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CITY OF MUSKEGON HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MINUTES March 6, 2018 Chairperson J. Hilt called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and roll was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: J. Hilt, S. Kroes, L. Wood, K. Panozzo, D. Warren, S. Radtke MEMBERS ABSENT: A. Riegler, excused STAFF PRESENT: J. Pesch, D. Renkenberger OTHERS PRESENT: B. Richards, Muskegon Rescue Mission; T. Warman for Shell Gas Station APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of February 6, 2018 was made by J. Hilt, supported by S. Kroes and unanimously approved. NEW BUSINESS Case 2018-06 – 1691 Peck Street – Signage. Applicant: Muskegon Rescue Mission. District: Clinton- Peck. Current Function: Residential. J. Pesch presented the staff report. The applicant is seeking approval to install four new aluminum signs of varying sizes (72”x22”, 24”x15”, 20”x10”, and 20”x7”). Additionally, the applicant plans to replace the existing wood free-standing sign on Peck St with a new free-standing sign measuring 48.8”x 33”, attached to the existing poles. The proposed wall signs have already been installed. D. Warren asked if they were just replacing existing signs. B. Richards stated that they were, but they were also moving the signs to the new entrance. J. Hilt asked if the signs met City ordinance requirements. J. Pesch stated that they did. A motion that the HDC approve the request to install the four new aluminum walls signs and replace the existing, free-standing sign as proposed, as long as the work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained was made by D. Warren, supported by L. Wood and unanimously approved, with J. Hilt, S. Kroes, L. Wood, K. Panozzo, and D. Warren voting aye. S. Radtke arrived at 4:05 PM. Case 2018-07 – 382 W. Muskegon Avenue – New Construction. Applicant: Jaime and Jerome Johnson. District: Houston. Current Function: Vacant Lot. J. Pesch stated that the applicants had requested that this case be removed from the agenda. Case 2018-08 – 275 W. Muskegon Avenue – Signage. Applicant: Muskegon Shell Station. District: Houston. Current Function: Commercial. J. Pesch stated that he allowed this as a walk-on case, as it was a simple request and the commercial building was not historic in nature. The Shell company was updating its brand and was requesting to change the existing signage to match the new national brand. J. Pesch stated that it appeared from the file that the last time the signage was changed was in the early 2000s and that the monument sign received HDC approval in 1993. No changes to the building were proposed. HDC Minutes 3/06/18 1 T. Warman stated that the image on the signs would be updated but it was very similar to what was already there. The large sign near the road would be reduced in size, fluorescent lighting would be replaced with LED, and the mansard would be painted. D. Warren asked J. Pesch what the HDC standards were for buildings such as this one. J. Pesch stated that the standards did not specifically address this type of business. S. Radtke stated that his concern was whether changes to the sign would cause it to lose its grandfathered status. J. Pesch stated that it would not lose its grandfathered status as the overall dimensions of the sign frame were not changing and, due to the proposed smaller sign near the road, they would be coming closer to compliance with the ordinance. A motion to approve the new signs, the change in lighting, and the painting of the mansard as proposed, with the conditions that all zoning ordinance requirements are met and any necessary permits are obtained was made by S. Radtke, supported by K. Panozzo and unanimously approved, with J. Hilt, S. Kroes, L. Wood, K. Panozzo, D. Warren, and S. Radtke voting aye. OLD BUSINESS Case 2018-01 – 1669 Peck – Porch Stairs. Applicant: Steven Radtke. District: Clinton-Peck. Current Function: Residential. This case was tabled from February. The applicant is seeking approval to temporarily cover the deteriorating concrete steps with wood. The wood is a temporary fix until full restoration of the concrete steps can be undertaken. J. Hilt asked if the brick structures next to the steps would be rebuilt also. S. Radtke stated that they would; he planned to take the bricks apart and rebuild them. K. Panozzo asked how the wood would be attached to the steps. S. Radtke stated that he planned to use deck lumber and metal ties to make a single stairway unit, then set it atop the concrete steps and secure it with screws. A motion that the HDC approve the request to cover the deteriorating concrete steps with wood as proposed until full restoration of the cement steps and brickwork can be undertaken, as long as all zoning requirements are met and the necessary permits are obtained was made by L. Wood, supported by J. Hilt and approved, with J. Hilt, S. Kroes, L. Wood, K. Panozzo, and D. Warren voting aye, and S. Radtke abstaining. OTHER Case 2015-10 – 316 W. Webster (Hackley Library doors). Staff and board members had previously discussed the suspected replacement of the front doors at Hackley Public Library. While the current front doors appeared to match what existed prior to the building’s renovations, it has been determined that they were not the original doors and were installed without HDC approval. Considering that public funds were used for the renovations, board members expected to be able to review documentation showing whether the doors were refurbished or replaced. J. Pesch stated that he had attempted to contact the library director to obtain that information but he had not gotten a response. D. Warren drafted a letter to the library director requesting an explanation for the door replacement, which was reviewed and signed by the other HDC members. J. Pesch will send the finalized letter. Historic District Commission Standards – J. Pesch had updated the Standards to omit references to Class A and Class AA districts; missing illustrations were also reintroduced. Staff and board members further discussed the HDC standards and agreed to review sections of the standards at subsequent meetings. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:56 PM. HDC Minutes 3/06/18 2
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