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CITY OF MUSKEGON DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (DDA) / BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (BRA) SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES February 28, 2017 Vice-Chair M. Bottomley called the meeting to order at 3:42 p.m. and roll was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Heidi Sytsema, Frank Peterson, Martha Bottomley, Jeanette Moore, Mike Kleaveland, and Jay Wallace, Jr. MEMBERS ABSENT: Paul Edbrooke, Mike Johnson, John Riegler, Ron Pesch and Don Kalisz STAFF PRESENT: Cathy Brubaker-Clarke, Derrick Smith, Mike Franzak, Ken Grant, Samantha Ferguson, John Schrier (City Attorney) OTHERS PRESENT: Jon Wilson, Muskegon County; and Kirk Perschbachr, LEI NEW BUSINESS Approval of the Development and Reimbursement Agreement and Resolution for Windward Point. M. Bottomley asked if there were any questions in regards to the agreement. No questions presented. A motion to approve the Development and Reimbursement Agreement and Resolution for Windward Pointe was made by F. Peterson, supported by J. Moore and unanimously approved, with H. Sytsema, F. Peterson, M. Bottomley, J. Moore, M. Kleaveland, and J. Wallace, Jr. voting aye. OLD BUSINESS None OTHER There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m. sf
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