Historic District Minutes 09-03-2013

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                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON
                           HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION
                                 REGULAR MEETING

                                       September 3, 2013

Chairperson J. Hilt called the meeting to order at 4:06 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:              J. Hilt, S. Kroes, L. Spataro, L. Wood, K. Panozzo

MEMBERS ABSENT:               D. Mayville, excused; S. Radtke

STAFF PRESENT:                M. Franzak, D. Renkenberger

OTHERS PRESENT:               S. Sprowls, 1322 4th St.

A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of August 6, 2013 was made by S. Kroes,
supported by K. Panozzo and unanimously approved.

L. Spataro arrived at 4:08 p.m.

Case 2013-09 – Corner of Jefferson Street and Laketon Avenue. Applicant: Jefferson Street
Heritage Association. District: Jefferson. Current Function: Public right-of-way. The Jefferson
Street Heritage Association, represented by K. Panozzo, was seeking approval to install a 6’ x
2.5’ wooden sign at the corner of Jefferson Street and Laketon Avenue, reading “Jefferson
Historic District”. The City Engineer had approved placement of the sign in the City right-of-
way adjacent to the bike path. Photos were provided, depicting what the sign would look like.
Board members discussed the sign’s design compared to similar signs around town.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to install the sign as proposed, as long as all zoning
requirements are met and the necessary permits are obtained, was made by L. Wood, supported
by S. Kroes and unanimously approved.


1322 4th Street – S. Sprowls attended the meeting to find out if she was in a historic district and
to obtain information on making improvements to her home. It was discovered that she was not
in a historic district (but was directly across the street from one).

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

HDC Minutes 9/03/13                                                                              1

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