Downtown Development Authority Minutes 01-08-2019

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                               CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                SPECIAL MEETING

                                            January 8, 2019

Chairperson M. Bottomley called the meeting to order at 10:30 AM and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:              Frank Peterson, Martha Bottomley, Don Kalisz, Mike Kleaveland, Mike
                              Johnson, Heidi Sytsema, Jeanette Moore

MEMBERS ABSENT:               Jay Wallace Jr, Paul Edbrooke, John Riegler

STAFF PRESENT:                Mike Franzak, Planning Director; LeighAnn Mikesell, Director of
                              Municipal Services; Beth Lewis, Finance Director; Diane Renkenberger,
                              Administrative Assistant

OTHERS PRESENT:               Dave Alexander, Downtown Muskegon Now (DMN)

A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of December 11, 2018 was made by D. Kalisz,
supported by F. Peterson and unanimously approved.




Downtown Project Update– D. Alexander provided board members with an update on DMN activities
and various projects in the downtown area, and answered questions. He also explained “Opportunity
Zones”, which were a new economic development tool from the state.

DDA Restructuring- Board members reviewed a letter from the Downtown Muskegon Now (DMN)
board, discussing the pending consolidation of DMN activities with the DDA, and outlining which DMN
responsibilities would need to be covered once that organization was gone.

DDA Mission/Vision Statement – D. Kalisz spoke on behalf of the subcommittee and discussed the
process of developing a couple of different mission statement options, which were provided to the board
for discussion. F. Peterson observed that landscaping and infrastructure were not included. C. Larson
suggested including the waterfront, since that was a defining feature for Muskegon. D. Pollock stated
that he would like to see tourism better represented, possibly including the word “stay” in the statement.
Several suggestions were implemented and a revised mission statement was presented: “Our mission is
to allocate our resources in support of development, promotion, and events toward creating a thriving
downtown and its waterfront, where all people can live, work, play, and stay.”
A motion to adopt the amended mission statement as written above was made by M. Kleaveland,
supported by F. Peterson and unanimously approved, with F. Peterson, M. Bottomley, D. Kalisz, M.
Kleaveland, M. Johnson, H. Sytsema, and J. Moore voting aye.

Budget – F. Peterson discussed the updated budget pro forma that was distributed to board members.
He explained each line item and answered questions. Regarding salaries, he stated that it made more
sense to have the city employ D. Alexander and have the DDA allocate money to the city for that
expense, rather than have the DDA keep track of one employee. Staff and board members discussed the
importance of attracting retail tenants to downtown, and were asked to come up with ideas.

M. Bottomley suggested that the DDA have a financial policy in place to govern spending, and asked
who was willing to serve on that subcommittee. M. Bottomley, J. Johnson, F. Peterson and Beth Lewis
agreed to be on the committee. D. Alexander suggested having a marketing plan. M. Bottomley, D.
Kalisz, D. Alexander, J. Moore, and D. Pollock agreed to form a marketing subcommittee.

New board members – F. Peterson stated that he had made his recommendations for the 3 new DDA
board members, and the City Commission would be appointing their choices at the Commission meeting
this evening.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:05 PM.

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