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CITY OF MUSKEGON DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (DDA) / BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (BRA) SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES February 27, 2019 Secretary M. Kleaveland called the meeting to order at 9:15 AM and roll was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: M. Kleaveland, J. Moore, H. Sytsema, D. Pollock, M. Johnson, B. Hastings, F. Peterson MEMBERS ABSENT: F. DePung, D. Kalisz, excused; J. Riegler, excused; M. Bottomley, excused; P. Edbrooke, excused; J. Wallace Jr, excused STAFF PRESENT: D. Alexander, Downtown Manager; L. Mikesell, Director of Development Services; D. Renkenberger, Administrative Assistant OTHERS PRESENT: D. Stegink, Envirologic; Cathy Brubaker-Clarke, Brownfield consultant APPROVAL OF MINUTES Deferred until March meeting BRA BUSINESS Authorization of BRA Chair to sign Sweetwater Development LLC Acknowledgment and Consent to Assignment. Sweetwater Development LLC, developer of The Leonard building at 292 W Western Ave, has an approved Brownfield plan amendment and Development & Reimbursement Agreement with the BRA. In securing bank financing, the bank requested a security and collateral assignment, which included the bank’s potential capture of the tax increment finance payments to Sweetwater. The BRA is being asked to approve this agreement. There is no financial implication for the BRA or the city. A copy of the Acknowledgment and Consent to Assignment agreement was provided to the board for their review and approval. A motion to authorize the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority chairperson to sign the Acknowledgment and Consent to Assignment agreement for Sweetwater development LLC (The Leonard, 292 W. Western Ave) and Chemical Bank, was made by F. Peterson, supported by D. Pollock and unanimously approved, with M. Kleaveland, J. Moore, H. Sytsema, D. Pollock, M. Johnson, B. Hastings, and F. Peterson voting aye. Authorization of BRA Chair to sign future consent to assignment requests. The BRA may receive future requests for Acknowledgement and Consent to Assignment agreements, such as the one in the previous case. As long as there are no financial implications for the BRA and the city, staff would like prior approval from the BRA to have the Chairperson sign those agreements on behalf of the BRA, without the need for a full meeting and board vote. This was suggested by the City Attorney and will help eliminate development delays resulting from waiting for a monthly BRA meeting. M. Kleaveland suggested that all officers of the BRA (Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary) be authorized to sign the agreements, in case the Chair was not available. Staff and board members concurred. A motion to authorize the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, or Secretary to sign future Acknowledgement and Consent to Assignment agreements for approved Brownfield plan amendments when there are no financial implications for the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority or the City, was made by F. Peterson, supported by J. Moore and unanimously approved, with M. Kleaveland, J. Moore, H. Sytsema, D. Pollock, M. Johnson, B. Hastings, and F. Peterson voting aye. Site Assessment Grant. C. Brubaker-Clarke and D. Stegink discussed a $300,00 site assessment grant that had been applied for on behalf of the BRA. They expected an approval or denial announcement from the State on that in May 2020. OTHER Brownfield Training. D. Stegink from Envirologic provided a training session on Brownfields for staff and board members. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:00 PM.
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