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MUSKEGON BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, May 14, 2018 4:00PM City Hall, Room 203 ************************************************************************************ I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Commissioner David Wendtland at 4:00PM. Also present: Commissioner Kevin Huss, Commissioner Johnny Brown, Kristen N. Wade, Civil Service Director, Dwana Thompson, EEO & Employee Relations Director, and Lisa Vanderlaan, Departmental Clerk. II. MINUTES Motion was made by Commissioner Huss and seconded by Commissioner Brown to approve the regular minutes of the April 23, 2018 meeting. Motion Carried. III. ACTION AGENDA None IV. OLD BUSINESS Alternative to Civil Service Rules update. Commissioner Wendtland updated Commissioner Huss and Commissioner Brown on his meeting with City Attorney John Schrier. Commissioner Wendtland explained that Mr. Schrier believes that the Civil Service Commission has control over the Rules and Regulations as long as they do not conflict with the City Charter language. Mr. Schrier also stated that the Commission can delegate any actions, as they see fit, to their Director. The Director can then call a meeting for the Commission to ratify said action. The meetings could be monthly, quarterly, etc. Commissioner Wendtland is going to draft a letter to City Manager Frank Peterson and all City Department heads regarding the Rule of 3 and the Rule of 5 and asking for any other feedback from Mr. Petersen and Department Heads. V. OTHER BUSINESS None VI. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 4:09PM 2
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