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CITY OF MUSKEGON HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 1, 2010 Chairperson J. Hilt called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. and roll was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: J. Hilt, S. Kroes, W. Krick, L. Wood MEMBERS ABSENT: D. Mayville, excused; K. Panozzo, excused; L. Spataro STAFF PRESENT: M. Franzak, D. Leafers OTHERS PRESENT: J. Hughes, 3279 E. Laketon Ave.; P. Babbitt, 3712 Airline Rd. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of May 4, 2010 was made by S. Kroes, supported by W. Krick and unanimously approved. NEW BUSINESS/PUBLIC HEARINGS Case 2010-06 – 521 W Western Ave. Applicant: Pam Babbitt. District: Clay-Western. Class: AA. Current Function: Car Storage. The applicant is seeking approval to block in the rear windows of the building along the alley side, due to repeat vandalism. J. Hughes stated that hundreds of windows had been broken out over the years, and the metal window frames were starting to deteriorate. He stated that the lower windows would be bricked in, and the upper ones would be glass block. This would also provide more structural stability. J. Hughes stated that he would dye the bricks to match the rest of the facade. Board members discussed the proposed project and concurred that they would like the new bricks to match the old. A motion that the HDC approve the request to block in the rear windows along the alley, with the condition that the new bricks are dyed to match the old ones, and that any necessary permits are obtained, was made by W. Krick, supported by S. Kroes and unanimously approved. Case 2010-07 – 1189 Terrace St. Applicant: City of Muskegon. District: McLaughlin. Class: A. Current Function: Residential. The City’s Community and Neighborhood Services Department is proposing to demolish the home, which is currently in violation City of Muskegon’s Dangerous Building Ordinance. The project would be paid for with a grant from the State’s Housing and Urban Development department (HUD). Board members discussed the condition of the home. A motion that the HDC approve the request to demolish the house was made by L. Wood, supported by W. Krick and unanimously approved. HDC Minutes 06/01/10 1 Case 2010-08 – 71 E Grand Ave. Applicant: City of Muskegon. District: Clinton – Peck. Class: A. Current Function: Residential. The City’s Community and Neighborhood Services Department is proposing to demolish the home, which is currently in violation City of Muskegon’s Dangerous Building Ordinance. The project would be paid for with a grant from the State’s Housing and Urban Development department (HUD). Board members discussed the condition of the home. A motion that the HDC approve the request to demolish the house, was made by L. Wood, supported by W. Krick and unanimously approved. OTHER None There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:17 p.m. dml 6/1/10 HDC Minutes 06/01/10 2
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