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CITY OF MUSKEGON LEGISLATIVE POLICY COMMITTEE Minutes Wednesday, November 30, 2022 5:30 pm Present: Commissioners Johnson, Ramsey, German, Gorman, Emory, and St. Clair. Absent: Commissioner Hood. Approval of Minutes Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, seconded by Commissioner Emory to approve the minutes as amended ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Johnson, Ramsey, German, Gorman, Emory, and St. Clair. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Legislative Update - Pete Wills Pete Wills reviewed several State policy issues. Mr. Wills will be applying for funding between $250,000 to $400,000 for a splash pad to replace the broken splash pad in front of the post office. Climate Emergency Declaration with Presentation by Montaue City Manager Jeff Auch - Mayor Johnson Mr. Auch presented a powerpoint and provided a document of their Climate Mobilization Action Plan. The powerpoint provided a detailed step by step process the City of Montague went through. Some of the process includes fleet conversion, alternative transportation, community energy efficiency, waste management, etc. It took approximately one year for the City of Montague to develop the Climate Emergency Declaration. Some challenges have been staff availability to work on the project. City, staff, Climate Action, and Council were the key components to the program. By consensus of the Commission, it was agreed the City is interested in pursuing a Climate Emergency Declaration. Review of City Policy/Ordinance Regulating the Keeping of Chickens in Residential Areas - Mayor Johnson Commission had a long discussion regarding chickens and the number that may be allowed. Currently a household may have one chicken. Commissioners were mixed on their feelings on this issue. The City Manager will gather more information and take to a future Legislative Meeting. Review of the City Dangerous Dog Policy - Commissioner St. Clair Currently the ordinance indicates pit bulls are the only dog listed as a dangerous dog. Commissioner St. Clair suggested the breed be removed in the ordinance. Commissioners agreed the ordinance should be amended and breeds not be listed. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Commissioner Ramsey explained a new process to approve board members at the annual CRC meeting in January. Commission was agreeable. He suggested we create the Parks and Recreation board but not fill positions at this time until a Parks and Recreational Supervisor is hired. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Public participation was accepted. Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, seconded by Commissioner St. Clair to adjourn the meeting at MOTION CARRIED. ___________________________________ Ann Marie Meisch, MMC City Clerk
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