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CITY OF MUSKEGON HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MINUTES July 11, 2018 Chairperson J. Hilt called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and roll was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: J. Hilt, L. Wood, A. Riegler, K. Panozzo, S. Radtke, D. Warren MEMBERS ABSENT: S. Kroes, excused STAFF PRESENT: J. Pesch, D. Renkenberger OTHERS PRESENT: K. Vander Kodde, 550 W Western Ave; W. Kendrick, 314 Monroe Ave.; M. Ferriby, 339 Houston Ave.; M. Cherney, 1643 Peck St.; I. Collins, 320 Monroe Ave. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of June 5, 2018 was made by J. Hilt, supported by K. Panozzo and unanimously approved. NEW BUSINESS Case 2018-17 – 550 W. Western Avenue. Exterior vents, AC units, and awnings. Applicant: Trillium Amazon Owners. District: Clay-Western. Current Function: Residential. J. Pesch presented the staff report. The applicant is seeking approval to 1) install five low-profile furnace vents painted to match the brick on the exterior of the building, 2) install five, 4-inch hooded vents painted to match the brick on the exterior of the building, 3) install five AC condensers screened behind the retaining wall at the NE corner of the building, and 4) remove the red awnings from the building façade. K. Vander Kodde discussed the work being done at the Amazon building. They had discovered the venting issues while performing interior renovations. A. Riegler asked why they wanted to remove the awning. K. Vander Kodde stated that they weren’t sure yet if the awnings would be removed permanently, but they wanted to obtain approval in advance in case they did decide to leave them off. They also asked that, if the HDC approved the removal of the awnings, would they be able to put them back up without further HDC action? A. Riegler stated that they would be allowed to rehang the awnings if they were the same awnings that were removed. K. Vander Kodde asked about color and was advised that the HDC did not regulate colors. J. Pesch stated that replacement of the awnings could be left to staff to approve. A motion that the HDC approve the request to 1) install five low-profile furnace vents painted to match the brick on the exterior of the building, 2) install five, 4-inch hooded vents painted to match the brick on the exterior of the building, 3) install five AC condensers screened behind the retaining wall at the NE corner of the building, and 4) remove the red awnings from the building façade, allowing staff to approve reinstallation of the same or similar awnings if requested, as long as the work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained, was made by S. Radtke, supported by A. Riegler and unanimously approved, with J. Hilt, L. Wood, A. Riegler, K. Panozzo, S. Radtke, and D. Warren voting aye. HDC Minutes 7/11/18 1 Case 2018-18 – 314 Monroe Avenue. Deck and Fence. Applicant: William D. and Judy Kendrick. District: Houston. Current Function: Residential. J. Pesch presented the staff report. The applicant is seeking approval to build a 300 square-foot deck with railings. They are also proposing to install a 6-foot tall, white vinyl fence around the back yard. This house is located in the new Midtown Square development, and the board has previously heard similar requests from other residents on this block. W. Kendrick showed board members a picture of the proposed fence, which matched the style and color of their neighbor’s fence. The deck would be constructed of treated wood with rails, and painted aluminum spindles. A. Riegler asked if the deck would be visible from the road. W. Kendrick stated that it would not; it would be in the fenced-in back yard. A motion that the HDC approve the proposed 300 square-foot deck with railings and painted aluminum spindles, and the 6-foot tall white vinyl fence around the back yard, as long as the work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained, was made by L. Wood, supported by K. Panozzo and unanimously approved, with J. Hilt, L. Wood, A. Riegler, K. Panozzo, S. Radtke, and D. Warren voting aye. Case 2018-19 – 320 Monroe Avenue. Fence and Deck. Applicant: Iesha Collins. District: Houston Current Function: Residential. J. Pesch presented the staff report. The applicant is seeking approval to build a 6-foot tall, white vinyl fence enclosing the back yard, as well as a 10’x10’ deck adjacent to the attached garage. This property was also in the new Midtown Square development and neighboring the property discussed in the previous case. A motion that the HDC approve the proposed 6-foot tall, white vinyl fence enclosing the back yard, and a 10’x10’ deck to be installed adjacent to the attached garage, as long as the work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained, was made by A. Riegler, supported by J. Hilt and unanimously approved, with J. Hilt, L. Wood, A. Riegler, K. Panozzo, S. Radtke, and D. Warren voting aye. Three walk-on cases were also heard by the board. Case 2018-20 – 339 Houston Avenue. Deck. Applicant: Martha Ferriby. District: Houston. Current Function: Residential. This property was also located in the Midtown Square development. The applicant requested to install a 16-foot x 26-foot wooden deck on the back of the house, which would cover the concrete patio that was already there. A. Riegler asked if the back yard would be fenced. M. Ferriby stated that all her adjoining neighbors had fenced back yards, so hers was essentially fenced in by those. A motion that the HDC approve the request to install a 16-foot x 26-foot wooden deck over the patio at the back of the house as long as the work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained, was made by S. Radtke, supported by L. Wood and unanimously approved, with J. Hilt, L. Wood, A. Riegler, K. Panozzo, S. Radtke, and D. Warren voting aye. Case 2018-21 – 1641 Jefferson Street. Hand Rail. Applicant: Karen Panozzo. District: Jefferson. Current Function: Residential. The applicant is seeking approval to install a single 6-foot long, black wrought iron handrail centered on the existing concrete front steps. HDC Minutes 7/11/18 2 J. Hilt lived nearby and stated that she remembered a handrail being there in the past. K. Panozzo stated that the rail would be anchored into the concrete. A motion that the HDC approve the request to install a single 6-foot long, black wrought iron handrail centered on the existing concrete front steps as long as the necessary permits are obtained was made by S. Radtke, supported by L. Wood and unanimously approved, with J. Hilt, L. Wood, A. Riegler, S. Radtke, and D. Warren voting aye, and K. Panozzo abstaining. Case 2018-22 – 1643 Peck Street. Fence. Applicant: Mark Cherney. District: Clinton-Peck. Current Function: Residential. The applicant is requesting to install a 6-foot tall wood privacy fence around the back yard. The fence would include a sliding gate at the existing driveway. M. Cherney stated that his house used to be a doctor’s office. Most of his small back yard was paved, as it was formerly used for parking. He wanted to put up a stockade-type fence to provide some privacy in his back yard. D. Warren arrived at 4:20 PM. L. Wood asked if there were other fences in the immediate area. M. Cherney stated that the neighbor had an old wooden fence but it was falling apart so he planned to put his new fence in front of it. A motion that the HDC approve the proposed 6-foot tall wood privacy fence around the back yard and the sliding gate at the existing driveway as long as the work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained, was made by L. Wood, supported by J. Hilt and unanimously approved, with J. Hilt, L. Wood, A. Riegler, K. Panozzo, S. Radtke, and D. Warren voting aye. OLD BUSINESS Hackley Library doors – D. Warren asked about the status of the Hackley Library doors that had been replaced without HDC approval. J. Pesch stated that he had spoken to the State Historic Preservation Office and determined that it was unlikely the HDC could take enforcement action in this case, since the documentation was too vague. It was unfortunate, but at least the library was put on notice that the HDC was paying attention to these things, and that it is vital that they follow the HDC processes and regulations. OTHER HDC Standards Update - J. Pesch discussed updates to the HDC standards. He stated that he would e-mail the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines to the board members, and that different sections of the local standards could be reviewed each month. Proposed changes could be discussed at the following meeting. There was also discussion on what the HDC’s authority was, when their recommendations or approvals were not followed, or when work was done without HDC approval. This is something that will need to be investigated further. Amazon Building’s new sign – J. Pesch pointed out that the Amazon Building’s new lighted sign changes colors. This was not specified when the new design was presented and approved by the HDC. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:51 PM. HDC Minutes 7/11/18 3
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