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MUSKEGON BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, April 10, 2023 4:00 P.M. ************************************************************************************ I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Johnny Brown at 3:56 P.M. Present: Commissioner David Wentland, Commissioner Johnny Brown, Commissioner Larry Spataro, Sara Hough, Human Resources Manager, Dwana Thompson, EEO & Employee Relations, LeighAnn Mikesell, Deputy City Manager and Christine Evans, Human Resources Specialist. Absent: None II. MINUTES Motion was made by Commissioner Brown and seconded by Commissioner Wentland to approve the regular meeting minutes of the February 21, 2023 meeting. Motion Carried. III. ACTION AGENDA A. Job Description – Community Engagement Manager revision LeighAnn explained the changes made to the Community Engagement Manager job description. Motion was made by Commissioner Brown and seconded by Commissioner Wentland to approve the revised job description for the Community Engagement Manager. Motion Carried. B. Job Description - Director of Government Relations and Strategic Operations revision LeighAnn explained that it is a revision from the Director of Strategic Initiatives and what that entails. Motion was made by Commissioner Spataro and seconded by Commissioner Brown to accept the revisions. Motion Carried. C. Job Reclassification – Community Engagement Specialist LeighAnn spoke about this being a new job classification to assist the Community Engagement Manager. Motion was made to approve the job description and the lateral move to appoint Dave Alexander by Commissioner Brown and seconded by Commissioner Spataro. IV. INFORMATION ITEMS V. OLD BUSINESS VI. OTHER BUSINESS VII. PUBLIC COMMENT VIII. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 4:10 PM. 2
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