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Downtown Muskegon Business Improvement District Meeting Minutes Jan. 24, 2017 380 W. Western Ave., Suite 202 Muskegon, MI at 4 PM 1) Call to Order: 4:05 PM 2) Attendance: Doug Pollock (Chair), Gary Post and Bob Tarrant Excused Absent(s): Connie Taylor, Justin Clark (VC) John Riegler, Bruce Lindstrom, Mike Hennessy and Frank Peterson Guests: Dave Alexander, Downtown Muskegon Now director; Cindy Larsen, Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce and Dennis Lohman, Northwester Industrial Sales. 3) There was not a quorum for regular business to be conducted. This is how the three BID board members handled the items on the agenda: • The group reviewed the financials and Dave Alexander explained how the unpaid 2016 and all of the 2017 assessments will be collected and provided the BID with the payment of winter property tax bills by Feb. 14. • Board discussed the snow removal services and lack of snow to this point. BID has paid the city $16,000 through January and the city has had roughly $9,200 of expenses. If such weather continues as we have had in January, the BID board should ask the city to forego a portion of snow removal payments for additional resources put toward landscaping. • The special working group led by Bob Tarrant met once so far and will have a recommendation for the BID beyond 2017 at our March 28 meeting. The group of Bob Tarrant, Mike Hennessy and Doug Pollock and Dave Alexander as staff will meet again Feb. 21 to complete a recommendation. • The board will need to formally approve the DMN-BID letter of understanding for 2017 when we have a quorum March 28. The DMN board has already approved. • Dave Alexander received the direction of the board members present to seek private contractor quotes on landscape work for 2017, remaining the same as we have had done for 2016. We can also seek those services from the city DPW as we have for sidewalk snow removal. • Dave Alexander was directed to seek quotes and get three community message boards up for this summer at the Johnson Circle, the Farmers Market and the Depot. We received $3,000 in foundation grants, which should cover most all of the cost and installation. • The BID events, marketing and promotion budget of $24,000 would cover a $2,500 First Fridays sponsorship for the winter and early spring season. • Cindy Larsen from the Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce outlined the pop-up shops for Western Avenue and requested $5,000 from the BID for the $25,000 project. The consensus was to contribute out of the $13,000 streetscape BID budget. • Board members asked that I take the community message board, First Friday and pop- up issues to the DMN board for its approval at the Feb. 9 meeting. 1 4) Adjournment 5:25 PM No Objection Minutes produced and submitted by Dave Alexander, executive director of Downtown Muskegon Now. 2
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