Downtown Business Improvement District Minutes 07-27-2020

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      Downtown Muskegon Business Improvement District
                                      Meeting Minutes
                                        July 27, 2020
                                     Muskegon City Hall
                                   933 Terrace Muskegon, MI 49440
                              Virtually on City of Muskegon Facebook Live

1) Call to Order: 8:04 AM

   Attendance: Bob Tarrant, Kathy Denison, John Riegler, Bruce Lindstrom, Frank Peterson
   and Mike Hennessy.
    Excused Absent(s): Phyllis Watson-Laudermill.
    Guests: Dave Alexander, city Business Development Manager, Ryan Cummins, city clerk’s
   office, LeighAnn Mikesell, city Development Services Director.

2) Consent agenda

       a) Approval of the agenda
       b) Approval of the Minutes of special meeting from June 29, 2020 meeting

   Motion to approve the consent agenda: John Riegler
   Support: Kathy Denison
   All voted in favor

3) Public Comment (on an agenda item) – The board chose to leave the floor open for the
   whole meeting allowing attendees to participate as they like. No participants spoke.

4) New Business

                            a) There was a discussion of the option of having residential
                               properties within the BID specially assessed as now allowed by
                               state law. Dave Alexander gave the board an analysis that
                               showed there could be 11 properties added in the newly
                               proposed district and at the 4-cent special assessment rate for
                               square footage of land an additional $9,278 a year could be
                               generated. Dave Alexander recommended against including
                               residential properties. Kathy Denison concurred with that
                               recommendation, which was the consensus of the board. No
                               vote was necessary.
                             b) The Board was asked to consider a recommendation to the
                                Muskegon City Commission for a three-year renewal of the
                                BID special assessment. The details included the district being
                                shrunk in size to focus benefit on the commercial properties of
                                West Western, Morris, Clay, Third, Terrace and Pine; have a
                                three-year assessment 2021-2023, continue with the 8-cent
                                and 4-cent square foot assessments on land capped at $4,000
                                and $2,000 respectively, have the assessments put on the
                                winter property tax bill and recommend that this be the last of
                                the BID assessments. The renewal recommendation had been
                                developed by the board over the course of the past year.

    Motion to recommend: Bruce Lindstrom
   Support: Kathy Denison
   Roll Call Vote taken. All voted in favor 6-0.

                           c) The board also reviewed the 2021 BID budget and work plan,
                              showing an estimated $113,681 in revenues, expenditures
                              including snow removal $65,000, landscaping $30,000 and
                              administration $17,000 with a contingency of $1,681. The
                              budget and work plan would be sent to the Muskegon City
                              Commission as part of the BID renewal process.

    Motion to recommend: Kathy Denison
   Support: Frank Peterson
   Roll Call Vote taken. All voted in favor 6-0.

                           d) Dave Alexander gave a report and update on downtown
                              projects including planned implementation of a new downtown
                              Social District if approved by the Muskegon City Commission.
                              BID-City DPW 2020 landscaping agreement. No vote needed.

5) Other Business

     a) Next meeting is after expected Muskegon City Commission action on the BID
        recommendation, Monday Oct. 26, 8 a.m. at Muskegon City Hall and virtual on the city
        of Muskegon’s Facebook Live page.

6) Adjournment
   8:26 AM
   No Objection
Minutes produced and submitted by Dave Alexander, city of Muskegon business development


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