Downtown Development Authority Agenda 10-11-2022

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                                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON

                               DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY


                                                 REGULAR MEETING

                    DATE OF MEETING:                                   Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2022

                    TIME OF MEETING:                                   10:30 A.M.

                    PLACE OF MEETING:                                  City Hall Commission Chambers,


     I.        Roll Call

     II.       Approval of the meeting minutes of Sept. 13, 2022

     III.      BRA business

               A. Brownfield Plan Amendment, In-fill Housing. (Pete Wills)

     IV.       DDA business
               A. DDA financial statement 9-30-22 (City Finance)
               B. Final draft of a new DDA Fa9ade Grant program (Dave Alexander)
               C. Direction of 2023 events/financials (information-Dave Alexander)
               D. Michigan Downtown Association annual conference in Muskegon Nov. 3-4

     V.        Other business

     VI.       Adjourn

                             ITS COMMITTEES OR SUBCOMMITTEES

  The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing
impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities who want
 to attend the meeting, 24- hour notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or
 services should contact the City of Muskegon by writing or calling the following: Ann Marie Cummings, City Clerk at
    93 3 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440 or by calling (231) 724-6705 or TTY/TDD: Dial 7-1-1 and request that
                                             representative dial 231-724-6705
                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON


                             REGULAR MEETING MINUTES

                                     September 13, 2022

The meeting was held in the City Commission Chambers. Chairperson M. Bottomley called the
meeting to order at 10:30 AM and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:            M. Bottomley, J. Riegler, M. Johnson Sr., J. Moore, M. Kleaveland,
                            L. Mikesell (joined meeting at 10:43am), B. Hastings, S. Black
                            (joined meeting at 10:35am), D. Pollock, and H. Sytsema.

MEMBERS ABSENT:             J. Wallace Jr. (excused)

STAFF PRESENT:              P. Wills, Director of Strategic Initiatives; D. Alexander,
                            Downtown Manager, S. Pulos, Administrative Assistant for
                            Development Services, Wes Dault, Muskegon County Appraiser,

OTHERS PRESENT:             Eric Helzer

Motion by M. Kleaveland, second by J. Moore, to approve the regular meeting minutes for June
14, 2022. Voice vote, all approved (L. Mikesell and S. Black were not here yet).


 Beginning Fund Balance:                                       $176,665

 Revenues:                      Tax Increment Collections      $321,446
 BID Administrative Fee:                                       $17,000
 TOTAL:                                                        $338,446

Summer Downtown Numbers (May, June, July):
Total Visits: 741,900 up 4.1 % from 2021.
Total Unique Visitors: 399,000 up 7.4% from 2021.
Social District beverage stickers: Sold 64,600 through August, compared to 123,000 in all of
2021 ... sales are down this year.
2022 Events: The city provided 75 Special Event Permits for Downtown Muskegon this year.
There were 53 "major event days" (June through September) with some events sharing the same
day. Signature events such as Taste of Muskegon, Parties in the Park, Lakeshore Art Festival,
Rebel Road-Bike Time, Unity and (expected) Irish had successful events.
Welcome these new businesses to downtown Muskegon so far in 2022: The Leonard, 1021
Jefferson, Brass Moon Vintage, Carlisle's, Servicios de Esperanaza LLC, and PAL'S Diner.
Major downtown developments:
  • Harbor 31 Construction is underway on a $120 million mixed-use waterfront
      development at Terrace and Shoreline Drive.
  • Adelaide Pointe - Site work is underway and development plans in progress for a $240
      million mixed use waterfront development at the far west end of Western A venue. This
      development now also includes adjacent Hartshorn Village waterfront residential
  • Samaritas senior housing - 53 units of affordable housing at Spring Street and Clay
      Avenue to be occupied by the end of 2022.
  • Muskegon Museum of A1i major $11-million-plus expansion of the art museum in its
      north parking lot, construction already underway.
  • Lakeview Lofts II and III and 880 First Street (former AmeriBank building) to divide $6
      million in state RAP award announced by the City of Muskegon.
  • In the works Redevelopment of 1141 Third (former Oldsmobile dealership),
      redevelopment of the Morris Street parking lot (Social Security Administration), second
      building east of The Leonard and completion of Watermark Center under new ownership.

The future of downtown organizations and delivery of services:
The Downtown Muskegon Business Improvement District special assessments for landscaping
and snow removal expire at the end of 2023. Downtown property owners, businesses,
institutions, DDA board, BID board and city management will have critical discussions and
decisions to make in the coming six months to maintain or improve the quality of downtown and
have a sustainable funding plan of support.
Watch Muskegon 2.0: The DDA invested $10,000 last year to launch the digital elements of a
new Watch Campaign on getting people to move to Muskegon, which suppo1is all of the new
downtown living options. The "Find Your ... Home, Passion, Place, Self'' digital advertising
through Google Ads began June 7, targeting Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo and Lansing markets,
and those searching "move to Michigan." Through mid-August, the campaign had 4.27 million
impressions and generated 4,900 responses to the Watch/Livability web page. The campaign will
run through October.


Agenda Item A: Staff is asking the DDA board to review and accept the financial statement for
Aug. 31, 2022.

Staff recommendation: To accept the Aug. 31, 2022 financial statement.

Motion: Motion by L. Mikesell, seconded by B. Hastings, to accept the Aug. 31, 2022 financial

Roll Call Vote:
M. Bottomley: Yes            D. Pollock: Yes              J. Riegler: Yes
J. Moore: Yes                M. Kleaveland: Yes           B. Hastings: Yes
M. Johnson Sr: Yes           L. Mikesell: Yes             S. Black: Yes
H. Sytsema: Yes
All in favor, motion passes.
Agenda Item B: Staff is recommending an outline of a DDA fa9ade grant program for the
current fiscal year through June 30, 2023 as funded in the budget by the DDA board in June.

Staff recommendation: Staff is suggesting a one-to-one match program of grants from $5,000
up to $15,000. That current budget would allow from 15, $5.000 up to five, $15,000 grants. That
would incentivize impactful fa9ade projects of $10,000 and above. Eligible applicants would be
business and/or prope1ty owners of commercial buildings (mixed-use with first floor
commercial) within the Muskegon DDA. Applicants must prove ability to fund their half or more
of the project and insure that the work will be completed. Eligible improvements would be on
exterior building elements and need to comply with city regulations and obtain city permits. Staff
would not suggest parking lot or landscaping improvements but improvements that upgrade
actual structures. Grants would be awarded on a first come, first serve basis. Work would not be
able to start until grant approval is given. Grant payments would be reimbursements to the
recipient for work already completed and paid. A committee of staff and DDA board members
would review applications. The DDA board would need to determine if it wanted to approve
suggested awards as a whole.

Motion: Made by B. Hastings, seconded by J. Moore, move to direct staff to fo1malize a 2022-
23 Muskegon DDA Fa9ade Grant program and return it to the October meeting, with the
following provisions; that its specs include language regarding ADA Accessibility with an
overall program of $62,500.

Motion Tabled: M. Kleaveland, seconded by B. Hastings, move to table the original motion,
bringing the issue back from staff in October incorporating details of the board discussion.
All in favor, motion passes.

Agenda Item C: Summer Events Update (Clerk's Office-Information Only)

There were time constraints on the presentation of this item, it was not addressed at this meeting.

Agenda Item D: Watch Muskegon 20. Digital Advertising Report (Information Only)

The group was provided information in the form of a handout on this item. No action was taken.


Information about the 880First project was shared by Eric Heizer. We anticipate coming back
with a Brownfield Plan in the coming months.


WATERMARK/JOHN ROOKS: L. Mikesell stated that John Rooks has a signed Purchase
Agreement for the Shaw Walker building (Watermark Center). He has already received one
extension and he is in a hurry because there is a lot of work that needs to be done and there is a
fair amount of environmental investigation that is needed on the building that has not been taken
care of in the past. There is suspicion that there is asbestos in a structural review and will find
PFAS. He has an estimated cost of $150,000 and would like a contribution of$50,000 from the
City. L. Mikesell stated that as a condition of giving the money, that we as a City, have full
access to all environment reports in case the deal does not materialize and a new purchaser is
found. She stated that she would like the DDA to contribute half of that $50,000, which would be

Motion: Made by D. Pollock, seconded by M. Kleaveland, move that if the City decides to move
forward with supporting the program, the DDA would support half of the cost, up to $25,000,
with excess Fa9ade fund balance.

Roll Call Vote:
M. Bottomley: Yes            D. Pollock: Yes                 J. Riegler: Yes
J. Moore: Yes                M. Kleaveland: Yes              B. Hastings: Yes
M. Johnson Sr: Yes           L. Mikesell: Yes                S. Black: Yes
H. Sytsema: Yes
All in favor, motion passes.

12:18 pm

                   Muskegon Brownfield Redevelopment Authority

                            City of Muskegon Infill Housing Project

                         Brownfield Plan Amendment, 4 th Amendment

Requesting party: City of Muskegon

Outline of the request: City staff is seeking approval of the Brownfield Redevelopment
Authority to amend the Brownfield Plan and update the number of eligible parcels to the City's
Infill Housing Project (4 th Amendment).

Background: The 4th Amendment removes two mixed-use projects (395 Houston and 301 W.
Muskegon - Catholic Charities), 880 First St-208 W Clay-216 W Clay (880 First St development),
Allen Edwin Homes (former Farmers Market), as well as a modified parcel at the former Froebel

We expect that private developers for some of the projects, listed above, will want their own
Brownfield Plan Amendment to directly benefit from the TIF capture. Removal of these parcels
is necessary in order for them to accomplish that goal.

Staff comments:

  Ten parcels have been removed from the Plan. The project will now focus on the
  redevelopment of 495 parcels that are scattered throughout the city. Some of these lots will be
· split, creating even more parcels. The plan incorporates two types of redevelopment projects;
  infill housing on vacant City lots and the rehab of existing homes (10 detached houses).

•   417 Jackson (former Froebel school) - increased to $1,000,000 in public infrastructure costs
    if water/sewer improvements become necessary.
•   417 Jackson (former Froebel school) - retained $2,000,000 in demo & abatement costs.
•   Staff anticipates potential construction of an additional 28 new infill houses as part of a
    potential redevelopment project of the Froebel site.
•   Removed the properties associated with the former Allen Edwin Homes development at the
    former farmers market. Removal of these parcels did not take out "cost of sale"
    expenditures because Allen Edwin intended to build and own themselves, so those never
    were included in the former "total houses built" estimate. It was included for the
    infrastructure expenses (alley additions). The site is too contaminated and will need its own
    brownfield if it is to be developed.
The 4th Amendment also includes the following updates:
• Developer's Reimbursement Costs: Infill Housing- $11.4M / Demo & Abatement - $2M /
   Public Infrastructure- $1M / Reimbursable Costs of Construction (before 15% contingency):
• Estimated Total Capital Investment: Infill Housing - $107,200,000 / Home Rehab - $500,000
   / Total estimated capital investment: $107,700,000
• The Plan anticipates eligible activities, paid through future capture of tax increments, to
   include $11,400,000 cost of sale/seller concessions; $2,000,000 for demolition and
   abatement; $1,000,000 to construct public infrastructure at the former farmers market;
   $20,000 for brownfield plan preparation and development; a 15% plan contingency fee of
   $2,163,000; and which reflects total eligible activities to be paid under this plan at
• The Authority intends to enter into Development & Reimbursement Agreements with
   future property owners/developers of properties included in the Plan to reimburse them for
   costs of eligible activities.
• The duration of this Plan is not to exceed 30 years and complete recapture of eligible costs
   through tax increment revenue are expected to occur within this period.
• The plan contemplates continued five-year capture of tax increments for a local Brownfield
   Revolving Loan Fund if there is time left in the 30-year plan after eligible costs are covered.

Staff recommendation: City staff has prepared this Infill Housing Project (4 th Amendment)
Brownfield Plan Amendment and recommends approval.

Suggested motion(s):
I move to approve/disapprove the resolution for the Brownfield Plan Amendment for the city's
Infill House Project (4 th Amendment), to request a public hearing before the Muskegon City
Commission, and to have the City Commission consider adoption of the Plan.



               October 11, 2022

   Prepared for The City of Muskegon Brownfield
             Redevelopment Authority

        Prepared by City of Muskegon Staff
Infill Housing Project

City of Muskegon, a qualified unit of local government, as defined by Public Act 381 of 1996, as
There are 495 Eligible Properties for this project and the lots are scattered throughout the city. Please
refer to the "Eligible Property Information Chart" and the "Eligible Property Map (Attachment A)" on the
following pages.


The project will focus on the redevelopment of 495 parcels that are scattered throughout the city. Some
of these lots will be split, creating even more parcels. The plan incorporates two types of redevelopment
projects; infill housing on vacant City lots and the rehab of existing homes (10 detached houses).

The residential infill units will consist mostly of detached houses, with some rowhouses, duplexes and
small multiplexes mixed in as the market dictates. The infill housing project includes the demolition of
the former Froebe! School (demo and abatement costs) in order to redevelop the property with a variety
residential units.

Cost of Sale, Demo & Abatement, Public Infrastructure, Preparation of Brownfield Plan


Infill Housing - $11,400,000
Home Rehab - $0
Demo & Abatement - $2,000,000
Public Infrastructure - $1,000,000
Total Reimbursable Cost-$14,400,000

30 years

Infill Housing - $107,200,000
Home Rehab - $500,000
Total Estimated Capital Investment- $107,700,000

$0 (City & County Owned)
1.   Introduction

     The City of Muskegon, Michigan (the "City"), established the Muskegon Brownfield Redevelopment
     Authority (the "Authority") on July 4, 1997, pursuant to Michigan Public Act 381 of 1996, as amended
     ("Act 381"). The primary purpose of Act 381 is to encourage the redevelopment of eligible property
     by providing economic incentives through tax increment financing for certain eligible activities.

     The main purpose of this Brownfield Plan is to promote the redevelopment of and investment in
     certain "Brownfield" properties within the City. Inclusion of the subject properties within this Plan
     will facilitate the development of infill housing at eligible properties. By facilitating redevelopment of
     underutilized properties, the Plan is intended to promote economic growth for the benefit of the
     residents of the City and all taxing units located within and benefited by the Authority.

     This Plan is intended to be a living document, which can be amended as necessary to achieve the
     purposes of Act 381. It is specifically anticipated that properties will be continually added to the Plan
     as new projects are identified. The Plan contains general provisions applicable to the Plan, as well as
     property-specific information for each project. The applicable Sections of Act 381 are noted
     throughout the Plan for reference purposes.

     This Brownfield Plan contains the information required by Section 13(1) of Act 381, as amended.
     Additional information is available from the Muskegon City Manager or the Planning Director.

     The Infill Housing Project was originally added to this Plan on April 14, 2019. It was amended for the
     first time on July 28, 2020; a second time on December 8, 2020; and a third time on December 13,
     2021. This amendment seeks to modify the plan by removing the mixed-use projects, removing the
     Allen Edwin development and modifying the Froebe I School development.

2.   General Provisions

     A.     Costs of the Brownfield Plan (Section 13(1)(a))

     Any site-specific costs of implementing this Plan are described in the site-specific section of the Plan.
     Site-specific sources of funding may include tax increment financing revenue generated from new
     development on eligible brownfield properties, state and federal grant or loan funds, and/or private
     parties. Where private parties finance the costs of eligible activities under the Plan, tax increment
     revenues may be used to reimburse the private parties. The initial costs related to preparation of the
     Brownfield Plan were funded by the City's general fund. Subsequent amendments to the Plan may
     be funded by the person requesting inclusion of a project in the Plan, and if eligible, may be
     reimbursed through tax increment financing.

     The Authority intends to pay for administrative costs and all of the things necessary or convenient to
     achieve the objectives and purposes of the Authority with fees charged to applicants to be included
     in the Plan, and any eligible tax increment revenues collected pursuant to the Plan, in accordance with
     the provisions of Act 381, including, but not limited to:

     i)         the cost of financial tracking and auditing the funds of the Authority,
     ii)        costs for amending and/or updating this Plan, and
     iii)       costs for Plan implementation
Tax increment revenues that may be generated and captured by this Plan are identified in the site-
specific sections of this Plan.

B.   Method for Financing Costs of Plan {Section 13{1){d) and {e))

The City or Brownfield Authority may incur some debt on a site-specific basis. Please refer to the site-
specific section of this Plan for details on any debt to be incurred by the City or Authority. When a
property proposed for inclusion in the Plan is in an area where tax increment financing is a viable
option, the Authority intends to enter into Development Agreements with the property
owners/developers of properties included in the Plan to reimburse them for the costs of eligible
activities undertaken pursuant to this Plan. Financing arrangements will be specified in a
Development and Reimbursement Agreement, and also identified in the Site Specific section of the

C.   Duration of the Brownfield Plan (Section 13(1)(f))

The duration of this Plan is not to exceed 30 years. It is the goal of the city to build as many homes as
possible over that time frame, however, it is unlikely that all 495 parcels will be developed. Since the
"cost of sale" will vary for each home, as will construction costs, it is impossible to know exactly how
long it will take to completely recapture eligible costs through tax increment revenues, although it is
anticipated that it will be well within the 30 year time frame. In addition, once all activity costs are
reimbursed, funds may be captured for the local site remediation revolving fund, if available. The
duration of capture for the Project already began in 2020 and will continue until such time that all the
eligible activities undertaken in this Plan are reimbursed, but in no event will the Plan exceed the
maximum duration provided for in (MCLA 125.2663(1)(22)}. The total costs of eligible activities
include the cost of principal and interest on any note or obligation issued by the Authority to pay for
the costs of eligible activities, the cost of principal and interest otherwise incurred to pay for eligible
activities, the reasonable costs of a work plan or remedial action plan and the costs of preparation of
Brownfield Plans and amendments.

D. Displacement/Relocation of Individuals on Eligible Properties (Section 13(1)(i),U)(k)(I)

Eligible properties identified in this Plan will not require the displacement/relocation of existing
residences, therefore the provisions of Section 13(1}{i-l) are not applicable at this time.

E. Local Site Remediation Revolving Fund (Section 8; Section 13(1)(m))

Whenever this Plan includes a property for which taxes will be captured through the tax increment
financing authority provided by Act 381, it is the Authority's intent to establish and fund a Local Site
Remediation Revolving Fund ("Fund"). The Fund will consist of tax increment revenues that exceed
the costs of eligible activities incurred on an eligible property, as specified in Section 13(5) of Act 381.
Section 13(5) authorizes the capture of tax increment revenue from an eligible property for up to 5
years after the time that capture is required for the purposes of paying the costs of eligible activities
identified in the Plan. It is the intention of the Authority to continue to capture tax increment
revenues for 5 years after eligible activities are funded from those properties identified for tax capture
     in the Plan, provided that the time frame allowed by Act 381 for tax capture is sufficient to
     accommodate capture to capitalize a Fund. The amount of school operating taxes captured for the
     Revolving Fund will be limited to the amount of school operating taxes captured for eligible
     environmental response activities under this Plan. It may also include funds appropriated or
     otherwise made available from public or private sources.

     The Revolving Fund may be used to reimburse the Authority, the City, and private parties for the costs
     of eligible activities at eligible properties and other costs as permitted by Act 381. It may also be used
     for eligible activities on an eligible property for which there is no ability to capture tax increment
     revenues. The establishment of this Revolving Fund will provide additional flexibility to the Authority
     in facilitating redevelopment of brownfield properties by providing another source of financing for
     necessary eligible activities.

3.   Site Specific Provisions

     A. Eligibility and Project Description (Sec. 13(1)(h))

     The eligible properties included in the Infill Housing Project compromise approximately 173
     acres of vacant land spread across 495 parcels in Muskegon, Michigan (See Attachment A).
     Some of these lots will be split, which will result in additional parcels.

     Project Breakdown:
     Parcels = 495
     New homes = 570
     Rehabbed homes = 10
     "Cost of sale" concessions= $11,400,000
     Public Infrastructure = $1,000,000
     Demo & abatement= $2,000,000
     Reimbursable Costs of Construction (before 15% contingency) = $14,400,000

     The chart below depicts a listing of eligible properties and the basis for their eligibility.

                                                                    Basis of
                                                    Area                                                  Reimbursable
       Parcel No.                Address                          Brownfield         Investment Cost
                                                   Acreage                                                    Cost
 24-205-378-0006-00       1248 5th St                 0.10    Cost of Sale         $200,000            $20,000
 24-405-003-0007-00       740 Leonard Ave             0.37    Cost of Sale         $400,000            $40,000
 24-405-003-0008-00       754 Leonard Ave             0.37    Cost of Sale         $600,000             $60,000
 24-205-014-0020-00       558 Jackson Ave             0.61    Cost of Sale         $400,000            $40,000
 24-205-015-0006-10       608 Jackson Ave             0.24    Cost of Sale         $200,000            $20,000
 24-205-019-0002-00       677 Jackson Ave              0.24   Cost of Sale         $200,000             $20,000
 24-205-020-0001-00       621 Jackson Ave             0.34    Cost of Sale         $200,000            $20,000
 24-205-021-0001-00       601 Jackson Ave             0.20    Cost of Sale         $200,000            $20,000
 24-205-022-0001-00       579 Jackson Ave              0.19   Cost of Sale         $200,000             $20,000
24-205-022-0002-00      553 Jackson Ave      0.55   Cost of Sale         $600,000     $60,000
24-205-022-0003-20      530 Herrick St       0.41   Cost of Sale         $600,000     $60,000
24-205-023-0008-00      527 Herrick St       1.41   Cost of Sale         $1,800,000   $180,000
                                                    Demo, COS, Public
                        417 Jackson Ave      7.20   Infrastructure       $8,600,000   $3,560,000
24-205-068-0010-00      438 E Isabella Ave   0.21   Blight Elimination   $200,000     $0
24-205-076-0009-00      580 Catherine Ave    0.20   Cost of Sale         $50,000      $20,000
24-205-078-0003-00      441 E Isabella Ave   0.20   Blight Elimination   $200,000     $0
24-205-078-0004-00      435 E Isabella Ave   0.20   Cost of Sale         $50,000      $20,000
24-205-081-0001-10      591 Catherine Ave    0.11   Blight Elimination   $200,000     $0
24-205-092-0001-00      589 Mclaughlin Ave   0.18   Blight Elimination   $200,000     $0
24-20 5-09 2-0004-00    559 Mclaughlin Ave   0.19   Blight Elimination   $200,000     $0
24-205-191-0001-00      185 E Muskegon Ave   0.29   Blight Elimination   $200,000     $0
24-205-191-0009-00      209 E Walton Ave     0.49   Blight Elimination   $200,000     $0
24-205-232-0007-00      1047 Ambrosia St     0.57   Cost of Sale         $1,400,000   $140,000
24-205-236-0008-00      1075 Ambrosia St     0.35   Cost of Sale         $1,200,000   $120,000
24-205-245-0002-00      1192 Pine St         0.10   Cost of Sale         $50,000      $20,000
24-205-245-0002-10      1194 Pine St         0.09   Cost of Sale         $50,000      $20,000
24-205-250-0008-00      1155 Ambrosia St     0.61   Cost of Sale         $1,200,000   $120,000
24-205-254-0001-00      1338 Arthur St       0.13   Cost of Sale         $200,000     $20,000
24-205-261-0008-00      1205 Ambrosia St     0.41   Cost of Sale         $1,200,000   $120,000
24-205-266-0001-00      1386 Ransom St       0.20   Cost of Sale         $200,000     $20,000
24-205-281-0002-10      1530 Hoyt St         0.10   Cost of Sale         $200,000     $20,000
24-205-336-0008-00      382 W Muskegon Ave   0.24   Cost of Sale         $200,000     $20,000
24-205-340-0001-00      619 W Webster Ave    0.08   Cost of Sale         $2,000,000   $200,000
24-205-345-0001-00      579 W Muskegon Ave   0.10   Cost of Sale         $200,000     $20,000
24-205-345-0002-10      583 W Muskegon Ave   0.10   Cost of Sale         $200,000     $20,000
24-205-345-0006-00      617 W Muskegon Ave   0.10   Cost of Sale         $200,000     $20,000
24-205-347-0004-00      487 W Muskegon Ave   0.19   Cost of Sale         $200,000     $20,000
24-205-352-0004-10      1078 2nd St          0.10   Blight Elimination   $50,000      $0
24-20 5-3 5 2-0008-00   180 Houston Ave      0.00   Cost of Sale         $200,000     $20,000
24-205-364-0008-10      1141 Jefferson St    0.10   Cost of Sale         $200,000     $20,000
24-205-367-0008-00      1188 4th St          0.21   Blight Elimination   $50,000      $0
24-601-000-0001-00      250 Monroe Ave       0.02   Cost of Sale         $200,000     $20,000
24-601-000-0006-00      240 Monroe Ave       0.02   Cost of Sale         $200,000     $20,000
24-205-369-0004-00      395 Houston Ave      0.21   Cost of Sale         $400,000     $40,000
24-205-369-0006-30      1262 6th St          0.07   Cost of Sale         $200,000     $20,000
24-205-371-0004-10      507 Houston Ave      0.10   Blight Elimination   $200,000     $0
24-205-374-0007-00      462 Washington Ave   0.08   Blight Elimination   $200,000     $0
24-205-375-0003-20      1392 Park St         0.10   Cost of Sale         $200,000     $20,000
24-205-375-0005-00      1387 7th St          0.24   Cost of Sale         $400,000     $40,000
24-205-3 75-0009-10     408 Washington Ave   0.16   Cost of Sale         $200,000     $20,000
24-205-375-0010-00    420 Washington Ave   0.09   Cost of Sale         $400,000   $40,000
24-205-376-0007-00    1360 7th St          0.09   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-376-0007-20    388 Merrill Ave      0.20   Cost of Sale         $400,000   $40,000
24-205-377-0001-00    1245 5th St          0.12   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-377-0011-00    1261 5th St          0.10   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-3 78-0006-10   1256 5th St          0.10   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-601-000-0008-00    239 Monroe Ave       0.02   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-601-000-0010-00    235 Monroe Ave       0.02   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-384-0007-20    1259 Sanford St      0.09   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-386-0012-00    219 Merrill Ave      0.12   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-387-0005-00    271 Merrill Ave      0.19   Cost of Sale         $400,000   $40,000
24-205-387-0007-00    248 Mason Ave        0.14   Cost of Sale         $50,000    $20,000
24-205-388-0006-20    1342 6th St          0.09   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-388-0007-00    1352 6th St          0.09   Cost of Sale         $400,000   $40,000
24-205-388-0008-00    292 Mason Ave        0.10   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-389-0008-00    352 Mason Ave        0.20   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-389-0009-00    346 Mason Ave        0.09   Cost of Sale         $400,000   $40,000
24-205-389-0012-00    1349 6th St          0.20   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $40,000
24-205-390-0011-20    288 Washington Ave   0.10   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-391-0003-00    275 Mason Ave        0.18   Cost of Sale         $400,000   $40,000
24-205-391-0011-00    242 Strong Ave       0.08   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-394-0001-00    1280 Sanford St      0.15   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-401-0001-10    1370 Sanford St      0.08   Blight Elimination   $200,000   $0
24-205-405-0013-00    1464 6th St          0.17   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-405-0014-00    1458 6th St          0.16   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-405-0019-00    237 Washington Ave   0.17   Blight Elimination   $200,000   $0
24-205-406-0007-00    329 Washington Ave   0.19   Blight Elimination   $200,000   $0
24-205-406-0018-00    314 W Grand Ave      0.17   Blight Elimination   $200,000   $0
24-205-407-0004-00    1456 Park St         0.18   Blight Elimination   $200,000   $0
24-205-407-0011-10    1457 7th St          0.12   Cost of Sale         $50,000    $20,000
24-205-408-0002-00    459 Washington Ave   0.46   Cost of Sale         $600,000   $60,000
24-205-408-0007-00    1468 8th St          0.19   Blight Elimination   $400,000   $0
24-205-418-0003-00    1514 Park St         0.19   Blight Elimination   $200,000   $0
24-205-419-0001-00    355 W Grand Ave      0.10   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-419-0001-20    337 W Grand Ave      0.10   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-419-0007-00    1542 7th St          0.08   Blight Elimination   $200,000   $0
24-205-419-0013-00    1535 6th St          0.16   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-419-0019-00    305 W Grand Ave      0.17   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-420-0012-20    254 W Southern Ave   0.07   Cost of Sale         $50,000    $20,000
24-205-425-0007-00    1605 Sanford St      0.15   Cost of Sale         $400,000   $40,000
24-205-428-0007-00    340 W Forest Ave     0.15   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-430-0004-00    487 W Southern Ave    0.26   Cost of Sale         $400,000   $40,000
24-205-439-0006-10    408 W Dale Ave        0.10   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-439-0007-00    1670 Park St          0.09   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-440-0004-00    1660 7th St           0.31   Cost of Sale         $400,000   $40,000
24-205-441-0003-00    1639 5th St           0.17   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-441-0007-00    204 W Dale Ave        0.08   Blight Elimination   $200,000   $0
24-205-449-0001-00    1686 7th St           0.31   Cost of Sale         $400,000   $40,000
24-205-449-0009-00    324 W Larch Ave       0.14   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-449-0010-00    318 W Larch Ave       0.27   Cost of Sale         $400,000   $40,000
24-205-463-0003-00    1772 5th St           0.23   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-463-0004-00    1782 5th St           0.31   Cost of Sale         $400,000   $40,000
24-205-484-0004-00    1067 W Grand Ave      0.20   Blight Elimination   $50,000    $0
24-405-003-0001-00    704 Leonard Ave       0.38   Cost of Sale         $400,000   $40,000
24-405-003-0011-00    766 Leonard Ave       0.38   Cost of Sale         $600,000   $60,000
24-745-000-0033-00    1227 Fleming Ave      0.11   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-406-0009-00    0 7TH ST              0.10   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-066-0011-00    0 CHESTNUT ST         0.09   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-232-004-0010-00    O Jefferson St        0.14   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-391-0006-20    0 MASON AVE           0.06   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-248-0002-00    0 Sophia St           0.12   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-493-0009-00    0 Southern Ave        0.35   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-612-000-0519-00    1003 Ducey Ave        0.22   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-612-000-0553-00    1007 Albert Ave       0.31   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-190-001-0020-00    1032 Evanston Ave     0.03   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-173-0001-00    105 E Western Ave     0.23   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-480-002-0018-00    1056 WINDSOR AVE      0.12   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-069-0006-00    1060 Williams St      0.20   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-248-0002-20    1061 Wood St          0.13   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-612-000-0531-00    1065 James Ave        0.30   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-190-001-0001-00    1070 Evanston Ave     0.38   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-357-0001-10    1075 SANFORD ST       0.10   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-24 7-0009-00   1077 Sophia St        0.30   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-612-000-0492-00    1085 Marquette Ave    0.25   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-215-012-0030-00    1085 E Holbrook Ave   0.15   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-248-0003-00    1088 Sophia St        0.30   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-4 72-0013-00   1100 Washington Ave   0.26   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-078-0006-00    1114 WOOD ST          0.10   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-077-0001-00    1115 CHESTNUT ST      0.13   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-077-0002-00    1123 CHESTNUT ST      0.13   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-076-0001-10    1125 MAPLE ST         0.09   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-07 4-0006-10   1126 KENNETH ST       0.10   Cost of Sale         $200,000   $20,000
24-205-249-0002-00    1160 Ambrosia St     0.30   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-080-0006-00    1162 Williams St     0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-382-0001-00    1163 Sanford St      0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-613-000-0768-00    1172 Marquette Ave   0.32   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-613-000-0755-00    1175 Morgan Ave      0.61   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-082-0007-00    1186 Maple St        0.22   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-613-000-0780-00    1200 Adams Ave       0.37   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-384-0011-00    1221 SANFORD ST      0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-613-000-0781-00    1224 Adams Ave       0.39   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-613-000-0789-00    1227 ADAMS AVE       0.15   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-252-0010-10    1227 Pine St         0.15   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-7 45-0002-00   1230 Channel Dr      0.26   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-611-000-0484-00    1243 Marquette Ave   0.34   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-320-0001-00    1249 9th St          0.98   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-611-000-0250-00    1258 Wesley Ave      0.24   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-260-0001-30    1270 Pine St         0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-252-0003-00    1278 Terrace St      0.27   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-7 45-000-0016-00   1282 FLEMING AVE     0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-611-000-0371-00    1284 James Ave       0.24   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-771-000-0030-00    1294 Williams St     0.32   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-582-0001-00    1296 Lakeshore Dr    0.92   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-216-0017-00    130 E APPLE AVE      0.22   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-376-0001-10    1303 6TH ST          0.07   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-611-000-0415-00    1315 Ducey Ave       0.15   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-264-0002-00    1318 Pine St         0.16   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-269-0002-00    1320 Spring St       0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-264-0003-00    1324 PINE ST         0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-258-0010-00    1325 Terrace St      0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-611-000-0234-00    1325 Wesley Ave      0.16   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-340-0006-20    1326 9th St          0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-611-000-0376-00    1328 James Ave       0.25   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-264-0004-00    1334 Pine St         0.26   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-611-000-0413-00    1341 Ducey Ave       0.30   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-7 49-0001-00   1351 Bluff St        0.81   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-613-000-0844-00    1355 Adams Ave       0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-267-0010-00    1355 Pine St         0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-611-000-04 72-00   1357 Marquette Ave   0.25   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-613-000-0876-00    1364 Morgan Ave      0.25   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-376-0007-15    1366 7th St          0.07   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-613-000-0839-00    1366 Leonard Ave     0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-267-0008-00    1373 Pine St         0.21   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-611-000-0352-00    1375 James Ave      0.40    Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-342-0009-00    1390 Henry St       0.29    Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-375-0010-10    1402 Park St        0.09    Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-273-0004-00    1408 Leahy St       0.12    Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-611-000-0408-00    1419 Ducey Ave       0.26   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-611-000-0444-00    1428 Ducey Ave       0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-273-0016-00    1431 Hoyt St         0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-27 4-0006-00   1440 Jiroch St       0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-273-0015-00    1441 Hoyt St         0.18   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-27 4-0014-00   1451 Leahy St        0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-272-0017-00    1459 TERRACE ST      0.18   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-408-0013-00    1461 Park St         0.05   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-406-0014-00    1480 7th St          0.06   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-272-0011-10    1490 HOYTST          0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-585-0001-00    1490 Lakeshore Dr   33.40   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-280-0012-00    1499 Hoyt St         0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-279-0003-00    1518 Jiroch St       0.36   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-281-0002-00    1524 HOYT ST         0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-280-0009-00    1527 Hoyt St         0.16   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-526-0012-00    1535 Lakeshore Dr    0.17   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-611-000-0453-00    1536 Ducey Ave       0.28   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-611-000-0397-00    1539 Ducey Ave       0.23   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-613-000-0893-00    1542 Adams Ave       0.15   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-611-000-0214-00    1554 Marcoux Ave     0.18   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-611-000-0335-00    1556 Albert Ave      0.22   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-611-000-0275-00    1561 Albert Ave      0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-675-003-0023-00    159 E Laketon Ave    0.15   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-185-100-0001-00    1608 ELWOOD ST       0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-295-0001-00    1608 Smith St        0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-292-0025-10    1647 Terrace St      0.16   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-185-101-0011-00    1657 Elwood St       0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-292-0023-10    1679 Terrace St      0.15   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-609-0001-00    1682 Lakeshore Dr    0.77   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-128-400-0019-10    1690 Creston St      1.66   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-297-0024-00    1691 SMITH ST        0.14   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-292-0009-10    1692 Hoyt St         0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-297-0005-00    1694 PINE ST         0.13   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-206-0003-00    171 E WALTON AVE     0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-185-111-0007-00    1710 Superior St     0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-296-0017-00    1725 WOOD ST         0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-298-0012-00    1728 Terrace St      0.29   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-611-0021-40       1737 Lakeshore Dr     0.28   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-185-119-0011-00       1769 Mcilwraith St    0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-185-115-0010-00       1773 SUPERIOR ST      0.12   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-307-0007-00       1778 PINE ST          0.13   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-307-0010-00       1783 Smith St         0.14   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-210-000-9991-00       1820 Crozier Ave      1.78   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-880-000-0004-00       1826 RAY ST           0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-675-004-0020-00       1838 Jiroch St        0.14   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-232-012-0008-00       1856 Commerce St      0.14   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-206-0011-00       186 Myrtle Ave        0.46   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-215-002-0021-00       1867 AUSTIN ST        0.23   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-67 5-003-0009-00      1867 Hoyt St          0.14   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-890-000-0020-00       1874 MANZST           0.12   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-255-009-0001-00       1908 Superior St      0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-215-012-0002-00       1916 Huizenga St      0.12   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-255-006-0026-00       1919 ELWOOD ST        0.13   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-215-007-0002-00       1920 S Getty St       0.63   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-6 7 5-0 24-00 21-00   1930 CLINTON ST       0.14   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-215-011-0026-00       1931 Huizenga St      0.47   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-796-002-0019-00       1932 REYNOLDS ST      0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-67 5-025-0004-00      1933 LEAHY ST         0.13   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-215-013-0004-00       1936 Brunswick St     0.13   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-255-010-0025-00       1947 S Getty St       0.34   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-215-012-0022-00       1957 Brunswick St     0.25   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-215-013-0007-00       1962 Brunswick St     0.25   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-796-003-0009-00       1967 REYNOLDS ST      0.14   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-796-003-0014-00       1968 HOYTST           0.14   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-290-001-0003-00       1968 PARK ST          0.30   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-763-001-0019-00       1968 Smith St         0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-290-001-0005-00       1974 Park St          0.17   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-255-007-0013-00       1984 Elwood St        0.24   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-215-013-0013-00       1992 Brunswick St     0.13   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-215-008-0015-00       1994 Continental St   0.12   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-232-004-0009-00       1995 Sanford St       0.14   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-622-0004-00       2035 BOURDON ST       0.18   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-665-000-0485-00       2043 Dowd St          0.14   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-64 7-0010-00      2048 Crozier Ave      0.01   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-209-0007-00       205 Amity Ave         0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-665-000-0486-00       2051 Dowd St          0.14   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-266-0005-00       206 Irwin Ave         0.23   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-665-000-0487-00       2065 Dowd St          0.14   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-200-0005-00   207 E Walton Ave      0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-665-000-0488-00   2075 Dowd St          0.14   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-628-0009-00   2105 Torrent St       0.12   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-860-000-0117-00   2127 Austin St        0.12   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-209-0005-00   213 Amity Ave         0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-205-0004-00   213 Myrtle Ave        0.14   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-351-9991-00   215 W Muskegon Ave    0.06   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-860-000-0052-00   2155 Continental St   0.16   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-129-0001-00   216 Yuba St           0.30   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-129-0012-00   223 Erickson St       0.22   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-860-000-0159-00   2247 Valley St        0.15   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-665-000-0442-00   2250 Dowd St          0.23   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-666-0006-00   2259 Meurer Ct        0.59   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-860-000-0145-00   2262 Austin St        0.15   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-133-400-0008-03   2301 S Harvey St      0.15   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-667-0006-00   2309 Meurer Ct        0.59   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-665-000-0413-00   2347 HUDSON ST        0.12   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-665-000-0424-00   2358 Dowd St          0.45   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-665-000-0417-00   2369 Hudson St        0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-236-0012-00   247 Delaware Ave      0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-129-0003-00   252 Yuba St           0.30   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-613-000-0681-00   254 Meeking St        0.15   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-260-0016-00   269 Catherine Ave     0.28   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-613-000-0683-00   270 Meeking St        0.60   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-210-0009-00   280 Allen Ave         0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-199-0003-00   283 E Walton Ave      0.21   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-199-0008-00   286 Myrtle Ave        0.21   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-264-0012-00   291 Mclaughlin Ave    0.18   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-210-0010-00   298 Allen Ave         0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-264-0011-00   301 Mclaughlin Ave    0.25   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-201-0009-00   302 Orchard Ave       0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-204-0013-00   304 Amity Ave         0.21   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-260-0007-00   304 Mclaughlin Ave    0.15   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-210-0003-00   305 Amity Ave         0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-210-0011-00   306 Allen Ave         0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-204-0013-20   306 AMITY AVE         0.03   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-264-0010-00   307 Mclaughlin Ave    0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-193-0001-00   307 E Muskegon Ave    0.64   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-141-0009-00   312 Jackson Ave       0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-201-0001-00   313 Myrtle Ave        0.17   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-204-0001-00   313 Orchard Ave       0.21   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-283-0009-00    316 E Forest Ave     0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-554-0001-20    32 W Western Ave     0.51   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-389-0012-10    320 Mason Ave        0.13   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-008-0008-10    320 Wood St          0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-702-0012-08    3201 Millard Ave     0.29   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-194-0006-00    324 E Walton Ave     0.17   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-247-0012-00    325 IONAAVE          0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-149-0001-00    325 Jackson Ave      0.21   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-194-0001-00    325 E Muskegon Ave   0.72   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-283-0009-10    326 E Forest Ave     0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-250-0005-10    328 Catherine Ave    0.08   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-297-0013-10    328 E Larch Ave      0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-613-000-0690-00    329 Leonard Ave      0.49   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-194-0007-00    332 E Walton Ave     0.16   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-250-0006-00    334 Catherine Ave    0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-264-0007-00    336 Catawba Ave      0.07   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-247-0011-10    337 Iona Ave         0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-290-007-0014-00    345 Shelby St        0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-419-0001-10    345 W Grand Ave      0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-008-0010-00    346 Wood St          0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-194-0009-00    346 E Walton Ave     0.58   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-563-0010-00    350 Shoreline Dr     4.94   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-7 42-0001-50   3510 Channel Dr      1.50   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-263-0012-10    355 Mclaughlin Ave   0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-249-0012-10    357 E !SABELLA AVE   0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-186-0024-00    36 E Muskegon Ave    0.12   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-263-0011-00    363 Mclaughlin Ave   0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-613-000-0717-00    366 Bennett St       0.25   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-763-001-0026-10    367 E HOLBROOK AVE   0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-249-0010-00    369 E !SABELLA AVE   0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-211-0010-00    370 Allen Ave        0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-249-0004-00    370 Catherine Ave    0.12   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-269-0001-10    373 Catawba Ave      0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-203-0009-30    373 Orchard Ave      0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-249-0004-10    376 Catherine Ave    0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-249-0005-00    384 Catherine Ave    0.22   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-296-0015-00    384 E Larch Ave      0.16   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-139-0002-00    388 Jackson Ave      0.36   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-249-0006-00    390 CATHERINE AVE    0.23   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-140-0001-00    396 Erickson St      0.21   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-140-0015-00    397 Marquette Ave    0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-407-0007-10   404 W Grand Ave      0.05   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-146-0003-00   411 Seaway Dr        0.05   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-094-0005-00   415 Mclaughlin Ave   0.42   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-044-0008-00   420 Oak Ave          0.21   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-140-0014-00   425 Octavius St      0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-015-0005-10   430 LANGLEY ST       0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-146-0008-00   431 Seaway Dr        0.05   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-370-0007-00   432 Monroe Ave       0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-612-000-0600-00   434 Abbey St         0.37   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-094-0003-00   435 Mclaughlin Ave   0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-376-0006-00   435 Monroe Ave       0.21   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-013-0005-00   436 Charles St       0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-007-0006-00   438 Adams Ave        0.34   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-012-0001-00   445 Marquette Ave    0.99   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-045-0005-00   447 Oak Ave          0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-007-0005-00   448 Adams Ave        0.37   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-068-0011-00   448 E !SABELLA AVE   0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-094-0002-00   449 Mclaughlin Ave   0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-045-0017-00   450 Orchard Ave      0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-148-0011-00   451 Erickson St      0.15   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-044-0012-00   452 Oak Ave          0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-007-0004-00   456 Adams Ave        0.35   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-079-0001-00   457 Catherine Ave    0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-044-0001-10   461 White Ave        0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-043-0012-00   462 White Ave        0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-149-0002-10   466 Erickson St      0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-156-0003-00   468 Ottawa St        0.07   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
                     477 MCLAUGHLIN
24-205-093-0006-00   AVE                  0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-066-0006-00   477 E Apple Ave      0.13   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-041-0008-10   480 Oak Ave          0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-149-0004-00   486 Erickson St      0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-077-0009-00   488 Catherine Ave    0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
                     489 MCLAUGHLIN
24-205-093-0005-00   AVE                  0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-066-0008-00   492 Ada Ave          0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-042-0007-10   492 White Ave        0.22   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-347-0004-10   493 W Muskegon Ave   0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-430-0005-00   495 W Southern Ave   0.12   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-069-0004-00   499 ADAAVE           0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-054-0004-00   499 Amity Ave        0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-066-0004-00   501 E APPLE AVE      0.21   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-077-0010-00   502 Catherine Ave    0.16   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-612-000-0620-00   502 Mary St          0.36   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-041-0010-00   502 Oak Ave          0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-069-0009-00   502 E Isabella Ave   0.29   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-022-0011-00   505 Alva St          0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-009-0009-00   509 Adams Ave        0.23   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-020-0003-00   509 Mclaren St       0.46   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-149-0008-00   509 Octavius St      0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-066-0010-00   510 ADA AVE          0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-080-0010-00   510 Mclaughlin Ave   0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-069-0010-00   510 E Isabella Ave   0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-057-0011-00   512 E Apple Ave      0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-041-0011-00   514 OAK AVE          0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-041-0012-00   518 Oak Ave          0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-159-0001-00   522 Ottawa St        0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-155-0010-00   523 Yuba St          0.22   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-041-0013-00   528 Oak Ave          0.24   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-042-0001-00   530 White Ave        2.15   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-009-0012-00   532 Leonard Ave      0.27   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-155-0009-00   535 Yuba St          0.17   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-048-0001-10   539 Oak Ave          0.21   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-155-0007-00   540 Yuba St          0.05   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-612-000-0645-00   556 S Getty St       0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-612-000-0639-00   561 Mary St          0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-102-0016-00   576 E Dale Ave       0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-275-0009-00   58 E Grand Ave       0.13   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-049-0016-30   586 ORCHARD AVE      0.15   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-049-0016-40   594 Orchard Ave      0.15   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-049-0011-10   595 Oak Ave          0.18   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-160-0009-00   599 Yuba St          0.31   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-064-0008-00   612 ADAAVE           0.14   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-075-0005-00   613 E !SABELLA AVE   0.19   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-767-000-0005-00   615 Mulder St        0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-040-0001-00   616 Oak Ave          4.15   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-049-0007-00   617 Oak Ave          0.22   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-052-0003-00   619 Amity Ave        0.45   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-345-0006-10   621 W Muskegon Ave   0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-344-0001-00   625 W Muskegon Ave   0.21   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-340-0001-20   625 W Webster Ave    0.06   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-590-001-0016-00   628 Mulder St        0.30   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-340-0002-00   631 W Webster Ave    0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-049-0005-00     635 Oak Ave          0.17   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-340-0002-10     637 W Webster Ave    0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-040-0004-20     638 Oak Ave          0.17   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-7 6 7-000-0011-00   641 Glen Ct          0.13   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-082-0012-00     642 Mclaughlin Ave   0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-767-000-0001-00     643 Mulder St        0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-340-0003-00     643 W Webster Ave    0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-064-0012-00     644 Ada Ave          0.28   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-033-0001-20     645 Wesley Ave       5.56   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-340-0003-10     649 W Webster Ave    0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-168-0014-00     653 Yuba St          0.72   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-015-0011-00     655 MARQUETTE AVE    0.13   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-034-0001-00     655 MULDER ST        0.16   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-064-0001-00     655 E Apple Ave      0.16   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-340-0003-20     655 W Webster Ave    0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-340-0004-00     661 W Webster Ave    0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-015-0011-10     663 Marquette Ave    0.12   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-340-0004-10     667 W Webster Ave    0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-340-0005-00     673 W Webster Ave    0.09   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-590-002-0001-00     675 S Getty St       0.32   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-340-0005-10     679 W Webster Ave    0.06   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-414-0012-00     682 W Southern Ave   0.18   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-016-0001-00     685 Marquette Ave    0.14   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-340-0006-00     685 W Webster Ave    0.06   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-411-0004-00     687 Washington Ave   0.25   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-414-0004-00     689 W Grand Ave      0.38   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-340-0006-10     691 W Webster Ave    0.08   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-411-0013-00     692 W Grand Ave      0.26   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-558-0001-40     710 Shoreline Dr     1.35   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-043-0006-00     712 Wood St          0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-405-003-0002-00     716 Leonard Ave      0.17   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-405-003-0004-00     720 Leonard Ave      0.17   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-037-0001-01     723 Sumner Ave       0.29   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-590-001-0011-00     725 Wesley Ave       0.23   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-405-003-0005-00     730 Leonard Ave      0.17   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-590-001-0021-00     730 MARCOUX AVE      0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-590-002-0010-00     733 MARCOUX AVE      0.27   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-039-0006-50     741 S GETTY ST       0.78   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-073-0008-00     748 CATHERINE AVE    0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-405-003-0007-00     750 Leonard Ave      0.17   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-405-003-0010-00     760 Leonard Ave      0.17   Cost of Sale   $200,000   $20,000
24-205-413-0014-00     766 W Southern Ave    0.20    Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
24-205-040-0011-20     768 Scott St          0.15    Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
24-205-001-0003-96     770 Access Hwy         0.50   Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
24-205-089-0026-00     776 Catawba Ave       0.14    Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
24-205-434-0001-00     791 W Southern Ave     0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
24-205-045-0009-00     802 Wood St            0.37   Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
24-442-000-0016-00     810 GRACE AVE          0.22   Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
24-205-045-0011-00     818 Wood St            0.31   Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
24-205-201-0012-00     821 Emerald St         0.08   Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
24-205-048-0007-00     822 Williams St        0.22   Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
24-205-191-0006-00     824 Cedar St           0.44   Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
                       828 W SOUTHERN
24-205-487-0012-00     AVE                    0.23   Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
24-595-000-0044-00     839 Turner Ave         0.11   Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
24-612-000-0631-00     845 Ducey Ave          0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
24-665-000-0108-00     846 Wilson Ave         0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
24-205-203-0005-00     856 Emerald St         0.15   Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
24-612-000-0626-10     861 Marquette Ave      0.33   Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
24-595-000-0040-00     861 Turner Ave         0.10   Cost of Sale                     '
                                                                    $200,000          $20,000
24-121-300-0066-00     873 STEVENS ST         0.13   Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
24-205-049-0019-70     874 Scott St           0.15   Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
24-250-000-0153-00     876 E Isabella Ave     0.13   Cost of Sale   $200,000          $20,000
24-121-300-0116-00     877 Amity Ave          0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000              $20,000
24-205-04 7-0015-00    881 Scott St           0.16   Cost of Sale   $200,000              $20,000
24-121-300-0049-00     892 Orchard Ave        0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000              $20,000
24-205-478-0014-00     900 W GRAND AVE        0.18   Cost of Sale   $200,000              $20,000
24-205-189-0011-00     902 Pine St            0.38   Cost of Sale   $200,000              $20,000
24-121-300-0062-00     907 Orchard Ave        0.17   Cost of Sale   $200,000              $20,000
24-205-4 78-0004-00    909 Washington Ave     0.21   Cost of Sale   $200,000              $20,000
24-250-000-015 7-00    912 E !SABELLA AVE     0.25   Cost of Sale   $200,000              $20,000
24-665-000-0269-00     912 W HACKLEY AVE      0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000              $20,000
24-205-053-0004-10     914 SCOTT ST           0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000              $20,000
24-205-054-0014-00     919 Scott St           0.20   Cost of Sale   $200,000              $20,000
24-205-210-0001-00     923 Emerald St         0.10   Cost of Sale   $200,000              $20,000
24-170-000-0012-00     929 E FOREST AVE       0.14   Cost of Sale   $200,000              $20,000
24-202-000-0018-00     942 AURORA AVE         0.14   Cost of Sale   $200,000              $20,000
24-612-000-0575-00     982 Ducey Ave          0.36   Cost of Sale   $200,000              $20,000
TOTALS                                      174.71                  $127,100,000.00       $14,400,000.00
495 Total Properties
Eligible Activities, Financing, Cost of Plan (Sec. 13(1) (a) (b) (c) (d) (g))

Eligible activities include cost of sale, demo & abatement, public infrastructure and brownfield
plan preparation and development (see chart below}.

                                         Eligible Activities Chart

            Eligible Activity                                               Cost

            Cost of Sale                                                     $11,400,000

            Blight Elimination                                               $0

            Demo & Abatement                                                 $2,000,000

            Public Infrastructure                                            $1,000,000

            Brownfield Plan Preparation and Development                      $20,000

                                              Sub-total                      $14,420,000

            Contingency (15%}                                                $2,163,000

            Total Eligible Activities to be paid under this Plan             $16,582,000

The eligible activities described above will occur on the Property and are further described as follows:

    1.   Cost of Sale: If the sale of a home results in a loss to the developer, the difference between the
         cost of construction and the sale price is considered the cost of sale or a seller concession. Some
         of these concessions could come from title work, acquisition costs and selling costs. For this Plan,
         it is anticipated that each home may result in the loss of $20,000 per unit.

    2.   Demo & Abatement: The cost to demolish the property and return it to a developable state,
         which may include lead and asbestos abatement.

    3.   Public Infrastructure: The cost to construct public infrastructure like alleys and water/sewer lines.

    4.   Brownfield Plan Preparation and Development: Costs incurred to prepare and develop this
         brownfield plan, as required per Act 381 of 1996, as amended.

It is intended that the above eligible activities will be reimbursed with interest at 5%.

Effective Date if Inclusion in the Brownfield Plan

The amended Infill Housing Project was added to this Plan on _ _ _ __, 2021 and will be amended
accordingly upon adoption of this Plan Amendment.
                                      City of Muskegon
                             Brownfield Redevelopment Authority
                            County of Muskegon, State of Michigan


                     City of Muskegon Infill Housing Project, 4th Amendment

       Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of the City of Muskegon Brownfield

Redevelopment Authority, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan, held on the 11th day of October

2022, at 10:30 a.m., prevailing Eastern Time.

       PRESENT:        Membe~

       ABSENT:         Members

       The following preamble and resolution were offered by Member _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and

supported by Member _ _ _ _ _ _ __

       WHEREAS, a Brownfield Plan has been adopted pursuant to Act 381, Public Acts of

Michigan, 1996, as amended ("Act 381 "), a copy of which is on file with the Secretary of the City of

Muskegon Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (the "Authority"); and

       WHEREAS, the Authority is authorized to approve amendments to the Brownfield Plan and

recommends the Amendment, which updates the number of eligible properties within the City of

Muskegon Infill Housing Project, for approval to the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State

of Michigan (the "City").


        1.     Approval of Brownfield Plan.       The Board hereby adopts and approves the

        Brownfield Plan Amendment for the City of Muskegon Infill Housing Project (4 th

       Amendment), and recommends the approval of the Brownfield Plan Amendments by the
     Muskegon City Commission.

     2.      Public Hearing. The Board hereby requests city personnel to provide a notice of

     Public Hearing on the proposed Brownfield Plan Amendments, and further requests that

     such hearing notice be provided to all taxing jurisdictions. Notice of the time and place of

     the hearing shall be given pursuant to Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan, 1976, as amended

     ("Open Meetings Act").

     3.      Deliver Resolution and Brownfield Plan to City.        The Chair of the Authority is

     directed to deliver a certified copy of this resolution and the Brownfield Plan Amendments to

     the City Clerk.

     4.      Disclaimer.   By adoption of this resolution and approval of the Brownfield Plan

     Amendments, the Authority assumes no obligation or liability to the owner, developer or

     lessor of the Eligible Property for any loss or damage that may result to such persons from

     the adoption of this resolution and Brownfield Plan Amendments.

     5.      Work Plan Transmittal. The Chair of the Authority shall be authorized to transmit to

     the Michigan Strategic Fund, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and/or the

     Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, on behalf of the Authority, a final Act 381

     Work Plan that has been reviewed and approved by the Authority.

     6.      Repealer. All resolutions and parts of resolution in conflict with the provisions of this

     resolution are hereby repealed or amended to the extent of such conflict.




                                    Martha Bottomley, Chair
                                    City of Muskegon Brownfield Redevelopment Authority

I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board

of the City of Muskegon Brownfield Redevelopment Authority, County of Muskegon, State of

Michigan, at a regular meeting held on October 11, 2022, and that said meeting was conducted

and public notice of said meeting was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the Open

Meetings Act, being Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan, 1976, and that the minutes of said meeting

were kept and will be or have been made available as required by said Act.

                                     Martha Bottomley, Chair
                                     City of Muskegon Brownfield Redevelopment Authority

                       Muskegon Downtown Development Authority

                                Agenda item A for 10-11-22

                      Acceptance of financial statement Sept. 30, 2022

Requesting party: City Economic Development

Outline of request: Staff is asking the DDA board to review and accept the financial statement
for Sept. 30, 2022.

Background: This hopefully reflects the actions that were taken or directed from the September

Staff comments: The Sept. 30, 2022 statement shows no income yet from TIF or the BID. Those
funds come later in the fiscal year. The TIF revenue is an estimate and may actually come in
somewhat higher. The Social Bowl payment of $34,750 is your second payment to Winberg
Construction to close out the $40,000 fac;:ade grant for the Pigeon Hill sidewalk/ ADA assistance
on Western Avenue. That comes out of fund balance and is shown as a separate project. The
Watermark assistance of $25,000 is also a new project in the budget. Half of that $12,500 was
taken out of the fac;:ade grant program which has been reduced to $62,500 and the remainder
out of fund balance.

Staff recommendation: To accept the Sept. 30, 2022 financial statement.

Suggested motion: I move to accept the Sept. 30, 2022 financial statement.
                    DDA FINANCIAL FOR 09/30/2022

                                                                                                                                   FY TOTALS
Revenues                                        FY 2021-22 BUDGET          FY2021-22 ACTUAL             FY2022-23 BUDGET       SEPTEMBER 30, 2022
Tax Increment                                   $       310,287.00    $            321,446.00       $           321,446.00     $                -
Reimbursement - State                           $                 -                                 $                   -      $                -
Event Revenue*                                                                                      $                   -      $                -
Trans From Capital Projects Fund                                                                    $                   -      $                -
Interest Income                                 $                 -    $              543.74        $                   -      $                -
Fundraising Revenue
BID Income (or $50,000 levy)* *                 $        17,000.00     $            17,000.00       $            17,000.00     $                -
Sponsorship                                     $                 -                                 $                   -      $                -
Former Mall Brownfi eld Income (GF)             $                 -                                 $                   -      $                -
Total                                           $       327,287.00     $           338,989.74       $           338,446.00     $                -

Expenses                                             FY 2021-22            FY2021-22 ACTUAL                FY 2022-23              FY 2022-23
Business Dev. Manager Wages                     $                 -    $            78,601.09                                  $         17,036.04
Trans to GF - Marketing, Events, Overhead       $                 -                                 $                   -
FICA (7.65%)                                    $                 -    $             5,862.50       $                   -      $           1,595.75
Workers Comp (2%)                               $                 -    $              401.46        $                   -      $            124.60
Insurance                                       $                 -    $             4,213.07       $                   -      $           1,177.09
Residency Bonus (4%)                            $                 -    $                  -         $                   -
Life Insurance (0.24%)                          $                 -    $               321.11       $                   -      $              86.60
401(k) {6%)                                     $                 -    $             7,001.64       $                   -      $           1,911.02
Total Salaries/Benefits                         $        95,500.00     $            96,400.87       $            98,365.00     $         21,931.10
Walkability Improvements                         $                -                                 $                   -
Streetscape/Wayfinding / Walkability            $        15,000.00     $            10,625.00       $            15,000.00
Public Art (Downtown Initiative)                $                 -                                 $                   -
Landscaping                                      $                -    $                  -         $                   -      $                -
Snow Removal                                    $                 -
Fa~ade Program                                   $                -                                 $            62,500.00     $                -
Downtown Park(s)****                            $          9,000.00    $             6,922.11       $             9,000.00     $           1,589.45
Marketing/Promotions                            $        32,000.00     $            23,136.50       $            25,000.00     $            502.62
Blight                                           $                -
Office Space and Misc Operating                 $          9,000.00    $            13,019.21       $             9,000.00     $                -
Total Recurring Costs                            $       65,000.00     $            53,702.82       $           120,500.00     $           2,092.07
Watermark Assistance                                                                                $            25,000.00
Social Bowl                                                                                         $            34,750.00     $         34,750.00
Morris Street Lot                                $                -                                 $                   -      $                -
Taste of Muskegon                                $                -                                 $                   -
Lakeshore Art Festival                                                                              $                   -
Projects and Events                              $                -    $                  -         $            59,750.00     $         34,750.00
County Debt Payments ($1M)                       $                -    $                  -         $                   -
Mercy Health Arena HVAC/Roof*******              $      130,000.00     $           130,000.00       $           130,000.00     $                -
Other Debt Payments (smartzone)                  $                -                                 $                   -      $                -
Total Debt Payments                              $      130,000.00     $           130,000.00       $           130,000.00     $                -
Total Expenses                                   $      290,500.00     $           280,103.69       $           408,615.00     $         58,773.17

Net Rev/Expenses                               1$        36,1s1.oo 1 $              ss,ss6.os 1 $               (70,169.00)1   $         (58,773.17)1

Fund Balance at Beginning of Year                                     1$            90,466.451                               1$         149,    I
Fund Balance at End of Year                                           1$           149,   I                            1$          90,579.331

                O:\Planning\COMMON\DDA- BRA\DDA - BRA 2022 -- current year\10112022 DDA-BRA meeting\DDA financial s 9-30-22
                     Muskegon Downtown Development Authority

                                Agenda item B for 10-11-22

                        Approval of a DDA facade grant pr?gram

Requesting party: City Economic Development

Outline of request: Staff is recommending final approval of a DDA fa<;:ade grant program for the
current fiscal year through June 30, 2023 as funded in the budget by the DDA board in June.

Background: the DDA board suggested a formal DDA fai;:ade grant program for this fiscal year
and received an initial staff outline of a program at its September meeting. The item was tabled
as staff incorporated the board discussion into a final program outline. The funding for the
program was funded at $75,000 in the 2022-23 DDA budget but has since been reduced to
$62,500 with the support of the investigation of the Watermark for purchase and

Staff comments: Staff has included an ADA component along with other suggestions. The final
draft is attached.

Staff recommendation: Staff is recommending final approval of the draft 2022-23 DDA Fa<;:ade
Grant Program.

Suggested motion I: I move to approve the 2022-23 Muskegon DDA Fa<;:ade Grant program
(with amendments) and direct staff to launch the program.

Suggest motion II: I move to appoint _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to work with staff on a fai;:ade grant
design/review committee.
                                      City of Muskegon
                      Downtown Development Authority

  2022-23 Building Fa~ade Improvement Grant Program


To upgrade the look and function of commercial buildings within the Muskegon Downtown
Development Authority by encouraging tenant businesses or building owners to make exterior
improvements. Such improvements will enhance the individual property's value; and uplift the
block in which the property is located and the overall district.

Available funding:

The DDA has budgeted $62,500 for the 2022-23 fiscal year to be available to applicants on a
first-come, first-serve basis. The number of grants will be limited by the budgeted amount.


The Building Fa~ade Improvement Grants are for up to $15,000 and applicants are required to
provide a match of one to one. Thus, a $5,000 grant would need to have the applicant propose
a project of at least $10,000. This is a reimbursement-oriented program to ensure that
proposed work is done appropriately and consistent with the character of the downtown


    •    Applicant must be a business or commercial building owner located within the
         Muskegon Downtown Development Authority district. Leaseholder businesses must
         receive the written permission of the building owner.
    •    The building must be an existing commercial structure at the sidewalk level but can be
         mixed-use on the floors above. Grants can assist redevelopment, remodeling or
         renovations to existing commercial buildings but are not for new buildings.
    •       All city taxes and other city accounts must be current.
    •       All work must be done in compliance with all city regulations and ordinances, including
            obtaining necessary building permits and the approval of the Historic District
            Commission when applicable.
    •       All work must be done by a licensed contractor.
    •       All changes in access to a building must strictly comply with the federal Americans with
            Disabilities Act.
    •   Work receiving grant funding must not begin until a grant is awarded and work must be
        completed in 12 months.

Eligible costs:

The DDA board will have the final decision on the eligibility of any items receiving grant funding.
Improvements must be to the exterior of the building and may include:

        Exterior walls, windows, doors, exterior painting, cleaning or tuck-pointing of masonry
        or stone, ADA improvements to exits and entrances, awnings, decorative signs
        improving the aesthetics of the building, exterior lighting for safety and aesthetics and
        unique exterior architectural features.

Ineligible costs:

Among other items, grants are not available for:

        Property acquisition, site plans, building fees, appraisal or attorney fees, business
        equipment taxed as personal property, wages associated with the project paid the
        applicant or applicant's relatives, parking lots and landscaping. (Although parking lot
        improvements and landscaping are encouraged, they are not grant eligible.)

Application process:

    •   Provide a brief statement of intent demonstrating the need for financial assistance; how
        the project will improve the building, its block and the district; and a commitment to
        future property maintenance.
    •   Provide a description of the proposed project, submitting photos ofthe existing building
        and if available drawings of the improvement.
    •   Provide detailed cost estimates with at least two competitive quotes from licensed
        contractors and their suppliers.
    •   Provide a timeline for commencing the project and its completion.
    •   Provide evidence of financial ability to complete the project with the understanding that
        the grant funds will only be disbursed upon completion of the project.

Review/approval process:

Applications received in the city's Development Services Division Office in Muskegon City Hall,
933 Terrace, will be reviewed by city staff. The DDA board authorized staff to review and
approve grant requests up to $2,500.

Grant requests of more than $2,500 will be evaluated by a design/review committee of the city
staff and board members appointed by the DDA. Grants of $10,000 or more must receive final
approval by the DDA board.
All reviews will consider the grant program goals along with the long-term economic
development benefits to the DDA district and the enhancement of the architectural appeal of
the applicant building. Changes in project scope or design must be DDA approved for final

Project reimbursement:

Upon completion of the project, grant recipient must submit final invoices marked as paid along
with copies of grant recipient checks to the contractors or suppliers.

Program authority:

The DDA board has final decisions on all matters related to the Building Fac;:ade Improvement
Grant Program. Any decision by the DDA board is final.
                  EVENTS FINANCIAL FOR 09/30/2022

                                                                                                                                  FY TOTALS
Revenues                                            FY 2021-22 BUDGET         FY2021-22 ACTUAL         FY2022-23 BUDGET       SEPTEMBER 30, 2022
Tax Increment                                       $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Reimbursement - State                               $                -                                 $                -     $                -
Event Revenue*                                      $      161,750.00     $           208,579.11       $        262,886.00    $            205.00
Trans From Capital Projects Fund                                                                       $                -     $                -
Interest Income                                     $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Fund raising Revenue**                              $        5,000.00     $            17,212.39       $          5,000.00    $           (350.00)
BID Income (or $50,000 levy)* *                     $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Sponsorship                                         $       87,000.00     $           412,973.13       $                -     $          2,625.00
Former Mall Brownfield Income (GF)                  $                -                                 $                -     $                -
Total                                               $      253,750.00     $           638,764.63       $        267,886.00    $          2,480.00

Expenses                                                FY 2021-22            FY2021-22 ACTUAL             FY 2022-23             FY 2022-23
Business Dev. Manager Wages                         $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Trans to GF - Marketing, Events, Overhead           $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
FICA {7.65%)                                        $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Workers Comp (2%)                                   $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Insurance                                           $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Residency Bonus (4%)                                $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Life Insurance (0.24%)                              $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
401(k) {6%)                                         $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Total Salaries/Benefits                             $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Walkability Improvements                            $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Streetscape/Wayfinding / Walkability                $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Public Art (Downtown Initiative)                    $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Landscaping                                         $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Snow Removal                                        $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Fa<;ade Program                                     $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Financial Incentives                                $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Downtown Park(s)****                                $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Marketing/Promotions                                $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Blight                                              $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Office Space and Misc Operating                     $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Total Recurring Costs                               $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Miscellaneous Events(Cookie Crawl, Letters to Sar   $                -    $            11,463.59       $                -     $            540.16
Taste of Muskegon                                   $       65,375.00     $           338,866.41       $         96,300.00    $          9,797.91
Lakeshore Art Festival                              $      159,279.00     $           179,784.98       $        163,568.00    $         13,109.76
Projects and Events                                 $      224,654.00     $           530,114.98       $        259,868.00    $         23,447.83
County Debt Payments ($1M)                          $                -    $                  -         $                -
Mercy Health Arena HVAC/Roof*******                 $                -    $                  -         $                -
Other Debt Payments (smartzone)                     $                -                                 $                -     $                -
Total Debt Payments                                 $                -    $                  -         $                -     $                -
Total Expenses                                      $      224,654.00     $           530,114.98       $        259,868.00    $         23,447.83

Net Rev/Expenses                                I$          29,096.00    I$           1os,649.6s   I$             s,018.001   $        {20,967.83)1

Fund Balance at Beginning of Year                                        1$            (4,382.80)1                           1$        104, I
Fund Balance at End of Year                                              1$           104,266.85   I                         1$         83,299.02 I

                O:\Planning\COMMON\DDA - BRA\DDA- BRA 2022 -- current year\10112022 DDA-BRA meeting\DDA financials 9-30-22

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