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MUSKEGON BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, August 12, 2019 4:00PM City Hall, Room 203 ************************************************************************************ I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Commissioner David Wendtland at 4:06PM. Also present: Commissioner Lawrence Spataro, Commissioner Johnny Brown, Kristen N. Wade, Civil Service Director, Leo Evans, Director of Public Works, Beth Lewis, Finance Director, Chief Jeffery Lewis, City of Muskegon Chief of Police and Lisa Vanderlaan, Departmental Clerk. II. MINUTES Motion was made by Commissioner Spataro and seconded by Commissioner Brown to approve the regular minutes of the July 8, 2019 meeting. Motion Carried. III. ACTION AGENDA A. Approve the following job description: Civil Engineer. Motion was made by Commissioner Brown and seconded by Commissioner Spataro to approve the Civil Engineer job description. Motion Carried. IV. OLD BUSINESS Chief Lewis inquired about the minutes from the July 8th meeting regarding the tuition reimbursement for an employee. Chief Lewis explained that he approved the tuition reimbursement form at the Department Head level previously and questioned why it was brought to the Civil Service Commission. Director Kristen Wade explained that the previous tuition reimbursement form stated that it was to be brought in front of the Civil Service Commission for approval. She also stated that Dwana Thompson was going to amend the current policy so that it states only Employee Tuition Reimbursement appeals will be brought in front of the Civil Service Commission. Commissioner Wendtland revisited the suggested time change for the Civil Service meetings. Commissioner Wendtland recommended that Department Heads notify their employees of the Civil Service meeting dates and times and if an employee has a request for a different time for a specific agenda item, the Commissioners will accommodate it accordingly. V. OTHER BUSINESS VI. PUBLIC COMMENT VII. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 4:13PM 2
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