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MUSKEGON BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS Regular Meeting Minutes Thursday, July 11, 2013 4:00 p.m. City Hall, Room 203 ************************************************************************************ I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Commissioner David-George Newsome at 4:03 p.m. Also present was Commissioner David Wendtland and Kristen Wade, Human Resources Deputy Director. Also present was LeighAnn Archer. II. MINUTES The minutes of the April 16, 2013 regular Civil Service Commission meeting were reviewed. Motion was made by David Wendtland and seconded by David- George Newsome to approve the regular minutes of the April 16, 2013 meeting. Motion Carried. III. ACTION AGENDA A. Secretary to the City Manager Job Description. Kristen Wade said that this job description does not have any changes to the qualifications for education or experience. There were some clarification and additions to the essential duties, to include: coordinates labor negotiations, finalize and process City Manager’s performance evaluations, prepares accounts payable and receivable, and maintain records. Motion was made by David Wendtland and seconded by David- George Newsome to approve the Secretary to the City Manager Job Description. Motion Carried B. Deputy City Clerk Job Description. Kristen said that the essential job functions are the same. They are requesting two years of related work experience, which is the same and adding that this should include two years of experience administering elections. Under “Certificates and Licenses” they would like to add the ability to become a notary and a passport agent. This addition would expect the person hired to become a notary and a passport agent after hire, if not already certified/licensed. Motion was made by David-George Newsome and seconded by David Wendtland to approve the Deputy City Clerk Job Description update. Motion Carried. IV. OLD BUSINESS In the April 16, 2013 meeting it was requested by Terees Williams that the Civil Service Commission meetings be held at a later time in the day so that employees can attend. David Wendtland said we could change the time from the existing 4:00 pm start to 5:00 pm, and could also accommodate employees that may have an action item that work second or third shift and start the meeting accordingly on an as-needed basis. Motion was made by David Wendtland and seconded by David- George Newsome to approve the Civil Service Commission meeting start time from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm each month. Motion Carried. David Wendtland asked how the process is going getting personnel policy and procedures. Kristen said that she and Deborah Groeneveld have started looking at them. She asked the board if they were wanting a recommendation for changes. The board said yes that the policy has to be updated and it needs structural changes. They are looking to have this by late fall. David-George Newsome said that if this could be replicated like what County of Muskegon Human Resources currently does as it relates to minimum qualifications; i.e., if a person doesn’t meet the minimum qualifications, they immediately receive a letter stating as such. IX. OTHER BUSINESS None VI. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:13 p.m. H:\WPDATA\Kota\Civil Services\CIVIL SERVICE MINUTES 7-11-13.doc 2
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