Historic District Minutes 11-05-2013

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                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON
                           HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION
                                 REGULAR MEETING

                                       November 5, 2013

Chairperson J. Hilt called the meeting to order at 4:06 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:              J. Hilt, S. Kroes, L. Spataro, K. Panozzo, S. Radtke

MEMBERS ABSENT:               D. Mayville, excused; L. Wood

STAFF PRESENT:                M. Franzak, D. Renkenberger

OTHERS PRESENT:               V. Coleman, 1597 Peck St; P. Doctor, Frauenthal Center; M. Root,
                              Frauenthal Center


A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of September 3, 2013 was made by K.
Panozzo, supported by S. Kroes and unanimously approved.


Case 2013-10 – 1597 Peck Street. Applicant: Victoria Coleman. District: Jefferson. Current
Function: Residential. M. Franzak presented the staff report. The applicant is seeking approval
to demolish the garage on the property. She would also like to keep the foundation on the
property to use for parking. It would be difficult remove the foundation with the limited space
between the houses. Photographs were provided, showing the deterioration of the garage.

Board members concurred that the garage was in bad shape. They did not see a problem with
keeping the concrete foundation.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to demolish the garage and keep the foundation in
place , as long all zoning requirements are met and the necessary permits are obtained, was made
by S. Kroes, supported by S. Radtke and unanimously approved.

Case 2013-11 – 414 West Western Avenue. Applicant: The Frauenthal Center. District:
Downtown Structures. Current Function: Commercial. The applicant is seeking approval to
install two awnings with signage. Each awning measures 16 feet wide by 6 feet, 3 inches high
with a 3-foot projection. There will be aluminum awning supports with Sunbrella canvas of
woven acrylic fabric.

L. Spataro arrived at 4:13 p.m.

Board members were provided with a rendering of the new awnings, which were black with red
and white lettering. Board members and the applicant discussed how the awnings would be
attached to the building.

HDC Minutes 9/03/13                                                                           1
I move that the HDC (approve/deny) the request to install the awnings and signage as long as all
zoning requirements are met and the necessary permits are obtained.

Case 2013-12 – 1597 Peck Street. Applicant: The Frauenthal Center. District: Downtown
Structures. Current Function: Commercial. The applicant is seeking approval to install new
signage in front of the Hilt Building. The signage will be aluminum back-lit with LED lights.

I move that the HDC (approve/deny) the request to install the new signage as proposed as long
all zoning requirements are met and the necessary permits are obtained.



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m.

HDC Minutes 9/03/13                                                                           2

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