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CITY OF MUSKEGON MUSKEGON HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE AND AGENDA DATE OF MEETING: Thursday, November 2nd, 2023 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: CITY HALL FIRST FLOOR-COMMISSION CHAMBERS AGENDA 1) Roll Call: 2) Approval of the Minutes: Approval of the copy of the minutes from the October 5th, 2023, meeting. 3) Public Comment: 4) Old Business: A. EN2003998 639 Marquette Ave. – Wyatt Christopher – 1670 Silver Creek Rd. Whitehall, MI 49461 B. EN1715554 1874 Jarman St. – Love Jasper – 932 E Forest Ave. Muskegon, MI 49442 5) Dangerous Building(s) – New Cases: a. EN2301232 1520 6th St. – West Lakeshore LLC – PO Box 348. Spring Lake, MI 49456 b. EN2103997 1370 Getty St. – Richards Catherine M Estate – 15017 Brookside Dr. Spring Lake, MI 49456 c. EN2300422 820 Allen Ave. – Myers Raven – 820 Allen Ave. Muskegon, MI 49442 d. EN1900278 448 W Muskegon Ave. – Moore Virginia/ Blake Sharon – 568 Houston Ave. Muskegon, MI 49441 6) Other Business: 7) Adjourn AMERICAN DISABILITY ACT POLICY FOR ACCESS TO OPEN MEETINGS OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON AND ANY OF ITS COMMITTEES OR SUBCOMMITTEES To give comment on a live-streamed meeting the city will provide a call-in telephone number to the public to be able to call and give comment. For a public meeting that is not live-streamed, and which a citizen would like to watch and give comment, they must contact the City Clerk’s Office with at least a two-business day notice. The participant will then receive a zoom link which will allow them to watch live and give comment. Contact information is below. For more details, please visit: The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities who want to attend the meeting with twenty-four (24) hours’ notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the City of Muskegon by writing or by calling the following: 1 OF 1
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