Downtown Business Improvement District Minutes 03-22-2016

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      Downtown Muskegon Business Improvement District
                                      Meeting Minutes
                                      March 23, 2016
                   380 W. Western Ave., Suite 202 Muskegon, MI at 4 PM
1) Call to Order: 4:00 PM

2) Attendance:
       Doug Pollock (Chair), Bob Tarrant, Gary Post, Bruce Lindstrom, John Riegler and Frank

       Excused Absent(s): Mike Hennessy, Justin Clark (VC), and Connie Taylor

       Guests: Dave Alexander, Downtown Muskegon Now director; Ellen Berends, Downtown
       Muskegon Now events coordinator.

3) Consent Agenda

   a) Approval of Agenda

       Motion: Frank Peterson
       Support: Bruce Lindstrom
       Vote: All voted in favor

   b) Approval of Minutes from the Feb. 23, 2016 Meeting

       Motion: Frank Peterson
       Support: Bruce Lindstrom
       Vote: All voted in favor

   c) Acceptance of the financial statement from Feb. 18, 2016

       Motion: Frank Peterson
       Support: Bruce Lindstrom
       Vote: All voted in favor

4) Public Comment (on an agenda item) – None. The board chose to leave the floor open for
   the whole meeting allowing attendees to participate as they like.

5) Unfinished Business

   a) BID update from Dave Alexander, Downtown Muskegon Now: The BID has gotten
      through the snow season with few issues. An RFP has been prepared and shared with
      the BID board concerning seasonal landscaping for 2016. It will be sent out with
      proposals due back to the BID by April. 5. The board moved to authorize Dave
      Alexander in consultation with Chairman Doug Pollock to negotiate with the most
      appropriate landscape company among the proposals and sign a contract for 2016 that
      is in line with the BID budget for that work. Dave will also receive a quote from Ole Henry
      Gardens to provide plants and seasonal maintenance to the 27 planters in the BID. He is
      authorized to sign a contract for the planter work.

      Motion to authorize: Frank Peterson
      Support: Bob Tarrant
      Vote: All in favor.

6) New Business

   a) Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce President Cindy Larsen – a member of
      the Downtown Muskegon and Downtown Muskegon Development Corp. boards – joined
      a conversation with the BID board on the plans for 10 cruise ships coming to downtown
      Muskegon through the Muskegon County Heritage Landing dock. She discussed how
      the chamber and DMN has devised a Heritage District from the Depot to the Farmers
      Market in which to focus the interest and activities of the cruise passengers.

   b) Larsen also raised the issue of a letter of understanding between Downtown Muskegon
      Now and the Business Improvement District as to how the two organizations would work
      together to further the economic development, events and promotions, district
      improvements and general maintenance of downtown Muskegon. The DMN board has
      asked for such a document. Chairman Doug Pollock, also a member of the DMN board,
      said that the BID was established by the Muskegon City Commission to put a funding
      mechanism in place to carry out the needed work and improvements in downtown
      Muskegon. The BID has authorized DMN to provide staff services and carry out the work
      plan in line with the BID budget. Such a system has been established and should be
      reflected in the letter of understanding. DMN will then provide regular updates to the BID
      board as to how specific items in the budget are being spent and work accomplished.
      Gary Post said right now there are just too many organizations and it was his hope that
      the BID would provide a consolidation of those groups and functions. The board directed
      DMN’s Dave Alexander to work with the chairs of DMN and the BID to create the letter of
      understanding, presenting it to both boards. Alexander said he would have the letter
      before the DMN board in April and back to the BID board at its May 24 meeting.

      Motion for a letter of understanding: Frank Peterson
      Support: John Riegler
      Vote: All in favor.

   c) The BID board heard from Ellen Berends on the First Fridays events planned to begin in
      May and a request to use $2,500 out of the BID’s 2016 events, promotion and marketing
      budget to sponsor the first four months of First Fridays. These are family-friendly events
      that will be spread throughout the district on the First Fridays of every month all year
      long. The first is a family dance party at the Farmers Market May 6 from 6-8 p.m. with
      street performers June 3, the Lakeshore Art Festival 1 and the street performers
      returning Aug. 5. The BID support will go to general promotion and marketing, insurance

       and some costs of the events. A motion was sought to approve the $2,500 for the initial
       First Friday events.

       Motion: Gary Post
       Support: Frank Peterson
       Vote: All in favor

7) Other business
   DMN’s Dave Alexander gave an update on a few downtown issues. He said that DMN
   continues to encourage and foster good cooperative relations between downtown’s Rebel
   Road and the Muskegon Bike Time organizations for the motorcycle event in Muskegon July
   14-17. Bike Time’s establishment of downtown’s West Western Avenue and continued use
   of that venue for the festival by Rebel Road and its non-profit the Child Abuse Council of
   Muskegon County is critical to downtown businesses. Only through cooperation and
   coordination will Muskegon County’s leading festival be sustainable and grow in the future,
   he said. The BID website, once hosted on the Downtown Muskegon website of DMN has
   been moved to a more secure location on the city of Muskegon’s website. DMN looks for
   ways to simplify and upgrade the outdated Downtown Muskegon website. DMN is working
   on replacing the map sign in front of the Holiday Inn at the Johnson Circle at Third and
   Western in conjunction with the new downtown map brochure. The plans are to create the
   same sign map at the Depot and Farmers Market.

8) Adjournment
   4:42 PM
   No Objection

Minutes produced and submitted by Dave Alexander, executive director of Downtown
Muskegon Now.


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