open rate, online survey interactions, etc.
      How do we reach and engage with a more diverse range of the the city’s residents?
       Including renters? Need for methods and tracking metrics
      Staff should be reflective of Community
      Have more internal staff communication to prepare them to respond to residents
      Need to invest in updating city forms for accessibility for non-English speakers/readers
       or use sign language
      Focus on neighborhood organizations – provide organizational development support
      Some areas/Residents are not represented by a neighborhood association
      Continue election turnout focus – include education for residents regarding wards in
       which they reside, who their city commissioner is.
      Continue to support public safety’s efforts to build relationships with residents
      Prioritize participation in C2EM
      Specific and targeted outreach to people in areas we don’t usually hear from.
      Identify agencies in community that do similar work, better tell these stories when we’re
       already working with partners (GARE)
      Diversity (recruit and retain) public safety department
      Focus on retaining youth and young adults in the city

Dan VanderHeide and Kyle Karczewski provided updates on
2027 Goal 1: Destination Community & Quality of Life: Create an environment that puts an
emphasis on improving amenities and investing in the traits that positively affect residents’
quality of life and attract visitors.

Focus Areas:

      Improved access to the waterfront
      Improved connections between downtown and the beaches
      Passenger transit service to Chicago
      Blight cleanup
      Enhanced Parks and Recreation Department and Services
      Events and activities
      Public transportation options (tram, scooters, trolley biking network)
      Public restrooms that remain open

Progress made on this goal includes:

      Many of new developments are on the water and are providing waterfront access on
       their own or with encouragement
      Parks & Rec officially re-established
      All but one set of bathrooms re-opened - Sheldon park needs work
      About 150 events in 2022; about 125 in 2023

Highlights from discussion for recommendations to build momentum and focus on things that
haven’t been done include:

      Continue exploration of Amtrak service – connect with Representative Scholten, promote
       bus service to Holland
      Promote Positive attitudes about community by communicating a positive narrative
       about amenities
      Offering quality recreation opportunities that are attractive to a broader range of
      Clean up graffiti quickly
      Improve connections along the Lakeshore (updated language for #2)
      Improved public access and accessibility to the water front (#1)
      Equitable and judicious enforcement of blight clean up laws – particularly commercial
      Pilot a community tool shed – use tool trailer?
      Analysis of current property management policies
      Kruse Park stairway restoration
      Develop plan for recurring revenue for parks
      More focus on combatting, reducing, preventing gun violence in the community
      Identify ways for city government to be supportive or organizations focused on reducing
       poverty beyond monetary support

Ken Grant presented updates on:
2027 Goal 4: Financial Infrastructure: Create an environment that naturally affects the city’s
revenues in a positive manner, with a focus on reclaiming city investments in housing, nurturing
startup projects proposed throughout the city, and exploring staff recommendations related to
new revenues.

Focus Areas and progress on this goal:

      Decrease infrastructure burden on residents
           a. DPW has been awesome about securing grants/loans for projects
      Sustainability in financial practices and infrastructure
           a. Continue to follow guidelines with sound practices
           b. DPW doing great here too
      Increase Revenue
           a. Getting more housing/developments - this helps the bottom line
           b. Economic Development and Income Tax; public safety - everyone plays a role in
              increasing tax income

Highlights from discussion for recommendations to build momentum and focus on things that
haven’t been done include:

      Improve communication with residents about how tax dollars are used – make city
       budget “digestible”
      Capture tourism revenue
      Educate the public on ow the city raises funds
      Thank residents for support – make communication positive
      Share expenses information to help residents understand
      Continue infill housing work and increase density to address infrastructure burden
      Explore building an endowment for parks and rec while managing expectations of
      Keen ap eye on costs – continually become more cost efficient.

10-minute Break
Jake Eckholm and Mike Franzak presented updates on:
2027 Goal 2: Economic Development, Housing, and Business: Create an environment that
effectively attracts new residents and retains existing residents by filling existing employment
gaps, attracting new and diverse businesses to the city, and expanding access to a variety of
high-quality options in Muskegon.

Focus Areas:

      Diverse Housing types
      Diversity reflected in businesses and business owners
      Improved reputation for inspections department
      Micro-commercial areas in neighborhoods
      Retain youth within the city
      Neighborhood commercial center development
      Progress toward completion of ongoing economic development projects

Progress made on this goal includes:

Highlights from discussion for recommendations to build momentum and focus on things that
haven’t been done include:

      24,000 people work in the city every day, 20,000 of them do not live in the city
      Commissioners must support staff efforts – votes, communicating to constituents
      Add public safety focus area communicate that our neighborhoods are safe where infill
       housing is being built – share widely
      Incentive City staff to live within city limits
      Emphasize benefits in job postings
      Identify the next area for investment
      Continued commitment to arena and convention center
      Set clear expectations with residents regarding the role of the inspections department
      Implement customer service evaluation process for inspections department, including a
       plan for improving customer satisfaction.
      Include SafeBuilt in celebrating residents – provide a different way for them to interact
       with residents
      Evaluate how/which residents are using the arena
      Greater engagement by DDA in arena costs
      Programs and efforts to increase housing affordability

Other comments/discussion points included:

Mayor Johnson talked about the entrepreneurial eco system of the city, citing Kitchen 424;
chalets as examples; reinforcing what we are already doing as an entrepreneur friendly city. We
The city has invested heavily in the arena to revitalize and activate it. We should determine how
it’s being used by city residents and figure out how to get those that don’t use the arena to do so

Discussions need to take place around who to retain youth within the city - no action items were
assigned last year and we should put more focus on it this year - young adults and youth - focus
on attracting people to our schools. How do we foster strong ties between government and
community? The C2EM Committee can be helpful here.

Climate Action - Environmental impact - we will be doing an impact study to figure out how the
city impacts the climate…not as a whole (the whole city) but as an entity.

Look at action steps for Community Connection and Economic Development - add action items

Community Connection:
Action Items: barriers were with communication
Goal 3 action item add: Participation in C2EM Committee to take advantage of the Community
Engagement department to push out information about your department and increase
communication about things that are happening so everyone has the information

Two focus areas did not have action items assigned:

Specific and targeted outreach to communities we don’t hear from and don’t normally connect
with. Use targeted universalism and align with other agencies that do the work.

Action item regarding GARE and how it aligns with organization and schools

Discussion regarding Economic Development, housing, and business. Regarding housing
subsidies, we should continue working toward this and expand our efforts. Maybe consider a
designated housing fund.

Start on 2022-2.5 - Plaza has been designed for chalets at beach - we need to confirm interest
and it will be about 1.5M to get started. It would improve parking but where’s the money coming
from? Look into potential grant resources. Is this an urgent need? Parking, boardwalk, plaza
space - want to see this move forward but need to address Kruse Park Boardwalk first.

Add action item for securing funding for Kruse Park stairway repair/replacement - Destination
Community and Quality of Life. Consider establishing “Friends of Muskegon Parks“

Encourage DPW to put together a list of concrete plans/best intentions/ that looks like
something we can share and know. Something that explains why we’re doing what we’re doing
when we’re doing it.

Long term funding sources for Parks and Recreation, continuously explore recurring revenue
options. Develop a plan.
Talk about gun violence in our city and how to get a handle on it - how to combat and prevent. It
should go under quality of life. We should we include public safety in all of our goals, like climate
change, we need to view all of our goals through a public safety lens. Make this a place you
want to be and want to stay.

Create an environment where people can be successful

There are numerous organizations that support kids and we should partner with those.

We need to advertise opportunities for training, job placement, etc.

The goal setting meeting adjourned at 2:36 p.m.

                                                      Respectfully Submitted,

                                                      Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk
                                 City of Muskegon
                             City Commission Meeting

                               July 25, 2023, 5:30 pm
                                Muskegon City Hall
                      933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440

Present:              Mayor Ken Johnson
                      Commissioner Rebecca St.Clair
                      Commissioner Eric Hood
                      Vice Mayor Willie German, Jr.
                      Commissioner Teresa Emory

Absent:               Commissioner Rachel Gorman
                      Commissioner Michael Ramsey

Staff Present:        City Manager Jonathan Seyferth
                      City Clerk Ann Meisch
                      City Attorney John Schrier
                      Deputy City Clerk Kimberly Young

1.    Call To Order

      Mayor Ken Johnson called the Muskegon City Commission meeting to order at
      5:30 p.m.
2.    Prayer

      Pastor Dwayne Riley, Crestwood United Methodist Church, opened the meeting
      with a prayer.
3.    Pledge of Allegiance

      The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the Commission and the
4.    Roll Call
      As recorded above

5.   Honors, Awards, and Presentations
     5.a   MCC Student Recognition

           The Police Department would like to recognize Alexander Smith and Alex
           Near for their hard work on designing the wrap for the new City community
           bus donated by Ramos and Sons. Alexander and Alex are students at
           Muskegon Community College working on their Associate of Arts and
           Science in Graphic Design. Their creativity skills captured the essence of
           our great city and will be displayed throughout our neighborhoods at
           various community engagement events.

           Emily Morgenstern, Police Community Coordinator for the Public Safety
           Department, recognized Dave Ramos, of Ramos Towing for his donation
           of the shuttle bus to the Muskegon Police Department. The outside of the
           shuttle bus was given a makeover thanks to the creative minds of
           Muskegon Community College students Alex Near and Alexander Smith,
           along with their Instructor, Kevin Kaiser. The Shuttle bus is currently
           being used for Pop Up parties in local neigborhoods throughout the city,
           providing an opportunity for positive interactions between residents and
           law enforcement.
     5.b   Introduce New Staff

           City Manager Jonathan Seyferth introduced Derrick Oakes, Muskegon
           County HR Representative, who will be on-site in city hall to work with
6.   Public Comment on Agenda Items
     Public comments were received.
7.   Consent Agenda
     Action No. 2023-81

     Motion by: Commissioner St.Clair
     Second by: Vice Mayor German

     To accept the consent agenda as presented, (item E has been removed from the
     agenda), minus item C and H.

     Ayes: (5): Mayor Johnson, Commissioner St.Clair, Commissioner Hood, Vice
     Mayor German, and Commissioner Emory
     Absent (2): Commissioner Gorman, and Commissioner Ramsey

                                                      MOTION PASSES (5 to 0)

7.a   Approval of Minutes - City Clerk

      To approve the minutes of the June 27, 2023 Regular Meeting, July 10,
      2023 Worksession, and July 11, 2023 Regular Meeting.
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the minutes.
7.b   MML Workers' Compensation Fund Board Ballot

      As a member of the Michigan Municipal League's (MML) Worker's
      Compensation Fund, the City of Muskegon votes for the fund's board
      members. The Commission must approve a slate of up to six candidates.
      The recommended slate of candidates can be found on the page following
      the memo.

      As a member of the Michigan Municipal League's (MML) Worker's
      Compensation Fund, the City of Muskegon votes for the fund's board
      members. The Commission must approve a slate of up to six candidates.
      The recommended slate of candidates can be found on the page following
      the memo include the following individuals.
      First Term Recommendations:

            Christine Burns, Manager, Village of Spring Lake

            Juan Ganum, Manager, City of Bridgeman

            Kevin Klynstra, Mayor, City of Zeeland
      Re-election to Second Terms Recommendations:

            Devin Olson, Manager, City of Munising

            Adam Smith, Manager, City of Grand Ledge

            David J Toosava, Mayor, City of Hastings
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the MML Worker’s
      Compensation Fund Board of Trustees slate as presented and authorize
      the City Manager to sign.
7.d   Deputy City Manager Contract - Manager's Office

      The City Commission had indicated a desire to see the Deputy Manager’s
      position memorialized with its own contract. This contract is based largely

      on the City Manager’s contract and notes that the DCM position is outside
      the Civil Service.

      The contract is based largely on the City Manager’s contract
      and includes benefits provided to other department/division heads.
      Key Highlights:
      - Car allowance
      - Educational allowance (with a passing grade)
      - Remote work option (structured and reviewed annually)
      - Contract would be retroactive to May 1, 2023
      AMOUNT REQUESTED: $144,000
      FUND OR ACCOUNT: 101-172-5100/various

      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: : To approve the Deputy City Manager’s
      contract as presented and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign.
7.f   Water Supply System Bonds - Finance

      Ordinance authorizing the issuance of Water Supply System Junior Lien
      Revenue Bonds.
      To authorize the issuance of Water Supply System Bonds in an amount
      not to exceed $8,865,000. The Bonds are expected to be sold to the
      Michigan Finance Authority and payable in 20 annual principal
      installments at an interest rate of 1.875%. Scheduled closing is September

      Estimated Principal Forgiveness: These numbers are still being finalized
      and do not include the reductions for the ARPA Grant and principal
      forgiveness, which is 75% of the project cost amount, leaving the amount
      of the loan to be repaid of $2,216,250.

      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the ordinance authorizing the
      issuance of Water Supply System Revenue Bonds.
7.g   Sanitary Sewer Collection System Bonds - Finance

      Ordinance authorizing the issuance of Sanitary Sewer Collection System
      Junior Lien Revenue Bonds.

      To authorize the issuance of Sanitary Sewer Collection System Bonds in
      an amount not to exceed $3,910,000. The Bonds are expected to be sold
      to the Michigan Finance Authority and payable in 20 annual principal

      installments at an interest rate of 1.875%. Scheduled closing is September
      Estimated Principal Forgiveness is approximately $1,955,000.

      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the ordinance authorizing the
      issuance of Sanitary Sewer Collection System Revenue Bonds.
7.c   Tax Foreclosure City Property Acquisition 2023 - Economic

      Staff is seeking approval to purchase various vacant lots for infill housing
      and homes for rehab prior to their procession to the Tax Foreclosure

      We have received the list of properties and structures in the city limits that
      are proceeding to the tax auction. Staff has compiled the attached list that
      we feel are in the public interest for the City of Muskegon to acquire for the
      purposes of new construction infill housing, as well as affordable housing
      rehabs through CNS. We anticipate that most of these properties will be
      built on in calendar 2024 and will be a blend of for-sale and for-rent
      The lots are requested for purchase as follows:

            1974 Dowd ($1,216.50)

            647 Marquette ($520.79)

            77 Hartford ($726.68)

            1278 Pine ($508.27)

            611 Leonard ($655.03)

            1124 Langeland ($981.66)
      Total for Lots: $4,608.93
      The house requested for CNS Rehab is 1295 James ($5,610.34)

      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the purchase of the properties
      on the 2023 Tax Auction List as presented, and to authorize the city
      manager or his designee to close on the properties.
      Action No. 2023-82(c)
      Motion by: Vice Mayor German
      Second by: Commissioner St.Clair

      To approve the purchase of the properties on the 2023 Tax Auction List as
      presented, with the exception of 1295 James Street, and to authorize the
      city manager or his designee to close on the properties.
      Ayes: (5): Mayor Johnson, Commissioner St.Clair, Commissioner Hood,
      Vice Mayor German, and Commissioner Emory
      Absent (2): Commissioner Gorman, and Commissioner Ramsey
                                                    MOTION PASSES (5 to 0)

7.e   AT&T Lease Agreement Renewal - DPW - REMOVED PER STAFF
7.h   Update to Paid Parking Policy - Manager's Office

      The Paid Parking Policy was approved in January 2021. At the request of
      the City Manager and Commissioners, the policy has been updated to
      allow 2 free passes per city residence. In addition to the property tax
      database, city utility bills can serve as proof of residency.

      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the amendment to the Paid
      Parking Policy.
      Action No. 2023-82(h)

      Motion by: Commissioner St.Clair
      Second by: Commissioner Emory
      To approve the amendment to the Paid Parking Policy and to publish
      Proof of Residency Parameters as determined by the City Manager to
      relevant sections of the city's website.

      Ayes: (5): Mayor Johnson, Commissioner St.Clair, Commissioner Hood,
      Vice Mayor German, and Commissioner Emory
      Absent (2): Commissioner Gorman, and Commissioner Ramsey
                                                    MOTION PASSES (5 to 0)

8.    Public Hearings
      8.a    Creation of a Redevelopment Area District - Planning

             Request to approve the “Redevelopment Area District” pursuant to Public
             Act 501 of 2006, which will allow the issuance of liquor licenses under
             certain circumstances within the proposed “Redevelopment Area District.”

             STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the “redevelopment area
             district” pursuant to Public Act 501 of 2006.

             Planning Manager, Mike Franzak, provided an overview of the request to
             create a Redevelopment Area District.
             PUBLIC HEARING COMMENCED: No public comments were received.
             Action No. 2023-83

             Motion by: Commissioner St.Clair
             Second by: Commissioner Hood
             To close the public hearing and approve the “redevelopment area district”
             pursuant to Public Act 501 of 2006.
             Ayes: (5): Mayor Johnson, Commissioner St.Clair, Commissioner Hood,
             Vice Mayor German, and Commissioner Emory
             Absent (2): Commissioner Gorman, and Commissioner Ramsey

                                                                MOTION PASSES (5 to 0)

9.    Unfinished Business
10.   New Business

      10.a   Issuance of a Redevelopment Area Liquor License at 350 W. Western
             Ave - Planning

             Request to issue a Redevelopment Area Liquor License to 18 th
             Amendment at 350 W Western Ave pursuant to Public Act 501 of 2006.

             18th Amendment, located at 150 W Western would like to change their
             liquor license type from a distillery to a traditional liquor license. With none
             available, they have applied for a Redevelopment Area Liquor License
             through Public Act 501 of 2006. Please see the statement from the
             Assessors Department regarding the qualification of the investment levels
             in the Redevelopment Area.

             STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the Redevelopment Area
             Liquor License to 18th Amendment at 350 W. Western Avenue.
             Action No. 2023-84

             Motion by: Commissioner St.Clair
             Second by: Commissioner Hood

             To approve the Redevelopment Area Liquor License to 18th Amendment
             at 350 W. Western Avenue.
             Ayes: (5): Mayor Johnson, Commissioner St.Clair, Commissioner Hood,
             Vice Mayor German, and Commissioner Emory
             Absent (2): Commissioner Gorman, and Commissioner Ramsey
                                                              MOTION PASSES (5 to 0)

11.   Any Other Business
      11.a   Public Restroom Availability at Arena

             Commissioner St.Clair asked for an update about the status of allowing
             use of public restrooms at Trinity Health Arena and if they were available
             during Rebel Road. They were available for the most part but locked when
             staff left for the day. There are issues with the locks, they will be fixed.
      11.b Shoreline Drive Update

             DPW Director Dan VanderHeide informed the commission that Shoreline
             Drive has been staged and equipped for Phase 2 of the PILOT Road Diet.
             They are waiting for MDOT authorization before restriction of traffic is
      11.c   Community Engagement Update

             Community Engagement Director, Deborah Sweet, announced that the
             first edition of the monthly e-newsletter will be released tonight. Deborah
             Sweet was tasked with creating this e-newsletter and it will be published
             monthly. Content was provided by C2EM Committee. Subscription to the
             e-newsletter is available. Also, a printed newsletter will be coming soon.
             The Connect Muskegon Hub is up and running and there are 10-12
             projects available for those interested to learn more about.
      11.d Community Engagement Recognition

       City Manager, Jonathan Seyferth, announced that Deborah Sweet and the
       Community Engagement team was recognized by the software company,
       ZenCity, for the teams use of the Public Engagement product, they are
       used an example for other municipalities and are in the top 5% of content
       creators. Great job.
11.e   Special Meeting Reminder

       City Manager Jonathan Seyferth, reminded everyone of the Special
       Commission Meeting scheduled August 2, 2023 at 1:00 to review ARPA
       grant applications. He is trying to get a feel for what the expectation is
       from the commission for the meeting next week. There is a good number
       of applications to review and there is not necessarily an expectation to
       vote at the Special Meeting. They will review, discuss, and deliberate, and
       determine a course forward but the commission does reserve the right to
       vote on items if they are so inclined.
11.f   Lakeshore Innovator of the Year Reception

       Mayor Johnson announced that there will a reception to recognize and
       honor finalists for the Lakeshore Innovator of the Year Award. Mike
       Franzak and the Planning Team are among the finalists.
11.g Clean Slate Legislation

       Public Safety Director Kozal announced that his staff has been diligently
       updating 25,000 records for individuals that had convictions set aside due
       to the Clean Slate Legislation that was recently passed. He commended
       his staff and their diligence in processing the updates to records and
       expects to continue to receive more notices to set aside convictions
       impacted by this legislation for some time.
11.h August 8 Election Reminder

       City Clerk Ann Meisch announced that we are holding a primary on
       August 8, 2023 for Ward II and Ward IV and there will be no city
       commission meeting that night.
11.i   Campaign Signs

       Vice Mayor German raised concerns about candidate signs that have
       been coming up missing.
11.j   Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Deadline to File

             Mayor Ken Johnson announced that the deadline to file for the Parks &
             Recreation Advisory Committee is July 27, 2023.
12.   Public Comment on Non-Agenda items

            Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission
             shall do the following:

            Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the
             back of the room.

            Submit the form to the City Clerk.

            Be recognized by the Chair.

            Step forward to the microphone.

            State name and address.

            Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission

            (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously
             registered with City Clerk.)
      Public comments were received.
13.   Closed Session
14.   Adjournment
      The City Commission meeting adjourned at 6:44 p.m.

      Motion by: Commissioner Hood
      Second by: Commissioner Emory
      To adjourn.

                                                                Respectfully Submitted,
                                                   Ann Marie Meisch, MMC - City Clerk

                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: August 8, 2023               Title: Updated Property Maintenance Code

Submitted By: Director Timothy Kozal                  Department: Public Safety

Brief Summary: Updated Property Maintenance Code

Detailed Summary & Background: The inspections department has been tasked with registering and
inspecting the over 6300 rental residential units in the City of Muskegon. The standard used for
inspections is the City of Muskegon Property Maintenance Code which has served the city for some 30
years. Over that time there are certain ordinance sections that are now recognized as ambiguous and
others that lack enough content. As a result, the passed inspectors had to adopt certain internal policies
for interpretation and enforcement. This has often created conflict and misunderstandings between the
property owners and the inspectors as well as enforcement issues and consistent and uniform application.
To avoid these issues and to create a more up to date, enforceable, and uniformly interpreted and
applied document the inspections department is asking the City of Muskegon to consider amending the
property maintenance code and proposes attached in the following document (see attached).

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: NA

Amount Requested:                                     Budgeted Item:
                                                      Yes           No

Fund(s) or Account(s):                                Budget Amendment Needed:
                                                      Yes            No

Recommended Motion: For commission to approve the revision of the Property Management

Approvals:                                            Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division Head      X
Information Technology                                Yes

Other Division Heads                                  No      X

Legal Review
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: August 8, 2023              Title: Fire Station #5 Roofing Project

Submitted By: Director Timothy Kozal                 Department: Public Safety

Brief Summary: Previously budgeted for station 5 roofing project

Detailed Summary & Background: Bid tabulations were requested and accepted from Garland.
Ostrander Roofing was the lowest for a project pricing of $47,000.00. Other bids were from Excel
Roofing with project pricing of $49,000.00 and Hoekstra Roofing with project pricing of $60,000.00.
Garland budgets for the materials and estimated freight fees for a total of $29,983.00 There is also
estimated costs for structural evaluation at $3500.00.

The project total is $80,483.00.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Goal 4, 4.1. Identify specific major capital projects
across all departments.

Amount Requested: $80,483.00                         Budgeted Item:
Budgeted: $80,000                                    Yes    X       No

Fund(s) or Account(s): Public Improvement            Budget Amendment Needed:
fund 445                                             Yes    X         No

Recommended Motion: For commission to approve the budget requested for The Marquette Fire
Station roofing project and award the project to Ostrander Roofing.

Approvals:                                           Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division Head      X
Information Technology                               Yes

Other Division Heads                                 No      X

Legal Review
                        Agenda Item Review Form
                         Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: August 7, 2023                   Title: HOME ARP Plan

Submitted By: Sharonda Carson                             Department: CNS

Brief Summary: Staff recommendation to approve HOME ARP Plan

Detailed Summary & Background: Staff has consulted with many agencies, utilized data from Point in Time
(PIT) Count, data from the housing assessment ad feedback from the community to determine the best use
of these HOME ARP funding.
Top Priorities: quality affordable housing, move- in expenses, case management and emergency shelter.
Four Qualifying Populations:
1. Homeless as defined in 24 CFR 91.5;
2. At risk of Homelessness as defined in 24 CFR 91.5;
3. Fleeing, or Attempting to Flee, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, or Human
Trafficking (referred to herein as domestic violence/sexual assault/trafficking); and
4. Other populations who do not qualify under any of the populations above but meet one of the following criteria:
     Other Families Requiring Services or Housing Assistance to Prevent Homelessness
     Those at Greatest Risk of Housing Instability

To conclude, staff is recommending the use of funding for housing initiatives within the city limits, funding set
aside to assist agencies with supportive services for those considered as the qualifying population and funding to
establish a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO).

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Action Item 22- 2.3

Amount Requested: 1,200,000.00                            Budgeted Item:
                                                          Yes           No            N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): HOME                               Budget Amendment Needed:
                                                          Yes           No            N/A

Recommended Motion: Approve HOME ARP plan

Approvals:                                                Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division Head
Information Technology                                    Yes

Other Division Heads                                      No
Legal Review
                                   HOME-ARP Allocation Plan

Describe the consultation process including methods used and dates of consultation:

The City of Muskegon began the process of conducting a survey of the public and interested
agencies. Once survey responses were collected, the city met with partner agencies to discuss how
we can address existing barriers to access and determine where gaps in services exist. Surveys went out
to service agencies within Muskegon County in December 2021.

Meeting 1- 2/15/2022

Initial meeting to explain HOME ARP funding and establish which vulnerable population to
assist in a new way. The partners were prompted to bring their top three suggestions for
vulnerable populations to the discussion. In this meeting, the partners identified the following
groups as vulnerable population. Elderly



Pregnant Moms

Those lacking transportation

Home owners/ home repairs

This meeting was very informative and partners discussed existing programs and community

Meeting 2- 3/14/2022

In this meeting, the partners identified youth between the ages of 11-17 as the most vulnerable
population. It was brought to discussion that unaccompanied minors lack healthy housing
options due to the lack of options available to youth. The group brainstormed ways to address the
population and determined that multiple forms of centers and housing models were needed to
address their needs.

   1. Youth Drop in Center
   2. Youth transitional housing options
   3. Resources that address youth needs surrounding housing
Partners are encouraged to identify how their agency will contribute to resolving youth
homelessness in our community.

Meeting 3- 3/31/2022

City of Muskegon Staff met with Kids Belong, a local non-profit agency that offers foster care
youth housing, to understand more of how the agency assists youth. Kids Belong explained that
they are able to house youth who are aging out of foster care or are experiencing difficulties with
their adoptive families. They are able to facilitate transitional housing by establishing leases,
assisting with budgeting, building credit, and offering sliding fee rent. They offer two types of
housing options.

   1. Shelter setting- 9 beds
   2. Apartment style

Kids Belongs hared many barriers such as connecting youth with community and available jobs,
hygiene, transportation and funding. Meeting concluded recognizing Kids Belong as resource for
youth that fit their criteria.

Meeting 4- 4/20/2022

Established HOME ARP dollars will be utilized to create transitional housing that will connect
youth to various resources needed to gain success. Meeting concluded with an open invitation to
attend a Public hearing at the Commission meeting to share thoughts and offer support from their
agency for this homeless initiative for youth.

List the organizations consulted:

     Agency/Org              Type of              Method of        Feedback
      Consulted             Agency/Org           Consultation

 Salvation Army         Veterans               Meeting             Provided no comment

 Every Woman’s          Public agency that     Meeting             Domestic violence/ Sex
 Place                  addresses the needs                        trafficking resources
                        of qualifying
Core Realty        Private agency that   Meeting       Housing resources for
Partners           addresses the needs                 homeowners and potential
                   of qualifying                       homeowners

Muskegon Housing   Housing               Meeting       There is a need for support
Commission         commission                          and resources for case
                                                       management services to
                                                       support housing initiatives.

Goodwill           Public agency that    Meeting       Improve housing stock
                   addresses the needs
                   of qualifying

Norton Shores      Local Government      Meeting       Home rehab programs

Muskegon Rescue    Shelter               Meeting       Shelter is constantly full and
Mission                                                expansion of the existing
                                                       mission is an option to assist
                                                       the homeless.

DHS                Public agency that    Meeting       Resources for homeless
                   addresses the needs
                   of qualifying

Muskegon Public    School District       Meeting       Homeownership programs,
School                                                 Partnership

MAISD              School District       Hearing and   Homeless supports for youth,
                   (County Wide)         Meeting       Partnership

Community          Public agency that    Meeting       Homeless supports for youth,
Encompass          addresses the needs                 Partnership
                    of qualifying

Fair Housing        Public agencies       Email     housing programs and
                    that addresses the              services that place particular
                    needs of qualifying             emphasis on outreach to,
                    populations                     addressing systemic
                                                    discrimination against and
                                                    ensuring access to permanent,
                                                    affordable housing for people
                                                    experiencing or on the verge
                                                    of housing instability or
                                                    homelessness, people with
                                                    disabilities, low income
                                                    households with housing
                                                    assistance and/or Social
                                                    Security income, and racial
                                                    and ethnic minorities.

                    Private agency that
Pine Grove          addresses the needs   Email     Informed the Gap Analysis -
Housing             of qualifying                   Need for newer stock of
                    populations                     affordable housing, quick
                                                    reliable resource for move-in
                                                    costs like deposits and fees,
                                                    case management for
                                                    chronically homeless for a
                                                    year or two

Pioneer Resources   Services for          Meeting   Affordable Housing
Inc.                disabled and senior

Health West         Mental health         Meeting   Homelessness for youth
                    Services                        partnership
Continuum of Care Public agency that      Meeting   Homelessness, Partnership
                  address the needs
                  of qualifying

United Way           Public agency that   Meeting   Homelessness, Partnership
                     address the needs
                     of qualifying

Hope Project         Non-Profit           Meeting   Trafficking resources

Kids Belong          Non-Profit for       Meeting   Youth Homelessness
                     foster children

Community            Public agency that   Meeting   Homelessness, home repairs,
Foundation for       address the needs              transportation
Muskegon County      of qualifying

City of Muskegon     Local Government     Meeting   Homelessness

Disability Network   Non-Profit           Meeting   Disabilities and Homelessness

Mercy Health         Health               Meeting   Homelessness, transportation,
                                                    homeownership, home repairs
                                                    and disability or health

Access Health        Health               Meeting   No comment

YMCA                 Public agency that   Meeting   No comment
                     address the needs
                       of qualifying

Public Health           Public agency that   Meeting           Supports for low income
                       address the needs                       families/ affordable housing
                       of qualifying

Angel Community        Church                Meeting           Affordable Housing

Fresh Coast            Public agency that    Meeting           No Comment
Alliance               address the needs
                       of qualifying

Council on Aging       Public agency that    Meeting           No comment
                       address the needs
                       of qualifying

Grand Rapids           Public agency that    Meeting           Found it surprising that our
AYA                    address the needs                       community has no resources
                       of qualifying                           to assist youth in
                       population                              homelessness and find that
                                                               often kids are transported into
                                                               the Grand Rapids area for
                                                               support and resources.

Boys and Girls         Public agency that    Meeting           Tenant based rental assistance
Club of the            address the needs                       programs are needed in the
Lakeshore              of qualifying                           community.

Summarize feedback received and results of upfront consultation with these entities:
Across Muskegon County, community leaders have been working to find stable housing options
for unaccompanied minors between the ages of 11-17. Approximately 800 homeless youth have
been identified as unaccompanied minors. It is believed the number is significantly higher based
on youth who choose not to disclose their present location of residence. In the absence of a
stable, permanent home setting, these unaccompanied minors are faced with, for example, living
out of vehicles, hotels, affected by abusive relationships or relying on the sporadic and
inconsistent grace of acquaintances who make a couch available. We intend to use these funds to
develop collaborative community partnership and alternative solutions to address this unmet

Muskegon County is the only county that does not have any resources for unaccompanied minors
who are termed doubled-up, which is described as the sharing of housing of other persons due to
the loss of housing, or economic hardship. Typically, children who are displaced from families
are able to be placed in foster homes that may lead to permanent housing. Currently, there are
facilities located through the county Department of Health and Human Services office and Arbor
Circle who are providing available resources to youth who face homelessness or separation from
parents. The frequency by which these unaccompanied minors change the location of their
residence unfortunately does not create the legal standard, as recognized under the federal
McKinney-Vento Act and our county’s Continuum of Care, to receive critical housing services.

Public Participation

Describe the public participation process, including information about and the dates of the
public comment period and public hearing(s) held during the development of the plan:

·     Date(s) of public notice: 7/6/2023

·     Public comment period: start date - 7/17/2023 end date – 8/1/2023

·     Date(s) of public hearing: 7/27/2023

Describe the public participation process:

Citizens may view our HOME ARP Plan by visiting the City’s website: http://www.muskegon-,

Citizens may submit comments by mail, phone, in person or by e-mail to:

       Community and Neighborhood Services Director

       City Hall / 933 Terrace St Rm 202

       Muskegon, MI 49440
       (231) 724-6717

Describe efforts to broaden public participation:

Surveys were also made available to the public via Facebook, city website, and in-person at
Muskegon City Hall.

Summarize the comments and recommendations received through the public participation
process either in writing, or orally at a public hearing:

The public expressed need for the following:

Update housing stock

Rehab homes

Homeownership programs and education

Build homes by the block

Awareness to resources

Rent to own program

Safe housing/environment

Partner with Muskegon Heights

Connect with Realtors

Mentorship programs for housing and entrepreneur


Youth Housing Center

Access points for youth to programs

Assistance for therapy

Avoid double dipping

90 percent of homeless would like to remain homeless
Shelters are not great places for homeless to go

Young men that are over 18 with disabilities are discouraged from the mission

Young men with disabilities who belong to homeless mothers are not allowed to stay in the same

Summarize any comments or recommendations not accepted and state the reasons why:

There were no comments denied during this process

 Needs Assessment and Gaps Analysis
The Continuum of Care (MI-516) that serves the City of Muskegon also collects data for
Muskegon County. The Point-in-Time count that occurred on February 23, 2022 indicated that
62 households without children were residing in local shelters, while 9 were identified as
unsheltered. 22 households with at least one adult and one child were residing in shelters on the
same date. In sum, for this winter PIT count, there were a total of 84 households that were in
emergency shelters and nine unsheltered homeless within Muskegon County.
As shown in the chart above, the unsheltered population has stayed relatively consistent from
2018-2022, with the only real decrease occurring in 2020 and a five-year average of around 20
unsheltered people. The five-year average for sheltered homeless is 113.

As of 2021-2022, data received from the Muskegon Area Intermediate School District (MAISD)
McKinney-Vento Data demonstrated that there was a total of 590 youth within the school
system, from infant to 12th grade, experiencing homelessness, 90 of which were unaccompanied
minors, with the bulk of those youth (454) living with family or friends. Of all these youth, the
priority lies with the 136 youth that are currently unsheltered, residing in transitional housing, in
shelters, or residing in hotels/motels.

Healthwest, Muskegon County’s Community Mental Health organization provided data
regarding their clientele. Between February and June 2022, 6.64% of their 4,594 clients
identified as homeless, totaling 305 people. Of these individuals, 48.96% identified as male,
26.39% as female, and the remaining chose not to disclose, identified as female to male, or two-
spirit. Racial demographics are representative of the general population of the City of Muskegon,
with the major racial groups accounting for 55% of the individuals identifying as White, 32% as
Black. These individuals were also surveyed about their needs as they relate to the Social
Determinants of Health, which represent the nonmedical factors that influence health outcomes
which include: economic stability, education access and quality, health care access and quality,
neighborhood and built environment, and social/community context. Of these areas, the
individuals surveyed who were experiencing homelessness ranked the following needs as the
most pressing:
Housing Needs - 79.03%
Healthcare (Poor Health) - 72.58%
Clothing & Household Supplies - 66.13%
Employment - 62.90%
Personal Safety - 53.23%

This demonstrates a priority for those experiencing both mental health concerns and
homelessness for housing, which is largely considered fundamental to the other Social
Determinants of Health. This is mirrored in the sub population data for the Continuum of Care,
with people with mental health issues representing the first or second largest subgroup of those
experiencing homelessness.

The prevalence of sex crimes is a relevant statistic when assessing the composition of people
fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and/or stalking.
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2021, 165 incidents involving sex crimes
occurred within the Muskegon Metropolitan Statistical Area. Of the victims of these incidents,
63.6% were 17 years old and younger, the largest portion being aged 5-14 years old, at 42%. Of
these acts, 51.1% were conducted by a friend or acquaintance, and 7.1% by an intimate partner.

In 2018-2022, with the exclusion of 2021 due to the modifications of in person surveys from
HUD, individuals that are considered victims of domestic violence were represented the highest
number out of all of the people classified in the following populations: severely mentally ill,
chronic substance abuse, veterans, HIV/AIDS, unaccompanied youth, parenting youth, and
children of parenting youth. According to the Muskegon County Continuum of Care PIT counts,
people fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence were the first or second largest sub-
population of people experiencing homelessness for the past 5 years; second at times only to
people with mental health issues.

Furthermore, according to the Polaris Project, in 2021 the most prevalent risk
factors/vulnerabilities for those experiencing labor trafficking were recent migration/relocation,
being an unaccompanied refugee minor, and having unstable housing, respectively. Victims of
sex trafficking showed that the most common risk factors/vulnerabilities in the same year were
substance use concerns, runaway/homeless youth, unstable housing, and recent
migration/relocation, respectively. This information culminates in an expression of the need for
housing and shelter for this population in particular.

The Continuum of Care identified that veterans make up one of the smallest subgroups of
homeless individuals. The past five years of PIT counts from the Muskegon County Continuum
of Care counted a maximum of six homeless veterans in the county. Most recently, the February
2022 count noted only one homeless veteran.

A Housing Needs Assessment conducted in 2023 by Bowen National Research for the City of
Muskegon indicated that the City of Muskegon has a higher poverty rate among its overall
population compared with Muskegon County and Michigan, with over 7,900 people living in
poverty in the city and over one in three children living in poverty. Nearly one-fourth (24.8%) of
the population in the City of Muskegon suffers from poverty, which reflects a poverty rate more
than double the rate (11.5%) of Muskegon County and a much higher poverty rate than the state
(13.7%) overall. The population of those less than 18 years of age has the highest poverty rate
(34.1%) in the City of Muskegon, which reflects a much higher rate for this cohort than the
corresponding rates for Muskegon County (16.9%) and state (18.8%). Adults, ages 18 to 64
years, have the second highest poverty rate (22.7%) among age groups in the City of Muskegon,
which is also higher than the rates within Muskegon County (11.0%) and state (13.4%). Those
age 65 and older have the lowest poverty rate among the three age cohorts in the City of
Muskegon (16.1%); however, this still represents a significantly higher rate than that for
Muskegon County (6.6%) and state (8.5%). Overall, the data suggests that the population of the
City of Muskegon is disproportionately affected by poverty, regardless of age, and that housing
affordability is likely a critical issue for many Muskegon residents.
Among individual neighborhoods, the overall poverty rate is highest within the
McLaughlin/Angell/Marsh Field (38.7%) and Nelson (35.8%) areas. Both submarkets have
overall poverty rates that far exceed the City of Muskegon rate (24.8%), which already
represents a rate that is notably higher than the surrounding County and the state overall.

As such, McLaughlin, Angell, Marsh Field and Nelson neighborhoods are the most
disproportionately affected areas in the City of Muskegon in terms of poverty and are
consequently those most likely in need of affordable housing options. It should be pointed out
that based on the survey of area multifamily rentals, all surveyed Tax Credit and government-
subsidized rentals in the City of Muskegon are occupied and most have wait lists. This poses a
significant obstacle for persons living in poverty that are seeking affordable rental alternatives.

More than 400 occupied housing units in the City of Muskegon are considered “substandard,
“while 4,607 occupied housing units are housing “cost burdened.” For the purposes of the
analysis, substandard housing is considered overcrowded (1.01+ persons per room) or lacks
complete indoor kitchens or bathroom plumbing. Based on American Community Survey 2020
estimates, approximately 314 rental units and 110 owner units in the City of Muskegon are
considered “substandard.” The largest number of substandard housing units are within the
Campbell Field/Nims submarket, representing over one-third of all substandard housing in the
City of Muskegon. As a result, it is clear that many households are living in housing conditions
that are considered to be below modern-day housing standards and/or unaffordable to many

“Cost burdened” households pay over 30% of income toward housing costs. The City of
Muskegon has higher shares of housing cost burdened households among its renter households
(48.1%) and owner households (20.2%) than the surrounding County and state. Overall, the City
of Muskegon has an estimated 3,233 renter households and 1,374 owner households that are
housing cost burdened, with a combined total of 4,607 cost burdened households in the city of
Muskegon. The Nelson Submarket has the greatest shares of renter-occupied (67.0%) and owner-
occupied (26.8%) cost burdened households.

 Additionally, there is limited available inventory among multifamily rentals and pent-up
demand for housing serving lower-income renter households. A total of 51 multifamily
apartment properties containing 5,813 units within Muskegon County were surveyed. Of these
projects, 22 were in the City of Muskegon with an overall total of 2,710 units. The remaining 29
surveyed projects in the surrounding County were used to provide a base of comparison. The
surveyed rentals within the City of Muskegon have a combined occupancy rate of 98.9%.
Typically, healthy, well-balanced markets have rental housing occupancy rates generally
between 94% and 96%. As such, the City of Muskegon’s multifamily rental market is operating
at an exceedingly high occupancy level with very limited availability. Compounding the
market’s rental challenges is the fact that the surrounding County is operating at an even higher
occupancy rate of 99.2%. The City of Muskegon’s occupancy rates among the different product
types are: Market-Rate: 98.2%, Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (generally serving households
earning between 50% and 80% of Area Median Household Income): 100.0%, and Government-
Subsidized (serving households earning up to 50% of Area Median Household Income): 100.0%.
Therefore, Muskegon has a relatively limited supply of available multifamily rentals, regardless
of the level of affordability. The 100.0% occupancy rates and long wait lists at Tax Credit and
subsidized properties indicate there is pent-up demand for housing that is affordable to lower
income households. The lack of available housing serving low-income households is likely
contributing to the large number of renters living in substandard and/or cost burdened housing
situations in the city.

According to Pine Grove Housing Services who manages the housing choice vouchers for
Muskegon County, there are currently four open vouchers that will be filled in the coming
weeks, and there is consistent turnover of vouchers in the county. This agency also identified
three needs within Muskegon County: a newer stock of affordable housing, a quick reliable
resource with move-in costs, and long-term case management for the chronically homeless, as
many of the homeless individuals that get houses end up getting evicted or walking away from
their unit within a year of being housed. Conversely, the Housing Needs Assessment identified
through a survey of 23 stakeholders, defined as “community leaders from a broad field of
expertise,” identified that the priority for homeless individuals and families was expanded access
to emergency shelter. This is supported by the fact that Muskegon County has no emergency
shelter for those experiencing homelessness that doesn’t require religious activities for
participation, aside from the services reserved for those experiencing domestic violence by Every
Woman’s Place.

To help people experiencing homelessness access necessary resources, SOAR is a program that
assists individuals with applying for the social security benefits they may be entitled to. This can
serve as an important resource toward helping those experiencing homelessness, disability, and
mental illness with financial resources necessary to improve their situation. Within Muskegon
County, there are two agencies with Certified SOAR Practitioners on staff: HealthWest and
Community EnCompass. Last year, of the 5 staff trained at HealthWest, only one staff person
completed 2 SOAR assistant claims, and Community EnCompass did not complete any. The
Regional SOAR Navigator for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
identified that one of the primary challenges associated with SOAR expansion and service
provision is the fact that funding is scarce. Often, staff receive the training but do not have the
capacity to put their skills into practice as they must prioritize other job duties. It has been shown
that in communities where staff are funded to provide SOAR assistance they are able to
successfully assist individuals with accessing SSI/SSDI benefits.

The major gaps in service and supply for the four qualifying populations are:
   1. Quality Affordable Housing - Affordable rental housing is a pressing need within the
      City of Muskegon. Due to the capacity limits of affordable housing and waitlists for
      properties, developing additional rental housing that remains affordable despite market
      fluctuations will help to serve qualifying populations. Currently, the lack of affordable
      housing and aging housing stock are pressing issues within the City of Muskegon that
      must be addressed.
   2. Move-in Expense Assistance - The costs associated with a new move into a property can
      be a barrier toward renting, no matter how affordable the property may be. With 48.1% of
      households being considered cost burdened, many may be unable to save for moving
      expenses, and costs associated with acquiring housing for the first time.
   3. Case Management - Long-term case management was identified as a need for the
      chronically homeless, as sustaining tenancy has proven to be a challenge for some.
      Supporting case management allows for the coordination of services to support
      independent living and progress toward housing and health goals.
   4. Emergency Shelter - There are no emergency shelters in Muskegon County that serve
      qualifying populations without requiring religious activities to qualify. There are two
      shelters that require engagement with religious activities, and one that is strictly for
      survivors of domestic violence. Our community needs a low/no barrier emergency shelter
      that allows those experiencing homelessness a safe place to reside without religious
      requirements that may deter some from seeking services.

HOME-ARP Activities

Describe the method(s)that will be used for soliciting applications for funding and/or selecting
developers, service providers, subrecipients and/or contractors:

The method that will be utilized for soliciting developers, service providers, contractors and
subrecipients will be through a public Request for Proposals (RFP). The call for proposals will
be made available on social media, published in the local newspaper, and on the City of
Muskegon’s website.

Assessing each organization and proposal is a necessary first step when vetting potential
activities. The quality of the project and the capacity of the organization must be sufficient to
reasonably ensure any funding provided will be well-spent.

All proposals that are not disqualified will be subjected to a pre-award assessment conducted by
CNS Staff. The results of this assessment will accompany the proposal for the remaining steps of
the assessment period, through commission approval, and will be added to the applicant’s record.
The following categories are assessed:

Risk – Points will be awarded based on the level of risk associated with the organization
completing its proposed activity. This score determines the frequency of monitoring, and is
based on staffing experience and ability, financial resources, history of compliance, and
familiarity with HOME programming.

Financial Capacity – By reviewing the financial documents submitted with the application, CNS
Staff in partnership with the finance department, will determine the viability and reasonableness
of the proposed activity in terms of the budget and general financial capacity of the organization.

Grant Experience- CNS Staff will assess the past performance of the organization in relation to
grants received by the City of Muskegon. This score expresses the organization’s past
performance or lack thereof.

Staff will complete the assessment and document their rationale in the narrative section of the
assessment for each category. The accepted proposals are then forwarded to the Citizen’s District
Council to be reviewed and approved for final recommendations, before coming before the City
Commission for official approval.

The City has also partnered with the Continuum of Care to create a position with Muskegon
County United Way to navigate coordinated entry for homelessness. This person will be the first
responder to all that face homelessness and direct or connect clients to agencies that can help
meet the need.

Describe whether the PJ will administer eligible activities directly:

The City of Muskegon will utilize coordinated collaboration of United way, Muskegon
Continuum of Care, housing agencies and Developers who will assist with development of multi-
Unit housing.

If any portion of the PJ’s HOME-ARP administrative funds are provided to a subrecipient or
contractor prior to HUD’s acceptance of the HOME-ARP allocation plan because the
subrecipient or contractor is responsible for the administration of the PJ’s entire HOME-ARP
grant, identify the subrecipient or contractor and describe its role and responsibilities in
administering all of the PJ’s HOME-ARP program:

   ● N/A.

Use of HOME-ARP Funding

                                            Funding Amount         Percent of        Statutory
                                                                   the Grant           Limit

 Supportive Services                       $ 200,000
 Acquisition and Development of Non-       $0
 Congregate Shelters

 Tenant Based Rental Assistance            $0

 Development of Affordable Rental          $ 800,000.00

 Non-Profit Operating                      $ 36,412.50               2.9 %             5%

 Non-Profit Capacity Building              $ 36,412.50               2.9 %             5%

 Administration and Planning               $ 145,425.00             11.9 %             15%

 Total HOME ARP Allocation                 $ 1,218,250.00

Describe how the PJ will distribute HOME-ARP funds in accordance with its priority needs
identified in its needs assessment and gap analysis:

The City of Muskegon will address the need for additional rental options in our community by
committing $800,000 to develop safe, decent, and affordable rentals to be made available for all
qualifying populations. This investment will add multi-family affordable housing. A minimum of
two units for every multi-family development will meet ADA requirements.

The data also reflects a need for supportive services for those experiencing mental illness,
disabilities and other limitations that place barriers on finding safe and appropriate housing.
$200,000 will go toward supporting agencies who serve qualifying populations with supportive
services to maintain or gain safe and affordable housing. These services may include but are not
limited to the following; assistance with moving costs, case management, childcare, education
services, employment and job training, food, housing and counseling services, legal services, life
skill training and mental health services, outpatient health services, outreach services and
substance abuse treatment (24 CFR 578.53).

The budget outlines about $72,825.00 to strengthen the operations or establish new CHDO
organizations within the community. The Continuum of Care will be utilized as a connector for
those experiencing homelessness to ensure that citizens are connected to proper resources. The
Muskegon County Continuum of Care’s coordinated Entry Policy and Procedures are attached
for review. The remaining $145,425.00 will be applied to admin, training and planning to
execute the plan.

Describe how the characteristics of the shelter and housing inventory, service delivery system,
and the needs identified in the gap analysis provided a rationale for the plan to fund eligible

Based on the data presented in our gap analysis, it has been determined that there are four areas
of concern in the shelter and housing inventory. The four areas are quality of affordable housing,
move- in expenses assistance, case management and emergency shelter. The characteristics
include cost burdened housing where households are contributing over thirty percent to rent, lack
of appropriate housing and limited inventory across the county with the highest need in the heart
of the City of Muskegon.

Due to the evidence collected within the needs and gap analysis and combined information of the
neighboring agencies, it is apparent that there is a huge need for housing that is considered
appropriate in relation to cost, health and safety and meets the family needs. More specifically
there is a shortage of housing that is suitable for those living with disabilities, single family
versus multi-family housing and owner occupied units. Overall, the current market cannot justify
the demand for those experiencing homelessness with current housing stock due to lack of vacant
units. The data reflected in the housing study indicates there are no vacant units to fit the current
size and need of the population.

HOME-ARP Production Housing Goals

Estimate the number of affordable rental housing units for qualifying populations that the PJ
will produce or support with its HOME-ARP allocation:

The City of Muskegon will create at minimum 12 units of affordable housing that will be made
available to all qualifying populations. The city has led the market by scattering newly developed
housing throughout the community to increase the amount of access individuals who wish to
become homeowners have to decent housing. The goal is to follow the leadership by creating
units for all. In doing so, the City will coordinate with local CHDO and developers to develop 2-
3 multi-family homes. Each development will have a minimum of 4 units, that will include at
least two ADA accessible units to meet the needs of those living with disabilities. We will work
with our Planning, Economic Development department as well as realtors and developers to
determine placement of units throughout the City of Muskegon. Our current data reflects the
neighborhoods with the greatest need as Mclaughlin, Angell and Marsh field

Describe the specific affordable rental housing production goal that the PJ hopes to achieve
and describe how the production goal will address the PJ’s priority needs:
The city will make available affordable units to be utilized as temporary housing that can be
leased for up to 2 years while tenants locate permanent housing. The Muskegon County
Continuum of Care has created a coordinated entry position that will serve as the connector of
the homeless with resources within the community. Those who contact the COC will be
prioritized by a first come first serve basis to house families in these temporary units.

Identify whether the PJ intends to give preference to one or more qualifying populations or a
subpopulation within one or more qualifying populations for any eligible activity or project:

There will be no preference established for any qualifying population. All four QPs will be
eligible for and able to benefit from all HOME ARP funded activities.

If a preference was identified, explain how the use of a preference or method of prioritization
will address the unmet need or gap in benefits and services received by individuals and
families in the qualifying population or subpopulation of qualifying population, consistent
with the PJ’s needs assessment and gap analysis:


Limitations in a HOME-ARP rental housing or NCS project

Describe whether the PJ intends to limit eligibility for a HOME-ARP rental housing or NCS
project to a particular qualifying population or specific subpopulation of a qualifying
population identified in section IV.A of the Notice:

There will be no limitations to a certain qualifying population.

If a PJ intends to implement a limitation, explain why the use of a limitation is necessary to
address the unmet need or gap in benefits and services received by individuals and families in
the qualifying population or subpopulation of qualifying population, consistent with the PJ’s
needs assessment and gap analysis:


If a limitation was identified, describe how the PJ will address the unmet needs or gaps in
benefits and services of the other qualifying populations that are not included in the limitation
through the use of HOME-ARP funds (i.e., through another of the PJ’s HOME-ARP projects
or activities):

                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: August 7, 2023               Title: Legal Representation for Tax Appeals
                                                      for Property Tax Classification for Marihuana

Submitted By: Kenneth D. Grant                        Department: Finance

Brief Summary: The City of Muskegon is seeking to reach an agreement with Hallahan &
Associates, P.C. for Marihuana tax appeals at the State Tax Commission and Michigan Tax

Detailed Summary & Background:
Parmenter Law which normally represents the City of Muskegon, recommends that we use this law
firm because of their expertise in these types of tax appeals. This Law Firm has been hired by
other municipalities across the State to represent them for this unique property tax classification
appeal. We thought it would be in our best interest to use this law firm because they are familiar
with tax appeals from the Marihuana businesses.
Fees for service will be calculated at hourly rate of $215 for attorneys and an hourly rate of $100
for law clerks and assistants.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Sustainability in financial practices and infrastructure.
Reduce infrastructure burden on residents.

Amount Requested:                                     Budgeted Item:
                                                      Yes          No           N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): 101 Legal Fees                 Budget Amendment Needed:
                                                      Yes          No           N/A

Recommended Motion: Authorize the Finance Director to enter into an agreement with Hallahan &
Associates, P.C. for Marihuana tax appeals

Approvals:                                            Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division Head
Information Technology                                Yes

Other Division Heads                                  No

Legal Review
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: August 7th, 2023           Title: West Urban PILOT Agreement 3RD

Submitted By: Jake Eckholm                          Department: Development Services

Brief Summary: Staff is requesting to amend the existing infill PILOT agreement between the City
and West Urban Properties by removing some lots and adding others.

Detailed Summary & Background:

The City has previously entered into an agreement with West Urban Properties to construct 100
homes for rental and potential owner-occupied stock in our residential neighborhoods. Staff has
been working to refine the selected lots as stated in commission meetings for previous amendments.
This item proposes to remove 2358 Dowd, 621 Jackson, 608 Jackson, 601 Jackson, 579 Jackson,
558 Jackson, and 553 Jackson from the approved PILOT Agreement, and add 1974 Dowd, 1100
Washington, 432 Monroe, 1315 Ducey, 1325 Wesley, 1085 Marquette, 1355 Adams, 1366
Leonard, 912 Hackley, 1056 Windsor, 2347 Hudson, 828 W. Southern, 900 W. Grand, 462
Washington, 1456 Park, 1514 Park, and 314 Grand. Staff may return with additional lots to add
and/or remove to this agreement exhibit as we clear title and assess buildability through phases.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Housing for all, Complete Active Economic Development

Amount Requested: $0.00                             Budgeted Item:
                                                    Yes          No

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                          Budget Amendment Needed:
                                                    Yes          No

Recommended Motion: To approve the 3RD Amendment to the West Urban PILOT Agreement as
presented, and to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign.

Approvals:                                          Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division Head
Information Technology                              Yes

Other Division Heads                                No

Legal Review
                             LOT LIST
1245 Fifth Street
1246 Fifth Street
1252 Fifth Street
1256 Fifth Street
1261 Fifth Street
1772 Fifth Street
1782 Fifth Street 1
1782 Fifth Street 2
1262 Sixth Street
1342 Sixth Street
1349 Sixth Street
1352 Sixth Street 1
1352 Sixth Street 2
1411 Sixth Street
1458 Sixth Street
1464 Sixth Street
1535 Sixth Street
1387 Seventh Street
1387 Seventh Street
1360 Seventh Street
1366 Seventh Street
395 Houston 1
395 Houston 2
275 Mason 1
275 Mason 2
292 Mason
346 Mason 1
346 Mason 2
352 Mason
219 Merrill
271 Merrill 1
271 Merrill 2
388 Merrill 1
388 Merrill 2
235 Monroe
239 Monroe
240 Monroe
250 Monroe
254 Monroe
                           LOT LIST
1392 Park
0 Washington Ave
0 W. Muskegon
487 W. Muskegon 1
487 W. Muskegon 2
579 W. Muskegon
617 W. Muskegon 1
617 W. Muskegon 2
420 Washington 1
420 Washington 2
459 Washington 1
459 Washington 2
459 Washington 3
318 W. Larch 1
318 W. Larch 2
324 W. Larch
1686 Seventh St 1
1686 Seventh St 2
1660 Seventh St 1
408 W. Dale
340 W. Forest
1605 Sanford 1
1605 Sanford 2
487 W Southern 1
487 W Southern 2
337 W Grand Ave
305 W Grand Ave
345 W. Grand
346 W. Grand
355 W Grand Ave
242 Strong Ave
1670 Park Street
1227 Fleming Ave
1085 Marquette 1
1085 Marquette 2
445 Marquette
366 Bennett 1
366 Bennett 2
2043 Dowd Street
2051 Dowd Street
2065 Dowd Street
                            LOT LIST
2075 Dowd Street
2250 Dowd St 1
2250 Dowd St 2
846 Wilson
1974 Dowd
1100 Washington
432 Monroe
1315 Ducey
1325 Wesley
1355 Adams
1366 Leonard
912 Hackley 1
912 Hackley 2
1056 Windsor
2347 Hudson
828 W. Southern
900 W. Grand
462 Washington
1456 Park
1514 Park
314 W. Grand
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: August 7, 2023           Title: Termination of Downtown Muskegon
                                                  Development Center (DMDC) Parking
                                                  Easement Agreements at 387 and 401 Morris

Submitted By: Jonathan Seyferth                   Department: Manager’s Office

Brief Summary: Easements were discovered as part of the closing process with the DMDC to sell
Units 1 and 2, otherwise known as the Morris Avenue Parking Lot, to the City. The City and DMDC
have since agreed that the Easements are no longer needed and are therefore terminated,
abandoned, and of no further force or effect.

Detailed Summary & Background:
On June 13, the commission authorized the purchase of DMDC-owned parking lots at 387 and 401
Morris Avenue to the City. These are lots behind the Chamber of Commerce and Russell
Block/Century Club buildings.
The Closing on Units 1 & 2 occurred on July 19th. There are two exceptions on the title
commitment for the parking lot that have to do with two Easements granted by the City for the
benefit of the old Muskegon Mall property. The City entered into two Parking and Access
Easement Agreements with Muskegon Properties Company, Inc., dated March 26, 1991. The City
and DMDC have since agreed that the Easements are no longer needed and are therefore
terminated, abandoned, and of no further force or effect. Legal counsel has prepared a Mutual
Termination of Easements that was reviewed and approved by the title company as part of the
property closing.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Destination Community & Quality of Life; Community

Amount Requested: N/A                             Budgeted Item:
                                                  Yes          No          N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                        Budget Amendment Needed:
                                                  Yes          No          N/A

Recommended Motion: I move to approve terminating two existing Parking and Access Easement
Agreements for Units 1 and 2 as part of the property closing at 387 and 401 Morris St.

Approvals:                                        Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division Head
Information Technology                            Yes

Other Division Heads                              No
Legal Review
                            MUTUAL TERMINATION OF EASEMENTS
        This Mutual Termination of Easement is executed by The City of Muskegon, a Michigan municipal
corporation, of 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan 49440 (“Grantor”), and the Downtown Muskegon
Development Co., a Michigan nonprofit corporation, of 601 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, 49440,
as successor in interest to Muskegon Properties Company, Inc., a dissolved Michigan corporation, of 101
East Ontario Street, Suite 400, Chicago, Illinois, 60611 (“Grantee”).
        Grantor entered into a certain Parking and Access Easement Agreement with Muskegon Properties
Company, Inc., dated March 26, 1991, which was recorded by the Muskegon County Register of Deeds in
Liber 1559, Page 768.
        Grantor also entered into a certain Parking Easement Agreement with Muskegon Properties
Company, Inc., dated March 26, 1991, which was recorded by the Muskegon County Register of Deeds in
Liber 1559, Page 795.
         Grantor and Grantee agree that the above referenced Easements are no longer needed and are
therefore terminated, abandoned, and of no further force or effect. Grantor and Grantee release any and all
of their rights, title, and interest in and to the Easements.
                                  Signatures appear on following pages.
                                             The City of Muskegon,
                                             a Michigan municipal corporation

                                             By: __________________________________
                                             Name: Ken Johnson
                                             Title: Mayor
                                             Date: _________________________

The foregoing instruments was acknowledged before me on the ____ day of _______, 2023, by Ken
Johnson, Mayor of the City of Muskegon, a Michigan municipal corporation.

                                             _________________________, Notary Public
                                             ________________ County, State of Michigan
                                             My commission expires: _________________

                                             By: __________________________________
                                             Name: Ann Meisch
                                             Title: Clerk
                                             Date: _________________________

The foregoing instruments was acknowledged before me on the ____ day of _______, 2023, by Ann
Meisch, Clerk of the City of Muskegon, a Michigan municipal corporation.

                                             _________________________, Notary Public
                                             ________________ County, State of Michigan
                                             My commission expires: _________________
                                            Downtown Muskegon Development Co.,
                                            a Michigan nonprofit corporation,
                                            as successor in interest to
                                            Muskegon Properties Company, Inc.,
                                            a dissolved Michigan corporation

                                            By: __________________________________
                                            Name: Steve Olsen
                                            Title: President
                                            Date: _________________________

The foregoing instruments was acknowledged before me on the ____ day of _______, 2023, by Steve
Olsen, President of the Downtown Muskegon Development Co., a Michigan nonprofit corporation, as
successor in interest to Muskegon Properties Company, Inc., a dissolved Michigan corporation.

                                            _________________________, Notary Public
                                            ________________ County, State of Michigan
                                            My commission expires: _________________

Prepared by & return to:                           Business Address:
PARMENTER LAW                                      601 Terrace Street, PO Box 786
By: Christopher L. Kelly                           Muskegon, MI 49443-0786
                                                              STATE OF MICHIGAN
                                                             COUNTY Or MUSKEGON
                         uw 1559 768 ■          *   *
                                                             RECE!''“ : ' r~ RECORD
                                                        : Perpetual
                                                            l/>t 7jFt? - 1 PH |: Q|

    This Parking and Access Easement Agreement (this        UfUi
••Agreement")# is made this 26th day of March, 1991, by the
City of Muskegon, a Michigan municipal corporation ("Grantor")
and Muskegon Properties Company, Inc., a Michigan corporation
as Nominee ("Grantee") .


    WHEREAS Grantor and Grantee, together with certain other ,
parties, entered into that certain Muskegon Mall Development
Agreement for Real Estate and Related Property dated July 14,
1989, as amended by Amendment to Development Agreement
[undated, but executed in September, 1989] (as so amended, the
"Development Agreement") , whereby Grantor and Grantee agreed
upon the terms and conditions pursuant to which Grantee would :
acquire, renovate, operate and expand the property known as
Muskegon Mall;      i

    WHEREAS Grantee or its designee owns or has certain rights
to acquire, pursuant to the Development Agreement , the property
more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto (the
"Mall Property");

    WHEREAS Grantor has provided parking for and access to
Muskegon Mall on or across the property more particularly
described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto (the "Easement
Property"), and Grantor and Grantee desire to formalize such
parking and access arrangement by this Agreement; ,
    ■NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises,
the sum of Ten and no/100 Dollars ($10.00) in hand paid by each
party hereto to the other, the receipt and sufficiency of which ■
are hereby acknowledged, Grantor and Grantee hereby covenant
                                                                                  I®* 1559 768
and agree as follows :

    1.    Grant of Easements . Grantor hereby unconditionally
grants , conveys and warrants to Grantee and to any other owners
(the "Other Beneficiaries") of portions of the Mall Property
and their respective successors in ownership of the Mall
Property, for the use, benefit and enjoyment of Grantee and the
Other Beneficiaries, and their successors in ownership of the
Mall Property, and their tenants, employees, invitees, agents,
independent contractors , customers and guests , a perpetual
easement, appurtenant to the Mall Property, in, to, over,
across and through the Easement Property for the purposes of J
                                 1559   '   4   769


(i) ingress, egress, passage and access to the Mall Property by:
pedestrian and vehicular traffic, (ii) vehicular parking on the ‘
Easement Property, and (iii) other purposes reasonably incident
to the use and operation of the Mall Property as a
retail/office/commercial center, provided that Grantee shall
comply in all respects with applicable zoning and other laws.
The easements granted herein shall, be non-exclusive but Grantor
shall not be entitled to expand its present parking and access
uses of the Easement Property and shall not be entitled to
grant to other parties parking and access easements on the ;
Easement Property.
    2.   Grantor's Covenants. Grantor covenants and agrees
with Grantee, and Grantee's successors in ownership of the Mall
Property, that:

               (a) Grantor shall not relocate, close or obstruct the
          Curb cuts, entrances and exits which provide access to the
          Easement Property from adjoining public rights-of-way,
          without Grantee's prior written consent, provided, however,
          that nothing herein shall be construed to limit or
          otherwise affect Grantor's exercise of its police power ■
          over the adjoining public rights-of-way, the use thereof;
          and access thereto.
            (b) Grantee may redesign and relocate the parking 1
       layout, roadways, sidewalks, walkways, driveways and
       traffic circulation within the Easement Property, provided
      .that Grantee shall comply with all applicable laws. ,
               (c) Grantor shall not build, create or construct any
          improvements or any obstructions on the Easement Property, ;
          nor permit the same to be done by others.

               (d) Grantee shall be entitled to locate, construct,
          maintain and replace from time to time on the Easement
          Property such signs, lighting, kiosks, landscaping and
          advertising banners as Grantee shall determine are .
          beneficial to the Mall Property.
      ■             i

               (e) Grantee shall be entitled to make such rules and
          regulations for the use of the Easement Property,
          consistent with this Agreement, as Grantee shall determine
          are beneficial to the Mall Property.,
                                                                         [1559 *'769

               (f) Grantor's enterring into this Agreement shall in
          no way limit or otherwise affect Grantee's rights under the
          Development Agreement, including Sections 4.2 and 5.7
          thereof .
                                                    IJ   JJU'I.... WUjM

I                                           ur 1559            770
    y ■-       The rights granted   in this Paragraph  2 to Grantee  and Grantee's
               successors  in ownership   of the Mall Property  are for the
               exclusive  benefit  thereof and are not intended   to benefit the
r              Other Beneficiaries   or any other entities.

                    3.    Grantee's  Covenants.     Grantee covenants    and agrees;
               with Grantor,    and Grantor's   successors  in ownership    of the
               Easement   Property/  that Grantee shall maintain      the Easement,
           *   Property,   as an expense of the Mall Property,       in good order and
               repair,   to at least the standard     of its condition    on the date
               of this Agreement.

                    4.    Covenants    Running With The Land.,■ The easements          and,
               covenants   contained    herein shall be covenants        running   with the ■
               land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of
               Grantor,   Grantee   and the Other Beneficiaries,       .and their
               respective   successors     in ownership    of the Mall Property       and the
               Easement   Property;    provided,    however,    that this Agreement      shall ;
               terminate   as to and be of no further force or effect with ,
               respect   to any part of the Easement         Property   purchased    by ■
               Grantee.    Whenever    the terms "Grantor"       and Grantee"    are used in;
               this Agreement,     such terms shall be deemed to refer to Grantor
               and Grantee,    respectively,     and their respective       successors    in
               ownership   of the Easement     Property    and the Mall Property. ,

                      5.   :Miscellaneous.     Any notices  to be given under this
                 Agreement   shall be in writing    and delivered   by hand, by
                 certified   mail, return receipt requested      and postage prepaid,        ,
                 or by prepaid    Federal  Express or other receipted     delivery
                 service,   addressed   as follows:

                       If to Grantor:         City Of Muskegon
                                              933 Terrace street 1
                                              Muskegon,  Michigan   49443
                                              Attention:   City Manager

                       If to Grantee:         Muskegon       Properties    Company,  Inc.
                                        J     c/o Erie       Development    Co., Inc.
                                              101 East       Ontario   Street, Suite 400
                                              Chicago,       Illinois    60611
                                              Attention:         Harold S. Back, President

               or to such other address as a party may designate      by written
               notice as hereinabove  provided.   No amendment,   modification,
                                                                                                   1559 w770

               waiver or other change to this Agreement    shall be effective ,in.
               whole or in part unless in writing   and signed by Grantor     and
               Grantee.   Any breach by Grantee of any obligations     of Grantee
               under this Agreement  or any other agreement    to which Grantor   is
               a party shall entitle Grantor to such remedies     as are available
               at law or in equity,  but shall not entitle Grantor     to cancel or ■

                                                          im 1559 771
             otherwise                    limit     Grantee's            rights     and     easements          under     this
             Agreement.                    ,

                           i l N WITNESS WHEREOF, this                       Agreement         has      been    executed        the
             date              first set forth above.

                                                                                     GRANTOR: :

                                                                                     CITY OF MUSKEGON, a Michigan
                                                                                     municipal corporation

             Wi                                                                      By:       UtyMrf
                                                                                             Printed      Name:          rman F. Kruse
                                                                                           i Mayor

                                                  G. Thomas Johnson
                                                                                           Printed  Name               James R. Hudson
                                                                                           City Clerk
                                         me          Nd C. 'TuttHC


                                                                                     MUSKEGON                             COMPANY , <
                                                                                     INC., as                             Michigan

                                                                                           Harbl                           esident

             Printed                   Njajne:

                                                                                                                                         1559 771

             061 2e

f !»'   **   —    -   V-    V0*   yv                  V         **   ■
                                                       i« 1559 772
STATE OF MICHIGAN                                      )
        .......................................... ;   )■

     The foregoing    instrument    was acknowledged    before me
this   26th day o f March, , 1 9 9 1 , by    Norman J. Kruse      _
and      James R. Hudson               the Mayor and City Clerk,
respectively,    of the City of Muskegon, a Michigan municipal
corporation,    on behalf of the co gqrat&on      .     / zn

                                                                                           ......   ...........................
                                                            xl’rinped    Name/ / G. Thomas Johnson
                                                                     ”      /Wary    Public

                                                             Muskegon  COKtnty, Michigan
                                                             Commission Expiration    Date:'

                                                                           [NOTARY SEAL]

                                                                                                                                  ZLU" 6991


                                    ' If** -
                                   .                                                                          ......

                                    1559 I ■«,-773
                                    I      I I
                        ■   )
 COUNTY    OF COOK          )

      The foregoing    instrument   was acknowledged    before me
 this   x-7?- day of March, 1991, by Harold S. Back, the President
 of Muskegon   Properties    Company,   Inc.,,,a Michigan   corporation,
 on behalf of said corporation.        ’      ■

                                                                              ____________ .
                                       Printed   Name:     Shannon  C. Tuttle               .
                                                         Notary Public
                                       Cook County, Illinois
                                       Commission  Expiration           Date:

                                              December    29, \ 1993                 ______

                                                    [NOTARY       SEAL] ,

                                                          " OFFICIAL         SEAL       ”
                                                         SHANNON         C. T U T T L E
                                                         NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF ILLINOIS
                                                         MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 12/29/93

Prepared by:
G. Thomas Johnson
O’Toole, Johnson, ,Potter, Rolf,
Grafton & Eklund
175 W. Apple Avenue,
Muskegon, MI   49440

                                                                                                &U'* 6sei “

Utt 1559      774            EXHIBIT A
                                                           STATE OF MICHIGAN
                            Page 1 of 5                   COUNTY OF MUSKEGON
                                                          RECEIV-'?     -'•CORD
   Parcel Is                                              1991 APR - I PH |: 0 1
   That part of Blocks 309, 310, 559, 560, 561, vacated
   Western Avenue, vacated Jefferson Street, vacated.
   Market Street and vacated Alley of the Revised Plat
  of 1903 of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County,
   Michigan, described as follows:: Commencing at the
  West most corner of Block 310 of’said Revised Plat
  of 1903, thence North 49 degrees 00 minutes East
  along the Southerly line of Western Avenue 199.75
  feet for point of beginning, thence North 41 degrees
  00 minutes West 272.33 feet, thence North 49 degrees
  00 minutes East 150.00 feet, thence North 26 degrees
  00 minutes East 244.50 feet to the Southwesterly
  line of Terrace Street (125.00 feet wide), said line
  being 59.00 feet Southwesterly, measured at right
  angles from the Southwesterly line of Terrace Street
  (66.00 feet wide) as shown on said Revised Plat of
  1903, thence South 63 degrees 48 minutes East along
  said Southwesterly line of Terrace Street (125.00
  feet vide) 284.85 feet, thence Southeasterly along
  the Southwesterly line of Terrace Street as
  relocated on the arc of a 496.71 foot radius curve
  to the right a distance of 221.06 feet (long chord
  of said curve bears South 51 degrees 03 minutes East
  219.24 feet), thence South 49 degrees 00 minutes
  West 523.50 feet, thence North 41 degrees 00 minutes
 .West 110.67 feet to point of beginning.

  Parcel 2:
  Lot 18, Block 565, Revised Plat (of 1903) of the
  City of Muskegon, as recorded in Liber 3 of Plats,
  Page 71, Muskegon County Records.

 Parcel 3:
 Lot 6, Block 311, Revised Plat (of 1903) of the City
 of Muskegon, as recorded in Liber 3 of Plats, Page
 71, Muskegon County Records.

 Parcel 4:
 That part of Block 312; vacated Western Avenue,
 vacated Second Street and vacated Alley of the
 Revised Plat (of 1903) of the City of Muskegon, as
 recorded in Liber 3 of Plats, Page 71, Muskegon
 County Records, described as: Commencing at the

 West most corner of Block 311 of said Revised Plat
 of 1903, thence South 49 degrees 00 minutes West
 along the Southerly line of Western Avenue extended
 Westerly 34.54 feet, thence North 41 degrees 00
 minutes West 43.00 feet for point of beginning,
 thence South 49 degrees 00 minutes West 28.67 feet;

 thence South 41 degrees 00 minutes East 0.25 feet,
                                    EXHIBIT A
i«>1559 ‘-775                      Page 2 o f 5

  thence South 49 degrees 00 minutes Vest; 54.41 f e e t ,
  thence South 4 degrees 00 minutes We t 0.94 f e e t ,
  thence South 49 degrees 00 minutes West 139.16 f e e t ,
  thence North 86 degrees 00 minutes West 0.94 f e e t ,
  thence South 49 degrees 00 minutes West 21.33 f e e t ,
  thence South 41 degrees 00 minutes East 237.50 f e e t ,
  thence N o r t h 49 degrees 00 minutes East 244.67 f e e t
  thence N o r t h 41 degrees 00 minutes West 17.67 f e e t ,
  thence N o r t h 86 degrees 00 minutes West 0.94 f e e t ,
  thence North 41 degrees 00 minutes West 103.83 f e e t ,
  thence North 4 degrees 00 minutes East 0.94 f e e t ,
  thence N o r t h 41 degrees 00 minutes West 86.25 f e e t ,
  thence North 49 degrees 00 minutes East 0.25 f e e t ,
  thence North 41 degrees 00 minutes West 28.67 f e e t
  to p o i n t ; o f beginning.

  Parcel 5 :
  Lots 3 and 4 , Block 311, Revised P l a t ( o f 1903) o f
  the City o f Muskegon, as recorded in Liber 3 o f
  P l a t s , Page 7 1 , Muskegon County Records.

  Parcel 6 :
  That part o f Lots 8 , 9 , vacated Western Avenue,
  vacated Second S t r e e t and vacated A l l e y o f Block 564
  o f the Revised P l a t ( o f 1903) o f the City o f
  Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan,         described as
  f o l l o w s : Commencing at the South most comer o f
  said Lot 9 , thence Northwesterly along the line
  between said Lots 8 and 9 , a distance         o f 0.30 f e e t , .
  thence North 4 9 ’ 0 0 ' East parallel    to the Northerly
  line o f Western Avenue 1 . 4 0 feet for point of
  beginning,       thence South 41*00* East 26.80 f e e t ,
  thence South 4*00* West 5 . 6 6 f e e t , thence South
  49*00* West 62.00 f e e t , thence North 86’00* West
  5.66 f e e t , thence North 41’00* West 66.00 f e e t ,
  thence South 49*00* West 26.00 f e e t , thence North
  86*00* West 5 . 6 6 f e e t , thence North 41*00* West
  67.00 f e e t , thence North 4*00* East 5.66 f e e t ,
  thence North 49*07’ East 95.85 f e e t , thence South
  41*04* East 114.00 f e e t , thence North 49*00* East
  0.60 f e e t to point    o f beginning.

  Parcel 7 :
  Lot 9 , Block 564, Revised Plat ( o f ; 1903) o f the C i t y
  o f Muskegon, as recorded in Liber 3 of P l a t s , Page
  71, Muskegon County Records,         EXCEPT that part
  described    as f o l l o w s : Commencing at the South most
  comer o f said Lot for point         o f beginning,  thence
  Northeasterly along the Northerly          line o f Western
  Avenue 1 . 4 0 f e e t , thence Northwesterly a t right
  angles to Western Avenue 0 . 3 0 f e e t , to the w a l l o f ;
                            1559 *776
                           EXHIBIT A
                          Page 3 of 5

the building on said Lot 9 , thence Southwesterly
parallel to the Northerly line of Western Avenue
along said wall 0.60 feet to the Southwesterly wall
of said building, thence Northwesterly along said
Southwesterly wall 113.60 feet to the Southerly line
of the alley in said Block, thence Southwesterly
along said Southerly line 1.00 feet to the West most:
corner of said Lot ; 9 , thence Southeasterly along the
line between Lots 8 and 9 of said Block 113.90 feet
to the point of beginning, including 6 inches of the
vacated alley adjacent thereto.     Together with an
easement as evidenced by instrument recorded in
Liber 1167, Page 581.

Parcel 8:
Lot 10, Block 564, Revised Plat (of 1903) of the
City of Muskegon, as recorded in Liber 3 of Plats,
Page 71, Muskegon County Records, EXCEPT that part
described as follows: Commencing at the East most
corner of said Lot for point of beginning, thence
Northwesterly along the line between Lots 10 and 11
of said Block 0.15 feet, thence Southwesterly
parallel to the Northerly line of Western Avenue
0.95 feet, thence Southeasterly parallel to the line
between said Lots 10 and 11, a distance of 0.15
feet, thence Northeasterly along the Northerly line
of Western Avenue 0.95 feet to the point of
beginning, including 6 inches of the vacated alley ;
adjacent thereto. Together with an easement as
evidenced by instrument recorded in Liber 1167, Page
581. ,

 Parcel 9:
 That part of Lots 10, 11, 12, vacated Western Avenue
 and vacated Alley of Block 564 of the Revised Plat
(of 1903) of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County,
 Michigan, described as follows: Commencing at the
 South most corner of said Lot 11, thence
 Northwesterly along the line between said Lots 10
 and 11, a distance of 0.15 feet for point of
 beginning, thence South 49*00' West parallel to the
 Northerly line of Western Avenue 0.95 feet, thence
South 41*00' East 26.65 feet, thence South 86*00'
 East 5.66 feet, thence North 49*00' East 62.00 feet,
 thence North 4*00' East 5.66 feet, thence North,
41*00' West 136.40 feet, thence North 86*00' West
 5.66 feet, thence South 49*13' West 64.65 feet,
 thence South 41*00' East 114.00 feet, thence South
49*00' West 0.40 feet to point of
1                                1

Parcel 10:
                      1559                                                  777                             exhibit a
                                                                                                           Page 4 of 5

    Lot 11, Block 564, Revised P l a t ( o f 1903) o f the
    City o f Muskegon, as recorded in Liber 3 of P l a t s ,
    Page 71, Muskegon County Records, EXCEPT that:part
     thereof included within the following descripton;
     that part o f Lots 10, 11, 12, vacated Western Avenue
    and vacated a l l e y o f Block 564 o f the Revised Plat
    of the C i t y o f Muskegon, described as follows:
    Commencing a t the South most corner of said Lot 11,
    thence Northwesterly along the line between said
    Lots 10 and 11 a distance o f 0.15 feet f o r point, o f
    beginning,        thence South 49 degrees 00 minutes i West
    p a r a l l e l to the Northerly line o f Western Avenue
    0.95 f e e t ; thence South 41 degrees 00 minutes East
    26.65 f e e t , thence South 86 degrees 00 minutes East
    5.66 f e e t , thence North 49 degrees 00 minutes East
    62.00 feet, thence North 4 degrees 00 minutes East
    5.66 f e e t , thence North 41 degrees 00 minutes West
    136.40 f e e t , thence North 86 degrees 00 minutes West
    5.66 f e e t , thence South 49 degrees 13 minutes West‘
    64.65 f e e t , thence South 41 degrees 00 minutes East
    114.00 f e e t , thence South 49 degrees 00 minutes West
    0.40 feet to the point o f beginning,       including
    one-half o f the vacated a l l e y adjacent' thereto.
    Together with an easement as evidenced by instrument; .
    recorded in Liber .1167, Page 581.
•                                   .....................................            i

    Parcel 11: ,
    That part o f Lots 12, 13, vacated Western Avenue,
    vacated First Street and vacated Alley in Block 564
    o f the Revised Plat ( o f 1903) of the City of
    Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, described as
    follows: Commencing a t the West most comer o f
    Block 310 o f said Revised P l a t , thence South 49*00*
    West along the Northerly      line of said Block extended ,
    Southwesterly 33.00 fe e t, thence North 41*00* West
    65. 50 feet for point o f beginning , thence South
    49*00* West 32.50 f e e t , thence South 41*00' East
    6.00 f e e t , thence South 4*00* West 5.66 f e e t , thence
    South 49*00' West 92.00 f e e t , thence North 86*00*
    West 5.66 f e e t , thence North 41*00* West 136.75
    f e e t , thence North 4*00* East 5.66 f e e t , thence
    North 49*00* East 110.50 f e e t , thence South 86*00*
    East 5.66 f e e t , thence South 41*00* East 43.10 f e e t ,
    thence South 86*00* East 17.90 f e e t , thence South

    41’00' East 6.66 f e e t , thence North 49*00* East 1.33
    f e e t , thence South 41*00* East 68.34 feet to point
    o f beginning. ,

    Parcel 12:
    That part of vacated Western Avenue, vacated First

    Street, vacated Market Street and Block 560 o f the
     ....................   .   :      • .........................          .......................   "■       ' '   - ■   -   |
   1559 -«778 j
                            EXHIBIT A
                           Page 5 of 5

  Revised Plat of 1903 of the City of Muskegon,
  Muskegon County, Michigan, described as follows: '
  Commencing at the. West most corner of Block 310 of
  said Revised Plat, thence South 49*00* West along
  the Northerly line of said Block extended
  Southwesterly 33.00 feet, thence North 41*00* West j
  65.50 feet for point of beginning, thence North
  49*00* East 32.50 feet, thence South 41*00* East
  6.00 feet, thence South 86*00* East 5.66 feet,
  thence North 49*00* East 162.00 feet, thence North
  4*00* East 5.66 feet, thence North 41*00* West 77.00
  feet, thence North 86*00* West 5.66 feet, thence
  South 49*00* West 199.83 feet, thence South 41*00*
  East 6.66 feet, thence North 49*00' East 1.33 feet,
  thence South 41*00* East 68.34 feet to point,of
I beginning.

Parcel 13:
Lot 5, Block 311, Revised Plat (of 1903) of the City
of Muskegon, as recorded in Liber 3 of Plats, Page
71, Muskegon County Records.

Parcel 14: ;
Lots 1 , 2 , 7 and 8, Block 311, Revised Plat (of 1903)
of the City of Muskegon, as recorded in Liber! 3 of
Plats, Page 71, Muskegon County Records.

Parcel 15:
Lots 9 , 10 , 11, Block 310, Revised Plat (of 1903)
of the City of Muskegon, as recorded in Liber 3 of
Plats, Page 71, Muskegon County Records.

Parcel 16: ■
That part of Lot 8 of Block 310 of the Revised Plat (of
1903) of the City of Muskegon, lying Westerly of the
following described line: Commencing at the West-most -
corner of eaid Block 310, thence North 49’00" East
                                                           6SST »
along the Southerly line of Western Avenue 165.98 feet:
to a point which is North 49 ”00* East 10.32 feet from
the West-most corner of said Lot 8, for the point of
beginning of the line herein described, thence South
41’00* East 130.83 feet to the Northerly line of the 20
foot alley in said Block 310, to a point 10.75 feet
North 49’02* East of the South-most corner of said Lot

8, being the end of the described line.

Parcel 17:

Lot 16, except Southwesterly 8 inches of Block 565,
Revised Plat (of 1903) of the City of Muskegon, as
recorded in Liber 3 of Plats, Page 71, Muskegon County
Records.                                               .

 1559 «779                  EXHIBIT B
                           Page 1 of 4
   Parcel 1:
•Blocks 309, 310, 559, 560, the Northeasterly 1/2 of
  vacated Jefferson Stre't adjacent to Block 309, the
  vacated alleys in Block 309, the Southwesterly 1/2
  of vacated Jefferson Street adjacent to Block 310,
  the Southeasterly 1/2 of vacated Western Avenue
  adjacent to Block 310, the entire 20 foot vacated
  alley adjacent to Lot 18 of Block 310, the
  Northeasterly 1/2 of vacated Jefferson Street
 adjacent ,to Block 559, the Easterly 1/2 of vacated
 Market Street adjacent to Block 560, and that part
 of the Northerly 1/2 of vacated Western Avenue
 adjacent to Block 560 from the centerline of First
 Street Northeasterly, Revised Plat of the City of
 Muskegon, as recorded in Liber 3 of Plats, Page 71.
 Except that part of Blocks 309, 559 and 560 being
 used for Terrace Street.   Also except Lots 9 through
 17 inclusive of Block 310. Also except a strip of
 land off the West side of Lot 8, Block 310 described
 as being 10.32 feet wide on the Northerly line of
 said Lot 8 and 10.75 feet wide on the Southerly line
 of said Lot 8. Also except that part of Block 559
 being used for Morris Street.   Also except that part
 of Block 559 lying Northwesterly of Morris Street.
 Also except that part of Blocks 309, 310, 559, 560,
 561, vacated Western Avenue, vacated Jefferson
 Street, vacated Market Street and vacated Alley of
 the Revised Plat of 1903 of the City of Muskegon,
 Muskegon County, Michigan, described as follows:
 Commencing at the West most corner of Block 310 of
 said Revised Plat of 1903, thence North 49 degrees
 00 minutes East along the Southerly line of Western
 Avenue 199.75 feet for point of beginning, thence
 North 41 degrees 00 minutes West 272.33 feet, thence
 North 49 degrees 00 minutes East 150.00 feet, thence
 North 26 degrees 00 minutes East 244.50 feet to the
 Southwesterly line of Terrace Street (125.00 feet
 wide), said line being 59.00 feet Southwesterly,
 measured at right angles from the Southwesterly line
 of Terrace Street (66.00 feet wide) as shown on said
 Revised Plat of 1903, thence South 63 degrees 48
                                                               i« 1559 pw779

 minutes East along said Southwesterly line of
Terrace Street (125.00 feet wide) 284.85 feet,
thence Southeasterly along the Southwesterly line of
Terrace Street as relocated on the arc of a 496.71
foot radius curve to the right a distance of 221.06
feet (long chord of said curve bears South 51
degrees 03 minutes East 219.24 feet), thence South
49 degrees 00 minutes West 523.50 feet, thence North
41 degrees 00 minutes West 110.67 feet to point of
beginning. ALSO EXCEPT that part which lies within

                                                                STATE OF MICHIGAN
   1559 w780                  EXHIBIT B                        COUNTY OF MUSKEGON
                             Page 2 of 4                       RECEI' 1"*  '• RECORD
                                                               1991 APR -I    PH 1=01
. the following description: That part of vacated
  Western Avenue, vacated First S t r e e t , vacated Market
  Street .and Block 560 of the Revised Plat of 1903 of
  the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan,
  described as follows: Commencing at the Vest most                te.T.OrDKDS
  comer of Block 310 of said Revised Plat, thence
  South 49*00* West along the Northerly line of said
  Block extended Southwesterly 33.00 f e e t , thence
  North 41*00* West 65.50 feet for point of beginning,
  thence North 49*00* East 32.50 f e e t , thence South
  41*00* East 6.00 feet, thence South 86*00* East 5.66
  f e e t , thence North 49*00* East 162.00 feet, thence
  North 4*00* East 5.66 f e e t , thence North 41*00* , West
  77.00 feet, thence North 86*00* West 5.66 f e e t ,
  thence South 49*00* West 199.83 f e e t , thence south
  41*00* East 6.66 feet, thence North 49*00* East 1.33
  f e e t , thence South 41*00* East 68.34 feet to point
  of beginning.
 Parcel 2:
Block 312, the Southeasterly 1 / 2 of vacated Western
Avenue adjacent thereto, the Southwesterly 1/2 of
vacated Second Street adjacent thereto, and the
entire vacated 20 foot a l l e y in said Block 312, of
the Revised Plat of the City of Muskegon, as
recorded in Liber 3 of Plats, Page 71, except
Commencing at the West most comer of Block 311 of
said Revised Plat of 1903, thence South 49 degrees
00 minutes West along the Southerly line of Western
Avenue extended Westerly 34.54 f e e t , thence North 41
degrees 00 minutes West 43.00 feet for point of
beginning, thence South 49 degrees 00 minutes West
28.67 f e e t , thence South 41 degrees 00 minutes East
0.25 feet, thence South 49 degrees 00 minutes West
54.41 feet, thence South 4 degrees 00 minutes West
0.94 feet, thence South 49 degrees 00 minutes West
139.16 f e e t , thence North 86 degrees 00 minutes West
0.94 feet, thence South 49 degrees 00 minutes West
21.33 f e e t , thence South 41 degrees 00 minutes East
237.50 f e e t , thence North 49 degrees 00 minutes East
244.67 f e e t , thence North 41 degrees 00 minutes West ;
17.67 f e e t , thence North 86 degrees 00 minutes West
0.94 f e e t , thence North 41 degrees 00 minutes West
103.83 f e e t , thence North 4 degrees 00 minutes East \
0.94 feet, thence North 41 degrees 00 minutes West
86.25 feet, thence North 49 degrees 00 minutes East
0.25 feet, thence North 41 degrees 00 minutes West
28.67 feet to point of beginning.
                                                                                        08/ ; ”

 Parcel 3:
Lots 4 , 5 , 6 , 7, 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12. and 13 of Block
lW    1559              781            EXHIBIT B
     ............ ;   ■ ‘I. .......
                                      Page 3 of 4

  561, the Westerly 1/2 of vacated Market Street
  adjacent t o Lots 3 thru 8 , inclusive, the
  Southwesterly 1/2 of vacated Jefferson Street
  adjacent thereto, the Easterly 1/2 of the vacated 18
  foot Alley adjacent to Lots 4 , 5 and 6 of said
  Block, and that part of Lots 2, 3 and the Easterly
  half of vacated 18. foot Alley in said Block lying
  Northeasterly of the following described l i n e :
  Commencing at the South most corner of said Block
  561, thence North 49*22' East along the Northerly
  line of Market Street 144.35 f e e t , thence North
  26*19* East along the Northerly line of Market
 Street 9.87 feet for POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID
 LINE, thence North 41*00' West 152.86 feet to the
 centerline of said vacated 18 foot Alley for Point
 of Ending of said line, of the Revised Plat of the
 City of Muskegon, as recorded in Liber 3 of Plats,
 Page 71. Except that part which lies within the
 following description: Commencing at the West most
 comer of Block 310 of said Revised Plat of 1903,
 thence North 49 degrees 00 minutes East along the
 Southerly line of Western Avenue 199.75 feet for
 point of beginning, thence North 41 degrees 00
 minutes West 272.33 f e e t , thence North 49 degrees 00
 minutes East 150.00 feet, thence North 26 degrees 00
 minutes East 244.50 feet to the Southwesterly line
 of Terrace Street (125.00 feet wide), said line
 being 59.00 feet Southwesterly, measured at r i g h t ’
 angles from the Southwesterly line of Terrace S t r e e t :
 (66.00 feet wide) as shown on said Revised Plat of
 1903, thence South 63 degrees 48 minutes East along
 said Southwesterly line of Terrace Street (125.00
 feet wide) 284.85 feet, thence Southeasterly along
 the Southwesterly line of Terrace Street as
 relocated on the arc of a 496.71 foot radius curve
 to the right a distance of 221.06 feet (long chord ;
 of said curve bears South 51 degrees 03 minutes East
 219.24 f e e t ) , thence South 49 degrees 00 minutes
 West 523.50 f e e t , thence North 41 degrees 00 minutes
 West 110.67 feet to point of beginning.

 Parcel 4: .
 Lots 1, 2, and 12 of Block 564 t the Northwesterly
 1/2 of vacated Western Avenue adjacent to Lots 11 ,
 12 and 13 of said block, the Southwesterly 1/2 of
 vacated First street adjacent to Lots 1 and 13,
 the Northwesterly 1/2 of vacated 18 foot alley
 adjacent to Lots 1 and 2 and the Southeasterly 1/2
 of the vacated 18 foot alley adjacent to Lots 11,
 12 and 13, and the Northwesterly 1/2 of the
 vacated Western Avenue and the Northeasterly 1/2
                                EXHIBIT B
nwi 1559      « 782            Page 4 o f 4

 o f vacated Second Street adjacent to Lot 8 of saidi
-Block 564, o f the Revised P l a t of the City o f 1
 Muskegon, as recorded in Liber 3 of Plats, Page 71.,
 Except that part which lies within the following
 description: Commencing at the South most comer of
 said Lot 9 , thence Northwesterly along the line
 between said Lots 8 and 9 , a distance o f 0.30 f e e t ,
 thence North 49*00' East parallel       to the Northerly
 line o f Western Avenue 1.40 feet for point of
 beginning, thence South 41*00* East 26.80 f e e t ,
  thence South 4*00* West 5.66 f e e t , thence South
 49*00* West 62.00 f e e t , thence North 86*00* West
 5.66 f e e t , thence North 41*00* West 66.00 f e e t ,
  thence South 49*00* West 26.00 f e e t , thence North
,86*00* West 5.66 f e e t , thence North 41*00* West
 67.00 f e e t , thence North 4*00* East 5.66 f e e t ,
 thence North 49*07’ East 95.85 feet thence South
 41*04* East 114.00 f e e t , thence North 49*00* East
 0.60 feet to point o f beginning.       ALSO EXCEPT that
 part which lies withing the following description:
 Commencing at the South most comer of said Lot 11,
 thence Northwesterly      along the line between said
 Lots 10 and 11, a distance of 0.15 feet for point o f
 beginning,      thence South 49*00* West par allel to the
 Northerly     line o f Western Avenue 0.95 f e e t , thence
 South 41*00* East 26.65 f e e t , thence South 86*00*
 East 5.66 f e e t , thence North 49*00* East 62.00 f e e t , ;
 thence North 4*00’ East 5.66 f e e t , thence North
 41*00* West 136.40 f e e t , thence North 86*00* West
 5.66 f e e t , thence South 49*13* West 64.65 f e e t ,
 thence South 41*00* East 114.00 f e e t , thence South
 49*00* West 0.40 feet to point of beginning.           ALSO
 EXCEPT that part which lies within the following
 description:       Commencing at the West most comer of
 Block 310 o f said Revised Plat, thence South 49*00*
 West along the Northerly       line of said Block extended
 Southwesterly 33.00 f e e t , thence North 41*00* West
 65.50 feet for point of beginning,       thence South
 49*00* West 32.50 f e e t , thence South 41*00* East
 6.00 f e e t , thence South 4*00* West 5.66 f e e t , thence ,
 South 49*00* West 92.00 f e e t , thence North 86*00*
 West 5.66 fe e t, thence North 41*00* West 136.75
 f e e t, thence North 4*00* East 5.66 f e e t , thence
 North 49*00* East 110.50 feet, thence South 86*00*
 East 5.66 f e e t , thence South 41*00* East 43.10 f e e t ,
 thence South 86*00* East 17.90 f e e t , thence South
                                                                              <1559 >*,-782

 41*00* East 6.66 f e e t , thence North 49*00* East 1.33
 f e e t, thence South 41*00* East 68.34 feet to point
 of beginning.
Parcel   5:
Lots 1 through 15, inclusive.     Block 565, the
Northwesterly 1/2 o f vacated Western Avenue adjacent
t o Lots 7 through 15 inclusive,    and the entire
vacated 18 foot A l l e y adjacent to Lots 7 through 15
inclusive  of the Revised Plat of the City o f
Muskegon, as recorded in Liber 3 of Plats, Page 71.
                                       387 Morris Avenue
                   This report has been generated from the M usk egon County GIS Property Viewer. While
                   every effort has been made to prov ide accurate information, Muskegon

Muskegon County    C ounty and Muskegon C ounty GIS shall not be held liable for the information
                   presented herein. All data shall be verified by the municipal assessor.
 Property Report

                                         Mus kegon County, Michigan - Muskegon County GIS , Muskegon County GIS,
                                         Mus kegon County, Michigan, S ource: Es ri, Max ar, Earths tar Geographics , and
                                         the G IS Us er Community
Mus kegon County, Michigan - Muskegon County GIS , Muskegon County GIS,
Mus kegon County, Michigan, S ource: Es ri, Max ar, Earths tar Geographics , and
the G IS Us er Community
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: August 7, 2023               Title: Amendment to the zoning ordinance –

Submitted By: Mike Franzak                            Department: Planning

Brief Summary: This is a staff-initiated request to amend the fencing ordinance to clarify the types
of fences allowed.

Detailed Summary & Background: This is an effort to improve the quality of fences erected
throughout the City. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Goal 2: Economic development, housing and business.

Amount Requested: N/A                                 Budgeted Item:
                                                      Yes          No          N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                            Budget Amendment Needed:
                                                      Yes          No          N/A

Recommended Motion: To approve the request to amend the fencing ordinance as proposed.

Approvals:                                            Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division Head
Information Technology                                Yes

Other Division Heads                                  No

Legal Review
                             Planning Commission Packet Excerpt - July 13, 2023

Hearing, Case 2023-15: Staff initiated request to amend Section 2333 of the zoning ordinance to modify the
requirements on fencing.


      1. Staff is proposing certain modifications to Section 2333 (Landscaping, Fencing, Walls, Screens and
         Lighting) of the zoning ordinance.
      2. The amendments clarify which types of fencing are allowed. Vinyl is typically an acceptable type of
         stockade fence. Picket, split-rail, and wrought iron are also acceptable types of open fencing that is
         typically allowed. Specifically identifying these types of allowed fences will assist staff with
         enforcement on home-made fencing.
      3. Staff has proposed to prohibit metal slats and screening tarps that can be incorporated into chain link
         or other types of fencing. These measures rarely assist in screening and usually become a blight.

                                                Proposed Ordinance

12.      Fencing, all Districts: The placement of a fence requires a development permit or site plan approval.
         Fencing shall be properly maintained. Fencing materials used shall consist of the following:

         a.      Wood or vinyl stockade fences of standard commercial construction. The finished side of the
                 fence shall face abutting properties.

         b.      Open fences such as chain link, picket, split-rail, and wrought iron fencing. . Woven slats, mesh,
                 and other screening materials are prohibited with these fencing types.

         c.      Masonry walls designed and constructed to facilitate maintenance and not modifying natural
                 drainage in such a way as to endanger adjacent property that is of standard commercial

13.      Placement: A wall, fence or yard enclosure may be erected on the lot line.

14.      Height limitations: [amended 10/02]

         a.      Side and rear yards: In residential districts a wall, fence or yard enclosure may be up to six (6)
                 feet in height behind any building line of a structure which abuts a street (see Figure 2.9).

         b.      Front yards: In any residential front yard (in front of any building line of a structure which
                 abuts a street), the height of a fence shall not exceed three (3) feet, unless an open fence (at least
                 50% transparent) is provided in which case it may be a maximum height of four (4) feet when
                 such fence does not reduce visibility or interfere with clear vision at intersections, alleys and
                 drives. Corner lot exemption: Corner lots may have a six-foot tall fence on the secondary front
                 yard (along the street that does not contain the main entrance to the home) as long as clear vision
                 is maintained.
                                         CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                  MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                         ORDINANCE NO._____

An ordinance to amend Section 2333 to clarify the types of fences allowed.


Section 2333 is amended as proposed.

This ordinance adopted:



Adoption Date:

Effective Date:

First Reading:

Second Reading:

                                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                   By: _________________________________
                                                          Ann Meisch, MMC, City Clerk

The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County,
Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance
adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City
Commission on the 7th day of August 2023, at which meeting a quorum was present and
remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City
of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given
pursuant to and in full compliance with the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of
Michigan No. 33 of 2006, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as
required thereby.

DATED: ___________________, 2023.            __________________________________________
                                             Ann Meisch, MMC
                                             Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish:       Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.
                                               CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                               NOTICE OF ADOPTION

Please take notice that on August 7, 2023, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an
ordinance amend the regulations on fences.
Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk
in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours.

This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication.

Published ____________________, 2023.                          CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                               By _________________________________
                                                                        Ann Meisch, MMC
                                                                        City Clerk



Account No. 101-80400-5354
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: August 7, 2023               Title: Amendment to the zoning ordinance –
                                                      Residential Design Criteria

Submitted By: Mike Franzak                            Department: Planning

Brief Summary: This is a staff-initiated request to amend the residential design criteria section of
the zoning ordinance.

Detailed Summary & Background: Many of the changes are small and for clarification reasons.
Some requirements were removed because they are requirements already listed in the building
codes. The removal of storage requirements and house widths on small lots are the biggest
proposed changes.
The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the amendment.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: N/A

Amount Requested: N/A                                 Budgeted Item:
                                                      Yes           No          N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                            Budget Amendment Needed:
                                                      Yes           No          N/A

Recommended Motion: To approve the request to amend the residential design criteria ordinance
as proposed.

Approvals:                                            Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division Head
Information Technology                                Yes

Other Division Heads                                  No

Legal Review
                          Planning Commission Packet Excerpt - July 13, 2023

Hearing, Case 2023-16: Staff initiated request to amend Section 2319 of the zoning ordinance to modify the
residential design criteria.


   1. Staff is proposing certain modifications to Section 2319 (Residential Design Criteria) of the zoning
      ordinance. Some changes are minor and are just for clarification.
   2. Many of the requirements that are proposed for removal are for redundancy because they are already
      covered by the building codes. Building codes can also be amended so this will ensure we are following
      the most recent codes.
   3. Some changes were made to clarify between a building unit and the actual building.
   4. Staff has proposed the elimination of the 15% storage space requirement. Recent amendments to this
      section included the requirement for either a garage or shed for every property, so storage should not
      be an issue. There are also existing codes that prohibit outdoor storage. Storage needs vary by family
      and requiring more storage than needed can add additional costs to housing.
   5. The ordinance currently requires that lots that are at least 35 feet wide have a house that is at least 24
      feet wide and lots that are under 35 feet wide must have a house that is at least 20 feet wide. Many city
      lots are 33 feet wide and staff has seen many challenges when working with developers on developing
      houses that can fit on these lots. With setback requirements, fire protection requirements and driveway
      placement, it can be very difficult to properly fit everything on the lot. Staff is proposing to eliminate
      the minimum width for houses on all lots under 40 feet wide. It should also be noted that many of the
      33-foot wide lots are very deep. Elimination of this requirement would allow more flexibility with how
      houses can be positioned on these narrow lots.

                       Proposed Ordinance (See attachments for redline version)

SECTION 2319: [RESIDENTIAL DESIGN CRITERIA] [amended 7/98, amended 4/00, amended 8/01,
amended 4/02, amended 3/05,amended 8/06, amended 3/07]

It is the intent and purpose of this section to establish design review standards and controls over housing
development in the City of Muskegon. It is recognized that there are unique design aspects inherent in the
community appearance that need to be preserved and enhanced. The adoption of these criteria will guide and
ensure that all future growth and fits with the unique vernacular of the City of Muskegon's urban setting. A
positive community image: enhances economic development opportunity; safeguards property values; curbs
blight and deterioration; and enhances public safety and welfare.

All single-family houses, duplexes, rowhouses and small multiplexes (3-6 units), other than a mobile home
located in a licensed mobile home park approved under the provisions of Article V, MHP Mobile Home Park
Districts, shall conform to the following regulations in addition to all other regulations of this Ordinance:

1. Each dwelling unit shall have a minimum living area of five hundred and fifty (550) square feet for a one
   (1) bedroom dwelling. For each bedroom, an additional 100 square feet shall be provided. This shall be
   measured from the outside wall of the unit as described on the site plan.

2. If a principal structure is less than 850 sqft and is to be located on a lot that is large enough to split under
   the zoning regulations, it must be placed in such a fashion as to allow enough room to split the lot and
   create an additional buildable lot. The lot does not actually have to be split at the time of construction and
   may be done at a later date at the property owners’ discretion.

3. All buildings located in single family residential districts must comply with Section 400.2 of the zoning
   ordinance. Multiple family dwellings are only allowed in single-family residential districts if the home has
   already been altered with prior approval to allow for multiple dwellings. One-family dwellings may not be
   altered to allow for multiple dwellings, not may new homes be built for multiple dwellings.

4. Roof drainage in the form of a roof overhang of at least twelve inches (12") shall be provided to direct
   storm or meltwater way from the foundation, unless a gambrel roof or other design elements necessitate an
   alternative roof drainage system.

5. The building shall have a minimum width across the front elevation view which is the lesser of:

       a.      Twenty-four (24) feet on lots that are at least forty feet wide. or
       b.      The average width of the homes on the same street, one block in any direction.

6. A structure with a front elevation view of over 40 linear feet shall have a design offset including but not
   limited to; bay windows, covered porches, or structural offsets from the principal plane of the building.

7. In the case of an attached garage, garage doors may not comprise more than fifty percent (50%) of the
    width of the front elevation view.
In the event that a dwelling unit is a mobile home as defined herein, it shall be installed with the wheels
    removed. No dwelling unit shall have any exposed towing mechanism, undercarriage or chassis.

8. The subject building shall be aesthetically compatible in design and appearance with other buildings on the
   same street, one block in any direction. The review shall include but not necessarily be limited to: roof
   pitch, scale, size, mass, minimum transparency, orientation to the street, and overhangs. The foregoing
   shall not be construed to prohibit innovative design concepts involving such matters as (but not limited to)
   solar energy, view, or unique land contour.

9. The compatibility of design and appearance shall be determined in the first instance by the Zoning
   Administrator upon review of the plans submitted for a particular building. The Zoning Administrator's
   decision may be appealed, to the Zoning Board of Appeals within a period of fifteen (15) days from the
   receipt of notice to the official's decision.

10. Each building shall have established vegetative ground cover no less than 12 months after occupancy.
    Approval shall be given by zoning staff of the Planning Department as part of the initial residential site
    plan review. A minimum of one shade tree, two and one-half inches (2.5") in diameter, four feet (4') from
    the ground or one six-foot (6') evergreen tree shall be provided. Existing landscaping may be accepted in
    lieu of this requirement.

11. Each building shall have a garage or a shed providing a minimum of sixty-four square feet (64 sq. ft.) of
All dwelling units within large multiplexes (6 units and above), mixed-use buildings and accessory dwelling
units shall conform to the following regulations in addition to all other regulations of this Ordinance:

1. Each dwelling unit shall have a minimum size (excluding all basement area) of 375 sqft. For each bedroom,
   an additional 100 square feet shall be provided. This shall be measured from the outside wall of the unit as
   described on the site plan.

2. All buildings located in single family residential districts must comply with Section 400.2 of the zoning
   ordinance. Multiple family dwellings are only allowed in single-family residential districts if the home has
   already been altered with prior approval to allow for multiple dwellings. One-family dwellings may not be
   altered to allow for multiple dwellings, not may new homes be built for multiple dwellings.

3. Roof drainage in the form of a roof overhang of at least twelve inches (12") shall be provided to direct
   storm or meltwater way from the foundation, unless a gambrel roof or other design elements necessitate an
   alternative roof drainage system.

4. In the case of an attached garage, garage doors may not comprise more than fifty percent (50%) of the front
   elevation view.

The subject building shall be aesthetically compatible in design and appearance with other buildings on the
   same street, one block in any direction. The review shall include but not necessarily be limited to: roof
   pitch, scale, size, mass, minimum transparency, orientation to the street, and overhangs. The foregoing
   shall not be construed to prohibit innovative design concepts involving such matters as (but not limited to)
   solar energy, view, or unique land contour.

5. Each building shall have an established vegetative ground cover no less than 12 months after occupancy.
   A minimum of one shade tree, two and one-half inches (2.5") in diameter, four feet (4') from the ground or
   one six foot (6') evergreen tree shall be provided. Existing landscaping may be accepted in lieu of this

6. Each building shall have a garage or a shed providing a minimum of sixty-four square feet (64 sq. ft.) of
                                          CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                  MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                         ORDINANCE NO._____

An ordinance to amend Section 2319 of the zoning ordinance to modify the residential design criteria.


Section 2319 is amended as proposed.

This ordinance adopted:



Adoption Date:

Effective Date:

First Reading:

Second Reading:

                                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                   By: _________________________________
                                                          Ann Meisch, MMC, City Clerk

The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County,
Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance
adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City
Commission on the 7th day of August 2023, at which meeting a quorum was present and
remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City
of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given
pursuant to and in full compliance with the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of
Michigan No. 33 of 2006, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as
required thereby.

DATED: ___________________, 2023.            __________________________________________
                                             Ann Meisch, MMC
                                             Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish:       Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.
                                               CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                               NOTICE OF ADOPTION

Please take notice that on August 7, 2023, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an
ordinance amend the residential design criteria.
Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk
in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours.

This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication.

Published ____________________, 2023.                          CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                               By _________________________________
                                                                        Ann Meisch, MMC
                                                                        City Clerk



Account No. 101-80400-5354
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: August 7, 2023              Title: Sale of 180 Houston Avenue

Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell                      Department: Manager’s Office

Brief Summary: Staff is seeking approval of the sale of 180 Houston Avenue.

Detailed Summary & Background: In late 2020, the commission approved an agreement with
Community EnCompass to construct affordable homes. The goals of the agreement were to
further our economic equity efforts and create diversity of housing price points as we build housing
infill. The agreement has been amended over time, and the project is now part of our ARPA infill
housing initiative and our scattered site brownfield. We have received a purchase agreement on
the first home located at 180 Houston Avenue. The offer is for $150,000, a full price offer, with no
seller concessions.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Create an environment that effectively attracts new
residents and retains existing residents by filling existing employment gaps, attracting new and
diverse businesses to the city, and expanding access to a variety of high-quality housing options in

Amount Requested: N/A                                Budgeted Item:
                                                     Yes          No           N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                           Budget Amendment Needed:
                                                     Yes          No           N/A

Recommended Motion: to approve the purchase agreement for 180 Houston Avenue.

Approvals:                                           Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division Head
Information Technology                               Yes

Other Division Heads                                 No
Legal Review
dotloop signature verification:

                                                         WEST MICHIGAN REGIONAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT
         DATE:                       07/25/2023                    ,                            (time)                                          MLS #                      23026510

         SELLING OFFICE:                       Steve Volkers Group               BROKER LIC.#:           6505425797              REALTOR® PHONE:                           616-881-9668

         LISTING OFFICE:                         Pinnacle Realty                REALTOR® PHONE:                              2313275332

        1. Effective Date: This Agreement is effective on the date of Seller's acceptance of Buyer's offer or Buyer's acceptance of any
            counteroffer, as the case may be, and this date shall hereafter be referred to as the "Effective Date". Further, any reference to "days"
            in this Agreement refers to calendar days. The first calendar day begins at 12:01 a.m. on the day after the Effective Date. Any reference
            to "time" refers to local time.
         2. Agency Disclosure: The Undersigned Buyer and Seller each acknowledge that they have read and signed the Disclosure Regarding
             Real Estate Agency Relationships. The selling licensee is acting as (choose one):
                  Agent/Subagent of Seller             Buyer’s Agent          Dual Agent (with written, informed consent of both Buyer and Seller)
                  Transaction Coordinator
             Primary Selling Agent Name:                               Rachael Fountain                  Email: Lic.#:                           6501416218

             Alternate Selling Agent Name:                                            Email:                               Lic.#:
         3. Seller’s Disclosure Statement: (This paragraph applies to sales of one-to-four family residential units.)
                 Buyer has received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement, dated          07/19/2023       .
                 Buyer has not received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement. Buyer may terminate this Agreement, in writing, any time prior to receipt
                 of the Seller’s Disclosure Statement. Once Buyer has received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement, Buyer may terminate this
                 Agreement, in writing, within 72 hours of receipt if the disclosure was received in person, or within 120 hours if received by
                 registered mail. Exceptions:
                 Seller is exempt from the requirements of the Seller Disclosure Act.
        4. Lead-Based Paint Addendum: Transactions involving homes built prior to 1978 require a written disclosure which is hereby attached
            and will be an integral part of this Agreement.
        5. Property Description: Buyer offers to buy the property located in the       City    Village Township of             Muskegon            ,
            County of             Muskegon County             , Michigan, commonly known as (insert mailing address: street/city/state/zip code)
                                                                           180 Houston Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49440
             with the following legal description and tax parcel ID numbers:
                                                              CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 8 BLK 352

            PP#                                                                           24-31-30-229-014                                                                                         .
           The following paragraph applies only if the Premises include unplatted land:
           Seller agrees to grant Buyer at closing the right to make (insert number)                     division(s) under Section 108(2), (3), and
           (4) of the Michigan Land Division Act. (If no number is inserted, the right to make divisions under the sections referenced above stays
           with any remainder of the parent parcel retained by Seller. If a number is inserted, Seller retains all available divisions in excess of the
           number stated; however, Seller and/or REALTOR® do not warrant that the number of divisions stated is actually available.) If this sale
           will create a new division, Seller’s obligations under this Agreement are contingent on Seller’s receipt of municipal approval on or
           before                                  , of the proposed division to create the Premises.
        6. Purchase Price: Buyer offers to buy the Property for the sum of $                                    156,000
                                                            one hundred fifty-six thousand                                                 U.S. Dollars
        7. Seller Concessions, if any:                                                    $6,000 toward Buyer's Prepaids & Closing Costs

        8. Terms: The Terms of Purchase will be as indicated by “X” below: (Other unmarked terms of purchase do not apply.)
           SOURCE OF FUNDS TO CLOSE: Buyer represents that the funds necessary to close this transaction on the terms specified below
           are currently available to Buyer in cash or an equally liquid equivalent.
            If the Property’s value stated in an appraisal obtained by Buyer or Buyer’s lender is less than the Purchase Price, Buyer shall within
            three (3) days after receipt of the appraisal: 1) renegotiate with the Seller, 2) terminate the transaction, in which case Buyer shall
            receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or 3) proceed to close the transaction at the agreed Purchase Price.
                  CASH. The full Purchase Price upon execution and delivery of Warranty Deed. Buyer Agrees to provide Buyer Agent/Dual Agent
                  verification of funds within five (5) days after the Effective Date, and consents to the disclosure of such information to Seller and/or
                  Seller’s Agent. If verification of funds is not received within 5 days after the Effective Date, Seller may terminate this Agreement
                  at any time before verification of funds is received by giving written notice to Buyer. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be
                  arranged and paid for by Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement.
                  NEW MORTGAGE. The full Purchase Price upon execution and delivery of Warranty Deed, contingent upon Buyer’s ability to
                  obtain a              FHA               type        30       (year) mortgage in the amount of      96.5    % of the Purchase Price
                  bearing interest at a rate not to exceed         7      % per annum (rate at time of loan application), on or before the date the sale is
                  to be closed. Buyer agrees to apply for a mortgage loan, and pay all fees and costs customarily charged by Buyer’s lender to
                  process the application, within           3        days after the Effective Date, not to impair Buyers’ credit after the date such loan if
                  offered.      Seller    Buyer will agree to pay an amount not to exceed $               0         representing repairs required as a
                  condition of financing. Buyer         agrees      does not agree to authorize Buyer’s Agent/Dual Agent to obtain information from
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
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                                                                                                             07/25/23                                      07/27/23
                                                                                                           8:04 PM EDT                                   9:58 AM EDT
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                                                                                                                West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement           Page 2 of 6
                  Buyer’s lender regarding Buyer’s financing, and consents to the disclosure of this information to Seller and/or Seller’s Agent.

                  SELLER FINANCING (choose one of the following):                  CONTRACT or                    PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE
                  In the case of Seller financing, Buyer agrees to provide Seller with a credit report within 72 hours after the Effective Date. If the
                  credit report is unacceptable to Seller, Seller shall have the right to terminate this offer within 48 hours of Seller’s receipt, or if
                  Buyer fails to provide said credit report to Seller within the time frame allotted, Seller shall have the right to terminate this offer
                  within 48 hours. Seller is advised to seek professional advice regarding the credit report.
                  $                           upon execution and delivery of a
                  form (name or type of form and revision date), a copy of which is attached, wherein the balance of $
                  will be payable in monthly installments of $                            or more including interest at                    % per annum,
                  interest to start on date of closing, and first payment to become due thirty (30) days after date of closing. The entire unpaid balance
                  will become due and payable                            months after closing. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be arranged and
                  paid for by Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Exceptions:

                  EQUITY (choose one of the following):         Formal Assumption or       Informal Assumption
                  Upon execution and delivery of:       Warranty Deed subject to existing mortgage OR             Assignment of Vendee Interest
                  in Land Contract, Buyer to pay the difference (approximately $                             ) between the Purchase Price above
                  provided and the unpaid balance (approximately $                             ) upon said mortgage or land contract, which Buyer
                  agrees to assume and pay. Buyer agrees to reimburse Seller for accumulated funds held in escrow, if any, for payment of future
                  taxes and insurance premiums, etc. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be arranged and paid for by Buyer within ten
                  (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Exceptions:


         9. Contingencies: Buyer’s obligation to consummate this transaction (choose one):
                  IS NOT CONTINGENT - is not contingent upon the sale or exchange of any other property by Buyer.
                  IS CONTINGENT UPON CLOSING - is contingent upon closing of an existing sale or exchange of Buyer’s property located at:

                  A copy of Buyer’s agreement to sell or exchange that property is being delivered to Seller along with this offer. If the existing sale
                  or exchange terminates for any reason, Buyer will immediately notify Seller, and either party may terminate this Agreement in
                  writing, within 3 days of Buyer’s notice to Seller. If either party terminates, Buyer shall receive a refund of any applicable Earnest
                  Money Deposit.
                  IS CONTINGENT UPON THE SALE AND CLOSING - is contingent upon the execution of a binding agreement and the closing
                  of a sale or exchange of Buyer’s property located at
                                                        on or before                                      . Seller will have the right to continue to
                  market Seller’s Property until Buyer enters into a binding agreement to sell or exchange Buyer’s property and delivers a copy
                  thereof to Seller. During such marketing period, Seller may enter into a binding contract for sale to another purchaser on such
                  price and terms as the Seller deems appropriate. In such event, this Agreement will automatically terminate, Buyer will be notified
                  promptly, and Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit will be refunded. Exceptions:

         10. Fixtures & Improvements: The following is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of items included with the Property. All
             improvements and appurtenances are included in the Purchase Price, if now in or on the Property, unless rented, including the
             following: all buildings; landscaping; attached smart home devices; attached security systems; lighting fixtures and their shades and
             bulbs; ceiling fans; hardware for draperies and curtains; window shades and blinds; built-in kitchen appliances, including garbage
             disposal and drop-in ranges; wall to wall carpeting, if attached; all attached mirrors; all attached TV mounting brackets; all attached
             shelving; attached work benches; stationary laundry tubs; water softener; water heater; incinerator; sump pump; water pump and
             pressure tank; heating and air conditioning equipment (window units excluded); attached humidifiers; heating units, including add-on
             heating stoves and heating stoves connected by flue pipe; fireplace screens, inserts, and grates; fireplace doors, if attached; liquid
             heating and cooking fuel tanks; TV antenna and complete rotor equipment; satellite dish and necessary accessories and complete
             rotor equipment; all support equipment for inground pools; screens and storm windows and doors; awnings; installed basketball
             backboard, pole and goal; mailbox; flagpole(s); fencing, invisible inground fencing and all related equipment, including collars;
             detached storage buildings; underground sprinkling, including the pump; installed outdoor grills; all plantings and bulbs; garage door
             opener and control(s); and any and all items and fixtures permanently affixed to the Property; and also includes:

             but does not include:

                                                    180 Houston Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49440                                                 07/25/2023
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                        Date                   Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
         Revision Date 1/2023                                                                    MW                     Buyer’s Initials          LM             Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                07/25/23                                         07/27/23
                                                                                              8:04 PM EDT                                      9:58 AM EDT
                                                                                             dotloop verified                                 dotloop verified
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                                                                                                                   West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement           Page 3 of 6

        11. Heating and Cooking Fuels: Liquid heating and cooking fuels in tanks are included in the sale and will transfer to Buyer at time of
            possession unless usage is metered (in which case it is not included in the sale). Sellers are responsible for maintaining heating and
            cooking liquid fuels at an operational level and shall not permit fuels to fall below 10% in the tank(s) at the time of possession, except
            that the tank(s) may be empty only if now empty. Further, Seller is precluded from removing fuel from tank(s) other than what is
            expended through normal use. Exceptions:

        12. Assessments (choose one):
            If the Property is subject to any assessments,
                 Seller shall pay the entire balance of any such assessments that are due and payable on or before the day of closing (regardless
                 of any installment arrangements), except for any fees that are required to connect to public utilities.
                Seller shall pay all installments of such assessments that become due and payable on or before day of closing. Buyer shall assume
                and pay all other installments of such assessments.
            Seller has an ongoing obligation through the Closing to disclose to the Buyer any known pending assessments, including, but not limited
            to, any mandatory utility connection requirements, and/or benefit charges, and condominium special assessments, that have not been
            previously disclosed in writing to Buyer.
        13. Property Taxes: Seller will be responsible for any taxes billed prior to those addressed below. Buyer will be responsible for all taxes
            billed after those addressed below.
             Buyer is also advised that the state equalized value of the Property, principal residence exemption information and other real property
             tax information is available from the appropriate local assessor’s office. Buyer should not assume that Buyer’s future tax bills on the
             Property will be the same as Seller’s present tax bills. Under Michigan law, real property tax obligations can change significantly when
             property is transferred.
                 No proration.          (Choose one):
                        Buyer               Seller    will pay taxes billed summer                          (year);
                        Buyer               Seller    will pay taxes billed winter                          (year);
                 Calendar Year Proration (all taxes billed or to be billed in the year of the closing). Calendar year tax levies will be estimated, if
                 necessary, using the taxable value and the millage rate(s) in effect on the day of closing, broken down to a per diem tax payment
                 and prorated to the date of closing with Seller paying for January 1 through the day before closing.
                 Fiscal Year Proration - Taxes will be prorated as though they are paid in (choose one):         advance.         arrears.
                 Fiscal Year will be assumed to cover a 12-month period from date billed, and taxes will be prorated to the date of closing. Fiscal
                 year tax levies will be estimated, if necessary, using the taxable value and millage rate(s) in effect on the day of closing, broken
                 down to a per diem tax payment and prorated to the date of closing with Seller paying through the day before closing. Exceptions:

        14. Well/Septic: Within ten (10) days after the Effective Date, (choose one)  Seller or     Buyer will arrange for, at their own expense,
            an inspection of the primary well used for human consumption (including a water quality test for coliform bacteria and nitrates) and
            septic systems in use on the Property. The inspection will be performed by a qualified inspector in a manner that meets county (or
            other local governmental authority, if applicable) protocol.
             If any report discloses a condition unsatisfactory to Buyer, or doesn’t meet county standards that are a condition of sale, Buyer may,
             within three (3) days after Buyer has received the report, by written notice to Seller, either terminate this Agreement and receive a
             refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails
             to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be deemed to have accepted the well/septic as-is.
             Seller will respond in writing within three (3) days to Buyer’s request. If Seller fails to respond or to arrive at a mutually agreeable
             resolution within three (3) days after Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer will have three (3) days to provide written notice of
             termination of this Agreement and receive a refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate the contract,
             Buyer will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
            Other:                                                                      n/a Public
        15. Inspections & Investigations:
             Inspections: Buyer, or someone selected by Buyer, has the right to inspect the buildings, premises, components and systems, at
             Buyer’s expense. Any damage, misuse, abuse, or neglect of any portion of the Property or premises as a result of inspections will be
             Buyer’s responsibility and expense.
             Investigations: It is Buyer’s responsibility to investigate (i) whether the Property complies with applicable codes and local ordinances
             and whether the Property is zoned for Buyer’s intended use; (ii) whether Buyer can obtain a homeowner’s insurance policy for the
             Property at price and terms acceptable to Buyer; (iii) and whether or not the Property is in a flood zone.
             All inspections and investigations will be completed within ____
                                                                            n/a days after the Effective Date. If the results of Buyer’s inspections and
             investigations are not acceptable to Buyer, Buyer may, within the above referenced period, either (a) terminate this Agreement by
             written notice to Seller and receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or (b) make a written proposal to Seller to correct those
             unsatisfactory conditions, which proposal must be in the form of a proposed addendum and must be signed by Buyer in order for it to
             be effective. If Buyer fails to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be deemed to have
                                                     180 Houston Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49440                                                   07/25/2023
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                           Date                   Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
         Revision Date 1/2023                                                                        MW                    Buyer’s Initials          LM             Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                   07/25/23                                         07/27/23
                                                                                                 8:04 PM EDT                                      9:58 AM EDT
                                                                                                dotloop verified                                 dotloop verified
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                                                                                                                 West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement           Page 4 of 6
            accepted the Property as-is. Seller may negotiate with Buyer, or by written notice to Buyer, accept Buyer’s proposal or terminate this
            Agreement. If Seller fails to respond, or to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution within three (3) days after Seller’s receipt of
            Buyer’s proposal, Buyer shall have three (3) days to provide written notice of termination of this Agreement and receive a refund of
            any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate this Agreement within said three (3) day period, Buyer will be deemed
            to accept the Inspections & Investigations and will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
                Buyer has waived all rights under this Inspections & Investigations paragraph.
        16. Municipal Compliances: Seller will arrange and pay for current certificates of occupancy, sidewalk compliance, and smoke detector
            ordinances, if applicable.
        17. Title Insurance: Seller agrees to convey marketable title to the Property subject to conditions, limitations, reservation of oil, gas and
            other mineral rights, existing zoning ordinances, and building and use restrictions and easements of record. An expanded coverage
            ALTA Homeowner’s Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the Purchase Price shall be ordered by Seller and furnished to Buyer at
            Seller’s expense, and a commitment to issue a policy insuring marketable title vested in Buyer, including a real estate tax status
            report, will be made available to Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date. If Buyer so chooses, or if an expanded policy is
            not applicable, then a standard ALTA Owners’ Policy of Title Insurance shall be provided.
             If Buyer objects to any conditions, Buyer may, within three (3) days of receipt of the Title Commitment, by written notice to Seller,
             either terminate this Agreement and receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct
             those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be
             deemed to have accepted the Title Commitment as-is. Seller may negotiate with Buyer, or by written notice to Buyer, accept Buyer’s
             proposal or terminate this Agreement. If Seller fails to respond, or to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution within three (3) days
             after Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer shall have three (3) days to provide written notice of termination of this Agreement and
             shall receive a refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate this Agreement within said three (3) day
             period, Buyer will be deemed to accept the Title Commitment as-is and will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions
             of this Agreement. Exceptions:

        18. Property Survey: Broker advises that Buyer should have a survey performed to satisfy Buyer as to the boundaries of the Property
            and the location of improvements thereon.
                 Buyer or     Seller (choose one) shall within ten (10) days of the Effective Date, order, at their expense, a boundary survey with iron
              corner stakes showing the location of the boundaries, improvements and easements in connection with the Property. Upon receipt of
              the survey, Buyer will have three (3) days to review the survey. If the survey shows any condition, in Buyer’s sole discretion, which
              would interfere with Buyer’s intended use of the Property, the marketability of the title, or zoning non-compliance, then Buyer may,
              within said three (3) day period, terminate this Agreement, in writing, and Buyer will receive a full refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money
                No survey. Buyer has waived all rights under this paragraph.
             When closing occurs, Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the boundaries of the Property and the location of such improvements
             thereon. Exceptions:

        19. Home Protection Plan: Buyer and Seller have been informed that home protection plans may be available. Such plans may provide
            additional protection and benefit to the parties. Exceptions:

        20. Prorations: Rent; association dues/fees, if any; insurance, if assigned; interest on any existing land contract, mortgage or lien
            assumed by Buyer; will all be adjusted to the date of closing. For the purposes of calculating prorations, it is presumed that Seller
            owns the Property through the day before closing.
        21. Closing: If agreeable to Buyer and Seller, the sale will be closed as soon as closing documents are ready, but not later than
                        08/29/2023            . An additional period of fifteen (15) days will be allowed for closing to accommodate the correction of
            title defects or survey problems which can be readily corrected, or for delays in obtaining any lender required inspections/repairs. During
            this additional period, the closing will be held within 5 days after all parties have been notified that all necessary documents have been
            prepared. Buyer and Seller will each pay their title company closing fee, if applicable, except in the case of VA financing where Seller
            will pay the entire closing fee. Exceptions:

        22. Pre-Closing Walk-Through: Buyer (choose one)                     reserves        waives the right to conduct a final walk-through of the
            Property within three (3) days of the scheduled closing date. The purpose of the walk-through is to determine that the Property is in
            a substantially similar condition as of the Effective Date, any contractually agreed upon items have been fulfilled, and that any included
            personal property is still located at the Property. Buyer shall immediately report to Seller any objections to these conditions and Buyer’s
            requested corrective action.
        23. Possession: Seller will maintain the Property in its present condition until the completion of the closing of the sale. Possession to be
            delivered to Buyer, subject to rights of present tenants, if any.
                At the completion of the closing of the sale.
                At                a.m.     p.m. on the                     day after completion of the closing of the sale, during which time Seller

                                                     180 Houston Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49440                                                 07/25/2023
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                         Date                   Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
                                                                                                  MW                     Buyer’s Initials          LM             Seller’s Initials
         Revision Date 1/2023                                                                    07/25/23                                         07/27/23
                                                                                               8:04 PM EDT                                      9:58 AM EDT
                                                                                              dotloop verified                                 dotloop verified
dotloop signature verification:

                                                                                                                 West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement           Page 5 of 6
             will have the privilege to occupy the Property and hereby agrees to pay Buyer $                                             as an occupancy
             fee for this period payable at closing, WITHOUT PRORATION. Payment shall be made in the form of cash or certified funds.
             If Seller fails to deliver possession to Buyer on the agreed date, Seller shall become a tenant at sufferance and shall pay to Buyer as
             liquidated damages $           400.00       per day plus all of the Buyer’s actual reasonable attorney's fees incurred in removing the Seller
             from the Property.
             If Seller occupies the Property after closing, Seller will pay all utilities during such occupancy. Buyer will maintain the structure and
             mechanical systems at the Property. However, any repairs or replacements necessitated by Seller’s misuse, abuse, or neglect of any
             portion of the Property will be Seller’s responsibility and expense.
             On the agreed delivery date, Seller shall deliver the Property free of trash and debris and in broom-clean condition, shall remove all
             personal property (unless otherwise stated in this or an additional written agreement), shall make arrangements for final payment on
             all utilities, and shall deliver all keys to Buyer. Exceptions:

        24. Earnest Money Deposit: For valuable consideration, Buyer gives Seller until                              1:00p                       (time) on
                         07/26/2023              (date), to deliver the written acceptance of this offer and agrees that this offer, when accepted by
            Seller, will constitute a binding Agreement between Buyer and Seller. An Earnest Money Deposit in the amount of $                   1,500
            shall be submitted to                                 First American Title Company                             (insert name of broker, title
            company, other) within 72 hours of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall be applied against the Purchase Price. If the Earnest
            Money Deposit is not received within 72 hours of the Effective Date or is returned for insufficient funds, Seller may terminate this
            Agreement until such time as the Earnest Money Deposit is received. If Seller terminates this Agreement under this provision, Seller
            waives any claim to the Earnest Money Deposit. If the sale is not closed due to a failure to satisfy a contingency for a reason other
            than the fault of Buyer, the Earnest Money Deposit shall be refunded to Buyer. If the sale is not closed as provided in this Agreement
            and Buyer and Seller do not agree to the disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit, then Buyer and Seller agree that the Broker holding
            the Earnest Money Deposit may notify Buyer and Seller, in writing, of Broker’s intended disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit. If
            Buyer and Seller do not object to such disposition in writing within fifteen (15) days after the date of Broker’s notice, they will be deemed
            to have agreed to Broker’s proposed disposition; if either Buyer or Seller object and no mutually agreeable disposition can be
            negotiated, Broker may deposit the funds by interpleader with a court of proper jurisdiction or await further actions by Buyer and Seller.
            In the event of litigation involving the deposit, in whole or in part, either the Seller or the Buyer that is not the prevailing party, as
            determined by the court, will reimburse the other for reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with the litigation,
            and will reimburse the Broker for any reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with any interpleader action
            instituted. If the entity holding the Earnest Money Deposit is not the Broker, then to the extent that the terms of any escrow agreement
            conflict with this paragraph, then the terms and conditions of the escrow agreement shall control.
        25. Professional Advice: Broker hereby advises Buyer and Seller to seek legal, tax, environmental and other appropriate professional
            advice relating to this transaction. Broker does not make any representations or warranties with respect to the advisability of, or the
            legal effect of this transaction. Buyer further acknowledges that REALTOR® above named in the Agreement hereby recommends to
            Buyer that an attorney be retained by Buyer to pass upon the marketability of the title and to ascertain that the required details of the
            sale are adhered to before the transaction is consummated. Buyer agrees that Buyer is not relying on any representation or statement
            made by Seller or any real estate salesperson (whether intentionally or negligently) regarding any aspect of the Property or this sale
            transaction, except as may be expressly set forth in this Agreement, a written amendment to this Agreement, or a disclosure statement
            separately signed by Seller.
        26. Disclosure of Information: Buyer and Seller acknowledge and agree that the Purchase Price, terms, and other details with respect
            to this transaction (when closed) are not confidential, will be disclosed to REALTORS® who participate in the applicable Multiple Listing
            Service, and may otherwise be used and/or published by that Multiple Listing Service in the ordinary course of its business.
        27. Other Provisions:

        28. Mergers and Integrations: This Agreement is the final expression of the complete agreement of Buyer and Seller, and there are no
            oral agreements existing between Buyer and Seller relating to this transaction. This Agreement may be amended only in writing signed
            by Buyer and Seller and attached to this Agreement.
        29. Fax/Electronic Distribution and Electronic Signatures: Buyer and Seller agree that any signed copy of this Agreement, and any
            amendments or addendums related to this transaction, transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means shall be competent evidence
            of its contents to the same effect as an original signed copy. Buyer and Seller further agree that an electronic signature is the legal
            equivalent of a manual or handwritten signature, and consent to use of electronic signatures. Buyer and Seller agree that any notice(s)
            required or permitted under this Agreement may also be transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means.
        30. Wire Fraud: Seller and Buyer are advised that wire fraud is an increasingly common problem. If you receive any electronic

                                                     180 Houston Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49440                                                 07/25/2023
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                         Date                   Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
                                                                                                  MW                     Buyer’s Initials          LM             Seller’s Initials
         Revision Date 1/2023                                                                    07/25/23                                         07/27/23
                                                                                               8:04 PM EDT                                      9:58 AM EDT
                                                                                              dotloop verified                                 dotloop verified
dotloop signature verification:

                                                                                                                         West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement                               Page 6 of 6
             communication directing you to transfer funds or provide nonpublic personal information (such as social security numbers, drivers’
             license numbers, wire instructions, bank account numbers, etc.), even if that electronic communication appears to be from the
             Broker, Title Company, or Lender, DO NOT reply until you have verified the authenticity of the email by direct communication with
             Broker, Title Company, or Lender. DO NOT use telephone numbers provided in the email. Such requests may be part of a scheme
             to steal funds or use your identity.
        31. Buyer’s Approval and Acknowledgment: Buyer approves the terms of this offer and acknowledges receipt of a copy of this offer.
                                                                                                                     Meredith Willis
                                                                                                                                                                          dotloop verified

             Buyer 1 Address                                                                                X                                                             07/25/23 8:04 PM EDT
                                                                                                                                                                          MY5C-WFOM-WUVO-FDFY      Buyer
             Buyer 1 Phone: (Res.)                                   (Bus.)                                                                  Meredith Willis
                                                                                                                            Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

             Buyer 2 Address                                                                                X                                                                                      Buyer
             Buyer 2 Phone: (Res.)                                   (Bus.)
                                                                                                                            Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

        32. Seller’s Response: The above offer is approved:                         As written.    As written except:

            Counteroffer, if any, expires                                       , at                     (time). Seller has the right to withdraw this
            counteroffer and to accept other offers until Seller or Seller’s Agent has received notice of Buyer’s acceptance.
        33. Certification of Previous Disclosure Statement: Seller certifies to Buyer that the Property is currently in the same condition as
            disclosed in the Seller’s Disclosure Statement dated         07/19/2023       (choose one): Yes No.
            Seller agrees to inform Buyer in writing of any changes in the content of the disclosure statement prior to closing.
        34. Notice to Seller: Seller understands that consummation of the sale or transfer of the Property described in this Agreement will not
            relieve Seller of any liability that Seller may have under the mortgages to which the Property is subject, unless otherwise agreed to by
            the lender or required by law or regulation. Buyer and Seller are advised that a Notice to Seller & Buyer of Underlying Mortgage form
            is available from the respective agents via the West Michigan REALTOR® Boards.
       35. Listing Office Address:                          200 Viridian Dr, Muskegon, MI 49440                            Listing Broker License #                         6505392630
            Listing Agent Name:                                             Jay Kilgo                                       Listing Agent License #                        6504431414

        36. Seller’s Approval and Acknowledgment: Seller approves the terms of this Agreement and acknowledges receipt of a copy. If Seller’s
            response occurs after Buyer’s offer expires, then Seller’s response is considered a counteroffer and Buyer’s acceptance is required
            X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time): LeighAnn Mikesell
                                                                                                                                                                                                 dotloop verified
                                                                                                                                                                                                 07/27/23 9:58 AM EDT

                                                                                                                         Is Seller a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien?                     Yes              No*
                               Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

            X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):
                                                                                                                         Is Seller a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien?                     Yes              No*
                                Print name as you want it to appear on documents.
            Seller’s Address:                                                               Seller’s Phone (Res.)                                     (Bus)
                * If Seller(s) is not a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien, there may be tax implications and Buyer and Seller are advised to seek professional advice.

        37. Buyer’s Receipt/Acceptance: Buyer acknowledges receipt of Seller’s response to Buyer’s offer. In the event Seller’s response
            constitutes a counteroffer, Buyer accepts said counteroffer. All other terms and conditions in the offer remain unchanged.

            X (Buyer’s Signature, Date, Time):

            X (Buyer’s Signature, Date, Time):

        38. Seller’s Receipt: Seller acknowledges receipt of Buyer’s acceptance of counter offer.
                                                             LeighAnn Mikesell
                                                                                                                                                                                             dotloop verified
            X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):                                                                                                                                              07/27/23 9:58 AM EDT

            X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):

                                                     180 Houston Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49440                                                         07/25/2023
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                                 Date                                       Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
         Revision Date 1/2023                                                                             MW                     Buyer’s Initials          LM                            Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                         07/25/23                                         07/27/23
                                                                                                       8:04 PM EDT                                      9:58 AM EDT
                                                                                                      dotloop verified                                 dotloop verified
dotloop signature verification:

                                                                    WEST MICHIGAN REGIONAL
                                                          ADDENDUM TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT

        MLS # 23026510                                                                    Date: 07/26/2023                                                                         (time)
        Selling Office  Steve Volkers Group                                    , REALTOR® Phone 616-881-9668                                 Email
        Listing Office Pinnacle Realty                                         , REALTOR® Phone 2313275332                                   Email

        1.    Addendum # 1                               to Purchase Agreement dated 07/25/2023                                                           covering property at

             180 Houston Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49440

        2.    This Addendum shall be an integral part of the Purchase Agreement, which is amended as follows:
             Purchase Price to be $150,000
             Section 7 of the Purchase Agreement: Seller to no longer contribute funds toward Buyer's Pre-Paids / Closing Costs
             Buyer financing changed Conventional MSHDA, 99% of the purchase price, rate not to exceed 7%

        3.    The    Seller     Buyer (check one) gives the above-named REALTOR®                                   days to obtain the written acceptance of this
              Addendum to the Purchase Agreement. If accepted, this Addendum will constitute a binding change to the Purchase Agreement.

        4.    RECEIPT IS ACKNOWLEDGED BY BUYER of a copy of this Agreement.

                                                                                                     Meredith Willis
                                                                                                                                                        dotloop verified

                Date 07/26/2023                                                                  X
                                                                                                                                                        07/26/23 11:36 PM EDT
                                                                                                                                                        ADLW-B3LV-P7LL-S1HD     Buyer
                                                                                                     (Note: Please sign as you wish your name to appear on final papers.)

                                                                                                 X                                                                              Buyer
                                                                                                     (Note: Please sign as you wish your name to appear on final papers.)

        5.    RECEIPT IS ACKNOWLEDGED BY SELLER of a copy of this Agreement.
                                                                                                                                                             dotloop verified

                Date 07/27/2023                                                                  X
                                                                                                      LeighAnn Mikesell                                      07/27/23 10:00 AM
                                                                                                     (Note: Please sign as you wish your name to appear on final papers.)

                                                                                                 X                                                                              Seller
                                                                                                     (Note: Please sign as you wish your name to appear on final papers.)

        ©West Michigan REALTOR® Boards
        Rev 7/2020
dotloop signature verification:

                                                  Please read and have buyer/s sign. Attach with offer.
                      Paragraph 8- Seller will provide a quit claim deed vs a warranty deed.
                      Builder one year warranty starts from day of Certificate of Occupancy.

                      Each dwelling unit shall have an approved established vegetative ground cover, native to the immediate
                      area within 600 feet, no less than 12 months after occupancy. Approval shall be given by zoning staff of
                      the Planning Department as part of the initial residential site plan review. A minimum of one shade tree,
                      two and one-half inches (2.5") in diameter, four feet (4') from the ground or one six foot (6') evergreen
                      tree shall be provided. Existing landscaping may be accepted in lieu of this requirement. "

                       Meredith Willis
                                                            dotloop verified
                                                            07/25/23 8:04 PM EDT




                       Rachael Fountain
                                                             dotloop verified
                                                             07/25/23 7:48 PM EDT


                      Buyer’s Agent
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: August 7, 2023               Title: Designation of Voting Delegates for the
                                                      Michigan Municipal League Annual Meeting

Submitted By: Ann Meisch                              Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary: To designate, by action of the Commission, one of our officials who will be in
attendance at the Convention as an official representative to cast the vote of the municipality at the
Annual Meeting; and, if possible, to designate one other official to serve as an alternate.

Detailed Summary & Background:

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: n/a

Amount Requested: n/a                                 Budgeted Item:
                                                      Yes          No           N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): n/a                            Budget Amendment Needed:
                                                      Yes          No           N/A

Recommended Motion: To appoint an official representative and alternate representative to be in
attendance and to cast the vote of the municipality at the Annual Business Meeting of the Michigan
Municipal League Convention.

Approvals:                                            Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division Head
Information Technology                                Yes

Other Division Heads                                  No

Legal Review
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: August 2, 2023                  Title: City ARPA Community Grant proposals

Submitted By: Jonathan Seyferth                          Department: Manager

Brief Summary: To review and consider eligible grant proposals, as presented by the ARPA
Community Grant Review Committee.

Detailed Summary & Background:
2/14: City Commission authorized $1.6M from the City’s remaining allocation of American Rescue
Plan Act (ARPA) federal stimulus funds for the creation of a city-sponsored ARPA Community
Grant program. Eligible applicants included non-profit organizations, small businesses and each
neighborhood association in the city. Grant requested amounts in the range of $25,000 - $250,000.
3/1 - 3/31: Grant application period; 60 applications received.
April / May: Review of applications and established ARPA Community Grant Review Committee.
      (6) members: Lawrence Baker (Ward 1), Leon Howard (Ward 2), Jennifer Sanocki (Ward
       3), Nina Leask (Ward 4), Jonathan Seyferth (City Manager), and Sharonda Carson
       (Director, Community and Neighborhood Services). Two additional representative(s) were
       included, as advisors to the committee, from local Community Based Organizations.
June: Review Committee held four public meetings at City Hall on 6/5, 6/7, 6/22 and 6/29.
Applications were to be consistent with the City Commission’s 2022-2027 Long Term Goals.
The Committee used a multi-step process to review and evaluate all applications. The committee
referred to the following questions, as part of the evaluation criteria, on which to base their
selected scores. Projects were ranked by the cumulative average of each members scores.
   -   Is the project description and budget clear and well-defined?
   -   Does the project include a capital expenditure?
   -   Does the project provide a description of structure and objectives of the assistance program(s),
       including public health or negative economic impacts experienced?
   -   Does the project identify service outcomes for residents disproportionately impacted by the COVID-
       19 pandemic (e.g., communities of color, people with disabilities, low-to-moderate income residents
       or elders)
   -   Brief description of recipient’s approach to ensuring that the response is reasonable and proportional
       to a public health or negative economic impact of COVID-19?
   -   What is the project’s sustainability (e.g., one-time v. recurring cost)?
   -   Is the project capable of being completed within the ARPA timeline requirements services?
   -   Has applicant previously partnered with or assisted other community organizations to provide
       needed services?
   -   Is the project aligned with Commission’s 2022-2027 Long Term Goals?
The Committee recommends (22) project proposals for the Commission’s consideration -
      (4) neighborhood associations, (5) small businesses and (13) non-profit organizations.
      (12) recommended Women- and Minority-Owned Businesses/Organization proposals.
      (8) proposals to provide funds for the direct benefit of community youth.
      (3) proposals to provide funds to expand access to new housing options for area residents.
      (12) proposals recommended to receive the full amount of their project request.
Staff was directed to conduct an initial review and assessment of all 60 applications to ensure
completeness and eligibility. The Review Committee deliberated on a first set of project proposals
which fulfilled the requirements of the application and were rated accordingly. The group reviewed
a second set of applications which minimally met the grant program’s criteria but either lacked
clarity, specificity, or did not meet the impactful expectations of the grant program guidelines. The
committee chose three proposals from this second group to review and rate.
Applicants approved for funding will enter into a contractual agreement with the City which outlines
general obligations and federal reporting requirements. Approved applicants will be required to
complete a Beneficiary Agreement with the City to adhere to these requirements.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed: Community Connection; Foster strong ties among
government and community agencies.

Amount Requested: $1,600,000                          Budgeted Item:
                                                      Yes          No

Fund(s) or Account(s): 482-901-982-                   Budget Amendment Needed:
                                                      Yes          No

Recommended Motion: I move to approve the list of eligible grant proposals for funding as
provided by the City ARPA Community Grant program.
   1. I move to withdraw the grant proposal received from Pioneer Resources from consideration
      as part of the slate of recommended projects presented to the City Commission, under the
      City ARPA Community Grant Program.

   2. I move to approve the list of eligible grant proposals for funding, under the City ARPA
      Community Grant Program, as presented to the City Commission, excluding the application
      from Pioneer Resources.

   3. I move to approve the City ARPA Community Grant program application proposal from
      Pioneer Resources, pursuant to the completion of required conflict of interest

Approvals:                                            Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division Head
Information Technology                                Yes

Other Division Heads                                  No

Legal Review

                 (22) PROJECT PROPOSALS

AUGUST 2, 2023

                       (22) RECOMMENDED PROJECTS

AGEWELL SERVICES*………………………………………………………………………………………………………………PAGE 7

EVERY WOMAN'S PLACE*……………………………………………………………………………………………………..PAGE 12

MI CROSSROADS COUNCIL, BSA…………………………………………………………………………………………….PAGE 15

SAMARITAS AFFORDABLE LIVING………..………………………………………………………………………………..PAGE 21

NA MCLAUGHLIN…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..PAGE 24


WEST MICHIGAN CONCERT WINDS……………………………………………………………………………………….PAGE 39

PIONEER RESOURCES, INC.*………………………………………………………………………………………………….PAGE 42

VOLUNTEER FOR DENTAL*…………………………………………………………………………………………………….PAGE 45

MUSKEGON CHRISTIAN SCHOOL……………………………………………………………………………………………PAGE 49

WEST MICHIGAN SYMPHONY………………………………………………………………………………………………..PAGE 52

UNITY BEAUTY SALON & SPA LLC*…………………………………………………………………………………………PAGE 58

TIKI BOIZ LLC………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….PAGE 63

RAKE BEER PROJECT LLC…………………………………………………………………………………………………………PAGE 65

KIDS FOOD BASKET*………………………………………………………………………………………………………………PAGE 67

MOUNT ZION CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST……………………………………………………………………………..PAGE 72


OPEN GATES OF GRACE MINISTRIES*……………………………………………………………………………………..PAGE 87

SOUL FILLED ENTERPRISES*……………………………………………………………………………………………………PAGE 94

SERVICIOS DE ESPERANZA LLC*………………………………………………………………………………………………PAGE 97



Grant Program Timeline
February 14, 2023

City Commission authorized $1.6M from the City’s allocation of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
federal stimulus funding for the creation of a city-sponsored ARPA Community Grant program. Eligible
applicants included non-profit organizations, small businesses and each neighborhood association in the
city. Grant requested amounts were in the range of $25,000 - $250,000.

March 1 – 31, 2023

Grant application period; 60 applications received.

April – May, 2023

ARPA Community Grant Review Committee established. Six members - Lawrence Baker (Ward 1), Leon
Howard (Ward 2), Jennifer Sanocki (Ward 3), Nina Leask (Ward 4), Jonathan Seyferth (City Manager),
and Sharonda Carson (Director, Community and Neighborhood Services). Two additional
representative(s) were included, as advisors to the committee, from local Community Based

June, 2023

Review Committee held four public meetings at City Hall on 6/5, 6/7, 6/22 and 6/29 to review all project
proposals and submitted a slate of recommendations to the City Commission.

Grant program guidelines included -

The Review Committee used a multi-step process to review and evaluate all applications. The committee
referred to the questions, below, from the list of application evaluation criteria on which to base their
selected scores. Projects were ranked by the cumulative average of each members scores.

    -   Is the project description and budget clear and well-defined?
    -   Does the project include a capital expenditure?
    -   Does the project provide a description of structure and objectives of the assistance program(s),
        including public health or negative economic impacts experienced?
    -   Does the project identify service outcomes for residents disproportionately impacted by the
        COVID-19 pandemic (e.g., communities of color, people with disabilities, low-to-moderate
        income residents or elders)
    -   Brief description of recipient’s approach to ensuring that the response is reasonable and
        proportional to a public health or negative economic impact of COVID-19?
    -   What is the project’s sustainability (e.g., one-time v. recurring cost)?
    -   Is the project capable of being completed within the ARPA timeline requirements services?
    -   Has applicant previously partnered with or assisted other community organizations to provide
        needed services?
    -   Is the project aligned with Commission’s 2022-2027 Long Term Goals?

The Review Committee recommended (22) project proposals for the Commission’s consideration.

    -   (4) neighborhood associations, (5) small businesses and (13) non-profit organizations.
    -   (12) recommended Women- and Minority-Owned Businesses/Organization proposals.
    -   (8) proposals to provide funds for the direct benefit of community youth.
    -   (3) proposals to provide funds to expand access to new housing options for area residents.
    -   (12) proposals recommended to receive the full amount of their project request.

Applicants approved for funding will enter into a contractual agreement with the City which outlines
general obligations and reporting requirements. Approved applicants will be required to complete a
Beneficiary Agreement with the City to adhere to federal reporting requirements.

August, 2023

City Commission meets to review and approve project proposals.

RATED PROJECT PROPOSALS                                               (45) Total Pts     Requested     Recommended      Funded    $0.00
Organization                                                            Average        $2,875,000.00    $1,600,000.00
AgeWell Services*                                                         42.3           $25,000.00       $25,000.00    100.00%           nonprofit                  13 nonprofit's
Every Woman's Place*                                                      41.5          $120,000.00      $120,000.00    100.00%           nonprofit (housing)        4 NA's
MI Crossroads Council, BSA                                                40.2           $25,000.00       $25,000.00    100.00%           non-profit (youth)         5 small businesses
Samaritas                                                                 39.8          $250,000.00      $100,000.00    40.00%            nonprofit (housing)        22 recommended
NA McLaughlin                                                             39.7          $250,000.00      $100,000.00    40.00%            NA (youth)
Seaway to Southern LLC                                                     39            $50,000.00            $0.00     0.00%            created after March 2020
NA Nelson Neighborhood Improvement Association*                           38.7          $168,000.00      $100,000.00    59.52%            NA (youth)
West Michigan Concert WINDS                                                38            $50,000.00       $50,000.00    100.00%           non-profit (youth)
Pioneer Resources, Inc.*                                                  37.3          $200,000.00      $150,000.00    75.00%            nonprofit
Volunteer for Dental*                                                     37.2           $50,000.00       $50,000.00    100.00%           nonprofit
Muskegon Christian School                                                 37.2          $175,000.00      $175,000.00    100.00%           non-profit (youth)
West Michigan Symphony                                                     37           $200,000.00      $100,000.00    50.00%            non-profit (youth)
Unity Beauty Salon & Spa LLC*                                             36.3           $50,000.00       $50,000.00    100.00%           small business
Tiki Boiz LLC                                                              36            $50,000.00       $50,000.00    100.00%           small business
Rake Beer Project LLC                                                      35            $25,000.00       $25,000.00    100.00%           small business
Kids Food Basket*                                                         34.8          $250,000.00      $100,000.00    40.00%            non-profit (youth)
Mount Zion Church of God in Christ                                        34.5           $37,000.00       $37,000.00    100.00%           non-profit (youth)
Boys and Girls Club*                                                      34.3          $250,000.00       $50,000.00    20.00%            non-profit (youth)
Open Gates of Grace Ministries*                                           33.3          $250,000.00      $100,000.00    40.00%            nonprofit (housing)
Soul Filled Enterprises*                                                  33.2          $100,000.00      $100,000.00    100.00%           small business
Servicios De Esperanza LLC*                                                33            $25,000.00       $25,000.00    100.00%           small business
Mediation & Restorative Services                                          31.7                                                            non-profit (youth)
Aldea Coffee LLC                                                          31.3                                                            small business
HBCU Club of Muskegon LLC                                                 30.8                                                            small business
MMA Foundation                                                            30.5                                                            nonprofit
Forrest Tax & Accounting Services                                         30.5                                                            small business
NA Sheldon Park Neighborhood Improvement Association                       30            $25,000.00        $8,000.00    32.00%            NA
490 Bakery LLC                                                            29.7                                                            small business
Viking Custom Canvas                                                      29.4                                                            small business
Fresh Coast Alliance                                                      28.8                                                            nonprofit
Central United Methodist Church                                           27.7                                                            nonprofit
NA Jackson Hill*                                                          27.3          $250,000.00       $60,000.00    24.00%            NA
Muskegon Retirement Apts, Inc dba Jefferson Towers                        26.5                                                            nonprofit (housing)
Stand Up Speak Out                                                        25.2                                                            non-profit (youth)
Linda E. Dennie-Malone Community Center                                   23.5                                                            nonprofit
Muskegon YMCA                                                              23                                                             nonprofit
Embrace Muskegon_Books                                                    21.2                                                            small business
USS Silverside Submarine Museum                                           20.6                                                            nonprofit
Bethany Christian Services                                                16.3                                                            nonprofit
Elite Fine Foods and Catering                                              14                                                             small business

NOTE* - women- and minority owned business/org
NOTE - The Review Committee established a "cut off" line of funding                                                                                                       5|Page
between the Servicios De Esperanza LLC & Mediation and
Restorative Services projects. It was at that point where there was
more than (1) point of separation between applicant scores.
Organization                                                                 Requested
Bethel New Life Ministries                                                   $            25,000.00
Chalet House of Flowers                                                      $           250,000.00
Dennis Childers                                                              $            25,000.00
Kraai Development LLC                                                        $           200,000.00
Lake Hawks in Flight Foundation Inc                                          $           250,000.00
Lakeshore Legacy Project, Inc                                                $            75,000.00
Lakeshore Museum Center                                                      $           250,000.00
Link2Launch                                                                  $            25,000.00
Monday Impact Development                                                    $           200,000.00
Muskegon Housing Commission                                                  $            34,500.00
Operation Black Sheep the John McClurg Foundation for Vietnam Veterans       $            50,000.00
Rjae's Trucking Company                                                      $            70,000.00
Step Up                                                                      $            75,000.00
Thredz                                                                       $           250,000.00
Torrent House - Community Foundation                                         $           250,000.00
Torrent House - Hackley Public Library                                       $           250,000.00
Transformative Threshold LLC                                                 $            75,000.00
USS LST 393 Preservation Assn, Inc.                                          $            75,000.00
West Michigan Community Help Network                                         $           100,000.00
West Michigan Regional Medical Consortium                                    $           125,000.00

NOTE - The above applications were reviewed for completeness and
eligibility. However, they were not rated by the Review Committee based on
insufficient responses provided to questions in the application.

AgeWell Services of West Michigan

Project Name

Eliminate Organizational Barriers to Meet Unprecedented demand for AgeWell Services' Meals on
Wheels Program

Requested       $25,000                  Total Project Cost       $114,415

Executive Summary

To eliminate barriers our organizational infrastructure is currently experiencing due to lack of freezer
space, which is ultimately hindering us from meeting unprecedented demand for our Meals on Wheels
(MOW) program. To produce meals, we need adequate walk-in freezer space. We produce an average of
$1,600 meals per day in a 38 x 111 kitchen with one walk-in freezer and one walk-in cooler; however,
we’re limited how far we can prep in advance and what we can do with any leftover prepared food due
to our small walk-in freezer at capacity. Organizational infrastructure increases our ability to meet
unprecedented demand for the MOW program to provide food security, healthy food and social
connection for homebound adults 60 and older. We have one objective – complete construction of
outdoor freezer. The overall dimensions of the new outdoor freezer would be 19’ 3” long x 13’ 6” wide x
8’ high.

We have six desired outcomes. First, continue to meet the current MOW program demand. Second,
decrease food waste by 5% with the addition of a second freezer. Third, decrease food spending by 5%
with the addition of a second freezer. Fourth, add new participants to the MOW program. Fifth, 70% of
all MOW participants will report feeling more food secure on the MOW program. Sixth, 70% of MOW
participants will report decreased or maintained feelings of social isolation and / or loneliness while on
the MOW program. If awarded, funds will be spent on construction of the walk-in freezer.

Purpose of Grant

Statement of Needs / Problems to Be Addressed
Meals on Wheels America (MOWA) recently shared that 12,000 Americans are turning 60 years old each
day; 1 in 3 Americans are projected to be 60 years and older by 2060. In seven years, by 2030, 1 in 6
Americans are projected to be 60 years and older. Narrowing to our Narrowing to our three services
counties, U.S. Census Bureau 2020 facts reported that 24% of Muskegon County residents, 29% of
Oceana County residents and 21% of Ottawa County residents are 60 and older. Of those, 9.1% of
Muskegon County residents, 9.1% of Oceana County residents and 5.1% of Ottawa County residents live
at or below 100% of the federal poverty level. For reference, the 2023 Health and Human Services
Federal Poverty Guidelines for one person is $14,580 annually. This equates to $1,215 per month.
Increased demand for the MOW program began during the pandemic and has grown to unprecedented
levels. It’s important to note that due to the nature of our funding sources, the below data compares all
funding sources (i.e. grant funded explained next, Medicare Waiver, full-pay, etc.) and then narrows to
grant funding (i.e. Older Americans Act Title III, Muskegon County Senior Millage, etc.). Between Oct 1,
2022 – Feb 28, 2023, we’ve provided 119,891 total meals for 1,388 participants through all funding
sources. This is 14% more meals and 8% more participants when compared to Oct 1, 2021 – Feb 28,

2022. Narrowing to grant funded participants only during the same time frame, we’ve provided 94,315
total meals for 1,169 participants. This is 21% more meals and 11% more participants when compared to
Oct 1, 2021 – Feb 28, 2022. Narrowing even further to City of Muskegon (zip codes 49440,49441 and
49442 appropriately differentiated) during the same time frame, we’ve provided 33,356 total meals for
363 participants through all funding sources. This is 10% more meals and 5% more participants when
compared to Oct 1, 2021 – Feb 28, 2022.

The purpose and ultimate goal of this grant request is to eliminate barriers our organizational
infrastructure is currently experiencing due to lack of freezer space, which is ultimately hindering us
from meeting unprecedented demand for our Meals on Wheels (MOW) program. The gap this grant
would bridge is where we currently are to where we need to be with organizational infrastructure.
Organizational infrastructure increases our ability to meet unprecedented demand for the MOW
program to provide food security, healthy food and social connection for homebound adults 60 and

- First, regarding food security, a March 2022 University of Michigan survey reported that 1 in 5 older
Americans will experience food insufficiency at some point in their 60s and 70s. There are many reasons
why someone might experience some form of food insecurity, but one of them is income. In Michigan,
the MOWA 2021 Michigan factsheet reported that 9.1% of older adults live below the poverty line. In
our service counties, 55% of our current MOW grant funded participants have an income less than
$19,999. A MOW meal ensures that participants receive meals on a timely basis.

- Second, in direct correlation to food security, lack of healthy food can also be a barrier or challenge.
Individuals who lack access to healthy foods potentially access and prepare foods that are too high in
carbohydrates, sodium and fats. At a time when food prices, according to the USDA Food Price Outlook,
was 10% overall higher in 2022 compared to 2021, food, let alone healthy food, is quickly becoming (and
continues to be) financially unobtainable. Every meal we provide follow the USDA My Plate
recommendation, which provides 1/3 of the daily recommended dietary allowance. Additionally, every
meal is diabetic friendly, contains no added sodium and includes one low fat milk. Participants are able
to choose from three different menus – hot meal, sandwich and salad – for the meal they would most
enjoy. Unfortunately, without an outdoor freezer, we’re limited to what we can purchase when
available and frequently have to update our menu to accommodate what we can purchase due to the
volatile supply chain.

- Third, social isolation and loneliness has become a crisis for our participants. 49% of our current MOW
grant funded participants live alone. 60% of our MOW participants report that their driver is their only
social contact for the day. The 2021 Community Health Needs Assessment shared that 42% of Muskegon
County and 39% of Oceana County older adult survey respondents reported feeling lonely directly due
to the pandemic. We know that loneliness is as damaging to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day and is
detrimental to physical, mental and emotional health. Every meal delivery provides a safety check.
Organizational Capacity and Ability

For the last 50 years, we have provided vital connections to keep our most vulnerable population
nourished, active, learning and living independently. We have a legacy of service in Muskegon County
for our programs, especially Meals on Wheels. With a dedicated community and passionate team, our
capacity and ability to provide the programs are clear, but our infrastructure capacity is maxed. We are
in critical need of this new outdoor walk-in freezer due to unprecedented demand of the MOW

Project Goals, Outcomes, Action Plans and Statement
The goal of the project is to eliminate current organizational barriers due to lack of freezer space to
better meet the demand for unprecedented need for our Meals on Wheels program to provide food
security, healthy food and social connection for homebound adults 60 and older in Muskegon, Oceana
and Ottawa Counties of West Michigan.

To meet our above goal, the purpose of the project is to build a second walk-in freezer. We have six
desired outcomes. First, continue to meet the current Meals on Wheels (MOW) program demand.
Second, decrease food waste by 5% with the addition of a second freezer. Third, decrease food spending
by 5% with the addition of a second freezer. Fourth, add new participants to the MOW program. Fifth,
70% of all MOW participants will report feeling more food secure on the MOW program. Sixth, 70% of
MOW participants will report decreased or maintained feelings of social isolation and / or loneliness
while on the MOW program.

To meet our above goals and outcomes, we have one objective – complete construction of outdoor
freezer. The overall dimensions of the new outdoor freezer would be 19’ 3” long x 13’ 6” wide x 8’ high.
Our action plan is described in the timeline for implementation below. The MOW program is an ongoing
program of AgeWell Services; however, an outdoor freezer is new for AgeWell Services.

Other Partners in the Project and Their Roles
Tanglewood Park is owned by LifeCircles PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) who 100%
supports the construction of an outdoor freezer. We will also partner with a local construction company.
We also have outlined additional financial support we’ve received in support of the freezer.

Outside of the project specifically, collaboratively, we work with organizations to spread the word about
our organization and programs. These partners include, but are not limited to, organizations who work
directly with older adults (such as Senior Resources of West Michigan, LifeCircles PACE, etc.), CALL 2-1-1
(Community Access Line of the Lakeshore) and health care facilities (including Mercy Health, primary
care offices, etc.). These organizations help promote the program to their clients and patients, make
referrals for our services and some also financially support the program (such as Senior Resources of
West Michigan, LifeCircles PACE and United Way of the Lakeshore). If appropriate, we’re also able to
provide resources for participants to learn more about the above-mentioned programs. We also have
well established vendor relationships, such as Gordon Food Service (GFS), Cedar Crest Dairy, Muskegon
Farmer’s Market, etc.

Similar Existing Projects / Agencies, Agency Differentiation and Effort to Work Cooperatively
We are the only Meals on Wheels provider in Muskegon, Oceana and Ottawa Counties of West
Michigan. Another program that provides meals is Mom’s Meals. These meals are either refrigerated
and / or frozen and shipped. Our meals are meals are made daily and personally delivered by a team
member and / or volunteer who builds a meaningful relationship with our participants.

Active Involvement of Participants
There are many opportunities at AgeWell Services for constituents to support problems to be
addressed, making policy and planning the program. First, we work with the communities to better
understand their need. For example, through Muskegon County Senior Millage (MCSM) funding,
municipalities are able to allocate some of that funding to different older adult oriented organizations.
Through these partnerships, we strategize with the municipality to better understand their constituents
needs before offering any programming. Second, the Board of Directors is comprised of 10+ individuals,

some of whom are 60 and older or work with older adults. Third, our programming advisory committee
is comprised of community members to help with programming. Fourth, we have excellent repour with
all of our participants and consistently ask for feedback, especially through surveys. Sixth, participants
cane donate towards the cost of their meal, which is known as program income. We make it very clear
that while donations are welcome, they’re not required to receive services.

Qualification of Key Staff and Volunteers and Specific Training Needs
Both the Food and Mission Services teams highlighted below work together to ensure success of our
food programs. The Food Services team focuses on food quantity and quality. This team is comprised of
53 total team members (11 full-time and 42 part-time). These team members include delivery drivers,
dishwashers, meal preppers, certified trainer, Transportation Manager and Food Service Director. Team
members work in a 38 x 111 kitchen to prepare over 1,600 daily weekday meals. Meals for Meals on
Wheels participants are trayed; meals for Lunch & Activity Center participants are congregate style
(must be put on plate). Paid and volunteer delivery drivers deliver meals for both food programs.

The Mission Services team focuses on the participants and program standards. This team is comprised of
21 total team members (7 full-time and 14 part-time). These team members include Meals on Wheels
Assessors (complete participant assessments and re-assessments), Meal Site Coordinators, Program
Assistant Lead (participant support), Meal Site & Assessor Manager, Mission Services Senior Manager
and Mission Services Director.

While not necessarily an official member of either team, our Volunteer Coordinator supports all
volunteers, ranging from running required background checks to managing VolunteerHub.

There are no specific training needs for this project.

Long-Term Strategies for Future Funding
We anticipate sustaining the MOW program and new freezer with current and new funding sources.
Current support includes federal, state and local government support, Medicaid Waiver, United Way of
the Lakeshore, program contributions and other charitable grants. New funding sources would be
additional program contributions and charitable grants.

Compliance with ARPA Final Rule
Through the COVID-19 pandemic, AgeWell Services’ MOW program never shut down. Due to the nature
of our work, MOW was considered an essential program. Increased demand for the MOW program
began during the pandemic and has continued to increase. For effective service delivery, the new
outdoor walk-in freezer is critical in not only meeting the current demand, but the future demand. For
capital expenditures, our project is related to public health with capital expenditures less than $1
million. We have a long-standing history of positive compliance with government funding and have
received unqualified opinions on both our standard and federal single audits for many years. We’re
positive we will maintain compliance with the ARPA Final Rule would be the same.


"Outcomes will be measured through both quantitative and qualitative metrics. Quantitatively, we
monitor an array of information. In addition to tracking almost everything that the back of a restaurant
does, such as food cost, food waste and inventory, we also track other information. This includes, but

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isn’t limited to, number of participants, number of meals per participant, number of meals cumulatively
provided, funding source for participant and other services recommended and / or
discussed. Specifically for the MOW participant, we complete an assessment that helps determine how
many meals they’re eligible to receive per week and if there are any other supports needed, as well as a
re-assessment of this every six months.

The assessment includes client identification, general information (including self-identified
demographics, monthly income, condition of home and military service), program eligibility (60 years of
age and older and homebound), Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s), Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
(IADL’s), dietary information, nutritional information and health information. This may seem like a lot of
information, but this helps us identify if other services are needed or if there are dietary preferences
(i.e. doesn’t like fish). The re-assessment will help track our fifth and sixth objectives of this funding"

Budget Narrative/Justification

Other Funding Sources

We have requested and / or committed funding from the following funders for the outdoor freezer –

    -   United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Local Food Purchase Assistance (LFPA)
        Cooperative Agreement Program – $75,000 (committed)
    -   Anonymous Family Fund Funder – $10,000 (committed)
    -   Anonymous Individual Funder – $1,000 (committed)

Priority Items
If unable to meet our full request, either the concrete pad ($3,886), refrigeration components for the
outdoor freezer ($8,950) or construction inflation ($10,000) would be priority items.

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Every Woman’s Place

Project Name

COVID Safe Services

Requested       $120,000                         Total Project Cost       $120,000

Executive Summary

For over 45 years, Every Woman's Place (EWP) has been a place of healing and support for survivors of
domestic violence, sexual assault, and sex trafficking in Muskegon County. Our mission is to provide
comprehensive and culturally sensitive care to all survivors of intimate partner violence. We are asking
for $120,000 to help furnish and equip our emergency shelter and transitional housing units with COVID-
friendly amenities to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, encourage social distancing, and be better
prepared for future outbreaks.

City of Muskegon ARPA funding will help EWP mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by upgrading our current
residential and office spaces to include COVID-friendly amenities. With more survivors returning to
shelter and attending in-person advocacy and counseling sessions, EWP is in need of COVID-friendly
furniture that is easy to clean and sanitize after every advocacy session and counseling appointment.
Our current seating is not easily disinfected. This would allow us to purchase seating that is industrial
grade and made for higher use, therefore not ripping and all surfaces of furniture would be easily

Our playground equipment offers opportunities for children to get outside and play at safe social
distances. We encourage parents and children to go outside and play together, which alleviates
overcrowding in the shelter common areas and encourages social distancing. The current playground
equipment and children's playsets that we have are wooden and not easily sanitized. This funding would
allow us to upgrade our outdoor and indoor playground equipment, children's playsets, and children's
seating to be plastic and easily disinfected.

Previous ARPA funds through the State of Michigan allowed us to purchase vinyl flooring for several
areas in our main office building, including residential and administrative spaces. City of Muskegon ARPA
funding would help us finish removing the remainder of carpet from office spaces, including the walk-in
services areas, and install vinyl flooring that can be easily disinfected to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Vinyl flooring can also remove barriers for people with disabilities who use wheelchairs and other
mobility-related assistive devices.

The onset of COVID-19 prevented us from gathering in-person for meals in our dining room, and
ultimately resulted in the loss of our Cook position. As we return to preparing food in the kitchen and
hiring a Cook to provide meals, we are looking forward to gathering together again in our dining area.
However, we want to continue to encourage social distancing to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
Dining room tables and chairs made from materials that can be easily disinfected will allow us to keep
safe and necessary distance.

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While many staff and survivors have returned to in-person advocacy and counseling sessions, there is
still a need and preference for virtual meetings to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Laptops for
advocacy and counseling staff would allow more employees to work remotely with a COVID diagnosis
instead of having to miss work and potentially lose pay. Virtual meetings and electronic correspondence
encourage employees to work from home if they are exposed to COVID. EWP is committed to
preventing the spread of coronavirus by allowing employees to stay home and stay safe while still being
able to work from home and provide essential services for survivors.

Health and safety is a critical component of operating residential services and shelter programs.
Maintaining the cleanliness and upkeep of the shelter falls in the hands of our Residential Staff,
including Crisis Intervention Specialists and Crisis Aides. These are the folks who are also assisting
clients, answering the 24-hour Crisis Hotline, and attending to daily needs of shelter residents and their
children. ARPA funds would allow us to hire a professional cleaning company that will help us keep
common areas clean and maintain a regular sanitation schedule to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Housing has been difficult to obtain since the COVID pandemic and individual rental units have been
hard to come by. EWP recently entered into a lease with Living Hope Properties, LLC to renovate and
lease a 5-unit communal living facility for our Transitional Supportive Housing (TSH) program. This will
allow EWP to keep our TSH budget balanced while still helping as many clients as we are able post-
pandemic. It also creates a safe and supportive environment for five single transitional housing clients to
live together in community as they work toward affordable and sustainable housing goals. ARPA funding
will allow us to furnish this 5-unit home with furniture and amenities that are easily disinfected to
prevent the spread of COVID-19 and keep highly trafficked areas clean and sanitized.

Overall, the City of Muskegon ARPA funds would have a significant impact in reducing the spread of
COVID-19 by helping EWP maintain COVID-friendly services by equipping our offices, shelter, and
transitional housing units with furniture and equipment that is easily cleaned and sanitized. ARPA
funding will also help our agency continue to encourage social distancing and be better prepared for
future outbreaks while still being able to provide essential services for survivors. This project also aligns
with the City of Muskegon's long term strategic goal to create an environment that puts an emphasis on
improving amenities and investing in the traits that positively affect residents' quality of life.

Finally, EWP's COVID Safe Services proposal meets the City of Muskegon ARPA funding priority goals by
supporting the public health and economic needs of those most impacted by the pandemic, addressing
the longstanding health and economic disparities amplified by the pandemic, and removing barriers for
disproportionately impacted residents who have historically experienced difficulty accessing resources.

Purpose of Grant

COVID Recovery & Prevention


Success will be defined and measured by the ability to complete the outlined milestones listed above.
Evaluation results will be shared with the community through public announcements, highlights in our
annual report, and recognition on our website and social media channels. Involvement of constituents
will include EWP's staff, volunteers, and clients.

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Budget Narrative/Justification

The budget and plan outline how each budget item relates to the project and how the budgeted amount
was calculated. In the event that the City of Muskegon ARPA funding is unable to meet our full request,
the following is a list of priority items:

Outdoor Children's Playground Equipment
Indoor Children's Play Equipment/Seating
Shelter/Counseling Seating
Vinyl Flooring
Laptops for Staff
Transitional Housing Furnishings
Professional Cleaning Company
Dining Room Furnishings

                                                                                           14 | P a g e
Michigan Crossroads Council, Boy Scouts of America

Project Name

Building Capacity for Scouting in the city of Muskegon

Requested        $25,000                           Total Project Cost        $38,500

Executive Summary

During some of our country’s most challenging hours, our Scouting movement has shouldered the
burden when it was too heavy for many communities to bear. As in previous crises, the Boy Scouts of
America has stepped up to meet the challenge, and that continues today. Scouting may look a little
different than what we are used to, and will continue to do so as we navigate the ongoing challenges
wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, our mission has not changed. We are committed to
doing whatever it takes to prepare Muskegon youth to lead, make ethical decisions, and succeed
throughout their lives. That is what Scouting has always been about. Our culture is one of perseverance
and determination. Our foundation is that of always being prepared.

We have a collective responsibility to make sure kids are healthy, safe, and thriving – especially during
challenging times. As parents and caregivers continue to grapple with balancing work, childcare, and
self-care, they need extra support from community organizations such as the Boy Scouts of America to
keep their families well.

The purpose of this capacity project in the city of Muskegon is to divert the necessary resources to a
community ripe for the benefits of the Scouting program. In the city of Muskegon we currently provide a
Council subsidized program called Scoutreach, with previous efforts to start new, traditional, community
based units unsuccessful due to the initial start up costs of new units and new membership fees. At a
cost of $135 per year, Cub Scouts and the other programs of the BSA are among the most affordable
year-round youth programming. However, new families do not have the benefit of having raised funds
through the annual popcorn sale to cover the costs of joining.

As the world continues its march toward “normal”, a community like the city of Muskegon needs
Scouting as a tool to help kids rediscover free play, family activities, and outdoor sports. This initiative
will support the community accomplish the following:

Youth recruitment: recruit and enroll new families into Scouting, engaging parents and kids in a
structured, safe environment. Provide financial assistance to ensure there are no barriers for families to
join, including: registration and program fees, unit charter fees, and sickness and accident insurance.
Unit program: deliver financial and professional support to help establish he unit and it’s program.
Guarantee that all youth enrolled receive a handbook, and have access to camp scholarships to help
offset the cost of attending a summer camp.

Support to Scout Units: professional and volunteer support to recruit and train new adult volunteers for
the units, including nationally developed program handbooks for adult leaders, and Council supported
adult leader training to ensure pack program is high quality.

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Expanding Scoutreach: hire an additional program aide to introduce more youth to Scouting, partnering
with additional schools and community organizations to deliver our programs.

Purpose of Grant

As the world continues to navigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Boy Scouts of America has
been a steady partner for families grappling with the emotional and mental toll that has resulted from
more time indoors and isolated: virtual classes, online hang outs, and declining participation of youth in
extracurricular activities. The effects of the pandemic on youth have raised alarm bells across the world,
including our own US Surgeon General issuing an advisory on the pandemic’s impact on youth mental
health. To help support parents and guardians in their efforts, organizations such as the Boy Scouts of
America are needed now more than ever. For over 100 years, the Boy Scouts of America has stood as
the nation’s foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training.
Our goal is to teach timeless values, strengthen leadership skills, and guide our youth on their journey to
adulthood. At the center of all our programs is the dedication to developing the youth of our country
into educated, enlightened, and responsible citizens.

Membership recruiting in the post-pandemic era has been a challenge. Organizations of all types are
faced with the task of rebuilding themselves and their membership rosters. Three years out from the
onset of the global crisis, we are still facing significant obstacles to enrolling new families: limitations on
school access, constricting family budgets, and communities with no existing Scout units, are just some
of the most significant hurdles we face. However, we are hopeful for brighter days ahead. In2 022, the
Michigan Crossroads Council, Boy Scouts of America grew Scouting across the lower peninsula, by
investing in a branded member growth campaign, Hooked on Scouting. The growth in Scouting
membership in 2022 distinguished our Council as a national leader in recruitment. As an organization we
recognize there are more youth in need of the benefits the Scouting program can offer and continue to
make membership a year-round focus. With a key investment in our ability to build capacity in
Muskegon, we can build up much of what was lost in the last three years, and serve more youth with
our time-tested character development programs.

Funding from the City of Muskegon ARPA Community Grant will provide significant resources to help our
Council overcome many hurdles to serving youth. In Muskegon, we have two approaches to meeting our
objectives: traditional, community based Scouting, and Scoutreach. Traditional Scouting utilizes
partnerships with community organizes such as churches, service clubs, and veteran organizations, to
“charter” or sponsor a local Scout unit, organize parents and volunteers, and deliver the program in an
out of school experience. However, not every child or family is in a community or position to take
advantage of such programming. Therefore, our Council invests in the Scoutreach program, which takes
Scouting directly to underserved youth with in-school or after school opportunities. This program is
delivered by paid program aides, and delivers the Scouting experience for little to no cost to the family.

While serving hundreds of youth through Scoutreach with Scouting lessons, Scoutreach was never
intended to be the final stop on a youths’ journey in Scouting. It’s original purpose was to introduce
youth and families to the Boy Scouts of America through in-school programming, in hopes to generate
enough excitement and interest to transition youth into a traditional unit. Our goal is to not only expand
our Scoutreach programming in the city of Muskegon, but utilize partnerships across the area to
establish traditional units and deepening the experience and impact youth benefit from in our

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Funding from the grant will cover the following costs associated with building capacity: youth and adult
membership registration fees; liability insurance and accident and sickness insurance; program materials
and supplies (handbooks, uniforms, pinewood derby materials, etc.); additional Scoutreach program
aides; and camp registration assistance.

The Michigan Crossroads Council is responsible for the overall administration of the Scouting program,
which includes organizing new units, recruiting new youth and adult members, guiding program delivery
and ensuring quality through leader training and support, assisting with youth retention, leading District
and/or Council-wide Scouting activities, and providing outdoor programming. The Lakeshore District
(which serves youth in Allegan, Muskegon and Ottawa counties) is supported by one full time District
Executive, a Field Director and over 200 adult volunteers. Muskegon Scoutreach is also served by one
full time District Executive, and supervised by a Field Director. Staff qualifications include Scouting
experience, camp experience and completion of educational requirements. District Executives and Field
Directors receive extensive leadership, youth development and unit support training through Boy Scouts
of America’s national professional development center. Their responsibilities in this effort include:
recruiting new youth members and provide support to new Scouting units; provide tools to assist unit in
their annual program planning; develop Scoutreach curriculum utilizing the goals and feedback of
program partners and schools; and cultivate community advocates to help identify solutions to
recruitment challenges and connect to prospective new charter partners.

Scouting volunteers assist in a variety of roles at all levels of our Council. For the capacity building
campaign, they will be responsible for: developing their annual program calendar and budget to ensure
a quality unit; develop a unit recruitment plan and collaborate with District Executive in recruiting new
youth members; host Join Scouting Night; onboard new families by inviting them to participate as
volunteers, and inform them of the annual calendar. Units have a New Member Coordinator to help
transition new families in to the program in hopes of leading to greater membership retention.
Expected activities of this initiative include, but is not limited to: annual program planning, presence at
school open houses, school talks and/or assemblies, flyer distribution, social media promotion, Join
Scouting Night, pack orientation meeting, and Council Signature Event.

The community will benefit from the increase in youth participating in Scouting. Scouting is a well-
rounded program positively affecting every area of a young persons' life. Scouting encourages youth to
achieve a deeper appreciation for others, including peers, parents and other adults. Early in their
Scouting experience, boys and girls learn the value of serving others. The opportunity to participate in
Scouting will help these youth develop a skill set and strength of character that will serve them
throughout their lifetime and help them become the next generation of community change makers.

A study conducted by Harris Interactive (Values of Scouts - A Study of Ethics and Character, May 2005)
shows that Scouting programs build youth mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually. The skills they
learn in Scouting help them overcome obstacles and challenges with courage and character throughout
their lives. Adults who were Scouts for five or more years as youth are more likely than those with no
Scouting experience to:

· Graduate from high school (91 percent versus 87 percent);
· graduate from college (35 percent versus 19 percent);
· earn higher annual household incomes ($80,000 versus $61,000);
· value family relationships highly (81 percent versus 72 percent);
· have lifelong friendships (89 percent versus 74 percent); and

                                                                                               17 | P a g e
· believe helping others should come before one’s own self-interest (92 percent versus 83)

Involving family and home is an important core value of Scouting. Whether a Scout lives with two
parents or one, a foster family, or other relatives, the family is an important part of Scouting. Parents
and adult family members provide leadership and support for Scouting programs and help ensure that
youth have a good experience in the program.
Scouting fosters interaction and communication between parents and their children by creating shared
interests and activities. Boy Scouts of America research shows that Scouting strengthens families in the
following ways:

· 85% work together on Scouting projects;
· 83% talk together about meeting experiences ; and
· 91% say Scouting encourages togetherness in the simple act of riding together to

The bottom line goal of the capacity building initiative is to start sustainable Scouting units to provide
serve to youth in Muskegon. We believe that with the support of ARPA funding, we can accomplish the
following goals and objectives:

- Hire one program aide to assist in effort to expand Scoutreach program.
- Based on pre-pandemic program partner data, we believe we could serve an additional 150 youth in
four sites in the City of Muskegon in our Scoutreach programs.
- Establish new partnerships, or expand on existing partnerships, to develop traditional Scouting units in
the city of Muskegon. There are currently no traditional Scouting units in Muskegon, so our hope is to
start one Cub Scout pack and one Scouts BSA troop.

The Council collaborates with a wide variety of community organizations to sponsor or “charter” a Scout
unit and provide quality programs. Each community organization that sponsors a unit tailors the
program to the specific situation of their youth members. This keeps Scouting units at the neighborhood
level allowing youth to build long-term relationships with local peers and adults creating a sphere of
support they can turn to in time of need.

Responsibilities of chartered organizations include:
- Providing adequate meeting facilities.
- Providing quality leadership for the Scouting unit.
- Appointing a chartered organization representative to coordinate all Scouting unit operations within
the organization.

Current Scoutreach partners in Muskegon include: Boys and Girls Club, Oakridge Upper Elementary
School, Taking Back Muskegon, and Timberland Charter Academy. Our field team has been in
discussions with the Boys and Girls Club to start a traditional unit.

While there are other youth serving organizations in the area that provide after school programs, many
of these programs are recreational or on a drop-in basis as opposed to being a structured, curriculum-
based program. Scouting is time tested and has been helping youth develop academic skills, self-
confidence, ethics, leadership skills, and citizenship skills for over 100 years. Through this long history,
we have developed research based best practices and proven methods of service delivery. We will be

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utilizing these resources along with insight and guidance from our program partners to deliver a one of a
kind program that is exciting, culturally relevant, and appealing to youth and families.
The Michigan Crossroads Council has taken several steps to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19
pandemic, and prepare for the worst should the economic situation in the nation sours.

First, in the summer and fall of 2020 members of our Development staff and volunteer Executive Board
members collaborated in designing a new fund development campaign that launched in 2021. Called the
"Leadership and Adventure for Tomorrow" drive, focusing on three pillars: 1. Securing our most loyal
donors direct contributions early, and committing them to a five year pledge; 2. Asking our donors to
consider a minimum $1,000 gift to our endowment fund to ensure our ability to weather another
pandemic or financial crisis in the future; and 3. Starting the conversation with donors concerning legacy
gifts and bequests to Scouting. Thanks to the success of this campaign, our Council has been able to
secure five-year pledges from our friends of Scouting campaign, able to project $250,000 in direct
contributions annually through 2025, allowing our Development team to focus on securing additional
new or lapsed donors. This campaign has also raised an additional $200,000 for our endowment
campaign, and provided an onramp to discussing legacy bequests with our donors.

Moving forward, there are additional steps being planned to help mitigate the above impacts. Those

-Closing three underutilized offices across the state to decrease our occupancy costs.
-Prefunding our popcorn sale using the revenue generated from the product sale from the previous fall.
The income from the fall 2022 popcorn sale will be applied towards our 2023 budget, eliminating any
uncertainty or risking unachieved sales goals to our budget from this important revenue source.
- Growing traditional membership will have a domino effect for our revenue and sustainability: increase
in program fees collected, increase in number of Scouts selling popcorn, additional revenue from activity
and camping fees, and income from Scout Shop sales.
- In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, our Council Executive Board launched an focus group to
explore alternative revenue models for our businesses. Some of those ideas are budgeted to come
online in 2023 including: expansion of Summit Leadership Program at Adventure Point; growth of non-
Scout cliental utilizing D-Bar-A Scout Ranch as a premier equestrian destination in Michigan; and a
Business and Group Development executive whose responsibility would be to market our camp
properties and Adventure Point facility to outside groups.

The Michigan Crossroads Council, Boy Scouts of America will satisfy the requirements of the Final Rule,
and will not utilize the city of Muskegon ARPA funds to pay settlements or other judgements, nor use
the funds to pay debts or fees related to issuing debt. These funds will be temporarily restricted to the
use of growing Scouting and serving youth in the city of Muskegon, and released in accordance to those
associated expenses.


The success of the program will be defined by the increase in youth enrolled through the end of 2024
through our Muskegon Scoutreach program, and establishing traditional units with community partners.
Metrics used for evaluation include:

• Number of new Scouts enrolled between September 2023 and December 2024
• Number of new units started in 2023 and 2024

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• Retention of youth during the 2024 unit renewal process
• Number of families that participate in fall Signature Council Event
• Number of program aides employed
• Number of program partners in traditional Scouting and Scoutreach

Feedback will also be requested from unit leaders on how to continuously improve our membership
recruitment practices for the future. Volunteers will be invited to trainings and open forums to share
best practices and get the latest updates in recruitment strategies and materials. Volunteers will also be
welcome and recruited to serve on the District Committee, providing leadership and support to our
membership growth campaigns, making them the content experts in helping us grow Scouting in

Evaluation results will be shared with district and Council volunteers and staff in an effort to improve
upon and replicate project across the Michigan Crossroads Council. Our field staff meet regularly
together for training and campaign planning, and will be able to work with one another to identify
similar opportunities in their territories to test out partnering our traditional and Scoutreach efforts,
using Scoutreach as an introduction to Scouting, and not the only option in their community.

Budget Narrative/Justification

In case we are unsuccessful in receiving funding, our priority items will be supporting the development
of the traditional units in the city of Muskegon. Currently we do not have any traditional units in the city,
and have not had one since 2015. Providing membership registration assistance will be key to our efforts
building new units in the city of Muskegon.

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Samaritas Affordable Living

Project Name

Capital cost of building 53 units of affordable housing for adults 55+ earning between 30-70% AMI.

Requested       $250,000                 Total Project Cost      $11,687,065

Executive Summary

The City of Muskegon is working hard to solve the problem of affordable housing. Housing affordability
affects us all, and as we have seen during the last few years, our seniors are especially vulnerable to
rising rents and increasing construction costs.

Samaritas is likely known to you as a statewide faith-based provider of health and human services,
including high quality affordable housing solutions for families, seniors, and the disabled. We have
served Muskegon for decades. Samaritas is seeking financial support from the City of Muskegon to
address unforeseen rising construction costs associated with Samaritas Affordable Living of Muskegon,
located at 785 Spring St. This 53-unit project is significant for the City of Muskegon as it advances the
City's strategic objective of increasing the supply of housing and provides needed senior housing for a
growing population in the city.

Construction costs for the Samaritas Affordable Living Muskegon project increased 15.4% from $7.6M at
the time of the MSHDA LIHTC application in April of 2020 to $8.7M when construction started in August
of 2021. There were major disruptions and delays in the supply chain, COVID-19-related labor shortages,
material and cost escalation.

These factors made it necessary for Samaritas to defer $95,000 of the Developer Fee and loan $1.16
million to the project while it sought additional funding sources, including various grants and donations.
Among the resulting sources Samaritas has secured a 2021 Affordable Housing Program (AHP) award
from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis, a $460,000 grant. However there remains a $509,000
gap in our budget. The need for quality affordable housing for senior citizens is great and Samaritas has
continued with the project in good faith that the needed funds will become available.

Your ARPA grant to Samaritas Affordable Living of Muskegon will immediately make a difference for
Muskegon's most vulnerable community members. Veterans, those on fixed income, those with
disabilities, those with steady but lower wage employment are often shut out of safe, high quality,
affordable housing. These households are also those disproportionately affected by Covid-19. Your
capital support will in turn create a minimum of 45 years of affordability for Muskegon residents,
helping older adults access the amenities of downtown, and receive the service and support of a trusted
non-profit partner like Samaritas.

Samaritas is a non-profit and has a strong track record in Muskegon and beyond, delivering affordable
housing, services for children and families, and those with developmental disabilities for decades.
Samaritas is looking forward to partnering with the City of Muskegon on future affordable housing

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projects and ask you to help us financially successful today in order to be part of creating solutions for
Muskegon tomorrow.

Purpose of Grant

Samaritas Affordable Living of Muskegon addresses the priorities of the City of Muskegon Vision 2027
Goal 2 Action items. Safe, affordable, high quality housing supply is a critical part of the growth and
development of Muskegon for all residents. Samaritas has designed the project specifically for seniors,
ages 55 and over. Some of them may be working in local retail, service, restaurant, or commercial
businesses and desire easy access to their place of employment, along with entertainment in the
vicinity. Some individuals may want to downsize and simplify their lives. Some may not have enough
income to maintain a single-family home. They may have experienced a life-changing event such as
divorce, death of a spouse, long-term physical disability, or chronic illness. They may spend a large
amount of their income on health insurance, care, rehabilitation, and medication. The SAL Muskegon
project will provide affordable housing for these residents and will also include shared community space
to meet the need for socializing. By providing a high-quality, attractive independent living option for
seniors in an affordable price range, the SAL Muskegon project will have a positive impact on the
housing market in the City of Muskegon.

In order to be affordable, our 53 units project is restricted to those earning between 30- 70% of AMI
with rents set at $402-$938 based on financial eligibility. All common area and apartment units have
universal design features, basically barrier-free, and 8 units are fully accessible. An additional 8 units are
reserved for those on the Muskegon Housing Commission wait list. This project enables households to
live in well-situated, newly built, energy-efficient, rent-controlled apartments that have desirable
amenities in the units, in the building, and in the surrounding neighborhood. These factors enable high-
risk individuals and households to lower stress, gain greater socialization, achieve other goals including
good health, and succeed in remaining in their apartments for many years. To create the housing that
offers affordable rents to the community for 45 years, the cost of construction must be supported by tax
credit equity, grants, and modest permanent hard debt. Due to Covid-19, project costs escalated
jeopardizing the delivery of new affordable housing for Muskegon. The project team has relentlessly
pursued additional capital sources and has successfully reduced large portions of the project financial
gap. The ARPA capital allocation will help close the remaining gap and allow the project to succeed
financially for Samaritas and the City of Muskegon.


Samaritas provides annual satisfaction surveys to all of our residents in all of our communities. We take
this feedback seriously. With onsite full time management, we have the opportunity to be available to
our residents and meet their needs. We have grant funded service coordinators that bring programming
into our community spaces and help connect residents to additional supports and relationships in the
surrounding community.

Budget Narrative/Justification

LIHTC applications are submitted to MSHDA for detailed review, ranking, and allocation of Tax Credits.
Successful applicants sell the tax credits to a limited partner in order to raise capital for the project.
Typically, proformas model a combination of tax credit equity, permanent mortgage, and if required,

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deferred developer fee. In between our successful tax credit award and closing on our construction
project, costs escalated extensively due to the effects of COVID-19. Samaritas brought $1.16M from
other areas of its mission in the form of a Sponsor Loan to close the project. We then pursued
Affordable Housing Program grant funds from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis, private
donations like Mercantile Bank, the Muskegon Area Community Foundation, and ARPA funds at the City
and State level. We were successful in our efforts to partially reduce our gap funds however without City
of Muskegon ARPA funds Samaritas will have $509,000 of Sponsor loan to the project plus $95,000 of
deferred developer fee that it will not likely ever recover through operations due to the way affordable
housing is modeled financially. Samaritas as a whole is projecting a $7.8M loss this year due to Covid-19
related impacts on other mission areas. The ARPA grant is needed for us to continue making
affordable living investments in the future.

Land Acquisition
Soft Costs
Hard Costs
Post Construction Uses

LIHTC uses are defined and limited by MSDHA program requirements when applying for and receiving
tax credit equity for affordable housing projects. Our project contains MSHDA controlled and approved
limits on General Requirements, Builder Overhead, Builder Profit, and Developer Fee. The budget for
hard costs increased from $7.6M at the time of the MSHDA LIHTC application and approval in April of
2020 to $8.7M when construction started in August of 2021.This was caused by major disruptions and
delays in the supply chain, Covid-19-related labor shortages, material and cost escalation.

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McLaughlin Neighborhood Association

Project Name

McLaughlin Neighborhood Improvements

Requested       250,000                          Total Project Cost       $278,019.36

Executive Summary

For years, the property which sits on the southeast corner of Terrace and Isabella which is now known as
the McLaughlin Community Park had seven different homes on it. Over the years, those homes fell into
disrepair and were eventually torn down. Neighbors grew tired of staring at the abandoned, trash-
ridden lot across the street from where they lived and decided to begin caring for the property. After
caring for the property for awhile, neighbors began to brainstorm on how the property could be used to
bring neighbors together and how creating a green space on which neighbors could gather was a way
for relationships to be built.

In 2008, the McLaughlin Neighborhood Association entered into a 30-year lease with the City of
Muskegon for the maintenance and development of the property. Over the years, a playground, picnic
tables, grills, a sprinkler system, a pavilion, a Harmony Park, a red brick memorial garden, and a gaga pit
have been added to the property making it an even more appealing place for neighbors to gather.

For the past 15 years with the exception of '20, the Community Acting Towards Children's Health,
C.A.T.C.H. Camp, a summer day camp has been held for those who have completed kindergarten
through those who have completed 6th grade. In addition, 9th - 12th graders involved with Community
enCompass' Youth Empowerment Program, YEP, and neighborhood adults have been employed as
C.A.T.C.H. Camp leaders. And, 7th and 8th graders have served as volunteers with the kindergarten
through 2nd graders.

In addition, on any given day you can drive by the McLaughlin Community Park and see a family
celebrating a birthday and/or cooking out. And, there are kids playing on the playground and/or playing
football in the area that has been intentionally left open as a sports field. On occasion, there are
churches that gather at the Park for worship and families who gather for family reunions.

Our hope is to add new items to the McLaughlin Community Park. Up to this point, most of what has
been added at the Park has been for able-bodied children. Even though we are wanting to do
maintenance of the existing play structure and would like install a swing set for able-bodied children, we
would also like to make the McLaughlin Community Park a place where teens, adults, and those who
have some type of physical impairment want to be.

In light of this, we wanting to add an piece of equipment, a Thrive 450, that is geared for teens and
adults to exercise on. (A Thrive 450 was added at Beachwood Park last year.)

We would also like to add an inclusive see saw which has a section on which someone who is wheelchair
bound can transfer onto for a fun experience. Along these lines, we would also like to purchase an ADA

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approved portable restroom which would be kept at the Park year round. Currently, the McLaughlin
Neighborhood Association rents a portable restroom from our Spring Dumpster Day through our Fall
Dumpster Day. And, we would like purchase ADA compliant picnic tables to be placed under the

In addition, we would like to replace the existing wooden fence that lines the McLaughlin Community
Park with a new wooden fence as many of the slates and cross beams are rotted. We would also like to
add a chain link fence from the existing wooden fence to the sidewalk on the east side of the park as
currently there is no separation between the play structure and that borders the Park. There have been
times when the neighbor's dog has gotten free and has scared children playing at the Park.

We would like to do at the Park is to install a kiosk on which the history of the Park could be displayed,
neighborhood and City events could be advertised, and from which pamphlets could be picked up.

Two final things we would like to do at the Park is have a sprinkler system installed in one section of the
Park that doesn't have underground sprinkling and repaint the wrought iron fence which lines part of
the Park.

Again, all of these things would be done to make the McLaughlin Community Park inviting to people of
all ages and levels of physical ability.

Since the McLaughlin Neighborhood Association is not only responsible for the development of the
property but also the maintenance of the property, we would also like to purchase a new riding lawn
mower. In addition, we would also like to purchase a motorized lawn mower as we currently do not
have one and therefore have a lot of work that needs to be done with a weed wacker.

The last goal for our grant request is to make the section of the bike trail in the McLaughlin
neighborhood that doesn't have lighting on it safer. As was done with the section of the bike trail that
runs from Peck St. to Terrace St., we would like to have lights added to the section of the bike trail that
runs from Terrace St. to Wood St.

Purpose of Grant

At times, the core city of America's urban areas have been called the "hood". In some ways, this term is
fitting because the sense of being a "neighbor" in these neighborhoods has been lost. The McLaughlin
Neighborhood Association has taken an asset-based rather than a need-based approach in re-
neighboring by creating a space where people of the neighborhood can come together.

According to the 2020 U.S. Census, the demographic breakdown of the McLaughlin Neighborhood was
45% African-American, 38% Caucasian, 15% Hispanic, 1% Native American, and 1% Other.

The McLaughlin Neighborhood Association would benefit from further developments at the Park in its
efforts to re-neighbor the McLaughlin neighborhood because the Park would have elements which
would attract people who typically wouldn't come to the Park such as children confined to a wheelchair,
teens, and adults.

In addition, the purchase of the riding lawn mower and the motorized lawn mower will allow us to
visually make the McLaughlin Neighborhood Park a place in which people want to gather.

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And, the desire to install lighting along the section of the bike trail which runs from Terrace St. to Wood
St. will hopefully result in more people to be willing to utilize the bike trail in the early morning and early
evening. With the end goal of making those who live in the neighborhood healthier both physically and

The president of the McLaughlin Neighborhood Association Randy Vander Weit who has experience is
project management. In addition, there are other neighbors such as Bernadette Young, retired Parks
Supervisor of the City of Muskegon, Tom Ohs, retired Facilities Manager for the Hume Home who would aid
in making sure that those who are hired to complete the various projects do so.

As mentioned above, the hopes are to install a Thrive 450, an inclusive see saw, swings, new fencing, a
kiosk, ADA approved portable restrooms and picnic tables, the wrought iron fence repainted, a section
of underground sprinkling installed, a new riding lawn mower, a motorized lawn mower, and lighting on
the section of the bike in the McLaughlin neighborhood that doesn't have lighting.

Adding these elements at the McLaughlin Community Park and lighting along the section of the bike
path are ongoing efforts of the McLaughlin Neighborhood Association. As a neighborhood association,
we are always seeking ways to make the McLaughlin neighborhood a more inclusive and safer place to
live, play, work, and worship.

The McLaughlin Neighborhood Association would be contracting with Sinclair-Recreation for the
installation of the Thrive 450, the inclusive see saw, and the swing set. We would be contracting with
Family Fence Company for the replacement of the existing wooden fence and the addition of the chain
link fence. The repainting of the wrought iron fence would be contracted to Gordon Painting, a
McLaughlin business. Avdek Landscaping would install the underground sprinkling. The kiosk would be
purchased from The Graphic House, a business just outside the McLaughlin neighborhood. Home Depot
would be the place from which a riding lawn mower and a motorized lawn mower would be purchased.
ADA approved picnic tables would be purchased through Pilot Rock and an ADA approved portable
restroom from PolyJohn based on approval received from Brad Hastings, Advocacy & Certified ADA
Coordinator for Disability Network West Michigan.

The discussion about what items to include in the ARPA grant application was discussed at the most
recent McLaughlin Neighborhood Association meeting. In addition, being individuals who live, play,
work, and worship in the McLaughlin neighborhood, we are engaged in on-going conversations with
McLaughlin residents and hear what their desires are for the neighborhood.

There are no specific training needed to carry out the desire of the McLaughlin Neighborhood
Association as all projects will be contracted out.

The long-term strategies for funding the maintenance of the new elements that would be installed are
continued grant writing and fundraising efforts.

The final rule clarifies that recipients may use funds for programs, services, and capital expenditures that
respond to the public health and negative economic impacts of the pandemic. Along these line, in March
of '20, the McLaughlin Community Park was shut taped off from use due to the belief that COVID-19
could be transmitted through touching a surface that had been touched by some with COVID. The
unavailability of the playground equipment to children who were not able to attend school, afterschool
activities, weekend sports leagues result in further negative impacts on the physical health of children

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who live in the McLaughlin neighborhood. In addition, their social health was also negatively impacted
as they were unable to gather at the Park with their friends. In addition, the social health of the parents
of these children was also negatively impacted as the parents no longer where taking their children to
the Park to watch them play. Finally, the mental health of both the children and the parents was
negatively impacted as it has been shown that physical movement leads to better mental health as
endorphins invigorate the mind. By adding new elements at the McLaughlin Community Park and
lighting on the bike trail, there will be increased opportunities to reverse the negative mental, physical,
and social impacts that occurred during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.


The plan for evaluating the success of the program will be dependent on whether or not the different
contractors will be able to complete the projects for which they will be paid. The main barrier that may
come in to play would be the availability of the product and the timeframe in which the contractor
would have a crew available to do the work.

As with the pavilion that was built at the McLaughlin Community Park, we foresee certain elements of
what we desire to do with the ARPA funds to be things that either the City of other neighborhood
associations could duplicate. We are willing to share contact information and best practices with anyone
who requests it.

The beauty of the project is that the evaluation of the project requires active involvement. We
anticipate seeing an increase in activity at the McLaughlin Community Park and on the McLaughlin
neighborhood portion of the bike trail and if we don't see an increase of use the evaluation would be
that we did not listen well to our neighbors.

Budget Narrative/Justification

The McLaughlin Neighborhood Association is able to put $5,000.00 toward completion of this project. In
addition, we hope to secure funding from the Community and Neighborhood Services Department's
NAM grant for a beautification project. Finally, we will be applying for microgrant project funding that is
being offered through the Michigan Municipal League Foundation.

Priority list of projects:
1. Thrive 450, inclusive see saw, and swing set
2. Replacement of wooden fence
3. Installation of kiosk
4. Repainting of wrought iron fence
5. Purchase of ADA approved portable restroom and picnic tables
6. Installation of section of sprinkling system
7. Purchase of lawn mowers
8. Installation of lighting on the bike trail

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Nelson Neighborhood Improvement Association

Project Name

Growing Together- Transforming Community Gardens in Nelson Neighborhood

Requested       $168,000                         Total Project Cost       $168,000

Executive Summary

The Nelson Neighborhood Improvement Association (NNIA) is applying for a grant in the amount of
$168,000 from the City of Muskegon's American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to transform the three existing
community gardens in the neighborhood. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the
marginalized neighborhood, with limited access to fresh and healthy food. The gardens have been an
important source of fresh produce for residents in the past, but due to the pandemic, they have not
been able to operate at full capacity. The target population for this project is Nelson neighbors living in
the community, primarily made up of low-income households that face economic, social, and
environmental disparities.

The grant funds will help bridge the gap between the current state of the gardens and the desired
outcome of creating a more sustainable, vibrant, and productive community space. NNIA Gardeners
have strong organizational and leadership skills to manage the grant and coordinate with volunteers
effectively. The project's goals are to transform the gardens, increase community engagement and
participation, and provide education and resources to support sustainable gardening practices.

The project's measurable objectives include expanding the capacity of the gardens, improving their
overall health, and creating a safe and welcoming space for all neighbors to come together, learn about
gardening and healthy food choices, and build relationships with one another. The project plan includes
enhancing the infrastructure and design of the gardens, adding new beds and composting efforts, and
expanding the Club 188 Garden Class program for children.

The Nelson Neighborhood community garden has been a valuable asset to the community for several
years. The garden provides fresh produce to local residents, serves as a space for community gatherings
and events, and offers a valuable educational opportunity for children and adults alike. However, the
garden has faced several challenges, including limited resources and accessibility.

To address these challenges, our team proposes a series of improvements to the community gardens,
including the installation of raised garden beds, improved irrigation systems, and the addition of a
composting area that will be well designed and attractive. These improvements will not only increase
the productivity and accessibility of the garden but also promote sustainable and environmentally
friendly practices.

Moreover, these improvements will have a positive impact on the built environment of the Nelson
Neighborhood. The addition of raised garden beds and other improvements will enhance the visual
appeal of the garden, creating a more attractive and welcoming space for neighbors. Additionally, the

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garden will serve as a model for sustainable urban agriculture practices, highlighting the importance of
community gardens in promoting food security and environmental sustainability.

Overall, the proposed transformation to the Nelson Neighborhood community garden will help to
address the challenges faced by the garden, increase its productivity and accessibility, and promote
sustainable urban agriculture practices. These improvements will also have a positive impact on the built
environment of the neighborhood, creating a more attractive and sustainable community space.
This project is ongoing and has been a valuable resource for the neighborhood, not just as a source of
fresh produce, but also as a space for community building and education. The gardens contribute to the
overall beautification and ecological health of the neighborhood by providing a green space and
promoting the use of native plants.

The objective of the NNIA Gardens Committee is to build and maintain community gardens that provide
fresh, healthy produce to the local community and promote sustainable living practices. We believe this
improves the quality of life for residents in the Nelson neighborhood by creating accessible outdoor
spaces for community members to gather and learn about gardening. Their goals include rebuilding
three community gardens, creating accessible beds for individuals with mobility challenges, providing
educational opportunities, and promoting community connections. NNIA Garden Committee is
committed to sustainability, inclusivity, and community involvement, and aims to fund their projects
through a combination of grants, donations, and membership dues.

Overall, the grant funds will help to overcome the challenges faced by the gardens and continue to
provide a valuable resource for the neighborhood for years to come.

Purpose of Grant

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on this marginalized neighborhood, which already
faced many challenges prior to the pandemic. Access to fresh and healthy food is limited in this area,
and many neighbors take public transportation to the grocery store. The community gardens have been
an important source of fresh produce for residents in the past, but due to the pandemic, they were not
able to operate at full capacity. The grant funds will help overcome the gap in the provision of fresh and
healthy food to the residents of the Nelson Neighborhood.

The neighborhood is also undergoing significant changes due to new housing development and an influx
of new residents. The community gardens serve as an important hub for community building and
connection between long-time residents and new arrivals. By improving the gardens, we hope to
provide a safe and welcoming space for all neighbors to come together, learn about gardening and
healthy food choices, and build relationships with one another.

NNIA requesting grant funds to transform the three community gardens in the neighborhood. The Mike
Miller, Saturday Breakfast, and Roger Allison Gardens. Two of these gardens have been built on
brownfield sites where houses used to be, resulting in uneven ground and noxious weeds and grasses
that make gardening difficult. Moreover, the gardens have been added to year-after-year without an
overall landscape design, creating a less than optimal environment for growing and appearance.
The target population for this project are Nelson neighbors living in this community, which is primarily
made up of low-income households and has a diverse population, the majority of who are low-income
and face economic, social, and environmental disparities.

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By enhancing the gardens, we will provide fresh produce to the community, which is important since
many residents live in a food desert. Additionally, the gardens will serve as a community gathering space
that fosters social connections and provides a sense of pride for the residents. Finally, the gardens
empower residents to become more self-sufficient and contribute to the local economy.

The gardens serve as a valuable resource for the neighborhood, not just as a source of fresh produce,
but also as a space for community building and education. Many of the gardeners are low-income
families and seniors who rely on the gardens for supplemental food. The addition of the Club 188
Garden Class provides a unique opportunity for children to learn about gardening, healthy eating habits,
and environmental stewardship.

Furthermore, the gardens contribute to the overall beautification and ecological health of the
neighborhood by providing a green space and promoting the use of native plants. The addition of new
beds and composting efforts will help to expand the capacity of the gardens and improve their overall
health. As of March 2023, all of the beds in the three gardens are already reserved and the Garden
Committee is turning interested gardeners away.

In light of the impact of COVID-19 on the neighborhood, the gardens are more important than ever as
they provide a safe outdoor space for residents to gather and socialize while maintaining physical
distancing. The grant funds will help to address the challenges faced by the gardens, including uneven
and difficult terrain and lack of an overall landscape design. With improved infrastructure and design,
the gardens can continue to be a valuable resource for the neighborhood for years to come.

Overall, the grant funds will help to bridge the gap between the current state of the gardens and the
desired outcome of creating a more sustainable, vibrant, and productive community space.

Description of the capacity or ability of the applicant to accomplish the activity it proposes, achieve its
goals, and manage the grant through qualified staff, volunteers and administrative leadership.
To achieve its goals of transforming each of the three gardens and manage the grant effectively, NNIA
Gardeners have the following capacities or abilities:

1. Gardening knowledge and skills: The gardeners have the knowledge and skills needed to cultivate and
maintain the gardens. This includes knowledge of soil preparation, planting, watering, fertilizing, pest
control, and harvesting. They should also be familiar with the types of plants that grow well in the local
climate and the best practices for gardening in the specific soil conditions.
2. Organizational and leadership skills: NNIA has strong organizational and leadership skills to manage
the grant and coordinate with volunteers effectively. This includes the ability to delegate tasks,
communicate effectively with volunteers, and manage resources such as time, budget, and materials.
3. Volunteer management: NNIA has the ability to recruit, train, and manage volunteers effectively. This
includes developing job descriptions, training volunteers, and coordinating volunteer schedules.
4. Project management: NNIA has the ability to manage the project effectively, including developing
project timelines, tracking progress, and ensuring that the project stays on budget.
5. Financial management: NNIA has the ability to manage finances effectively, including budgeting,
financial reporting, and managing grant funds in compliance with the grant requirements.
6. Communication skills: NNIA leaders have strong communication skills to effectively communicate with
stakeholders, including volunteers, funders, and community members. This includes the ability to
develop clear and concise written and verbal communications.

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By having these capacities or abilities, NNIA is well-equipped to achieve its goals of rebuilding each of
the three gardens and manage the grant effectively through qualified volunteers such as Michael Belt
and leadership.

Description of project goals and outcomes, measurable objectives, action plans, and statements as to
whether this is a new or ongoing part of the sponsoring organization.

The project aims to transform the three community gardens in the Nelson Neighborhood, making them
more accessible, functional, and visually appealing while providing resources and education to support
sustainable gardening practices. The ultimate goal is to increase community engagement and
participation in the gardens while improving the built environment of the neighborhood.

To achieve these objectives, the project will create accessible raised beds to accommodate individuals
with mobility challenges, develop a gathering area with seating and shade for use as an educational
space, and increase community engagement and participation in the gardens. The project will also
increase the yield and variety of fresh produce grown in the gardens to provide healthy food options for
the residents. In addition, the project will provide gardening education and training for participants,
including workshops and materials on organic gardening practices, composting, and food preservation.
The measurable objectives of the project include increasing the number of gardeners using the
community gardens by 20%, installing 10 new garden beds, and improving pathways and seating areas
within the first six months of the project. The project will also design and install accessible raised beds in
each of the three gardens and establish a gathering area with seating and shade in at least one of the

The action plans for the project include developing a garden design plan that includes new garden beds,
improved pathways and seating areas, and an overall landscape design. The project will procure
necessary materials, including soil, plants, and gardening tools, in addition to hiring qualified contractors
we will recruit volunteers to assist with garden renovations and ongoing maintenance, and conduct
educational workshops on sustainable gardening practices. The project will also establish a system for
garden bed allocation and management, including maintenance schedules and guidelines for gardeners,
and monitor and evaluate progress towards project goals.

Finally, the project will conduct community surveys to gather input on accessibility and educational
needs for the gardens, engage local landscapers or garden designers to create a cohesive overall plan for
the garden spaces, purchase materials and supplies for accessible raised beds, gathering area, and
educational resources, and partner with local organizations to provide gardening education and training
workshops. The project will regularly assess progress towards goals and objectives, and adjust plans as
needed to ensure success, carried out through a combination of qualified volunteers and leadership,
including members of the NNIA Garden Committee and Nelson Neighbors who are interested in
participating in the project.

Project Goals:

• Transform the three community gardens in Nelson Neighborhood to make them more accessible,
functional and aesthetically pleasing.
• Increase community engagement and participation in the gardens.
• Provide education and resources to support sustainable gardening practices.

                                                                                                 31 | P a g e
• Increased number of gardeners using the community gardens.
• Improved accessibility and functionality of the gardens through installation of new garden beds,
pathways, and seating areas.
• Improved aesthetics of the gardens through implementation of an overall landscape design and
installation of native plants and flowers.
• Increased knowledge and use of sustainable gardening practices among gardeners.
• Increased availability of fresh, healthy produce for residents of Nelson Neighborhood.
• Enhanced sense of community and connection among residents through shared gardening
• Design and install accessible raised beds to accommodate wheelchair, scooters, and mobility
challenged individuals
• Create a gathering area with seating and shade for use as an educational space
• Increase community engagement and participation in the gardens, including outreach to underserved
and marginalized populations
• Increase the yield and variety of fresh produce grown in the gardens to increase access to healthy food
options for residents
• Improve overall aesthetic and usability of the garden spaces, including addressing uneven terrain and
adding additional compost and mulch as needed
• Provide gardening education and training for participants, including workshops and materials on
organic gardening practices, composting, and food preservation
Measurable Objectives:
• Increase the number of gardeners using the community gardens by 20% within the first year of the
• Install 10 new garden beds and improve pathways and seating areas within the first six months of the
• Install an overall landscape design within the first year of the project.
• Conduct at least 4 educational workshops on sustainable gardening practices for gardeners and
community members within the first year of the project.
• Increase the amount of produce harvested from the gardens by 15% within the first year of the
• Design and install at least 2 accessible raised beds in each of the three gardens
• Install a gathering area with seating and shade in at least one of the gardens
• Increase the number of community members participating in the gardens by at least 20%, as measured
by sign-up sheets and attendance at events
• Conduct at least 3 educational workshops or events for garden participants and the community at
large, as measured by event attendance and participant feedback
Action Plans:
• Develop a garden design plan that includes new garden beds, improved pathways and seating areas,
and an overall landscape design.
• Procure necessary materials, including soil, plants, and gardening tools.
• Recruit volunteers to assist with garden renovations and ongoing maintenance.
• Conduct educational workshops on sustainable gardening practices.
• Establish a system for garden bed allocation and management, including maintenance schedules and
guidelines for gardeners.
• Monitor and evaluate progress towards project goals and make adjustments as necessary.
• Conducting a community survey to gather input on accessibility and educational needs for the gardens
• Engaging local landscapers or garden designers to create a cohesive overall plan for the garden spaces

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• Purchasing materials and supplies for accessible raised beds, gathering area, and educational
• Hosting outreach events to increase community participation and awareness of the gardens
• Partnering with local organizations to provide gardening education and training workshops
• Regularly assessing progress towards goals and objectives, and adjusting plans as needed to ensure

These action plans will be carried out through a combination of qualified volunteers and leadership,
including members of the NNIA Garden Committee and community members who are interested in
participating in the project.

The proposed community garden project aligns with several of the City of Muskegon's Consolidated Plan
goals. Specifically, it supports

Goal 1: Destination Community & Quality of Life, by improving the amenities in the neighborhood,
including the appearance of the gardens themselves. This will contribute to enhancing the quality of life
for residents and visitors, making it a more attractive destination community. Additionally, improving
the gardens' appearance and accessibility can positively impact the surrounding housing quality and
property values.

It also supports Goal 2: Economic Development, Housing, and Business, by providing opportunities for
residents to participate in the local food system and potentially even sell their produce.
Additionally, it supports Goal 3: Community Connection, by providing a space for residents to come
together and connect with each other, while also increasing communication and collaboration between
community members and local government.

Finally, it could potentially support Goal 4: Financial Infrastructure, by generating revenue through the
sale of produce and potentially attracting new businesses to the area.

List of other partners in the project and their roles.

• Gardeners: They will play a vital role in cultivating the gardens, tending to the plants, and maintaining
the space throughout the growing season.
• Preferred Employment and Living Supports (PELS): PELS provides high-quality care, training, and
opportunities for people with disabilities, mental illness, and other life challenges. They will assist with
mowing the grass and maintaining the gardens.
• City Neighborhood Services: The City Neighborhood Services will provide grant funds for the project.
• Central United Methodist Church: Central United Methodist Church will provide volunteers to help
with the garden project. They also provide the lot for the Mike Miller Garden.
• First Congregational Church: First Congregational Church will provide volunteers to help with the
garden project. They provide financial support for the garden and provide the lot for the Saturday
Breakfast Garden, utilizing the produce from the garden for their feeding programs.
• Mt. Zion's Club 188 Summer Program: Mt. Zion's Club 188 Summer Program provides opportunities for
children to learn about gardening and sustainable food practices. They provide support for the Mike
Miller Garden and incorporate the garden in their Summer program. The children grow food which is
donated to the Kid’s Food Basket. They will also help maintain the garden throughout the growing

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• YMCA: YMCA gardens in a couple of beds in the Mike Miller Garden to grow produce they use for their
food security programs.
• Kid’s Food Basket: KFB uses food they grow in our garden to provide nutritious meals to children.

List of similar existing projects or agencies, if any, and explain how your agency or proposal differs, and
what effort will be made to work cooperatively.

There are various community gardens throughout the city. However, our gardens are specifically located
within walking distance to neighbors in Nelson and within 2 blocks of three senior housing complexes,
making it more accessible and convenient for the target population. Our proposal aims to not only
improve the physical infrastructure of the gardens, but also provide educational programming and
accessibility features to better serve the needs of our community.

We will collaborate with other community gardens and gardening organizations to share resources,
knowledge, and best practices. We pursue partnerships with local businesses and organizations in our
neighborhood to sponsor and support our programming and events. We will continue to work closely
with the City Neighborhood Services, Preferred Employment and Living Supports, Kid's Food Basket, and
the YMCA to coordinate efforts and share resources in addressing food insecurity and promoting healthy
food access for our neighbors.

Description of the active involvement of constituents in defining problems to be addressed, making
policy, and planning the program.

The NNIA Garden Committee is comprised of active gardeners who are directly involved in defining the
problems to be addressed, making policies, and planning the program. The gardeners are the main
constituents who are actively involved in the decision-making process of the program.

The committee meets regularly to discuss issues and concerns regarding the gardens, and all gardeners
are invited to participate in the discussions. The gardeners provide valuable input on how to improve
the gardens, what needs to be addressed, and what policies should be implemented.

In addition, the NNIA Garden Committee seeks feedback from the larger community by conducting
surveys and holding community meetings. This allows the community to provide input on the program
and ensures that the program meets the needs of the target population.

The garden committee has actively engaged with the community through social media, posting updates
and pictures of the gardens on a dedicated Facebook page called "Nelson Gardens". This page serves as
a platform for neighbors to share their experiences and provide feedback on the project. The committee
also holds regular meetings open to all gardeners and interested community members to discuss issues
and make decisions on the direction of the project. Through these efforts, the community has played an
integral role in defining problems and shaping the program to meet the needs of the neighborhood.
The active involvement of the constituents ensures that the program is tailored to meet the needs
neighbors and is responsive to their concerns. The NNIA Garden Committee works collaboratively with
the gardeners and the larger community to ensure that the program is effective in achieving its goals.

Description of the qualifications of key staff and volunteers, if any, that will ensure the success of the
program. List of specific staff training needs for this project.

                                                                                                 34 | P a g e
The program will rely on the expertise of experienced gardeners in the community who will serve as
volunteers and mentors for newer gardeners. The program relies heavily on qualified volunteers,
including Preferred Employment and Living Supports for garden upkeep, and volunteers from local
churches and community organizations for various tasks.

To ensure the success of the program, key staff and volunteers must have a combination of horticultural
knowledge, community organizing skills, and leadership experience. Mike Belt, a landscape design and
architect, will bring his expertise in designing and implementing a comprehensive landscape plan for the
gardens. Lora Swenson, the current Garden Chair, has 10 years of experience in organizing and teaching
gardening to neighbors, gardeners, and children, and Ann Craig, another Garden Chair and gardener, has
been involved in the community gardens since their creation. Lindsey from Wild Dawn Farms has
experience in leadership and teaching skills, which will be invaluable in guiding and training volunteers.
In addition, the garden committee has actively engaged with the community through social media,
posting updates and pictures of the gardens on a dedicated Facebook page called "Nelson Gardens".
This page serves as a platform for neighbors to share their experiences and provide feedback on the
project. The committee also holds regular meetings open to all gardeners and interested community
members to discuss issues and make decisions on the direction of the project. Through these efforts, the
community has played an integral role in defining problems and shaping the program to meet the needs
of the neighborhood.

Specific staff training needs for this project include horticultural knowledge, community organizing skills,
and leadership development. Training in sustainable gardening practices, composting, and irrigation will
also be necessary to ensure the success of the gardens. Additionally, volunteers will need training in
working with individuals with disabilities, mental illness, and other life challenges to ensure an inclusive
and welcoming environment for all members of the community.

Long-term strategies for funding this project at end of grant period.

NNIA supports the community gardens through a variety of funding sources. Gardeners are required to
pay an annual membership fee of $5, which helps cover some of the costs associated with maintaining
the gardens. In addition, the gardens receive donations from First Congregational Church and Zion
Church, which are used to purchase equipment, supplies, and plants. NNIA also budgets a portion of the
annual funds allotted to the association from its endowment fund to support the community gardens.
These ongoing funding sources will ensure the long-term sustainability of the gardens beyond the grant

Describe how this request is compliant with the ARPA Final Rule

A snapshot of Nelson Neighborhood – Substandard Housing (4th Most, 76 Households); Renter Cost
Burden (Highest, 67%); Owner Cost Burdened (Highest, 26.8%); Use Public Transit (Highest, 3.1 %);
Population Growth 2022-'27 (Most, 219 People); Poverty Rate (2nd Highest, 35.8%); Median Household
Income (Lowest, $25,858); Renter Share Earning <$30k (Highest, 73.4%); Apartment Occupancy Rate
(Lowest, 96.1%); For-Sale Supply Availability (2nd Least, 4 Homes)

The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected marginalized communities, including low-
income neighborhoods like Nelson. These communities often lack access to healthy food options and
green spaces, which can contribute to poor health outcomes. Community gardens have the potential to

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address these issues by providing access to fresh, locally-grown produce and creating outdoor spaces for
physical activity and community engagement.
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) recognizes the need to address the impacts of the pandemic on
neighborhoods like ours and provides funding to support economic recovery and community
development efforts. By investing in the Nelson Neighborhood community gardens, this proposal aligns
with the ARPA's goals of supporting vulnerable populations and building resilient communities. The
funds will be used to improve the existing gardens, making them more accessible and sustainable, and
will provide opportunities for residents to engage in healthy outdoor activities, build community
connections, and access fresh, nutritious produce.


The success of the community garden transformation will be evaluated through various measures that
will demonstrate the effectiveness of the program in achieving its goals. The project will be evaluated
based on the number of neighbors who have access to fresh produce and the number of volunteers who
actively participate in garden maintenance and educational programming. The evaluation process will
include regular surveys and feedback from the community members, gardeners, volunteers, and partner

Furthermore, the project will be evaluated based on its ability to improve the quality of life and overall
health of the surrounding neighborhoods. Success will be measured through the reduction of food
insecurity rates and an increase in healthy eating habits. The project will also be evaluated based on its
ability to foster a sense of community and connection among residents.

The evaluation plan will include data collection and analysis on the number of gardeners and volunteer
hours. The project team will also conduct regular site visits and progress reports to ensure that the
project is on track to meet its goals. The evaluation plan will be reviewed and updated regularly to
ensure that the program is operating effectively and efficiently.

The project team is committed to continuous improvement and will use the evaluation data to make
necessary adjustments to the program. The ultimate goal is to create a sustainable program that
benefits the community in the long term.

Description of how evaluation results will be used and/or disseminated and, if appropriate, how the
project will be replicated.

The evaluation results will be used to assess the effectiveness of the project in achieving its goals and
objectives. The project team will analyze the data collected during the evaluation to identify areas of
success and areas for improvement. The results will also be used to identify best practices and lessons
learned that can be applied to future projects.

The evaluation results will be disseminated within the neighborhood through various channels such as
community meetings, newsletters, social media, and the organization's website. Additionally, we will
share the results with funders and partners. As for replication, the organization can share their approach
and lessons learned with other grassroots organizations or community gardens in the area to help them
develop similar projects.

Description of the active involvement of constituents in evaluating the program

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To ensure active involvement of constituents in evaluating the program, the garden committee
comprised of gardeners and neighbors will play an integral role in the evaluation process. The
committee will be responsible for providing feedback on the program's effectiveness in achieving its
goals, identifying areas of improvement, and suggesting modifications to the program as needed. In
addition, the committee will conduct regular meetings with program staff to discuss the evaluation
results and provide input on any changes that need to be made to the program. The committee will also
be involved in disseminating the evaluation results to other community members and stakeholders
through various channels, such as community meetings, social media, and newsletters. Overall, the
active involvement of constituents in evaluating the program will help to ensure that the program is
meeting the needs of the community and is responsive to the feedback and suggestions of those it

Budget Narrative/Justification

A list of amounts requested of other foundations, corporations and other funding sources to which this
proposal has been submitted.
We have not submitted this proposal to any other foundations, corporations, or funding sources. We
believe that this grant proposal aligns perfectly with the goals and values of the ARPA Community Grant
and we are excited about the potential for collaboration to make a positive impact in the Nelson
Neighborhood. Our Garden Committee has worked to develop a comprehensive plan that addresses the
specific needs of neighbors and promotes sustainable gardening practices. We are confident that our
plan will yield significant results and create a lasting impact in the community. Thank you for considering
our proposal.

List of priority items in the proposed budget, in the event we are unable to meet your full request.
Thank you for considering our proposal. In the event that we are unable to receive the full amount of
funding requested, we have identified a list of priority items within our proposed budget that we believe
are essential to the success of this project:

    1. Making the Gardens Accessible: Ensuring that the gardens are accessible to all members of the
       community is a top priority for this project. Therefore, if we are unable to meet the full request,
       the budget should prioritize the installation of accessible raised beds and the creation of
       gathering areas with seating and shade. This will allow individuals who use wheelchairs,
       scooters, or have mobility challenges to easily participate in gardening activities and educational
       events. In addition, creating gathering areas with seating and shade will provide a space for
       community members to come together and learn about sustainable gardening practices. This
       will help increase community engagement and participation in the gardens. By prioritizing the
       accessibility of the gardens, we can ensure that all members of the Nelson Neighborhood
       community have the opportunity to participate in gardening activities and benefit from the
       project's outcomes.

    2. Procurement of necessary materials: We require soil, plants, and gardening tools to create the
       accessible raised beds, implement the landscape design, and improve the overall functionality of
       the garden spaces. We request that this item be funded at the full amount.

    3. Install Irrigation Systems: Ensuring that the community gardens receive adequate water is
       crucial to the success of the project. Currently, the gardens rely solely on rainwater and manual

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watering, which is not always sufficient, particularly during periods of drought. To address this
issue, the installation of an irrigation system is a high priority. The irrigation system will include
drip irrigation and soaker hoses to deliver water directly to the plants' roots, reducing water
waste and ensuring that the water reaches the plants where it is needed most. The system will
also include a timer to ensure that the gardens are consistently watered even when volunteers
are not available to water manually. With the installation of an irrigation system, the gardens
will become more efficient and productive, resulting in increased yields of fresh produce for the
Nelson Neighborhood.

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West Michigan Concert WINDS

Project Name

Blue Lake Scholarships for Muskegon Band/Orchestra Students

Requested       $50,000                  Total Project Cost       $50,000

Executive Summary

The West Michigan Concert WINDS (WMCW), in partnership with the Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp, would
like to provide City of Muskegon middle school and high school band / orchestra students the ability to
attend Blue Lake Fine Arts summer music camps during the 2023 - 2026 timeframe, if there is an
identified financial need and an interest by students in advancing their musical skills.

COVID-19 pandemic created financial hardships for many families, due to limitations to income and
continuing inflationary costs of living, particularly for those at lower socio-economic levels. It also
created gaps and delays in learning and placed social and emotional stresses on families.

The WMCW members understand the impact that music has on the development of young minds. In a
research study conducted by Peter Gouzouasis at the University of British Columbia, involving 112,916
public school students in Canada, it was found that students who play a musical instrument in
elementary and continued playing in high school, scored about one academic year ahead of their non-
music peers in English, Mathematics, and Science. (Christopher Bergland, (2019) Music Participation is
Linked to Teens' Academic Achievement', US). In addition, it has been shown that, compared to other
students, those with high arts engagement, including music, exhibit higher levels of self-concept in how
they value themselves. (Catterall, et al (1999) Involvement in Arts and Human Development, Journal of
Research in Music Education, 62(4), 389-404). Cooperative music-making experiences which occur in
group settings can positively impact participating student's proclivity for empathetic thinking and
behavior. (Laird (2015). Empathy in Classroom: Can Music Bring Us More in Tune with One Anther?,
Music Educators Journal, 101(4), 56 - 61). Also, it has also been shown that students that have the
opportunity to express themselves, develop interpersonal skills, such as collaboration, communication,
and conflict resolution (Farrington, et al, (2019), Arts Education and Social-Emotional Learning Outcomes
among K-12 Students. Chicago, IL: Ingenuity and the University of Chicago Consortium on School

In other words, providing opportunities for students to grow in their musical skills can offset some of the
negative outcomes created by the pandemic.

Armed with this knowledge, the WMCW has been providing partial scholarships to middle school and
high school students for the last 36 years. What we have discovered, is that some students who could
benefit from the wonderful camp experience provided by Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp, are unable to fund
the remaining balance required to actually attend. That is why we would like to offer full-ride
scholarships to students with financial need in the City of Muskegon. We feel that this fits well with the
intended goals of the ARPA program - to meet the needs of the underserved, who have experienced the
impacts exacerbated by the COVID pandemic.

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If the award is made, funds would cover the cost of attending Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp for a 2 week
session and the cost of the uniform that students are required to wear during their time at Blue Lake

Purpose of Grant

The target audience is middle school and high school band and orchestra students who express an
interest in attending Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp and exhibit a financial need.

The WMCW is attempting to minimize the negative impacts created by COVID-19 on students, due to
financial strain, educational loss, and social emotional impacts. We believe that the experience of
attending Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp provides an opportunity to experience the fun of camp while
expanding their musical proficiency. This can be a life-changing experience.

The WMCW has provided over 115 partial scholarships to middle and high school band students over
the last 36 years. We are aware that some students who would like to apply for a scholarship, are
unable to pay the remaining balance of the fee to attend camp. We would like to offer the opportunity
to use the ARPA money to provide full-ride scholarships to eligible students living in the City of
Muskegon. Blue Lake Camp staff that visit the local middle / high schools would help to communicate
the scholarship opportunity to students; Blue Lake would use their normal process for determining
financial eligibility; the WMCW music director, Gail Brechting, would notify students that the scholarship
has been awarded; and the WMCW treasurer (a CMA) would maintain the grant funds in a separate
fund and forward the money to Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp for the students given a scholarship, as we
have for our own scholarship awards.

The WMCW's facilitation of this process is consistent with our mission to support the development of
the performing arts in the area and to promote the development of local area high school musicians.
Support of students enhances the strength of band and orchestra programs in the area and the social
emotional health of those who live in our community.

Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp will benefit by increasing the number of students attending camp, which will
financially enable them to expand their support of young musicians. Blue Lake definitely felt the impact
of the pandemic, as they had to close the camp in 2020 and have gradually been building back to pre-
pandemic levels. This resource is a great source of support for area youth and adult musicians, right in
our own back yard.

The project goals include:
- Provide an opportunity to attend Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp to City of Muskegon music students who
would not otherwise be able to access this resource.
- To provide City of Muskegon youth with exposure to the healing benefits of music to offset the social
and emotional impacts incurred during the pandemic.
- To enhance the music proficiency of students in the Muskegon schools.
- Develop a 'buddy' system between students awarded scholarships and band / orchestra members,
whereby adult members would commit to attending scholarship recipient's concerts as a sign of support
and comradery.

Outcomes will be measured as follows:
- Number of students served

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- Student feedback post experience
- Feedback from local Muskegon area band / orchestra conductors
- % of students who experience the support of a 'musical buddy'.

Full-ride scholarships will be awarded through the summer of 2026.

This project fits nicely into the ARPA Final Rule as both the WMCW and our partner, BLFAC are non-
profit organizations who are attempting 'to provide a program / service to mitigate financial hardship
such as declines in
revenues or increased costs, or technical assistance' to Muskegon City residents.


Outcomes will be measured:

- Number of students served - Success will be demonstrated by awarding 26 students a scholarship over
the 4-year grant timeline
- Student feedback post experience - Students will complete a survey following their camp experience.
Results will be used to improve the experience in the future.
- Feedback from local Muskegon area band / orchestra conductors - Band directors will be asked about
the impact that the camp has had on their band / orchestra student. Results will be used to improve the
- % of students who experience the support of a 'musical buddy'. success will be demonstrated if 100%
of students receiving the scholarship have been assigned a musical 'buddy' who attends at least one
concert in which the student performs.

Budget Narrative/Justification

We have not requested funds from other foundations / funding sources.

If unable to meet the full cost of items within our budget, we would limit the number of scholarships
given to students. Currently the budget is designed to cover the cost of 26 scholarship awardees.

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Pioneer Resources, Inc.

Project Name

Pioneer Resources Walking Path in the Marquette Neighborhood

Requested       $200,000                 Total Project Cost      $209,690.00

Executive Summary

Pioneer Resources owns property at 1145 and 1175 East Wesley Street. This property is west of US 31
and borders ten acres of unused green space owned by the City of Muskegon. Both the City’s and
Pioneer Resources’ properties border two acres in this area that are often the site of discarded tires and
other large pieces of castoff garbage.

The Pioneer Resources front-facing three acres of property currently houses program site buildings for
services for seniors, youth diagnosed with Autism and Adults with varying disabilities. Our agency is
requesting ARPA grant to support the development of a paved, accessible, community walking path with
quiet resting points and seating along the walkway that will bring residents through the wooded, hillside
of the unused green space on the back two acres of the Pioneer Resources’ Property that meets the City
of Muskegon’s unused wooded area. This paved walking path could potentially connect with the existing
paved path that goes through Ryerson Creek.

This walking path would offer an immersion into nature, peaceful strolls, and a place for exercise. Our
agency hopes to invite our community to utilize this walkway and join in creating natural gardens along
the paths that are accessible to all. Further, our agency would encourage the path to be utilized by those
who have dogs with our intent to provide path accessories that include dog waste bags and collection

Creating opportunities for community is the mission of our organization and we feel the accessibility of
this effort will benefit many while creating a wonderful ability to preserve this green space for our
community. According to the US Census Bureau, Muskegon County has 19,000 residents with disabilities
under the age of 65. If you include those over 65 it would include another 29,000 residents. Accessibility
is key in meeting the needs of these 48,000 residents. Community is critical to our Culture at Pioneer
Resources and this project can meet the needs to improve the unused property and create a benefit to
48,000 County residents. This project will improve the value of these properties and local properties
while creating a way that all members of the community can come together in an accessible space
where nature is the focus.

Purpose of Grant

Creating opportunities for participation in the community for the participants and seniors is the mission
of Pioneer Resources. This project will not only provide an accessible opportunity for participation for
residents in the City of Muskegon, but also help preserve this green space in the City.

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The participants served by Pioneer Resources and the residents in the Marquette Neighborhood need
more outdoor recreational options and this is the target population this grant request aims to serve.
Currently, the only parks and recreational opportunities in this neighborhood are Beukema Playfield,
Ryerson Creek, and Fourmile Creek and at this time there are not any immediate additions included in
the City of Muskegon Parks and Recreation 5 Year Plan. The proposed walking trail would address the
gap between the limited recreational offerings presently available in the Marquette Neighborhood and
the desire for more recreational options and connecting existing sidewalks walking route options.

Pioneer Resources is dedicated to working in partnership with the City of Muskegon to oversee the
construction and production of this walking path. Our administrative staff is dedicated to maintain
records of grant funding and to produce reporting to accurately reflect grant fund spent for the project
that can be available to the public. Our qualified staff has capacity to help oversee the construction of
the path. Once completed, our agency is committed to leading the efforts from our agency and with the
neighborhood association to maintain that the path is clean, clear, and accessible.

Participants of Pioneer Resources’ Senior Services, Leisure and Recreation Club, Community Living
Support Services, and Applied Behavior Analysis Programs will directly benefit from access to this
walking trail. Although these services are accessed through our agency, Pioneer Resources works in
partnership with HealthWest, LifeCircles PACE, Michigan Rehabilitation Services, the MAISD, and Senior
Resources to provide these services and these partners would be invited and encouraged to utilize this
walking path for their programming!

The Community Foundation for Muskegon County has granted the agency with $7,351 to support this
project from the William Munroe Memorial Friends of the Disabled Fund.

Pioneer Resources recognizes the various walking trails and recreational opportunities throughout the
City of Muskegon that add to the incredible quality of life for those that work and live in the City! Our
agency views this new walking trail as a welcome addition to these important offerings and we hope it
highlights the Marquette Neighborhood that does not currently have as many recreational parks and
offerings as other neighborhoods within the City.

Additionally, if this project moves forward, we are excited for the opportunity to utilize the new Parks
and Recreation Advisory Committee to explore opportunities to promote and support this new walking
trail cooperatively alongside the other walking paths and recreational amenities in the City of

Renovations are underway at Pioneer Resources’ Wesley Campus to bring all administrative teams to
the Marquette Neighborhood and to restructure all primary services that have remained at this location
the City of Muskegon. These renovations have been in progress since 2022 and despite the expected
interruptions from an active construction site at the Wesley Campus, there was no interruption of
services provided to over 300 participants location during the last year.

Pioneer Resources currently employs over 150 full time employees who, after construction, will all begin
utilizing these renovated administrative offices at Wesley. In addition to the nearly 500 people
mentioned from our agency, this walking path would be beneficial to the nearly 3,000 residents in the
Marquette Neighborhood. This is a wonderful part of the City of Muskegon with many natural resources
that can be better accessed with this walking path while supporting a healthy lifestyle to those

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Pioneer Resources is committed to offering the utilization of the agency’s maintenance team to
regularly monitor the walking path and path accessories for any needed repair, conservation, and safety.

Following the end of the grant period, our agency anticipates minimal costs related to the walking path
maintenance. The capital needed to construct the walking path is the greatest financial need for this

Those living with a disability are regularly disproportionately supported in our community. Pioneer
Resources works each day to provide opportunities for these individuals to participate in life alongside
each of us with dignity and empowerment to help them reach their personal goals. During the COVID-19
pandemic, this population was disproportionately impacted and continues to still be more severely
impacted post-pandemic. Although protections and restrictions are coming to an end, this population
still needs greater protections than the general public from COVID-19 from our team that works with
them each day.

This Walking Path project provides an accessible opportunity for them to gain recreation in their
communities that is safe and naturally integrates with those that live and work in the Marquette


Pioneer Resources is committed to supporting efforts alongside the City of Muskegon to evaluate the
use and satisfaction of the proposed walking path! Tracking the number of people utilizing the walking
path during the first year will be critical in building the foundation of data to benchmark to in succeeding
years. Ideally, we would present this data to the Marquette Neighborhood Association and Parks and
Recreation Advisory Committee to promote the walking path and its use. These presentations would
also offer constituents the opportunity to provide feedback about the walking path. Further, signage
opportunities along the walking path could allow for options for users to provide feedback all year and
for an annual survey.

Budget Narrative/Justification

The Grant Budget reflects the costs associated to the Walking Path construction and path accessories.
The Grant Budget Plan details how each budget items relates to the Walking Path and where how the
listed costs were calculated. The Community Foundation for Muskegon County has granted the agency
with $7,351 to support this project from the William Munroe Memorial Friends of the Disabled Fund.
The priority of items listed in the proposed budget is first the walking path construction and then the
path accessories.

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Volunteer for Dental

Project Name

Volunteer for Dental - Muskegon

Requested       $50,000                 Total Project Cost       $350,000

Executive Summary

Volunteer For Dental (VFD) is a private, nonprofit, 501(c3) organization established in 2014. Since its
inception, VFD has provided access to underserved adults in Muskegon County for dental care and oral
health education from volunteer dentists in exchange for volunteer service to community partners. Due
to the Covid pandemic, people faced other limitations both economically and socially. Many jettisoned
oral health as other priorities demanded their dwindling incomes. As of 2022, 25% of the adults served
through VFD were under sixty years of age, and very much part of the working poor. Access to dental
care by VFD allowed these clients to secure emergency and preventative care, dentures, and oral health
education that was previously unavailable due to a lack of dental insurance and financial resources.
Dentists affiliated with VFD have extensive experience with this adult population. They are dedicated to
volunteer their time and resources to ensure access to oral health care services for these economically-
challenged clients.

VFD programs can close the gap for those working poor who lack insurance and other resources for oral
health care, yet make too much to qualify for other governmental services. The services they receive
from VFD to improve their oral health will help to mitigate other health problems associated with poor
oral hygiene over the long term. Participants with improved oral health will have greater self-esteem,
and contribute to the social well-being of others in the community as they continue to thrive as part of a
vibrant local economy.

VFD believes in the value of each individual, regardless of financial worth. Dental patients who receive
help through VFD have the ability to make a valuable contribution to Muskegon community through
community service with local nonprofit partners of VFD. This is a win-win program where the
community wins due to the volunteer hours given in the community. The client wins because they
increase their self-worth, boost their self-esteem, receive dental work and improve their health.
Attending an oral health education class and volunteering an initial eight hours are requirements to be
enrolled in the program.

If awarded the City of Muskegon ARPA Community Grand Program funds, Volunteer for Dental will offer
six separate areas of service. The six service areas with estimated number of participants and funding
follows: Dental Care (30 participants x $810 = $24,300); Preventative Services (15 participants x
$265=$3975); Single Arch Dentures (3 participants x 690=$2070); Double Arch Dentures (3 participants x
$1160=$3480); Single Arch Removable Partial Dentures (3 participants x $760=$2280); Denture Repair
and Crown (8 participants x $230=$1840). Our experience over the last decade shows us that these
services are the most in high-demand for adults. Further, the breakdown allows us to quantify the unit
of measure for targeted analyses and program evaluation.

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Purpose of Grant

Provide access to oral health care for adult Muskegon residents for prevention, maintenance, and
treatment who are economically challenged and uninsured or under-insured. This is in exchange for
community service through 29 nonprofit community partners. Program participants earn credit for each
service hour as a trade for dental care with licensed and certified dental care providers.

The Covid 19 pandemic created public health and economic conditions that people in Muskegon and its
surrounds are struggling to overcome. In the wake of the pandemic, people lost jobs, suffered to provide
for their basic household needs and often times postponed or eliminated what were not immediate
needs; this included their dental care. Regular dental care is expensive, causing adults without insurance
coverage to delay or ignore recommended prevention, maintenance, and treatment. Research shows
that, left unattended, poor oral health can have long-term adverse effects on one’s general health and is
linked with many serious health conditions, including oral cancer, diabetes, heart disease, respiratory
diseases, and dementia (Takashi et al, 2021; Perez et al, 2019; Allukian Jr, 2008; Patrick et al, 2006;
Hendrickson & Cohen, 2021). Further, dental problems can lead to social withdrawal, insecurity, and
have a negative impact on employability and one’s economic conditions (ALICE in Michigan, 2021; ALICE
in Muskegon, 2021).

VFD increases access to a dental home with dental services and oral health education for economically
challenged adults and seniors; this can encourage healthy and productive lives. Access to VFD services is
necessary because of the high rate of oral disease among Muskegon County’s vulnerable and
underserved populations. Many turn to the hospital Emergency Room for pain relief without resolving
the underlying causes. This is more costly in both the economic costs to society and to the patient in
terms of their self-esteem.
Though VFD has been offering its programs since 2014 across Muskegon County, the need was
exacerbated by the Covid pandemic as recognized by the increasing numbers of working adults that are
struggling to meet basic household needs. According to recent data for Muskegon County, 30% of
individuals and 28% of families with children fall within the category of Asset Limited Income
Constrained Employed - ALICE (ALICE in Muskegon County, 2021. Retrieved from United Way of the
Lakeshore at: counties-alice-muskegon-2019.pdf). We are seeing more referrals and interest in the
program since the pandemic. This grant will help to cover the increased community need.

VFD has the ability and willingness to provide the proposed services through the contractual period. VFD
aims to provide the following programs and number of participants: Dental Care = 30; Preventative Care
= 15; and, Denture / Crown Care = 17; as VFD member providers emerge post-pandemic to normal
staffing conditions, we are able to get participants into the program on a reasonable schedule. Targeted
and enhanced marketing plans for the VFD program dental services will continue to advance community
awareness about options and access to dental needs.

VFD has 29 current partners in the project that include Trinity Health, Senior Resources, Muskegon
County Public Health, the Muskegon County Oral Health Coalition, the Muskegon District Dental Society,
the Salvation Army, Agewell Services, Kids Food Basket, and Boys & Girls Clubs of Muskegon. Our
partners help to provide us with data and research concerning oral health across the Muskegon County
community, marketing to potential participants, and volunteer opportunities for participants.

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VFD fills a necessary gap for the working poor that is not available elsewhere. Without the service,
people tend to neglect their oral health care. There are no other similar projects or agencies in
Muskegon County that provide free services to assist adults who make too much to qualify for dental
care through governmental programs, and do not have dental coverage as part of their health insurance

In defining problems to be addressed, making policy, and planning the program, VFD annually surveys its
participants and its providers. This is a helpful tool to not only recognize the success of the participants
oral care, but to address areas where the program can make improvements. In addition, two past
participants serve on the VFD Board of Directors along with providers.

All volunteer providers involved in VFD programs are trained, licensed and/or certified as required by
law in their area of practice. They include doctors of dentistry, dental hygienists, dental surgeons, and
anesthesiologists, x-ray technicians, laboratory assistants, and others. VFD participants are seen in their
offices during their work-day by these professionals at no cost.

Though we believe that the ARPA Community Grant Program proposed by the City of Muskegon can
assist people who have been pinched by the onset of Covid 19 through a public health and economic
downturn, we also believe that the resilient people of Muskegon will continue to bounce back and
recoup their economic and oral health. This could mean that the gap services provided by VFD could
diminish in need. However, should the need continue, VFD has long-term strategies for funding this
project at the end of the grant period. These plans include outreach to Michigan foundations, individual-
giving through fundraisers and estate planning, and other philanthropic interests that include, but are
not limited to the United Way of the Lakeshore, Trinity Health Community Benefit, and the Howmet

This request is compliant with the ARPA Final Rule in that it meets both a public health and an economic
need in our Muskegon community that was exacerbated by the Covid 19 pandemic. As adults lost their
jobs or had reduced income, they often put their oral care on the tail-end of household budget
priorities. Many who work low-paying jobs might not have dental as part of their insurance and be
unable to afford the costly care associated with oral prevention, maintenance, and treatment. Poor oral
health can have long-term negative implications on one’s overall health and are associated with oral
cancer, diabetes, heart disease, respiratory diseases, and dementia. Further, dental problems can lead
to social withdrawal, insecurity, and have a negative impact on employability and one’s economic
conditions. Over the long-term, addressing oral health care prevention, maintenance, and treatment can
mitigate other health externalities that are both costly to one’s overall health and to society in general.
This grant will benefit City of Muskegon adult residents with their oral health prevention, maintenance,
and treatment that might have been neglected due to lack of resources during the pandemic. VFD has
found that many of its participants have the long-term benefit of finding and continuing treatment with
their new-found dental home of their own.


Plans for evaluation including how success will be defined and measured. The VFD program results are
measured quantitatively by services provided and the number of participant recipients, and qualitatively
through participant, and provider surveys. Success for participants in the program is defined through
volunteering based on the treatment plan needs of each participant and measured quantitatively
through completed dental services at restorative and preventative appointments. The qualitative

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measurements are gathered through the ongoing participant surveys, as well as provider surveys and

Due to HIPPA requirements and patient confidentiality, the data will be used in a qualitative manner to
report on the measured number of participants and the units of service provided. The patient
participant names will remain confidential, though we will glean information from them that we may
share anecdotally with their permission. There might be some participants who would be willing to
share their experience in a more open and marketable manner, but that is at their discretion. If they do
allow it, we will take every care to have permissions intact for specific use and content.

Budget Narrative/Justification

VFD sees the City of Muskegon ARPA Community Grant Program as an additional project that it would
add to its Fiscal Year 2023, 24, and 25 budgets. Its current FY 2023 budget would deal with marketing
and outreach to Muskegon adult residents on the three elements (six services) of the grant.

VFD currently has projects across Muskegon County funded by Muskegon County Senior Millage, United
Way of the Lakeshore, Howmet Foundation, Muskegon District Dental Society, and Trinity Health.

Priority items and the numbers to be served in the VFD proposed budget include: Dental Care (30
participants x $810 = $24,300); Preventative Services (15 participants x $265=$3975); Single Arch
Dentures (3 participants x 690=$2070); Double Arch Dentures (3 participants x $1160=$3480); Single
Arch Removable Partial Dentures (3 participants x $760=$2280); Denture Repair and Crown (8
participants x $230=$1840). These budget items have been based on our experience data over the
course of the past ten years. They are areas of need and concern to the participants who choose to
enter into the VFD program.

We anticipate a three-year marketing plan aimed specifically to City of Muskegon residents that
includes: $2,000 yearly to advertise and report on program access via the Muskegon Channel; $977
yearly in design and production of brochures & materials to use at Muskegon Community College,
churches, and public events; and $600 annually for exhibit fees (at $150 for 4 exhibits) where VFD will
recruit participants.

If you have more applicants for ARPA funds and cannot make the grant we have requested, please
reduce the number of targeted City of Muskegon participants for each service as you feel is necessary.

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Muskegon Christian School

Project Name

Relieving a Daycare Desert

Requested       $175,000                 Total Project Cost      $2,400,000

Executive Summary

We have an opportunity to address the daycare crisis in Muskegon. Unfortunately, Muskegon is
considered a “daycare desert” and lacks accessible licensed daycare options. This shortage leaves
parents with two choices: choose unregulated childcare or limit their employment options. The result of
the latter decision is that open job positions remain unfilled. If this continues too long, employers will
relocate and Muskegon won’t have the opportunity for continued growth. The daycare models its deep
commitment to making daycare accessible to all families regardless of income level by working with
DHHS on subsidies and offering income-based payments. Bright Beginnings Preschool and Daycare is
licensed with the State of Michigan and is housed within Muskegon Christian School. Our current
building constraints allow us to serve one 3 year old class and one 4 year old class. The building addition
would allow us to serve infants, toddlers and two additional 3/4 classes. We've raised almost $2,000,000
and have tapped our abilities within our constituency. The Community Grant from the City of Muskegon
would allow this project to happen.

Purpose of Grant

Organization Overview

Bright Beginnings Preschool and Daycare (BB) is located in Muskegon, Michigan. BB has taken the
following values and implemented them into every minute of the school day with a complete
understanding of the importance of elementary education in preparing a student for the future.

Love - With children from all walks of life, including various socio-economic backgrounds and ethnicities,
BB models love and patience for every student.
Learn - The learning process should not be dull. BB ensures all students receive a well-rounded
education with signature programs like Spanish immersion, project-based learning, after-school
activities, etc.
Lead - Beyond classroom lessons, BB works with students to become servant leaders and engrain the
tools into the hearts and minds of students to return to the world and grow to be leaders.

BB strives to bring inclusivity to education, with these core values driving day-to-day activities. For
example, ability-based tuition provides low- and moderate-income families with opportunities to enroll
their children at BB.
Population Served

BB prides itself on being a school that reflects the neighborhood where it is located. Almost 40% of the
students enrolled identify as a racial or ethnic minority which closely mirrors the City of Muskegon.

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Additionally, a family's ability to pay tuition does not exclude them from enrolling at BB. During the
2022/2023 school year, 18% of the students are below the federal poverty line. Another 31% of the
families are considered ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) homes. The information
below breaks down the statistics for the current school year as compared to the City of Muskegon.

Demographic Information of Muskegon Christian School and Bright Beginnings
Families below the federal poverty line - 18%
ALICE families - 31%
Race: Black - 32.5%
Race: Hispanic - 4.2%
Race: White - 57.5%
Two or More Races - 5.8%

Request Overview/Statement of Need

Muskegon Christian School, as a whole (MCS), is located in the heart of Muskegon, Michigan. It serves a
diverse population of approximately 300 students in grades PreK through 6th grade. Over 40% of its
students qualify for free or reduced lunch. In addition, as a commitment to the community it is located
in, MCS offers tuition assistance. More than 2 out of 3 families enrolled at the school qualify for this
financial adjustment.

As an urban school, the staff at MCS realized that our community lacks accessible daycare options. To
help address this community crisis, MCS sought the United Ways input, a national organization known
for its support and contribution to daycare. After several months of investigation and exploration, MCS
established a master plan for bringing 75 more daycare spaces to Muskegon.

The master plan for this project includes the following:

A six-classroom addition serving infants, toddlers, and more preschool rooms.
A play area for the new daycare option
Access to our Nature-Based Learning Initiative

With the construction of six more daycare classrooms, MCS can address several local community issues.
The instruction will also provide project-based and hands-on learning opportunities. The youth in this
urban area will reconnect with nature as it should be and get the head start on the education that they
desperately need.

Program Goals and Measurable Objectives

MCS wants to strengthen the community in which it is located. This project will directly impact the
neighborhood and the broad Muskegon community.

Expanding our daycare license from the current 75 to 150 spots
Serve 110 more kids in the broader Muskegon community
Reduce the level of daycare desert

These goals and objectives will be measured over the course of the next 2 years once built.

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Timeline/Work Plan

Specific building drawings and permits are being secured currently.
Within 2 months of being fully funded, the contractors will break ground.
The goal is to have the daycare fully established by August 2024.

Sustainability Plan

To ensure this program's sustainability, MCS is focused on maximizing organizational efficiency, data
collection and analysis, and the consistency of revenue streams. While this program does increase the
annual budget, the added daycare spots will increase revenue and will be self-sustaining.


-Expanding our daycare license from the current 75 to 150 spots
-Serve 110 more kids in the broader Muskegon community
-Reduce the level of daycare desert
-Work with the United Way, Goodwill, and the City of Muskegon for ongoing development of new
daycare programming
-Increased kindergarten readiness for all students going into Muskegon Christian School and Muskegon
Public Schools

Budget Narrative/Justification

The rest of the funding has been secured through private fundraising. We have exhausted those options
to further pursue private funding.

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West Michigan Symphony

Project Name

Tune Up After-School Youth Music Education

Requested       $200,000                Total Project Cost       $400,000

Executive Summary

The Tune Up string orchestra program will take place in Muskegon Public Schools in partnership with the
21st CCLC IMPACT after-school program. This collaboration will provide equal access to high quality
instrumental music instruction to children with the fewest resources and greatest need in Muskegon,
helping to develop well-rounded students through study of music and academic support. SLFRF
Community Grant funding will provide one-time support to expand the program beyond its pilot year
into additional grades and schools within MPS. This includes paying professional teaching artists and
providing students with free access to quality musical instruments.

Purpose of Grant

Statement of Need
In recent decades, music education in our school systems has diminished drastically even as evidence of
its impact on student performance has accumulated. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated an
existing trend, particularly in lower income districts such as MPS.

Studies have shown that engagement in instrumental music leads to positive outcomes particularly for
youth from disadvantaged backgrounds, who were more likely to obtain higher GPAs and SAT scores
and to graduate from high school. In a 2019 University of British Columbia study, school music
achievement positively related to successful results on all subjects. In particular, students who engaged
in orchestra tested, on average, at a level more than one full academic year ahead of their peers.
According to STEM Jobs Career Network, music education strengthens memory, language, temporal
reasoning and attention. Music students score an average of 44 points higher on their math SAT.

Accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the downward trend in availability of music has affected
Muskegon Public Elementary Schools, although some of the other surrounding districts have retained
strong offerings. In particular, none of MPS's four elementary schools has an orchestra program. This is
doubly unfortunate given that 89% of MPS students are from low-income families, leading to inequity of
both opportunities and outcomes.

The Solution
To address this gap, WMS is building an after-school orchestra program in Muskegon Public Schools.
Dubbed "Tune Up," the program is based on El Sistema, a visionary global orchestra movement that
provides instrumental music education to underserved youth, developing the life skills and habits that
lead to successful lives. Like other programs based on this model, Tune Up offers multiple hours of
instruction per week. Students receive free use of a musical instrument, learn to play that instrument,
participate in ensemble and sectional lessons, build friendships, and receive music and academic

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support from teaching artists and qualified staff, as well as mentoring from older students in Muskegon
High School’s orchestra program.

The new program has been enthusiastically embraced by MPS and 21st CCLC Impact administrators in
Muskegon. Impact is a well-established federally-funded program already active throughout MPS that
provides supplemental learning opportunities and a necessary bridge between the end of the school day
in mid-afternoon and the end of first-shift work hours for parents. Tune Up brings a needed musical
element to the Impact curriculum; Impact provides a safe, reputable infrastructure for the Tune Up
program. It is a win-win for Impact, for Tune Up, for MPS, for parents... and, most importantly, for the

Tune Up piloted in 2022-2023 in Marquette and Oakview elementary schools. The goal is to expand in
subsequent years to include all MPS elementary schools and Muskegon Middle School. Prior
participation in Link Up in the previous academic year will set students up for maximum progress and
success. They will be fresh from the experience of learning to read music, playing the recorder, and
being introduced to the orchestra through WMS Music Mentors and the Link Up concert. Thus, Tune Up
will provide that critical next step in their musical development at just the right moment in time, when
the excitement and energy of their Link Up experience is still in their recent memory.

Organizational Capacity
Our Music Director and CEO each have been professionally active in the orchestra industry for 35 years.
(See bios below) Our Director of Education has been mounting music education programs
collaboratively with area districts for nearly two decades. She has received specialized training and
certification for the Tune Up program by the national service organization El Sistema USA, which
provides oversight to similar programs in more than 80 U.S. cities (including Kalamazoo and Pontiac).

Previously existing educational offerings demonstrate WMS's capacity for sustained community
engagement. The Link Up program, a collaboration with Carnegie Hall, regularly serves MPS schools and
surrounding districts; WMS has been a Link Up partner for longer than any other orchestra in the U.S.
Link Up is a free classroom-to-concert program in which 3rd and 4th grade students learn to read music
and ultimately perform with the orchestra on recorders (plastic flute-like instruments) at the Frauenthal
Center. The experience is a powerful one, and generates momentum that should be followed up on
promptly with access to a quality string or band program.

WMS also offers tuition-based children's choir and string ensemble programs at its downtown venue,
The Block, but these may present a time and financial barrier for low-income families, including the
more than 30% in Muskegon County defined as "ALICE" (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed)
by the United Way of the Lakeshore. It was to address this inequity that WMS initially conceived of Tune
Up, which eliminates the need for transportation, the cost of tuition, and the expense of providing an

Project “Just Cause” Vision: Equal access to music for all Muskegon schoolchildren.

Project Goals:

• Provide high quality instrumental music instruction to MPS Elementary School students who currently
lack such opportunities
• Eliminate cost and transportation barriers for students with the fewest resources and greatest need

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• Develop motivated, well-rounded students through the study of instrumental music and academic
support in an afterschool program
• Build a sustainable fundraising plan to maintain Tune Up beyond the initial 5 year build out


• Expand Tune Up beyond single-grade pilot program into 3rd, 4th and 5th grade in Oakview and
Marquette elementary schools during 2023/24 academic year
• Expand into all remaining elementary schools and into middle school the following year
• Continue annual expansion until Tune Up is established in 3-5 grades in all elementary schools with
students feeding into Muskegon Middle School Tune Up program and the existing school day Middle
and High School Orchestras

Tune Up takes place daily after school and features both group lessons and full ensemble rehearsals.
Students work toward an annual culminating performance for parents, siblings, relatives, and the public.
There are an average of 48 group lessons during a typical 12-week semester.

Tune Up is tuition-free, removing any cost barrier. Every student has equal access to instrumental music
beginning in elementary school and eventually extending into middle school, creating a bridge to the
existing Muskegon High School Orchestra program and MCC Orchestra, and helping students develop
the life skills and habits that lead to successful lives.

Free instruments are provided to every child enrolled in the Tune Up program. Instruments are the
property of the Tune Up program and stay on site at the school under normal circumstances, but
students can earn the right to take an instrument home on the weekend and eventually be permanently
gifted with an instrument.

The program takes place in partnership with Muskegon Public Schools as part of MPS’s 21st CCLC
IMPACT program, which provides after-school academic enrichment opportunities. This leverages
IMPACT’s already established safe, supportive environment—including tutoring, snacks and fellowship—
while adding a needed musical element.

20 students were served in the pilot class of Tune Up. We anticipate serving at least 30 in the second
year, and by the end of the five-year buildout period, we anticipate serving 75-100 students annually. In
the spirit of the Muskegon Promise, we aspire to provide equal access to music for all Muskegon

Additional Partners
Tune Up has been endorsed by John Severson, former superintendent of Muskegon Area Intermediate
School Districts; Matthew Cortez, MPS superintendent, and Nick Voyt, orchestra director of MPS. We
consulted extensively with Mr. Voyt throughout the development of Tune Up, and during the pilot year
he and his students from the high school orchestra have served as mentors and frequent visitors to the
Tune Up students. Nick’s guidance has ensured that the program meets the particular needs of MPS
students, fills a needed gap, and supplements and complements the existing music curriculum.

We have also consulted with Claire Root Benson, Executive Director of Poppen Programs, a related
program with a focus and mission distinct from Tune Up. Artist Nancy Poppen and her husband Sherman

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established this fund at the Community Foundation in 1993 to assist lower income families with access
to arts lessons. The program funds weekly lessons in music and fine arts, books and supplies, coaching
and camps. Tune Up students who show special music aptitude will be channeled toward Poppen to
apply for private lessons, summer music camp, and music scholarships.

WMS teaching and administrative staff meet frequently with school administrators and with the
administrators of the 21st CCLC Impact program to make sure that the program is in compliance with
federal and state guidelines and that it is meeting the needs of the participating students.

Similar Agencies and Programs
WMS is the only professional orchestra on the lakeshore. The adjacent Grand Rapids Symphony does
not serve Muskegon County. In Muskegon itself, the closest related program is Poppen (see above). We
have a cooperative, supportive relationship with Poppen, which in addition to funding private lessons,
supports older students' participation in our tuition-based Debut Strings program, held downtown at
The Block. Tune Up is tuition-free, for beginning students, and held on site in the schools. Tune Up fills a
gap in early music education that over time will strengthen and complement Poppen, our own tuition-
based ensembles, and MPS ensembles in middle and high school.

Constituent Involvement
Oversight of the program is provided by the WMS Community Committee, which is chaired by a board
member and includes additional board, staff, and community representatives. Our most important
constituent partner is 21st CCLC Impact, and WMS staff is in constant, weekly contact with Impact
administration members to ensure that the program is running smoothly and in accordance with federal
and state guidelines. MPS High School Orchestra teacher Nick Voyt’s ongoing involvement is described
above. Periodically, WMS leadership meets with MPS officials, including Superintendent Matthew
Cortez and Dr. Jennifer Hammond, Executive Director of Academic Services. We also remain in contact
with Claire Benson, Executive Director of the Poppen Program, and with Daniel Myers, Music Director of
Muskegon Community College.

Project Personnel
Lauren Garza, Lead Teaching Artist, is a trained violist who performs with the West Michigan and
Holland symphonies. She received her Doctorate and Masters in performance from Michigan State
University and her Bachelors from Hope College. She is an active performer throughout the region and
maintains a private studio of violin and viola students. Previously she served as General Manager of
Holland Symphony Youth Orchestras.

Karen Vander Zanden, Director of Education, holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Central
Michigan University and has been bringing children’s music education programs to lakeshore
communities for 17 years. These include Click Clack Moosic, a storytime program for preschoolers;
Carnegie Hall’s Link Up for 3rd- through 5th grade students; and Debut and Premier Strings for
intermediate to advanced level string students.

Andrew Buelow, President & CEO, previously served as executive director of Symphony Tacoma and the
Traverse Symphony Orchestra and Director of PR for the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra—a combined
tenure of 35 years. Since his arrival, WMS has retired all debt, rebuilt its operating surplus and reserves,
completed Strategic Planning and DEI initiatives, and raised nearly $4 million toward endowment and
program expansion. A pianist and keyboardist, Buelow holds a BA in Music from Lawrence University.

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Scott Speck, Music Director since 2003, also conducts the world-famous Joffrey Ballet and the Chicago
Philharmonic. He previously served as conductor of the San Francisco Ballet; music advisor of the
Honolulu Symphony; and associate conductor of the Los Angeles Opera. He was invited to the White
House as music director of the Washington Ballet. Speck has conducted at London’s Royal Opera House
at Covent Garden, the Paris Opera, New York's Lincoln Center, Chicago’s Symphony Center,
Washington’s Kennedy Center and the Los Angeles Music Center. He co-authored the best-selling book
Classical Music for Dummies.

Long-term Funding
WMS is in the process of growing its Endowment and building Organizational Reserves to provide long-
term sustainability for its educational and performance footprint in the community. In 2020 we
launched a dedicated campaign, Play Your Part, which to date has secured nearly $4 million in pledges
toward the organization’s endowment at the Community Foundation for Muskegon County and
organizational reserves that are held as short-term investments at Merrill Lynch and managed by
Hammond, Martin & Associates. Pledges are being fulfilled during a three- to five-year time span.

Final Rule Compliance
The Tune Up program specifically addresses and remediates losses in learning opportunities, as well as
inequitable opportunities aggravated by the pandemic. Muskegon residents who are unable to afford
sending their children to different school districts or to private schooling have long experienced
difficulty in accessing music and the arts within MPS on a level commensurate with those of adjoining
districts. The disparity is particularly glaring when compared to the programs offered by North
Muskegon, Mona Shores, and other nearby districts. The pandemic and resulting changes in academic
scheduling, along with teacher movement and flight, have exacerbated this trend. The 2019 UBC
study—in which orchestra students tested a full academic year ahead of their peers—demonstrates the
critical value of instrumental music in helping our students advance, experience equitable quality of life
in education, and thereby thrive in their school setting.


The program will be evaluated based on its outputs—number of schools, number of students,
implementation of lesson plans--as well as by monitoring the progress of the students. Are they
advancing at a pace consistent with students in other programs? Are they exhibiting proper position,
bowing and fingering? Are they learning to play together as an ensemble? What is their level of
motivation, and what activities stimulate it?

Like most music students, the Tune Up class will work toward a performance goal. For all musicians,
performance is both an irreplaceable motivator and a gauge of progress. Preparing for their public
appearance during the Muskegon Middle School Black History Month Celebration was an inflection
point for the pilot class. The opportunity to play in public for peers and parents motivated them to
practice and prepare, and the sense of pride and satisfaction afterwards carried them for months.

MPS officials and IMPACT personnel monitor progress and outcomes on a weekly basis. Lauren Garza
has arranged with MHS music instructor Nick Voyt for his own senior orchestra students to serve as
mentors. This peer support has been a significant factor in elevating their level of progress. Nick himself
has also been a regular presence, and his feedback and guidance has been extremely helpful. Finally,
Karen Vander Zanden draws on her training experience from El Sistema USA to apply national
techniques and standards to the program.

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The measured start with a modest number of students in this first year will enable us to gain experience
before building out too rapidly. The program has the flexibility to expand more rapidly than projected,
based on demand and resources. However, the nature of the program is to focus on impact rather than
breadth: providing the deepest experience to participating students over time rather than quickly
reaching the largest possible number of students.

Budget Narrative/Justification

Amounts Requested of other foundations, corporations and individual donors:

Community Foundation for Muskegon County 60,000
Fifth Third Bank 15,000
Gerber Foundation 12,000
Howmet Aerospace 42,000
Meijer Foundation 30,000
Individual Donors 41,000

Total: 200,000

List of Priority Items:

Lead Teaching Artist salary $115,000
Teaching Assistants $75,000
Instrument Purchase $43,500

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Unity Beauty Salon & Spa LLC

Project Name

Renewing Unity in The Community

Requested       $50,000                 Total Project Cost       $50,000

Executive Summary

Unity Beauty & Spa LLC is a full-service beauty salon dedicated to consistently providing high customer
satisfaction to the community by consistently offering quality products, excellent service, and providing
an enjoyable experience at an acceptable price/value relationship. We’ve been in the community for
over 17 years at this downtown location. We will also maintain a friendly, fair, and creative work
environment, which respects diversity, ideas, and hard work and dedication.

Our Mission: To provide services and products that enhance our clients' mental relaxation and well as
physical appearance.

Our Motto: "Uniting your beauty in your Comm-unity!"

Unity is requesting this grant to help anyone interested in becoming a license cosmetologist through a
short apprenticeship program. The timing is right for reorganizing this venture in our community. Covid
left this business with a lot of uncertainties. We were shut down for a year then we had to restart our
business practices around Covid-19, and that included finding new unique ways to do business in a safe
manner. During shutdown the salon lost several stylist. So, to gain back business, our team came up with
a idea to re-organize the the salon to accommodate an apprenticeship program. We’ve have successfully
apprenticed 1 stylist. Renewing Unity in the community of Muskegon county would be very helpful. It
will bring more business to the community and our salon. The demand for hairstylist in our community
is high, and the procurement of highly professional and qualified beauticians to support the salon, has
made this business one of great potential to start a program like this.

I, Joann Johnson, the owner of Unity have been at the location for 17 years and has created a large
client following through hard work and dedication. I have a talented team of beauticians, that has what
it takes to make this new organization venture an extremely successful one. We expect our growing
reputation to lead to new clients and beauticians to support our anticipated growth within the

To achieve our objectives, Unity Beauty Salon & Spa llc is seeking the funds to help with new equipment,
supplies, and construction to make the salon equipped to accommodate 4 students at a time.

Purpose of Grant

Unity Beauty Beauty Salon & Spa llc Apprenticeship was created in response to the growing demand for
high-quality beauty education and certification services in Muskegon County and surrounding areas.

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There is an untapped need for comprehensive beauty education in the existing market, with a particular
focus on catering to students of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. Unity Beauty Salon & Spa llc
Apprenticeship Program is well-positioned to address this need, providing comprehensive beauty
education and certification services with an emphasis on quality.

Unity Beauty Salon & Spa Llc Apprenticeship will be uniquely designed program. This program will offer
a wide range of services and products, including hair styling, barbering, manicuring, and aesthetics. In
addition, this program will provide continuing education opportunities and certified post-secondary
training. Our goal is to provide to close the gap by offering superior beauty education and certification
services to students of all ages, genders, and backgrounds across Muskegon County.
To reach this goal, Unity Beauty Salon & Spa Llc Apprenticeship Program plans to have 4 students
enrolled by the end of 2023. We also plan to increase the program as a demand grows over time.

Target Market
Unity Beauty Salon & Spa Llc Apprenticeship will have a diverse set of target markets, including students
of all ages, genders, and backgrounds who are looking to pursue a beauty education and certification
program. We plan to target markets in Muskegon County and the surrounding areas. Secondly, we plan
to expand our network to include beauty professionals, industry employers, organizations, and
associations. We will use a mix of traditional and digital marketing strategies to reach potential students.
Our target markets will include professionals, educators, employers, and students who seek training and
certification in the beauty industry. Finally, we will target those who are interested in continuing
education or post-secondary training in the beauty industry, who have a passion for the craft, and who
are looking to enhance their career prospects.

Problem Worth Solving
Unity Beauty Salon & Spa Llc Apprenticeship recognizes that the beauty industry is constantly evolving,
and it is becoming increasingly difficult for students to stay current with the latest styles and techniques.
We are committed to offering comprehensive and up-to-date services and products to our students, and
to ensure that they are provided with the most relevant and up-to-date education and certification that
are available to them.

Our goal is to provide the best quality and most comprehensive beauty education and certification
services. We are committed to making sure our students develop a competitive edge in the industry by
researching, incorporating, and staying up to date of the latest trends and techniques in the beauty

We are committed to serving diverse and underserved student populations, and we understand the
importance of having a reputation for quality and innovation. We believe our excellent choice of
services and products, and our commitment to quality, will stand apart from the competition.

Use of Funds
Unity Beauty Salon & Spa Llc Apprenticeship, will use the grant to ensure the successful reorganization
and sustainment of the business. Specifically, this includes upfront investment into the following areas:
salon upgrades, advanced equipment needed for specialized programs, staff to fulfill the various
educational roles, and a comprehensive marketing and advertising campaigns to drive student interest.
In addition, funds are needed for operational utilization, such as office supplies, staffing and payroll,
insurance, and to cover inventory costs.

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The projected budget, outlined in further detail in the plan, allocates the funds in a manner that
minimizes financial risk and ensures a successful launch of the Apprenticeship. Short-term and long-term
goals are set to ensure that the maximum potential of the investment is reached, with a projected
return on investment by end 2023-24.

Team & Roles
In order to bring Unity Beauty Salon & Spa Llc Apprenticeship to the next level, we need a management
team that is focused, driven, and experienced. We intend to employ experienced professionals who can
quickly identify and address problems, plan ahead, increase productivity and promote excellence. Here
are the following roles of our team outlines that we anticipate filling this year as we revamp operations.

Position & Description

Unity Beauty Salon & Spa llc Apprenticeship Director: Joann Johnson Responsible for the overall
management, planning, and implementation of all apprenticeship programs and services.

Beauty Instructor: Joann Johnson, Carleylah Nash Provide classroom instruction and hands-on training
to apprenticeship students.

Salon Manager: Carleylah Nash Manage the day-to-day operations of the apprenticeship & salon in
order to ensure quality of services.

Receptionist: Erionna Johnson Greet visitors and handle incoming calls, emails, and other forms of

Marketing Coordinator: Joann Johnson Develop marketing strategies and campaigns to promote the
apprenticeship and its services.

Student Care Officer: Joann Johnson, Carleylah Nash Provide student support and advice, both
academically and practically.

Key Metrics
Having clear and measurable key performance indicators (KPIs) is essential to monitoring and evaluating
the performance of Unity Beauty Salon & Spa Llc Apprenticeship. Establishing goals and tracking these
KPIs provides valuable insight into the trajectory of this business.

These KPIs will measure financial performance, operational performance, customer service, staff
efficiency and other important aspects of this business. Examples of potential KPIs for Unity Beauty
Salon & Spa Llc Apprenticeship will include:
• Total customer satisfaction score
• Number of enrollments each period
• Average customer retention rate
• Average revenue per customer
• Total number of customer complaints
• Employee attrition rate

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By tracking and monitoring the relevant KPIs of this business, we can gain a better understanding of the
performance of the apprenticeship, recognize any changes in client engagement, and adjust operations
to enable successor the students.

Long Term Strategy
Our long term strategy is designed to ensure that we develop a highly productive and professional team
at our apprenticeship program. We aim to recruit talented and motivated individuals across a range of
disciplines and roles, providing attractive remuneration packages and benefits.
We intend to hire 2 more licensed instructors, as well as an administrative staff member and a
marketing/social media expert. The director of operations will be responsible for directing and managing
the apprenticeship program overall operations. Joann Johnson the director will be in charge of
formulating and managing all of the school's financial budgets, including payroll and other operational
expenses, and ensuring compliance with all regulatory requirements. The 2 instructors will be
responsible for providing quality theoretical and practical lessons and workshops, covering core beauty
disciplines, such as manicuring, makeup and hairdressing. Lastly, the administrative staff member
Carleylah Nash will run the school's front-of-house operations and as the marketing/social media expert
she create and implement the apprenticeship program digital marketing strategy.

We will offer competitive salaries and benefits packages to attract and retain top-quality personnel. We
will also provide ongoing training and development to staff, to ensure that they are always informed of
best practices and new industry standards.
By building a strong and professional team, we will ensure that our apprenticeship program is a highly
successful business enterprise in Muskegon County.

By following these practices will stay in compliance with the ARPA Final Rule.


An essential aspect of success in effective market analysis is defining the target audience and
segmenting them according to their needs, attributes, and behaviors. Thus, creating a table of potential
market segments is a crucial starting point for our apprenticeship program. By assessing each segment's
size and potential, we will be able to identify the appropriate areas for concentrating our marketing

Our potential market segments can be characterized by the following characteristics: Location, Gender,
Age, and Income.

Our target market segment for our apprenticeship program consists of customers aged 18-35 from both
affluent and lower-income brackets. With a broad range of skills in cosmetology and esthetics, our
services are tailored to the needs of both aspiring professionals and casual practitioners. We also
recognize that many customers may be returning to school, either as a way to make a career change or
as a way to develop existing knowledge and skills. We understand the unique challenges faced by
students of all ages and backgrounds, and our goals are to provide a comfortable learning environment
that suits each individual student's needs.

We are confident that this combination of services, affordability, and individualized attention will be
attractive to our target segment. Our strategy will involve focusing on local markets to maintain a close
relationship with their clients and build loyal, long-term relationships. We will also leverage digital

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marketing tools such as social media and email campaigns to reach a wider audience. As our business
grows, we may also expand into other markets, but our initial strategy will focus on our core local
customer base.

The goal of the marketing is to identify the target customers, differentiate the services offered from
competitors, and establish plans for advertising, promotions, and public relations. The following are the
marketing activities that we plan to focus on:

Marketing research: To understand what drives potential customers and their needs, attitudes, and
buying behavior.

Market segmentation: To identify different potential customer segments and the best marketing
strategies to reach them.

Competitor analysis: To identify the key competitors in the industry, understand how they position
themselves, and learn from their strategies.

Positioning and branding: To develop a unique market position and build a powerful brand.
Advertising and promotions: To generate leads and convert them into customers.

Public relations: To maintain a positive public image and share our unique brand story. Unity Beauty
Salon & Spa Llc Apprenticeship is proud to be a state-of-the-art apprenticeship program which offers the
best of the latest beauty treatments and services. To maximize our students’ potential, we are
committed to leveraging the latest technology and tools to offer our students an incredibly modern and
comprehensive learning experience. Our technology investments will also help our staff remain ahead of
the curve and specialize as educators, pushing our students to success.

As part of our technology plan, our school will invest in student-facing hardware and software. Our
software will analyze our student performance and attendance data, and provide real-time updates to
our staff. Additionally, our hardware will include interactive kiosks and tablets throughout the different
areas of the school, making it easier for staff and students to access the latest learning materials and

We will also invest in hardware and software that support our back-end operations. We plan to invest in
an online portal providing comprehensive data on our students, along with secure purchases and
payments of our services. Being a modern and tech-savvy salon, we are eager to integrate our systems
with the latest technologies to ensure the optimal learning environment for our students.

Budget Narrative/Justification

Mannequins $500
Hair Clippers $200
Styling Chair $100/month
Make-up Kit $200
Construction $40000
Rent $8000
Supplies $1000

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Tiki Boiz Revival LLC

Project Name

Tiki Boiz revival

Requested           $50,000              Total Project Cost       $50,000

Executive Summary

Tiki boiz is an established business in the lakeside area that serves Hawaiian style cuisine. The
community has shown great interest in keeping us around as we provide a unique product at an
affordable price. We have currently been at our location for a year and want to continue to grow. We
hope obtaining these funds will help us with that. We plan on using the funds for upgrading our
equipment, remodeling including an out door patio and seating and obtaining a liquor license. The
upgrading of our equipment will change the flow of the kitchen to be able to serve in a timely manner
while still providing a quality product. It will also open us up for delivery, take out and online ordering
which we did not offer last year in hopes to maximize our sales output. The delivery option will also gain
us a new customer base to people who haven't been able to try us because they are at work or to far.
With remodeling we intend to put in an outdoor tiki patio that will change our seating capacity from 25
to 50. We have a nice little view of Muskegon lake so we are certain people would enjoy the outdoor
seating. We also are looking into obtaining a liquor license and serving island inspired craft cocktails for
the customers to enjoy on said patio. We also plan on using the funds to install new gas lines in the
building as they are not currently suitable for our current needs. For the time being we are seasonal
because of this. We currently cook our chicken on a grill outside and it would have been to cold for our
employees to cook outside. If we can get the gas lines fixed we plan on staying open year round. A small
amount of the grant will be used for working capital including paying employee salaries, rent and bills
during us not being open while we make these changes. In doing all this it will also open more avenues
for employment creating more jobs for the community.

Purpose of Grant

Our restaurant is pretty small so we are gonna rely more on delivery and take out to make up for our
small space. Getting the new equipment will help with that tremendously. The outdoor seating will also
combat our small space by providing more seating to the public for sit down dinning. We have contacted
a talented contractor that will be able to build us exactly what we need for a beautiful outdoor seating
area. The liquor license is going to be the tricky one as obtaining one can be hard but we have someone
that has bought and sold over 200 of them in his life time and has all the knowledge on how to get one.
We have a HVAC contractor at the ready to get the gas lines fixed as well. All of the funds will be going
towards these tasks which follow the terms of the ARPA rules.


Our plans are to move form a season operation to a year-round operation creating job opportunities as
well as culinary offerings in an area that has limited food options during the winter months. Success will
be evaluated buy measuring long term revenue as well as hours open compared to previous years

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Our project costs are mostly focused on infrastructure allowing us to offer addition service and
increased hours as well as days operating. Replication comes in the form of increased job opportunities
and growth for our staff that are afforded greater hours and full-time opportunities.

Budget Narrative/Justification

The liquor license is the only thing that is optional. If we can’t get that it won’t break the bank but the
others are necessary.

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Rake Beer Project LLC

Project Name

Brewery Reintroduced

Requested       $25,000                  Total Project Cost      $25,581.64

Executive Summary

We are requesting this grant to assist in the move of our business to a new location, and to refresh and
restart our business after the detrimental effects we have experienced from COVID. On top of these
larger reasons, we are also looking to utilize our space as to be more equitable to folks who are alcohol
free, with the addition of our coffee shop concept and non/ alcoholic options that will provide a
welcoming, inclusive space where folks who do not partake in alcohol can enjoy all that our central
downtown district has to offer.

As a result of the Covid epidemic, the landscape for our industry has changed drastically, and the
direction we were forced to go into as a way to survive the government shut-downs and mandates has
proved to be different from the way we need to operate in order to survive in the “post-covid”
hospitality industry. We will use this grant to assist us in making the changes we see necessary to allow
us to be a stable, inclusive and strong part of downtown Muskegon for years to come.

Purpose of Grant

Our need, or problem to be addressed is that we have an opportunity to really set up our business for
long-term success in a pivotal space in Muskegon’s downtown, but due to the effects of Covid, we are
very cash strapped and will need some extra help to finish this project and get us re-started and re-
opened in our new space. This grant will help us fill that bridge between the funding that we actually
have on hand to build out and furnish this new space, and the extra funding that we will need to finish
this project. Our target population for this new space will be every and anybody that enjoys our
downtown; whether that be tourists, locals, anybody. We look to take all of the community enriching
things that we have become known for in our space at the 794 Building and bring that to this new space.
That means continuing to support the arts, music and artisans that practice their work in Muskegon, by
giving them a space to do their thing. Continuing to be a space of equality and equity by hosting events
that welcome and make each and every person in muskegon feel at home and comfortable. We will also
be targeting the alcohol free population, a group often left out of downtown culture, by adding a robust
coffee and non-alcoholic drink menu.

We have total capacity and ability to accomplish this activity, as it is a project that we have already
begun work on, and have plans to finish one way or another. This grant will make that process a lot
more stable, and offer us a way to do the things we plan to do within our strict and tight financial
budget. Owner Josh Rake, along with his partners and staff have a proven track record of accomplishing
objectives with this business.

                                                                                              65 | P a g e
We are requesting this grant to assist in the move of our business to a new location, and to refresh and
restart our business after the detrimental effects we have experienced from COVID. On top of these
larger reasons, we are also looking to utilize our space as to be more equitable to folks who are alcohol
free, with the addition of our coffee shop concept and non/ alcoholic options that will provide a
welcoming, inclusive space where folks who do not partake in alcohol can enjoy all that our central
downtown district has to offer. We believe this move will dramatically increase revenue. The objectives
will be measured with increased sale revenue in both alcohol and non-alcohol beverages. This is a new
project for Rake Beer Project.

This is solely a project undertaken by Rake Beer Project, although it does include our new Coffee
Concept, Overgrown Coffee Co. . We will however be partnering with and bolstering other local
businesses with this new concept. Such as purchasing beans and other equipment from local coffee
roasters, Aldea Coffee & Drip Drop Drink, purchasing wholesale baked goods from local bakeries such as
Hodgepodge BakeShop, Yummy Delights and others. We plan to exclusively partner with local
companies to provide these parts of our business.

There are several other coffee shops and breweries in our local area, and we have a long and proven
track record of working in collaboration and cooperation with each and every one of these entities.

Owner Josh Rake, along with his partners and staff work closely with the community to ask what folks
want and what they would like to see in our downtown area. This project is a reflection of what we have
seen and heard people asking for over the past four years we have been in business.

Owner Josh Rake has been in the beer industry for about a decade, 4 years of that running a successful
and critically acclaimed brewery right here in Muskegon. On top of that, Our front of house manager,
Brooke Johnson has been a trained barista for years while managing Drip Drop Drink coffee shop, and he
will be providing training for our new coffee concept.

This is a one time project that will not need funding after the end of the grant period. Once we finish this
project, day to day business operations will proceed.

Award funds will be used for contractor services and equipment needed to reestablish our business
after the detrimental effects of COVID. The funds will not be placed in reserve, will not be used to pay
settlements or other judgements, nor be used to pay debts or fees related to issuing debt.


The plan will be evaluated by comparing our projected budget to actual revenue. We have based our
projections on 25% increase in revenue from our previous location to our new location. The results will
be used to guide potential improvements to the production facility, including additional upgraded
brewing equipment.

Budget Narrative/Justification

No funds will be requested from any other foundations or corporations. The priority items include the
10 BBL Unitank and the Glycol Chiller.

                                                                                               66 | P a g e
Kid’s Food Basket

Project Name

Kids’ Food Basket Feeding Our Future Muskegon County

Requested       $250,000                 Total Project Cost       $2,700,000

Executive Summary

At the core of Kids’ Food Basket’s (KFB) mission is the belief that healthy food is a right. KFB exists to
break down barriers and increase access to healthy, nourishing food so that children and families thrive.
Through its flagship Sack Supper program, sustainable, community-driven farming and educational
programming, KFB is working towards a hunger-free West Michigan. Together with Muskegon residents
and stakeholders, Kids’ Food Basket is pursuing food equity in a way that leverages, promotes, and
celebrates the power and passion of the local community. Every day, KFB facilitates food provision,
cultivates community, and fosters an environment across Muskegon that creates a high and equitable
quality of life for all.

Over the past ten years in Muskegon County, the reality remains that the need for healthy food access
and education is much bigger than our current programmatic impact. At KFB’s first location in the
basement of Central United Methodist Church in Downtown Muskegon, KFB operations was limited in
its ability to create increased access to healthy foods for children and families. Recently, KFB moved into
a temporary location in partnership with Aldea Roastery to help create a more functional space for
warehouse operations, food storage, and volunteerism. KFB’s long-term vision is to purchase and
renovate the space at 209 E. Apple Avenue; a building that can be a permanent location for KFB to
nourish more children in the community so that they can reach their full potential. This location will
allow KFB to continue to respond to meet the demands of food insecurity in the community, expand its
nutrition education program, engage with the community and create an opportunity for urban farming
in the Muskegon community.

Purpose of Grant

For more than ten years, Kids’ Food Basket (KFB) has been woven into the fabric of Greater Muskegon’s
journey to make its community the healthiest in Michigan. In 2012, local stakeholders shared a
consensus that there was both a need and eager support for KFB programming in Muskegon County.
Local leaders banded together to secure a location, raise capital, and begin forging partnerships with
area schools to further identify the need. In April 2012, KFB officially began operations in Muskegon
County by serving Sack Suppers to Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School in Muskegon Heights.

In the years since, KFB’s Muskegon County program has evolved to become an all-encompassing
approach to addressing food insecurity. Each weekday, Kids’ Food Basket convenes dozens of
volunteers, empowers youth to be proactive catalysts for change, and encourages lifelong healthy habits
by improving access to and education about nutritious food. KFB has grown from nourishing 389
children at one school to now nourishing approximately 1,700 children at seven schools and sites across
the county. In 2013, following one year of continuous Sack Suppers at Edgewood Elementary in

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Muskegon Heights, the former principal, Shawn Hurt, shared that their district saw a 21% increase in
MEAP scores - which he heavily attributed to Kids’ Food Basket’s consistent end-of-the-day Sack

According to the most recent available data from Annie E. Casey Foundation, the State of Michigan,
Feeding America, and County Health Rankings, Muskegon County faces many challenges:

Based on 2017-2021 data, 14% of children in Muskegon live in high-poverty neighborhoods.

As of 2018, 77% of food-insecure children in Muskegon County are income-eligible for nutrition
programs, but only 28.7% receive SNAP benefits.

As of 2020, 19.6% of children in Muskegon County are considered food-insecure.

As of 2022, Muskegon County ranks #70 out of 83 counties in Michigan for overall health and quality of

Although up-to-date research reflecting the impact of the COVID-19 crisis is still in progress, national
data allows it to be safely assumed that many of these numbers have only grown. Especially in times of
hardship, families in greater Muskegon deserve their right to healthy, nourishing food. Without
removing a school from its waitlist, KFB saw a 34% increase in families opting for their children to
receive a Sack Supper in the fall of 2021. It is always KFB’s aim and intention to deepen its impact in the
schools and communities it already serves, but the limitations of KFB’s current facility remain a barrier in
its ability to do so. The expansion of KFB programming in Muskegon County promises to stand in the gap
for Muskegon children and families, empowering them with access to nutritious food that supports
healthy, prosperous living.

“Kids’ Food Basket has been a valued partner at Cardinal and Early Elementary since 2018. By ensuring
that lunch isn’t the last meal of the day, these healthy take home Sack Suppers have been a tremendous
benefit to our families, especially over the Global Pandemic. Kids’ Food Basket deeply cares about
nourishing children to reach their full potential. I cannot think of a more worthy cause (or) organization
to support as they look to expand their programming in Muskegon County”.

Jim Nielsen, Superintendent

Orchard View Schools

With support and engagement from the Muskegon community, Kids’ Food Basket (KFB) has made an
impact over the last decade, it knows there is more work to be done to increase food security for
thousands of children and families still in need of critical support in Muskegon County. At its original
facility in the basement of Central United Methodist Church, KFB has reached capacity, severely limiting
any ability to nourish additional kids - the way that the current need demands. To meet this need, KFB’s
Board of Directors has approved a $2.7 million fundraising effort that will expand its reach and the
quality of services it can provide to Muskegon County children.

KFB’s vision for Muskegon includes the following outcomes:

Expand critical Sack Supper services to additional schools in Muskegon County.

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Replicate KFB’s successful, comprehensive programming from Kent, Ottawa, and Allegan Counties in
Muskegon County to include; more youth and family engagement and classroom learning opportunities.

By 2025, develop capacity to increase Sack Suppers to an additional “wait listed” schools in Muskegon

To meet this vision and achieve the above outcomes, the following steps must be taken:

Expand physical capacity with sufficient space for offices and space for Sack Supper assembly and
educational programming.

Expand programmatic capacity by hiring staff dedicated to serving KFB’s Muskegon County neighbors
across all five commitments to community (Nourish, Grow, Learn, Engage and Advocate).

Over the next several months, KFB will carry out its campaign in the following ways:

December 2021 – Spring 2023 – Quiet Phase: Campaign Cabinet met monthly through June 2022 &
Recruitment of leadership gifts identified in the feasibility study conducted in August of 2021

Summer/Fall 2023 – Public Phase: Media Relations & Public Fundraising

Fall/Winter 2023 – Fall 2024: Construction of building and moving in

For 10 years now, Kids’ Food Basket (KFB) Muskegon has been uniquely focused on providing ready-to-
eat evening meals for children. KFB has partnered with community agencies and members to provide
fresh, locally grown food into its community, creating an impact beyond the daily Sack Supper. As a
volunteer-driven service organization, KFB has created an ecosystem of equity partners. KFB currently
partners with seven area schools during the school year. In the summer months, KFB partners with local
parks and recreation programs, faith communities and summer program sites to ensure children have
access to nutrition when school is out of session. KFB is thrilled that many of these schools and summer
sites also partner in education via its Ground Up Learning Lab curriculum.

In addition to schools and service sites, KFB partners with local farmers, wholesalers and Feeding
America to further its mission and increase healthy food access and nutrition education for the
community’s kids. On average, 30% of KFB’s food is purchased from Feeding America where it can
procure non-perishable items for $.16 cents per pound. Wish list drives that are hosted by community
partners provide on average 20% of KFB’s food and 50% is purchased from local farmers and
wholesalers for fresh produce.

Additional community partners include the Muskegon Correctional Facility, US Café and the Boys & Girls
Club. Partnerships include growing and donating produce for Sack Suppers, providing a touch of love by
decorating bags for Sack Suppers, responsive partnerships for opportunities to provide Sack Suppers
based on identified needs and educational opportunities around fresh produce and healthy food

Similar or Existing Projects

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Kids’ Food Basket partners with schools alongside their free and reduced cost breakfast and lunch
programs. Schools where over 70% of children are eligible for free and reduced meals are on the most
immediate waiting list to ensure that students have access to three meals every weekday. Compared to
long-standing school meal programs, after school meals are few and far between. Coming alongside
schools with barrier-free evening meals, urban farming, nutrition education and community
engagement, KFB’s programming model is ensuring Muskegon children have access to nourishment
needed to thrive.

Community Listening
Kids’ Food Basket (KFB) recognizes the importance of including community and stakeholder voices in the
development of program design and implementation. In the fall of 2021, KFB utilized the principles of
human-centered design to develop community listening sessions and participant surveys that focused
on participants’ perspectives and ideas around food security barriers and resources. KFB contracted
Allison Rudi LLC and Taproot Sustainability LLC to provide research design, unbiased third-party
facilitation, data collection, analysis and reporting. The researchers worked closely with KFB to design
inclusive community listening sessions and to develop appropriate exercises and questions about food
access and consumption, nutrition needs and KFB programming specifically in Muskegon County.
Participants also completed a survey that asked about their experiences and the experiences of their
neighbors around accessing food. Additionally, during these listening sessions KFB asked for community
input around a new facility and what it could include the information gathered is directly impacting
construction plans for the permanent space.

Planning for organizational and community sustainability is an obligation of Kids’ Food Basket’s (KFB)
board and staff to ensure continuation of its services. KFB’s ability to respond to childhood hunger and
deliver meaningful, measurable and financially sustainable results is made possible through the

Strong Executive and Board Leadership
Local and innovative Advisory Board representing Muskegon County
An ecosystem of equity partners
Well-designed and well-implemented programs and strategies
Strong systems for financial stewardship and accountability
Internal monitoring for continuous improvement
External evaluation for mission effectiveness

Ultimately, sustainability comes from KFB’s annual donors and volunteer base as well as its ability to
align outcomes with stakeholders who share a desire to see these outcomes realized. KFB will continue
to build its annual fund through donations and apply for additional support for ongoing programming
expenses following the grant period through grantmaking agencies.

Kids’ Food Basket (KFB) and Feeding Our Future for Muskegon Children align with the ARPA Final Rule as
a nonprofit organization that is working in the Muskegon community that is impacted by changing
economic times as a result of the pandemic. KFB is seeing an increase in demand for its services as
evidenced by the number of children impacted by food insecurity. Simultaneously, KFB is experiencing
changes in its organizational needs as it partners with schools and community organizations, as well as
decreases in its revenue due to donor giving and accessible government funds.

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Success at Kids’ Food Basket (KFB) is aligned with the three-year strategic plan as well as its community
listening and program evaluation.

Since its inception, listening to its community has been paramount to the work of KFB. As an
organization, it hosts ongoing listening sessions collecting feedback and designing program evolution
and response based on local themes.

In addition to community listening sessions, KFB also hosts "Lunch and Listens" with teachers and site
coordinators at neighboring schools. At those sessions, valuable, facilitated discussions are held with
participants to get an inside look at how KFB programming impacts students. Feedback from Lunch and
Listens are essential to shaping KFB’s farm to school programming, including the menu items served in
Sack Suppers. Additionally, listening to community is critical to KFB’s continuous organizational
improvement and growth.

Based on challenges and proposed solutions shared in survey responses and listening sessions, KFB has
been collaborating with community partners and residents to design programming in schools and home
environments. The goal is to increase the availability of life-affirming food and food-based education in
both settings. Additionally, through process and program evaluations, KFB regularly measures if its
program response to food insecurity is the right response. KFB also measures the increase in healthy
food access and consumption, along with shifts in healthy behaviors through pre and post surveys.

Program evaluation is essential to the important work of Kids' Food Basket (KFB). Daily, KFB keeps
records of all activities from the number of volunteers engaged, the variety and amount of fresh fruits
and vegetables served and the number of children nourished each weekday. KFB also conducts periodic
taste testing of items in Sack Suppers with students, especially when it adds new food items to the

Annually, KFB engages with stakeholders to help ensure that many voices are heard and considered.
Through "Lunch and Listen" sessions with teachers and staff at the schools it partners with, self-
reporting questionnaires and surveys, KFB can reveal what factors influence behaviors or attitudes and
capture stories of need and impact. Through these qualitative measures, KFB reports to its community
partners and stakeholders the impact their investments are making.

Information from KFB’s evaluation work is shared through a Community Stakeholder Report based on
findings as listening sessions are complete and annual Impact Reports.

Budget Narrative/Justification

Our top two priority items which total $2,120,000 in cost. 1) Building Purchase and Renovation 2)
Furniture, Equipment and Technology

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Mount Zion Church of God in Christ

Project Name

Mount Zion Club 188 Summer Academy

Requested       $37,000                  Total Project Cost       $119,000

Executive Summary

Imagine dozens of inner-city youth hanging out during the summer with no structured activities, with no
engagement in learning or enriching experiences or constructive play or organized recreational
activities. Imagine them in settings with minimum to no adult supervision, with opportunities to
participate in risky behaviors or criminal activities. The Mount Zion Club 188 addresses these issues and
more. The program is designed to reduce summer learning loss that is common for all children but
especially children of color. Throughout a 7 week summer session, Club 188 youth engage in reading
exercises, applied math and science activities, a variety of enrichment field trips, and healthy lifestyle
and recreational activities. Children in grades preschool to high school from the city of Muskegon and
surrounding Muskegon County communities are enrolled. Most of the youth are African American.

Sixty youth will participate in weekly reading activities, take field trips to Hackley Library, and area
museums. One day each week is dedicated to math instruction and/or hands-on science activities. All
youth will receive water safety/swimming instruction as well as a kayaking experience. They will be
exposed to cultural and performing arts, and participate in diversity events. They will learn the
importance of eating healthy by cultivating a local community garden and patronizing the Muskegon
Farmer's Market. All youth will have the opportunity to attend an outdoor camp.

We are requesting ARPA grant funding to upgrade our student computer lab by purchasing new
computers and chairs, hire a college student to manage the lab, and replace tables and chairs in our
preschool classroom. We also want to hire a consultant to evaluate our programming, secure a
photographer and to increase the volunteers" stipends. Furthermore, we desire to increase our field
trips to museums and zoo's; and provide opportunities for youth to attend theater performances in
other communities in our state or region.

By funding this grant request, an investment will be made toward future growth and opportunities for
Muskegon area youth.

Purpose of Grant

Many of our children of color spend the entire summer not participating in academic or enrichment
activities due to limited access, and motivation. Furthermore, studies have shown that during the
summer they lose up to a third of what they learned in the previous school year. The Pandemic school
closures added to the learning loss of our youth. According to a recent "U.S. News & World Report"
article, "More than half a school year of learning in math and nearly a quarter of a school year was loss
in reading" during the COVID school shutdown. And dozens of studies have concluded that the
pandemic had a negative and uneven effect on student learning: Black and Latino students experienced
greater decline in test scores than their peers ("Education Week" November 30, 2022.)

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While we don't purport to be a cure-all for learning loss, we commit that Club 188 youth will be enrolled
in an adult supervised and Structured Summer Learning Experience; and they will receive weekly
academic and enrichment exposures delivered by qualified people such as retired teachers, educators,
and other professionals. Grant funding will allow us to utilize our computer lab as a support to reading,
math and science classroom instruction. Our current computer equipment is outdated and in disrepair;
and we have not had sufficient funds to hire a person to manage the lab, help with instruction and
monitor the students.

Another need of Club 188 is additional bus/van transportation. Currently we contract with Dean
Transportation to transport our youth to venues in Muskegon and adjacent counties. Our desire is to
expose youth to the cultural arts and diversity events in cities outside of West Michigan. With ARPA
grant funds we can lease more vans or contract with motorcoach companies for such trips.

Club 188 has been operating since 2009. The lead staff includes college degree educators. One is a
retired college administrator and former adjunct instructor in African American history and college study
skills. She developed the Hands-On Science Program for African American Youth and was a planner of
the Black and Hispanic career conferences at Muskegon Community College. As a former Dean of
Students, she has budget managing experiences in higher education. She became the Club 188 director
in 2011 and "grew" the program over a 10 year period, and received grant funding each year. She
continues to write grants, monitor spending, and complete grant reports in her role as assistant to the

The current director has been a long-time volunteer of Club 188 and her children have been long-time
students of Club 188. The current director holds a degree in elementary education and is a Muskegon
Public Schools elementary educator. She works with children who experience challenges with math and
reading. The executive director holds college degrees and was a college financial aid administrator.

Goal: To engage youth in academic activities that mitigate summer learning loss
schedule weekly age-appropriate reading sessions and math/science lessons
facilitate on-site computer lab applications of reading, math and science lessons- New
complete weekly reading and hands-on learning activities at local libraries and museums
expose youth to on-site presentations and field trips on cultural, ethnic and diversity topics

Goal: To provide youth with STEM/STEAM experiences
place a select group of middle school students in the MAISD Career Tech Camp- New
provide physics application and other hands-on science and technology activities
schedule group sessions in the Muskegon Community College downtown campus "Fab Lab"

Goal: To provide cultural arts and healthy lifestyle exposures
arrange attendance and/or participation in the performing arts
engage youth in gardening, healthy food preparation, and social/emotional discussions
offer recreational and camping opportunities for all grade groups


A general program evaluation will be conducted at the conclusions of the summer program using
objective (written) and subjective (verbal) methods. Both youth and adults will provide input. The

                                                                                                 73 | P a g e
evaluation input is used to plan future sessions. The hiring of a professional evaluator will help us in
planning for the future. One of our goals is to expand Club 188 into a year round program

Regarding the specific requests for ARPA funding, we will define and measure our success as follows:
Purchase and installation of 20 new computers and chairs
Hired computer lab manager, an evaluator, and a photographer
Purchase of pre-school size tables and chairs for 25 children
A completed theater/performing arts trip for 25-30 youth

Budget Narrative/Justification

ARPA Grant Budget Narrative/Justification-2023

Equipment- $14,000
New computers and chairs are needed in the computer lab; the current computers are more than 10
years old. The computers are used to complement classroom instruction, and are used by the students
during quiet times. We would like to purchase a few tablets for the same purposes. We will purchase
20 computers @ $360 each; 20 chairs @ $75 each; 25 tablets @$100 each; and pre-school tables and
chairs to seat 25 youth for approximately $2000.

Salaries- $11,000
 We want to hire a computer lab manager to provide instructional support, and to monitor use of the
lab. The salary for this position was calculated as follows: $20 hourly x 22 hours per week for 7 weeks.
There is a need for a professional evaluation of the Club 188 academic efforts, $2500 is the estimated
cost. Each year we try to give our volunteers a small stipend to help cover their transportation etc.,
(some years we have been unable to do it). Our desire is to give 25 volunteers $400 ($50 x 8 weeks).

Travel- $8000
We believe it is important that the students get exposure to the performing arts, and cultural events
that may not be available in Muskegon. A December, 2023 Black Ensemble Theater production in
Chicago is being considered. The estimated cost of the trip is $5000 for bus and admission for 35
people. A similar trip to the Detroit Wright Museum of African American History is also desirable; and
we have estimated $3000 for it.

Other- $4000
This line item includes utilities, maintenance supplies, internet/telephone, and graphic services.
Utilities and maintenance supplies expenditures are taken out of Club 188 funds. We would prefer to
spend those dollars on student activities. Internet, telephone, and graphic services are in our budget,
but the church currently covers those expenses.

Other Foundations
This proposal request has not been submitted to other Foundations. However, we have submitted
grant applications to the Community Foundation for Muskegon County, and the Gerber Foundation.
The Community Foundation grant does list $5000 for staff stipends. For the most part, those
Foundation requests cover other funding needs, such as camping and local activities and related bus

Priority for ARPA funding

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#1 Computer equipment and chairs; preschool tables, and chairs
#2 Salaries for Lab manager and consultant
#3 Performing Arts Trip

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Boys and Girls Club of the Muskegon Lakeshore

Project Name

Revitalizing Community Wellness: Modernizing and Expanding Clubhouse MKG

Requested       $250,000                         Total Project Cost       $1,800,000

Executive Summary

The Boys & Girls Club of the Muskegon Lakeshore Neal Fitness Center (Clubhouse MKG) is requesting a
grant in the amount of $250,000 to support renovating the pool as part of the completion of Phase 2 of
renovating the Community Center. The target population for this project is broad, encompassing
community members of all ages, including youth, seniors, and persons with disabilities. The renovated
Clubhouse MKG will provide a state-of-the-art facility that will serve over 300 youth and 1,000 fitness
center members per day. The objectives include providing high-quality after-school programming,
fostering a safe and supportive environment, and promoting recreation, physical fitness and well-being.
The grant funds will help complete the Clubhouse MKG modernization and improvements and create a
welcoming and inclusive environment for all members of the community, encouraging greater
participation in programs and activities.. Measurable objectives include a 100% increase in Boys & Girls
Club program participation, a 300% increase in Neal Fitness Center usage by seniors and community
members, and a 50% increase in community engagement within 12 months of project completion.
When complete, the Clubhouse MKG Community Center will provide after-school programs, fitness and
recreational opportunities to the Muskegon community, promoting community engagement, positive
youth development, and healthy lifestyles. The purpose of the grant is to fund Phase 2 of renovations
and improvements to the Clubhouse MKG Community Center in order to better serve the needs of the
community and promote economic development, community connection, and quality of life for

Purpose of Grant

The current facility is outdated and in need of renovation to meet the changing needs of the community.
According to Robert C. Wood Foundation's 2023 data, Muskegon County ranks 69th out of Michigan's 83
counties, making it one of the least healthy counties. And the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately
impacted marginalized neighbors living in Muskegon, exacerbating existing health disparities. Access to
safe recreational activities is limited, particularly for children and seniors negatively affected by social
isolation. The Clubhouse MKG serves this vulnerable population and requires renovations to ensure that
it can continue to provide a safe and accessible space for physical activity and recreation. The proposed
renovation project aligns with ARPA requirements to address COVID disparities by improving access to
safe recreational activities and reducing the negative mental health impacts of social isolation,
particularly for children and seniors in disadvantaged communities.

In the Fall of 2022, ground was broken for Phase I renovations. With the increased cost of materials and
labor due to supply chain issues caused by COVID-19, portions of the renovations and furnishings could
not be included in Phase 1. The remaining items include the pool, parking lot, gymnasium, sauna,
walking track and locker rooms. Furnishings and equipment need to be purchased for the welcome area
and lobby, cardio room, weight room, spin studio, and concession stand where healthy snacks and

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drinks can be purchased. The total project cost for the community center's Phase 2 renovations is
$3,000,000. ARPA Community Grant funds will help fill the GAP in funding to complete Phase 2.

Muskegon County is known for its extensive waterfront, with 26 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline and
numerous inland lakes and rivers. In fact, over 25% of Muskegon County is considered to be on the
waterfront, making it a prime location for water-based activities and outdoor recreation. The Clubhouse
MKG’s location on the Muskegon Lake waterfront allows it to tap into this valuable resource and provide
unique opportunities for Muskegon. It is in a prime location, nestled between Heritage Landing and
Hartshorn Marina. This proximity to water offers a unique opportunity to offer water-based activities
and programs for Muskegon. With such easy access to the water, Clubhouse MKG offers a variety of
recreational opportunities that improve physical fitness and mental well-being including aquatic
programs such as boating, sailing, kayaking, fishing in addition to swimming in the pool. According to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury
death for children aged 1-4 and the second leading cause of injury death for children aged 5-14 in the
United States. In Muskegon County, between 2010 and 2019, there were 24 drowning deaths, with a
drowning death rate of 1.4 per 100,000 population, which is higher than the state average. Given the
Clubhouse MKG location on the shore of Muskegon Lake and the high rate of drownings in the county,
having a functional pool for swimming and water safety education is crucial to prevent future tragedies
and promote the overall health and safety of the community.

As mentioned, repairs to the pool were not included in Phase 1, but are very important to Muskegon.
We recognize the importance of having a functional pool to provide a space for water safety education
and swimming classes which is vital for a community located near large bodies of water. At this time, we
will not be able to re-open the pool unless significant investment is made to repair it. The pool
equipment is outdated and in poor condition as it has not undergone any major renovations in the past
five decades. The pool tile is in poor condition, the filtration system is inefficient, and the heating and
ventilation systems need to be replaced. In addition, the deck and surrounding areas require repairs,
and equipment and safety features need to be updated. The pool renovations will also include the
addition of ADA accessibility features, such as ramps and handrails, to make the pool accessible to
individuals with disabilities. Without these renovations, the pool will be forced to remain closed, leaving
the community without a valuable resource for aquatic education, physical activity and recreation. Not
to mention the great disappointment of all the children, youth and seniors who love swimming in this

In addition to the pool, Phase 2 includes renovating the gym. The gym floor current floor is well past its
prime and presents a safety hazard for the patrons of the fitness center and the youth in the after-
school program. The gym walls will be repaired and painted to ensure they are structurally sound and
safe for use. The storage areas will be reorganized and improved to reduce the risk of accidents and
injuries caused by clutter or equipment falling over. Furthermore, the basketball backboards will be
inspected and replaced if necessary to ensure they are secure and meet safety standards.

Our project also includes repairs to the running track above the gym. The track has fallen into disrepair
over the years and now poses a safety hazard to users. Necessary repairs will be made to the track,
ensuring that it is safe for use and providing an additional fitness resource for Muskegon’s cold Winters.
The repairs will include fixing any structural damage, resurfacing the track, and installing new safety
features such as guardrails and padding where necessary. With these improvements, we aim to promote
physical fitness and provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all who use the track.

                                                                                               77 | P a g e
The current condition of our parking lot and lighting system presents an obstacle to our mission of
providing high-quality recreational and educational opportunities for youth and families in Muskegon.
The cracked, uneven parking lot and outdated lighting system pose safety hazards and present a
negative image. With the new development at Adelaide Point, Hartshorn Village, and the Watermark,
the poor condition of the parking lot will stand out even more. Parking lot repairs will greatly improve
safety and accessibility, reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs, and make Clubhouse MKG
more inviting for community members to participate in programs and events. The new LED lighting
system will be energy-efficient and designed to last for many years, while the re-surfaced parking lot will
withstand heavy use and changing weather conditions, making it a sustainable resource for Muskegon.

The desired outcome of these safety renovations is to provide a safe and secure environment for
patrons of the Neal Fitness Center and the Youth attending the Boys & Girls Club of the Muskegon
Lakeshore after-school program as they engage in physical activity without fear of injury and contribute
to the well-being and health of Muskegon residents.

The target population for this project is broad, encompassing community members of all ages, including
youth, seniors, and persons with disabilities. The Boys & Girls Club of the Muskegon Lakeshore Youth
Center and the Neal Fitness Center primarily serve this population, offering social services and
recreation opportunities to promote healthy lifestyles and positive youth development.

The grant funds will help us to renovate the pool as part of Phase 2 of renovations of Clubhouse MKG
and provide modern and accessible facilities that meet the needs of Muskegon. The renovations will
create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for all members of the community, encouraging
greater participation in programs and activities offered by the Boys & Girls Club of the Muskegon
Lakeshore After School Program and the Neal Fitness Center and allow us to continue to provide
essential social services and recreational opportunities to the Muskegon Lakeshore community,
promoting community engagement, positive youth development, and healthy lifestyles.

Description of project goals and outcomes, measurable objectives, action plans, and statements as to
whether this is a new or ongoing part of the sponsoring organization.
The project goals of the Clubhouse MKG Community Center renovation project are to modernize and
improve the facilities to better serve the needs of the community.

Renovating the Clubhouse MKG is consistent with all four of the 2027 goals for the Muskegon

Goal 1 aims to create an environment that puts an emphasis on improving amenities and investing in
the traits that positively affect residents’ quality of life and attract visitors. Renovating the Clubhouse
MKG will improve the amenities offered in Muskegon, creating a more attractive environment for both
residents and visitors. The upgraded facilities will positively impact the quality of life for community
members who utilize the Boys & Girls Club of the Muskegon Lakeshore Youth Center and the Neal
Fitness Center.

Goal 2 focuses on economic development, housing, and business. Renovating the Clubhouse MKG could
attract new residents to the city because it has a high-quality community center that provides services
to residents of all ages. The Clubhouse MKG will also provide opportunities for local businesses like
i’move and Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Lakeshore to locate new offices in the City of Muskegon. And,
finally, it will create jobs in the youth development field and fitness industry.

                                                                                                78 | P a g e
Goal 3 aims to create an environment of mutual respect and trust between local government and the
community it serves. Funding the renovations of the Clubhouse MKG will help to build trust and respect
between the many life-long supporters of the fitness center who will feel heard and supported by the

Goal 4 seeks to create a positive impact on the community by reducing costs and providing job
opportunities. The state-of-the-art community center will contribute to the local economy by providing
job opportunities and reducing costs through its afterschool program and fitness center. For example,
after-school programs provide a safe and constructive environment for children and teenagers during
the hours when parents or guardians may still be at work, which reduces the risk of juvenile delinquency
and the need for expensive law enforcement and legal interventions. Supporting Boys & Girls Clubs offer
an enormous return on investment. Every $1 spent on afterschool programming saves over $3 by
increasing kids’ learning potential, improving performance and reducing crime and juvenile delinquency.
Studies show every dollar invested in clubs also returns $9.60 in future earnings and cost-savings to

In addition, the fitness center promotes healthy living and physical activity, which can prevent chronic
health conditions and reduce healthcare costs. By investing in the Clubhouse MKG and its programs, you
can create a healthier and more productive population while also saving money on long-term social and
healthcare costs

Overall, renovating the Clubhouse MKG aligns with the 2027 goals for the Muskegon community,
promoting economic development, community connection, and quality of life for residents.
The project goals of the Clubhouse MKG Community Center renovation project are to modernize and
improve the facilities to better serve the needs of the community.

The desired outcomes of this project include:

Increased participation in Boys & Girls Club programs and activities
Increased use of the Neal Fitness Center by youth, seniors and community members
Increased community engagement and participation in the facility by diverse community members
Greater impact by renting space to i’move and Big Brothers Big Sisters
Strengthened relationships with other organizations and a stronger sense of community.
Additionally, the revenue generated from renting out spaces will enable us to continue providing high-
quality programs and services to the young people we serve, as well as to make necessary
improvements to our facility.

The measurable objectives of this project include:

Increase participation in Boys & Girls Club programs and activities by 25% within 12 months of
completion of the renovation project
Increase use of the Neal Fitness Center by seniors and community members by 20% within 12 months of
completion of the renovation project
Increase community engagement and participation in the facility by 30% within 12 months of
completion of the renovation project

The action plan for this project includes:

                                                                                            79 | P a g e
Renovating the Clubhouse MKG space to include updated technology, furniture, and program-specific
equipment Installing accessible entrances, ramps, and restrooms to improve accessibility for persons
with disabilities

Upgrading the Neal Fitness Center with new equipment and technology to better serve the needs of
seniors and community members

Hiring a professional contractor to repair the gym floor to meet industry standards for safety and

Hiring a professional contractor to repair gym walls to ensure they are structurally sound and safe for

Reorganizing and improving the storage areas to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries caused by
clutter or equipment falling over.

Inspecting and replacing the basketball backboards if necessary to ensure they are secure and meet
safety standards.

Developing and implementing safety protocols and guidelines for the fitness center, including regular
inspections and maintenance of equipment and facilities.

Providing training and education to staff and patrons on safety practices and procedures in the fitness

Hiring additional staff to oversee programming and events

Developing marketing materials and strategies to increase community awareness of the renovated
facility and its offerings.

This project is a continuation and expansion of initiatives. The renovation project will create a more
modern and inclusive space for the community, providing new opportunities for youth development,
fitness, and recreation.

List of other partners in the project and their roles.

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with i’move Physical Therapy and Big Brothers Big Sisters of
the Lakeshore for the Clubhouse MKG Community Center. As part of this partnership, i’move Physical
Therapy played a role in designing their space. They expanded their practice into the City of Muskegon,
providing physical therapy services and exercise programs. And, their rented space within the Neal
Fitness Center will provide an ongoing source of revenue. Big Brothers Big Sisters will work closely with
us to promote the renovated facility and encourage participation in programming and events. They will
also work to identify opportunities for our organizations to collaborate and provide additional resources
and support to the youth in the area. In renting our space for their administrative office, they are
moving to the City of Muskegon where they will continue to offer mentoring services and other support
to the children and families in our community.

                                                                                              80 | P a g e
We are excited about the opportunity to partner with i’move Physical Therapy and Big Brothers Big
Sisters to create a dynamic and inclusive community center that will serve the needs of all residents in
our community. Our collaboration will ensure that the Clubhouse MKG remains a vital hub for
community engagement, social services, and recreation for years to come.

List of similar existing projects or agencies, if any, and explain how your agency or proposal differs, and
what effort will be made to work cooperatively.

We are not aware of any existing projects or agencies that are similar to the proposed Clubhouse MKG
Community Center renovation project. While there may be other community centers or organizations
that provide similar services, the Clubhouse MKG will be unique in its approach to creating a fully
accessible and inclusive space that accommodates the needs of all members of the community. We
recognize the importance of collaborating with other organizations in our community and will work
closely with them to ensure that our efforts complement each other and that we are able to meet the
needs of the community in a comprehensive and coordinated way.

We believe that the Clubhouse MKG will fill an important gap in the services currently available to the
community, and we look forward to working collaboratively with other organizations to maximize our
impact and ensure that we are able to provide high-quality services to all members of our community.

Description of the active involvement of constituents in defining problems to be addressed, making
policy, and planning the program.

The quotes from community members indicate a strong sense of attachment and pride towards the
fitness center and its facilities. They express their desire to preserve and enhance the center's services,
as it provides a sense of community and access to affordable fitness amenities for all ages and sectors of
the Muskegon community. These sentiments suggest that the constituents have been actively involved
in defining the problems that need to be addressed, planning for the program, and making policy
decisions to ensure the preservation and sustainability of the fitness center. The involvement of the
community members is crucial in determining the needs and aspirations of the Muskegon community
and in ensuring that the program aligns with those needs and aspirations.

“Honestly, I view the preservation and renovation of 900 W. Western Ave. as the most exciting and
important capital project going in our community. Fifty years ago, the generous people of Muskegon
funded and built our community’s swimming and fitness center on the Muskegon Lake waterfront. What
a gift that was to Muskegon! The center’s closure during COVID, and again right now for renovations to
accommodate the Boys & Girls Club, definitely highlights what we would miss if the Center were not
here: Generations of people learned to swim there. High School athletic teams trained there. Thousands
of Silver Sneakers members sweated and stretched in classes there. Doctors and lawyers played noon
basketball there. People said: “this is where you come to see Muskegon.” Muskegonites felt so good to
be with each other; it felt like pure community to be there.

This capital campaign will re-establish all that, and adds the promise of sustainability and impact. The
geo-thermal powered HVAC system will reduce utility bills to 1/3 of their former level. This campaign
will repair and replace old systems in the pool to save money and avoid interruption. And, most
impactful of all, after the renovation, four entities will operate out of that property, (along with the Boys
& Girls Club and Neal Fitness Center, i’move Physical Therapy will be located in the Fitness Center and

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Big Brother/Big Sisters of the Lakeshore offices will be located on the 2nd floor of the Boys & Girls Club),
each providing revenue to cover annual costs.

This campaign will honor, and preserve the work that created 900 W. Western in 1976. And it will
ensure that quality of life and a sense of community, for all of Muskegon, will only increase, for many
years into the future.”

Chris McGuigan, BGCML Board of Directors and Major Donor
“I had the opportunity to take swimming lessons here in the 1970’s. It helped build my confidence,
create lasting bonds and friendships, and helped me stay out of trouble. My mother said there was no
reason to not know how to swim when you are living in Michigan surrounded by water.”

Jon Covington, BGCML Board of Directors and Founder of Men of Color Read (MOCR)
“The community center is the only publicly accessible service in Muskegon County. It being available to
everyone allows access to water, lessons, and moving up to our magnificent Lake Michigan. That pleases
me to no end.”

MaryKay Valente, Chairperson of the Friends of the Neal Fitness Center and BGCML
“The Friends of the Lakeshore (Neal) Fitness Center, Muskegon is committed to preserving and
enhancing the Fitness Center at its current location on Western Avenue. It is the only publicly-owned
fitness center with access to a six-lane pool, medically integrated fitness classes with professional staff,
state of the art amenities for all ages at an affordable price. It serves families, seniors and kids from all
sectors of the Muskegon community. Help us keep our Center vibrant and strong into the future!”

We will also be relying on the support of volunteers to ensure the success of the program. Volunteers
will be involved in a variety of tasks, including assisting with events and programs, helping with
fundraising efforts.

There are no specific staff training needs for this project.

Long-term strategies for funding this project at the end of the grant period.

To ensure the long-term sustainability of the Clubhouse MKG Community Center and its programs, we
have developed the following strategies for funding:

Grants and Donations - We will continue to apply for grants and seek donations from individuals,
businesses, and foundations to fund ongoing operations, maintenance, and upgrades to the community

Membership and Program Fees - The Boys & Girls Club of the Muskegon Lakeshore Youth Center and
the Neal Fitness Center will continue to generate revenue through membership fees and program fees.

Building Rental – We plan to rent out office space to organizations that align with our mission, as well as
rent out the pool and gym. By renting out these spaces, we hope to generate additional income that can
be used to fund our programs and services, as well as to help cover the costs of maintaining and
upgrading the facility.

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Partnerships and Sponsorships - We will continue to cultivate partnerships with local businesses and
organizations that align with our mission and seek sponsorships for specific programs or events.

Fundraising Events - We will continue to host fundraising events throughout the year to raise funds for
the community center and its programs.

Government Funding - We will explore opportunities for ongoing government funding from local, state,
and federal sources.

Endowment Fund - There is an effort to increase endowment funds for sustainability so this facility will
continue to be an inclusive community asset for ALL.

By diversifying our funding streams and continuing to engage with the community and local businesses,
we are confident that we can secure the necessary resources to ensure the long-term success of the
Clubhouse MKG Community Center.

Describe how this request is compliant with the ARPA Final Rule.
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Final Rule provides funding for a range of programs and services
that support community development and promote economic growth. The request for funding for
renovations to the Clubhouse MKG Community Center aligns with the ARPA Final Rule in several ways:

Neighborhood Facilities - The renovations to the Clubhouse MKG align with the ARPA Final Rule's
provision for "Acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation of facilities that are principally designed to
serve a neighborhood and that will be used for social services or for multiple purposes (including
recreation)." The Clubhouse MKG is a community center that serves the residents of Muskegon,
providing programs and services for children, seniors, and persons with disabilities.

Quality of Life - The ARPA Final Rule emphasizes the importance of improving amenities and investing in
traits that positively affect residents' quality of life. The renovations to the Clubhouse MKG will improve
the facility's accessibility, safety, and functionality, enhancing the experience for all who use it.

Economic Development - The ARPA Final Rule seeks to promote economic development by attracting
new businesses, creating jobs, and expanding access to housing options. The Clubhouse MKG
Community Center plays a role in economic development by providing opportunities for community
members to participate in recreational activities and educational programs, creating 55 new jobs, and
attracting 2 new businesses to the City of Muskegon (i’move and BBBS).

In summary, the request for funding for renovations to the Clubhouse MKG Community Center is
compliant with the ARPA Final Rule's provisions for neighborhood facilities, quality of life, and economic
development. The improvements to the facility will benefit the Muskegon community by providing a
safe and accessible space for youth services, fitness, recreation, and community engagement.


In order to evaluate the success of the Clubhouse MKG renovation project, we plan to use both
quantitative and qualitative measures. The following are our proposed evaluation plans:

Quantitative measures:

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Attendance records: We will track the number of visitors to the Clubhouse MKG before and after the
renovations, as well as the number of visitors to each of the programs and services offered.
Survey data: We will collect feedback from program participants and other visitors through surveys,
which will include questions about the quality of the facility, the accessibility of programs and services,
and overall satisfaction with the Clubhouse MKG.
Financial records: We will track the revenue generated by the facility before and after the renovations to
assess the impact on the local economy.

Qualitative measures:
Focus groups and interviews: We will conduct focus groups and interviews with program participants,
visitors, and community members to gather in-depth feedback about the impact of the renovations on
their experiences at the Clubhouse MKG.
Case studies: We will document specific examples of how the renovated facility has positively impacted
the lives of community members, such as increased participation in programs or improved social

Success will be defined by achieving the following objectives:
Increased usage of the facility: We aim to increase the number of visitors and program participants to
the Clubhouse MKG by 25% within one year of completing the renovations.
Improved facility quality: We aim to improve the overall quality of the facility by enhancing safety,
accessibility, and functionality.
Enhanced community engagement: We aim to increase community engagement with the Clubhouse
MKG by offering new programs and services that meet the needs of diverse community members.
Overall, the success of the Clubhouse MKG renovation project will be measured by the extent to which it
achieves its objectives and meets the needs of the Muskegon community.

Description of how evaluation results will be used and/or disseminated and, if appropriate, how the
project will be replicated.

The evaluation results of the Clubhouse MKG renovation project will be used to identify areas of success
and areas for improvement. The data collected will be analyzed to determine the impact of the project
on the community, program participants, and the local economy. The following are our proposed plans
for dissemination and replication of the project:

A final report will be created outlining the results of the evaluation and will be shared with stakeholders
including community members, funders, and partners.
The report will also be shared on our organization's website and social media platforms to reach a wider
We will also present the evaluation findings at community meetings, conferences, and other relevant

We will share the project's best practices and lessons learned with other organizations interested in
renovating similar community facilities.
We will offer technical assistance and guidance to other organizations looking to replicate this project,
including sharing our project plans, budgets, and timelines.

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We will also identify potential funding opportunities and share those with other organizations looking to
replicate the project.

Ultimately, our goal is to use the evaluation results to continuously improve the Clubhouse MKG
renovation project and to encourage other organizations to implement similar projects in their
communities. By sharing our successes and challenges, we hope to inspire others to invest in
neighborhood facilities and improve the quality of life for residents in their communities.

Description of the active involvement of constituents in evaluating the program

We are committed to involving our constituents in evaluating the Clubhouse MKG renovation project.
The following are our proposed strategies for active involvement:

Surveying program participants: We will survey program participants, including members of the Boys &
Girls Club and Neal Fitness Center, to gather their feedback on the renovated space and program
offerings. We will use their input to make adjustments to our programs and services.

Community feedback sessions: We will host community feedback sessions to gather input from
community members on the impact of the project. We will also gather suggestions for future
improvements and identify areas where we can continue to engage with the community.

Advisory committee: We will form an advisory committee consisting of representatives from the Boys &
Girls Club, Neal Fitness Center, iMove Physical Therapy, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and community
members. The committee will meet regularly to provide input on the project and make
recommendations for improvements.

Data analysis: We will analyze program participation and attendance data to assess the effectiveness of
our programs and identify areas for improvement. This analysis will be shared with program participants
and community members to gather their input.

Through these strategies, we will actively involve our constituents in evaluating the Clubhouse MKG
renovation project. Their input will be essential in shaping the future of the project and ensuring that it
continues to meet the needs of the community.

Budget Narrative/Justification

A list of amounts requested of other foundations, corporations and other funding sources to which this
proposal has been submitted.

Representative Scholten Community Project Funding $1M

List of priority items in the proposed budget, in the event we are unable to meet your full request.

1. Concrete & Tile Repairs: $144,750.
2. PVC Return Line Drains Repair: $3,500.
3. Chemtrol System Update: $25,000.
4. Strainer: $6,000.
5. Storage for Pool Chemicals & PPE: $5,000.

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6. Replace ADA Stair Access to Pool: $6,500.
7. Increase Visual Appeal: $10,000.
8. Replace Drinking Fountain and Cuspidor: $1,400.
9. Emergency Call Box: $250.
10. Repair Mechanical Room Floor: $1,000.
11. Replace 4 Drains and VGB Covers: $3,500.
12. Replace Catch Box for Backflow: $3,000.
13. Hydrostatic Pressure Assessment: $1,500.
14. Swimsuit Dryers: $6,600
15. Replace Spectator Seating: $8,500
16. Pool Equipment Storage: $5,000
17. Calibrate Ballast Tanks: $3,000.
18. Removal of Decommissioned Equipment: $10,000.
19. Soft Costs: $9,000

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Open Gates of Grace Ministries

Project Name

Rebuilding Open Gates Community

Requested        $250,000                 Total Project Cost     $500,000

Executive Summary

On August 14, 2022, Open Gates of Grace experienced a fire due to arson. The City of Muskegon
requires our building to be brought up to the current code after the fire. There are 20 room units that
need to be rebuilt or refurbished. Open Gates of Grace is requesting funds to rebuild luxury affordable
housing for the most vulnerable residents of our community. They include those with an income of 60%
of the AMI, mentally ill, developmentally disabled, substance abusers suffering from chronic addiction,
the working poor, and those who suffer chronic homelessness. Not only do we provide luxury affordable
housing, but we also provide clothing, and food for those who suffer from these insecurities as well. In
addition, we spiritually and emotionally encourage our residents. We promote and train them for a
better standard of living. And we strongly advocate for the basic needs of those who are most
vulnerable and underserved through making appropriate referrals to agencies and services throughout
the community.

Purpose of Grant

* Statement of Needs:

Some residents in the City of Muskegon suffer chronic homelessness and a lack of affordable housing,
especially those who fall in the income range of 60% of the average median income (AMI). These
residents' housing insecurity stem from a variety of problems such as chronic drug addiction, mental
illness, developmental disabilities, and suicidal ideations. The population we serve are the most
vulnerable population in the City of Muskegon who typically "fall through the cracks" because they lack
the capacity to meet the criteria for most social service programs that are established in conventional
social network systems. This project will provide an additional 20 housing units and spiritual support to
help combat homelessness, increase housing affordability, support the community who suffer food
insecurity, and advocate for those who suffer from severe mental illness, developmental disabilities, and
drug addiction.

* Description of Capacity or Abilities:

Housing the homeless entails more than just warehousing people in rooms and apartments. In most
cases, these individuals are homeless relative to a myriad of socioeconomic insufficiencies that have
been the basis of their homelessness. In other cases, due to the loss of income related to Covid 19, this
exacerbated the issue of homelessness. Our staff and leadership are highly qualified to perform every
aspect of this project and program. We have the education, experience, and expertise to rebuild and
manage our room rentals. We provide our residents with live in management to oversee any situation
that may arise. We have many community partners and volunteers that bring in food and cook for the

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residents. Our community partners also provide clothing and personal care items. Our administration
assists with everyday activities and stays in connection with outside community agencies to provide
additional services and support. Some of our volunteers have themselves experienced homelessness.
And they have overcome this as a result of our services. To pay it forward, they now work in the Open
Gates Community with an empathetic and compassionate heart to help others overcome housing
insecurity as well.

* Description of Project Goals and Outcomes:

Our goal is to rebuild 20 room rental units for the purposes of housing affordability. We also strive to
advocate for the most vulnerable residents of our community. We provide food, clothing, emotional and
spiritual support for those who lack the capacity to obtain their basic needs in society. We have very
measurable goals and outcomes due to the actual physical rebuilding of the project. Each phase will be
measurable by the completion of each project, such as framing, mechanical, electrical, plumbing,
drywall, fire suppression, trimming, etc. Once the project is rebuilt, we intend on providing the
necessary spiritual and emotional support for our residents, while providing a luxury environment that
will educate them with ways to properly provide for themselves. Our action plan is to continue with
more affordable housing as an ongoing part of our mission and ministry.

* List of Other Partners and Their Roles:

Michael Belt, our architect and structural engineer, has been vital to ensuring a safe and accessible plan
of action for the rebuilding of our project. We also are working with several subcontractors such as Brian
Suffel in mechanical, Laskco Plumbing, Spencer Electric, Alpha Fire Protection for water suppression, and
our own construction company, Success Properties for all building, drywall, painting, and trim work that
will be completed. After completion of rebuilding our project, we also intend on working with the
support of law enforcement, Health West, the Men's Mission, Hope Network, and other outside
organizations to assist our vulnerable residents with the necessary help to achieve a better lifestyle.

* List of Similar Existing Projects or Agencies and Our Effort to Work Cooperatively with Them:

The Men's Mission has been a very integral part of our ministry. We have housed several men from the
Mission. The Mission specializes in providing short term shelter for men. They are released from the
Mission after 3 months. Our project provides shelter for men at an affordable price. Our project is not
short term. The men are allowed to stay as long as they desire. They rent rooms which are treated like
miniature apartments. They are responsible for their own space.

* Description of Active Involvement of Constituents:

Constituents, also known as the residents, play an active role in defining problems, making policies, and
planning the program. We discuss problems, policies, and planning in our Open Gates Community
meetings. We make adjustments as necessary. We gather as a mastermind group to plan, develop, and
implement strategic solutions for our community. We engage the residents through surveys, ongoing
discussions, and monthly meetings.

* Description of Qualifications of Key Staff or Volunteers:

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The Key Staff are highly qualified to rebuild the building and run the programs necessary to assist the
most vulnerable members of the community. Raynice Starr is a Real Estate Broker and Mark Boukamp is
a Real Estate Agent. Both have nearly 25 years of experience. They specialize in providing affordable
housing throughout the Counties of Kent and Muskegon. Raynice Starr is President of the construction
company, Success Properties, which have refurbished houses for several financial institutions since
2012. Jesse Starr is a renowned educator and licensed contractor with over 45 years of experience.
Raynice and Jesse will oversee the construction project of rebuilding Open Gates Community.

Tracy Green brings a wealth of insight and experience in the arena of corporate program development.
With over 25 years of experience, she has been instrumental in developing both structural and client
program frameworks, supportive curriculum, along with grant writing. Her grant writing helped
strengthen the nonprofit and faith-based communities where she served. At the grassroot level as well
as within corporate entities, Tracey has harnessed the power of collaboration to maximize the use of
community assets, those known and even yet to be tapped, to become invaluable resources, benefitting
the entire community at large.

Treasurer and Financial Consultant, Mark Boukamp, has a bachelor's in business with a minor in Finance.
He has owned several successful businesses for nearly 40 years. He is well qualified to oversee finances
with experience in managing millions of dollars. Raynice Starr has 25 years' experience in education and
Jesse Starr has over 50 years' experience in education. They will educate our community how to live
independently and have productive successful lives. Many of our residents lack independent living skills.

Vice President, Patricia Clark-Pullen, is a registered nurse of 42 years. She has acute care experience. She
spent 37 years as a nursing supervisor, ensuring policies and procedures are met. Patricia has also
worked in education, restoring defunct nurses aid programs that had fallen out of compliance with the
State of Michigan. She worked with the developmentally disabled and mentally impaired at the
Muskegon Regional Center and Pine Rest for several years. She also has a long history of working with
substance abuse individuals in a local methadone treatment center.

Our President, Raynice Starr, also has a bachelor's degree in social work with a minor in Psychology for
nearly 30 years. She has experience in working in the mental health field as well as a medical social
worker. We are not a hospital nor a mental health treatment facility. However, our combined extensive
education and experience with individuals who require services in the areas of mental health, substance
abuse, developmental disabilities, and housing insecurities, well qualify us to provide basic housing
services to those individuals who are frequently homeless, relative to these special needs. Our fields of
expertise assist us in identifying an array of issues to make appropriate referrals in the community.

* Long-Term Strategies for Funding:

This project funds itself after the completion of it. There are 20 units. Rents include many amenities,
such as all utilities, fully furnished with televisions, furniture, beds, bedding, towels, and toiletries, some
meals, free educational courses, free coaching, free credit repair, advocacy, spiritual, and emotional
support, etc. We have 12 rooms that will rent for $475. We have 6 rooms that will rent for $525. And we
have 2 double size handicap accessible rooms that will rent for $600. This project will gross
approximately $10,050 per month. Other funds include those raised from church services and outside
charities at around an additional $3,500 per month or more. Also, our educational programs, coaching,
and courses will bring in about $1,000 per month. The monies will be used to maintain the ongoing cost

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of the project, to create a better standard of living for our residents, and support additional projects for
affordable housing.

* Description of Compliance with the ARPA Final Rule:

This project is in full compliance with the ARPA Final Rule. In addition, it is in full alignment with
Governor Whitmer's first-ever Statewide Housing Plan to build and rehabilitate 75,000 housing units and
to make homelessness rare, brief, and nonrecurring. The ARPA Final Rule suggests that certain
populations are presumed to be eligible. The Final Rule states that there must be a negative economic
impact or economic harm experienced by an individual or class due to Covid-19. This includes
households that experience increased food or housing insecurity. The Final Rule also suggests that the
response must be designed to address the identified economic harm or impact resulting from or
exacerbated by the public health emergency.

The Final Rule requires that responses must be related and reasonably proportional to the extent and
type of harm experienced; For example, the Final Rule states on page 26 of 437, that the uses that bear
no relation or are grossly disproportionate to the type or extent of harm experienced would not be
eligible uses. It suggests that “Reasonably Proportional” refers to the scale of the response in
comparison to the scale of the harm. The Final Rule states that targeting of the response to beneficiaries
should be in comparison to the harm they experienced. The Final Rule also indicates that it may not be
"reasonably proportional" to provide a group with assistance in small amounts who experienced great
harm, while providing another group with assistance in large amounts when they experienced relatively
little harm.

It is necessary to consider which class requires more aid. It is considered unfair and unreasonably
proportional to provide aid to a higher class of people while neglecting those who experienced greater
harm during the Pandemic. The Final Rule desires that when considering a population, consider the size
of the population impacted and the severity, type, and duration of the impact. Open Gates of Grace
designed a response that is reasonably proportional by targeting the population with the greatest
negative economic impact and economic harm within the most vulnerable class of individuals. We will
utilize funds to respond to an immediate need for affordable housing to those within the group of 60%
of the AMI, the homeless, drug addicted, mentally ill, and developmentally disabled people.


* Plans For Evaluation How Success Will Be Defined and Measured:

When dealing with mentally ill, developmentally disabled, impoverished, and drug-addicted individuals,
success can be defined and measured in four ways:

1. Success can be defined by setting treatment goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant,
and time- bound (SMART). For example, a person with a drug addiction may have a goal to abstain from
drug use for a certain period. A person with a mental illness may have a goal to reduce symptoms.
Impoverished individuals may work on maintaining sustained employment. And developmentally
disabled individuals may have a goal of improving their daily functioning to give life more meaning.

2. Success can also be measured by objective indicators and subjective indicators. An objective indicator
would entail changes such as a person's physical health, mental health symptoms, or social functioning.

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Subjective indicators could include a person's satisfaction with their quality of life. We help residents
feel more connected to others and have a greater sense of purpose in life.

3. Success can be evaluated by long-term outcomes, such as the person's ability to maintain sobriety,
maintain employment, sustained daily functioning, or manage their mental illness over time. This can be
important for people with chronic conditions, where relapse or recurrence is common.

4. Ultimately, success will depend on a person’s unique circumstances, treatment goals, and personal
values. It's important to involve the person in the process of defining and measuring success, as they are
the best judge of what matters most to them. It's also important to recognize that success may be
achieved in small steps. Therefore, it's critical to celebrate each small win along the way and support the
person in their journey towards recovery.

* Description Of How Evaluation Results Will Be Used And
Disseminated, and How The Project Will Be Replicated:

The evaluation results can be used and disseminated in various ways. The evaluation results can be used
internally by the project team to assess the effectiveness of the project and to make improvements.

The evaluation results can also be disseminated externally to law enforcement, policymakers, healthcare
providers, and community organizations. This can involve sharing the results through reports,
presentations, and other communication channels. The goal of disseminating the results can be to
demonstrate the impact of the project and to advocate for continued funding and support for similar
projects in the future.

If the project is successful, the evaluation results can be used to guide replication efforts in other
communities or with different populations. This can involve sharing best practices, lessons learned, and
strategies for overcoming challenges. It may also involve providing training and technical assistance to
other organizations interested in implementing similar projects. In terms of specific strategies for
dissemination and replication, some possible approaches include:

1. Creating a report or summary of the evaluation results that is easy to understand and accessible to
community organizations.

2. Sharing the results at conferences, workshops, and other events where stakeholders can learn about
the project and its outcomes.

3. Developing a toolkit or guide that provides step-by- step instructions for replicating the project in
other communities.

4. Establishing partnerships with other community organizations that are interested in implementing
similar projects and providing technical assistance and support throughout the replication process.

The goal of using and disseminating the evaluation results is to ensure that the project has a lasting
impact and can be replicated in other settings to benefit more people who are struggling with
vulnerable conditions such as impoverishment, mental illness, developmental disability, and drug

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* Description of the Active Involvement of Constituents in
Evaluating the Program:

Active involvement of constituents or residents in evaluating a program involves engaging program
participants and community members in the evaluation process. This can include:

1. Collecting feedback from constituents on their experience with the program, incorporating their
perspectives into the evaluation design, and involving them in interpreting and sharing the results.
Residents can be asked to provide feedback on their experience with the program through surveys,
interviews, focus groups, or other data collection methods. The feedback can be used to identify areas
for improvement, assess program satisfaction, and gather input on program outcomes.

2. Constituents can be involved in the design of the evaluation itself by providing input on the evaluation
questions, methods, and data sources. This can ensure that the evaluation is relevant, meaningful, and
responsive to the needs and perspectives of those who are most impacted by the program.

3. Residents can also be involved in interpreting the evaluation results by reviewing the data, identifying
patterns, and providing their perspective on the implications of the data. Finally, constituents can be
involved in disseminating and reporting the evaluation results to ensure that the findings are shared
with relevant stakeholders and are communicated in a way that is accessible and understandable to the
broader community.

Active involvement of residents in program evaluation can help to ensure that the evaluation is
meaningful, relevant, and responsive to the needs and perspectives of those who are most impacted by
the program. This approach can also foster a sense of ownership and engagement among residents,
which can contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of the program.

Budget Narrative/Justification

There are no other amounts requested of other foundations, corporations, and other funding sources.
The priority items in the proposed budget in the event you are unable to meet our full request are:

1. Structural damage-$20,000
2. All mechanical damage must be repaired-$30,000
3. All plumbing damage must be repaired-$50,000
4. All electrical damage must be repaired-$30,000
5. One Accessibility concrete ramp- $25,000
6. Lower level water suppression- $45,000
7. Rebuilding 12 rooms in burnt out hall- $50,000

Total: $250,000

Our full need is $500,000. The amount of $250,000 is half the budget of what's needed. The items listed
were calculated based upon individual bids received from various subcontractors. These items would
deem the building safe and livable, if they were all completed. However, it does not account for 20% of
overage for unseen costs and materials, additional payments to some subcontractors, cleanup of smoke
damage in upstairs sanctuary and learning center, all new paint upstairs for fire restoration, all new floor

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covering upstairs due to damage, and additional ramp for upper accessibility, upstairs fire suppression, a
new roof, permits and fees to primary contractor.

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Soul Filled Enterprises

Project Name

Soul Filled Bistro @ The Vault by Core Realty

Requested       $100,000                  Total Project Cost       $210,000

Executive Summary

Soul Filled Enterprises has joined with Core Realty to bring the first ethnically diverse food collective to
downtown Muskegon.

This project, named "The Vault" will highlight Thai Cuisine, Soul Food Cuisine, Artisan Crafted Gourmet
Sandwiches; and bring 15 other new businesses to the center of downtown Muskegon.

Specifically, Soul Filled Bistro will become the first Black Owned, female owned business in downtown
Muskegon to operate in this capacity.

Also, in partnership with Kids Food Basket and the Culinary Institute of Michigan; we will partner to
provide training and support to those students desiring to learn cultural cuisines. Lending our influence
to helping further promote: diversity, equity and inclusion within Muskegon County.

Purpose of Grant

The vision to complete this project has been birthed from a dream in my heart to bring the Muskegon
community together. While being noted as one of the most segregated counties in the state of Michigan
- Soul Filled has been on the forefront of bringing everyone together, regardless of race. creed or color.

Currently the building is undergoing renovation to prepare of our occupancy. Until now, I have not been
able to obtain traditional lending from banks or investors - as I am Solely a determined individual, with a
great work ethic and the community at heart. I have consistently shown the capabilities to operate with
great character and ethics; however, I do not have the credit requirements nor collateral requested by
most lending institutions.

The funds requested will cover our first year's lease commitment, installation of new restaurant
equipment, POS operating system, first year payroll, attorney fees, social media promotion and
webpage upgrade, continuous improvement of facility and completion of scope of work.

We have been in negotiations with Core Realty since 2022. The project is slated to launch in July 2023.
We have applied for grant funds through the "match on main" program, with assistance from Contessa
Hood & Dave Alexander; and are awaiting a decision for a 25K grant.

While this helps it is not enough to complete the work that we have ahead by July.
Specifically, we need

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38,000 to purchase and install a new range hood.
3250 to purchase a new POS system for restaurant management monitored and secured by Chase Bank
25,000 to cover our first year of our 5-year lease with Core Realty
7500 to cover the first year of shared utility and property maintenance costs shared by builder owner
and co-restauranteurs
50000 to cover the first year of salaries, training materials and work insurance expenses
13000 to retain T Dan Smith of Saglaw as our legal counsel for the first year.

We have solicited investors, private donations and used personal savings to cover the cost. Without the
Match on Main Grant, we still fall 100000 short of our intended goal.
For the first year, Chase bank has agreed to monitor our accounting and distribution funds. We plan to
outsource this in our second year with another local accounting firm - of which we have yet to choose.

It is no secret that our vision is larger than our current income. It is my belief that with hardwork,
commitment to detail and discipline - we will be able to bring the first 100% black owned business to
downtown Muskegon, build a positive influence in the community, and secure a positive future for the
greater community at large.

We cannot do this without grant funding such as ARPA. It is no secret that COVID affected many
household incomes, credit scores and changed the way that we see life. As a single mother of one, it has
been an uphill battle. I am continually thankful that "everyday" I have an opportunity to make a
difference in the lives of many people.

Thus far, we have done this with no funding. Simply selling meals, winning local and national
competitions, keeping philanthropy at heart, and working on building a better tomorrow.

I am unable to hire a grant writer or editor - so these word come from my limited understanding, but a
pure heart - with a business drive and mind unlike any other.

Please allow us to prove that we are more than capable of managing funds with integrity, legal
reinforcement, attention to detail and abidance to every rule as stated by the funding institution


Success will be defined and measured initially through weekly leadership meetings, and well as quarterly
meetings with board of directors.

Management of finances will be overseen by Chase Bank & Matthew Sharpe of Kar-Mel Financial

Upon reviewing the scope of work, results will be used and disseminated by the Board of Directors,
making sure that we are in compliance with all State, Federal and local laws; as well as the over all vision
of scope requested by lending sources.

Constituents evaluation and with active involvement in the program are listed below as our Board of

Matthew Sharpe - KarMel Financial Investments

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Stanley Grissom - Business Advisor
Geneva Williams - Executive Administrator
Jeanette Grimm - Staff Manager
Tarra Carson - Business Advisor
Debra Waller - Business Advisor
Core Realty ( John Essex, Troy Wasserman, Bryan Bench) - Lease Holders
City of Muskegon - as needed

Budget Narrative/Justification

Grant Budget 100,000

First Year Lease with Core Realty - $24, 358.60
Tax Insurance and Operating Expense - $625 monthly, $7,500 annually
First Year Legal Assistance from SagLaw - $15,600
Installation of Range Hood and Fire Suppression System - $38,000
POS system for restaurant management monitored and secured by Chase Bank - $3250
First year employee training, salary, expenses- $25,000 (the other 25k will be paid through earned

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Servicios De Esperanza LLC

Project Name

Capacity Building with our Team

Requested       $25,000                   Total Project Cost       $25,000

Executive Summary

We are requesting this grant to fund training for our therapists in evidence-based practices. Servicios de
Esperanza, LLC (SDE) serves primarily Medicaid clients, so our clientele is poverty stricken, underinsured,
uninsured, and often, probationers, parolees, and DHHS mandated. Capacity building is essential for all
small business and allows us to expand our specialties' that will be available to our community during
sessions and groups. We are increasing our subjects covered in group therapy sessions, such as:
recidivism, substance abuse, parenting, elderly socialization and movement, anger management,
batterer's intervention, and juvenile substance abuse. The funds will be spent covering training costs
and the therapist's salary while they attend the training.

Purpose of Grant

SDE serves primarily Medicaid clients, so our clientele is poverty stricken, underinsured, uninsured, and
often, probationers, parolees, and DHHS mandated. One example of an urgent need is a group that SDE
was notified by the court was missing for their demographic. Participants in several cases through
District Court are required to attend a class on recidivism and there wasn't one available in our
community. Angelita, our Owner/CEO, immediately agreed to find a training program to be able to
facilitate a group for those requiring it. She was able to attend training in March, our COO Jax wrote a
grant for supplies (workbooks are expensive and mandatory for participants) and this group will start in
April. Angelita and Jax have over 20+ years combined with experience in running a business and
accounting for grants.

SDE, being a small business, has difficulties finding the capital to cover the cost of training and the hours
that our therapists need off to attend. We encourage our staff to attend all free trainings available, but
the staff often ends up using their spare time to attend and paying the cost out of pocket.

There are several trainings available to therapists and counselors, many even virtual, so there isn't a
travel cost involved. However, to receive a certificate, these trainings are often 32+ hours. With this
grant covering the hours of our staff, they would have the time to enhance their education and
specialize their modalities for all of the clients that walk through our door.

We are asking for $25,000 to cover 32 hours of training per therapist (10) and a $900 training fee
allowance per therapist. Any training that would be allowed to be taken would have to be evidence
based and offer a certificate. These would all be new certifications to each licensed therapist.

As a DCO (dedicated collaborating organization) for HealthWest, we treat their patients as well which
increases our demand and reach within our community.

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This request is compliant with the ARPA Final Rule as we would be providing outpatient treatment and
outreach to individuals not yet engaged in treatment, harm reduction, and long term recovery support.
It is also compliant as, with additional education, our therapist would be able to provide, and our client
would have access to, high(er)-quality treatment.


We will be conducting satisfaction survey at the end of each course. For example, at the end of a 8 week
course / 8 sessions.

Budget Narrative/Justification

We are asking for a total of $25,000. This would cover 32 hours of staff time per therapist and they
would have a training allowance of up to $900 each.
Wages = 32 hours per 10 therapist @ $50 per hour = $16,000
Training Costs = $900 allowance per therapist (10) = $9,000

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Sheldon Park Neighborhood Improvement Association

Project Name

Enhancing the Sheldon PARK

Requested       $25,000                 Total Project Cost       $150,000

Executive Summary

The Sheldon Park is a greenspace near eastern border of Muskegon. It is bordered by Isabella, Oakgrove,
McLaughlin Alley and Madison. There is an unpaved parking area for about 20 vehicles with the
entrances off Madison and Oakgrove. There is a Brick structure housing restrooms. There is an official,
fenced in Little League baseball field with a concession stand and scoreboard, dugouts and practice
fields . Basketball court ,children's playground with newer equipment . The City maintains the area.

Purpose of Grant

Due to the lack of properly maintaining the structure the bathrooms and such are locked and not use
able. Improvements thru-out the park area:

The Plan:
Pave the parking lot
Have restrooms available
Improve Lightning and security-camera's.
Improve playground area-upgrade swings and other equipment.
Electricity and water outlets
Build a Pavilion shelter , add picnic tables and grills.
Expand the community building to get year round use.


Alley paving -it would be completed and used by the community which would be a huge improvement
for the park. Lighting and security improvements --we would see the improved lighting and the video
cameras in sight.

Budget Narrative/Justification

Pave alley and parking area 4,000.00
Restrooms --short term get a port a--potty on site --for the year 500.00
Security camera's -10 camera's -we have an estimate of 5600.00
Improve Lighting in all areas. 5000.00
Picnic tables and grills-various styles to seat aprox. 100 persons. 10,000.00 -These would be Located in
appropriate areas.
Playground equipment is a longer term project over several years,

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Jackson Hill Neighborhood Association

Project Name

JHNA Home Improvement

Requested       $250,000                  Total Project Cost       $450,000

Executive Summary

The Jackson Hill community is mostly an older income homeowners area. The community loves the fact
that they owns their homes, but do to economical factors for several decades a large numbers of homes
have fallen into a higher costly state of needed repairs. For several years there were not any sources of
funding to assist repairs or improvements. The JHNA Board sees that we can review each home and
work with the city services on needed work that the homeowners could not qualify before.
The work maybe inside home repairs, garage improvements, landscaping issues, problem tree removals,
etc. Our hope is to improve the community homes with these initiatives for the betterment of the
livelihoods, for the present owners and future family members.

Purpose of Grant

Our community need a "hand up" by this grant. For decades most of the homes have fallen into poor
conditions. With that said, there’s very little effort to want to care. This grant will improve the value of
the homes thought out the neighborhood immensely. By giving more value, the neighbors should start
having more concern and pride in the cleanliness of the areas by their property that are vacant.

When the homes, parks, and streets start getting repaired, everyone should have a change of their
attitudes and behaviors about Jackson Hill. This can surely be a major start for strengthen the economic
vitality of the city of Muskegon and surely will impact the quality of life of our residents.


The JHNA will review with the owner on the work being started by themselves or the outsource the is
doing the work or/and completing it. We most likely will start with the older homeowners and major
problems issues first. Understandably, 10 to 12 homes probably will be worked on to start. After a 3
month work time, then 6 month work time review of work being performed. We can start with the next
phase of homes. Depending on the work being performed, we can give an evaluation on pros and cons
for the future programs like this in our community.

Budget Narrative/Justification

1. Home repairs and Improvements
2. Problem Tree trimming or removal on properties
3. Additional JHNA signage and street curb improvements

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