Neighborhood Associations 02-05-2014

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                 Neighborhood Associations
                        of Muskegon
                       “Promoting Residential
                         Wednesday, February 5, 2014
                        Conference Room 203 ● 4:30 pm

 I. Departmental Reports – 4:30 – 5:00
   a.   Planning/Zoning – Mike Franzak – 724-6702
   b.   Neighborhood Policing – Denny Powers – 724-6764
   c    Inspections – Chief Jeff Lewis – 724-6955
   d.   City Clerk’s Office – Ann Cummings – 724-6705
   e.   Public Works – Bernadette Young - 724-4100
   f.   Engineering – Mohammed Al-Shatel – 724-6707
   g.   Community and Neighborhood Services – Laura Hichue – 724-6717

II. Guest Speaker – 5:00 – 5:15

III. Action

IV. Neighborhood Association Business

V. Reminders

   a. City Commission Meetings: February 11 and 25

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