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Downtown Muskegon Business Improvement District Meeting Minutes Feb. 24, 2020 Muskegon City Hall 933 Terrace Muskegon, MI 49440 Room 103 1) Call to Order: 8:00 AM Attendance: Bob Tarrant, Bruce Lindstrom, Frank Peterson and Mike Hennessy. Excused Absent(s): Phyllis Watson-Laudermill, Kathy Denison and John Riegler. Guests: Dave Alexander, city Business Development Manager and LeighAnn Mikesell, City Development Director. 2) Consent agenda a) Approval of the agenda b) Approval of the Minutes from June 28, 2019 special meeting Motion to approve the consent agenda: Frank Peterson Support: Bruce Lindstrom All voted in favor 3) Public Comment (on an agenda item) – The board chose to leave the floor open for the whole meeting allowing attendees to participate as they like. 4) New Business a) Accept the financial statement dated Jan. 31, 2020 and review of financial position. Motion to accept: Frank Peterson Support: Bruce Lindstrom All voted in favor b) BID-City DPW 2020 landscaping agreement Dave Alexander presented the 2020 BID-City DPW landscaping agreement. There were no work changes from the previous year but a 5 percent increase in the BID payment to DPW was added. The total cost for the season is $24,050. 1 Motion to approve the agreement: Frank Peterson Support Mike Hennessy Vote: All voted in favor c) BID-Barry’s Flowers planter agreement for 2020 Dave Alexander presented the board the 2020 agreement for 72 planters in the downtown for materials and seasonal maintenance. The quote was $13,485, which was 8.4 percent increase over last year. The increase was due to increased cost of flowers and labor, according to Dawn Berry. Motion to approve the agreement: Frank Peterson Support: Bruce Lindstrom All voted in favor d) Harmony Park The Muskegon Rotary Watch Muskegon Play instrument/public art initiative asked for the BID to contribute to a $100,000 effort that had already raised about $75,000. Of the five locations that the city has agreed to install the artwork instruments, three are within the BID. Dave Alexander recommended $1,000 donation to assist the placement of the three within the BID, being at Seventh/Shoreline, Olthoff Stage and the Farmers Market. BID board members discussed more but came to the consensus that $1,000 was appropriate, leaving potential future contributions to other public art projects within the BID. Motion to approve the public art contribution: Bruce Lindstrom Support: Frank Peterson Vote: All voted in favor e) Dave Alexander presented the BID board and overview of the potential for paid parking on downtown streets within the BID as a potential parking structure is developed. This is potential source of downtown revenue in the future. The item was for discussion, no vote taken. f) Dave Alexander presented a potential three-year renewal of the BID beginning in Jan. 1, 2021. LeighAnn Mikesell gave a city staff perspective on the need for continued revenues to support downtown services in the next three years. Now that downtown is in full development, there are property owners, investors, businesses, institutions and residents counting on the current level of service downtown, especially in landscaping and sidewalk snow removal. The BID board had a full discussion with no one happy about having to again have special property assessments in the district but no one wanted to walk away from the progress that has been made downtown. The three- 2 year BID renewal proposal calls for $115,000 in revenues, down from about 165,000 in the current BID. With the same rates, the reduction was created by shrinking the size of the BID to include just Western Avenue, Third Street, Clay Avenue, Pine Street, Terrace Street and Third Street. The work plan was reduced to just landscaping and sidewalk snow removal within the smaller district. If the BID board will recommend this plan, there should be a public information meeting prior to sending the plan to the Muskegon City Commission, which would have two public hearings before voting on the renewal. A final decision would be needed by Oct. 31 if a BID special assessment was to be implemented for 2021. A robust discussion concluded on a general consensus in support of the outline staff presented. No vote was taken but staff was directed to start the renewal process. g) Changes to downtown snow removal plan There was some concern discussed on Facebook of weekend sidewalk snow removal services during heavily attended events. Downtown, the city DPW and venues will try to better handled weekend snow storms. As the current snow season comes to an end, what was learned this year will inform how the service would be structured going into the 2020-21 snow season if the BID was renewed. No vote was taken. h) Marketing and events update Dave Alexander provided the BID board with an update on marketing and events for the remainder of the year. i) Downtown project update Dave Alexander provided the BID board an update on development and construction projects in the agenda packet. 5) Other Business a) Next meeting is Monday April 27, 8 a.m. at Muskegon City Hall Room 103 6) Adjournment 9:10 AM No Objection Minutes produced and submitted by Dave Alexander, city of Muskegon business development manager 3
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