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Downtown Muskegon Business Improvement District Meeting Minutes Sept. 27, 2016 380 W. Western Ave., Suite 202 Muskegon, MI at 4 PM 1) Call to Order: 4:00 PM 2) Attendance: Doug Pollock (Chair), Justin Clark (VC), Gary Post, John Riegler, Bruce Lindstrom, Mike Hennessy, Bob Tarrant (via conference call) and Frank Peterson Excused Absent(s): and Connie Taylor Guests: Dave Alexander, Downtown Muskegon Now director and Dennis Lohman, Northwester Industrial sales. 3) Consent Agenda a) Approval of Agenda, minutes from July 25 and Aug. 1, 2016 meetings, acceptance of the financial statements as of Sept. 19, 2016, review of expenses being paid by the BID, bill from Muskegon County Equalization for BID analysis work, review of line items for the last quarter of the BID year. Motion: Frank Peterson Support: Bruce Lindstrom Vote: All voted in favor 4) Public Comment (on an agenda item) – None. The board chose to leave the floor open for the whole meeting allowing attendees to participate as they like. 5) Unfinished Business a) BID update from Dave Alexander, Downtown Muskegon Now. Alexander discussed the on landscaping, planters, signs and events.. b) Alexander outlined getting the BID renewal in pretty much a status quo as to district and assessment rates. The first of two BID public hearings before the Muskegon City Commission was scheduled for right after the BID Board meeting. The final public hearing is slated for Oct. 25. 6) New Business a) Alexander sought approval on the direction the BID would take for providing its major services of snow removal and landscaping. For the first year, the BID contracted with H&H of North Muskegon to provide snow removal and landscaping. The city of Muskegon through City Manager Frank Peterson and the city commission has sought 1 a higher level of service. In doing downtown landscaping, coordination of those services was an issue. In talks with Peterson, the city is offering to provide snow removal and landscaping through the city’s Department of Public Works for 2017. As for the most immediate need for snow removal this winter, the city would be unable to provide parking lot and alley snow removal on a timely basis. The BID would seek parking lot and alley snow removal services from H&H and the city would provide the sidewalk snow removal services. Justin Clark said this was the right path. Bob Tarant said the BID could get more bang for it buck. Gary Post said he agreed with the direction, being a value added proposition for the BID. The BID Board agreed that Alexander and city officials would draw up a letter of agreement or understanding. That draft letter would be reported back to the BID Board, Doug Pollock said. That would come back to the BID board for discussion and a final decision. John Riegler said this seems to be a “win-win.” When it comes to snow removal and landscaping, Pollock said he would like to keep those two separate agreements. Motion: Justin Clark Support: John Riegler Vote: All voted in favor b) A discussion on how the board wants to approach the next year in deciding the future of the BID beyond 2017. Bob Tarrant said he would lead the BID through that analysis. Ideas are to be sent to Alexander and discussed at the Nov. 22 meeting and into 2017. 7) Other Business a) Alexander provided an update on the highly successful cruise ship visits this year and the need to continue developing the Heritage District concept for 2017 and beyond. b) Alexander had conversation with city Finance Director Derrick Smith on the need for the BID budget to coincide with the city’s budget year of July 1-June 30. Alexander will work with Smith to prepare a “half year” budget for 2017 through June 30. It will be presented at the Nov. 22 meeting if the BID is formally approved for 2017 by the city commission. c) The next meeting is Tuesday Nov. 22, 2016 4 p.m. in the chamber training room, 380 W. Western. 8) Adjournment 5:05 PM No Objection Minutes produced and submitted by Dave Alexander, executive director of Downtown Muskegon Now. 2 3
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