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Chapter 98 VEGETATION* Article I. In General Sec. 98-1. Violations. Sec. 98-2. Damaging, pulling, etc., flowers, plants, trees, etc. Sec. 98-3. Attaching wires to trees. Sec. 98-4. Tree trimming and removal-Generally. Sec. 98-5. Same-Forestry policy. Secs. 98-6--98-30. Reserved. Article II. Noxious Weeds and Vegetation Sec. 98-31. Definitions. Sec. 98-32. Legislative determination; purpose of article. Sec. 98-33. Declared nuisance. Sec. 98-34. Designation and general duties of commissioner of noxious weeds and vegetation. Sec. 98-35. Notice to destroy and remove; publication. Sec. 98-36. Duty of property owner to destroy and remove. Sec. 98-37. City exempt from action of trespass for entering private land to destroy and remove. Sec. 98-38. Penalty for failure to destroy and remove. *State law references-Care of trees and shrubs, MCL 247.241 et seq.; municipal forests, MCL 324.52701 et seq.; destruction of trees and shrubs, MCL 750.382. CD98:1 VEGETATION § 98-31 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL public abatement of trees and plant growth on private property which interferes with the use of Sec. 98-1. Violations. or causes site restrictions on public ways or public property. The regulations may be amended, from Any person violating this chapter shall be time to time, to provide for permits, fees and responsible for a municipal civil infraction. oversight for persons receiving authorization and (Code 1975, §§ 18-28, 22-3; Code 2002, § 98-1) permission of the city to trim, cut, remove, alter or make use of trees and plant growth in public ways Sec. 98-2. Damaging, pulling, etc., flowers, and on public property. plants, trees, etc. (Code 1975, § 18-27; Code 2002, § 98-5) It shall be unlawful for any person to pull, pick, trample on, injure, destroy or carry away any Secs. 98-6-98-30. Reserved. flower, grass, plant, herb, shrub or tree in any park, square, street or other public ground or, without the owner's permission, in any private ARTICLE II. NOXIOUS WEEDS AND lawn, garden, yard or other place, in the city. VEGETATION* (Code 1975, § 22-1; Code 2002, § 98-2) State law reference-Malicious destruction of trees and Sec. 98-31. Definitions. shrubs, MCL 750.383. The following words, terms and phrases, when Sec. 98-3. Attaching wires to trees. used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the No person shall fasten any telegraph wire, context clearly indicates a different meaning: telephone wire, guy wire or any other wire to any tree in the city, without first obtaining the consent Noxious weeds includes Canada thistle (Cirsium of the owner of such tree. arvense), dodders (any species of Cuscuta), mus- (Code 1975, § 22-2; Code 2002, § 98-3) tards (charlock, black mustard, and Indian mus- tard, species of Brassica or Sinapis), wild carrot Sec. 98-4. Tree trimming and removal-Gen- (Daucus carota), bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis), erally. perennial sowthistle (Sonchus arvensis), hoary alyssum (Berteroa incana), giant hogweed No person shall trim, cut, remove, alter, dam- (Heracleum mantegazzianum), ragweed (Ambro- age, mark or make use of any tree or plant growth sia elatior 1.), and poison ivy (Rhus toxicodendron), on city property, on a public right-of-way, terrace, poison sumac (Toxicodendron vernix), or other boulevard, sidewalk or public easement, without plant which, in the opinion of the city commission, authorization and permission of the city. No per- comes under the provisions of this article is re- son shall have trees or plant growth on private garded as a common nuisance. Regular sumac property which interferes with the use of, or must be trimmed and maintained. causes site restrictions on, public ways or public property. Noxious weeds and vegetation includes grass (Code 1975, § 18-26; Code 2002, § 98-4) more than six inches in height, dead bushes, dead trees and stumps and bushes and trees infested Sec. 98-5. Same-Forestry policy. with dangerous insects or infectious diseases, un-bagged leaves on a property with a principal The city commission may adopt a forestry pol- structure, after the leaf season has concluded. icy and codify such forestry policy in regulations Leaf season shall be defined as beginning Septem- which shall determine the methods to be used and ber 1 and ending April 30. Designated natural policies to be followed in trimming, cutting, re- areas, native dune vegetation and bona fide main- moving, altering, planning and locating trees and tained wildflower plantings and leaf composting plant growth on public property, public rights-of- way, terraces, boulevards, sidewalks or public *State law reference-Control and eradication of nox- easements. The regulations shall also provide for ious weeds, MCL 247.61 et seq. CD98:3 § 98-31 MUSKEGON CITY CODE in a container or contained area of less than 16 or removed during the growing season, namely square feet in size may not be considered noxious. April 15 through October 15 of the given year, (Code 1975, § 22-14; Code 2002, § 98-31; Ord. No. may be cut or removed by the city and the owner 2021, § 22-14, 5-9-2000; Ord. No. 2194, 6-13-2006) of the property charged with the cost thereof. The publication shall contain the following informa- Sec. 98-32. Legislative determination; pur- tion: pose of article. It is hereby determined that noxious weeds and (1) That noxious weeds, grass more than six vegetation growing, lying or located on private inches in height, dead bushes, dead trees land in the city affect and are detrimental to the and stumps and bushes and trees infested health, comfort, convenience, safety, welfare and with dangerous insects or infectious dis- prosperity of the residents of the city. The neces- eases must be cut and removed from prop- sity, in the public interest, for the provisions and erty during the growing season, namely prohibitions contained in this article is declared a April 15 through October 15 of the given matter of legislation determination and public year. Un-bagged leaves on a property with policy and it is declared that such provisions and a principal structure, after leaf season prohibitions are enacted in pursuance of and for has concluded, must be removed. the purpose of securing and promoting the health, comfort, convenience, safety, welfare and prosper- (2) That if the owner, agent or occupant re- ity of the city and its inhabitants. fuses to destroy the noxious weeds, the (Code 1975, § 22-15; Code 2002, § 98-32; Ord. No. city or its contractor may enter upon the 2021, § 22-15, 5-9-2000) land and destroy them and remove them. Sec. 98-33. Declared nuisance. (3) That any expense incurred in the destruc- All noxious weeds and vegetation growing, tion shall be paid by the owner of the land lying, or located on any land within the city are and the city shall have a lien against the hereby declared to be a public nuisance. land for the expense, to be enforced as (Code 1975, § 22-16; Code 2002, § 98-33; Ord. No. provided by this article or in the manner 2021, § 22-16, 5-9-2000) of enforcement of tax liens. Sec. 98-34. Designation and general duties (4) That any owner who refuses to destroy of commissioner of noxious weeds such material and remove it may be sub- and vegetation. ject to a municipal civil infraction. The city manager shall appoint a commissioner (5) That the city or its contractor may cut or of noxious weeds and vegetation, who shall super- intend the control and eradication of noxious remove the weeds as many times as is weeds and vegetation. Assignment of staff to necessary and charge the cost to the prop- monitor noxious weeds on public and private erty owner. Uncovered costs may be placed property may also be delegated to appropriate as a lien on the property and/or subject to departments in the city. collection proceedings. (Code 1975, § 22-17; Code 2002, § 98-34; Ord. No. 2021, § 22-17, 5-9-2000) (b) Such notice shall state that, for failing to State law reference-Authority to appoint commissioner comply with the notice, the city, through its com- of noxious weeds, MCL 247.61. missioner of noxious weeds and vegetation, shall have the right to enter upon such lands and Sec. 98-35. Notice to destroy and remove; destroy and remove such noxious weeds or vege- publication. tation and the city shall have a lien upon such (a) The city shall publish in a newspaper of lands for the expense and cost so incurred, which general circulation in the city during the month of shall be levied and collected against the property March that noxious weeds and vegetation not cut in the same manner as general taxes. CD98:4 VEGETATION § 98-38 (c) Additional notice shall be provided as out- lined and adopted by the city commission policy. (Code 1975, § 22-18.1; Code 2002, § 98-35; Ord. No. 2021, § 22-18, 5-9-2000; Ord. No. 2194, 6-13- 2006) Sec. 98-36. Duty of property owner to de- stroy and remove. It shall be the duty of every owner or his authorized agent, of any lands in the city, to cut down or cause to be cut down, pulled out, de- stroyed and removed all noxious weeds and veg- etation growing, lying or located on such lands, so as to prevent the same from perpetuating them- selves or spreading infectious diseases, or becom- ing a detriment to public health, during the growing season as often as may be necessary to prevent them from blooming or reaching a seed- bearing stage or from spreading infectious dis- eases. If such owner, or his authorized agent, shall fail to do so, after notice as provided in section 98-35, he shall be in violation of this section. (Code 1975, § 22-19; Code 2002, § 98-36; Ord. No. 2021, § 22-19, 5-9-2000) Sec. 98-37. City exempt from action of tres- pass for entering private land to destroy and remove. The city or its contractor shall not be liable in any action of trespass for entering upon private lands for the purpose of cutting down, destroying, or removing noxious weeds or vegetation. (Code 1975, § 22-21; Code 2002, § 98-37; Ord. No. 2021, § 22-21, 5-9-2000) Sec. 98-38. Penalty for failure to destroy and remove. Any owner of any private lands or his autho- rized agent, who shall fail or refuse to destroy and remove any noxious weeds or vegetation provided in this article, shall be responsible for a municipal civil infraction. (Code 1975, § 22-20; Code 2002, § 98-38) CD98:5
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