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CITY OF MUSKEGON HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES April 6, 2010 Chairperson J. Hilt called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. and roll was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: J. Hilt, D. Mayville, K. Panozzo, S. Kroes, L. Spataro, W. Krick MEMBERS ABSENT: L. Wood STAFF PRESENT: M. Franzak, D. Leafers OTHERS PRESENT: Troy Fox, 1330 Sylvan, Gr. Rapids; J. Smith, 1586 Jefferson; J. Warner, Muskegon County Public Works, D. LaBrenz, City of Muskegon Inspection Services NEW MEMBER J. Hilt introduced new board member William Krick. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of November 3, 2009 was made by L. Spataro, supported by D. Mayville and unanimously approved. NEW BUSINESS/PUBLIC HEARINGS Case 2010-01 – 280 W Muskegon Ave. Applicant: New Life Worship Center. District: National Register. Class: AA. Current Function: Institutional. M. Franzak presented the staff report. The applicant is seeking approval to install a 30’ flexible aluminum sign over the existing engraved sign on the front of the building. T. Fox provided a photo of the proposed sign and a sample of the material to be used. It was a rust- resistant white metal with blue letters, which coordinated with their indoor signage. Board members concurred that this was the best way to cover up the current sign, which was engraved in stone on the building. A motion that the HDC approve the request to install the new sign as proposed, with the condition that all zoning requirements are met and any necessary permits are obtained, was made by L. Spataro, supported by K. Panozzo and unanimously approved. Case 2010-02 – 1586 Jefferson St. Applicant: Jeffery D Smith. District: Jefferson. Class: AA. Current Function: Residential. M. Franzak presented the staff report. The applicant is requesting to replace the current wood windows with vinyl windows on the first and second floors. He is also seeking approval to install a railing around the porch on the second floor. Staff recommends HDC Minutes 04/06/10 1 approval of the window replacements and the installation of the railing, as long as it meets the historic integrity of the house. J. Smith explained which windows he wanted to replace. He planned to replace them over a period of time, not all at once. J. Hilt asked if the new second floor windows would look identical to what was there now. J. Smith stated they would, to the extent that they were able to reproduce them now. J. Smith stated that he would also like to install a railing around the second floor porch where the door was. He was looking for input from the HDC before he proceeded with the project. W. Krick asked if a railing would be required by City code. D. LaBrenz stated that it would. J. Smith stated that once he got a plan finalized on what type of rail to put up, he would return to the HDC for approval. A motion that the HDC approve the request to replace the wood windows with vinyl as long as the original window openings are retained and the new windows meet the historical integrity of the house, and to install a railing on the second story porch with details to be provided at a later date, was made by W. Krick, supported by S. Kroes and unanimously approved. OTHER Pavilion on County Depot Property – J. Warner from the Muskegon County Public Works Department was looking for input from board members on a picnic pavilion that the County and the Lions Club wanted to build on County property on West Western Ave. between the Depot and the Amazon Buildings. The pavilion would have a roof, but no walls. He stated that the Lions Club would provide funding to build it and would allow public use of the shelter when they were not using it. The County would operate and maintain it. L. Spataro suggested that the architecture of the pavilion match the Depot. Board members discussed the proposed pavilion and concurred that it would be a nice addition to the property. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:43 p.m. HDC Minutes 04/06/10 2
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