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CITY OF MUSKEGON DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (DDA) / BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (BRA) SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES September 8, 2017 Chairperson M. Bottomley called the meeting to order at 10:50 AM and roll was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Martha Bottomley, Heidi Sytsema, Mike Kleaveland, Paul Edbrooke, John Riegler, Jay Wallace, Jr MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Johnson, excused; Frank Peterson, excused; Don Kalisz, excused; Ron Pesch, Jeanette Moore STAFF PRESENT: Mike Franzak, Diane Renkenberger OTHERS PRESENT: None MINUTES A motion to approve the Special Meeting Minutes of August 8, 2017 was made by M. Kleaveland, supported by H. Sytsema and unanimously approved. NEW BUSINESS Amendment to the 2012 Development & Reimbursement Agreement with High Point Flats (Parkland Muskegon, Inc). M. Franzak explained the reasons for amending the agreement. A Third Amendment to Development Agreement between the City of Muskegon and Parkland Muskegon, Inc. was negotiated for the redevelopment of the High Point Flats property. Paragraph 10 of that agreement requested changes to the terms of the BRA’s 2012 Development & Reimbursement Agreement with Parkland Muskegon, Inc. The changes included increasing the cap on eligible activities plus interest to one million dollars ($1,000,000), and extending the timeline to 2039 instead of the current 2029. Board members discussed the changes and M. Franzak answered questions. A motion to approve the Development & Reimbursement Agreement with Parkland Properties regarding the High Point Flats Development, as proposed, was made by M. Kleaveland, supported by M. Bottomley and unanimously approved, with M. Bottomley, H. Sytsema, M. Kleaveland, P. Edbrooke, J. Riegler, J. Wallace, Jr voting aye. OLD BUSINESS None OTHER Project Updates. M. Franzak updated board members on several projects in the works throughout the City. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM.
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