Historic District Agenda 01-07-2025

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                                       CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                  HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION
                                       REGULAR MEETING

DATE OF MEETING:                   Tuesday, January 7, 2025
TIME OF MEETING:                   4:00 p.m.
PLACE OF MEETING:                  Conference Room 204, City Hall

I.      Call to Order
II.     Approval of Minutes of the November 12, 2024 regular meeting
III.    Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
IV.     Old Business
V.      New Business
        Case 2025-01 – 263 W. Muskegon – Siding
VI.     Other Business
        Local Standards Update
        2024 Staff Approval Update #3
        2024 CLG Annual Report
VII.    Adjourn

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comment, they must contact the City Clerk’s Office with at least a two-business day notice. The participant will then
receive a zoom link which will allow them to watch live and give comment. Contact information is below. For more
details, please visit: www.shorelinecity.com
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attend the meeting with twenty-four (24) hours’ notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with disabilities requiring
auxiliary aids or services should contact the City of Muskegon by writing or by calling the following: Ann Marie Meisch,
MMC, City Clerk at 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440 or by calling 231-724-6705 or emailing clerk@shoreline-


Approval of Minutes of the regular meeting of November 12, 2024.





                            Case 2025-01 – 263 W. Muskegon – Siding
                                     Applicant: Ryan Kraai
                                       District: Houston
                                  Current Function: Residential


The applicant is seeking approval to remove the existing wood siding and install foam board insulation
beneath new cement siding, remove and replace the existing wood window, door, and corner trim with
new composite trim, install soffit vents, and replace the front, back and side exterior doors with new
steel or fiberglass doors.

View of the north (front) and west (side) elevations from W. Muskegon Avenue, looking east.

View of the south (rear) and east (side) elevations from rear alley, looking west.



The Muskegon Historic District Commission does not endorse the residing of structures within the
Historic districts. It is the policy of this Commission that the original fabric of the building should be
repaired or replaced where necessary with the original building material.

In cases where the repair or replacement with like materials is impractical or where it can be
demonstrated that the original materials will no longer hold paint or that the original materials are so
badly deteriorated that they can no longer be reasonably repaired, the residing standards below shall
strictly be adhered to.

For the purpose of this statement, the terms “residing materials” and “trim cladding” shall be
understood to encompass the use of any residing materials such as aluminum, vinyl, steel, hardboard,
wood, masonry, or molded urethane which is designed to replace or cover all, or any part, of an
exterior wall, trim work or other building element or a structure within a designated historic district.

The Commission shall review all applications for Certificates of Appropriateness proposing the
installation of residing materials or trim cladding as individual cases. Each application shall be
decided on its own merit. No person should interpret any Commission approval for residing or trim
cladding as being precedent setting. Unrestricted use of residing materials or trim cladding will not be

In any case where residing materials or trim cladding are proposed for use by a property owner or
siding contractor, the property owner shall be required to submit a signed letter stating in detail the
intent and scope of the proposed residing or trim cladding installation. Such a letter is to also include
the identification of any deterioration or problems occurring relative to the existing siding or exterior
building fabric. If known, the cause and extent of this deterioration must be clearly stated.

The following conditions of installation shall be met by all proposals for residing or trim cladding:

1. All existing deterioration shall be made structurally sound and its causes, insofar as possible, shall
   be corrected prior to the installation of residing materials or trim cladding.

2. Any installation of residing materials shall simulate the appearance of the original building
   material that it is intended to cover. This simulation shall take into account the size, shape or
   profile, texture, and linear direction of the original building material.

        a. The residing material shall be similar in appearance and dimension to the original siding.
           The exposure to the weather of the new siding shall range within one inch of the nominal
           dimension of the original siding. The Historic District Commission shall have the
           authority to waive this requirement in the event that they believe a different design or
           dimension siding would be more appropriate to the architectural character of the Historic

        b. A proposed color shall be appropriate as determined by the Commission.

        c. Generally, wood grain textures are not approved by the Commission. However, the
           appropriateness of a specific siding texture shall be determined on an individual case

3. Any installation of trim cladding shall adhere to the following guidelines for the treatment for
   architectural trim elements.

   a. Existing cornice or building trim elements shall not be covered or replaced without
      Commission approval. Commission approval will depend upon how closely the trim cladding
      or new trim elements duplicate the appearance of the existing building trim elements.

   b. The wall siding material shall not extend over the existing trim members such as window and
      door trim, sills, facias, soffits, frieze members and boards, brackets, aprons, corner boards,
      trim boards, skirt boards, or any other characteristic moldings or architectural features.

   c. If the above mentioned trim members are to be clad, they shall be covered with custom formed
      cladding which shall closely approximate the shapes and contours of the existing moldings or

       trim. Distinctive or unusual trim or architectural elements shall not be clad without prior
       consideration and Commission approval.

   d. No building trim elements or architectural features are to be removed or altered to facilitate
      the installation of the new siding or trim cladding without approval of the Historic District

In most cases the soffit cladding material shall run parallel and not perpendicular to the plane of the


Primary Doors
Every effort should be made to preserve or repair the original doors where damage has occurred.
When repair is not possible, a new wood door may be used. Such new door shall match the original
in detail and finish.

The Commission may approve new wood doors that may slightly differ from the original in cases
where replicating the original may not be feasible, as long as such doors generally conform to the ones
illustrated on the attached sheet. Under certain circumstances, the Commission may approve doors
made of material other than wood provided they conform to the same design requirements.

Storm Doors
Wooden storm and screen doors are preferred and will generally be the required option especially on
the front of the structure. Aluminum or metal storm and screen doors may be used so long as they are
not mill finished or anodized aluminum. Baked enamel or other applicable paints or finishes will be
acceptable. In general, storm and screen doors shall conform to those illustrated on the attached sheet.
The door stiles and rails should be a minimum of 4” wide and one lite doors, where practical, are
preferred in order not to detract from the existing primary door. Jalousie doors are not acceptable for
use as storm doors in the historic districts. Ornamental iron work safety doors are also generally in-
appropriate in the historic districts.


I move that the HDC (approve/deny) the request to remove the existing wood siding and install foam
board insulation beneath new cement siding with the same reveal dimension as the existing siding,
remove and replace the existing wood window, door, and corner trim with new composite trim of the
same width and thickness, install soffit vents, and replace the front, back and side exterior doors with
new steel or fiberglass doors of an approved style as long as the work meets all zoning requirements
and the necessary permits are obtained.


Local Standards Update – This was not discussed at the November meeting. The HDC will discuss
creation of a guide for shutter designs appropriate to various architectural styles and consider
incorporating the guide into their Local Standards.

2024 Staff Approval Update #3 – Since the last update in September 2024 (but before the end of that
year), staff has approved 12 projects:

   -   1284 Ransom – Reroof house

   -   1563 Jefferson – Reroof house and repair damaged trim

   -   1183 Terrace – Construction of storage shed (discussed at September meeting)

   -   1243 Ransom – Reroof house

   -   315 W. Webster – Construction of storage shed

   -   1302 Ransom – Reroof house

   -   1468 Clinton – Replace porch steps maintaining similar materials/appearance and same railing

   -   349 W Webster – Reroof building

   -   1625 Peck – Reroof house

   -   1507 Peck – Reroof house

   -   1542 Peck – Reroof house

   -   561 W. Western – Repoint and replace bricks with like material

2024 CLG Annual Report – The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) requires that all Certified
Local Government (CLG) communities submit an annual report to be in good standing and remain
eligible for grant funding and technical assistance activities. SHPO has created a template for CLG
communities to follow when completing their annual report. City staff will review the report template
with the HDC as well as the previous year’s annual report.



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