City Commission Packet Archive 01-28-2025

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            January 28, 2025 @ 5:30 PM







    A. Approval of Minutes City Clerk
    B. West Michigan Ironmen Lease Arena
    C. Commission Meeting - Agenda Structure Manager's Office
    D. Amendment to the Marihuana Facilities Overlay District Planning
    E. Amendment to the zoning ordinance, replacing mentions of "single-
       family residential districts" with "neighborhood residential districts."
    F. Amendment to Article II of the zoning ordinance to create definitions for
       duplexes and triplexes. Planning
    G. 2025 USER FEES Finance
    H. Purchase of 1932 and 1967 Reynolds. Planning
    I. Approve CRC recommendations City Clerk
    A. Public Hearing Establishment of a Commercial Redevelopment District-

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        Lakeshore Hotel Partners, LLC, 181 Viridian Drive Economic
    B. Public Hearing Establishment of a Commercial Facilities Exemption
       Certificate, Lakeshore Hotel Partners, LLC- 181 Viridian Drive Economic
    C. Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate -485 Mary St (formerly 845
       Ducey Ave) Economic Development
    D. Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate - 263 W Muskegon Ave.
       Economic Development



►   Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following:
►   Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room.
►   Submit the form to the City Clerk.
►   Be recognized by the Chair.
►   Step forward to the microphone.
►   State name and address.
►   Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission.




To give comment on a live-streamed meeting the city will provide a call-in telephone
number to the public to be able to call and give comment. For a public meeting that is
not live-streamed, and which a citizen would like to watch and give comment, they
must contact the City Clerk’s Office with at least a two-business day notice. The
participant will then receive a zoom link which will allow them to watch live and give
comment. Contact information is below. For more details, please visit:
The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such
as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being
considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities who want to attend the
meeting with twenty-four (24) hours’ notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with
disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the City of Muskegon by
writing or by calling the following:

Ann Marie Meisch, MMC. City Clerk. 933 Terrace St. Muskegon, MI 49440. (231)724-6705.

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                         Agenda Item Review Form
                         Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: January 28, 2025        Title: Approval of Minutes

Submitted by: Ann Meisch, City Clerk             Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary:
To approve minutes of the January 13th Commission Worksession Meeting and the January 14th City
Commission Meeting.

Detailed Summary & Background:

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:

Key Focus Areas:

Goal/Action Item:

Amount Requested:                                Budgeted Item:
                                                  Yes           No            N/A   X

Fund(s) or Account(s):                           Budget Amendment Needed:
                                                  Yes           No            N/A   X

Recommended Motion:
Approval of the minutes.

Approvals:                                       Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division
Head                                              No

Other Division Heads
Legal Review

                                                                                        Page 4 of 152
            January 13, 2025 @ 5:30 PM

Present: Mayor Ken Johnson, Vice Mayor Rebecca St. Clair, Commissioners
Katrina Kochin, Willie German, Jr. (Arrived at 5:50 p.m.), Destinee Keener, Jay
Kilgo, and Rachel Gorman, City Manager Jonathan Seyferth, and City Clerk
Ann Marie Meisch


    A. Recognize Volunteers on the Various City
       Boards/Committees/Commissions City Commissioners
Mayor Ken Johnson and Vice Mayor Rebecca St.Clair recognized and thanked
the many volunteers on the City Boards.

    B. Shaw Walker - Transformational Brownfield Discussion Manager's Office
City Manager, Jonathan Seyferth and Director of Developmental Services, Jake
Eckholm explained what a Transformational Brownfield is. The owner of Parkland
Properties, Jon Rooks and Chief Operating Officer, Rory Charron gave an
overview and answered questions.

    C. Nelson House Update and Discussion Planning
Jamie Pesch with the Planning Department explained that the bid period for
purchase of the Nelson House ended on November 21, 2024. Initial interest
came from a number of different parties, and staff ended up coordinating site
visits with only one group. No bids on the house were received, so staff
discussed possible options being considered to move the project forward.
1. Formally listing the house with a realtor.
2. Revising the conditions of the purchase and redevelopment agreement.
3. Completing a selection of necessary work at the house prior to offering it for

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    D. Beach Street Winter Closure DPW- Highway
Director of Public Works, Dan VanderHeide presented the history of, regulation
around, and some data clarifying the closure of Beach Street south of Filtration
Plant during the heavy winter months.

    E. Commission Meeting - Agenda Structure Manager's Office
The City Commission sets the agenda structure (flow of business) for each
commission meeting. Staff requests that the City Commission consider moving
Public Hearings to the top of the meeting before Public Comment and add a
standing item for federal/state/county elected officials to provide updates. This
will be on the January 28th City Commission Meeting.

No public comments were received.

Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Kochin to adjourn
at 7:35 p.m.

                                       Respectfully Submitted,

                                       Ann Marie Meisch, MMC City Clerk

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           January 14, 2025 @ 5:30 PM

The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall,
933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 14, 2025.
Pastor Russell Damm from the Oak Crest Church of God, opened the meeting
with prayer, after which the Commission and public recited the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.

Present: Mayor Ken Johnson, Vice Mayor Rebecca St. Clair, Commissioners Jay
Kilgo, Destinee Keener, Willie German, Jr., Rachel Gorman, and Katrina Kochin,
City Manager Jonathan Seyferth, City Attorney John Schrier, and City Clerk Ann
Marie Meisch


   A. Thredz Y3 Program Recognition Manager's Office
Mayor Ken Johnson read the Proclamation, showed the slide show, and
presented the Proclamation and Certificates of Appreciation.

   B. Audit Presentation-ACFR by Brickley Delong Finance
Finance Director Ken Grant introduced Eric VanDop from Brickley DeLong who
gave an overview of the audit.

No public comments were received


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    A. Approval of Minutes City Clerk
To approve minutes of the December 2nd Special Commission Meeting, the
December 9th Commission Worksession Meeting, and the December 10th City
Commission Meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes.

    B. Cameras for City Hall and Police Department City Clerk
City staff have identified a need to update and improve our building security at
City Hall. Staff recommends we purchase a fully advanced, cloud-based
solution providing us with 24/7 access to the cameras without the need to worry
about the security challenges of hosting the footage in-house. After going
through product trials with multiple solutions, staff recommended Verkada, the
lowest-cost solution from Sentinel. The majority of the system will be purchased
using a $30,000 Election Security Grant received by the Clerk's Office and the
remaining amount of $2,753.62 comes from the General Fund.
The action will require a budget amendment to both revenue and
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to enter into an agreement to
purchase the Verkada system in the amount of $32,753.62.

    C. EGLE Grant Development Agreement, City of Muskegon and Muskegon
       Limited Dividend Housing Association, Lofts of Muskegon, 122 W.
       Muskegon Ave. Economic Development
Muskegon Limited Dividend Housing Association, LLC (the developer) has been
invited to apply for an EGLE Grant on behalf of the City of Muskegon
(applicant) for the proposed Lofts of Muskegon development located at 122 W.
Muskegon Avenue. The grant request totals $850,000.
The site, last occupied by a fast-food restaurant from 1997 to 2015, is currently
vacant. The proposed redevelopment involves the construction of a 4-story
multifamily affordable housing complex with 46 units, following the demolition of
existing site features. The total private investment is estimated at approximately
$16 million, with the creation of two part-time jobs anticipated.
Due to its historical uses—including a gas station, battery storage shop, dry
cleaner, and auto repair shop—the site has documented contamination. Soil
and soil gas samples collected from the property reveal the presence of
contaminants, necessitating the proper management of contaminated soil and
the implementation of a vapor mitigation system (VMS) to safeguard indoor air
quality for future residents. Grant funds will be utilized to cover the design and
installation of the VMS and the removal and proper disposal of contaminated
soil generated during site demolition and redevelopment (excluding the cost of

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The project is expected to commence in March 2025, with completion
anticipated by March 2026. EGLE requires a development agreement between
the applicant and the developer, outlining the responsibilities of each party. A
draft of the proposed development agreement is available for review.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: I move to approve the EGLE grant development
agreement between the City of Muskegon and Muskegon Limited Dividend
Housing Association, LLC, for the Lofts of Muskegon project at 122 W. Muskegon
Ave. and authorize the City Mayor to sign.

    D. Ordinance Change: Parental Responsibility Ordinance - SECOND
       READING Public Safety
The City of Muskegon's Parental Responsibility Ordinance, Chapter 54, Article VII,
Section 54-218 needs to update its definition of juvenile from under the age of
17 years to under the age of 18 years to follow State of Michigan law.
In 2021, in accordance with the Michigan Juvenile Justice Reform Act of 2018,
the definition of juvenile changed from age 17 and under to 18 and under in
MCL Section 712A.1.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: I move to change the definition of minor in Chapter
54, Article VII, Section 54-218 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of
Muskegon to any juvenile under the age of 18.

    F. Downtown Development Authority On-Premises Liquor License- Puerto
       Vallarta Mexican Grill and Bar, LLC, 292 W. Western Ave. Ste. 103
       Economic Development
Puerto Vallarta Mexican Grill and Bar, LLC, is requesting a Downtown
Development Authority On-Premise Liquor License for the building at 292 W.
Western Ave. Ste. 103. The Liquor Control Commission allows for additional liquor
licenses within Downtown Development Authority Districts under certain
Puerto Vallarta Mexican Grill and Bar, LLC, is seeking approval for a Downtown
Development Authority (DDA) On-Premise Liquor License for their location at 292
W. Western Ave., Suite 103. This type of license is specifically designed to support
economic development and promote vibrant, thriving downtown districts.
Under Michigan law, the Liquor Control Commission permits the issuance of
additional liquor licenses within designated Downtown Development Authority
Districts. These licenses are granted under certain conditions, including
alignment with the DDA’s goals for economic revitalization, enhancement of
the district’s character, and promotion of tourism and local business growth.
Approval of this request would enable Puerto Vallarta Mexican Grill and Bar to
serve alcoholic beverages at their establishment, further contributing to the
appeal of the downtown area as a dining and entertainment destination. The

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license is a vital tool for attracting and retaining businesses that foster a
dynamic and engaging environment for residents and visitors alike.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: I move to approve the request from Puerto Vallarta
Mexican Grill and Bar, LLC, for a Downtown Development Authority On-Premise
Liquor License at 292 W. Western Ave., Suite 103, and to forward this approval to
the Michigan Liquor Control Commission for their consideration.

    G. Rezoning of 1727 Beidler St. Planning
Request to rezone 1727 Beidler Street from Neighborhood Residential (R) to
Form-Based Code, Neighborhood Edge (FBC-NE).
1. The property measures 84’ wide x 100’ deep (8,400 sf).
2. The property is zoned R, Neighborhood Residential, but it contains a
commercial structure on site. The building measures 1,472 sf and is used for
storage for a construction company. The use is considered legally, non-
3. The zoning allows for legally non-conforming uses to be increased in size with
a special use permit, but only up to 25% of the size of the existing building. The
property is considered a double lot and has enough space for a larger addition.
The applicant would like to at least double the size of the building
4. The FBC, NE designation would allow this retail-type building to be expanded
as long as it meets the setback requirements (10 feet rear/ 3 feet sides). The
rezoning would also make the storage use legally conforming.
5. The property is located just north of the business district on Laketon Ave and is
near other mixed-use buildings on Beidler St.
6. Although the property is small in size, staff and the Planning Commission do
not believe this request to be considered a spot zone. A "Findings of Facts"
exercise was conducted at the Planning Commission meeting to determine that
it was not considered a spot zone.
7. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended in favor of the rezoning
request (6-0, 3 absent).
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: I move to approve the request to rezone the
property at 1727 Beidler Street from Neighborhood Residential to Form-Based
Code, Neighborhood Edge.

Motion by Commissioner Keener, second by Commissioner Kochin, to adopt
the Consent Agenda as presented minus Item E.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Kochin, St.Clair, Johnson, Kilgo, Keener, German, and
           Nays: None

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    E. Amity Bridge Resolution Public Works
Staff requests adoption of a resolution authorizing the DPW Director and Clerk to
sign the Amity Bridge Removal (and Reconstruction) Contract with MDOT.
On December 10, 2024 the City Commission approved the contract with the
Michigan Department of Transportation to fund removal of the Amity Avenue
Bridge and to build a new roadway in the same place. While the contract was
approved on the 10th, MDOT requests that the individuals that are authorized to
sign the contract be specifically named in a resolution. The resolution satisfies
that requirement and will allow staff to sign the approved contract.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To adopt the resolution authorizing the DPW Director
and Clerk to sign the Amity Bridge Removal (and Reconstruction) Contract with

Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Kilgo, to adopt the
resolution authorizing the DPW Director and Clerk to sign the Amity Bridge
Removal (and Reconstruction) Contract with MDOT.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gorman, Kochin, St.Clair, Johnson, Kilgo, Keener, and
           Nays: None


    A. Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificates - 558, 568, 601, 608, 613, 621
       Jackson; 522, 532 Leonard; 501, 503, 505 Alva; 502, 504 Herrick and 460
       Langley. Economic Development
Staff is requesting the approval of Neighborhood Enterprise Zone (NEZ)
certificates for 15 years for new construction homes at 558, 568, 601, 608, 613,
621 Jackson; 522, 532 Leonard; 501, 503, 505 Alva; 502, 504 Herrick and 460
Applications for Neighborhood Enterprise Zone (NEZ) certificates has been
received from Green Rabbit Home Builders for the new construction of homes
at 558, 568, 601, 608, 613, 621 Jackson; 522, 532 Leonard; 501, 503, 505 Alva; 502,
504 Herrick and 460 Langley. The cost of construction is approximately $190,000
per home. The applicant has met local and state requirements for the issuance
of the NEZ certificate.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: I move to close the public hearing and approve the
Neighborhood Enterprise Zone District certificates at 558, 568, 601, 608, 613, 621

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Jackson; 522, 532 Leonard; 501, 503, 505 Alva; 502, 504 Herrick and 460 Langley
and authorize the City Clerk and Mayor to sign the certificate resolution.
The Public Hearing opened to hear and consider any comments from the
public. No public comments were made.

Motion by Commissioner Keener, second by Commissioner Kilgo, to close the
public hearing and approve the Neighborhood Enterprise Zone District
certificates at 558, 568, 601, 608, 613, 621 Jackson; 522, 532 Leonard; 501, 503,
505 Alva; 502, 504 Herrick and 460 Langley and authorize the City Clerk and
Mayor to sign the certificate resolution.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: German, Gorman, Kochin, St.Clair, Johnson, Kilgo, and
           Nays: None

Commissioner Kilgo asked where the City Commission agenda and packet is for
the public. City Manager Jonathan Seyferth explained where it has been
moved to. Reminded citizens that the BOGO sale ends this week for the beach
parking passes. Thoughts and prayers for California for the fires that are still
going on. Would like an update on the Apple Avenue project.
Commissioner Keener asked about the Apple Avenue project. Director of
Public Works Dan VanderHeide stated he met with MDOT today. They are still
working on the preliminary plans. Hope to have the Community Engagement
Meeting in late February.
Vice Mayor St.Clair stated there are still openings on the Boards and

Public comments received.

The City Commission meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.

                                       Respectfully Submitted,

                                       Ann Marie Meisch, MMC City Clerk

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                         Agenda Item Review Form
                         Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: January 28, 2025            Title: West Michigan Ironmen Lease

Submitted by: Jake Laime, Arena Manager              Department: Arena

Brief Summary:
The West Michigan Ironmen lease expired in June of 2024. Ironmen Owner and Arena Director have
been working together to solidify a new year by year lease structure moving forward.

Detailed Summary & Background:
The West Michigan Ironmen and the Arena Director have worked together to produce a new year-
to-year lease with the Ironmen since their current lease ended in June of 2024. The Ironmen have
faced challenges with viable leagues and the Arena has faced challenges with scheduling the
Ironmen within the parameters of the available turf dates. USHL playoffs and various graduations
have caused implications in previous years which caused an inefficiency in scheduling and added
expense to operations. The Ironmen are in negotiations with a league whose facilities host both USHL
and ECHL hockey teams, both in whom will face the same challenges. We are optimistic that we
can start and end the Ironmen season within the allotted turf dates accompanied by the Risers.
 These times are between the months of December and April. With the unknown of playoffs starting
in April followed by graduations in May it is in our best interest to consolidate the schedule into a 4-
month schedule.

The proposed lease is financially consistent with that of the previous seasons. Small modifications
regarding the storage of the pads and food/beverage policies have been added.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:

Key Focus Areas:

Goal/Action Item:
2027 Goal 3: Community Connection

Amount Requested:                                    Budgeted Item:
                                                      Yes           No            N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Budget Amendment Needed:
                                                      Yes           No            N/A

Recommended Motion:
To approve the lease as presented for the West Michigan Ironmen 2025 season

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Approvals:                 Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division     x
Head                        No

Other Division Heads
Legal Review           x

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                        Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: January 28, 2025          Title: Commission Meeting - Agenda Structure

Submitted by: Jonathan Seyferth, City Manager      Department: Manager's Office

Brief Summary:
The City Commission sets the agenda structure (flow of business) for each commission meeting. As
discussed at the January 13, 2025 work session, the commission is comfortable updating the agenda
flow so that Public Hearings are near the top of the meeting before Public Comment, a standing item
for federal/state/county elected officials to provide updates is added, and the second public
comment is renamed "General Public Comment."

Detailed Summary & Background:
The City Commission sets the format of Commission Meeting agendas, and any change to the
format/flow requires Commission action. Staff recommend and the commission discussed at its
January 13, 2025 work session about moving Public Hearings to the top of the meeting following
Awards, Honors, and Presentations and before Comments on an Agenda Item, adding a section for
Federal/State/County updates and renaming the second public comment.

The movement of public hearings to the top of the agenda serves a few functions:
1. Often, those who come for public hearings (either as applicants or commentators) leave after the
hearing. Moving Public Hearings up on the agenda would accommodate allowing those individuals
to leave earlier if they so wished.
2. Those there for a public hearing are often confused when it is their time to speak (during public
comment on an agenda item or during the hearing itself). Having the public hearing before public
comment on agenda items will lessen that confusion.
3. Often, those who are attending public hearings are paying professional consultants to attend, and
this is an economically friendly move for those individuals.

It was also discussed and agreed that a new standing item, Federal/State/County Updates, should
be added. It is recommended that this happen after public hearings and before general public
comment on an agenda item.

Lastly, the second public comment section will be renamed General Public Comment.

A sample agenda is attached

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:

Key Focus Areas:

Goal/Action Item:

                                                                                         Page 23 of 152
Amount Requested:                             Budgeted Item:
n/a                                           Yes            No           N/A   X

Fund(s) or Account(s):                        Budget Amendment Needed:
n/a                                           Yes            No           N/A   X

Recommended Motion:
Move to approve the updated agenda as presented.

Approvals:                                    Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division
Head                                           No

Other Division Heads
Legal Review

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                               CITY OF MUSKEGON
                              Commission Meeting
                            December X, 202X 5:30PM
                          Muskegon Commission Chamber
                           PROPOSED SAMPLE AGENDA







       A. Item 1




       A. Item 1

       B. Item 2

       C. Item 3

       D. Item 4







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                         Agenda Item Review Form
                         Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: January 28, 2025          Title: Amendment to the Marihuana Facilities
                                                   Overlay District

Submitted by: Mike Franzak, Planning Director      Department: Planning

Brief Summary:
Request to amend Section 2331, subsection 3(a) of the zoning ordinance, to allow The Grassy Knoll to
operate between the hours of 8:00 am and 2:00 am., by the Grassy Knoll.

Detailed Summary & Background:

    • The Planning Commission unanimously recommended for denial of the request to amend the
      ordinance because the proposed language is incomplete and it inadvertently restricts the
      hours of operation for all other marihuana retailers. The applicant was not present at the
      Planning Commission meeting.
    • The applicant proposed an ordinance amendment in 2024 to allow for 24-hour marihuana
      retail sales everywhere in the Marihuana Facilities Overlay District, but the request failed.
    • The applicant is now requesting to amend the zoning ordinance to allow only their property
      the ability to operate a retail store and a designated consumption establishment from 8:00 am
      to 2:00 am. Currently, retailers are allowed to operate between 8 am and 12 am. As
      presented, the ordinance would restrict any hours of operation for all other marihuana
    • The Grassy Knoll is located at 2125 Lemuel St. The address was not included in the proposed
      ordinance, rather the name was only listed.
    • Please see Section 2331.3 as it currently exists, followed by the proposed amendments within
      this document.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:

Key Focus Areas:

Goal/Action Item:
2027 Goal 2: Economic Development Housing and Business

Amount Requested:                                  Budgeted Item:
N/A                                                 Yes           No          N/A      X

Fund(s) or Account(s):                             Budget Amendment Needed:
N/A                                                 Yes           No          N/A      X

                                                                                           Page 26 of 152
Recommended Motion:
I move to deny the request to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance as proposed.

Approvals:                                       Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division       X
Head                                               No

Other Division Heads
Legal Review

                                                                                        Page 27 of 152

  3. Provisioning Center, Retailer, Microbusiness and Designated Consumption Establishment

     a. Hours. Provisioning Centers, Retailers and Microbusinesses and Designated
     Consumption Establishments may operate between the hours 8 am and 12 am.

      b. Signage. Signage shall follow the regulations set forth by the underlying zoning

      c. Building and Site Amenities. All Provisioning Centers, Retailers, Microbusinesses and
     Designated Consummation Establishments must meet the following amenity

            i.      Canopy. Buildings must have a canopy or decorative awning over the
                    main entrance to the building.
            ii.     Security shutters. The interior of all windows shall require security
                    shutters that give the appearance of shutters or window shades. Metal bars
                    and gates are prohibited.
            iii.    Lighting. There shall be ornamental lighting on the exterior of the building
                    at all ingress and egress doors. There shall also be at least one decorative
                    street lamp with banner brackets every 150 feet of lineal road frontage.
                    The Zoning Administrator may require these lamps to be located off-site
                    within the overlay district to create a cohesive look for the district.
            iv.     Landscaping plan. Decorative landscaping shall be provided with
                    irrigation. All new construction projects shall require underground
                    sprinkling. Please see Part G, Landscaping Requirements.
            v.      Street furniture/amenities. There shall be at least one bench, bike rack,
                    trash can or bus shelter located on site. The Zoning Administrator may
                    require any of these over another to keep a diversified look throughout the
                    district. Properties that cannot meet these requirements because of site
                    conditions may allow the Zoning Administrator to locate these amenities
                    anywhere within the district or within 500 feet of its boundaries.
            vi.     Carbon filtration system. The building shall be equipped with an activated
                    carbon filtration system for odor control and be maintained in working

     d. Curbside/Drive Thru. Curbside delivery is allowed at all retail sale locations with an
     approved site plan that does not impede traffic or pedestrian safety. Drive thrus are
     allowed as a special use permitted under the following conditions:

            i.      The underlying zoning designation must be B-2, B-4, MC, I-1, I-2 or any
                    Form Based Code designation/building type that allows for drive thru

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            ii.      Drive thru windows must be located on private property. Streets and
                    alleys may only be used for the movement of traffic and may not be used
                    for drive thru vehicular stacking.
            iii.    A traffic study must be performed showing anticipated number of stacking
                    spaces and where they would be located on site.

     e. Security. There must be a security presence in place on the property at all times, either
     by licensed security guard(s) and/or security cameras. A floor plan with security details is


  3. Provisioning Center, Retailer, Microbusiness and Designated Consumption
     Establishment Requirements:
         1. Hours. The Grassy Knoll Provisioning Center may operate 18 hours per day
             from 8:00AM-2:00AM.
         2. Designated Consumption Establishments may operate for 18 hours per day between
             the hours 8 am and 2 am.

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                                         CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                  MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                        ORDINANCE NO._____

An ordinance to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to expand the operating hours for the Grassy
Knoll. .


Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance is amended as follows:

   3. Provisioning Center, Retailer, Microbusiness and Designated Consumption Establishment
         1. Hours. The Grassy Knoll Provisioning Center may operate 18 hours per day from 8:00AM-
         2. Designated Consumption Establishments may operate for 18 hours per day between the hours 8
             am and 2 am.

This ordinance adopted:



Adoption Date:

Effective Date:

First Reading:

Second Reading:

                                                  CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                  By: _________________________________
                                                         Ann Meisch, MMC, City Clerk

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The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County,
Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance
adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City
Commission on the 28th day of January 2025, at which meeting a quorum was present and
remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City
of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given
pursuant to and in full compliance with the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of
Michigan No. 33 of 2006, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as
required thereby.

DATED: ___________________, 2025.            __________________________________________
                                             Ann Meisch, MMC
                                             Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish:       Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.

                                                                                               Page 31 of 152
                                               CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                               NOTICE OF ADOPTION

Please take notice that on January 28, 2025, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an
ordinance to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to expand the hours of operation for the Grassy
Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk
in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours.

This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication.

Published ____________________, 2025.                          CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                               By _________________________________
                                                                        Ann Meisch, MMC
                                                                        City Clerk



Account No. 101-80400-5354

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                         Agenda Item Review Form
                         Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: January 28, 2025            Title: Amendment to the zoning ordinance,
                                                     replacing mentions of "single-family residential
                                                     districts" with "neighborhood residential districts."

Submitted by: Mike Franzak, Planning Director        Department: Planning

Brief Summary:
Staff initiated request to amend the zoning ordinance to replace all instances of “single-family
residential districts” with “neighborhood residential districts.”

Detailed Summary & Background:
With the recent zoning reform amendments now in place, the ordinance must be updated to
remove references to single-family residential districts. These references can be replaced with
neighborhood residential districts. Please see the enclosed redline version of the proposed

The Planning Commission unanimously recommended for approval of the proposed amendments.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:

Key Focus Areas:

Goal/Action Item:
2027 Goal 2: Economic Development Housing and Business

Amount Requested:                                    Budgeted Item:
N/A                                                  Yes             No            N/A      X

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Budget Amendment Needed:
N/A                                                  Yes             No            N/A      X

Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the request to amend the zoning ordinance by replacing all instances of “single-
family residential districts” with “neighborhood residential districts" as proposed.

Approvals:                                           Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division         X
Head                                                  No

                                                                                                Page 33 of 152
Other Division Heads
Legal Review

                       Page 34 of 152

   Master Deed: The document recorded as part of a condominium subdivision to which are attached as
   exhibits and incorporated by reference the approved bylaws for the condominium subdivision and the
   condominium subdivision plan and all other documents required by law to be attached or incorporated.

   Master Land Use Plan: The statement of policy by the City Planning Commission relative to the agreed upon
   and officially adopted guidelines for a desirable physical pattern for future community development. The
   plan consists of a series of maps, charts and written material representing in summary form the soundest
   concept for community growth to occur in an orderly, attractive, economical and efficient manner creating
   desirable community living conditions.

   Mezzanine: A small extra floor between one floor of a building and the next floor up, or if no floor above
   then the ceiling next above. The mezzanine shall not occupy more than one-third (1/3) of the floor area of
   such story below it and at least one wall must be open to the adjacent living space below. In no case shall a
   mezzanine expand the roofline, such as with a dormer.

   Mini Storage (Warehouse) Facilities: A building or group of buildings in a controlled access or fenced area
   that contains varying sizes of individual compartmentalized and controlled access stalls or lockers for the
   storage of customer’s goods or wares which are not used on a daily basis.

   Mobile Home: A structure, transportable in one or more sections, which is built on a chassis and designed
   to be used as a dwelling with or without permanent foundation, when connected to the required utilities,
   and includes the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and electrical systems contained in the structure. The
   term mobile home shall not include pick-up campers, travel trailers, motor homes, modular homes,
   recreational vehicles, converted buses, tent trailers, or other transportable structures designed for
   temporary use.

   Mobile Home Park: A parcel or tract of land under the control of a person upon which 3 or more mobile
   homes are located on a continual, nontransient basis and which is offered to the public for that purpose
   regardless of whether a charge is made therefor, together with any building, structure, enclosure, street,
   equipment, or facility used or intended for use incident to the occupancy of a mobile home.

   Modular (Pre-Manufactured) Housing Unit: A dwelling unit constructed solely within a factory, as a single
   unit, or in various sized modules or components, which are then transported to a site where they are
   assembled on a permanent foundation to form a dwelling unit, and meeting all codes and regulations
   applicable to conventional single-family home construction.

   Monopole: A support structure constructed of a single, self-supporting hollow metal tube securely anchored
   to a foundation.

   Motel: A building or group of buildings, whether detached or in connecting units, which shall provide for
   overnight or resort lodging and are offered to the public for compensation, and shall cater primarily to the
   public traveling by motor vehicle. The term motel shall include buildings designated as hotels, auto courts,
   tourist courts, motor courts, motor hotel, and similar appellations which are designed as integrated units of
   individual rooms under common ownership. A motel shall not be considered or construed to be a multiple
   family dwelling.


                                                                                                     Page 35 of 152

   18. Off-Premise Sign: A sign located on a different parcel of land or lot or premise than where the business,
       product, service, event, or person or subject is being advertised.

   19. On-Premise: A sign located on the parcel of land or lot advertising a business, product, service, event,
       person or subject being offered on said parcel of land or lot.

   20. Pennant: A small, often triangular, tapering flag used in multitudes as a device to call attention to a land
       use or activity.

   21. Pole Sign: An advertising structure which is supported by one or more uprights in permanent footings
       with all parts of the display surface of the sign eight (8) feet or more above the grade at the base of the
       sign (see Figure 2-8).

   22. Portable (Temporary): A sign which is not permanently affixed to a building (wall sign), structure (pole
       sign) or the ground (monument sign). Portable or temporary signs include without limitation signs
       supported on wooden posts, mobile chassis, motor vehicle, banners, flags, and pennants.

   23. Projecting (Braquet): A sign which is attached directly to and perpendicular with a building wall and
       extends more than twelve (12) inches from the face of said wall (see Figure 2-8).

   24. Residential Entranceway Sign: A permanent structure including but not limited to walls, columns and
       gates, marking entrances to single-familyresidential subdivisions or multiple housing projects by name,
       symbol, or otherwise.

   25. Real Estate Sign: A sign advertising that the premises on which it is located is for sale, lease, or rent.

   26. Roof: A sign which is erected, constructed and maintained upon or above the roof, or parapet wall of a
       building which is wholly or partially supported by said building (see Figure 2-8).

   27. Setback: The minimum linear distance as measured from the road right-of-way line to the nearest part
       of the sign or advertising structure.

   28. Sidewalk Sign: A temporary sign placed on the sidewalk or private property adjacent to the commercial
       activity it advertises, that is of either an A-frame or T design and may be no larger than 10 square feet in
       display area.

   29. Window: A sign that is applied or attached to the exterior or interior of a window or located in such a
       manner within a building that it can be seen from the exterior of the structure through a window (see
       Figure 2-8).

   30. Wall: A sign fastened to or painted on the wall of a building or structure in such a manner that the wall
       becomes the supporting structure for, or forms the background surface of the sign and which does not
       project more than twelve (12) inches from said building or structure (see Figure 2-8).

   Sight Distance: The length of an unobstructed view from a particular access point to the farthest visible point
   of reference on a street. Used in this ordinance as a reference for unobstructed street visibility.


                                                                                                         Page 36 of 152



Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) may be allowed by the Planning Commission under the procedural
guidelines of Section 2101. The intent of Planned Unit Developments in the single familyNeighborhood
rResidential district is to allow for flexibility in the design of housing developments, including but not limited to
condominium developments and cluster subdivisions, to allow for the preservation of open space; allow for
economies in the provision of utilities and public services; allow for limited business options that serve the
neighborhood; provide recreational opportunities; and protect important natural features from the adverse
impacts of development.

   1. Determination: The Planning Commission, in reviewing and approving a proposed PUD may allow lots
      within the PUD to be reduced in area and width and setbacks below the minimum normally required by
      this ordinance in return for common open space where it is determined that the benefits of the cluster
      approach will decrease development costs, increase recreational opportunities, or prevent the loss of
      natural features. The Planning Commission, in its determination, shall consider the densities permitted
      in the Zoning Ordinance and, if applicable, the land’s capability to bear the higher density.

   2. Basic Requirements:

           a. The net residential acreage including improvements and occupied land shall be calculated by
              taking the total area of the tract and subtracting, in order, the following:

                    i. Portions of the parcel(s) shown to be in a floodplain.

                   ii. Portions of the parcel(s) which are unsuitable for development in their natural state due
                       to topographical, drainage or subsoil conditions such as, but not limited to; slopes greater
                       than 15%; organic, poorly drained soils, and wetlands.

                   iii. Portions of the parcel(s) covered by surface waters.

                   iv. Portions of the tract utilized for storm water management facilities.

           b. Undevelopable areas may be used for common open and recreational areas.

           c. No building shall be sited on slopes steeper than 15%, within 100 feet of any ordinary high-water
              mark, wetland, or on soil classified as being very poorly drained.

   3. Density determination: To determine the maximum number of dwelling units permitted on the parcel(s)
      of land, the net residential acreage shall be divided by the minimum lot size required by the zoning

   4. Open space requirement: At least 15% of the site shall be set aside as dedicated common open space.
      At least one third (1/3) of the common open space shall be usable open space. The open space and
      access to it shall be permanently marked and designed so individuals in the development are not forced
      to trespass to reach such recreational or common open spaces.


                                                                                                         Page 37 of 152

                               ARTICLE V – MHP MOBILE HOME PARK DISTRICTS


The MHP Mobile Home Park Districts are established primarily to provide for higher density single family
detached, residential dwelling units, and assist in meeting adopted Master Land Use Plan Residential Goals and
Objectives of providing diversified housing types in the City of Muskegon. Also, because mobile home parks are
much higher in density than an otherwise typical single-family subdivision, and because they are developed with
private street systems, thereby creating an interruption in the continuity of the local public street system, they
are otherwise not totally compatible with lower density single family subdivision. In this Ordinance, mobile
homes are intended to serve as an alternative housing type to other forms of residential development.


In the Mobile Home Park District, no structure shall exceed a height of twenty-five (25) feet or two (2) stories.


The mobile home park shall be developed with sites averaging 5,500 square feet per mobile home unit. These
5,500 square feet for any one site may be reduced by 20 percent provided that the individual site shall be equal
to at least 4,400 square feet. For each square foot of land gained through the reduction of a site below 5,500
square feet, at least an equal amount of land shall be dedicated as open space, but in no case shall the open
space and distance requirements be less than that required under R 125.1946, Rule 946 and R 125.1941 and R
125.1944, Rules 941 and 944 of the Michigan Administrative Code.


All setback requirements of public Act No. 419 of the Public Acts of 1976, as amended shall be adhered to. No
building or mobile home shall be located closer than twenty-five (25) feet from any existing or proposed local
street right-of-way, nor less than thirty-five (35) feet from any existing or proposed collector street right-of-way.


The mobile home park site shall, within the mobile home park, provide a masonry wall four feet six inches (4’
6”) in height abutting single familyNeighborhood rResidential properties districts and public rights-of-way or a
greenbelt in compliance with the following.

   1. Quality: Plant and grass materials shall be of acceptable varieties and species, free of pests and diseases,
      hardy in Muskegon County, and shall conform to standards of the American Association of Nurserymen
      and inspections required under State Regulations.

       No plant materials used to satisfy some or all planting requirements of the Ordinance shall be comprised
       of nonliving materials, such as petrochemical plants. No polyethylene film shall be used under nonliving,
       decorative landscape materials such as stone, wood chips, and gravel in a manner which will cause
       erosion of the decorative materials.

   2. Deciduous trees shall be species having an average mature crown spread of greater than fifteen (15) feet
      in Muskegon County, and having trunk(s) which can be maintained with over five (5) feet of clear stem,

                                                                                                         Page 38 of 152

                  iv. Creation of standing water, other than in an approved detention or retention pond.

                   v. Direct discharge into surface water.

           b. Elevation Restrictions: Filling a parcel of land with earth or other materials to an elevation above
              the established grade of adjacent developed land is prohibited without obtaining approval from
              the City Engineering Department.

   3. State and federal approvals: The City shall not approve any land use or issue which requires a state, or
      federal permit until satisfactory evidence of such has been submitted. Examples of such permits include
      (but are not limited to) critical dunes, air quality, wetlands, inland lakes dredge and fill, floodplain and
      activities under the jurisdiction of state soil erosion and sedimentation regulations.


A plot plan depicts a subset of the information required by this Ordinance for a site plan. A plot plan is required
for changes to lots in single family zonesNeighborhood Residential districts. Full site plans are required for
special uses, planned unit developments, multi-family, commercial and industrial development.

The Building Official shall require that all applications for residential building permits be accompanied by an
acceptable plot plan, drawn to scale, showing the following:

   1. The actual shape, location, and dimensions of the lot.

   2. The shape, size, and location of all buildings or other structures to be erected, altered, or moved, and of
      any building or other structure already on the lot including sheds, garages, pools, satellite dishes over
      twenty four inches (24”) in diameter, mechanical equipment service buildings, etc.

   3. The existing and intended use of the lot and of all such structures upon it.

   4. Such other information concerning the lot or adjoining lots as may be essential for determining whether
      the requirements of this Ordinance are being met.

   5. Adjacent drainageways or creeks.

   6. Any easements, existing or vacated.

   7. Gas, sewer and water lines serving the property.

   8. Overhead electrical wires.

   9. Access drives and parking areas.


No more than one principal building may be permanently established on a lot or parcel, unless specifically
provided for elsewhere in this Ordinance as in the case of a condominium development, site planned use,
planned unit development, or multiple family development.


                                                                                                       Page 39 of 152

       placed around any sign or public street amenity other than trees. No street furniture or fencing may be
       affixed to any public street amenity.

   6. Outdoor amplification shall be prohibited except only to play music in compliance with Code of
      Ordinances, City of Muskegon, Part II, Chapter 26, Article II, Noise, Division I, Generally, Sec. 2634, (a &
      b) “Playing of radios, musical instruments, etc.”

   7. The area devoted to outdoor service shall not encroach upon or extend over any public alley or right-of-
      way without an encroachment agreement with the City of Muskegon.

   8. A site plan shall be submitted which clearly depicts the seating area and location and style of tables and
      chairs, reflecting ample aisles for pedestrian traffic, and dividers, if needed.

   9. The outdoor seating area shall not obstruct visibility of on-coming pedestrians or vehicular traffic, and
      must adhere to clear visions standards of the Zoning Ordinance.

   10. The sale of alcoholic beverages is subject to the rules and regulations of the State of Michigan Liquor
       Control Commission. An outdoor service permit may be required as part of the site plan approval.

   11. All outdoor furnishings shall be completely removed from sidewalk areas December 1 through March 1
       of each year.

   12. The area devoted to such outdoor dining area shall be maintained in a safe, clean, and sanitary manner.

   13. Roof seating shall comply with the building code, and not contain signage.


Permitted Exceptions: The following structural appurtenances shall be permitted to exceed the height
limitation, provided that no portion of said appurtenances shall be used for human occupancy. Any structural
exception to the height limitation shall be erected only to such height necessary to accomplish its intended

   1. Ornamental structural appurtenances such as church spires, belfries, cupolas, domes, ornamental
      towers, flag poles, and monuments.

   2. Appurtenances necessary to mechanical or structural functions of a building and structures, such as
      chimney, smoke stacks, water tanks, wind generators and pumps, elevators, stairwell, ventilators,

   3. Structural appurtenances in the Single FamilyNeighborhood Residential district, that serve the occupants
      of the individual residential use do not exceed seventy-five (75) feet in height as measured from the
      ground level at the base of the structure.


                                                                                                      Page 40 of 152

It is the intent and purpose of this section to establish design review standards and controls over housing
development in the City of Muskegon. It is recognized that there are unique design aspects inherent in the
community appearance that need to be preserved and enhanced. The adoption of these criteria will guide and
ensure that all future growth fits with the unique vernacular of the City of Muskegon’s urban setting. A positive
community image: enhances economic development opportunity; safeguards property values; curbs blight and
deterioration; and enhances public safety and welfare.

All single-family houses, duplexes, rowhouses and small multiplexes (3-6 units), other than a mobile home
located in a licensed mobile home park approved under the provisions of Article V, MHP Mobile Home Park
Districts, shall conform to the following regulations in addition to all other regulations of this Ordinance:

   1. Each dwelling unit shall have a minimum living area of five hundred and fifty (550) square feet for a one
      (1) bedroom dwelling. For each bedroom, an additional 100 square feet shall be provided. This shall be
      measured from the outside wall of the unit as described on the site plan.

   2. If a principal structure is less than 850 square feet and is to be located on a lot that is large enough to
      split under the zoning regulations, it must be placed in such a fashion as to allow enough room to split
      the lot and create an additional buildable lot. The lot does not actually have to be split at the time of
      construction and may be done at a later date at the property owner’s discretion.

   3. All buildings located in single family rNeighborhood Residential districts must comply with Section 400.2
      of the zoning ordinance. Multiple family dwellings are only allowed in single-family residential districts
      if the home has already been altered with prior approval to allow for multiple dwellings. One-family
      dwellings may not be altered to allow for multiple dwellings, nor may new homes be built for multiple

   4. Roof drainage in the form of a roof overhang of at least twelve inches (12”) shall be provided to direct
      storm or meltwater way from the foundation, unless a gambrel roof or other design elements
      necessitate an alternative roof drainage system.

   5. The building shall have a minimum width across the front elevation view which is the lesser of:

           a. Twenty-four (24) feet on lots that are at least forty feet wide or

           b. The average width of the homes on the same street, one block in any direction.

   6. A structure with a front elevation view of over 40 linear feet shall have a design offset including but not
      limited to; bay windows, covered porches, or structural offsets from the principal plane of the building.

   7. In the case of an attached garage, garage doors may not comprise more than fifty percent (50%) of the
      width of the front elevation view.

   8. In the event that a dwelling unit is a mobile home as defined herein, it shall be installed with the wheels
      removed. No dwelling unit shall have any exposed towing mechanism, undercarriage or chassis.

   9. The subject building shall be aesthetically compatible in design and appearance with other buildings on
      the same street, one block in any direction. The review shall include but not necessarily be limited to:
      roof pitch, scale, size, mass, minimum transparency, orientation to the street, and overhangs. The

                                                                                                      Page 41 of 152

       foregoing shall not be construed to prohibit innovative design concepts involving such matters as (but
       not limited to) solar energy, view, or unique land contour.

   10. The compatibility of design and appearance shall be determined in the first instance by the Zoning
       Administrator upon review of the plans submitted for a particular building. The Zoning Administrator’s
       decision may be appealed, to the Zoning Board of Appeals within a period of fifteen (15) days from the
       receipt of notice to the official’s decision.

   11. Each building shall have established vegetative ground cover no less than 12 months after occupancy.
       Approval shall be given by zoning staff of the Planning Department as part of the initial residential site
       plan review. A minimum of one shade tree, two and one-half inches (2.5”) in diameter, four feet (4’)
       from the ground or one six foot (6’) evergreen tree shall be provided. Existing landscaping may be
       accepted in lieu of this requirement.

   12. Each building shall have a garage or a shed providing a minimum of sixty-four (64) square feet of storage.

All dwelling units within large multiplexes (6 units and above), mixed-use buildings and accessory dwelling units
shall conform to the following regulations in addition to all other regulations of this Ordinance:

   1. Each dwelling unit shall have a minimum size (excluding all basement area) of 375 square feet. For each
      bedroom, an additional 100 square feet shall be provided. This shall be measured from the outside wall
      of the unit as described on the site plan.

   2. All buildings located in single family rNeighborhood Residential districts must comply with Section 400.2
      of the zoning ordinance. Multiple family dwellings are only allowed in single-family residential districts
      if the home has already been altered with prior approval to allow for multiple dwellings. One-family
      dwellings may not be altered to allow for multiple dwellings, nor may new homes be built for multiple

   3. Roof drainage in the form of a roof overhang of at least twelve inches (12”) shall be provided to direct
      storm or meltwater way from the foundation, unless a gambrel roof or other design elements
      necessitate an alternative roof drainage system.

   4. In the case of an attached garage, garage doors may not comprise more than fifty percent (50%) of the
      width of the front elevation view.

   5. The subject building shall be aesthetically compatible in design and appearance with other buildings on
      the same street, one block in any direction. The review shall include but not necessarily be limited to:
      roof pitch, scale, size, mass, minimum transparency, orientation to the street, and overhangs. The
      foregoing shall not be construed to prohibit innovative design concepts involving such matters as (but
      not limited to) solar energy, view, or unique land contour.

   6. Each building shall have an established vegetative ground cover no less than 12 months after occupancy.
      A minimum of one shade tree, two and one-half inches (2.5”) in diameter, four feet (4’) from the ground
      or one six foot (6’) evergreen tree shall be provided. Existing landscaping may be accepted in lieu of this

   7. Each building shall have a garage or a shed providing a minimum of sixty-four (64) square feet of storage.

                                                                                                      Page 42 of 152

           d. For the purpose of the determination of applicable flood insurance risk premium rate, the Zoning
              Administrator shall:

                   i. Obtain the elevation (in relation to mean sea level) of the lowest habitable floor (including
                      basement) of all new or substantially improved structures, and determine whether or not
                      such structures contain a basement.

                  ii. Obtain from a Registered Professional Engineer or Architect, certification that the flood-
                      proofing methods are adequate to withstand the flood depths, pressures, velocities,
                      impact and uplift forces and other factors associated with the base flood so that the
                      structure is watertight to the base flood level.

                  iii. Maintain a record of all such information.

   7. Where interpretation is needed as to the exact location of the boundaries of the areas of special flood
      hazards (for example, where there appears to be a conflict between a mapped boundary and actual field
      conditions) the Zoning Administrator shall make the necessary interpretation. The person contesting the
      location of the boundary shall be given reasonable opportunity to appeal the interpretation as provided
      in this Ordinance.

       No new construction, substantial improvements or other development (including fill) shall be permitted
       within the zones A1-30 of the City’s Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), unless it is demonstrated to the
       City Commission and/or Zoning Administrator that the cumulative effect of the proposed development
       will not increase the water surface elevation of the base flood more than one (1) foot at any point within
       the City.


Temporary uses, buildings and structures, not used for dwelling purposes, may be placed on a lot or parcel and
occupied only under the following conditions as authorized by the Zoning Administrator.

   1. Only the following temporary uses, buildings or structure are permitted:

           a. Fire Damage: A temporary building or structure may be constructed during renovation of a
              permanent building damaged by fire. The temporary building or structure shall be removed
              within fifteen (15) days after the repair of fire damage is complete. Permits issued under this
              section shall be for a one hundred and eighty (180) day duration.

           b. New Construction: Temporary buildings and structures incidental to construction work, except
              those related to construction of single-family dwellingsin Neighborhood Residential districts, may
              be placed on the developing tract or parcel during construction. No cooking accommodations
              shall be maintained. Said temporary buildings shall be removed within fifteen (15) days after
              construction is complete. The structure shall not be allowed more than twelve (12) months,
              unless expressly authorized after petition to the Zoning Administrator.

           c. Erosion Control: Temporary fencing used for erosion control, silt screening and other
              conventional types of temporary erosion structures may only be used for the purpose of
              temporarily controlling the unwanted movement of top soil or sand on a parcel of land. These

                                                                                                       Page 43 of 152

          c. The owner of property that is required to be landscaped by this Ordinance shall maintain such
             landscaping in a reasonably healthy condition, free from refuse and debris. All unhealthy and
             dead material shall be replaced.

   7. Screening Between Land Uses:

          a. Upon any improvement for which a site plan is required, screening shall be constructed at least
             four (4) feet and up to six (6) feet in height may be required along all adjoining boundaries with
             residentially zoned or used property. A landscape buffer with berming, or landscaping with a
             fence or a solid wall may be used to meet screening requirements.

          b. Where there is a need to provide a greater noise or dust barrier or to screen more intense
             development, a solid wall may be required. Such wall shall be constructed on both sides with
             stone, face brick, poured-in-place simulated face brick, or precast brick panels having simulated
             face brick.

   8. Parking Lot Landscaping: Parking lots exceeding 5,000 square feet (including all parking spaces, lanes,
      drives and other areas devoted to vehicular use) shall be landscaped with at least one (1) landscape
      island. For each additional 5,000 square feet (or each additional 20 spaces, whichever is greater) an
      additional landscape island shall be required. Landscape islands shall be at least 180 square feet in size,
      with a minimum width of three (3) feet. Landscape islands shall be landscaped with one (1) shade canopy
      tree and three (3) shrubs for every eight (8) parking spaces. Canopy trees shall be a minimum of twelve
      (12) feet in height with a minimum caliper of 2 inches at four and one-half (4 ½) feet above the ground.

      The Zoning Administrator may allow the substitution of bump-outs or other landscaping elements in lieu
      of landscape islands, as long as the square footage, width, and landscaping requirements are still met.

   9. Loading Area Screening: All loading areas shall be fenced and screened whenever abutting a residential
      use or district.

   10. Mechanical Equipment Screening: (this subsection does not apply to single-family residential
       usesbuildings containing six or fewer dwelling units, or to any use in an industrial land use category
       unless it abuts a residential area.) When located outside of a building, support equipment including air
       conditioning and heating devices, and water and gas meters, but not including plumbing or exhaust vents
       or chimneys, are to be screened to the height of the particular piece of equipment, as follows:

          a. Roof-Mounted Equipment: To be screened by architectural features from the view of abutting
             streets and parcels.

          b. Equipment at Grade: When located on the ground adjacent to a building, mechanical equipment
             is to be screened by landscaping, a solid wall or fencing from the view of the street or surrounding

   11. Outdoor Storage Screening: Outdoor open storage of any equipment, vehicles and materials, including
       waste and waste receptacles, shall be screened from public right-of-way and residential uses or districts.
       Such storage shall not be located in the required front setback. Commercial and industrial uses do not
       have to screen from one another. Front yard fencing over 4 feet in height in commercial and industrial


                                                                                                      Page 44 of 152
                                         CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                  MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                         ORDINANCE NO._____

An ordinance to amend the zoning ordinance to replace all instances of “single-family residential districts”
with “neighborhood residential districts.”


The zoning ordinance is amended to replace all instances of “single-family residential districts” with
“neighborhood residential districts.”

This ordinance adopted:



Adoption Date:

Effective Date:

First Reading:

Second Reading:

                                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                   By: _________________________________
                                                          Ann Meisch, MMC, City Clerk

                                                                                                   Page 45 of 152

The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County,
Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance
adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City
Commission on the 28th day of January 2025, at which meeting a quorum was present and
remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City
of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given
pursuant to and in full compliance with the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of
Michigan No. 33 of 2006, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as
required thereby.

DATED: ___________________, 2025.            __________________________________________
                                             Ann Meisch, MMC
                                             Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish:       Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.

                                                                                               Page 46 of 152
                                               CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                               NOTICE OF ADOPTION

Please take notice that on January 28, 2025, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an
ordinance to replace all instances of “single-family residential districts” with “neighborhood residential

Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk
in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours.

This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication.

Published ____________________, 2025.                          CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                               By _________________________________
                                                                        Ann Meisch, MMC
                                                                        City Clerk



Account No. 101-80400-5354

                                                                                                                        Page 47 of 152
                         Agenda Item Review Form
                         Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: January 28, 2025             Title: Amendment to Article II of the zoning
                                                      ordinance to create definitions for duplexes and

Submitted by: Mike Franzak, Planning Director         Department: Planning

Brief Summary:
Staff initiated request to amend Article II of the zoning ordinance to create definitions for duplexes
and triplexes.

Detailed Summary & Background:

     • Now that duplexes and triplexes are allowed in R districts, we must create definitions for them.
     • After discussion, the Planning Commission recommended changes to the definitions.
     • The Planning Commission unanimously recommended for approval of the zoning ordinance
       amendment, which include their updated definitions.
     • The proposed definitions are as follows:

Duplex: A building designed for occupancy by two families living independently of each other.

Triplex: A medium-sized structure that’s designed for occupancy by three families living
independently of each other.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:

Key Focus Areas:

Goal/Action Item:
2027 Goal 2: Economic Development Housing and Business

Amount Requested:                                     Budgeted Item:
N/A                                                   Yes            No           N/A      X

Fund(s) or Account(s):                                Budget Amendment Needed:
N/A                                                   Yes            No           N/A      X

Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the request to amend Article II of the zoning ordinance to create definitions for
duplexes and triplexes as proposed.

                                                                                               Page 48 of 152
Approvals:                 Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division     X
Head                        No

Other Division Heads
Legal Review

                                                            Page 49 of 152
                                          CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                   MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                          ORDINANCE NO._____

An ordinance to amend Article II of the zoning ordinance to create definitions for duplexes and triplexes.


Article II of the zoning ordinance is amended as follows:

Duplex: A building designed for occupancy by two families living independently of each other.
Triplex: A medium-sized structure that’s designed for occupancy by three families living independently of
each other.

This ordinance adopted:



Adoption Date:

Effective Date:

First Reading:

Second Reading:

                                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                    By: _________________________________
                                                           Ann Meisch, MMC, City Clerk

                                                                                                     Page 50 of 152

The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County,
Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance
adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City
Commission on the 28th day of January 2025, at which meeting a quorum was present and
remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City
of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given
pursuant to and in full compliance with the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of
Michigan No. 33 of 2006, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as
required thereby.

DATED: ___________________, 2025.            __________________________________________
                                             Ann Meisch, MMC
                                             Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish:       Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.

                                                                                               Page 51 of 152
                                               CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                               NOTICE OF ADOPTION

Please take notice that on January 28, 2025, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an
ordinance to amend Article II of the zoning ordinance to create definitions for duplexes and triplexes
Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk
in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours.

This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication.

Published ____________________, 2025.                          CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                               By _________________________________
                                                                        Ann Meisch, MMC
                                                                        City Clerk



Account No. 101-80400-5354

                                                                                                                        Page 52 of 152
                         Agenda Item Review Form
                         Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: January 28, 2025           Title: 2025 USER FEES

Submitted by: Kenneth Grant, Finance Director       Department: Finance

Brief Summary:
City Departments have reviewed and updated their user fees and these have been incorporated
into the Master Fee Resolution that is attached for your consideration. Key Updates: (See Highlighted
Items on the Spreadsheet for all of the changes)

Detailed Summary & Background:
Please note that several fees, rec sports and parking fees, were previously approved by the
commission and are now just being updated in the fee schedule.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:

Key Focus Areas:

Goal/Action Item:

Amount Requested:                                   Budgeted Item:
                                                     Yes           No           N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s):                              Budget Amendment Needed:
                                                     Yes           No           N/A

Recommended Motion:
Approval of the 2025 Master Fee Resolution

Approvals:                                          Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division
Head                                                  No

Other Division Heads
Legal Review

                                                                                           Page 53 of 152
                                                           City of Muskegon



A resolution adopting fees for services in the City entitled "Master Fee Resolution".

The City of Muskegon hereby RESOLVES:

1.        The City of Muskegon has in the past adopted resolutions from time to time which set fees for various services in the City.

2.        That in addition to the specifically adopted resolution fees, there are fees which are charged pursuant to ordinances and
          codes as well as the fees which are charged in the exercise of various other functions of the City which serve the public.

3.        That the City Commission has reviewed all of the fees which are charged from time to time pursuant to resolution,
          ordinance and in the affording of services to and for the public, and has determined to adopt the resolution a comprehensive
          schedule of fees by this resolution which is hereby called the "Master Fee Resolution".

4.        That the City Commission and its committees, with the advice of the staff of the City, have carefully investigated and
          examined the fees set forth in this Master Resolution and have determined that they are reasonably related to the actual cost
          of affording the services involved.


1.        That the schedule of fees attached to this resolution is hereby adopted and shall be charged for the services set forth in the
          schedule and under the conditions set forth therein.

2.        That any fees listed which are also listed in specific resolutions, rules or regulations, shall be charged in accordance with
          those resolutions, rules and regulations, and with the practices of the City in affording the appropriate services.

3.        That the adoption of this resolution does not amend or change previous specific resolutions for the charging of fees for
          services, and does not preclude the existence of previous or future resolutions setting forth fees which are not included

This resolution adopted.

                                                                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                                                  Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk


         This Resolution was adopted at a meeting of the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, held on January 28, 2025.
The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of

                                                                        Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk

                                                                                                                                     Page 54 of 152
                                                                  CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                                                                2025 USER FEES

     DEPARTMENT                 DESCRIPTION                        UNIT                 2024 FEES        2025 FEES                                 COMMENTS                                CHANGE (IN %)
 1       ALL                                                 TOTAL BALANCE DUE              15.00%           15.00%
                   OUTSIDE PARTIES
 2       ALL       COPIES FOR PUBLIC (STANDARD SIZES)            PER COPY                     0.25             0.25
 3       ALL       FAX CHARGE FOR INFORMATION REQUESTS           PER PAGE                     0.50             0.50
 4       ALL                                                 PAST DUE BALANCE                1.00%            1.00%                       PER MO./IMPOSED AFTER 30 DAYS

     DEPARTMENT                 DESCRIPTION                        UNIT                 2024 FEES        2025 FEES                                 COMMENTS                                CHANGE (IN %)

 5      ARENA      YELLOW JACKSTS                               EACH/DAILY              $            -   $            5.00   100 TOTAL, PICK UP ONLY. ADDITIONAL FEES APPLY IF DELIVERED      *NEW FEE*
 6      ARENA      BARRIER (15-3X8 SECTIONS)                    EACH/DAILY              $            -   $       15.00            PICK UP ONLY. ADDITIONAL FEES APPLY IF DELIVERED            *NEW FEE*
 7      ARENA      SMALL STAGE                                   PER DAY                $            -   $      350.00            PICK UP ONLY. ADDITIONAL FEES APPLY IF DELIVERED            *NEW FEE*

     DEPARTMENT                 DESCRIPTION                        UNIT                 2024 FEES        2025 FEES                                 COMMENTS                                CHANGE (IN %)
 8    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                     1,500.00         1,500.00
                   (CRYPTS A-B)
 9    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                     1,900.00         1,900.00
                   (CRYPTS A-B) NR *
10    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                     1,800.00         1,800.00
                   (CRYPTS C-F)
11    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                     2,200.00         2,200.00
                   (CRYPTS C-F) NR *
12    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (EVERGREEN)           ONE GRAVE                   830.00           830.00                        50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
13    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (EVERGREEN)          TWO GRAVES                  1,500.00         1,500.00                       50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
14    CEMETERIES                                                TWO GRAVES                  1,800.00         1,800.00                       50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
15    CEMETERIES                                                ONE GRAVE                   1,000.00         1,000.00                       50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
16    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (LAKESIDE)            ONE GRAVE                   830.00           830.00                        50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
17    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (LAKESIDE)           TWO GRAVES                  1,500.00         1,500.00                       50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
18    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (LAKESIDE) NR *      ONE GRAVE                   1,000.00         1,000.00                       50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE

19    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (LAKESIDE) NR *      TWO GRAVES                  1,800.00         1,800.00                       50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
20    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (OAKWOOD)             ONE GRAVE                   830.00           830.00                        50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
21    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (OAKWOOD)            TWO GRAVES                  1,500.00         1,500.00                       50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
22    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (OAKWOOD) NR *       TWO GRAVES                  1,800.00         1,800.00                       50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE

23    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (OAKWOOD) NR *       ONE GRAVE                   1,000.00         1,000.00                       50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
24    CEMETERIES                                                ONE GRAVE                   800.00           800.00                         50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
                   FLUSH MARKER)
25    CEMETERIES                                                TWO GRAVES                  1,435.00         1,435.00                       50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
                   FLUSH MARKER)
26    CEMETERIES                                                ONE GRAVE                   900.00           900.00                         50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
                   FLUSH MARKER) NR *
27    CEMETERIES                                                TWO GRAVES                  1,550.00         1,550.00                       50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
                   FLUSH MARKER) NR *
28    CEMETERIES                                                ONE GRAVE                   835.00           835.00                         50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
                   UPRIGHT MARKER)
29    CEMETERIES                                                TWO GRAVES                  1,500.00         1,500.00                       50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
                   UPRIGHT MARKER)
30    CEMETERIES                                                ONE GRAVE                   1,000.00         1,000.00                       50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
                   UPRIGHT MARKER) NR *
31    CEMETERIES                                                TWO GRAVES                  1,800.00         1,800.00                       50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
                   UPRIGHT MARKER) NR *
32    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                     350.00           350.00
                   CREMAINS (RESTLAWN)
33    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                     400.00           400.00
                   CREMAINS (RESTLAWN) NR*
                   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (1/2 GRAVE--ALL
34    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                     600.00           600.00
                   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (1/2 GRAVE--ALL
35    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                     650.00           650.00
                   CEMETERIES) NR *
36    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OPENING (1/2 GRAVE)                  EACH                     300.00           300.00
37    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OPENING (1/2 GRAVE) NR *             EACH                     350.00           350.00
38    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OPENING (CREMATION)                  EACH                     350.00           350.00
39    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OPENING (CREMATION) NR *             EACH                     400.00           400.00
40    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                      80.00            80.00                            FOR ADDITIONAL ASHES
41    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OPENING                              EACH                     500.00           500.00
42    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OPENING NR *                         EACH                     600.00           600.00
43    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                     175.00           175.00
44    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                     200.00           200.00
                   BABYLAND) NR *
45    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                     300.00           300.00
46    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                     350.00           350.00
                   BABYLAND) NR *
47    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                     400.00           400.00
48    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OVERTIME (SATURDAYS)                 EACH                     500.00           500.00
49    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                     600.00           600.00
50    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES WEEKEND/HOLIDAY LATE FEE             EACH                     400.00           400.00              IF MORE THAN 1 HOUR PAST SCHEDULED BURIAL TIME.
51    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                     900.00           900.00
52    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                     950.00           950.00
                   2 ROWS)
53    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                     700.00           700.00
                   (BOTTOM 2 ROWS)
54    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                     750.00           750.00
                   (BOTTOM 2 ROWS)
55    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES NICHES (OPEN/CLOSING)                 EACH                    150.00           150.00
56    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES NICHES (OPEN/CLOSING) NR              EACH                    200.00           200.00
57    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES HEADSTONE SERVICE               PER SQUARE INCH                0.55             0.55                                MINIMUM $60.00
58    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                      60.00            60.00
59    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES SERVICE (MAUSOLEUM VASES)            EACH                      75.00            75.00
60    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                      25.00            25.00
61    CEMETERIES                                                   EACH                      75.00            75.00

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 55 of 152
                                                                     CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                                                                  2025 USER FEES

      DEPARTMENT                 DESCRIPTION                         UNIT                 2024 FEES   2025 FEES                           COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN %)
 62    CEMETERIES                                                     EACH                  50.00       50.00
 63    CEMETERIES   ENTOMBMENT - EVERGREEN MAUSOLEM                   EACH                  300.00     300.00
                    ENTOMBMENT NR - EVERGREEN
 64    CEMETERIES                                                     EACH                  400.00     400.00
 65    CEMETERIES                                                                           200.00     200.00     IF ENGRAVING NOT COMPLETED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF ENTOMBMENT
 66    CEMETERIES   TRANSFER & AFFIDAVIT FEE PER GRAVE SPACE          EACH                  200.00     200.00
 67    CEMETERIES   CHAPEL FUNERAL SERVICE                            EACH                  200.00     200.00

      DEPARTMENT                 DESCRIPTION                         UNIT                 2024 FEES   2025 FEES                           COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN %)
 68      CLERK      ADDRESS LABELS - VOTER REGISTRATION               EACH                  0.05        0.05
 69      CLERK      BUSINESS REGISTRATION                             EACH                  35.00       40.00                                                                      14.29%
 70      CLERK                                                      ANNUAL                  150.00     150.00
                    MAY 1ST
 71      CLERK                                                      PER DAY                 10.00       10.00
 72      CLERK      BUSINESS AUCTIONEER LICENSE (REGULAR)           PER YEAR                100.00     100.00
 73      CLERK      AUCTION FEE                                     PER DAY                  30.00      30.00
 74      CLERK      BUSINESS ENTERTAINMENT OCCUPANCY                PER YEAR                125.00     125.00
 75      CLERK                                                        EACH                  75.00       75.00
                    OR MORE ADVANCE NOTICE)
                    GAMING LICENSE REQUEST (LESS THAN 30
 76      CLERK                                                        EACH                  100.00     100.00
                    DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE)
                                                                                                                  CHARGED TO LAW FIRMS AND OTHER FOR PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS
 77      CLERK      CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM RENTAL                PER HOUR                25.00       25.00
                                                                                                                    WISHING TO USE FACILITIES FOR NON-CITY RELATED BUSINESS

 78      CLERK      ENCROACHMENT/RENTAL FEE (BUS BENCHES)      PER BENCH/PERMONTH            5.00        5.00

 79      CLERK                                                        EACH                  75.00       75.00
                    (30 OR MORE DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE)

 80      CLERK                                                        EACH                  150.00     150.00
                    (LESS THAN 30 DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE)
 81      CLERK                                                        EACH                  100.00     100.00
                    FEBRUARY 28)
 82      CLERK                                                        EACH                  150.00     150.00
 83      CLERK                                                        EACH                  250.00     250.00
                    OR LOCATION
 84      CLERK      PREMISES LIQUOR LICENSE (FORMERLY                 EACH                 2,500.00    2,500.00             SAME REVIEW PROCESS AS FOR RENEWAL
                    DOWNTOWN DEV AUTH LICENSE)
 85      CLERK      NEW LIQUOR LICENSE                                EACH                 1,000.00    1,000.00                      REPLACES FEES ABOVE
 86      CLERK      GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE                        EACH                   50.00       50.00                  UP TO ONE MONTH - RENEWABLE
 87      CLERK                                                        EACH                  25.00       25.00
 88      CLERK      MOBILE FOOD VENDING PERMIT                      ANNUAL                  300.00     300.00                  APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014
 89      CLERK                                                      ANNUAL                  150.00     150.00                  APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014
                    MORTAR RESTAURANT IN CITY)
 90      CLERK                                                      ANNUAL                  50.00       50.00                  APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014
 91      CLERK      PASSPORT APPLICATION FEE                          EACH                  35.00       35.00                           PER FEDERAL LAW
 92      CLERK      PASSPORT PHOTO FEE                                EACH                  15.00       15.00
 93      CLERK      MONEY ORDERS                                      EACH                  5.00        5.00                            NEW SERVICE & FEE
 94      CLERK      PRECINCT MAPS (SMALL)                             EACH                  2.00        2.00
 95      CLERK      PUBLIC NOTARY FEE                                 EACH                  5.00        5.00                      CONSISTENT WITH COUNTY FEE
                    SPECIAL EVENT PARKING FEE (UNDER 50
 96      CLERK                                                     PER EVENT                25.00       25.00                  APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014
                    PARKING SPOTS)
                    SPECIAL EVENT PARKING FEE (OVER 50
 97      CLERK                                                     PER EVENT                50.00       50.00                  APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014
                    PARKING SPOTS)
 98      CLERK                                                        EACH                  500.00     500.00              PER NEW STATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT
 99      CLERK      VOTER INFORMATION - ELECTRONIC                    EACH                  25.00       25.00
100      CLERK      VOTER REGISTRATION - HARDCOPY LIST             PER LISTING              0.01        0.01
101      CLERK      VOTER REGISTRATION - MAILING LABELS             PER LABEL               0.05        0.05
102      CLERK      SOCIAL DISTRICT STICKERS                          EACH                  0.10        0.10           To be purchased in increments of 1,000 (a whole roll).

      DEPARTMENT                 DESCRIPTION                         UNIT                 2024 FEES   2025 FEES                           COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN %)
103       CNS       MORTGAGE REFINANCE FEE                            EACH                   50.00      50.00
104       CNS       REHAB LOAN APPLICATION FEE                        EACH                  200.00     200.00
105       CNS       FAÇADE PROGRAM - 50% AMI AND BELOW                EACH                  60.00       60.00                             ELIGIBLITY FEE
106       CNS       FAÇADE PROGRAM - 51% - 60% AMI                    EACH                  250.00     250.00                             ELIGIBLITY FEE
107       CNS       FAÇADE PROGRAM - 61% TO 80% AMI                   EACH                  500.00     500.00                             ELIGIBLITY FEE
108       CNS       PRIORITY HOME REPAIR APPLICATION FEE              EACH                  60.00       60.00
109       CNS       RENTAL REHAB APPLICATION FEE                    PER LOAN                100.00     100.00

      DEPARTMENT                 DESCRIPTION                         UNIT                 2024 FEES   2025 FEES                           COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN %)

110      DPW        ADDITIONAL GARBAGE SERVICE (1 TOTER)           PER MONTH                13.00       13.00
111      DPW                                                          EACH                  55.00       55.00
                    BY USER
112      DPW        GARBAGE SERVICE - SMALL BUSINESS               PER MONTH                16.00       16.00                INCLUDES CHURCHES AND NON-PROFITS
113      DPW                                                      PER INCIDENT              50.00       50.00
114      DPW                                                          EACH                  55.00       55.00
115      DPW        GARBAGE SERVICE - NEW SERVICE STARTUP             EACH                  55.00       55.00

116      DPW        GARBAGE SERVICE - MIXED REFUSE STICKER            EACH                   3.00        3.00                  BUY 4 FOR $10 - UNIT PRICE $2.5/EA
117      DPW                                                          EACH                  50.00       50.00              OR ACTUAL COSTS (WHICHEVER IS GREATER)
                    FEE FOR BULK YARD WASTE DROP OFF
118      DPW        (DURING REGULAR HOURS) - BY                       EACH                  25.00       25.00
                    APPOINTMENT ONLY
119      DPW        REPLACE EMPLOYEE ID/ACCESS TKC CARD           PER LOST CARD              10.00      10.00                            REACTIVATED FEE
120      DPW        TREE REPLACEMENT PLANTING FEE                      EACH                 200.00     200.00
                    TREE REMOVAL FEE (12" AND UNDER
121      DPW                                                          EACH                  200.00     200.00                  TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE
122      DPW        TREE REMOVAL FEE (12" - 18" DIAMETER)             EACH                  500.00     500.00                  TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE

                                                                                                                                                                                      Page 56 of 152
                                                                  CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                                                               2025 USER FEES

      DEPARTMENT                 DESCRIPTION                       UNIT                2024 FEES   2025 FEES                             COMMENTS                                    CHANGE (IN %)
123      DPW        TREE REMOVAL FEE (18" - 24" DIAMETER)          EACH                  650.00      650.00                  TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE
124      DPW        TREE REMOVAL FEE (24" - 30" DIAMETER)          EACH                  750.00      750.00                  TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE
125      DPW        TREE REMOVAL FEE (30" - 36" DIAMETER)          EACH                 1,000.00    1,000.00                 TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE
126      DPW        TREE REMOVAL FEE (36" - 42" DIAMETER)          EACH                 1,700.00    1,700.00                 TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE
                    TREE REMOVAL FEE (42" AND OVER
127      DPW                                                       EACH                 1,900.00    1,900.00                 TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE
128      DPW        HANG AND/OR REMOVE BANNER                  EACH REQUEST              450.00     450.00                   EACH ADDITIONAL BANNER: $50.00
                    EXCLUSIVE USE OF HACKLEY PARK FOR                                                            EXCLUSIVE USE OF HACKLEY PARK FOR SPECIAL EVENTS USING A
129   DPW (PARKS)                                                 PER DAY                500.00     500.00
                    SPECIAL EVENTS                                                                                                   LIQUOR LICENSE
130   DPW (PARKS)                                                 PER DAY                250.00     1,000.00            EACH VEHICLE MUST HAVE BEACH PARKING PASS                       300.00%
                    OVAL FOR SPECIAL EVENTS
131   DPW (PARKS)                                                 PER DAY                400.00     400.00              EACH VEHICLE MUST HAVE BEACH PARKING PASS
132   DPW (PARKS)                                                 PER DAY               1,500.00    1,500.00
                    FOR SPECIAL EVENTS
133   DPW (PARKS)                                                 PER DAY                125.00     125.00
                    APPLICLATION FEE
134   DPW (PARKS)   HACKLEY, PERE MARQUETTE OR MARGARET            EACH                  50.00       50.00

135   DPW (PARKS)   PARK BUILDING USE                           PER SESSION              175.00     175.00       11AM-7PM RENTAL ($50 REFUNDABLE FOR CLEANING DEPOSIT)

136   DPW (PARKS)   PARK BUILDING USE                             PER DAY                225.00     225.00       9AM-11PM RENTAL ($50 REFUNDABLE FOR CLEANING DEPOSIT)

137   DPW (PARKS)   PARK BUILDING USE                           PER SESSION              125.00     125.00      9-3 or 4-11 SESSIONS (+$50 REFUNDABLE FOR CLEANING DEPOSIT)
138   DPW (PARKS)                                                  EACH                  50.00       50.00                              ALL BUILDINGS
139   DPW (PARKS)                                                 PER USE                            50.00               Add on to Sim Ray Community Building Rental                    *NEW FEE*
                    COMMUNITY BUILDING
140   DPW (PARKS)                                                 PER USE                            50.00               Add on to Sim Ray Community Building Rental                    *NEW FEE*
                    COMMUNITY BUILDING
141   DPW (PARKS)   MC GRAFT PARK MUSIC BOWL                       HOUR                  45.00       45.00
                    PARKS (LIGHT COSTS SPORT FIELDS &
142   DPW (PARKS)                                                  EACH                  40.00       40.00
                                                                                                               DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR
143   DPW (PARKS)   PARKS (WOOD SNOW FENCE RENTAL)                 EACH                  30.00       30.00     ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK-
                                                                                                                                      UP IS REQUIRED
                                                                                                               DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR
144   DPW (PARKS)   PARKS (USE OF GARBAGE CANS)                    EACH                  10.00       10.00     ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK-
                                                                                                                                      UP IS REQUIRED
145   DPW (PARKS)                                              2 HOUR RENTAL             25.00       25.00
                    SETUP SERVICES)
146   DPW (PARKS)   CHANNEL SHELTER RENTAL                       PER DAY                 50.00       50.00                                 9am-11pm
147   DPW (PARKS)   CHANNEL SHELTER RENTAL                     EACH SESSION              25.00       35.00                   Sessions are 9 am-3 pm or 4 pm-11 pm                       40.00%
                                                                                                               Kruse#4 & Margaret Drake Elliot Sessions are 9 am-3 pm or 4 pm-11
148   DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                      EACH SESSION              30.00       40.00                                                                              33.33%
149   DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                      EACH SESSION              50.00      50.00             Seyferth Park Sessions are 9 am-3 pm or 4 pm-11 pm
150   DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                        PER DAY                 60.00      60.00               Kruse#4 & Margaret Drake Elliot from 9am-11pm
151   DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                        PER DAY                 100.00     100.00                                Seyferth Park
152   DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                      EACH SESSION              25.00       35.00        Kruse 1, 2 and 3 from Sessions are 9 am-3 pm or 4 pm-11 pm            40.00%
153   DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                      EACH SESSION              75.00      75.00              Beachwood Sessions are 9 am-3 pm or 4 pm-11 pm
                                                                                                               Campbell and Smith Ryerson                                 Sessions
154   DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                      EACH SESSION              50.00       50.00
                                                                                                                                  are 9 am-3 pm or 4 pm-11 pm
155   DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                        PER DAY                 75.00      75.00                         Campbell and Smith Ryerson
156   DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                        PER DAY                 50.00      50.00                     For Kruse 1, 2 and 3 from 9am-11pm
157   DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                        PER DAY                 125.00     125.00                           Beachwood 9am-11pm
158   DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                      EACH SESSION              25.00       35.00          Beukema Pavilion Sessions are 9 am-3 pm or 4 pm-11 pm               40.00%
159   DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                        PER DAY                 50.00       50.00                              Beukema Pavilion
160   DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                      EACH SESSION                          35.00                               Reese Pavilion                                 *NEW FEE*
161   DPW (PARKS)   PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                        PER DAY                             50.00                               Reese Pavilion                                 *NEW FEE*
162   DPW (PARKS)                                                  EACH                  15.00       15.00
163   DPW (PARKS)   CLEANING FEE FOR RENTALS                       EACH                  75.00       75.00                   NOT CHARGED IF FACILITY LEFT CLEAN
                    GROUPED TABLES (4) AT DRAKE-ELLIOTT (48
164   DPW (PARKS)                                              EACH SESSION              25.00       35.00                                                                              40.00%
                    GROUPED TABLES (4) AT DRAKE-ELLIOTT (48
165   DPW (PARKS)                                                 PER DAY                50.00       50.00                                9am-11pm
166   DPW (PARKS)                                                  EACH                  500.00     500.00
                    BAGS OF ICE CREAM MIX
167   DPW (PARKS)   ICE CREAM MACHINE DEPOSIT                      EACH                  250.00     250.00
168   DPW (PARKS)   ICE CREAM MACHINE MIX - ADDITIONAL BAG         EACH                  30.00       30.00
169   DPW (PARKS)   KEY DEPOSIT (RESTROOM)                         EACH                  25.00       25.00
                                                                                                               DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR
170   DPW (PARKS)   CITY SERVICES RENTAL OF POSTS                EACH POST                3.00        3.00     ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK-
                                                                                                                                      UP IS REQUIRED
171   DPW (PARKS)   CITY SERVICES (LABOR PARKS OR DPW STAFF)     PER HOUR                60.00       60.00

172   DPW (PARKS)   CITY SERVICES (LABOR PARKS OR DPW STAFF)     PER HOUR                120.00     120.00                         SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS
173   DPW (PARKS)   OPEN SKATE                                  PER SESSION                          5.00                                                                               *NEW FEE*
174   DPW (PARKS)   SKATE RENTAL                                 PER PAIR                            3.00                                                                               *NEW FEE*
175   DPW (PARKS)   DROP IN SPORTS                              PER SESSION                          3.00                                  UP TO $3                                     *NEW FEE*
176   DPW (PARKS)   YOUTH SPORTS-RESIDENT                       PER SESSION                          40.00                                                                              *NEW FEE*
177   DPW (PARKS)   YOUTH SPORTS-NON-RESIDENT                   PER SESSION                          55.00                                                                              *NEW FEE*
178   DPW (PARKS)   SPECIALTY CAMP-RESIDENT                     PER SESSION                          65.00                                                                              *NEW FEE*
179   DPW (PARKS)   SPECIALTY CAMP-NON-RESIDENT                 PER SESSION                          85.00                                                                              *NEW FEE*
                    BEACH PARKING DAILY RATE MON, TUE,
180   DPW (PARKS)                                                 PER DAY                 7.00       10.00                                                                              42.86%
                    THUR, FRI
181   DPW (PARKS)   BEACH PARKING DAILY RATE WED                  PER DAY                7.00        0.00                                                                               -100.00%
182   DPW (PARKS)   BEACH PARKING DAILY RATE WEEKENDS             PER DAY                10.00       15.00                                                                               50.00%
183   DPW (PARKS)   BEACH PARKING ANNUAL PASS                      EACH                  20.00       40.00                                                                              100.00%

      DEPARTMENT                 DESCRIPTION                       UNIT                2024 FEES   2025 FEES                             COMMENTS                                    CHANGE (IN %)
184   ENGINEERING   WIDE LOAD PERMIT                               EACH                   50.00       50.00
185   ENGINEERING   STORM SEWER CONNECTION FEE                     EACH                 1,200.00    1,200.00               CONNECTION FEE ONLY, WORK BY OTHERS
186   ENGINEERING   RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT                          PER UNIT                 10.00       10.00               OR ACTUAL COSTS (WHICHEVER IS GREATER)
187   ENGINEERING   ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FEE            EACH                  100.00     100.00

188   ENGINEERING   ENCROACHMENT PERMIT CERTIFICATE FEE        EACH LOCATION             50.00       50.00                          SAME AS RENEWAL FEE
189   ENGINEERING   ENCROACHMENT 1-YEAR RENEWAL                    EACH                  25.00       25.00
                    ENCROACHMENT 1-YEAR RENEWAL
190   ENGINEERING                                                  EACH                  50.00       50.00
                    (INSPECTION REQ'D)
191   ENGINEERING                                                  EACH                   8.00        8.00
192   ENGINEERING   CHARGE FOR BID DOCUMENTS                       EACH                  40.00       40.00

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                                                                                                    2025 USER FEES

           DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                            UNIT                 2024 FEES   2025 FEES                          COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN %)

193         ENGINEERING            STORM WATER MANAGEMENT REVIEW FEE                EACH REVIEW              2,000.00    2,000.00              ADDITIONAL FEES MAY APPLY AS NEEDED
                                   REPLACE/ INSTALL RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY IN
194         ENGINEERING                                                              EACH UNIT                25.00       25.00              SIDEWALK/DRIVE APPROACHES, LANDSCAPING
                                   RIGHT OF WAY
195         ENGINEERING            UTILITY ANNUAL PERMIT FEE                           EACH                  1,750.00    1,750.00
196         ENGINEERING            UTILITY CUT PERMIT FEE                              UNIT                    20.00       20.00
                                   UTILITY CUT (PAVEMENT REMOVAL-
197         ENGINEERING                                                            SQUARE YARD                100.00     100.00               FEES ADJUSTED TO REFLECT RESIDUAL VALUE
                                   PAVEMENT <4 YEARSOLD)
                                   UTILITY CUT (PAVEMENT REMOVAL-
198         ENGINEERING                                                            SQUARE YARD                75.00       75.00               FEES ADJUSTED TO REFLECT RESIDUAL VALUE
                                   PAVEMENT 4-9 YEARSOLD)
                                   UTILITY CUT (PAVEMENT REMOVAL-
199         ENGINEERING                                                            SQUARE YARD                50.00       50.00               FEES ADJUSTED TO REFLECT RESIDUAL VALUE
                                   PAVEMENT >10 YEARSOLD)
200         ENGINEERING            ROAD CLOSURE (EXCLUDING SPECIAL EVENTS)             EACH                   25.00       25.00
201         ENGINEERING            DUMPSTER IN ROAD OR RIGHT OF WAY                    EACH                   25.00       25.00
                                   REPLACE/ INSTALL SIDEWALK IN RIGHT OF
202         ENGINEERING                                                              EACH UNIT                25.00       25.00
                                   REPLACE/ INSTALL COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY
203         ENGINEERING                                                              EACH UNIT                50.00       50.00
                                   IN RIGHT OF WAY

           DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                            UNIT                 2024 FEES   2025 FEES                          COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN %)
204                                TERRACE VIOLATIONS ADMINISTRATION FEE          FIRST VIOLATION             50.00       50.00               PLUS HOURLY COST FOR WORK PERFORMED.
                                                                                                                                       PLUS HOURLY COST FOR WORK PERFORMED. FEE FOR EACH
205                                                                              EACH SUBSEQUENT              10.00       10.00     SUBSEQUENT VIOLATIONS INCREMENT $50 (E.G. 2ND VIOLATION =
                                                                                                                                                        $60; 3RD = $70, ETC
206                                GRASS, TRASH AND LEAF VIOLATIONS               FIRST VIOLATION             100.00     100.00               PLUS HOURLY COST FOR WORK PERFORMED.
                                                                                                                                       PLUS HOURLY COST FOR WORK PERFORMED. FEE FOR EACH
207                                                                              EACH SUBSEQUENT              20.00       20.00     SUBSEQUENT VIOLATIONS INCREMENT $90 (E.G. 2ND VIOLATION =
          ENFORCEMENT              SUBSEQUENT IN YEAR)
                                                                                                                                                       $105; 3RD = $120, ETC
208                                LATE FEE ON INVOICES OVER 30 DAYS               EACH INVOICE               15.00       15.00
209                                CE DISPOSAL FEE                                 EACH INVOICE               50.00       50.00

           DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                            UNIT                 2024 FEES   2025 FEES                          COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN %)
210    CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE        VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION                   VACANT BUILDING              0.00       0.00                      VACANT LESS THAN ONE YEAR
211    CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE        VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION                   VACANT BUILDING             100.00     100.00                VACANT 1 YEAR OR MORE (RESIDENTIAL)
212    CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE        VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION                   VACANT BUILDING             500.00     500.00                VACANT 1 YEAR OR MORE (COMMERCIAL)
213    CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE        VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION                   VACANT BUILDING             500.00     500.00                 VACANT 1 YEAR OR MORE (INDUSTRIAL)
                                   VACANT BUILDING ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL
217    CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE                                                         OCCURRENCE                25.00       25.00                        NON-REFUNDABLE FEE
                                   FEE (31-60 DAYS LATE)
                                   VACANT BUILDING ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL
218    CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE                                                         OCCURRENCE                35.00       35.00                        NON-REFUNDABLE FEE
                                   FEE (61-90 DAYS LATE)
                                   VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION - FORMAL
219    CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE                                                         OCCURRENCE                50.00       50.00                        NON-REFUNDABLE FEE
                                   APPEAL FEE

           DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                            UNIT                 2024 FEES   2025 FEES                          COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN %)
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION PER
220    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL                                                       SINGLE UNIT               100.00     100.00        INCLUDES ONE INSPECTION EVERY 3 YEARS FOR COMPLIANCE
                                   PARCEL (LONG TERM)
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION PER
221    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL                                                       SINGLE UNIT               250.00     250.00                 INSPECTIONS FOR SHORT TERM RENTALS
                                   PARCEL (SHORT TERM)
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION PER
222    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL                                                         DUPLEX                  90.00       90.00        INCLUDES ONE INSPECTION EVERY 3 YEARS FOR COMPLIANCE
                                   PARCEL (ANNUAL)
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION (ANNUAL -
223    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL                                                         3 UNITS                 110.00     110.00        INCLUDES ONE INSPECTION EVERY 3 YEARS FOR COMPLIANCE
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION (ANNUAL -
224    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL                                                     PER UNIT OVER 3             15.00       15.00        INCLUDES ONE INSPECTION EVERY 3 YEARS FOR COMPLIANCE
                                   PER PARCEL OVER 3)
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTION (INSPECTION
225    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL      NO-SHOW FIRST TIME OR LATE                         PER UNIT                70.00       70.00      FEE ASSESSED FOR NO-SHOW/LOCK OUT OR LATE CANCELLATION
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTION                                                                           FEE ASSESSED WHEN A 3RD CANCELLATION IS RECEIVED BY
226    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL                                                       OCCURRENCE                70.00       70.00
                                   CANCELLATION FEE                                                                                                    CUSTOMER OR AGENT
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTION
                                                                              EXTRA PER TIME AFTER ONE                              ADDED TO BASE CANCELLATION FEE; EACH CANCELLATION INSTANCE
227    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL      CANCELLATION FEE (STARTING WITH 4TH                                        15.00       15.00
                                                                                    OCCURRENCE                                          WILL CAUSE FEE TO INCREASE BY AN ADDITIONAL $15.00
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTION (INSPECTION
                                                                                                                                      ADDED TO BASE NO SHOW FEE; EACH NO SHOW INSTANCE WILL
228    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL      NO-SHOW EACH ADDT'L TIME OR LATE                   PER UNIT                25.00       25.00
                                                                                                                                      CAUSE INSPECTION FEE TO INCREASE BY AN ADDITIONAL $20.00
                                                                                                                                         FEE TO BE ASSESSED TO PROPERTIES NOT BROUGHT INTO
229    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL      RENTAL PROPERTY REINSPECTION FEE                   PER UNIT                50.00       50.00
                                                                                                                                                COMPLIANCE AFTER THE FIRST INSPECTION
                                                                                                                                       ADDED TO BASE NON-COMPLIANCE FEE; EACH REINSPECTION
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY REINSPECTION (STARTING
230    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL                                                         PER UNIT                15.00       15.00     INSTANCE WILL CAUSE NON-COMPLIANCE FEE TO INCREASE BY AN
                                   WITH 2ND REINSPECTION)
                                                                                                                                                          ADDITIONAL $15.00
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY EXTERIOR ONLY                                                                         FEE ASSESSED TO PROPERTIES IN COMPLIANCE INTERIOR
                                   REINSPECTION)                                                                                                  REQUIREMENTS BY FIRST INSPECTION
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY EXTERIOR ONLY                                                                         ADDED TO BASE EXTERIOR NON-COMPLIANCE FEE; EACH
                                   EXTERIOR ONLY REINSPECTION)                                                                                 FEE TO INCREASE BY AN ADDITIONAL $15.00
                                   LATE FEE FOR NON-PAYMENT OF RENTAL
233    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL                                                 EACH PROPERTY VIOLATION         20.00       20.00                      FEE CHARGED AFTER 30 DAYS
                                   REGISTRATION ANNUAL FEE
234    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL      HOUSING-WARRANT INSPECTION FEE                      EACH                   150.00     150.00

                                   ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD ON
237 PUBLIC SAFETY - ENV SERVICES                                                      PER UNIT                20.0%       20.0%            BASED ON THE CONTRACTORS PRICE TO DEMOLISH

           DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                            UNIT                 2024 FEES   2025 FEES                          COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN %)
238      FARMERS' MARKET           DAILY - SATURDAY                                    DAILY                   36.00      36.00                          SATURDAY ONLY
239      FARMERS' MARKET           DAILY - WEEKDAY                                     DAILY                   20.00      20.00                       WEEKDAYS WITH NO TIERS
240      FARMERS' MARKET           TIER 1 - CORNER                                   7 MONTHS                 678.00     678.00
241      FARMERS' MARKET           TIER 1 - REGULAR                                  7 MONTHS                 628.00     628.00
242      FARMERS' MARKET           TIER 2 - REGULAR NO PARKING                       7 MONTHS                 528.00     528.00
243      FARMERS' MARKET           WINTER MARKET-GARAGE DOOR                           DAILY                   30.00      30.00
244      FARMERS' MARKET           WINTER MARKET- SMALL TABLE                          DAILY                   20.00      20.00
                                   FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL -
245      FARMERS' MARKET                                                            PER SESSION               350.00     350.00              9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM OR 4:00 PM TO 10:00 PM
                                   FACILITY A
                                   FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL -
246      FARMERS' MARKET                                                            PER SESSION               350.00     350.00              9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM OR 4:00 PM TO 10:00 PM
                                   FACILITY B
                                   FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL -
247      FARMERS' MARKET                                                            PER SESSION               350.00     350.00              9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM OR 4:00 PM TO 10:00 PM
                                   FACILITY C
                                   FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL -
248      FARMERS' MARKET                                                            PER SESSION               150.00     150.00              9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM OR 4:00 PM TO 10:00 PM
                                   FACILITY D

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                                                                                                2025 USER FEES

          DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                         UNIT                 2024 FEES      2025 FEES                             COMMENTS                                CHANGE (IN %)
                                 FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL -                                                                  9:00 AM TO 1:00 PM OR 1:30 PM TO 5:30 PM OR 6:00 PM TO 10:00
249      FARMERS' MARKET                                                        PER SESSION                50.00          50.00
                                 MARKET STAGE                                                                                                                     PM
                              DEALERS $50/PER YEAR INCREMENTAL MAX
251      FARMERS' MARKET                                                                                   100.00        100.00
                              FOOD TRUCKS - SATURDAY ELECTRICITY AND
252      FARMERS' MARKET                                                                                   10.00          10.00
                              OR WATER
253      FARMERS' MARKET      CONCESSION VENDORS                                 PER STALL                 50.00          50.00
                              FOOD TRUCKS - SATURDAY ELECTRICITY AND
254      FARMERS' MARKET                                                                                   10.00          10.00
                              OR WATER
                              KITCHEN USE - PREP/TABLETOP -REGULAR
255   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN                                                    PER HOUR                  14.00          14.00
256   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN USE - PROCESSING - REGULAR USER            PER HOUR                  18.00          18.00

257   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN USE - CATERING - REGULAR USER              PER HOUR                  18.00          18.00

258   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN DRY STORAGE SMALL - MONTHLY               PER MONTH                  20.00          20.00

259   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN DRY STORAGE LARGE - MONTHLY               PER MONTH                  30.00          30.00

260   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN COOLER 1/2 SHELF - MONTHLY                PER MONTH                  15.00          15.00                              COOLER SPACE

261   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN FREEZER FULL SHELF - MONTHLY              PER MONTH                  15.00          15.00                              FREEZER SPACE

262   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN OTHER STORAGE                             PER MONTH                  10.00          10.00                              FREEZER SPACE
                              KITCHEN USE - SECURITY DEPOSIT REGULAR                                                                      DEPOSIT REFUNDED IF NO DAMAGE, KITCHEN IS CLEANED,
263   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN                                                   PER RENTAL                 50.00          50.00
                              USER                                                                                                                    EQUIPMENT RETURNED, ETC.
                              KITCHEN USE -APPLICATION FEE FOR
264   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN                                                   PER RENTAL                 20.00          20.00                         INCLUDES ONE KEY CARD
                              REGULAR USER
265   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN USE -OCCASIONAL OR ONE TIME USE            PER HOUR                  40.00          40.00
                              KITCHEN USE - SECURITY DEPOSIT                                                                              DEPOSIT REFUNDED IF NO DAMAGE, KITCHEN IS CLEANED,
266   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN                                                   PER RENTAL                 100.00        100.00
                              OCCASIONAL OR ONE TIME USE                                                                                              EQUIPMENT RETURNED, ETC
                              KITCHEN USE - APPLICATION FEE OCCASIONAL
267   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN                                                   PER RENTAL                 20.00          20.00
                              OR ONE TIME USE
268   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN USE - REPLACEMENT KEY                      PER CARD                  10.00          10.00
                                                                                                                                      CANCELLATION IS WITHOUT CHARGE IF MADE UP TO SEVEN DAYS IN
269   FARMERS MARKET KITCHEN     CANCELLATION FEE                             PER OCCURRENCE                                           ADVANCE; LESS THAN 7 DAYS NOTICE CHARGED THE FULL RENTAL

          DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                         UNIT                 2024 FEES      2025 FEES                             COMMENTS                                CHANGE (IN %)
270           FINANCE            REPLACEMENT OF LOST PAYROLL CHECK           EACH OCCURRENCE               25.00          25.00
271           FINANCE            COPIES OF CITY BUDGET OR CAFR                     EACH                    25.00          25.00

          DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                         UNIT                 2024 FEES      2025 FEES                             COMMENTS                                CHANGE (IN %)
272             FIRE             FIRE REPORT COPY (MAJOR FIRE)                     EACH                    15.00          15.00
273             FIRE             FIRE REPORT COPY (REGULAR)                        EACH                    5.00           5.00
274             FIRE             PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (ENLARGED)                EACH                    12.00          12.00
275             FIRE             PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (STD SIZE)                EACH                    15.00          15.00
276             FIRE             PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (CD-ROM)                  EACH                    15.00          15.00
277             FIRE             INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION ESCROW               EACH INCIDENT               15.00          15.00                        PLUS RELATED COURT COSTS
278             FIRE             FIRE INSPECTION ADDITIONAL VISIT              EACH INCIDENT               20.00          20.00                    RE-INSPECTION/REPAIR/COMPLAINT
279             FIRE             ARSON FIRE RESTITUTION FEE                    EACH INCIDENT               50.00          50.00                        PLUS RELATED COURT COSTS                       RATE CHANGE
280             FIRE             FALSE ALARM FEE                               EACH INCIDENT               30.00          30.00       1ST OFFENSE: $100, 2ND OFFENSE $250, 3RD OFFENSE AND ON $500    RATE CHANGE

281             FIRE             WILLFUL NEGLIGENCE FIRE FEE                   PER HR ON CALL              25.00          25.00       1ST OFFENSE: $100, 2ND OFFENSE $250, 3RD OFFENSE AND ON $500    RATE CHANGE
282             FIRE             CONFINED SPACE RESCUE FEE                      PER HR ON CALL             100.00        100.00
283             FIRE             ICE RESCUE CALL                          PER RESPONDING COMPANY            60.00         60.00                RATE IS CHARGED PER RESPONDING COMPANY
284             FIRE             DOWNED POWER LINE                                  PER HR                  60.00         60.00                AFTER FIRST FIFTEEN MINUTES, PER HOUR RATE
285             FIRE             SPECIAL USE PERMITS (PER IFC)                  EACH PER YEAR               25.00         25.00
286             FIRE             STRUCTURE FIRE RESPONSE                           EACH                    500.00        500.00        CHARGED TO OWNER'S INSURANCE (RESIDENTAL / COMMERCIAL)
                                                                                                                                       RATE IS CHARGED PER RESPONDING COMPANY, CHARGED TO AT
287             FIRE             PI ACCIDENT RESPONSE                     PER RESPONDING COMPANY           60.00          60.00
                                                                                                                                                FAULT DRIVER'S AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY

          DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                         UNIT                 2024 FEES      2025 FEES                             COMMENTS                                CHANGE (IN %)

288         FLEA MARKET          DEALERS SPACE - CORNER COVERED SPACE              DAILY                   15.00          15.00
289         FLEA MARKET          DEALERS SPACE - 10 x 15 COVERED SPACE             DAILY                   12.00          12.00
290         FLEA MARKET          DEALERS SPACE - 10 x 30 ASHPHALT SPACE            DAILY                   10.00          10.00

          DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                         UNIT                 2024 FEES      2025 FEES                             COMMENTS                                CHANGE (IN %)
                                 DELINQUENT PAYMENT AGREEMENT
294         INCOME TAX                                                             EACH                    15.00          15.00                    PLUS RELATED PENALTIES & INTEREST
                                 ADMINISTRATION FEE

          DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                         UNIT                 2024 FEES      2025 FEES                             COMMENTS                                CHANGE (IN %)

295   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   BUILDING CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION FEE              EACH                    25.00          25.00

                                 BUILDING DEMOLITION PERMIT                                             25% of Value; 25% of Value;
296   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                     EACH
                                 (COMMERCIAL)                                                           Min $150.00 Min $150.00

297   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   BUILDING DEMOLITION PERMIT (GARAGE)               EACH                    75.00          75.00
                                 BUILDING DEMOLITION PERMIT
298   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                     EACH                    150.00        150.00
299   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($1-$1,000 VALUE)            EACH                    65.00          65.00
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($1,001-$2,000
300   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                     BASE                    65.00          65.00
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($1,000-$2,000
301   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                             EACH ADDITIONAL $100             3.50          3.50
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($2,001-$25,000
302   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                     BASE                    92.75          92.75
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($2,001-$25,000
303   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                             EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000          15.38          15.38
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($25,001-$50,000
304   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                     BASE                    463.00        463.00
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($25,001-$50,000
305   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                             EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000          11.50          11.50
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                                                                                                2025 USER FEES

          DEPARTMENT                          DESCRIPTION                            UNIT               2024 FEES   2025 FEES                  COMMENTS                        CHANGE (IN %)
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($50,001-$100,000
306   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       BASE                 753.00     753.00
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($50,001-$100,000
307   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                               EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000        8.00        8.00
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($100,001-$500,000
308   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       BASE                1,150.00    1,150.00
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($100,001-$500,000
309   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                               EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000        6.40        6.40
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($500,001-$1,000,000
310   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       BASE                3,731.00    3,731.00
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($500,001-$1,000,000
311   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                               EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000        5.45        5.45
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES (OVER $1,000,000
312   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       BASE                6,449.00    6,449.00
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES (OVER $1,000,000
313   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                               EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000        4.15        4.15
                                 BUILDING PERMIT (INSPECTION-SPECIAL.
314   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                     PER HOUR               150.00     150.00                    NO MINIMUM
                                 REINSPECTION, ETC.)
                                 BUILDING PERMIT (PRE-MANUFACTURED
315   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 50.00%     50.00%           OF REGULAR BUILDING PERMIT FEE
                                 RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE)
                                 BUILDING PLAN REVIEW FEE (INCL FIRE
316   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                     PERMIT FEE             65.00%     65.00%               OF APPLICABLE PERMIT FEE
                                 CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS
317   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 500.00     500.00
                                 APPLICATION FEE
318   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (BASE PERMIT)                     BASE                 75.00       75.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (BASEBOARD HEAT
319   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                  9.00        9.00
320   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (CIRCUITS)                        EACH                  6.00        6.00
321   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (DISHWASHER)                      EACH                  9.00        9.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (ENERGY RETROFIT/TEMP
322   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 45.00       45.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FEEDERS, BUS DUCTS,
323   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                      EACH 50'               9.00        9.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FIRE ALARM 1-10
324   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 75.00       75.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FIRE ALARM 11-20
325   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 150.00     150.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FIRE ALARM EA.
326   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                    EACH DEVICE              8.00        8.00
                                 STATION OVER 20 DEV)
327   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FURNACE-UNIT HEATER)             EACH                  9.00        9.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-
328   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                     PER HOUR               45.00       45.00                  MINIMUM 1 HOUR
329   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-FINAL)                EACH                 45.00       45.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-HOURLY
330   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       HOUR                 60.00       60.00                  MINIMUM 1 HOUR
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-
331   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       HOUR                 50.00       50.00                  MINIMUM 1 HOUR
332   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (KVA OR HP UP TO 20)              EACH                  9.00        9.00
333   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (KVA & HP 21 TO 50)               EACH                 15.00       15.00
334   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (KVA & HP 50 AND OVER)            EACH                 18.00       18.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (LIGHTING FIXTURES-PER
335   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 10.00       10.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (METER
336   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 45.00       45.00
                                 INSPECTION/POWER TURN-ON)
337   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (MOBILE HOME SITE)                EACH                  9.00        9.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (POWER OUTLETS-INC
338   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 10.00       10.00
                                 RANGES, DRYERS)
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (RECREATIONAL VEHICLE
339   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                  8.00        8.00
340   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES 0 TO 200 AMP)           EACH                 15.00       15.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES 201 TO 600
341   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 20.00       20.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES 601 TO 800
342   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 23.00       23.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES 801 TO 1200
343   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 30.00       30.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES OVER 1200
344   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 50.00       50.00
                                 AMP/GFI ONLY)
345   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SIGNS LETTER)                    EACH                 15.00       15.00
346   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SIGNS NEON)                     EACH 25'              2.00        2.00
347   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SIGNS UNIT)                      EACH                 10.00       10.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SPECIAL
348   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 45.00       45.00
349   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW FEE                          EACH                 25.00%     25.00%               OF APPLICABLE PERMIT FEE
350   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   FIRE ALARM PLAN REVIEW FEE                          EACH                 25.00%     25.00%     OF PERMIT FEE FOR ANY SYSTEM OVER 10 DEVICES
351   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   GARAGE MOVING FEE                                   EACH                 200.00     200.00
352   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   BUILDING MOVING FEE (EXCEPT GARAGE)                 EACH                 500.00     500.00
353   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   LIQUOR LICENSE INSPECTION FEE                       EACH                 100.00     100.00
354   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   LIQUOR LICENSE RE-INSPECTION FEE                    EACH                  50.00      50.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERS-
355   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 20.00       20.00
                                 COMMERCIAL HOODS)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERS-OVER
356   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 60.00       60.00
                                 10,000 CFM)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERS-RES
357   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                  5.00        5.00
                                 BATH & KITCHEN)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERS-UNDER
358   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 20.00       20.00
                                 10,000 CFM)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG-
359   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 30.00       30.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG-
360   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 30.00       30.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG-
361   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 30.00       30.00
                                 COOLING TOWERS)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG-
362   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 30.00       30.00
                                 EVAPORATOR COILS)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG-
363   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 30.00       30.00
                                 REFRIGERATION SPLIT SYSTEM)
364   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   MECHANICAL PERMIT (BASE PERMIT)                     EACH                 75.00       75.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (FIRE
365   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                     PER FOOT                0.10        0.10                 $25.00 MINIMUM FEE
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (FIRE
366   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                     PER FOOT                0.10        0.10                 $25.00 MINIMUM FEE
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (FIRE
367   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH                 150.00     150.00
                                 SUPPRESSION/RESTAURANT HOODS)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (FIRE
368   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                     PER HEAD                0.75        0.75                 $20.00 MINIMUM FEE
                                 SUPPRESSION/SPRINKLER HEADS)

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                                                                            CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                                                                       2025 USER FEES

          DEPARTMENT                         DESCRIPTION                    UNIT               2024 FEES   2025 FEES        COMMENTS              CHANGE (IN %)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEAT RECOVERY
369   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 10.00       10.00
                                 UNITS/THRU-WALL FAN COILS)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-BOILER
370   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 10.00       10.00
                                 CONTROLS, PUMPS)
371   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-BOILERS)        EACH                 30.00       30.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-CHIMNEY,
372   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 25.00       25.00
                                 FACTORY BUILT)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-FLUE/VENT
373   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                  8.00       8.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-GAS FIRE
374   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 20.00       20.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-GAS PIPE
375   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 45.00       45.00
                                 TESTING NEW SERVICE)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-GAS PIPING
376   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                  5.00       5.00
                                 EACH OPENING)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-GAS/OIL
377   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 30.00       30.00
                                 BURNING EQUIPMENT)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-HEAT PUMPS
378   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 30.00       30.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-HEAT
379   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 30.00       30.00
                                 PUMPS, COMPLETE RESIDENT)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-HEAT
380   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 30.00       30.00
                                 PUMPS, COMPLETE RESIDENT)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-RESIDENTIAL
381   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 30.00       30.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-RESIDENTIAL
382   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 50.00       50.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-SOLAR, SET
383   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 20.00       20.00
                                 OF 3 PANELS)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-SOLID FUEL
384   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 30.00       30.00
                                 EQUIPMENT COMPLETE)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-WATER
385   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 10.00       10.00
386   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   MECHANICAL PERMIT (HUMIDIFIERS)            EACH                 10.00       10.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-
387   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 45.00       45.00
388   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-FINAL)       EACH                 45.00       45.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-HOURLY
389   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 60.00       60.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-
390   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 50.00       50.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-TURN ON
391   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 45.00       45.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS
392   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                  5.00       5.00
                                 PIPING/HAZARDOUS 1-4 OUTLETS)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS
393   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                            PER OUTLET              1.00       1.00
                                 PIPING/HAZARDOUS 5+ MORE OUTLETS)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS PIPING/NON-
394   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                  2.00       2.00
                                 HAZARDOUS 1-4 OUTLETS)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS PIPING/NON-
395   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                            PER OUTLET              0.50       0.50
                                 HAZARDOUS 5+ OUTLETS)
396   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   MECHANICAL PERMIT (ROOFTOP HVAC UNIT)      EACH                 60.00       60.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (TANKS-
397   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 20.00       20.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (TANKS-
398   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 25.00       25.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (UNIT
399   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 15.00       15.00
                                 HEATERS/TERMINAL UNITS)
400   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   MECHANICAL PERMIT (UNIT VENTILATORS)       EACH                 10.00       10.00
401   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   MECHANICAL PLAN REVIEW FEE                 EACH                 25.00%     25.00%     OF APPLICABLE PERMIT FEE
402   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   PLUMBING PERMIT (BASE PERMIT)              EACH                  75.00      75.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (CONNECTION BLDG.
403   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                  9.00       9.00
                                 DRAIN; SEWERS AT STREET)
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (FIXTURES, FLOOR
404   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                  9.00       9.00
                                 DRAINS, LAB DEVICES)
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (INSPECTION
405   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 45.00       45.00
406   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   PLUMBING PERMIT (INSPECTION FINAL)         EACH                 45.00       45.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (INSPECTION HOURLY
407   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 60.00       60.00      MINIMUM TWO HOURS
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (INSPECTION
408   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 50.00       50.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (MANHOLES-
409   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 10.00       10.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (MEDICAL GAS
410   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                            PER OUTLET              8.00       8.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (REDUCED PRESSURE
411   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 10.00       10.00
                                 BACKFLOW PREVENTER 1/4" TO 2")
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (REDUCED PRESSURE
412   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 20.00       20.00
                                 BACKFLOW PREVENTER OVER 2")
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (SEWAGE SUMPS &
413   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 10.00       10.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (SEWERS-SANITARY OR
414   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 25.00       25.00
                                 STORM OVER 6")
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (SEWERS-SANITARY OR
415   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 10.00       10.00
                                 STORM UNDER 6")
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (STACKS, VENTS,
416   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                  6.00       6.00
417   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   PLUMBING PERMIT (SUB-SOIL DRAINS)          EACH                  9.00       9.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION
418   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 30.00       30.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION
419   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 23.00       23.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION
420   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 15.00       15.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION
421   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 38.00       38.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION
422   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                  8.00       8.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION
423   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 45.00       45.00
                                 SYSTEM--OVER 2")
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER SERVICE 2" TO
424   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 25.00       25.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER SERVICE LESS
425   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 10.00       10.00
                                 THAN 2")
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER SERVICE OVER
426   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                              EACH                 50.00       50.00
427   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   PLUMBING PLAN REVIEW FEE                   EACH                 25.00%     25.00%     OF APPLICABLE PERMIT FEE

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                                                                                         CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                                                                                      2025 USER FEES

          DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                                UNIT                2024 FEES    2025 FEES                           COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN %)
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (GREASE TRAP
428   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                            EACH                   45.00       45.00
                                 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE APPEAL
429   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                            EACH                  100.00       100.00
                                 APPLICATION FEE
                                 ROOFING PERMIT (RE-ROOF OVER OLD
430   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                        PER SQUARE                150.00       150.00
                                 ROOF/1LAYERS MAX)
431   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ROOFING PERMIT (STRIP THEN RE-ROOF)                  PER SQUARE                250.00       250.00
                                 ROOFING PERMIT (STRIP, RE-SHEET, THEN RE-
432   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                        PER SQUARE                300.00       300.00
433   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   Telecommunications Outlets                           1 - 10 Outlets             50.00        50.00
434   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   Telecommunications Outlets                          11 - 20 Outlets            100.00       100.00
435   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   Telecommunications Outlets                    Over 20 Outlets - Per Outlet      2.00         2.00

          DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                                UNIT                2024 FEES    2025 FEES                           COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN %)

436           MARINA             27 FOOT & UNDER (LIMITED ACCESS SLIP)                    EACH                 2,236.00     2,236.00
437           MARINA             30 FOOT SLIP                                             EACH                 2,820.00     2,820.00      5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN FULL BY JANUARY 31ST
438           MARINA             40 FOOT SLIP                                             EACH                 3,760.00     3,760.00      5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN FULL BY JANUARY 31ST
439           MARINA             60 FOOT SLIP                                             EACH                 5,160.00     5,160.00      5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN FULL BY JANUARY 31ST
                                 HARD ACCESS (SLIPS 37-46, 69) UNDER 27'
440           MARINA                                                                      EACH                 1,800.00     1,800.00
441           MARINA             CLASS A MOORING                                         EACH                   583.00       583.00       5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN FULL BY JANUARY 31ST
442           MARINA             DAILY LAUNCH RAMP                                       EACH                    10.00        10.00
443           MARINA             SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER                          RESIDENT                  50.00        50.00
444           MARINA             SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER                        NON-RESIDENT                70.00        70.00
                                 SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER
445           MARINA                                                                    RESIDENT                 30.00       30.00
                                 SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER
446           MARINA                                                                 NON-RESIDENT                45.00       45.00
447           MARINA             END OF SEASON LAUNCH RAMP PERMIT                         EACH                   30.00       30.00                      SOLD AFTER SEPTEMBER 15
                                                                                                                                         MINIMUM - FEE CHARGED BASED ON TRANSIENT VESSEL RATES
448           MARINA             END OF SEASON LATE REMOVAL FEE                    PER DAY MINIMUM               44.00       44.00
                                                                                                                                                     (VESSEL LENGTH) PER STATE DNR
449           MARINA             SHOPPERS DOCK                                            EACH                   10.00       10.00                  $10 PER 3 HOURS, 35' DOCKS ONLY

          DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                                UNIT                2024 FEES    2025 FEES                           COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN %)
450          PLANNING            PRECINCT MAPS (LARGE)                                    EACH                   30.00       30.00
                                 MASTER PLAN COPY (CITY, DDA, LDFA) -
451          PLANNING                                                                     EACH                  130.00       130.00                             HARD COPY
                                 MASTER PLAN COPY (CITY, DDA, LDFA) - B &
452          PLANNING                                                                     EACH                   35.00       35.00                              HARD COPY
453          PLANNING            DOWNTOWN PLAN COPY                                       EACH                   30.00       30.00                              HARD COPY
                                 MASTER PLAN COPY (CITY, DDA, LDFA) -
454          PLANNING                                                                     EACH                   15.00       15.00                           PROVIDED ON CD
                                 MASTER PLAN COPY (CITY, DDA, LDFA) - B &
455          PLANNING                                                                     EACH                   15.00       15.00                           PROVIDED ON CD
456          PLANNING            DOWNTOWN PLAN COPY                                       EACH                   15.00       15.00                           PROVIDED ON CD
                                 OPRA, COMMERCIAL REHAB, COMMERCIAL
457          PLANNING                                                                     EACH                 1,000.00     1,000.00                       2021 FEES WERE 1,000
458          PLANNING            CRITICAL DUNE                                            EACH                 1500-2500   1500-2500                    BASED ON CONSULTANT FEES                        RANGES
459          PLANNING            NEZ APPLICATION FEE                                      EACH                   50.00       50.00
460          PLANNING            IFT/CFT APPLICATION FEE                                  EACH                                                  2% OF ABATED TAXES, NOT TO EXCEED $1,722
                                 IFT/CFT/OPRA/COMMERCIAL REHAB
461          PLANNING            DISTRICT ESTABLISHMENT IF ON A SEPARATE                  EACH                  500.00       500.00
                                 MEETING FROM CERTIFICATE
462          PLANNING            PERSONAL PROPERTY ABATEMENT FEE                          EACH                                            2% OF ABATED TAXES (WHICHEVER IS LESS - MINIMUM $400)
                                 GROUNDWATER ORDINANCE APPLICATION
463          PLANNING                                                                     EACH                 1,000.00     1,000.00
                                 BROWNFIELD DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION
464          PLANNING                                                                     EACH                 5,000.00     5,000.00            IF TAX CAPTURE FEE BASED ON ACTUAL COSTS
465          PLANNING            PARKS AND RECREATION PLAN                                EACH                   30.00       30.00                              HARD COPY
466          PLANNING            DOWNTOWN RESIDENTIAL PARKING PASS                        EACH                   50.00       50.00
467          PLANNING            PARKS AND RECREATION PLAN                                EACH                   15.00       15.00                                  CD

          DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                                UNIT                2024 FEES    2025 FEES                           COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN %)
                                 POLICE REPORTS - ACCIDENT & OFFENSE
468           POLICE                                                                      EACH                   0.25         0.25
                                 (EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE)
                                 POLICE REPORTS - ACCIDENT & OFFENSE
469           POLICE                                                                      EACH                   5.50         5.50
                                 (FIRST PAGE)
470           POLICE             BIKE REGISTRATION (CHANGE OWNERSHIP)                     EACH                   2.00         2.00
471           POLICE             BIKE REGISTRATION (DUPLICATE)                            EACH                   1.00        1.00
472           POLICE             BIKE REGISTRATION (ENGRAVING)                            EACH                   0.00        0.00                               NO CHARGE
473           POLICE             BIKE REGISTRATION (NEW)                                  EACH                   2.00        2.00
474           POLICE             CITATION COPY                                            EACH                   5.50        5.50
475           POLICE             FALSE ALARM FEE (4TH IN YEAR)                            EACH                   30.00       30.00
476           POLICE             FALSE ALARM FEE (5TH IN YEAR)                            EACH                   60.00       60.00
477           POLICE             FALSE ALARM FEE (6TH OR MORE IN YEAR)                    EACH                   75.00       75.00
                                                                                                                                        INCLUDES $1.00 COST TO PROVIDE OWNER COPY OF INFORMATION
478           POLICE             LICENSE TO PURCHASE FEE                                  EACH                   6.00         6.00
                                                                                                                                                            AND $5.00 NOTARY FEE
                                 LIQUOR - SPECIAL LICENSE - NEW EVENT (45
479           POLICE                                                                      EACH                  150.00       150.00
                                 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT)
                                 LIQUOR - SPECIAL LICENSE - RETURN EVENT,
480           POLICE             OUTSIDE CITY RATE (45 DAYS PRIOR TO                      EACH                  125.00       125.00
                                 LIQUOR - SPECIAL LICENSE - RETURN EVENT,
481           POLICE                                                                      EACH                   75.00       75.00
                                 IN CITY RATE (45 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT)
                                 LIQUOR - SPECIAL LICENSE (15 - 44 DAYS
482           POLICE                                                                      EACH                  250.00       250.00
                                 PRIOR TO EVENT) (ALL)
                                 LIQUOR - SPECIAL LICENSE (UNDER 15 DAYS
483           POLICE                                                                      EACH                NOT ISSUED   NOT ISSUED
                                 PRIOR TO EVENT)
                                 LIQUOR - TEMPORARY EXISTING
484           POLICE             ESTABLISHMENT LICENSE (45 DAYS PRIOR TO                  EACH                   40.00       40.00
                                 LIQUOR - TEMPORARY EXISTING
485           POLICE             ESTABLISHMENT LICENSE (15 - 44 DAYS PRIOR                EACH                   60.00       60.00
                                 TO EVENT)
                                 LIQUOR - TEMPORARY EXISTING
486           POLICE             ESTABLISHMENT LICENSE (UNDER 15 DAYS                     EACH                NOT ISSUED   NOT ISSUED
                                 PRIOR TO EVENT)
                                 LIQUOR - TEMPORARY EXISTING CLUB
487           POLICE                                                                      EACH                   40.00       40.00
                                 LICENSE (45 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT)
                                 LIQUOR - TEMPORARY EXISTING CLUB
488           POLICE                                                                      EACH                   60.00       60.00
                                 LICENSE (15 - 44 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT) (ALL)

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Page 62 of 152
                                                                           CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                                                                        2025 USER FEES

       DEPARTMENT                      DESCRIPTION                          UNIT                2024 FEES    2025 FEES                            COMMENTS                                CHANGE (IN %)

                         LIQUOR - TEMPORARY EXISTING CLUB
489        POLICE                                                           EACH                NOT ISSUED   NOT ISSUED
                         LICENSE (UNDER 15 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT)
                                                                                                  ACTUAL      ACTUAL
490        POLICE        OUIL COST RECOVERY FEE                             EACH
                                                                                                   COSTS       COSTS
491        POLICE        PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (ENLARGED)                 EACH                  15.00        15.00
492        POLICE        PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (STD SIZE)                 EACH                  10.00        10.00
493        POLICE        PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (CD-ROM)                   EACH                   5.00         5.00
494        POLICE        PRELIMINARY BREATH TEST                            EACH                  5.00         5.00                   FOR COURT/PROBATION ORDERED TEST
495        POLICE        VIN INSPECTION                                     EACH                  30.00        30.00
496        POLICE        VEHICLE IMPOUND FEE                                EACH                  55.00        55.00
497        POLICE        VEHICLE IMPOUND FEE (COURT-ORDERED)            EVERY 30 DAYS             55.00        55.00
                         BILL OF SALE PAPERWORK FROM AUCTION
498        POLICE                                                           EACH                  50.00        50.00
499        POLICE        PAPER DRIVERS LICENSE FOR OUIL ARREST              EACH                  10.00        10.00
500        POLICE        TEMPORARY LICENSE PAPER PLATE                      EACH                  10.00        10.00

       DEPARTMENT                      DESCRIPTION                          UNIT                2024 FEES    2025 FEES                            COMMENTS                                CHANGE (IN %)
                                                                                                                          DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR
501    SPECIAL EVENTS    PARKS (WOOD SNOW FENCE RENTAL)                     EACH                  30.00        30.00      ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK-
                                                                                                                                                 UP IS REQUIRED
                                                                                                                          DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR
502    SPECIAL EVENTS    CITY SERVICES (55-GAL METAL TRASH CANS)            EACH                  10.00        10.00      ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK-
                                                                                                                                                 UP IS REQUIRED
                                                                                                                          DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR
503    SPECIAL EVENTS    CITY SERVICES RENTAL OF POSTS                    EACH POST                3.00         3.00      ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK-
                                                                                                                                                 UP IS REQUIRED
504    SPECIAL EVENTS    FILM & MUSIC EVENTS ADMINISTRATION FEE             EACH                  50.00        50.00
                         SPECIAL EVENTS APPLICATION FEE
506    SPECIAL EVENTS    SUBMITTED AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO                EACH                  100.00       100.00
                         DATE OF EVENT
                         SPECIAL EVENTS APPLICATION FEE
507    SPECIAL EVENTS    SUBMITTED 46-59 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF              EACH                  250.00       250.00
508    SPECIAL EVENTS                                                     PER HOUR                40.00        60.00                                                                         50.00%
                         CITY SERVICES (POLICE OFFICER - 1.5
509    SPECIAL EVENTS                                                     PER HOUR                60.00        60.00
                         CITY SERVICES (POLICE OFFICER - TRIPLE                                                           SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. TRUCK AND TRAILER RENTALS MAY ALSO
510    SPECIAL EVENTS                                                     PER HOUR                120.00       120.00
                         OVERTIME)                                                                                                               BE CHARGED
511    SPECIAL EVENTS    PLASTIC TRASH BAGS (1 CASE)                        EACH                  40.00        40.00                          OR ACTUAL COST
512    SPECIAL EVENTS    CITY SERVICES (DPW LABOR COSTS)                  PER HOUR                60.00        60.00           TRUCK AND TRAILER RENTALS MAY ALSO BE CHARGED
                                                                                                                          SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. TRUCK AND TRAILER RENTALS MAY ALSO
513    SPECIAL EVENTS    CITY SERVICES (DPW LABOR COSTS)                  PER HOUR                120.00       120.00
                                                                                                                                                 BE CHARGED
514    SPECIAL EVENTS    HACKLEY PARK QUADRANT RENTAL                       EACH                   50.00        50.00
515    SPECIAL EVENTS    HARBOUR TOWNE BEACH USER FEE                     PER EVENT              1,500.00     1,500.00
516    SPECIAL EVENTS    PERE MARQUETTE USE FEE ZONE 1                     PER DAY                400.00       400.00                            WEEKDAYS
517    SPECIAL EVENTS    PERE MARQUETTE USE FEE ZONE 1                     PER DAY                600.00       600.00                  SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS
518    SPECIAL EVENTS    PERE MARQUETTE USE FEE ZONE 2                     PER DAY                300.00       300.00                            WEEKDAYS
519    SPECIAL EVENTS    PERE MARQUETTE USE FEE ZONE 2                     PER DAY                450.00       450.00                  SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS
520    SPECIAL EVENTS    PERE MARQUETTE USE FEE ZONE 3                     PER DAY                200.00       200.00                            WEEKDAYS
521    SPECIAL EVENTS    PERE MARQUETTE USE FEE ZONE 3                     PER DAY                300.00       300.00                  SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS
522    SPECIAL EVENTS    PERE MARQUETTE USE FEE ZONE 4                     PER DAY                100.00       100.00                            WEEKDAYS
523    SPECIAL EVENTS    PERE MARQUETTE USE FEE ZONE 4                     PER DAY                150.00       150.00                  SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS
                                                                                                                          MAXIMUM OF 15 SPACES AND EACH VEHICLE MUST HAVE A BEACH
525    SPECIAL EVENTS    PARKING SPACE RESERVATION FOR EVENT               PER DAY                15.00        15.00
                                                                                                                                                PARKING PASS
                                                                                                                            CITY COMMISSION MAY OPT TO COLLECT A PERCENTAGE OF
526    SPECIAL EVENTS    CAMPING AT PERE MARQUETTE                  PER NIGHT PER CAMPSITE        20.00        20.00
                                                                                                                              CAMPING REVENUE FOR LARGER EVENTS IN LIEU OF FEE
527    SPECIAL EVENTS    ROAD CLOSURE                                     PER BLOCK               50.00        50.00       FEE APPLIES WHEN ROAD IS CLOSED FOR MORE THAN 2 BLOCKS

       DEPARTMENT                      DESCRIPTION                          UNIT                2024 FEES    2025 FEES                            COMMENTS                                CHANGE (IN %)
                         DUPLICATE TAX BILL COPY (COMPUTER
528      TREASURER                                                          EACH                   2.00         2.00
529      TREASURER                                                          EACH                  20.00        20.00
530      TREASURER       NSF CHECK/NSF ACH HANDLING CHARGE                  EACH                  35.00        35.00
                         TAX RECEIPT INQUIRY (LESS THAN 3 YEARS
531      TREASURER                                                          EACH                   3.00         3.00
                         TAX RECEIPT INQUIRY (MORE THAN 3 YEARS
532      TREASURER                                                          EACH                   3.00         3.00
                         TRANSACTION SERVICE FEE (PAYMENTS
533      TREASURER                                                          EACH                   2.00         2.00
                         MADE AT WINDOWW/O BILL)
534      TREASURER                                                          EACH                   5.00         5.00
                         CARD PAYMENTS BY PHONE)
                         PETTY CASH NUISANCE FEE (FAILURE TO
535      TREASURER                                                          EACH                   5.00         5.00
                         RETURN RECEIPTS IN TIMELY FASHION)
                         PROPERTY TAX ROLL ON CD-ROM OR
536      TREASURER                                                          EACH                  125.00       125.00
                         ELECTRONIC FILE
                         PROPERTY TAX LIEN INQUIRY/LOOKUP
537      TREASURER                                                          EACH                  35.00        35.00             PAYMENT IN ADVANCE W/CREDIT CARD REQUIRED
                         (PERFORMED BY CITY STAFF)
                         PROPERTY TAX LIEN INQUIRY/LOOKUP (SELF-
538      TREASURER                                                          EACH                  20.00        20.00
                         HELP INTERNET LOOKUP)
539      TREASURER                                                          EACH                   3.0%         3.0%
540      TREASURER       PROPERTY TAX ADMINISTRATION FEE (PTAF)             EACH                   1.0%         1.0%
541      TREASURER       LANDLORD'S AFFIDAVIT FILING                        EACH                  500.00       500.00
542      TREASURER       CREDIT CARD CONVENIENCE FEE                        EACH                   2.8%         2.8%

       DEPARTMENT                      DESCRIPTION                          UNIT                2024 FEES    2025 FEES                            COMMENTS                                CHANGE (IN %)
543   WATER FILTRATION   WATER TEST SAMPLE                               PER SAMPLE                80.00        80.00                   COVERS STAFF TIME AND LAB WORK
544    WATER-SEWER       DELINQUENT PAYMENT PENALTY                   PAST DUE BALANCE            10.00%       10.00%
                                                                                                GREATER OF   GREATER OF
545    WATER-SEWER                                                    PAST DUE BALANCE            20% OR       20% OR
                                                                                                  $25.00       $25.00
                         HYDRANT SERVICE (MAXIMUM 30 DAY)
546    WATER-SEWER                                                          EACH                  50.00        50.00               $400.00 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT ALSO REQUIRED
                         CONNECTION CHARGE
547    WATER-SEWER                                                          EACH                 1,200.00     1,200.00       INCLUDES REPAIR AND POSSIBLE REPLACEMENT OF SERVICE
                         LINE (SEWER PERMIT)
                                                                                                  ACTUAL      ACTUAL
                                                                                                   COSTS       COSTS

                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 63 of 152
                                                                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                                                                             2025 USER FEES

      DEPARTMENT                     DESCRIPTION                                 UNIT                2024 FEES    2025 FEES                            COMMENTS                                    CHANGE (IN %)
549    WATER-SEWER     METER RESET AT OWNER'S REQUEST                             EACH                 35.00        35.00
550    WATER-SEWER     METER TEST                                                 EACH                 35.00        35.00
                                                                                                                              FIRST VISIT IS FREE - FEE CHARGED PER VISIT AFTER FIRST ONE EACH
551    WATER-SEWER     THAWING WATER/SEWER LINE                                   EACH                 200.00      200.00
552    WATER-SEWER     TURN ON CHARGE (AFTER HOURS)                               EACH                 100.00      100.00                          CALL IN MINIMUM 3 HOURS
553    WATER-SEWER     TURN ON CHARGE (REGULAR HOURS)                             EACH                  40.00       40.00
554    WATER-SEWER     TURN ON CHARGE (SEASONAL USE)                              EACH                  12.50       12.50
555    WATER-SEWER     MISSED APPOINTMENT/SAME DAY TURN ON                        EACH                 40.00        40.00
                                                                                                                                 FEE APPLIED TO SEWER PERMIT IF PROBLEM IS IN THE CITY'S
556    WATER-SEWER     TV SEWER LATERAL                                           EACH                 100.00      100.00
                                                                                                                                                  PORTION OF SYSTEM
557    WATER-SEWER                                                                EACH                 200.00      200.00
                       (MINIMUM CHARGE)
558    WATER-SEWER                                                              PER DAY                20.00        20.00
                       CHARGE FOR CONT'D USE)
                       BACKFLOW PREVENTER DEVICE
559    WATER-SEWER                                                      ANNUAL FEE-EACH DEVICE         10.00        10.00
                       REGISTRATION/AUDIT FEE
                       WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 5/8" OR
560    WATER-SEWER                                                                EACH                1,500.00     1,500.00
561    WATER-SEWER     WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 1"                            EACH                2,500.00     2,500.00
                       WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 1-1/4" OR 1-
562    WATER-SEWER                                                                EACH                4,500.00     4,500.00
563    WATER-SEWER     WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 2"                            EACH                7,300.00    7,300.00
564    WATER-SEWER     WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 3"                            EACH                12,800.00   12,800.00
565    WATER-SEWER     WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 4"                            EACH                20,000.00   20,000.00
566    WATER-SEWER     WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 6"                            EACH                40,000.00   40,000.00
567    WATER-SEWER                                                                EACH                VARIABLE    VARIABLE                   BASED ON CALCULATED CAPACITY                              VARIABLE
                       THAN 6"
568    WATER-SEWER     FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 2"                           EACH                   0.00        0.00                        TIME & MATERIALS BASIS
569    WATER-SEWER     FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 4"                           EACH                7,300.00    7,300.00                       TIME & MATERIALS BASIS
570    WATER-SEWER     FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 6"                           EACH                12,800.00   12,800.00                      TIME & MATERIALS BASIS
571    WATER-SEWER     FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 8"                           EACH                20,000.00   20,000.00                      TIME & MATERIALS BASIS
572    WATER-SEWER     FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 12"                          EACH                40,000.00   40,000.00                      TIME & MATERIALS BASIS
                       SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 5/8" OR
573    WATER-SEWER                                                                EACH                1,500.00     1,500.00
574    WATER-SEWER     SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 1"                            EACH                2,500.00     2,500.00
                       SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 1-1/4" OR 1-
575    WATER-SEWER                                                                EACH                4,500.00     4,500.00
576    WATER-SEWER     SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 2"                            EACH                7,300.00    7,300.00
577    WATER-SEWER     SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 3"                            EACH                12,800.00   12,800.00
578    WATER-SEWER     SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 4"                            EACH                20,000.00   20,000.00
579    WATER-SEWER     SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 6"                            EACH                40,000.00   40,000.00
580    WATER-SEWER                                                                EACH                VARIABLE    VARIABLE                   BASED ON CALCULATED CAPACITY                              VARIABLE
                       THAN 6"
581    WATER-SEWER                                                              PER DAY                 0.00         0.00
                       TREATMENT CHARGE
582    WATER-SEWER     LARGE WATERMAIN TAPS                                      EACH                  300.00       300.00                       PLUS TIME &MATERIALS
583    WATER-SEWER     SMALL WATER TAPS                                          EACH                  100.00       100.00        SMALL TAP FEE UP TO AND INCLUDING 2' WATER SERVICE
584    WATER-SEWER     RESIDENTIAL FLAT RATE SEWER CHARGE                       MONTH                 Variable     Variable         BASED ON 11.66 UNITS/MO OR 35 UNITS/QUARTER                  BASED ON SEWAGE RATE
585    WATER-SEWER     COMMERCIAL FLAT RATE SEWER CHARGE                        MONTH                 Variable     Variable         BASED ON 11.66 UNITS/MO OR 35 UNITS/QUARTER                  BASED ON SEWAGE RATE

      DEPARTMENT                     DESCRIPTION                                 UNIT                2024 FEES    2025 FEES                            COMMENTS                                    CHANGE (IN %)
586      ZONING        SPECIAL MEETING FEE (PLANNING, ZBA)                    PER REQUEST              500.00      500.00
587      ZONING        FENCE PERMIT FEE                                          EACH                   30.00       30.00
588      ZONING                                                                   EACH                 30.00        50.00                                                                               66.67%
                       SURVEY AND LOT DESCRIPTION
                       LOT SPLIT REVIEW - NEEDING SURVEY AND
589      ZONING                                                                   EACH                             100.00                                                                               *NEW FEE*
                       LOT DESCRIPTION
590      ZONING        WITH PREPARATION OF NEW SURVEY AND                         EACH                             250.00                                                                               *NEW FEE*
589      ZONING        ZONING, GIS MAPS (UP TO 17" x 24" )                        EACH                 15.00        25.00                                                                               66.67%
590      ZONING        ZONING, GIS MAPS (17" x 24" TO 34" x 44" )                 EACH                 25.00        35.00                                                                               40.00%
591      ZONING        PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD)                             EACH                  0.00         0.00
                       PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) -
592      ZONING                                                                   EACH                 600.00      600.00
593      ZONING        PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) - FINAL                     EACH                 600.00      800.00                                                                               33.33%
                       PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) -
594      ZONING                                                                   EACH                 500.00      800.00                                                                               60.00%
595      ZONING        SIDEWALK BENCH ENCROACHMENT                       PER BENCH PER MONTH            5.00        5.00
596      ZONING        SITE PLAN REVIEW FEE - MINOR                              EACH                  200.00      250.00                                                                               25.00%
597      ZONING        SITE PLAN REVIEW FEE - MAJOR                              EACH                  400.00      500.00                                                                               25.00%
598      ZONING        PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW                                EACH                  600.00      700.00                                                                               16.67%
599      ZONING        SPECIAL USE PERMIT                                        EACH                  600.00      800.00                                                                               33.33%
600      ZONING        ALLEY OR STREET VACATION                                  EACH                  600.00      800.00                                                                               33.33%
601      ZONING        ZONING COMPLIANCE LETTER                                  EACH                   30.00       50.00                                                                               66.67%
602      ZONING        ZONE CHANGE                                               EACH                  600.00      800.00                                                                               33.33%
603      ZONING                                                                   EACH                 400.00      500.00                     COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ONLY                                25.00%

604      ZONING                                                                   EACH                 300.00      400.00                            RESIDENTIAL ONLY                                   33.33%

605      ZONING        ZONING - AMENDMENT TO THE ORDINANCE                        EACH                 600.00      800.00                                                                               33.33%
606      ZONING        ZONING ORDINANCE COPY                                      EACH                 25.00        35.00                                                                               40.00%
607      ZONING        ZONING ORDINANCE COPY W/ MAP                               EACH                 45.00        60.00                                                                               33.33%

      DEPARTMENT                     DESCRIPTION                                 UNIT                2024 FEES    2025 FEES                            COMMENTS                                    CHANGE (IN %)
608   WESTERN MARKET   APPLICATION FEE                                           EACH                   25.00        25.00
609   WESTERN MARKET   DEPOSIT-REFUNDABLE                                        EACH                  150.00       150.00
610   WESTERN MARKET   EXTRA ELECTRICITY                                       EACH UNIT                75.00        75.00
611   WESTERN MARKET   ABSENCE                                              PER OCCURRENCE             100.00       100.00
612   WESTERN MARKET   AIRCONDITIONING                                        EACH SEASON              300.00       300.00
613   WESTERN MARKET   USER FEE 90 SQUARE FEET                                EACH SEASON             1,450.00     1,450.00
614   WESTERN MARKET   USER FEE 120 SQUARE FEET                               EACH SEASON             1,925.00     1,925.00
615   WESTERN MARKET   USER FEE 150 SQUARE FEET                               EACH SEASON             2,350.00     2,350.00

                                      NR * = FEES APPLICABLE TO NON-RESIDENTS OF THE CITY

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 64 of 152
                          Agenda Item Review Form
                          Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: January 28, 2025              Title: Purchase of 1932 and 1967 Reynolds.

Submitted by: Samantha Pulos, Code                     Department: Planning

Brief Summary:
Staff is requesting approval of a purchase agreement to buy 1932 Reynolds Street and 1967 Reynolds
Street, Muskegon, MI 49442 from the Muskegon County Land Bank.

Detailed Summary & Background:
This lot will be added to the City's Infill Housing Program and city-wide Brownfield. It is proximal to
several other recent builds and future phase lots.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:

Key Focus Areas:
Infill housing opportunity. Diverse housing types.

Goal/Action Item:
2027 Goal 2: Economic Development Housing and Business

Amount Requested:                                      Budgeted Item:
$7,000.00                                               Yes       x    No            N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s):                                 Budget Amendment Needed:
Public Improvement Fund                                 Yes            No       x    N/A

Recommended Motion:
Approve the purchase agreement for 1932 and 1967 Reynolds St, Muskegon, MI 49442, for $7,000.00,
and authorize the Code Coordinator to sign.

Approvals:                                             Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division          x
Head                                                     No

Other Division Heads        x

                                                                                                 Page 65 of 152
Legal Review    x

                    Page 66 of 152
                                      Exhibit A

Legal Description of Property:

Lot 19, Block 2, Terrace St Addition to the City of Muskegon, City of Muskegon,
according to the recorded plat thereof, Liber 3, Page 32, Muskegon County Records


Lot 9, Block 3, Terrace St Addition to the City of Muskegon, City of Muskegon,
according to the recorded plat thereof, Liber 3, Page 32, Muskegon County Records

                                                                                    Page 67 of 152
                                PURCHASE AGREEMENT

AGREEMENT between Muskegon County Land Bank Authority Seller) of 173 E. Apple
Ave., Muskegon, Michigan 49442 and City of Muskegon (Buyer) of 933 Terrace St,
Muskegon, MI 49440.

The parties to this agreement to convey real estate agree as follows:

1. SELLER'S DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: Seller is the Muskegon County Land Bank
Authority and is exempt from providing a Seller’s Disclosure Statement. Seller has not
occupied the property and makes no representation regarding the condition of the
property or suitability for any intended use. Seller advises buyer to seek legal counsel
before signing any agreement.

2. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Buyer offers to buy property located in Muskegon
County, PN#61-24-796-002-0019-00 and 61-24-796-003-0009-00 commonly known as
1932 Reynolds Street and 1967 Reynolds St, Muskegon, MI 49442 and legally
described as (see legal description attached as Exhibit A) subject to existing building
and use restrictions, zoning ordinances, and easements if any. Seller agrees to grant
Buyer at closing the right to make any divisions allowable under Section 108 (2), (3),
and (4) of the Michigan Land Division Act.

3. PRICE: Buyer offers to buy the property for the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars

4. TERMS:       The Terms of Purchase will be as indicated by “X” below:
                (Other unmarked terms of purchase do not apply.)

×CASH The full purchase price upon execution and delivery of Quit Claim Deed.          Buyer
Agrees to provide Seller verification of funds within five (5) days of the date this
Agreement is fully executed.

5. ACCEPTANCE: Written acceptance of this offer by buyer and seller must be
obtained by 5pm on February 28, 2025 or the offer is null and void. Acceptance of the
offer constitutes a binding agreement between the Buyer and Seller. Buyer agrees to
deposit $0, into an escrow account set up for the purpose of completing this sale, within
48 hours of the acceptance of the offer as a good faith deposit to apply to the purchase
price. If the Buyer defaults under the terms of the contract, any and all monies
deposited by Buyer shall be retained by the Seller as liquidated damages. If the Seller
defaults under the terms of the contract, the deposit shall be returned to the Buyer in full
termination of the agreement.

6. TERMS: Buyer will deliver the full purchase price at closing upon execution and
subsequent delivery of a Quit Claim Deed by the Seller. Buyer is responsible for
obtaining title insurance and any settlement fees.

7. BUYER'S PURCHASE CONTINGENCIES: Buyer's obligation is not contingent upon
the sale or exchange of any other property by Buyer.
                                      Page 1 of 4

                                                                                         Page 68 of 152
8. FIXTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS: All improvements and appurtenances are
included in the purchase price including, if there now, the following: all buildings;
landscaping; lighting fixtures, shades and bulbs; ceiling fans; drapery, curtains, shades,
blinds and hardware; kitchen appliances built-in, including garbage disposal; wall to wall
carpeting; attached mirrors, shelves, and workbenches; water softener (unless rented),
water heater; sump pump; incinerator; water pump and pressure tank; heating and air
conditioning units (window units excluded); attached humidifiers; heating units including
wood stoves; fireplace screens, doors, grates, and inserts; liquid heating or cooking
units and equipment; and detached storage buildings, and certain other personal
property to be agreed upon by Buyer and Seller prior to closing. Buyer agrees to
make any improvements as mandated by local municipality ordinance.

9. PROPERTY TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS: Seller will pay all delinquent taxes prior
to closing. All taxes billed or to be billed in the year of closing will be paid by the
buyer. Buyer agrees to assume the balance of any existing special assessment; and
pay any installments, which are due and payable on the property in the year of the

10. SURVEY: The Buyer may arrange and pay for a boundary stake survey with
improvements and easements showing on the survey. The Buyer shall have the right to
terminate this agreement if the survey reports are not acceptable to the Buyer by giving
written notice within seven (7) calendar days after this agreement is fully executed.

11. INSPECTIONS: The Buyer may arrange and pay for an inspection of the buildings
on the property. The Buyer may arrange and pay for inspections for termites or pests,
plumbing, heating, venting, air conditioning, electrical, structural, and roof. The Buyer
shall have the right to terminate this agreement if the inspection reports are not
acceptable to the Buyer by giving written notice within five (5) calendar days after this
agreement is fully executed. Buyer agrees that Buyer is not relying on any statement or
representation by Seller except as expressly set forth in this agreement. Buyer agrees
to accept premises at closing "as-is", if substantially similar to the conditions at
inspection. In the event of a loss or casualty to the premises, the Buyer may elect to
terminate the agreement by written notice to the Seller.

12. CLOSING: Closing will be held on or before April 30, 2025.

13. POSSESSION: Seller will maintain the property in its present condition until the
completion of the closing of the sale. Physical possession to be delivered to the Buyer
at closing. Seller will remove all personal property, with the exception of personal
property to be transferred to the Buyer pursuant to Paragraph 7 of this agreement; and
make arrangements for final payment of utilities; and deliver all keys to Buyer at the
date of delivery. Buyer is responsible for eviction of any occupants.

14. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNEES: The terms of this contract shall bind all
successors, heirs, administrators, trustees, executors and assignees of the parties.

                                       Page 2 of 4

                                                                                       Page 69 of 152
15. DISCLOSURES: The undersigned have read the above information, understand
it, and verify that it is correct and accept all the above terms and conditions. Buyer and
Seller acknowledge that they will seek legal, tax, environmental and other appropriate
professional advice regarding this transaction. Buyer further agrees that the Buyer is
not relying on any representation or statement made by Seller regarding any aspect of
the property or the sale transaction, except as expressly set forth in this agreement, or
amendment to this agreement. This agreement is the final expression of the complete
agreement of the parties and there are no oral agreements existing between the parties
relating to this transaction. This agreement may be amended only in writing signed by
the parties and attached to this agreement. The parties agree that any signed copy of
this agreement transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means shall be competent
evidence of its contents to the same effect as an original signed copy.

16. PRIOR OWNER PURCHASE: In the event of a sale to a prior owner of the
property, Buyers acknowledge and agree that, pursuant to the Michigan Supreme's
Court Opinion in the case of Rafaeli, LLC v. Oakland County, Buyers have a vested
property right to the surplus proceeds resulting from the tax foreclosure sale of the
Property. Buyers freely and voluntarily waive any right, title or interest in or to any
surplus proceeds resulting from the tax foreclosure sale of the Property by the
Muskegon County Treasurer or the Muskegon County Land Bank Authority. Buyers
hereby further agree to indemnify, defend and hold the Muskegon County Land Bank
Authority harmless from and against any and all losses, claims, expenses, damages,
costs (including attorney fees) and causes of action of any kind which may be brought
by Buyers with respect to the surplus proceeds resulting from the tax foreclosure sale of
the Property. The waiver indemnification provisions contained in this paragraph shall
survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement, and shall not be deemed
merged into any deed delivered to Buyers hereunder.

17. ADDITIONAL TERMS: All property taxes are the responsibility of the buyer and
must be kept current for six years from the date of sale. Failure to adhere to the terms
of the entire purchase agreement, including this addendum, will be considered a default
of said agreement and property will revert to the Muskegon County Land Bank Authority
free and clear of any claim of seller or their assigns. In the event of reversion of title of
the above-described premises, improvements made thereon shall become the property
of the Muskegon County Land Bank Authority.

Splits and combinations shall not be allowed for a period of 5 years preceding
December 31 in the year of sale pursuant to Public Act 258 of 2003.

Buyer hereby acknowledges receipt of a copy of this agreement.


_______________________________                  _______________________________

_______________________________                  _______________________________
                                        Page 3 of 4

                                                                                          Page 70 of 152
Print name as to appear on documents                            Print name as to appear on documents

Buyer address: ________________________________

Email:               ________________________________

Buyer phone:          ________________________________

Date signed:         ________________________________

Seller hereby acknowledges receipt of a copy of this agreement.

Seller:      _____________________________________

             Tony Moulatsiotis, Chairman
                         Print name as to appear on documents

Seller address: 173 E. Apple Ave., Suite 104

                     Muskegon, MI 49442

Seller phone:        231-724-6170

Date signed:         ________________________________

                                                    Page 4 of 4

                                                                                                       Page 71 of 152
                         Agenda Item Review Form
                         Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: January 28, 2025             Title: Approve CRC recommendations

Submitted by: Shelly Stibitz, Elections Coordinator   Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary:
Concur with Community Relations Committee recommendations for board positions

Detailed Summary & Background:

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:

Key Focus Areas:

Goal/Action Item:

Amount Requested:                                     Budgeted Item:
                                                      Yes            No           N/A   X

Fund(s) or Account(s):                                Budget Amendment Needed:
                                                      Yes            No           N/A   X

Recommended Motion:
Approve CRC recommendations for board positions

Approvals:                                            Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division
Head                                                   No

Other Division Heads
Legal Review

                                                                                            Page 72 of 152
The Community Relations Committee recommends to the City Commission approval of the

                                    Member Resignation

Lakeside Business Improvement District
Jackie Knowlton, Assessed Owner/Representative expiring 01/31/2026

                        Member *Appointments and Reappointments

Board of Review
Pamela Smith, Citizen term expiring 01/31/2027
Clinton Todd, Citizen term expiring 01/31/2027
Charlotte Barnes-Evans, Citizen term expiring 01/31/2027

Citizen’s District Council-Community Development Block Grant
*John Wiegers, Citizen at Large expiring 01/31/2028
*Margie Kelley, Citizen at Large expiring 01/31/2028

Citizen’s Police Review Board
Rozelia Patino, Member of a Minority Based Organization expiring 01/31/2027
Robert Roundtree, Citizen At Large expiring 01/31/2027
Ann Craig, Neighborhood Association Representative expiring 01/31/2027
*Chelsea Kelley, Citizen At Large expiring 01/31/2027

Civil Service Commission
Mary Louise LaBelle, Citizen expiring 01/31/2031

Construction Code Board of Appeals
Lane Bentsen, Mechanical expiring 01/31/2027
Joshua Ohst, Public Health expiring 01/31/2027
Wade VandenBosch, Construction Manager expiring 01/31/2027

Downtown Development/Brownfield Redevelopment/TIF Authority
Andrew Boyd, Interest of property in district expiring 01/31/2029

Election Commission
Wanda Matsey, Citizen expiring 01/31/2028

Equal Opportunity Committee
Lisa Judge, Citizen At Large expiring 01/31/2028
*Philip Hickman, Citizen At Large expiring 01/31/2028
*Tranae Harris, Citizen At Large expiring 01/31/2028

                                                                                      Page 73 of 152
Farmers Market Advisory Board
Colly Travis, Seasonal Crafter/Artisan expiring 001/31/2028
Jeanine Platt, Citizen At Large expiring 01/31/2028

Historic District Commission
Gregory Borgman, Historic District Resident/Personal Interest expiring 01/31/2028

Housing Code Board of Appeals
Johna Willis, Citizen expiring 01/31/2028
*DeMario Phillips, Citizen expiring 01/31/2028

Housing Commission
Jake Eckholm, Citizen expiring 01/31/2030

Lakeside Business Improvement District
Ronald Jenkins, Assessed Owner/Representative expiring 01/31/2028
Melanie Lyonnais, Assessed Owner/Representative expiring 01/31/2028
*Carol Castle, Assessed Owner/Representative expiring 01/31/2028

Local Development Finance Authority
Kevin Ricco, Citizen/Interest in District expiring 01/31/2029

Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
Hillery Ross-Furse, Resident Ward 1 expiring 01/31/2028
Aaron Bodbyl-Mast, Resident Ward 4 expiring 01/31/2028
Roberta King, Resident At large expiring 01/31/2028

Zoning Board of Appeals
Roberta King, Resident expiring 01/31/2028

                                                                                    Page 74 of 152
                        Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: January 28, 2025          Title: Public Hearing Establishment of a
                                                   Commercial Redevelopment District- Lakeshore
                                                   Hotel Partners, LLC, 181 Viridian Drive

Submitted by: Contessa Alexander, Development      Department: Economic Development

Brief Summary:
Lakeshore Hotel Partners, LLC has formally requested the establishment of a Commercial
Redevelopment District and Certificate for 181 Viridian Drive on December 9, 2024. This designation
will enable the property owner to apply for a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate, which
freezes the building's taxable value and exempts new investments from local taxes.

Detailed Summary & Background:
Lakeshore Hotel Partners, LLC has formally requested the establishment of a Commercial
Redevelopment District and Certificate for 181 Viridian Drive on December 9, 2024. This designation
will enable the property owner to apply for a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate, which
freezes the building's taxable value and exempts new investments from local taxes.

The proposed project involves the development of the Element Hotel by Marriott, part of the broader
Harbor 31 Redevelopment Plan. Key details of the hotel project include:

    • Size & Scope: A 5-story building featuring 132 rooms.
    • Amenities: A full-service restaurant, fitness center, and indoor pool.
    • Location: Situated along the Lakeshore, enhancing the area’s appeal as a destination for
      visitors and residents.
    • Investment: The project represents a $30 million construction effort spanning 31 acres.

The Element Hotel is a key component of the larger Harbor 31 Redevelopment Plan, which aims to
transform the area into a vibrant, mixed-use community. In addition to the hotel, the redevelopment
plan includes:

    •   Senior living facilities.
    •   Single-family homes.
    •   Townhomes and apartments.
    •   Office space.

The project is expected to:

                                                                                          Page 75 of 152
    •   Begin construction in February 2025 and conclude in April 2026.
    •   Create approximately 50 permanent jobs upon completion, enhancing the local workforce.
    •   Generate approximately 225 construction jobs during the development phase.
    •   Revitalize underutilized property along the Lakeshore

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:

Key Focus Areas:
Progress toward completion of ongoing economic development projects

Goal/Action Item:
2027 Goal 2: Economic Development Housing and Business

Amount Requested:                                  Budgeted Item:
N/A                                                 Yes           No           N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s):                             Budget Amendment Needed:
N/A                                                 Yes           No           N/A

Recommended Motion:
I move to close the public hearing and approve the request from Lakeshore Hotel Partners, LLC, to
establish a Commercial Redevelopment District at 181 Viridian Drive and authorize the Mayor and
City Clerk to sign the attached resolution.

Approvals:                                         Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division
Head                                                No

Other Division Heads
Legal Review

                                                                                         Page 76 of 152
Page 77 of 152
Page 78 of 152


                                                           Page 79 of 152
    executive summary
Great Lakes Capital is pleased to share its plans for a 134-key
Element by Marriott hotel. Located along the shores of Lake
Michigan, it will fill an unmet but high need for an extended-stay
hotel with a food and beverage program within the region.

Walking distance from both Muskegon Lake and Downtown
Muskegon’s Social District, the Element Muskegon will be a key
part of the 31-acre lakefront Harbor 31 master-planned
community. There is no existing hotel or hotel in development on
this level of service within the region – it will draw both
community members and national visitors looking to visit Lake

The hotel is being designed according to Marriott’s highly
successful prototype standards, but further, it will have an
additional highly curated lobby restaurant and bar that will cater to
hotel guests and the community at large. We are designing the
hotel to provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere and bar
during colder months while also capitalizing on the huge summer
opportunity for the summer guest months with the bar opening to
the exterior with fire tables, pool, and comfortable seating. The
Element Hotel Muskegon will redefine the region’s lakeside

Our team is proud to have the architect, general contractor, and
hotel operator as equity partners. Their involvement is a testament
to their belief in and commitment to the success of the project.

                                                                        Element by Marriott | Muskegon, Michigan       2
                                                                                                              Page 80 of 152
project details| brand imagery

Element by Marriott | Muskegon, Michigan   Page 81 3of 152
project details | development timeline

                            Q4 2024             Q4 2024           Q1 2026

                        Estimated Equity &   Commence Project   Estimated Grand
                           Loan Closing        Construction         Opening

Element by Marriott | Muskegon, Michigan                                          Page 82 4of 152
Page 83 of 152
Page 84 of 152
Page 85 of 152
Page 86 of 152
                                                   "90%" Construction Document Budget

           Elemental Hotel with Approved VE                                        Gross Sqft
           Muskegon, MI                                                             90,961
           December 17, 2024

No.        Description                                                               Cost             Cost PSF

02 00      Existing Conditions                                                 $      83,883.67   $           0.92
03 00      Concrete                                                            $     767,995.51   $           8.44
04 00      Masonry                                                             $     221,432.50   $           2.43
05 00      Metals                                                              $   2,616,576.93   $          28.77
06 00      Woods, Plastics, and Composites                                     $   1,142,733.02   $          12.56
07 00      Thermal and Moisture Protection                                     $   1,290,452.54   $          14.19
08 00      Openings                                                            $     793,349.96   $           8.72
09 00      Finishes                                                            $   2,701,611.54   $          29.70
10 00      Specialties                                                         $     217,231.11   $           2.39
11 00      Equipment                                                           $     241,007.17   $           2.65
12 00      Furnishings                                                         $     247,962.83   $           2.73
13 00      Special Construction                                                $     139,171.14   $           1.53
14 00      Conveying Equipment                                                 $     325,712.98   $           3.58
21 00      Fire Suppression Subcontract                                        $     276,814.50   $           3.04
22 00      Plumbing Subcontract                                                $   1,043,968.78   $          11.48
23 00      Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning                          $   2,568,578.80   $          28.24
26 00      Electrical                                                          $   1,761,644.02   $          19.37
27 00      Communications                                                      $            -     $            -
28 00      Electronic Safety and Security, Fire Alarm                          $            -     $            -
31 00      Earthwork                                                           $     733,310.15   $           8.06
32 00      Exterior Improvements                                               $     227,486.32   $           2.50
33 00      Utilities                                                           $            -     $            -

                                       TOTAL HARD COST                         $ 17,400,923.47    $        191.30

                                                              Reimbursables    $            -     $            -
                                                         General Conditions    $     712,780.00   $           7.84
                                                        Design Contingency     $            -     $            -
                                                   Construction Contingency    $     362,274.07   $           3.98
                                                                  Escalation   $            -     $            -
                                                           WBG Fee 5%          $     917,006.24   $          10.08

                                       TOTAL SOFT COSTS                        $   1,992,060.30   $          21.90

                                       ESTIMATE TOTAL                          $ 19,392,983.77    $        213.20

                                                                                                             Page 87 of 152
#      DESCRIPTION - SCOPE OF WORK                                        FURNISHED BY   INSTALLED BY   NOTES
     2     Building Permits                                               Owner          N/A
     3     Impact Fees & Escrows                                          Owner          N/A
     4     Installation Deposits/Maintenance Bonds                        Owner          N/A
     6     Exterior
     7     All Exterior Lighting and Bulbs                                GC/Owner       GC             Decorative Lighting By Owner
     8     Electronic Locks at Exterior Entries                           Owner          Owner          To Be Reviewed for Scope
     9     Flag Poles                                                     GC             GC             Previously Excluded
    10     Permanent Planters                                             Owner          Owner
    11     All Landscaping and Irrigation                                 GC             GC
    12     All Site Work                                                  GC             GC
    13     Identification/Signage                                         Owner          Owner          GC - Parking Lot Signage
    14     Fire Pit                                                       GC             GC
    15     Lightning Protection                                           Excluded       Excluded
    16     Interior - Public Areas
    17     Wall, Base, Floor and Ceiling Finishes                         GC             GC
    18     Vinyl Wall Covering                                            N/A            N/A            None
    19     VWC Prep and Adhesive                                          N/A            N/A            None
    20     Doors, Frames and Hardware                                     GC             GC             Electronic Locks By Owner
    21     Carpet, Carpet Tiles, Carpet Base and Pad                      Owner          GC             Throughline for Materials
    22     Carpet, Carpet Base and Pad: Prep, Adhesive & Installation     GC             GC
    23     Casework/Millwork (except below items)                         GC             GC
    24     Permanent Interior Planters                                    Owner          Owner
    25     Toilet Room Fixtures/Trim/Accessories                          GC             GC
    26     Blocking for Draperies (coordinate with Owner)                 GC             GC
    27     Drapery Valance                                                Owner          Owner
    28     Event Space Operable Partitions                                GC             GC
    29     Identification/Signage                                         Owner          Owner
    30     Functional Lighting and Bulbs                                  GC             GC             Decorative Lighting By Owner
    31     Decorative Surface Mount Lighting and Bulbs - Hardwired        Owner          GC             Decorative Lighting By Owner
    32     Decorative Surface Mount Lighting and Bulbs - Plug-in (FF&E)   Owner          Owner
    33     Interior - Guest Rooms & Corridors
    34     Wall, Base, Floor and Ceiling Finishes (except below items)    GC             GC

                                                                                                                                    Page 88 of 152
35   Guest Room LVT and Base                                      GC         GC
36   Guest Room LVT and Base: Prep, Adhesive & Installation       GC         GC
37   Vinyl Wall Covering                                          N/A        N/A        None
38   VWC Prep and Adhesive                                        N/A        N/A        None
39   Doors, Frames and Hardware                                   GC         GC
40   - Guest Room Entry Electronic Locks                          Owner      Owner
41   Identification/Signage - Guest Room Signage & Numbers, etc.  Owner      Owner
42   Carpet, Carpet Tiles, Carpet Base and Pad                    Owner      GC         Throughline for Materials
43   Carpet, Carpet Base and Pad: Prep, Adhesive & Installation   GC         GC
44   Casework/Millwork - Guest Room Bathroom Vanity               Owner      GC
45   Casework/Millwork - Guest Room Bathroom Vanity Stone Countertop
                                                                  Owner      GC
46   Casework/Millwork - Guest Room Bathroom Vanity Sink and Faucet
                                                                  GC         GC
47   Casework/Millwork - Desk and Bench                           Owner      Owner
48   Casework/Millwork - Desk and Bench Underlighting             Owner      Owner
49   Headboard and Bed Base                                       Owner      Owner
50   Headboard Power Modules                                      Owner      Owner      Modules to be Plug-in
51   Drapery & Window Blinds                                      Owner      Owner
52   Drapery Valance and Backlighting                             Owner      Owner
53   Drapery Blocking                                             GC         GC
54   Mirrors and Artwork                                          Owner      Owner
55   - Framed Mirror on Back of Door                              Owner      Owner
56   Closet Shelving Unit                                         Owner      Owner
57   Safes, Coffee Makers, Appliances                             Owner      Owner
58   Window Sills (Painted Wood)                                  GC         GC         Confirmed in Specs
59   Bathroom - Shower & Tub Surrounds                            GC         GC
60   Bathroom - Toilet Accessories                                GC         GC
61   Bathroom - Shower Panels/Doors                               GC         GC
62   Bathroom - Vanity Mirror                                     Owner      Owner/GC   GC to Wire Lighted Mirrors Only
63   Functional Lighting and Bulbs                                GC/Owner   GC         Decorative Lighting By Owner
64   Decorative Surface Mount Lighting and Bulbs - Hardwired      GC/Owner   GC         Decorative Lighting By Owner
65   Decorative Surface Mount Lighting and Bulbs - Plug-in (FF&E) Owner      Owner
66   Corridor Ice Machines                                        Owner      Owner/GC   Rough-in by GC
67   Ice Machine Water, Drain and Power                           GC         GC
68   Vending Machines                                             N/A        N/A
69   Corner Guards                                                GC         GC
70   Guest Room FF&E                                              Owner      Owner
71   Guest Room FF&E Install                                      Owner      Owner

                                                                                                                    Page 89 of 152
 72   Guest Room Blocking (coordinate with Owner)                  GC         GC
 73   Exercise Room Equipment                                      Owner      Owner
 74   Exercise Room Mirror                                         GC         GC
 75   Exercise Room Hydration Station                              GC         GC
 76   Interior - Back of House
 77   Wall, Base, Floor and Ceiling Finishes                       GC         GC
 78   Vinyl Wall Covering                                          N/A        N/A
 79   VWC Prep and Adhesive                                        N/A        N/A
 80   Corner Guards                                                GC         GC
 81   Permanent Storage Shelves                                    Owner      Owner
 82   Employee Lockers                                             GC         GC
 83   - Mural Vinyl Wrap of Lockers                                Excluded   Excluded
 84   Toilet Room Fixtures, Trim and Accessories                   GC         GC
 85   Functional Lighting and Bulbs                                GC/Owner   GC         Decorative Lighting By Owner
 86   Built-in Counters and Cabinets                               GC         GC
 87   Food Service Equipment                                       Owner      Owner
 88   Kitchen Exhaust and Make Up Air Systems                      Owner      GC         Fans, MAU's, Hoods, Controls, SS Panels by Own
 89   Laundry Equipment and Connections                            Owner      Owner/GC   Rough-in by GC
 90   Laundry Ductwork and Exhaust (per Contract Documents)        GC         GC
 91   Carpet, Carpet Tiles, Carpet Base and Pad                    Owner      GC         Throughline for Materials
 92   Carpet, Carpet Base and Pad: Prep, Adhesive & Installation   GC         GC
 93   Safe Deposit Boxes                                           Owner      Owner
 94   Interior - Systems
 95   All AV Equipment and Sound System                            Owner      Owner
 96   Sound Equipment                                              Owner      Owner
 97   Wiring/Cable/Conduit & Boxes/Terminations for Above          Owner      Owner
 98   Security Systems (CCTV & Door Ajar)                          Owner      Owner
 99   Wiring/Cable/Conduit & Boxes/Terminations for Above          Owner      Owner
100   Lodgnet or Enseo Head In Equipment                           Owner      Owner
101   Data/Telephone: Cable/Conduit & Boxes/Terminations           Owner      Owner/GC   Rough In Box and Conduit Up and Out of Wall by
102   Data/Telephone: Equipment Racks & Patch Panels               Owner      Owner
103   Data/Telephone: Main Switch Equipment                        Owner      Owner
104   Computer Cable/Conduit & Boxes/Terminations                  Owner      Owner/GC   Rough In Box and Conduit Up and Out of Wall by
105   Computer System                                              Owner      Owner
106   Emergency Lighting                                           GC         GC
107   All Life Safety Systems Complete                             GC         GC
108   Fire Extinguishers and Cabinets                              GC         GC

                                                                                                                     Page 90 of 152
109   All MEP Systems Complete                                   GC      GC
110   Fire Sprinkler System Complete                             GC      GC
111   Elevator Interior Finishes                                 GC      GC
112   Employee Time Clock                                        Owner   Owner
113   Employee Time Clock Cable/Conduit & Boxes/Power            GC      GC
114   Time Clocks (entry doors)                                  Owner   Owner
115   Time Clock Cable/Conduit & Boxes/Power/Wiring              GC      GC
116   Uninterrupted Power Supply                                 Owner   Owner
118   All Items Listed in Interior Design Specification Manual   Owner   Owner
119   FF&E Install                                               Owner   Owner
120   Exterior
121   Misc. Portable Planters & Plants                           Owner   Owner
122   Exterior Trash Containers                                  Owner   Owner
123   Landscape Maintenance Equipment                            Owner   Owner
124   Vehicles, Vans, etc.                                       Owner   Owner
125   Exterior Furniture                                         Owner   Owner
126   Recessed Entry Mat                                         GC      GC
127   Dumpsters (until Substantial Completion)                   GC      GC
128   Trash Compactor (Operating Hotel)                          N/A     N/A
129   Interior - Public Areas
130   Chalk and Tack Boards in Meeting Rooms                     Owner   Owner
131   Portable Projection Screens                                Owner   Owner
132   Built-in Projection Screens                                Owner   Owner
133   Furniture & Televisions                                    Owner   Owner
134   Floor and Table Lamps                                      Owner   Owner
135   Interior Plants/Ash Urns/Trash & Recycle Receptacle        Owner   Owner
136   Decorative Framed Mirrors                                  Owner   Owner
137   Artwork, Artifacts and Interior Graphics                   Owner   Owner
138   All Window Treatment and Hardware                          Owner   Owner   All blocking required by GC
139   Business Center Equipment                                  Owner   Owner
140   Fitness Center - Exercise Equipment                        Owner   Owner
141   Guest Laundry Equipment                                    Owner   Owner
142   Graphics and Signage                                       Owner   Owner
143   Window Treatments                                          Owner   Owner
144   Required Blocking (coordinate with Owner)                  GC      GC
145   Interior - Guest Rooms & Corridors

                                                                                                               Page 91 of 152
146   Furniture/Bedding/Bedspreads                   Owner   Owner
147   Floor and Table Lamps                          Owner   Owner
148   Interior Plants                                Owner   Owner
149   Decorative Framed Mirrors                      Owner   Owner
150   Artwork, Artifacts and Interior Graphics       Owner   Owner
151   All Window Treatments and Hardware             Owner   Owner
152   TV/Radio/Coffee/Microwave/Refrigerator         Owner   Owner
153   Hair Dryers                                    Owner   Owner
154   Irons and Ironing Boards                       Owner   Owner
155   Guestroom Accessories/Amenities                Owner   Owner
156   Required Blocking (coordinate with Owner)      GC      GC
157   Interior - Back of House
158   Luggage, Carts, Dollies, etc.                  Owner   Owner
159   Maintenance Department Equipment               Owner   Owner
160   Housekeeping Department Equipment & Supplies   Owner   Owner
161   Linen Carts, Vacuums, etc.                     Owner   Owner
162   First Aid Cabinet and Supplies                 Owner   Owner
163   Kitchen - Cooking Utensils, etc.               Owner   Owner
164   Storage Containers                             Owner   Owner
165   Furniture and Files                            Owner   Owner
166   Administrative Office Equipment and Supplies   Owner   Owner
167   Freestanding Safe                              Owner   Owner
168   Break Room Refrigerator                        Owner   Owner

                                                                     Page 92 of 152
Page 93 of 152
                            Resolution No. ______________

                    REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT
                        181 Viridian Drive.

WHEREAS, pursuant to PA 255 of 1978, the City of Muskegon has the authority to
establish “Commercial Redevelopment Districts” within the City of Muskegon at request
of a commercial business enterprise or on its own initiative; and

WHEREAS, Lakeshore Hotel Partners, LLC has filed a written request with the clerk of
the City of Muskegon requesting the establishment of the Commercial Redevelopment
District for an area in the vicinity of 181 Viridian Drive located in the City of Muskegon
hereinafter described; and

WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon determined that the district
meets the requirements set forth in section 5 of PA 255 of 1978; and

WHEREAS, written notice has been given by certified mail to all owners of real property
located within the proposed district as required by section 5(3) of PA 255 of 1978; and

WHEREAS, on January 28, 2025 a public hearing was held and all residents and
taxpayers of the City of Muskegon were afforded an opportunity to be heard thereon; and

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon deems it to be in the public interest of the City of
Muskegon to establish the Commercial Redevelopment District as proposed;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of
Muskegon that the following described parcel(s) of land situated in the City of
Muskegon, County of Muskegon, and State of Michigan, to wit:


Adopted this 28th Day of January 2025



                                                         BY: _______________________
                                                                Ken Johnson, Mayor

                                                   ATTEST: _______________________


                                                                                                Page 94 of 152
                                                                   Ann Meisch, Clerk

I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution
adopted by the Muskegon City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of
Muskegon, Michigan at a regular meeting held on January 28, 2025.

                                                          Ann Meisch, Clerk


                                                                                                Page 95 of 152
                                      West Haven 280 LLC

  Cognate                  Value          Cognate                          Value
  PA 198                                  PA 210, 255, 146
  Taxable Value             0-5           Taxable Value                      0-5
  Job Creation              0-3           Location                           0-2
  Resident Hiring           0-2           New Business                       0-1
                                          Owned/Managed                      0-2
  TOTAL                    0-10           TOTAL                             0-10

                                                     TAXABLE VALUE: The City will consider the estimated
  PA 255 Tax Abatement Scoring Guide                 additional tax base that the development will generate
                                                     based on plan review, assessor's analysis and permit
      1-5 Points: 4 Year Abatement                   fees. 1 point awarded for $150,000 to $249,999 in
                                                     taxable value, 2 points awarded for $250,000 to
      6-8 Points: 8 Year Abatement                   $499,999, 3 points awarded for $500,000 to $749,999,
                                                     and 4 points awarded for $750,000 to $999,999, and 5
                                                     points for taxable value creation over $1,000,000.
     9-10 Points: 12 Year Abatement
                                                     LOCATION: An additional two points will be awarded to a
                                                     development if it is proposed in one of the City's
  PA 146 Tax Abatement Scoring Guide                 identified Commercial or Residential Redevelopment
                                                     Areas (map attached).
 1-5 Points: 4 Years frozen taxable values           NEW BUSINESS: An additional point will be awarded if
                                                     the development is being proposed by a commercial
                                                     entity or housing developer that is new to the City of
 6-8 Points: 8 Years frozen taxable values
                                                     RESIDENT Owned / Managed: An additional point will be
9-10 Points: 12 Years frozen taxable values          awarded if the proposed business or development is
                                                     owned or managed by a resident.

          PA 198 IFEC Scoring Guide
    1-7 Points: 9-Year 50% Abatement

   7-10 Points: 12 Year 50% Abatement

  PA 210 Tax Abatement Scoring Guide

 1-5 Points: 3 Years frozen taxable values

 6-8 Points: 6 Years frozen taxable values

9-10 Points: 10 Years frozen taxable values

                                                                                              Page 96 of 152
Page 97 of 152
                        Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: January 28, 2025           Title: Public Hearing Establishment of a
                                                    Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate,
                                                    Lakeshore Hotel Partners, LLC- 181 Viridian Drive

Submitted by: Contessa Alexander, Development       Department: Economic Development

Brief Summary:
Lakeshore Hotel Partners, LLC has formally requested the establishment of a Commercial Facilities
Exemption Certificate for 181 Viridian Drive on December 9, 2024. The approval of a Commercial
Facilities Exemption Certificate, which freeze the building's taxable value and exempt new
investments from local taxes.

Detailed Summary & Background:
Lakeshore Hotel Partners, LLC has formally requested the establishment of a Commercial Facilities
Exemption Certificate for 181 Viridian Drive on December 9, 2024. This designation will enable the
property owner to apply for a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate, which freezes the
building's taxable value and exempts new investments from local taxes. The approval of the
certificate is contingent upon the approval of the Commercial Redevelopment District.

The proposed project involves the development of the Element Hotel by Marriott, part of the broader
Harbor 31 Redevelopment Plan. Key details of the hotel project include:

    • Size & Scope: A 5-story building featuring 132 rooms.
    • Amenities: A full-service restaurant, fitness center, and indoor pool.
    • Location: Situated along the Lakeshore, enhancing the area’s appeal as a destination for
      visitors and residents.
    • Investment: The project represents a $30 million construction effort spanning 31 acres.

The Element Hotel is a key component of the larger Harbor 31 Redevelopment Plan, which aims to
transform the area into a vibrant, mixed-use community. In addition to the hotel, the redevelopment
plan includes:

    •   Senior living facilities.
    •   Single-family homes.
    •   Townhomes and apartments.
    •   Office space.

                                                                                           Page 98 of 152
The project is expected to:

    •   Begin construction in February 2025 and conclude in April 2026.
    •   Create approximately 50 permanent jobs upon completion, enhancing the local workforce.
    •   Generate approximately 225 construction jobs during the development phase.
    •   Revitalize underutilized property along the Lakeshore

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:

Key Focus Areas:
Progress toward completion of ongoing economic development projects

Goal/Action Item:
2027 Goal 2: Economic Development Housing and Business

Amount Requested:                                   Budgeted Item:
N/A                                                  Yes           No           N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s):                              Budget Amendment Needed:
N/A                                                  Yes           No           N/A

Recommended Motion:
I move to close the public hearing and approve the request from Lakeshore Hotel Partners, LLC, to
establish a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate at 181 Viridian Drive and authorize the Mayor
and City Clerk to sign the attached resolution.

Approvals:                                          Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division
Head                                                  No

Other Division Heads
Legal Review

                                                                                           Page 99 of 152
Page 100 of 152
Page 101 of 152


                                                           Page 102 of 152
    executive summary
Great Lakes Capital is pleased to share its plans for a 134-key
Element by Marriott hotel. Located along the shores of Lake
Michigan, it will fill an unmet but high need for an extended-stay
hotel with a food and beverage program within the region.

Walking distance from both Muskegon Lake and Downtown
Muskegon’s Social District, the Element Muskegon will be a key
part of the 31-acre lakefront Harbor 31 master-planned
community. There is no existing hotel or hotel in development on
this level of service within the region – it will draw both
community members and national visitors looking to visit Lake

The hotel is being designed according to Marriott’s highly
successful prototype standards, but further, it will have an
additional highly curated lobby restaurant and bar that will cater to
hotel guests and the community at large. We are designing the
hotel to provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere and bar
during colder months while also capitalizing on the huge summer
opportunity for the summer guest months with the bar opening to
the exterior with fire tables, pool, and comfortable seating. The
Element Hotel Muskegon will redefine the region’s lakeside

Our team is proud to have the architect, general contractor, and
hotel operator as equity partners. Their involvement is a testament
to their belief in and commitment to the success of the project.

                                                                        Element by Marriott | Muskegon, Michigan       2
                                                                                                             Page 103 of 152
project details| brand imagery

Element by Marriott | Muskegon, Michigan   Page 104 3of 152
project details | development timeline

                            Q4 2024             Q4 2024           Q1 2026

                        Estimated Equity &   Commence Project   Estimated Grand
                           Loan Closing        Construction         Opening

Element by Marriott | Muskegon, Michigan                                          Page 105 4of 152
Page 106 of 152
Page 107 of 152
Page 108 of 152
Page 109 of 152
                                                   "90%" Construction Document Budget

           Elemental Hotel with Approved VE                                        Gross Sqft
           Muskegon, MI                                                             90,961
           December 17, 2024

No.        Description                                                               Cost             Cost PSF

02 00      Existing Conditions                                                 $      83,883.67   $           0.92
03 00      Concrete                                                            $     767,995.51   $           8.44
04 00      Masonry                                                             $     221,432.50   $           2.43
05 00      Metals                                                              $   2,616,576.93   $          28.77
06 00      Woods, Plastics, and Composites                                     $   1,142,733.02   $          12.56
07 00      Thermal and Moisture Protection                                     $   1,290,452.54   $          14.19
08 00      Openings                                                            $     793,349.96   $           8.72
09 00      Finishes                                                            $   2,701,611.54   $          29.70
10 00      Specialties                                                         $     217,231.11   $           2.39
11 00      Equipment                                                           $     241,007.17   $           2.65
12 00      Furnishings                                                         $     247,962.83   $           2.73
13 00      Special Construction                                                $     139,171.14   $           1.53
14 00      Conveying Equipment                                                 $     325,712.98   $           3.58
21 00      Fire Suppression Subcontract                                        $     276,814.50   $           3.04
22 00      Plumbing Subcontract                                                $   1,043,968.78   $          11.48
23 00      Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning                          $   2,568,578.80   $          28.24
26 00      Electrical                                                          $   1,761,644.02   $          19.37
27 00      Communications                                                      $            -     $            -
28 00      Electronic Safety and Security, Fire Alarm                          $            -     $            -
31 00      Earthwork                                                           $     733,310.15   $           8.06
32 00      Exterior Improvements                                               $     227,486.32   $           2.50
33 00      Utilities                                                           $            -     $            -

                                       TOTAL HARD COST                         $ 17,400,923.47    $        191.30

                                                              Reimbursables    $            -     $            -
                                                         General Conditions    $     712,780.00   $           7.84
                                                        Design Contingency     $            -     $            -
                                                   Construction Contingency    $     362,274.07   $           3.98
                                                                  Escalation   $            -     $            -
                                                           WBG Fee 5%          $     917,006.24   $          10.08

                                       TOTAL SOFT COSTS                        $   1,992,060.30   $          21.90

                                       ESTIMATE TOTAL                          $ 19,392,983.77    $        213.20

                                                                                                            Page 110 of 152
#      DESCRIPTION - SCOPE OF WORK                                        FURNISHED BY   INSTALLED BY   NOTES
     2     Building Permits                                               Owner          N/A
     3     Impact Fees & Escrows                                          Owner          N/A
     4     Installation Deposits/Maintenance Bonds                        Owner          N/A
     6     Exterior
     7     All Exterior Lighting and Bulbs                                GC/Owner       GC             Decorative Lighting By Owner
     8     Electronic Locks at Exterior Entries                           Owner          Owner          To Be Reviewed for Scope
     9     Flag Poles                                                     GC             GC             Previously Excluded
    10     Permanent Planters                                             Owner          Owner
    11     All Landscaping and Irrigation                                 GC             GC
    12     All Site Work                                                  GC             GC
    13     Identification/Signage                                         Owner          Owner          GC - Parking Lot Signage
    14     Fire Pit                                                       GC             GC
    15     Lightning Protection                                           Excluded       Excluded
    16     Interior - Public Areas
    17     Wall, Base, Floor and Ceiling Finishes                         GC             GC
    18     Vinyl Wall Covering                                            N/A            N/A            None
    19     VWC Prep and Adhesive                                          N/A            N/A            None
    20     Doors, Frames and Hardware                                     GC             GC             Electronic Locks By Owner
    21     Carpet, Carpet Tiles, Carpet Base and Pad                      Owner          GC             Throughline for Materials
    22     Carpet, Carpet Base and Pad: Prep, Adhesive & Installation     GC             GC
    23     Casework/Millwork (except below items)                         GC             GC
    24     Permanent Interior Planters                                    Owner          Owner
    25     Toilet Room Fixtures/Trim/Accessories                          GC             GC
    26     Blocking for Draperies (coordinate with Owner)                 GC             GC
    27     Drapery Valance                                                Owner          Owner
    28     Event Space Operable Partitions                                GC             GC
    29     Identification/Signage                                         Owner          Owner
    30     Functional Lighting and Bulbs                                  GC             GC             Decorative Lighting By Owner
    31     Decorative Surface Mount Lighting and Bulbs - Hardwired        Owner          GC             Decorative Lighting By Owner
    32     Decorative Surface Mount Lighting and Bulbs - Plug-in (FF&E)   Owner          Owner
    33     Interior - Guest Rooms & Corridors
    34     Wall, Base, Floor and Ceiling Finishes (except below items)    GC             GC

                                                                                                                                    Page 111 of 152
35   Guest Room LVT and Base                                      GC         GC
36   Guest Room LVT and Base: Prep, Adhesive & Installation       GC         GC
37   Vinyl Wall Covering                                          N/A        N/A        None
38   VWC Prep and Adhesive                                        N/A        N/A        None
39   Doors, Frames and Hardware                                   GC         GC
40   - Guest Room Entry Electronic Locks                          Owner      Owner
41   Identification/Signage - Guest Room Signage & Numbers, etc.  Owner      Owner
42   Carpet, Carpet Tiles, Carpet Base and Pad                    Owner      GC         Throughline for Materials
43   Carpet, Carpet Base and Pad: Prep, Adhesive & Installation   GC         GC
44   Casework/Millwork - Guest Room Bathroom Vanity               Owner      GC
45   Casework/Millwork - Guest Room Bathroom Vanity Stone Countertop
                                                                  Owner      GC
46   Casework/Millwork - Guest Room Bathroom Vanity Sink and Faucet
                                                                  GC         GC
47   Casework/Millwork - Desk and Bench                           Owner      Owner
48   Casework/Millwork - Desk and Bench Underlighting             Owner      Owner
49   Headboard and Bed Base                                       Owner      Owner
50   Headboard Power Modules                                      Owner      Owner      Modules to be Plug-in
51   Drapery & Window Blinds                                      Owner      Owner
52   Drapery Valance and Backlighting                             Owner      Owner
53   Drapery Blocking                                             GC         GC
54   Mirrors and Artwork                                          Owner      Owner
55   - Framed Mirror on Back of Door                              Owner      Owner
56   Closet Shelving Unit                                         Owner      Owner
57   Safes, Coffee Makers, Appliances                             Owner      Owner
58   Window Sills (Painted Wood)                                  GC         GC         Confirmed in Specs
59   Bathroom - Shower & Tub Surrounds                            GC         GC
60   Bathroom - Toilet Accessories                                GC         GC
61   Bathroom - Shower Panels/Doors                               GC         GC
62   Bathroom - Vanity Mirror                                     Owner      Owner/GC   GC to Wire Lighted Mirrors Only
63   Functional Lighting and Bulbs                                GC/Owner   GC         Decorative Lighting By Owner
64   Decorative Surface Mount Lighting and Bulbs - Hardwired      GC/Owner   GC         Decorative Lighting By Owner
65   Decorative Surface Mount Lighting and Bulbs - Plug-in (FF&E) Owner      Owner
66   Corridor Ice Machines                                        Owner      Owner/GC   Rough-in by GC
67   Ice Machine Water, Drain and Power                           GC         GC
68   Vending Machines                                             N/A        N/A
69   Corner Guards                                                GC         GC
70   Guest Room FF&E                                              Owner      Owner
71   Guest Room FF&E Install                                      Owner      Owner

                                                                                                                    Page 112 of 152
 72   Guest Room Blocking (coordinate with Owner)                  GC         GC
 73   Exercise Room Equipment                                      Owner      Owner
 74   Exercise Room Mirror                                         GC         GC
 75   Exercise Room Hydration Station                              GC         GC
 76   Interior - Back of House
 77   Wall, Base, Floor and Ceiling Finishes                       GC         GC
 78   Vinyl Wall Covering                                          N/A        N/A
 79   VWC Prep and Adhesive                                        N/A        N/A
 80   Corner Guards                                                GC         GC
 81   Permanent Storage Shelves                                    Owner      Owner
 82   Employee Lockers                                             GC         GC
 83   - Mural Vinyl Wrap of Lockers                                Excluded   Excluded
 84   Toilet Room Fixtures, Trim and Accessories                   GC         GC
 85   Functional Lighting and Bulbs                                GC/Owner   GC         Decorative Lighting By Owner
 86   Built-in Counters and Cabinets                               GC         GC
 87   Food Service Equipment                                       Owner      Owner
 88   Kitchen Exhaust and Make Up Air Systems                      Owner      GC         Fans, MAU's, Hoods, Controls, SS Panels by Own
 89   Laundry Equipment and Connections                            Owner      Owner/GC   Rough-in by GC
 90   Laundry Ductwork and Exhaust (per Contract Documents)        GC         GC
 91   Carpet, Carpet Tiles, Carpet Base and Pad                    Owner      GC         Throughline for Materials
 92   Carpet, Carpet Base and Pad: Prep, Adhesive & Installation   GC         GC
 93   Safe Deposit Boxes                                           Owner      Owner
 94   Interior - Systems
 95   All AV Equipment and Sound System                            Owner      Owner
 96   Sound Equipment                                              Owner      Owner
 97   Wiring/Cable/Conduit & Boxes/Terminations for Above          Owner      Owner
 98   Security Systems (CCTV & Door Ajar)                          Owner      Owner
 99   Wiring/Cable/Conduit & Boxes/Terminations for Above          Owner      Owner
100   Lodgnet or Enseo Head In Equipment                           Owner      Owner
101   Data/Telephone: Cable/Conduit & Boxes/Terminations           Owner      Owner/GC   Rough In Box and Conduit Up and Out of Wall by
102   Data/Telephone: Equipment Racks & Patch Panels               Owner      Owner
103   Data/Telephone: Main Switch Equipment                        Owner      Owner
104   Computer Cable/Conduit & Boxes/Terminations                  Owner      Owner/GC   Rough In Box and Conduit Up and Out of Wall by
105   Computer System                                              Owner      Owner
106   Emergency Lighting                                           GC         GC
107   All Life Safety Systems Complete                             GC         GC
108   Fire Extinguishers and Cabinets                              GC         GC

                                                                                                                     Page 113 of 152
109   All MEP Systems Complete                                   GC      GC
110   Fire Sprinkler System Complete                             GC      GC
111   Elevator Interior Finishes                                 GC      GC
112   Employee Time Clock                                        Owner   Owner
113   Employee Time Clock Cable/Conduit & Boxes/Power            GC      GC
114   Time Clocks (entry doors)                                  Owner   Owner
115   Time Clock Cable/Conduit & Boxes/Power/Wiring              GC      GC
116   Uninterrupted Power Supply                                 Owner   Owner
118   All Items Listed in Interior Design Specification Manual   Owner   Owner
119   FF&E Install                                               Owner   Owner
120   Exterior
121   Misc. Portable Planters & Plants                           Owner   Owner
122   Exterior Trash Containers                                  Owner   Owner
123   Landscape Maintenance Equipment                            Owner   Owner
124   Vehicles, Vans, etc.                                       Owner   Owner
125   Exterior Furniture                                         Owner   Owner
126   Recessed Entry Mat                                         GC      GC
127   Dumpsters (until Substantial Completion)                   GC      GC
128   Trash Compactor (Operating Hotel)                          N/A     N/A
129   Interior - Public Areas
130   Chalk and Tack Boards in Meeting Rooms                     Owner   Owner
131   Portable Projection Screens                                Owner   Owner
132   Built-in Projection Screens                                Owner   Owner
133   Furniture & Televisions                                    Owner   Owner
134   Floor and Table Lamps                                      Owner   Owner
135   Interior Plants/Ash Urns/Trash & Recycle Receptacle        Owner   Owner
136   Decorative Framed Mirrors                                  Owner   Owner
137   Artwork, Artifacts and Interior Graphics                   Owner   Owner
138   All Window Treatment and Hardware                          Owner   Owner   All blocking required by GC
139   Business Center Equipment                                  Owner   Owner
140   Fitness Center - Exercise Equipment                        Owner   Owner
141   Guest Laundry Equipment                                    Owner   Owner
142   Graphics and Signage                                       Owner   Owner
143   Window Treatments                                          Owner   Owner
144   Required Blocking (coordinate with Owner)                  GC      GC
145   Interior - Guest Rooms & Corridors

                                                                                                               Page 114 of 152
146   Furniture/Bedding/Bedspreads                   Owner   Owner
147   Floor and Table Lamps                          Owner   Owner
148   Interior Plants                                Owner   Owner
149   Decorative Framed Mirrors                      Owner   Owner
150   Artwork, Artifacts and Interior Graphics       Owner   Owner
151   All Window Treatments and Hardware             Owner   Owner
152   TV/Radio/Coffee/Microwave/Refrigerator         Owner   Owner
153   Hair Dryers                                    Owner   Owner
154   Irons and Ironing Boards                       Owner   Owner
155   Guestroom Accessories/Amenities                Owner   Owner
156   Required Blocking (coordinate with Owner)      GC      GC
157   Interior - Back of House
158   Luggage, Carts, Dollies, etc.                  Owner   Owner
159   Maintenance Department Equipment               Owner   Owner
160   Housekeeping Department Equipment & Supplies   Owner   Owner
161   Linen Carts, Vacuums, etc.                     Owner   Owner
162   First Aid Cabinet and Supplies                 Owner   Owner
163   Kitchen - Cooking Utensils, etc.               Owner   Owner
164   Storage Containers                             Owner   Owner
165   Furniture and Files                            Owner   Owner
166   Administrative Office Equipment and Supplies   Owner   Owner
167   Freestanding Safe                              Owner   Owner
168   Break Room Refrigerator                        Owner   Owner

                                                                     Page 115 of 152
Page 116 of 152
                              Resolution No.__________

                        MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION

                        181 Viridian Drive.

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon legally established the Commercial Redevelopment
District on January 28, 2025 after a public hearing held on January 28, 2025; and

WHEREAS, the state equalized value of the property proposed to be exempt plus the
aggregate state equalized value of property previously exempt and currently in force
under Public Act 255 of 1978 and under Public Act 198 of 1974 (IFT's) does not exceed
5% of the total state equalized value of the City of Muskegon; and

WHEREAS, the application was approved at a public hearing as provided by section 6(2)
of Public Act 255 of 1978 on January 28, 2025; and

WHEREAS, the Lakeshore Hotel Partners, LLC is not delinquent in any taxes related to
the facility; and

WHEREAS, the application is for commercial property as defined in section 3(3) of
Public Act 255 of 1978; and

WHEREAS, the applicant Lakeshore Hotel Partners, LLC has provided answers to all
required questions under Section 6(1) of PA 255 of 1978 to the City of Muskegon; and

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon requires that the construction, restoration or
replacement of the facility shall be completed by January 28, 2027; and

WHEREAS, the Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate is granted for a period of
__ ( ) years and no extension will be allowed; and

WHEREAS, the commencement of the construction, restoration or replacement of the
facility did not occur more than 45 days prior to the filing of the application for
exemption; and

WHEREAS, the commencement of the construction, restoration or replacement of the
facility did not occur prior to the establishment of the Commercial Redevelopment
District; and

WHEREAS, the application relates to a construction, restoration or replacement program
which when completed constitutes a new, replacement or restored facility within the
meaning of Public Act 255 of 1978 and that is situated within a Commercial
Redevelopment District established under Public Act 255 of 1978; and


                                                                                         Page 117 of 152
WHEREAS, completion of the facility is calculated to, and will at the time of issuance of
the certificate, have the reasonable likelihood to, increase commercial activity, create
employment and retain employment in which the facility is situated; and

WHEREAS, the restoration includes improvements aggregating 10% or more of the true
cash value of the property at commencement of the restoration as provided by section
4(6) of Public Act 255 of 1978.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of

Be and hereby is granted a Commercial Facilities Exemption for the real property,
excluding land, located in Commercial Redevelopment District at 181 Viridian Drive for
a period of __ ( ) years, beginning December 31, 2025, and ending December 30, 20__
pursuant to the provisions of PA 255 of 1978, as amended.

Adopted this 28 Day of January 2025.



                                          BY: __________________________________
                                                  Ken Johnson, Mayor

                                     ATTEST: _________________________________
                                                Ann Meisch, Clerk


                                                                                          Page 118 of 152

I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution
adopted by the Muskegon City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of
Muskegon, Michigan at a regular meeting held on January 28, 2025.

                                                          Ann Meisch, Clerk


                                                                                            Page 119 of 152
                                      West Haven 280 LLC

  Cognate                  Value          Cognate                          Value
  PA 198                                  PA 210, 255, 146
  Taxable Value             0-5           Taxable Value                      0-5
  Job Creation              0-3           Location                           0-2
  Resident Hiring           0-2           New Business                       0-1
                                          Owned/Managed                      0-2
  TOTAL                    0-10           TOTAL                             0-10

                                                     TAXABLE VALUE: The City will consider the estimated
  PA 255 Tax Abatement Scoring Guide                 additional tax base that the development will generate
                                                     based on plan review, assessor's analysis and permit
      1-5 Points: 4 Year Abatement                   fees. 1 point awarded for $150,000 to $249,999 in
                                                     taxable value, 2 points awarded for $250,000 to
      6-8 Points: 8 Year Abatement                   $499,999, 3 points awarded for $500,000 to $749,999,
                                                     and 4 points awarded for $750,000 to $999,999, and 5
                                                     points for taxable value creation over $1,000,000.
     9-10 Points: 12 Year Abatement
                                                     LOCATION: An additional two points will be awarded to a
                                                     development if it is proposed in one of the City's
  PA 146 Tax Abatement Scoring Guide                 identified Commercial or Residential Redevelopment
                                                     Areas (map attached).
 1-5 Points: 4 Years frozen taxable values           NEW BUSINESS: An additional point will be awarded if
                                                     the development is being proposed by a commercial
                                                     entity or housing developer that is new to the City of
 6-8 Points: 8 Years frozen taxable values
                                                     RESIDENT Owned / Managed: An additional point will be
9-10 Points: 12 Years frozen taxable values          awarded if the proposed business or development is
                                                     owned or managed by a resident.

          PA 198 IFEC Scoring Guide
    1-7 Points: 9-Year 50% Abatement

   7-10 Points: 12 Year 50% Abatement

  PA 210 Tax Abatement Scoring Guide

 1-5 Points: 3 Years frozen taxable values

 6-8 Points: 6 Years frozen taxable values

9-10 Points: 10 Years frozen taxable values

                                                                                             Page 120 of 152
Page 121 of 152
                         Agenda Item Review Form
                         Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: January 28, 2025            Title: Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate -
                                                     485 Mary St (formerly 845 Ducey Ave)

Submitted by: Jocelyn Hines, Development             Department: Economic Development

Brief Summary:
Staff is requesting the approval of a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone (NEZ) certificate for 15 years for a
new construction home at 485 Mary St (formerly 845 Ducey Ave).

Detailed Summary & Background:
An application for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone (NEZ) certificate has been received from Stephen
Homes and Investments for a new construction home at 485 Mary St (formerly 845 Ducey Ave). The
cost of construction is approximately $175,000. The applicant has met local and state requirements
for the issuance of the NEZ certificate.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:

Key Focus Areas:
Diverse housing types

Goal/Action Item:
2027 Goal 2: Economic Development Housing and Business - Additional attainable housing units and
increased rates of home ownership

Amount Requested:                                    Budgeted Item:
N/A                                                   Yes           No           N/A      X

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Budget Amendment Needed:
N/A                                                   Yes           No           N/A      X

Recommended Motion:
I move to close the public hearing and approve the Neighborhood Enterprise Zone District certificate
at 485 Mary St (formerly 845 Ducey Ave) and authorize the City Clerk and Mayor to sign the
certificate resolution.

Approvals:                                           Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division
Head                                                   Yes

                                                                                              Page 122 of 152
Other Division Heads
Legal Review

                       Page 123 of 152
Page 124 of 152
Page 125 of 152
Page 126 of 152
Page 127 of 152
                                       Resolution No. ________

                                MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION


WHEREAS, an application for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been filed with the City
Clerk by Stephens Homes and Investments LLC to construct a new home at 485 Mary St (formerly 845
Ducey Ave) in the Marquette neighborhood, and;

WHEREAS, the applicant has satisfied both the local and state eligibility criteria for a Neighborhood
Enterprise Zone Certificate;

WHEREAS, the local unit of government is allowing the six (6) month grace period after construction
commencement to apply, which is allowed under the law;

WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been approved for fifteen (15) years;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the application for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone
Certificate for the new construction of a home by Stephens Homes and Investments LLC be approved.

Adopted this 28th day of January, 2025.




                                                    By: __________________________
                                                        Ken Johnson, Mayor

                                                    Attest: _________________________
                                                            Ann Meisch
                                                            City Clerk

                                                                                                Page 128 of 152

I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the
City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, Michigan at a regular meeting held on
January 28, 2025.

                                                                     By: ________________________
                                                                         Ann Meisch
                                                                         City Clerk

                                                                                               Page 129 of 152
1/7/25, 12:34 PM                                 about:blank

                   485 Mary St Property Viewer Report

     Area of Interest (AOI) Information
     Area : 8,881.4 ft²

     Jan 7 2025 12:30:13 Eastern Standard Time

about:blank                                                                1/2
                                                               Page 130 of 152
1/7/25, 12:34 PM                                                                              about:blank

     Formerly known as 845 Ducey Ave.

                      Name                                   Count                                  Area(ft²)                               Length(ft)
      Parcels                                 1                                        8,881.40                                N/A

                                                                                              Property          Property           Property            Property
                                Municipality Acreage per Acreage per
       #            PIN                                                                       Address           Address            Address             Address
                                  Code           GIS      Assessor
                                                                                              Number            Direction         Combined               City

              61-24-612-                                                                                                         485 MARY
      1                         24                 0.20                0.38               485                 No Data                                MUSKEGON
              000-0631-00                                                                                                        ST

               Property          Property                                                                                            Owner              Owner
                                                       Owner              Owner            Owner Care            Owner
       #       Address          Address Zip                                                                                         Address            Address
                                                       Name 1             Name 2              Of                Address
                State              Code                                                                                               City              State

                                                   CITY OF
      1       MI                49442                       No Data                       PO BOX 536 TERRACE                     MUSKEGON MI

                Owner                                  State                                 PRE                                   Property             School
                                  Assessed                                Taxable                              Property
       #      Address Zip                            Equalized                             Homestead                                Class               District
                                    Value                                  Value                              Class Code
                 Code                                  Value                                  Pct                                 Description            Code
      1       49443             0.00               0.00                0.00               0                   201                                    61010
                                                                                                                                 - Improved

                                                       Zoning per Assessor
       #           School District Name                                                           Tax Description                             Area(ft²)

                                                                                          CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                                                                          URBAN RENEWAL PLAT
                                                                                          NO 3 LOT 631 ALSO
              MUSKEGON CITY
      1                                            R-1                                    VACATED E 1/2 OF ADJ                   8,881.40
              SCHOOL DIST
                                                                                          ALLEY ((8/00
                                                                                          RESOLUTION # 2000-72

     ©2020 Muskegon County GIS Data reported herein is believed to be accurate and up to date, however Muskegon County and Muskegon County GIS make no warranty
             to the accuracy of the data. It is advised that before any decisions are made from this data, that the local assessor or building officials are contacted.

about:blank                                                                                                                                                        2/2
                                                                                                                                                       Page 131 of 152
Page 132 of 152
Page 133 of 152
Page 134 of 152
Page 135 of 152
                         Agenda Item Review Form
                         Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: January 28, 2025             Title: Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate -
                                                      263 W Muskegon Ave.

Submitted by: Jocelyn Hines, Development              Department: Economic Development

Brief Summary:
Staff is requesting the approval of a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone (NEZ) certificate for 15 years for
rehabilitation of 263 W Muskegon Ave.

Detailed Summary & Background:
An application for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone (NEZ) certificate has been submitted by Ryan
Kraai for the rehabilitation of a 3-unit residential property located at 263 W Muskegon Ave, within the
Nelson neighborhood's historic district. The proposed rehabilitation, with an estimated cost of $40,000,
includes re-roofing and re-siding.
The application meets all local and state requirements for NEZ certification. Additionally, the Historical
District Commission (HDC) has approved all external renovations, and their approval documentation
is included in your agenda packet. The agenda also contains the NEZ resolution and a map outlining
the NEZ boundaries for your reference.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:

Key Focus Areas:
Diverse housing types

Goal/Action Item:
2027 Goal 2: Economic Development Housing and Business - Diverse housing types

Amount Requested:                                     Budgeted Item:
N/A                                                    Yes           No            N/A      X

Fund(s) or Account(s):                                Budget Amendment Needed:
N/A                                                    Yes           No            N/A      X

Recommended Motion:
I move to close the public hearing and approve the Neighborhood Enterprise Zone District certificate
at 263 W Muskegon Ave and authorize the City Clerk and Mayor to sign the certificate and resolution.

Approvals:                                            Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division

                                                                                                Page 136 of 152
Other Division Heads
Legal Review

                       Page 137 of 152
Page 138 of 152
Page 139 of 152
Page 140 of 152
                                       Resolution No. ________

                                MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION


WHEREAS, an application for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been filed with the City
Clerk by Ryan Kraai to rehabilitate a home at 263 W Muskegon Avenue in the historic Nelson
neighborhood, and;

WHEREAS, the applicant has satisfied both the local and state eligibility criteria for a Neighborhood
Enterprise Zone Certificate as required under PA 147 of 1992;

WHEREAS, the local unit of government is allowing the six (6) month grace period after construction
commencement to apply, which is allowed under the law;

WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been approved for fifteen (15) years;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the application for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone
Certificate for the rehabilitation of a home by Ryan Kraai be approved.

Adopted this 28th day of January, 2025.




                                                    By: __________________________
                                                        Ken Johnson, Mayor

                                                    Attest: _________________________
                                                            Ann Meisch
                                                            City Clerk

                                                                                                Page 141 of 152

I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the
City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, Michigan at a regular meeting held on
January 28, 2025.

                                                                     By: ________________________
                                                                         Ann Meisch
                                                                         City Clerk

                                                                                               Page 142 of 152
NEZ Application Summary for 263 W Muskegon Ave, Muskegon, MI 49440
I purchased the property at 263 W Muskegon Ave in August 2022 and have since invested
approximately $90,000 in improvements to update and rehabilitate the home. These upgrades
   •     Updating all electrical systems.
   •     Repairing the foundation.
   •     Refinishing floors.
   •     Remodeling bathrooms.
   •     Fully renovating one unit.
   •     Removing rotted-out trees.
   •     Replacing old furnaces and hot water heaters.
   •     Installing air conditioning units.
These improvements have modernized the property while preserving its historic charm. Below
is a breakdown of the upgrades and associated costs for each unit:

Unit 1
   •     Installed new electrical systems: $3,416.66
   •     Added plumbing to accommodate a washer and dryer.
   •     Installed a washer and dryer.
   •     Added air conditioning: $5,826.50
   •     Painted the entire unit.
   •     Installed a new water heater.
   •     Fully remodeled the bathroom: $5,200
   •     Kitchen and dining room updates: $3,860
Total for Unit 1: $18,303.16

Unit 2
   •     Fully remodeled both bathrooms.

                                                                                       Page 143 of 152
   •     Upgraded electrical systems: $3,416.66
   •     Added plumbing to accommodate a washer and dryer.
   •     Installed a washer and dryer.
   •     Added air conditioning: $5,826.50
   •     Painted the entire unit.
   •     Installed a new water heater.
   •     Tree and stump removal to address foundation issues: $1,586.20
   •     Foundation repairs: $7,664
   •     Kitchen, doors, and flooring updates: $17,690
Total for Unit 2: $36,183.36

Unit 3
   •     Fully remodeled bathrooms.
   •     Installed new electrical systems: $3,416.66
   •     Added plumbing to accommodate a washer and dryer.
   •     Installed a washer and dryer.
   •     Added air conditioning: $10,935
   •     Replaced all flooring with new materials.
   •     Painted the entire unit.
   •     Installed a completely new kitchen.
   •     Added all new appliances.
   •     Replaced all windows.
   •     Installed a new water heater.
   •     Unit remodel (kitchen, floors, bathroom, bedrooms, and living room): $21,500
   •     Additional unit remodel work: $10,750
   •     Laundry line installation: $885
Total for Unit 3: $36,486.66

                                                                                        Page 144 of 152
Grand Total for Property Improvements: $90,000.18

Future Plans
In addition to the completed renovations, I plan to further enhance the property by re-roofing
and re-siding the entire home within the next 1-2 years. The estimated cost for these future
improvements is approximately $40,000.
These renovations and planned updates will significantly improve the property's curb appeal,
structural integrity, and energy efficiency, while continuing to respect its historic character. This
property exemplifies the goals of the Neighborhood Enterprise Zone (NEZ) program, promoting
revitalization and long-term value in the community.

                                                                                                Page 145 of 152
  Historic District Commission

Pursuant to Section 38-112 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Muskegon, the Historic
District Commission hereby issues this Certificate of Appropriateness authorizing commencement
of exterior work within the District as described below:

                          263 W. MUSKEGON AVENUE (Case 2025-01)

Remove and replace the existing wood siding with new cement siding with a three-inch reveal,
remove and replace the existing wood window, door, and corner trim with new smooth-faced PVC
trim of the same width and thickness, and replace the front, back, and side exterior doors with new
wood, steel, or fiberglass doors of an approved style.

Approval by the Commission was granted under the assumption that all work will meet minimum
Code requirements and any necessary permits will be obtained. No other work or any variation in
work thereof approved is permitted under this certificate without the prior consent of the
Commission. Applicant must secure all necessary permits before commencing work.

       January 15, 2025

       ___Steven Radtke /JP____
       HDC Chairperson


                                                                                              Page 146 of 152
1/15/25, 4:13 PM                                  about:blank

                   263 W Muskegon Ave Property Viewer Report

     Area of Interest (AOI) Information
     Area : 9,306.62 ft²

     Jan 15 2025 16:11:26 Eastern Standard Time

about:blank                                                                 1/2
                                                                Page 147 of 152
1/15/25, 4:13 PM                                                                              about:blank

                      Name                                   Count                                  Area(ft²)                               Length(ft)

      Parcels                                 1                                        9,306.62                                N/A

                                                                                              Property          Property           Property            Property
                                Municipality Acreage per Acreage per
       #            PIN                                                                       Address           Address            Address             Address
                                  Code           GIS      Assessor
                                                                                              Number            Direction         Combined               City

                                                                                                                                 263 W
      1                         24                 0.21                0.20               263                 W                  MUSKEGON MUSKEGON

               Property          Property                                                                                            Owner              Owner
                                                       Owner              Owner            Owner Care            Owner
       #       Address          Address Zip                                                                                         Address            Address
                                                       Name 1             Name 2              Of                Address
                State              Code                                                                                               City              State

                                                   KRAAI                                                      2268
      1       MI                49440              DEVELOPM            No Data            No Data             WHISTLE                                MI
                                                   ENT LLC                                                    CREEK SW

                Owner                                  State                                 PRE                                   Property               School
                                  Assessed                                Taxable                              Property
       #      Address Zip                            Equalized                             Homestead                                Class                 District
                                    Value                                  Value                              Class Code
                 Code                                  Value                                  Pct                                 Description              Code

                                                                                                                                 Residential -
      1       49315             94,900.00          94,900.00           78,225.00          0                   401                                    61010

                                                       Zoning per Assessor
       #           School District Name                                                           Tax Description                             Area(ft²)

                                                                                          CITY OF MUSKEGON
              MUSKEGON CITY
      1                                            FBC-UR                                 REVISED PLAT OF 1903                   9,306.62
              SCHOOL DIST
                                                                                          LOT 4 BLK 351

     ©2020 Muskegon County GIS Data reported herein is believed to be accurate and up to date, however Muskegon County and Muskegon County GIS make no warranty
             to the accuracy of the data. It is advised that before any decisions are made from this data, that the local assessor or building officials are contacted.

about:blank                                                                                                                                                        2/2
                                                                                                                                                       Page 148 of 152
   RENTAL DEPT. SERVICES                                                                                    RENTAL CERTIFICATE
   933 TERRACE ST. RM 201
    MUSKEGON, MI 49440                                                                                          CR221525

GRANDVILLE                     MI               49418



             CERTIFICATE STATUS: Certified
                               UNITS IN COMPLIANCE:                       3
                      CERTIFICATE STIPULATIONS:
        The condition of the above address meets the requirements of the property maintenance code for
        existing dwellings insofar as can be determined by a visual inspection of the premises. The City of
        Muskegon does not make any guarantee or warranty as to the condition of the buildings inspected,
        nor does the city assume any liability in the inspection or in certification of compliance.

                                                         IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED.

                         KATHRYNE LEONARD                                               Rental Dept. Inspector

 NOTE: If this building is registered as a vacant building you must notify us when it becomes occupied,
 obtaining a certificate does not automatically remove the building from the vacant building registration
 program.                                                                                                      Printed on: 10/16/2023
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