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CITY OF MUSKEGON HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MINUTES September 7, 2021 Chairperson S. Radtke called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and roll was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: T. Emory, K. George, S. Radtke, A. Riegler (Arrived at 4:04) MEMBERS ABSENT: D. Gregersen STAFF PRESENT: J. Pesch, C. Cashin OTHERS PRESENT: A. Figueroa (100 Diana Ave), E. Trejo (486 W. Clay), P. Petty (28 W. Forest) APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of July 6, 2021 was made by K. George, supported by T. Emory and approved with K. George, S. Radtke and T. Emory voting aye. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Case 2021-27 – 100 Diana – New cupola and cement siding Applicant: A. Figueroa - District: McLaughlin - Current Function: Residential J. Pesch presented the staff report. The applicant was seeking approval to 1) add a cupola to the roof of the house, 2) replace all existing wood siding with fiber cement siding, 3) install a new skylight on the roof near the rear of the house, 4) remove one window on the enclosed side porch on the west elevation and replace the door on that porch, 5) remove and replace the existing window trim, and 6) alter the mullion patterns on some windows. Much of the work has already been started. A significant amount of the work was already underway without receiving HDC approval, due to miscommunication. The original wood siding was rotted and had already been removed, and a cupola was installed to replace the chimney that had been removed. A. Figueroa requested to install cedar shakes on the curved exterior wall on the east side of the home. The HDC discussed all items on the application as well as the shake siding style and location that was proposed. A motion that the HDC approve the request to add a cupola to the roof of the house, replace all existing wood siding with fiber cement siding and cedar shakes only on the curved east wing, install two skylights on the roof near the rear of the house, remove one window on the enclosed side porch on the west elevation and replace the door on that porch, remove and replace the existing window trim, and alter the mullion patterns on some windows as long as the work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained was made by A. Riegler, supported by T. Emory and approved with T. Emory, A. Riegler, K. George, and S. Radtke voting aye. Case 2021-28 – 486 W. Clay Ave – Side Porch and Doors Applicant: Emilio Trejo - District: Clay-Western - Current Function: Residential J. Pesch presented the staff report. The applicant was seeking approval to 1) remove an exterior stair in the house’s east side porch that currently connects the lower and upper porches and repair the remaining opening in the porch floor, 2) remove the right side exterior door on the upper porch and side over the opening to match the siding used on the rest of the house, and 3) replace the remaining left side exterior door on the upper porch with a more attractive and energy efficient door. HDC had a short discussion about window and door styles. E. Trejo asked about installing a french door on the lower side porch; the HDC decided against the french doors, but agreed on an option to replace an existing window on the same porch with a door that closely matched the width of the existing window opening. A motion that the HDC approve the request to remove an exterior stair in the house’s east side porch and repair the remaining opening in the porch floor, remove the right side exterior door on the upper porch and side over the opening to match the siding used on the rest of the house, replace the remaining left side exterior door on the upper porch with a full-lite door, and replace the east-facing window on the lower porch with a full-lite door with a maximum width of 36” and a height matching the adjacent exterior doors on the lower porch as long as the work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained was made by A. Riegler, supported by T. Emory and approved with A. Riegler, T. Emory, K. George, and S. Radtke voting aye. Case 2021-30 (Walk-On) – 28 W. Forest Ave – Front yard fence Applicant: P. Petty - District: Clinton-Peck - Current Function: Residential A chain link fence was installed along a portion of the front of the house without review or approval from the HDC. P. Petty explained that a chain link fence had previously enclosed the front yard, but was removed with the most recent remodel of the house. J. Pesch noted that chain link fencing is not typically allowed in the historic districts, but other fence styles are allowed. The HDC chose not to require the homeowner to remove the fence, but informed her that she will need to request approval if/when she decides to replace the fence. Case 2021-29 – 1669 Peck St – Privacy Fence Applicant: Steven Radtke - District: Clinton-Peck - Current Function: Residential J. Pesch presented the staff report. The applicant was seeking approval to construct a privacy fence around the rear yard of the property. The proposed fence would not meet the HDC’s local standards, so it could not be approved by Staff. S. Radtke discussed his plans with the HDC. The original proposal to install a 6-foot tall fence past the front of the house on the south side of the property had changed, so no action was taken by the board. OTHER BUSINESS Detached Garage Demolition at 311 W. Muskegon – This property is located in the Houston Historic District and had a garage fire back in June. J. Pesch informed the board that SAFEbuilt was routing the property through the Dangerous Building process and keeping him informed of the progress with the intention of bringing a request to the HDC. The owner demolished the garage and cleared the site without notice. The garage was not visible from the street, only from the alley, and appeared to have no architectural significance. Staff Approval of Sheds – Past discussions of the HDC involved enabling Staff to approve requests for new sheds should they meet certain standards. Staff had drafted the general design standards based on recent conditions of approval used by the HDC and was seeking consent to add them to the Staff Approval Form. The board was more comfortable with such design standards being added to the Guidelines for New Construction, requiring shed requests to still come before the board for review. Identification of Historic Resources – Staff had previously requested that the board assist in informally identifying resources with particular historic significance to the Muskegon community, and had begun compiling these suggestions into a list and was working on a map. The HDC decided to review the list in further detail at a future meeting. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m. CC
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