Downtown Development Authority Minutes 11-09-2021

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                            CITY OF MUSKEGON
                        REGULAR MEETING MINUTES
                              November 9, 2021

The meeting was held in the City Commission Chambers. Chairperson M. Bottomley called the
meeting to order at 10:30 AM and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:             M. Bottomley, B. Hastings, J. Riegler, M. Johnson Sr., J. Moore, F.
                             DePung, D. Kalisz.

MEMBERS ABSENT:              (Members excused) M. Kleaveland, H. Systema, J. Wallace Jr., F.
                             Peterson, D. Pollock, S. Black.

STAFF PRESENT:               P. Wills, Director of Strategic Initiatives; D. Alexander,
                             Downtown Manager; J. Eckholm, Director of Economic
                             Development/Development Services Division; S. Pulos,
                             Administrative Assistant, Development Services Division.

OTHERS PRESENT:              Ann Meisch, City Clerk.

Motion by M. Johnson Sr., Second by J. Moore, to approve the regular meeting minutes for
October 12, 2021.

Development & Reimbursement Agreement – Viridian Shores at Harbor 31 Redevelopment
Project: Viridian Land Shores Co, LLC has submitted a Development and Reimbursement
Agreement for the approved Brownfield Plan for Viridian Shores at Harbor 31 Redevelopment
Project, a residential development on 3.5 acres located at 150 Viridian Drive along the south
shore of Muskegon Lake.

Staff Recommendation: Staff has reviewed the Development and Reimbursement Agreement,
along with the city attorney, and recommends approval.

Motion: Made by M. Johnson Sr., supported by D. Kalisz to approve the Development and
Reimbursement Agreement for the approved Brownfield Plan for Viridian Land Shores Co, LLC
(Viridian Shores at Harbor 31 Redevelopment Project).

Roll Call Vote:
M. Bottomley: Yes            B. Hastings: Yes             J. Riegler: Yes
M. Johnson Sr.: Yes          J. Moore: Yes                F. DePung: Yes
D. Kalisz: Yes
All in favor, motion passes.
Development & Reimbursement Agreement – Trilogy Senior Housing Redevelopment Project:
Ryerson Creek Land Co, LLC has submitted a Development and Reimbursement Agreement for
the approved Brownfield Plan for Trilogy Senior Housing Redevelopment Project at Harbor 31 -
a senior housing development on 5 acres located at 60 Viridian Drive along the south shore of
Muskegon Lake.

Staff Recommendation: Staff has reviewed the Development and Reimbursement Agreement,
along with the city attorney, and recommends approval.

Motion: Made by B. Hastings, supported by J. Moore to approve the Development and
Reimbursement Agreement for the approved Brownfield Plan for Ryerson Creek Land Co, LLC
(Trilogy Senior Housing Redevelopment Project).

Roll Call Vote:
M. Bottomley: Yes            B. Hastings: Yes              J. Riegler: Yes
M. Johnson Sr.: Yes          J. Moore: Yes                 F. DePung: Yes
D. Kalisz: Yes
All in favor, motion passes.

Development & Reimbursement Agreement – Adelaide Pointe Project: Adelaide Pointe QOZB,
LLC has submitted a Development and Reimbursement Agreement for the approved Brownfield
Plan for the Adelaide Pointe Project - a 35-acre mixed use waterfront development project
located at 1148 and 1204 West Western Ave.

Staff Recommendation: Staff has reviewed the Development and Reimbursement Agreement,
along with the city attorney, and recommends approval.

Motion: Made by F. DePung, supported by J. Riegler to approve the Development and
Reimbursement Agreement for the approved Brownfield Plan for Adelaide Pointe QOZB, LLC
(Adelaide Pointe Project).

Roll Call Vote:
M. Bottomley: Yes            J. Riegler: Yes               M. Johnson Sr.: Yes
J. Moore: Yes                F. Peterson: Yes              F. DePung: Yes
D. Pollock: Yes
All in favor, motion passes.

DDA Financial Statement: Staff is asking the DDA board to review and accept the financial
statement for Oct. 31, 2021. The finances of the DDA are status quo since the last meeting.

Motion: A motion to accept the financial statement as presented was made by J. Riegler,
supported by J. Moore. All in favor.

Livability Ad Buy: Staff is asking the DDA board authorize the purchase of a Livability
Magazine advertisement for 2022 in conjunction with the city. The BID has purchased the
Livability Magazine advertisement the past three years in conjunction with the City of
Muskegon, splitting the costs 50-50. The magazine is a significant sales piece brought to
Muskegon by the chamber of commerce. The city and the BID sold the idea of living in
Muskegon in the past ads.

Motion: A motion to spend $5,610 in DDA marketing funds on the 2022 Livability magazine
advertisement was made by J. Riegler, supported by B. Hastings. All in favor.

Events Reports LAF and Taste (Ann Meisch): Friday turned out better than Saturday this year.
Next year the events will be in June again. Fall weather is too unpredictable. Saturday after
Thanksgiving will be the lighting of the tree in Hackley Park. There will be no kids on Santa’s
lap this year. Terry Puffer is contributing to lighting up downtown. On 12/11 there will be a
Cookie Crawl – 28 businesses will be participating – and is almost sold out. There may be horse
carriage rides that same day, the Clerk’s is still waiting on a price.




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