Historic District Minutes 06-04-2024

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                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON
                              HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION

                                             June 4, 2024

J. Huss called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:               J. Huss, G. Borgman, D. Gregersen, K. George, K. Kochin (late)

MEMBERS ABSENT:                S. Radtke, excused

STAFF PRESENT:                 J. Pesch, W. Webster


A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of April 2, 2024 was made by G. Borgman,
supported by D. Gregersen and approved with J. Huss, G. Borgman, D. Gregersen, and K. George
voting aye.




Case 2024-02 – 280 W. Muskegon Ave. – Solar Panels
Applicant: Mike Bernhardt - District: National Register - Current Function: Institutional

The applicant was seeking approval to install a solar panel array on the roof of the building using
non-penetrating racking. New solar panels would be installed parallel to the roof and be similar in
color to the exiting roofing material. The HDC members agreed that the panels would not be visible
from the street.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to install a solar panel array to the location and installation
specifications provided in the June 4th, 2024 HDC staff report as long as the work meets all zoning
requirements and the necessary permits are obtained was made by G. Borgman, supported by D.
Gregersen, and approved with J. Huss, G. Borgman, D. Gregersen, and K. George voting aye.

J. Pesch notified members that the property owner would also be completing window restoration work,
noting that such work would be staff approved.

Case 2024-03 – 1593 Jefferson St. – Pergola
Applicant: Frank Peterson - District: Jefferson - Current Function: Residential

The applicant was seeking approval to install a 30’x15’ wooden pergola attached to the rear of the
house. The pergola would be painted white and supported by round columns similar to those found
on the front porch of the house.

F. Peterson reviewed the history of this portion of the house and the changes that had been approved
by the HDC in past years. It was noted that the pergola would not be visible from the street and
connected to the house in only limited locations.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to install a 30’x15’ wooden pergola attached to the rear
of the house, painted white, and supported by round columns similar to those found on the front porch
of the house as long as the work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained
was made by K. George, supported by G. Borgman and approved with J. Huss, G. Borgman, D.
Gregersen, and K. George voting aye.

K. Kochin arrived at 4:16 p.m.

Update on Hackley Square Project – Frank Peterson from Wheelfish Group provided a project
update. A new shingle roof had received HDC staff approval and would be installed later in the
summer while the remainder of the remodel would begin in November or December. The interior was
planned to be gutted to the original brick and stone load-bearing walls. Original wood flooring,
wainscoting, and trim would be retained. A new boiler would need to be installed. Several covered
windows would be uncovered and restored, and broken windows were to be be fixed or replaced. Two
of the clock faces would be re-glazed, and new aluminum clock hands to match the existing, unoriginal
hands were to be installed. New development ideas were still in the planning stages.

2024 Staff Approval Update #1 – Since the start of 2024, staff had approved 17 projects. Those in
bold were discussed with the HDC chairperson prior to approval:

   -   504 W. Clay – Turret restoration project
   -   510 W. Clay – Reroof
   -   510 W. Clay – Barn door restoration
   -   430 W. Clay – Reroof flat roof
   -   1102 Terrace – Reroof two flat roofs
   -   1641 Clinton – Reroof
   -   460 W. Clay – Installation of an at-grade 28’x14’ concrete patio in rear yard
   -   1163 Terrace – Installation of vinyl windows to replace damaged aluminum windows
       on newer building addition
   -   1138 Terrace – Wood stockade fence along south property line
   -   446 W. Webster – Installation of exterior downspouts to replace undersized interior
   -   1569 Clinton – Reroof
   -   621 W. Western – Repointing brick
   -   1752 Jefferson – Shed (staff approval granted after May 14th meeting cancellation)
   -   1604 Peck – Wood stockade fence along south property line to screen utility box (staff
       approval granted after May 14th meeting cancellation)
   -   1196 Peck – Reroof house and garage

   -   1624 Jefferson – Replace gutters and damaged parts of soffit and fascia (permission to
       staff approve granted at May 2nd, 2023 meeting)
   -   349 W. Webster – Install equipment to automate the clock and bell striker (original central-
       drive unit will be left in place), re-glaze two clock faces to match the other two faces, and
       install replica fabricated aluminum hands.
SHPO Muskegon County Civil Rights Project – SHPO was awarded a grant from the National Park
Service to identify and study sites of historic significance to the 20th Century African American Civil
Rights Movement in Muskegon County. City and SHPO staff presented to the City Commission in
April, and J. Pesch noted that the final survey report products were available online:

Public Art in Historic Districts – J. Pesch explained that there had been considerable turnover on
the HDC since this topic was last discussed in February 2020, at which time the HDC decided that it
would not be a requirement to review new public art installations unless the art installation would
somehow directly affect a building in a historic district. J. Pesch noted that, prior to the discussion in
2020, the HDC formally reviewed public art installations located in the historic districts, naming a
few past examples. He added that he had been informed of potential new installations that led him to
revisit this topic with the HDC.

The HDC discussed the subjectivity of art and determined that they would prefer to continue with the
approach that had been taken since 2020, but with the condition that the HDC be notified of proposed
new public art installations in historic districts. An opportunity for informal review, it was agreed,
would allow the members to stay updated and informed on changes in the historic districts.

HDC Public Outreach – J. Pesch requested that the HDC members narrow the scope of how they
wished to proceed with public outreach efforts as many ideas had been floated over previous months.
The HDC agreed to begin with a letter sent to all owners and occupants of the historic districts as a
means of making an introduction for those that were not familiar with the historic districts or the role
of the HDC. J. Pesch stated that he would share a draft letter with the board and accept comments so
he could make changes prior to the next meeting.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.


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