Downtown Development Authority Minutes 08-15-2023

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                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON


                              REGULAR MEETING MINUTES

                                       August 15, 2023

The meeting was held in the City Commission Chambers. Chairperson M. Bottomley called the
meeting to order at 10:32 AM and roll was taken.

I.     MEMBERS PRESENT:             M. Bottomley, K. Reid, D. Pollock, J. Seyferth, J. Moore, H.
       Sytsema, S. Black, B. Hastings
          MEMBERS ABSENT: M. Kleaveland, B. Tarrant, J. Riegler, J. Wallace Jr.,

           STAFF PRESENT:     C. Alexander, Development Analyst, D. Alexander,
                        Community Engagement Specialist, Jake Eckholm, Director of
                        Development Services, S. Wilson, Treasurer

           OTHER PRESENT: Kirk Perschbacher, Fishbeck

Motion by K. Reid second by B. Hastings, to approve the regular meeting minutes for July 11,
2023 Voice vote, all approved.

III.   Public comments on agenda items - None

IV.    BRA Business (Contessa Alexander)

    A. Adelaide Pointe- 2nd Reimbursement Request
Requesting party: Adelaide Pointe QOZB, LLC
Outline of the request: Adelaide Pointe QOZB, LLC has submitted their second request for
reimbursement for eligible activities.
Background: The Adelaide Pointe Project is a 35-acre mixed use waterfront development
project including winter boat storage, marina space, In/Out forklift boat storage,
commercial/retail, and up to 400 housing units. The request for reimbursement was submitted
on July 25th, 2023 on behalf of the developer for costs related to the brownfield eligible
activities. City staff have reviewed all of the invoices submitted for the Reimbursement
Request and found them to accurately reflect the eligible activities outlined in the Brownfield
Plan. The total “Developer Eligible Activities” estimated in the Brownfield Plan are
$2,524,747.90. The amounts requested in the first Reimbursement request include the
following: $1,895,916.51 for MSF/EGLE pre- approved eligible activities and $628,831.39 in
local only eligible activities.
Motion: Motion to approve the request for reimbursement submitted by Adelaide
Pointe QOZB, LLC for eligible activities by J. Seyferth and supported by J. Moore.
All in favor: Motion passes

V.A. DDA financial was approved by a motion from J. Seyferth and supported by H. Sytsema.
Approved by all

   B. Façade Grant Application Approval
Requesting party: City Staff
Outline of the request: City staff has requested recommendations on improving the new fiscal
year 23’-24’ façade grant cycle at your last meeting in July.
Background: City staff has made the following additions to the 23’-24’ Façade Grant
       • Increased budget of $100,000
       • Requests for a 6-month extension in writing for projects that are not completed within
       12 months of the approval date
       • Staff will request an update on each project at the 6-month mark of the approval date.
       • Include DDA map
Motion: B. Façade Grant Application Approval by a motion from K. Reid and supported by B.
Approved by all

VI.    Adjourned at 10:03am

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