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MUSKEGON BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, November 8, 2021 4:00 P.M. ************************************************************************************ I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Johnny Brown at 4:03PM. Present: Commissioner Larry Spataro, Sara Hough, County of Muskegon Human Resources Manager, LeighAnn Mikesell, Deputy City Manager, Mike VanderMolen, Arena Director, Kenneth Grant, Director of Finance & Admin Services, Sara Wilson, Treasurer/Income Tax Administrator, Dwana Thompson, EEO & Employee Relations Director and Lisa Vanderlaan, Departmental Clerk. II. MINUTES Motion was made by Commissioner Spataro and seconded by Commissioner Brown to approve the regular meeting minutes of the October 11, 2021 meeting. Motion Carried. III. ACTION AGENDA A. Approve the following job descriptions: Income Tax Administrator, Director of Operations & Tenant Relations and Arena Director Motion was made by Commissioner Spataro and seconded by Commissioner Brown to approve the Income Tax Administrator, Director of Operations & Tenant Relations, and Arena Director job descriptions. Motion Carried. IV. INFORMATION ITEMS V. OLD BUSINESS Dwana Thompson stated that Leo Evans, Director of Public Works, wanted to add to the existing job description that the Deputy Director of Public Works would also supervise the Parks Department. This job description was presented and approved by the Commissioners in September. Discussion ensued that this addition would not affect the current posting and Leo could present this job description back to the Civil Service Commission if needed. Dwana stated that she would discuss whether the Supervisory responsibilities should be more broadly stated, as recommended by Commissioner Spataro. VI. OTHER BUSINESS VII. PUBLIC COMMENT VIII. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 4:10PM
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