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Downtown Muskegon Business Improvement District Meeting Agenda Feb. 28, 2022 8 a.m. Muskegon City Hall Conference Room 103 933 Terrace, Muskegon, Ml 1) Call to Order 2) Public Comment (on an agenda items) 3) Consent Agenda a) Approval of Agenda b) Approval of Minutes from the meeting Oct. 25, 2021 c) Acceptance of financial statements as of Jan. 31, 2022 4) New Business a) Authorization to pay for pet friendly de-icing material b) BID-DPW landscaping 2022 LOI c) Downtown planters' contract for 2022 d) Sponsorship of Michigan Downtown Association social event e) Future of BID beyond 2023 and use of fund balance 5) Other Business a) Next meeting May 23, 2022 or the call of the chair. 6) Adjournment Downtown Muskegon Business Improvement District October 25, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes Muskegon City Hall 933 Terrace St, Muskegon, Ml 49440 1. Call to Order: 8:00 am 2. Public Comment: None 3. Consent Agenda a. Approval of Agenda b. Approval of Minutes (June 28, 2021) c. Acceptance of Financial Statements as of September 30, 2021. Motion to approve the consent agenda: Bruce Lindstrom Support: Andy Maciejewski All voted in favor. 4. New Business a. 2022 BID Budget and Work Plan: Staff asked the BID to approve a 2022 Budget and Work Plan. BID fund balance has grown to $83,536 by year end 2021. In 2023, the BID will have to renew and plan to use unused funds. Motion to approve: Kathy Dennison Support: Bruce Lindstrom All voted in favor. b. Social Sandbox Cost Overrun: Staff asked the BID to increase its authorized support from $4,000 to $5,202 for the downtown Social Sandbox. Actual costs exceeded the initial expected amount by $2404 and staff would like the DDA and BID to split the overage. Staff would like the BID to authorize reimbursement of an additional $1,202 for materials for the Social Sandbox. Motion to approve: Andy Maciejewski Support: Jaime Charron All voted in favor. c. BID-DPW 2021-22 Snow Removal: Staff asked the BID to approve the 2021-2022 sidewalk snow removal agreement with the City of Muskegon Department of Public Works for $43,145. There is an existing agreement through 2023 with DPW through April 2023. The updated agreement includes a 5% increase and an increase in services for Friday and Saturday afternoons, for an additional $6,394. Staff asked the BID to approve the updated DPW-BID Letter of Understanding for sidewalk snow removal for the 2021-2022 winter. Motion to approve: Bruce Lindstrom Support: Andy Maciejewski All voted in favor. d. Midtown 2021-22 Snow Removal: Staff asked the BID to approve the 2021-2022 snow removal agreement with Terrascape Architects to plow the parking lot at 1144 Third St at a cost of $4,400, the same cost that the BID paid last year for this service. Motion to approve: Kathy Dennison Support: Jaime Charron All voted in favor. e. Summit downtown snow removal agreement (information): The agreement between Summit LawnCare and SnowPlowing was shared with the group. The contract dates are from 11/15/2020-4/15/2023, with an annual review in which both sides have the opportunity to opt out if deemed necessary. f. 2022 Meeting Schedule: Staff asked the BID to approve their 2022 Meeting Schedule of: February 28, May 23, and October 24, 2022. The meetings will be held the fourth Monday of the month at 8am in City Hall Conference Room 103. All meetings are open to the public. Motion to approve: Jaime Charron Support: Bruce Lindstrom All voted in favor. g. Update on downtown developments (information): An update was given on downtown developments including 880 1st, Ten21 Apartments, Samaritas Senior Housing, 1144 3rd , Catholic Services Building on 3rd , Harbor 31, Adelaide Point, Hartshorn Marina, MMA, Great Lakes Wharf, Shoreline Drive Lane Reduction, Harris Downtown Restaurants, Pigeon Hill, Leonard II, Lakeview Lofts, Hackley Square, Former Huntington Bank Tower, Foundry Square, and urban/near downtown affordable housing (ARPA). 5. Other Business a. Next meeting February 28, 2022 or the call of the chair. 6. Adjournment 8:45 am No Objection Minutes produced and submitted by Samantha Pulos, Administrative Assistant, Development Services, City of Muskegon. Muskegon Downtown Business Improvement District Agenda item financials for 2-28-22 BID financials Requesting party: City Economic Development Outline of request: The city Finance Department presented the BID financial position as of Jan. 31, 2022. The report is for the board's review. Background: BID fund has $102,626 in the bank at the end of January. Staff sees another $9,200 to be paid for winter snow removal and $17,000 for administration. The BID can anticipate about $110,000 in special assessment revenues by June 30. Staff comments: The BID financial condition is solid at about that half way point of the three- year special assessment program. Staff projects more than $86,000 in fund balance at the end of the 2022 calendar year Staff recommendation: To accept the financial report. Suggested motion: I move to accept the Jan. 31, 2022 Muskegon downtown BID financial statements. 02/21/2022 07 : 49 AM ACCOUNT BALANCE REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON Page: 1/1 User: jessica.rabe DB: Muskegon PERIOD ENDING 01/31/2022 ACTIVITY FOR 2021 - 22 BEG. BALANCE MONTH YEAR-TO- DATE END BALANCE GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMENDED BUDGET 07/01/2021 01/31/2022 THRU 01/31/22 01/31/2022 Fund 297 - DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON BID Assets 297 - 00000 - 1101 CASH IN BANK 132,988 . 37 (7 , 415 . 00) (30 ,362.21 ) 102 , 626.16 TOTAL ASSETS 132,988.37 (7 ,415 .00) (30 ,362 .21) 102,626 . 16 Fund Equity 297 - 00000 - 3400 FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED 132,988 . 37 0 . 00 0 . 00 132 , 988 . 37 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 132,988.37 0 . 00 0.00 132,988.37 Revenues 297-00000 - 4161 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 0.00 0 . 00 5,610.53 5 , 610 . 53 297 - 00000 - 4970 INTEREST INCOME 0.00 0 . 00 218.58 218 . 58 TOTAL REVENUES -- 5,829.11 0.00 0 . 00 5,829 . 11 Expenditures 297 - 70803-5346 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0.00 7 , 41 5 . 00 36,191.32 36 , 191 . 32 TOTAL EXPENDITURES -- 0.00 7,415 . 00 36,191.32 36,191.32 1- 02/21/2022 07:51 AM GL ACTIVITY REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON Page: 1/2 User: jessica.rabe DB: Muskegon TRANSACTIONS FROM 07/01/2021 TO 01/3 1 /2022 Date JNL Type Description Reference II Debits Credits Balance Fund 297 DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON BID Assets Department 00000 07/01/2021 297-00000-1101 CASH IN BANK BEG. BALANCE 132 , 988 . 37 07/30/2021 CD CHK MUSKEGON LAKESHORE CHAMBER OF COMM 24898(A) 2 , 000.00 130,988.37 07/31/2021 GJ JE INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 7464 55 . 00 131,043.37 08/31/2021 GJ JE INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 7465 54.60 131 , 097.97 09/30/2021 GJ JE INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 7467 54 . 59 131 , 152.56 10/08/2021 CD CHK WEST MICHIGAN RUM COMPANY 543357 4,000 . 00 127 ,1 52.56 10/26/2021 CR RCPT Special Assessments 10/26/2021 3,972.68 131 ,1 25.24 10/29/2021 CD CHK WEST MICHIGAN RUM COMPANY 25798(A) 1,202.26 129 , 922.98 10/31/2021 GJ JE INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 7505 54.39 129,977.37 11/01/2021 GJ JE RECORD SPRING / SUMMER WESTERN AVE COS'. 7319 20,239 . 06 109,738 . 31 11/26/2021 CD CHK SUMMIT LAWNCARE & SNOWPLOWING 543578 1 , 335 . 00 108 , 403 . 31 12/13/2021 CR RCPT Special Assessments 12/13/2021 662 .11 109 , 065.42 12/21/2021 CR RCPT Special Assessments 12/21/2021 975.74 110,041.16 01/14/2022 CD CHK SUMMIT LAWNCARE & SNOWPLOWING 543794 560.00 109 , 481.16 01/28/2022 CD CHK SUMMIT LAWNCARE & SNOWPLOWING 543861 2 , 455.00 107 , 026.16 01/28/2022 CD CHK TERRASCAPE ARCHITECTS INC 543864 4,400.00 102 , 626.16 01/31/2022 2 97-00000-110 1 END BALANCE 5 , 829.11 36,191.32 102 , 626 . 16 TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 00000 5,829. 1 1 36 , 19 1. 32 TOTAL Assets 5 , 829.11 36,191.32 102,626 . 16 Liabilities Department 00000 07/01/2021 297-00000-2100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE BEG . BALANCE 0 . 00 07/20/2021 AP INV D. ALEXANDER : BEACH TROLLEY SPONSORSHI I 10553 2 , 000 . 00 (2 , 000.00) 07/30/2021 CD CHK MUSKEGON LAKESHORE CHAMBER OF COMM 24898 (A) 2,000.00 0.00 10/05/2021 AP INV BID : SANDBOX IMPROVEMENTS 1003 4,000.00 (4,000.00) 10/08/2021 CD CHI< WEST MICHIGAN RUM COMPANY 543357 4,000 . 00 0 . 00 10/27/2021 AP INV SANDBOX IMPROVEMNTS : D. ALEXANDER 1005 1 , 202.26 ( 1, 202.26) 10/29/2021 CD CHK WEST MICHIGAN RUM COMPANY 25798 (Al 1,202 . 26 0 . 00 11/ 1 6/2021 AP INV NOVEMBER 2021 SEASONAL SHOVEL INSTALl 43675 225.00 (225 . 00) 11/16/2021 AP INV NOVEMBER 2021 : SEASONALSNOW PLOWING It 43676 1 , 110.00 (1 , 335 . 00) 11/26/2021 CD CHK SUMMIT LAWNCARE & SNOWPLOWING 543578 1,335.00 0.00 01/11/2022 AP INV SALTING WITH LIQUID : DOWNTOWN 43957 560.00 (560 . 00) 01/14/2022 CD CHK SUMMIT LAWNCARE & SNOWPLOWING 543794 560.00 0 . 00 01/25/2022 AP INV BID : SALTING DOWNTOlvN : 12/5/21- 12/ 30/2: 44164 1,120.00 (1 , 120.00) 01/25/2022 AP INV BID:DOWNTOWN : JAN 2022 SNOW PLOlvING 44189 1,110.00 (2 , 230.00) 01/25/2022 AP INV BID : DOWNTOWN : JAN 2022 SHOVELI NG 44188 225.00 (2 , 455.00) 01/25/2022 AP INV SNOWPLOWING : 1144 3RD ST LOT 1 : 2021 - 2( 2536 4,400 . 00 (6,855.00) 01/28/2022 CD CHK SUMMIT LAWNCARE & SNOWPLOWING 543861 2 , 455.00 (4 , 400.00) 01/28/2022 CD CHK TERRASCAPE ARCHITECTS INC 543864 4 , 400.00 0.00 01/31/2022 297-00000-2100 END BALANCE 15,952 . 26 15 , 952.26 0 . 00 TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 00000 15,952.26 15 , 952.26 TOTAL Liabilities 15,952.26 15 , 952 . 26 0 . 00 Fund Equity Department 00000 07/01/2021 297-00000-3400 FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED BEG. BALANCE (132 , 988 . 37) 01/31/2022 297 - 00000 - 3400 END BALANCE 0.00 0.00 (132 , 988 . 37 ) TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 00000 TOTAL Fund Equity (132 , 988.37) Revenues Department 00000 07/01/2021 297-00000-4161 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS BEG . BALANCE 0 . 00 10/26/2021 CR RCPT Special Assessments 10/26/2021 3 , 972.68 (3,972.68) 12/13/2021 CR RCPT Special Assessments 12/13/2021 662 .11 (4 , 634 . 79) 12/21 /2021 CR RCPT Special Assessments 12/21/2021 975.74 (5 , 610.53) 01/31/2022 297 - 00000 - 4161 END BALANCE 0.00 5,610.53 (5 , 610 . 53) 07/01/2021 297-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME BEG . BALANCE 0 . 00 07/31/2021 GJ JE INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 7464 55.00 (55 . 00) 08/3 1 /2021 GJ JE INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 7465 54.60 (109 . 60) 09/30/2021 GJ JE INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 7467 54 . 59 (164 . 19) 10/31/2021 GJ JE INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 7505 54.39 (2 1 8.58) 01/31/2022 297-00000-4970 END BALANCE 0.00 218 . 58 (218 . 58) TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 00000 5 , 829 .11 TOTAL Revenues 5 , 829 . 11 (5,829.11) Expenditures Department 70803 DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON BID 07/01/2021 297-70803-5346 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES BEG. BALANCE 0 . 00 07/20/2021 AP INV D.ALEXANDER : BEACH TROLLEY SPONSORSHI I 10553 2 , 000.00 2 , 000.00 10/05/2021 AP INV BID:SANDBOX I MPROVEMENTS 1003 4 , 000 . 00 6 , 000 . 00 10/27/2021 AP INV SANDBOX IMPROVEMNTS : D. ALEXANDER 1005 1,202.26 7 , 202.26 11/01/2021 GJ JE RECORD SPRING/SUMMER WESTERN AVE COS'. 7319 20,239.06 27,441.32 02/21/2022 07:51 AM GL ACTIVITY REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON Page: 2/2 User: jessica.rabe DB : Muskegon TRANSACTIONS FROM 07/01/2021 TO 01/31/2022 Date JNL Type Description Reference II Debits Credits Balance 297-70803-5346 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (Continued) 11/16/2021 AP INV NOVEMBER 2021 SEASONAL SHOVEL INSTALi 43675 225.00 27 , 666.32 11/16/2021 AP INV NOVEMBER 2021 : SEASONALSNOW PLOWING It 43676 1 ,110.00 28 ,7 76 . 32 01 /11/2022 AP INV SALTING WITH LI QUID : DOWNTOWN 43957 560.00 29,336 . 32 01/ 25/2022 AP INV BID : SALTING DOWNTOvlN : 12/5/21- 12/30/2 : 44164 1 ,1 20 . 00 30 , 456.32 01/25/2022 AP INV BID : DOvlNTOWN : JAN 2022 SNOW PLOWING 44189 1,110.00 31 , 566.32 01/25/2022 AP INV BID : DOWNTOWN : JAN 2022 SHOVELING 44188 225 . 00 31 , 791.32 01/25/2022 AP INV SNOWPLOWING : 1144 3RD ST LOT 1 : 2021-2( 2536 4 , 400.00 36 , 191. 32 01/31/2022 297-70803-5346 END BALANCE 36 ,1 91.32 0.00 36 , 191.32 TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 70803 DOWNTOvlN MUSKEGON BID 36 , I9I.32 TOTAL Expenditures TOTAL FOR FUND 297 DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON BID 36 ,191. 32 57 ,97 2 .69 57,972.69 36 , 191.32 0.00 I Muskegon Downtown Business Improvement District Agenda item A for 2-28-22 Pet-friendly de-icing material Requesting party: City Economic Development Outline of request: Staff is asking the BID board to authorize additional spending on pet- friendly de-icing for downtown sidewalks. Background: BID board members were told of the complaints -the first in six years - of dog walkers having their pet's paws bleeding from what owners think is salt treatment of downtown sidewalks this winter. DPW has found a pet-friendly material and it is twice the cost of what was being applied. The switch was made in late January and the BID is being asked to cover the additional cost anticipated not to exceed $6,000. Staff comments: Salt has been applied to downtown sidewalks in the BID since the winter of 2017-18 with no complaints. The issue arises now because staff believes due to the increase of downtown residents and all of the pet-friendly residential units downtown. The BID is being asked to cover the cost because BID services have caused the issue and the dog walkers are some of downtown businesses best customers. Staff will work the cost into next winter's LOI with DPW. Staff recommendation: To approve the additional cost. Suggested motion: I move to authorize up to $6,000 in additional sidewalk snow removal costs for the 2022 winter generated by use of pet-friendly de-icing materials. Muskegon Downtown Business Improvement District Agenda item B for 2-28-22 BID-DPW Landscaping LOI 2022 Requesting party: City Economic Development Outline of request: Staff is asking the BID board to consider a landscaping services letter of intent with the city Department of Public Works for the summer 2022. Background: The BID has purchased city DPW services since 2017 after requesting private sector quotes. The BID board at the time used DPW based on cost and quality of work. Downtown has looked beautiful ever since. DPW Director Leo Evans would like the BID to consider going out for private landscaping service going forward so city staff can put more effort into some neglected city parks. Director Evans is willing to provide landscaping services this summer but wants to explore moving away from providing that service. Director Evans is not looking to shed the winter sidewalk snow removal work. Staff comments: Staff has provided an updated 2022 LOI between the BID-DPW that increases payment to the DPW on a time and material basis not to exceed $26,500, an increase of 5 percent from 2021. The city charged the BID $20,239 for actual costs last year. Hopefully the city manager and the DPW director will be in attendance to discuss with the BID board the future of downtown landscaping services. Complicating downtown services are trash and litter services in the Social District, which have increased to $56,000 a summer season due increase in visitors. Social District revenues could pay for such sanitation services but would have little to contribute to downtown event costs such as for Fourth of July fireworks and Rebel Road. Can the BID assist in such clean up along with landscaping? With staff and BID board members at the meeting a future direction for providing these services should be discussed. Staff recommendation: For now, staff recommends the 5 percent increase in landscaping services for the 2022 summer. Suggested motion: I move to approve the letter of intent between the BID and city DPW as presented for 2022 summer landscaping services. Letter of Understanding City of Muskegon DPW and Muskegon Downtown Business Improvement District This is a Letter of Understanding between the Muskegon downtown Business Improvement District (BID} and city of Muskegon Department of Public Works (city} concerning landscaping in downtown Muskegon for the spring, summer and fall of 2022. City and BID officials will work together to provide superior service for the best presentation of downtown possible. The BID board voted in 2018 to accept the offer of the city of Muskegon to provide landscape services through the summer of 2020. This agreement continues those services through 2022. That offer excludes preparation and maintenance of the flower planters throughout the BID district. The planter work will be done for the BID by Barry's Flower Shop of Muskegon for summer 2022. The city will perform the work below in the areas shown on the accompanying map on a time and material basis not to exceed $26,500. Note that that the agreement and price for 2022, like 2020 and 2021, includes maintenance of new landscape areas in Midtown along Third Street from Muskegon to Merrill avenues. However, it removes weeding of the rock beds in the DMDC parking lot behind the Hines Building and the Russell Block buildings (Morris Avenue Second to Third). Scope of Work Lawn Fertilization/Weed Control 4 fertilization applications on medians and terraces between Third Street and Terrace Street along Western Avenue o Spring (completed by June 1) o Early Summer (completed by July 30) o Late Summer (completed by September 30) o Fall/Winterized (completed by Nov. 30) At the same time, apply liquid weed control to the service area including: o Cracks o Curb lines o Landscaping beds o Along buildings o Alcoa Celebration Square rock beds at First Street and West Western Avenue Spring Clean Up Removal of lawn and landscaping area debris Cut all ornamental grasses and annual plants to spring start height Remove all day Lilly dead loss and cleanout beds Removal all trash from landscaped beds, curbs, & open fields Haul all yard waste from site Clean-up of curb lines and dress property for appearance Clean-up landscaping rocks (moving back into islands) in the parking lots behind the Hines Building & Russell Block Hardwood Mulch Installation & Bed Prep Pull weeds, and remove all debris from bark beds Install sod cut edge and prep all corners of landscaping beds Haul and spread shredded hardwood bark 2" deep in beds on Western Avenue between Terrace and Third Streets, including around the Third/Western traffic circle. Trimming and Pruning Trim & prune shrubs, bushes & trees to promote healthy growth and uniformity Remove and dispose of trimming debris Fall cleanup Leaf removal from plantings between Terrace Street and Third Street along West Western Avenue and in the Olthoff Stage area of Third Street between West Western and Clay avenues. Special Instructions Downtown Muskegon hosts several festivals thought out the summer, set up for these festivals begins on the following dates and efforts should be made to ensure regular maintenance doesn't interfere with event setup/activities. COVID-19 public health restrictions might force the cancellation of events for the summer of 2022. The city will turn off irrigation the day before the noted set-up start dates. Event Set-up Starts Event times Breakdown Parties in the Park Fridays 3-5 pm Summer Fridays 5-9 pm Same night Taste of Muskeqon Thursday, June 9 June 10-11 11am-9pm Sunday, June 12 Lakeshore Art Festival Friday, June 24 June 25-26 10 am-6 pm Monday, June 27 Muskeqon Rebel Road Wednesday, July 12 July 13-1710 am-11 pm Monday, July 18 Dave Alexander, Downtown Development Authority and BID manager, will be the city's contact concerning BID landscaping in downtown Muskegon. DPW Director Leo Evans or his designee will be the contact person for the city. On behalf of the city Department of Public Works: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: _ _ _ _ _ __ Frank Peterson, Muskegon city manager On behalf of the downtown Muskegon Business Improvement District: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: _ _ _ _ _ __ Bob Tarrant, BID board chair 1tr :..,,,.~:-. •r t I , ·, ' .' " • . .:. . •~ ~ ,_ ,.- L \i , I \ • '. , .,. '., . ' ( . ' ·'-~ :\ \. _~·,'-_;· : .. - . , ,, !lD ,_, \ C :§ '3 co ,• . . . \ '\ . . - 'I 1. Muskegon Downtown Business Improvement District Agenda item C for 2-28-22 Planter agreement 2022 Requesting party: City Economic Development Outline of request: Staff is asking the BID board to consider a planter agreement with Barry's Flowers for the summer 2022. Background: The BID has received exceptional service from Barry's for the 72 downtown planters for the past nearly half dozen years. The 2022 quote is for $15,750 for planter preparation, flowers, weekly maintenance including water and fertilizer and year end removal of plants. The quote is a five percent increase over 2021. Staff comments: Staff and Chairman Bob Tarrant's comments are in the attached email string. The business is up for sale and staff will work closely with Barry's if the sale is during the planter service period of 2022. Staff recommendation: To approve a 2022 planter contract with Barry's Flowers. Suggested motion: I move to approve a $15,750 agreement with Barry's Flowers to provide 2022 Downtown Muskegon planter services. Dave Alexander From: Dave Alexander Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2022 5:53 PM To: Dave Alexander Subject: FW: FW: Downtown Planters To print From: Bob TarrantSent: Monday, January 24, 2022 1:42 PM To: Dave Alexander Cc: Subject: Re: FW: Downtown Planters Dave & Dawn, Your plan looks good to me and I will echo Dave's comments that we've been thrilled with the work Barry's has done on our downtown planters and I'm sure it will continue under new ownership. Dawn - best of luck in your transition out of the business and I wish you the best in wherever the future takes you. Thank you both. Bob Bob Tarrant Co-President & Chief Operating Officer On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 1:13 PM Dave Alexander wrote: Dawn: I hope your year has started well. The downtown Business Improvement District wants to continue using Barry's for our downtown planters. You have done exceptional work and no matter what, they've looked great right along with your work in Hackley Park. Your proposed total of $15,750 for 2022 is reasonable, a 5 percent increase from the $15,000 the BID paid for your service in 2021. It is my intention to have Barry's provide the BID downtown planter service in 2022 for I believe 72 planters. As was the case last year, I cannot give you a definite answer or provide the first payment until receiving BID board approval. The BID meets Feb. 28 and will vote on the planter quote. With anticipated approval, I would suggest a payment of $7,750 processed by the city Finance Department ASAP after the Feb. 28 meeting. I believe this is what we did in 2021. I have CC'd BID board chairman Bob Tarrant on this email to get his input if he has anything to add. 1 Please let me know if this will work for Barry's. As for the sale of your family business, as a loyal customer the city would hope a new owner with your employees will provide the same great product and service that we have enjoyed. Good luck in finding the right buyer and keep us posted on your progress. Thanks. Keep in touch. Have a great week. Dave Alexander Business Development Manager City of Muskegon/DDA (231) 215-8827 (Please direct all of my email to this account: From: dawn barry Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2022 3:45:13 PM To: Dave Alexander Subject: Downtown Planters Hi Dave, I hope you are doing well. As you may have heard, after 45 years, we have put our business up for sale. We do not have any offers yet, and regardless, are planning, planting and growing everything for this year as needed. As for any changes in the future, our employees plan on staying with any new owners and maintaining the high level of quality and service we have always provided. We will keep you updated of any changes in ownership. Let me know about this payment plan for 2022: $2750. Due January 5 $2000. Due February 5 2 $3000. Due March 5 $3000. Due April 5 $3000. Due May 5 $2000. Due June 5 Thank you, Dawn Barry Barry's Greenhouses Inc. 3000 Whitehall Rd. Muskegon, Ml. 49445 231-766-3031 3 Muskegon Downtown Business Improvement District Agenda item D for 2-28-22 Support of MDA social event Requesting party: City Economic Development Outline of request: Staff is requesting the BID to partner with the Muskegon Downtown Development Authority to host a social event during the Michigan Downtown Association annual conference at the VanDyk Mortgage Convention Center Nov. 3-4. Background: Downtown Muskegon has been an active member of the Michigan Downtown Association since redevelopment of the downtown after the removal of the Muskegon Mall. The last time the MDA has meet in Muskegon was prior to 2015. The city has plenty to show off since then. The annual conference will bring 125 downtown professionals and board members to Muskegon with an estimated more than 50 room nights. The host downtown usually provides a social gathering the Thursday evening of the conference. Staff has secured the lobby of the Freaunthal Theater for a social gathering with cash bar Thursday Nov. 3 from 5-7 p.m. The cost of the rental and food is not expected to exceed $3,000. Staff comments: Staff suggests the BID and DOA split the cost of the MDA social event, not to exceed $1,500 for each agency. The ODA board will be asked to participate at its April meeting. Staff recommendation: To authorize the half the cost of hosting an MDA social event as part of the group's annual conference in Muskegon Nov. 3-4. Suggested motion: I move to authorize up to $1,500 to host a social event for the Michigan Downtown Association members. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5889B512-3845-4200-9F91-D0A2FF92840E Fraue nthal Center 425 West Western Ave. Suite 200 Muskegon, Ml49440-1101 {231) 722-9750 / FAX {231) 722-4616 Confirmation Michigan Downtown Association Annual Conference - Happy Hour Event ID: 1482-65-65-7547 Dave Alexander Phone: 231-215-8827 Customer: 933 Terrace Em a ii: dave .a lexa Muskegon,Ml49440 Bookings/Deta its Thank you for booking your event atthe Fra uenthal Center! Enclosed you will find a Rental Contract a long with this Facility Agreement. Please READ them carefully, fill out the necessary information, and SIGN and return a long with your non-refundable deposit within 10 days ofreceiving these documents. Please make the final set-up arrangements as soon as possible, but no latertha n 10 days before your event. Thank you and we a re looking forward to hosting your event! Rental ~ Hours Soacefsl Function(sl Price Discount Tota I Total Rent 11/3/2022 5:00 PM - 7:00 Old Lobby Michigan Downtown $375.00 $0.00 $375.00 PM Association Annua 1 Conference - Happy Hour Additional Charges Labor Item Otv/Rate Discount Total Subtotal Bartender 2x4.0 Hour@$20.00 /Hour $0.00 $160.00 Clean Up 1@$75.00 /Event $0.00 $75.00 Event Manager l@ $50.00 / Event $0.00 $50.00 (Fra ue nth a 1) Grand Total: $660.00 This agreement ism ade by and between The Frauentha I Center (Lessor/Center Management), and the above listed person, hereinafter referred to as the Lessee (Re nta 10 rga nization). I have read and agree to adhere to the Ren ta I Contract. lfa damage deposit was required, the a mount less the costofa ny damages will be refunded within 30 days of the function date. Muskegon Downtown Business Improvement District Agenda item E for 2-28-22 Discussion of BID's future Requesting party: City Economic Development Outline of request: The current three-year BID special assessment will end Dec. 31, 2023. It is time to begin discussing the Bl D's future beyond 2023. Background: The BID funds sidewalk snow removal, parking lot snow removal, summer landscaping services, planter services and supports downtown management. How will these and other critical downtown services be funded in the future? If the BID is to be extended beyond 2023, decisions will have to be made by June 2023 to allow for the BID special assessment process to conclude by Oct. 31, 2023. Staff comments: Staff projects more than $86,000 in fund balance at the end of the 2022 calendar year. If not going forward, the BID will have to determine the expenditure of any unexpended funds. Staff recommendation: To begin the discussion on the future of the BID. Suggested motion: None.
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