Downtown Development Authority Minutes 05-08-2018

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                               CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                SPECIAL MEETING

                                              May 8, 2018

Chairperson M. Bottomley called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:                Heidi Sytsema, John Riegler, Jay Wallace Jr, Frank Peterson, Ron Pesch,
                                Jeanette Moore, Martha Bottomley, Mike Kleaveland, Don Kalisz

MEMBERS ABSENT:                 Mike Johnson, excused; Paul Edbrooke, excused

STAFF PRESENT:                  Mike Franzak, Ken Grant, Sarah Petersen, Diane Renkenberger

OTHERS PRESENT:                 D. Stegink, Envirologic, Kalamazoo MI; Erik Peterson, Envirologic,
                                Kalamazoo MI; C. Brubaker-Clarke, CBC Community Development
                                Strategies; A. Riegler for Pigeon Hill Brewing Co; J. Kamp, Pigeon Hill
                                Brewing Co; S. Olson, Pure Muskegon

A motion to nominate M. Bottomley for Chairperson was made by J. Riegler, supported by M.
Kleaveland and unanimously approved.
A motion to nominate P. Edbrooke for Vice-Chairperson was made by J. Riegler, supported by F.
Peterson and unanimously approved.
A motion to nominate M. Kleaveland for secretary was made by J. Riegler, supported by H. Sytsema
and unanimously approved.

A motion to approve the Special Meeting Minutes of October 20, 2017 was made by F. Peterson,
supported by R. Pesch and unanimously approved.

Pigeon Hill Brownfield Plan Amendment – M. Franzak introduced the Brownfield amendment
proposal. He stated that the project was eligible for Brownfield status due to foundry fill on the site.
He stated that there was also a Development Reimbursement proposed with a 10-year Industrial
Facilities Tax abatement factored in.
E. Peterson discussed the project, describing the site and building to be erected. He stated that their
testing had confirmed contaminated soils and explained the work that would be necessary to remediate
the problem. The bulk of activities on this project dealt with the soil. M. Kleaveland asked if Pigeon
Hill would be using the entire site. J. Kamp explained the portion of the parcel they were talking
about, and stated that they may consider using more of the site if they decided to expand in the future.
D. Kalisz arrived at 2:38 PM.
M. Kleaveland asked what was meant by “land balancing”, which E. Peterson had mentioned in his
project explanation. E. Peterson stated that it was similar to grading but it involved a larger amount of
material including the removal of peat. H. Sytsema asked why costs for soil remediation were listed
twice on Table 1 of the Brownfield Plan amendment. E. Peterson stated that one line referred to soil
removal from the site and the other referred to site balancing of the soil. D. Stegink stated that they
kept those 2 items separate for reporting purposes, as some was considered environmental soil removal
of some was considered non-environmental. M. Kleaveland asked when Pigeon Hill planned to start
the project. J. Kamp stated that they hoped to break ground on the project this summer and open in
early 2019. A. Riegler stated that their timeline would depend on MEDC and DEQ approvals. R.
Pesch asked if the proposed convention center the city was considering would impact Pigeon Hill’s
facility. J. Kamp stated that it would not. The proposed resolution approving the amendment was
reviewed by board members.
A motion to approve the Resolution Approving Revised Brownfield Plan Amendment - Pigeon Hill 4th
Street Expansion Project was made by J. Moore, supported by J. Wallace Jr. and unanimously
approved, with H. Sytsema, J. Riegler, J. Wallace, F. Peterson, R. Pesch, J. Moore, M. Bottomley, M.
Kleaveland, and D. Kalisz voting aye.

Pigeon Hill Development & Reimbursement Agreement – The Development and Reimbursement
agreement details were discussed during the previous case approving the Brownfield Plan amendment.
A motion to approve the “Resolution Approving Brownfield Development and Reimbursement
Agreement – Pigeon Hill 4th Street Expansion Project” between the City of Muskegon and Pigeon Hill
Brewing Company, LLC as written, was made by R. Pesch, supported by J. Moore and unanimously
approved, with H. Sytsema, J. Riegler, J. Wallace, F. Peterson, R. Pesch, J. Moore, M. Bottomley, M.
Kleaveland, and D. Kalisz voting aye.

Windward Pointe Development & Reimbursement Agreement– Approval of receipts for
reimbursement. M. Franzak stated that the receipts submitted by Windward Pointe had been reviewed
and approved by C. Brubaker-Clarke, who was the city’s consultant on this project. S. Olson updated
board members on the progress at the Windward Pointe site and explained what they would like to see
developed there. Pure Muskegon did not intend to develop the site; they only wanted to get it ready for
development. He stated that the majority of the work on the site was complete and they were going to
grow grass for now to keep the dust down. He stated that they did have the dust tested and it was
environmentally clean.
A motion to approve the receipts listed on the “Act 381 Brownfield MDEQ Eligible Activities”
spreadsheet and to reimburse Windward Pointe/Pure Muskegon in the amount of $300,701.50 for those
expenses was made by J. Wallace, supported by H. Sytsema and unanimously approved, with H.
Sytsema, J. Riegler, J. Wallace, F. Peterson, R. Pesch, J. Moore, M. Bottomley, M. Kleaveland, and D.
Kalisz voting aye.



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30 PM.

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