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Chapter 78 SUBDMSIONS AND OTHER LAND DMSIONS* Article I. In General Secs. 78-1-78-30. Reserved. Article II. Subdivisions Division 1. Generally Sec. 78-31. Definitions. Sec. 78-32. Purpose. Sec. 78-33. Minimum requirements; effect of article on other ordinances, laws or regulations. Sec. 78-34. Penalty for violations. Secs. 78-35-78-50. Reserved. Division 2. Procedures Subdivision I. In General Sec. 78-51. Phases of preparation for platting. Sec. 78-52. Preapplication review. Secs. 78-53-78-70. Reserved. Subdivision II. Preliminary Plat Sec. 78-71. Procedure. Sec. 78-72. Approval required. Sec. 78-73. Scale. Sec. 78-74. Contents generally. Sec. 78-75. Vicinity sketch. Sec. 78-76. Filing; review and recommendations by planning director and city engineer. Sec. 78-77. Hearing and recommendation by planning commission. Sec. 78-78. Action by city commission. Secs. 78-79-78-95. Reserved. Subdivision III. Final Plat Sec. 78-96. Compliance with state law and this subdivision. Sec. 78-97. Conformity with preliminary plat. Sec. 78-98. Filing; plan check fee. Sec. 78-99. Review and recommendations by city engineer and planning director. Sec. 78-100. Action by the city commission; subsequent approvals; distribution of prints and copies. Secs. 78-101-78-115. Reserved. Division 3. Design Layout Standards Subdivision I. In General Sec. 78-116. Applicability of division. *State law references-Michigan planning enabling act, MCL 125.3801 et seq.; condominium act, MCL 559.101 et seq.; land division act, MCL 560.101 et seq. CD78:1 MUSKEGON CITY CODE Sec. 78-117. Suitability of land. Sec. 78-118. Parks, school sites, etc. Sec. 78-119. Blocks. Sec. 78-120. Lots. Sec. 78-121. Natural features. Sec. 78-122. Floodplains. Secs. 78-123-78-140. Reserved. Subdivision II. Streets Sec. 78-141. Conformity with major street and master plans. Sec. 78-142. General layout requirements. Sec. 78-143. Half streets. Sec. 78-144. Right-of-way widths. Sec. 78-145. Grades. Sec. 78-146. Radii of curvature on centerline. Sec. 78-147. Tangent between reverse curves. Sec. 78-148. Intersections. Sec. 78-149. Jogs. Secs. 78-150-78-165. Reserved. Division 4. Required Improvements Sec. 78-166. Required approvals to be obtained prior to installation; compli- ance with article. Sec. 78-167. Roadway surfacing and curbs. Sec. 78-168. Sidewalks. Sec. 78-169. Underground utilities. Sec. 78-170. Water system. Sec. 78-171. Sanitary sewer system. Sec. 78-172. Storm drainage system. Sec. 78-173. Protection of utilities from flood damage. Secs. 78-17 4-78-190. Reserved. Division 5. Subdivision Open Space Plan (Planned Unit Development) Sec. 78-191. Application of division. Sec. 78-192. Statement of principles. Sec. 78-193. Contents of application for approval-Description of land to be dedicated. Sec. 78-194. Same-Plan of development. Sec. 78-195. Same-Statement of benefits. Sec. 78-196. Approval or disapproval. Sec. 78-197. Contract between city and proprietor. CD78:2 SUBDIVISIONS, OTHER LAND DIVISIONS § 78-33 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Major street plan means the master plan of highways, major streets and parkways adopted Secs. 78-1-78-30. Reserved. by the planning commission. Minor street means a street, which is intended ARTICLE II. SUBDIVISIONS primarily for access, for abutting properties (all streets except those named above). DIVISION 1. GENERALLY Subdivide and subdivision mean the partition- ing or splitting of a parcel or tract of land by the Sec. 78-31. Definitions. proprietor thereof or by his heirs, executors, ad- ministrators, legal representatives, successors, or The following words, terms and phrases, when assigns for the purpose of sale, or lease of more used in this article, shall have the meanings than one year, or of building development that ascribed to them in this section, except where the results in one or more parcels ofless than 40 acres context clearly indicates a different meaning: or the equivalent, and that is not exempted from the platting requirements of this article by sec- Generally. All terms, as defined in the land tions 108 and 109 of the land division act (MCL division act (MCL 560.101 et seq.), shall control, 560.108, 560.109). The terms "subdivide" and unless indicated to the contrary in this section. "subdivision" do not include a property transfer Alley and service drive mean a passage or way between two or more adjacent parcels, if the affording generally a secondary means of vehicu- property taken from one parcel is added to an lar access to abutting properties and not intended adjacent parcel; and any resulting parcel shall not for general traffic circulation. be considered a building site unless the parcel conforms to the requirements of this act or the Arterial street means those streets of consider- requirements of an applicable local ordinance. able continuity which are used or primarily for fast or heavy traffic (Seaway Dr., M-46, Shoreline Zoning ordinance means the city zoning ordi- Dr.). nance. (Code 1975, § 19-3; Code 2002, § 78-31) Collector street means those streets used to carry traffic from minor streets to arterial streets Sec. 78-32. Purpose. classified by the city (Hackley Ave., Barclay St., Lakeshore Dr. (south of Laketon Ave.), Marquette The purpose of this article is to provide for Ave., Wood St.). orderly growth and harmonious development of the community, to secure coordinated develop- Expressway means those streets designed for ment in conformance with the general plan of the high speed, high volume traffic, with full or par- city, including public facilities, to achieve individ- tially controlled access, some grade crossings but ual property lots of maximum utility and livabil- no driveway connections (U.S. 31). ity and to control building in floodplains and to set standards for lot sizes. Highways, major streets and parkways mean (Code 1975, § 19-2; Code 2002, § 78-32) the highways, major streets and parkways desig- nated as such on the major street plan. Sec. 78-33. Minimum requirements; effect of Local street and collector street mean a street article on other ordinances, laws intended to provide access to neighborhoods or or regulations. sub-neighborhoods. The provisions of this article shall be held to be Major street means those streets in the city the minimum requirements adopted for the pro- that are classified as primary hard-surfaced roads motion and preservation of public health, safety (Getty St. , Laketon Ave., Henry St. (south of and general welfare of the city. The provisions of Laketon Ave.), Sherman Blvd.). this article are not intended to repeal, abrogate, CD78:3 § 78-33 MUSKEGON CITY CODE annul or in any manner interfere with existing attend. The purpose of the meeting is to conduct regulations or ordinances of the city, nor conflict an informal review of the proprietor's concept with any statutes of the state or county, except plan for the preliminary plat. that this article shall prevail in cases where its (Code 1975, § 19-18; Code 2002, § 78-52) provisions impose a greater restriction than is provided by existing statutes, laws, regulations or Secs. 78-53-78-70. Reserved. ordinances. (Code 1975, § 19-4; Code 2002, § 78-33) Subdivision II. Preliminary Plat* Sec. 78-34. Penalty for violations. Sec. 78-71. Procedure. Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall be responsible for a municipal The procedure for preparation and submittal of civil infraction. a preliminary plat of land area to be subdivided (Code 1975, § 19-5; Code 2002, § 78-34) shall be as set out in this subdivision. (Code 1975, § 19-25; Code 2002, § 78-71) Secs. 78-35-78-50. Reserved. Sec. 78-72. Approval required. DIVISION 2. PROCEDURES No person proposing to make or to have made a subdivision or resubdivision within the territorial Subdivision I. In General limits subject to the provisions of this article shall enter into any contract for sale or shall offer for Sec. 78-51. Phases of preparation for plat- sale such subdivision or any part thereof, or ting. proceed with any construction on the proposed subdivision, including grading, until he has ob- The preparation of a subdivision for platting tained from the city commission the tentative shall be carried out through three phases as approval of the preliminary plat of the proposed follows : pre-preliminary plat investigation, pre- subdivision. liminary plat and final plat, all in accordance with (Code 1975, § 19-26; Code 2002, § 78-72) the procedure outlined in this article. (Code 1975, § 19-17; Code 2002, § 78-51) Sec. 78-73. Scale. Sec. 78-52. Preapplication review. The horizontal scale of the preliminary plat of a subdivision shall be 100 feet or less to the inch The proprietor may request that a preapplica- and the vertical scale of street and sewer profiles tion review meeting take place by submitting a shall be 20 feet or less to the inch. written request to the chairperson of the county (Code 1975, § 19-27; Code 2002, § 78-73) plat board and submitting copies of a concept plan State law reference-Minimum scale, MCL 560.111. for the preliminary plat to the city and to each officer or agency entitled to review the prelimi- Sec. 78-74. Contents generally. nary plat under MCL 560.113 through 560.118. A preapplication review meeting shall take place The preliminary plat of a subdivision shall not later than 30 days after the written request clearly show the following features and informa- and concept plan are received. The meeting shall tion: be attended by the proprietor, representatives of (1) The proposed name of the subdivision, each officer or agency entitled to review the pre- which name shall not duplicate or closely liminary plat under MCL 560.113, 560.114, and approximate the name of any other sub- 560.118, and a representative of the city. Repre- division in the county. sentatives of each agency entitled to review the preliminary plat under MCL 560.115 through *State law reference-Preliminary plats, MCL 560.107 560.118 shall be informed of the meeting and may et seq. CD78:4 SUBDIVISIONS, OTHER LAND DIVISIONS § 78-76 (2) The tract designation according to the (12) The plans and profiles of proposed sani- real estate records of the register of deeds tary sewers, with grades and sizes indi- of the county. cated, or methods of sewage disposal in lieu of such sewers. (3) The names and addresses of the owners of record, the subdivider and the engineer or (13) A plan of the proposed water distribution surveyor. system, showing pipe sizes and the loca- tion of valves and fire hydrants. (4) The names of adjacent subdivisions and the names of record owners of adjacent (14) Zoning boundary lines, if any, proposed parcels of unplatted land. uses of property and proposed front yard setback lines. (5) The boundary lines, accurate in scale, of (15) All parcels of land intended to be dedi- the tract to be subdivided. cated or temporarily reserved for public (6) The location, widths and the names of all use, or to be reserved in the deeds for the existing or platted streets or other public common use of property owners in the ways within or adjacent to the tract, and subdivision, with the purpose, conditions other important features such as existing or limitations of such reservations indi- permanent buildings, large trees, water- cated. courses, railroad lines, corporation lines, (Code 1975, § 19-28; Code 2002, § 78-74) township lines, section lines and similar features . Sec. 78-75. Vicinity sketch. (7) Existing sewers, water mains, culverts A vicinity sketch, at a scale of 400 feet or more and other underground structures within to the inch, shall be shown on or shall accompany the tract of land and immediately adja- the preliminary plat of a subdivision. The vicinity cent thereto, with pipe sizes and grades sketch shall show all existing subdivision and indicated. street and tract lines of acreage and parcels of land, together with the names of record owners of (8) Contours with intervals of five feet or less, such parcels, immediately adjoining the proposed referenced to Muskegon City Datum or subdivision and between it and the nearest exist- U.S. Geological Survey Datum, as and ing highway or thoroughfare. It shall also show when required by the planning commis- how the streets and alleys in the proposed subdi- sion. vision may connect with the existing and pro- (9) The layout, proposed names and widths of posed streets and alleys in neighboring subdivi- proposed streets, alleys and easements; sions or unplatted property to produce the most the location and approximate sizes of advantageous development of the entire neighbor- catchbasins, culverts and other drainage hood. structures; the layout, numbers and ap- (Code 1975, § 19-29; Code 2002, § 78-75) proximate dimensions of proposed lots. Proposed street names shall not duplicate Sec. 78-76. Filing; review and recommenda- or closely approximate any existing street tions by planning director and names in the county, except coterminous city engineer. streets. (a) Five copies of the preliminary plat of the (10) The profile of each street, with tentative subdivision, together with written application, grades indicated. shall be submitted to the director of planning for his technical review and recommendation, which (11) The cross section of each proposed street, shall be forwarded to the planning commission. showing the width of the pavement, the Submittal to the planning director shall be at location and width of sidewalks and the least 15 days prior to a regular meeting of the location and size of utility mains. planning commission. CD78:5 § 78-76 MUSKEGON CITY CODE (b) The preliminary plat shall be reviewed by (e) Final approval of the preliminary plat shall the city engineer as to the adequacy of the design be effective for one year, provided that the period of the proposed utilities and street improvements may be extended by the city commission upon or other matters under his jurisdiction and he request of the proprietor. shall recommend to the planning commission (Code 1975, § 19-32; Code 2002, § 78-78) approval or rejection. State law reference-Approval of preliminary plat, MCL (Code 1975, § 19-30; Code 2002, § 78-76) 560.112. Sec. 78-77. Hearing and recommendation by Secs. 78-79-78-95. Reserved. planning commission. (a) Upon receipt of the recommendation of the Subdivision III. Final Plat* planning director and city engineer concerning the preliminary plat of a subdivision, the plan- Sec. 78-96. Compliance with state law and ning commission shall hold a public hearing. this subdivision. Notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be sent by mail to the subdivider and owners of The final plat of a subdivision shall comply land immediately adjoining or directly across a with the provisions of the land division act (MCL public street from the proposed subdivision, at 560.101 et seq.) and this subdivision. least ten days prior to the hearing. (Code 1975, § 19-39; Code 2002, § 78-96) (b) The planning commission shall forward to the city commission its recommendation as to the Sec. 78-97. Conformity with preliminary tentative approval of the preliminary plat, which plat. recommendation shall be in writing. The recom- mendation to the city commission shall outline The final plat of a subdivision shall conform any deficiencies in design of improvements or substantially to the preliminary plat as approved, facilities in the proposed plat. and may constitute only that portion of the ap- (Code 1975, § 19-31; Code 2002, § 78-77) proved preliminary plat which the proprietor pro- posed to record and develop at the time. (Code 1975, § 19-40; Code 2002, § 78-97) Sec. 78-78. Action by city commission. (a) The city commission will not review any Sec. 78-98. Filing; plan check fee. preliminary plat of a subdivision until it has received the review and recommendation of the Five Mylar copies and three prints of the final planning commission and all authorities listed in plat of a subdivision shall be filed with the city sections 112 through 119 of the land division act clerk, and, at the same time, there shall be (MCL 560.112-560.119). deposited such sums of money as the city commis- sion may require for a plan check. (b) The city commission shall take action on (Code 1975, § 19-41; Code 2002, § 78-98) the preliminary plat within 30 days of the receipt of the recommendation of the planning commis- sion. Sec. 78-99. Review and recommendations by city engineer and planning direc- (c) If the preliminary plat meets all of the tor. requirements and conditions laid down for tenta- tive approval, the city commission shall give final The final plat of a subdivision shall be reviewed approval of the preliminary plat. by the city engineer and planning director as to compliance with the approved preliminary plat (d) The city clerk shall promptly notify the and plans for utilities and other improvements. proprietor of approval or rejection, in writing. If rejected, the reasons for rejection shall be given. *State law reference-Final plats, MCL 560.131 et seq. CD78:6 SUBDIVISIONS, OTHER LAND DIVISIONS § 78-119 Recommendation shall be made by the city engi- Sec. 78-117. Suitability of land. neer and planning director for either approval or rejection of the final plat. No land shall be subdivided for residential use which is held by the planning commission to be (Code 1975, § 19-42; Code 2002, § 78-99) unsuitable for such use by reason of flooding or bad drainage, adverse earth or rock formation or Sec. 78-100. Action by the city commission; topography, or any other feature likely to be subsequent approvals; distribu- harmful to the health, safety or welfare of the tion of prints and copies. future residents in the proposed subdivision or of (a) The city commission shall receive all rec- the community. ommendations and take action on the final plat of (Code 1975, § 19-56; Code 2002, § 78-117) a subdivision within 20 days of its filing; provided that the city commission will not review the final Sec. 78-118. Parks, school sites, etc. plat until all necessary improvements are made, (a) Where a proposed park or other recre- or other arrangements made for the installation, ational area, school site or other public ground by the city, of such improvements as established shown on the adopted master plan of the city is in division 4 of this article. located, in whole or in part, within a proposed (b) Upon the approval of the final plat by the subdivision, such proposed public ground or park city commission, the subsequent approvals shall shall be dedicated to the city or school district or follow the procedure set forth in the land division reserved for acquisition by the city or school act (MCL 560.101 et seq.). district within a period of five years by purchase or other means. (c) The three prints of the final plat shall be forwarded: (b) Where held appropriate by the planning commission, open spaces suitably located and of (1) One to the city clerk; adequate size for parks, playgrounds or other (2) One to the planning commission; and recreational purposes, for local or neighborhood use, or to preserve scenic or historic features , (3) One to the building inspection depart- shall be provided for in the design of the proposed ment. subdivision and shall be dedicated to the city or (d) The five Mylar copies shall be forwarded to reserved for the common use of all property own- the city or the county plat board. ers in the proposed subdivision by covenant in the (Code 1975, § 19-43; Code 2002, § 78-100) deeds. State law references-Approval of final plats, MCL (Code 1975, § 19-57; Code 2002, § 78-118) 560.167; actions on approval of plat, MCL 560.168. Sec. 78-119. Blocks. Secs. 78-101-78-115. Reserved. Blocks within subdivisions shall conform to the following standards: DIVISION 3. DESIGN LAYOUT STANDARDS (1) Blocks shall be relatively long, in the interest of economy of street costs and to Subdivision I. In General minimize the number of intersections. Blocks shall have sufficient width to pro- Sec. 78-116. Applicability of division. vide for two tiers of lots of appropriate depth, except in special cases where it is The subdivision design layout standards set desirable to locate the rear of lots on a forth under this division are development guides major thoroughfare with fronts facing a for the assistance of the proprietor. All final plans parallel street. must be reviewed and approved by the city com- mission. (2) The length of blocks shall be such as, in (Code 1975, § 19-55; Code 2002, § 78-116) the opinion of the planning commission, is CD78:7 § 78-119 MUSKEGON CITY CODE appropriate for the locality and the type of permit such in cases where conformance development contemplated, but shall not with this provision will make compliance exceed 1,254 feet where the average size with other provisions impossible. of lots does not exceed two acres in area. (8) Residential lots fronting major streets and (3) In any block over 900 feet in length, the other important traffic ways shall have planning commission may require a cross- extra depth to permit setbacks for the walk or pedestrian way, not less than ten buildings. feet wide, and to be provided near the (9) Lots shall have a front-to-front relation- center and entirely across the block. ship across all streets, where possible. (Code 1975, § 19-59; Code 2002, § 78-120) (4) The number of intersecting streets along State law reference-Lots to have access to streets, MCL highways, major streets and parkways 560.186(1)(e). shall be held to a minimum. Whenever practicable, blocks along such tra:fficways Sec. 78-121. Natural features. shall not be less than 1,200 feet in length. In the subdivision ofland, the natural features (Code 1975, § 19-58; Code 2002, § 78-119) and character of the land must be preserved wherever possible. Due regard must be shown for Sec. 78-120. Lots. all natural features, such as large trees, natural groves, watercourses and similar community as- Lots within a subdivision shall conform to the sets that will add attractiveness and value to the following standards: property, if preserved. The preservation of drain- (1) The size, shape and orientation of lots age and natural stream channels must be consid- shall be appropriate for the location of the ered by the proprietor and the dedication and proposed subdivision and for the develop- provision of adequate barriers, where appropri- ment contemplated. ate, shall be required. (Code 1975, § 19-60; Code 2002, § 78-121) (2) Lot areas and widths shall conform to at least the minimum requirements of the Sec. 78-122. Floodplains. zoning ordinance for the district in which Any areas of land within a proposed subdivi- the subdivision is proposed. sion which lie either wholly or in part within the floodplain of a river, stream, creek or lake, or any (3) Excessive depths in relation to width shall other areas which are subject to flooding or inun- be avoided. A proportion of two to one dation by stormwater, shall require specific com- shall normally be considered as appropri- pliance with the land division act (MCL 560.101 ate, except in cases of narrow lots. et seq.) and its review by the water resources (4) Lots for residence purposes shall be at commission of the department of natural re- least 50 feet wide at the building line, in sources. order to permit compliance with the side (Code 1975, § 19-61; Code 2002, § 78-122) yard requirements of the zoning ordi- State law reference-Floodplain requirements, MCL nance and still be adequate for a building 560.138. of practicable width. Secs. 78-123-78-140. Reserved. (5) Corner lots for residential use shall be platted wider than interior lots in order to Subdivision II. Streets* permit near conformance with the front Sec. 78-141. Conformity with major street yard setback on the side street required and master plans. by the zoning ordinance. (a) Whenever a tract to be subdivided em- (6) Every lot shall abut on a street or public braces any part of a highway, major street or way. parkway, so designated on the major street plan, (7) Double frontage lots will not be permitted *State law reference-Streets in subdivisions, MCL except that the planning commission may 560.181 et seq. CD78:8 SUBDIVISIONS, OTHER LAND DIVISIONS § 78-148 such part of such public way shall be platted by (4) Alleys and service drives: 20 feet. the subdivider in the location and at the width (Code 1975, § 19-71; Code 2002, § 78-144) indicated on the plan. (b) Streets in a proposed subdivision shall con- Sec. 78-145. Grades. form to the various elements of the master plan and shall be considered in relation to the existing (a) For adequate drainage, the minimum street and planned major thoroughfares and collector grade in subdivisions shall be not less than five- streets. tenths percent. The maximum street grade shall (Code 1975, § 19-68; Code 2002, § 78-141) be five percent except that the planning commis- sion may make an exception to this standard on Sec. 78-142. General layout requirements. the recommendation of the city engineer. The street layout in a subdivision shall provide (b) All changes in street grades in excess of one for continuation of collector streets in adjoining percent shall be connected by a vertical curve of subdivisions, or of the proper projection of streets minimum length equal to 15 times the algebraic when adjoining property is not subdivided, planned difference in the ratio of grade for highways, or conformed to a plan for a neighborhood unit major streets and parkways, and one-half of this drawn up and adopted by the planning commis- minimum for all other streets. sion. The street layout shall include minor streets (Code 1975, § 19-72; Code 2002, § 78-145) so laid out that their use by through traffic shall be discouraged. Sec. 78-146. Radii of curvature on centerline. (Code 1975, § 19-69; Code 2002, § 78-142) The radii of curvature of the centerline of Sec. 78-143. Half streets. subdivision streets shall be not less than the Half streets shall be prohibited in subdivisions, following: except where absolutely essential to the reason- (1) Highways, major streets and parkways: able development of the subdivision in conformity with other requirements of this article and where 300 feet. the planning commission finds that it will be (2)Local streets, minor streets and service practicable to require the dedication of the other drives: 100 feet . half when the adjacent property is developed. (Code 1975, § 19-73; Code 2002, § 78-146) Wherever there exists, adjacent to the tract to be subdivided, a dedicated platted or recorded half street, the other half shall be platted. Sec. 78-14 7. Tangent between reverse curves. (Code 1975, § 19-70; Code 2002, § 78-143) A tangent at least 100 feet in length shall be Sec. 78-144. Right-of-way widths. provided between reverse curves in subdivision streets. Street right-of-way widths in subdivisions shall (Code 1975, § 19-74; Code 2002, § 78-147) conform to at least the following minimum stan- dards: Sec. 78-148. Intersections. (1) Major streets: in conformance with the major street plan of the city. Subdivision streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible to 90 degrees. (2) Local streets and collector streets: 66 feet. Curved streets intersecting with major or collec- (3) Cul-de-sac streets less than 500 feet in tor streets shall do so with a tangent section of the length: 50 feet. Cul-de-sac turn-arounds centerline 50 feet in length measured from the shall be a minimum of 110 feet in diame- right-of-way of the intersection. ter. (Code 1975, § 19-75) CD78:9 § 78-149 MUSKEGON CITY CODE Sec. 78-149. Jogs. placed within private easements provided to such service companies by the developer or within Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than dedicated public ways. All such facilities placed in 125 feet shall be avoided in subdivisions. dedicated public ways shall be planned so as not (Code 1975, § 19-76; Code 2002, § 78-149) to conflict with other underground utilities. All such facilities shall be constructed in accordance Secs. 78-150-78-165. Reserved. with standards of construction approved by the state public service commission. DIVISION 4. REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS* (Code 1975, § 19-91; Code 2002, § 78-169) Sec. 78-166. Required approvals to be ob- tained prior to installation; com- Sec. 78-170. Water system. pliance with article. Every subdivision shall be provided with a The approvals required under the provisions of complete water distribution system, including a this article shall be obtained prior to the installa- connection for each lot and appropriately spaced tion of any subdivision or project improvements fire hydrants. The entire water system shall be within the city or under the ultimate jurisdiction designed to meet the approval of the city engineer. of the city, and such installations shall comply (Code 1975, § 19-92; Code 2002, § 78-170) with all of the provisions and requirements of this article or any other related ordinance. (Code 1975, § 19-88; Code 2002, § 78-166) Sec. 78-171. Sanitary sewer system. Sec. 78-167. Roadway surfacing and curbs. A sanitary sewer system, including all appur- tenances, shall be required in all subdivisions. Roadways in subdivisions shall be surfaced (Code 1975, § 19-93; Code 2002, § 78-171) and curbs provided in accordance with standards adopted by the city commission upon recommen- dation of the city engineer. Sec. 78-172. Storm drainage system. (Code 1975, § 19-89; Code 2002, § 78-167) An adequate storm drainage system shall be Sec. 78-168. Sidewalks. required in all subdivisions. (Code 1975, § 19-94; Code 2002, § 78-172) Sidewalks of widths and type of construction in accordance with standard specifications shall be constructed on at least one side of every subdivi- Sec. 78-173. Protection of utilities from flood sion street, where the average width of lots is 60 damage. feet or less. Sidewalks shall also be constructed on one or both widths oflots, where, in the opinion of The planning commission shall require new or the city commission, such sidewalks are neces- replacement water supply systems and/or sani- sary to safeguard the safety of pedestrians. tary sewer systems to be designed to minimize or (Code 1975, § 19-90; Code 2002, § 78-168) eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the sys- tem and discharges from the systems into flood- Sec. 78-169. Underground utilities. waters, and require on-site waste disposal sys- tems to be located so as to avoid impairment of All telephone, electric, television and other them or contamination from them during flood- similar services distributed by wire or cable shall ing. be placed underground entirely throughout a sub- (Code 1975, § 19-95; Code 2002, § 78-173) division, and such conduits or cables shall be *State law reference-Improvements generally, MCL 560.188. Secs. 78-174-78-190. Reserved. CD78:10 SUBDIVISIONS, OTHER LAND DIVISIONS § 78-194 DIVISION 5. SUBDIVISION OPEN SPACE recognizing a reduction in develop- PLAN (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) ment costs and by allowing the de- veloper to bypass natural obstacles. Sec. 78-191. Application of division. Encourage the provision of open space d. so benefits may accrue directly to The requirements of this division apply in residents of the subdivision and to addition to all other requirements of this article, further encourage the development where a preliminary plat is filed for approval of recreational facilities. under the subdivision open space plan section of (Code 1975, § 19-107; Code 2002, § 78-192) the zoning ordinance. (Code 1975, § 19-106; Code 2002, § 78-191) Sec. 78-193. Contents of application for ap- proval-Description of land to Sec. 78-192. Statement of principles. be dedicated. Consideration by the planning commission and The application for approval of a subdivision the city commission of proposed optional use of open space plan shall contain, in addition to the subdivision open space plan shall reflect the fol- information required by other sections of this lowing basic principles: article, a complete description of the land pro- posed to be dedicated to the city or to the common (1) The subdivision open space section of the use of lot owners (called "open land" in this zoning ordinance provides an optional section), including the following as a minimum: method of subdividing property, and ap- proval of any subdivision open space plan (1) Legal description of open land. is subject to the discretion of the city (2) Topographical survey of open land. commission. (3) Type of soil in open land. (2) Particular attention shall be given to the effect of a subdivision open space plan (4) Description of natural features on open upon the immediate area, where the char- land (e.g., stands of trees or other vegeta- acter of that area has been established by tion, streams or other bodies of water, previous development. Major attention etc.). shall be given by the planning commis- (5) Other relevant factors. sion and the city commission to the bene- (Code 1975, § 19-108; Code 2002, § 78-193) fits to be derived by the residents of the proposed subdivision and the city because Sec. 78-194. Same-Plan of development. of the subdivision open space plan, with minor consideration to be given to the The application for approval of a subdivision proprietor. open space plan shall contain the proposed plan of development of the open land and shall include (3) The following objectives shall govern the the following as a minimum: approval or disapproval of the proposed subdivision open space plan, to: (1) The proposed manner in which the title to land and facilities is to be held by the a. Provide a more desirable living en- owners of land in the subdivision. vironment by preserving the natural (2) The proposed manner of collection of main- character of the terrain features . tenance costs, financing costs or assess- b. Encourage developers to use a more ments so that nonpayment will constitute creative approach in the develop- a lien on the property, thus avoiding mu- ment of residential areas. nicipal responsibility in the future . C. Encourage a more efficient aesthetic (3) The proposed manner of regulating the and desirable use of the land while use of the common facilities and areas so CD78:11 § 78-194 MUSKEGON CITY CODE as to eliminate possible nuisances to other such proposal, before the city commission, upon property owners and cause for enforce- written request therefor filed with the city clerk. ment by the city. (Code 1975, § 19-111; Code 2002, § 78-196) (4) The proposed method of notifying the city Sec. 78-197. Contract between city and pro- when any change is contemplated in plans prietor. that would affect the original specifica- tions approved by the city. If the city commission gives approval to a proposed subdivision open space plan, it shall (5) The proposed method of setting up assess- instruct the city attorney to prepare a contract ments to cover the contingencies, insur- setting forth the conditions upon which such ance against casualty and liability and approval is based, which contract, after approval payment of taxes relating to these prop- by the city commission, shall be entered into erties. between the city and the proprietor prior to the (6) The proposed uses of open land and the approval of any final plat based upon the ap- proposed improvements which are to be proved preliminary plat. constructed by the proprietor. (Code 1975, § 19-112; Code 2002, § 78-197) (Code 1975, § 19-109; Code 2002, § 78-194) Sec. 78-195. Same-Statement of benefits. The application for approval of a subdivision open space plan shall contain a statement of the benefits to be realized by the residents of the proposed subdivision and the city by approval of the proposed subdivision open space plan, with particular reference to the objectives stated in the zoning ordinance. (Code 1975, § 19-110; Code 2002, § 78-195) Sec. 78-196. Approval or disapproval. (a) If the planning commission is satisfied that a proposed subdivision open space plan meets the letter and spirit of the zoning ordinance and should be approved, it shall recommend such approval to the city commission, with the condi- tions upon which such approval should be based. Thereafter, the city commission shall take action upon such application in accordance with section 78-99. (b) If the planning commission is not satisfied that a proposed subdivision open space plan meets the letter and spirit of the zoning ordinance or finds that the approval of the subdivision open space plan will be detrimental to existing devel- opment in the general area and should not be approved, it shall communicate such disapproval to the city commission, with the reasons therefor. The proprietor shall be entitled to a hearing upon CD78:12
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