City Commission Packet 10-23-2012

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                   OCTOBER 23, 2012

  A. 2012 Employee Service Awards.
  A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK
  B. SECOND READING: Eliminate On-Street Parking Prohibition During
     Winter Months. CITY MANAGER
  C. West Michigan Metropolitan Transportation Planning Program
     (WestPlan) Dues FY 2013 (October 1, 2012 – September 30, 2013). CITY
  D. Polling Place Accessibility Improvement Grant. CITY CLERK
  E. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Grant Submittal.
  F. Lynx Network – Request for Permit Under METRO Act. ENGINEERING
  G. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance.        PLANNING & ECONOMIC
  H. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance.        PLANNING & ECONOMIC
  I. Liquor License Request – Unruly Brewing Company, LLC, 360 W.
     Western. CITY CLERK
  A. Request for an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate – Forming
            Technologies. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
       A. First Quarter 2012-13 Budget Reforecast. FINANCE
   Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following:
   Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room.
    Submit the form to the City Clerk.
   Be recognized by the Chair.
   Step forward to the microphone.
   State name and address.
   Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission.
   (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.)

ADA POLICY: The City of Muskegon will provide necessary auxiliary aids and services to individuals who
want to attend the meeting upon twenty four hour notice to the City of Muskegon. Please contact Ann
Marie Cummings, City Clerk, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440 or by calling (231) 724-6705 or
TTY/TDD dial 7-1-1 to request a representative to dial (231) 724-6705.
Date:     October 23, 2012
To:       Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:     Ann Marie Cummings, City Clerk
RE:       Approval of Minutes

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve minutes of the October 8th
Commission Worksession Meeting and the October 9th City Commission



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes.
                                      City of Muskegon
                                City Commission Worksession
                                       October 8, 2012
                                 City Commission Chambers
                                           5:30 PM


Present: Commissioners Gawron, Spataro, German, Wierengo, Turnquist, and Markowski.
Absent: Commissioner Hood.

Eliminate On-Street Parking Prohibition During Winter Months.
This is a request to amend Chapter 92, Article 11, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of
Muskegon to repeal Section 8.31, which prohibited parking on the street between 2:00 a.m. and
6:00 a.m. on any day between the dates of November 15 and April 15 or any other time when
snow removal is necessary.

This item has been placed on the October 9, 2012 Commission Meeting for consideration.

Water Agreement with City of Norton Shores and Fruitport Charter Township.
This is a request to approve an agreement to supply water to the City of Norton Shores and
Fruitport Charter Township beginning in 2015.

This item has been placed on the October 9, 2012 Commission Meeting for consideration.

Harbour Towne Condominium Acquisition and Sale.
This is a request to authorize the acquisition of Harbour Towne Condominium units 253 and 254
through tax foreclosure and to sell them to the Harbour Towne Condominium Association for the
unpaid tax amounts.

This item has been placed on the October 9, 2012 Commission Meeting for consideration.

Motion by Wierengo, seconded by German to adjourn at 6:02 p.m.

                                                                          MOTION PASSES.

                                                            Ann Marie Cummings, MMC
                                                                 City Clerk
                       OCTOBER 9, 2012

The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall,
933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 9, 2012.
Mayor Gawron opened the meeting with a prayer from Pastor Tim Cross from
the Living Word Church after which the Commission and public recited the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Present: Mayor Stephen Gawron, Vice Mayor Lawrence Spataro,
Commissioners Lea Markowski, Willie German, Sue Wierengo, and Byron
Turnquist, City Manager Bryon Mazade, City Attorney John Schrier, and City
Clerk Ann Marie Cummings.
Absent: Commissioner Eric Hood (excused)
      A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK
SUMMARY OF REQUEST:         To approve minutes of the September 25th City
Commission Meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes.
      B. MLive Agreement. CITY CLERK
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City is required by law to place legal ads in a
newspaper with the largest circulation in the area.
MLive has offered an agreement that will lower our current rate of $3.30 per line
to $2.02 - $2.97 depending on the size of the ad. There is no stipulation as to the
amount of ads that need to be placed each year for the discounted rate.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City will incur a reduction in advertising/legal costs.

STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To accept the agreement and authorize the Mayor
to sign.
     C. Acceptance of Fair Housing Impediment Study.         COMMUNITY &
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Cities of Muskegon, Muskegon Heights, Norton
Shores and the County of Muskegon are entering into an agreement with the
Fair Housing Center of West Michigan to conduct fair housing testing in the
County of Muskegon to further Fair Housing initiatives.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: Based on population, the City of Muskegon will pay $4,675
of the $15,000 cost.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor
to sign.
     D. Harbour Towne Condominium Acquisition and Sale. CITY MANAGER
SUMMARY OF REQUEST:      To authorize the acquisition of Harbour Towne
Condominium units 253 and 254 through tax foreclosure and to sell them to the
Harbour Towne Condominium Association for the unpaid tax amounts.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To approve the necessary transactions and
authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute necessary documents.
     E. Eliminate On-Street Parking Prohibition During Winter Months.   CITY
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To amend Chapter 92, Article II, of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of Muskegon to repeal Section 8.31, which prohibited
parking on the street between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on any day between the
dates of November 15 and April 15 or any other time when snow removal is
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the ordinance amendment.
Motion by Commissioner Markowski, second by Vice Mayor Spataro to approve
the Consent Agenda as presented.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes:  Gawron, Spataro, German, Wierengo, Turnquist, and

             Nays: None
      A. Request for an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate – Johnson
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Pursuant to Public Act 198 of 1974, as amended,
Johnson Technology, Inc., 2034 Latimer Dr., has requested the issuance of an
Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate. The total capital investment will be
$301,000 in real property and will create 24 jobs. This qualifies them for a tax
abatement of 12 years.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City will capture certain additional property taxes
generated by the expansion.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the resolution granting an Industrial
Facilities Exemption Certificate for a term of 12 years for real property.
The Public Hearing opened to hear and consider any comments from the
public. Michelle Mesner, 1100 Cavalier Drive, representing Johnson Control
gave a presentation of the project.
Motion by Commissioner Turnquist, second by Commissioner German to close
the Public Hearing and approve the resolution granting an Industrial Facilities
Exemption Certificate for a term of 12 years for real property for Johnson
ROLL VOTE: Ayes:  Spataro, German, Wierengo, Turnquist, Markowski, and
             Nays: None
      A. Water Agreement with City of Norton Shores and Fruitport Charter
         Township. CITY MANAGER
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve an agreement to supply water to the City of
Norton Shores and Fruitport Charter Township beginning in 2015.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: None at this time.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor
and City Clerk to execute it.
Motion by Vice Mayor Spataro, second by Commissioner Wierengo to approve

the water agreement between the City of Muskegon, City of Norton Shores and
Fruitport Charter Township.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes:  Wierengo, Turnquist, Markowski, Gawron, Spataro, and
            Nays: None
      B. Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to
         Demolish 1692 Elwood. PUBLIC SAFETY
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission concur with
the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure locate at 1692
Elwood Street is unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and that it be
demolished within 30 days. It is further requested that administration be directed
to obtain bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor and City
Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the
lowest responsible bidder.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals
decision to demolish.
Motion by Vice Mayor Spataro, second by Commissioner Wierengo to concur
with the Housing Board of Appeals notice and order to demolish 1692 Elwood.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes:     Markowski, Gawron, Spataro, German, Wierengo, and
            Nays: None
      C. Sale of Inspection Department Vehicles. CITY MANAGER
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To authorize the sale of three pick-up trucks currently
used in the Inspections Department to SAFEbuilt of Michigan. This is a
negotiated sale based on Kelly Book values.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the sale of the vehicles and authorize
the execution of appropriate documents to complete the transaction(s).
Motion by Vice Mayor Spataro, second by Commissioner Wierengo to approve
the sale of the vehicles and authorize the execution of appropriate documents
to complete the transaction with SAFEbuilt of Michigan.

ROLL VOTE: Ayes:  Gawron, Spataro, German, Wierengo, Turnquist, and
           Nays: None
ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission Meeting adjourned at 5:48 p.m.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       Ann Marie Cummings, MMC
                                       City Clerk

                              AGENDA ITEM NO. ______________

                  CITY COMMISSION MEETING _____________________

TO:         Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

FROM:       Bryon L. Mazade, City Manager

DATE:       October 3, 2012

RE:         Eliminate On-Street Parking Prohibition During Winter Months

To amend Chapter 92, Article II, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Muskegon to repeal
Section 8.31, which prohibited parking on the street between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on any
day between the dates of November 15 and April 15 or any other time when snow removal is



To approve the ordinance amendment.


                                               CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                             CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE

 To:             Mayor Stephen Warmington and City Commission

 Cc:             Mohammed Al-Shatel
                 Jeff Lewis
                 Cathy Brubaker-Clarke

 From:           Bryon Mazade, City Manager ________

 Date:           April 26, 2012

 Re:             Terrace Parking


 The City Commission had recent discussion about concerns regarding
 terrace parking during winter months. You requested that staff
 review this matter and consider whether there should be any
 changes to the current practice. The current practice is to allow
 terrace parking from November 15 to April 15, when on-street
 parking is prohibited from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.

 The above staff and I met to consider this matter. We came up with
 two options for you to consider. They are as follows:

 1. Discontinue the 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. on-street parking ban on
    Local streets and the Major streets that allow parking. We would
    then enforce no terrace parking throughout the year.

 2. Continue the on-street parking ban and allow terrace parking but
    change the time frame to December 1 to March 31.

 I believe this will give you some viable options to consider.


                                                 City of Muskegon
                                             Muskegon County, Michigan
                                             Ordinance Amendment No. _____


1.    Chapter 92, Article II of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Muskegon is
amended to read as follows:

(2.2) Level 2 parking violations, under the following sections of the uniform traffic code:

Code Section Offense

8.5                    Parking so as to obstruct traffic
8.10(a)                Parking on sidewalk
8.10(b)                Blocking driveways
8.10(c)                Within an intersection
8.10(e)                In a crosswalk
8.10(f)                Within 20 feet of a crosswalk or within 15 feet of property lines at
8.10(g)                Too close to a flashing beacon, stop sign, yield sign, traffic control signal,
                       or other traffic sign
8.10(h)                In a safety zone
8.10(i)                Too close to railroad
8.10(j)                Too close to fire station entrance
8.10(k)                Parking along side or opposite of street excavation
8.10(m)                Parking on a bridge or in a tunnel
8.10(n)                Parking within 200 feet of an accident
8.10(o)                Parking in front of a theater
8.10(p)                Blocking emergency exits
8.10(q)                Blocking fire escape
8.10(r)                Posted prohibited parking; parking violation of any posted signs
8.10(t)                Within 500 feet of a fire or fire apparatus (except volunteers and vehicles
                       legally parked before the fire)
8.10(u)                Parking on terrace or parkway
8.13                   Alley parking

2.    Chapter 92, Article II of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Muskegon is
amended to repeal section 8.31.

C:\Documents and Settings\Potter\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK8\IB2732 DOC.DOC       -1-
This ordinance adopted:

           Ayes: __________________________________________________________
           Nays: __________________________________________________________

Adoption Date: _________________________
Effective Date: _________________________
First Reading: _________________________
Second Reading: ________________________

                                                                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                                     By:         ______________________________
                                                                                 Ann Cummings, MMC, Its Clerk

C:\Documents and Settings\Potter\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK8\IB2732 DOC.DOC                 -2-

      The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon,
Muskegon County, Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and
complete copy of an ordinance adopted by the City Commission of the City of
Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the               day of
_______________, 2012, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained
throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of
Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted, and public
notice was given, pursuant to and in full compliance with Act No. 267, Public Acts of
Michigan of 1976, as amended, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been
made available as required thereby.

DATED:                                   , 2012

                                                              Ann Cummings, MMC
                                                              Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish:            Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final

C:\Documents and Settings\Potter\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK8\IB2732 DOC.DOC       -3-
                                                CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                               NOTICE OF ADOPTION


        Please take notice that on ___________________, 2012, the City Commission of
the City of Muskegon adopted an amendment to Chapter 92, Article II of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of Muskegon to repeal Section 8.31, which prohibited parking on
the street between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on any day between the dates of November 15
and April 15 or any other days when snow removal is necessary. The list of Level 2
parking violations was amended as follows:

(2.2) Level 2 parking violations, under the following sections of the uniform traffic code:

Code Section Offense

8.5                    Parking so as to obstruct traffic
8.10(a)                Parking on sidewalk
8.10(b)                Blocking driveways
8.10(c)                Within an intersection
8.10(e)                In a crosswalk
8.10(f)                Within 20 feet of a crosswalk or within 15 feet of property lines at
8.10(g)                Too close to a flashing beacon, stop sign, yield sign, traffic control signal,
                       or other traffic sign
8.10(h)                In a safety zone
8.10(i)                Too close to railroad
8.10(j)                Too close to fire station entrance
8.10(k)                Parking along side or opposite of street excavation
8.10(m)                Parking on a bridge or in a tunnel
8.10(n)                Parking within 200 feet of an accident
8.10(o)                Parking in front of a theater
8.10(p)                Blocking emergency exits
8.10(q)                Blocking fire escape
8.10(r)                Posted prohibited parking; parking violation of any posted signs
8.10(t)                Within 500 feet of a fire or fire apparatus (except volunteers and vehicles
                       legally parked before the fire)
8.10(u)                Parking on terrace or parkway
8.13                   Alley parking

       Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the
Office of the City Clerk in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan,
during regular business hours.

C:\Documents and Settings\Potter\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK8\IB2732 DOC.DOC       -4-
       This ordinance amendment is effective ten (10) days from the date of this

                                                                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON

Published: _________________, 2012                                   By:         ______________________________
                                                                                 Ann Cummings, MMC, Its Clerk


C:\Documents and Settings\Potter\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK8\IB2732 DOC.DOC                 -5-
                               AGENDA ITEM NO. ______________

                        CITY COMMISSION MEETING       October 23, 2012

TO:          Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

FROM:        Bryon L. Mazade, City Manager

DATE:        October 5, 2012

RE:          West Michigan Metropolitan Transportation Planning Program (WestPlan) Dues
             FY2013 (October 1, 2012 – September 30, 2013)

To approve the City of Muskegon’s portion of the WestPlan dues, payable to West Michigan
Shoreline Regional Development Commission. This agency determines projects and distributes
federal transportation funds.



To approve this request.


          Commission Meeting Date: October 23, 2012

Date:        October 15, 2012
To:          Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:        Planning & Economic Development Department
RE:          U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
             Grant Submittal

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Site Assessment grants that the City of Muskegon
has received through the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) have been
invaluable in assisting the development of our community. Unfortunately, the current
USEPA Site Assessment funds have nearly been exhausted. However, we would
like to apply for the 2012 USEPA Hazardous Substances and Petroleum Brownfield
Assessment Grant. The application is due November 19, 2012. Envirologic
Technologies Inc (Kalamazoo), our current USEPA grant manager, has once again
agreed to prepare the grant on the City of Muskegon’s behalf (with assistance from
our staff). The City will apply for both “hazardous substances” and “petroleum”
brownfield assessment funds. The City will go through a RFP process for
environmental consultants if we are approved for the grants.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: If approved, the City of Muskegon will receive up to $200,000
in hazardous substances assessment funds and up to $200,000 in petroleum
assessment funds to assist in brownfield redevelopment.


STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached resolution and authorize the
Mayor and Clerk to sign.

                                      Resolution No. _____

                                MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION


WHEREAS, the USEPA is seeking proposals for grants for Brownfield Assessments to fund
environmental assessments necessary to facilitate redevelopment projects; and

WHEREAS, the current Site Assessment Fund Grant that the City received from the USEPA in
2008 has been an important economic development tool in assisting redevelopment projects, and
these funds have been nearly exhausted; and

WHEREAS, environmental response activities are necessary in order to facilitate additional
economic development in the City to assure that the property can be used in a safe and
environmentally sound manner; and

WHEREAS, the redevelopment of brownfield sites in the City is consistent with the City of
Muskegon’s Master Land Use Plan; and

WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City to assist in additional redevelopment projects, including
sites that have been affected by petroleum, if the USEPA Hazardous Substances and Petroleum
Brownfield Assessment Grant is awarded;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT the City Commission authorizes City staff to
apply for and secure a grant for up to $200,000 for Hazardous Substances Brownfield Site
Assessment and up to $200,000 for Petroleum Brownfield Site Assessment; to address sites
contaminated by hazardous substances, and enter into grant agreements with the USEPA if the
grant is awarded.

Adopted this _____ of _________.




                                                        Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor

                                                         Ann Marie Cummings, Clerk
                                      EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

The City of Muskegon is applying for two Community Wide U.S. EPA Brownfield Assessment
Grants to provide funds to inventory, characterize, and assess Brownfield sites in the City of
Muskegon. The funds can also be used to conduct planning activities related to redevelopment
and environmental cleanup. We are requesting $200,000 for hazardous substance substances
funding to use on sites with potential contamination from hazardous substances, pollutants, or
contaminants, and $200,000 for petroleum funding to be used on sites with potential petroleum
contamination, for a total request of $400,000. The target areas that have been defined are the
south shore of Muskegon Lake with a focus on the former Sappi Paper plant, the Consumers B.C.
Cobb power plant, the downtown and adjoining waterfront. The funds will be used to assist
developers of Brownfield sites by providing environmental assessment data, liability protection
through Baseline Environmental Assessments, and strategies for appropriate use and
redevelopment of contaminated properties. Funds can also be used to strategize redevelopment
opportunities, assist the City and developers in securing other funding to leverage
redevelopment, and outreach to the Community in those planning efforts. These services are
provided by a qualified consultant contracted by the City.

Brownfield Assessment Grant Applications are due to no later than 11:59 p.m. on November 19,
Date:    October 23, 2012

To:      Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

From: Engineering
RE:      Lynx Network; request for Permit Under METRO Act


Approve the attached request for a permit from the LYNX Group and authorize the Mayor to
sign the attached Unilateral permit form.



To approve the request for a permit to install fiber optics in the City’s right of way; Terrace &
Clay area.

                                         METRO Act
                                        Unilateral Form
                                        Revised 12/06/02

                           TELECOMMUNICATIONS PERMIT

This permit issued this ____ day of _____, 2012 by City of Muskegon [name of Municipality].

1      Definitions

       1.1    Date of Issuance shall mean the date set forth above.

       1.2    Manager shall mean Municipality’s             [Mayor/Manager/Supervisor/Village
              President] or his or her designee.

       1.3    METRO Act shall mean the Metropolitan Extension Telecommunications Right-
              of Way oversight Act, Act No. 48 of the Public Acts of 2002, as amended.

       1.4    Municipality shall mean City of Muskegon, a Michigan municipal corporation.

       1.5    Permit shall mean this document.

       1.6    Permittee shall mean Lynx Network Group, Inc[type of entity] organized under
              the laws of the State of Michigan whose address is 4798 Campus Drive, Suite
              111, Kalamazoo, MI 49008.

       1.7    Public Right-of-Way shall mean the area on, below, or above a public roadway,
              highway, street, alley, easement, or waterway, to the extent Municipality has the
              ability to grant the rights set forth herein. Public Right-of-Way does not include a
              federal, state, or private right-of-way.

       1.8    Telecommunications Facilities or Facilities shall mean the Permittee's equipment
              or personal property, such as copper and fiber cables, lines, wires, switches,
              conduits, pipes, and sheaths, which are used to or can generate, receive, transmit,
              carry, amplify or provide telecommunication services or signals.
              Telecommunication Facilities or Facilities do not include antennas, supporting
              structures for antennas, equipment shelters or houses, and any ancillary equipment
              and miscellaneous hardware used to provide federally licensed commercial
              mobile service as defined in Section 332(d) of Part I of Title III of the
              Communications Act of 1934, Chapter 652, 48 Stat. 1064, 47 U.S.C. 332 and
              further defined as commercial mobile radio service in 47 CFR 20.3, and service
              provided by any wireless, two-way communications device.

       1.9    Term shall have the meaning set forth in Part 7.

2   Grant

    2.1     Municipality hereby issues a permit under the METRO Act to Permittee for
            access to and ongoing use of the Public Right-of-Way identified on Exhibit A to
            construct, install and maintain Telecommunication Facilities on the terms set forth

            2.1.1   Exhibit A may be modified by Manager upon written request by

            2.1.2   Any decision of Manager on a request by Permittee for a modification
                    may be appealed by Permittee to Municipality’s legislative body.

    2.2     Overlashing. Permittee shall not allow the wires or any other facilities of a third
            party to be overlashed to the Telecommunication Facilities without Municipality’s
            prior written consent. Municipality’s right to withhold written consent is subject
            to the authority of the Michigan Public Service Commission under Section 361 of
            the Michigan Telecommunications Act, MCL § 484.2361.

    2.3     Nonexclusive. The rights granted by this Permit are nonexclusive. Municipality
            reserves the right to approve, at any time, additional permits for access to and
            ongoing usage of the Public Right-of-Way by telecommunications providers and
            to enter into agreements for use of the Public Right-of-Way with and grant
            franchises for use of the Public Right-of-Way to telecommunications providers,
            cable companies, utilities and other providers.

3   Contacts, Maps and Plans

    3.1     Permittee Contacts. The names, addresses and the like for engineering and
            construction related information for Permittee and its Telecommunication
            Facilities are as follows:

            3.1.1   The address, e-mail address, phone number and contact person (title or
                    name) at Permittee’s local office (in or near Municipality) is:
                    Lynx Network Group, Network Operations Center 866-819-5969
                    4798 Campus Drive, Suite 111, Kalamazoo, MI 49008
                    Chris Literski (269) 585-1013 Brian Spry @ (269) 585-1006

            3.1.2   If Permittee’s engineering drawings, as-built plans and related records for
                    the Telecommunication Facilities will not be located at the preceding local
                    office, the location address, phone number and contact person (title or
                    department) for them is n/a.

The name, title, address, e-mail address and telephone numbers of Permittee’s engineering
contact person(s) with responsibility for the design, plans and construction of the
Telecommunication Facilities is
Western Tel‐Com, Inc. 
A4273 Blue Star Highway 
Holland, MI 49423 
Office: (616)393‐0138  

               3.1.3   The address, phone number and contact person (title or department) at
                       Permittee’s home office/regional office with responsibility for engineering
                       and construction related aspects of the Telecommunication Facilities is
                       Eric Merrifield 616-393-1038 x 125 Eric Merrifield  _______.

               3.1.4   Permittee shall at all times provide Manager with the phone number at
                       which a live representative of Permittee (not voice mail) can be reached 24
                       hours a day, seven (7) days a week, in the event of a public emergency.

               3.1.5   Permittee shall immediately notify Municipality in writing as set forth in
                       Part 12 of any inaccuracies or changes in the preceding information.

       3.2     Route Maps. Within ninety (90) days after the substantial completion of
               new Facilities in a Municipality, a provider shall submit route maps
               showing the location of the Telecommunication Facilities to both the
               Michigan Public Service Commission and to the Municipality, as required
               under Section 6(7) of the METRO Act, MCLA 484.3106(7).

       3.3     As-Built Records. Permittee, without expense to Municipality, shall, upon forty-
               eight (48) hours notice, give Municipality access to all "as-built" maps, records,
               plans and specifications showing the Telecommunication Facilities or portions
               thereof in the Public Right-of-Way. Upon request by Municipality, Permittee
               shall inform Municipality as soon as reasonably possible of any changes from
               previously supplied maps, records, or plans and shall mark up maps provided by
               Municipality so as to show the location of the Telecommunication Facilities.

4      Use of Public Right-of-Way

       4.1     No Burden on Public Right-of-Way. Permittee, its contractors, subcontractors,
               and the Telecommunication Facilities shall not unduly burden or interfere with
               the present or future use of any of the Public Right-of-Way. Permittee’s aerial
               cables and wires shall be suspended so as to not endanger or injure persons or
               property in or about the Public Right-of-Way. If Municipality reasonably
               determines that any portion of the Telecommunication Facilities constitutes an
               undue burden or interference, due to changed circumstances, Permittee, at its sole

      expense, shall modify the Telecommunication Facilities or take such other actions
      as Municipality may determine is in the public interest to remove or alleviate the
      burden, and Permittee shall do so within a reasonable time period. Municipality
      will attempt to require all occupants of a pole or conduit whose facilities are a
      burden to remove or alleviate the burden concurrently.

4.2   No Priority. This Permit does not establish any priority of use of the Public
      Right-of-Way by Permittee over any present or future permittees or parties having
      agreements with Municipality or franchises for such use. In the event of any
      dispute as to the priority of use of the Public Right-of-Way, the first priority shall
      be to the public generally, the second priority to Municipality, the third priority to
      the State of Michigan and its political subdivisions in the performance of their
      various functions, and thereafter as between other permit, agreement or franchise
      holders, as determined by Municipality in the exercise of its powers, including the
      police power and other powers reserved to and conferred on it by the State of

4.3   Restoration of Property. Permittee, its contractors and subcontractors shall
      immediately (subject to seasonal work restrictions) restore, at Permittee’s sole
      expense, in a manner approved by Municipality, any portion of the Public Right-
      of-Way that is in any way disturbed, damaged, or injured by the construction,
      installation, operation, maintenance or removal of the Telecommunication
      Facilities to a reasonably equivalent (or, at Permittee’s option, better) condition
      as that which existed prior to the disturbance. In the event that Permittee, its
      contractors or subcontractors fail to make such repair within a reasonable time,
      Municipality may make the repair and Permittee shall pay the costs Municipality
      incurred for such repair.

4.4   Marking. Permittee shall mark the Telecommunication Facilities as follows:
      Aerial portions of the Telecommunication Facilities shall be marked with a
      marker on Permittee’s lines on alternate poles which shall state Permittee’s name
      and provide a toll-free number to call for assistance. Direct buried underground
      portions of the Telecommunication Facilities shall have (1) a conducting wire
      placed in the ground at least several inches above Permittee’s cable (if such cable
      is nonconductive); (2) at least several inches above that, a continuous colored tape
      with a statement to the effect that there is buried cable beneath; and (3) stakes or
      other appropriate above ground markers with Permittee’s name and a toll-free
      number indicating that there is buried telephone cable below. Bored underground
      portions of the Telecommunication Facilities shall have a conducting wire at the
      same depth as the cable and shall not be required to provide the continuous
      colored tape. Portions of the Telecommunication Facilities located in conduit,
      including conduit of others used by Permittee, shall be marked at its entrance into
      and exit from each manhole and handhole with Permittee’s name and a toll-free
      telephone number.

4.5   Tree Trimming. Permittee may trim trees upon and overhanging the Public
      Right-of-Way so as to prevent the branches of such trees from coming into
      contact with the Telecommunication Facilities, consistent with any standards
      adopted by Municipality. Permittee shall dispose of all trimmed materials.
      Permittee shall minimize the trimming of trees to that essential to maintain the
      integrity of the Telecommunication Facilities. Except in emergencies, all
      trimming of trees in the Public Right-of-Way shall have the advance approval of

4.6   Installation and Maintenance. The construction and installation of the
      Telecommunication Facilities shall be performed pursuant to plans approved by
      Municipality. The open cut of any Public Right-of-Way shall be coordinated with
      the Manager or his designee. Permittee shall install and maintain the
      Telecommunication Facilities in a reasonably safe condition. If the existing poles
      in the Public Right-of-Way are overburdened or unavailable for Permittee’s use,
      or the facilities of all users of the poles are required to go underground then
      Permittee shall, at its expense, place such portion of its Telecommunication
      Facilities underground, unless Municipality approves an alternate location.
      Permittee may perform maintenance on the Telecommunication Facilities without
      prior approval of Municipality, provided that Permittee shall obtain any and all
      permits required by Municipality in the event that any maintenance will disturb or
      block vehicular traffic or are otherwise required by Municipality.

4.7   Pavement Cut Coordination. Permittee shall coordinate its construction and all
      other work in the Public Right-of-Way with Municipality’s program for street
      construction and rebuilding (collectively “Street Construction”) and its program
      for street repaving and resurfacing (except seal coating and patching)
      (collectively, “Street Resurfacing”).

      4.7.1   The goals of such coordination shall be to encourage Permittee to conduct
              all work in the Public Right-of-Way in conjunction with or immediately
              prior to any Street Construction or Street Resurfacing planned by

4.8   Compliance with Laws. Permittee shall comply with all laws, statutes,
      ordinances, rules and regulations regarding the construction, installation, and
      maintenance of its Telecommunication Facilities, whether federal, state or local,
      now in force or which hereafter may be promulgated. Before any installation is
      commenced, Permittee shall secure all necessary permits, licenses and approvals
      from Municipality or other governmental entity as may be required by law,
      including, without limitation, all utility line permits and highway permits.
      Permittee shall comply in all respects with applicable codes and industry
      standards, including but not limited to the National Electrical Safety Code (latest
      edition adopted by Michigan Public Service Commission) and the National
      Electric Code (latest edition). Permittee shall comply with all zoning and land use

       ordinances and historic preservation ordinances as may exist or may hereafter be

4.9    Street Vacation. If Municipality vacates or consents to the vacation of Public
       Right-of-Way within its jurisdiction, and such vacation necessitates the removal
       and relocation of Permittee's Facilities in the vacated Public Right-of-Way,
       Permittee shall, as a condition of this Permit, consent to the vacation and remove
       its Facilities at its sole cost and expense when ordered to do so by Municipality or
       a court of competent jurisdiction. Permittee shall relocate its Facilities to such
       alternate route as Municipality, applying reasonable engineering standards, shall

4.10   Relocation. If Municipality requests Permittee to relocate, protect, support,
       disconnect, or remove its Facilities because of street or utility work, or other
       public projects, Permittee shall relocate, protect, support, disconnect, or remove
       its Facilities, at its sole cost and expense, including where necessary to such
       alternate route as Municipality, applying reasonable engineering standards, shall
       specify. The work shall be completed within a reasonable time period.

4.11   Public Emergency. Municipality shall have the right to sever, disrupt, dig-up or
       otherwise destroy Facilities of Permittee if such action is necessary because of a
       public emergency. If reasonable to do so under the circumstances, Municipality
       will attempt to provide notice to Permittee. Public emergency shall be any
       condition which poses an immediate threat to life, health, or property caused by
       any natural or man-made disaster, including, but not limited to, storms, floods,
       fire, accidents, explosions, water main breaks, hazardous material spills, etc.
       Permittee shall be responsible for repair at its sole cost and expense of any of its
       Facilities damaged pursuant to any such action taken by Municipality.

4.12   Miss Dig. If eligible to join, Permittee shall subscribe to and be a member of
       "MISS DIG," the association of utilities formed pursuant to Act 53 of the Public
       Acts of 1974, as amended, MCL § 460.701 et seq., and shall conduct its business
       in conformance with the statutory provisions and regulations promulgated

4.13   Underground Relocation. If Permittee has its Facilities on poles of Consumers
       Energy, Detroit Edison or another electric or telecommunications provider and
       Consumers Energy, Detroit Edison or such other electric or telecommunications
       provider relocates its system underground, then Permittee shall relocate its
       Facilities underground in the same location at Permittee’s sole cost and expense.

4.14   Identification. All personnel of Permittee and its contractors or subcontractors
       who have as part of their normal duties contact with the general public shall wear
       on their clothing a clearly visible identification card bearing Permittee’s name,
       their name and photograph. Permittee shall account for all identification cards at

           all times. Every service vehicle of Permittee and its contractors or subcontractors
           shall be clearly identified as such to the public, such as by a magnetic sign with
           Permittee’s name and telephone number.

5   Indemnification

    5.1    Indemnity. Permittee shall defend, indemnify, protect, and hold harmless
           Municipality, its officers, agents, employees, elected and appointed officials,
           departments, boards, and commissions from any and all claims, losses, liabilities,
           causes of action, demands, judgments, decrees, proceedings, and expenses of any
           nature (collectively “claim” for this Part 5) (including, without limitation,
           attorneys’ fees) arising out of or resulting from the acts or omissions of Permittee,
           its officers, agents, employees, contractors, successors, or assigns, but only to the
           extent such acts or omissions are related to the Permittee’s use of or installation of
           facilities in the Public Right-of-Way and only to the extent of the fault or
           responsibility of Permittee, its officers, agents, employees, contractors, successors
           and assigns.

    5.2    Notice, Cooperation. Municipality will notify Permittee promptly in writing of
           any such claim and the method and means proposed by Municipality for
           defending or satisfying such claim. Municipality will cooperate with Permittee in
           every reasonable way to facilitate the defense of any such claim. Municipality
           will consult with Permittee respecting the defense and satisfaction of such claim,
           including the selection and direction of legal counsel.

    5.3    Settlement. Municipality will not settle any claim subject to indemnification
           under this Part 5 without the advance written consent of Permittee, which consent
           shall not be unreasonably withheld. Permittee shall have the right to defend or
           settle, at its own expense, any claim against Municipality for which Permittee is
           responsible hereunder.

6   Insurance

    6.1    Coverage Required. Prior to beginning any construction in or installation of the
           Telecommunication Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way, Permittee shall obtain
           insurance as set forth below and file certificates evidencing same with
           Municipality. Such insurance shall be maintained in full force and effect until the
           end of the Term. In the alternative, Permittee may satisfy this requirement
           through a program of self-insurance, acceptable to Municipality, by providing
           reasonable evidence of its financial resources to Municipality. Municipality’s
           acceptance of such self-insurance shall not be unreasonably withheld.

           6.1.1   Commercial general liability insurance, including Completed Operations
                   Liability, Independent Contractors Liability, Contractual Liability
                   coverage, railroad protective coverage and coverage for property damage

              from perils of explosion, collapse or damage to underground utilities,
              commonly known as XCU coverage, in an amount not less than Five
              Million Dollars ($5,000,000).

      6.1.2   Liability insurance for sudden and accidental environmental
              contamination with minimum limits of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars
              ($500,000) and providing coverage for claims discovered within three (3)
              years after the term of the policy.

      6.1.3   Automobile liability insurance in an amount not less than One Million
              Dollars ($1,000,000).

      6.1.4   Workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance with statutory
              limits, and any applicable Federal insurance of a similar nature.

      6.1.5   The coverage amounts set forth above may be met by a combination of
              underlying (primary) and umbrella policies so long as in combination the
              limits equal or exceed those stated. If more than one insurance policy is
              purchased to provide the coverage amounts set forth above, then all
              policies providing coverage limits excess to the primary policy shall
              provide drop down coverage to the first dollar of coverage and other
              contractual obligations of the primary policy, should the primary policy
              carrier not be able to perform any of its contractual obligations or not be
              collectible for any of its coverages for any reason during the Term, or
              (when longer) for as long as coverage could have been available pursuant
              to the terms and conditions of the primary policy.

6.2   Additional Insured. Municipality shall be named as an additional insured on all
      policies (other than worker’s compensation and employer’s liability). All
      insurance policies shall provide that they shall not be canceled, modified or not
      renewed unless the insurance carrier provides thirty (30) days prior written notice
      to Municipality. Permittee shall annually provide Municipality with a certificate
      of insurance evidencing such coverage. All insurance policies (other than
      environmental contamination, workers' compensation and employer's liability
      insurance) shall be written on an occurrence basis and not on a claims made basis.

6.3   Qualified Insurers. All insurance shall be issued by insurance carriers licensed to
      do business by the State of Michigan or by surplus line carriers on the Michigan
      Insurance Commission approved list of companies qualified to do business in
      Michigan. All insurance and surplus line carriers shall be rated A+ or better by
      A.M. Best Company.

6.4   Deductibles. If the insurance policies required by this Part 6 are written with
      retainages or deductibles in excess of $50,000, they shall be approved by Manager
      in advance in writing. Permittee shall indemnify and save harmless Municipality

           from and against the payment of any deductible and from the payment of any
           premium on any insurance policy required to be furnished hereunder.

    6.5    Contractors. Permittee’s contractors and subcontractors working in the Public
           Right-of-Way shall carry in full force and effect commercial general liability,
           environmental contamination liability, automobile liability and workers’
           compensation and employer liability insurance which complies with all terms of
           this Part 6. In the alternative, Permittee, at its expense, may provide such
           coverages for any or all its contractors or subcontractors (such as by adding them
           to Permittee’s policies).

    6.6    Insurance Primary. Permittee’s insurance coverage shall be primary insurance
           with respect to Municipality, its officers, agents, employees, elected and
           appointed officials, departments, boards, and commissions (collectively “them”).
           Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by any of them shall be in excess of
           Permittee’s insurance and shall not contribute to it (where “insurance or self-
           insurance maintained by any of them” includes any contract or agreement
           providing any type of indemnification or defense obligation provided to, or for the
           benefit of them, from any source, and includes any self-insurance program or
           policy, or self-insured retention or deductible by, for or on behalf of them).

7   Term

    7.1    Term. The term (“Term”) of this Permit shall be until the earlier of:

           7.1.1   _______ [five years or less] from the Date of Issuance; or

           7.1.2   When the Telecommunication Facilities has not been used to provide
                   telecommunications services for a period of one hundred and eighty (180)
                   days by Permittee or a successor or an assignee of Permittee; or

           7.1.3   When Permittee, at its election and with or without cause, delivers written
                   notice of termination to Municipality at least one-hundred and eighty
                   (180) days prior to the date of such termination; or

           7.1.4   Upon either Permittee or Municipality giving written notice to the other of
                   the occurrence or existence of a default by the other party under Sections
                   4.8, 6, 8 or 9 of this Permit and such defaulting party failing to cure, or
                   commence good faith efforts to cure, such default within sixty (60) days
                   (or such shorter period of time provided elsewhere in this Permit) after
                   delivery of such notice; or

           7.1.5   Unless Manager grants a written extension, one year from the Date of
                   Issuance if prior thereto Permittee has not started the construction and
                   installation of the Telecommunication Facilities within the Public Right-

                   of-Way and two years from the Date of Issuance if by such time
                   construction and installation of the Telecommunication Facilities is not

8    Performance Bond or Letter of Credit

     8.1    Municipal Requirement. Municipality may require Permittee to post a bond (or
            letter of credit) as provided in Section 15(3) of the METRO Act, as amended
            [MCL § 484.3115(3)].

9    Fees

     9.1    Establishment; Reservation. The METRO Act shall control the establishment of
            right-of-way fees. The parties reserve their respective rights regarding the nature
            and amount of any fees which may be charged by Municipality in connection with
            the Public Right-of-Way.

10   Removal

     10.1   Removal; Underground. As soon as practicable after the Term, Permittee or its
            successors and assigns shall remove any underground cable or other portions of
            the Telecommunication Facilities from the Public Right-of-Way which has been
            installed in such a manner that it can be removed without trenching or other
            opening of the Public Right-of-Way. Permittee shall not remove any underground
            cable or other portions of the Telecommunication Facilities which requires
            trenching or other opening of the Public Right-of-Way except with the prior
            written approval of Manager. All removals shall be at Permittee’s sole cost and

            10.1.1 For purposes of this Part 10, “cable” means any wire, coaxial cable, fiber
                   optic cable, feed wire or pull wire.

     10.2   Removal; Above Ground. As soon as practicable after the Term, Permittee, or its
            successor or assigns at its sole cost and expense, shall, unless waived in writing
            by Manager, remove from the Public Right-of-Way all above ground elements of
            its Telecommunication Facilities, including but not limited to poles, pedestal
            mounted terminal boxes, and lines attached to or suspended from poles.

     10.3   Schedule. The schedule and timing of removal shall be subject to approval by
            Manager. Unless extended by Manager, removal shall be completed not later than
            twelve (12) months following the Term. Portions of the Telecommunication
            Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way which are not removed within such time
            period shall be deemed abandoned and, at the option of Municipality exercised by
            written notice to Permittee as set forth in Part 12, title to the portions described in

              such notice shall vest in Municipality.

11     Assignment. Permittee may assign or transfer its rights under this Permit, or the persons
       or entities controlling Permittee may change, in whole or in part, voluntarily,
       involuntarily, or by operation of law, including by merger or consolidation, change in the
       ownership or control of Permittee’s business, or by other means, subject to the following:

       11.1   No such transfer or assignment or change in the control of Permittee shall be
              effective under this Permit, without Municipality’s prior approval (not to be
              unreasonably withheld), during the time period from the Date of Issuance until the
              completion of the construction of the Telecommunication Facilities in those
              portions of the Public Right-of-Way identified on Exhibit A.

       11.2   After the completion of such construction, Permittee must provide notice to
              Municipality of such transfer, assignment or change in control no later than thirty
              (30) days after such occurrence; provided, however,

              11.2.1 Any transferee or assignee of this Permit shall be qualified to perform
                     under its terms and conditions and comply with applicable law; shall be
                     subject to the obligations of this Permit, including responsibility for any
                     defaults which occurred prior to the transfer or assignment; shall supply
                     Municipality with the information required under Section 3.1; and shall
                     comply with any updated insurance and performance bond requirements
                     under Sections 6 and 8 respectively, which Municipality reasonably deems
                     necessary, and

              11.2.2 In the event of a change in control, it shall not be to an entity lacking the
                     qualifications to assure Permittee’s ability to perform under the terms and
                     conditions of this Permit and comply with applicable law; and Permittee
                     shall comply with any updated insurance and performance bond
                     requirements under Sections 6 and 8 respectively, which Municipality
                     reasonably deems necessary.

       11.3   Permittee may grant a security interest in this Permit, its rights thereunder or the
              Telecommunication Facilities at any time without notifying Municipality.

12     Notices

       12.1   Notices. All notices under this Permit shall be given as follows:

              12.1.1   If to Municipality, to 933 Terrace St. Muskegon, MI 49440, with a copy
                       to [address].

If to Permittee, to 4798 Campus Drive, Suite 111, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, with a copy to

      12.2   Change of Address. Permittee and Municipality may change its address or
             personnel for the receipt of notices at any time by giving notice thereof to the
             other as set forth above.

13    Other items

      13.1   No Cable, OVS. This Permit does not authorize Permittee to provide commercial
             cable type services to the public, such as “cable service” or the services of an
             “open video system operator” (as such terms are defined in the Federal
             Communications Act of 1934 and implementing regulations, currently 47 U.S.C.
             §§ 522 (6), 573 and 47 CFR § 76.1500).

      13.2   Effectiveness. This Permit shall become effective when Permittee has provided
             any insurance certificates and bonds required in Parts 6 and 8, and signed the
             acknowledgement of receipt, below.

      13.3   Authority. This Permit satisfies the requirement for a permit under Section 5 of
             the METRO Act [MCL 484.3105].

      13.4   Interpretation and Severability. The provisions of this Permit shall be liberally
             construed to protect and preserve the peace, health, safety and welfare of the
             public, and should any provision or section of this Permit be held
             unconstitutional, invalid, overbroad or otherwise unenforceable, such
             determination/holding shall not be construed as affecting the validity of any of the
             remaining conditions of this Permit. If any provision in this Permit is found to be
             partially overbroad, unenforceable, or invalid, Permittee and Municipality may
             nevertheless enforce such provision to the extent permitted under applicable law.

      13.5   Governing Law. This Permit shall be governed by the laws of the State of

                                           [City of Muskegon]


Acknowledgement of Receipt:      Permittee acknowledges receipt of this Permit granted by

                                           [Lynx Network Group, Inc.]

By:__Chris Barber________________________

                          Exhibit A

Public Right-of-Way to be Used by Telecommunication Facilities

                             Exhibit B



               Commission Meeting Date: October 23, 2012

Date:        October 18, 2012
To:          Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:        Planning & Economic Development
RE:          Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance


Staff initiated request to amend Section 1504 of the zoning ordinance amend the
preamble of the WI-PUD, Waterfront Industrial Planned Unit Development Districts
to modify dimensional requirements on new principal buildings.






To approve the zoning ordinance amendment.


The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request at their 10/11
meeting by a unanimous decision.
                                     Staff Report (EXCERPT)
                                        CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                     PLANNING COMMISSION
                                        REGULAR MEETING

Hearing, Case 2012-21: Staff initiated request to amend the preamble of the WI-PUD, Waterfront
Industrial Planned Unit Development Districts to modify dimensional requirements on new principal


1. All developments in WI-PUD Districts are required to be Planned Unit Developments. Flexibility is
   already allowed with dimensional requirements in PUD’s, but staff feels it would be beneficial to
   state that in the preamble of the WI-PUD District.
2. A developer will often be granted flexibility in a PUD if it is imperative for the project or if they can
   agree to other project modifications at the City’s request.
                                            CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                    MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                           ORDINANCE NO._____

 An ordinance to amend Section 1504 of the zoning ordinance to amend the preamble of the WI-
 PUD, Waterfront Industrial Planned Unit Development Districts to modify dimensional
 requirements on new principal buildings.



Deletions are crossed out and additions are in bold:

Amendment to Section 1101 (Special Land Uses Permitted) of Article XI (B-2, Convenience and Comparison
Business Districts).

Deletions are crossed out and additions are in bold:

                          WI-PUD Waterfront Industrial Planned Unit Development



The Waterfront Industrial PUD district is established primarily for water-dependent, commercial shipping of
bulk, general cargo, or container goods by freighter, bulk carrier, tanker, tug barge, or other similar commercial
vessels. The WI-PUD District is intended to promote the consolidation of commercial port activities at the
eastern terminus of Muskegon Lake because of its proximity to the interstate, established industrial uses, and
isolation from residential zones. The intent is to localize this district to promote symbiotic relationships among
industrial port activities and to discourage the expansion of such activities elsewhere along Muskegon Lake
frontage. It is further the intent of this district to require planned unit developments for all projects to ensure a
mix of port uses that enhances the industrial economic base of the city. The planned unit development tool shall
be applied to promote flexibility in development and to enhance functional relationships among uses in the
district. Area and bulk requirements can be modified during the planned unit development process.

This ordinance adopted:


Adoption Date:

Effective Date:

First Reading:

Second Reading:

                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                   By: _________________________________
                                                Ann Cummings, MMC, City Clerk

        The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County,
Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted
by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the
23rd day of October, 2012, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that
the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of Muskegon. I further certify that
the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the
Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of Michigan No. 33 of 2008, and that minutes were kept
and will be or have been made available as required thereby.

DATED: ___________________, 2012.               __________________________________________
                                                Ann Cummings, MMC
                                                Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish:        Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.
                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                             NOTICE OF ADOPTION

Please take notice that on October 23, 2012, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon
adopted an ordinance to amend Section 1504 of the zoning ordinance to amend the preamble of
the WI-PUD, Waterfront Industrial Planned Unit Development Districts to modify dimensional
requirements on new principal buildings. Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased
at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon,
Michigan, during regular business hours.

         This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication.

Published ____________________, 2012.                              CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                                   By _________________________________
                                                                         Ann Cummings, MMC
                                                                         City Clerk



Account No. 101-80400-5354

               Commission Meeting Date: October 23, 2012

Date:        October 18, 2012
To:          Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:        Planning & Economic Development
RE:          Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance


Staff initiated request to amend Section 1504 of the zoning ordinance to allow
manufacturing when associated with port activity as a use permitted in WI-PUD,
Waterfront Industrial Planned Unit Development Districts.






To approve the zoning ordinance amendment.


The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request at their 10/11
meeting by a unanimous decision.
                                        Staff Report (EXCERPT)
                                           CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                        PLANNING COMMISSION
                                           REGULAR MEETING

Hearing, Case 2012-20: Staff initiated request to amend Section 1504 of the zoning ordinance to allow
manufacturing when associated with port activity as a use permitted in WI-PUD, Waterfront Industrial
Planned Unit Development Districts.


1.    The zoning ordinance currently does not allow for manufacturing in WI-PUD Districts. However, the
      Waterfront Redevelopment Sub-Plan of 1999 states that this property is in the Port Node, which should
      allow uses such as cargo warehousing, intermodal logistics, Foreign Trade Zones and Industrial Uses.
2.    The preamble of the WI-PUD District section of the zoning ordinance states: “It is further the intent of this
      district to require planned unit developments for all projects to ensure a mix of port uses that enhances
      the industrial economic base of the city. The planned unit development tool shall be applied to promote
      flexibility in development and to enhance functional relationships among uses in the district.
3.    Allowing manufacturing would enhance the industrial economic development bade of the city and promote
      flexibility between the surrounding districts.
4.    All developments in WI-PUD Districts are required to be Planned Unit Developments. All Planned Unit
      Developments require public hearings. Neighboring properties within 300 feet of the project parcel will be
      notified in writing whenever there is a Planned Unit Development.
5.    The only WI-PUD District currently in the city is located at 205 E. Western Ave. Staff has been in contact
      with the owners and they are working with a manufacturing company that needs port access.
WI-PUD District at 205 E Western Ave

 Aerial photo of 205 E Western Ave
Excerpt form the Waterfront Redevelopment Sub-Plan of 1999
                                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                           MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                                 ORDINANCE NO._____

An ordinance to amend Section 1504 of the zoning ordinance to allow manufacturing when associated
with port activity as a use permitted in WI-PUD, Waterfront Industrial Planned Unit Development



Deletions are crossed out and additions are in bold:

Amendment to Section 1101 (Special Land Uses Permitted) of Article XI (B-2, Convenience and Comparison
Business Districts).

Deletions are crossed out and additions are in bold:

The following uses, and their accessory buildings and accessory uses, shall be permitted as planned unit developments.
Planned unit developments shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission and City Commission subject to the
conditions outlined below.


1.      Water transportation of freight.

2.      Railroad and auto passenger ferries.

3.      Marine cargo handling; loading, unloading and stevedore facilities.

4.      Marine terminal uses including ancillary inter-modal transportation operations.

5.      Any use with outside storage of aggregate, limestone, coal, slag, salt, sand or other bulk materials shipped by
        commercial watercraft vessels and or barges.

6.      Grain elevators.

7.      Bulk and warehouse storage of goods shipped by commercial maritime vessels.
8.      Towing and tugboat services for commercial freight water vessels.

9.      Barge fleeting, mooring and servicing.

10.     Lighterage.
11.    Commercial engine and hull repair.

12.    Marine dock, breakwater, harbor construction and repair contracting.

13.    Marine dredging contractors.

14.    Palletizing, decanning, container stripping and packing operations associated with maritime shipping and transport.

15.    Bulk liquid facilities of non-hazardous materials.

16.    Material recovery facilities that are entirely contained in buildings.

17.    Commercial fishing facilities.

18.    Manufacturing that is dependent on port facilities.

19.    Any other uses which meet the intent of this district as deemed by the Planning Commission and City Commission;
       except that in no case shall a prohibited use be permitted.


1.     Asphalt batching.

2.     Cement processing.

3.     Storage of petroleum products stored in excess of 1,000 gallons.

4.     Hazardous material or hazardous chemical storage or transport.

5.     Ship cleaning.

6.     Salvage yards, ship scrapping, dismantling and wrecking operations not wholly contained in buildings.

7.     Livestock holding.

8.     Marine Salvage.

9.     Manufacturing.

10.    Open storage of fertilizers, agricultural lime and other chemicals.

11.    Billboards.

This ordinance adopted:



Adoption Date:
Effective Date:

First Reading:

Second Reading:

                  CITY OF MUSKEGON

                  By: _________________________________
                         Ann Cummings, MMC, City Clerk

        The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County,
Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted
by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the
23rd day of October, 2012, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that
the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of Muskegon. I further certify that
the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the
Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of Michigan No. 33 of 2008, and that minutes were kept
and will be or have been made available as required thereby.

DATED: ___________________, 2012.               __________________________________________
                                                Ann Cummings, MMC
                                                Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish:        Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.
                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                             NOTICE OF ADOPTION

Please take notice that on October 23, 2012, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon
adopted an ordinance to amend Section 1504 of the zoning ordinance to allow manufacturing
when associated with port activity as a use permitted in WI-PUD, Waterfront Industrial Planned
Unit Development Districts. Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at
reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon,
Michigan, during regular business hours.

         This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication.

Published ____________________, 2012.                              CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                                   By _________________________________
                                                                         Ann Cummings, MMC
                                                                         City Clerk



Account No. 101-80400-5354

Date:     October 23, 2012
To:       Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:     Ann Marie Cummings, City Clerk
RE:       Liquor License Request
          Unruly Brewing Company, LLC
          360 W. Western

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Liquor Control Commission is seeking
local recommendation on a request from Unruly Brewing Company, LLC
for a new Micro Brewer License located at 360 W. Western Avenue.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          Approval contingent upon payment
                   Commission Meeting Date: October 23, 2012

Date:         October 18, 2012
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Planning & Economic Development
RE:           Public Hearing - Request for an Industrial Facilities Exemption
              Certificate – Forming Technologies


Pursuant to Public Act 198 of 1974, as amended, Forming Technologies, LLC, 1885 E
Laketon Ave, has requested the issuance of an Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption
Certificate. The total capital investment will be $70,694 in real property and $561,059 and
will create 21 jobs. This qualifies them for a tax abatement of 12 years on real property and
9 years on personal property.


The City will capture certain additional property taxes generated by the expansion (see
attached Summary Sheet).




Approval of the attached resolution granting an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for
a term of12 years for real property and 9 years for personal property.



                                             Resolution No. _______

                                        MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION

                                      Forming Technologies, LLC

WHEREAS, pursuant to P.A. 198 of 1974 as amended, after duly noticed public hearing held on July 26,
     1983, this Commission by resolution established an Industrial Development District as requested
     by the City of Muskegon for Port City Industrial Park, including the property owned by Forming
     Technologies, LLC, 1885 E Laketon Ave, Muskegon, Michigan 49442; and

WHEREAS, Forming Technologies, LLC has filed an application for the issuance of an Industrial Facilities Tax
     Exemption Certificate with respect to building improvements within said Industrial Development District
     ; and

WHEREAS, said application was filed no later than six (6) months after project completion and the Muskegon
     City Commission held a public hearing on October 23, 2012, at the Muskegon City Hall in Muskegon,
     Michigan at 5:30 p.m. at which hearing the applicant, the assessor and representatives of the affected
     taxing units were given written notice and were afforded an opportunity to be heard on said application;

WHEREAS, construction of the real property and installation of personal property had not begun earlier than six
     (6) months before September 24, 2012, the date of acceptance of the application for the Industrial
     Facilities Exemption Certificate; and

WHEREAS, the property improvements are calculated to and will have the reasonable likelihood to retain,
     create, or prevent the loss of employment in Muskegon, Michigan; and

WHEREAS, the aggregate SEV of real property exempt from ad valorem taxes within the City of Muskegon, will
     not exceed 5% of an amount equal to the sum of the SEV of the unit, plus the SEV of personal and real
     property thus exempted.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Muskegon City Commission of the City of Muskegon,
      Michigan that:

           1) The Muskegon City Commission finds and determines that the Certificate considered together with
              the aggregate amount of certificates previously granted and currently in force under Act No. 198 of
              the Public Act of 1974 as amended and Act No. 255 of the Public Acts of 1978 as amended shall
              not have the effect of substantially impeding the operation of the City of Muskegon or impairing the
              financial soundness of a taxing unit which levies ad valorem property taxes in the City of

           2) The application of Forming Technologies, LLC, for the issuance of an Industrial Facilities Tax
              Exemption Certificate with respect to real property improvements on the following described parcel
              of real property situated within the City of Muskegon to wit:

  ROLL BEG 2007 END 2016

           3) The Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate is issued and shall be and remain in force and
              effect for a period of _______ years on real property and _______ years on personal property.

Adopted this 23rd Day of October 2012.




                                                      BY: __________________________________
                                                             Stephen Gawron

                                                ATTEST: __________________________________
                                                           Ann Cummings


I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Muskegon
City Commission, County of Muskegon, Michigan, at a regular meeting held on October 23, 2012.

                                                              Ann Cummings

Date: October 23, 2012
To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From: Finance Director
RE: First Quarter 2012-13 Budget Reforecast

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: At this time staff is transmitting the First Quarter
2012-13 Budget Reforecast which outlines proposed changes to the original budget
that have come about as result of changes in revenue projections, policy priorities,
labor contracts, updated economic conditions, or other factors. This year there are
more changes than normal for the first quarter reforecast.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: Specific proposed changes to the budget include:
   x   The beginning fund balance for the General Fund is $5,020,045 (as audited)
       up from $4,576,273 estimated at the time the budget was prepared;
   x   General Fund revenues are reforecast to be $271,412 (-1.2%) lower than
       originally budgeted. The decrease is mostly attributable to the following
           o Lower property tax revenues due to the tax appeal settlement with
               Consumers Energy;
           o This loss is somewhat offset by estimated higher income tax and state
               shared revenues;
   x   General Fund expenditures are estimated to be $633,024 (-2.6%) lower than
       originally budgeted:
           o Benefit costs are projected lower for all departments due to better than
               expected actuarial valuation results for retiree healthcare and
           o Privatization of inspections and the new streetlighting contract with
               Consumers Energy also contribute to lower costs;
           o The contingency account is increased $150,000 for possible tax
               appeal outcomes.
   x   The General Fund operating deficit is $214,126 as compared to $575,738
       when the original budget was adopted.

BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: City commission approval of this reforecast will
formally amend the City’s 2012-13 budget.

                                                                                                                               Page 1 of 39

    City of Muskegon
    2012-13 Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast
    Summary of Budgeted Funds

                                                          Projected                                         Projected Ending        Increase
                                                       Beginning Fund                                             Fund          (Decrease) Fund
                                                                           Projected      Projected         Balance/Working     Balance/Working
                                                                           Revenues      Expenditures            Capital             Capital
    Fund Name

    General                                            $     5,020,045 $    23,249,211 $   23,463,337 $            4,805,919 $         (214,126)

    Major Streets                                            2,507,008       3,928,163      5,712,251                722,920          (1,784,088)

    Local Streets                                             826,851        1,822,482      2,358,610                290,723           (536,128)

    Criminal Forfeitures Fund                                 149,174           18,500          5,000                162,674             13,500

    Budget Stabilization Fund                                1,500,000        200,000                   -          1,700,000            200,000

    Tree Replacement Fund                                        4,999           5,050          6,200                  3,849              (1,150)

    Brownfield Authority Fund (Betten)                      (1,503,400)       157,361         160,000             (1,506,039)             (2,639)

    Brownfield Authority Fund (Former Mall)                          -          42,698         42,000                    698                698

    Tax Increment Finance Authority Fund                        19,639          44,630         50,000                 14,269              (5,370)

10 Downtown Development Authority Debt Fund                   245,956         229,554         334,412                141,098           (104,858)

11 Local Development Finance Authority III Fund (SZ)            96,745        321,781         322,966                 95,560              (1,185)

12 Arena Improvement                                            23,779          20,200         20,000                 23,979                200

13 Sidewalk Improvement                                       575,774           46,000        152,080                469,694           (106,080)

14 Public Improvement                                         559,637           57,500        140,000                477,137            (82,500)

15 State Grants                                               147,766         300,500         353,424                 94,842            (52,924)

16 Marina & Launch Ramp                                       263,362         183,800         175,633                271,529              8,167

17 Public Service Building                                    383,301        1,093,448      1,072,846                403,903             20,602

18 Engineering Services                                         53,417        477,010         468,736                 61,691              8,274

19 Equipment                                                 2,373,196       2,415,000      3,311,745              1,476,451           (896,745)

20 General Insurance                                         2,486,975       4,275,521      4,707,429              2,055,067           (431,908)

21 Sewer                                                     3,723,675       6,525,000      7,136,624              3,112,051           (611,624)

22 Water                                                     2,350,991       5,843,320      6,386,301              1,808,010           (542,981)

     Total All Budgeted Funds                          $    21,808,890 $    51,256,729 $   56,379,594 $           16,686,025 $       (5,122,865)
                                                                                          Page 2 of 39

                         CITY OF MUSKEGON
                           GENERAL FUND

                        HISTORICAL SUMMARY

                           Revenues &       Expenditures &    Fund Balance
    Year                   Transfers In      Transfers Out     at Year-End
    2000       $           23,685,516 $        22,232,657 $     2,951,734
    2001                   23,446,611          23,235,978       3,162,367
    2002                   23,617,163          23,971,534       2,807,996
    2003                   23,328,756          23,705,334       2,431,418
    2004                   23,401,793          23,388,019       2,445,192
    2005                   23,732,641          23,658,227       2,519,606
    2006                   24,669,210          24,498,776       2,690,040
    2007                   25,031,403          24,800,810       2,920,633
    2008                   25,563,632          26,100,539       2,383,726
    2009                   24,105,019          24,850,082       1,638,663
    2010*                  16,142,764          11,742,973       6,038,454
   2010-11                 24,029,686          25,556,758       4,511,382
   2011-12                 24,126,111          23,617,448       5,020,045

                    Fiscal 2012-13 Budget Summary

FUND BALANCE AT START OF YEAR                                                $   5,020,045

               Taxes                                           14,373,030        61.8%
               Licenses and Permits                             1,189,000        5.1%
               Federal Grants                                     155,524        0.7%
               State Grants                                        20,000        0.1%
               State Shared Revenue                             3,713,218        16.0%
               Other Charges                                    2,260,033        9.7%
               Interest & Rentals                                 359,761        1.5%
               Fines and Fees                                     452,000        1.9%
               Other Revenue                                      414,645        1.8%
               Other Financing Sources                            312,000        1.3%
                                                               23,249,211        100.0%

               Customer Value Added Activities                 17,698,960         75.4%
               Business Value Added Activities                  4,117,004         17.5%
               Fixed Budget Items                               1,647,373         7.0%
                                                               23,463,337        100.0%

ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE AT END OF YEAR                                        $   4,805,919

             OPERATING DEFICIT (USE OF FUND BALANCE)                         $    (214,126)

* Six-month transition period to new fiscal year
                                                                                                                                                                  Page 3 of 39

City of Muskegon
Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund

                                                                          Original Budget       Actual to Date           1Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                      Actual FY2011     Actual FY2012    Estimate FY2013           FY2013                   FY2013             Original              Comments
Available Fund Balance - BOY      $         6,038,454   $    4,511,382   $     4,576,273    $        5,020,045       $        5,020,045   $       443,772   Favorable audit results

City income tax                   $         6,599,753   $    7,412,804   $     7,100,000    $        1,738,888       $        7,200,000   $       100,000 Favorable recent trends
Property taxes - general                    6,626,276        6,275,258         5,908,498                     -                5,518,498          (390,000) BC Cobb settlement
Property taxes - sanitation                 1,731,364        1,638,466         1,555,069                     -                1,465,069           (90,000) BC Cobb settlement
Industrial facilities taxes                    93,618           84,332            93,463                     -                   93,463                 -
Payments in lieu of taxes                      95,402           95,805            95,000                     -                   95,000                 -
Delinquent chargeback collected                    17                3             1,000                     -                    1,000                 -
                                  $        15,146,430   $   15,506,668   $    14,753,030    $        1,738,888       $       14,373,030   $      (380,000)

Licenses and permits
Business licenses                 $            31,110   $       30,642   $        28,000    $            5,573       $           28,000   $             -
Liquor licenses                                52,085           46,039            46,000                30,268                   46,000                 -
Temporary Liquor licenses                       9,870           10,000            15,000                 1,750                   15,000                 -
Cable TV franchise fees                       362,103          342,376           340,000                     -                  340,000                 -
Rental property registration                  115,598          162,990           130,000                36,900                  130,000                 -
Burial permits                                 93,483           87,768           110,000                23,167                  110,000                 -
Building permits                              255,906          264,201           250,000                57,413                  250,000                 -
Electrical permits                             78,852           84,907            80,000                16,803                   80,000                 -
Plumbing permits                               29,961           26,884            30,000                 6,528                   30,000                 -
Mechanical permits                             61,611           55,169            60,000                13,889                   60,000                 -
Vacant building                                89,060          112,058           100,000                22,430                  100,000                 -
                                  $         1,179,639   $    1,223,034   $     1,189,000    $          214,721       $        1,189,000   $             -

Federal grants
Federal operational grant         $           192,842   $     164,451    $       155,524    $           38,940       $          155,524   $             -
                                  $           192,842   $     164,451    $       155,524    $           38,940       $          155,524   $             -

State grants
Act 302 police training grant     $            42,458   $        2,144   $        20,000    $                    -   $           20,000   $             -
State operational grant                             -                -                 -                         -                    -                 -
                                  $            42,458   $        2,144   $        20,000    $                    -   $           20,000   $             -
                                                                                                                                                                          Page 4 of 39

City of Muskegon
Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund

                                                                                   Original Budget       Actual to Date           1Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                Actual FY2011     Actual FY2012   Estimate FY2013           FY2013                   FY2013             Original             Comments
State shared revenue
State sales tax - Constitutional            $         2,454,851   $   2,612,928   $     2,627,500    $                    -   $        2,679,373   $        51,873   Revised State estimate
State sales tax - Statutory/EVIP                      1,392,008         964,920           964,922                         -            1,033,845            68,923   Revised State estimate
                                            $         3,846,859   $   3,577,848   $     3,592,422    $                    -   $        3,713,218   $       120,796

Other charges for sales and services
Tax administration fees                     $           297,326   $     289,361 $         272,700    $                -       $          254,742   $       (17,958) BC Cobb settlement
Utility administration fees                             225,000         225,000           250,000                62,500                  250,000                 -
Reimbursement for elections                              12,672          13,640                 -                   123                      250               250
Reimbursement for school police officer                  47,440          15,450            19,000                 6,180                   19,000                 -
Indirect cost reimbursement                           1,144,020       1,144,020         1,171,531               292,884                1,171,531                 -
Site-plan review fee                                      2,800           3,400             3,500                   700                    3,500                 -
Sale of cemetery lots                                    29,740          24,671            25,000                 7,874                   25,000                 -
Sale of columbarium niches                                2,550               -               500                   800                    1,000               500
Police miscellaneous                                     37,113          42,443            40,000                11,218                   40,000                 -
Police impound fees                                      39,100          40,920            42,000                 8,394                   42,000                 -
Landlord's alert fee                                         40              40                40                     -                       40                 -
Fire protection-state property                          120,210         137,127            84,970                     -                   84,970                 -
Zoning fees                                               6,158          12,055            11,000                 1,445                   11,000                 -
Clerk fees                                                2,039           1,365             1,500                   831                    1,500                 -
Clerk - passport fees                                     4,115           3,790             3,500                   495                    3,500                 -
Tax abatement application fees                              810           3,439             5,000                 2,284                    5,000                 -
Lien Look-ups                                            14,455          17,180            15,000                 3,190                   15,000                 -
Treasurer fees                                           45,903          44,502            50,000                 1,932                   50,000                 -
False alarm fees                                         12,960          10,680            13,000                     -                   13,000                 -
Miscellaneous cemetery income                            20,398          61,645            20,000                 4,866                   20,000                 -
Senior transit program fees                              10,401          11,123                 -                 4,125                    7,000             7,000 Program extended 6 months
Fire miscellaneous                                        4,985             703             2,000                   190                    2,000                 -
Sanitation stickers                                      79,762          87,303            80,000                19,226                   80,000                 -
Lot cleanup fees (trash)                                 29,493          43,028            30,000                10,180                   30,000                 -
Reimbursements for mowing and demolitions                49,760          58,740            50,000                14,434                   50,000                 -
Special events reimbursements                           104,937          95,788            50,000                50,037                   75,000            25,000 Estimate revised
Recreation program fees                                  20,831           6,551             5,000                 1,350                    5,000                 -
                                            $         2,365,018   $   2,393,964 $       2,245,241    $          505,258       $        2,260,033   $        14,792
                                                                                                                                                                         Page 5 of 39

City of Muskegon
Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund

                                                                                    Original Budget       Actual to Date        1Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                 Actual FY2011     Actual FY2012   Estimate FY2013           FY2013                FY2013             Original              Comments
Interest and rental income
Interest                                     $            85,120   $     (25,284) $         75,000    $           (2,223) $             75,000   $             -
Procurement Card Rebate                                   33,668          37,689            45,000                     -                45,000                 -
Fire Station Lease - Central Dispatch                     47,895          43,526            45,000                 8,430                45,000                 -
Naval Musem Property Rental                                2,500          15,000             5,000                 3,750                 5,000                 -
Flea market                                               27,233          28,664            35,000                15,702                35,000                 -
Farmers market                                            43,471          47,805            40,000                23,932                40,000                 -
City hall rental                                           7,200           6,600             7,200                 2,400                15,200             8,000   Safebuilt rent for 8 months
City right of way rental                                   6,800           6,800             8,561                                       8,561                 -
McGraft park rentals                                      52,475          48,213            46,000                   400                46,000                 -
Other park rentals                                        49,525          37,576            45,000                 1,975                45,000                 -
                                             $           355,887   $     246,589 $         351,761    $           54,366    $          359,761   $         8,000

Fines and fees
Income tax - penalty and interest            $           156,339   $     191,679   $       180,000    $           39,308    $          180,000   $             -
Late fees on current taxes                                30,875          24,051            40,000                     -                40,000                 -
Interest on late invoices                                  2,011           2,328             2,000                     -                 2,000                 -
Parking fines                                            100,885         105,995           125,000                24,225                90,000           (35,000) Parking rule change
Court fines                                              142,764         123,926           140,000                19,477               140,000                 -
                                             $           432,874   $     447,979   $       487,000    $           83,010    $          452,000   $       (35,000)

Other revenue
Sale of land and assets                      $                 -   $           -   $         1,000                          $            1,000   $             -
Police sale and auction proceeds                               -          10,598             2,000                    200                2,000                 -
CDBG program reimbursements                              324,393         424,549           337,870                  6,155              337,870                 -
Sanitation reimbursements                                      -               -                 -                                           -                 -
Contributions                                             12,455           3,876            11,000                  2,560               11,000                 -
Contributions - Veteran's Park Maintenance                19,402          18,502            18,500                                      18,500                 -
Fisherman's Landing Repayment                             16,106          16,775            16,775                                      16,775                 -
Darl & Kathleen Staley Trust                                   -               -                 -                                           -                 -
Muskegon County Community Foundation                      12,005          10,000             1,500                                       1,500                 -
Miscellaneous reimbursements                                   -               -             1,000                                       1,000                 -
Miscellaneous and sundry                                   5,961          11,955            25,000                    484               25,000                 -
                                             $           390,322   $     496,255   $       414,645    $             9,399   $          414,645   $             -
                                                                                                                                                         Page 6 of 39

City of Muskegon
Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund

                                                                          Original Budget       Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                      Actual FY2011     Actual FY2012    Estimate FY2013           FY2013               FY2013             Original       Comments
Other financing sources
Operating transfers in
 Cemetery Perpetual Care          $             2,357   $       3,351    $        10,000    $            2,950   $           10,000   $             -
 General Insurance Fund                             -               -            200,000               200,000              200,000                 -
 Brownfield Fund (Former Mall)                      -               -             42,000                                     42,000                 -
 Brownfield Fund (Betten)                           -          13,828             10,000                 5,000               10,000                 -
 TIFA Fund (Arena Operations)                  75,000          50,000             50,000                12,500               50,000                 -
                                  $            77,357   $      67,179    $       312,000    $          220,450   $          312,000   $             -

Total general fund revenues and
other sources                     $        24,029,686   $   24,126,111   $    23,520,623    $        2,865,032   $       23,249,211   $      (271,412)
                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 7 of 39

       Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
       General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                     Original Budget       Actual to Date           1Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                    Actual FY2011   Actual FY2012   Estimate FY2013           FY2013                   FY2012             Original                  Comments
       I. Customer Value Added Activities

40301 Police Department
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $   7,675,922   $   7,570,540   $      8,501,146   $        1,708,218       $        8,019,785   $      (481,361) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200     Operating Supplies                                70,082          76,955             90,000               16,611                   85,000            (5,000)
5300     Contractual Services                             897,777       1,004,362            825,000              192,587                  823,000            (2,000)
5400     Other Expenses                                    15,826          21,781             17,000                2,247                   15,000            (2,000)
5700     Capital Outlays                                   31,331           7,132             17,000                4,322                   18,000             1,000
5900     Other Financing Uses                                   -               -                  -                    -                        -                 -
                                                    $   8,690,938   $   8,680,770   $      9,450,146   $        1,923,986       $        8,960,785   $      (489,361)
                                                    $   8,690,938   $   8,680,770   $      9,450,146   $        1,923,986       $        8,960,785   $      (489,361)

50336 Fire Department
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $   3,355,077   $   3,259,426   $      2,938,375   $          600,994       $        2,888,651   $       (49,724) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200     Operating Supplies                                85,462          98,384            110,000               15,915                  105,000            (5,000)
5300     Contractual Services                             173,320         257,415            335,000               93,010                  339,400             4,400
5400     Other Expenses                                     1,597           2,182              4,000                1,323                    5,600             1,600
5700     Capital Outlays                                   95,925          57,270             25,000                8,929                   29,000             4,000
5900     Other Financing Uses                                   -               -                  -                    -                        -                 -
                                                    $   3,711,381   $   3,674,677   $      3,412,375   $          720,171       $        3,367,651   $       (44,724)

50387 Fire Safety Inspections
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $     535,750   $     463,384   $        483,261   $           96,424       $          155,000   $      (328,261) Service is privatized 11/1/12
5200     Operating Supplies                                11,469           5,951             10,000                1,191                    2,000            (8,000)
5300     Contractual Services                             103,147         128,447             90,040                7,014                  290,000           199,960
5400     Other Expenses                                     6,042           3,973             10,000                  472                    1,000            (9,000)
5700     Capital Outlays                                        -           1,708              4,000                    -                    2,000            (2,000)
5900     Other Financing Uses                                   -               -                  -                    -                        -                 -
                                                    $     656,408   $     603,463   $        597,301   $          105,101       $          450,000   $      (147,301)
                                                    $   4,367,789   $   4,278,139   $      4,009,676   $          825,272       $        3,817,651   $      (192,025)

60523 General Sanitation
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $      67,009   $      30,917   $         17,048   $            4,240       $           16,605   $          (443) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200     Operating Supplies                                    16              16                  -                    -                        -                 -
5300     Contractual Services                           1,542,755       1,530,445          1,560,000              107,316                1,537,000           (23,000) Refund for carts
5400     Other Expenses                                         -               -                  -                                             -                 -
5700     Capital Outlays                                        -               -                  -                                             -                 -
5900     Other Financing Uses                             200,000         200,000            200,000               50,000                  200,000                 -
                                                    $   1,809,780   $   1,761,378   $      1,777,048   $          161,556       $        1,753,605   $       (23,443)

60550 Stormwater Management
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $          -    $           -   $              -   $                    -   $                -   $             -
5200     Operating Supplies                                    -              198                  -                                             -                 -
5300     Contractual Services                             17,029           13,072             17,786                                        17,786                 -
5400     Other Expenses                                        -                -                  -                                             -                 -
5700     Capital Outlays                                       -                -                  -                        -                    -                 -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                  -                -                  -                        -                    -                 -
                                                    $     17,029    $      13,270   $         17,786   $                    -   $           17,786   $             -

60448 Streetlighting
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $        224    $          -    $              -   $                -       $                -   $             -
5200     Operating Supplies                                    -               -                   -                    -                        -                 -
5300     Contractual Services                            784,081         560,199             740,000               57,663                  650,000           (90,000) Revised Consumer's Energy contract
5400     Other Expenses                                        -               -                   -                    -                        -                 -
5700     Capital Outlays                                       -               -               5,000                    -                    5,000                 -
                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 8 of 39

       Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
       General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                       Original Budget           Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast     (Decrease) From
                                                    Actual FY2011    Actual FY2012    Estimate FY2013               FY2013               FY2012              Original                     Comments
5900     Other Financing Uses                                    -                -                  -                        -                    -                     -
                                                    $      784,305   $      560,199   $        745,000       $           57,663   $          655,000   $           (90,000)

60707 Senior Citizen Transit
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $      57,941    $      65,909    $                  -   $           13,389   $           30,000   $           30,000     Program extended for 6 months
5200     Operating Supplies                                     -                -                       -                    -                    -                    -
5300     Contractual Services                              10,400           10,400                       -                2,400                5,000                5,000
5400     Other Expenses                                         -                -                       -                    -                    -                    -
5700     Capital Outlays                                        -                -                       -                    -                    -                    -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                   -                -                       -                    -                    -                    -
                                                    $      68,341    $      76,309    $                  -   $           15,789   $           35,000   $           35,000

60446 Community Event Support
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $      11,381    $      14,857    $         10,000       $            2,857   $           10,000   $                 -
5200     Operating Supplies                                   644               58                 600                      443                  600                     -
5300     Contractual Services                               8,180            5,297              10,000                      455               10,000                     -
5400     Other Expenses                                         -                -                   -                        -                    -                     -
5700     Capital Outlays                                        -                -                   -                        -                    -                     -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                   -                -                   -                        -                    -                     -
                                                    $      20,205    $      20,212    $         20,600       $            3,755   $           20,600   $                 -

70751 Parks Maintenance
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $     357,563    $     353,705    $        397,104       $           75,403   $          387,950   $           (9,154) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200     Operating Supplies                                53,777           65,612              86,850                   17,558               86,850                    -
5300     Contractual Services                             556,578          620,372             649,807                  177,010              649,807                    -
5400     Other Expenses                                        20              102                   -                        -                    -                    -
5700     Capital Outlays                                   11,090           10,673              11,000                        -               11,000                    -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                   -                -                   -                        -                    -                    -
                                                    $     979,028    $   1,050,464    $      1,144,761       $          269,971   $        1,135,607   $           (9,154)

70757 Mc Graft Park Maintenance
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $       6,412    $       6,934    $          7,500       $              465   $            7,500   $                 -
5200     Operating Supplies                                 3,547            3,479               1,400                      508                1,400                     -
5300     Contractual Services                              37,173           29,358              35,700                    6,069               35,700                     -
5400     Other Expenses                                         -              106                   -                        -                    -                     -
5700     Capital Outlays                                        -                -                   -                        -                    -                     -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                   -                -                   -                        -                    -                     -
                                                    $      47,132    $      39,876    $         44,600       $            7,041   $           44,600   $                 -

70276 Cemeteries Maintenance
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $     112,101    $     106,333    $         82,086       $           22,485   $           82,086   $                 -
5200     Operating Supplies                                 4,882            6,975               6,750                      346                6,750                     -
5300     Contractual Services                             210,640          247,644             241,976                   82,126              241,976                     -
5400     Other Expenses                                         -                -                   -                        -                    -                     -
5700     Capital Outlays                                    8,383            7,594               8,500                      135                8,500                     -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                   -                -                   -                        -                    -                     -
                                                    $     336,006    $     368,546    $        339,312       $          105,092   $          339,312   $                 -

70585 Parking Operations
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $       1,748    $         830    $              -       $                -   $                -   $                 -
5200     Operating Supplies                                   274                -                   -                        -                    -                     -
5300     Contractual Services                               5,182            3,654               3,000                      783                3,000                     -
5400     Other Expenses                                         -                -                   -                        -                    -                     -
5700     Capital Outlays                                        -                -                   -                        -                    -                     -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                   -                -                   -                        -                    -                     -
                                                    $       7,204    $       4,484    $          3,000       $              783   $            3,000   $                 -
                                                                                                                                                                                      Page 9 of 39

       Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
       General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                           Original Budget       Actual to Date        1Q Reforecast     (Decrease) From
                                                          Actual FY2011   Actual FY2012   Estimate FY2013           FY2013                FY2012              Original                 Comments

70357 Graffiti Removal
5100     Salaries & Benefits                              $       2,659   $       4,312   $          5,000   $              558    $            5,000    $             -
5200     Operating Supplies                                         465             513                  -                   67                     -                  -
5300     Contractual Services                                       123             265              4,861                  383                 4,861                  -
5400     Other Expenses                                               -               -                  -                    -                     -                  -
5700     Capital Outlays                                              -               -                  -                    -                     -                  -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                         -               -                  -                    -                     -                  -
                                                          $       3,247   $       5,090   $          9,861   $            1,008    $            9,861    $             -

70863 Farmers' Market & Flea Market
5100     Salaries & Benefits                              $      17,869   $      20,918   $         23,490   $            8,170    $           23,490    $             -
5200     Operating Supplies                                       1,802           2,197              2,075                1,323                 2,075                  -
5300     Contractual Services                                    31,538          30,953             29,428               10,416                29,428                  -
5400     Other Expenses                                               -              45                100                    -                   100                  -
5700     Capital Outlays                                              -             294             22,000                    -                 2,000            (20,000) Did not receive grant
5900     Other Financing Uses                                         -               -                  -                    -                     -                  -
                                                          $      51,209   $      54,407   $         77,093   $           19,909    $           57,093    $       (20,000)
                                                          $   4,123,486   $   3,954,235   $      4,179,061   $          642,567    $        4,071,464    $      (107,597)

70775 General Recreation
5100     Salaries & Benefits                              $     21,202    $          -    $              -   $               99    $                -    $             -
5200     Operating Supplies                                        633             230                   -                    -                     -                  -
5300     Contractual Services                                   61,387         108,784              96,000               38,729                96,000                  -
5400     Other Expenses                                              -              51                   -                    -                     -                  -
5700     Capital Outlays                                             -               -                   -                    -                     -                  -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                        -               -                   -                    -                     -                  -
                                                          $     83,222    $    109,065    $         96,000   $           38,828    $           96,000    $             -

80387 Environmental Services
5100     Salaries & Benefits                              $    218,388    $    337,789    $        361,504   $           65,171    $          353,436    $        (8,068) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200     Operating Supplies                                      6,529          10,247               7,300                2,522                 7,300                  -
5300     Contractual Services                                  185,550         191,979             185,000               81,716               185,000                  -
5400     Other Expenses                                             35             228               1,000                    -                 1,000                  -
5700     Capital Outlays                                         1,281           1,422               3,500                  108                 3,500                  -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                        -               -                   -                    -                     -                  -
                                                          $    411,783    $    541,665    $        558,304   $          149,517    $          550,236    $        (8,068)
                                                          $    495,005    $    650,730    $        654,304   $          188,345    $          646,236    $        (8,068)

10875 Other - Contributions to Outside Agencies
                                                          $      80,164 $       80,164 $            80,164 $                  -
        Muskegon Area Transit (MATS)                                                                                               $           80,164    $             -
                                                                 20,272         17,738                                        -
                                                                                                    21,000                                     21,000
        Neighborhood Association Grants                                                                                                                                -
                                                                 45,660         45,566                                   11,392
                                                                                                    45,660                                     45,660
        Muskegon Area First                                                                                                                                            -
                                                                  7,000               -                                        -
                                                                                                     7,000                                      7,000
        Veterans Memorial Day Costs                                                                                                                                    -
                                                                       -              -                                        -
                                                                                                          -                                          -
        Mainstreet                                                                                                                                                     -
                                                                       -              -                                        -
                                                                                                    42,000                                     42,000
        Downtown Muskegon Now                                                                                                                                          -
                                                                  2,500          2,500                                         -
                                                                                                     2,500                                      2,500
        Lakeside Business District                                                                                                                                     -
                                                                  2,500          2,500                                         -
                                                                                                     2,500                                      2,500
        211 Service                                                                                                                                                    -
                                                                  1,000               -                                        -
                                                                                                          -                                          -
        Consolidation Feasibility Study                                                                                                                                -
                                                              1,000,000               -                                        -
                                                                                                          -                                          -
        MERS Supplemental Contribution                                                                                                                                 -
                                                                  1,000          1,000                                         -
                                                                                                     1,000                                      1,000
        MLK Diversity Program                                                                                                                                          -
                                                                  1,000               -                                        -
                                                                                                     1,000                                      1,000
        Muskegon Area Labor Management (MALMC)                                                                                                                         -
                                                                  6,200               -                                        -
                                                                                                          -                                          -
        Muskegon County and Humane Society - Feral Cats                                                                                                                -
                                                                       -              -                                        -
                                                                                                          -                                          -
        Other                                                                                                                                                          -
                                                                                                                                                         $             -
       Contributions To Outside Agencies                  $   1,167,296 $      149,468 $           202,824 $             11,392    $          202,824
                                                          $   1,167,296 $      149,468 $           202,824 $             11,392    $          202,824    $             -
                                                                                                                                                                             Page 10 of 39

       Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
       General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                       Original Budget       Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                    Actual FY2011    Actual FY2012    Estimate FY2013           FY2013               FY2012             Original               Comments

       Total Customer Value Added Activities        $   18,844,514   $   17,713,342   $     18,496,011   $        3,591,561   $       17,698,960   $      (797,051)
       As a Percent of Total General Fund
       Expenditures                                         73.7%            75.0%               76.8%                71.7%                75.4%            125.9%

       II. Business Value Added Activities

10101 City Commission
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $      64,864    $      67,018    $         67,916   $           13,713   $           67,475   $          (441) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200     Operating Supplies                                15,142            6,880              12,300                8,386               12,300                 -
5300     Contractual Services                               1,594            3,201               1,800                  291                1,800                 -
5400     Other Expenses                                     1,347            1,436               2,000                   90                2,000                 -
5700     Capital Outlays                                    1,199            4,371               1,200                1,546                1,200                 -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                   -                -                   -                    -                    -                 -
                                                    $      84,146    $      82,906    $         85,216   $           24,026   $           84,775   $          (441)

10102 City Promotions & Public Relations
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $            -   $            -   $              -   $                -   $                -   $             -
5200     Operating Supplies                                    411            1,067                  -                   92                    -                 -
5300     Contractual Services                                3,780            6,146              9,350                  120                9,350                 -
5400     Other Expenses                                          -                -                  -                    -                    -                 -
5700     Capital Outlays                                         -                -                  -                    -                    -                 -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                    -                -                  -                    -                    -                 -
                                                    $        4,191   $        7,214   $          9,350   $              212   $            9,350   $             -

10172 City Manager
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $     253,954    $     261,589    $        270,811   $           54,290 $            263,959   $        (6,852) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200     Operating Supplies                                 1,338            1,297               1,400                   67                1,400                 -
5300     Contractual Services                               8,174            7,032               7,750                2,800                7,750                 -
5400     Other Expenses                                       944            2,225               1,750                  (46)               1,750                 -
5700     Capital Outlays                                        -            1,166               1,250                    -                1,250                 -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                   -                -                   -                    -                    -                 -
                                                    $     264,410    $     273,309    $        282,961   $           57,110 $            276,109   $        (6,852)

10145 City Attorney
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $           -    $           -    $              -   $                -   $                -   $             -
5200     Operating Supplies                                   808                -               2,000                  830                2,000                 -
5300     Contractual Services                             331,067          354,865             330,000               86,195              330,000                 -
5400     Other Expenses                                         -                -                   -                    -                    -                 -
5700     Capital Outlays                                        -                -                   -                    -                    -                 -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                   -                -                   -                    -                    -                 -
                                                    $     331,875    $     354,865    $        332,000   $           87,025   $          332,000   $             -
                                                    $     684,622    $     718,294    $        709,527   $          168,373   $          702,234   $        (7,293)

20228 Affirmative Action
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $      78,270    $      80,618    $         81,162   $           17,033   $           80,101   $        (1,061) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200     Operating Supplies                                   324              264                 750                   64                  750                 -
5300     Contractual Services                               1,587            1,785               2,027                  168                2,027                 -
5400     Other Expenses                                        50              319               1,000                   17                1,000                 -
5700     Capital Outlays                                        -                -                 500                    -                  500                 -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                   -                -                   -                    -                    -                 -
                                                    $      80,231    $      82,987    $         85,439   $           17,282   $           84,378   $        (1,061)

20215 City Clerk & Elections
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $     244,239    $     243,389    $        246,045   $           61,527   $          280,518   $        34,473
                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 11 of 39

       Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
       General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                        Original Budget       Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast      (Decrease) From
                                                    Actual FY2011    Actual FY2012     Estimate FY2013           FY2013               FY2012               Original                    Comments
5200     Operating Supplies                                 18,702           25,026                33,208              12,071              33,208                     -
5300     Contractual Services                               16,625           11,797                29,516               6,216              29,516                     -
5400     Other Expenses                                        473            2,367                 2,500                 473               2,500                     -
5700     Capital Outlays                                     6,011            6,380                 1,000                    -              1,000                     -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                    -                -                     -                    -                   -                    -
                                                    $      286,050   $      288,959   $           312,269   $          80,288    $        346,742    $           34,473

20220 Civil Service
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $     107,949    $       4,245    $               -     $          3,429     $          3,429    $           3,429    Final leave payout
5200     Operating Supplies                                 1,626            3,810                3,100                    -                3,100                    -
5300     Contractual Services                              12,707           88,071               86,170               19,477               86,170                    -
5400     Other Expenses                                     3,768            2,418                2,000                    -                2,000                    -
5700     Capital Outlays                                        -                -                    -                    -                    -                    -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                   -                -                    -                    -                    -                    -
                                                    $     126,050    $      98,543    $          91,270     $         22,906     $         94,699    $           3,429
                                                    $     492,331    $     470,489    $         488,978     $        120,476     $        525,819    $          36,841

30202 Finance Administration
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $     333,061    $     278,978    $         186,399     $         39,731     $        181,663    $          (4,736) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200     Operating Supplies                                 3,571            2,933                3,370                  517                3,370                    -
5300     Contractual Services                              73,010          133,853              168,484               34,268              168,484                    -
5400     Other Expenses                                     1,193            1,505                    -                  210                    -                    -
5700     Capital Outlays                                    1,716            3,861                4,000                    -                4,000                    -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                   -                -                    -                    -                    -                    -
                                                    $     412,551    $     421,130    $         362,253     $         74,727     $        357,517    $          (4,736)

30209 Assessing Services
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $       3,367    $       3,126    $           7,610     $            404     $          7,610    $                -
5200     Operating Supplies                                     -                -                    -                    -                    -                     -
5300     Contractual Services                             416,781          422,034              360,000               88,592              360,000                     -
5400     Other Expenses                                         -                -                    -                    -                    -                     -
5700     Capital Outlays                                        -                -                    -                    -                    -                     -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                   -                -                    -                    -                    -                     -
                                                    $     420,148    $     425,160    $         367,610     $         88,996     $        367,610    $                -

30805 Arena Administration
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $           -    $           -    $               -     $              -     $              -    $                -
5200     Operating Supplies                                     -                -                    -                    -                    -                     -
5300     Contractual Services                             241,263          238,492              235,000              235,000              235,000                     -
5400     Other Expenses                                         -                -                    -                    -                    -                     -
5700     Capital Outlays                                    1,661            1,599                    -                    -                    -                     -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                   -                -                    -                    -                    -                     -
                                                    $     242,924    $     240,091    $         235,000     $        235,000     $        235,000    $                -

30205 Income Tax Administration
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $     321,985    $     349,617    $         366,878     $         65,706     $        359,385    $          (7,493) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200     Operating Supplies                                12,486           11,035               12,160                  698               12,160                    -
5300     Contractual Services                              65,773           66,871               77,350                7,834               77,350                    -
5400     Other Expenses                                       488              792                1,000                    -                1,000                    -
5700     Capital Outlays                                    7,175            4,081                2,500                    -                2,500                    -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                   -                -                    -                    -                    -                    -
                                                    $     407,907    $     432,397    $         459,888     $         74,238     $        452,395    $          (7,493)

30253 City Treasurer
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $     312,621    $     318,736    $         324,507     $         67,018     $        317,118    $          (7,389)
5200     Operating Supplies                                65,024           65,720               66,000               13,099               66,000                    -
                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 12 of 39

       Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
       General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                         Original Budget       Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast      (Decrease) From
                                                     Actual FY2011    Actual FY2012     Estimate FY2013           FY2013               FY2012               Original                 Comments
5300     Contractual Services                               108,627          126,643               109,000              21,827             109,000                      -
5400     Other Expenses                                         715              343                   800                    -                800                      -
5700     Capital Outlays                                      5,198            5,710                 1,000                  51               1,000                      -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                     -                -                     -                    -                   -                     -
                                                     $      492,185   $      517,152   $           501,307   $         101,995    $        493,918    $            (7,389)

30248 Information Systems Administration
5100     Salaries & Benefits                         $     286,590    $     301,869    $          313,807    $         62,693     $        306,152    $           (7,655) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200     Operating Supplies                                    143              481                 1,977                   -                1,977                     -
5300     Contractual Services                               46,281           31,224                18,268               2,583               18,268                     -
5400     Other Expenses                                      5,356            4,114                12,000                 106               12,000                     -
5700     Capital Outlays                                    38,626           33,513                48,406              17,805               48,406                     -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                    -                -                     -                   -                    -                     -
                                                     $     376,996    $     371,201    $          394,458    $         83,187     $        386,803    $           (7,655)
                                                     $   2,352,711    $   2,407,132    $        2,320,516    $        658,144     $      2,293,243    $          (27,273)

60265 City Hall Maintenance
5100     Salaries & Benefits                         $      39,749    $      39,062    $          37,708     $          7,525     $         36,856    $             (852) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200     Operating Supplies                                  9,285           10,126               13,775                2,276               13,775                     -
5300     Contractual Services                              186,687          178,543              230,000               25,025              230,000                     -
5400     Other Expenses                                         13              191                    -                    -                    -                     -
5700     Capital Outlays                                     7,848            7,164                7,500                3,192                7,500                     -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                    -                -                    -                    -                    -                     -
                                                     $     243,582    $     235,086    $         288,983     $         38,018     $        288,131    $             (852)
                                                     $     243,582    $     235,086    $         288,983     $         38,018     $        288,131    $             (852)

80400 Planning, Zoning and Economic Development
5100     Salaries & Benefits                         $     334,910 $        267,122    $         278,373     $         57,555     $        271,977    $           (6,396) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200     Operating Supplies                                  3,766            2,759                4,600                  290                4,600                     -
5300     Contractual Services                               (6,463)          19,914               25,000                1,863               25,000                     -
5400     Other Expenses                                        958            1,272                4,000                  675                4,000                     -
5700     Capital Outlays                                       439            1,848                2,000                1,233                2,000                     -
5900     Other Financing Uses                                    -                -                    -                    -                    -                     -
                                                     $     333,610 $        292,915    $         313,973     $         61,617     $        307,577    $           (6,396)
                                                     $     333,610 $        292,915    $         313,973     $         61,617     $        307,577    $           (6,396)

       Total Business Value Added Activities         $   4,106,856    $   4,123,916    $        4,121,977    $      1,046,627     $      4,117,004    $           (4,973)
       As a Percent of Total General Fund
       Expenditures                                          16.1%            17.5%                 17.1%                20.9%               17.5%                  0.8%

       III. Fixed Budget Items

30999 Transfers To Other Funds
         Major Street Fund                           $           -    $           -    $               -     $              -     $              -    $                 -
         Local Street Fund                                 280,000          280,000              280,000               70,000              280,000                      -
         Engineering                                             -           75,000                    -                    -                    -                      -
         Sidewalk                                          100,000                -                    -                    -                    -                      -
         Public Improvement Fire Equipment Reserve               -                -                    -                    -                    -                      -
         Arena Maintenance                                   6,000                -                    -                    -                    -                      -
         State Grants                                       34,675                -                    -                    -                    -                      -
         LDFA Debt Service Fund (Smartzone)                100,000          100,000              160,000               40,000              160,000                      -
         General Insurance                                  28,046           28,046               28,046                7,012               28,046                      -
                                                     $     548,721    $     483,046    $         468,046     $        117,012     $        468,046    $                 -

30851 General Insurance                              $     259,907    $     257,320    $         224,982     $                -   $        224,982    $                 -
                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 13 of 39

       Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
       General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                        Original Budget       Actual to Date           1Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                    Actual FY2011     Actual FY2012    Estimate FY2013           FY2013                   FY2012             Original                  Comments
30906 Debt Retirement                                     1,252,795         281,954             278,345              174,873                  278,345                 -
10891 Contingency and Bad Debt Expense                     515,238          513,590             250,000                        -              400,000           150,000    Contingency for tax appeals
90000 Major Capital Improvements                            28,727          244,280             257,000               76,187                  276,000            19,000
      Total Fixed-Budget Items                      $     2,605,388   $    1,780,190   $      1,478,373   $          368,072       $        1,647,373   $       169,000
      As a Percent of Total General Fund
      Expenditures                                           10.2%              7.5%               6.1%                  7.4%                    7.0%            -26.7%

        Total General Fund                          $    25,556,758   $   23,617,448   $     24,096,361   $        5,006,260       $       23,463,337   $      (633,024)

       Recap: Total General Fund By Expenditure Object
5100     Salaries & Benefits                        $    14,822,805   $   14,451,225   $     15,007,730   $        3,049,098       $       14,155,746   $      (851,984)
5200     Operating Supplies                                 372,208          402,215            469,615               94,874                  451,615           (18,000)
5300     Contractual Services                             8,074,794        7,353,493          7,191,119            1,401,328                7,435,479           244,360
5400     Other Expenses                                      38,825           45,451             59,150                5,702                   49,750            (9,400)
5700     Capital Outlays                                    246,610          400,065            422,356              113,372                  424,356             2,000
5900     All Other Financing Uses                         2,001,516          965,000            946,391              341,885                  946,391                 -
        Total General Fund                          $    25,556,758   $   23,617,448   $     24,096,361   $        5,006,260       $       23,463,337   $      (633,024)
                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 14 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                      Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                              Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From               Comments
                                                                                          FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

202     Major Streets and State Trunklines Fund
                                          $       359,157       $       566,001
        Available Fund Balance - BOY                                                  $   2,438,845     $   2,507,008        $   2,507,008   $       68,163

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments              $       172,302       $       167,342       $    125,000      $                -   $    125,000    $             -
         Federal & state grants                 1,457,137             1,377,820           1,095,000                      -       1,095,000                 -
         State shared revenue                   2,704,187             2,537,508           2,663,163          250,404             2,663,163                 -
         Interest income                           36,626                34,829              25,000             1,438              25,000                  -
         Operating transfers in                             -                                       -                    -               -                 -
         Other                                    415,620             2,099,396              20,000             3,495              20,000                  -
                                          $     4,785,872       $     6,216,895       $   3,928,163     $    255,337         $   3,928,163   $             -

60900   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits             $       622,597       $       518,030       $    770,000      $     88,607         $    757,000    $      (13,000) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200      Operating Supplies                      231,295               241,072            240,600              4,927             240,600                  -
5300      Contractual Services                    957,051               821,383           1,080,658          187,774             1,080,658                 -
5400      Other Expenses                           37,904                11,295               1,000                      -          1,000                  -
5700      Capital Outlays                                   -                                       -                    -               -                 -

5900      Other Financing Uses                    400,000                25,330            456,993           205,462              456,993                  -

                                          $     2,248,847       $     1,617,110       $   2,549,251     $    486,770         $   2,536,251   $      (13,000)

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies              $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -

5300      Contractual Services                  2,330,181             2,658,778           3,166,000           90,366             3,176,000           10,000

5700      Capital Outlays                                   -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                          $     2,330,181       $     2,658,778       $   3,166,000     $     90,366         $   3,176,000   $       10,000
                                          $     4,579,028       $     4,275,888       $   5,715,251     $    577,136         $   5,712,251   $        (3,000)

                                          $       566,001       $     2,507,008
        Available Fund Balance - EOY                                                  $    651,757      $   2,185,209        $    722,920    $       71,163
                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 15 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                      Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                              Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From                Comments
                                                                                          FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

203     Local Streets Fund
                                          $       180,480       $       663,340
        Available Fund Balance - BOY                                                  $    657,138      $    826,851         $    826,851    $      169,713

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments              $       138,025       $       109,166       $      75,000     $                -   $     75,000    $             -
         Federal & state grants                             -                     -          32,000                      -         32,000                  -
         Metro act fees                           136,731               140,850            140,000                       -        140,000                  -
         State shared revenue                     624,694               639,476            635,482            58,816              635,482                  -
         Interest income                           29,411                27,090              20,000             1,097              20,000                  -

         Operating transfers in                   880,000               480,000            905,000           320,000              905,000                  -

         Other                                    197,011                 2,410              15,000               580              15,000                  -
                                          $     2,005,872       $     1,398,992       $   1,822,482     $    380,493         $   1,822,482   $             -

60900   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits             $       516,349       $       457,536       $    473,137      $     96,081         $    463,492    $        (9,645) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200      Operating Supplies                      115,192                64,067            118,000            17,961              118,000                  -
5300      Contractual Services                    704,173               616,506            860,118           139,809              860,118                  -
5400      Other Expenses                            2,669                 4,046               2,000                13               2,000                  -
5700      Capital Outlays                                   -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5900      Other Financing Uses                              -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                          $     1,338,383       $     1,142,155       $   1,453,255     $    253,864         $   1,443,610   $        (9,645)

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies              $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -

5300      Contractual Services                    184,629                93,326            805,000            33,383              915,000           110,000

                                          $       184,629       $        93,326       $    805,000      $     33,383         $    915,000    $      110,000
                                          $     1,523,012       $     1,235,481       $   2,258,255     $    287,247         $   2,358,610   $      100,355

                                          $       663,340       $       826,851
        Available Fund Balance - EOY                                                  $    221,365      $    920,097         $    290,723    $       69,358
                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 16 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                               Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                                       Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From   Comments
                                                                                                   FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

257     Budget Stabilization Fund
                                                   $     1,500,000       $     1,500,000
        Available Fund Balance - BOY                                                           $   1,500,000     $   1,500,000        $   1,500,000   $             -

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                       $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
         Federal & state grants                                      -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         State shared revenue                                        -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Charges for services                                        -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Interest income                                             -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund                          -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund                     -                     -        200,000           200,000              200,000                  -

         Other                                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -

                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $    200,000      $    200,000         $    200,000    $             -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5200      Operating Supplies                                         -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5400      Other Expenses                                             -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5700      Capital Outlays                                            -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -

5900      Other Financing Uses                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -

                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -

                                                   $     1,500,000       $     1,500,000
        Available Fund Balance - EOY                                                           $   1,700,000     $   1,700,000        $   1,700,000   $             -
                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 17 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                               Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                                       Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From   Comments
                                                                                                   FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

264     Criminal Forfeitures Fund
                                                   $       134,116       $       140,828
        Available Fund Balance - BOY                                                           $    148,828      $    149,174         $    149,174    $          346

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                       $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
         Federal & state grants                                      -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         State shared revenue                                        -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Charges for services                                        -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Interest income                                       688                 1,136                 500               185                 500                  -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund                          -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund                     -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Other                                              14,380                11,422              12,000           14,007               18,000             6,000
                                                   $        15,068       $        12,558       $      12,500     $     14,192         $     18,500    $        6,000

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5200      Operating Supplies                                         -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -             3,933               5,000                  8              5,000                  -
5400      Other Expenses                                             -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5700      Capital Outlays                                    8,356                   279                     -                    -               -                 -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                   $         8,356       $         4,212       $       5,000     $            8       $      5,000    $             -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
                                                   $         8,356       $         4,212       $       5,000     $            8       $      5,000    $             -

                                                   $       140,828       $       149,174
        Available Fund Balance - EOY                                                           $    156,328      $    163,358         $    162,674    $        6,346
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 18 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                               Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                                       Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From               Comments
                                                                                                   FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

285     Tree Replacement Fund
                                                   $         5,436       $         5,119
        Available Fund Balance - BOY                                                           $       4,669     $       4,999        $      4,999    $          330

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                       $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
         Federal & state grants                                      -             2,000                     -                    -          5,000             5,000    New grant received
         State shared revenue                                        -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Charges for services                                        -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Interest income                                         24                    37                  50                 6                  50                 -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund                          -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund                     -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Other                                                       -               200                     -                    -               -                 -
                                                   $             24      $         2,237       $           50    $            6       $      5,050    $        5,000

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $      1,200    $        1,200    Work to be done in-house
5200      Operating Supplies                                   341                 2,357               2,500                      -          5,000             2,500
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5400      Other Expenses                                             -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5700      Capital Outlays                                            -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                   $           341       $         2,357       $       2,500     $                -   $      6,200    $        3,700

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
                                                   $           341       $         2,357       $       2,500     $                -   $      6,200    $        3,700

                                                   $         5,119       $         4,999
        Available Fund Balance - EOY                                                           $       2,219     $       5,005        $      3,849    $        1,630
                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 19 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                               Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                                       Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From   Comments
                                                                                                   FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

295     Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (Betten Project)
                                                   $        (9,217) $             65,349
        Available Fund Balance - BOY                                                           $       4,450     $ (1,503,400) $ (1,503,400) $            (1,507,850)

        Means of Financing
         Property taxes                            $        74,483       $       142,429       $    157,111      $                -   $    157,111    $             -
         Federal & state grants                                      -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         State shared revenue                                        -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Charges for services                                        -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Interest income                                         83                  671                 250               177                 250                  -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund                          -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund                     -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Other                                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                   $        74,566       $       143,100       $    157,361      $         177        $    157,361    $             -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5200      Operating Supplies                                         -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -         1,698,021            150,000                       -        150,000                  -
5400      Other Expenses                                             -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5700      Capital Outlays                                            -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                       -            13,828              10,000           29,475               10,000                  -
                                                   $                 -   $     1,711,849       $    160,000      $     29,475         $    160,000    $             -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
                                                   $                 -   $     1,711,849       $    160,000      $     29,475         $    160,000    $             -

                                                   $        65,349       $ (1,503,400) $
        Available Fund Balance - EOY                                                                   1,811     $ (1,532,698) $ (1,506,039) $            (1,507,850)
                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 20 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                               Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                                       Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From   Comments
                                                                                                   FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

296     Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (Mall Area Project)
                                                   $                 -   $                 -
        Available Fund Balance - BOY                                                           $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -

        Means of Financing
         Property taxes                            $                 -   $                 -   $      42,698     $                -   $     42,698    $             -
         Federal & state grants                                      -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         State shared revenue                                        -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Charges for services                                        -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Interest income                                             -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund                          -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund                     -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Other                                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $      42,698     $                -   $     42,698    $             -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5200      Operating Supplies                                         -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5400      Other Expenses                                             -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5700      Capital Outlays                                            -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                       -                     -          42,000                      -         42,000                  -
                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $      42,000     $                -   $     42,000    $             -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $      42,000     $                -   $     42,000    $             -

                                                   $                 -   $                 -
        Available Fund Balance - EOY                                                           $         698     $                -   $        698    $             -
                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 21 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                             Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                                     Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From   Comments
                                                                                                 FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

290     Local Development Finance Authority III Fund - Edison Landing (Smartzone)
                                                 $        36,834       $        21,348
        Available Fund Balance - BOY                                                         $       7,221     $     96,745         $     96,745    $       89,524

        Means of Financing
         Property taxes                          $        84,658       $        83,420       $      86,631     $                -   $     86,631    $             -
         Federal & state grants                          100,000                         -                 -                    -               -                 -
         State shared revenue                                      -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Charges for services                                      -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Interest income                                     153                 3,569                 150                56                 150                  -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund            75,000               100,000            160,000            40,000              160,000                  -

         Other                                                     -           306,196              75,000                      -         75,000                  -

                                                 $       259,811       $       493,185       $    321,781      $     40,056         $    321,781    $             -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5200      Operating Supplies                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                     -               250                 500                      -            500                  -
5400      Other Expenses                                           -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5700      Capital Outlays                                          -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5900      Other Financing Uses                           275,297               417,538            322,466                       -        322,466                  -
                                                 $       275,297       $       417,788       $    322,966      $                -   $    322,966    $             -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                     $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5300      Contractual Services                                     -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                 $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
                                                 $       275,297       $       417,788       $    322,966      $                -   $    322,966    $             -

                                                 $        21,348       $        96,745
        Available Fund Balance - EOY                                                         $       6,036     $    136,801         $     95,560    $       89,524
                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 22 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                               Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                                       Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From    Comments
                                                                                                   FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

305     Tax Increment Finance Authority Fund
                                                   $        37,533       $        16,445
        Available Fund Balance - BOY                                                           $      19,702     $     19,639         $     19,639    $           (63)

        Means of Financing
         Property taxes                            $        53,769       $        53,057       $      44,430     $                -   $     44,430    $             -
         Federal & state grants                                      -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         State shared revenue                                        -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Charges for services                                        -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Interest income                                       143                   137                 200                21                 200                  -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund                          -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund                     -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Other                                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                   $        53,912       $        53,194       $      44,630     $          21        $     44,630    $             -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5200      Operating Supplies                                         -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5400      Other Expenses                                             -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5700      Capital Outlays                                            -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -

5900      Other Financing Uses                              75,000                50,000              50,000           12,500               50,000                  -

                                                   $        75,000       $        50,000       $      50,000     $     12,500         $     50,000    $             -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
                                                   $        75,000       $        50,000       $      50,000     $     12,500         $     50,000    $             -

                                                   $        16,445       $        19,639
        Available Fund Balance - EOY                                                           $      14,332     $       7,160        $     14,269    $           (63)
                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 23 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                               Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                                       Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From              Comments
                                                                                                   FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

394     Downtown Development Authority Fund
                                                   $       329,585       $       272,145
        Available Fund Balance - BOY                                                           $    244,630      $    245,956         $    245,956    $        1,326

        Means of Financing
         Property taxes                            $       281,424       $       305,797       $    288,404      $                -   $    228,404    $      (60,000) Tax settlement refunds
         Federal & state grants                                      -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         State proposal A reimbursement revenue                      -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Charges for services                                        -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Interest income                                     1,716                 2,477               1,150               307               1,150                  -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Operating transfers in - PIF                                -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund                     -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Other                                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                   $       283,140       $       308,274       $    289,554      $         307        $    229,554    $      (60,000)

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5200      Operating Supplies                                         -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                     -             250                      -            250                  -
5400      Other Expenses                                             -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5700      Capital Outlays                                            -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -

5900      Other Financing Uses                             340,580               334,463            334,162                       -        334,162                  -

                                                   $       340,580       $       334,463       $    334,412      $                -   $    334,412    $             -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
                                                   $       340,580       $       334,463       $    334,412      $                -   $    334,412    $             -

                                                   $       272,145       $       245,956
        Available Fund Balance - EOY                                                           $    199,772      $    246,263         $    141,098    $      (58,674)
                                                                                                                                                                          Page 24 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                      Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                              Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From   Comments
                                                                                          FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

408     Arena Improvement Fund
                                          $        72,251       $           779
        Available Fund Balance - BOY                                                  $      16,979     $     23,779         $     23,779    $        6,800

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments              $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
         Federal & state grants                             -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         State shared revenue                               -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Charges for services                      18,637                22,885              20,000                      -         20,000                  -
         Interest income                              217                   115                 200                27                 200                  -
         Operating transfers in                             -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Other                                    135,500                23,400                     -         23,400                     -                 -
                                          $       154,354       $        46,400       $      20,200     $     23,427         $     20,200    $             -

30906   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits             $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5200      Operating Supplies                                -                     -                                                                        -
5300      Contractual Services                              -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5400      Other Expenses                                    -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5700      Capital Outlays                         225,826                23,400                     -                    -               -                 -
5900      Other Financing Uses                              -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                          $       225,826       $        23,400       $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies              $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -

5300      Contractual Services                              -                     -          20,000             4,227              20,000                  -

5400      Other Expenses                                    -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5900      Other Financing Uses                              -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                          $                 -   $                 -   $      20,000     $       4,227        $     20,000    $             -
                                          $       225,826       $        23,400       $      20,000     $       4,227        $     20,000    $             -

                                          $           779       $        23,779
        Available Fund Balance - EOY                                                  $      17,179     $     42,979         $     23,979    $        6,800
                                                                                                                                                                          Page 25 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                      Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                              Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From   Comments
                                                                                          FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

403     Sidewalk Improvement Fund
                                          $       631,995       $       665,541
        Available Fund Balance - BOY                                                  $    571,836      $    575,774         $    575,774    $        3,938

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments              $        75,715       $        55,668       $      40,000     $                -   $     40,000    $             -
         Federal & state grants                             -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         State shared revenue                               -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Charges for services                               -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Interest income                           13,597                11,581               6,000               772               6,000                  -
         Operating transfers in                             -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Other                                    100,000                         -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                          $       189,312       $        67,249       $      46,000     $         772        $     46,000    $             -

30906   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits             $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5200      Operating Supplies                                -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5300      Contractual Services                              -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5400      Other Expenses                                    -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5700      Capital Outlays                                   -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -

5900      Other Financing Uses                    155,766               151,705            152,080                       -        152,080                  -

                                          $       155,766       $       151,705       $    152,080      $                -   $    152,080    $             -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies              $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5300      Contractual Services                              -             5,311                     -                    -               -                 -
5400      Other Expenses                                    -                     -                 -                                    -                 -
5900      Other Financing Uses                              -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                          $                 -   $         5,311       $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
                                          $       155,766       $       157,016       $    152,080      $                -   $    152,080    $             -

                                          $       665,541       $       575,774
        Available Fund Balance - EOY                                                  $    465,756      $    576,546         $    469,694    $        3,938
                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 26 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                      Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                              Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From              Comments
                                                                                          FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

404     Public Improvement Fund
                                          $       696,631       $       551,506
        Available Fund Balance - BOY                                                  $    568,006      $    559,637         $    559,637    $        (8,369)

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments              $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
         Property taxes                                     -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Federal & state grants                             -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Charges for services                      94,428                40,416                     -                    -               -                 -
         Sales of property                          4,817                21,090               5,000                      -          5,000                  -
         Interest income                            6,974                 5,700               7,500               913               7,500                  -

         Operating transfers in                             -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -

         Other                                     60,377                37,659              45,000                16              45,000                  -

                                          $       166,596       $       104,865       $      57,500     $         929        $     57,500    $             -

30936   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits             $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5200      Operating Supplies                                -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5300      Contractual Services                              -                     -           5,000                      -          5,000                  -
5400      Other Expenses                                    -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5700      Capital Outlays                         109,292                45,499                     -                    -               -                 -

5900      Other Financing Uses                    202,429                         -                                      -                                 -

                                          $       311,721       $        45,499       $       5,000     $                -   $      5,000    $             -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies              $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5300      Contractual Services                              -            51,235                     -                    -               -                 -
5400      Other Expenses                                    -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -

5700      Capital Outlays                                   -                     -        155,000              1,364             135,000           (20,000) Lower than projected cost

                                          $                 -   $        51,235       $    155,000      $       1,364        $    135,000    $      (20,000)
                                          $       311,721       $        96,734       $    160,000      $       1,364        $    140,000    $      (20,000)

                                          $       551,506       $       559,637
        Available Fund Balance - EOY                                                  $    465,506      $    559,202         $    477,137    $       11,631
                                                                                                                                                                          Page 27 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                      Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                              Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From   Comments
                                                                                          FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

482     State Grants Fund
                                          $       500,140       $       237,439
        Available Fund Balance - BOY                                                  $    140,033      $    147,766         $    147,766    $        7,733

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments              $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
         Federal & state grants                   462,517               121,630            300,000                       -        300,000                  -
         Sales of Property                                  -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Interest income                              613                 9,250                 500                      -            500                  -

         Operating transfers in                             -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -

         Other                                    237,104                         -                 -                    -               -                 -

                                          $       700,234       $       130,880       $    300,500      $                -   $    300,500    $             -

30936   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits             $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5200      Operating Supplies                                -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5300      Contractual Services                              -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5400      Other Expenses                                    -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5700      Capital Outlays                         634,622               120,505                     -                    -               -                 -
5900      Other Financing Uses                    328,313               100,048              33,424                      -         33,424                  -

                                          $       962,935       $       220,553       $      33,424     $                -   $     33,424    $             -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies              $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5300      Contractual Services                              -                     -                 -             250                    -                 -

5700      Capital Outlays                                   -                     -        320,000                       -        320,000                  -

                                          $                 -   $                 -   $    320,000      $         250        $    320,000    $             -

                                          $       962,935       $       220,553       $    353,424      $         250        $    353,424    $             -

                                          $       237,439       $       147,766
        Available Fund Balance - EOY                                                  $      87,109     $    147,516         $     94,842    $        7,733
                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 28 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                              Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                                      Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From   Comments
                                                                                                  FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

594     Marina & Launch Ramp Fund
                                                  $       217,556       $       243,852
        Available Cash Balance - BOY                                                          $    229,401      $    263,362         $    263,362    $       33,961

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                      $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
         Federal & state grants                                     -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         State shared revenue                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Charges for services                             184,394               198,418            180,000            50,969              180,000                  -
         Interest income                                            -             1,949                 800               335                 800                  -

         Operating transfers in                                     -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -

         Other                                              9,917                 9,952               3,000             2,950               3,000                  -
                                                  $       194,311       $       210,319       $    183,800      $     54,254         $    183,800    $             -

70756   Operating Expenditures - Marina
5100      Salaries & Benefits                     $        46,085       $        17,276       $      20,949     $       6,423        $     20,949    $             -
5200      Operating Supplies                                7,200                 9,912               8,900             1,093               8,900                  -
5300      Contractual Services                            109,504               155,456            124,654            54,696              124,654                  -
5400      Other Expenses                                            -               260                 250                      -            250                  -
5700      Capital Outlays                                   5,806                 5,806               7,800               527               7,800                  -
5900      Other Financing Uses                              4,345                     47                    -                    -               -                 -
          Other Cash Uses (e.g. Debt Principal)                     -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                  $       172,940       $       188,757       $    162,553      $     62,739         $    162,553    $             -

70759   Operating Expenditures - Ramps
5100      Salaries & Benefits                     $                 -   $                 -   $       2,500     $         186        $      2,500    $             -
5200      Operating Supplies                                  593                     90                500               773               1,000               500
5300      Contractual Services                              4,426                11,371               9,580             2,868               9,580                  -
5400      Other Expenses                                            -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5700      Capital Outlays                                           -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                      -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
          Other Cash Uses (e.g. Debt Principal)            (9,944)               (9,409)                    -                    -               -                 -
                                                  $        (4,925) $              2,052       $      12,580     $       3,827        $     13,080    $          500

90000   Project Expenditures
5200       Operating Supplies                     $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5300      Contractual Services                                      -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5700      Capital Outlays                                           -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                  $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
                                                  $       168,015       $       190,809       $    175,133      $     66,566         $    175,633    $          500

                                                  $       243,852       $       263,362
        Available Cash Balance - EOY                                                          $    238,068      $    251,050         $    271,529    $       33,461
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 29 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                              Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                                      Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From                Comments
                                                                                                  FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

661     Equipment Fund
                                                  $     2,755,881       $     2,880,251
        Available Cash Balance - BOY                                                          $   2,427,131     $   2,373,196        $   2,373,196   $      (53,935)

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                      $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
         Federal & state grants                                     -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         State shared revenue                                       -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Charges for services                           2,211,835             2,033,929           2,300,000          453,874             2,300,000                 -
         Interest income                                   13,822                20,707              15,000           13,780               15,000                  -
         Operating transfers in                                     -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Other                                             96,411                82,380            100,000              5,091             100,000                  -
                                                  $     2,322,068       $     2,137,016       $   2,415,000     $    472,745         $   2,415,000   $             -

60932   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                     $       392,338       $       445,560       $    434,245      $     89,118         $    424,512    $        (9,733) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200      Operating Supplies                              833,310               806,413            951,500           173,901              951,500                  -
5300      Contractual Services                            643,677               733,902            784,533           167,945              784,533                  -
5400      Other Expenses                                      352                   855               1,200                86               1,200                  -

5700      Capital Outlays                                 372,756               577,576           1,125,000           27,299             1,150,000           25,000

5900      Other Financing Uses                                      -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
          Other Cash Uses (e.g. Debt Principal)           (44,735)               79,765                     -                    -               -                 -
                                                  $     2,197,698       $     2,644,071       $   3,296,478     $    458,349         $   3,311,745   $       15,267

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                      $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5300      Contractual Services                                      -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5700      Capital Outlays                                           -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                  $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
                                                  $     2,197,698       $     2,644,071       $   3,296,478     $    458,349         $   3,311,745   $       15,267

                                                  $     2,880,251       $     2,373,196
        Available Cash Balance - EOY                                                          $   1,545,653     $   2,387,592        $   1,476,451   $      (69,202)
                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 30 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                            Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                                    Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From               Comments
                                                                                                FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

642     Public Service Building Fund
                                                $       444,931       $       268,058
        Available Cash Balance - BOY                                                        $    277,397      $    383,301         $    383,301    $      105,904

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                    $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
         Federal & state grants                                   -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         State shared revenue                                     -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Charges for services                           769,340               969,342           1,087,448          271,322             1,087,448                 -
         Interest income                                  2,214                 2,571               6,000               500               6,000                  -
         Operating transfers in                                   -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Other                                                68                        -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                $       771,622       $       971,913       $   1,093,448     $    271,822         $   1,093,448   $             -

60442   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $       637,792       $       571,707       $    603,405      $    112,916         $    588,803    $      (14,602) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200      Operating Supplies                             12,278                16,353              17,700             1,975              17,700                  -
5300      Contractual Services                          231,099               218,170            321,343            60,191              321,343                  -
5400      Other Expenses                                 14,507                 9,785                 500                      -            500                  -
5700      Capital Outlays                                         -            14,068              14,500             1,855              14,500                  -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                    -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
        Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g.
                                                        (20,346)               26,587                     -                    -               -                 -
        Debt Principal)
                                                $       875,330       $       856,670       $    957,448      $    176,937         $    942,846    $      (14,602)

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                    $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5300      Contractual Services                           73,165                         -        130,000                       -        130,000                  -
5700      Capital Outlays                                         -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                $        73,165       $                 -   $    130,000      $                -   $    130,000    $             -
                                                $       948,495       $       856,670       $   1,087,448     $    176,937         $   1,072,846   $      (14,602)

                                                $       268,058       $       383,301
        Available Cash Balance - EOY                                                        $    283,397      $    478,186         $    403,903    $      120,506
                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 31 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                            Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                                    Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From                Comments
                                                                                                FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

643     Engineering Services Fund
                                                $       (98,892) $            (93,420) $
        Available Cash Balance - BOY                                                                4,242     $     53,417         $     53,417    $       49,175

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                    $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
         Federal & state grants                                   -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         State shared revenue                                     -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Charges for services                           410,022               428,481            437,000           170,921              437,000                  -
         Interest income                                          -                     4               10               70                   10                 -
         Operating transfers in                                   -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Other                                          128,631               105,783              40,000           68,732               40,000                  -
                                                $       538,653       $       534,268       $    477,010      $    239,723         $    477,010    $             -

60447   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $       298,948       $       307,740       $    336,259      $     70,878         $    330,216    $        (6,043) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200      Operating Supplies                              6,021                 5,842              10,330             2,124              10,330                  -
5300      Contractual Services                          128,256               123,597            109,690            22,748              109,690                  -
5400      Other Expenses                                    179                         -           1,000                      -          1,000                  -
5700      Capital Outlays                                 5,406                 5,455               7,500             1,034               7,500                  -
5900       Other Financing Uses                                   -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
        Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g.
                                                         61,714               (55,203)                    -                    -               -                 -
        Debt Principal)
                                                $       500,524       $       387,431       $    464,779      $     96,784         $    458,736    $        (6,043)

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                    $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5300      Contractual Services                           32,657                         -          10,000               860              10,000                  -
5700      Capital Outlays                                         -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                $        32,657       $                 -   $      10,000     $         860        $     10,000    $             -
                                                $       533,181       $       387,431       $    474,779      $     97,644         $    468,736    $        (6,043)

                                                $       (93,420) $             53,417
        Available Cash Balance - EOY                                                        $       6,473     $    195,496         $     61,691    $       55,218
                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 32 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                            Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                                    Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From               Comments
                                                                                                FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

677     General Insurance Fund
                                                $     1,535,902       $     1,420,174
        Available Cash Balance - BOY                                                        $   2,186,204     $   2,486,975        $   2,486,975   $      300,771

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                    $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
         Federal & state grants                                   -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         State shared revenue                                     -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
         Charges for services                         2,971,663             4,511,726           3,232,475          807,236             3,232,475                 -
         Interest income                                  6,057                10,395              10,000           10,508               15,000             5,000
         MERS Retireee Health Reimbursement             799,256                         -        840,000                       -        840,000                  -
         Medicare Part D Rx Reimbursement                         -                     -          35,000                      -         35,000                  -
         MMRMA dividend payment                                   -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -

         Operating transfers in                          28,046                28,046              28,046             7,012              28,046                  -

         Other                                           11,081                         -        125,000                       -        125,000                  -
                                                $     3,816,103       $     4,550,167       $   4,270,521     $    824,755         $   4,275,521   $        5,000

30851   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $                 -   $        32,969       $      32,196     $       6,715        $     31,754    $         (442) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200      Operating Supplies                                      -                     -             200                      -            200                  -
5300      Contractual Services                        4,099,156             4,277,725           4,072,475          702,130             4,072,475                 -
5400      Other Expenses                                          -                     -           1,000               200               1,000                  -

5700      Capital Outlays                                         -                     -           2,000               430               2,000                  -

5900      Other Financing Uses                                    -            81,096            600,000                       -        600,000                  -

        Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g.
                                                       (167,325)             (908,424)                    -                    -               -                 -
        Debt Principal)
                                                $     3,931,831       $     3,483,366       $   4,707,871     $    709,475         $   4,707,429   $         (442)

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                    $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5300      Contractual Services                                    -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
5700      Capital Outlays                                         -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
                                                $     3,931,831       $     3,483,366       $   4,707,871     $    709,475         $   4,707,429   $         (442)

                                                $     1,420,174       $     2,486,975
        Available Cash Balance - EOY                                                        $   1,748,854     $   2,602,255        $   2,055,067   $      306,213
                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 33 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                            Original Budget   Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast
                                                    Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                              (Decrease) From               Comments
                                                                                                FY2013           FY2013               FY2013

590     Sewer Fund
                                                $     1,585,879       $     3,320,219
        Available Cash Balance - BOY                                                        $   3,723,675     $   3,701,462        $   3,723,675   $             -

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                    $             -       $             -       $           -     $           -        $           -   $            -
         Federal & state grants                               -                     -              10,000                 -               10,000                -
         State shared revenue                                 -                     -                   -                 -                    -                -
         Charges for services                         6,499,376             6,308,525           6,252,087         1,570,857            6,350,000           97,913    Prison reopening
         Interest income                                  9,822                25,008              15,000             4,663               15,000                -
         Repayment of DDA advance                             -                     -                   -                 -                    -                -
         Operating transfers in                               -                     -                   -                 -                    -                -
         Other                                          153,475               147,109             150,000             6,617              150,000                -
                                                $     6,662,673       $     6,480,642       $   6,427,087     $   1,582,137        $   6,525,000   $       97,913

30548   Operating Expenditures Administration
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -
5200      Operating Supplies                                      -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -

5300      Contractual Services                          332,732               333,856            305,029            60,332              305,029                  -

5400      Other Expenses                                  2,158                19,221               9,000             4,581               9,000                  -
5700      Capital Outlays                                     -                     -                   -                 -                   -                  -
5900      Other Financing Uses                           41,609                     -                   -                 -                   -                  -
        Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g.
                                                       (249,391)               (3,965)                    -                    -               -                 -
        Debt Principal)
                                                $       127,108       $       349,112       $    314,029      $     64,913         $    314,029    $             -

60559   Operating Expenditures Maintenance
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $       472,593       $       481,291       $     705,087     $    123,128         $     689,464   $      (15,623) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200      Operating Supplies                             30,123                26,203              46,950            7,888                46,950                -
5300      Contractual Services                        4,011,555             4,897,216             421,646          109,007               421,646                -
5400      Other Expenses                                    500                     -               1,000                -                 1,000                -
5700      Capital Outlays                                 5,860                   986              13,535            3,443                13,535                -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                -                     -                   -                -                     -                -
                                                $     4,520,631       $     5,405,696       $   1,188,218     $    243,466         $   1,172,595   $      (15,623)

60557   Operating Expenditures Treatment
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $                 -   $                 -   $           -     $          -         $           -   $            -
5200      Operating Supplies                                      -                     -               -                -                     -                -
5300      Contractual Services                                    -                     -       4,905,052          753,723             5,000,000           94,948    Rate increase by County
5400      Other Expenses                                          -                     -               -                -                     -                -
5700      Capital Outlays                                         -                     -               -                -                     -                -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                    -                     -               -                -                     -                -
                                                $                 -   $                 -   $   4,905,052     $    753,723         $   5,000,000   $       94,948

90000   Project Expenditures
5200       Operating Supplies                   $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $                -   $           -   $             -

5300      Contractual Services                          280,594               344,591            650,000              7,140             650,000                  -

5700      Capital Outlays                                         -                     -                 -                    -               -                 -
                                                $       280,594       $       344,591       $    650,000      $       7,140        $    650,000    $             -
                                                $     4,928,333       $     6,099,399       $   7,057,299     $   1,069,242        $   7,136,624   $       79,325

                                                $     3,320,219       $     3,701,462
        Available Cash Balance - EOY                                                        $   3,093,463     $   4,214,357        $   3,112,051   $       18,588
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 34 of 39

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                            Original Budget   Actual to Date   1Q Reforecast
                                                    Actual 2011           Actual 2012                                                          (Decrease) From                Comments
                                                                                                FY2013           FY2013           FY2013

591     Water Fund
                                                $ 3,128,123           $ 3,585,169 $ 2,350,991
        Available Cash Balance - BOY                                                                          $ 2,782,590 $ 2,350,991 $                      -

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                    $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $            -   $           -   $             -
         Federal & state grants                                   -                     -                 -           5,403                -                 -
         State shared revenue                                     -                     -                 -                -               -                 -
         Charges for services - City                 3,025,327             2,903,177            3,072,151          968,867         3,479,366          407,215    7/1 rate increase; prison reopening
         Charges for services - Wholesale            1,906,772             1,870,053            1,953,279          682,047         1,878,279          (75,000) Revised NS service contract
         Maintenance services - Township               178,393               177,450              170,000           20,181           170,000                -
         Interest income                                13,025                19,625               20,000            2,869            20,000                -
         Lease of facilities                           143,269               156,478             170,675            38,088          170,675                  -
         Repayment of DDA advance                                 -                     -                 -                -               -                 -
         Operating transfers in                                   -                     -                 -                -               -                 -
         Other                                         245,418               127,312             125,000            22,246          125,000                  -
                                                $ 5,512,204           $ 5,254,095 $ 5,511,105                 $ 1,739,701 $ 5,843,320 $               332,215

30548   Operating Expenditures Administration
5100       Salaries & Benefits                  $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $            -   $           -   $             -
5200       Operating Supplies                                     -                     -                 -                -               -                 -

5300       Contractual Services                        541,950               537,845             558,002           116,733          558,002                  -

5400       Other Expenses                                         -            17,683               6,000             3,173           6,000                  -
5700       Capital Outlays                                        -                     -                 -                -               -                 -
5900       Other Financing Uses                        415,395               410,187             384,694           107,638          384,694                  -
        Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g.
                                                     1,061,133             1,507,904            1,250,000                  -       1,250,000                 -
        Debt Principal)
                                                $ 2,018,478           $ 2,473,619 $ 2,198,696                 $    227,544     $ 2,198,696     $             -

60559   Operating Expenditures Maintenance
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $   816,927 $   795,793 $   736,692 $                              180,849     $   733,237     $       (3,455) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200      Operating Supplies                        190,809     228,357     200,837                                 69,448         200,837                  -
5300      Contractual Services                      299,637     340,925     323,236                                 80,354         323,236                  -
5400      Other Expenses                             66,107      43,297      52,430                                  8,544          52,430                  -
5700      Capital Outlays                            11,531       5,714      16,600                                 13,542          18,500              1,900
5900      Other Financing Uses                            -           -           -                                      -               -                  -
                                                $ 1,385,011 $ 1,414,086 $ 1,329,795 $                              352,737     $ 1,328,240     $       (1,555)

60558   Operating Expenditures Filtration
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $   590,491           $   633,066 $   725,591 $                    153,306 $   702,288 $              (23,303) Lower OPEB/Pension costs
5200      Operating Supplies                        232,984               228,723     268,477                       47,256     268,477                      -
5300      Contractual Services                      433,967               477,313     575,000                       65,360     575,000                      -
5400      Other Expenses                              1,153                 2,469       3,600                          790       3,600                      -
5700      Capital Outlays                           108,567                55,988      55,000                        9,188      55,000                      -
5900      Other Financing Uses                            -                     -           -                            -           -                      -
          Replacement Reserve - DWRF                      -                     -           -                            -           -                      -
                                                $ 1,367,162           $ 1,397,559 $ 1,627,668 $                    275,900 $ 1,604,365 $              (23,303)

90000   Project Expenditures
5200       Operating Supplies                   $                 -   $                 -   $             -   $            -   $           -   $             -
5300       Contractual Services                        284,507               771,410            1,110,000          351,568         1,255,000          145,000
5700       Capital Outlays                                -           -           -                                     -           -                       -
                                                $   284,507 $   771,410 $ 1,110,000                           $   351,568 $ 1,255,000 $               145,000
                                                $ 5,055,158 $ 6,056,674 $ 6,266,159                           $ 1,207,749 $ 6,386,301 $               120,142

                                                $ 3,585,169           $ 2,782,590 $ 1,595,937
        Available Cash Balance - EOY                                                                          $ 3,314,542 $ 1,808,010 $               212,073
                                                                                                                                             Page 35 of 39

City of Muskegon
Quarterly Budget Reforecast and 2012-13 Proposed Budget
                                                                              2012-13           2012-13
                                                                                                               2012-13 1Q
                                                            Responsibility   Budgeted          Estimated                                     Comments
                                                                             Projects        Project Grants

                                                           2012-13 BUDGETED PROJECTS

    101    General Fund

           VOIP Phone System                                    Maurer             20,000                             20,000    Year 2 of 5 Annual Payments, 0% Interest

           City Hall Tuckpointing                              Al-Shatel                 -                            40,000             Carryover from FY12

           Irrigation Well at Lakeside Cemetery                Al-Shatel                 -                            29,000             Carryover from FY12

           Financial Management System                           Paul              50,000                                   -

           ADA Compliance, Various Locations                   Al-Shatel           25,000                             25,000              Federal Agreement

           Parking Lots                                        Al-Shatel           70,000                             70,000                  Resurfacing

           Windows Replacements at City Hall (Partial)         Al-Shatel           80,000                             80,000             Energy Improvements

           Veteran's Park Upgrades                             Al-Shatel           12,000                  -          12,000                  City's Share

                                                                                  257,000                  -         276,000

    202    Major Streets

           Laketon, Wood to Getty                              Al-Shatel         1,000,000           313,000       1,000,000     Reconstruct-Concrete with STP Funds

           Sherman, Estes to Glenside                          Al-Shatel          780,000            301,000         780,000     Reconstruct-Concrete with STP Funds

           Laketon, Beidler to Park                            Al-Shatel                 -                 -          30,000             Carryover from FY12

           Getty, Laketon to Evanston                          Al-Shatel                 -                 -          40,000             Carryover from FY12

           Sherman, Lincoln to Estes                           Al-Shatel        1,100,000            481,000       1,100,000               STP Grant Funds

           Speed Limit Evaluations                             Al-Shatel           20,000                  -          20,000          In-House Engineering Costs

           M-120 Over North Branch of River                    Al-Shatel           16,000                  -          16,000    MDOT Project - 8.75% City Participation

           Clay, Fourth to Third; Third, clay to Western       Al-Shatel          100,000                  -         100,000                Reconstruction

           Southern Avenue, 5th to Sanford                     Al-Shatel          100,000                  -          10,000              Design Only in FY13

           Street Lights Removal                               Al-Shatel           10,000                  -          10,000                Where Possible
                                                                                                                                                            Page 36 of 39

City of Muskegon
Quarterly Budget Reforecast and 2012-13 Proposed Budget
                                                                                               2012-13           2012-13
                                                                                                                                2012-13 1Q
                                                                           Responsibility     Budgeted          Estimated                                   Comments
                                                                                              Projects        Project Grants

                                                                          2012-13 BUDGETED PROJECTS
           Traffic Signal Warrants                                             Al-Shatel            40,000                  -          70,000            If Warrants Not met

                                                                                                  3,166,000         1,095,000       3,176,000

    203    Local Streets

           Harbour Towne Circle Milling & Resurfacing                          Al-Shatel           250,000                  -         250,000        Consent Special Assessment

           Bourdon, Fair to Lakeshore Drive                                    Al-Shatel           225,000                  -         200,000

           Williams Street Outfall                                             Al-Shatel                  -                 -         135,000            Emergency Project

           Wickham, Sherman to Glen                                            Al-Shatel           300,000                  -         300,000

           Paver Management System                                             Al-Shatel            20,000                  -          20,000        In-House Engineering Costs

           Street Lights Removal                                               Al-Shatel            10,000                  -          10,000              Where Possible

                                                                                                   805,000                  -         915,000

    404    Public Improvement Fund

           SCBA Gear for Firefighters                                           Lewis              155,000                  -         135,000

    408    Arena Improvement Fund

           Security Cameras                                                      Paul                5,000                  -           5,000

           Emergency Lighting Backup                                             Paul                     -                 -          15,000           Higher Priority Project

           Remodel One Visitor Locker Room                                       Paul               15,000                  -                -    Will Help Attract HS Team to Arena

                                                                                                    20,000                  -          20,000

    482    State Grants Fund

           EPA Grant                                                        Brubaker-Clarke         50,000             50,000          50,000

           SmartZone Pre-Seed                                               Brubaker-Clarke         20,000                  -          20,000

           Musketawa Trail Connection-phase IB (Keating to Black Creek)        Al-Shatel           250,000            250,000         250,000    Contingent Upon DNR Land Purchase
                                                                                                                                                                Page 37 of 39

City of Muskegon
Quarterly Budget Reforecast and 2012-13 Proposed Budget
                                                                                               2012-13           2012-13
                                                                                                                                2012-13 1Q
                                                                             Responsibility   Budgeted          Estimated                                       Comments
                                                                                              Projects        Project Grants

                                                                            2012-13 BUDGETED PROJECTS
                                                                                                   320,000            300,000         320,000

    590    Sewer

           Sewer Rehabilitation Project (various projects)                      Al-Shatel          120,000                  -         120,000        Lining of Manholes and Sewer Lines

           Austin Lift Station, Design                                          Al-Shatel           10,000                  -          10,000                    Design Only

           Evanston Lift Station                                                Al-Shatel          200,000                  -         200,000                      Rebuild

           GIS Update and Maintenance                                           Al-Shatel           20,000                  -          20,000        County Licensing, Map Maintenance

           Beidler St., Hackley to 700' South of                                Al-Shatel          160,000                  -         160,000               Lining or Replacement

           Infiltration Study                                                   Al-Shatel           65,000                  -          65,000              Engineering/Design Only

           Sewer Treatment Facility                                             Al-Shatel           75,000                  -          75,000              Feasability/Engineering

                                                                                                   650,000                  -         650,000

    591    Water

           Water Main Replacements, Various Locations - 2" & 4" Watermain       Al-Shatel           75,000                  -                -

           Laketon, Wood to Getty                                               Al-Shatel           35,000                  -          35,000    Water Repairs Associated With Street Project

           Bourdon, Fair to Lakeshore Drive                                     Al-Shatel                 -                 -         120,000    Water Repairs Associated With Street Project

           Sherman, Lincoln to Estes                                            Al-Shatel           80,000            100,000         180,000    Water Repairs Associated With Street Project

           Hackely, Hudson to Glen                                              Al-Shatel          675,000                  -         675,000          Replace Watermain & Services

           Sherman; Estes to Glenside                                           Al-Shatel           50,000                  -          50,000          Services and Possible 30" Valve

           GIS Update and Maintenance                                           Al-Shatel           20,000                  -          20,000        County Licensing, Map Maintenance

           Reliability Study, Plant                                             Al-Shatel           45,000                  -          45,000        Required by MDEQ Every Five years

           Plant Clearwell Upgrades per 2010 study                              Al-Shatel          105,000                  -         105,000

           Engineering Services for Harvey St. Reservior Upgrades               Al-Shatel           25,000                  -          25,000

                                                                                                  1,110,000           100,000       1,255,000
                                                                                                                                      Page 38 of 39

City of Muskegon
Quarterly Budget Reforecast and 2012-13 Proposed Budget
                                                                             2012-13          2012-13
                                                                                                            2012-13 1Q
                                                           Responsibility   Budgeted         Estimated                                 Comments
                                                                            Projects       Project Grants

                                                          2012-13 BUDGETED PROJECTS
     642         PSB

                 Employee parking lot resurfacing             Al-Shatel          130,000                -         130,000         Resurface Parking Lot

                                                                                 130,000                -         130,000

     643         Engineering Services

                 Intergovernmental Engineering Work           Al-Shatel           10,000                -          10,000

                                                                                  10,000                -          10,000

     661         Equipment Fund

 5720/Quantity   Non-Vehicular Equipment:

       1         Scale                                        Al-Shatel           12,000                -          12,000                  New

       1         Concrete Saw                                 Al-Shatel                -                -          25,000                  New

       2         Mower                                        Al-Shatel           16,000                -          16,000      Replacements for Cemeteries

                                                                                  28,000                -          53,000

     5746        Communications Equipment:

       2         Video System                                 Al-Shatel           16,000                -          16,000                  New

       4         Radios-Police                                Al-Shatel           20,000                -          20,000   Mobile/Portables (Police) Multi-Band

      12         Radios - DPW                                 Al-Shatel            9,000                -           9,000             Replacements

      60         GPS - units                                  Al-Shatel           25,000                -          25,000                 Lease

       3         Light bars                                   Al-Shatel            6,000                -           6,000                  New

                                                                                  76,000                -          76,000

     5730        Vehicles:

       2         Patrol Cruisers                              Al-Shatel           50,000                -          50,000

       4         Pickup Truck, 4X4 (1/2 ton)                  Al-Shatel          100,000                -         100,000
                                                                                                                                                    Page 39 of 39

City of Muskegon
Quarterly Budget Reforecast and 2012-13 Proposed Budget
                                                                                 2012-13           2012-13
                                                                                                                      2012-13 1Q
                                                           Responsibility       Budgeted          Estimated                                          Comments
                                                                                Projects        Project Grants

                                                          2012-13 BUDGETED PROJECTS
     1     Loader                                             Al-Shatel              150,000                  -             150,000       Replaces 1999 Loader @ Salt Shed

     2     Plow Truck                                         Al-Shatel              280,000                  -             280,000     Replaces 1992 Vehicles (#620 & #622)

     3     Sedans                                             Al-Shatel               60,000                  -              60,000   Replaces Police Vehicles (#161, #186, #188)

     1     3/4 Ton Truck                                      Al-Shatel               25,000                  -              25,000         Replaces Vehicle #573 - Parks

     1     1 Ton Truck                                        Al-Shatel               28,000                  -              28,000                      New

     1     Sewer Jet                                          Al-Shatel              200,000                  -             200,000           Carryover From Prior Year

     1     Pothole Patcher                                    Al-Shatel              115,000                  -             115,000                      New

     1     Utility Vehicle - Cemetery                         Al-Shatel               13,000                  -              13,000                 Replaces Pug

                                                                                    1,021,000                 -           1,021,000

            Total Equipment Fund                                                    1,125,000                 -           1,150,000

                                                                            $       7,593,000   $     1,495,000   $       7,902,000

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