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Chapter 58 PARKS AND RECREATION* Article I. In General Sec. 58-1. Consumption or possession of alcoholic liquors in parks or playgrounds. Sec. 58-2. Obedience to signs or instructions. Sec. 58-3. Public boat launch permit; violation as a municipal civil infrac- tion. Sec. 58-3.5. Marina parking restrictions; violation as a municipal civil; infraction; public boat launch permit. Sec. 58-4. Prohibition of sale and consumption of marihuana in public places. Sec. 58-5. Recognize the department of public works as successor to the department of leisure services; establish fines for violations. Secs. 58-6—58-30. Reserved. Article II. Department of Leisure Services Sec. 58-31. Department created. Sec. 58-32. Appointment, compensation and duties of director. Sec. 58-33. Licenses and permits. Sec. 58-34. Violations; penalties. Sec. 58-35. Budget; receipt of gifts or bequests; deposit of funds. Secs. 58-36—58-60. Reserved. Article III. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Sec. 58-61. Definition. Sec. 58-62. Created; composition; appointment of members. Sec. 58-63. Terms of members; filling of vacancies. Sec. 58-64. Selection of officers; general powers and duties of board. *State law references—Authority to operate recreation and playgrounds, MCL 123.51 et seq.; playground equipment safety act, MCL 408.681 et seq. Supp. No. 13 CD58:1 PARKS AND RECREATION § 58-3.5 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL permits are valid for the calendar year in which it was purchased for the launching of vessels at Sec. 58-1. Consumption or possession of city launch ramp facilities. The annual permit alcoholic liquors in parks or must be fully adhered to the vehicle windshield playgrounds. and completely visible from the outside of the vehicle used to launch the vessel. (a) Except within premises licensed pursuant to state law, the Greater Muskegon Jaycee's Vessels larger than 30 feet, or those transported Launch Ramp, Grand Trunk Launch, Hartshorn on a trailer with three or more axles, shall not Marina, Fisherman's Landing, or so long as the use City of Muskegon launch ramp facilities. alcohol stays within two feet of the pedicab while Pontoon boats are excluded. participating in a pedicab as licensed pursuant to section 92-200, et. seq., no person shall consume Private or for-profit businesses may launch any alcoholic liquor or have in his possession an commercial vessels from city launch ramp facili- open receptacle containing any alcoholic liquor ties with a commercial launching permit issued in any park or playground owned, operated or by the City of Muskegon. Each permit is valid for supervised by the city. the calendar year in which it was purchased, for vessels up to 30 feet in length, and transported (b) Any person who violates any provision of on a trailer with one or two axles. Pontoon boats this section shall be responsible for a municipal excluded. civil infraction. (Code 1975, § 16-6; Code 2002, § 58-1; Ord. No. Permits are nontransferable and may not be 2457, § 1, 8-24-2021) re-sold, with the exception that permits will be State law reference—Possessing or consuming alcoholic transferable between vehicles owned by the permit liquors in parks, MCL 436.1915. purchaser for business purposes and must be visible from outside the vehicle. Violations of Sec. 58-2. Obedience to signs or instruc- this section shall be a municipal civil infraction. tions. (Ord. No. 2351, 3-22-2016; Ord. No. 2390, § 1, 8-28-2018) (a) No person shall disobey or act in a manner Editor’s note—Ord. No. 2351, adopted Mar. 22, 2016, contrary to the notice authorized by the city on repealed the former section and enacted a new section as set any sign or the instructions of an attendant or out herein. The former section pertained to similar subject other person having authority or public duties matter and derived from Code 2120, § 58-2, 1-13-2004. concerning the operation or use of any place designated by the city as a park to be administered Sec. 58-3.5. Marina parking restrictions; by the department of leisure services or its violation as a municipal civil; successor. infraction; public boat launch permit. (b) Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be responsible for a municipal Pursuant to City of Muskegon section 58-3, civil infraction. any person who uses a boat launch ramp in (Code 1975, § 12-1(d), (f); Code 2002, § 58-2) violation of section 58-3 shall be responsible for a municipal civil infraction. Upon pleading Sec. 58-3. Public boat launch permit; responsible or being found responsible by a violation as a municipal civil court, the fines for the boat launch permit viola- infraction. tions in a marina shall be as follows: No person shall launch a vessel at city launch a. Launching a boat from the city launch ramp facilities without a permit from the city. ramp without a launch ramp permit is in Daily permits are valid for the 24-hour period of violation of this section 58-3 and shall the date purchased and must be clearly displayed carry a minimum fine of $35.00 plus the on the vehicle dashboard with date and permit cost of a permit, which shall increase to number visible from outside the vehicle. Annual $70.00 after the first 14 days after the Supp. No. 11 CD58:3 § 58-3.5 MUSKEGON CITY CODE date of the violation, to $105.00 after 21 supersede rights and obligations with respect to days after the date of the violation, and the use of marihuana for medicinal purposes as to $130.00 after 30 days after the date of provided by any law of the State of Michigan the violation; and allowing for or regulating marihuana for medical use. b. Commercial vehicles without a com- (Ord. No. 2411, § 1, 5-28-2019) mercial launch ramp permit are in viola- tion of section 58-3 and shall carry a minimum fine of $100.00 plus the costs Sec. 58-5. Recognize the department of of a permit, which shall increase to public works as successor to the $200.00 after the first 14 days after the department of leisure services; date of the violation, to $300.00 after 21 establish fines for violations. days after the date of the violation, and (a) For purposes of Article II, Department of to $350.00 after 30 days after the date of Leisure Services, the city hereby appoints the the violation; and department of public works as the successor to c. Vessels larger than 30 feet, or transported the department of leisure services, the director with three or more axles, shall not use of the department of public works as the succes- the City of Muskegon launch ramp facili- sor to the director of leisure services and permits ties. Pontoon boats are excluded. Unlaw- the director of public works to appoint a designee. ful use of the launch ramp facilities shall (b) The minimum fines for violating sections carry a minimum fine of $100.00, which 58-2, 58.3, 58-33 and 58-34 shall be as specified shall increase to $200.00 after the first in section 92-74. 14 days after the date of the violation, to (Ord. No. 2431, 7-14-2020) $300.00 after 21 days after the date of the violation, and to $350.00 after 30 Secs. 58-6—58-30. Reserved. days after the date of the violation. (Ord. No. 2450, § 1, 3-23-2021) ARTICLE II. DEPARTMENT OF LEISURE Sec. 58-4. Prohibition of sale and SERVICES* consumption of marihuana in public places. Sec. 58-31. Department created. (a) In conformance with the Michigan Regula- There is hereby created a department of leisure tion and Taxation of Marihuana Act, the sale or services in the city. consumption of marihuana in any form and the (Code 1975, § 16-1; Code 2002, § 58-31) sale or display of marihuana accessories, as defined by the Michigan Regulation and Taxa- Sec. 58-32. Appointment, compensation tion of Marihuana Act, is prohibited in any and duties of director. public places owned, occupied, or managed by the City of Muskegon. (a) The city manager shall appoint a director of leisure services who shall be responsible to the (b) Any person who violates any of the provi- city manager, but who shall have supervision, sions of this section shall be responsible for a management and control of the department of civil fine as prescribed by MCL 333.27965. leisure services, and who shall receive such (c) This section does not supersede rights and compensation as may be from time to time fixed obligations with respect to the transfer and by the city manager. It shall be the duty of the consumption of marihuana on private property to the extent authorized by the person who owns, *State law references—Authority to operate systems of public recreation and playgrounds, MCL 123.51 et seq.; occupies or operates such property, as provided authority to delegate operation of recreation system to board, and authorized by the Michigan Regulation and MCL 123.53, 123.54; authority of political subdivisions to Taxation of Marihuana Act, and does not cooperate in conduct of recreation systems, MCL 123.53. Supp. No. 11 CD58:4 PARKS AND RECREATION § 58-62 director of leisure services, operating within the violations of this section, and such persons com- approved budget for the department, to provide, mitting any such violation shall be responsible conduct, supervise, equip and maintain public for a municipal civil infraction. playgrounds, athletic fields, parks, swimming (Code 1975, § 16-4; Code 2002, § 58-34) pools and beaches, camps, indoor recreation centers, boat launch ramp sites, marinas and Sec. 58-35. Budget; receipt of gifts or other recreation facilities and activities on any of bequests; deposit of funds. the properties owned or controlled by the city, including the L. C. Walker Arena, or on other (a) Annually, the director of leisure services public property under the control of other shall submit to the city manager a budget of municipal corporations or boards, and on private funds required for the operation of the leisure properties, with the consent of the owners. services department. (b) In addition, the director of leisure services (b) The director of leisure services and/or the shall serve as staff to the board of leisure board of leisure services may also solicit any services, as hereafter constituted, and shall gifts, bequests of money or other real or personal determine, after consultation with the city property for and on behalf of the department of manager, the agenda of board of leisure services leisure services, the acceptance of which and the meetings. expenditure of which shall be approved by the (c) The director of leisure services may appoint, city commission. Any conditional gift or gift in with the consent and approval of the city manager, trust shall not, after acceptance by the city such trained and qualified assistants, play lead- commission, be utilized by the city for any ers, caretakers, supervisors and other employees purpose other than as set forth in such conditional as may be necessary for the efficient administra- gift or gift in trust. tion and development of a public leisure services (Code 1975, § 16-5; Code 2002, § 58-35) system. (Code 1975, § 16-2; Code 2002, § 58-32) Secs. 58-36—58-60. Reserved. Sec. 58-33. Licenses and permits. ARTICLE III. PARKS AND RECREATION The director of leisure services is expressly ADVISORY COMMITTEE authorized and empowered to rent or license the use of any of the facilities as described in section Sec. 58-61. Definition. 58-32; provided, however, that the amount and terms of any such rentals or licenses shall be As used in this article, the term "board" subject to the prior approval of the city commis- means the parks and recreation advisory com- sion. In addition, the director of leisure services mittee created by this article. may issue permits for the use of those facilities (Ord. No. 2480, 5-23-2023; Ord. No. 2491, 101- described in section 58-32, when required by the 10-2023) city commission and upon conditions promulgated by the city commission. Sec. 58-62. Created; composition; appoint- (Code 1975, § 16-3; Code 2002, § 58-33) ment of members. Sec. 58-34. Violations; penalties. There is hereby created a parks and recreation advisory committee consisting of 12 members as Use by any person of any of the facilities follows: described in section 58-32 without first obtain- ing a permit, where such permit is required by (1) One shall be a member of the city com- the city commission, or use of such facilities in mission to be selected by and from the violation of permit conditions, or the failure to city commission that will serve as the pay any fees required for use of facilities, are board chair and be a non-voting member. Supp. No. 14 CD58:5 § 58-62 MUSKEGON CITY CODE (2) One shall be a member from Muskegon Public Schools. (3) Two shall be a citizen who resides in the City of Muskegon. (4) Eight shall be citizens who reside in the City of Muskegon with two being representative of each of the four wards. (Ord. No. 2480, 5-23-2023; Ord. No. 2491, 101- 10-2023) Sec. 58-63. Terms of members; filling of vacancies. (a) The term of any member of the board shall not exceed three years. (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this sec- tion, any member of the board shall serve at the pleasure of the city commission. (c) Vacancies on the board shall be filled by mayoral appointment with the approval of the city commission. (Ord. No. 2480, 5-23-2023; Ord. No. 2491, 101- 10-2023) Sec. 58-64. Selection of officers; general powers and duties of board. (a) The members of the board shall meet and organize by selecting such officers as may be necessary and adopt any rules or bylaws deemed necessary by the board to discharge in an orderly manner those duties hereafter assigned. (b) It shall be the duty of the board to advise the city commission upon those matters relating to the proper conduct of public recreation, programs and/or facilities within the city which shall be referred to such board from time to time, by the director of parks & recreation; provided, however, nothing contained in this article shall prohibit any member of the board from placing any item of business on the agenda of any board meeting. In addition, thereto, the board shall advise the city commission upon matters referred to the board from time to time by the city commission. (Ord. No. 2480, 5-23-2023; Ord. No. 2491, 101- 10-2023) Supp. No. 14 CD58:6
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