Legislative Policy Committee Minutes 04-22-2009

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                               CITY OF MUSKEGON
                             Wednesday, April 22, 2009
                             City Commission Chambers

Present: Commissioners Carter, Spataro, Shepherd (arrived 5:40 p.m.), Wisneski, Wierengo,
Gawron, and Warmington.
Absent: None.

Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Wisneski moved, Commissioner Carter seconded, to approve the minutes of
January 28, 2009.

                                                           MOTION CARRIED.

Annual Goal Issues – Bryon Mazade
Bryon Mazade, City Manager, asked that the Commission consider reviewing the current goals
of the City Commission and define some points. Regional Collaboration was discussed in great

Commissioners may visit individual communities and speak to the different boards regarding
collaboration. The Mayor will speak to the Mayors and ask their interest in appointing two
individuals from each community to place on a committee to discuss issues. He will report to the
City Commission.

Street Paving Financing – Steve Gawron
Vice Mayor Gawron asked about the future of street paving and how it will be financed without
special assessments.

Bryon Mazade stated that the City has applied for grants and also Community Development
Block Grant funding. There are many different avenues that could be explored for future
funding of streets if the Commission so chooses.

Addition of IFT Clause – Mike Franzak
Staff has brought forth a possible provision to the current agreement. The proposed amendment
to the Industrial Facility Tax agreement would provide that a company can not appeal the value
of their personal or real property if they have an IFT with the company. The company still has
the right to go to the Board of Review but they can not appeal to the Tax Tribunal.

Vacant Building Registration Process – Mike Cameron
Approximately 300 vacant buildings are currently registered. Staff is working on 1300 possible
vacant buildings. Some recommended changes will be brought forward to the City Commission
at a future meeting.
The Commission asked for a breakdown of actual cost of staff time for the appeal process as well
as police and fire runs.

Because it is a new program, staff is spending more time implementing the program, but it is
expected to level off as staff becomes more experienced.

Streetlights – Larry Spataro
Commissioner Spataro stated there are many streetlights currently not in working order. With
some effort, he believes that lights could be reduced with a savings of approximately 25% of the
bill by determining which streetlights are no longer needed and going to LED’s or other less
expensive alternatives.

Commissioner Carter left at 6:37 p.m.

First Street Corridor – Larry Spataro
Mohammad Al-Shatel gave an update on the status of the conversion to a two-way street.

When finances allow, the City should pursue converting the First Street Corridor.

Clara Shepherd left at 6:48 p.m.

Charter Park Considerations – Steve Gawron
The City Attorney has indicated that the Commission has two options for placement of Charter
Parks on the ballot. The charter can either be amended or obtain permission from the voters to
sell a “Charter Park”.

Further discussion took place and a recommendation will be brought forward to the City

                                                                 Ann Marie Becker, MMC
                                                                       City Clerk

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