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CITY OF MUSKEGON DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (DDA) / BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (BRA) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 14, 2022 The meeting was held in the City Commission Chambers. Chairperson M. Bottomley called the meeting to order at 10:32 AM and roll was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: M. Bottomley, J. Riegler, M. Johnson Sr., J. Moore, M. Kleaveland, L. Mikesell, B. Hastings (joined meeting at 10:38am) and J. Wallace Jr. MEMBERS ABSENT: S. Black, D. Pollock, H. Sytsema (excused) STAFF PRESENT: P. Wills, Director of Strategic Initiatives; D. Alexander, Downtown Manager, S. Pulos, Administrative Assistant for Development Services, Ann Meisch, City Clerk and J. Eckholm, Director of Development Services Division. OTHERS PRESENT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by L. Mikesell, second by J. Riegler, to approve the regular meeting minutes for May 10, 2022. Voice vote, all approved. BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BUSINESS Brownfield Redevelopment Authority Business/EGLE Brownfield Loan-Harbor 31 Discussion: To determine if EGLE would be interested in providing Brownfield Redevelopment Loan (BRL) funds for the Viridian Shores at Harbor 31 Redevelopment Project. This issue was a discussion item at the 5/11/21 DDA-BRA meeting. Background: There are significant environmental costs associated with redeveloping the property. These costs total approximately $2,000,000 and relate to the installation of vapor intrusion mitigation systems beneath proposed structures, construction of engineered barriers to protect against direct contact exposures, proper management of contaminated soil and groundwater during construction activities, and associated consultant oversight and reporting. Over the past year, EGLE, the City, and the developer have discussed the pursuit of an EGLE Brownfield Loan to offset some of these expenses. The maximum loan request is $1,000,000. DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BUSINESS Agenda Item A: Staff is asking the DDA board to review and accept the financial statement for May 31, 2022. Staff recommendation: To accept the May 31, 2022 financial statement. Motion: Motion by J. Riegler, seconded by J. Wallace Jr., to accept the May 31, 2022 financial statement. Roll Call Vote: M. Bottomley: Yes J. Wallace: Yes J. Riegler: Yes J. Moore: Yes M. Kleaveland: Yes B. Hastings: Yes M. Johnson Sr: Yes L. Mikesell: Yes All in favor, motion passes. Agenda Item B: Staff is asking the DDA board members to approve a 2022-23 fiscal year budget that would begin July 1, 2022. Staff recommendation: Approve the DDA budget for fiscal year 2022-23. Motion: Made by J. Riegler, seconded by J. Moore, to approve the recommended (amended) DDA budget for fiscal year 2022-23. Roll Call Vote: M. Bottomley: Yes J. Wallace: Yes J. Riegler: Yes J. Moore: Yes M. Kleaveland: Yes B. Hastings: Yes M. Johnson Sr: Yes L. Mikesell: Yes All in favor, motion passes. Agenda Item C: Initial report on Taste of Muskegon/LAF update (Clerk’s Office-Info Only) 289,000 Tickets were used; 225,000 was the amount purchased; $30,000 in sponsorship. Net profit is yet to be determined. There were 31 restaurants there. The event was a huge success, there was a lot of diversity in food, music, and the crowd. A lot of the award winners were from downtown. The Clerk’s office is getting ready for LAF, volunteer spots are still open. They are projected to make $11,000 in revenue. Tomorrow there is a food truck rally. Agenda Item D: Staff will provide information on the direction of the limited DDA marketing and promotion line item for the next fiscal year. Background: The recommended DDA 2022-23 fiscal year budget has a $25,000 line-item for marketing and promotion. Staff would use those funds to continue with the downtown website. There is discussion with the Watch Muskegon 2.0 group to coordinate websites in the next year that could include downtown and be part of an overall community upgrade. More on that as the year progresses. I see the DDA having a similar Muskegon County CVB ad in the travel guide but a reduced presence in the Livability magazine. There could be from $18,000 to $20,000 remaining in the budget after those items are covered. I would suggest continuing to look at way to collaborate with Watch Muskegon 2.0 next year to coordinate messaging and get a bigger reach for your dollars. You already have invested $10,000 from this year’s budget on the initial launch of digital media buys. For next year, staff has explored Gemini Publications (GR Magazine and Blue) and potential of targeted email and website content. West Michigan billboards are another potential. The messaging for downtown should be living downtown, social district, restaurants and culture/arts. Events now post COVID should be on their own for marketing. Staff recommendations will come as the year progresses looking to leverage DDA resources as much as possible. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None. OTHER None. AJOURNMENT 11:43 am
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