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Chapter 66 PLANNING* Article I. In General Secs. 66-1-66-33. Reserved. Article II. Planning Commission Sec. 66-34. Created; composition; appointment of members. Sec. 66-35. Terms of members; filling of vacancies. Sec. 66-36. Removal of members. Sec. 66-37. Election and term of officers. Sec. 66-38. General powers and duties. Sec. 66-39. Meetings; rules; records. Sec. 66-40. Employees; service contracts. Sec. 66-41. Compensation; expenses; preparation of budget; acceptance of gifts. Sec. 66-42. Bylaws adoption; public record requirements; annual report by planning commission. *State law reference-Michigan planning enabling act, MCL 125.3801 et seq. CD66:1 PLANNING § 66-39 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Sec. 66-36. Removal of members. The city commission may remove a member of Secs. 66-1-66-33. Reserved. the planning commission for misfeasance, malfea- sance, or nonfeasance in office upon written charges ARTICLE II. PLANNING COMMISSION and after a public hearing. Before casting a vote on a matter on which a member may reasonably Sec. 66-34. Created; composition; appoint- be considered to have a conflict of interest, the ment of members. member shall disclose the potential conflict of interest to the planning commission. The member A city planning commission is hereby created is disqualified from voting on the matter if so to consist of six members, who shall be represen- provided by the bylaws or by a majority vote of the tative of important segments of the community, remaining members of the planning commission. such as the economic, governmental, educational, Failure of a member to disclose a potential con- and social development of the city, in accordance flict of interest as required by this section consti- with the major interests as they exist in the city, tutes malfeasance in office. Unless the city com- such as agriculture, natural resources, recreation, mission, by ordinance, defines conflict of interest education, public health, government, transporta- for the purposes of this section, the planning tion, industry, and commerce. The membership commission shall do so in its bylaws. shall also be representative of the entire territory (Code 1975, § 2-139; Code 2002, § 66-35) of the city to the extent practicable, and who shall State law reference-Removal of members, MCL be appointed by the mayor, subject to approval by 125.3815(9). a majority vote of the members-elect of the city commission. In addition, the mayor, one of the Sec. 66-37. Election and term of officers. administrative officers of the city selected by the (a) The planning commission shall elect a chair- mayor and one member of the city commission person and secretary from its members and create elected by it shall be members ex officio of the and fill other offices as it considers advisable. An planning commission. ex officio member of the planning commission is (Code 1975, § 2-135; Code 2002, § 66-31) not eligible to serve as chairperson. The term of State law references-Authority to create a planning each officer shall be one year, with opportunity for commission, MCL 125.3811; composition of planning commis- sion, MCL 125.3815. reelection as specified in bylaws. (b) The planning commission may appoint ad- Sec. 66-35. Terms of members; filling of va- visory committees whose members are not mem- cancies. bers of the planning commission. (a) The term of each appointed member of the (Code 1975, § 2-141; Code 2002, § 66-37) State law reference-Similar provisions, MCL 125.3817. planning commission shall be three years. All members shall hold office until their successors Sec. 66-38. General powers and duties. are appointed. The planning commission shall have and exer- (b) The terms of ex officio members of the cise all of the powers granted to it under the planning commission shall correspond to their provisions of Public Act No. 33 of 2008 (MCL respective official tenures, except that the term of 125.3801 et seq.) and shall perform all of the the administrative official shall terminate with duties on its part to be performed as provided in the term of the mayor selecting him. such Act and shall be subject to all of the regula- (c) If a vacancy occurs on a planning commis- tions therein provided. sion, the vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired (Code 1975, § 2-142; Code 2002, § 66-38) term in the same manner as provided for an Sec. 66-39. Meetings; rules; records. original appointment. A member shall hold office until his successor is appointed. (a) The planning commission shall hold not (Code 1975, § 2-136; Code 2002, § 66-32) less than four regular meetings each year, and by State law reference-Similar provisions, MCL 125.3815. resolution shall determine the time and place of CD66:3 § 66-39 WINDCREST CODE the meetings. Unless the bylaws provide other- use of planning commissions and furnish such wise, a special meeting of the planning commis- other technical assistance and advice as they may sion may be called by the chairperson or by two have for planning purposes. other members, upon written request to the sec- (Code 1975, § 2-144; Code 2002, § 66-40) State law reference-Similar provisions, MCL 125.3825. retary. Unless the bylaws provide otherwise, the secretary shall send written notice of a special Sec. 66-41. Compensation; expenses; prepa- meeting to planning commission members not ration of budget; acceptance of less than 48 hours before the meeting. gifts. (a) Members of a planning commission may be (b) The business that a planning commission compensated for their services as provided by the may perform shall be conducted at a public meet- city commission. The planning commission may adopt bylaws relative to compensation and ex- ing of the planning commission held in compli- penses of its members and employees for travel ance with the open meetings act, Public Act No. when engaged in the performance of activities 267 of 1976 (MCL 15.261 et seq.). Public notice of authorized by the city commission, including, but the time, date, and place of a regular or special not limited to, attendance at conferences, work- meeting shall be given in the manner required by shops, educational and training programs, and that Act. meetings. (b) After preparing the annual report required (c) A writing prepared, owned, used, in the under section 66-42 the planning commission possession of, or retained by a planning commis- may prepare a detailed budget and submit the sion in the performance of an official function budget to the city commission for approval or shall be made available to the public in compli- disapproval. The city commission annually may ance with the freedom of information act, Public appropriate funds for carrying out the purposes Act No. 442 of 1976 (MCL 15.231 et seq.). and functions permitted under state law, and may (Code 1975, § 2-143; Code 2002, § 66-39) match city funds with federal, state, county, or State law reference-Similar provisions, MCL 125.3821. other city or private grants, contributions, or endowments. (c) The planning commission may accept gifts Sec. 66-40. Employees; service contracts. for the exercise of its functions. A gift of money so accepted in either case shall be deposited with the (a) The city may employ a planning director city treasurer in a special nonreverting planning and other personnel as it considers necessary, commission fund for expenditure by the planning contract for the services of planning and other commission for the purpose designated by the technicians, and incur other expenses, within a donor. The treasurer shall draw a warrant against budget authorized by the city commission. This the special nonreverting fund only upon receipt of authority shall be exercised by the city commis- a voucher signed by the chairperson and secre- sion, unless a charter provision or ordinance tary of the planning commission and an order delegates this authority to the planning commis- drawn by the city clerk. The expenditures of a sion or another body or official. The appointment planning commission, exclusive of gifts and grants, of employees is subject to the same provisions of shall be within the amounts appropriated by the law as govern other corresponding civil employees city commission. of the city. (Code 1975, § 2-145; Code 2002, § 66-41) State law reference-Similar provisions, MCL 125.3823. (b) For the purposes of state law, the planning Sec. 66-42. Bylaws adoption; public record commission may make use of maps, data, and requirements; annual report by other information and expert advice provided by planning commission. appropriate federal, state, regional, county, and (a) The planning commission shall adopt by- municipal officials, departments, and agencies. laws for the transaction of business, and shall All public officials, departments, and agencies keep a public record of its resolutions, transac- shall make available public information for the tions, findings, and determinations. CD66:4 PLANNING § 66-42 (b) The planning commission shall make an annual written report to the city commission concerning its operations and the status of plan- ning activities, including recommendations regard- ing actions by the city commission related to planning and development. State law reference-Similar provisions, MCL 125.3819. CD66:5
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