Historic District Minutes 09-11-2018

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                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON
                              HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION

                                         September 11, 2018

Chairperson J. Hilt called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:              J. Hilt, A. Riegler, S. Radtke, L. Wood

MEMBERS ABSENT:               K. Panozzo, excused; D. Warren, excused; S. Kroes

STAFF PRESENT:                J. Pesch, D. Renkenberger

OTHERS PRESENT:               C. Cribley, Purcell Home Improvement, Spring Lake; N. Wobma, Voss
                              Lighting; K. Knight, 406 Houston Ave; J. Gress & K. Gress, 458 W
                              Webster; Matt, Tischco Signs


A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of August 7, 2018 was made by J. Hilt, supported
by S. Radtke and unanimously approved.


Case 2018-30 – 406 Houston Residing. Applicant: Louise Knight. District: Houston. Current
Function: Residential. The applicant is seeking approval to install vinyl siding on the exterior of the
house with the following details: 1) the siding will be 3-inch vinyl siding, 2) there will be custom-
formed aluminum trim on doors and fascia boards on all gables and gable brackets, 3) there will be
color-matched J-blocks for all exterior lights, exhaust vents, hose spigots, and electrical outlets, and
4) install wire mesh around the gable brackets to stop birds from nesting.

A. Riegler asked if the existing siding was 3 inches and if they would be wrapping the rafter tails. C.
Cribley stated that that the siding was 3 inches, and they would be leaving the rafter tails open. S.
Radtke asked what would be done with the windows. C. Cribley stated that they were already clad in
aluminum. A. Riegler stated that one of the concerns with vinyl siding is that all shadow lines would
be lost, thus the board was reluctant to approve it on a house like this. C. Cribley stated that most of
the homes in that area already had vinyl siding. K. Knight stated that this house had been in his
family for decades. It had to be repainted about every 10 years and it was expensive. He wished to
have something easier to maintain, as he was getting older and it was getting harder to paint such a
large home. S. Radtke asked if they would be installing the vinyl over the existing wood siding, or
removing the wood. C. Cribley stated that they were going to install coreboard and vinyl over the
existing wood siding. A. Riegler asked what would be done with the windows. C. Cribley stated that
there was a 1-inch channel around the windows. L. Wood stated that the windows would appear
recessed if the outer siding was built up. Board members discussed the other homes in the
neighborhood. They also suggested a less unsightly option than wire mesh for keeping out the birds,
such as spike strips. C. Cribley stated that they were called “hot feet” and he would look into that.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to install vinyl siding on the house with the following
specifications: 1) 3-inch vinyl siding, 2) custom-formed aluminum trim on doors and fascia boards
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on all gables and gable brackets, 3) color-matched J-blocks for all exterior lights, exhaust vents, hose
spigots, and electrical outlets, and 4) wire spike strips (“hot feet”) attached to the gable brackets to
stop birds from nesting, as long as the necessary permits are obtained, was made by S. Radtke,
supported by L. Wood and unanimously approved, with J. Hilt, A. Riegler, S. Radtke, and L. Wood
voting aye.

Case 2018-31 – 1762 Jefferson Garage Doors. Applicant: William Krick. District: Jefferson. Current
Function: Residential. The applicant is seeking approval to replace two damaged wood garage doors
with two new, insulated garage doors of the same style and dimensions.

Photos of the proposed style of garage doors were provided. J. Hilt asked if the doors would be with
or without windows. W. Krick stated that the new doors would have windows. A. Riegler pointed
out that the current configuration had 6 windows. W. Krick stated that that style was no longer
available so his new door would have 5 windows.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to remove the damaged wood garage doors and install
two new steel insulated garage doors of a similar style and dimensions with the exception that the
new doors will have 5 windows instead 6, as long as the work meets all zoning requirements and the
necessary permits are obtained, was made by S. Radtke, supported by J. Hilt and unanimously
approved, with J. Hilt, A. Riegler, S. Radtke, and L. Wood voting aye.

Case 2018-33 – 550 W. Western Accent Lighting. Applicant: Nathan Wobma (Voss Lighting).
District: Clay-Western. Current Function: Residential. The applicant is seeking approval to install
exterior accent lighting around the top of the building. Twenty-four (24) fixtures would be installed
with lights shining downward against the building.

N. Wobma explained that the light fixtures would be placed on the roof of the building and anchored
there with sandbags. J. Pesch provided a picture of the proposed fixtures. A. Riegler asked what
color they were. N. Wobma stated that they ordered them in black. J. Pesch asked if the lights would
be one color, not flashing or changing colors. N. Wobma confirmed that they would be one color. S.
Radtke asked if the lights would be angled to wash down the walls. N. Wobma stated that they

A motion that the HDC approve the request to install twenty-four (24) exterior accent light fixtures
around the top of the building with lights directed downward against the building as long as the work
meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are obtained, was made by L. Wood,
supported by J. Hilt and unanimously approved, with J. Hilt, A. Riegler, S. Radtke, and L. Wood
voting aye.


Case 2018-25 – 458 W. Webster Garage Rehabilitation. Applicant: Jonathan and Katelyn Gress.
District: National Register. Current Function: Residential. This case was tabled at the August meeting
as more information was requested regarding the materials to be used and a drawing of the current
configuration of the garage windows, doors, and other openings. The applicant is seeking approval to
1) completely remove and rebuild the rear garage wall (facing alley) with reinforced CMU block
finished with a stucco cement product to match the rest of the structure. The proposed work will also
include 2) new windows of a similar size, configuration, and mullion design to replace the
deteriorated or missing windows, 3) new “carriage house style” garage doors to replace existing
deteriorating and non-functioning doors, 4) addition of an entry door to allow for better egress as well
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as an additional upstairs window, and 5) new veneer stone lintels over windows. The existing wall is
constructed of unreinforced clay masrony block covered with a stucco cement finish, and sustained
extensive damage from falling snow and subsequent freeze/thaw last winter. The awning that had
been attached above the garage doors was ripped off, damaging several courses of the block it was
attached to; full wall replacement was determined to be safer than shoring and replacing individual

J. Gress stated that in addition to rehabbing the structure, they wanted to add one more window. A.
Riegler stated that one of the more important considerations of historic preservation was maintaining
window openings, but considering that this was a secondary structure and the new window stayed
within the scale of the building, she was comfortable with approving it. S. Radtke asked what kind of
window trim would be used. J. Gress stated that most of the window trim was missing. They were
looking at wooden Jeld Wen windows, as shown in the informational packet they provided. S.
Radtke asked if the new garage doors would be steel and what would be done about the cornice. J.
Gress affirmed that they were getting steel doors and said there really wasn’t a cornice there; the roof
was sloped. A. Riegler asked if they were going to put up gutters and replace the canopy. K. Gress
stated that they would put up gutters but the canopy was not an original feature.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to 1) completely remove and rebuild the rear garage wall
(facing alley) with reinforced CMU block finished with a stucco cement product to match the rest of
the structure, 2) install new windows of a similar size, configuration, and mullion design to replace
the deteriorated or missing windows, 3) install new “carriage house style” garage doors to replace
existing deteriorating and non-functioning doors, 4) reconfigure the door and window openings to
add an entry door as well as an additional upstairs window, and 5) install new veneer stone lintels
over windows as long as the work meets all zoning requirements and the necessary permits are
obtained, was made by A. Riegler, supported by S. Radtke and unanimously approved, with J. Hilt,
A. Riegler, S. Radtke, and L. Wood voting aye.

Case 2018-29 – 1100 3rd Sign. Applicant: Phyllis Watson-Loudermill. District: Houston. Current
Function: Commercial. This case was denied at the August meeting, but the applicant has revised
their proposed design. The applicant is requesting approval to install one (1) refurbished, non-lit
aluminum ground sign at the property. The sign would be located along the 3rd Street frontage. The
proposed sign is approximately 4’ tall x 8’ wide, which is smaller than the one previously requested.

J. Pesch stated that the building was in a Form Based Code zoning district and those requirements did
not match the HDC standards. Staff and board members discussed the sign, the base, and the size
calculations. A. Riegler stated that the sign still appeared to be out of scale with the building. L.
Wood observed that Third St. had an eclectic group of businesses and signage. A. Riegler asked if
the sign was lit from the inside, as HDC standards mandated that it be externally lit. Matt stated that
it was internally lit. J. Pesch stated that, for comparison purposes, the Eagles and Frauenthal each
had internally lit signs that had been approved in the recent past. A. Riegler concurred that this was
an eclectic area but she still stated that the sign looked too large for the building. Matt discussed the
size allowances listed in the city’s sign ordinance and stated that the calculations did not add up. J.
Pesch stated that he would look into that.

A motion that the HDC deny the request to install one (1) 4’ tall by 8’ wide refurbished, non-lit
aluminum ground sign along the property’s 3rd Street frontage was made by A. Riegler, supported by
S. Radtke and unanimously approved, with J. Hilt, A. Riegler, S. Radtke, and L. Wood voting aye.

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A. Riegler stated that that she would be willing to consider approving a smaller sign if the property
owner was willing to reduce the size. Matt stated that he wasn’t sure what the property owner would
want to do at this point. The board discussed and it agreed that they would approve a smaller sign so
the applicant wouldn’t have to come back before the board again, if they were satisfied with the
smaller sign.

A motion that the HDC approve the request to install a 4-foot tall by 5-foot wide internally lit
aluminum ground sign along the property’s 3rd Street frontage with the condition that all zoning
requirements are met and the necessary permits are obtained, was made by A. Riegler, supported by
S. Radtke and unanimously approved, with J. Hilt, A. Riegler, S. Radtke, and L. Wood voting aye.


HDC Local Standards Review – Signage. J. Pesch asked board members if they would like to discuss
the sign standards. If so, the board could meet 30 minutes prior to the October 2 regular meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

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