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MUSKEGON BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS Regular Meeting Minutes Tuesday, April 16, 2013 4:00 p.m. City Hall, Room 203 ************************************************************************************ I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Commissioner David Wendtland at 4:11 p.m. Also present were Commissioner Norman Cunningham and Deborah Groeneveld, Human Resources Director. Also present were Jeff Lewis, LeighAnn Archer, Derrick Smith, Mohammed Al-Shatel, Terees Williams, Lowell Kirksey, Jr., John Schrier, Abiade, and Bryon Mazade. II. MINUTES The minutes of the February 19, 2013 regular Civil Service Commission meeting were reviewed. Motion was made by Norman Cunningham and seconded by David Wendtland to approve the regular minutes of the February 19, 2013 meeting. Motion Carried. III. ACTION AGENDA A. Lowell Kirksey, Jr. Decision. Bryon Mazade indicated that at the February meeting Lowell Kirksey made his appeal, the Board heard the City staff’s response, and all requested information and clarifications have been provided to the Board. Dave Wendtland asked Lowell if he had any further comments and went on to say that he has reviewed both the February 19 minutes and the actions the City has taken on this over time. Dave is comfortable that the City’s action and were in compliance with the fair treatment of Mr. Kirksey in terms of his ability to be recalled to positions. Dave moved that the decision not be in Mr. Kirksey’s favor and that the City did provide due diligence in the fair treatment in regards to this matter. Lowell said he didn’t agree. Lowell is still questioning the fact that he is a non-represented employee and was offered a union position. Lowell doesn’t understand even if a union individual did not want the job, why would he as a non-represented employee be offered a union job. He said that the guidelines state that you cannot move outside your represented unit and he questioned the City as to why they feel it is the proper procedure to offer a non-represented employee a union job. Dave responded that the record is that the City has previously offered a union position to non-represented employees when there has not been a union employee filing for the position. Yes, there is precedence for it and it is up to the City to make that determination as to your eligibility to be recalled and then you must move through the proper procedures and in this particular case I do not believe you did and your actions has brought me to this conclusion. Norman Cunningham said that Lowell did not attend the scheduled doctor’s January 4 appointment and did not reschedule. There would be no reason not to go through the evaluation even if you were not agreeing with decision, and at least that part would have been completed. You could have moved forward, but you failed to do that and failed to reschedule. Part of my question earlier was the bumping rights and it has been clarified for me that it was not a bump. This was a job offering because there were no other employees wanting that particular job to bump into with the rights to do that. I conquer with the City’s position. Lowell asked Norman, you stated bumping rights according to the fact that no other union employee wanted to bump. As far as my bumping, rights as a non-represented employee, I would think it would apply differently being that I am a different classification. As it relates to Dr. Lamson’s and our discussion, when I stated to him my concerns that I was appealing to the Commission, Dr. Lamson stated to me that he did not want to interview me until that was resolved. So as far as me not rescheduling I stated to him that I would be more than willing to sit down with him once I had a chance to appeal. I sent in a letter for this to be reviewed on January 7 because I had some concerns, which I stated to you at the February 19 meeting. It also states that you are entitled to a timely response and being that in the timeframe that I had to report to the doctor, it was like take it or leave it. Also, I stated in the notification previously when they sent out the options that we were 2 generally given, two of the options were removed from the notification sent to me at the time the job was stated to be open. I questioned why that was done at that time. It was basically either you take this position, or you resign your position with the City, and before we had the option to remain on layoff. I am sitting here looking at a year from retirement and I chose to take it. I understand it be that the last two years of your salary is based on your retiring calculations. This job is below the lowest position that was on my election notice with the City. I go in and take a job that is probably going to be paying me $12,000- 14,000 less than my last position, and then I am close to retiring. It seems like I was put in a rock and a hard place and you go back and look at my first resume I listed and it states that I worked as a quality tech. It doesn’t give you any full-fledge explanation of the duties I performed. You take that and you choose that as a means of making a judgment. I was totally refused an opportunity to bump into other positions based on that same resume. So you had an updated resume, but you chose to go back and use the old resume. It seems to me that there should be some level of fairness here when judging a person’s ability to do a job and then fabricating others to try and push on to a person. As a supervisor, I did far more and performed at a high level according to my evaluations, but when I chose to try and bump into a position, I am ignored and refused based on that old resume. Then you have a low-end job below everything in bumping options and then you say he is okay for that. I do not see the fairness and following the guidelines according to the Civil Service rules and regulations as they were stated for full-time classified employees. Dave said that the board understands that this decision is not in Mr. Kirksey’s liking and we also understand that there is a difference in opinion in what transpired. I would make the point that this doctor’s appointment was on January 4 and the appeal was not filed until January 8. So having an appeal in place before you saw the doctor was not the case. That said we are not the final appeal process. I think we have a full record of your position on this and we have a full record from the City. I am satisfied that you have received fair treatment. It is not a question whether you particularly cared for that job; it is a question whether you were qualified. The final determination and qualifications is with the City. Motion was made by David Wendtland and seconded by Norman Cunningham to deny Lowell Kirksey Jr.’s appeal. Motion Carried. 3 B. Michael Fort Request for Leave of Absence. Dave went over the request for leave of absence for Michael Fort. Deborah Groeneveld said it was reviewed by staff and it is a legitimate request. Motion was made by Norman Cunningham and seconded by David Wendtland to approve Michael Fort’s leave of absence request. Motion Carried. IV. CIVIL SERVICE PERSONNEL DIRECTOR’S REPORT Deborah Groeneveld said she has Mr. John Schrier’s document and handed it out to the Board members, which is about what the role of the Civil Service Commission is. Dave asked John to summarize the handout. John said that much of what the Civil Service does could be delegated to staff subject to an appeal of staff decision back to the Civil Service. Your delegation can only be asked of those things that would be administrative decision making, etc. Rulemaking on the other hand would be a legislative matter that you could not delegate to staff. You could have the staff draft for you, recommend, etc., but the actual adoption of any rule needs to be made by the commission itself. The opinion is based on looking at only the charter requirements. If you choose to move forward, my suggestion would be that you direct staff to prepare appropriate documents articulating what would be referred to them for their initial decision. It should also spell out the appeal process including time periods, and then back to you if someone does not agree with the staff administrative decision. I also know that the rules are going to have to be reviewed because there are a number of times in the rules that say “the Civil Service Commission shall”. It seems to me that this is also a place that should be corrected so there is not a conflict between adopted policies and rules which should be consistent. For the exception for rulemaking, you certainly defer to staff’s initial decision. Appeals, suspension, and dismissals might as well start with the Civil Service Commission. Dave asked if that the rules under which a personnel department functions could be prepared by the staff, but then be adopted by the Commission. John responded yes. Dave also went on to ask that any appeal or enforcement of those rules by an employee would come to the Commission? John said probably not, I would say that any suspensions or dismissal go directly to the Civil Service. But if somebody doesn’t like the department head’s decision consistent with the rules, I would allow the personnel director to have first review. If they don’t like the personnel director’s decision, then they come to the Civil Service Commission to appeal. How this would be structured is if the employee does not like what the delegated staff had to say, the employee would 4 then take it to the HR Director, and then if the employee didn’t like that outcome, they would then appeal to the Civil Service Commission. Dave asked the staff to proceed to drafting the personnel policies to avoid conflict and then run by John, Deborah and work with Bryon. Deborah asked John about the language “they shall make the rules for examination and selection”, can they decide that we do that differently than it is done, for example, if it is done with a certain test and you decide you don’t want to buy that test anymore, you could just have an interview process? John said it would still have to be a Rule 3 per the charter mandate. Norman agreed. Deborah presented the rest of the report with changes from an email with the changes of a couple dates. VIII. OLD BUSINESS None. IX. OTHER BUSINESS Norman announced that after over 60 years of living in the city of Muskegon it is anticipated that by the end of the summer he will be leaving to Ottawa County in the Grand Haven area. He requested that the City look for another Civil Service Commissioner and will be happy to stay on until one is found; Bryon is to look for Norman’s replacement. Terees Williams addressed the commission and said she appreciates the fact that the commission is moving in the right direction by putting something in order so the employees know exactly how to proceed with any grievance/appeal. One concern she has after talking to several different employees who would like to attend the meetings, is the fact that the meetings start during the time the employees are still at work. In order for an employee to attend a meeting, we have to use time off to come. This is not always feasible. She was wondering since this is a body for the employees would it be possible for the meetings to start at a time that employees would be able to attend. Dave agreed and asked Bryon about what time the employees start and finish their day. Bryon said there are some employees that start earlier than others, but if a meeting started at some time after 5:00 pm it would catch most of the employees. We will always have a problem because we are a 24/7 operation so you are never going to catch everybody, for example police and fire. Dave said they will talk to David-George Newsome and see if it can be set at 5:00, but if we do have a second or third shift employee, we could 5 always adjourn to a specific time. Bryon said that if an employee has an appeal, their supervisor could give them release time, but if they just want to attend a meeting, we can’t change the time. Generally, the supervisor has accommodated the employee, if they have an appeal. VI. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m. H:\WPDATA\Deuling\Civil Services\CIVIL SERVICE MINUTES 4-16-13.doc 6
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