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Downtown Muskegon Business Improvement District Meeting Minutes Nov. 28, 2017 380 Western Ave., Suite 202 Muskegon, MI at 4 PM 1) Call to Order: 4:01 PM Attendance: Doug Pollock (Chairman), Clyde Whitehouse, Mike Hennessy, Bob Tarrant, John Riegler, Gary Post (Vice Chairman) and Bruce Lindstrom. Excused Absent(s): Phyllis Watson-Laudermill and Frank Peterson. Guests: Dave Alexander, Downtown Muskegon Now director, Cindy Larsen, chamber president and Megan Jones, DMN marketing-events. 2) Consent Agenda a) Approval of Agenda, minutes Sept. 26, 2017, and acceptance of the financial statements as of Oct. 31, 2017, Motion: Gary Post Support: Bruce Lindstrom Vote: All voted in favor 3) Public Comment (on an agenda item) – Only one from the public in attendance. Cindy Larsen, president of the Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce, praised the BID board and BID staff for their work during 2017, especially the three-year renewal through 2020 and the upcoming seasonal promotion of Holidays in the City. The board chose to leave the floor open for the whole meeting allowing attendees to participate as they like. 4) Unfinished Business a) The Muskegon City Commission approved the BID in September and October for three years, an expanded district, an increase in assessments, a specific BID assessment role, along with a BID budget and work plan. Dave Alexander reported that less than a half dozen property owners representing about a dozen properties have indicated they will appeal their three-year assessment through the Michigan Tax Tribunal. Alexander will work with city staff and the city attorney to address the appeals and will report back to the BID board. 1 b) Alexander shared with BID board contracts for parking lot and alley snow removal from Summit Landscaping and Snowplowing and for the sidewalks the city of Muskegon Department of Public Works. c) Alexander shared with the BID board the contract with Christmas Creations by Bailey for seasonal decorations paid for by the BID in the downtown. d) Alexander brought a request to the BID board to spending $2,400 this winter season on the plowing of the old Mattson Olds parking lot on Third Street in Midtown. The Western Avenue private plowing contract came in about $5,000 a year less than last winter. Alexander suggested this would be one way to expand BID services beyond Western Avenue and remain within the BID budget. The motion would be to approve a one year agreement with Terrascape Landscaping, which is a tenant of the former Mattson building. Motion: John Riegler Support: Mike Hennessy Vote: All voted in favor e) DMN authorized without BID approval an extension of Christmas decorations down Second Street between Western and Clay upon a request of a business due to the construction in that area this holiday season. The board found extending in such a way as setting bad precedent. The $600 not covered by the BID will be covered by the business and DMN. The motion was to fund $300. Motion: Gary Post Support: Clyde Whitehouse Vote: 5-1 to reject the motion. Gary Post voted yes and Mike Hennessy abstained. f) Gary Post asked the BID board to pick up the cost of the electrical services of the two Third Street stages (Olthoff and Alcoa) on the downtown condo property because they are used by the public and not specifically for condo users. The annual cost is $1,361. The 2017 budget discussion was to consider those costs in the $13,000 streetscape budget. Doug Pollock said the BID should not be taking over new expenses that have already been in place. Post described a series of properties in the four blocks of Western Avenue from Third Street east as being the condo association. John Riegler said that he sees the logic but is concerned about the precedent it would create. Bruce Lindstrom made a motion to pay the $1,361 electrical bill. Three calls for a second ended with the motion dying for lack of support. Without consensus, the issue was left on the table. 5) New Business a) The BID board had a general discussion on the need to expand services beyond West Western Avenue. Doug Pollock said the BID pays for services and upgrades for all of downtown and investments eventually will help everyone in the district. But the BID is not pay for service but an expenditure of resources where it has the biggest benefit for the entire downtown. Other members discussed a slow and gradual expansion of services, exploring the areas that need resources. This is an 2 area that the board needs to remain focused on for the next three years. One suggestion was a part-pay for service in combination with BID funds. John Riegler said the landscaping and seasonal decorations might be the best areas to expand. It will bring good will and make all of downtown look better. Doug Pollock would like the BID to explore owning rather than renting seasonal decorations, an option that should be explored with the BID vendor. b) The BID board directed Dave Alexander to pursue the city commission suggestion that the BID solicit non-profit, church and government properties for a contribution to the BID since those properties are not assessed but receive benefit. c) The 2018 BID budget and work plan as outlined in the approval of the BID budget was brought back to the board for discussion and approval. The anticipated $172,636 in revenues would be spent $75,000 for snow removal, $30,000 for landscaping, $24,000 for marketing-promotion-events, $13,000 for streetscapes, $25,000 for administration and $5,636 in contingencies. Motion was to approve with no discussion. Motion: John Riegler Support: Mike Hennessy Vote: All voted in favor d) The board nominated the same BID board chairman (Doug Pollock) and vice chairman Gary Post for 2018. Both accepted the nominations. Motion: John Riegler Support: Mike Hennessy Vote: All voted in favor e) The board set its meeting dates and times for 2018. The board will meet every other month on the fourth Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce Training Room, 380 W. Western, Suite 202. The dates would be Jan. 23, March 27, May 22, July 24, Sept. 25 and Nov. 27. Motion: John Riegler Support: Mike Hennessy Vote: All voted in favor 6) Other Business a) Megan Jones provided information on Holidays in the City and upcoming events. . b) Next meeting of the BID is Tuesday Jan. 23, 2018 at 4 p.m. in the chamber training room, 380 W. Western Ave., Suite 202, Muskegon, MI or at the call of the chair. 7) Adjournment 5:25 PM No Objection 3 Minutes produced and submitted by Dave Alexander, executive director of Downtown Muskegon Now. 4
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