Downtown Business Improvement District Agenda 02-14-2023

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                                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON


                    DATE OF MEETING:                                   Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2023
                    TIME OF MEETING:                                   10:30 A.M.
                    PLACE OF MEETING:     City Hall Commission Chambers,
                                          933 Terrace, Muskegon, MI


     I.        Roll Call

     II.       Introductions

     III.      Approval of the meeting minutes of Oct. 31, 2022

     IV.       Public comments on agenda items

     V.        New business

               A.   BID financial report
               B.   Financial transition to the DDA
               C.   Landscaping bids and approval to fund summer 2023 (Dave Alexander)
               D.   End of operations and fund balance as of Dec. 31, 2023
               E.   Next meeting

     VI.       Adjourn

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Downtown Muskegon Business Improvement District
October 31, 2022
Special Meeting Minutes
Muskegon City Hall
933 Terrace St, Muskegon, MI 49440

1. Call to Order: 8:04am

2. Public Comment: None

3. Consent Agenda
      a) Approval of Agenda
      b) Approval of Minutes from the meeting Feb. 22, 2022 and special meeting July 18,
      c) Acceptance of financial statements as of Sept. 30, 2022
      Motion to approve the consent agenda: Kiel Reid
      Support: Bruce Lindstrom
      All voted in favor.

4. New Business
    a. Review of downtown landscaping since special meeting in July – discussion only, no
       action taken.

    b. BID-DPW snow removal LOU 2022-23: Staff is asking the BID board to consider a
       sidewalk snow removal services letter of intent with the city Department of Public
       Works for the winter 2022-23.

       Background: The BID has purchased city DPW services since 2017 after requesting
       private sector quotes. The BID board has paid for sidewalk snow removal and one mild
       winter provide the resources for the city to purchase a piece of equipment to clear and
       salt the downtown sidewalks. With the current BID special assessment, DPW and the
       BID has an overall signed Letter of Understanding through spring of 2023, which is in the
       Staff comments: Staff has worked with DPW to update the LOU for this winter season.
       The price has been increased by 8 percent and includes "pet friendly11 deicing
       materials. The footprint on weekends includes a half block of Western northwest of
       Second Street for the Leonard. The update also outlines those properties with sidewalk
       encouragements that do not allow for city equipment to serve. It also notes that the
       Frauenthal Center snow melt system does not need service.
  Motion: I move to approve the letter of understanding between the BID and city DPW
  as presented for 2022-23 winter snow removal services.
  Motion to approve: Kiel Reid
  Support: John Riegler
  All voted in favor.

c. Third Street Parking Low Snow Agreement 2022-23: Staff is asking the BID board to
   consider a Third Street parking lot agreement with Terrascape Architects Inc. snow
   removal in Midtown at 1144 Third for the winter of 2022-23.

  Background: The past few winters, the BID board increased snow removal services to
  include a private parking lot at 1144 Third that is used by the entire Midtown district for
  customer parking. Terrascape has provided that service, snow removal and deicing.
  Staff recommendation: To approve a 2022-23 Midtown parking lot snow removal
  agreement with Terrascape Architects.
  Motion: I move to approve a $4,775 agreement with Terrascape Architects to provide
  2022-23 snow removal services in Midtown at 1144 Third.
  Motion to approve: Kiel Reid
  Support: John Riegler
  All voted in favor.

d. Review of BID Snow Agreement with Summit – information only, no action taken.

e. Review of DPW’s draft landscaping RFB for downtown – information only, no action

f. Approval of 2023 BID Budget and Work Plan: Staff is requesting the BID review and
   approval a proposed 2023 budget and work plan.

  Background: This is the third year of a three-year special assessment for the Downtown
  Muskegon Business Improvement District, which ends Dec. 31, 2023. The budget has
  covered summer landscaping, winter snow removal and downtown management
  through the Muskegon Downtown Development Authority. The BID enters 2023
  financially healthy with an estimate of more than $85,000 in fund balance.
  Staff recommendation: To approve a recommended 2023 budget and work plan.
       Motion: I move to approve the recommended 2023 budget and work plan for the
       Muskegon Downtown Business Improvement District.
       Motion to approve: John Riegler
       Support: B. Lindstrom
       All voted in favor.

    g. Discussion of the BID’s future and sustainable plan for downtown services –
       information only, no action taken.

    h. Michigan Downtown Association Social Event, Nov 3, 5:30pm – information only, no
       action taken.

5. Other Business
    a. Next meeting February 27, 2023 or the call of the chair.
6. Adjournment
      No Objection
Minutes produced and submitted by Samantha Pulos, Planner, Planning Department, City of
                Muskegon Downtown Business Improvement District
                                Agenda item A for 2-14-23
                            Financial statement as of 1-31-23

Requesting party: City Economic Development
Outline of request: Staff is asking the BID board to review and accept the BID financial
statement as of Jan. 1, 2023.
Background: The Downtown BID account ended January with a $125,948 fund balance. Still
needing to be posted to the account is a final $17,000 administrative fee to the DDA, three
more payments to Summit and a payment to city DPW for snow removal. The city summer
landscaping from 2022 has yet to be posted to the account. Come April or May, the special
assessment payments of about $114,000 will be the last revenues received.
Staff comments: The BID will pay for summer landscaping and a final winter for snow removal
before ending Dec. 31, 2023. I would expect about $80,000 or more in fund balance to be
remaining at the end of the year. Snow removal costs have been down this season so far.
Staff recommendation: To accept the BID financial statement as of Jan. 31, 2023.
Suggested motion: I move to accept the Downtown Muskegon Business Improvement District
financial statement as of Jan. 31, 2023.
02/06/2023 03:50 PM                              GL ACTIVITY REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON                      Page:           1/3
User: jessica.rabe
DB: Muskegon                                    TRANSACTIONS FROM 07/01/2022 TO 01/31/2023
Date         JNL   Type    Description                                Reference #             Debits     Credits          Balance

Department 000
07/01/2022                 287-000-001 CASH IN BANK                                  BEG. BALANCE                      135,441.91
07/06/2022     CR   RCPT   SUMMARY CR POSTING: 07/06/2022 SPEC                             766.66                      136,208.57
07/11/2022     CD   CHK    BANK OF AMERICA                               28437(E)                       2,000.00       134,208.57
07/25/2022     CD   CHK    BANK OF AMERICA                               28594(E)                       2,500.00       131,708.57
07/31/2022     GJ   JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                           8352              55.66                   131,764.23
08/31/2022     GJ   JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                           8354              54.90                   131,819.13
09/22/2022     CR   RCPT   SUMMARY CR POSTING: 09/22/2022 SPEC                              4,000.00                   135,819.13
09/30/2022     GJ   JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                           8451              55.76                   135,874.89
10/03/2022     CD   CHK    BANK OF AMERICA                               29408(E)                          27.00       135,847.89
10/31/2022     GJ   JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                           8511              56.61                   135,904.50
11/14/2022     CD   CHK    BANK OF AMERICA                               29984(E)                         442.50       135,462.00
11/25/2022     CD   CHK    SUMMIT LAWNCARE & SNOWPLOWING                   545330                       1,335.00       134,127.00
11/25/2022     CD   CHK    TERRASCAPE ARCHITECTS INC                       545331                       2,387.50       131,739.50
11/30/2022     GJ   JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                           8618              55.76                   131,795.26
12/09/2022     CD   CHK    FRAUENTHAL CENTER                               545353                         330.00       131,465.26
12/09/2022     CD   CHK    SUMMIT LAWNCARE & SNOWPLOWING                   545403                         960.00       130,505.26
01/06/2023     CD   CHK    DOBB PRINTING                                 30356(A)                          74.50       130,430.76
01/06/2023     CD   CHK    SUMMIT LAWNCARE & SNOWPLOWING                   545474                       1,935.00       128,495.76
01/13/2023     CD   CHK    TERRASCAPE ARCHITECTS INC                       545570                       2,387.50       126,108.26
01/23/2023     CD   CHK    BANK OF AMERICA                               30787(E)                         160.00       125,948.26
01/31/2023                 287-000-001                               END BALANCE            5,045.35   14,539.00       125,948.26

07/01/2022                 287-000-018 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE                           BEG. BALANCE                            0.00

01/31/2023                 287-000-018                               END BALANCE                0.00        0.00             0.00

07/01/2022                 287-000-045 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT RECEIVABLE                 BEG. BALANCE                            0.00

01/31/2023                 287-000-045                               END BALANCE                0.00        0.00             0.00

  UNCLASSIFIED: Unclassified                                                                5,045.35   14,539.00       125,948.26
TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 000                                                                    5,045.35   14,539.00

TOTAL Assets                                                                                5,045.35   14,539.00       125,948.26
Department 000
07/01/2022                 287-000-202 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE                              BEG. BALANCE                       (4,500.00)
07/11/2022     CD   CHK    BANK OF AMERICA                                28437(E)       2,000.00                       (2,500.00)
07/25/2022     CD   CHK    BANK OF AMERICA                                28594(E)       2,500.00                            0.00
09/30/2022     AP   INV    MUSKEGON BUS FOR BRKFST RACHEL GORMAN        09/19/2022                         27.00           (27.00)
10/03/2022     CD   CHK    BANK OF AMERICA                                29408(E)             27.00                         0.00
11/14/2022     AP   INV    KUNTRY COOKIN - DDA                          10/31/2022                        442.50          (442.50)
11/14/2022     CD   CHK    BANK OF AMERICA                                29984(E)            442.50                         0.00
11/16/2022     AP   INV    SNOW PLOWING:NOV 2022 SEASONAL SHOVEL IN          46700                        225.00          (225.00)
11/16/2022     AP   INV    SNOW PLOWING:NOV 2022 SEASONAL SNOW PLOW          46701                      1,110.00        (1,335.00)
11/16/2022     AP   INV    SNOWPLOWING&SALTING OF 1144 3RD ST LOT D           2626                      2,387.50        (3,722.50)
11/25/2022     CD   CHK    SUMMIT LAWNCARE & SNOWPLOWING                    545330          1,335.00                    (2,387.50)
11/25/2022     CD   CHK    TERRASCAPE ARCHITECTS INC                        545331          2,387.50                         0.00
12/07/2022     AP   INV    RENT OLD LOBBY:BARTENDER-CLEAN UP-EVENT 1482-65-65-7203                        330.00          (330.00)
12/07/2022     AP   INV    SALTING W LIQUIID                                 46940                        960.00        (1,290.00)
12/09/2022     CD   CHK    FRAUENTHAL CENTER                                545353            330.00                      (960.00)
12/09/2022     CD   CHK    SUMMIT LAWNCARE & SNOWPLOWING                    545403            960.00                         0.00
12/27/2022     AP   INV    BUSINESS CARDS DAVE ALEXANDER                     97304                         74.50           (74.50)
01/03/2023     AP   INV    DOWNTOWN BID-VEGETATION CONTROL - DAVE A          46172                        600.00          (674.50)
01/03/2023     AP   INV    DOWNTOWN BID MONTHLY SNOW REMOVAL PAYMEN          46946                      1,110.00        (1,784.50)
01/06/2023     CD   CHK    DOBB PRINTING                                  30356(A)             74.50                    (1,710.00)
01/06/2023     CD   CHK    SUMMIT LAWNCARE & SNOWPLOWING                    545474          1,935.00                       225.00
01/07/2023     AP   INV    DOWNTOWN BID MONTHLY SNOW REMOVAL                 46945                        225.00             0.00
01/10/2023     AP   INV    1144 3RD ST SNOW REMOVAL                           2630                      2,387.50        (2,387.50)
01/13/2023     CD   CHK    TERRASCAPE ARCHITECTS INC                        545570          2,387.50                         0.00
01/23/2023     AP   INV    THE CHEESE LADY - cookie crawl               01/11/2023                        160.00          (160.00)
01/23/2023     CD   CHK    BANK OF AMERICA                                30787(E)            160.00                         0.00
01/31/2023                 287-000-202                                END BALANCE          14,539.00   10,039.00             0.00

  UNCLASSIFIED: Unclassified                                                               14,539.00   10,039.00             0.00
TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 000                                                                   14,539.00   10,039.00

TOTAL Liabilities                                                                          14,539.00   10,039.00             0.00
Fund Equity
Department 000
07/01/2022                 287-000-399 FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED                       BEG. BALANCE                     (130,941.91)
02/06/2023 03:50 PM                              GL ACTIVITY REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON                        Page:           2/3
User: jessica.rabe
DB: Muskegon                                    TRANSACTIONS FROM 07/01/2022 TO 01/31/2023
Date         JNL   Type    Description                                Reference #             Debits       Credits          Balance

                           287-000-399 FUND BALANCE UNRESERVED                       (Continued)
01/31/2023                 287-000-399                               END BALANCE                   0.00       0.00      (130,941.91)

  UNCLASSIFIED: Unclassified                                                                                            (130,941.91)

TOTAL Fund Equity                                                                                                       (130,941.91)
Department 000
07/01/2022                 287-000-451 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS                              BEG. BALANCE                           0.00
07/06/2022   CR     RCPT   SUMMARY CR POSTING: 07/06/2022 SPEC                                              766.66          (766.66)
09/22/2022   CR     RCPT   SUMMARY CR POSTING: 09/22/2022 SPEC                                            4,000.00        (4,766.66)
01/31/2023                 287-000-451                               END BALANCE                   0.00   4,766.66        (4,766.66)

  4100: TAXES & SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS                                                                       4,766.66        (4,766.66)

07/01/2022                 287-000-665-004970 INTEREST INCOME                           BEG. BALANCE                           0.00
07/31/2022   GJ     JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                           8352                            55.66           (55.66)
08/31/2022   GJ     JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                           8354                            54.90          (110.56)
09/30/2022   GJ     JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                           8451                            55.76          (166.32)
10/31/2022   GJ     JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                           8511                            56.61          (222.93)
11/30/2022   GJ     JE     INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS                           8618                            55.76          (278.69)
01/31/2023                 287-000-665-004970                        END BALANCE                   0.00     278.69          (278.69)

  4700: FINES & PENALTIES                                                                                   278.69          (278.69)

07/01/2022                 287-000-674-004805 CONTRIBUTIONS                             BEG. BALANCE                           0.00

01/31/2023                 287-000-674-004805                        END BALANCE                   0.00       0.00             0.00

  4800: CONTRIBUTIONS & MISCELLANEOUS                                                                                          0.00

07/01/2022                 287-000-699-100000 OP. TRANS FROM GENERAL FUND               BEG. BALANCE                           0.00

01/31/2023                 287-000-699-100000                        END BALANCE                   0.00       0.00             0.00

  4900: INTEREST & OPERATING TRANSFERS                                                                                         0.00
TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 000                                                                           0.00   5,045.35

TOTAL Revenues                                                                                            5,045.35        (5,045.35)
Department 000
07/01/2022                 287-000-801 BUDGETED CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                    BEG. BALANCE                           0.00

01/31/2023                 287-000-801                               END BALANCE                   0.00       0.00             0.00

  5300: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                                                                                   0.00
07/01/2022                 287-703-801 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                             BEG. BALANCE                           0.00
09/30/2022   AP     INV    MUSKEGON BUS FOR BRKFST RACHEL GORMAN        09/19/2022             27.00                          27.00
11/14/2022   AP     INV    KUNTRY COOKIN - DDA                          10/31/2022            442.50                         469.50
11/16/2022   AP     INV    SNOW PLOWING:NOV 2022 SEASONAL SHOVEL IN          46700            225.00                         694.50
11/16/2022   AP     INV    SNOW PLOWING:NOV 2022 SEASONAL SNOW PLOW          46701          1,110.00                       1,804.50
11/16/2022   AP     INV    SNOWPLOWING&SALTING OF 1144 3RD ST LOT D           2626          2,387.50                       4,192.00
12/07/2022   AP     INV    RENT OLD LOBBY:BARTENDER-CLEAN UP-EVENT 1482-65-65-7203            330.00                       4,522.00
12/07/2022   AP     INV    SALTING W LIQUIID                                 46940            960.00                       5,482.00
12/27/2022   AP     INV    BUSINESS CARDS DAVE ALEXANDER                     97304             74.50                       5,556.50
01/03/2023   AP     INV    DOWNTOWN BID-VEGETATION CONTROL - DAVE A          46172            600.00                       6,156.50
01/03/2023   AP     INV    DOWNTOWN BID MONTHLY SNOW REMOVAL PAYMEN          46946          1,110.00                       7,266.50
01/07/2023   AP     INV    DOWNTOWN BID MONTHLY SNOW REMOVAL                 46945            225.00                       7,491.50
01/10/2023   AP     INV    1144 3RD ST SNOW REMOVAL                           2630          2,387.50                       9,879.00
01/23/2023   AP     INV    THE CHEESE LADY - cookie crawl               01/11/2023            160.00                      10,039.00
02/06/2023 03:50 PM                              GL ACTIVITY REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON                      Page:         3/3
User: jessica.rabe
DB: Muskegon                                   TRANSACTIONS FROM 07/01/2022 TO 01/31/2023
Date         JNL   Type   Description                                 Reference #             Debits     Credits        Balance

                          287-703-801 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                          (Continued)
01/31/2023                287-703-801                                END BALANCE           10,039.00        0.00      10,039.00

07/01/2022                287-703-810 PUBLIC RELATIONS                                 BEG. BALANCE                        0.00

01/31/2023                287-703-810                                END BALANCE                0.00        0.00           0.00

  5300: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                                               10,039.00                  10,039.00

07/01/2022                287-703-728 OFFICE SUPPLIES                                  BEG. BALANCE                        0.00

01/31/2023                287-703-728                                END BALANCE                0.00        0.00           0.00

07/01/2022                287-703-731 POSTAGE                                          BEG. BALANCE                        0.00

01/31/2023                287-703-731                                END BALANCE                0.00        0.00           0.00

  5200: SUPPLIES                                                                                                           0.00

07/01/2022                287-703-995-300000 OPER. TRANS TO DEBT SERVICE               BEG. BALANCE                        0.00

01/31/2023                287-703-995-300000                         END BALANCE                0.00        0.00           0.00

  5900: OTHER FINANCING USES                                                                                               0.00
TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 703 DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON BID                                             10,039.00        0.00

TOTAL Expenditures                                                                         10,039.00                  10,039.00

TOTAL FOR FUND 287 DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON BID                                                   29,623.35   29,623.35           0.00
                Muskegon Downtown Business Improvement District
                                Agenda item B for 2-14-23
                       Financial transition 12-31-23 and beyond

Requesting party: City Economic Development
Outline of request: Staff is giving some suggested direction as to the providing and funding of
downtown services as the BID ends its special assessments.
Background: As the BID ends its special assessments in 2023, the Downtown Development
Authority is being asked to pick up summer landscaping and winter snow removal services.
Staff comments: The BID will pay for summer landscaping and a final winter for snow removal
before ending Dec. 31, 2023. I would expect about $80,000 or more in fund balance to be
remaining at the end of the year. Snow removal costs have been down this season so far.
Please see the attached staff memo projecting BID and DDA finances through 2027.
Staff recommendation: This is for background and context, none at this time.
Suggested motion: None. This item is for discussion.
To: Downtown stakeholders
From: Dave Alexander, downtown manager
Re: Financing downtown services
Date: 1-31-2023

Bids for downtown summer landscaping services came in more reasonable than some of us had
expected. The bids offer the city and Downtown Development Authority some time to come up
with a long-term, sustainable plan for funding what can be expected to be increasing needs for
downtown services as more and more residents and businesses move into the downtown
Here is a back-of-the-napkin look at downtown financial resources and service needs for the
next several years. Let’s start with some assumptions that require both Business Improvement
District and DDA board approvals:
   1. The BID-DDA-City will accept the landscaping bids submitted late in 2022. The city and
      private contractors will continue snow removal services.
   2. The BID-DDA will pick up the landscaping costs of Western Avenue, Third Street and the
      planters/flowers, totaling $38,340 the first year taking the lowest bids.
   3. The Business Improvement District will end as of Dec. 31, 2023, eliminating $114,000 in
      annual revenues and transferring an estimated $69,000+ fund balance to the DDA at the
      beginning of 2024.
   4. The DDA will pick up the BID summer landscaping and winter snow removal services
      going forward. The DDA ends its current fiscal year June 20, 2023 with a fund balance of
   5. The DDA going forward – in addition to landscaping and snow removal -- will continue
      its current expenditures for arena bond payments, staff salaries/benefits,
      streetscape/decorations, marketing, downtown parks and the new façade program. Tax
      increment revenues and expenditures will each increase at 5 percent a year going
Based upon these assumptions, here are the DDA annual financial projections:
   FY 23-24
   Beginning fund balance: $158,000
   Revenues: $470,000 (with the BID funds)
   Expenditures: $394,00 (snow removal doesn’t start until FY 24-25)
   Ending fund balance: $234,000
   FY 24-25:
   Beginning fund balance: $234,000
   Revenues: $421,000
   Expenditures: $490,000 (winter snow removal kicks in)
   Ending fund balance: $165,000
   FY 25-26:
   Beginning fund balance: 165,000
   Revenues: $442,000
   Expenditures: $514,000
   Ending fund balance: $93,000
   FY 26-27:
   Beginning fund balance: $93,000
   Revenues: $464,000
   Expenditures: $539,000
   Ending fund balance: $18,000
   FY 27-28:
   Beginning fund balance: $18,000
   Revenues: $487,000
   Expenditures: $565,000
   Ending fund balance: (-$59,000)

Conclusion: With summer and winter downtown services status quo and all current DDA
expenditures status quo, the fund balances of the DDA and BID get downtown to July 2027 with
no need for new revenue sources nor cutting of existing services. But realize that after the BID
ends this year, downtown has annual structural deficits of $70,000 to $75,000.
                Muskegon Downtown Business Improvement District
                                Agenda item C for 2-14-23
                           Barry’s Landscaping/flowers 2023
Requesting party: City Economic Development
Outline of request: City Department of Public Works in conjunction with the BID, DDA and
Lakeside BID requested private landscape company bids for eight areas of service, including
downtown landscaping and flower planter services. Staff is asking the BID board to approve a
share of the Barry’s contract for 2023.
Background: The summer landscaping bids only received two proposals but the costs were
much lower than anticipated. Staff recommends the BID approve the Barry’s quote and pick up
the cost of bid area 1, 3, 7 and 10 percent of 8. This scope of work includes what the BID had
been receiving from DPW for landscaping and Barry’s for flower service that past three or more
years. Please see the overall explanation of the bid process and results from DPW Director
VanderHeide’s work session presentation to the Muskegon City Commission that is attached.
Your action will be sent on to the Muskegon City Commission for final approval at the Feb. 28
commission meeting.
Staff comments: The total cost of 1, 3, 7 and a portion of 8 is $38,925 for 2023. That compares
to agreements with DPW and Barry’s for the same service at $42,250 for the summer of 2022.
The 2023 savings is $3,325. If approved, the downtown portion of the project will be billed by
city DPW to the BID account. The contract could be extended four more summers and the DDA
is being asked to pick up those future costs.
Staff recommendation: Staff recommends the BID accept a $38,925 share of the city’s 2023
summer landscaping contract with Barry’s Greenhouse and Landscaping.
Suggested motion: I move to accept $38,925 of the city’s landscaping contract with Barry’s
Greenhouse and Landscaping for the 2023 summer and so inform the Muskegon City
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: February 13, 2022            Title: Landscaping Contract

Submitted By: Dan VanderHeide                         Department: Public Works

Brief Summary: Staff will present the results of the landscaping RFP and a cost share for discussion.

Detailed Summary & Background: Staff has worked with the Downtown BID, DDA, Chamber and
other stakeholders to develop a landscaping contract that covers a wide array of landscaping
services currently provided through the City Parks Department. There is a desire among the
stakeholders to improve the level of service being provided, and a desire among city staff to free
up staffing resources to improve service in other areas of the city parks. The RFP was presented
to the Commission at the November 7, 2022 combined work session and regular meeting.
The contract proposes eight (8) areas identified on the included map, with each area having a distinct
scope of work and a proposed assigned cost share, as a 3-year contract with optional extensions for
a 4th and 5th year. The original RFP included work in the Lakeside area, but those businesses have
decided not to participate at this time.
The DDA and Downtown BID will have a similar discussion earlier in the day on the 13th of February,
specifically to review the cost share proposal that is included herein for your review. The Downtown
BID is expiring, so the organizations are jointly deciding how to fund their share going forward.
Depending on the outcome of all of these discussions, the City will manage the contract and invoice
the other organizations for their share as shown in the attachment.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:
Destination Community & Quality of Life – Enhanced Parks & Recreation Department and Services

Amount Requested: $27,840 Parks/General              Amount Budgeted: $0 FY23
                       $7,920 Farmers Market                              As Needed FY24

Fund(s) or Account(s): 101-770 (Parks)               Fund(s) or Account(s): 101-770 (Parks)
                        101-808 (Farmers)                                    101-808 (Farmers)

Recommended Motion: N/A (A future regular session item will approve the contract)

Approvals:                                                           Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
Immediate Division Head          Information Technology              Yes
Other Division Heads             Communication                       No

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
   Not Shown
   Approximately 72 EA planter beds of various                          Farmers Market
   size and shape located throughout the
   downtown area, sample pictures attached.

                          200 Block West Western
                          Alcoa Square & Splashpad
                          (Included with Western Avenue Bid Area)

387 Morris Ave & 401 Morris Ave
Parking Lots
(Included with Western Avenue Bid Area)

 Shoreline Drive
 (Western to

                                                                                                            City Hall
                         Hackley Park                                                    Western Avenue
                                                  Third Street                           Fifth to Terrace
                                                  (Muskegon to First)
                        Description                   BID/DDA           City GF    CFFMC       Farmers Market     TOTAL

            Bid Area #001 - Western Avenue
                                                      $15,700.00                                                $15,700.00

              Bid Area #002 - Hackley Park
                                                                                  $36,500.00                    $36,500.00

              Bid Area #003 - Third Street
                                                      $5,540.00                                                  $5,540.00

                Bid Area #004 - City Hall
                                                                    $6,090.00                                    $6,090.00

            Bid Area #005 - Farmers Market
                                                                                                 $7,920.00       $7,920.00

            Bid Area #006 - Shoreline Drive
                                                                    $17,250.00                                  $17,250.00

   Bid Area #007 - Various Flower Pots and Planters
                                                      $17,185.00                                                $17,185.00

                                                         10%             90%
     Bid Area #008 - Irrigation Startup / Shutdown
                                                       $500.00      $4,500.00                                    $5,000.00

                           Total                      $38,925.00    $27,840.00    $36,500.00     $7,920.00      $111,185.00

Bid Tabulation 1 of 1                                              82
                                                                              Bid Tabulation ‐ City of Muskegon Downtown Landscaping Bid

                                                                                Barry's Greenhouse & Landscaping                           Mgmt                         Building Bridges Professional Services
      Description                                                Year #1        Year #2       Year #3        Year #4       Year #5       Year #1 **     Year #1         Year #2       Year #3        Year #4     Year #5

  1    Bid Area #001 ‐ Western Avenue                         $    15,700.00 $  16,485.00 $  17,309.25 $  18,174.71 $  19,083.45 $   25,238.00             *               *              *             *           *

  2    Bid Area #002 ‐ Hackley Park                           $    36,500.00 $  38,325.00 $  40,241.25 $  42,253.31 $  44,635.98 $   18,581.00             *               *              *             *           *

  3    Bid Area #003 ‐ Third Street                           $       5,540.00 $    5,817.00 $    6,107.85 $    6,413.24 $    6,733.90 $     5,500.00      *               *              *             *           *

  4    Bid Area #004 ‐ City Hall                              $       6,090.00 $    6,394.50 $    6,714.23 $    7,049.94 $    7,402.43 $   12,529.00       *               *              *             *           *

  5    Bid Area #005 ‐ Farmers Market                         $       7,920.00 $    8,316.00 $    8,731.80 $    9,168.39 $    9,626.81 $   15,433.00       *               *              *             *           *

  6    Bid Area #006 ‐ Shoreline Drive                        $    17,250.00 $  14,662.50 $  15,395.63 $  16,165.41 $  16,973.68 $   20,597.00             *               *              *             *           *

  7    Bid Area #007 ‐ Various Flower Pots and Planters       $    17,185.00 $  18,044.25 $  18,946.46 $  19,893.79 $  20,888.47 $   14,130.00 $  12,503.20 $  12,503.20 $  12,503.20 $  12,503.20 $  12,503.20

  8    Bid Area #008 ‐ Irrigation Startup / Shutdown          $       5,000.00 $    5,500.00 $    5,775.00 $    6,063.75 $    6,366.94     $90/Hour        *               *              *             *           *

  9    Bid Area #009 ‐ Lakeside Commercial District           $    12,460.00 $  13,083.00 $  13,737.15 $  14,424.01 $  15,145.21 $   17,462.00             *               *              *             *           *


** DJ's bid includes an annual escalator tied to the Social Security Administration's Cost of Living Adjustment ( with a 3% minimum annual increase.

Building Bridges bid only on the pots and planters.

Bid Tabulation 1 of 1                                                                                        83
                Muskegon Downtown Business Improvement District
                                Agenda item D for 2-14-23
                        End of BID and decision on fund balance

Requesting party: City Economic Development
Outline of request: Staff would like the BID board to formally declare that it will not seek
another renewal of its special assessments and if that is the case how it wants to spend its fund
Background: There should be $70,000 to $80,000 in fund balance as of Dec. 31, 2023 and snow
removal services through the winter of 2023-24 in place.
Staff comments: The BID will pay for summer landscaping and a final winter for snow removal
before ending Dec. 31, 2023. I would expect about $80,000 or more in fund balance to be
remaining at the end of the year. Snow removal costs have been down this season so far.
Please see the attached staff memo projecting BID and DDA finances through 2027.
Staff recommendation: Formally approve a motion not to seek renewal of the BID if that is the
board’s consensus. If ending Dec. 31, 2023, the BID should forward its fund balance to the
Muskegon Downtown Development Authority for continuation of downtown services.
Suggested motion: Not needed at this time. Actions can come at the next BID board meeting.

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