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Downtown Muskegon Business Improvement District Meeting Minutes May 23, 2017 380 Western Ave., Suite 202 Muskegon, MI at 4 PM 1) Call to Order: 4:05 PM Attendance: Doug Pollock (Chairman), Gary Post (VC), John Riegler, Bob Tarrant and Clyde Whitehouse. Excused Absent(s): Mike Hennessy, Frank Peterson, Bruce Lindstrom and Phyllis Watson-Laudermill Guests: Dave Alexander, Downtown Muskegon Now director; Megan Jones, DMN events and promotion; Muskegon City Commissioner Ken Johnson and Dennis Lohman, Northwest Industrial Supply. 2) Consent Agenda a) Approval of Agenda, minutes from special meeting of April 25, and acceptance of the financial statements as of April 30, 2017, Motion: Gary Post Support: Bob Tarrant Vote: All voted in favor 3) Public Comment (on an agenda item) – None. The board chose to leave the floor open for the whole meeting allowing attendees to participate as they like. 4) Unfinished Business a) A final vote on a recommendation to the Muskegon City Commission on a renewal of the Business Improvement District: The BID is a needed funding base for the common maintenance and promotion of Downtown Muskegon. The points of the recommendation include: a three-year renewal 2018-2020, BID district boundaries slightly increased east and south as per attached map, the word “automotive” removed from Category B in the BID Bylaws (accomplished with a vote April 25, 2017), Category A lands assessed at $0.08 per square foot and capped at $4,000 and B lands $0.04 per square foot and capped at $2,000 and assessments being paid as part of the winter property tax bills. 1 City Commissioner Ken Johnson had reservations on the rates for Category B as it relates to direct benefits for those properties. He suggested a division of categories based upon direct snow removal or no direct snow removal. He also suggested a 3-to- 1 assessment ratio A-B might be better than 2-to-1 ratio as recommended. It was asked about residential, educational, non-profits and government properties being included. Commissioner Johnson clarified that City Attorney John Schrier had indicated that the exclusion of residential real property and government-owned property is pursuant to statute, but that churches and non-profits were excluded by decision of the City. He further indicated that he would not be keen on including religious institutions in the assessment, but that a case could be made that non-profits within the BID boundary enjoy a benefit and should contribute, such as paying $0.01 or $0.02 per square foot up to $500 or $1000 maximum annually, respectively. He encouraged the Board to consider such, and that even if they did not want to add non- profits as an assessed property class, they could request non-profits make voluntary financial contributions each year to the BID, akin to what the Uptown BID in Grand Rapids does. Bob Tarrant said that he has never been comfortable with 2 cents and 8 cents with the B properties being too low. He said assigning benefit is difficult. John Riegler said that his opposition to the BID when first proposed has reversed as he sees the BID as good for downtown and the overall city. Gary Post said the BID is doing what it does to attract everyone to downtown. Doug Pollock said the BID does well for the Holiday Inn Muskegon Harbor. Commissioner Johnson said the BID needs to have a more equitable distribution of services going forward Motion: Gary Post Support: John Riegler Vote: Post, Riegler Tarrant and Pollock voted “yes”; Whitehouse abstained. Passed 4-0-1. 5) New Business a) An annual BID budget based upon approximately $170,000 was considered for 2018- 2020. With potentially additional funds from the past two BID budget years of 2016 and 2017, the board discussed expanding the landscaping services to include areas off of Western Avenue and Third Street. The priorities would be Clay Avenue, Terrace Street and Pine Street. The goal is to get district to look better further out from Western and Third. Members suggested a budget with $75,000 for snow removal, $30,000 for landscaping, $24,000 for marketing and events, $13,000 for streetscape, $25,000 for administration and the remainder in contingency. Motion: Gary Post Support: John Riegler Vote: All voted in favor 2 b) BID expenditures reviewed out of the $24,000 2017 marketing-events-promotion line item to include $5,000 to support a sponsored content community journalism project of Issues Media Group on Imagine Muskegon Lake, a $48,000 effort supported by other groups and organizations and a $5,000 expenditure on cooperative advertising with Watch Muskegon to promote downtown Muskegon in the Kent and Ottawa county markets. Finally, a $5,200 expenditure for downtown signs with $3,000 of that coming from Community Foundation for Muskegon County grants and the remainder from the BID streetscape line item for 2017. Items were for information only and will be sent on to the Downtown Muskegon Now board for discussion and authorization. No vote needed. 6) Adjournment 5:35 PM No Objection Minutes produced and submitted by Dave Alexander, executive director of Downtown Muskegon Now. 3
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