Downtown Development Authority Minutes 02-14-2023

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                                     CITY OF MUSKEGON


                                REGULAR MEETING MINUTES

                                        February 14, 2023

The meeting was held in the City Commission Chambers. Chairperson M. Bottomley called the
meeting to order at 10:30 AM and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:               M. Bottomley, B. Tarrant, K. Reid, M. Kleaveland, J. Wallace Jr.,
                               S. Black, J. Moore, J. Seyferth

MEMBERS ABSENT:                H. Sytsema, M. Johnson Sr., B. Hastings, D. Pollock, J. Riegler

STAFF PRESENT:                 P. Wills, Director of Strategic Initiatives; D. Alexander,
                               Downtown Manager, C. Hood, Development Analyst, S. Pulos,
                               Administrative Assistant for Development Services, W. Webster,
                               Administrative Assistant, D. VanderHeide, Director of DPW, Jake
                               Eckholm, Director of Development Services


Motion by K. Reid, second by J. Moore, to approve the regular meeting minutes for December
13,2022. Voice vote, all approved.

Agenda Item A: DDA Financial Report
Outline of request: Staff is asking the DDA board to review and accept the financial statements
for the DDA and events for Nov. 31, 2023.
Background: The second to last column on the right of the DDA financial statement now
reflects the updated FY 2022-23 budget and the increase in tax increment revenues as approved
in December. The events budget has about $100,000 in fund balance going into the 2023 event
season with Michigan Makers Market, Taste of Muskegon and the Lakeshore Art Festival.

Motion: Motion by M. Kleaveland to accept the 2022-2023 Financial Report, second by S.
Roll Call Vote:
 M. Bottomley: Yes                B. Tarrant: Yes                 K. Reid: Yes
 M. Kleaveland: Yes               J. Wallace, Jr: Yes             S. Black: Yes
 J. Moore: Yes                    J. Seyferth: Yes
All in favor, motion passes.
Agenda Item B Financial Transition 12-31-23 and Beyond
Background: As the BID ends its special assessments I 2023, the Downtown Development
Authority is being asked to pick up summer landscaping and winter snow removal services.

Outline of Request: Staff is giving some suggested direction as to the providing and funding of
downtown services as the BID ends its special assessment.
Motion: Motion by J. Wallace, Jr, seconded by J. Moore
All in favor, motion passes.

Agenda item C Landscaping Bids and approval to fund 2024-2027
Outline of request: City Department of Public Works in conjunction with the BID, DDA and
Lakeside BID requested private landscape company bids for eight areas of service, including
downtown landscaping and flower planter services. Staff is asking the DDA board to approve a
share of the Barry’s Greenhouse and Landscaping contract for 2024-2027.
Background: The summer landscaping bids only received two proposals but the costs were
much lower than anticipated. Staff recommends the DDA approve the Barry’s quote and pick up
the cost of bid area 1, 3, 7 and 10 percent of 8. This scope of work includes what the BID had
been receiving from DPW for landscaping and Barry’s for flower service that past three or more
years. Please see the overall explanation of the bid process and results from DPW Director
VanderHeide’s work session presentation to the Muskegon City Commission that is attached.
Your action will be sent on to the Muskegon City Commission for final approval at the Feb. 28
commission meeting.
Suggested motion: I move for the DDA to accept $40,896 of the city’s landscaping contract
with Barry’s Greenhouse and Landscaping for the 2024 summer, continue to pay for those
services through 2027 and so inform the Muskegon City Commission
Motion: Motion to approve acceptance of awarding the contract to Barry’s Greenhouse made by
J. Wallace, Jr, seconded by J. Moore
Roll Call:
 M. Bottomley: Yes               B. Tarrant: Yes                 K. Reid: Yes
 M. Kleaveland: Yes              J. Wallace, Jr: Yes             S. Black: Yes
 J. Moore: Yes                   J. Seyferth: Yes
All in favor, motion passes

Agenda Item D: Façade Grant – No Name Saloon

Outline of request: After staff and DDA committee recommended approval, staff is asking for
approval of a façade grant for $15,000 for No Name Saloon, 609 W. Western.
Background: The façade program has requests more than $10,000 to be reviewed by staff, DDA
committee (which is Brad Hastings currently) and approved by the DDA board. The request is
for exterior improvements to the front of the business including new doors, upgrade of the sign,
and new windows that slide open. The application and back up documents are in this agenda
packet. This is the second completed grant application. You have already approved $15,000 for
Carlisle’s at the arena.
Suggested motion: I move to approve a $15,000 façade grant for No Name Saloon, require the
business to obtain all city approvals for the historic district, form-based code and building
permits, and direct staff to execute the grant award.
Motion: Motion to approve $15,000 façade grant for No Name Saloon by M. Kleaveland,
Seconded by J. Moore
Roll Call:
 M. Bottomley: Yes            B. Tarrant: Yes               K. Reid: Yes
 M. Kleaveland: Yes           J. Wallace, Jr: Yes           S. Black: Yes
 J. Moore: Yes                J. Seyferth: Yes




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