Downtown Development Authority Agenda 01-09-2024

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                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON
                            DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY

                   DATE OF MEETING:                                         Tuesday, January 9, 2024
                   TIME OF MEETING:                                         10:30A.M.
                   PLACE OF MEETING:                                        City Hall Commission Chambers,


  I.          Roll Call

  II.         Welcome new member

  III.        Approval of the meeting minutes of December 12, 2023

  IV.         Public comments on agenda items

  V.          BRA agenda items - Jake Eckholm

              A. Adelaide Pointe- Reimbursement Request #7

  VI.         DDA agenda items- Dave Alexander

              A. DDA financial report
              B. Farmers Market request for funds
              C. Fac;ade Grant requests - Leonard Building and West Side Art Collective
              D. Recap of holiday season downtown (discussion only)
              E. 2024 meeting schedule (information only)

  VII.        Adjourn

                          OF ITS COMMITTEES OR SUBCOMMITTEES

            To give comment on a live-streamed meeting the city will provide a call-in telephone number to the public to be able
            to call and give comment. For a public meeting that is not live-streamed, and which a citizen would like to watch and
            give comment, they must contact the City Clerk's Office with at least a two-business day notice. The participant will
               then receive a zoom link which will allow them to watch live and give comment. Contact information is below.
                                     For more details, please visit:

             The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing
          impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities who want to
             attend the meeting, 24- hour notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or
         services should contact the City of Muskegon by writing or calling the following: Ann Marie Cummings, City Clerk at 933
         Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440 or by calling (231) 724-6705 or TTYffDD: Dial 7-1-1 and request that representative
                                                               dial 231-724-6705
                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON


                             REGULAR MEETING MINUTES

                                     December 12, 2023

Chairperson M. Bottomley called the meeting to order at 10:32 AM and roll was taken.

I.     MEMBERS PRESENT:              B. Tarrant, Jr, M. Bottomley, S. Black, J. Rieger, M.
       Kleaveland, J. Seyferth, K. Reid, J. Moore
          MEMBERS ABSENT: H. Sytsema, J. Wallace, B. Hastings, D. Pollock,

          STAFF PRESENT: C. Alexander, Development Analyst/Downtown Manager, J.
                       Hines, Development Analyst, S. Wilson, Treasurer, W. Webster,
                       development services, D. Alexander, community engagement.
          OTHERS PRESENT: K. Pershbacher

Motion by J. Seyferth second by J. Moore, to approve the regular meeting minutes for November,
2023Voice vote, all approved.

IV.    BRA BUSINESS- Contessa Alexander

          A. Adelaide Pointe- Reimbursement Request #6 - Contessa gave an update of
             Request #6. Invoices have been reviewed by staff. This payment will not be paid
             out now, actual payments will be made as tax capture becomes available.
                 a. J. Moore made a motion to approve the 6th request for reimbursement
                    submitted by Adelaide Pointe QOZB, LLC for eligible activities and
                    supported by K. Reid.
             Roll Call: Yay: B. Tarrant, K. Reid, M. Kleaveland, M. Bottomley, S. Black, J.
             Moore, J. Riegler, J. Seyferth
             Nay: None
V.      DDA agenda items- Contessa Alexander

           A. DDA financial report- Contessa updated the financial statement as of November
              30. Estimated fund balance as of December 31, 2023 is projected to be
                  a. J. Moore made a motion to accept the November 30, 2023 DDA and
                      events financial statements. K. Reid supported
              Roll Call: Yay: B. Tarrant, K. Reid, M. Kleaveland, M. Bottomley, S. Black, J.
              Moore, J. Riegler, J. Seyfe1ih
              Nay: None
          B. Fa9ade Grant Revision- Contessa updated committee on suggesting brick
             staining vs. painting.
                 a. J. Moore motioned to accept the updated Fa9ade Grant Application. S.
                     Black supported
             Roll Call: Yay: B. Tarrant, K. Reid, M. Kleaveland, M. Bottomley, S. Black,
             J. Moore, J. Riegler, J. Seyferth
             Nay: None

          C. Holidays in The City - Discussion only - Contessa and Dave updated the
             committee on supported projects. Would like to see more focus on Third St, Pine
             and Te1Tace in the future.

VI.    OTHER BUSINESS: John Riegler announced his resignation and that this is his last

VII.   Adjournment at 11 :16AM
BRA Agenda Item V.A

                        Muskegon Brownfield Development Authority
                               Agenda Item V-A for 1-09-24

             Request for Reimbursement (7th Request)- Adelaide Pointe Project

Requesting party: Adelaide Pointe QOZB, LLC

Outline of the request: Adelaide Pointe QOZB, LLC has submitted their 7th request for
reimbursement for eligible activities.

Background: The Adelaide Pointe Project is a 35-acre mixed use waterfront development
project including winter boat storage, marina space, In/Out forklift boat storage,
commercial/retail, and up to 400 housing units. The request for reimbursement was submitted
on (date to come) on behalf of the developer for costs related to the brownfield eligible
activities that was approved in the 3rd Amendment to the Brownfield Plan Amendment adopted
by the City of Muskegon BRA and City of Muskegon Commission May 9, 2023 and
May 23, 2023. The BRA is responsible for formally approving all reimbursement requests for
Brownfield TIF's.

Staff comments:
The request for reimbursement outlines the eligible activities that have been invoiced and paid,
which were approved in the Brownfield Plan. Reimbursement requests relate to EGLE
Environmental Activities/ MSF Non -Environmental Activities and Local Only eligible activities.

Jeff Salowitz and city staff are currently reviewing all of the invoices submitted for the
Reimbursement Request. Mr. Salowitz has approved the reimbursement request and city staff's
review is underway. The documentation will be sent separately by Jan . 8 prior to the meeting.

This request will not be paid out now, actual payments will be made as tax capture becomes
available. Additional requests will be made in the future as work is currently being completed
for this project.

Staff recommendation: City staff is reviewing the Adelaide Pointe QOZB, LLC's 7th request for
reimbursement for eligible activities. Recommendation to come .

Suggested motion: I move to approve the 7th request for reimbursement submitted by
Adelaide Pointe QOZB, LLC for eligible activities.
DDA Agenda Item VI.A

                         Muskegon Downtown Development Authority
                                Agenda Item VI-A for 1-9-24

                     Acceptance of Financial Statement December 31, 2023

Requesting party: City Economic Development

Outline of the request: Staff is asking the DDA board to review and accept the financial
statements for December 31, 2023.

Staff comments:

There has not been a significant change in the status of the DDA financials since the December
meeting. The actual statements will not be ready for distribution until Jan. 8 and will be sent
separately prior to the meeting.

Last month's November financial report is being placed in the agenda packet as a placeholder.
But looking at that report, several significant financial events will happen in the third and fourth
quarters of the 2023-24 fiscal year prior to June 30, 2024. The tax increment income has yet to
be posted and is anticipated at $480,000, $80,000 more than initially budgeted. At the same
time, the budgeted $80,000 in revenues for the end of the Business Improvement District will
not materialize. Those two financial events should cancel each other to have a minimal impact
on the year-end fund balance. Finally, the $130,000 expenditure Trinity Health Arena bond
payment will be posted later in the fiscal year.

The events financial statement will also be forwarded Jan. 8 and will inform agenda item VI-B.

Staff recommendation: To accept the December 31, 2023 DDA and events financial statements.

Suggested motion: I move to accept the December 31, 2023 DDA and events financial
                    DDA FINANCIAL FOR 11/30/2023

                                                                                                      FY2023-24 BUDGET           FY TOTALS
Revenues                                      FY 2022-23 BUDGET          FY2022-23 ACTUAL                 (updated)          NOVEMBER 30, 2023
Ta x Increment                                $       321,446.00    $            401,043.00       $           401,039.00    $                 -
Reimbursement - State                         $              -                                                              $                 -
Event Revenue*                                                                                    $                   -     $                -
Trans From Capital Projects Fund                                                                  $                   -     $                -
Interest Income                               $                 -    $             1,139.20       $                   -     $             649.54
Fundraising Revenue
BID Income (or $50,000 levy)**                 $       17,000.00     $            17,000.00       $             80,000.00   $                 -
Sponsorship                                    $             -                                    $                   -     $                 -
Former Mall Brownfield Income (GF)             $             -                                    $                   -     $                 -
Total                                          $      338,446.00    $            419,182.20       $           481,039.00     $            649.54

Expenses                                           FY 2022-23            FY2022-23 ACTUAL                FY 2023-24              FY 2023-24
Business Dev. Manager Wages                    $                -    $            75,389.95                                  $         27,536.73
Trans to GF - Marketing, Events, Overhead      $                -                                 $                   -
FICA {7.65%)                                   $                -   $              5,603.75       $                   -     $           2,046.56
Workers Comp {2%)                              $                -   $                424.17       $                   -     $             132.20
Insurance                                      $                -   $             11,454.65       $                   -     $           8,606.03
Residency Bonus {4%)                           $                -   $                   -         $                   -
Life Insurance (0.24%)                         $                -   $                317.69       $                   -     $             119.31
401(k) {6%)                                    $                -   $              6,822.79       $                   -     $           2,515 .62
Total Salaries/Benefits                        $       98,365.00     $           100,013.00       $             95,000.00    $         40,956.45
Walkability Improvements                       $                -                                 $                   -
Streetscape/Wayfinding / Walkability           $       15,000.00     $            25,207.87       $             25,000.00    $                -
Public Art (Downtown Initiative)               $             -                                    $                   -
Landscaping                                    $             -       $                  -         $             20,173.00    $                -
Snow Removal                                   $             -                                                               $          9,791.75
Fa<;ade Program                                $       15,250.00                                  $            157,585.22    $         30,000.00
Downtown Park(s)****                           $        9,000.00     $             4,448.27       $              9,000.00    $            839.48
Marketing/Promotions                           $       25,000.00     $            17,135.21       $             12,000.00    $          9,285 .97
Blight                                         $             -
Office Space and Misc Operating                $        9,000.00     $               100.00       $              9,000.00    $          1,590.00
Total Recurring Costs                          $       73,250.00     $            46,891.35       $            232,758.22    $         51,507.20
Watermark Assistance                           $        25,000.00    $            25,000.00       $                   -      $                -
Social Bowl                                    $        34,750.00    $            34,750.00       $                   -      $                -
Morris Street Lot                              $              -                                   $                   -      $                -
Ta ste of Muskegon                             $              -                                   $                   -
Lakeshore Art Festival                                                                            $                   -
Projects and Events                            $       59,750.00     $            59,750.00       $                   -      $                -
County Debt Payments ($1M)                     $                -    $                  -         $                   -
Mercy Health Arena HVAC/Roof**** ***           $      130,000.00     $           130,000.00       $            130,000.00    $                -
Other Debt Payments (smartzone)                $             -                                    $                   -      $                -
Total Debt Payments                            $      130,000.00     $           130,000.00       $            130,000.00    $                -
Total Expenses                                 $      361,365.00     $           336,654.35       $            457,758.22    $         92,463.65

!Net Rev/Expenses                            1$        (22,919.00)1 $             s2, I$                  23,280.781 $          {91,814.11)1

!Fund Balance at Beginning of Year                                  1$           149, I                               1$        231,sso.3s    I
IFund Balance at End of Year                                        1$           231,sso.3s   I                             1$        140,066.241

            C:\Users\contessa .hood\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\lNetCache\Content.Outlook\TA3AYAU6\DDA November 2023
DDA Agenda Item VI.B

                        Muskegon Downtown Development Authority
                               Agenda Item VI-B for 1-9-24

                    Famers Market request for expenditure of event funds

Requesting party: City Clerk's Office

Outline of the request: Staff is asking the DDA board to approve expenditure of event funds for
Muskegon Farmers Market equipment.

Staff comments:

Please see the attached outline of the $42,829 request from City Clerk Ann Meisch who will be
attending the meeting to provide background information and answer questions about the

Staff recommendation: To approve the expenditure of $42,829 in event funds for eight items
to support the Muskegon Famers Market.

Suggested motion: I move to approve the expenditure of $42,829 in event funds for eight items
to support the Muskegon Famers Market.
The Farmers Market request $42,829 of the $62,829 made of the Taste funds
according to the Finance Department for the following needed items.
We have left $20,000 in the fund for start-up cash for 2024 and hope to
withdraw that for other needed items after Taste 2024.

     $1,500    Utility Carts
     $1,000    High Tops
     $4,500    Cabinets
   $10,000     Oven Replacement
     $3,500    Kitchen Mixers
   $13,675     Snow Stop
  $7,154.44    Picnic Tables
       1,500   Market Assessment

    $42,829 Total
DDA Agenda Item VI.C

                        Muskegon Downtown Development Authority
                               Agenda Item VI-C for 1-9-24

                      Fa~ade Grant applications for The Leonard Building
                                And West Side Art Collective

Requesting party: City economic development

Outline of the request: Staff has received two applications for DDA fai;ade grants that need
DOA approval because they are more than $10,000. One is for The Leonard (292 W. Western
Ave) and one for the West Side Art Collective (238 Houston).

Staff comments:

The applications are attached, an historic-looking blade-type exterior sign for The Leonard and
exterior siding for a building damaged in a 2019 fire at 238 Houston. The review committee of
city staff and a DDA member have reviewed the applications and have provided its approval for
the DDA board's final decision. The fai;ade improvement grant fund has sufficient resources to
fund both applications.

Staff recommendation: To approve both the Leonard and West Side Art Collective fai;ade grant

Suggested motions:

I move to approve Corey Leonard's request for $15,000 in a fai;ade improvement grant.

I move to approve the West Side Art Collective LLC request for $15,000 in a fa<_;:ade
improvement grant.
City of Muskegon - Downtown Development Authority
2023-24 Building Fa ~ade Improvement Grant Program Application

 Applicant Name                                         Business Address
                  Corey Leonard                              292 West Western Ave. Suite 201
 Email                                                  Phone                                    231-206-0311
 Project Address                                        Parcel Number
           292 West Western Avenue
 Requested Amount                                       Total Fa~ade Project Cost
                       $15,000                                               $46,257.60
 Statement of Intent/Need for Funding:
 I wanted to do a internally lit Blade Type Sign similar to the Frauenthal and Amazon Building.
 Carrying through that old school look in my end of town will help give visual continuity to Western
 Ave. Corridor. Hopefully it will inspire other building owners to do the same. The cost is substantial
 so The $15,000 would help this be feasible to do.

 Description of Project-Attach: Photos, Project Plans & 2 Competitive Bids:
 36"w x 412"h Blade Sign with individual internally lit letters. Each Letter will also be halo lit.

 Project Timeline/Estimated Completion Date:
 Completion By June of 2024 pending DOA approval.

 By signing the grant application, if awarded, applicant commits to future property
 maintenance and certifies the ability to fund the project to completion before grant funds
 reimbursements are made.
Applicant Signature:         ,·,l(!VAJt 11- t ~                          1     )
                                        U                                 V
Please email application to:

For more information:
Contact Contessa Alexander, Staff Liaison, ODA/BRA
  The Leonard                                                                                                                                                                  b1GS1Gns           800- 790 - 7611
 ,-.,esc ce2 ,gns ::re me ,n;-ellectual pro;:ier;y of S gs1gnscom and are robe used solely as parr of o graphics pro 1ecr 10 be pnnTed by 81gs1gns com Any omcr use or d1:::nbt.r,on to;rn:i:.or pcr:;:· re. ::
 ;:;~o.,,::,,·ec c1;,c codd ,esJlt 1n your o,ganiz:;non being billed $150 per hour for rhe time n took 10 prepare the:;e designs                     _____________________                                    __ _ _ _

                  I 36" I

                  / 24"   I

p LEASE READ: If you want specific colors matched. you must provide us wit h your pms colors. We will do the best to match your colors within the limitations of grand format printing technology.
MaTches can come close but eY.act matches shou ld not bo expected. When reviewing proofs, colors on your computer screen are not an exact representation of the colors you w ill be receiving because screen
calibr~on is sues and The fact that computer screen colors are RGB and not CMYK colors like your printed project. Also the type of material printed on, lighting and pure human subjectivity help determi ne how        8
color is perceived to appear. La stly if you are looking to match the color~ to a previous banner we printed, please send us a swatch from that previous banner so we can match it's color as close as possible.
All Signs LLC .. DOA
Muskegon Fence Comp:my
100. \\I . Laketon J\vc1111c
M11skcg1rn, MI 49441 US
(23 l) 755-554 0
allsigns4michi gan@yahoo.
co m
allsignsmi chi ga

ADDRESS                                                                                     SlllPTO                                                                                              ESTIMATE# 3394
The Leonard                                                                                 The Leonard                                                                                               DATE 11 /07/2023

 ITEM                              DESCRIPTION                                                                                                                                                          QTY                                       RATE                      AMOUNT
 Sign                               36"x4 l 2" double sided sign with internally lit led letters                                                                                                                                      29,960.00                          29,960.00T
                                    and halo lit, UL Listed
Install                             Installation                                                                                                                                                                                         8,000.00                             8,000.00
22                                  Crane Rental                                                                                                                                                                                         2,500.00                             2,500.00
22                                  boom lift rental                                                                                                                                                                                     4,000.00                             4,000.00
Plans and                           Plans and Permits to be determined                                                                                                                                                                              0.00                               0.00

                                                                                                                                                     SUBTOTAL                                                                                                             44,460.00
                                                                                                                                                     TAX                                                                                                                   1,797.60
                                                                                                                                                     TOTAL                                                                                                   $46,257.60

Accepted By                                                                                                                                                Accepted Date

I %   lll t t:h.'\ I   wi ll l.k: d 1,1f ~(.'J for J.11c   p .1y 111l' lll 't   ufll..·I' .10 day!J.. 1\ ll   (lh l ll ll h.'. l 'I IIIC   rc, 111 111,i hk: of 1) l'l\..'y i11g ri 1y/lt1\\'lhhip   11.:g lll 111 h ,11~   1~, r   r~ I(' il 1gi 1,1l !\i!,.'.11 , .   All l'\l\h~1n~• r,   ..lh.'

                                                                                                      l l'~JMlll 'l ihlc      for powa "'.'i lll11'1Y 10 1-. ~IC 11ml !\1g 11
                    Port City Signs
                    771 Access Hwy
 P0RTCITYSIGNS .     Muskegon, MI 49442                                                                                               Estinrntc /I

                                                                                                                I 2/fi/2 02]

       Name/ Acldrcss                                                    Shi111'o
       BIGSIGNS.COtll                                                    INSTALLATION AT:
       COREY LEONARD                                                     THE LEONAHD
       22 S. 1-IJ\RBOR DRIVE STE IO I                                    WESTERN AVENUE
       GRAND HAVEN, Ml 49417                                             MUSKEGON, l\11 49440

                                                                                                          Term s                          Rep

                                                                                                      50%DEl'OSIT/DOR                      sz

        Item                                           Description                                        Qty          Rate              Total

 CUSTOM               36"W X 408"H X 14"D INTERNALLY LIT FLAG MOUNTED SIGN                                      1    26,195.00         26,195 .00T
                      CABINET: PAINTED ALUMINUM
                      CLR VINYL & 247 GLOSS LAMINATE
                      FULL COLOR, DOUBLE SIDED

DESIGN                DESIGN CHARGES ARE APPROXIMATE; SET-UP OF CUSTOMER                                    0.5           85.00             42.50
                      SUPPLIED ARTWORK
DISCOUNT              DESIGN CHARGES WAIVED PER JWII                                                                     -42.50            -42.50

ELE CTRICAL           ELECTRICAL AT SIGN ONLY. CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY                                  1              0.00          0.00
                      ADDITIONAL CIRCUITS NEEDED

PERMIT FEES           PERMIT FEES & ACQUISITION                                                                 1      1,200.00          1,200.00

INSTALLATION         INSTALLATION OF ABOVE INTERNALLY LIT FLAG MOUNTED SIGN                                     1     6,500.00          6,500.00
                     CHARGES WILL APPLY
                     Sales Tax                                                                                          6.00%            1,571 .70

J:stimatc Is valid for 30 days from rnday's dar e. To rnhmlt order, slg11 & fax /lack   10
23 1.727.J.100                                                                                 Total                             S:L .4GG. 70

                                                                                             Slg nalll l'I!: - - - - - -
• Pri cing doc s not Include ,111y shipping costs.
                                                                                             Dnt e:
Ph: 877.773 .6750 " Fox: 231.727.1300 "
City of Muskegon - Downtown Development Authority
2023-24 Building Fa~ade Improvement Grant Program Application

 Applicant Name                                                 Business Address
         West Side Art Collective LLC                            3218 Stonewood Dr. Lansing, Ml 48912
 Email                                                          Phone
 Project Address                                                Parcel Number
                  238 Houston Ave.                                             24-205-351-0007-20
 Requested Amount                                               Total Fa~ade Project Cost
               $15,000                                                         $48,570.44
 Statement of Intent/Need for Funding:
We intend to use the funds to install siding for the first and second floor of the building (entire building). The building
was damaged from fire in 2019 and since then we have financed the entire project without a financial institution or
private money lenders, but from funds we make by liquidating our other assets and savings. We are at a point now
where we need financial support to complete the project. The facade grant will greatly help in reaching that goal;
allowing us to complete the project, and more importantly, give the neighborhood a beautifully refurbuished building to
look at and use.

 Description of Project..Attach: Photos, Project Plans & 2 Competitive Bids:
Please see attached architectural drawings and quotes. We have selected EAS Contractors for
the work.

 Project Timeline/Estimated Completion Date:
Our estimated start date is January of 2024 and estimated completion date is February 2024

 By signing the grant application, if awarded, applicant commits to future property
 maintenance and certifies the ability to fund the project to completion before grant funds
 reimbursements are made.
                                                                   ,,               /        If       #

 Applicant Signature:Douglas                   Snyder/(r/J?! ~cil~~11'1--
                                                             (\.Y"p'/                   --,
Please email application to:

For more information:
Contact Contessa Alexander, Staff liaison, DOA/BRA
Joseph Heeren
457 Columbia Ave.
Muskegon, Ml 49444

Re: ODA Facade Grant 238 Houston Ave.

To whom it concerns,

Please consider this letter approval for the work proposed by West Side Art Collective LLC, submitted in
the ODA Facade Program grant, at 238 Houston Avenue, Muskegon, Ml 49440.

                                 dotloop verined
                                 10/31/2312:34PM EDT

Joseph Heeren
             .~                                                                                                                  1732 Ritter Dr.
                                                                                                                              Norton Shores, MI
    .!iii.A .J. it i;.·))                      11
                                                    Bringing Homes through the 21st Century...   11
                                                                                                                              Bus: 231.557.6540

  Bid to:
Joseph Heeren/ tJJ
1659Manz St
Muskegon, MI 49442



                                                         Description                                                               Total

Siding Installation
Multi story, multi use building with first story commercial space and second story residential space, in the downtown
Muskegon historical district@238 Houston, Muskegon, MI (City of Muskegon)

Proposed siding installation will be LP Smart Siding (Lap) on Front & west side of building, remainder or building
will be D4 vinyl, 6 11 LP Smart Trim, aluminum Trubead soffit and fascia (french style eves) with false composite
exposed rafters.

Installation of 4" LP Lap Smart Siding (approx 16 sq)                                                                                    4,800.00
Installation of 5/4 4" LP smart trim (approx 1280 1n ft)                                                                                 2,624.00
Installation ofD4 siding & accessories (approx 16 sq)                                                                                    2,800.00
Installation of aluminum Trubead soffit, fascia (300 1n ft)                                                                              2,880.00
Installation of false exposed composite rafters                                                                                          1,000.00
Materials • Siding Package                                                                                                              23,313.28
Exterior Painting package - materials & labor                                                                                           10,600.00
Installation Fasteners (304-Stainless RS Siding Nails)                                                                                     222.63
Installation Fasteners (304-Stainless 15ga Trim Nail)                                                                                      180.53
Misc stock materials and/or fasteners                                                                                                      150.00

Contractor will supply all materials, labor, pe1mits and dumpster as specified here-in
Customer has chosen all layouts, trims, colors and textures

                                                                                                      TOTAL                        $48,570.44

  This is an estimate only and is good for 30 days from the date shown, after that time period this estimate may be void and must be re-evaluated.
    This estimate is for the completation of the job described above and is based on our current evalution and does not include any unforseen
           material price increases or additional labor and/or materials, which may be required, should any unforseen changes, alterations
                 or deviation arise. All work and timelines have been quote based on normal working conditions, hours and weather.



      P.O. Number                                                        Terms                              Phone Number


All material guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike
manner according to standard practices. Any board repair shall be an extra charge. All
agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Our workers          Total
are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. Conlrnctor shall be liable for
neiU1er incidental nor consequential damages other than reasonable repair of installed work.
Unpaid contract shall constitute a lien against this property until paid. Homeowner shall be
liable for actual and reasonable attorney fees incurred by contractor. Any claims for defects
not corrected witltin a reasonable time after notice shall be subject to arbitration in
                                                                                                Authorized Signature:
accordance with the rules of the Better Business Bureau, any award rendered thereon shall
be fixed and binding in the parties hereto, and judgment may be entered thereon by a court      Ricky A Hines
having jurisdiction thereof. NOTE: This estimate becomes a legal contract upon signing
and dating.
 Downtown Development Authority

      2024 Meeting Schedule

2nd Tuesday of Every Month 10:30 AM

          City Chambers


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