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Chapter 74 STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND OTHER PUBLIC PROPERTY* Article I. In General Sec. 74-1. Penalty for violation of this chapter. Sec. 74-2. Erection of utility poles and wires. Sec. 74-3. Posting advertising matter on utility poles. Sec. 74-4. Signs or signposts on streets. Sec. 74-5. Placing goods, wares, etc., on or over sidewalks. Sec. 74-6. Leaving building materials on sidewalks. Sec. 74-7. Removal of snow and ice from sidewalks. Sec. 74-8. Snow and ice from private property not to be placed on street or sidewalk. Sec. 74-9. Deposit of wastewater or flammable liquids on streets or side- walks. Sec. 74-10. Leaves, grass, etc., in public ways prohibited. Sec. 74-11. Entrances or stairs projecting on sidewalks. Sec. 74-12. Uncovered cellars or excavations. Sec. 74-13. Gates projecting onto public ways. Sec. 74-14. Excavating, filling, paving, etc., on public property. Secs. 74-15-74-30. Reserved. Article II. Construction, Repairs, Improvements and Alterations Division 1. Generally Sec. 74-31. Definitions concerning landscaping. Sec. 74-32. Traffic control. Sec. 74-33. Restoration. Sec. 74-34. Liability. Secs. 74-35-74-50. Reserved. Division 2. Permit Sec. 74-51. Construction, repairs, improvements and alterations. Sec. 74-52. Permits and bonds; right of review and inspection. Sec. 74-53. Emergencies. Secs. 74-54-74-80. Reserved. Article III. Sidewalk Improvements Sec. 74-81. Sidewalk maintenance. Sec. 74-82. Authority of city commission to order work done. Sec. 74-83. Establishing grades. Sec. 74-84. Authority to assess costs against owner of abutting property. Sec. 74-85. Notice to owners or occupants of property contiguous to defective sidewalk. Sec. 74-86. Work by city. Secs. 74-87-74-110. Reserved. *State law references-City control of highways, Mich. Const. 1963, art. VII, § 29; city authority to acquire, own, establish and maintain boulevards, Mich. Const. 1963, art. VII,§ 23; obstructions and encroachments on public highways, MCL 247.171 et seq.; closing of highway for repairs, MCL 247.291 et seq.; driveways, banners, events and parades, MCL 247.321 et seq.; liability of local government for injury from the result of not keeping highway in reasonable repair, MCL 691.1402; protection of underground facilities, MCL 460.701 et seq. CD74:1 MUSKEGON CITY CODE Article Iv. Street Numbers for Buildings Sec. 74-111. Required. Sec. 74-112. Plan on file; inspection. Sec. 74-113. Duty of city engineer to furnish numbers. Sec. 74-114. Duty of owner to affix numbers. Sec. 74-115. Display of unofficial number prohibited. Sec. 74-116. Penalty for violation of article. Secs. 74-117-74-140. Reserved. Article V. Public and Private Utility Franchises Sec. 74-141. Definitions. Sec. 74-142. Utility franchise required. Sec. 74-143. Standards for granting of franchise. Sec. 74-144. Application for franchise. Secs. 74-145-74-199. Reserved. Article VI. Encroachments Sec. 74-200.Definitions. Sec. 74-201.Permits required. Sec. 74-202.Application for permit. Sec. 74-203.Encroachment permit classifications. Sec. 74-204.Existing encroachments. Sec. 74-205.Approval of encroachments by city. Sec. 74-206.Permit fees. Sec. 74-207.Late payment penalty. Sec. 74-208.Insurance requirement. Sec. 74-209.Inspection. Sec. 74-210.Permit revocable at any time. Sec. 74-211.Removal of encroachment upon failure to apply for permit, pay permit fee, or maintain liability insurance. Sec. 74-212. Removal of unsafe encroachments. Sec. 74-213. Temporary encroachments. Sec. 74-214. Delegation of authority. Secs. 74-215-74-270. Reserved. Article VII. Street or Alley Vacation or Renaming Sec. 74-271. Procedure for street changes. Sec. 74-272. Petition for changes; fee. Sec. 74-273. Public hearing. Sec. 74-274. Determination to grant petition. Sec. 74-275. Record of petitions granted. CD74:2 STREETS, SIDEWALKS, OTHER PUBLIC PROPERTY § 74-7 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL and except signs of churches and other nonprofit organizations approved by the city manager and Sec. 74-1. Penalty for violation of this chap- installed and maintained under the supervision ter. and control of the police department. (Code 1975, § 18-3; Code 2002, § 74-4) Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall be responsible for a municipal civil Sec. 74-5. Placing goods, wares, etc., on or infraction. over sidewalks. (Code 1975, § 18-29; Code 2002, § 74-1) (a) Except as otherwise specifically provided, Sec. 74-2. Erection of utility poles and wires. no person shall place or suffer to remain any goods, wares, merchandise, boxes or other articles (a) No person shall erect any telegraph, tele- or thing in front of any store or shop on or above phone or electric light pole or wire within any the sidewalk, except awnings and signs. street, alley or other public ground of the city without first obtaining a permit therefor. All such (b) Persons may use the sidewalks of the city poles and wires shall be erected under the super- in receiving or delivering goods, wares and mer- vision of the city engineer, but no wires shall be chandise, provided a clear passageway of at least erected over the fire alarm telegraph wires, nor six feet is left and maintained on the sidewalk for shall any wires be erected or placed within 25 feet the use of pedestrians. No person receiving or of the ground in any street, alley or other public delivering such goods, wares or merchandise shall place in the city. suffer such goods to be or remain upon a sidewalk for a period of more than six hours. (b) The provisions of this section shall not be (Code 1975, § 18-4; Code 2002, § 74-5) construed as granting any right to the mainte- nance of any poles and wires already erected in Sec. 74-6. Leaving building materials on the streets, alleys or other public grounds of the sidewalks. city, except such rights as have heretofore been granted by the city commission, and the right to No person owning, building or repairing any compel the removal or change of any such poles house or other building shall permit any lumber, and wires is reserved. brick, plaster, mortar, earth, clay, cement, stone (Code 1975, § 18-1; Code 2002, § 74-2) or other material to remain on the sidewalk after sunset of the day on which it was placed there Sec. 74-3. Posting advertising matter on util- without a permit from the city. ity poles. (Code 1975, § 18-5; Code 2002, § 74-6) No person shall hang, post, place, paste or put Sec. 74-7. Removal of snow and ice from up any handbill, bill, notice, advertisement, sign, sidewalks. placard, card or any other advertising device or matter on any telegraph, telephone or electric (a) The owner, occupant and/or person in charge light pole erected in any street, alley or other of each property located within the city shall, public place in the city, except signs by any within 24 hours after the cessation of any storm government authority. depositing snow on the sidewalk abutting the (Code 1975, § 18-2; Code 2002, § 74-3) property or as soon as practical, clear the snow from the sidewalk. Sec. 74-4. Signs or signposts on streets. (b) Each violation and each day on which a No person shall place or cause to be placed any violation occurs and continues shall constitute a sign or signpost upon any sidewalk, terrace, park- separate offense. This section shall not preclude way or other portion of any public street in the the city from maintaining any other appropriate city, except traffic control devices and street mark- action to prevent or remove a violation of this ers installed and maintained by the city or state, chapter. CD74:3 § 74-7 MUSKEGON CITY CODE (c) A police officer or other city employee au- Sec. 74-11. Entrances or stairs projecting on thorized by the city manager in writing and filed sidewalks. with city clerk may issue civil infraction tickets to enforce the provisions of this section. Every entrance or flight of stairs projecting beyond the building line on the sidewalk and (d) Any person violating the provisions of this descending into any cellar or basement story shall chapter shall be responsible for a civil infraction be enclosed with a permanent iron railing on each and fined accordingly. side, not less than three feet high, with a gate (Code 1975, § 18-8(a); Code 2002, § 74-7; Ord. No. opening into the entrance or stairs, and such 2318, § 74-7, 3-11-2014) entrance and stairs shall be thoroughly lighted to prevent accidents, and such projection shall not Sec. 74-8. Snow and ice from private prop- occupy more than one-fifth of the width of the erty not to be placed on street or sidewalk. sidewalk. (Code 1975, § 18-12; Code 2002, § 74-11) No person shall move, or cause to be moved, any snow or ice from any private property upon Sec. 74-12. Uncovered cellars or excavations. any public sidewalk pavement, alley or roadway Any cellar or other excavation left uncovered in the city. by the burning or removal of the buildings there- (Code 1975, § 18-9; Code 2002, § 74-8) from shall be enclosed by the owner or occupant of the premises with a sufficient fence or barrier to Sec. 74-9. Deposit of wastewater or flamma- prevent accidents. ble liquids on streets or side- (Code 1975, § 18-13; Code 2002, § 74-12) walks. No person shall throw, or cause to be thrown, Sec. 74-13. Gates projecting onto public any wastewater, or cause or permit flammable ways. liquids, oil or grease to flow or be washed into or (a) No person shall construct, hang, place or upon any public street or sidewalk of the city. maintain any gate upon any premises owned, (Code 1975, § 18-10; Code 2002, § 74-9) controlled or occupied by him in the city, nor suffer such work to be done, in such manner as to Sec. 74-10. Leaves, grass, etc., in public ways project over or obstruct any part of the sidewalk prohibited. or street adjacent to the premises. Provided, how- (a) No person shall cause to be placed any ever, that nothing in this section shall be held to grass clippings, leaves, lawn rakings, tree or bush apply to gates at railroad crossings or elsewhere trimmings, tree trunks, stumps, ashes, soil dirt or when placed or maintained by competent author- household debris in or on any public sidewalk, ity. pavement, gutter, drain, ditch, alley or roadway (b) All gates in the city shall be so constructed in the city. that such gates cannot swing outwards into the (b) No materials may be used in the improve- public ways of the city. ment of streets, alleys or roadways without per- (Code 1975, § 18-14; Code 2002, § 74-13) mission therefor first being obtained from the city manager or the director of public works, and the Sec. 74-14. Excavating, filling, paving, etc., use thereof shall be under the direction and on public property. supervision of the director of public works. (a) No person shall cart or deposit any wood, (c) Persons placing tree trimmings, tree trunks, stone or other substance into any of the drains or stumps or household debris on any terrace or sewers of the city, cause such deposit to be done, parkway shall cause such material to be removed cause obstruction or damage in or to such drains within 48 hours thereafter. or sewers, or hinder or obstruct the making or (Code 1975, § 18-11; Code 2002, § 74-10) repairing of any pavement, sidewalk or cross- CD74:4 STREETS, SIDEWALKS, OTHER PUBLIC PROPERTY § 74-34 walk, drain or sewer being constructed or re- ARTICLE II. CONSTRUCTION, REPAIRS, paired under any ordinance or any resolution of IMPROVEMENTS AND ALTERATIONS the city commission. DIVISION 1. GENERALLY (b) No person, by permit or otherwise, shall dig or tear up any pavement, sidewalk or cross- Sec. 74-31. Definitions concerning landscap- walk or dig any hole, ditch, drain or sewer, or ing. deposit any sand, mortar, gravel, earth, timber or The following words, terms and phrases, when building material of any nature, in any street, used in this article, shall have the meanings alley or public place or on any property abutting ascribed to them in this section, except where the any public place, unless such property shall be context clearly indicates a different meaning: well and sufficiently guarded by a railing, fence or Major landscaping and landscaped changes barrier at least three feet in height at all times mean the planting of trees, shrubs growing over and in such manner as to prevent accidents or three feet in height, landscaping activities which injury to persons or property. There shall also be create vision obstructions or overhanging or en- placed and kept upon such railing or barrier croachment into the street. The terms "major suitable and sufficient colored lights, showing a landscaping" and "landscaped changes" do not bright yellow color, from sunset to sunrise during include damaging, destruction, excavation, re- the time such excavation, hole, drain or sewer moval or filling of earth or stone, paving, chang- remains uncovered or unfilled, and during the ing grades by filling or removing substances. The time such sand, mortar, gravel, earth, timber or terms "major landscaping" and "landscaped other building material remains in such street, changes" do not include the normal planting of alley or public place. low lying flowers and shrubs or planting of grass. (Code 1975, § 18-19(5); Code 2002, § 74-31) (c) Fences or barriers required by this section Sec. 74-32. Traffic control. shall be constructed of good and sufficient boards, planks or scatlings nailed or fastened to strong All persons granted a permit under this article uprights secured to the ground in such a manner must comply with the guidelines for traffic control as to render them firm and solid. It shall be the in accordance with the state manual of uniform duty of the department of public works to insert traffic control devices. The city shall inspect the work site to ensure compliance with the estab- in all contracts for the performance of public lished guidelines. works in any street, lane or public place in the (Code 1975, § 18-22; Code 2002, § 74-32) city a covenant requiring the contractor to care- fully and securely guard such work during its Sec. 74-33. Restoration. progress and to keep and save the city harmless and indemnified against all loss or damage by All persons performing any construction, exca- reason of any negligence or carelessness in the vation, repair or improvement on the public ways manner of doing such work. must restore the property to its original condition (Code 1975, § 18-16; Code 2002, § 74-14) or better. Restoration measures shall be included and specified in the plan submitted to the city for a permit, and shall be followed. (Code 1975, § 18-23; Code 2002, § 74-33) Secs. 74-15-74-30. Reserved. Sec. 74-34. Liability. The permittee is liable to the city for any resulting damage to any public property that is caused by the permittee's activities or failure to CD74:5 § 74-34 MUSKEGON CITY CODE comply with the guidelines as established by the of any earth or stone from any alley or city and the state manual of uniform traffic con- other right-of-way without first having trol devices. The permittee shall indemnify the obtained a permit. city against any loss or damage it may sustain by reason of the permittee's activities, including the (4)Public utilities. No person shall install, payment of all claims and damages determined remove or repair public utilities on city against the city, as well as costs associated with streets, sidewalks, alleys or rights-of-way such claims, including, but not limited to, fees, without first obtaining a permit. court costs, and legal expense of any kind. (Code 1975, § 18-19(1)-(4); Code 2002, § 74-51) (Code 1975, § 18-24; Code 2002, § 74-34) State law reference-Mandatory that city require com- pliance with Public Act No. 53 of 1974, MCL 460.706. Secs. 74-35-74-50. Reserved. Sec. 74-52. Permits and bonds; right of re- DIVISION 2. PERMIT view and inspection. (a) All permits for any work as described in Sec. 74-51. Construction, repairs, improve- ments and alterations. section 74-51 must be obtained from the city. Before a permit is granted, the person requesting The following acts are prohibited unless the to repair, construct, excavate, etc., shall submit individual, franchise, business entity or any other plans to the city engineering department for re- person first obtains a permit from the city. In all view. The city shall review and approve or reject cases there must be compliance with Public Act those plans within 30 days. If the city rejects the No. 53 of 1974 (MCL 460.701 et seq.). Bonds must proposed plan, written reasons must be given. be posted as required by resolution. (1) Construction. (b) Permit application fees will be set by type of project as determined by resolution. Fees shall a. Driveway. No person shall begin con- be established by resolution which may include struction or modification of a drive- the following criteria: application fee, additional way without first obtaining a permit. fees based on lineal feet, additional fees based on b. Sidewalks. No person shall begin each pole or structure placed in the public way, construction or modification of a side- complexity of the project, type of restoration, walk without first obtaining a per- amounts based on the potential damage to the mit. surrounding lands, streets and public improve- ments. (2) Excavation, alteration. No person shall damage, destroy or make any excavation (c) All persons other than public utility fran- in any pavement, sidewalk or crosswalk, chises are required to file with the city clerk a drain or sewer or any part thereof, make bond, in a sum to be determined by resolution and any excavation in any public street, re- approved by the city manager, to indemnify the move any earth or stone therefrom, per- city against any loss or damage it may sustain by form major landscaping or landscape reason of such construction, repair or excavation, changes in terraces or boulevards, pave etc. If, upon approval, a bond is required, the bond any street or public way or change the must be posted before any work begins. The bond grade of any street or public way by filling amounts may be based on the following criteria: in any earth, stone, sand or gravel, or by complexity of the project, type of restoration, removing any substance therefrom, with- potential damage to the surrounding lands and out first having obtained a permit. public ways, length of project, amount of permit (3) Alleys and other rights-of-way. No person fee. The city may require insurance depending on shall make any construction, excavation, the size of the project. Criteria for insurance grade changes, filling, paving, or removal coverage shall be determined by resolution. CD74:6 STREETS, SIDEWALKS, OTHER PUBLIC PROPERTY § 74-85 (d) All construction, repairs, excavations, etc., Sec. 74-83. Establishing grades. must be done in accordance with the guidelines established by the city. The guidelines shall be (a) Whenever the city commission shall order provided to the person applying for a permit upon any sidewalk to be graded, constructed, raised, approval of the permit. The city shall inspect the lowered, relaid or repaired, and the street on construction, repair, excavation, etc., to deter- which such work is to be done has not been mine if there is compliance. graded, the city manager shall cause such a grade (Code 1975, § 18-20; Code 2002, § 74-52) to be established and shall present a profile estimate and specifications to the city commission Sec. 74-53. Emergencies. of the sidewalk to be raised, lowered, relaid or repaired, in accordance with the resolution of the If an emergency requires immediate repair, the city commission. person or public utility performing the repair must obtain a permit within five working days of (b) If the street upon which a sidewalk is to be the emergency. Failure to obtain a permit within built, repaired, relaid, lowered or raised has been five working days of the emergency subjects the surveyed and the grade of the sidewalk estab- person or utility to an additional fee of 50 percent lished, all such sidewalks shall be built, repaired, of the original permit fee amount. relaid, lowered or raised according to such grade (Code 1975, § 18-21; Code 2002, § 74-53) as already established, and no other survey shall be required. Secs. 74-54-74-80. Reserved. (Code 1975, § 18-33; Code 2002, § 74-83) Sec. 74-84. Authority to assess costs against ARTICLE III. SIDEWALK owner of abutting property. IMPROVEMENTS All hazardous sidewalks in the city right-of- Sec. 74-81. Sidewalk maintenance. way may be graded, constructed and repaired, All sidewalks within the city shall be kept and and the expense thereof, except where the work is maintained in good repair by the owner of the done by the owner, agent or occupant of the land adjacent to and abutting upon it. If any premises contiguous thereto, shall be recovered owner shall neglect to keep and maintain the as permitted by section 74-86. sidewalk along the front, rear, or side of the land (Code 1975, § 18-35; Code 2002, § 74-84; Ord. No. owned by him in good repair and safe for the use 2284, § 1(74-84), 10-12-2010) of the public, the owner shall be liable to the city for any damages recovered against the city sus- Sec. 74-85. Notice to owners or occupants of tained by any person by reason of such sidewalk property contiguous to defective being unsafe and out of repair. sidewalk. (Code 1975, § 18-31; Code 2002, § 74-81) (a) The city may, in its discretion, give written Sec. 74-82. Authority of city commission to notice to the owner or the person listed on the tax order work done. rolls that a sidewalk contiguous to a certain property is defective or in need of repair. The The city commission may, by resolution, order letter shall set a time before which the repair the grading, constructing, raising, lowering, re- must be completed by the owner or occupant, and laying or repairing of any sidewalk required to be shall inform the addressee that the specifications graded, constructed, raised, lowered, relaid or for repair and a permit must be obtained from the repaired in the city, and the city commission may, city. by resolution, at any time alter or change the grade of any sidewalk in the city whenever, in its (b) The notice shall further inform the owner, judgment, a change in grade is required. occupant or person on the tax roll that the city, (Code 1975, § 18-32; Code 2002, § 74-82) after the deadline date has passed, may perform CD74:7 § 74-85 MUSKEGON CITY CODE the work and recover the associated costs thereof, Sec. 74-114. Duty of owner to affix numbers. including assessment costs, as permitted by sec- It shall be the duty of the owner or agent of any tion 74-86. (Code 1975, § 18-36; Code 2002, § 74-85; Ord. No. building, within 30 days after receiving the copy 2284, § 1(74-85), 10-12-2010) of the building number provided for in section 74-113, to cause to be placed upon such building, in a conspicuous place in front of such building, Sec. 74-86. Work by city. the proper number specified in plain and legible If the owner, occupant or person named on the figures of at least two inches in length. tax roll fails, refuses or neglects to build, repair, (Code 1975, § 18-53; Code 2002, § 74-114) raise, lower or relay the sidewalk within the time specified in the notice, the city may then cause the Sec. 74-115. Display of unofficial number work to be done and recover the costs of such by prohibited. creating a special assessment and levy such as- sessment against the property, collecting the cost It shall be unlawful for any person to display from the person listed on the tax rolls as the any number other than the official number upon owner, and/or placing a lien on the property. any building. (Code 1975, § 18-37; Code 2002, § 74-86; Ord. No. (Code 1975, § 18-54; Code 2002, § 74-115) 2284, § 1(74-86), 10-12-2010) Sec. 74-116. Penalty for violation of article. Secs. 74-87-74-110. Reserved. Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall be responsible for a municipal civil infraction. ARTICLE rv. STREET NUMBERS FOR (Code 1975, § 18-55; Code 2002, § 74-116) BUILDINGS Sec. 74-111. Required. Secs. 74-117-74-140. Reserved. All buildings erected or fronting on any street, lane, alley or other public place in the city shall be ARTICLE V. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE numbered in accordance with the plan provided UTILITY FRANCHISES in this article. (Code 1975, § 18-50; Code 2002, § 74-111) Sec. 74-141. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when Sec. 74-112. Plan on file; inspection. used in this article, shall have the meanings The numbers upon all buildings, as required by ascribed to them in this section, except where the section 74-111, shall be in accordance with the context clearly indicates a different meaning: plan prepared by the city engineer and on file in Applicant means a utility company which has his office, and the books containing such plan applied for a utility franchise pursuant to this shall be public records and open for inspection at article. all reasonable times to all persons. (Code 1975, § 18-51; Code 2002, § 74-112) Energy means electricity, natural gas and all similar forms of energy or substances which are Sec. 74-113. Duty of city engineer to furnish used for lighting, heating, cooling and similar numbers. purposes. It shall be the duty of the city engineer to Energy utility means a person or company furnish each owner or occupant of any building which transports, delivers or sells energy to one with a written copy of the correct number by or more customers through the use of facilities which such building is designated. located in the public ways, including highways, (Code 1975, § 18-52; Code 2002, § 74-113) streets, alleys and bridges, or who otherwise CD74:8 STREETS, SIDEWALKS, OTHER PUBLIC PROPERTY § 74-200 transact business in the city for the transporta- welfare of the inhabitants of the city, including, tion and/or delivery of electric, natural gas, or without limitation, the protection of the safety of similar energy. persons, vehicles or property located or passing in the vicinity of the facilities, the protection of Facilities means any plants, works, systems, surrounding properties, including property val- improvements and equipment owned, leased or ues, appearance, screening and other such mea- used by a utility, including poles, wires, fixtures, sures, and location within the rights-of-way so as underground circuits, conduits, cables, towers, not to interfere with other utilities, public use and masts, transformers and other property used or vehicular use of the public ways. Franchises shall installed in the public ways, which facilities are be granted only under the conditions set forth in necessary or convenient for the sale, transmission and authorized by the constitution and laws of the or distribution of energy or other included utility state and the ordinances of the city. No franchise services to a customer or customers. shall be granted without a public vote, unless the Public ways means all public ways or rights-of- franchise is revocable at will by the city. No way within the city which are owned or controlled franchise shall be granted for a period in excess of by the city, either as an easement or in fee simple, 30 years. and including, without limitation, streets, high- (Code 2002, § 74-143; Ord. No. 1158, § 18-62, ways, sidewalks, alleys and bridges, but not in- 4-14-1998) cluding parks or lands which are not used nor intended for transportation or passage by the Sec. 74-144. Application for franchise. public. A utility company which wishes to obtain a Utility franchise means a franchise granted to franchise from the city shall submit an applica- any person or company transporting, delivering tion to the city clerk. The city may provide forms or selling utility services, including, without lim- for use by the applicant. All applications, whether itation, energy utilities, which franchise is granted or not on a form, shall be in writing and shall to operate a utility in the city and/or to transact include a detailed description of the facilities business in the city. intended to be erected, and the public ways, if (Code 2002, § 74-141; Ord. No. 1158, § 18-60, limited, which will be utilized by the utility. All 4-14-1998) applications must be accompanied by a nonrefund- able application fee as currently established or as hereafter adopted by resolution of the city com- Sec. 74-142. Utility franchise required. mission from time to time. No person may transport, deliver or sell utili- (Code 2002, § 74-144; Ord. No. 1158, § 18-63, ties or energy utilities to one or more customers 4-14-1998) through the use of facilities located in the public ways of the city, nor may it otherwise transact Secs. 74-145-74-199. Reserved. business in the city for the transportation and/or delivery of utilities unless and until the utility has been granted a franchise by the city commis- ARTICLE VI. ENCROACHMENTS sion. (Code 2002, § 74-142; Ord. No. 1158, § 18-61, Sec. 74-200. Definitions. 4-14-1998) The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings Sec. 74-143. Standards for granting of fran- ascribed to them in this section, except where the chise. context clearly indicates a different meaning: All franchises granted by the city shall be Encroachment as used in this article means granted in the form of an ordinance. Such ordi- any of the following which is located on, over, in or nance shall contain provisions which are reason- under any roadway, sidewalk, alley or other pub- ably designed to protect the health, safety and lic right-of-way: architectural projection includ- CD74:9 § 74-200 MUSKEGON CITY CODE ing belt course, planter, mansard, cosmetic wall ment serves, or if not abutting a privately covering, roof cornice and wall buttress; awning; owned lot, the location of encroachment in canopy; cellar entrance; coal hole; fence; manhole; street, alley or public way; marquee; sidewalk elevator; step or stair; fire (3) Blueprints or ink drawings showing the escape; standpipe or sprinkler connection; sign; plans and specifications of the proposed or subgrade spread footing; underground conduit, actual encroachment, if requested by the cables and/or wires (private); wall; loading dock, city clerk; platform or facility; hoistway opening; sidewalk vault; street vault; elevated craneway or walk- Such other information as the city clerk (4) way; any device or object, or anything specifically shall require in order to ensure compli- permitted by the commission and designated by it ance with this article and all other ordi- as an encroachment subject to the provisions of nances of the city and laws of the state. the article. The term "encroachment" as used in (Ord. No. 2298, § 1(74-202), 8-9-2011) this article, shall not include overhead electric and telephone lines, poles and appurtenances; Sec. 74-203. Encroachment permit classifi- underground electric, telephone, gas and steam cations. lines, together with tunnels and conduits owned Upon receipt of an application for an encroach- by a public utility, a public utility permitted by ment permit, the city clerk shall determine whether the city and for which the utility company has or not such encroachment, because of its nature, agreed to hold the city harmless, or monitoring shall or shall not require regular inspections due wells or testing of soils or groundwater for envi- to public safety and/or potential liability issues ronmental purposes which are permitted by the the encroachment may present. Those encroach- city commission and/or city engineer. ments not requiring routine inspections shall be (Ord. No. 2298, § 1(74-200), 8-9-2011) graded Class I encroachments and those requir- ing routine inspections shall be graded Class II Sec. 74-201. Permits required. encroachments, and fees shall be set accordingly as defined in section 74-206. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, (Ord. No. 2298, § 1(74-203), 8-9-2011) build, maintain or relocate any encroachment as defined in this article without first obtaining a permit from the city clerk or by commission Sec. 74-204. Existing encroachments. approval as provided under section 74-205, pay- All existing encroachment permit holders shall ing the permit fee as required under section be required to complete an application for permit 74-206, and furnishing the necessary insurance as defined in section 74-202, including those per- certificate as defined under section 74-208, if mitted by special written agreement. applicable. (Ord. No. 2298, § 1(74-204), 8-9-2011) (Ord. No. 2298, § 1(74-201), 8-9-2011) Sec. 74-205. Approval of encroachments by Sec. 74-202. Application for permit. city. Applications for encroachment permits (either (a) It shall be the duty of the city clerk to existing or proposed) shall be made on a form review the proposed or actual encroachment to provided by the city clerk and shall include the ensure it does not pose an adverse affect to public following information: safety, inconvenience the public or interfere with public usage and where appropriate, shall order (1) Name, address, and telephone number of any necessary repairs, alterations or removal. applicant; (b) When the encroachment meets all the re- (2) Location and type of the existing or pro- quirements of this article and any other ordi- posed encroachment, building to which nance of the city and the laws of the state, the city attached or abutting lot which encroach- clerk shall then issue an encroachment permit, CD74:10 STREETS, SIDEWALKS, OTHER PUBLIC PROPERTY § 74-211 provided the applicant pays the required fee as agents, employees and elected officials, as addi- defined in section 74-206, and furnishes the nec- tional insured and loss payee for any such claims. essary certificate of insurance as defined in sec- tion 74-208, if applicable. In the event the city (b) In the event such proof of liability insur- clerk does not believe granting the encroachment ance is required, it shall be updated and provided permit would be in the best interest of the city, the to the city annually at the time of renewal. city clerk may deny the granting of a permit. (Ord. No. 2298, § 1(74-208), 8-9-2011) (c) If the applicant does not concur with the decision of the city clerk, either to make repairs, Sec. 74-209. Inspection. alterations or removal, or the city clerk's decision The city clerk shall inspect, at such time as he to deny the application, the application shall be deems necessary, each encroachment permit transmitted to the city commission for approval or granted to determine whether it is in need of disapproval. The decision of city commission shall repair or removal, and the permit fee shall be be final. deemed to cover the costs of this inspection whether (Ord. No. 2298, § 1(74-205), 8-9-2011) inspection be made annually or at other intervals. (Ord. No. 2298, § 1(74-209), 8-9-2011) Sec. 74-206. Permit fees. (a) Each applicant shall pay an application fee Sec. 74-210. Permit revocable at any time. as provided in the fee structure established by the city commission. All rights and privileges acquired under the provisions of this article or any amendment thereto (b) A separate permit and fee will be charged are mere licenses, revocable at any time by the for each encroachment on any one parcel. Appli- city clerk or city commission under the terms and cation fees are not prorated and are nonrefund- provisions of this article and all such permits able. All permits for encroachments now existing shall contain this provision. or issued prior to the effective date of the ordi- (Ord. No. 2298, § 1(74-210), 8-9-2011) nance from which this article is derived shall expire on August 31, 2011. All encroachment permits shall require renewal on or before Sep- Sec. 74-211. Removal of encroachment upon tember 1 of each year. failure to apply for permit, pay (Ord. No. 2298, § 1(74-206), 8-9-2011) permit fee, or maintain liability insurance. Sec. 74-207. Late payment penalty. Upon failure of any person to make application Noncompliance of this article may result in for an encroachment permit, where required, and additional fees as established by the city commis- to pay the permit fee or maintain liability insur- sion. ance, if applicable, the city clerk shall have the (Ord. No. 2298, § 1(74-207), 8-9-2011) authority to remove said encroachment immedi- ately. Any item confiscated pursuant to the provi- Sec. 74-208. Insurance requirement. sions of this section shall be held by the city for a period of 30 days. During the 30-day holding (a) Prior to the issuance of any encroachment period, the owner of said item may request the permit, the licensed inspector shall determine if return of the item on a form provided by the city such encroachment may present possible claims clerk. The city clerk shall check the inventory of for personal injury, bodily injury or property dam- confiscated items and if the item is found to be age due to its nature, and as a result may require held by the city the applicant may pay a recovery the applicant to provide proof of liability insur- fee as currently established or as hereafter ad- ance in an appropriate amount by a company opted by resolution of the city commission from authorized and acceptable to do insurance busi- time to time for each item held at which time the ness in the state, specifically naming the city, its city clerk shall return the item to the owner. After CD74:11 § 74-211 MUSKEGON CITY CODE 30 days have passed, the city clerk may dispose of Sec. 74-272. Petition for changes; fee. said item either by disposal in an appropriate landfill or by sale. Any person desiring any of the action set forth (Ord. No. 2298, § 1(74-211), 8-9-2011) in section 74-271 shall file a written petition for such relief with the zoning administrator, to- Sec. 74-212. Removal of unsafe encroach- gether with a fee in the amount established by ments. resolution to cover the cost of publication, record- ing and other administrative expenses attendant Any encroachment which has become unsafe or to the proceeding. presents a hazard to the general public by reason (Code 1975, § 19-51; Code 2002, § 66-72) of deterioration, dilapidation, lack of repair or maintenance, interferes with any future city us- Sec. 74-273. Public hearing. age of the area or city project, or any other cause which results in a limitation by the general public Upon receipt of the petition and accompanying in its use of the public right-of-way, is hereby fee, the zoning administrator shall submit the declared to be a public nuisance and shall be petition to the planning commission which shall abated in the manner provided for removal of proceed as follows: dangerous structures. (Ord. No. 2298, § 1(74-212), 8-9-2011) (1) A public hearing on the petition shall be determined and published in a newspaper Sec. 74-213. Temporary encroachments. of general circulation in the city at least ten days prior to the hearing. Applications and permits for temporary or in- termittent encroachments shall be obtained in (2) Service of notice of the time and place of the same manner as applications and permits are the public hearing shall be mailed by first obtained for permanent encroachments. class mail to all owners of property as- (Ord. No. 2298, § 1(74-213), 8-9-2011) sessed for taxation which adjoins the af- fected street or alley and to such other persons as the planning commission, after Sec. 74-214. Delegation of authority. review of the petition, shall deem affected in the event the petition is granted. Wherever in this article an act or duty is required to be performed by the city clerk, said act (3) Following the public hearing, the plan- or duty may be delegated by the city clerk to any ning commission shall recommend to the employee of the city. city commission whether all or part of the (Ord. No. 2298, § 1(74-214), 8-9-2011) petition should be granted. (Code 1975, § 19-52; Code 2002, § 66-73) Secs. 74-215-74-270. Reserved. Sec. 74-274. Determination to grant peti- tion. ARTICLE VII. STREET OR ALLEY VACATION OR RENAMING The city commission shall determine whether or not all or any part of the petition should be Sec. 74-271. Procedure for street changes. granted, and shall reserve any necessary ease- ments within the right-of-way of any street, alley Streets and alleys or parts thereof shall be or other public land vacated pursuant to such opened, closed, vacated, extended, widened or the petition for public utility purposes and other name of an existing street or alley changed in public purposes. accordance with the procedure in this article. (Code 1975, § 19-53; Code 2002, § 66-74) (Code 1975, § 19-50; Code 2002, § 66-71) State law reference-Similar provisions, MCL 560.265. CD74:12 STREETS, SIDEWALKS, OTHER PUBLIC PROPERTY § 74-275 Sec. 74-275. Record of petitions granted. The city clerk within 30 days following the resolution of the city commission granting all or part of any such petition shall record a certified copy of such resolution with the office of the register of deeds for the county, giving the name of the plat affected and, thereafter, shall send a copy thereof to the treasurer of the state. (Code 1975, § 19-54; Code 2002, § 66-75) CD74:13
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